Excellent unbiased presentation. Unable to tell if this video was made by a Roman Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox perspective. My heart grieves over the division within Christendom due to false teaching that has infiltrated the Holy Catholic Church (Roman Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox). Longing for Jesus' reign to end the division. Heavenly Father, forgive us of our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us. Come Lord Jesus, come quickly. Love to all brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.
What "false teaching" of the Catholic Church? Jesus clearly left His one, holy, catholic and Apostolic Church against which the gates of Hell shall not prevail, under the protection and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Jesus' Church literally *cannot* teach *ANYTHING* that is in error in matters of faith and morals. It isn't possible.
@@jeffscully50613 When I made reference to the Holy Catholic Church I placed in parentheses Roman Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox meaning all believers of Jesus Christ, the Son of God throughout the world. Peter warned believers in 2 Peter 2:1-3 that false teachers will arise in the Church secretly introducing destructive heresies. Many will follow these false teachers and the way of truth will be blasphemed. The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy in 1 Timothy 2:5-6 "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time." One of the branches of Christendom teaches that Mary, the mother of our Lord, is also a mediator (mediatrix) and now many pray to Mary believing she is their mediator between men and God. This teaching that Mary, mother of our Lord, is a co-mediator is contrary to the word of God and is a false teaching.
@@stevereason6931 Sadly these false teachers rose up in the 16th century. There are things we can agree on within the many sects of Protestant churches..but many vital things that we cannot. I pray that all find their way back to the one true Church..that was started by Jesus Christ!
@@rosiegirl2485 The Apostles Paul, Peter, and John warned believers in Acts chapter 20, 1 Corinthians chapter 11, 2 Corinthians chapter 11, 1 Timothy chapter 1, 2 Timothy chapter 3, 2 Peter chapter 2, 1 John chapter 2 that even while they were alive there were false apostles, false teachers, anti-christs, and ravenous wolves deceiving and attempting to deceive believers and captivating weak women who were burdened down with sins. These false teachers have been around since the beginning of the Church. This is why it is soooo important to stay in the word of God each day so we can recognize who are the false teachers among us whether you attend a Roman Catholic Church, a Protestant Church or Orthodox Church. There are false teachers in each branch of Christendom. The Apostle Paul warned the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 11:3 "But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ." He goes on to say in verse 4 "For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough." The Apostle John wrote in his Gospel chapter 1 beginning in verse 11 "He (Jesus) came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God." In Matthew 16 when Peter declared to Jesus, "You are the Christ, the Son of God." Jesus said blessed are you Simon Bar-jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father in heaven." John wrote in 1 John 5:1 "Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God,..." The knowledge and belief that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God comes directly from the Father and that is the meaning of being born again. Those who are born again are God's children and they are the people who make up the one true Church, whether they are in the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant Church or Orthodox Church. Think about this...when the Anti-Christ comes (read Revelation chapters 12 & 13) he is not going ask if someone prays to Mary and/or the Saints, whether, or not, they believe in the filioque, whether they believe in infant baptism or believer's baptism, or whether the bread and wine are actually the body and blood of Jesus or if it is a symbol of remembrance? The Anti-christ wants to know if you hold to the testimony of Jesus, whether He is the Christ, the Son of God. If one confesses Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God then it is either off to prison of off with one's head. It is our belief in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God that matters. My confession is Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God!! I stand with all my brothers and sisters who make the same confession, whether they are Roman Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant.
I'm a Catholic who lost his way and left the church in my younger days. I have been invited to other churches, Protestant, but always felt like something was missing, like God was not speaking to me. In my late 30's, I asked God to enter my life and I walked into a Catholic Church one Sunday and it was like that Mass was for me. Everything I heard was like God was speaking to me and I could feel the Holy Spirit in me. I was like that Lamb who was lost and since that day I have felt the calling to defend my faith in a world with so much hate and disbelief. I'm not a full Apologetic but I feel as a Catholic, we need more Apologetics because there is one thing I notice about other Christian Faiths, there are Millions that hate the Catholic Church but they don't know why. I have found the American Denominations that follow Sola Scriptoria have taken it to the next level, so confused that anyone can start to Minister and lead people away from their own Lutheran Church beliefs which were not so far from Catholic of the time even with a Reformation.
This is interesting. Jesus said to believe in Him for salvation, He also said we must be born again, seems the two can’t be separated but must happen instantaneously for salvation to occur. Is Jesus God, why did He have to die, and what does it mean to be born again
@@jimmyallen9188jesus was born to fulfill scripture. He had to be born so that God could give people a tangible reason to believe rather than kill his own creation for their repeated sin. He knew a man like Noah and a man like Moses could only do so much. He had to show humans tangible mercy. Not because he made mistakes in the past...but because humans continued to make them. He gave his only son to forgive the sins of humanity. Jesus took upon himself the sins of the world and died for our lives to be saved. Much the same as the believers in Jesus when he walked the earth would bring their sick and dying to him to be healed. Their faith saved those people. Jesus' faith saved us. Without him being born we would still be in a very dark world. To be born again is to be saved by Christ through baptism (either at birth or at any time in ones life)at birth because this is the identical gesture made by those in faith to save their loved ones from illness and death. That's why the argument against child baptism is completely absurd. Protestants make it about consent. But that is completely illogical because those people saved their loved ones against their wills. That possessed man was saved by Jesus against his will. But I'm sure they're all grateful. I'm grateful I was baptized as a child. That my parents faith in God was put on me. But I also include adult baptism. Because not all are baptized as children. Jesus was an adult and so were many mant other people baptized through history. By John the Baptist and then so on and so on. To be born again means to go from living outside the life Christ wants for you to living the one he wants for you. Humans divide it by their dogma...and yes. Jesus is part of the trinity. He is the father and the son and the holy spirit.
Thank you for sharing, I like to hear diffrent experiences in and with faith and the Church. I myself was baptized Catholic and went to Catholic school, I never felt quite right about it all and walked away...fast forward I got into trouble and ended up in prison, there I converted to Islam (took the shahada). Searched in that for a good while, but it was empty and contradictory not to mention ridiculous. I then came back to Christianity being more convinced of Christ being Lord but stood non denominational to this day. I continue to learn and pray that I will stay seeking the Truth in Christ Jesus, wherever that may lead as long as it is in Him. I pray that all who genuinely call on the Name of Christ Jesus will be united in one mind and one accord. May God bless you my brother in Christ.
@@JVTRUTH You where in the right Church.. Sorry the Church did not help you.. I know what the problem is and God asked me become a Catholic Apologetic in my Church and anywhere I go. Download Hallow to your phone and listen, pray and being to get to know Jesus.
‘You shall have no other gods before me’ Images like the brass snake, eventually became a stumbling block to the Israelites. Interesting video- great production. Concern over certain English Bible verses, especially Matt 28:18-20 ie ‘As you go out’ instead of ‘Go into all the World...’
Timothy 4:3 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, Mathew 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus
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It seems to me that, the Church went wrong when it got involved in politics. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. LORD help us all who genuinely and sincerely call on the Name of Christ Jesus.🙏🏽
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Thanks for great presentation with balanced reporting. I belong to the church of East (Chaldean) catholic nurtured syro Malabar church. Now a major archbishcopal hierarchy
Great, succinct coverage of all those times and events and people. There's more to be said (for clarification, etc) of many things herein, but that would defeat the purpose of this video, which is to introduce us to all these things without getting bogged down on certain details, thus giving us all (whether Catholic or Protestant) a good, non-polemical outline of the historical Christian Church. One clarification, for example, the bishop of Rome wasn't considered the chief bishop just because he was seated in the most important city. He was the chief bishop because that was the seat of Peter in his last years on Earth, whom Jesus made the first 'pope' (as that bishop later came to be called). Peter was given the keys of the Kingdom by King Jesus (Matt 16:16ff), thus making Peter the prime minister, or vicar, of the King.
Jesus warned that "While men were sleeping an enemy oversowed weeds in amoung the wheat" ( Matt 13:25 ) After John the last apostle died ( went to sleep) the weeds began to appear! Only a few apostolic fathers who either knew John or his immediate disciples stuck to the true gospel. by the second century hellenistic greek philosophy was mixed with bible teachings. Efforts to understand what is unknown about God led to much speculation & falsehood. The final 'straw' came when to unify his empire Constantine ( while still a pagan) headed a state controlled 'church' which was the final harvest of weeds! Very sad. Yet by returning to the simple and pure bible teachings we can still find the truth of God the Father & his derar Son Jesus Christ. The Harvest is coming soon and the weeds will be gathered out & the 'wheat' saved! Amen!
