+Sir Lord JazzyMan In a way, the Alliances plan worked, they constructed the Pandorica in order to imprison the Doctor and save the Universe, and later on the Doctor uses the Pandorica to save the Universe. The Doctor wouldn't have been able to do anything if the Alliance didn't construct the Pandorica.
HYPNOTIST 39 no because Rory was there at the same time the doctor was in the pandorica, about an hour or so of being in the pandorica the doctors future self who escaped because Rory let him out came to Rory before he let he doctor out, he gave him a screwdriver to let the doctor out so an amount of time later he went back in time and did what I just said, it was all in the same time, the doctor didn't wait any more than an hour. Pay attention boy!
Charlotte Spriggs “we become, different people, we all change, through our lives and that’s ok you got to keep moving! But, I won’t forget. Not one day! I will always remember, when the doctor was me!” I cried when he said that five years ago, it still makes me sad when I think about the eleventh’s end
This scene actually makes a lot more sense now after the Christmas special. When this first aired we thought that he had two, or at least one, regeneration left, but all along Eleven knew that this was supposed to be his last life. Even if he didn't return, he couldn't have regenerated anyway, so he didn't mind sacrificing himself once and for all as a final "big bang" to his last life.
We've known this for about 30 years. It was first established in the story with Tom Baker 'The Deadly Assassin'. We've known he could only regenerate 12 times...
masteranderton I meant that we didn't know about the War Doctor's existence, so we assumed that he had at least one more regeneration. The War Doctor didn't exist when this episode came out.
VineFynn Peter Capaldi is actually the first Doctor of a new cycle. The Tenth Doctor also wasted a regeneration when he shot the regeneration energy into his hand and created the Meta-Crisis Doctor. With eleven Doctors, John Hurt's uncounted War Doctor, and the Tenth Doctor using up a regeneration to create a clone, that accounts for all thirteen lives. However, the Doctor gets a new regenerative cycle in "Time of the Doctor". I really liked it, and would recommend watching it to see the Eleventh Doctor's awesome final moments!
This episode is proof that everything in the universe can be fixed by turning it off and on again, including the universe itself. Indian tech support is proud
They were distracting each other.... So the doctor is the only that can hold the doctor by distracting the doctor with the thing that the doctor was going to do, that the doctor had already done
Hola Doctor who 2010 2024 no Christoper si 2010 2024 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I alway loved the realize that Jack experiences every alternate timeline that affects the main timeline. As he is a fixed point, he is always there. jack see's this world, but also sees the other world. Jack see's all eventually
Interestingly, in the audio story, "The Shadow Squad", there is (or was, until it was killed in all realities by the War Doctor) a Dalek called The Time Eradicator. And The Time Eradicator said that there is a reality within the Doctor Who multiverse where nothing exists but time. There is no light, no life, no planets...nothing. Unless Jack was in that reality, too (or, more likely, he died in that reality).
Typical River, saving the grief stricken first, despite the fact she has just as much a right to grieve as everyone else. No spoilers, but this is just one time she has had someone's back after a hard loss. Always putting others before herself.
It’s genuinely amazing how everyone involved in season 5 pulled it off they had all the odds stacked against them and they made some of the best and most original Doctor who ever while still staying faithful to want the show is. It’s such a hard achievement and series 11 shows how hard it is to do by failing. I miss this era probably more than any other just because of how impressed I am by it.
6 years late but I believe the reason for this is that tennant knew he’d change again, to a whole different person, like he said, he’s dead and a whole new man goes sauntering away, for eleven, here, he’s in the belief that he won’t come back, he can’t regenerate anymore, so at least he can die as him.
This is the only 'reset' ending in NuWho that ever really made sense, that wasn't so much full of plot holes as living in a plot ditch. I really liked this two-parter. The idea of all the Doctor's enemies being so terrified of him they team up was awesome. And the way the Doctor used their prison to restart the universe was great. The rare awesome Moffat episode.
Oh, he has written some awesome episodes. But he has also written some of the worst. He's quite polarising. I don't hate him. I'm ambivalent. Perhaps I should have said 'uncommon' instead of 'rare'. He IS quite hit-and-miss.
