Feel sorry for the guy honestly. He was so loyal to Adama and the ship. Broke his heart to find out he was a Cylon and even harder to tell his best friend.
Really. Still, he technically wasn't a Cylon, he was from the 13th tribe. Maybe his ancestors were enemies of humanity but he and the other 4 never were.
@@Abu_Brandino Nope, the Cylons were made by the colonials IN the 12 colonies. We don't know exactly who created the 13th tribe but what's sure is that they first appearance was in Kobol, waay before the Cylons existed. If anything, they're their ancestors, but they're not the same.
@@moteroargentino7944 Kobol: Birthplace of the human race. Humans build Cylons. End up in a war. Kobol is abandoned. Cylons make a truce with Humans and both go separate ways. Humans go to the 12 worlds becoming what we know as the Colonials and Cylons go to Earth v1. Cylons “evolve” through manufacturing to become biological. Cylons then build their own robot slaves. End up in another war. Final 5 leave Earth v1 to warn the colonials not to make more Cylons. Too late, they did and now they witness tribes being destroyed soon after because they’re captured by the Cylons of the 12 worlds.
Best frakking character in the whole series. The only guy who stayed consistent, even when he found out the truth. Years ago I found the company that made Tigh’s flask and got one personalized-engraved with his “That’s the man I want to be” quote.
@@kawibil It’s the Visol Handle flask with built-in cigarette case. I got it seven years ago-looks like the merchant I bought it from went defunct long ago, and Visol themselves don’t offer it anymore. Your best bet’s probably eBay or other online flea markets. Good luck!
Consistent isn't necessarily a good thing. It means predictable. Over and over and over again. He had his moments,but overall I hated him. Only when he was switched ON , I started to like him a bit. More than a bit perhaps.
Rarely have two roles been so perfectly cast. Beyond the powerful performances, it's the minutiae of the scene that gets me. Saul is a badass, but he hesitated in coming clean to his best friend. Even though he knows he's a cylon, he's made a choice to remain true to who he has always been. But in the face of a crisis, he chooses to sacrifice himself as a pawn and bargaining chip to avoid the loss of hostages. And look at how Adama reacts throughout the scene. At first he simply dismisses his friend's claims. Then he starts trying to reason with him ("when I first met you, you had hair") Tigh logically argues that he could be a different kind of cylon. Then Adama, worried now, argues the cylons messed with him on New Caprica, but Tigh remains adamant. You can sense Adama's desperation, his desire for this not to be true. Tigh, too doesn't want it to be true, but he knows, and he's playing his final card, coming clean, to give his friend a way out. It's such an amazing scene -- and it gets even more intense in the climax, when he stands in the airlock, telling Apollo to "do it." Saul Tigh is the ultimate, most loyal of badasses.
He did a fantastic job throughout the series - and he had to play alot of 'roles', drunkard, recovering capable officer, hardass, rebel leader, traumatised widower, and more.
Maybe not doing something when you should is a lack of guts. But admitting it, and being willing to make up for it, definitely takes some. Saul is one of my favorite characters.
@@moteroargentino7944 He couldn't do it because he was a frakkin machine (ie. didn't have the guts). If he was human, he would have done it, but then, he wouldn't have been a Cylon . . . quite ironic.
@@MrRandomcommentguy of course! Hilarious because I am now rewatching The original series on Amazon prime. 😁. Saw the original movie in 1978 on the big screen, watched the TV series in 2008.
Learn what? How to set people up then throw a monkey wrench in to create hyper unrealistic drama. People simply are not this dysfunctional. And some crisis doesn't excuse this. Its drama for drama sake only, not good writing. Most of this show was hyper exaggerated emotions and abuse of women.
I LOVE Col Tigh. No other character goes through as many life changing events and yet he's the exact same person at the end. Finds out hes a cylon and it dont change his position one bit.
@@BrucknerMotet Replicants in Blade Runner weren't machines. In both movies they were genetically engineered humans. Their creator himself, in the first film, talks about their RNA, and how they developed a disease to cause them to die young. Machines don't have genetics or get ill from diseases. I guess Blade Runner and BG both have an underlying concept of not judging a book by their cover, but by what's inside the cover. Saul was a commendable person.
to be fair, non of the final five where skin jobs. not that we know anything about the 13th, i doubt they grew em in vats or spun them up in machins. seeing that boomer got prego and non of the colonial cylons even knew that it was a feature, the five might have been born,
Well he was actually one of the Cylons who were born, not manufactured, though I guess the differences are not really easily definable when talking about Cylons.
He's one of the final five, last survivors of the 13th colony of Kobol, that from what we can gather were the descendants of the machine servants of the 12 tribes of Kobol. They advanced so much that became undistinguishable from regular humans, being born and aging like one too. It's hinted that it's a recurring cycle: organic creates machine, machine rebels. Sometimes organic wins, a time goes by and they do it again (12 Colonies). Sometimes machine wins or leaves, and start developing organic bodies until the cycle repeats (13th Colony). And sometimes both sides kill each other out (13th Colony too). The Cylons from the colonies were still in their mechanic phase while fighting their creators (12 Colonies). Had the final 5 not showed up, chances are they would've won the war and repeated the cycle becoming human on their own. The final five just speeded up the process in exchange for an armistice.