Disagree. Constantine allowed the Church to flourish. Prior to this many of the early Church fathers were martyred. Jesus himself has said the gates of hell will not prevail against his Church. Often I see this as a way for some to justify modernity inserted into Christianity per the Reformation. After the last of the apostles several Church fathers rebutted heresies and died for the faith, to say they were weeds is to deny the faith they passed along.
@@truanashabadapressure6621 Thanks for your answer! I am not saying that ALL thr church fathers or other leading men that followed the life of the apostles were corrupt! far from it. True the 'gates of hell' did not prevail'. Prevail means that though an effort is made to impede someone, they will not COMPLETELY overcome them! Which was true since jesus promised 'Look I am with you until the conclusion of the system of things'. However we cannot escaper the fact that just as the apstles fortold in many of their writngs, corruption, infultration and false ideas would in fact seek to contaminate the Christian congregation. Thus anyone today who seeks pure Cjhristian truth should discriminatea between the truth of the gospel and the theological ideas based on greek philosophy which all historians agree had a profound effect on the creeds & dogmas of the 'church' from the 2nd century onwards.
@@truanashabadapressure6621 Constantine did 100% MORE than ALLOW the 'church' to flourish! He organised it! He had pagan temples converted into 'churches' He required that bishops answer to him and the state in all community matters. He organised 'diocease' ( a roman province term' to be controlled by him and overseed by 'bishops' He even issued a decree after Nicea that 'All shall observe the results and anyone found with writings or documents that oppose the conclusions of the coucil shall be punished by the state. ( even executed). The 'church' was compleltely under the authority of the emperor. This continued not only in Italy, but in Spain & France for centuries!! It is historical fact!
I think it was Paul who derailed things. James, the brother of Jesus, whom Jesus put in charge regardless of what landed in the gospel about Peter, called him the "great liar." I think many scholars think that any reference to a church is a later addition and probably no Jesus' teaching at all. All of the apostles had different areas they went to to spread the message, but those based in Jerusalem, including Peter and James, never really approved Paul's teachings and were vocal about it. We know the New Testament Gospels were not early writings and were finally put down in the latter half of the 1st century after a long period of transmission by mouth, a very unreliable method and prone to weave in other beliefs which wound up coming out of the mouth of Jesus.
@@margaretlouise6200 Therefore according to your viewpoint,( which you have a right to, and well done for thinking 'outside the box'!) We cant rely on the gospels if as you say they were written many years after the events they chronicaled. Thus there may have not been a Jesus at all, his birth, ministry, death e.t.c, Its all unrelaible according to you. So I take it you are not a Christian? ( No judgemental thought implied!). Can I ask you where you got this informantion|? It seems familiar to me! Theological seminary criticism seems to be the thread here! Bye the way If you read 2 peter 3 :15, Peter speaks very highly of Paul and even acknowledges that he was "Given wisdom from God". Also there is NO verse in the NT where James calls Paul a "Liar"! This is a fabrication!. I have more to reply but this is a start.
It should be noted that St. Ignatius called Jesus' Church the Catholic Church in AD 108. Most biblical scholars admit that it had probably been called the Catholic Church for years or even decades earlier, which would put the name during the time of at least some of the Apostles.
yet you can be guaranteed that even if what you say is true, which such is doubtful, they sure werent referring to the abomination in Rome we see today.
@@AvidanTheExpositor Jesus is God. He knew from the cross what you had for breakfast yesterday. He certainly could see what His Church would look like today. And He STILL gave His Church--the Catholic Church His authority to preach, teach, interpret scripture, administer the seven holy sacrements, and establish doctrine that is bound or loosed on Earth and in Heaven. He didn't give His authority to any other church or denomination. He knew 2,000 years ago what the world would look like today. He knew that His Church would have ups and downs. He knew of the internal struggles His Church would experience on its way to eternity.
@@jeffscully50613 Catholics aren't Christians. You can't see from thus video, let alone everything else that they changed everything as the years went by. You can not confess your sins to a man and then repeat pagan repetition prayers and expect to be going to heaven. Surely you see this. Jesus warns of everything the catholic church stands for in the new testament. You pray to the dead and that's necromancy. King Saul died for this. You venerate people that are nothing but dust in the ground by now. You even have pictures of Jesus still on a cross. I'm not saying you're worshiping imagines. You should seriously evaluate your life and read the Bible. I do mean tue Bible only. Not people that wrote what you should be doing. Again, I beg you, go read the Bible and reevaluate your life. In revelation it talks about the antichrist or false prophet being from a place that dawns the colors of crimson and purple amd comes from the city that sits on 7 hills and is loaded with riches. Sound like a place you may have heard about? Edit- not to mention you can't do anything for your salvation. Your work means nothing. No matter how much money you give, or penance you do, or how well you know the pope. None of these people or things matter. What matters is your personal relationship with God himself. All Christians are saints, not just the ones that your church declared you can pray to and ask for intervention on tour behalf.
The church is not roman religion. It is writen in the bible that we are the temple of God. 1 Corinthians 3:16 "Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?"
disgusting twisting of scripture from the NLV and your eisegesis of it, why dont you just add in words that were never there to suit your argument better?
@@AvidanTheExpositor actually the Aramaic version says something similar. 3:16 ¶ KNOW YOU not that you are the temple of Aloha, and (that) the Spirit of Aloha inhabiteth in you? 3:16 Know ye not, that ye are the temple of God? and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? 3:17 Whoso destroyeth the temple of Aloha, him will Aloha destroy for the temple of Aloha is holy, which you are. Stop teaching Church Dogma
@@sonsofliberty3081 your religion is a 500 year old man-made religion with 30000+ sects/ bible translations/jesuses.....why would we care what y'all heretical newbies think when ours has existed since apostolic times????
You guys work so hard, and then we see muslims and protestants who evidently didn't even watch the video whine! I appreciate you, may God bless you. Keep spreading the truth.
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It was also the reason behind much manipulation of Jesus' teachings, particularly the Council of Nicea under Constantine. He was far more interested in a church that would unify his kingdom and make it easy to rule than to be accurate about the teachings and message of Jesus, which were never the same after Constantine's councils got through with them. Those councils were POLITICAL, not religious.
@@margaretlouise6200 The Councils of The Church certainly may be considered to have been used for political purposes but it definitely is incorrect to say that they were political and not religious (by definition).
@@johnsteila6049 Ok, I will grant that councils were religious by definition, but often put to political purpose. I don't know how much the bishops were involved in the politics, perhaps not directly, but I know at Nicea Constantine would not let them leave until they came up with a creed that suited him. He didn't want the conflict in belief that had come about. He didn't care about what was true and false. The division wasn't serving his purpose. He wanted a church unified in belief, which just wasn't there. It was debated that Christ was divine which Constantine didn't want debated. So the council put an end to teachings that Christ wasn't divine. What was lost was the diversity of knowledge that previously existed. Christ became God. Period. It didn't matter whether in the Jesus-as-Son of Man tradition was Jesus' actual teaching. Did Jesus teach that he was divine? Or did that come into the gospels and oral tradition later? We'll never know. THAT'S POLITICS.
@@margaretlouise6200 Actually we have quite a lot of manuscripts from before The Council of Nicaea. There was a great diversity in early Christian belief, from The Gnostics, The Essenes, Manichians, Ebionites, etc. Not to mention the differences in practice between established churches. We can both agree that politics should have no place in religion but realistically, there is no religion that doesn’t practice some form of political exercise. That doesn’t necessarily make the acts of those religions, invalid.
@@johnsteila6049 We do, but my point was that after the Nicene Creed was pressed out of the Council of Nicea by Constantine, anything that was opposed to it became heresy and was persecuted. And the newly heretical teachings were forced to go underground, sometimes quite literally. Some were dug up from a hiding hole in Nag Hammadi 1600 years later, a tribute to the force of Constantine's politics. The Dead Sea Scrolls were long before Constantine, but they too were stashed to keep them out of the hands, probably of the Romans to prevent their desecration and hopefully preserve them after Jerusalem and presumably Judaism was destroyed. The religious leaders who hid them were certainly wary of Roman politics. My point is that religion is often impacted by politics and usually the desire is to make religion conform to the desired politics, not the other way around. Roman politics crushed Judea, not once but twice and Judaism was never the same after they destroyed the Temple. One thing about the Romans, they didn't bother with the niceties of councils when they wanted things their way. Constantine wanted a god, not a holy man, and one set of beliefs in order to give political stability to his rule...and he got it. We will never know which of the variety of teachings belonged to Jesus himself because Constantine's creed went universal and exploded anything that didn't go along with his program. I'll agree with you that politics is ubiquitous, but you're sort of making my point for me.
