Good to see you're trying Sprocket :) Here's two basic hints: - the number of tanks on your team (yes you can have AI controlled allies) is determined by the weight of your tank (lighter = more allies). - the most difficult mission is the top one in the list (No tanks land), the missions are sorted by time period/technology level and not by difficulty.
Pro tip: Aim for the lower glacis (lower front plate), rear and sides of the tanks. The turret has the thickest armour of the entire tank. Edit: Lower glacis depends on the tank and shell being used.
Small crash course for Scrapman. Sponsons are the part of a vehicle that overhang the wheels or treads but don't continue down to the bottom of the chassis/hull. Most weak spots on tanks in this game are the flattest surfaces you can get, the rear, the lower glacis (front of the vehicle), any kind of hatch, and the turret ring. That being said, your design has a huge flaw in it. You have a huge amount of turret ring exposed. The turret ring is literally where the turret is connected to the hull of the tank and where the gunner, loader, and tank commander are usually sitting. Meaning you let something sneak in there, you have a lot of dead things. Hatches are literally holes cut into the entire solid piece of metal that is the tank. So if you have any hatches put them where they can't be hit so easily like the top of your turret. But aim for any hatches, as perfectly flat as you can get at the moment areas, the lower glacis as tanks crest over hills, and the rear if you're able to get around tanks. The turret ring is more of a gamble since most of the time it's going to bounce off some other armor instead of sneaking in. Another sneaky tactic if the terrain allows for it is shooting at the deck (roof of the hull). Most decks have minimal armor, so getting a round in even at 50 or so degrees should work if you have enough penetration potential from your gun.
You can see in the top right corner when a tank is disabled, don't waste ya shots Fuel is not very important... Increase barrel length for longer range (muzzle velocity) shoot their flat parts, the angled spots will ricochet your bullets (also get AP [Armor Piercing] as they do a better job) You can shorten the turret bearing to not have that gap under the turret Hope ya see this if we get another one of these vids
that is not your average wedge that's an adjustable wedge XD altho I'd like to know how much of a thing something adwanced like that would be for a game like this . . . hmm
I'm so glad this game is finally being played on the channel. I've seen lots of other channels play it, and keep thinking how great it'd be to see Scrapman play it!
@@jawwadmacaraya9865 It's just a stupid bot whose very existence makes me question what humanity will resort to to scam other people (don't click the link, BTW; I have no doubt that it's malicious).
@@JersAltAccount Bots... bots... bots... why does youtube has to have bots? I mean you can make the bots not anoyying and dont comment how hard is that
This game looks pretty cool! A few basic pointers from a War Thunder player on tank combat. 1. You're right on angled armor deflecting shots. The armor color in this game looks to take the same color rating as War Thunder. The redder a section is, the better the armor rating you have. If it's bright green, you're flat in that area or have tissue paper for armor. 2. When in a fight, try and look for the view slots in the enemy tank, and aim there. You were on the right track about shooting treads (called tracking) and aiming for the turret ring. However, taking out the enemy crew would be much more effective. Think of the viewpoints as a little target for you to aim at. The priority of targets are (in order): Driver, gunner(s), then commander. 3. More armor doesn't necessarily mean a better tank, unless you're enemy has a peashooter for a cannon. You want to have a light weight frame to be able to out maneuver your opponent and be able to aim at his weak spots before he can aim at yours. A small and lightweight tank that can run circles around a target can sometimes be just as effective as a large, heavy tank with thick armor. Just make sure you have a cannon that can punch through their armor. I may have to follow this game. It looks like a DIY version of War Thunder and World of Tanks.
I was a driver of the Chieftain MBT in the 2nd RTR ( British Army ) and I was yelling at you to go for the turret ring or engine bay. This looks like fun and something I would get into.
