Silent Hill 1 : Tears of Silent Hill 2 : Angela's Hell Silent Hill 3 : Dance with night winds Silent Hill 4 : Room of Angel Silent Hill Origins : O.R.T Silent Hill origins main theme Silent Hill Homecoming : Elle theme these soundtracks always keep the entire franchise memorable and alive for me Still waiting for Silent Hill 2 Remake ...
Listening to this makes me reflect on childhood memories, places I haven't been to in over a decade, and people I don't know I will ever see again. I'm on Google Street View, staring at a public park I used to play at, near the babysitter's house I used to go after school, where I was with other kids my age. So many memories...I wonder where those people are right now. What are they doing this very moment? Do they know I remember them? What do they remember of me? That feeling is what this song brings to me. The feeling of something being "unfinished". Are those memories all I will have of those people for the rest of my life? Or will I meet them again, somewhere, some day? The combination of nostalgia, sadness and incredible happiness at the same time. Not knowing what emotions to feel about these memories. They are such happy memories, but they also feel sad and distant at the same time. I often want to "return" to this place in time, but obviously I don't have a time machine. Just memories...
It's incredible how well you described the same feeling I have right now while listening to this music. Well, you're not alone man, and probably some of the friends you had when you was a child, you used to play adventures after school with, often think about you too. But when we grow older we build social walls and barriers and ignore each other 'cause we don't have the courage to admit that we'd like to call them, remember the old times when life was easier and play together again like the children we used to be, rediscovering the child within us.
same man, my mom died last year and now everything i used to listen to with her makes my mood somber now, over the years she bought me steam games and i love them but now id give all of them back to have mom back but i cant give them back to get her back so i just grab games that i had before i found steam to try to grasp even a moment of feeling like she is around, i know the games arent her and that materials dont come with you beyond the grave but i cant help it. Plus the small town i grew up in is now a major city, no more small town comforts or any fond memories to look at, they are all gone now only existing in my memories along with my mom. I still have the same happiness from them but now it makes me appreciate the time i had with her and in my small town. hope you are doing alright buddy take care of yourself and keep those memories alive.
This music reminds me of the Silent Hill movie, mostly about Sharon. It's strange, but I sympathized with her more than, for example, Alessa or Claudia. Sharon seemed to have accidentally come to Silent Hill, and it was clear to me personally that, despite the fact that her fate was much better than that of Alessa and Claudia, visiting Silent Hill definitely had a strong influence on her. In general, after I watched Silent Hill 2006 for the first time, I had a feeling that something had changed forever for the characters of the film, and that there was no way to go back and change it. It was like I felt nostalgic for the moment I started watching the movie. That's what I felt when I listened to "Tears of".😔 P.s-Sorry if there are a lot of mistakes in the text, I don't know English very well.
As a fan of instrumental music, recently i've been re-listening most of ost's from Yamaoka, I can't believe this song has been there for 18 years I guess... sounds beautiful, i can't believe I listen this until now... regards for all who loves this peaceful kind of music...
The sadder part is that you will never experience the feeling of finish the game, watching that scene, and this music starting... It would be 10 times better hearing it at that exact moment.
The tears of all people come from shaking struggles that taunt us in our minds & heart.But if we could overcome them to a solution,if we let our solutions fix the problems so that we could rest in peace,we must now forget the hardships of the past and continue onward to become fit for a new,strong selves today to a better tomorrow.The truth of our lives cannot be fog up-or else we as humanity remains blinded,dark minded,and lifeless.
The first game was unique and used limits to make an iconic theme along with a scary atmosphere and focus on characters.. The second game expanded and perfected the first game with themes of your past tormenting as well as having the most iconic monster in the series.. The third switched things up such as a new introduction to the plot and good continuation of the old protagonist, though how did he just sit and die?. The fourth was a great send off with a whole new unique take on the entire theme of what goes on inside the town rather than in the town itself. Then they stopped and left other companies do it who didn't know anything about what Silent Hill was
@@ScoutJoe origins actually got some good reviews and reception, homecoming however got mixed reception and downpur... Well lets pretend that was never a thing.
Last week when I was at work, listening to Silent Hill music and this came on and at that moment I didn't remember the name of this, and I started crying...(going through a rough time) and when I saw the name of this, I started crying even sad but somehow so comforting...Yamaoka is a true genius.
I first discovered this song on Netflix, after they stopped showing Silent Hill, I was like “no, I like this song, I must find it. And I kept searching and searching until I finally found this video. Thank you for uploading this!
Akira yamaoka thx for all this musics and thx Konami for this amazing horror game. This music was playing in my car after return from my father's funeral. All the feeling i had that day Sad, happy all at once, I was So Sad losing my father forever but i was happy i had a great father
I can most definitely relate.... I just lost my grandfather to dementia.... hardest n most terrifying experience of my life.. Can't decide which Yamaoka peice convays all I went through..
Se fizessem um novo Silent Hill e colocassem essa música na introdução, seria muito emocionante, iria ancorar a nostalgia de um SH que tanto demorou pra chegar...
@@Infomaniac432 Tomara que não faça outro silent hill!!! Escrevo isso porque acho que hoje em dia ninguém conseguiria fazer um jogo tão perfeito como silent hill... Silent hill não é apenas um jogo de terror, é mais que isso, é profundo, na verdade nem sei se pode ser considerado como terror...