@@cathycanen4411 people mistake number 1 crape from the bible written by man, twisted words of man, stop living under the superstition of a long time dead god and join the real world. Spreading shit does no one any good.
42:00 "Misbehaving Mercenaries" Monumental understatement. Unless you're a Christian, then rape, torture and murder is not only acceptable behaviour but encouraged!
6:10 in video downplays the true yeshua herd, day 1 bread breakers. the church founded by Jesus. Peter was Catholic, Ignatius was the first one to write down this Description of Peter. and the name they were using to describe the first pure church of Catholics. this is why I wanna spend fellowship with others who honor the idea of never leaving the original herd that Simon Peter was martyred for being Catholic after Jesus told him to "take care of my catholic sheep"
@@nileshmuwar8425 Simon was a jew , he transformed into a Christian and was renamed by Jesus . Peter was his new name and he started a movement of converted jews that worshiped Christ known as Christians. When the movement reached other races and continents, a student of Peter, Ignatius of Antioch 107 AD collectively started referring to the movement as a universal global church called Catholicism. Saul the killer of Christians. Was 1/2 jew 1/2 Roman.... he became a worshiper of Jesus and christ changed his name to Paul the Christian.
@@margaretlouise6200 Paul absolutely did meet Jesus. Paul met the resurrected living christ. Paul was on a violent rampage he had hindered the church in Jerusalem, so he wanted more blood and went to hunt down the church in Damascus. While on the road to Syria Paul was confronted by Jesus the Christ and Paul lost his sight, his name, his current belief system, his pride, and his hateful tendencies. " Saul, why are you persecuting me? It's me Jesus, I am the one you are persecuting" I love you Margaret louise. Ananias was waiting for Paul in Damascus. Jesus appointed Ananias to restore the virtues that were taken away from Paul. Paul's miracle, I refer to this as the Damascus road Conversion.
Church history, Thy way, O God, is in thy sanctuary, who is so great a God as our God? {Psalm77:13} ...as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith God, that thou make all things according to *the pattern* shewed to thee in the mount. {Hebrews 8:5} The *sanctuary* [tabernacle] was a pattern of types and shadows of the heavenly temple, and Jesus Christ is the substance of those types and shadows. He is the door to the sanctuary; Jesus is the door to the Kingdom of heaven. He is the inner court surrounded by white linen; which is symbolic of being covered Christ prefect righteousness. He is our passover sacrificed for us on burnt alter for sacrifice. He is the laver for washing; symbolic of the rebirth, being born again of the Spirit. He is the table of Showbread; the two stacks of loves of bread are symbolic of the word of God (the bread of life) in two testaments / witnesses, also the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve Apostles. He is the Lampstand; the oil being symbolic of his Spirit; the Lampstand symbolic of his light unto the world. He is our Altar of incense; making intercession for his saints. He is our Mercy seat covering the Ark of the covenant; Jesus is both our advocate standing for his saints with the Father and He is our judge in judment. Jesus Christ caused the sacrifices and their oblations to cease, (Dan 9:27) by his one perfect sacrifice. In contrast to the time of the Gentiles, wherefore the sanctuary of God is trodden under foot for forty and two months. How so? This church who calls herself the mother church, claims to be *the door* to salvation. And the white linen surrounding the inner court is the righteousness of Mary and the saints of the Roman church. She claims that Christ sacrifice and Atonement for sin was not sufficient, for she instituted seven (works) sacraments. She through infant baptism makes a mockery of the rebirth of the new man. Her Catechism thinks to replace the inspired word of God. Her prayers to dead saints and to Mary, thinks to replace Christ work of intercession at the altar of incense. Hers is a false spirit which thinks to cover the light of truth. This beast and her king think to change times and laws of God. And goeth into perdition.
Shalom please compassionate heed my pleading I am sick stomach eyes back life miserably quotidian rations lacking please have pity on me God blessing you Mathew 25:34-45 arwi
I need to visit Jerusalem on My next vacation!🙏 God bless Jerusalem! It’s interesting how Jew and Muslim defended it from Christian during crusades now’s it’s Jews and Christian against Muslims!
Isaiah 64:5 You meet him that rejoices and works righteousness, those that remember you in your ways: behold, you are wroth; for we have sinned: in those is continuance, and we shall be saved. Ah I can't believe what I'm seeing It's like "Martyrs Mirror" LiVE 🔥 amen ❤️🔥 AMEN you do well labor for the last harvest indeed we are saved as in hope & faith & grace. Romans 4:3 For what said the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness. Romans 4:4 Now to him that works is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. Romans 4:5 But to him that works not, but believes on him that justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Romans 4:6 Even as David also describes the blessedness of the man, to whom God imputes righteousness without works, Romans 4:7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Romans 4:8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. Be blessed 🪔 amen. Yeah we needed this family. Next is sealing the time till now... I believe..
1:01:37 🫠 we wait as the apostolics till now I feel is Matthew 20 "64. These things, then, being to come to pass, beloved, and the one week being divided into two parts, and the abomination of desolation being manifested then, and the two prophets and forerunners of the Lord having finished their course, and the whole world finally approaching the consummation, what remains but the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ from heaven, for whom we have looked in hope? Who shall bring the conflagration and just judgment upon all who have refused to believe in Him. For the Lord says, And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draws near. And there shall not a hair of your head perish. For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even unto the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together. Now the fall took place in paradise; for Adam fell there. And He says again, Then shall the Son of man send His angels, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds of heaven. And David also, in announcing prophetically the judgment and coming of the Lord, says, His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and His circuit unto the end of the heaven: and there is no one hid from the heat thereof. By the heat he means the conflagration. And Esaias speaks thus: Come, my people, enter into your chamber, (and) shut your door: hide yourself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation of the Lord be overpast. And Paul in like manner: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth of God in unrighteousness. 65. Moreover, concerning the resurrection and the kingdom of the saints, Daniel says, And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall arise, some to everlasting life, (and some to shame and everlasting contempt). Esaias says, The dead men shall arise, and they that are in their tombs shall awake; for the dew from you is healing to them. The Lord says, Many in that day shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live. And the prophet says, Awake, you that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light. And John says, Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection: on such the second death has no power. For the second death is the lake of fire that burns. And again the Lord says, Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun shines in his glory. And to the saints He will say, Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. But what says He to the wicked? Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels, which my Father has prepared. And John says, Without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever makes and loves a lie; for your part is in the hell of fire. And in like manner also Esaias: And they shall go forth and look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me. And their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be for a spectacle to all flesh. 66. Concerning the resurrection of the righteous, Paul also speaks thus in writing to the Thessalonians: We would not have you to be ignorant concerning them which are asleep, that you sorrow not even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive (and) remain unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice and trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive (and) remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord." ~ (Hippolytus) disciple of Irenaeus disciple of Polycarp who knew John
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The FIVE pillars of Christianity are BAPTISM LORD'S PRAYER, THE PASSOVER PREACHING AND THE ETERNITY.. Christianity has no symbol like Cross. The symbol is preaching of Gospel for entering into the Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Rome never conquered Britain. Roman forces were repeatedly defeated by Briton (S Wales) and only “ruled” in select areas. A form of “Christianity” developed in S Wales in early first century. This form and followers later came into conflict with Roman Catholic “evangelists” who sought to supplant Welsh Christianity. BritainsHiddenHistory channel
Catholicism spread through the world: it spread from Jesus Christ: the Apostles are Roman Catholic! Read to understand how and for whom the 12 Apostles were killed: how they died their horrific deaths: No other church denomination on the face of the earth has Saints and Martyrs dying for their Faith and dying for Jesus Christ:
Catholic is a doctrine of demons! The apostles doctrine is the church of Christ (ROMANS 16:16) where they were first called Christian in Antioch. And where “A Cappella Singing” is commanded. The is no other doctrine in which to be Christian. THE NEW TESTAMENT IS PERFECT DOCTRINE! IT’S NOMINAL CHRISTIANITY!! Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish doctrines are “DENOMINATIONAL.” THE CHURCH MUST WARE HIS NAME
@@sonsofliberty3081 Being a Christian makes one a saint-in-the-making. How we live our lives and spread the Word determines actual saint's status in the afterlife.
Oh no. Catholics aren't Christians. Jesus was very clear. No praying to dead, you can do nothing for your salvation, and no veneration of people. Jesus is the ony was. Do not say repetitive prays like the pegans do. Catholics have a man that tells you how many hail marries or our fathers to say to be forgiven. Not biblical. The pope is either the antichrist or false prophet in revelation. He comes from the city that sits on 7 hills, has lots of riches, amd dawns the colors of crimson and purple. Very clear
The people of India's Brahmin religion, Sanatan religion, Hindu religion, always defame Buddha religion, till the time they break the church, these people also defame Christian religion.