This is not gonna be just first looks, this is gonna be a full series Tip: 1. The lighter the tank is, the more are made for your team 2. You need to pay attention to the bullet and where it's heading we're using a heavy tank, that's why you we're REALLY TANKKING the shots. Your weakness, tank destroyers (Tank destroyers are like normal tanks but has horrible armor, but deals tons of damage) P.S, i'm not an expert at tanks, i just know these "facts"
ScrapMan, In order to actually see what you have killed, the Top-Right Corner will immediately show it. You're probably too busy trying to shoot a Dead Tank, but that's Okay. *PS: Bullets Ricochet In This Game*
effective thicness, means that if you for example have steel thats 100mm thic and you angle it you would need MORE penetration power wich rounds up to like 150 depending what of an angle youre using....thats the effective thicccccneesss Ammo settings: AP=Armor piercing wich means just goes through when penetrated APHE=Armor piercing high explosive wich means goes through the armor and explodes for more damage inside the tank
Btw the color like green to red it means How much your armor thickness or you can call it a mm of armor,btw armor thickness=how much your armor has and depends on angles and armor
Dear Scrapman, I hope you had a great day today and i hope you are doing well. As a tank experts at World Of Tank and War Thunder i here to give you an advice that most tank weakness is their under belly plate armor,turret ring,side armor,back turret and the back armor (I recommended that you hit the under belly plate armor because the NPCs are comming straight at you and if you are a legend at aim you should be able to shoot the tanks from its gun hole and you also can shoot at the gun or the tracks of the NPCs tanks to disabled them) Sincerely me.
Ok, a little help: always aim for the flat armour picies of the enemy, and you can see when the enemy is dead- it shows in the upper right corner. You can also change the turret ring height so its not visible, since that was your weak spot. Also the blue line at the gun adjustment section shows the perfect gun lenght for the selected caliber, and not the balance of the gun. You should also set the gun caliber and barrel thickness lower and the shell lenght higher to improve penetration and decrease reload time. And only use armour piercing rounds, take out all the high explosive ones, since they are useless. And it will give you more space in the tank which you should use to give more space to your crew which increases aiming time and decreases reload time. Btw i love that you had the same first idea as i did, to build a super angled wedge!
This game seems relatively realistic… I can say that in real life, flat spots, where the shells can hit the armor perpendicularly are (generally) the weakest spots. Since it’s not angled, “effective” thickness is not applicable, it now comes down to raw armor thickness. The gun mantlet, generally, has pretty thick armor as well since it houses the gun. Side and rear armor are generally the weakest, since A. They are frequently not as sloped as the front is and B. Typically you would face a tanks head-on, and keep the enemy in front of you. However these rules can be broken easily, and you can create a tank that is highly effective in certain situations. The armor profile of a tank is always changing if you or the enemy is moving. Any movement from either tank changes the angle of their armor - changing the shell’s angle of attack thus changing the effective armor thickness. If one tank (facing you head on) turns to the right say 20 degrees, its side armor would in theory be thicker than if the tank was turned at 70 degrees. The steeper the armor angle, the more effective the armor is, since the shell would have to push more armor out of its way. That’s also what causes shells to bounce. Example: a car hitting a wall head on is more likely to go through the wall whereas if it approached the wall at an angle, it would be more likely to deflect, bounce off at an angle. But if the wall is too thick, it doesn’t matter how you hit it, you would need a heavier/faster car (bigger gun) to go through it. Some tanks just don’t have armor, so the previous example isn’t really applicable to them. Lastly, just to clarify, I generally see tanks in three ways (Shout out to my world of tanks gamers): - Light tanks: low armor (easy penetration) better maneuverability - Medium Tanks: average armor, average maneuverability - Heavy tanks: thick armor, poor maneuverability *effective armor thickness is most prevalent on heavy tanks. Light tanks typically don’t have enough armor to deflect shells in the first place no matter how it’s angled Hope it helps! And if anyone has a critiqued feel free to chime in!
