History of the Church (1st-5th Century) - Full-length Documentary | Church History

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • In this video, we'll provide a comprehensive look at the church in the 1st century up until the 5th century. We'll take a look at the church's origins, and its early history during Antiquity. When did the Church originate? How was it originated? What were the significant events that occurred for the Church during Antquity?
    Church history is the study of past events, councils, and crises pertaining to the
    Church. We learn about historical events from multiple resources and perspectives.
    For example, we learn about the birth of the early Church from the book of Acts.
    We can learn about the persecuted Church from Roman records - the writings of
    historians such as Josephus as well as the writings of early Church fathers such as
    Ignatius of Antioch.
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КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,6 тис.

  • @TheologyAcademy
    @TheologyAcademy  Рік тому +53

    Watch part two of the Church history series 6th-16th century

    • @bodyer2120
      @bodyer2120 Рік тому +3

      I have been studying early Church history this last while back trying to find out what happened within the Church after the demise of the Apostles up to the time that Christianity was adopted by Constantine for the Roman Empire around 323AD.
      You have done a great job here and gave me a structure to hang the information I have already got and hope to expand on.
      I must say that I'm coming from the position that the Apostles were prophets and received revelation. I also believe other Church leaders would have been entitle to revelation within their realm of responsibility and calling. After all, each received the gift of the Holy Ghost at baptism and one of the roles of the Holy Ghost is to teach and to testify of truth.
      Given what was said at Mars Hill, Colossians 2:8 and Acts 20:29-30, I doubt that the Church that Jesus established existed much longer after Paul died, assuming he was the last Apostle to die or at least one of the last.
      I will research all of those men you mention as I have already done with some that you did to help me get a greater insight into what went on.
      Thanks again.

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 Рік тому +2

      @@bodyer2120 quote---that Jesus established existed much longer after Paul died, assuming he was the last Apostle to die or at least one of the last. --unquote
      John was the last to die.
      St. Paul the Apostle, original name Saul of Tarsus, (born 4 bce?, Tarsus in Cilicia [now in Turkey]-died c. 62-64 ce, Rome [Italy]), one of the leaders of ...
      --John ---------------------John the Apostle
      John the Apostle or Saint John the Beloved was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus according to the New Testament. Generally listed as the youngest apostle, he was the son of Zebedee and Salome. His brother James was another of the Twelve Apostles. Wikipedia
      Born: 11 AD, Bethsaida
      Died: 99 AD
      Place of burial: Basilica Of Saint John, Selçuk, Türkiye
      -----Paul died about 37 years BEFORE St. John.

    • @bodyer2120
      @bodyer2120 Рік тому

      @@mitchellosmer1293 I must have written this in the middle of the night. I don't sleep well.
      Paul was the most active of the Apostles, given his journeys and his letters to the various churches and one of the last to die around 68AD. He had an encounter with Epicurean pagan philosophers at Mars Hill, piqueing their interfering interest as per verse 32 of chapter 17 of Acts. Paul went on to warn the Collosians at 2:8 to beware of vain philosophy. He also met with a group from Ephesus near the end of his life, prophesying that when he was gone(dead) that greivous wolves would enter in not sparing the flock.
      I am interested in information about how quickly these 'wolves' were able to get control of the Church and the influence they had over it.
      Thanks for correcting my laziness but I would appreciate it if you could point me to the information I am looking for if you know of any, thanking you in advance.

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 Рік тому +1

      @@bodyer2120 ---quote---I am interested in information about how quickly these 'wolves' were able to get control of the Church and the influence they had over it.
      Thanks for correcting my laziness but I would appreciate it if you could point me to the information I am looking for if you know of any, thanking you in advance.--unquote--
      by "wolves" you mean what??? I consider them to be the Catholic Popes.--Along with Emporer Constatine
      ----CODEX 16.8.20 The same Augustuses (Honorius and Theodosius) to Johannes, Praetorian Prefect.
      If it should appear that any places are frequented by conventicles of the Jews and are called by the name of synagogues, no one shall dare to violate or to occupy and retain such places, since all
      persons must retain their own property in undisturbed right, with-out any claim of religion or worship.
      1. Moreover, since indeed ancient custom and practice have pre-served for the aforesaid Jewish people the consecrated day of the Sabbath, We also decree that it shall be forbidden that any man of the aforesaid faith should be constrained by any summons on that day, under the pre-text of public or private business, since all the remaining time appears sufficient to satisfy the public laws, and since it is most worthy of the moderation of Our time that the privileges granted should not be violated although sufficient pro-vision appears to have been made with reference to the afore-said matter by general constitutions of earlier Emperors.* (July 26, 412). (Pharr, 469)
      * This law made a reference to earlier “constitutions” (plural) made by other Emperors (plural). At the very least this refers to the decrees of Augustus, Claudius, and perhaps even Constantine. There may have been others which are now lost. This law and the statement which concludes it is further proof that Constantine continued to provide protections for Sabbath observance.
      The Latin from the opening sentence of 16.8.20, section 1 reads: “At cum vero iudaeorum memorato populo sacratum diem sab-bati vetus mos et consuetudo servaverit…”
      The Latin word translated as ‘ancient’ is vetus, and it means for-mer, long-standing, old, aged, or ancient. These Roman rulers recognized that the Jewish people honored the Sabbath from an-cient times. They described the Sabbath using the Latin word ‘sacratum’, which refers to that which is sacred. It refers to some-thing that is intrinsically set apart for religious purposes. The Ro-man peoples began to identify the Biblical Sabbath with the Latin word sacra as early as the first century BC (see Pompeius Trogus, Epitome, 36.2.14; Tibullus, Elegies, 1.3.17-18; Ovid, The Art of Love, 1:3, 1:11 and The Cure for Love, part 3).
      --------Codex Justinianeus
      The Code of Justinian was composed in the 520s/530s AD under the reign of the Roman Emperor Justinian. In it, we find CT
      16.8.20 repeated as 1.9.13, which means that he allowed the same protections as earlier Emperors.
      The Sabbath was protected by Roman rulers as early as Julius Caesar. This custom was retained by most other Emperors until at least Justinian. While these laws specifically grant privileges to Jewish people, these same laws would have been extended to Christians as well.
      As discussed earlier, a vast majority of Christians still honored the Sabbath into the fifth century AD. Eusebius’ comment above about Constantine would also agree with this conclusion, as dis-cussed in Appendix B. Since the second century AD, many teach-ers in the Roman Church labeled the Sabbath a Jewish institution and attempted to lump Sabbath keeping Christians and Jews to-gether. Even groups, such as Arians, that were known to have Sabbath keeping tendencies also were put in the same view as Jewish people.*
      ----Chapter 2
      Sunday Laws (Part 1 of 2)
      As reviewed in the last chapter, the Roman Empire protected Sab-bath observance. On the other hand, the idea of making Sunday a protected day of rest was a nuanced idea.
      The first Sunday civil rest law in history was passed in 321 AD by Constantine. The idea that he passed this law to promote Christianity is far from accurate. Constantine was definitely en-thralled by sun worship. The language in the law supports this as the chief reason for the law being passed.
      One other detail to keep in mind is that Sunday was the second day of the week in the original pagan planetary week. It was not recognized as the first day of the week by Roman law until the 400s AD, which occurred after much influence from the Roman Catholic Church. -(yet the Holy Bible clearly states Christ rose on the First day of the week, which most call Easter Sunday)
      ------Codex Justinius
      3.12.3 (some list as 3.12.2) The Emperor Constantius
      “All Judges and city people and the craftsmen shall rest upon the venerable Day of the Sun. Country people, however, may freely attend to the cultivation of the fields, because it frequently hap-pens that no other days are better adapted for planting the grain in the furrows or the vines in trenches. So that the advantage given by heavenly providence may not for the occasion of a short time perish. 321 AD.” (quoted from Ayers, 284-285)
      The first Sunday law in history was passed by Constantine. In the Latin manuscript of this law, the phrase translated as “venerable day of the sun” is venerabilis dies solis. Constantine’s decree was based upon honoring and esteeming the celestial body we call the sun. The decree did not honor the Hebrew God or Jesus Christ. Notice that no worship is mentioned; it simply declared a civil day of rest.
      This law was not designed to mirror the Biblical Sabbath. Notice that farmers were not allowed to take off work on the day. The God of the Holy Bible gave us the Sabbath (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset) as the weekly day of rest for all people, regardless of their occupation. This command extends to farmers in their slow and busy seasons (Ex. 34:21).
      Constantine held the title pontifex maximus. This was an ancient pagan Roman title that allowed him to control the religious calen-dar of the Empire. He commonly struck coins with images of Sol Invictus (the invincible sun god) and Jupiter. Sunday was a day commonly honored by worshippers of Mithras (Encyclopedia Britannica “Mithras”). The day after his first Sun-day law, he re-ceived a law allowing the pagan soothsayers to enter buildings where lightning had struck (CT: 16.10.1). This decree upheld the ancient Roman custom where a ceremony was used to determine which god or goddess was angry and how to pacify him/her.
      In other words, while Constantine did show favor to Christians, he also continued to honor paganism. In this way, he utilized the title pontifex maximus.

    • @Stupidityindex
      @Stupidityindex Рік тому

      Theologians grant doctorates to eachother based on nothing whatsoever.
      How can anyone want to be a Christian?
      It is obvious to the sane, there is no god, no Jesus Christ, no prophesy, outside of fiction. Christian meat comes from butchering the context of words & a sublime tourism resource.
      Can there be any moral justification for the Christian? It is obvious to the sane, there is no god, no Jesus Christ, no prophesy, outside of fiction. Christians gain for themselves by butchering the context of words. I'm sure, if everyone is not aware of the alleged deity, the god title is a bit fudged, & does not fit. Dear Christian Uploader, my god, have you any sense of decency? Christian invocations call into existence evil as good; they are wolves in sheep's clothing. We know a tree by the fruit. We know them by their works. Thank God secular law & order finally stopped the witch killings.
      I can only imagine if a deity desired my awareness of it, I would probably be aware & if not, then why call deity other than fiction? Christians embarrass & insult us with this barrage of nonsense, retreating into caves like this channel to refuel. You encourage people to travel as if best done with one foot in fantasyland. Theologians grant each other doctorates based on nothing whatsoever. Christians are fascists, rendering to Caesar what is his, exercising freedom of speech with abuse. The naked ape is a vein species, Christians want to own the narrative, claiming knowledge of a supreme being, which is never verified beyond a tool of fiction. Christians insult intelligence in public, suggesting we navigate reality with one foot one foot in literary fiction & state propaganda. Christians authorize themselves to weigh-in on whatnot as if Earth had gravity-free zones, & everyone knows it. We inherit their vast bulk of our oldest documents, the records of looting & torture: inquisitions. Christians are hypocrites with productions like this, making a scene of praying in the temple. Christians are the lowlifes in society, avoided like the insane pretending to talk to an invisible friend, holding a hairdryer in place of a phone. Christians manufacture ultimate vanity, proclaiming we are all gods, children of the highest god.
      When the contradictions of the economic system catch up to it, the politicians intone the same notions, because they don't know what to do. Democracy is a cult-like faith where many actually believe giving power to others always has consequence which can be tolerably managed by the managers. The models for Limits to Growth of 1973 were accurate. The state has no plans, so the only difference between a Republican & a Democrat is how fast the knee hits the floor when a donor walks in the room & SCOTUS produces stench.
      What is really funny, is these Christian delusions support videos. Christians ignore they are rejects, politely avoided like the old lady with 400 pet cats. Christians don't comprehend the parody being played, the guy making a scene of prayer in the temple. Christians are largely given a pass for suggestions we navigate with a map of fantasyland. Christians present evil as good, the wolves in sheep's clothing. Christians authorize themselves to weigh-in on whatnot as if Earth had gravity-free zones, and everyone knows it. That is why Alex Jones puts Jesus-lingo in the sales delivery.