The Holy Mass was later introduced into the Christianity by Constantine instead of celebrations of the PASSOVER every year on the 14th day of the first month of the Hebrew Calendar. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ was the last and final until His second coming. Until then we have to observe the Passover, Baptism, Preaching, Lord's Prayer and hope for the Eternity.
So it occurs to me that christianity was corrupted right after christs death. Christ said to love enemies, do good who hate u. And thou shall not KILL/MURDER . Jesus said come out be separate from WORLD.
I like how he doesn't even try to pronounce any non-English words/names "correctly"... ("Filioque", "Saladin", etc) He just reads through it as if he was standing in line at Sizzler in 1986... Consistent mispronunciation is better than inconsistent "correct" pronunciation, in my opinion.
Watch, listen, and understand; The True Church has suffered attack from its inception. Paul was clear in this prediction. The True Orthodox Church, set in motion by Jesus Himself and His Chosen Twelve Apostles, still stands today having not been polluted by (The Gates of Hell ) as Jesus promised. You don’t see the Orthodox Church blessing those who practice sexual immorality and if you do, those who are responsible will be quickly removed from the Church. The root and heart of the Eastern Orthodox Church still remains devoted to the teachings of Jesus and His Twelve Apostles. Read the Didache.
Many thanks Henjalam!! It would be great if you could support our channel to keep us producing videos and legit content! Unfortunately, we are reaching a point where we cannot sustain the costs of producing these videos. Can you make a $5, $10, $20, $50, or $100 donation now or every month to keep this channel going? You can make a direct donation @ fundly.com/let-there-be-light-4 or a tax-deductible donation @ www.theology-academy.org/ (Under “SUPPORT US”). You can also become a patron @ www.patreon.com/user?u=28861271.
The Church Jesus established is the Catholic Church. Always has been, always will be. Jesus chose Simon, whom He called Kepha, to lead His one, holy, catholic, and Apostolic Church, against which the gates of Hell shall not prevail. Whenever God, in the Old Testament, changed someone's name, it was because He was giving them a great responsibility, and authority: Abram/Abraham, Sarai/Sarah, Jacob/Israel, etc. Jesus, changing Simon's name to Kepha (Aramaic for Rock), was proof that Jesus had chosen Kepha for a great responsibility. That responsibility was to lead His Church. Giving Kepha the keys to the kingdom of Heaven was prophesied in Isaiah 22, when King David gave his servant, Eli Akim, the keys to the kingdom. Eli Akim became King David's Al Habayith (Hebrew for _Over the House_), or Prime Minister "Whatever he shall open shall be opened, whatever he shall shut shall be shut_" Jesus told Kepha, "Whatever you shall bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven. Whatever you shall loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven." Every first century Jew would have known exactly what Jesus was doing, by changing Simon's name to Kepha and giving him the keys to the kingdom of Heaven. Kepha, translated later, by Matthew, is now known as Peter. Peter was the first leader of Jesus' Church. The evidence is overwhelming. Peter, took on one of the the names by which the Al Habayith was known, "Papa," in Latin, Greek, and Italian. This is where the title "Pope" comes from.
Thanks for your comment Natnael. It would be great if you could support our channel to keep us producing videos and legit content! Unfortunately, we are reaching a point where we cannot sustain the costs of producing these videos. Can you make a $5, $10, $20, $50, or $100 donation now or every month to keep this channel going? You can make a direct donation @ fundly.com/let-there-be-light-4 or a tax-deductible donation @ www.theology-academy.org/ (Under “SUPPORT US”). You can also become a patron @ www.patreon.com/user?u=28861271.
Even the name of Orthodoxy is arrogant given the youth of the growing church at that time. They were dead wrong on the divinity and humanity of Christ period and it was their Bishop, who me denied this teaching but yet he was soupy ignorant of deeper theology and I guess was cunning enough to make believers of the eastern parts. If today the orthodox believe correctly on this then y still the schism ?? Arrogance. On Victor from st Peter and on and yet they defy. Our Lady of Fatima ora pronobis!!!
The Pope does NOT receive a salary, remembering that he is a priest, and priests take vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience. His needs are met: food, clothing (most borrowed from other popes), shelter, medical care, etc. The Vatican has many treasures that have been donated over centuries and must be maintained. Pope Francis doesn't even choose to live in the apostolic palace but rather in an apartment where many other employees of the Vatican live.
May God continue to provide for you to provide non-partisan and high quality as our Lord deserve. God is your reward.
Excellent unbiased presentation. Unable to tell if this video was made by a Roman Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox perspective. My heart grieves over the division within Christendom due to false teaching that has infiltrated the Holy Catholic Church (Roman Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox). Longing for Jesus' reign to end the division. Heavenly Father, forgive us of our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us. Come Lord Jesus, come quickly. Love to all brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.
What "false teaching" of the Catholic Church?
Jesus clearly left His one, holy, catholic and Apostolic Church against which the gates of Hell shall not prevail, under the protection and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus' Church literally *cannot* teach *ANYTHING* that is in error in matters of faith and morals. It isn't possible.
@@jeffscully50613 When I made reference to the Holy Catholic Church I placed in parentheses Roman Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox meaning all believers of Jesus Christ, the Son of God throughout the world. Peter warned believers in 2 Peter 2:1-3 that false teachers will arise in the Church secretly introducing destructive heresies. Many will follow these false teachers and the way of truth will be blasphemed. The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy in 1 Timothy 2:5-6 "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time." One of the branches of Christendom teaches that Mary, the mother of our Lord, is also a mediator (mediatrix) and now many pray to Mary believing she is their mediator between men and God. This teaching that Mary, mother of our Lord, is a co-mediator is contrary to the word of God and is a false teaching.
Sadly these false teachers rose up in the 16th century.
There are things we can agree on within the many sects of Protestant churches..but many vital things that we cannot.
I pray that all find their way back to the one true Church..that was started by Jesus Christ!
@@rosiegirl2485 The Apostles Paul, Peter, and John warned believers in Acts chapter 20, 1 Corinthians chapter 11, 2 Corinthians chapter 11, 1 Timothy chapter 1, 2 Timothy chapter 3, 2 Peter chapter 2, 1 John chapter 2 that even while they were alive there were false apostles, false teachers, anti-christs, and ravenous wolves deceiving and attempting to deceive believers and captivating weak women who were burdened down with sins. These false teachers have been around since the beginning of the Church. This is why it is soooo important to stay in the word of God each day so we can recognize who are the false teachers among us whether you attend a Roman Catholic Church, a Protestant Church or Orthodox Church. There are false teachers in each branch of Christendom. The Apostle Paul warned the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 11:3 "But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ." He goes on to say in verse 4 "For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough."
The Apostle John wrote in his Gospel chapter 1 beginning in verse 11 "He (Jesus) came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God." In Matthew 16 when Peter declared to Jesus, "You are the Christ, the Son of God." Jesus said blessed are you Simon Bar-jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father in heaven." John wrote in 1 John 5:1 "Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God,..." The knowledge and belief that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God comes directly from the Father and that is the meaning of being born again. Those who are born again are God's children and they are the people who make up the one true Church, whether they are in the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant Church or Orthodox Church.
Think about this...when the Anti-Christ comes (read Revelation chapters 12 & 13) he is not going ask if someone prays to Mary and/or the Saints, whether, or not, they believe in the filioque, whether they believe in infant baptism or believer's baptism, or whether the bread and wine are actually the body and blood of Jesus or if it is a symbol of remembrance? The Anti-christ wants to know if you hold to the testimony of Jesus, whether He is the Christ, the Son of God. If one confesses Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God then it is either off to prison of off with one's head. It is our belief in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God that matters. My confession is Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God!! I stand with all my brothers and sisters who make the same confession, whether they are Roman Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant.
@@stevereason6931 You are no match for the saints. They would eat you up.
I'm a Catholic who lost his way and left the church in my younger days. I have been invited to other churches, Protestant, but always felt like something was missing, like God was not speaking to me. In my late 30's, I asked God to enter my life and I walked into a Catholic Church one Sunday and it was like that Mass was for me. Everything I heard was like God was speaking to me and I could feel the Holy Spirit in me. I was like that Lamb who was lost and since that day I have felt the calling to defend my faith in a world with so much hate and disbelief. I'm not a full Apologetic but I feel as a Catholic, we need more Apologetics because there is one thing I notice about other Christian Faiths, there are Millions that hate the Catholic Church but they don't know why. I have found the American Denominations that follow Sola Scriptoria have taken it to the next level, so confused that anyone can start to Minister and lead people away from their own Lutheran Church beliefs which were not so far from Catholic of the time even with a Reformation.