@@dbzedicao5639 eu não sei se quero pra não lanaçarem outro Downpour, mas seria ótimo um no mesmo tom dos clássicos atualizado pra era moderna, até traria luz para os mais antigos
@@dbzedicao5639 Como não sabe se pode ser considerado como terror? é claramente um jogo de terror, porém não um jogo genérico e preguiçoso que fica abusando de sustinho na cara e monstros deformados sem motivo nenhum além de ser "Super assustador uHuHUh que medo, bixos pulando na tela sem tu poder fazer nada alem de correr tipo um jogo do freddy's ai que só se salva por ser Indie, mas em comparaçãos as verdadeiras obras de terror, é no maximo uma lição de casa malfeita de um aluno de uma escola de design de games. Silent Hill como um todo é uma série de jogos que focam nos conceitos da mente humana com uma pitada de religião no meio, isso porém acaba perdendo bastante força depois do 1 jogo, focando somente na parte mais deturpada da mente humana e as emoções negativas e pensamentos e tornando-os realidade. Ele acaba com o psicológico do protagonista e do jogador, daí que existe o melhor e mais complexo gênero de terror que eu curto: Terror Psicológico, quando você não sente medo dos monstros em sí, mas da ambientação do local e o que eles representam. É dificil fazer uma atmosfera tão bizarra e monstros tão feios de uma forma realmente convincente, e ao mesmo tempo contando uma história trágica, bem feita e memorávell. E o que mais torna esses filmes interativos que muitos chamam de um joguinho passa-tempo uma verdadeira obra de arte, tanto como jogo quanto como história, é a música. A trilha sonora desse jogo por exemplo é sensacional, assim como as dos outros jogos, ela não é apenas uns sonzinhos genéricos de fundo pra te assustar. Ela realmente foi feita com o intuito de descrever a situação em que os protagonistas estão passando ou o que está acontecendo na cena. Ela é melancólica, assustadora, bonita, etc. Basicamente é uma mistura de sentimentos em um música só, criando varios tipos de interpretações possiveis pra uma unica cena. Um exemplo é essa "Tears Off..." que traduzindo seria "Lagrimas de...", ela toca quando você faz o final Bom+ em que a Cybil continua viva, no qual Alessa entrega a "nova Cheryl" bebê pro Harry Mason, protagonista do jogo que foi pra silent hill justamente pra salvar sua filha, mas fracassou e teve que matar o Deus do povo Samael pra sair vivo de lá, após ela entregar o bebê pra eles ela abre o portal pra fugirem da realidade alternativa de Silent Hill e essa musica começa a tocar e a câmera muda pra um angulo completo onde podemos notar o corpo de Alessa, depois disso a cena muda pra Harry e Cybil correndo pra longe de Silent Hill com a nova Cheryl nos braços de Harry, ainda com essa musica de fundo... quais seriam as possiveis interpretações dessa cena? Lágrimas do Harry? por ter fracassado em salvar sua Filha, mas a musica ao mesmo tempo reflete um sentimento de esperança? (1:10). talvez ele tenha ganhado uma segunda chance de criar a nova versão da sua filha, pra talvez tentar preencher o vazio e o arrependimento de ter perdido a original. Lágrimas de Alessa? por ter aceitado ser a progenitora de um Deus chamado Samael, em que ela assim como os habitantes de SH acreditavam ser o salvador do seu povo, mas descobriu através das dores da gravidez que tudo era uma mentira e que ele na verdade iria acabar com a humanidade caso nascesse, por esse motivo ela usou o Selo de Metratom pra tentar evitar o nascimento desse capiroto, mas através do (1:10), também é possivel interpretar um sentimento de orgulho, talvez por Samael ter sido morto e Alessa conseguir "devolver" a filha de Harry em um novo corpo, mesmo que não seja a mesma pessoa, assim podemos concluir que ela morreu sem arrependimentos no final? Lágrimas de Lisa Garland? Por ter cuidado de Alessa no hospital mas não poder fazer nada a respeito da gravidez, até que ela se toca que ela também virou os mesmos monstros do hospital. seria esse a triste realidade de querer ajudar as pessoas porém não fazer nada a respeito? ironicamente sendo a mesma ideia que levou a Morte de Lisa no jogo: Ela clamou por ajuda de Harry antes de se transformar em um "deles", porém Harry não podia fazer nada a respeito e teve que sair da sala e largar ela lá, sofrendo e chorando. Lágrimas de Dhalia? por seu plano ter fracassado e o seu todo poderoso "Deus" ter sido derrotado por um mero humano com algumas armas de fogo? Lágrimas de Kaufmann? por ter enfraquecido a criatura para que Harry pudesse mata-lá, porem antes dele fugir pelo portal que Alessa abriu, Lisa aparece e se vinga de todo o sofrimento que ele lhe causou evitando que ele fuja pro mundo real e largando ele pra morrer junto com o mundo alternativo de SH? Enfim desculpa ai pela Bíblia que eu escrevi, mas é que esse jogo é simplesmente ÚNICO. Poucos jogos conseguem se quer criar uma história tão complexa e bem feita, e ao mesmo tempo ter uma trilha sonora perfeitamente executada que abre brechas pra vários tipos de interpretações em uma música. e o 2 então nem se fala: foi o Pico da séria Silent Hill. Nunca haverá um jogo tão complexo e triste quanto Silent Hill 2, simplesmente uma obra de arte em quesito história e personagens. Ainda sim curto bastante o 1 game.
