Td jakes ain’t a Christian. That why he walk with the world. We that are in God have to not take people just because they say they are a Christian 1 John 4v 1-3 beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirit he is moadalizm that do t believe in Jesus although he say his name and he has not been born again
Celebrity Pastors are really “CELEBRITY PIMPIN.” They are not for souls but for money and until people demand that this stop, stop going to their churches, purchasing their merchandise and GIVING to their ministry this will continue. People have to want to study about God and love Him to the point where they want to know the Lord for themselves instead of wanting to know the Lord because they are told He will give them money and other riches. God is about riches of the heart and not the pocket.
There should be no labels as celebrity pastors. Once they reach that level of wanting elders of the church need to self check. We are under Judgement and need to seek GODS word. Revisit how The Most High corrects his flock on a regular.
T.D. Jakes is preaching another Christ and a Lawless Gospel so his association with Diddy should come as no surprise with those who have Spiritual eyes and can see past the Wordly spin on things.
No T.D. Jakes not, have you ever sit and listen to the man Preach? Jesus came to save the Lost, all he did was run with sinners, teaching them the way to live.
@TheCatoFamily... Yes. I tried to listen to him preach for years but that clear signal is my head (that shouts, "DANGER") just keep going on. He's been creepy to me (spiritually) for years and I thank God that He is beginning to expose WHY! I hope he will take the opportunity to confess, repent, step down and retire. Before he brings more shame to The Name of Jesus.
@@motherofthreeb6337 I stay in it daily, and I have learned to try the spirit by the spirit. I have never heard him preach another Gospel. the world is so quick to judge at times we don't see that we are the Pharisees. The same people that Jesus died for. if we see fault in anyone we pray for that person. he who has no sin, cast the first stone. let's not be quick to judge cause its trending.
T.D. Jakes sought out the persona of Diddy as much as Diddy sought out being in Jakes company! Jakes is not innocent in all of this! They were using each other!
From the past years, till now I believe the Lord is truly exposing the bad shepherds and their selfish ways including IHOP KC, Fellowship Monrovia, Albert Tate, Willow Creek, Bill Hybels, Hillsong, TD Jakes, of course, etc. etc. we must pray for our pastors because they are so vulnerable to the enemies ways pray for your pastors, but also keep them accountable. Make sure that the elders and the board are actually legitimate People who will keep the pastor accountable because that’s not what happened at my old church Fellowship Monrovia it was a disaster and this pastor did whatever he wanted to do and only had yes people around him, due to a sexual inappropriate text we begin to find not only this but financial mismanagement as well, sexual harassment, etc. wretched!
If a person is supposed to be SPIRITUAL and a Leader of Sheep U mean to tell me during times of seeking God Allegedly, they can't pick up from God " This is company U shouldn't keep" Once a again Shepherds who accept the Call ( many are called few are chosen) should possess a certain level of DISCERNMENT, this is something hopefully U teach the Sheep? Naw Fam hate to be the Bearer of Bad News the fruit here is showing Saul behavior (Ichobod) the Glory has already departed & there is more to cone I'm coming hard cuz as a Single woman I run a type ship w/ my flesh I don't entertain men in my home or theirs either, cuz if attraction is there eventually a Slipping is Inevitable, Thank U Myles Monroe for that Word🤣🤣🤣🙏🏽
SPIRITUAL? Whatever do you mean? Even Satan is a spiritual being, we all are. Church leaders/pastors should be called to shepherd by God, not self-declared.
Please do not act like TD Jakes did not know what P. Diddy was about. All the allegations against TD Jakes that have come from young men, everyone cannot be lying. At this time it doesn’t matter about his church, what matters is he goes into repentance, and make it right with Jesus Christ before he is judged
I don't understand what is meant when folks talk about being Spiritual vs Religious. We are all spiritual beings, including Satan. True believer needs to ask for discernment. Not everyone, including "celebrity" pastors, has been called to serve or lead by God.