  • @AnthonyGargini
    @AnthonyGargini 10 місяців тому +44

    I grew up Methodist and we NEVER talked about this stuff. I love learning about the history.

  • @mariacortez5931
    @mariacortez5931 2 роки тому +17

    I am glad he mentioned many Catholic bishops and saints. St Ireneus of Lyon became a doctor of the church. He is the 36th.

    • @TheologyAcademy
      @TheologyAcademy  2 роки тому +14

      Just a reminder here, Catholic in the first few centuries of Christianity meant “Universal.”

    • @mariacortez5931
      @mariacortez5931 2 роки тому +8

      Oh, well I thought you were Catholic. For the there has always been one and only Catholic church that goes back to St Peter when Jesus established his church in Matthew 16,18.

    • @row1landr
      @row1landr 2 роки тому +5

      @@TheologyAcademy yes, and claimed so by Saint Ignatius of Antioch.
      Nothing has changed. The Catholic Church almost 2000 years ago, is the same Catholic Church today. We are the Church Jesus Christ, Himself, founded. Read Jimmy Akin's book, The Fathers Know Best. Please be careful, if you give a false protestant, biased account of history, you will be held accountable by Jesus Christ .

    • @user-uu2rf8ev7z
      @user-uu2rf8ev7z 2 роки тому +3

      No, the Catholic church today:
      1. Ignores the Sabbath but observes the venerable day of the sun.
      2. Has abandoned our Creator's calendar and His appointed days, but has adopted a pagan calendar with its man-made holidays.
      3. Ignores the commandment regarding idols, while teaching it is ok to kneel before statues.
      4. Ignores the dietary laws and according to pope Eugene IV even teaches it is ok to eat blood. See Acts 15 and Leviticus 17.
      5. Has adopted countless pagan traditions.
      This church bears little resemblance to the church of 2000 years ago.

    • @linhdoan9420
      @linhdoan9420 2 роки тому +2

      The fisrt day..........When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” Luke 24: 1-32

  • @owisestofmatrons7281
    @owisestofmatrons7281 2 роки тому +4

    I love Theology in everything by exemplary faith and pointing towards Jesus Christ church in whatever you do and wherever you are, you can begin to discover that purpose of GØD in everything you make a commitment of steady, regular life time in words comes to find itself on the inside of you⛪️☦️⛪️

    • @TheologyAcademy
      @TheologyAcademy  2 роки тому +1

      Many thanks for your wonderful feedback. We really appreciate it!!

  • @bodyer2120
    @bodyer2120 2 роки тому +12

    I'm just into the video and the talk is about the day of Pentecost. The narrator says that the Holy Ghost filled the disciples of Jesus and they spoke 'in tongues'. The account of this incident has been somewhat twisted by those who wrest the scriptures. What the disciples didn't do was speak in a language that sounded gibberish but they spoke with 'other tounges' that could be understood by those devout Jews, dwelling at Jerusalem at that time, 'out of every nation under heaven'.
    Obviously, that was to allow the Gospel to spread and not for tricks in church.

  • @karinrapsch4205
    @karinrapsch4205 Рік тому +8

    Wow…that made my brain hurt! So many “intellectual” men all disagreeing with one another and yet Jesus said except we become as a child we shall not enter the kingdom of God. We’re they even filled with the Holy Spirit? I’m glad my relationship with Jesus is not this complicated…yikes😮

    • @theotheoth
      @theotheoth 3 місяці тому +1

      Yeah, whatever you do don't read the Bible cover to cover (like I have). You'll then know that for every Bible platitude, there's another quote from the same book that at least seems to contradict that. (For example, the Bible also tells you that when you become an adult, you should put away childhood things: i.e. stop being like a child and grow up.) Actually, yeah, I advise you don't read any of the Bible for yourself. Let your local priest/pastor cherry-pick "the good bits" for you.

    • @aaronaaron8604
      @aaronaaron8604 Місяць тому +1

      That’s a scapegoat to press the easy button and avoid responsibility to educate ourselves and become smart 😂

    • @aaronaaron8604
      @aaronaaron8604 Місяць тому

      @@theotheothwell put

  • @bro.ravikumar4638
    @bro.ravikumar4638 2 роки тому +12

    Thank you so much for your contribution like this way of doing great work I learnt lot

  • @MichaelJMetz
    @MichaelJMetz 2 роки тому +148

    I have spent time researching Church history; time consuming as much as it is rewarding. Very significant when one can get past names, dates, places and into causes, reactions, and impact. May the Lord bless your effort.

    • @jaywilliams8650
      @jaywilliams8650 2 роки тому

      Then u must herd the story about Mary Magdalene getting dp'd by pagananitys Jesus and Peter ....n the resurrection happened she gave him a BJ to the lifeless body of hes

    • @tomasdale5306
      @tomasdale5306 2 роки тому +4

      What it doesn't say is that the 5 bishops of Rome (popes) for the first century, were Jews, practicing Judaism, and in the first 2 centuries, everybody was practicing Judaism and the only scriptures accepted were the Old Testament, and that was the only teaching, so until the third century it was created the Christianity as a different religion. And during the first century everybody was observing Saturday and not Sunday. It was until the Jews in Jerusalem rebel against Rome that Gentiles decided to create a different religion. It is documented, we were all Jews in the first 2 centuries.

    • @janetpearson3024
      @janetpearson3024 2 роки тому +17

      @@tomasdale5306 please read the book of Acts. Paul established a flourishing Gentile church and a movement known as The Way. The majority were not Jews. But they followed the Jewish messiah. And this was in the 1st century.

    • @grantsmythe8625
      @grantsmythe8625 Рік тому +4

      @@janetpearson3024 What I find most interesting is that the Gospel we know today as the Christian Gospel, especially in the Protestant churches, comes mostly from Paul, not from Jesus and coming from Paul, his gospel came, not from the earthly teachings of Jesus of Nazareth but from the Being of Light Paul encountered in the many visions and revelations he alludes to in his writings. In other words, today's Christianity is based on Paul's mysticism. Most people are like me, I had read those passages hundreds of time without noticing their real meaning.

    • @richlopez5896
      @richlopez5896 Рік тому +12

      @@tomasdale5306 Nothing shows those 5 Popes practicing Judaism. Please stop posting nonsense on here. The writings which would make up the New Testament would be read. The final canon of both Old and New Testaments wasn't finalized until 382 and the Septuagint varies from the Jewish canon. During the first century the Christian's would gather on the Lord's Day(Sunday). Christianity IS the completion of Judaism and has nothing to do with any rebellion against Rome which would happen numerous times before and after the split.
      Scripture such as Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2, Colossians 2:16-17, and Revelation 1:10 indicate that, even during New Testament times, the Sabbath is no longer binding and that Christians are to worship on the Lord’s day, Sunday, instead.
      The early Church Fathers compared the observance of the Sabbath to the observance of the rite of circumcision, and from that they demonstrated that if the apostles abolished circumcision (Gal. 5:1-6), so also the observance of the Sabbath must have been abolished.
      The Didache
      “But every Lord’s day . . . gather yourselves together and break bread, and give thanksgiving after having confessed your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure. But let no one that is at variance with his fellow come together with you, until they be reconciled, that your sacrifice may not be profaned” (Didache 14 [A.D. 70]).
      The Letter of Barnabas
      “We keep the eighth day [Sunday] with joyfulness, the day also on which Jesus rose again from the dead” (Letter of Barnabas 15:6-8 [A.D. 74]). ​​​​​​​
      St. Ignatius of Antioch​​​​​​​(a student of apostles Peter and John)
      “[T]hose who were brought up in the ancient order of things [i.e. Jews] have come to the possession of a new hope, no longer observing the Sabbath, but living in the observance of the Lord’s day, on which also our life has sprung up again by him and by his death” (Letter to the Magnesians 8 [A.D. 110]).
      St. Justin Martyr​​​​​​​
      “But Sunday is the day on which we all hold our common assembly, because it is the first day on which God, having wrought a change in the darkness and matter, made the world; and Jesus Christ our Savior on the same day rose from the dead” (First Apology 67 [A.D. 155]).
      The Didascalia
      “The apostles further appointed: On the first day of the week let there be service, and the reading of the holy scriptures, and the oblation [sacrifice of the Mass], because on the first day of the week [i.e., Sunday] our Lord rose from the place of the dead, and on the first day of the week he arose upon the world, and on the first day of the week he ascended up to heaven, and on the first day of the week he will appear at last with the angels of heaven” (Didascalia 2 [A.D. 225]).
      “Hence it is not possible that the [day of] rest after the Sabbath should have come into existence from the seventh [day] of our God. On the contrary, it is our Savior who, after the pattern of his own rest, caused us to be made in the likeness of his death, and hence also of his resurrection” (Commentary on John 2:28 [A.D. 229]).

  • @MegaTechno2000
    @MegaTechno2000 2 роки тому +3

    St. Ignatius Of Antioch AD 110
    See that you all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as you would the apostles; and reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop. Let that be deemed a proper Eucharist, which is administered either by the bishop or by one to whom he has entrusted it. Wherever the bishop shall appear, there, let the multitude of the people also be; even as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church.
    ((Letter to the Smyrnaeans, Chapter 8).

  • @kunlawjames1105
    @kunlawjames1105 2 роки тому +4

    I love your preaching

  • @ApolloLeRoux
    @ApolloLeRoux 2 роки тому +27

    Great video please don't become discouraged and continue to make these.

  • @mistyvioletconservative.3889
    @mistyvioletconservative.3889 2 роки тому +4


  • @juliapineda2589
    @juliapineda2589 2 роки тому +45

    Is there any way we can get access to your sources from these videos? I'm really interested in learning and understanding Catholicism in depth! Love your videos btw

    • @ritonamocatcat8312
      @ritonamocatcat8312 2 роки тому +6

      Amen 🙏🙏

    • @TheologyAcademy
      @TheologyAcademy  2 роки тому +8

      Please visit our website to access scripts with references: theology-academy.org

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 роки тому

      @@ibrahimghibihisab4502 Allah is a false god. YeHoVaH is the ONE, TRUE and ONLY Elohim.Yeshua is HIS Only Begotten SON. Yeshua was crucified, died on the cross and resurrected on the 3rd day. This is a matter of History. Both Biblical and secular sources prove this. There were over 500 eye witnesses to this event.

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 роки тому +1

      Yes, Look at the the Truth Unedited Channel on UA-cam to understand "catholicism" in depth...