I live in Aberdeen (a city in Scotland) and today I listened to this in town. It’s grey buildings, the grey sky above it, hordes of people walking past without even a glimmer of happiness on their faces, made it the perfect musical piece to listen to for melancholy. It was even better when this guy walked down the street in an inc bloch test suit and and afro (he was also very white) made me giggle.
Wow, it's incredible the power of the music, some kind of music can make you feel happy, full of energy or euphoric, but this track in my case makes me feel relaxed and sad at the same time and as the title of the track says this music makes me shed a couple of tears of sadness while some memories and thoughts came to my mind. And I have to say I don't even played any of the Silent Hill games yet but I hope some time I can enjoy every Silent Hill title, I don't have doubt they are legendary videogames and of course the music of every Silent Hill is out of this world, I love it, thanks a lot Akira Yamaoka, Team Silent and Konami ❤
I could hear "Not Tomorrow" briefly. Like damn imagine if Silent Hill didn't exist in the first place, gaming world, or even real world could've been gone differently
@@ryukeg460 no, i dont watch anime, however download 2 anime multfilms (whisper of heart and The wind is stronger), i think I'll look at them once. I love Japanese culture, because I am fascinated by its history and military traditions (most of all, I admire their devotion and sacrifice to the God-Emperror during the Second World War), I also admire their hard work and technical progress in robotics (іn this area, they even compete with the United States, similarly in automotive industry), it the unique nation and mentality.
@@jcdenton4813 Look at the bad side of that culture have much more than in another country Yes, have good things but many times people or media just want to see or show that good side Japan has many things that are very bad but people just want to glorify Japanese like the perfect country but believe me there are a lot of things that are wrong.
@@ryukeg460 i dont arguing, in the all nations have a bad side, but how says "When at Rome, do as the Romans do", I have just described a small part of the things that have given Japan the opportunity to become a high-tech and powerful country, from which it is worth taking an example.
i can't even comperhand a fracture of akira yamaoka genius. He made this sound both depressing and melancholic, like a dance in a shadows between those emotions it is not simple to even describe a full palitre of fellings you get from just listening this track
I remember when the first Silent Hill game came out. It scared the hell out me but became one of my favorites. I found out later that a girl who graduated from my high school afew years before me inspired the Heather Mason character from the third game. If time travel was possible, I would go back and have her autograph my copy of the game.
Essa musica mexe muito comigo. Tem algo invasivo nela. Algo que penetra na alma e revira sentimentos incontrolaveis de nostálgia. Me sinto bem e triste ao mesmo tempo.
the name say tears of because is letting us all to decide tears of what we want it to be tears of what we fell. Thank you Komani for suck a beautiful Art thank you for Silent Hill
@@akamanto-1585 konami knew what they were doing if kojima was given freedom he would have broke it look what he did to death stranding the game makes no sense
@@mrgluegtick760 I don't know if you know but part of that "freedom" that was given to kojima in his last years at konami he created the P.T (playable teaser), remember how acclaimed that game was? in the year that it was released everyone talked about the game, remembering that it was just a teaser created with the rest of the money that would go to MGS 5. For a guy who created the entire Metal Gear saga with a practically perfect story and gameplay, it sounds kind of disrespectful to say that his games don't make sense, as he said "my game is not for anyone" it shows us that people who are looking for a battle royale experience (just one example) will find the game very boring. (Sorry for my English, I'm using the translator)
Why i feel sad while listening this song? Maybe memories... Maybe... memories of good times when i was children/teen, without any problems to think about. NOSTALGIA!
Este Riff de guitarra y toda la instrumentación me recuerda un poco a the and the pendulum the nightwish, muy hermoso lo que hizo yamaoka, gracias por esta música que llega a lo profundo
You just killed something that was told to be god, then a woman who is your daughter but it isn't too gives you a newborn. Don't think about it too much because you have to escape the place... And now youre walking the mile, alone. That's what this song gives me everytime I listened to it. Harry even in the best ending still looses.
Adiós, Silent Hill. Nosotros los fans nos encargaremos de recordar tu legado. Edit: Es octubre de 2022 y me alegra haber estado equivocado; silent hill regresa; con cuatro juegos que incluye un remake de SH2 ✨. Edit #2: Octubre de 2024. Se estreno hace poco el remake de Silent Hill 2. Hasta el momento, es considerado uno de los mejores remakes. Me ha encantado mucho el juego mucho. Silent Hill vuelto! Ojalá Konami y los desarolladores futuros lo hagan bien.
Personally I say “Tears of...Regret” because while this plays in the Good+ ending, meaning Cybil’s alive, Harry still seemingly failed to save Cheryl, but has a new baby in his arms. So while he has the chance to try again, he still failed in his initial mission to save his daughter regardless. Thereby, he’s crying Tears of Regret.
I dont really know much about the game or whatever but all i have to say this is beautiful and its one of my favourite songs... after doom eternals music...
Tears of... what? Tears of Happiness? Because you get to see your daughter again? Tears of sorrow? Because you couldn't save your daughter in the bad ending? Tears of blood? Like blood that fell from Lisas' head before she died? Or... something else?
However, Harry couldn't save his beloved Cheryl at any ending after all. Heather was like a second chance for him, but nothing can change the fact that the Cheryl he knew is not with him anymore. I like to think that those tears are of sadness and pain for the lost of the daughter he raise and loved, but also joyness and hope for the new opportunity to live, for both Harry and Alessa... I feel this song catches perfectly those emotions.