1 John 2:16-17 For all that is in the world the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. Same ol' same ol'.
In the final tally of things.. I judge TD Jakes actually as a false prophet not so much for what he teaches but for what he doesn't say he never preaches on biblical morality are the full Council of the word of God it's always this word of faith self-improvement self-enhancement what is in it for me thing. TD Jakes says a lot of things but if you listen he's always saying the same thing over and over again.. simply put the me message
Or Hell, or a final judgement in any real way. It’s mostly a “Prosperity gospel” that pushes people to manifest affirming words of faith that they are good enough, God hyper cares for their wants/desires, that they can speak their desires to be rich, famous, healthy, etc.
That's the way it should be anyway. Jesus never rode around on a high horse. He rode atop a donkey, wore simple robes, and focused his attention on the common individual and made them extraordinary. He knew who needed what and when.
How can non profit status in any way shape or form honor God when it effectively neuters the Church from playing offense in the culture as the “pastors” worry about what they can and cannot say and do because that could have a detrimental effect on the “churching” business model. Is this not completely disobedient to Christ who commanded those who would follow Him to carry their cross? How does not giving Ceasar his coin honor God? A real church wouldn’t pay much if any tax anyway because most of the proceeds would go to charity. Easy believism leading sheep to slaughter. Sigh….
The relationship was formed to benefit the both of them. It just went left instead of the way they wanted it to go. Clearly there was no discernment here
So sad... The Holy Spirit is attempting to reveal ACTUAL SIN. TD Jakes isn't in trouble because if WHO he was "hanging out with" but WHAT he was doing!! Nothing here has anything to do with Cassie or negative publicity. Instead, it is painfully obvious that TD Jakes has some hidden SIN issues for which he needs to confess and repent of. I listen to this (and the "approaching" narrative) and just shake my head. I HAVE NEVER HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH PUFF but knew some of the terrible things he was about. You thinking that TD Jakes didn't know (when I watched a video of black men in a barbershop discussing it almost 8 years ago) just goes to show how deeply Satan is involved in all of this. Remain in the deception. Keep misleading people that TD Jakes is innocent and/or did not know. 🙄 I thank You, Holy Spirit, that You are the Revealer of all that is hidden. For Your Names sake, let it all come out. When You are done, may no one be deceived as to the judgement that is beginning to take place "in The House of The Lord. And Father, please forgive us of our gross ignorance." In Jesus' Name, Amen
Jakes knew. There are videos and pictures of him at Diddy's parties. Please need to wake up and making reasons and excuses why he's on the list.
I do not agree that TD Jake's was ignorant to what Diddy was doing. He may have not known everything to the full degree but if he didn't realize he was dealing with evil, I'm not sure about him being a pastor. Just my opinion, does not mean I'm correct.
I have watched this man for years,his ministry had quite an impact on the body of Christ...However as time has evolved, so has Jakes. When he aligned himself with Oprah...The one who believes there are many ways to God...Then he started producing movies...I was Appalled as a Believer the substance of his movies they are Racists, and Hard R at best.....Then he has an interview with Lamont Hill, and tells us he is Evolving..That he thinks LGBT bunch should find a Church that fits their beliefs .. I'm sorry, but this man has completely derailed, and Needs To Repent and Sit Down..He has no right Being a Leader In the Body of Christ..." I have set Life And Death before you, I would that you CHOOSE Life... It Looks to me he made a Choice....and It wasn't for God.. "Whosoever transgresses and abides Not in the Doctrine of Christ, has not God.He that abides in the Doctrine of Christ he has both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring Not this Doctrine, receive him NOT into your house, neither bid him Gods speed For he that bids him God Speed is a partaker of his Evil deeds. 2nd John: 9-11 There shall arise False Christ's, and false Prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very "ELECT" Matt:24:24 JESUS IS LORD
"You cannot serve two masters...". Every pastor knows the script but few actually "believe" it. Modern day pastors are nothing but "hierlings" for the most part. Mo money!!! So sad..but true.