    • @peacetruth4802
      @peacetruth4802 2 роки тому +4

      Read the gospel of John and Colossians to understand Catholicism

  • @bonnielucas153
    @bonnielucas153 2 роки тому +129

    It's great to connect the apostles with those who heard them and wrote more down. It helps show Christ was actually here, and why we believe and do what we do

    • @TheologyAcademy
      @TheologyAcademy  2 роки тому +11


    • @oshea2300
      @oshea2300 2 роки тому

      If you died tonight are you 100% sure you'd go to heaven?
      God loves you, and Jesus Christ lived a perfect/sinless life for you, died on the cross for your sin. And mine, and rose again the third day, victorious over death, hell, and the grave. We must believe this and acknowledge the fact that we are sinners in need of a savior. If you ask God to forgive you, and come into your heart and save you, (with a humble and contrite heart, with a repentant heart..the fact that you now see your sin as an offense to God..and you are sorry for your sin, and you want to live a life pleasing to him..but you know that on your own power you can't) he will. If this is the condition of your heart, and you have a sincere desire to trust him and receive his free gift of salvation..He will save you from eternity in hell and give you a relationship with him. You can be born again! Romans 10:13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
      Romans 3:10 as it is written, there is none righteous no not one.
      Romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (That one may not be exact word for word but it is exact in principle)
      Romans 5:8-9-but God commendeth (proves, shows) his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more than, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
      In John 3, the Bible explains that if you have not been born again the wrath of God already abides on you.
      The only thing you have to do is go to hell, is nothing because until you receive Jesus Christ as your personal savior, you're already headed there my friend. I say this not to be mean, but out of love because I don't want to see you go to hell for rejecting Jesus Christ.
      Romans 3:28 says therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.
      That means we cannot work our way to heaven, we cannot get baptized to go to heaven, we cannot give money to the church or the pope to go to heaven.. it is only by trusting completely in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Faith in his shed blood! Faith in the fact that he rose again from the grave victorious over hell, death, and the grave.
      Romans 4:24-51 -if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; who was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification. Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
      You see, we are not all children of God automatically. You have to want to be, and you have to put your faith in what God says about who Jesus Christ is, and what he has done for you. We cannot have peace with God unless we trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ, and who he is as a person.
      The Bible says that he is God.
      Emmanuel =God with Us.
      Romans 3:22 even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe.
      When you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior, (get saved by grace which is God's unmerited favor, by faith)
      You are justified. That's a legal term which means his righteousness is transferred to you. Your sin has been transferred to him but in order for you to receive his righteousness it takes faith.
      Romans 2:4 or despises thou The riches of his goodness and the forbearance and long-suffering; not knowing that the goodness of God lead a thee to repentance.
      God's goodness allows you to see your sin through God's eyes, as you acknowledge the fact that you are a sinner and headed to hell, you will see that your sin is disgusting to God. We are an offense to God. We deserve hell all of us. This is a sobering thought, and the grace of God allows us to realize this, and gives us the right view of our sin, and the right attitude about our sin. We cannot be good on our own power we can't go to heaven on our own power, we can't turn from our sin on our own power and earn favor with God, we must ask him to forgive us and save us cuz there's nothing we can do on our own to earn favor with him.
      Ephesians 2: 8,9 paraphrased- we are saved by grace through faith, it is a gift and not of works, so nobody can boast about it.
      Will you receive God's free gift of salvation? Or will you reject God's gift to you? He died for the whole world but we must all personally make a decision to receive him. Not making a decision to receive him is in fact rejecting him. The Bible tells us that we are with him or against him there is no in between.
      If you believe all of this with your whole heart and you are convicted of your sin.. pray this prayer.
      Heavenly father, I know that I'm a sinner and I need your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross, and shed his blood for my sin. Help me to turn from my sin and please you, but I can't but by your grace. Please come into my heart and save me. Help me follow you with my whole heart.. I can do nothing without you please help me and save me. In Jesus name amen.
      If your heart condition is right to be saved, you will have no problem with praying that prayer and will do it gladly. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
      God says that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved...
      If God convicted your heart and you experienced godly sorrow about your sin, if you wholeheartedly trust in Jesus Christ alone to save you, then you are saved / eternally secure in the Lord Jesus Christ.
      The Bible says in 1st Peter 1 that we are kept by the power of God. Salvation is God's to give us. Not ours.. it's not ours to lose or walk away from.
      In John 10 the Bible explains that we are held in both the hands of Jesus Christ and the father and that no man can pluck us out.
      In John 6 Jesus Christ says whoever comes to him he will in no wise cast out (he will under no circumstances reject them).
      If your heart matches your head.. and you didn't give the Lord Jesus Christ lip service.. then you can rejoice because you are saved and eternally secure. Welcome to the family of God. You can be a disobedient child, or an obedient child.
      God is such a good Father, and wants to talk to us daily through the Bible and he wants to hear what we have to say through prayer.
      Hebrews 11:6 (speaking of God). But without faith it is impossible to please him, for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek them.

    • @HistoryandReviews
      @HistoryandReviews 2 роки тому +6

      Except It’s not real, it’s not historical, it’s astounding rubbish from the New Testament .
      The gospels are not eyewitness accounts, the authors are unknown, the traditions are a lie.

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 2 роки тому +1

      @@oshea2300 quote--The only thing you have to do is go to hell, --unquote Where is hell? quote the bible.
      -----quote---Ephesians 2: 8,9 paraphrased- we are saved by grace through faith, it is a gift and not of works, so nobody can boast about it. --unquote Are you sure??? Revelation 22:11-13 11Let the unrighteous continue to be unrighteous, and the vile continue to be vile; let the righteous continue to practice righteousness, and the holy continue to be holy.” 12“Behold, I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me, to give to each one according to what he has done. 13I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”…
      Reward for what????? give to each one according to what he has done." Soulds like good works to me!

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 2 роки тому +1

      @Waffles Fruit_Topping Looks like an OPINION!!!!! You offer NO FACTS!!!! No scripture!!!

  • @philodonoghue3062
    @philodonoghue3062 Рік тому +14

    Outstanding. Fleshes out the bare bones of what even the above average curious person knows to date about the apostolic succession, the councils and creeds and earliest theologians starting with Paul, and dissemination of the Word

  • @esterrabi2085
    @esterrabi2085 2 роки тому +86

    Greetings Sir / Madam ... thanks indeed and congratulations for this great and hard work of yours and in researching all these good and beautiful materials to boost our spiritual life in God. I am heartily grateful for your in depth knowlege that shared to us .... which helps us greatly to grow & mature in time our faith in the true God. I owed a lot to you for being part of this internal, human and spiritual journey in my life of faith. Good day. God Bless. Take care and keep safe. Yours truly: Viewer from the Philippines, Southeast Asia.

    • @esterrabi2085
      @esterrabi2085 2 роки тому +4

      Greetings Ma'am / Sir.
      Thanks for the info, appreciate it very much. I will check it out . Good Day and God Bless.

    • @danielarredondo6986
      @danielarredondo6986 2 роки тому +5

      Didn't Jesus say don't call anyone father. Only one can be called father that's our Holy Father in heaven

    • @peaceout7517
      @peaceout7517 2 роки тому +9

      My protestant friends celebrate FATHER'S DAY and greeting their own fathers, grandfathers, Godfather, step-fathers, father-in-law, and etc. a happy father's day 😊

    • @Yaqubsalama
      @Yaqubsalama 2 роки тому +9

      @@danielarredondo6986 reading the bible must be in accordance with the context my brother, read from the first verse to the end so that we don't take the meaning astray. Jesus forbade anyone to call anyone father on earth to warn the people: 1) that there is only one we can think of as God the Father, the source of all fathers on earth; 2) that we may not be like the scribes and Pharisees who love to be respected and called as rabbis and fathers by all.[1] But Jesus didn't mean to forbid everyone from calling "father" to someone who really is their father. For in other passages, Jesus refers to parents as father and mother (cf. Matt. 10:35; 19:29). If Jesus really forbade it, then He couldn't have called this calling himself. Abraham is called the 'father of Abraham' our forefathers (Luke 16:24, Acts 7:2; Rom 4:1, James 2:21), and the Apostle Paul refers to himself as the father of the people in Corinth (1Co 4:15) and father of the people of Corinth. spiritual for Timothy (1Ti 1:2, 2 Tim 1:2), and for Titus (Titus 1:4). The Apostle John also preached to the fathers (1 John 2:14).
      Sorry for bad English

    • @esterrabi2085
      @esterrabi2085 2 роки тому +4

      @@ibrahimghibihisab4502 Greetings sir. Maybe you dont believed Him. Why do you say so ...? there are concrete evidences of His death and resurrection. What are your basis of saying so ...? Believe Him ...and doubt no more, because He is the only true God and there is no other beside Him.

  • @JoseAvenidoTV12201964
    @JoseAvenidoTV12201964 2 роки тому +54

    Its really informative for us Christian so that we can learn about how the Church begun without bias.

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 роки тому +3

      Jose, if you think this presentation is not HEAVILY biased to the Universal "Church", I would ask you to consider other sources of information, like your Bible.

    • @angelperl77
      @angelperl77 2 роки тому +3

      1 Tim 3:15 - church called “pillar and foundation of truth”

    • @iorfator-anyiin9989
      @iorfator-anyiin9989 2 роки тому

      @@angelperl77 ,z

    • @RICARDO-sp3cg
      @RICARDO-sp3cg 2 роки тому

      @@angelperl77 :V

    • @borneandayak6725
      @borneandayak6725 2 роки тому +1

      @@bawbjusbawb6471 all of them are Catholic.

  • @Agenda-2016
    @Agenda-2016 2 роки тому +4

    God Bless you for this. But I am a little disappointed by your conscious or inadvertent omission from your earlier accounts of very crucial detail cited in the Scriptures. This relates to the First Christian from gentiles, the Ethiopian Eunuch, (Acts 8:26 onwards) who REQUESTED to be preached the good news after Philip was led to him by the Holy Spirit and who REQUESTED to be baptized (IN 34 AD) and who, later on, according to Iraneus and Eusebius, was the first to spread the Gospel out of Jerusalem to the gentiles before even Paul was converted and appointed Apostle by Jesus Christ Himself and the baptism of Cornelius by St Peter . According to Eusebius, the baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch,, already believing in God in the Old testament- evident from the fact that he was on his way back from pilgrimage to Jerusalem (which modern day Ethiopians still do) and that he was reading the Book of Isaiah , was the fulfillment of the prophecy by St King David that 'Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God'.(Psalm 68:31).
    You should also remember that Ethiopia is the first geographic nation that God Mentions by name in the Holy Bible Genesis 2:13.
    These are clear biblical and historical accounts and evidence that Christianity was preached in Ethiopia /Africa by an Ethiopian/African soon after Penecoste for the very first time to the gentiles- outside Jerusalem- before the Apostles were dispatched far and wide to spread the good news-the Gospel.
    I think this is also crucial part of our church history that should not be ignored and that definately throws light on the truth and your tutorial.
    Sisterly love from Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church.