To me, this song is mostly hopeful but also a little scarring in how traumatic of a journey making it out alive from Silent Hill must be like in each game. Kind of more... bittersweet. But I mean, this is still for the best ending, right?
I just lost my grandfather to dementia.... hardest n most terrifying experience of my life.. Can't decide which Yamaoka peice convays all I went through..
Tears of joy of having survived with Cybil with a reincarnation of Cheryl/Alessa in the arms. Tears of pain due to not having been able to save Cheryl, technically (not the "real" one). It depends on how you interpret this bittersweet "good+" ending.
I know silent hill but never played before, i was watching a project zomboid video and then heard this soundtrack.. i realised i need to listen this song before i die
I always loved zombie games, i spend like 15 years with video games :p but resident evil and silent hill never got my attention, i know how they look and i know how they need to be played but i just dont wanna play that type of games but that doesnt mean silent hill is bad, its good game in its field. Maybe ill play it when i get old.. maybe....
Se que pocas personas entenderán este comentario, se que pocas entenderán lo que es ser llevado a un momento irreconocible de tu vida con esta melodía o alguna otra de esta franquicia
R.I.P Silent Hill
(1999 - 2014)
@Hanzo Silent Hill Origins who came out around 2007 was pretty good
Jeez I forgot that silent hills was cancelled that long ago, it feels like it was just yesterday
@@IAmBushid0 I love Shattered Memories, regardless of how unpopular it is.
No love for homecoming?? I fucking loved that game
I love silent hill and everything that goes with it
Thanks, I was depressed for 12 minutes and 40 seconds.
I haven’t even played Silent Hill yet and I love this track. Absolutely haunting and beautiful.
Have you played it? Man what a great videogame and soundtrack is just fantastic
Its the song of the good ending
@@ricardo_rtype7694 and luckily, the real canon ending :)
Like wise wise
For some reason it feels cozy and nostalgically warm to me, even though I've never played it.
Silent Hill 1 : Tears of
Silent Hill 2 : Angela's Hell
Silent Hill 3 : Dance with night winds
Silent Hill 4 : Room of Angel
Silent Hill Origins : O.R.T Silent Hill origins main theme
Silent Hill Homecoming : Elle theme
these soundtracks always keep the entire franchise memorable and alive for me
Still waiting for Silent Hill 2 Remake ...
What do you think of the Sillent Holl. 2 Remake now?
I would say the new best OST from SH2 remake is Abstract Daddy’s demis , Angela s Hell s remake , and True
Tears of P.T.
So true....
Man that's edgy af
@PoliticalWaste444 a silent hill game that was supposed to release but it got cancelled. If you want to, Markiplier played it I think
Listening to this makes me reflect on childhood memories, places I haven't been to in over a decade, and people I don't know I will ever see again. I'm on Google Street View, staring at a public park I used to play at, near the babysitter's house I used to go after school, where I was with other kids my age. So many memories...I wonder where those people are right now. What are they doing this very moment? Do they know I remember them? What do they remember of me?
That feeling is what this song brings to me. The feeling of something being "unfinished". Are those memories all I will have of those people for the rest of my life? Or will I meet them again, somewhere, some day? The combination of nostalgia, sadness and incredible happiness at the same time. Not knowing what emotions to feel about these memories. They are such happy memories, but they also feel sad and distant at the same time. I often want to "return" to this place in time, but obviously I don't have a time machine. Just memories...
Well that was depressing.... I love it. 😄
It's incredible how well you described the same feeling I have right now while listening to this music. Well, you're not alone man, and probably some of the friends you had when you was a child, you used to play adventures after school with, often think about you too. But when we grow older we build social walls and barriers and ignore each other 'cause we don't have the courage to admit that we'd like to call them, remember the old times when life was easier and play together again like the children we used to be, rediscovering the child within us.
same man, my mom died last year and now everything i used to listen to with her makes my mood somber now, over the years she bought me steam games and i love them but now id give all of them back to have mom back but i cant give them back to get her back so i just grab games that i had before i found steam to try to grasp even a moment of feeling like she is around, i know the games arent her and that materials dont come with you beyond the grave but i cant help it. Plus the small town i grew up in is now a major city, no more small town comforts or any fond memories to look at, they are all gone now only existing in my memories along with my mom. I still have the same happiness from them but now it makes me appreciate the time i had with her and in my small town. hope you are doing alright buddy take care of yourself and keep those memories alive.
@@30cal23 Thanks, man. Take care as well.
This music reminds me of the Silent Hill movie, mostly about Sharon. It's strange, but I sympathized with her more than, for example, Alessa or Claudia. Sharon seemed to have accidentally come to Silent Hill, and it was clear to me personally that, despite the fact that her fate was much better than that of Alessa and Claudia, visiting Silent Hill definitely had a strong influence on her. In general, after I watched Silent Hill 2006 for the first time, I had a feeling that something had changed forever for the characters of the film, and that there was no way to go back and change it. It was like I felt nostalgic for the moment I started watching the movie. That's what I felt when I listened to "Tears of".😔
P.s-Sorry if there are a lot of mistakes in the text, I don't know English very well.
Tears of... everyone sick of Konami's bullshit.
They dont owe u anything
do you still exist?
I return here from time to time to remember, this song reminds me of better times, times that won't come back ... tears of ...