I loved Tigh's character arc so much. At the beginning of the series I couldn't stand that cowardly drunk. By the end he was my favorite character. Michael Hogan was just marvelous. Met him at a con a number of years ago and he was unbelievably nice, fun, and engaging. He took pictures with my wife and I free of charge, sat and talked with us, and cracked jokes. A warm and wonderful human being. Such a shame what happened to him, but I'm still hoping he'll make enough of a recovery to be able to live the rest of his life in some type of comfort.
The only thing he was afraid of was the consequences of telling his best friend the truth and how he would feel. He was never afraid to be sacrificed if need be for everyone. Dude's loyalty was something even the universe' infinite reach couldn't contain
@@paulrandig B5 is good, for sure. BSG for me, is better if I had to choose. Still B5 came out, what, early 1990s when CG was done on the Video Toaster. The story line was good though. :)
Needless to say, Adama doesn't take this very well. In a show where people are losing everything, everyone has a breaking point. This becomes one of Adama's, and rightfully so. Who could take this kind of news well?! I felt bad for both characters; they were both put between the rock and a hard place, and both cracked a bit. It was inevitable.
Amazing … simply everything I think and feel right now are in the comments already . Such a beautiful piece of work … the emotions are beautiful!! U can feel the release of tension as he told his friend of his true nature . Like a burden had been taken off of his shoulders
"You've got to scrub this mission. I'm a Cylon." "Let me get this straight. You're a member of the species that wiped out my species in a nuclear genocide, and your ability to pass as human was so sophisticated that you fooled me-one of humanity's most formidable Cylon fighters-into making you my right-hand man." "Yes, but..." "You've just admitted to lying to me for a period of time I'm supposed to believe was only a few weeks. And now you're asking me to take your word for it and cancel a mission of existential importance." "I know it sounds suspicious, but-" "And you're not *just* an infiltrator android, you're as close to a physical machine God as these psycho tin cans have, and arguably are responsible for making them in the first place." "Yes." "WELCOME TO THE TEAM, BUDDY."
1) alchoholic 2) simp (to his wife) 3) vengefull 4) sometimes crazy 5) tough as nails when it comes to military issues Same time, as loyal a person can be. This scene is one of those scenes explain why Adama respects him so much.
What always bothered me about the drama and weight of this revelation is that none of them are truly Cylons in the sense we traditionally think. They're not the enemy, even slightly, they're just like... ancient humans who literally left their world to warn the other colonies of the danger of... the Cylons. I always felt calling them cylon was a gross mischaracterization. They're no more "Cylon" than the humans running from them.
That was kind of the point. It’s supposed to bother you, and draw out these feelings of disgust for the term and comparison of species. That’s good writing
Then from my perspective, you missed the broader them of the show: the battle between Good and Evil was not between Human and Cylon; the battle was what each character endures inside because we all have qualities that can be good or evil depending upon context.
You can also pull elements from the Caprica series. While the series was a mess, it's implied the humans created a VR world where you could be uploaded. A character was killed in a terrorist attack, but was uploaded to VR world. That would fit with what happened on old Earth. The final five were uploaded to VR world, then downloaded to Cylons. From there they created the humanoid Cylons.
Love Saul Tigh's thinking of Deanna will back down if Adama threatens to Flush Saul Tigh out of the airlock. Gotta love Tigh, he atayed loyal even after finding out that he's a cylon.
In the pilot episode. At the end, Adama finds a "tele-type" that simply says, "There are only Twelve Cylon models" . . it was never established who left the note. I think subconsciously Tigh left the note.
Like finding out you are an alien plant on earth. Would live and die for the earth and its people but you are still an alien creation. Not that I would know of course...
This was where the show lost me... the whole final 5 Fine performances throughout the show and some wonderful episodes but I think the writer's strike hurt the show I can only rewatch up to the escape from New Caprica these days
agreed. I checked out precisely because of the "reveal" of the 5 hidden cylons. There was no way this was in the original concept of the show in the first (better) two seasons.
What's ironic about the "Final Five" is that they were in fact the First Five Cylons, rather than the last. As revealed in the series finale, the Cylon were a race of humans who evolved on nuked Earth 2000 years earlier. They developed two key technologies: AI-based mechanoid servants and human clone resurrection. In the wake of their planet's nuclear destruction, they used the resurrection technology to travel at sub-light speed to the 12 Colonies. By the time these multiply-resurrected clones arrived thousands of years later, the Colonists had reinvented mechanoid Centurion technology. These Colonists were descendents of the original Cylon humans, i.e. ALL humans in the series are Cylons. The difference between the Colonists and the Final Five/12 "models" is that the latter were downloaded and cloned in the Cylon Resurrection Ship. Once that technology was destroyed, the cloned Cylon humans reverted back to their normal human lifespans. That's why they were able to merge back together with the Colonists on verdant Earth to become the ancestors of our human race. After the Final Five arrived in the 12 Colonies, they resurrected additional human clones, starting with Cavil and ending up with 12 cloned "models". Cavil rebelled against the Final Five, wiped their memories, and exiled them across the Colonies. He then concocted "The Plan" - a giant hoax whose intent was to trick everyone into believing the 12 human clones were implacable machines, no different in nature than the robot Centurions. In reality, the Centurions weren't AI "children" who evolved into humanoid robots and murderously turned on their creators, they were sentient automatons commandeered by Cavil and his naive cloned cultists to enact revenge on the Colonists. The Centurions' true allegiances became brutally apparent once they were released from their cybernetic restraints during the Cylon civil war, and they promptly slaughtered Cavil and his allies. Once the human Cylons settled down on verdant Earth, the Centurions departed in their own spacecraft to explore the rest of the universe.