Jakes can influence the rich and famous. Where Jakes erred was attending parties hosted by Sean Combs and using celebrities like Sean Combs, Oprah Winfrey and Tyler for his own financial gain. Jakes greed for the things of the world caused this controversy and he has no one but himself to blame. The bible says seek you first the Kingdom of God. You can only seek one Kingdom. However, I do believe Jakes learned a valuable lesson in this. He doesn't have to repent to us. Jakes has to repent to Christ. I am not cancelling anyone that God has died for.
We the People give these so-called Pastor too much credit over us all. When we look at these folks as more than flesh and bone like ourselves, then that is when we lose reality. I don't get caught up in these titles cause at the end of the day he or she will die just like me. I don't give a man that kinda power over myself. I can think for myself.
Amen! It’s a beautiful passage. Very applicable when discerning treacherous shepherds. But also refreshing that God deeply cares and loves his sheep. He truly is the good Shepherd!
GOD is NOT money and your riches is NOT going to get you to Heaven. Diddy and Jake’s are two MONEY demons playing with GOD!! ………Gain the world …..lose your soul. That’s real life😢😢😢
No pastors better do house calls. I hope y’all pastor never enter the home of a “sinner”. Remember how you judge others will be the same way you will be judged.
I was just thinking yesterday that I've not been in church for 8 years not because I fell backwards no Im still a Christian I believe that Pastors should work 40 hrs a week just like the rest of us and the church shouldn't pay them a salary
Listen Jesus was a fisherman he came from a working family he was God so don't tell me that Pastors and preachers cannot work or have jobs they chose not too because their churches are paying them some of which are being paid millions of dollars so yes they need to find jobs like the rest of us because they're not the only ones running the church and not the only ones doing all the work.
@@phyhau4218 oh no. I agree preacher can work. I just was speaking more to the idea that pastors don’t work. Like they just sit around all day and read the Bible. Mega church Pastor is making millions is a whole different discussion. At least for me. That’s why I said done correctly . Appreciate the response.
we all should look to Jesus our perfect example. we need to pray for each other and lift each other up. we shouldnt be "excited" or too ready to report other people's mistakes or downfall. lets be each other's keepers. May the Lord guide us in our walk with him always as we strive to be more like him every moment.
This host is being disingenuous. T. D. Jake's has knowingly participated with Diddy. In these party's. Where all types of sexual debauchery goes on. To make it seem as if T. D. Jake's was clueless, is a lie
@@churchdropout no all. I will say most go into it for right reason but many realize it is a business and profit but it is the best business in America to get rich. Churches, charities, non- profits, use this as a tax shelter and when you don’t have to pay taxes and the government is scared to touch churches, you can divert a lot of money.
So sad... The Holy Spirit is attempting to reveal ACTUAL SIN. TD Jakes isn't in trouble because if WHO he was "hanging out with" but WHAT he was doing!! Nothing here has anything to do with Cassie or negative publicity. Instead, it is painfully obvious that TD Jakes has some hidden SIN issues for which he needs to confess and repent of. I listen to this (and the "approaching" narrative) and just shake my head. I HAVE NEVER HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH PUFF but knew some of the terrible things he was about. You thinking that TD Jakes didn't know (when I watched a video of black men in a barbershop discussing it almost 8 years ago) just goes to show how deeply Satan is involved in all of this. Remain in the deception. Keep misleading people that TD Jakes is innocent and/or did not know. 🙄 I thank You, Holy Spirit, that You are the Revealer of all that is hidden. For Your Names sake, let it all come out. When You are done, may no one be deceived as to the judgement that is beginning to take place "in The House of The Lord. And Father, please forgive us of our gross ignorance." In Jesus' Name, Amen
THE ALMIGHTY GOD is revealing sins among Christians. His anger is against Christians & more to come. Christianity is Anti-CHRIST. Christianity is THE WORD without THE SPIRIT, it is Treacherous which means it is without The Power OF GOD. The Kingdom OF GOD is not about words, but Power. Christianity is of satan.
Pastors and Christians should be walking with God not the world!