As a fan of instrumental music, recently i've been re-listening most of ost's from Yamaoka, I can't believe this song has been there for 18 years I guess... sounds beautiful, i can't believe I listen this until now...
regards for all who loves this peaceful kind of music...
Luis Molina same here!
The sadder part is that you will never experience the feeling of finish the game, watching that scene, and this music starting... It would be 10 times better hearing it at that exact moment.
This song makes more sense once you read the letter Harry mason left to Heather in Silent hill 3.
The tears of all people come from shaking struggles that taunt us in our minds & heart.But if we could overcome them to a solution,if we let our solutions fix the problems so that we could rest in peace,we must now forget the hardships of the past and continue onward to become fit for a new,strong selves today to a better tomorrow.The truth of our lives cannot be fog up-or else we as humanity remains blinded,dark minded,and lifeless.
avatar Armacham?
Yep,LoL.Armacham is better than Umbrella Corp.Technology for life,yo!!!
i prefer Armacham too ^^
Bro... 😭
Tears of puzzle solving...
When one song reflects the essence of your soul
you know how it is
The first game was unique and used limits to make an iconic theme along with a scary atmosphere and focus on characters..
The second game expanded and perfected the first game with themes of your past tormenting as well as having the most iconic monster in the series..
The third switched things up such as a new introduction to the plot and good continuation of the old protagonist, though how did he just sit and die?.
The fourth was a great send off with a whole new unique take on the entire theme of what goes on inside the town rather than in the town itself.
Then they stopped and left other companies do it who didn't know anything about what Silent Hill was
Imagine if konami did not fire team silent hill there will probably a better version of origins and other sequels made after 4
@@ScoutJoe origins actually got some good reviews and reception, homecoming however got mixed reception and downpur... Well lets pretend that was never a thing.
Sh 1 - Tears of
Sh 2 - True
Sh 2 - Betrayal
These soundtracks always keep the memories of entire game for me ('_')/
tears of true betrayal
@@Max_811 yea, either that or True Tears of Betrayal
trying to not cry...
Last week when I was at work, listening to Silent Hill music and this came on and at that moment I didn't remember the name of this, and I started crying...(going through a rough time) and when I saw the name of this, I started crying even sad but somehow so comforting...Yamaoka is a true genius.
My dear liked this song...
Kian, I miss you so much...
Why are you not here?
I first discovered this song on Netflix, after they stopped showing Silent Hill, I was like “no, I like this song, I must find it. And I kept searching and searching until I finally found this video. Thank you for uploading this!
Another amazing track from Akira!
Exploring abandoned places whilst listening to this or any other silent hill song must be great!
glad to hear an extended version of this, the other version is too short lol
This is truly a masterpiece!
Akira yamaoka thx for all this musics and thx Konami for this amazing horror game. This music was playing in my car after return from my father's funeral. All the feeling i had that day Sad, happy all at once, I was So Sad losing my father forever but i was happy i had a great father
im sorry for your loss, great soundtrack to a great game
All of us learn Something for this game,Sorry for you dad.
I can most definitely relate....
I just lost my grandfather to dementia....
hardest n most terrifying experience of my life..
Can't decide which Yamaoka peice convays all I went through..
در روز وفات پدرت آهنگ گوش میکردی عجب
Beautiful piece of music! Thank u Akira!
+SlayerGuy Akira Yamaoka is the best!!
@@AkropolisNo9 he is a Pure LEGEND
Aquele som que mexe com toda a extensão da sua alma e leva o coração pra um passeio de nostalgia...
Se fizessem um novo Silent Hill e colocassem essa música na introdução, seria muito emocionante, iria ancorar a nostalgia de um SH que tanto demorou pra chegar...
@@Infomaniac432 Tomara que não faça outro silent hill!!!
Escrevo isso porque acho que hoje em dia ninguém conseguiria fazer um jogo tão perfeito como silent hill...
Silent hill não é apenas um jogo de terror, é mais que isso, é profundo, na verdade nem sei se pode ser considerado como terror...
@@dbzedicao5639 eu não sei se quero pra não lanaçarem outro Downpour, mas seria ótimo um no mesmo tom dos clássicos atualizado pra era moderna, até traria luz para os mais antigos
@@dbzedicao5639 Como não sabe se pode ser considerado como terror?
é claramente um jogo de terror, porém não um jogo genérico e preguiçoso que fica abusando de sustinho na cara e monstros deformados sem motivo nenhum além de ser "Super assustador uHuHUh que medo, bixos pulando na tela sem tu poder fazer nada alem de correr tipo um jogo do freddy's ai que só se salva por ser Indie, mas em comparaçãos as verdadeiras obras de terror, é no maximo uma lição de casa malfeita de um aluno de uma escola de design de games.
Silent Hill como um todo é uma série de jogos que focam nos conceitos da mente humana com uma pitada de religião no meio, isso porém acaba perdendo bastante força depois do 1 jogo, focando somente na parte mais deturpada da mente humana e as emoções negativas e pensamentos e tornando-os realidade. Ele acaba com o psicológico do protagonista e do jogador, daí que existe o melhor e mais complexo gênero de terror que eu curto: Terror Psicológico, quando você não sente medo dos monstros em sí, mas da ambientação do local e o que eles representam. É dificil fazer uma atmosfera tão bizarra e monstros tão feios de uma forma realmente convincente, e ao mesmo tempo contando uma história trágica, bem feita e memorávell. E o que mais torna esses filmes interativos que muitos chamam de um joguinho passa-tempo uma verdadeira obra de arte, tanto como jogo quanto como história, é a música.