I've learned about existing of Battlestar Galactica only recently, but i always thought that most sci-fi took weird approach of thinking that human-made AI would be totally alien, nothing like it's creators. But the truth is that we create robots in our own image. Trying to copy our bodies (androids), and brains (neural networks). So it is very likely that the robots we make would be way closer to us than the authors think. Battlestar Galactica developes this idea perfectly.
The 13th colony were human-form cylons who became too human. Discovered how to reproduce naturally, then invented their own centurions who eventually rebelled against their creators. All of this has happened before…
@crime cat Yep. That’s exactly how I interpreted the final scene of the finale, with all the focus on our current advances in robotics. It’s happening _again…_
@@DrFranklynAnderson The 13th colony were human form cylons created by actual humans. They warred first, but came to a truce with the humans leaving and eventually forming the 12 colonies, whilst the cylons left to Earth 1 (not our earth) to start their own civilization. They then made their own robot slaves, got into another war that devastated Earth 1, and the final 5 (who had invented resurrection tech) went to find the 12 colonies to warn them about creating more cylons for themselves. They failed since the resurrection ship did not have faster than light engines.
Man, this whole final 5 thing really fell apart. Apparently the writers just pulled names out of a hat and worked from there, so the final five made no sense thematically or in terms of plot. I think if this had been the plan all along, this would have made more sense. As is, it was the first step toward this show's poor ending.
This was the point where things went a bit dumb. The actual logistics of Tigh having always been a cylon makes no sense at all. The story just kept doing things at this stage with no thought about how it would fit together with the story they had already told, and this is where that problem was most evident. Really frustrating for a series that started off so incredibly strong.
@@totalbro I guess the shortest way to say it would be to describe the path of Tigh's life through the story from when his life started to when the story ended. To do that I guess you also have to start further back, and describe the final five plotline, how and why they predate the first cylon war by so much, how and why they planted Tigh where they did. Bearing in mind that Tigh is not a mysterious character - he has been well known to Adama for decades - yet whatever his cover was held up all that time. The bow on it is that the final five all end up together, meaning it was staggeringly good luck, or the success of a plan that could essentially write the script for the show.
@@totalbro Haha, my response was more to demonstrated that there is no explanation we could even speculate that would be coherent with the story - that would make sense. This is because the way the plot twist changes the story we have been told is not compatible with the story we have been told. But your response also makes the point quite strongly - I agree this plot point comes without explanation. It is a pivotal thing that happens in the story, that changes the story, that is unexplained. This is a critique of storytelling, not a defence. When things are just happening in a story, and characters are just doing things, and we have no idea how or why, and the story does not address how or why, then the narrative no longer makes sense. It's pretty much rock bottom, from a writing point of view. Traditionally, when a story has a twist that changes the plot you thought you knew, it will go to pains to explain/show that this change is compatible with the story. Of course, they cannot do that here because it's a total mess back there.
The guy who hated cylons more than anything or anyone else is a cylon, I like how it wasn't a sudden choice either,it was set up since he first "guessed" an incoming missile attack in season 1.
It was a sudden choice. The writers admitted they picked the final 5 to be the must surprising, not the most logical. It was a late decision, and they admitted it kinda sucked
At the end of the series it was a guessing game on who was human.. since nearly the entire cast turned in Cylons.. That's when it "Jumped The Shark" for me... it was ridiculous.
Thanks for the spoiler. I mean I know I'm late to the party, but can you not put it in the title of the video? I'm not even looking up Battlestar content and this just popped up on my front page... was just going to finally watch this series with my friend, and this really took the wind out of my sails.
So by random chance the 5 hidden cylons the main cylons were after just all happen to wind up in the one fleet that survived a planetary system holocaust? Two of them just happened to marry each other and another just happened to get picked up by Starbuck from an irradiated occupied world? And they all get switched on by a Bob Dylan song? Man, this show went from having such potential to devolving into a soap opera drama with melodramatic surprise reveals and out-of-character actions for the sake of gasps rather than narrative sense.
What I really don't like about the Show's premise is the premise itself. The armistice was signed. The war was over. Than suddenly they went back and created trash synthetic Humans, and the War began anew. And this time it was a one sided genocide. All this senseless murder.
Agreed. All because of the parental issues with one of the models (Cavil). I felt like such amount of destruction and death should have been more justified. The Cylons from the first war were more mature than the skin jobs.
@@moteroargentino7944 Didn't we find out that the colonies were disrespecting the armistice? Didn't the Cylons realize the humans would never trust their mutual existence and decided to act before humanity eventually did?
@@GJ_DM Not just anyone disrespecting the armistice either... eh? I agree that premise is a tough pill to swallow. You hate your parents so much you wipe their memory and send them to live with your enemy and... yada, yada. I might be misremembering but I do think the colonies were up to shenanigans and the Cylons expected that.
The humans had sinned against god. Human had to be shown the path of god, and the skin cylons knew that path. There was alot of that going on in the show.
@@Sky_Guy ,,,Soooo true. All of our cool happy thoughts floating around in there like a pinball machine while we are in a state of bliss while our loved ones try to figure out why we are smiling.