So scrapman, let me give you a few tips on building the motor and transmission of your tanks For engine the three settings (heavy, medium, and light) are basically presets you can go off of and they set certain restrictions, the heavy engine can have up to 16 cylinders, the medium has a maximum of 12 or 10 I think and the light has a maximum of 10 or 8 Displacement is the size of your pistons, the bigger they are means the bigger your overall motor needs to be in order to compensate for the size of the pistons, bigger pistons give you more power the bigger they get. ALSO since your overall motor (and transmission the more gears you add) gets bigger you MUST keep your eyes on internal space because the motor gets pretty big when you don't pay attention Now for transmission, you can add lots of gears to your tank or take away some, the higher the ratio the faster you accelerate bit the slower your top speed, the lower the ratio the higher your top speed is but the slower your acceleration is. That's all the information I really have, and hope you found this useful, great video.
As a tank fanatic who also plays world of tanks, I can tell you that doorstops for tanks are effective. And as for ammo, AP is Armor Piercing, and APHE is Armor Piercing High Explosive.
I'm WOT player with over 11000 wars career. ID: Pak_10. I was always thinking of a design like this but the edges are not like my idea, the steep edges should be curved and turret width should be equal to edges of top body.
More episodes pls but I highly recommend you research a bit on tanks for construction tips and/or play world of tanks to give ya a better idea on where to hit.
Just a heads up I'm pretty sure scenarios are the campaign type thing sicne they have their own names and objectives and railyway was one of the hardest since it's almost at the bottom I'd guess the higher ones have like 1 - 2 tanks instead of 5.
@@rocketdoof1398 hm idk it was all just speculation since I don't own the game nor have I ever heard of it but what are you reffering to exactly? That it's one tank but still hard or that it's hard but still wuite far up the list since my point was that scrapman picked a level very far down the list
Nope, their order is dependent on the technical era of the time, so the first one is ww1 and the last one is cold war era, but hardness has nothing to do with them. For example when i first played i could complete all the levels first try exept the first one, because ww1 engines were so bad my tank couldnt even move. Of course i got the hang of it, but it took some time.
this video just shows that scrapman dusnt really know mutch about tank combat but like that matters just haveing fun is alot better than knowing everything
2:13 having steeper angles also increases the effective thickness of the armour. because its angles it has to pass through more armour. im pretty sure it also takes more energy to penetrate angled armour but i am not sure
i feel like if you haven't played games like war thunder a lot of people don't understand very well that the caliber dosent help your penetration like the sherman usually had a 75 mm gun and it stil had a lot of penetration and the shell length improves velocity and penetration because it travels faster. great vid tho.
I'm so glad you found this game; the first time I saw it I immediately thought of ScrapMan. A little tip to increase the possibility of some ridiculous tank actually working is to beef up the engine as much as possible and make sure the rpm limit is below the max rpm of the engine to avoid overspeed and get a lot of gears. It took me several hours to get the hang of gearing, but for twin transmission you need a lot of gears to let the tank move effectively across rough terrain. Well anyways, that's my advice; hope to see more of this in the future!
The ammo settings is for how shells you want in the turret or the hull he is high explosive ap is armor penetrating and obviously add the two together and you have APHE
I have had this game since September and first found out yesterday how to slant the overhang Because I spend my time shaping by pull the hull Also a tip look top right there is a number saying how many tanks you get, usually 75 tons is max budget There is currently a bug telling you that you have 10 tanks when play the scenario, bottom right when playing
There is a weight limit in the scenarios and if you are blow it you will have multiple tanks on your side but since you made a massive tank you could only have one tank on your side
tried and true, this was a design i made a month ago, or very close to it, i called it the Diamond Class Heavy Tank. Maximum armor, nothing got through the front 1500 effective mm of armor.
I just had an epiphany, I think the reason why scrapman won't play minecraft (except for when he did during his april fools joke) is because minecraft doesn't have wedges, it's literally a game about bricks (blocks) I just blew my own mind... Welp Bye
So as some have said, the lower half of the tank is usually the spot you shoot. If you fire at the turret, make sure to shoot it in the side. A lot of tanks will be really protected on the front of both turret, and chassis. However, wedges in tank designs are quite superb. Ha suck on that Churchill! Also pet peeve, but most call treads>tracks. I may just be nitpicking. If you like big guns, check out the German heavy tanks and any tank destroyer.