he has very few episodes that I consider bad. His few misses are The Beast Below; The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe; The Caretaker and possibly The Time of the Doctor and The Wedding of River Song (although I quite like both). All the rest is pretty good-excellent
I agree with you about those episodes, although I hated the Wedding of River Song, and liked Time of the Doctor. I didn't like Empty Child/Doctor Dances much (acting was mostly good, plot was okay, I can't quite put my finger on what annoyed me), Silence in the Library had a great villain, but a meh story and rubbish CG, Let's Kill Hitler had a couple of great moments but was average overall, Into The Dalek was rubbish in every way, Listen was the most pointless episode ever, and the Angels Take Manhatten was the worst episode i've ever seen. The Weeping Angels were scary partly because we knew nothing about them. Every episode they've been in has reduced the scary-ness. Angels Take Manhatten made them cartoonish. The Statue of Liberty being an Angel was a terrible idea. I'd be willing to bet there is not a minute of the day that someone isn't looking at it. It could never move! He has done some of my favourite episodes too. Girl in the Fireplace, Impossible Astronaut, Blink. My main problem is the overarching theme to each series. Under RTD, there would be subtle hints all year. The Vote Saxon posters, the Bad Wolf graffiti, etc. Under Moffat, we either get the end of the series come out of nowhere (Name of the Doctor had very little build-up, for example), or a ham-fisted, overt 'welcome to Heaven' or 'silence will fall'. He's a good enough writer, but a terrible producer. He seems to put no thought or effort into it at all.
I AGREE! I think Matt plays him the BEST. Like PhillyD said, Tennant has the best story line but Smith's the best Doctor. I think it's because he has this quirky, sort of wittiness to him, I don't know how to explain it. He's EXACTLY how I'd picture the Doctor being; when he's mad, when he's sad, when he's happy. Right down to his voice and the way he talks and delivers his lines, even the way he walks, his hand motions, his facial expressions, Matt Smith IS the Doctor.
Season 5 of Doctor Who is the greatest season ever. This is my favorite Doctor Who episode of all time. I loved the way the Doctor sacrificed himself to reboot the Universe.
This scene was EPIC! the part that really got me was the song change at 1:52 when we see "Geronimo". It's like you get the feel from "he's gonna sacrifice himself for everyone :'( " - "The dude's gonna go down LIKE A BOSS".
At first I was surprised why a Vortex Manipulator (a teleport) would make Pandorica glow and fly, but then I realized - Pandorica was designed to be inescapable, with a contingency for everything. Vortex Manipulator tries to take the Doctor alone into the heart of the explosion, and Pandorica kinda of stalls it and goes with him on its own, so that he stays inside. It can probably even travel through time, if that means keeping the prisoner imprisoned.
If you think about it, back when River had her first appearance, this was already in her past. Meaning that the reboot already happened to the universe. Making Big Bang 2 a Fixed Point in time. And now that River also mentioned the Crash at the Byzantium and a few other encounters she made those Fixed Points too since the Doctor knows that those moments were in his future.
okay the doctor is the second person who was able to not only survive the complete destruction of the universe but also recreated it. the first person was a kid with a watch.
Hiram Garcia Miss Matt too but don't really like Capaldi. You know he appeared before in both Doctor Who and Torchwood right??? He was in the Pompeii episode as the father of the family the Doctor and Donna rescued and was the toady government guy in Children of Earth. Liked him best as the Pompeii guy.
+WarGrowlmon18 same these episodes for me are the detention of wat the Doctor are it shows his real brilliance come on he used the panda box and the tardius to save the whole universe from dispersing GENIUS !!!!!
I LOVE this show. This episode has a lot of room for fanfics especialy with Rory. My favorite is called The Pandorica Seen Through Time or something like that which chronicles Rory's adventures over the millenium he was guarding the Pandorica. Its still not done yet. Right now, Rory is taking care of a boy who is indicated to be the legendary Merlin though that's not his name in the story.
Fun fact: I have a brother-in-law named Rory. He's a registered nurse too or at least has been since the last several months but instead works as a paramedic. I think my mom said he wants to work Life Flight or something like that. Don't get why he'd qualify as a nurse if he was gonna do that though. Anyway he's never seen Doctor Who. I asked.
She still remembered even if it was at the back of her head, she helped the doctor without knowing in the end of time, hence the"not really" even if you forget someone the memories are still there in the back of your mind.
You know, this might essentially be the best way to save the entire creation of everything everywhere? The doctor just saved the universe. Quite possibly, he could have the tardis store tons of information about everything the way it was and keep bits of info out like people who have already died, and use that data to restore it from the Pandorica and reset the universe like it was on a certain time. That way things could be going forever. All suns reset. Just new people. The dead people won't care if it's reset.