Td jakes ain’t a Christian. That why he walk with the world. We that are in God have to not take people just because they say they are a Christian 1 John 4v 1-3 beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirit he is moadalizm that do t believe in Jesus although he say his name and he has not been born again
@@Rumblealsojennings2929 is that what Jesus did? who you think Jesus walked with?
@@AsWeGrow-101td jakes has Madea energy.
And them REAL EVIL ones are NOT walking, and CERTAINLY NOT PARTYING, with no REAL HOLY GHOST FILLED folks.
@@AsWeGrow-101 Ministering is NOT PARTYING or don't you know the difference?
Celebrity Pastors are really “CELEBRITY PIMPIN.” They are not for souls but for money and until people demand that this stop, stop going to their churches, purchasing their merchandise and GIVING to their ministry this will continue. People have to want to study about God and love Him to the point where they want to know the Lord for themselves instead of wanting to know the Lord because they are told He will give them money and other riches. God is about riches of the heart and not the pocket.
There should be no labels as celebrity pastors. Once they reach that level of wanting elders of the church need to self check. We are under Judgement and need to seek GODS word. Revisit how The Most High corrects his flock on a regular.
T.D. Jakes is preaching another Christ and a Lawless Gospel so his association with Diddy should come as no surprise with those who have Spiritual eyes and can see past the Wordly spin on things.
No T.D. Jakes not, have you ever sit and listen to the man Preach? Jesus came to save the Lost, all he did was run with sinners, teaching them the way to live.
Yes, he preaches another gospel! Have you read the Bible?
@YAHsaves777... Amen!
@TheCatoFamily... Yes. I tried to listen to him preach for years but that clear signal is my head (that shouts, "DANGER") just keep going on.
He's been creepy to me (spiritually) for years and I thank God that He is beginning to expose WHY!
I hope he will take the opportunity to confess, repent, step down and retire.
Before he brings more shame to The Name of Jesus.
@@motherofthreeb6337 I stay in it daily, and I have learned to try the spirit by the spirit.
I have never heard him preach another Gospel. the world is so quick to judge at times we don't see that we are the Pharisees. The same people that Jesus died for.
if we see fault in anyone we pray for that person. he who has no sin, cast the first stone.
let's not be quick to judge cause its trending.
T.D. Jakes sought out the persona of Diddy as much as Diddy sought out being in Jakes company! Jakes is not innocent in all of this! They were using each other!
Great observation
From the past years, till now I believe the Lord is truly exposing the bad shepherds and their selfish ways including IHOP KC, Fellowship Monrovia, Albert Tate, Willow Creek, Bill Hybels, Hillsong, TD Jakes, of course, etc. etc. we must pray for our pastors because they are so vulnerable to the enemies ways pray for your pastors, but also keep them accountable. Make sure that the elders and the board are actually legitimate People who will keep the pastor accountable because that’s not what happened at my old church Fellowship Monrovia it was a disaster and this pastor did whatever he wanted to do and only had yes people around him, due to a sexual inappropriate text we begin to find not only this but financial mismanagement as well, sexual harassment, etc. wretched!
The concept of us subscribing to a god that relies on the words of man has failed us all
What Fellowship Has Light with The Darkness ?
If a person is supposed to be SPIRITUAL and a Leader of Sheep U mean to tell me during times of seeking God Allegedly, they can't pick up from God " This is company U shouldn't keep" Once a again Shepherds who accept the Call ( many are called few are chosen) should possess a certain level of DISCERNMENT, this is something hopefully U teach the Sheep? Naw Fam hate to be the Bearer of Bad News the fruit here is showing Saul behavior (Ichobod) the Glory has already departed & there is more to cone I'm coming hard cuz as a Single woman I run a type ship w/ my flesh I don't entertain men in my home or theirs either, cuz if attraction is there eventually a Slipping is Inevitable, Thank U Myles Monroe for that Word🤣🤣🤣🙏🏽
SPIRITUAL? Whatever do you mean? Even Satan is a spiritual being, we all are. Church leaders/pastors should be called to shepherd by God, not self-declared.