A trilha sonora desse jogo por exemplo é sensacional, assim como as dos outros jogos, ela não é apenas uns sonzinhos genéricos de fundo pra te assustar. Ela realmente foi feita com o intuito de descrever a situação em que os protagonistas estão passando ou o que está acontecendo na cena. Ela é melancólica, assustadora, bonita, etc. Basicamente é uma mistura de sentimentos em um música só, criando varios tipos de interpretações possiveis pra uma unica cena.
Um exemplo é essa "Tears Off..." que traduzindo seria "Lagrimas de...", ela toca quando você faz o final Bom+ em que a Cybil continua viva, no qual Alessa entrega a "nova Cheryl" bebê pro Harry Mason, protagonista do jogo que foi pra silent hill justamente pra salvar sua filha, mas fracassou e teve que matar o Deus do povo Samael pra sair vivo de lá, após ela entregar o bebê pra eles ela abre o portal pra fugirem da realidade alternativa de Silent Hill e essa musica começa a tocar e a câmera muda pra um angulo completo onde podemos notar o corpo de Alessa, depois disso a cena muda pra Harry e Cybil correndo pra longe de Silent Hill com a nova Cheryl nos braços de Harry, ainda com essa musica de fundo... quais seriam as possiveis interpretações dessa cena?
Lágrimas do Harry? por ter fracassado em salvar sua Filha, mas a musica ao mesmo tempo reflete um sentimento de esperança? (1:10). talvez ele tenha ganhado uma segunda chance de criar a nova versão da sua filha, pra talvez tentar preencher o vazio e o arrependimento de ter perdido a original.
Lágrimas de Alessa? por ter aceitado ser a progenitora de um Deus chamado Samael, em que ela assim como os habitantes de SH acreditavam ser o salvador do seu povo, mas descobriu através das dores da gravidez que tudo era uma mentira e que ele na verdade iria acabar com a humanidade caso nascesse, por esse motivo ela usou o Selo de Metratom pra tentar evitar o nascimento desse capiroto, mas através do (1:10), também é possivel interpretar um sentimento de orgulho, talvez por Samael ter sido morto e Alessa conseguir "devolver" a filha de Harry em um novo corpo, mesmo que não seja a mesma pessoa, assim podemos concluir que ela morreu sem arrependimentos no final?
Lágrimas de Lisa Garland? Por ter cuidado de Alessa no hospital mas não poder fazer nada a respeito da gravidez, até que ela se toca que ela também virou os mesmos monstros do hospital. seria esse a triste realidade de querer ajudar as pessoas porém não fazer nada a respeito? ironicamente sendo a mesma ideia que levou a Morte de Lisa no jogo: Ela clamou por ajuda de Harry antes de se transformar em um "deles", porém Harry não podia fazer nada a respeito e teve que sair da sala e largar ela lá, sofrendo e chorando.
Lágrimas de Dhalia? por seu plano ter fracassado e o seu todo poderoso "Deus" ter sido derrotado por um mero humano com algumas armas de fogo?
Lágrimas de Kaufmann? por ter enfraquecido a criatura para que Harry pudesse mata-lá, porem antes dele fugir pelo portal que Alessa abriu, Lisa aparece e se vinga de todo o sofrimento que ele lhe causou evitando que ele fuja pro mundo real e largando ele pra morrer junto com o mundo alternativo de SH?
Enfim desculpa ai pela Bíblia que eu escrevi, mas é que esse jogo é simplesmente ÚNICO. Poucos jogos conseguem se quer criar uma história tão complexa e bem feita, e ao mesmo tempo ter uma trilha sonora perfeitamente executada que abre brechas pra vários tipos de interpretações em uma música. e o 2 então nem se fala: foi o Pico da séria Silent Hill. Nunca haverá um jogo tão complexo e triste quanto Silent Hill 2, simplesmente uma obra de arte em quesito história e personagens. Ainda sim curto bastante o 1 game.
Perfect for when you're wanting to have a Silent Hill themed mental breakdown
It’s every day bro with that peak depression flow
It tears the soul...
I live in Aberdeen (a city in Scotland) and today I listened to this in town. It’s grey buildings, the grey sky above it, hordes of people walking past without even a glimmer of happiness on their faces, made it the perfect musical piece to listen to for melancholy. It was even better when this guy walked down the street in an inc bloch test suit and and afro (he was also very white) made me giggle.
Wow, it's incredible the power of the music, some kind of music can make you feel happy, full of energy or euphoric, but this track in my case makes me feel relaxed and sad at the same time and as the title of the track says this music makes me shed a couple of tears of sadness while some memories and thoughts came to my mind. And I have to say I don't even played any of the Silent Hill games yet but I hope some time I can enjoy every Silent Hill title, I don't have doubt they are legendary videogames and of course the music of every Silent Hill is out of this world, I love it, thanks a lot Akira Yamaoka, Team Silent and Konami ❤
12 minutos no bastan...
Esto es Hermoso.
Si que lo es
Hehehe verdade
Si no bastan
Had a dream of Silent Hill and this song came to my mind
Was it a restless dream? If not you were dreaming of silent chill it's the town down the street
No more tears because Silent Hill is finally making a comeback
Tears of joy
then Silent Hill Ascension crashed and burned
Let’s just hope the Silent Hill 2 remake is good 🥲
@@mr_yrc-_- Yeah, right...
