Well, I use aircraft hardware, and it's all fine-threaded. Instead of 10-24, I use quite a bit of 10-32. Also, I think you said in the video that you don't need the lock nut. So hardware doesn't back out of these things under vibration? If I were using them, I'd probably use a little loctite. For $22, I think I'll just stick to pulling the panel off when I need to get behind it with a wrench.
The bolt slots are just asking to be sized for T Nuts. That brings the price of the nut 20-30X cheaper. I believe the width of the slot on my custom build is around .375, and that fits a 3030 t nut well.
A nut could be used on the backside of the MOLLE nut if you wanted to use it as a 'jam nut' to prevent loosening if that's a concern. We haven't had any issues. A washer can also be used depending on what you're attaching. We usually use (and provide) flanged hardware which for our purposes is often just fine without a washer. We do provide washers in the kit, though.
If they were just 'nuts' we'd send you to Home Depot! These are CNC machined from stainless steel, passivated and laser engraved. They seem simple but there's a lot involved!
Molle nuts? Your nuts, so get you a can of deez nuts and you’ll see just how good this thing is behind the seat. I get lots of compliments when people get in my rig. Getting the rifle in and out of the rubber clamps isn’t a quick draw competition. Getting it in (rifle) is slower than taking it out but still can be difficult. But my aim was to have a good transport system which is what it excels at.
Why in the world wouldn’t these be made symmetrical so you can fit the nut into both sides of the slot? With this design you can’t have the smaller threads line up left and right.. lmao
Not entirely sure I understand the comment but these are asymmetrical so that they can slide from side to side in the slot, offering maximum adjustability. What are you trying to accomplish that you can't?
Using them to install my water container on my class B Molle Panel. Thanks for the great product and information!
You should offer blanks as well. The end user can drill and tap their own hole(s) where they choose.
Interesting - we'll add that to a lit of products/ideas that we revisit when we have gaps in product development!
Well, I use aircraft hardware, and it's all fine-threaded. Instead of 10-24, I use quite a bit of 10-32. Also, I think you said in the video that you don't need the lock nut. So hardware doesn't back out of these things under vibration? If I were using them, I'd probably use a little loctite. For $22, I think I'll just stick to pulling the panel off when I need to get behind it with a wrench.
Will these work with the Putco molle panels?
Will it only fit with builtright molle panel or universal?
Hi! Will this fit into the Rago Fabrication molle panels?
The bolt slots are just asking to be sized for T Nuts. That brings the price of the nut 20-30X cheaper. I believe the width of the slot on my custom build is around .375, and that fits a 3030 t nut well.
You’re exactly right and we’ve got specialty drop-in nuts coming soon!
In both demonstrations, you didn't use a nut nor a washer. Are they not needed?
A nut could be used on the backside of the MOLLE nut if you wanted to use it as a 'jam nut' to prevent loosening if that's a concern. We haven't had any issues. A washer can also be used depending on what you're attaching. We usually use (and provide) flanged hardware which for our purposes is often just fine without a washer. We do provide washers in the kit, though.
Cool product. But .... $22 plus shipping and handling for 4 nuts???
If they were just 'nuts' we'd send you to Home Depot! These are CNC machined from stainless steel, passivated and laser engraved. They seem simple but there's a lot involved!
Molle nuts? Your nuts, so get you a can of deez nuts and you’ll see just how good this thing is behind the seat. I get lots of compliments when people get in my rig. Getting the rifle in and out of the rubber clamps isn’t a quick draw competition. Getting it in (rifle) is slower than taking it out but still can be difficult. But my aim was to have a good transport system which is what it excels at.
Why in the world wouldn’t these be made symmetrical so you can fit the nut into both sides of the slot? With this design you can’t have the smaller threads line up left and right.. lmao
Not entirely sure I understand the comment but these are asymmetrical so that they can slide from side to side in the slot, offering maximum adjustability. What are you trying to accomplish that you can't?