Good to see you're trying Sprocket :)
Here's two basic hints:
- the number of tanks on your team (yes you can have AI controlled allies) is determined by the weight of your tank (lighter = more allies).
- the most difficult mission is the top one in the list (No tanks land), the missions are sorted by time period/technology level and not by difficulty.
I'd like to imagine a swarm of lightweight baby tanks
Pro tip: Aim for the lower glacis (lower front plate), rear and sides of the tanks. The turret has the thickest armour of the entire tank.
Edit: Lower glacis depends on the tank and shell being used.
not always but yeah mostly. and we can't ask him to memorize the armor of every tank in existence like some people do
@@diegootero1686 me, a war thunder player
Yeah. Also try and hit plates perpendicular to the plate.
@@3verstorm Yeah! Me too pretty much
Irl front armor and turret is the most Armored part of the tank while backside of tank is weakest part
* shoots at the most protected spot *
"Why is he not dying?"
Me: *angry tank enthusiast noises*
Angry war thunder player noises
You got WT in north korea?
Wouldn't you be the only player in the server?
i was feeling that the entire time
@@AdolfNiggler1933 *more angry war thunder noises*
@@YeetDaBabies no he probably is just a fanboy of Kim jong un
Small crash course for Scrapman. Sponsons are the part of a vehicle that overhang the wheels or treads but don't continue down to the bottom of the chassis/hull. Most weak spots on tanks in this game are the flattest surfaces you can get, the rear, the lower glacis (front of the vehicle), any kind of hatch, and the turret ring. That being said, your design has a huge flaw in it. You have a huge amount of turret ring exposed. The turret ring is literally where the turret is connected to the hull of the tank and where the gunner, loader, and tank commander are usually sitting. Meaning you let something sneak in there, you have a lot of dead things. Hatches are literally holes cut into the entire solid piece of metal that is the tank. So if you have any hatches put them where they can't be hit so easily like the top of your turret.
But aim for any hatches, as perfectly flat as you can get at the moment areas, the lower glacis as tanks crest over hills, and the rear if you're able to get around tanks. The turret ring is more of a gamble since most of the time it's going to bounce off some other armor instead of sneaking in. Another sneaky tactic if the terrain allows for it is shooting at the deck (roof of the hull). Most decks have minimal armor, so getting a round in even at 50 or so degrees should work if you have enough penetration potential from your gun.
You can see in the top right corner when a tank is disabled, don't waste ya shots
Fuel is not very important...
Increase barrel length for longer range (muzzle velocity)
shoot their flat parts, the angled spots will ricochet your bullets (also get AP [Armor Piercing] as they do a better job)
You can shorten the turret bearing to not have that gap under the turret
Hope ya see this if we get another one of these vids
I can only imagine the moans coming out of SM's apartment when he sees the depression on the STRV 103
All i can think of now is Cone of Arc doing on this
that is not your average wedge
that's an adjustable wedge XD
altho I'd like to know how much of a thing something adwanced like that would be for a game like this . . . hmm
@@bluewhalestudioblenderanim1132 I also thought of that but let's be real most people don't even have space to bind the hydrolics
@@NovaAge yes but what also matters
is how fun the game will be when it comes out
Now the wedge gang has armor, Florida men, and scrap mechanic physics
wedge tank
@@I-fitri wedge Hank
@OPEN PAGE,,,,, 👇😍 bad
Haha he just made a wedge amx tier 5 but the gun is way at the back.
I wanted to say “only scrapman can make wedges deadly” then i realised
Every deadly thing is a wedge just different sizes and shapes
A baseball bat is deadly and not a wedge
@@robbieaulia6462 oh i see...curve gang?
@@rollingster4405 STRV 103?
I'm so glad this game is finally being played on the channel. I've seen lots of other channels play it, and keep thinking how great it'd be to see Scrapman play it!
scrapman can literally make a hank tank now
@OPEN PAGE,,,,, 👇😍 what the heck?
@@jawwadmacaraya9865 It's just a stupid bot whose very existence makes me question what humanity will resort to to scam other people (don't click the link, BTW; I have no doubt that it's malicious).