  • @linhdoan9420
    @linhdoan9420 2 роки тому +278

    Deep in History, Deep in Scripture, Deep in Christ.

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 роки тому

      Deep in lies... Read the Bible! Stop listening to man's doctrine, especially this drivel!

    • @wedabrutes9048
      @wedabrutes9048 2 роки тому +11

      Nah, they took the Word of God off of the table. Then proceeded to create their own doctrine. That’s why the Bible calls Rome a Deadly Beast

    • @AmitKumar-qz2us
      @AmitKumar-qz2us 2 роки тому +8

      The so-called Christian nations are the most enlightened and progressive...but in spite of their religion, not because of it. The Church has opposed every innovation and discovery from the day of Galileo down to our own time, when the use of anesthetic in childbirth was regarded as a sin because it avoided the biblical curse pronounced against Eve. And every step in astronomy and geology ever taken has been opposed by bigotry and superstition. The Greeks surpassed us in artistic culture and in architecture five hundred years before Christian religion was born.
      - Mark Twain, a Biography

    • @AmitKumar-qz2us
      @AmitKumar-qz2us 2 роки тому

      Till 325 AD, not a single historian or writer wrote about Jesus Christ or any of his disciples .
      "Vatican is Evil terrorist satanic organisation."
      If Satan does exist, then he thrives inside the Roman Catholic Church.
      The dead sea scrolls covering the period from Birth of Jesus to 68 AD , does NOT say one word about Jesus or his 12 Apostles.
      Hellenistic philosopher Philo Judaeus of Alexandria (20 BCE-50 AD/CE)-alive at the purported time of Jesus, and one of the wealthiest and best connected citizens of the Empire- makes no mention of Christ, Christians or Christianity in his voluminous writings. Nor do any of the hundreds of other historians and writers who flourished during the first THREE centuries of the common era.
      The DEAD SEA SCROLLS were all written by Pagan Essenes . None of them have been edited by later Christians, as is the case with some other Jewish literature.
      All the scrolls (except a treasure map known as the Copper Scroll) can be dated prior to A.D. 68 or 69, when the Qumran settlement was believed to have been destroyed by the Romans in the Jewish revolt.
      The oldest of the scrolls probably goes back to the middle of the third century B.C. The people of Qumran belonged to a Pagan religious group known as the Essenes.
      Pliny the Elder, who died during the volcanic destruction of Pompeii in the year 79 A.D., described a community of pagan Essenes living on the western shore of the Dead Sea, close to where Khirbet Qumran is situated.
      John the Baptist was an ascetic Essene . He was a vegan and was uncircumcised . Various literary sources like Josephus and Philo tell clearly that Essenes were ascetics.
      We also know, from literary testimony, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the archaeological remains of Qumran, that the Essenes practiced many water baptisms for ritual purification-similar to a dip in the Ganges or the river Pampa or at Thiirunelli. At Qumran, however, all members of the community were baptized with water for ritual purification.
      Josephus writes, "And as for their piety towards God, it is very extraordinary; for before sunrising they speak not a word about profane matters, but put up certain prayers which they have received from their forefathers, as if they made a supplication for its rising" (Wars, 2.8.5). This testimony accords well with what we know from the Dead Sea Scrolls.
      Prayer and humility was one thing that the Essenes . When they cooked up stories about Jesus they wrote that Jesus Christ ate the Last Supper in the Essene part of town.
      Jesus is not historical character, The Dead Sea Scrolls have produced increasing evidence to cement the fact that Jesus Christ never existed and the whole story was cooked up at the First Council of Nicea in 325 AD.
      The FAKE gospels were written after 325 AD after Jesus was cooked up at the first Council of Nicea..
      Twelve apostles of Jesus never existed.
      Jesus Christ names 12 apostles to spread his gospel, and the early Christian church owes its rapid rise to their missionary zeal. Yet, for most of the Twelve, there's scant evidence of their existence outside of the New Testament.
      The concept of using statistics to prove that 'God authored the Bible' is bullshit.
      Why was the library of Alexandria burnt ?
      The gospel of Thomas was not written by Jesus' disciple Thomas.
      Englishman Godfrey Higgins studied Greek, Latin and law at Cambridge . His two-volume, 867-page book Anacalypsis: An Enquiry into the Origins of Languages, Nations, and Religions, was published posthumously in 1836.

    • @yodhaywawhay7121
      @yodhaywawhay7121 2 роки тому +7

      Deep in deceptions...

  • @masada2828
    @masada2828 2 роки тому +3

    There were five Patriarchies; Alexandria, Jerusalem, Antioch, Constantinople and Rome, all governed by Bishops. There was no universal Pope until 606 AD (Phocos). Something the Catholic Church omits.

    • @TheologyAcademy
      @TheologyAcademy  2 роки тому +2

      True ... we will publish a video on that in the upcoming week.

    • @masada2828
      @masada2828 2 роки тому +2

      @@TheologyAcademy - it amazes me how the Roman Catholic goes on about the first Pope being Peter when he would have been a Teacher, Leader, Elder or even Bishop over his Ecclesia. The ‘Church’ lies!! and history proves they lie. The RC Church wasn’t build on Peter but what Peter said which was ‘thou art the Christ, the son of the living God”, & it was this saying that the Ecclesia of Jesus Christ was built on.

    • @columbuscamposo9351
      @columbuscamposo9351 3 місяці тому

      ​@@masada2828It's ok..if that's what you want to ....so tell me...what is the true church of God?..the orthodox?..when their priest is married and they approved divorce?..

    • @sheepfoldapostolic
      @sheepfoldapostolic 2 дні тому

      Please, where is the link to the video ​@TheologyAcademy

  • @DiscipleshipPlus
    @DiscipleshipPlus Рік тому +1

    Concise and easy to understand. Thank you for this video.

  • @nuchajolo3501
    @nuchajolo3501 2 роки тому +9

    Great and noble work ... thank you🤗🙏..from Nagaland 👋

  • @dailyviewstv5323
    @dailyviewstv5323 Рік тому +1

    The first Apostles and preachers dont used written teaching of Jesus Christ but they thought through what the learned and memorized thought by Jesus... After that they wrote it as letters to different places, this letters collected and compiled it and called it New Testament.

  • @DonnaStevens-hs4uv
    @DonnaStevens-hs4uv Рік тому +1

    am interested in Origen Polycarp. thanks for the video..

  • @hatilee6638
    @hatilee6638 2 роки тому +49

    Very informative creative good video on the difficult subject of early church history. The voice is very clear and the English is not too deep. Thank you all for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. God bless your ministry of upbuilding the church in the right path.

    • @josephzammit8483
      @josephzammit8483 2 роки тому +1

      Senior Russian commander kills himself after most of the tanks became unusable

    • @AmitKumar-qz2us
      @AmitKumar-qz2us 2 роки тому

      How Jesus Love you..
      I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children." (Leviticus 26:22)
      "Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourself every girl
      who has never slept with a man." (Numbers 31:17-18)
      "The Lord commands: ".. slay old men outright, young men and maidens, little children and
      women" (zechial 9:4-6)
      "When the Lord delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the males As for the women, the
      children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for
      yourselves." (Deuteronomy 20:13-14)
      "You will eat the fruit of the womb, the flesh of the sons and daughters the Lord your God has given
      you." (Deuteronomy 28:53)
      "The Lord said to Joshua [..] 'you are to hamstring their horses." " (Exceedingly cruel.) (Joshua 11:6)
      'The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will
      fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their women with child ripped
      open." (Hosea 13:16)
      Christianity is
      Religion of Love?

    • @AmitKumar-qz2us
      @AmitKumar-qz2us 2 роки тому

      The so-called Christian nations are the most enlightened and progressive...but in spite of their religion, not because of it. The Church has opposed every innovation and discovery from the day of Galileo down to our own time, when the use of anesthetic in childbirth was regarded as a sin because it avoided the biblical curse pronounced against Eve. And every step in astronomy and geology ever taken has been opposed by bigotry and superstition. The Greeks surpassed us in artistic culture and in architecture five hundred years before Christian religion was born.
      - Mark Twain, a Biography

    • @AmitKumar-qz2us
      @AmitKumar-qz2us 2 роки тому

      Till 325 AD, not a single historian or writer wrote about Jesus Christ or any of his disciples .
      "Vatican is Evil terrorist satanic organisation."
      If Satan does exist, then he thrives inside the Roman Catholic Church.
      The dead sea scrolls covering the period from Birth of Jesus to 68 AD , does NOT say one word about Jesus or his 12 Apostles.
      Hellenistic philosopher Philo Judaeus of Alexandria (20 BCE-50 AD/CE)-alive at the purported time of Jesus, and one of the wealthiest and best connected citizens of the Empire- makes no mention of Christ, Christians or Christianity in his voluminous writings. Nor do any of the hundreds of other historians and writers who flourished during the first THREE centuries of the common era.
      The DEAD SEA SCROLLS were all written by Pagan Essenes . None of them have been edited by later Christians, as is the case with some other Jewish literature.
      All the scrolls (except a treasure map known as the Copper Scroll) can be dated prior to A.D. 68 or 69, when the Qumran settlement was believed to have been destroyed by the Romans in the Jewish revolt.
      The oldest of the scrolls probably goes back to the middle of the third century B.C. The people of Qumran belonged to a Pagan religious group known as the Essenes.
      Pliny the Elder, who died during the volcanic destruction of Pompeii in the year 79 A.D., described a community of pagan Essenes living on the western shore of the Dead Sea, close to where Khirbet Qumran is situated.
      John the Baptist was an ascetic Essene . He was a vegan and was uncircumcised . Various literary sources like Josephus and Philo tell clearly that Essenes were ascetics.
      We also know, from literary testimony, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the archaeological remains of Qumran, that the Essenes practiced many water baptisms for ritual purification-similar to a dip in the Ganges or the river Pampa or at Thiirunelli. At Qumran, however, all members of the community were baptized with water for ritual purification.
      Josephus writes, "And as for their piety towards God, it is very extraordinary; for before sunrising they speak not a word about profane matters, but put up certain prayers which they have received from their forefathers, as if they made a supplication for its rising" (Wars, 2.8.5). This testimony accords well with what we know from the Dead Sea Scrolls.
      Prayer and humility was one thing that the Essenes . When they cooked up stories about Jesus they wrote that Jesus Christ ate the Last Supper in the Essene part of town.
      Jesus is not historical character, The Dead Sea Scrolls have produced increasing evidence to cement the fact that Jesus Christ never existed and the whole story was cooked up at the First Council of Nicea in 325 AD.
      The FAKE gospels were written after 325 AD after Jesus was cooked up at the first Council of Nicea..
      Twelve apostles of Jesus never existed.
      Jesus Christ names 12 apostles to spread his gospel, and the early Christian church owes its rapid rise to their missionary zeal. Yet, for most of the Twelve, there's scant evidence of their existence outside of the New Testament.
      The concept of using statistics to prove that 'God authored the Bible' is bullshit.
      Why was the library of Alexandria burnt ?
      The gospel of Thomas was not written by Jesus' disciple Thomas.
      Englishman Godfrey Higgins studied Greek, Latin and law at Cambridge . His two-volume, 867-page book Anacalypsis: An Enquiry into the Origins of Languages, Nations, and Religions, was published posthumously in 1836.