Please do not act like TD Jakes did not know what P. Diddy was about. All the allegations against TD Jakes that have come from young men, everyone cannot be lying. At this time it doesn’t matter about his church, what matters is he goes into repentance, and make it right with Jesus Christ before he is judged
Sadly, Jakes isn’t the only one…many other fakes out there!
🔥 clean, biblical, encouraging... easy to follow
I believe TD Jakes has a little sugar in his tank!!!
I don't understand what is meant when folks talk about being Spiritual vs Religious. We are all spiritual beings, including Satan. True believer needs to ask for discernment. Not everyone, including "celebrity" pastors, has been called to serve or lead by God.
Pastors are to equip the saints
Very nice and pro delivery in this podcast. May The Lord bless your reach and influence for the glory of His Kingdom.
Much appreciated!
1 John 2:16-17
For all that is in the world the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. Same ol' same ol'.
Your cinematography and audio is perfect. 🙏🏿
Thank you!!
The Bible said " Don 't let your good be evil spoken of"
In the final tally of things..
I judge TD Jakes actually as a false prophet not so much for what he teaches but for what he doesn't say he never preaches on biblical morality are the full Council of the word of God it's always this word of faith self-improvement self-enhancement what is in it for me thing. TD Jakes says a lot of things but if you listen he's always saying the same thing over and over again.. simply put the me message
Well said, I often thought the same thing.....never preaches against sin! If he does its more in a generic sense.
Or Hell, or a final judgement in any real way.
It’s mostly a “Prosperity gospel” that pushes people to manifest affirming words of faith that they are good enough, God hyper cares for their wants/desires, that they can speak their desires to be rich, famous, healthy, etc.
A trusted man of God was told recently that this was the year that 'pastors' need to get a job to support themselves.
That's the way it should be anyway. Jesus never rode around on a high horse. He rode atop a donkey, wore simple robes, and focused his attention on the common individual and made them extraordinary. He knew who needed what and when.
They got the "wake-up" call ages ago 😎
Man you telling the truth!
Saints , turn off the TV and TV Churches , find a real church , there is a real Pastor that needs you
How can non profit status in any way shape or form honor God when it effectively neuters the Church from playing offense in the culture as the “pastors” worry about what they can and cannot say and do because that could have a detrimental effect on the “churching” business model. Is this not completely disobedient to Christ who commanded those who would follow Him to carry their cross? How does not giving Ceasar his coin honor God? A real church wouldn’t pay much if any tax anyway because most of the proceeds would go to charity. Easy believism leading sheep to slaughter. Sigh….
Jakes knows......most people know about P. Diddy's debauchery, don't make excuses for these celebrity pastors, their days are numbered!
The relationship was formed to benefit the both of them. It just went left instead of the way they wanted it to go. Clearly there was no discernment here
These Mega Churches have thousands of professional members to help with this. On staff.
If these people were real pastors, they should know who they are dealing with!!! Pastors are to be the guardians of the flock. This is so repugnant.
So sad...
The Holy Spirit is attempting to reveal ACTUAL SIN. TD Jakes isn't in trouble because if WHO he was "hanging out with" but WHAT he was doing!!
Nothing here has anything to do with Cassie or negative publicity. Instead, it is painfully obvious that TD Jakes has some hidden SIN issues for which he needs to confess and repent of.
I listen to this (and the "approaching" narrative) and just shake my head.
I HAVE NEVER HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH PUFF but knew some of the terrible things he was about.
You thinking that TD Jakes didn't know (when I watched a video of black men in a barbershop discussing it almost 8 years ago) just goes to show how deeply Satan is involved in all of this.
Remain in the deception. Keep misleading people that TD Jakes is innocent and/or did not know. 🙄
I thank You, Holy Spirit, that You are the Revealer of all that is hidden. For Your Names sake, let it all come out. When You are done, may no one be deceived as to the judgement that is beginning to take place "in The House of The Lord.
And Father, please forgive us of our gross ignorance."
In Jesus' Name,
Jakes knew. There are videos and pictures of him at Diddy's parties. Please need to wake up and making reasons and excuses why he's on the list.