@@JersAltAccount Bots... bots... bots... why does youtube has to have bots?
I mean you can make the bots not anoyying and dont comment how hard is that
I’ve finally been waiting for this! Many other you tubers have done this! And now you have done it! Yay!
@OPEN PAGE,,,,, 👇😍 What?
This game looks pretty cool! A few basic pointers from a War Thunder player on tank combat.
1. You're right on angled armor deflecting shots. The armor color in this game looks to take the same color rating as War Thunder. The redder a section is, the better the armor rating you have. If it's bright green, you're flat in that area or have tissue paper for armor.
2. When in a fight, try and look for the view slots in the enemy tank, and aim there. You were on the right track about shooting treads (called tracking) and aiming for the turret ring. However, taking out the enemy crew would be much more effective. Think of the viewpoints as a little target for you to aim at. The priority of targets are (in order): Driver, gunner(s), then commander.
3. More armor doesn't necessarily mean a better tank, unless you're enemy has a peashooter for a cannon. You want to have a light weight frame to be able to out maneuver your opponent and be able to aim at his weak spots before he can aim at yours. A small and lightweight tank that can run circles around a target can sometimes be just as effective as a large, heavy tank with thick armor. Just make sure you have a cannon that can punch through their armor.
I may have to follow this game. It looks like a DIY version of War Thunder and World of Tanks.
I was a driver of the Chieftain MBT in the 2nd RTR ( British Army ) and I was yelling at you to go for the turret ring or engine bay. This looks like fun and something I would get into.
@OPEN PAGE,,,,, 👇😍 no.. (a message to the bot creator) you’re a disappointment and your parents aren’t proud of you at all
This is not gonna be just first looks, this is gonna be a full series
1. The lighter the tank is, the more are made for your team
2. You need to pay attention to the bullet and where it's heading we're using a heavy tank, that's why you we're REALLY TANKKING the shots. Your weakness, tank destroyers
(Tank destroyers are like normal tanks but has horrible armor, but deals tons of damage)
P.S, i'm not an expert at tanks, i just know these "facts"
He has zero chance to out maneuver a tank destroyers turret with the super heavy tank. Definitely needs to build a light speedy boy.
@@REDACTED_0990 Nah he's good with what he has, his armor is so angled even a 150 mm cannon wouldn't get him from the front.
@@johnderat2652 it is crazy how angled it is
He wasnt using a Heavy tank, he was using a super heavy tank (for the time period, railway is earlywar)
Yes, please do more Sprocket videos!
ScrapMan, In order to actually see what you have killed, the Top-Right Corner will immediately show it.
You're probably too busy trying to shoot a Dead Tank, but that's Okay.
*PS: Bullets Ricochet In This Game*
Yes but he does kinda need to see details
I mean you can see those shells bouncing of the tanks
I definitely want to see a lot more of this game. Hopefully we see a whole bunch and maybe it sticks around permanently. Go scrap man!
1-2 Years Later The Full Game Well Be Release Like Volcanoids.
Its already realeased
@@creepty4359 i think it’s in early access
@@apersunthathasaridiculousl1890 I think ur wrong because he did a series with the volcanoids when it was fully updated and released
@@creepty4359 no, sprocket
Your videos are the only things that keep me going.
effective thicness, means that if you for example have steel thats 100mm thic and you angle it you would need MORE penetration power wich rounds up to like 150 depending what of an angle youre using....thats the effective thicccccneesss
Ammo settings:
AP=Armor piercing wich means just goes through when penetrated
APHE=Armor piercing high explosive wich means goes through the armor and explodes for more damage inside the tank
Doesn’t sweden already have a wedge gang tank? I think in was the strv 103?
Did you name your self to troll [deleted]
@@Turquoised nope, im just a avid reddit user and its a homage of sorts
yes the swedish S (STRV-103) is deffiently with the wedge gang. and is probbably the most "wedgiest" of the wedge gang.
Hi Scrapman! I wanted to tell you that I think you should try Satisfactory again just like you did with Volcanoids. Loves from Turkey!