Well during the episode, he says the pandorica was like a prison, and you couldn't even escape by dying, it forces you to stay alive, he also said that the pandorica, even in that version of the universe contained a few particles of the universe as they were from before the TARDIS exploded, and what is happening in this scene is that he is trying to amplify those particles across all of time and space, to "reboot" the universe as he says. He does this by flying the Pandorica into the heart of the explosion, the explosion is happening at every moment in time and space and therefore he flies into it and restores the universe as it was
+Space OnAJ Basically the Universe and the TARDIS were exploding, and and the only way they could save the Universe was to implant a slice of the present Universe across all space and time so its "rebooted" AND GUESS WHAT The Pandorica is a prison that also contains a slice of the Universe since it can hold anything, and so the Doctor brings it to the TARDIS since the TARDIS is exploding in all time and space, so he uses the TARSIS' explosion to help him reboot the Pandorica's Universe which is the present Universe Thus the big bang
That was the PERFECT moment for the end of Amy as a companion. Her story was ending, this goodbye is perfect and heartbreaking, it was amazing. But she stayed and became lamer and lamer.
People are probably gonna hate me, but this is where Matt Smith should have regenerated. I loved some of the Series 7 stories and a very few Series 6 ones, but the whole imaginary friend dynamic with Amy was what made his character really work. Plus, this goodbye scene is just so, so powerful.
I'm kind of glad he didn't because then we wouldn't have gotten that Series 6 arc (forget the filler episodes, just the main arc here) which I loved mainly due to the Silence and because of the reveal of River Songs identity but I think they should've done Time of the Doctor as the Christmas Special that year and had him regenerate after Series 6 not 7
+DarthRushy way way too short + matt smith is the doctor who meets river it would be like in the 50th anniversary showing capaldi and he dies regenerates and then showing that easter egg with a different doctor though it should be capaldi. Theres also one big big issue technically hes the 12th doctor hed die he wouldn't have any more regenerations. Im not hating on you and I know this is a year ago but its for others reading this
Connor Kingston I literally have no idea what your point is beyond the "it's too short", which I see, but don't really agree with. Can you clarify a little?
Connor Kingston One of your first complaints was that you thought the two-parter was too short for a finale. That I disagreed with. The rest, which was something else to do with River Song and Peter Capaldi, I don't get. Please clarify that part.
You know where he jump starts the second big bang with the Pandorica. Well that's the final irony, The Doctor, the ultimate Atheist turns out infact to be God Points to whoever gets what I'm referencing ;D
***** Yes, a few years ago I went through the whole new series. I have pretty fond memories of it, although the sequences inside the CAL computer were kind of boring.
Russel T. Davies wrote the last episode of the 10th Doctor, and he was angry that he had gotten fired from Doctor Who, so he made the regeneration as melodramatic as possible. The "walk down memory lane" prior to his regeneration was a challenge to the new writers, saying "I wrote all this mythos during 9 and 10's eras, lets see your 11th try to top me!" Davies also wrote the 9th's Doctor's regeneration, and you can tell the difference in tone. (He died smiling at Rose and making jokes.)
The Big Bang title is actually a very dirty joke by Stephen Moffat. It refers to the conception of Amy's & Rory's Daughter. not the creation of the universe.
It was as the main comment said! There's a number of episode titles and names in the series that are dirty minded jokes and references including this one which was about Rivers conception in the TARDIS! Stevens revealed a few of them in interviews. So the main poster of this comment is right! :-)
+Magatsu Orpheus I think it was more fitting that 11 died saving just one person. He was always about the individuals over the masses, and was the most emotional and human Doctor to date, so it is appropriate the way he went out.
+Magatsu Orpheus I think it was more fitting that 11 died saving just one person. He was always about the individuals over the masses, and was the most emotional and human Doctor to date, so it is appropriate the way he went out.
@swiftjt Actually, I've been doing some thinking and I think I have in fact been wrong. The first universe was erased. The second universe is a copy, like Rory was, restored through trickery, but the essence restored through remembering. And just like Rory wasn't less a human as an Auton, the universe isn't less the universe being a copy and basically being itself. The first universe was erased BUT that does mean the 2nd universe --we're in now-- WAS exploded into being by the Doctor.
The most complex and advanced prison in the universe managed to contain the doctor for less time than an unlocked wooden door.
+Sir Lord JazzyMan *than an unlocked wooden door managed to contain three
+Sir Lord JazzyMan
In a way, the Alliances plan worked, they constructed the Pandorica in order to imprison the Doctor and save the Universe, and later on the Doctor uses the Pandorica to save the Universe. The Doctor wouldn't have been able to do anything if the Alliance didn't construct the Pandorica.
the silence caused the problem first
No, the Pandorica contained the Doctor for billions of years. He just escaped, then rewound time to the point where he first entered.
HYPNOTIST 39 no because Rory was there at the same time the doctor was in the pandorica, about an hour or so of being in the pandorica the doctors future self who escaped because Rory let him out came to Rory before he let he doctor out, he gave him a screwdriver to let the doctor out so an amount of time later he went back in time and did what I just said, it was all in the same time, the doctor didn't wait any more than an hour. Pay attention boy!