As far as I am concerned, I dont see a difference between humans and the cylons from the 13th tribe. Their ancestors might have been created, but Saul and the others were born, they had parents. Thats as human as something can possibly get. I know there are differences, technically, but they are inconsequential to me.
It's a tough one, the story they wanted to tell involved subverting the expectation. The idea that the thing you hate is also the thing you love. The same way Billy was clearly supposed to be Laura's cylon. The same way Galactica's cylon was Chief Tyrol. Starbuck had Anders. In fact, I think part of the justification for why the fleet was able to survive so well and for so long was this point -- they had cylon help. That said, that final season felt like: We had this great idea for how to end this when the show started but we hadn't fully fleshed it out and now that we are there are some problems but let's just keep cobbling things together. So yeah, Cylon of the week style. But I don't think the idea was bad, just some of the execution.
Ellen being the final cylon was a a totally stupid decision. It should have been Lee (cylon president) or Zack, lee's "dead" brother resurrected at the end of the series
Feel sorry for the guy honestly. He was so loyal to Adama and the ship. Broke his heart to find out he was a Cylon and even harder to tell his best friend.
In the end what he was was less important than who he was
Really. Still, he technically wasn't a Cylon, he was from the 13th tribe. Maybe his ancestors were enemies of humanity but he and the other 4 never were.
@@moteroargentino7944 13th tribe are Cylons.
@@Abu_Brandino Nope, the Cylons were made by the colonials IN the 12 colonies. We don't know exactly who created the 13th tribe but what's sure is that they first appearance was in Kobol, waay before the Cylons existed. If anything, they're their ancestors, but they're not the same.
@@moteroargentino7944 Kobol: Birthplace of the human race. Humans build Cylons. End up in a war.
Kobol is abandoned.
Cylons make a truce with Humans and both go separate ways.
Humans go to the 12 worlds becoming what we know as the Colonials and Cylons go to Earth v1. Cylons “evolve” through manufacturing to become biological. Cylons then build their own robot slaves. End up in another war. Final 5 leave Earth v1 to warn the colonials not to make more Cylons.
Too late, they did and now they witness tribes being destroyed soon after because they’re captured by the Cylons of the 12 worlds.
In the beginning, you think Saul is a jerk off, but the more you see him, you come to really like him. Amazing acting by Michael Hogan.
there is a reason adama was his besti, and it wasnt because he was a mean drunk
yes i agree
Yeah I frackin hated his character at first but he really grew on me over time. You fooled us all, you frackin' toaster!
I met Michael Hogan soon after the show aired and he has still been my favorite celebrity meet and greet. Awesome character, phenomenal actor.
Hogan is absolutely incredible the whole way through the series.
The funniest thing is that if Tigh's full memories returned, he is actually a brilliant scientist. lol
Best frakking character in the whole series. The only guy who stayed consistent, even when he found out the truth. Years ago I found the company that made Tigh’s flask and got one personalized-engraved with his “That’s the man I want to be” quote.
Frakking nice!
What's the company name ?
@@kawibil It’s the Visol Handle flask with built-in cigarette case. I got it seven years ago-looks like the merchant I bought it from went defunct long ago, and Visol themselves don’t offer it anymore. Your best bet’s probably eBay or other online flea markets. Good luck!
@@DrFranklynAnderson So you can be the drunk like him.
@@LordTalax Finding out he was a cylon straightened him out and he quit drinking(after the storm was over)
Consistent isn't necessarily a good thing.
It means predictable.
Over and over and over again.
He had his moments,but overall I hated him.
Only when he was switched ON , I started to like him a bit.
More than a bit perhaps.
The bravest thing Saul Tigh ever did. Not volunteering to be flushed out an airlock. Telling his friend, Adama, the truth about himself.
they are buddies, you can tell your buddy things not even the woman you love knows about
Let’s not forget saving Laura for him.
Rarely have two roles been so perfectly cast.
Beyond the powerful performances, it's the minutiae of the scene that gets me. Saul is a badass, but he hesitated in coming clean to his best friend. Even though he knows he's a cylon, he's made a choice to remain true to who he has always been. But in the face of a crisis, he chooses to sacrifice himself as a pawn and bargaining chip to avoid the loss of hostages.
And look at how Adama reacts throughout the scene. At first he simply dismisses his friend's claims. Then he starts trying to reason with him ("when I first met you, you had hair") Tigh logically argues that he could be a different kind of cylon. Then Adama, worried now, argues the cylons messed with him on New Caprica, but Tigh remains adamant. You can sense Adama's desperation, his desire for this not to be true. Tigh, too doesn't want it to be true, but he knows, and he's playing his final card, coming clean, to give his friend a way out. It's such an amazing scene -- and it gets even more intense in the climax, when he stands in the airlock, telling Apollo to "do it."
Saul Tigh is the ultimate, most loyal of badasses.
And Micheal Hogan is an amazing actor. Hope he gets better and can do more work.
this whole cast was perfect
Incredible acting by Michael Hogan here. Saul is such a hardass but here he's completely terrified about telling his best friend the truth 💔
He did a fantastic job throughout the series - and he had to play alot of 'roles', drunkard, recovering capable officer, hardass, rebel leader, traumatised widower, and more.