This is interesting. Jesus said to believe in Him for salvation, He also said we must be born again, seems the two can’t be separated but must happen instantaneously for salvation to occur.
Is Jesus God, why did He have to die, and what does it mean to be born again
@@jimmyallen9188jesus was born to fulfill scripture. He had to be born so that God could give people a tangible reason to believe rather than kill his own creation for their repeated sin. He knew a man like Noah and a man like Moses could only do so much. He had to show humans tangible mercy. Not because he made mistakes in the past...but because humans continued to make them. He gave his only son to forgive the sins of humanity. Jesus took upon himself the sins of the world and died for our lives to be saved. Much the same as the believers in Jesus when he walked the earth would bring their sick and dying to him to be healed. Their faith saved those people. Jesus' faith saved us. Without him being born we would still be in a very dark world. To be born again is to be saved by Christ through baptism (either at birth or at any time in ones life)at birth because this is the identical gesture made by those in faith to save their loved ones from illness and death. That's why the argument against child baptism is completely absurd. Protestants make it about consent. But that is completely illogical because those people saved their loved ones against their wills. That possessed man was saved by Jesus against his will. But I'm sure they're all grateful. I'm grateful I was baptized as a child. That my parents faith in God was put on me. But I also include adult baptism. Because not all are baptized as children. Jesus was an adult and so were many mant other people baptized through history. By John the Baptist and then so on and so on. To be born again means to go from living outside the life Christ wants for you to living the one he wants for you. Humans divide it by their dogma...and yes. Jesus is part of the trinity. He is the father and the son and the holy spirit.
Thank you for sharing, I like to hear diffrent experiences in and with faith and the Church.
I myself was baptized Catholic and went to Catholic school, I never felt quite right about it all and walked away...fast forward I got into trouble and ended up in prison, there I converted to Islam (took the shahada). Searched in that for a good while, but it was empty and contradictory not to mention ridiculous. I then came back to Christianity being more convinced of Christ being Lord but stood non denominational to this day. I continue to learn and pray that I will stay seeking the Truth in Christ Jesus, wherever that may lead as long as it is in Him.
I pray that all who genuinely call on the Name of Christ Jesus will be united in one mind and one accord. May God bless you my brother in Christ.
@@JVTRUTH You where in the right Church.. Sorry the Church did not help you.. I know what the problem is and God asked me become a Catholic Apologetic in my Church and anywhere I go. Download Hallow to your phone and listen, pray and being to get to know Jesus.
Thanks for adding actual captions for the Deaf - makes series better for learning
‘You shall have no other gods before me’ Images like the brass snake, eventually became a stumbling block to the Israelites. Interesting video- great production. Concern over certain English Bible verses, especially Matt 28:18-20 ie ‘As you go out’ instead of ‘Go into all the World...’
Indeed, that's why Hezekiah destroyed the serpent. While making images need not be totally forbidden, bowing down before inanimate object should be.
What an amazing work you guys have done. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
I can't agree less
@@omubuulizi3329 alright, can you elaborate?
If you have interesting sources to share, please do
Timothy 4:3 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats,
Mathew 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus
This is wonderful... You have simplified the whole 2000 years of Christianity and the explanations are to the point without digressing.. Great work !!
Many thanks Anton!! We appreciate your comment. It would be great if you could support our channel to keep us producing videos and legit content! Unfortunately, we are reaching a point where we cannot sustain the costs of producing these videos. Can you make a $5, $10, $20, $50, or $100 donation now or every month to keep this channel going? You can make a direct donation @ fundly.com/let-there-be-light-4 or a tax-deductible donation @ www.theology-academy.org/ (Under “SUPPORT US”). You can also become a patron @ www.patreon.com/user?u=28861271.
It isn't possible to sum up 2,000 years of Christian history in an hour and a half.
Then read Malachi Martin's Decline and Fall of the Roman Church.
Awesome channel!!! Congratulations for the work done! I was wondering, how were the animations done?
Good morning to you all. Great studies wonderful to hear you.
Again, amazing work!
This is a superb overview. Thank you
great stuff!!! thanks for sharing!
These information is pretty high hard to digest or understand but God name be praised
It seems to me that, the Church went wrong when it got involved in politics. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. LORD help us all who genuinely and sincerely call on the Name of Christ Jesus.🙏🏽
Literally my thoughts as I'm watching this.
i'd recommend John Strickland's - Age of - series to anyone who liked this, lot more detail especially on the motives and effects of the "renaissance"
Great video! Is there a video on church history from 17th century to the present?
There r ‘Charts’.
😮.. my brain hurts! I’ll have to watch this again and take notes🤪
You skipped the monoenergist and monothelite controversy, but otherwise great vid!
We are getting to it in a different series. Thanks so much Alexandros. It would be great if you could support our channel to keep us producing videos and legit content! Unfortunately, we are reaching a point where we cannot sustain the costs of producing these videos. Can you make a $5, $10, $20, $50, or $100 donation now or every month to keep this channel going? You can make a direct donation @ fundly.com/let-there-be-light-4 or a tax-deductible donation @ www.theology-academy.org/ (Under “SUPPORT US”). You can also become a patron @ www.patreon.com/user?u=28861271.
Thanks for this video. It is a nice presentation.
This is so good but the speed is so fast I keep having to go back in my thoughts.
If you want to listen again..go to your settings & slow down the speed to... maybe 1.75 🕊️
Maranatha ✝️
Thanks for great presentation with balanced reporting. I belong to the church of East (Chaldean) catholic nurtured syro Malabar church. Now a major archbishcopal hierarchy
Amazing work, excellent piece
Wish you had a detailed video discussing the reformation
Great, succinct coverage of all those times and events and people. There's more to be said (for clarification, etc) of many things herein, but that would defeat the purpose of this video, which is to introduce us to all these things without getting bogged down on certain details, thus giving us all (whether Catholic or Protestant) a good, non-polemical outline of the historical Christian Church.
One clarification, for example, the bishop of Rome wasn't considered the chief bishop just because he was seated in the most important city. He was the chief bishop because that was the seat of Peter in his last years on Earth, whom Jesus made the first 'pope' (as that bishop later came to be called). Peter was given the keys of the Kingdom by King Jesus (Matt 16:16ff), thus making Peter the prime minister, or vicar, of the King.
Excellent overview of church history. Thanks!!
Interesting history. Thanks.
Pretty awesome. Thanks.
Thank you so much brother
Can i donate using the thanks button on UA-cam? its not a lot as i just started working but would like the money to go straight to you guys. God Bless
Yall need to update your website. I can’t get on.
Hello this is our new website - www.theologyacademy.net/
thank you for this.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😇😇😇😇😇❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jesus warned that "While men were sleeping an enemy oversowed weeds in amoung the wheat" ( Matt 13:25 ) After John the last apostle died ( went to sleep) the weeds began to appear! Only a few apostolic fathers who either knew John or his immediate disciples stuck to the true gospel. by the second century hellenistic greek philosophy was mixed with bible teachings. Efforts to understand what is unknown about God led to much speculation & falsehood. The final 'straw' came when to unify his empire Constantine ( while still a pagan) headed a state controlled 'church' which was the final harvest of weeds! Very sad. Yet by returning to the simple and pure bible teachings we can still find the truth of God the Father & his derar Son Jesus Christ. The Harvest is coming soon and the weeds will be gathered out & the 'wheat' saved! Amen!
Disagree. Constantine allowed the Church to flourish. Prior to this many of the early Church fathers were martyred. Jesus himself has said the gates of hell will not prevail against his Church. Often I see this as a way for some to justify modernity inserted into Christianity per the Reformation. After the last of the apostles several Church fathers rebutted heresies and died for the faith, to say they were weeds is to deny the faith they passed along.
@@truanashabadapressure6621 Thanks for your answer! I am not saying that ALL thr church fathers or other leading men that followed the life of the apostles were corrupt! far from it. True the 'gates of hell' did not prevail'. Prevail means that though an effort is made to impede someone, they will not COMPLETELY overcome them! Which was true since jesus promised 'Look I am with you until the conclusion of the system of things'. However we cannot escaper the fact that just as the apstles fortold in many of their writngs, corruption, infultration and false ideas would in fact seek to contaminate the Christian congregation. Thus anyone today who seeks pure Cjhristian truth should discriminatea between the truth of the gospel and the theological ideas based on greek philosophy which all historians agree had a profound effect on the creeds & dogmas of the 'church' from the 2nd century onwards.