Oha bu adamı izleyen türk de varmıymış lan.d Bi ben varım sanıyordm.
will you make this a series? (completing scenarios) i'd love to watch you make WEDGE tanks to battle lol
The more slanted it is, the more the effective thickness increases.
Btw the color like green to red it means How much your armor thickness or you can call it a mm of armor,btw armor thickness=how much your armor has and depends on angles and armor
blue = ricoshette
I'm really not sure if it's blue or not
@@Fv-hx5pk it is
@@Fransenn oh ok
Dear Scrapman,
I hope you had a great day today and i hope you are doing well.
As a tank experts at World Of Tank and War Thunder i here to give you an advice that most tank weakness is their under belly plate armor,turret ring,side armor,back turret and the back armor
(I recommended that you hit the under belly plate armor because the NPCs are comming straight at you and if you are a legend at aim you should be able to shoot the tanks from its gun hole and you also can shoot at the gun or the tracks of the NPCs tanks to disabled them)
Sincerely me.
Ok, a little help: always aim for the flat armour picies of the enemy, and you can see when the enemy is dead- it shows in the upper right corner. You can also change the turret ring height so its not visible, since that was your weak spot. Also the blue line at the gun adjustment section shows the perfect gun lenght for the selected caliber, and not the balance of the gun. You should also set the gun caliber and barrel thickness lower and the shell lenght higher to improve penetration and decrease reload time. And only use armour piercing rounds, take out all the high explosive ones, since they are useless. And it will give you more space in the tank which you should use to give more space to your crew which increases aiming time and decreases reload time. Btw i love that you had the same first idea as i did, to build a super angled wedge!
the blue line does show the balance of the gun. if you increase the size of the shell, it goes back, if you increase barrel length, it goes forward.
Game: *Has wedges in it*
ScrapMan: 🥵🥵🥵
This game seems relatively realistic… I can say that in real life, flat spots, where the shells can hit the armor perpendicularly are (generally) the weakest spots. Since it’s not angled, “effective” thickness is not applicable, it now comes down to raw armor thickness.
The gun mantlet, generally, has pretty thick armor as well since it houses the gun. Side and rear armor are generally the weakest, since A. They are frequently not as sloped as the front is and B. Typically you would face a tanks head-on, and keep the enemy in front of you.
However these rules can be broken easily, and you can create a tank that is highly effective in certain situations.
The armor profile of a tank is always changing if you or the enemy is moving. Any movement from either tank changes the angle of their armor - changing the shell’s angle of attack thus changing the effective armor thickness. If one tank (facing you head on) turns to the right say 20 degrees, its side armor would in theory be thicker than if the tank was turned at 70 degrees. The steeper the armor angle, the more effective the armor is, since the shell would have to push more armor out of its way. That’s also what causes shells to bounce. Example: a car hitting a wall head on is more likely to go through the wall whereas if it approached the wall at an angle, it would be more likely to deflect, bounce off at an angle. But if the wall is too thick, it doesn’t matter how you hit it, you would need a heavier/faster car (bigger gun) to go through it. Some tanks just don’t have armor, so the previous example isn’t really applicable to them.
Lastly, just to clarify, I generally see tanks in three ways (Shout out to my world of tanks gamers):
- Light tanks: low armor (easy penetration) better maneuverability
- Medium Tanks: average armor, average maneuverability
- Heavy tanks: thick armor, poor maneuverability
*effective armor thickness is most prevalent on heavy tanks. Light tanks typically don’t have enough armor to deflect shells in the first place no matter how it’s angled
Hope it helps! And if anyone has a critiqued feel free to chime in!
So scrapman, let me give you a few tips on building the motor and transmission of your tanks
For engine the three settings (heavy, medium, and light) are basically presets you can go off of and they set certain restrictions, the heavy engine can have up to 16 cylinders, the medium has a maximum of 12 or 10 I think and the light has a maximum of 10 or 8
Displacement is the size of your pistons, the bigger they are means the bigger your overall motor needs to be in order to compensate for the size of the pistons, bigger pistons give you more power the bigger they get. ALSO since your overall motor (and transmission the more gears you add) gets bigger you MUST keep your eyes on internal space because the motor gets pretty big when you don't pay attention
Now for transmission, you can add lots of gears to your tank or take away some, the higher the ratio the faster you accelerate bit the slower your top speed, the lower the ratio the higher your top speed is but the slower your acceleration is.