    • @ewankerr3011
      @ewankerr3011 11 місяців тому

      But who was the God and saviour of Jesus ?

  • @winstonbarquez3373
    @winstonbarquez3373 2 роки тому +34

    The first seven Ecumenical Councils were held in the East. The East was oriented to philosophical speculation that is why it was prone to heresy. However, the same philosophical orientation helped in defining the theological terms of the controversies, such as the homoosious, hypostatic union, and the distinction between nature and person in the Holy Trinity and in Jesus Christ.

    • @brbeecher
      @brbeecher 2 роки тому +1


    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 роки тому +6

      How about renaming Roman false gods like Zeus and Jupiter as Paul and Peter. How about taking Semiramis (Diana) and Baby Tammuz statues and renaming them Mary and "Baby" Jesus?
      No heresy here, just move along...

    • @tatianalapaeva935
      @tatianalapaeva935 2 роки тому +1

      There is not such holy thrinity, it is a pagan Greek god

    • @RPSanAnto
      @RPSanAnto 2 роки тому +1

      @@tatianalapaeva935 which pagan Greek God?

    • @RPSanAnto
      @RPSanAnto 2 роки тому +1

      @@bawbjusbawb6471 what about Uranus...

  • @jlurodriguez8262
    @jlurodriguez8262 Рік тому +19

    What a beautiful history of the Church, the fore fathers, and the mártirs .. for the glory of the Lord.
    Blessings blessings..

    • @ewankerr3011
      @ewankerr3011 11 місяців тому +2

      Did you miss all the parts about thhe disputes; infighting violence and killings. According to Jesus 'Love' was to be the mark of true Christians and we found very little here.

    • @shaydenwadley
      @shaydenwadley 5 місяців тому

      @@ewankerr3011exactly John 13:35

    • @susanburrows810
      @susanburrows810 4 місяці тому

      Catholicism iis 80% outside the Bible teaching. A LOT OF UNBIBLICAL DEPENDENCE

    • @shaydenwadley
      @shaydenwadley 4 місяці тому

      @@susanburrows810 definitely agree with this .

    • @jlurodriguez8262
      @jlurodriguez8262 4 місяці тому

      @@susanburrows810 .. even the Ark of Covenant had some deccoration requested by God himself.. it doesn’t matter if for you only the 20% of content is inside ..
      All the Catholic doctrine has its fundaments in the Bible .. the fact that you don’t know it is another thing sister 👍

  • @P.H.888
    @P.H.888 2 роки тому +10

    There’s man’s history and then there is The Truth.
    St Paul & Peter were both martyred by The Beast Nero of Rome in about 66 ~ 69 ad
    St Peter writes of Paul’s writings as Scripture!
    This confirmation of very early writing down of Jesus Christ and that The Holy Spirit did indeed inspire The Apostles of Jesus Christ
    Paul rebuked Peter
    Peter was married
    Jesus Christ is The Rock The Foundation The Bedrock
    Believers are The Living Stones built up together by Him into His New Covenant Temple

  • @marisaking25
    @marisaking25 2 роки тому +9

    I believe in the Bible and what God put in place and not man. We are so deceived

  • @mythco.3461
    @mythco.3461 Рік тому +1

    Also, those of the church were scattered as result of the persecution.

  • @TV-rj2el
    @TV-rj2el 2 роки тому +4

    Thank you JESUS
    JESUS loves you, He is a savior, your God!!!!!!! Have a good day

  • @Meklit-the-Tewahido
    @Meklit-the-Tewahido 2 роки тому +1

    God bless you

  • @ecumenismwherearewe9571
    @ecumenismwherearewe9571 2 роки тому +18

    This is very well put together

  • @mitchellosmer1293
    @mitchellosmer1293 2 роки тому +2

    Where in the Bible does it tell you to pray the Rosary?
    A: As you know the bible does "not" tell us to pray the Rosary because this form of prayer originated only during the middle ages.

  • @jayarajsolomon
    @jayarajsolomon 2 роки тому +31

    The way I can thank you for such an excellent work is am listening taking notes and forwarding to my Christian groups with some notes.

  • @jesuslovesme3019
    @jesuslovesme3019 2 роки тому +5

    Jesus Christ my God and love above all

  • @Awakenidentity
    @Awakenidentity 2 роки тому +11

    reply love this...how can I attain the slides...this is so important as I'm studying church history especially the patristics

    • @TheologyAcademy
      @TheologyAcademy  2 роки тому +5

      Unfortunately, we don't have individual slides; however, we plan on posting the scripts for the entire series on our official website: theology-academy.org. You can also check the website for other videos that are fully referenced with scripts!!

    • @Awakenidentity
      @Awakenidentity 2 роки тому +3

      @@TheologyAcademy thanks so much. really appreciate it

  • @michaeljeno5773
    @michaeljeno5773 Рік тому

    thank you this information ... may God Bless you and team for this effort

  • @mountaingirl6479
    @mountaingirl6479 2 роки тому +6

    I can’t figure out if this is a computer generated voice bc of the mispronunciation of commonly known words like subsequent, epistles, Barnabus, etc. otherwise very informative.

    • @Rydonattelo
      @Rydonattelo Рік тому +1

      I think it is someone who doesn't speak English as their first language and the may be using some form of auto tuning. This voice sounds like a Finnish man speaking English to me. 👍🏻

    • @Solomon7578
      @Solomon7578 Рік тому

      Because the names and terminology, were mostly non English by roots,but of Greek and some middle eastern ones.

    • @mountaingirl6479
      @mountaingirl6479 Рік тому

      @@Solomon7578 ok

  • @makenziehenderson4995
    @makenziehenderson4995 2 роки тому +2

    The sign Constantine used in his battle was actually the Chi Ro. Not the cross.

  • @matt_playzsora7654
    @matt_playzsora7654 2 роки тому +9

    Awesome! Thanks for the awesome information 😊
    Edit: could you do an episode on the Roman/ Venetian Inquisition. Thank you

  • @tomasdale5306
    @tomasdale5306 2 роки тому +1

    What it doesn't say is that the 5 bishops of Rome (popes) for the first century, were Jews, practicing Judaism, and in the first 2 centuries, everybody was practicing Judaism and the only scriptures accepted were the Old Testament, and that was the only teaching, so until the third century it was created the Christianity as a different religion. And during the first century everybody was observing Saturday and not Sunday. It was until the Jews in Jerusalem rebel against Rome that Gentiles decided to create a different religion. It is documented, we were all Jews in the first 2 centuries.

  • @koolertrek
    @koolertrek 2 місяці тому +3

    History is really difficult for me cause my memory is bad.

  • @bikribitaranestate
    @bikribitaranestate 2 роки тому +1

    thankyou so much, frm nepal

    @BKLYNGIRL222 2 роки тому +26

    Many blessings to you for sharing this video and it’s content. It’s quite informative. 🙏🏾

    • @TheologyAcademy
      @TheologyAcademy  2 роки тому +4

      Many thanks!!!

    • @Melvin523
      @Melvin523 2 роки тому +3

      Beautiful I am so taken up by the effort you put in
      So beautiful to understand the richness of mother church

  • @mitchellosmer1293
    @mitchellosmer1293 2 роки тому +1

    When did Mary pray the Rosary?
    According to a Dominican tradition, in 1208 the rosary was given to St. Dominic in an apparition by the Blessed Virgin Mary in the church of Prouille. This Marian apparition received the title of Our Lady of the Rosary.
    A MAN MADE tradition!!!
    btw----If the rosary was "given" in 1208, then HOW could Mary have prayed it????--------------------------------------------------------------

  • @patienceaddo9488
    @patienceaddo9488 2 роки тому +7

    Waw I Have learnt a lot from this and able to understand many things I found it difficult to understand. Than you

  • @Dorfapoligetik
    @Dorfapoligetik Рік тому +27

    yes,the history of the Catholic church is very beautiful.

    • @33ketamine33
      @33ketamine33 Рік тому +13

      Roman catholicism is not the early catholic church which only means the universal church.

    • @Dorfapoligetik
      @Dorfapoligetik Рік тому +6

      @@33ketamine33 lol...

    • @notmuchtoseehere.9862
      @notmuchtoseehere.9862 Рік тому +5

      @@Dorfapoligetik lol exactly, it is the universal church, the one church that Christ himself started.

    • @notmuchtoseehere.9862
      @notmuchtoseehere.9862 Рік тому +1

      @@33ketamine33 do you have proof of this?

    • @Dorfapoligetik
      @Dorfapoligetik Рік тому

      @@33ketamine33 catholic church is 100% the Church Jesus started. It is HISTORICAL FACT. "Roman" is the name of the "west" part (latin world) of the Catholic church.
      "Orthodox" the east part of the Catholic church. Roman Catholic church is not s new brand or new church..."Roman" Catholic simply means: the west part of the Catholic church...only brain dead protestant heretics which ignore the church history can think 'roman catholic' is a new thing.
      we have bishops lists from the apostles to any of our bishops today.
      you have nothing.... you follow man made sects..

  • @omnitrus
    @omnitrus 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for this informative video .It is one of the best videos on church history that I have listened to!

  • @Raven-zr8gm
    @Raven-zr8gm Рік тому +4

    Thank you lord Christ have Marcy pray for us Amen ❤️🙏😇

  • @joramadda6349
    @joramadda6349 2 роки тому +3

    Kingdom of spread from church of christ in Jerusalem and root of spreading massage from history catholic in world.amen
    Let lord Jesus christ our God make the world peace and make us more believe in Jesus christ and grow together amen

  • @fuuzug777
    @fuuzug777 Рік тому +10

    Thanks a lot! I have learnt so much from you guys. Really appreciate the work that is done. God bless!

  • @josephjermias7854
    @josephjermias7854 2 роки тому +4

    I believe in you God 🙏
    Well nice EXPLANATION ,
    But ...... !!!

  • @abbaasgertrude4915
    @abbaasgertrude4915 2 роки тому +45

    Amazing work 👍😍🤩. Summarizes in a simple and appealing way .

    • @TheologyAcademy
      @TheologyAcademy  2 роки тому

      Thank you 🙏🏼

    • @esseyjourlney5274
      @esseyjourlney5274 Рік тому

      The black Illuminati and other sects are working with people to discredit me and others with the minds to think about life in general and stop them from being educated

    • @esseyjourlney5274
      @esseyjourlney5274 Рік тому

      The concrete we all walk on look like what pyramids are built out of especially in Colorado

  • @aileanjames233
    @aileanjames233 2 роки тому +2

    Jesus is the light of the world that mean he is God the Creator and almighty 🙏 Jesus Said before Abraham I am. ,,,, this video is very interesting

  • @sreenathjohnsonsaysnotolgbtq
    @sreenathjohnsonsaysnotolgbtq 2 роки тому +5

    Really deep insight learnt a ton of new information thankyou and GOD BLESS ✝️

  • @patriciagrenier9082
    @patriciagrenier9082 2 роки тому +1

    When did the followers of Jesus become called Christians? And when did these followers become known as the universally, apostolic Church? When did they become the depository of so much art, property and money??? Thanks n GOD BLESS ALL🙏❤️‍🩹🙏

  • @wallamboklahong9125
    @wallamboklahong9125 2 роки тому +38

    Long Live The Church of Christ 'Catholic' among His children. Amen.