@@truanashabadapressure6621 Constantine did 100% MORE than ALLOW the 'church' to flourish! He organised it! He had pagan temples converted into 'churches' He required that bishops answer to him and the state in all community matters. He organised 'diocease' ( a roman province term' to be controlled by him and overseed by 'bishops' He even issued a decree after Nicea that 'All shall observe the results and anyone found with writings or documents that oppose the conclusions of the coucil shall be punished by the state. ( even executed). The 'church' was compleltely under the authority of the emperor. This continued not only in Italy, but in Spain & France for centuries!! It is historical fact!
I think it was Paul who derailed things. James, the brother of Jesus, whom Jesus put in charge regardless of what landed in the gospel about Peter, called him the "great liar." I think many scholars think that any reference to a church is a later addition and probably no Jesus' teaching at all. All of the apostles had different areas they went to to spread the message, but those based in Jerusalem, including Peter and James, never really approved Paul's teachings and were vocal about it. We know the New Testament Gospels were not early writings and were finally put down in the latter half of the 1st century after a long period of transmission by mouth, a very unreliable method and prone to weave in other beliefs which wound up coming out of the mouth of Jesus.
@@margaretlouise6200 Therefore according to your viewpoint,( which you have a right to, and well done for thinking 'outside the box'!) We cant rely on the gospels if as you say they were written many years after the events they chronicaled. Thus there may have not been a Jesus at all, his birth, ministry, death e.t.c, Its all unrelaible according to you. So I take it you are not a Christian? ( No judgemental thought implied!). Can I ask you where you got this informantion|? It seems familiar to me! Theological seminary criticism seems to be the thread here! Bye the way If you read 2 peter 3 :15, Peter speaks very highly of Paul and even acknowledges that he was "Given wisdom from God". Also there is NO verse in the NT where James calls Paul a "Liar"! This is a fabrication!. I have more to reply but this is a start.
It should be noted that St. Ignatius called Jesus' Church the Catholic Church in AD 108. Most biblical scholars admit that it had probably been called the Catholic Church for years or even decades earlier, which would put the name during the time of at least some of the Apostles.
yet you can be guaranteed that even if what you say is true, which such is doubtful, they sure werent referring to the abomination in Rome we see today.
@@AvidanTheExpositor yeah the modern catholic church is just messed up
@@AvidanTheExpositor Jesus is God. He knew from the cross what you had for breakfast yesterday. He certainly could see what His Church would look like today. And He STILL gave His Church--the Catholic Church His authority to preach, teach, interpret scripture, administer the seven holy sacrements, and establish doctrine that is bound or loosed on Earth and in Heaven. He didn't give His authority to any other church or denomination.
He knew 2,000 years ago what the world would look like today. He knew that His Church would have ups and downs. He knew of the internal struggles His Church would experience on its way to eternity.
@@jeffscully50613 Catholics aren't Christians. You can't see from thus video, let alone everything else that they changed everything as the years went by. You can not confess your sins to a man and then repeat pagan repetition prayers and expect to be going to heaven. Surely you see this. Jesus warns of everything the catholic church stands for in the new testament. You pray to the dead and that's necromancy. King Saul died for this. You venerate people that are nothing but dust in the ground by now. You even have pictures of Jesus still on a cross. I'm not saying you're worshiping imagines. You should seriously evaluate your life and read the Bible. I do mean tue Bible only. Not people that wrote what you should be doing. Again, I beg you, go read the Bible and reevaluate your life. In revelation it talks about the antichrist or false prophet being from a place that dawns the colors of crimson and purple amd comes from the city that sits on 7 hills and is loaded with riches. Sound like a place you may have heard about?
Edit- not to mention you can't do anything for your salvation. Your work means nothing. No matter how much money you give, or penance you do, or how well you know the pope. None of these people or things matter. What matters is your personal relationship with God himself. All Christians are saints, not just the ones that your church declared you can pray to and ask for intervention on tour behalf.
Great video and illustrations. Good bless ❤
I've always thought that the unending cries for Unity from the Church Fathers tell us that the early Church was incredibly diverse and divided.
Thank you 🙏🏾 🙏🏾
This story teller revises on his own perspective the history of the Church... Make your sources universal...
Do you have anything on church history from Luther's Reformation to now?
What happened to the persecutions that Foxe's book of Martyrs talks about? Isn't that also part of church history?
What about the 30 year war between Protestants and Catholics? The one that ended in religious freedom.
The church is not roman religion. It is writen in the bible that we are the temple of God.
1 Corinthians 3:16
"Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?"
disgusting twisting of scripture from the NLV and your eisegesis of it, why dont you just add in words that were never there to suit your argument better?
@@AvidanTheExpositor actually the Aramaic version says something similar.
3:16 ¶ KNOW YOU not that you are the temple of Aloha, and (that) the Spirit of Aloha inhabiteth in you?
3:16 Know ye not, that ye are the temple of God? and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
3:17 Whoso destroyeth the temple of Aloha, him will Aloha destroy for the temple of Aloha is holy, which you are.
Stop teaching Church Dogma
@@TheArcticDen isn't it something to see Catholics squirm when they see they follow a man and not God.
@@sonsofliberty3081 Jesus is God! John 10:30
@@sonsofliberty3081 your religion is a 500 year old man-made religion with 30000+ sects/ bible translations/jesuses.....why would we care what y'all heretical newbies think when ours has existed since apostolic times????
Marcion claimed that the letter to the Ephesians was mislabeled....it was written to the church at Laodicea....
You guys work so hard, and then we see muslims and protestants who evidently didn't even watch the video whine!
I appreciate you, may God bless you. Keep spreading the truth.
God bless you too!! Many thanks for your comments. It would be great if you could support our channel to keep us producing videos and legit content! Unfortunately, we are reaching a point where we cannot sustain the costs of producing these videos. Can you make a $5, $10, $20, $50, or $100 donation now or every month to keep this channel going? You can make a direct donation @ fundly.com/let-there-be-light-4 or a tax-deductible donation @ www.theology-academy.org/ (Under “SUPPORT US”). You can also become a patron @ www.patreon.com/user?u=28861271.
God is good. We are thankful for the Anglican Church in Canada.
4:40 Nestorius being Patriarch of Constantinople confused me. I always thought about Antioch when thinking of Nestorius.
The intro left out the life of Orthodoxy under the tyranny of Islam, and later Communism. It affected Orthodox unity.
ok so john of damascus started it all now i know thanks
Wow at 6:19, the Catholicum Ecclesial is the one and only truth, the Kingdom of our lord on earth. What letter built!
Eastern part of the empire was only called Byzantine by much later historians
The search for unity was the reason for The Church to convene it’s councils.
It was also the reason behind much manipulation of Jesus' teachings, particularly the Council of Nicea under Constantine. He was far more interested in a church that would unify his kingdom and make it easy to rule than to be accurate about the teachings and message of Jesus, which were never the same after Constantine's councils got through with them. Those councils were POLITICAL, not religious.
@@margaretlouise6200 The Councils of The Church certainly may be considered to have been used for political purposes but it definitely is incorrect to say that they were political and not religious (by definition).
@@johnsteila6049 Ok, I will grant that councils were religious by definition, but often put to political purpose. I don't know how much the bishops were involved in the politics, perhaps not directly, but I know at Nicea Constantine would not let them leave until they came up with a creed that suited him. He didn't want the conflict in belief that had come about. He didn't care about what was true and false. The division wasn't serving his purpose. He wanted a church unified in belief, which just wasn't there. It was debated that Christ was divine which Constantine didn't want debated. So the council put an end to teachings that Christ wasn't divine. What was lost was the diversity of knowledge that previously existed. Christ became God. Period. It didn't matter whether in the Jesus-as-Son of Man tradition was Jesus' actual teaching. Did Jesus teach that he was divine? Or did that come into the gospels and oral tradition later? We'll never know. THAT'S POLITICS.
@@margaretlouise6200 Actually we have quite a lot of manuscripts from before The Council of Nicaea. There was a great diversity in early Christian belief, from The Gnostics, The Essenes, Manichians, Ebionites, etc. Not to mention the differences in practice between established churches. We can both agree that politics should have no place in religion but realistically, there is no religion that doesn’t practice some form of political exercise. That doesn’t necessarily make the acts of those religions, invalid.
@@johnsteila6049 We do, but my point was that after the Nicene Creed was pressed out of the Council of Nicea by Constantine, anything that was opposed to it became heresy and was persecuted. And the newly heretical teachings were forced to go underground, sometimes quite literally. Some were dug up from a hiding hole in Nag Hammadi 1600 years later, a tribute to the force of Constantine's politics. The Dead Sea Scrolls were long before Constantine, but they too were stashed to keep them out of the hands, probably of the Romans to prevent their desecration and hopefully preserve them after Jerusalem and presumably Judaism was destroyed. The religious leaders who hid them were certainly wary of Roman politics. My point is that religion is often impacted by politics and usually the desire is to make religion conform to the desired politics, not the other way around. Roman politics crushed Judea, not once but twice and Judaism was never the same after they destroyed the Temple. One thing about the Romans, they didn't bother with the niceties of councils when they wanted things their way. Constantine wanted a god, not a holy man, and one set of beliefs in order to give political stability to his rule...and he got it. We will never know which of the variety of teachings belonged to Jesus himself because Constantine's creed went universal and exploded anything that didn't go along with his program. I'll agree with you that politics is ubiquitous, but you're sort of making my point for me.