That's all the information I really have, and hope you found this useful, great video.
Ive been hearing a lot about this game.
Awesome video
*Freely to create but limited by actions of use*
-Scrapman 2021
*Most informative saying ever*
As a tank fanatic who also plays world of tanks, I can tell you that doorstops for tanks are effective. And as for ammo, AP is Armor Piercing, and APHE is Armor Piercing High Explosive.
I'm WOT player with over 11000 wars career. ID: Pak_10. I was always thinking of a design like this but the edges are not like my idea, the steep edges should be curved and turret width should be equal to edges of top body.
Well Scrap Man made a wedge tank, other people call it UDES series :)
I personally like the idea of building your own tanks.
Hypothetically speaking could I maybe build one in irl hypothetically
Bruh I thought you was judo
More episodes pls but I highly recommend you research a bit on tanks for construction tips and/or play world of tanks to give ya a better idea on where to hit.
also war thunder
Nah, War Thunder is more realistic for tanks. The only problem is that you get Gajined in it sometimes.
The weak parts of a tank are their underbelly, their space between the body and the turret, and the back
Wedge gang approved
Im so happy you finally did a video on sprocket, I've always thought this would be a perfect game for you to play.
This game looks sick plus its wedge gang approved
This is some serious tank engineering...
- How many customizable parameters you want?
- Yes.
still theres not enough for me!!
Btw the reason why you kept dying was becasue the tanks on the hill where above you there for making your front plate on the hull flat
I think it was his turret ring
@@yayeetmeoffacliff4708 not really it is hard to hit that while being above it
@@Cookiechipy the AI literally has aimbot on the move, also his turret ring was pretty large
@@yayeetmeoffacliff4708 true
The fire spewing out is not when you kill them your kills appear in the top right of the screen, that us when you hit their amo storage.
That us when
Just a heads up I'm pretty sure scenarios are the campaign type thing sicne they have their own names and objectives and railyway was one of the hardest since it's almost at the bottom I'd guess the higher ones have like 1 - 2 tanks instead of 5.
Not necessarily crossroads is quite hard and there is only one tank
@@rocketdoof1398 hm idk it was all just speculation since I don't own the game nor have I ever heard of it but what are you reffering to exactly? That it's one tank but still hard or that it's hard but still wuite far up the list since my point was that scrapman picked a level very far down the list
Nope, their order is dependent on the technical era of the time, so the first one is ww1 and the last one is cold war era, but hardness has nothing to do with them. For example when i first played i could complete all the levels first try exept the first one, because ww1 engines were so bad my tank couldnt even move. Of course i got the hang of it, but it took some time.
@@-FARKI ah ok thx!
@@Asumji yeah the first one is a pain if you dont know everything about optimizing a tank with no technology
your wedge bounced ALL the shots. wedge gang!
this is a first look for you im proud
Please keep on playing this game
Niceeee scrapman finally playing this game and I know this game reminds you the hank tank
Please do more.
I love it.
this video just shows that scrapman dusnt really know mutch about tank combat but like that matters just haveing fun is alot better than knowing everything
having steeper angles also increases the effective thickness of the armour. because its angles it has to pass through more armour.
im pretty sure it also takes more energy to penetrate angled armour but i am not sure
The wedge tank is SO AERODYNAMIC it can act as a wing or better yet, it can fly
I was having a pretty bad day but then I saw you uploaded😁😁😁
you introduced another game on the channel.. *but wedge gang goes everywhere you go*
makes giga wedge tank!
Greetings from the War Thunder and World of Tanks community!
i feel like if you haven't played games like war thunder a lot of people don't understand very well that the caliber dosent help your penetration like the sherman usually had a 75 mm gun and it stil had a lot of penetration and the shell length improves velocity and penetration because it travels faster.
great vid tho.
this game looks nice please play it more please :)
Nice, this rotatin cross is where your shell going to land so use it.