Yeah Right!!! 😏😂😂😂
They couldn't come up with a better alibi 🤷🏾♀️😂😂😂
I do not agree that TD Jake's was ignorant to what Diddy was doing. He may have not known everything to the full degree but if he didn't realize he was dealing with evil, I'm not sure about him being a pastor. Just my opinion, does not mean I'm correct.
I agree. I’m trying not to speculate too much. Thanks for the comment.
I have watched this man for years,his ministry had quite an impact on the body of Christ...However as time has evolved, so has Jakes.
When he aligned himself with Oprah...The one who believes there are many ways to God...Then he started producing movies...I was Appalled as a Believer the substance of his movies they are Racists, and Hard R at best.....Then he has an interview with Lamont Hill, and tells us he is Evolving..That he thinks LGBT bunch should find a Church that fits their beliefs ..
I'm sorry, but this man has completely derailed, and Needs To Repent and Sit Down..He has no right Being a Leader In the Body of Christ..." I have set Life And Death before you, I would that you CHOOSE Life...
It Looks to me he made a Choice....and It wasn't for God..
"Whosoever transgresses and abides Not in the Doctrine of Christ, has not God.He that abides in the Doctrine of Christ he has both the Father and the Son.
If there come any unto you, and bring Not this Doctrine, receive him NOT into your house, neither bid him Gods speed
For he that bids him God Speed is a partaker of his Evil deeds.
2nd John: 9-11
There shall arise False Christ's, and false Prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very "ELECT" Matt:24:24
Let’s not forget attending Diddy’s parties there are actual videos of him there and talking into the camera smh
Absolutely correct
These channels, all of them not just this one, say, "conversation" - when they should be saying 'presentation'. Ain't NOT NO conversing going on!
Celebrity and pastor should not even be named in the same sentence
T.D. Cheeks is a grifter. And a false teacher
Listen to the man Preach, before you call someone false
@@AsWeGrow-101 I have he preaches the prosperity Gospel. He mocks G_D
@TheCatoFamily you mean motivational speaking, not preaching..?!
"You cannot serve two masters...". Every pastor knows the script but few actually "believe" it. Modern day pastors are nothing but "hierlings" for the most part. Mo money!!! So sad..but true.
I partially agree. Some not all.
Jakes can influence the rich and famous. Where Jakes erred was attending parties hosted by Sean Combs and using celebrities like Sean Combs, Oprah Winfrey and Tyler for his own financial gain. Jakes greed for the things of the world caused this controversy and he has no one but himself to blame. The bible says seek you first the Kingdom of God. You can only seek one Kingdom. However, I do believe Jakes learned a valuable lesson in this. He doesn't have to repent to us. Jakes has to repent to Christ. I am not cancelling anyone that God has died for.
We the People give these so-called Pastor too much credit over us all. When we look at these folks as more than flesh and bone like ourselves, then that is when we lose reality. I don't get caught up in these titles cause at the end of the day he or she will die just like me. I don't give a man that kinda power over myself. I can think for myself.
You can’t exist in dichotomy roles and inherent the privilege of Kingdom of God.
What do you make of Ezekiel 34?
Amen! It’s a beautiful passage. Very applicable when discerning treacherous shepherds. But also refreshing that God deeply cares and loves his sheep. He truly is the good Shepherd!
@@churchdropout we gather at the meal.
Jakes denies the trinity, what more of a wake up call does a person need?!?!? He never should’ve been supported by any believer
The Mega Church Pastors have gone the way of Solomon. Solomon was a warning, he got caught up in the world as well, hence Ecclesiastes.
Seems T.D. Jakes is devoid of Spiritual discernment..
GOD is NOT money and your riches is NOT going to get you to Heaven. Diddy and Jake’s are two MONEY demons playing with GOD!! ………Gain the world …..lose your soul. That’s real life😢😢😢
Christopher Wray
If TDJakes is a “true man of God”, he would have had the “discernment” and could never slide by saying : “maybe he didn’t know….” 🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️
True. He doesn’t get a pass. But we don’t know what he knows yet. Lol
What do you konw about celebrity pastors, ser if we would serve our communities first we wouldn't be in this state.