Hes awesome
Hebmake me cri with his old man badassery
Saul's expression when suggesting to flush him out of an airlock. Love. ç_ç
Do a pose like Giant Dad from Dark Souls)
He wanted to die
He always gets really excited about killing cylons.
"I should have told you but I didn't have the guts"
"the GATS"
"You don't have any guts... you're a frakkin machine!"
Maybe not doing something when you should is a lack of guts. But admitting it, and being willing to make up for it, definitely takes some. Saul is one of my favorite characters.
@@moteroargentino7944 He couldn't do it because he was a frakkin machine (ie. didn't have the guts). If he was human, he would have done it, but then, he wouldn't have been a Cylon . . . quite ironic.
"When I met you, you had hair." Priceless.
Truly priceless. I remembered that line all these years.🤣🤣🤣
well, bill im highly advanced......then theyy would laugh for 10 full minutes
I've been told that😢
Next-level coming out scene.
Adama is such a cool customer in this scene. No one else could play that part
Except maybe, I dunno, Lorne Greene?
@@MrRandomcommentguy of course! Hilarious because I am now rewatching The original series on Amazon prime. 😁. Saw the original movie in 1978 on the big screen, watched the TV series in 2008.
If only more people could learn from this show. Especially writers, actors, and all movies and tv shows.
@@justinhigner3344 Excellent! That deserves a So say we all!!!
This show is absolutely an inspiration for my novels, from world building to character BSG is one of the 3 that I always go back to for inspiration
@Douglas Pantera Mass Effect and Eric Nylunds Halo Novels
Learn what? How to set people up then throw a monkey wrench in to create hyper unrealistic drama. People simply are not this dysfunctional. And some crisis doesn't excuse this. Its drama for drama sake only, not good writing. Most of this show was hyper exaggerated emotions and abuse of women.
Meh if you like an emo mess.
I LOVE Col Tigh. No other character goes through as many life changing events and yet he's the exact same person at the end. Finds out hes a cylon and it dont change his position one bit.
The balls, the engineered balls on Saul. More human than human?
high quality skin job, with independence and loyalty to his friends too. The kind the Blade Runners have no business taking in.
@@BrucknerMotet Replicants in Blade Runner weren't machines. In both movies they were genetically engineered humans. Their creator himself, in the first film, talks about their RNA, and how they developed a disease to cause them to die young. Machines don't have genetics or get ill from diseases.
I guess Blade Runner and BG both have an underlying concept of not judging a book by their cover, but by what's inside the cover. Saul was a commendable person.
to be fair, non of the final five where skin jobs. not that we know anything about the 13th, i doubt they grew em in vats or spun them up in machins. seeing that boomer got prego and non of the colonial cylons even knew that it was a feature, the five might have been born,
Well he was actually one of the Cylons who were born, not manufactured, though I guess the differences are not really easily definable when talking about Cylons.
He's one of the final five, last survivors of the 13th colony of Kobol, that from what we can gather were the descendants of the machine servants of the 12 tribes of Kobol. They advanced so much that became undistinguishable from regular humans, being born and aging like one too.
It's hinted that it's a recurring cycle: organic creates machine, machine rebels. Sometimes organic wins, a time goes by and they do it again (12 Colonies). Sometimes machine wins or leaves, and start developing organic bodies until the cycle repeats (13th Colony). And sometimes both sides kill each other out (13th Colony too).
The Cylons from the colonies were still in their mechanic phase while fighting their creators (12 Colonies). Had the final 5 not showed up, chances are they would've won the war and repeated the cycle becoming human on their own. The final five just speeded up the process in exchange for an armistice.
I came out the other side of this series with such a great love of the Saul character. It was 100% because of how good an actor Michael Hogan is.
I loved Tigh's character arc so much. At the beginning of the series I couldn't stand that cowardly drunk. By the end he was my favorite character. Michael Hogan was just marvelous. Met him at a con a number of years ago and he was unbelievably nice, fun, and engaging. He took pictures with my wife and I free of charge, sat and talked with us, and cracked jokes. A warm and wonderful human being. Such a shame what happened to him, but I'm still hoping he'll make enough of a recovery to be able to live the rest of his life in some type of comfort.
The only thing he was afraid of was the consequences of telling his best friend the truth and how he would feel. He was never afraid to be sacrificed if need be for everyone. Dude's loyalty was something even the universe' infinite reach couldn't contain
the subtle use of the light over his head. outstanding!
the expressions on sauls face are awesome, sucha great role,
This show is SO. FUCKING. GOOD.
There's NEVER been anything like it on TV. NOTHING. No show has scenes that carry this amount of weight.
the more years go by, the better it looks
Except the original series and the second series.
Babylon 5 isn't bad, either. I wouldn't want to chose. Each one is magnificent in its' own way.
@@paulrandig B5 is good, for sure. BSG for me, is better if I had to choose. Still B5 came out, what, early 1990s when CG was done on the Video Toaster. The story line was good though. :)
you're wrong, this show is not so fucking good ... it's so FRAKING good !
I'd completely forgotten about this storyline. I'm thinking it is about time I revisited the show from the beginning.
Love how loyal Saul is. Dying for your brother in arms. This really breaks my heart. And Adama's reaction, another heart break, on what he must do.
Needless to say, Adama doesn't take this very well. In a show where people are losing everything, everyone has a breaking point. This becomes one of Adama's, and rightfully so. Who could take this kind of news well?! I felt bad for both characters; they were both put between the rock and a hard place, and both cracked a bit. It was inevitable.