"I escaped then? Brilliant! I love it when I do that" and this is why I will always love 11
me too,,
Charlotte Spriggs “we become, different people, we all change, through our lives and that’s ok you got to keep moving! But, I won’t forget. Not one day! I will always remember, when the doctor was me!” I cried when he said that five years ago, it still makes me sad when I think about the eleventh’s end
V-Rex Ten And Eleven And four and three are great Doctors, and also the fifth and sixths and seven
This scene actually makes a lot more sense now after the Christmas special. When this first aired we thought that he had two, or at least one, regeneration left, but all along Eleven knew that this was supposed to be his last life. Even if he didn't return, he couldn't have regenerated anyway, so he didn't mind sacrificing himself once and for all as a final "big bang" to his last life.
We've known this for about 30 years. It was first established in the story with Tom Baker 'The Deadly Assassin'. We've known he could only regenerate 12 times...
masteranderton I meant that we didn't know about the War Doctor's existence, so we assumed that he had at least one more regeneration. The War Doctor didn't exist when this episode came out.
dancinghulahoop Oh yeah. My mind went blank, sorry mate.
So Peter Capaldi is the last doctor. That's assuming that William Hartnel wasn't a regen, but the "original" so to speak.
VineFynn Peter Capaldi is actually the first Doctor of a new cycle. The Tenth Doctor also wasted a regeneration when he shot the regeneration energy into his hand and created the Meta-Crisis Doctor. With eleven Doctors, John Hurt's uncounted War Doctor, and the Tenth Doctor using up a regeneration to create a clone, that accounts for all thirteen lives. However, the Doctor gets a new regenerative cycle in "Time of the Doctor". I really liked it, and would recommend watching it to see the Eleventh Doctor's awesome final moments!
He basically went "Let me try turning it off and on again!"
This episode is proof that everything in the universe can be fixed by turning it off and on again, including the universe itself.
Indian tech support is proud
@@commenterjosh2428 as an Indian I am not offended 🤣
"Doctor, my universe isn't working"
"Have you tried turning it off and back on again?"
And an UNLOCKED wooden door managed to hold not just 1 but 3 doctors longer than the most complex prison in the universe
Oh good one. What a great comparison.
Well the sonic doest work on wood
They got Occam's razored lmao
They were distracting each other.... So the doctor is the only that can hold the doctor by distracting the doctor with the thing that the doctor was going to do, that the doctor had already done
Hola Doctor who 2010 2024 no Christoper si 2010 2024 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
"You don't need your imaginary friend anymore."
That...that hits me right where it hurts.
Bravo Smith!
"Oh..Okay. I escaped then.. Brilliant. I love it when I do that."
Classic 11.
Alli Hogan “legs, yes. Bow tie, cool. I can buy a fez...”
The Doctor: *restarts the universe*
Enrico Pucci: *heavy breathing*
DeferGuard Woah now is that a motherfucking JOJOS REFERENCE!?
@@thogurus192 ppl like u are annoying
Voltage ? Shhhh it's fine, it's fine
@@godyne Smelly ass
count prime numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 and 1 the loneliest number
"Its From The Doctor!"
"What does it say"
*I am the doctor plays*
@@doomspidey1737 and I am the Queen of England haha
@@billyslaironair8860 what?
@@doomspidey1737 t was a joke lol, you said you are the doctor then I said I'm the QUEEN lol haha
@@billyslaironair8860 that’s the song’s name you tit
I lost it when the Doctor texted "Geronimo"
+Jacob Helaman Tesoro yea these are the episodes i been waiting for they make you so enjoy dr who only he would do something like that lol
I know 11 is the best!
+Chey So. Yesss sorry but David was second best he was still a great doctor though but Matt so far
I love how River says it
So, the _first_ Bing Bang was the result of Stephen W. Hawking flying the Pandorica straight into the center of an exploding T.A.R.D.I.S.
Yep, that's why he needed that wheelchair thing.
lol jesus!
The reason the Pandorica worked was because it had a taste of the original universe.
@@thatoneguythatnoonelikes6788 he then died a hero
@@thatoneguythatnoonelikes6788 I fon't think his disability is sth you should joke about.
I alway loved the realize that Jack experiences every alternate timeline that affects the main timeline. As he is a fixed point, he is always there.
jack see's this world, but also sees the other world.