    • @exposingtruth600
      @exposingtruth600 2 роки тому

      Yes the early church fathers were catholic heretics

    • @johnosumba1980
      @johnosumba1980 2 роки тому +3

      @EXPOSING TRUTH and you believe that, yet can’t show how they were heretics?

    • @michaelosborne4219
      @michaelosborne4219 2 роки тому +4

      Christ’s Church is not the Catholic Church.

    • @exposingtruth600
      @exposingtruth600 2 роки тому +1

      @john osumba They believe in transubstantiation and they pray to Mary and believe she is an intermediary, when the bible explicitly says, Jesus is the only intermediary to God, that's the few of many heresies in the catholic church

    • @philcambe7951
      @philcambe7951 2 роки тому

      W@@Zd x æ

  • @moorbilt
    @moorbilt 2 роки тому +2

    “Philosopher’s Cloak” could this by chance be aka The Astrologist’s Cloak?
    Astrology was banned by the church throughout the land yet was still practiced behind closed doors by the highest ranking members of the church.

  • @vadermasktruth
    @vadermasktruth Рік тому +10

    I've studied the Eastern Orthodox Church's history and the Catholic Church's history for a decade now and this video is totally superb! I love it and its clear presentation! Bravo! Bravo!

    • @TheologyAcademy
      @TheologyAcademy  Рік тому

      Many thanks @vadermask//mass retaliation. It would be great if you could support our channel to keep us producing videos and legit content! Unfortunately, we are reaching a point where we cannot sustain the costs of producing these videos. Can you make a $5, $10, $20, $50, or $100 donation now or every month to keep this channel going? You can make a direct donation @ fundly.com/let-there-be-light-4 or a tax-deductible donation @ www.theology-academy.org/ (Under “SUPPORT US”). You can also become a patron @ www.patreon.com/user?u=28861271.

    • @angelostrifonos9507
      @angelostrifonos9507 Рік тому

      Could you tell me which one the true faith? The Eastern or the Catholic church?

    • @bodyer2120
      @bodyer2120 Рік тому

      Does it not bother you that there was no unity between these 'church fathers' and almost after 500 years they couldn't agree on the nature of Jesus Christ?
      Does it not seem that each of these men came up with their own idea, their own philosophical theory and defended it at all costs, using subterfuge and compromise at time?
      It seems that they didn't so much care for the truth as they did for their own egos.
      Was this the Church Jesus established?

    • @bodyer2120
      @bodyer2120 Рік тому +3

      ​@@angelostrifonos9507 none of them after watching that.

    • @donnarichert5627
      @donnarichert5627 Рік тому +1

      @@angelostrifonos9507 Remember, the word Catholic means universal.

  • @maeyrhonamissabea7772
    @maeyrhonamissabea7772 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks lad you're amazing

  • @rsrnld5395
    @rsrnld5395 2 роки тому +45

    this is very formative as a Catholic Christian timing in this difficult days.

    • @bretthagan2000
      @bretthagan2000 2 роки тому


    • @nickcruz8070
      @nickcruz8070 2 роки тому +1

      ...for all

    • @MrCruzer777
      @MrCruzer777 2 роки тому +9

      Just know that history never supports that Peter was a pope. History dictates that Rome was originally run by a group of Elders. Therefore the statement that the Pope has always existed is untrue as you also look at the council of Nicaea

    • @collinskanazache8682
      @collinskanazache8682 2 роки тому +5

      it's surely great
      Am a Catholic too

    • @YAHWEH-SAVES777
      @YAHWEH-SAVES777 2 роки тому

      Catholics aren't Christians

  • @rockytoptom
    @rockytoptom 9 місяців тому +3

    I'm not even religious and I find this fascinating.

  • @bonbon_ann2701
    @bonbon_ann2701 10 місяців тому +15

    Killing 10 000 people because of a difference of opinion on the nature of Christ is very sad and petty.

    • @joeyc1725
      @joeyc1725 6 місяців тому +11

      Wait till you meet izlem

    • @shaydenwadley
      @shaydenwadley 5 місяців тому +4

      Claiming to be followers of Christ what a joke !!

    • @masada2828
      @masada2828 4 місяці тому +1

      ⁠@@shaydenwadley- Agree, not the teaching of Christ but, even in the time of Paul the ‘Little Flock’ were being corrupted by those with introduced Greek philosophy leading fledging Christians astray thus, the beginnings of the Orthodox Church & eventually the Roman Church.

    • @goideneaglet
      @goideneaglet 4 місяці тому +1

      well yeah its not christlike to kill each other for our different beliefs. jesus christ came to make the world more peaceful to avoid stuff like this happening again in the future

  • @Normalyz
    @Normalyz 2 роки тому +2

    “The evil god” was never that but a rouge and fallen arch angel. It is no where near a comparison of God.

  • @dawitameha4749
    @dawitameha4749 2 роки тому +39

    Hi ( selam in Amharic); I'm an Ethiopian Orthodox. I'vent seen such a balanced video till this day regarding the second council of Ephesus and council of Chalcedon. Keep up the good work, I'll wait such kind of videos in the future and, please lets all pray to the MOTHER OF GOD that all the apostolic churches; Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches become united as the old times and may OUR MOTHER show us in our generation. AMEN!!!

    • @TheologyAcademy
      @TheologyAcademy  2 роки тому +2

      Love the support!! Please help us by spreading the word and donations through theology-academy.org/donate.

    • @egbalanquit1747
      @egbalanquit1747 2 роки тому

      @@TheologyAcademy ¹ķ

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 роки тому

      Yeshua never told us to pray to His Mother. This is a false doctrine. It is listed NOWHERE in the Bible. In fact it is considered necromancy and explicitly prohibited by the Bible.

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 роки тому +5

      @@ibrahimghibihisab4502 "I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren, and will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him. And it shall be that whoever will not hear My words, which He speaks in My name, I will require it of him." (Deuteronomy 18:18-19)
      Is Muhammad the prophet that God promised in this passage?
      The verses that immediate follow the above verses read:
      "But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.’ And if you say in your heart, ‘How shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?’ - when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him." (Deuteronomy 18:20-22)
      A prophet of God is the mouthpiece of God, who is perfect and never wrong. Therefore, when someone claims to be speaking as instructed by God and then makes a false statement, that person "has spoken presumptuously" and is not God's prophet.
      Did Muhammad make any such false statement? When Muhammad conquered the pagan Mecca, it worshipped three hundred and sixty idols. The four most important among them were the moon god, "Sin," also known as "Hubal," also known as "Allah," and his three daughters: Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Al-Manat.
      Muhammad's attempt to impose monotheism by keeping just Allah and getting rid of the other three hundred and fifty-nine Meccan idols faced resistance from the Meccans, who held Allah's three daughter idols very dear.
      Eager to be accepted as a prophet in his native Mecca, Muhammad initially conceded that Allah approved of Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Al-Manat. But unable to reconcile three extra goddesses with his declared monotheism, Muhammad later reversed himself, confessing, "I have fabricated things against Allah and have imputed to him words which he has not spoken." (Al Tabari, The History of Al-Tabari, vol. 6, p.111) and said he had mistaken the words of "Satan" (Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah, pp.165-166) as Allah's.
      Given Allah's true identity, the words of Allah and Satan would not be hard to confuse. Had Muhammad claimed to be a prophet of the God of the Bible, however, someone who hears from Satan, mistakes Satan's words as God's and fabricates "things against" God is a false prophet whom God said above, "shall die."

    • @dawitameha4749
      @dawitameha4749 2 роки тому +3

      @@bawbjusbawb6471 You said it is listed NOWHERE in the bible; let me show you, hasn't God said to Abimelech that Abraham should pray for him (Gen 20:7), hasn't God said to Job's friends that Job should pray for them for their sins (Job 42:8), hasn't God said to Aaron and his sister Mary that that the meek Moses should pray for them (Num. 12:13) so that God will forgive their sins. So, how about the lady who gave birth to Him, God himself and is glorified than not only from worldly saints like Abraham, Job, and Moses but also from heavenly angels, is well deserved to PARY FOR ALL MANKIND.

  • @conniechan3280
    @conniechan3280 2 роки тому +1


  • @holisticchangetube9952
    @holisticchangetube9952 2 роки тому +18

    Thank you this really helps me to understand the complex Ancient church History, God Bless You

    • @bawbjusbawb6471
      @bawbjusbawb6471 2 роки тому

      All this video has done is muddy the waters of any truth...

  • @junevandermark952
    @junevandermark952 2 роки тому +2

    Theologians preach the sermon that humans can't know the mind of "God," because "God" is beyond all human understanding.
    All theologians try to pretend that they humble their selves before "the Almighty," but that occurs just before they carry on preaching what they are certain the god says about every subject "imaginable."
    Do you see yourself as having this problem?

  • @hwilli5593
    @hwilli5593 2 роки тому +5

    Shalom, praise our Lord Yeshua 🙏🏽.

  • @D.r0j
    @D.r0j Рік тому

    This video is fantastic, thank you

  • @TobiasELee
    @TobiasELee 2 роки тому +16

    Great content and love ur graphic skills. Well done!

  • @kan-kantaandkan-kansiyon8977
    @kan-kantaandkan-kansiyon8977 2 роки тому +2

    Very concise and informative presentation...thank you

  • @jerricosagala2904
    @jerricosagala2904 2 роки тому +11

    See of Antioch = Islamized
    See of Alexandria = Islamized
    See of Constantinople = Islamized
    See of Rome = persevered.

    • @P.H.888
      @P.H.888 2 роки тому +6

      The Lord Jesus Christ said HE would build His Own Kingdom by His Holy Spirit
      Definitely Not Rome ~ vatican.

    • @jerricosagala2904
      @jerricosagala2904 2 роки тому +8

      Ungortunately, history and the Bible will not agree with you.

    • @COGmercy
      @COGmercy 2 роки тому +7

      @@P.H.888 If you read the book of Acts Paul lands on an island and converts the residents. If you go to that island today there are 365 plus churches all of those churches are Catholic! The Greek, Byzantine, Coptic, and Ethiopian Orthrodox churches are some of the oldest christian churches that are all catholic. What many of the pastors don't tell you is that they have to study many early "catholic" writings in order to study the early church. They just avoid saying that these men were catholic bishops and heads of the early churches so they refer to them without the titles they had but refer to their writings as this person has done here. He says the church. English words sometimes have a different meaning in olde English and the word used is ekklesia is actually translated government.