How did all this effect Scripture?
Venetians during the crusades: I like money 💰
The body of Christ should aim at achieving unity of faith, not diversity of teachings.
We can have unity while at the same time learning from each other. I love to learn the distinctions among believers.
Good luck with that..
People will make mistakes because there is a deceiver in the world, “nevertheless, the Lord knows who are His.” 2 Tim. 2:19
@@cathycanen4411 people mistake number 1 crape from the bible written by man, twisted words of man, stop living under the superstition of a long time dead god and join the real world. Spreading shit does no one any good.
Tell us about nice and council
It's in his first video through the 1st-5th century
They also have individual videos on it
42:00 "Misbehaving Mercenaries" Monumental understatement. Unless you're a Christian, then rape, torture and murder is not only acceptable behaviour but encouraged!
Unless you're a Christian??? Those things seem to be considered good practice by Christians to this day.
6:10 in video downplays the true yeshua herd, day 1 bread breakers. the church founded by Jesus. Peter was Catholic, Ignatius was the first one to write down this Description of Peter. and the name they were using to describe the first pure church of Catholics. this is why I wanna spend fellowship with others who honor the idea of never leaving the original herd that Simon Peter was martyred for being Catholic after Jesus told him to "take care of my catholic sheep"
What i hv read in the Bible is that Peter was a Jew and Paul was also a Jew how to they can be catholic.
@@nileshmuwar8425 Simon was a jew , he transformed into a Christian and was renamed by Jesus . Peter was his new name and he started a movement of converted jews that worshiped Christ known as Christians. When the movement reached other races and continents, a student of Peter, Ignatius of Antioch 107 AD collectively started referring to the movement as a universal global church called Catholicism. Saul the killer of Christians. Was 1/2 jew 1/2 Roman.... he became a worshiper of Jesus and christ changed his name to Paul the Christian.
@@andrewcarter1500 Paul never met Jesus.
Eastern Orthodoxy alone.
@@margaretlouise6200 Paul absolutely did meet Jesus. Paul met the resurrected living christ. Paul was on a violent rampage he had hindered the church in Jerusalem, so he wanted more blood and went to hunt down the church in Damascus. While on the road to Syria Paul was confronted by Jesus the Christ and Paul lost his sight, his name, his current belief system, his pride, and his hateful tendencies. " Saul, why are you persecuting me? It's me Jesus, I am the one you are persecuting" I love you Margaret louise. Ananias was waiting for Paul in Damascus. Jesus appointed Ananias to restore the virtues that were taken away from Paul. Paul's miracle, I refer to this as the Damascus road Conversion.
"war crimes" didnt exist back then what is this phrasing?
Although many Nestorians joined the church of the East, the latter denies that it was ever nestorian.
Isnt the Catholic Church featured in Revelation?
Explain more about Oriental Orthodox plzzzzzzz.
After watching this it should be clear that none of these religions stemmed from the Church Christ called, these are just people pursuing power
Missing over 600 years of important history.
What do you mean, could you please be more specific?
The Church began in 33 AD not the 6th century.
There is another video so please look through it .
Church history,
Thy way, O God, is in thy sanctuary, who is so great a God as our God?
...as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith God, that thou make all things according to *the pattern* shewed to thee in the mount.
{Hebrews 8:5}
The *sanctuary* [tabernacle] was a pattern of types and shadows of the heavenly temple, and Jesus Christ is the substance of those types and shadows.
He is the door to the sanctuary; Jesus is the door to the Kingdom of heaven.
He is the inner court surrounded by white linen; which is symbolic of being covered Christ prefect righteousness.
He is our passover sacrificed for us on burnt alter for sacrifice.
He is the laver for washing; symbolic of the rebirth, being born again of the Spirit.
He is the table of Showbread; the two stacks of loves of bread are symbolic of the word of God (the bread of life) in two testaments / witnesses, also the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve Apostles.
He is the Lampstand; the oil being symbolic of his Spirit; the Lampstand symbolic of his light unto the world.
He is our Altar of incense; making intercession for his saints.
He is our Mercy seat covering the Ark of the covenant; Jesus is both our advocate standing for his saints with the Father and He is our judge in judment.
Jesus Christ caused the sacrifices and their oblations to cease, (Dan 9:27) by his one perfect sacrifice.
In contrast to the time of the Gentiles, wherefore the sanctuary of God is trodden under foot for forty and two months.
How so?
This church who calls herself the mother church, claims to be *the door* to salvation.
And the white linen surrounding the inner court is the righteousness of Mary and the saints of the Roman church.
She claims that Christ sacrifice and Atonement for sin was not sufficient, for she instituted seven (works) sacraments.
She through infant baptism makes a mockery of the rebirth of the new man.
Her Catechism thinks to replace the inspired word of God.
Her prayers to dead saints and to Mary, thinks to replace Christ work of intercession at the altar of incense.
Hers is a false spirit which thinks to cover the light of truth.
This beast and her king think to change times and laws of God.
And goeth into perdition.
Shalom please compassionate heed my pleading I am sick stomach eyes back life miserably quotidian rations lacking please have pity on me God blessing you Mathew 25:34-45 arwi
Anyone who follows the 10 Commandments is opposed to images used in worship.
I need to visit Jerusalem on
My next vacation!🙏
God bless Jerusalem!
It’s interesting how Jew and Muslim defended it from Christian during crusades now’s it’s Jews and Christian against Muslims!
No. It's only Jews and American Protestants vs Muslims.
Isaiah 64:5 You meet him that rejoices and works righteousness, those that remember you in your ways: behold, you are wroth; for we have sinned: in those is continuance, and we shall be saved.
Ah I can't believe what I'm seeing
It's like "Martyrs Mirror" LiVE 🔥 amen ❤️🔥 AMEN you do well labor for the last harvest indeed we are saved as in hope & faith & grace.
Romans 4:3 For what said the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness.
Romans 4:4 Now to him that works is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.
Romans 4:5 But to him that works not, but believes on him that justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
Romans 4:6 Even as David also describes the blessedness of the man, to whom God imputes righteousness without works,
Romans 4:7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.
Romans 4:8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.
Be blessed 🪔 amen.
Yeah we needed this family.
Next is sealing the time till now...
I believe..
1:01:37 🫠 we wait as the apostolics till now I feel is Matthew 20
"64. These things, then, being to come to pass, beloved, and the one week being divided into two parts, and the abomination of desolation being manifested then, and the two prophets and forerunners of the Lord having finished their course, and the whole world finally approaching the consummation, what remains but the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ from heaven, for whom we have looked in hope? Who shall bring the conflagration and just judgment upon all who have refused to believe in Him. For the Lord says, And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draws near. And there shall not a hair of your head perish. For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even unto the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together. Now the fall took place in paradise; for Adam fell there. And He says again, Then shall the Son of man send His angels, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds of heaven. And David also, in announcing prophetically the judgment and coming of the Lord, says, His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and His circuit unto the end of the heaven: and there is no one hid from the heat thereof. By the heat he means the conflagration. And Esaias speaks thus: Come, my people, enter into your chamber, (and) shut your door: hide yourself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation of the Lord be overpast. And Paul in like manner: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth of God in unrighteousness.
65. Moreover, concerning the resurrection and the kingdom of the saints, Daniel says, And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall arise, some to everlasting life, (and some to shame and everlasting contempt). Esaias says, The dead men shall arise, and they that are in their tombs shall awake; for the dew from you is healing to them. The Lord says, Many in that day shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live. And the prophet says, Awake, you that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light. And John says, Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection: on such the second death has no power. For the second death is the lake of fire that burns. And again the Lord says, Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun shines in his glory. And to the saints He will say, Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. But what says He to the wicked? Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels, which my Father has prepared. And John says, Without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever makes and loves a lie; for your part is in the hell of fire. And in like manner also Esaias: And they shall go forth and look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me. And their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be for a spectacle to all flesh.