Jack see's all eventually
that's why he is the face of boe
Interestingly, in the audio story, "The Shadow Squad", there is (or was, until it was killed in all realities by the War Doctor) a Dalek called The Time Eradicator. And The Time Eradicator said that there is a reality within the Doctor Who multiverse where nothing exists but time. There is no light, no life, no planets...nothing. Unless Jack was in that reality, too (or, more likely, he died in that reality).
How do you misspell _sees_ twice and spell it correctly once in the same comment???
@@mousermindbecause no one really cares
Typical River, saving the grief stricken first, despite the fact she has just as much a right to grieve as everyone else.
No spoilers, but this is just one time she has had someone's back after a hard loss. Always putting others before herself.
It’s genuinely amazing how everyone involved in season 5 pulled it off they had all the odds stacked against them and they made some of the best and most original Doctor who ever while still staying faithful to want the show is.
It’s such a hard achievement and series 11 shows how hard it is to do by failing.
I miss this era probably more than any other just because of how impressed I am by it.
I just love the gentle way he kisses her hair.
This scene is when Eleven blew me away. Such maturity in his character, and Smith is so soft as opposed to Tennant's explosive rants.
Kiraboshi agreed
Kiraboshi cause tennant didn’t want to go.
6 years late but I believe the reason for this is that tennant knew he’d change again, to a whole different person, like he said, he’s dead and a whole new man goes sauntering away, for eleven, here, he’s in the belief that he won’t come back, he can’t regenerate anymore, so at least he can die as him.
"Oh. I escaped then. Brilliant. I love it when I do that."
Doctor Who everyone
Eleven's theme is just so, so incredibly powerful.
“Mad man with a box” it’s called
@@Drp_br_ no it’s called “I am The Doctor”
@@jinxyjangle in this case it's mad man with a box
@@thefightingfadoraguy6732 oh yeah
It’s A sad man with a box actually
"Theres one thing that you never put in a trap"
"and what would that be?"
"... Me"
This is the only 'reset' ending in NuWho that ever really made sense, that wasn't so much full of plot holes as living in a plot ditch.
I really liked this two-parter. The idea of all the Doctor's enemies being so terrified of him they team up was awesome. And the way the Doctor used their prison to restart the universe was great.
The rare awesome Moffat episode.
Moffat has written some of the best doctor who episodes with very few let downs. Please stop the Moffat hate
Oh, he has written some awesome episodes. But he has also written some of the worst. He's quite polarising.
I don't hate him. I'm ambivalent.
Perhaps I should have said 'uncommon' instead of 'rare'. He IS quite hit-and-miss.
he has very few episodes that I consider bad.
His few misses are The Beast Below; The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe; The Caretaker and possibly The Time of the Doctor and The Wedding of River Song (although I quite like both). All the rest is pretty good-excellent
I agree with you about those episodes, although I hated the Wedding of River Song, and liked Time of the Doctor.
I didn't like Empty Child/Doctor Dances much (acting was mostly good, plot was okay, I can't quite put my finger on what annoyed me), Silence in the Library had a great villain, but a meh story and rubbish CG, Let's Kill Hitler had a couple of great moments but was average overall, Into The Dalek was rubbish in every way, Listen was the most pointless episode ever, and the Angels Take Manhatten was the worst episode i've ever seen.
The Weeping Angels were scary partly because we knew nothing about them. Every episode they've been in has reduced the scary-ness. Angels Take Manhatten made them cartoonish. The Statue of Liberty being an Angel was a terrible idea. I'd be willing to bet there is not a minute of the day that someone isn't looking at it. It could never move!
He has done some of my favourite episodes too. Girl in the Fireplace, Impossible Astronaut, Blink.
My main problem is the overarching theme to each series. Under RTD, there would be subtle hints all year. The Vote Saxon posters, the Bad Wolf graffiti, etc. Under Moffat, we either get the end of the series come out of nowhere (Name of the Doctor had very little build-up, for example), or a ham-fisted, overt 'welcome to Heaven' or 'silence will fall'.
He's a good enough writer, but a terrible producer. He seems to put no thought or effort into it at all.
Only realised how long that was after I posted. Sorry.
The Doctor basically just reversed the Big Freeze so he could stop it from happening, that man hated endings
Rohan Hayes It was more of the Big Crunch.
I'd do the same if I was a Time Doctress then 😅
When the Doctor texts "Geronimo" and I Am The Doctor kicks in is so hype!
9th Doctor: Fantastic
10th Doctor: Allons-y
11th Doctor: Geronimo
12th doctor: shut up
12th: Eye Brows
12th Doctor: Kidneys
12th doctor: Don't forget to subscribe to the official Doctor Who UA-cam channel
"nothing is ever forgotten"
I really wish Donna Noble will be back somewhere in the future with her memories
this comment aged really well
@@deadphi Oh look, it's Sophie from DTDW
@@AnAnimatorsWorld well spotted haha
Doctor gets launched into space in a box.