I remember, first time I watched this I cried with Adama…one of the best scene ever
I loved this show. Looked forward to watching every week. What a cast!
That’s the best example of a good friend and a great soldier.
Saul stayed true to himself the entire time.
This series was freaking awesome.. So much excellent Drama !!! and twists !!!
Amazing … simply everything I think and feel right now are in the comments already . Such a beautiful piece of work … the emotions are beautiful!! U can feel the release of tension as he told his friend of his true nature . Like a burden had been taken off of his shoulders
He hangs on words with all the talent of Matt Berry
"You've got to scrub this mission. I'm a Cylon."
"Let me get this straight. You're a member of the species that wiped out my species in a nuclear genocide, and your ability to pass as human was so sophisticated that you fooled me-one of humanity's most formidable Cylon fighters-into making you my right-hand man."
"Yes, but..."
"You've just admitted to lying to me for a period of time I'm supposed to believe was only a few weeks. And now you're asking me to take your word for it and cancel a mission of existential importance."
"I know it sounds suspicious, but-"
"And you're not *just* an infiltrator android, you're as close to a physical machine God as these psycho tin cans have, and arguably are responsible for making them in the first place."
*Adama grabs a Fedora and starts speaking a creole of multiple languages*
Tigh was my favorite character. A wonderful arc.
you get to be a cylon! and you get to be a cylon! and you get to be a cylon!
1) alchoholic
2) simp (to his wife)
3) vengefull
4) sometimes crazy
5) tough as nails when it comes to military issues
Same time, as loyal a person can be. This scene is one of those scenes explain why Adama respects him so much.
Such depth to a character. His only real flaw was hating Kara Thrace!
You can't be a simp to your own wife.... and that's not even true as he killed her for collaboration, he just loved her deeply
I felt the pain first time seeing this scene, but I bursted out laughing when Adama brought up Saul's alopecia lol LOSS OF HAIR
That show still looks like it came out last week.... so good
One of the best scenes of the series!
What always bothered me about the drama and weight of this revelation is that none of them are truly Cylons in the sense we traditionally think. They're not the enemy, even slightly, they're just like... ancient humans who literally left their world to warn the other colonies of the danger of... the Cylons. I always felt calling them cylon was a gross mischaracterization. They're no more "Cylon" than the humans running from them.
That was kind of the point. It’s supposed to bother you, and draw out these feelings of disgust for the term and comparison of species. That’s good writing
@@mariopadilla1445 all of this has happened before and it will happen again.
Then from my perspective, you missed the broader them of the show: the battle between Good and Evil was not between Human and Cylon; the battle was what each character endures inside because we all have qualities that can be good or evil depending upon context.
You can also pull elements from the Caprica series. While the series was a mess, it's implied the humans created a VR world where you could be uploaded. A character was killed in a terrorist attack, but was uploaded to VR world.
That would fit with what happened on old Earth. The final five were uploaded to VR world, then downloaded to Cylons.
From there they created the humanoid Cylons.
Sharon was certainly Cylon enough to have built in hidden objectives to the point of attempting murder on Adama.
Saul had some huge balls
One of the best shows. Ever.
Love Saul Tigh's thinking of Deanna will back down if Adama threatens to Flush Saul Tigh out of the airlock. Gotta love Tigh, he atayed loyal even after finding out that he's a cylon.
The reveal was so heart breaking for adama.
In the pilot episode. At the end, Adama finds a "tele-type" that simply says, "There are only Twelve Cylon models" . . it was never established who left the note.
I think subconsciously Tigh left the note.
yes and he was so loyal to his captain
Is he a Cylon, or is he a Saulon?
As Kosh would say...
no he is a survivor of the 13th colony, not a cylon.
@@ilovenature222 The 13th colony were all Cylons.
I see what you did there. 🤣🤣
That's his true from-Saul-to-Paul-moment
Loyalty. Honor.
Such amazing casting in the whole series. And Michael Hogan was chief among that.
Saul was my fav in the series, so hot bearded man, great actor ❤
The writers used a dart board to decide who would be a cylon that week.
I remember his internal dialogue about revealing it more than the actual scene.
Like finding out you are an alien plant on earth. Would live and die for the earth and its people but you are still an alien creation. Not that I would know of course...
Tigh is the perfect soldier. Loyal to his command, ship and people. It doesn't matter your origins. Duty is a personal promise. Tell me I'm wrong
I liked this shows. Perhaps the only time liked a reboot better than the original. But this was a real jump the shark moment for me.
This was where the show lost me... the whole final 5
Fine performances throughout the show and some wonderful episodes but I think the writer's strike hurt the show
I can only rewatch up to the escape from New Caprica these days
I know what you mean
Huh? What would the writer's strike have to do with anything
agreed. I checked out precisely because of the "reveal" of the 5 hidden cylons. There was no way this was in the original concept of the show in the first (better) two seasons.
“Frickin’ frackin’!” I forgot how mesmerizingly good this show is. Ending’s a bit underwhelming, but the journey is the reward.
Saul became one of the best characters
What's ironic about the "Final Five" is that they were in fact the First Five Cylons, rather than the last. As revealed in the series finale, the Cylon were a race of humans who evolved on nuked Earth 2000 years earlier. They developed two key technologies: AI-based mechanoid servants and human clone resurrection. In the wake of their planet's nuclear destruction, they used the resurrection technology to travel at sub-light speed to the 12 Colonies.