66. Concerning the resurrection of the righteous, Paul also speaks thus in writing to the Thessalonians: We would not have you to be ignorant concerning them which are asleep, that you sorrow not even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive (and) remain unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice and trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive (and) remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
~ (Hippolytus) disciple of Irenaeus disciple of Polycarp who knew John
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The FIVE pillars of Christianity are BAPTISM LORD'S PRAYER, THE PASSOVER PREACHING AND THE ETERNITY.. Christianity has no symbol like Cross. The symbol is preaching of Gospel for entering into the Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Lots of your crusade analysis are inaccurate.
Why did you leave out Jesus call out to the apostle Simon, thou art Peter and upon you I will build my church.and giving him the keys of the kingdom
Sad.. Peter never went to rome
It may mean different. Part of speech.
This is a very wonderful series, although, it is sad how God's people consistently fall into heresy, division, and idolatry like in the Old Testament.
Rome never conquered Britain. Roman forces were repeatedly defeated by Briton (S Wales) and only “ruled” in select areas.
A form of “Christianity” developed in S Wales in early first century. This form and followers later came into conflict with Roman Catholic “evangelists” who sought to supplant Welsh Christianity.
BritainsHiddenHistory channel
It’s The 😂Imagination in Form of Art …..🌞
Catholicism spread through the world: it spread from Jesus Christ: the Apostles are Roman Catholic!
Read to understand how and for whom the 12 Apostles were killed: how they died their horrific deaths:
No other church denomination on the face of the earth has Saints and Martyrs dying for their Faith and dying for Jesus Christ:
Never thought about that. No saints elsewhere, interesting
only the catholics use their dead to elevate themselves. Massacre of St. Bartholomew's easily outscores all of your "martyrs"
Catholic is a doctrine of demons!
The apostles doctrine is the church of Christ (ROMANS 16:16) where they were first called Christian in Antioch.
And where “A Cappella Singing” is commanded.
The is no other doctrine in which to be Christian.
Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish doctrines are “DENOMINATIONAL.”
@@capgains if you're a Christian you are a Saint, just like they were.
@@sonsofliberty3081 Being a Christian makes one a saint-in-the-making. How we live our lives and spread the Word determines actual saint's status in the afterlife.
Lol did you really just being up war crimes when talking about medieval wars
In other words, Eastern, Western there is no difference. They believe in God and Jesus Christ. So what's the problem?
Oh no. Catholics aren't Christians. Jesus was very clear. No praying to dead, you can do nothing for your salvation, and no veneration of people. Jesus is the ony was. Do not say repetitive prays like the pegans do. Catholics have a man that tells you how many hail marries or our fathers to say to be forgiven. Not biblical. The pope is either the antichrist or false prophet in revelation. He comes from the city that sits on 7 hills, has lots of riches, amd dawns the colors of crimson and purple. Very clear
@@sonsofliberty3081 God adjust with the times; and so are His flock the Holy Roman Catholic Church according to His Will..
The antichrist and man of sin pope of Rome!
@@deocyasol9406 Adjusts?
@@donnarichert5627 No. Stay where you are. God knows.
The people of India's Brahmin religion, Sanatan religion, Hindu religion, always defame Buddha religion, till the time they break the church, these people also defame Christian religion.
Truth will always prevail.
The tide is turning in India with the empowerment of the backward classes.
The Holy Mass was later introduced into the Christianity by Constantine instead of celebrations of the PASSOVER every year on the 14th day of the first month of the Hebrew Calendar. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ was the last and final until His second coming. Until then we have to observe the Passover, Baptism, Preaching, Lord's Prayer and hope for the Eternity.
the first mass was at peter' house in ¹ capernaum or Bethesda.&; Jesu+1s stayed at Peter's house and it was a gathering place for the first member 🕗 3
At least say Christian missionaries not catholic. is this funded by the catholic church?
Man we used to be awesome we need the crusades again lol
WHY? To murder Jews again? Shame on you! The Catholic Church is what gives Christians a bad name! That’s why Jews don’t like us and don’t trust us.
So it occurs to me that christianity was corrupted right after christs death. Christ said to love enemies, do good who hate u. And thou shall not KILL/MURDER . Jesus said come out be separate from WORLD.
I like how he doesn't even try to pronounce any non-English words/names "correctly"... ("Filioque", "Saladin", etc) He just reads through it as if he was standing in line at Sizzler in 1986...
Consistent mispronunciation is better than inconsistent "correct" pronunciation, in my opinion.
Watch, listen, and understand; The True Church has suffered attack from its inception. Paul was clear in this prediction. The True Orthodox Church, set in motion by Jesus Himself and His Chosen Twelve Apostles, still stands today having not been polluted by (The Gates of Hell ) as Jesus promised. You don’t see the Orthodox Church blessing those who practice sexual immorality and if you do, those who are responsible will be quickly removed from the Church. The root and heart of the Eastern Orthodox Church still remains devoted to the teachings of Jesus and His Twelve Apostles. Read the Didache.
The 6th, to the 16th century was “the devil’s millennium, when he was shut up for a thousand years.
Many thanks Henjalam!! It would be great if you could support our channel to keep us producing videos and legit content! Unfortunately, we are reaching a point where we cannot sustain the costs of producing these videos. Can you make a $5, $10, $20, $50, or $100 donation now or every month to keep this channel going? You can make a direct donation @ fundly.com/let-there-be-light-4 or a tax-deductible donation @ www.theology-academy.org/ (Under “SUPPORT US”). You can also become a patron @ www.patreon.com/user?u=28861271.
The Church Jesus established is the Catholic Church. Always has been, always will be.
Jesus chose Simon, whom He called Kepha, to lead His one, holy, catholic, and Apostolic Church, against which the gates of Hell shall not prevail.
Whenever God, in the Old Testament, changed someone's name, it was because He was giving them a great responsibility, and authority: Abram/Abraham, Sarai/Sarah, Jacob/Israel, etc.
Jesus, changing Simon's name to Kepha (Aramaic for Rock), was proof that Jesus had chosen Kepha for a great responsibility. That responsibility was to lead His Church.
Giving Kepha the keys to the kingdom of Heaven was prophesied in Isaiah 22, when King David gave his servant, Eli Akim, the keys to the kingdom. Eli Akim became King David's Al Habayith (Hebrew for _Over the House_), or Prime Minister "Whatever he shall open shall be opened, whatever he shall shut shall be shut_"
Jesus told Kepha, "Whatever you shall bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven. Whatever you shall loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven."
Every first century Jew would have known exactly what Jesus was doing, by changing Simon's name to Kepha and giving him the keys to the kingdom of Heaven.
Kepha, translated later, by Matthew, is now known as Peter. Peter was the first leader of Jesus' Church. The evidence is overwhelming. Peter, took on one of the the names by which the Al Habayith was known, "Papa," in Latin, Greek, and Italian. This is where the title "Pope" comes from.
Ninian wasn’t English 😬
The TRUE CHURCH is not Catholic! Just Christians following GOD's WORD! GOD's WORD is Head of all ! No pope can over rule it! JESUS!
Please rewatch the video
TRUTH hurts
@@vennue9958 I tell you 😂😂💔
Here we go
Thanks for your comment Natnael. It would be great if you could support our channel to keep us producing videos and legit content! Unfortunately, we are reaching a point where we cannot sustain the costs of producing these videos. Can you make a $5, $10, $20, $50, or $100 donation now or every month to keep this channel going? You can make a direct donation @ fundly.com/let-there-be-light-4 or a tax-deductible donation @ www.theology-academy.org/ (Under “SUPPORT US”). You can also become a patron @ www.patreon.com/user?u=28861271.
Even the name of Orthodoxy is arrogant given the youth of the growing church at that time. They were dead wrong on the divinity and humanity of Christ period and it was their Bishop, who me denied this teaching but yet he was soupy ignorant of deeper theology and I guess was cunning enough to make believers of the eastern parts. If today the orthodox believe correctly on this then y still the schism ?? Arrogance. On Victor from st Peter and on and yet they defy. Our Lady of Fatima ora pronobis!!!
picts not pikes. im a pict or scotsman i think. lol
Popp leeder makes money's 😂
The Pope does NOT receive a salary, remembering that he is a priest, and priests take vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience. His needs are met: food, clothing (most borrowed from other popes), shelter, medical care, etc. The Vatican has many treasures that have been donated over centuries and must be maintained. Pope Francis doesn't even choose to live in the apostolic palace but rather in an apartment where many other employees of the Vatican live.
He's( the Roman pope) the evil wicked antichrist and man of sin 2 Thessalonians 2:2-6
For the world hates me, it will hate u too. Like the sabbath changed...who had that authority.
@aeneaslime2968 ya exactly !! I am from a strict church that has many rules yet we do not keep the Sabbath , like the ten commandments say
Some real bunk in your video. The renaissance brought us communism, modernism and death.