River: Its a message form the doctor.
Amy: What does it say?
River: GeRoNiMO!!
I AGREE! I think Matt plays him the BEST. Like PhillyD said, Tennant has the best story line but Smith's the best Doctor. I think it's because he has this quirky, sort of wittiness to him, I don't know how to explain it. He's EXACTLY how I'd picture the Doctor being; when he's mad, when he's sad, when he's happy. Right down to his voice and the way he talks and delivers his lines, even the way he walks, his hand motions, his facial expressions, Matt Smith IS the Doctor.
I love how he managed to bring the universe back to normal even when there was nothing left in existence
My favourite moment in all Doctor Who.
1:51 Grief stricken River's voice: Geronimo.
Epic theme starts playing.
Because of this, I am going to make sure my last word will be "Geronimo"
Legs; yes
Bowtie; cool
*gestures with hand* I can buy a fez
"You know, you _could_ just walk past a fez."
"Never gonna happen."
River and Amy: NO!
I cried so much when he said you wont need your imaginary friend any more.
Season 5 of Doctor Who is the greatest season ever. This is my favorite Doctor Who episode of all time. I loved the way the Doctor sacrificed himself to reboot the Universe.
This scene was EPIC! the part that really got me was the song change at 1:52 when we see "Geronimo". It's like you get the feel from "he's gonna sacrifice himself for everyone :'( " - "The dude's gonna go down LIKE A BOSS".
Oh yeah, these were the good old times, when we actually got proper FINALE EPISODES.
I really miss these times.
At first I was surprised why a Vortex Manipulator (a teleport) would make Pandorica glow and fly, but then I realized - Pandorica was designed to be inescapable, with a contingency for everything. Vortex Manipulator tries to take the Doctor alone into the heart of the explosion, and Pandorica kinda of stalls it and goes with him on its own, so that he stays inside. It can probably even travel through time, if that means keeping the prisoner imprisoned.
“Oh.. okay. I escaped, then. Brilliant! Love it when I do that!”
Best line EVER!
The doctor isn't the doctor until he shows an act of bravery. This is it. Welcome to the whoniverse Matt.
If you think about it, back when River had her first appearance, this was already in her past. Meaning that the reboot already happened to the universe. Making Big Bang 2 a Fixed Point in time. And now that River also mentioned the Crash at the Byzantium and a few other encounters she made those Fixed Points too since the Doctor knows that those moments were in his future.
She mentioned them, but rule 1.
okay the doctor is the second person who was able to not only survive the complete destruction of the universe but also recreated it. the first person was a kid with a watch.
Ben10 omniverse reference
His gasping haunts my dreams XD
Geronimo is the Doctor's YOLO (because he doesn't only live once)
I freaking miss Matt Smith :(. Capildi is still cool though.
Hiram Garcia Miss Matt too but don't really like Capaldi. You know he appeared before in both Doctor Who and Torchwood right??? He was in the Pompeii episode as the father of the family the Doctor and Donna rescued and was the toady government guy in Children of Earth. Liked him best as the Pompeii guy.
+WarGrowlmon18 same these episodes for me are the detention of wat the Doctor are it shows his real brilliance come on he used the panda box and the tardius to save the whole universe from dispersing GENIUS !!!!!
One of the episodes of the upcoming series is actually going to touch on why The Doctor looks like he does now.
I do know that.
I just feel like 12 is underapreciated but I still understand some of the dislike it's just my opinion but hey whateves
This seen was just way too brilliant
This was the absolute moment Matt Smith became my doctor and loved him for ever.
Everything: Exists
The doctor: There is another
The second that music ( we all know THE docter music) you know shits gonna go down
I LOVE this show. This episode has a lot of room for fanfics especialy with Rory. My favorite is called The Pandorica Seen Through Time or something like that which chronicles Rory's adventures over the millenium he was guarding the Pandorica. Its still not done yet. Right now, Rory is taking care of a boy who is indicated to be the legendary Merlin though that's not his name in the story.
I escaped, brilliant. I love it when I do that
2:27 is that I am the doctor in reverse
Good question
Will always be my favourite doctor.
It amazes me how he proves why in one series.
Oh for gods sake galafra stand
Wibbly-wobbly Timey-wimey...
At it's finest.
Fun fact: I have a brother-in-law named Rory. He's a registered nurse too or at least has been since the last several months but instead works as a paramedic. I think my mom said he wants to work Life Flight or something like that. Don't get why he'd qualify as a nurse if he was gonna do that though. Anyway he's never seen Doctor Who. I asked.