By the time these multiply-resurrected clones arrived thousands of years later, the Colonists had reinvented mechanoid Centurion technology. These Colonists were descendents of the original Cylon humans, i.e. ALL humans in the series are Cylons. The difference between the Colonists and the Final Five/12 "models" is that the latter were downloaded and cloned in the Cylon Resurrection Ship. Once that technology was destroyed, the cloned Cylon humans reverted back to their normal human lifespans. That's why they were able to merge back together with the Colonists on verdant Earth to become the ancestors of our human race.
After the Final Five arrived in the 12 Colonies, they resurrected additional human clones, starting with Cavil and ending up with 12 cloned "models". Cavil rebelled against the Final Five, wiped their memories, and exiled them across the Colonies. He then concocted "The Plan" - a giant hoax whose intent was to trick everyone into believing the 12 human clones were implacable machines, no different in nature than the robot Centurions. In reality, the Centurions weren't AI "children" who evolved into humanoid robots and murderously turned on their creators, they were sentient automatons commandeered by Cavil and his naive cloned cultists to enact revenge on the Colonists. The Centurions' true allegiances became brutally apparent once they were released from their cybernetic restraints during the Cylon civil war, and they promptly slaughtered Cavil and his allies. Once the human Cylons settled down on verdant Earth, the Centurions departed in their own spacecraft to explore the rest of the universe.
I've learned about existing of Battlestar Galactica only recently, but i always thought that most sci-fi took weird approach of thinking that human-made AI would be totally alien, nothing like it's creators. But the truth is that we create robots in our own image. Trying to copy our bodies (androids), and brains (neural networks). So it is very likely that the robots we make would be way closer to us than the authors think. Battlestar Galactica developes this idea perfectly.
putting lead cylons in human strog postions like this is a idea that i have always pondered , yeah thats intellgnet as hell
Fraking amazing series.
I hate how they keep calling the final 5 Cylons, because they are not Cylons they are survivors of the 13th colony.
and the 13th colony was a colony of cylons..?
The 13th colony were human-form cylons who became too human. Discovered how to reproduce naturally, then invented their own centurions who eventually rebelled against their creators. All of this has happened before…
@@DrFranklynAnderson and is eventually going to happen agian...
and agian...
and agian...
@crime cat Yep. That’s exactly how I interpreted the final scene of the finale, with all the focus on our current advances in robotics. It’s happening _again…_
@@DrFranklynAnderson The 13th colony were human form cylons created by actual humans. They warred first, but came to a truce with the humans leaving and eventually forming the 12 colonies, whilst the cylons left to Earth 1 (not our earth) to start their own civilization. They then made their own robot slaves, got into another war that devastated Earth 1, and the final 5 (who had invented resurrection tech) went to find the 12 colonies to warn them about creating more cylons for themselves. They failed since the resurrection ship did not have faster than light engines.
Look at this photo. Number six is poorly framed, as if the photographer didn't see it. I love this detail!
Anyone else hold their breath through that whole thing?
Wish I knew what season and episode this is, I'd pull out my DVD's.
I wonder how many people had this show spoiled completely by all these uploads from this channel.
Gods I loved this show!!!!
Colonel Tigh, it is time. Execute Order 66.
Order 69. And now lay down sir.
Man, this whole final 5 thing really fell apart. Apparently the writers just pulled names out of a hat and worked from there, so the final five made no sense thematically or in terms of plot. I think if this had been the plan all along, this would have made more sense. As is, it was the first step toward this show's poor ending.
I agree
Yeah I find this plot point a huge contradiction especially when they had everyone tested to see if they were a Cylon.
If you rewatch episode "33" you will see Chief and Saul are not look tired, same as Boomer, while all other clearly falling already.
Think finding out Saul Tigh was a Cylon made Bill and Saul friendship even stronger.
Him being a cylon was the dumbest route the show took
The actors did a hell of a job selling it tho
This was the point where things went a bit dumb. The actual logistics of Tigh having always been a cylon makes no sense at all. The story just kept doing things at this stage with no thought about how it would fit together with the story they had already told, and this is where that problem was most evident. Really frustrating for a series that started off so incredibly strong.
How do the logistics fail, in your view?
@@totalbro I guess the shortest way to say it would be to describe the path of Tigh's life through the story from when his life started to when the story ended. To do that I guess you also have to start further back, and describe the final five plotline, how and why they predate the first cylon war by so much, how and why they planted Tigh where they did.
Bearing in mind that Tigh is not a mysterious character - he has been well known to Adama for decades - yet whatever his cover was held up all that time.
The bow on it is that the final five all end up together, meaning it was staggeringly good luck, or the success of a plan that could essentially write the script for the show.
@@euanmacleod3738unexplained is not the same as making no sense ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@@totalbro Haha, my response was more to demonstrated that there is no explanation we could even speculate that would be coherent with the story - that would make sense. This is because the way the plot twist changes the story we have been told is not compatible with the story we have been told.
But your response also makes the point quite strongly - I agree this plot point comes without explanation. It is a pivotal thing that happens in the story, that changes the story, that is unexplained. This is a critique of storytelling, not a defence. When things are just happening in a story, and characters are just doing things, and we have no idea how or why, and the story does not address how or why, then the narrative no longer makes sense. It's pretty much rock bottom, from a writing point of view.