    • @P.H.888
      @P.H.888 2 роки тому

      @@COGmercy the congregation of believers that Jesus Christ is building is not of this world.
      It’s A Spiritual Kingdom ~ you MUST BE BORN AGAIN FROM ABOVE ‼️
      Nothing to do with Rome or Constantine or cathedrals or buildings or denominations
      If you really want to know about the true history of the religious it wasn’t even Rome or Italy that was first Christian nation
      What does that matter? Nothing zero!
      What have they done? Exactly opposite to what The Lord Jesus Christ taught
      Rome thinks it’s rich with heritage and gold and stored up treasures
      a father ? and cardinals in gold & rubies
      All vanity 🕳

    • @sacredsteeler
      @sacredsteeler 2 роки тому

      ...Good thing Odoacer (and subsequent barbarians) weren't pagan

  • @bodyer2120
    @bodyer2120 Рік тому +2

    After watching all of this video as a Christian of what ever denomination, does it leave you feeling that from the demise of the Apostles, those who were able to speak in the name of God, it was the ideas that individual men held in their minds that shaped the Church, that revelation had ceased, and there was anything but unity?
    I ask myself how this could be the Church of Jesus Christ? They were not fighting over the nature of Jesus Christ at the time of the Apostles. In fact, Paul, in virtually all of his letters, was constantly warning the Church about false doctrine and vain philosophies entering the Church, warning that 'grievious wolves will enter in, not sparing the flock'.
    If this is the behaviour of the Church leaders up to almost 500 years after Jesus being on the earth, and given all of the many practices that were introduced between 100AD and 500AD that were not mentioned in the Bible, can we say with any confidence that there is any similarity between the Church Jesus established and the Church we have heard described in this video.
    If you cannot see how the Church of Jesus Christ could have survived these changes and with the in-fighting on who Jesus was, how do you rationalise your type of Christianity being able to escape all of this and remains today as the pristine Church that Jesus established 2000 years ago? Can someone please explain this to me?

    • @tomasdale5306
      @tomasdale5306 4 місяці тому

      I read a book "Hebrew roots of Christianity" from Mario Saban, however in Spanish, he explains that in year 120 Marcion, a Heretic proposed to create a New Testament, and until year 200 something, it was ONLY the Old Testament and 4 gospels, nothing else.... so for more than 200 years the teachings were focused on the Old Testament mainly, no need for more, and as Jesus stated, "LOVE GOD AND YOUR NEIGHBOOR" nothing else.... so for more than 300 years, if you wanted to believe Jesus was God or not, was something not relevant, everybody was focused on the Old Testament for 2 centuries, also the first century the bishops of Rome were Jews practitioners, but the church history doesn't show what is incongruent, also the believe of reencarnation was until VI century who was abolished by Justino I and many popes were martirized to keep the belief, so it was the emperors, not the church who defined what to believe and they look who followed their ideas, even though first fathers like Origenes believed in reencarnation the church dismissed that, nevertheless is documented on internet. My advice is go back to what was believe int he first century, instead of defending today's ideas.

    • @bodyer2120
      @bodyer2120 4 місяці тому

      Paul died around 70AD and Peter around the same time. That only left John on the Isle of Patmos. All the rest of the Apostles were dead at that time. We know that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote the Gospels and that Paul wrote to certain congregations and individuals, as did Peter, Luke, Jude, James and John wrote additional 'books'. Those writings were copied and distributed around the wider Church at the time.
      To try to understand what was going on with the Church that Jesus established is difficult but with the warnings that Paul gives to the Church in his letters, we know that corruption in the Church had begun.
      It is not obvious where that Church is today. However, I am certain that it exist and is 'hiding' in plain sight. If you realise that the little Church on the corner is possibly not that Church, despite the goodness of the people, there is a way for you to find the Church that Jesus established. If you are prepared to take upon you the Saviour's name, always remember Him and keep His commandments, then you should seek and you will find. Start with James 1:5-6. Exercise a little faith and you will come to know. All the best.

  • @lxramirez9788
    @lxramirez9788 2 роки тому +5

    Yale university offers a free course in Christianity's history from the second to the 17th century, progress assesment are taken every week, resources are writings from credible reputable historical sources, most are free and some required low subscription fee. Awesome course, eye opening when facts are given to you they are not opinions but rather just information, it is up to you to come up with your own conclusions. This is University level, non biased, quality education.

    • @TheologyAcademy
      @TheologyAcademy  2 роки тому +2

      Many of those writing scripts for Theology Academy videos are professors at Yale, Boston University, and other top notch institutions. They only write history not their opinion. That's exactly what we're looking for - to gather all perspectives (as much as possible) into one video and let the viewer decide for themselves. Thanks for your wonderful comment and feedback!!

  • @Edo9River
    @Edo9River Рік тому +1

    There’re is doubt about Constantin motive and use of the cross. Constantin was ambitious to use the allegiance of Christians.

  • @sarw9294
    @sarw9294 Рік тому +9

    So, so interesting. I’m glad I stumbled upon this video. Thank you for the info!! ☦️

    • @TheologyAcademy
      @TheologyAcademy  Рік тому

      Many thanks Sar!!

    • @lufhopespeacefully2037
      @lufhopespeacefully2037 Рік тому

      hola horray hey. here we go the truth coming up,actually turah&bible were from god but they had been corrupted afterwards as a result god sent down quran upon prophet muhammed&god said i`ll preserved the quran thereby god had fulfilled ,let me show u friendly&honestly the truth,okee dokee.sheding the light on christianity to know the truth first of all there is no original bible the 4 main bible are contradicted to each other yet there is 1 quran but who is the writer of bible the answer is paul the jewish who hates jesus let us discuss about the significant event which is crucifixion why does your claimed god left his only son to crucify without any sin he had committed the disaster reached its uttermost when u found bible said on the tongue of jesus my god my god why do u forsaken me means jesus never crucified willingly have u an idea why do they crucify jesus because it`s a penalty of impure &particularly crucifixion because dindn`t touched the earth make it impured that what paul said jeasus get impure for us &see the authentic god what does said in quran chapter 3 verse 55 by the name of god the most gracious&most merciful ,
      O Jesus, I will take you and raise you up to me, and had purified you from those who disbelieve, and He will place those who follow you above those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection, then to Me is your return, so I will judge between you regarding that in which you differed,the authentic god rose jesus to the sky before they kill him in addition he had purified him from a false accusation that he is impure the quran verse is comply with the bible itself :So they lifted up stones to stone him. But Jesus did and went out of the temple, passing through them." ( John 8:59 ),let alone of many verses in the bible incites to violence thus u found the largest massacres had happened in history the ww1&2 christian countries against christian countries 100 millions had been killed not to mention the sex stories in the bible nay u never found a single sex word in quran,don`t take it in personal just i clarify u the plain truth,bible said woman when she during the menstruation she gets impure &any thing she would touched it will be impure &should stay at her room till had done of it don`t see that an insulting to woman &how does the claimed god in bible said so he demeans& underrates his own creatures, yet islam honored the woman &she has a complete chapter its name women show us her rights,let us look at modern medicine which refutes the bible, ovulalation happens every 28 days from overy next month from other ovary when fertilization fails to happen mestrual bleading happens it always stops when a female gets pregnant ,menstrual cycle ovulation the female genital system consists of one uterus to overuse vagine& externat genital organs ,,the blood during menstruation could cause diseases to spread and that’s why a woman during her menstruation needed to isolate so the blood would not be passed around to other people And diseases not be spread that`s what god said in quran and they ask you about menstruation say, isolate women don't come near them untill they get purified verse 222 chapter 2,why there are priests,pastors&nuns reverted daily to islam,yet u never a muslim clergy left islam as per western media said that islam is the fastest growing religion in the world,i didn`t like to push islam onto u god said no compulsion in religion verse 256 chapter 2,figure it out then make up your mind

  • @fire.smok3
    @fire.smok3 2 роки тому +1

    So I assume the anti-Chalcedonians are the modern-day Oriental Orthodox Church (such as the Egyptian Coptics, the Armenian church, the Syriac, etc.), and the pro-Chalcedonians are the modern Eastern Orthodox Church (such as the Greek and Russian churches and most of the Eastern European churches).
    Can I ask, is this channel run by Coptics? Because I noticed that on your Arabic channel your location is listed to be Egypt.

  • @Raven-zr8gm
    @Raven-zr8gm Рік тому +3

    Good morning lord Christ have Marcy Amen ❤️🙏😇

  • @Sandhoeflyerhome
    @Sandhoeflyerhome 2 роки тому +1

    Most of these programs are written by believers for believers. As soon as you refer to ‘Josephus’ you have to highlight those additions not written by him added hundreds of years later and the fact Josephus lived in the same apartment as the Emperor. He was tasked with taking over the religion for the benefit of Rome. He did this by re writing re editing the Bible .. with a culture of passive actions rather than the warrior Jew culture. Massively beneficial to Rome. So quoting the Bible is ridiculous, from page one onwards it is just fake PR. Fairy tale, myth and legend.

    • @daddydaycareky
      @daddydaycareky 2 роки тому +2

      I have not finished the video, but in my study and writings, I typically use Josephus to highlight the role of the Pharisees and his version of the canon as a Pharisee.
      The old Testament has many books and passages corroborated by the dead sea scrolls, which were hidden around 70 AD and were discovered undisturbed in the 1940's or 50's. The New Testament would not have been a focal point of Josephus. The text of much of the New Testament can be largely corroborated by other ancient writings that have been found and dated as contemporary to Josephus. Writings from Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna. In Clement's 64 chapters of his epistle to the Church in Corinth, you can find that he quotes the following biblical texts: Acts, 1 Peter, Titus, Proverbs, Deuteronomy, Wisdom, Exodus, Genesis, Numbers, Ezekiel, Isaiah, 2 Peter, Hebrews, Job, Malachi, Luke, Matthew, Psalms, James, Daniel, 1 Corinthians, Romans, Ephesians, Judith, and 1 Samuel. In the 7 letters Ignatius of Antioch wrote around 108 AD, you will find quotes from Ephesians, 1 Corinthians, Matthew, 1 Peter, John, Colossians, 1 Timothy, 1 John, James, Proverbs, Isaiah, Galatians, 2 Timothy, Romans, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians. In Polycarp's letter to the Philippians, he quotes: Philippians, 1 Peter, Ephesians, Acts, Matthew, Luke, 2 Peter, Galatians, 1 Timothy, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Timothy, 1 Corinthians, Romans, 2 Corinthians, 1 John, Mark, Tobit, Isaiah, 2 Thessalonians.
      These quotes match archeological findings of early scripture, such as the Aramaic Pashita, Codex Vaticanus.
      In addition, every manuscript of the Gospels that have been discovered, all have the title of the Gospel. Not a single manuscript contradicts authorship.
      I have seen 0 evidence that Josephus or anyone else drastically modified the New Testament. If I understand your claim correctly, I do not find much evidence to support it.

  • @TheLocalChurchExperience
    @TheLocalChurchExperience 2 роки тому +14

    Am amazed at the high level debate on the nature/s of Christ. Wow. Both sides brought their A game to the debate. I must align myself with one personhood/unified nature of Christ. Brilliant.

    • @tubelisao
      @tubelisao 2 роки тому

      ""A"" game? no scripture quoted from anyone over a 400 year debate??

    • @yenenehw
      @yenenehw 2 роки тому +2

      Yeah I agree with you - the Alexandrian Popes Cyril's then Dioscorus's description of Jesus Christ was one incarnate nature encompassing divinity and humanity in fullness yet Christ remain one subject and one hypostasis makes sense and easy to understand - the Romans and Constantinople Popes such as Leo's statement ARE confusing - well they said humanity and divinity are separated and and again they say they're united in one..... it's kind of hard to make sense.