WarGrowlmon18 Sounds like he needs to watch it.
"you won't need your imagination friend anymore" always made me cry 😭😭😭
Damn you BBC worldwide! You missed off the best bit!
"Bowtie, cool. ...I can buy a fez."
kerblam in series 11 is that fez arriving
Just the nature of the episodes with Matt Smith PROVES that he is the best Doctor ever.
I mean, the epicness can't be described.
hope the ears are a bit less conspicuous this time
now close your eyes while the doctor is in the pandorica
1:51 Geronimo.. EPIC
Can we just appreciate Murray gold’s music in the background. The sad man with a box.
It’s a banger tbh. I love it ❤
I love this series.. even after 6 years I'm coming back and watching this again
Did you do it?
You cannot imagine how hard I cried at this moment.
This episode is stuck in my soul forever - I got my first tattoo after this.
It’s on my wrist and says:
And it keeps me going to this day
She still remembered even if it was at the back of her head, she helped the doctor without knowing in the end of time, hence the"not really" even if you forget someone the memories are still there in the back of your mind.
You know, this might essentially be the best way to save the entire creation of everything everywhere? The doctor just saved the universe. Quite possibly, he could have the tardis store tons of information about everything the way it was and keep bits of info out like people who have already died, and use that data to restore it from the Pandorica and reset the universe like it was on a certain time. That way things could be going forever. All suns reset. Just new people. The dead people won't care if it's reset.
The filming here out of the whole series seems so HD and crisp. Why is that?
@Jordan P I know that, but this episode and this scene specifically has a type of HD/crisp that the whole show doesn't have
Don't look
Just listen
Someone has a dirty mind..... LoL.
Get help
2:14 that little face the Doctor made when he opened his eyes needs to be a meme.
You know who forgot about the doctor?
It's too sad to speak about it
Too soon
Making me cry n shit
Edit: typo
Too soon
This is the first and only ep I've seen so far.
This is the first show that has made a little crack in my Wall of Farscape.
since it's a time anomaly couldn't it be the first big bang?
Well during the episode, he says the pandorica was like a prison, and you couldn't even escape by dying, it forces you to stay alive, he also said that the pandorica, even in that version of the universe contained a few particles of the universe as they were from before the TARDIS exploded, and what is happening in this scene is that he is trying to amplify those particles across all of time and space, to "reboot" the universe as he says. He does this by flying the Pandorica into the heart of the explosion, the explosion is happening at every moment in time and space and therefore he flies into it and restores the universe as it was
So I guess it wouldn't really count as the first one
its more like turning the universe off and on again
+John michael There ya go gold star for you
Dante Whingates I'm not sure if your being condescending but I wont say no to a cookie :P
Oh gawd, stap it, I am trying not to LMAO with those noises he's making while flying into the TARDIS! :)) We didn't say innuendo...
Trust me I'm a whovian... BUT WHAT THE HECK WAS GOING ON
+Space OnAJ Basically the Universe and the TARDIS were exploding, and and the only way they could save the Universe was to implant a slice of the present Universe across all space and time so its "rebooted"
The Pandorica is a prison that also contains a slice of the Universe since it can hold anything, and so the Doctor brings it to the TARDIS since the TARDIS is exploding in all time and space, so he uses the TARSIS' explosion to help him reboot the Pandorica's Universe which is the present Universe
Thus the big bang
Your lucky I speak whovian my friend.
This is easy to understand for anyone who managed to follow Ghost Light....
What’s who Ian?
@@stephstephtv I don't think you are
I literally Laughed out Loud at the end XD
Dr.Who you are amazing!
Still my favorite series and finale.
That’s the power to turn back time
That was the PERFECT moment for the end of Amy as a companion. Her story was ending, this goodbye is perfect and heartbreaking, it was amazing. But she stayed and became lamer and lamer.
But at least we had Rory, the great and true companion of the Eleventh Doctor.
Mayo Tango131 I agree
"I escaped then, briliant, I love when i do that!"
best sentence!
And now i can buy a fez.
Fezes are cool.
sardoniclysane You know what else is cool? Bowties.
You know what else is cool? Stetsons.
Mattias Westby want to know what isn't? Monks
0:12 the girl who didn't make sense
Clara: am I a joke to you?
...or foreshadowing
1:53 Queue the ass kicking music.
Still get goosebumps from this scene in 2020! ❤️💯
I love how the doctors last words in this scene was Geronimo
People are probably gonna hate me, but this is where Matt Smith should have regenerated. I loved some of the Series 7 stories and a very few Series 6 ones, but the whole imaginary friend dynamic with Amy was what made his character really work. Plus, this goodbye scene is just so, so powerful.