9:50 He's learning the power of the hatch.
omg i have been wait for ages great video man
This is the first guy i sub to
I'm so glad you found this game; the first time I saw it I immediately thought of ScrapMan. A little tip to increase the possibility of some ridiculous tank actually working is to beef up the engine as much as possible and make sure the rpm limit is below the max rpm of the engine to avoid overspeed and get a lot of gears. It took me several hours to get the hang of gearing, but for twin transmission you need a lot of gears to let the tank move effectively across rough terrain. Well anyways, that's my advice; hope to see more of this in the future!
next do a tank that has either all the values at max or at minimum!
Yeah like heaviest tank in the world or like make a tank with no armour
the game looks fun make more episodes!
The ammo settings is for how shells you want in the turret or the hull he is high explosive ap is armor penetrating and obviously add the two together and you have APHE
Camodo gaming would love this
I have had this game since September and first found out yesterday how to slant the overhang
Because I spend my time shaping by pull the hull
Also a tip look top right there is a number saying how many tanks you get, usually 75 tons is max budget
There is currently a bug telling you that you have 10 tanks when play the scenario, bottom right when playing
Builds a tank with great armor from the front, continues to show broadside.
Scrapman and tanks, this us gonna be fun, VERYYYY fun
Actually u can have allies, but u need smaller tank to get more allies
Half a year and 64 days of asking scrapman to do : we searched for "normal" on the workshop for perfectly normal
Even I know you are lying about the days
Sheesh you post 646 comments
@@tylanpiret95 what
@@RotexBlades 669
@@adibbarrirulyanto736 °o° °o° °o°
Tip: go for the sides of tanks, they are much less armored then the front
Oh my god i was waiting for this thank you
I'm going to have to get this game, I love tanks
Yess I can't wait to see scrapmen playing sprocket it's like a dream come true!
And please don't stop playing this game
Put the driver sight In the middle or the place where you have th most armor
We need more of this
Just a useful fact the smaller and lighter your tank the more tanks on your team u get
now this is a challege for brick gang
YES! Please do more!
As the scrapman community we want to see you try to make a tank with multiple turrets :D
Nice to see Scrapman try something I suggested in comments
I really liked this game and the wedge tank!
There is a weight limit in the scenarios and if you are blow it you will have multiple tanks on your side but since you made a massive tank you could only have one tank on your side
*The Department of Defense thanks you for the data.*
yes he finally play's this game!!!
What a wonderful video!
make a boat train… it’s exactly what is sounds like…
a floating train
Hi again
You can do that in sprocket with paneling and pain, trust me im in the official discord (for sprocket) with close to the same name
Persun how would that work
Persun how would that work
I wish theyd build this into a full multiplayer game think if you could have world of tanks but ALL custom designed itd be epic!!
tried and true, this was a design i made a month ago, or very close to it, i called it the Diamond Class Heavy Tank. Maximum armor, nothing got through the front 1500 effective mm of armor.
for armor, red is very great, it means your tonk is stronk
I just had an epiphany, I think the reason why scrapman won't play minecraft (except for when he did during his april fools joke) is because minecraft doesn't have wedges, it's literally a game about bricks (blocks)
I just blew my own mind... Welp Bye
no it has stairs
@@emojiiplays2467 yeah but it's not exactly wedges
This game is really awesome.
Have you ever seen the HSTV-L? It is a real-life tank that looks like that!
Yes, we want a series!!!
I wonder if you can make a casemate on this game. If so that would be a cool video to watch.
So as some have said, the lower half of the tank is usually the spot you shoot. If you fire at the turret, make sure to shoot it in the side. A lot of tanks will be really protected on the front of both turret, and chassis. However, wedges in tank designs are quite superb. Ha suck on that Churchill!
Also pet peeve, but most call treads>tracks. I may just be nitpicking. If you like big guns, check out the German heavy tanks and any tank destroyer.