I know this is kinda late but Silent Hill 2 remake was great, I really enjoyed it.
Man, poor Alessa.. This song gives me the feels.
As does True from the SH2 OST.
And Null Moon and eternal rest, I'm not so sire why.
Me encanta esta gran melancolia de silent hill jamas olvidare este juego.
I could hear "Not Tomorrow" briefly. Like damn imagine if Silent Hill didn't exist in the first place, gaming world, or even real world could've been gone differently
no dislikes because this is one of the BEST music of all time... it brings you into the nostalgy you forgot to have.. love silent hill.
I've been listening to this song on repeat for the last 90 minutes.
Holy shit! I've been looking for this a long time. Instant like from me bro!
Never look at your back anymore,Harry...
The Best music of silent Hill games
+, the unique culture and mentalitate
@@jcdenton4813 Weaabo?
@@ryukeg460 no, i dont watch anime, however download 2 anime multfilms (whisper of heart and The wind is stronger), i think I'll look at them once. I love Japanese culture, because I am fascinated by its history and military traditions (most of all, I admire their devotion and sacrifice to the God-Emperror during the Second World War), I also admire their hard work and technical progress in robotics (іn this area, they even compete with the United States, similarly in automotive industry), it the unique nation and mentality.
Look at the bad side of that culture have much more than in another country Yes, have good things but many times people or media just want to see or show that good side Japan has many things that are very bad but people just want to glorify Japanese like the perfect country but believe me there are a lot of things that are wrong.
@@ryukeg460 i dont arguing, in the all nations have a bad side, but how says "When at Rome, do as the Romans do", I have just described a small part of the things that have given Japan the opportunity to become a high-tech and powerful country, from which it is worth taking an example.
Essa música é relaxante e ao mesmo tempo exala um sentimento evidente de nostalgia, um lamento por algo que poderia ter sido e não foi...
My bf Broke up with me on my birthday, listening to this makes me cry alot, it reminds me of him, he's eyes smilies.
I miss him so much
I hope your pain heal quickly 😭 I cried a lot cause my father died and I couldn't say goodbye for him
How are you doing?
Love this vibe man. Great track from SH :D
i can't even comperhand a fracture of akira yamaoka genius. He made this sound both depressing and melancholic, like a dance in a shadows between those emotions it is not simple to even describe a full palitre of fellings you get from just listening this track
Quite a lovely piece indeed, such longing. Bravo Mistro!
just amazing looove it.
I remember when the first Silent Hill game came out. It scared the hell out me but became one of my favorites. I found out later that a girl who graduated from my high school afew years before me inspired the Heather Mason character from the third game. If time travel was possible, I would go back and have her autograph my copy of the game.
Essa musica mexe muito comigo. Tem algo invasivo nela. Algo que penetra na alma e revira sentimentos incontrolaveis de nostálgia. Me sinto bem e triste ao mesmo tempo.
the name say tears of because is letting us all to decide tears of what we want it to be tears of what we fell. Thank you Komani for suck a beautiful Art thank you for Silent Hill
when I said suck I am sorry I mean such (I respect komani for their work)
+Artiom Zacarean Too bad Konami went to complete shit now.
+Sasaki Haise why is that
Artiom Zacarean Have you been living under a rock for the past 6 months?
+Artiom Zacarean Silent hill pachinko
This is so good...........
Tears of grief.. sometimes you can't prevent someone's death or stop them from ending it and the moment will forever be locked in your head .
GOD... love this song
I listen to this video since 2018
Song just keeps reminding me that I’m gonna die alone some day.
Don't say that. But at times I do feel that
You don't have to if you're a bad pilot ;)
Don't be like that, if there's life, then there's hope.
@@danielgaxiolalugo7414 Yeah right, I’ve been getting spoon fed that bullshit for years
Tears of my soul .
Masterpiece! Akira, it song is masterpiece!
Tears of blood pooring from sh hardcore fans who were excited about shilent hills and it only turned out to be a p.t ( prank teaser )
Minato Minatonamikaze lol playable becomes prank. well played man
heyjeySigma Maybe it's joke ...
Kojima tried to show Konami that the horror genre had great potential, but konami chose to cancel the project.
: '(
@@akamanto-1585 konami knew what they were doing if kojima was given freedom he would have broke it look what he did to death stranding the game makes no sense
@@mrgluegtick760 I don't know if you know but part of that "freedom" that was given to kojima in his last years at konami he created the P.T (playable teaser), remember how acclaimed that game was? in the year that it was released everyone talked about the game, remembering that it was just a teaser created with the rest of the money that would go to MGS 5.
For a guy who created the entire Metal Gear saga with a practically perfect story and gameplay, it sounds kind of disrespectful to say that his games don't make sense, as he said "my game is not for anyone" it shows us that people who are looking for a battle royale experience (just one example) will find the game very boring.
(Sorry for my English, I'm using the translator)
thanks for uploading. i like it very much
Why i feel sad while listening this song? Maybe memories... Maybe... memories of good times when i was children/teen, without any problems to think about. NOSTALGIA!
tal vez no hemos sido lo suficientemente duros como para erradicar esas memorias
Isaac Jaimes maybe... i don't know...