I'm kind of glad he didn't because then we wouldn't have gotten that Series 6 arc (forget the filler episodes, just the main arc here) which I loved mainly due to the Silence and because of the reveal of River Songs identity but I think they should've done Time of the Doctor as the Christmas Special that year and had him regenerate after Series 6 not 7
+DarthRushy way way too short + matt smith is the doctor who meets river it would be like in the 50th anniversary showing capaldi and he dies regenerates and then showing that easter egg with a different doctor though it should be capaldi. Theres also one big big issue technically hes the 12th doctor hed die he wouldn't have any more regenerations. Im not hating on you and I know this is a year ago but its for others reading this
Connor Kingston I literally have no idea what your point is beyond the "it's too short", which I see, but don't really agree with. Can you clarify a little?
DarthRushy You can't not agree with something if you don't understand and I can't clarify unless I know what you don't understand ?
Connor Kingston One of your first complaints was that you thought the two-parter was too short for a finale. That I disagreed with. The rest, which was something else to do with River Song and Peter Capaldi, I don't get. Please clarify that part.
" i love it when i do that"
You know where he jump starts the second big bang with the Pandorica.
Well that's the final irony, The Doctor, the ultimate Atheist turns out infact to be God
Points to whoever gets what I'm referencing ;D
Ah ha ha I never thought of it like that! And what are you referencing id like to know O_O
Red Dwarf series 5
Back to reality
Red Dwarf - season 1 - episode 04 - Waiting for God
+Anders Dokt3of gjg gzdax
The Doctor isn't God. He didn't even recognize Satan.
Clara also said "Gotcha," but she said it to the Doctor to try to keep him from erasing his memory.
First Doctor Who story I ever saw. Not a bad start.
***** I've seen Akhaten. It was okay.
***** Well, it was better than Blink.
***** Yes, a few years ago I went through the whole new series. I have pretty fond memories of it, although the sequences inside the CAL computer were kind of boring.
***** Of the new series, Heaven Sent. If you mean the whole series altogether, The War Games.
***** When I said "new series", I meant all the episodes since 2005.
Russel T. Davies wrote the last episode of the 10th Doctor, and he was angry that he had gotten fired from Doctor Who, so he made the regeneration as melodramatic as possible. The "walk down memory lane" prior to his regeneration was a challenge to the new writers, saying "I wrote all this mythos during 9 and 10's eras, lets see your 11th try to top me!" Davies also wrote the 9th's Doctor's regeneration, and you can tell the difference in tone. (He died smiling at Rose and making jokes.)
Brilliant television, Love this part....
I love his reaction at the end, like it was all normal, which for the doctor it really is
1:21 whats the music?
The Sad Man with A Box
too late, I figured it out already. but thanks anyway.
"Legs yes, bowtie? Cool. *checks head* i can buy a fez."
The Big Bang title is actually a very dirty joke by Stephen Moffat. It refers to the conception of Amy's & Rory's Daughter. not the creation of the universe.
Perhaps it is both. What is know as a double entendre.
I'm not entirely sure that was what he was referring to...
It was as the main comment said! There's a number of episode titles and names in the series that are dirty minded jokes and references including this one which was about Rivers conception in the TARDIS! Stevens revealed a few of them in interviews. So the main poster of this comment is right! :-)
I remember crying in this scene. I was like, "I love you, Doctor! Don't go!"
I wish Tennant had stayed for Series 5. This would be the perfect regeneration scene. Giving his life to save the universe.
+Magatsu Orpheus I think it was more fitting that 11 died saving just one person.
He was always about the individuals over the masses, and was the most emotional and human Doctor to date, so it is appropriate the way he went out.
+Magatsu Orpheus I think it was more fitting that 11 died saving just one person.
He was always about the individuals over the masses, and was the most emotional and human Doctor to date, so it is appropriate the way he went out.
+Magatsu Orpheus No only Eleven can pull of Series 5
***** Well, Tennant actually considered staying for Series 5. But ultimately, he decided to leave as Russell T Davies was leaving.
I know he did I'm saying only Matt Smith can pull of the whole iimaginary friend arc and cracks.
@swiftjt Actually, I've been doing some thinking and I think I have in fact been wrong.
The first universe was erased. The second universe is a copy, like Rory was, restored through trickery, but the essence restored through remembering. And just like Rory wasn't less a human as an Auton, the universe isn't less the universe being a copy and basically being itself. The first universe was erased BUT that does mean the 2nd universe --we're in now-- WAS exploded into being by the Doctor.
I wished some one would hit the RESET button on 2020.