  • @depedKarununganatKaalamanTV
    @depedKarununganatKaalamanTV 2 роки тому +2

    it is written in the bible. CHURCH OF GOD.

  • @vivianwanini9169
    @vivianwanini9169 2 роки тому +6

    Wah! 👏👏👏 what a good work 🙏🇰🇪

  • @GizmoFromPizmo
    @GizmoFromPizmo 2 роки тому +2

    Such churchiness. Imagine if Jesus would have treated the apostle who denied Him the way these vampires in robes treated the people who repented after denying Christ. Power doth indeed corrupt. Thank God for Jesus!

  • @lukelee465
    @lukelee465 2 роки тому +6

    Thank you for telling the truth which its hard to explain in a short words.

  • @voxnonvox6382
    @voxnonvox6382 2 роки тому +3

    You can never find the true church without learning from its history. The One Holy Apostolic and Catholic is the true Church founded by Christ himself.

    • @TheologyAcademy
      @TheologyAcademy  2 роки тому

      Completely agreed.

    • @voxnonvox6382
      @voxnonvox6382 2 роки тому

      @@TheologyAcademy Lol. Although I am your Roman Catholic brother.

  • @jackdawson9957
    @jackdawson9957 2 роки тому +4

    Then What is the Correct Church mentioned in the Bible? What is The name of the Church built by our Lord Jesus Christ?

    • @TheologyAcademy
      @TheologyAcademy  2 роки тому +8

      It was called the Church and was later referred to as the “Catholic” church by Ignatius of Antioch to signify its “universality.” He did not use the term to refer to the Roman Catholic Church.

    • @johnfrancis6413
      @johnfrancis6413 2 роки тому +1

      The One Holy Apostolic and Orthodox Catholic Church .

    • @gracycharislaughs
      @gracycharislaughs 2 роки тому

      Holy apostolic church ORTODOX ...
      If u know the d/ces bn the churches it is gonna be more clear

  • @melo7591
    @melo7591 9 місяців тому +2

    Man I love this channel this is very good stuff I love falling asleep every night listening

  • @lynnmix692
    @lynnmix692 2 роки тому +5

    Thanks God bls u

  • @jeyakumarm1912
    @jeyakumarm1912 2 роки тому +2

    All politics and power💪⚡ struggle 😂in the name of church 😂😂

  • @maelstrom8276
    @maelstrom8276 2 роки тому +14

    Wow. Thank you. It's amazing how much time can be spent on dividing ourselves over things that are not as important as living a life in peace with our neighbors and family with Christ's teachings. Only a human-made kingdom can be so divided and only through God's grace does any of it still exist to this day to spread His word. I applaud your research

    • @Fanofou82
      @Fanofou82 Рік тому +1

      Christ came to divide. What you deem important isn't biblical.

    • @nkd2287
      @nkd2287 Рік тому

      @@Fanofou82yes, he came to divide in terms of following HIM and dying to ourselves not divided with all these millions of denominations. Biblical? Yes your right, he himself said “Father I desire that they are one just as you and I are one” St Paul also spoke against division, it’s all there in clear writing

  • @-Thelordismyshepherd-
    @-Thelordismyshepherd- 2 роки тому +1

    If you still sin, you are not saved.
    Jesus warned us many times.
    Not of works.
    Escape the Harlot

  • @alphaprime1652
    @alphaprime1652 3 роки тому +18

    Really? ...Not one comment in here. I don't believe it! Well researched and your presentation was very articulate capturing both sides accurately as best you could with available resources in what I would call a mess of propaganda and semantic smoke and mirrors. Kudos to you and may our Holy God bless your ministry.

    • @TheologyAcademy
      @TheologyAcademy  3 роки тому +3

      Many thanks for all your support!!!

    • @kenxu4824
      @kenxu4824 2 роки тому +3

      Can't make any comments since we are all humbled to the ground.

  • @gaminidesilva7542
    @gaminidesilva7542 Рік тому +2


  • @melissalarson2569
    @melissalarson2569 2 роки тому +18

    Great research. Very well put together. I learned a lot . THANK YOU!

    • @TheologyAcademy
      @TheologyAcademy  2 роки тому

      Welcome 🙏🏼

    • @oshea2300
      @oshea2300 2 роки тому

      If you died tonight are you 100% sure you'd go to heaven?
      God loves you, and Jesus Christ lived a perfect/sinless life for you, died on the cross for your sin. And mine, and rose again the third day, victorious over death, hell, and the grave. We must believe this and acknowledge the fact that we are sinners in need of a savior. If you ask God to forgive you, and come into your heart and save you, (with a humble and contrite heart, with a repentant heart..the fact that you now see your sin as an offense to God..and you are sorry for your sin, and you want to live a life pleasing to him..but you know that on your own power you can't) he will. If this is the condition of your heart, and you have a sincere desire to trust him and receive his free gift of salvation..He will save you from eternity in hell and give you a relationship with him. You can be born again! Romans 10:13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
      Romans 3:10 as it is written, there is none righteous no not one.
      Romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (That one may not be exact word for word but it is exact in principle)
      Romans 5:8-9-but God commendeth (proves, shows) his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more than, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
      In John 3, the Bible explains that if you have not been born again the wrath of God already abides on you.
      The only thing you have to do is go to hell, is nothing because until you receive Jesus Christ as your personal savior, you're already headed there my friend. I say this not to be mean, but out of love because I don't want to see you go to hell for rejecting Jesus Christ.
      Romans 3:28 says therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.
      That means we cannot work our way to heaven, we cannot get baptized to go to heaven, we cannot give money to the church or the pope to go to heaven.. it is only by trusting completely in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Faith in his shed blood! Faith in the fact that he rose again from the grave victorious over hell, death, and the grave.
      Romans 4:24-51 -if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; who was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification. Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
      You see, we are not all children of God automatically. You have to want to be, and you have to put your faith in what God says about who Jesus Christ is, and what he has done for you. We cannot have peace with God unless we trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ, and who he is as a person.
      The Bible says that he is God.
      Emmanuel =God with Us.
      Romans 3:22 even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe.
      When you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior, (get saved by grace which is God's unmerited favor, by faith)
      You are justified. That's a legal term which means his righteousness is transferred to you. Your sin has been transferred to him but in order for you to receive his righteousness it takes faith.
      Romans 2:4 or despises thou The riches of his goodness and the forbearance and long-suffering; not knowing that the goodness of God lead a thee to repentance.
      God's goodness allows you to see your sin through God's eyes, as you acknowledge the fact that you are a sinner and headed to hell, you will see that your sin is disgusting to God. We are an offense to God. We deserve hell all of us. This is a sobering thought, and the grace of God allows us to realize this, and gives us the right view of our sin, and the right attitude about our sin. We cannot be good on our own power we can't go to heaven on our own power, we can't turn from our sin on our own power and earn favor with God, we must ask him to forgive us and save us cuz there's nothing we can do on our own to earn favor with him.
      Ephesians 2: 8,9 paraphrased- we are saved by grace through faith, it is a gift and not of works, so nobody can boast about it.
      Will you receive God's free gift of salvation? Or will you reject God's gift to you? He died for the whole world but we must all personally make a decision to receive him. Not making a decision to receive him is in fact rejecting him. The Bible tells us that we are with him or against him there is no in between.
      If you believe all of this with your whole heart and you are convicted of your sin.. pray this prayer.
      Heavenly father, I know that I'm a sinner and I need your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross, and shed his blood for my sin. Help me to turn from my sin and please you, but I can't but by your grace. Please come into my heart and save me. Help me follow you with my whole heart.. I can do nothing without you please help me and save me. In Jesus name amen.
      If your heart condition is right to be saved, you will have no problem with praying that prayer and will do it gladly. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
      God says that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved...
      If God convicted your heart and you experienced godly sorrow about your sin, if you wholeheartedly trust in Jesus Christ alone to save you, then you are saved / eternally secure in the Lord Jesus Christ.
      The Bible says in 1st Peter 1 that we are kept by the power of God. Salvation is God's to give us. Not ours.. it's not ours to lose or walk away from.
      In John 10 the Bible explains that we are held in both the hands of Jesus Christ and the father and that no man can pluck us out.
      In John 6 Jesus Christ says whoever comes to him he will in no wise cast out (he will under no circumstances reject them).
      If your heart matches your head.. and you didn't give the Lord Jesus Christ lip service.. then you can rejoice because you are saved and eternally secure. Welcome to the family of God. You can be a disobedient child, or an obedient child.
      God is such a good Father, and wants to talk to us daily through the Bible and he wants to hear what we have to say through prayer.
      Hebrews 11:6 (speaking of God). But without faith it is impossible to please him, for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek them.

  • @virginiaenglish7367
    @virginiaenglish7367 Рік тому +1

    The Church was born at the first Communion, hosted by Jesus Christ during the Passover. He was then crucified: the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world.
    These tongues of fire during Pentecost were the Holy Spirit which fell on ALL who were present, in order that everyone would be able to hear the true gospel spoken in their own languages. ( for at that time the area was a melting pot of varying ethnicities) Peter was not/ is not the founder of Christianity. Christ was condemned by the Jews to save their economy; and crucified by the government of Rome to avoid open revolt of the Jews. Peter is a stone, merely a pebble, one of the stones which Christ said would cry out! Jesus Christ Himself is the cornerstone of our faith! The Sabbath(s) which were referred to here is NOT the Sabbath of the 10 Commandments, but rather the Sabbaths, as all of the Jewish festivals were referred to in the ordinances as contained in the Old Testament; feast of trumpets, feast of booths, day of atonement etc.
    Any disciple who sincerely accepts Christ into his heart and is baptized just as Christ - IS a member of the Church. The Holy Spirit dwells within each one of these and collectively within His Church.
    Peter is one of many Apostles who received the Holy Spirit, spoke the truth as a slave of Christ and gave His life for his Lord.

  • @ranikumarinayak5095
    @ranikumarinayak5095 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you so much sir 🙏🏻🙏🏻
    This video really really helps full
    Keep up it ..sir ....🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @Moishe555
    @Moishe555 Рік тому +1

    Great video but it's also a little weird we needed all these councils and all these elderly Greek men to figure out what the nature of Jesus is.

  • @stevenrichardson4659
    @stevenrichardson4659 2 роки тому +5

    So the "Theotokos" entry in to Orthodoxy is not mentioned in this 500 year block,except that Nestorius was branded a heretic because of his position on this.
    So when and why was the Theotokos added to the liturgy?

    • @TheologyAcademy
      @TheologyAcademy  2 роки тому +4

      Theotokos was a term used in the universal church before the fifth century Nestorian controversy. However, the term was officially included the liturgy beginning in the fifth century and onwards.

    • @lufhopespeacefully2037
      @lufhopespeacefully2037 2 роки тому

      hi steven,trinity is also added to the bible

    • @alabamamotionpictureproduc6626
      @alabamamotionpictureproduc6626 11 місяців тому

      The nestorians wanted to call her "Christotokos" or Christ Bearer which is essentially a downgrade from Theotokos.