One of the most beautiful silent hill pieces ever
so beautiful
when i started this song i was reading webtoons and the story got dark as hell and this song went perfect with the story
Brooks Was Here
-- The Shawshank Redemption
Awww bruh why you gonna do that to meh
Este Riff de guitarra y toda la instrumentación me recuerda un poco a the and the pendulum the nightwish, muy hermoso lo que hizo yamaoka, gracias por esta música que llega a lo profundo
You just killed something that was told to be god, then a woman who is your daughter but it isn't too gives you a newborn. Don't think about it too much because you have to escape the place...
And now youre walking the mile, alone.
That's what this song gives me everytime I listened to it. Harry even in the best ending still looses.
I like how you can hear a bit of The Candyman and Carrie themes at some points in the score excellent composer .
Who else is here after the SH2 Remake?
ohhh, that's BEAUTIFUL , thats beautiful my friend!
Adiós, Silent Hill. Nosotros los fans nos encargaremos de recordar tu legado.
Edit: Es octubre de 2022 y me alegra haber estado equivocado; silent hill regresa; con cuatro juegos que incluye un remake de SH2 ✨.
Edit #2: Octubre de 2024. Se estreno hace poco el remake de Silent Hill 2. Hasta el momento, es considerado uno de los mejores remakes. Me ha encantado mucho el juego mucho. Silent Hill vuelto! Ojalá Konami y los desarolladores futuros lo hagan bien.
Se supone que van a volver este año o el siguiente
@@waltuh11121 Sería hermoso hermano 😢
Mañana 👀
Silencio Gil por siempre
i'been looking for this song so fking much TANKS
Finally found this song after of the mest instrumentals to ever exist 2025.
music is the language we all understand
i love it very much.thanks for uploading :)
Tears of...Probably Alessa(?)
Lili Heart Oh ... Do you like SH and SU ? Maybe you like Portal ?Just questioning ...
The name "Tears of..." is purposely left by the artist for us to decide for example "tears of...Happiness or "tears of...Sadness"
yes and no?
Personally I say “Tears of...Regret” because while this plays in the Good+ ending, meaning Cybil’s alive, Harry still seemingly failed to save Cheryl, but has a new baby in his arms. So while he has the chance to try again, he still failed in his initial mission to save his daughter regardless. Thereby, he’s crying Tears of Regret.
I dont really know much about the game or whatever but all i have to say this is beautiful and its one of my favourite songs... after doom eternals music...
And what are you wanting for? Silent Hill is a great game man
My favorite soundtrack from the first game..
Time flies; played this game 20 years ago damn...
Tears of... what?
Tears of Happiness? Because you get to see your daughter again?
Tears of sorrow? Because you couldn't save your daughter in the bad ending?
Tears of blood? Like blood that fell from Lisas' head before she died?
Or... something else?
Actually, this doesn't play during the Bad ending :)
However, Harry couldn't save his beloved Cheryl at any ending after all. Heather was like a second chance for him, but nothing can change the fact that the Cheryl he knew is not with him anymore.
I like to think that those tears are of sadness and pain for the lost of the daughter he raise and loved, but also joyness and hope for the new opportunity to live, for both Harry and Alessa... I feel this song catches perfectly those emotions.
To me, this song is mostly hopeful but also a little scarring in how traumatic of a journey making it out alive from Silent Hill must be like in each game.
Kind of more... bittersweet. But I mean, this is still for the best ending, right?
Tears Of....Alessa?
I really like how even the good and good + endings are kind of sad. There are no fairy tale endings in Silent Hill, just like real life.
I just lost my grandfather to dementia....
hardest n most terrifying experience of my life..
Can't decide which Yamaoka peice convays all I went through..
Thanks a lot for the upload!
Beautiful and relaxing... Nice...
This Song is literally like the feeling after a vicious Snow Storm feel is just Calm and Peace
Tears of joy of having survived with Cybil with a reincarnation of Cheryl/Alessa in the arms.
Tears of pain due to not having been able to save Cheryl, technically (not the "real" one).
It depends on how you interpret this bittersweet "good+" ending.
Belleza total
Waiting Silent Hill 1 Remake !
I know silent hill but never played before, i was watching a project zomboid video and then heard this soundtrack.. i realised i need to listen this song before i die
And you need to play the game aswell
I always loved zombie games, i spend like 15 years with video games :p but resident evil and silent hill never got my attention, i know how they look and i know how they need to be played but i just dont wanna play that type of games but that doesnt mean silent hill is bad, its good game in its field. Maybe ill play it when i get old.. maybe....
good job man love the song
Se que pocas personas entenderán este comentario, se que pocas entenderán lo que es ser llevado a un momento irreconocible de tu vida con esta melodía o alguna otra de esta franquicia
Lo vívido con Silent hill es único
Es surreal
I would describe this theme as a parent taking care of their kids their whole lives, and then dying protecting them, and then i thought about it.....
silent hill un gran juego, una de las mejores sagas de videojuegos y una gran banda sonora
Tears of Blessings
I still miss him, but I will never forget him, I will not be able to leave that feeling I had for him, amorcito
el huervo - ghost
fake12396 Hotline Miami got me here
Belcebu - evangelio negro
Hope is upon us..
That's Song Got Stuck In My Head.
I Remember The Ending But This Is Sad
this song make me cry
Hi Evan I am valtiel from silent Hill I just want to say dont cry just dance Let your mind go tru because you are in my world silent Hill
this soundtrack is like a 70's gore movie, pure horror
this sound guitar song you play when loved one dies
this night is a lonely cold night I am in deep regret I can no longer save you nor you save me