Does T. D. Jake's still have the Holy Spirit To lead and guide him.?
Not sure. This warning is for those that do.
No pastors better do house calls. I hope y’all pastor never enter the home of a “sinner”. Remember how you judge others will be the same way you will be judged.
Not sure I understand.
I was just thinking yesterday that I've not been in church for 8 years not because I fell backwards no Im still a Christian I believe that Pastors should work 40 hrs a week just like the rest of us and the church shouldn't pay them a salary
So how would they feed their family? Work 80 hours a week a have additional full time career? Would you do that?
I understand the sentiment but despite the poor examples we have Pastoring is very difficult when lived correctly.
Listen Jesus was a fisherman he came from a working family he was God so don't tell me that Pastors and preachers cannot work or have jobs they chose not too because their churches are paying them some of which are being paid millions of dollars so yes they need to find jobs like the rest of us because they're not the only ones running the church and not the only ones doing all the work.
@@phyhau4218 oh no. I agree preacher can work. I just was speaking more to the idea that pastors don’t work. Like they just sit around all day and read the Bible. Mega church Pastor is making millions is a whole different discussion. At least for me. That’s why I said done correctly . Appreciate the response.
we all should look to Jesus our perfect example. we need to pray for each other and lift each other up. we shouldnt be "excited" or too ready to report other people's mistakes or downfall. lets be each other's keepers. May the Lord guide us in our walk with him always as we strive to be more like him every moment.
These men no nothing about Jesus Christ who's God Almighty, they use his name in all there dirty work to get rich that's all
This host is being disingenuous. T. D. Jake's has knowingly participated with Diddy. In these party's. Where all types of sexual debauchery goes on. To make it seem as if T. D. Jake's was clueless, is a lie
Kat Williams said td jacks knew…so I believe him. TD is not a real pastor
Jakes love money and he knew what combes its all about
T. D. Jakes Net Worth - $20 million. Bruh🤦🏻♀️
I believe you. What good does it do to profit the world and lose your soul…
@@churchdropout Amen!
Wake up people church is a business and it is the best business in America to get rich. 501.3c No taxes!
@@churchdropout no all. I will say most go into it for right reason but many realize it is a business and profit but it is the best business in America to get rich. Churches, charities, non- profits, use this as a tax shelter and when you don’t have to pay taxes and the government is scared to touch churches, you can divert a lot of money.
Your view is unrealistic!
But who still believes TD jakes
Friends with the world make you an Enemy Of God!
Church Dropout?
Yes 😊
It's so funny when the Blood cult tries to expose the Blood cult. Hilarious !
So sad...
The Holy Spirit is attempting to reveal ACTUAL SIN. TD Jakes isn't in trouble because if WHO he was "hanging out with" but WHAT he was doing!!
Nothing here has anything to do with Cassie or negative publicity. Instead, it is painfully obvious that TD Jakes has some hidden SIN issues for which he needs to confess and repent of.
I listen to this (and the "approaching" narrative) and just shake my head.
I HAVE NEVER HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH PUFF but knew some of the terrible things he was about.
You thinking that TD Jakes didn't know (when I watched a video of black men in a barbershop discussing it almost 8 years ago) just goes to show how deeply Satan is involved in all of this.
Remain in the deception. Keep misleading people that TD Jakes is innocent and/or did not know. 🙄
I thank You, Holy Spirit, that You are the Revealer of all that is hidden. For Your Names sake, let it all come out. When You are done, may no one be deceived as to the judgement that is beginning to take place "in The House of The Lord.
And Father, please forgive us of our gross ignorance."
In Jesus' Name,
THE ALMIGHTY GOD is revealing sins among Christians. His anger is against Christians & more to come. Christianity is Anti-CHRIST. Christianity is THE WORD without THE SPIRIT, it is Treacherous which means it is without The Power OF GOD. The Kingdom OF GOD is not about words, but Power. Christianity is of satan.
What has TD Jake’s done?