Traditionally, when a story has a twist that changes the plot you thought you knew, it will go to pains to explain/show that this change is compatible with the story. Of course, they cannot do that here because it's a total mess back there.
The guy who hated cylons more than anything or anyone else is a cylon, I like how it wasn't a sudden choice either,it was set up since he first "guessed" an incoming missile attack in season 1.
It was a sudden choice.
The writers admitted they picked the final 5 to be the must surprising, not the most logical. It was a late decision, and they admitted it kinda sucked
At the end of the series it was a guessing game on who was human.. since nearly the entire cast turned in Cylons.. That's when it "Jumped The Shark" for me... it was ridiculous.
So this was a very good Sci Fi but in the end almost half the cast was Cylon, WTH?
Thanks for the spoiler.
I mean I know I'm late to the party, but can you not put it in the title of the video? I'm not even looking up Battlestar content and this just popped up on my front page... was just going to finally watch this series with my friend, and this really took the wind out of my sails.
You’re a Cylon I’m a Cylon everyone’s a Cylon!
That's when Adama went off the rails.
Greatest sci-fi show ever. Yt sux
So by random chance the 5 hidden cylons the main cylons were after just all happen to wind up in the one fleet that survived a planetary system holocaust? Two of them just happened to marry each other and another just happened to get picked up by Starbuck from an irradiated occupied world? And they all get switched on by a Bob Dylan song? Man, this show went from having such potential to devolving into a soap opera drama with melodramatic surprise reveals and out-of-character actions for the sake of gasps rather than narrative sense.
And after he lead the crew through the paper shortage :'(
Adama believing Saul was fraking around.
What I really don't like about the Show's premise is the premise itself. The armistice was signed. The war was over. Than suddenly they went back and created trash synthetic Humans, and the War began anew. And this time it was a one sided genocide. All this senseless murder.
Agreed. All because of the parental issues with one of the models (Cavil). I felt like such amount of destruction and death should have been more justified. The Cylons from the first war were more mature than the skin jobs.
@@moteroargentino7944 Didn't we find out that the colonies were disrespecting the armistice? Didn't the Cylons realize the humans would never trust their mutual existence and decided to act before humanity eventually did?
@@GJ_DM Not just anyone disrespecting the armistice either... eh?
I agree that premise is a tough pill to swallow. You hate your parents so much you wipe their memory and send them to live with your enemy and... yada, yada. I might be misremembering but I do think the colonies were up to shenanigans and the Cylons expected that.
Can't really blame the show though. The writers strike happened and the show kind of took a left turn before sticking the landing for the finale.
The humans had sinned against god. Human had to be shown the path of god, and the skin cylons knew that path. There was alot of that going on in the show.
Y’all just gonna out that right there in the title so I have to see it as I scroll past? 😐
Oh cool I love Firefly. The Spice must flow!
“Luke… Live long and prosper!”
I aim to mis.....Oh behave baby...Now this is pod rac....Shut-up Wesley!
This is what all of us space geeks are gonna sound like in the hospital on life support, mumbling to our loved ones xD
@@Sky_Guy ,,,Soooo true. All of our cool happy thoughts floating around in there like a pinball machine while we are in a state of bliss while our loved ones try to figure out why we are smiling.
@@Sky_Guy ‘Loved ones’? 😄
Many parts of this show were...sketchy. However, acting was not one of them. So many great roles...so many great lines...
Holy Frak!
As far as I am concerned, I dont see a difference between humans and the cylons from the 13th tribe.
Their ancestors might have been created, but Saul and the others were born, they had parents. Thats as human as something can possibly get. I know there are differences, technically, but they are inconsequential to me.
Funny thing is, the final 5 are not Cylons at all. They only think so because Cavil number 1 wiped their minds out of anger for his own creation.
he should have told him when he first found out, but he didnt have the GYUTS
*Frakkin' GYUTS.
Can you not put a major spoiler from the end of the show in the title? Think of people who haven't watched it.
Word of advice when watching a show: Stay off the internet.
@@emcats84 I already watched it over 10 years ago.
Oprah "Cylons for everyone! You get a cylon and you are a cylon..."
30 years
Is a lot
You gotta do what ya gotta do.
I'm six the cylon.
Miss J
I just hated how this series became "you won't believe who's a cylon!"
It's a tough one, the story they wanted to tell involved subverting the expectation. The idea that the thing you hate is also the thing you love. The same way Billy was clearly supposed to be Laura's cylon. The same way Galactica's cylon was Chief Tyrol. Starbuck had Anders.
In fact, I think part of the justification for why the fleet was able to survive so well and for so long was this point -- they had cylon help. That said, that final season felt like: We had this great idea for how to end this when the show started but we hadn't fully fleshed it out and now that we are there are some problems but let's just keep cobbling things together.
So yeah, Cylon of the week style. But I don't think the idea was bad, just some of the execution.
Ellen being the final cylon was a a totally stupid decision. It should have been Lee (cylon president) or Zack, lee's "dead" brother resurrected at the end of the series
Who wasn't a Cylon on that show?
you can look at feel face what do mean that you are the finally five sail
"Like Boomer"
pulls out a pistol
Great spoiler, Great moment. Great show.
Extra spoiler... Xena the princess warrior makes a decision...