Been rocking interrupts at "E" since WOTLK, its really fun once it becomes a motoric function and you do it without thinking. When I have all my interrupts and stuns and disables at CD and no one interrupts and we wipe...fml.
You should have also made mention that spells you can interrupt are yellow, and ones that cannot be interrupted at all have a shield icon. At least, on the standard UI anyway. Very helpful when you find yourself wondering why your interrupt failed.
Well done preach been watching you for ages and I have to say interrupting is something you have engraved in my brain had a group the other day complaining about an add not getting interrupted I was ranking I stated I use mine on cd dps said I was a liar and at that point my heals posted the number of interrupts showing me during the fight have 12+ and next guy down having 3. And I can say with out a doubt that is because of you! And what you"preach" is true about no one interrupts shit for the most part until you get to higher tier players. Keep up the work and educating it helped me so I'm sure it will help other and does and will continue to make a difference. Cheers and keep killin it :)
Thanks for the video. I appreciate your tips and tricks :) I never really thought about holding off on my interrupts and it makes a lot of sense. I've also been watching your other videos on healing and tanking and have learned quite a bit. Now I hope to apply those tools successfully in my game experience. Thanks Preach!
Yes! Thank you for this video, it's ridiculous how many people I come across that don't interrupt! And thank you for the tip of interrupting late as well, didn't even cross my mind.
Love your guide Preach. I have been playing for more than 10 years and still learn something new. Also...shout out to interrupters in Wrath that could interrupt the Twin Valk ' heal before the bubble popped up.
A big thing I'd recommend as someone who mained ret paladin through a lot of high end content would be to utilize your set focus as much as you can in a fight. You will run into scenario's in raiding where you will be responsible for locking out a spell caster, but killing them off might not be the highest priority. So rather than trying to juggle targets and either.. A: Slap an interrupt early in the cast and give the target more up-time, or B: Sit targeting a sub optimal target waiting to get off a properly timed interrupt and miss out on damage you could of been pumping into the main target.. if you just set an easy keybind to your set focus (I used Alt R) and then use a macro that will ONLY interrupt your set focus. You would be surprised how much you can actually utilize interrupting through set focus to make things much smoother for yourself. I would highly recommend if you try this though to make the interrupt a variant of your normal interrupt key.. So I use the grave key (~) always for interrupts, and (Alt ~) for my set focus interrupts. But if you are actually new to melee dps, i'd follow what he covered in the video first before trying to keep tabs on multiple targets. :) It can really start to hurt your damage if your too focused on juggling a set focus target to cover interrupts.
+d, all chars, the first thing I bind on any new character. Other interrupts (torrent, avenger's shield) are sharing some other bind, but they're mostly class dependant, as they're secondary interrupts and situational.
Use a mouse-over macro, so you don't have to switch target. I also use tidy plates, because they allow to highlight casting mobs by opacity and size of nameplates.
Thanks for making this video Preach, especially the part about waiting as long as possible to interrupt. This is something I learned way back in WotLK. As a healer main it's so goddamn helpful when my DPS use their interrupts to maximum effect, and it's so easy to do yet most people don't interrupt at all during dungeons or raids -- knowing how to do it properly makes everyone's run go smoother and faster for not that much extra work. Now if we could teach the same thing to healers for dispelling...
Thank you so much for the vid Preach! I always considered myself pretty comfortable at interrupting, and figured I probably didn't need any advice on the topic, but this video made me realize that I was fucking up this whole time by interrupting as fast as I could! I was almost proud of how quickly I could interrupt lmao. It makes sense why you'd wait, especially after your explanation but it just never occurred to me before. Just goes to show there's always something to learn and improve upon.
For anyone looking for keybind advice: Any direction on the mousewheel, R, T, F are all some of the fastest keys you can hit My personal multi-char setup: mouse wheel up is my interrupt across all characters becuase its the fastest to hit. My heaviest defensive is shift-mouse wheel down, biggest dps cooldown is shift-mousewheel up, defensive dispells is shift-r, offensive dispell f, pvp trinket shift-t if a character doesnt have a skill of those types the key can be reused for something different, but I always keep similar abilities like that. Also a 12 side button mmo mouse has been very valuable for me as well
Interrupt training: Gundrak Moorabi, aka. "Mr. anticipate-my-mammoth-shapeshift-bro" Was such a pain getting that achievement because if you missed, you most likely killed him right as he got it.
I bind interupts to top mouse wheel, and secondary interupts or other CC to bottom mouse wheel. Works incredibly well since most interupts don't trigger a GCD (if I recall correctly, but totally call me out if I'm wrong), and I don't lose time moving my left fingers anywhere. Totally not saying it's better, just throwing it out there as an idea.
should also be noted (unless u do later in the video) that you can interrupt non-interruptable spells by just stunning, fearing, hex, poly, deathgripping, etc
I started interrupting with any semblance of consistency back at the start of WoD like you warned and taught us to during the Beta. Here I am, 2.5 years later, and I'm that Stage 3 interrupter, where when (if, lol) I see an interrupt go out prematurely, I get a little irritated. I usually sit at 25-30 interrupts per run and it absolutely INFURIATES ME when other people don't interrupt. When I call them out on it, the usual canned response is "lolol I'm not paying attention it's no big deal". Yeah, ok, I'm just gonna let that cast go through and let it one shot you then. See how big of a deal it is when you're face deep in the mud.
Best thing I did a few years back when I was redoing my keybindings was to bind the interrupt ability to the mouse wheel for all my toons. Doesn't matter what my left hand is doing, I can always reach my interrupt quickly.
Good video again preach, like the series you've done so far. Have one addition to the video myself, interrupting by applying loss of control and displacements. Not sure if it fits for the video you have made but thought i put it out here
I've switched my main to Warlock, and interrupting is one of the things I miss from the other classes I play. When I have an infernal out to do aoe, I hit my interrupt button and get an aoe stun instead. Yeah, that can still have the desired effect, but it's a longer cooldown.
There are times where you have to interupt early, for example Pugging nightbane runs only 1 person and me generally know how to interupt and as a mage if I don't interupt early my spell wont come off cooldown for the next spell.
Speaking of Cataclysm and Blackwing Descent: The lava phase of Nefarian has three adds that need to be interupted as well, otherwise the platforms will take too much damage, die and leave the raid in the dust for the actual fight against him. Interupting as late as possible actually makes it possible to have only one *melee* interupter per platform. Why melee? Because all melees (at the time at least) have a 15 sek cooldown on their interupts and it works out perfectly when you interupt late.
My interrupt is Mouse Button 5, which is right below my thumb on the mouse and it's the same for all my classes (Even Warlock, with the command daemon to get the felpuppy's ability).
/focus focus [@mouseover, exists] you'll need a keybind before hand (I use mousewheel pressed down, not scroll down) /cast [@focus, harm] Counter Shot just helps my hunter interrupt while doing something else.
great video preach just one thing you may have to clarify is interrupting channeling spells as fast as possible and normal casts as late as possible (medich fight in kara is a good example for all the interrupting you need)
Melee definitely are #1 on interrupt duty. Casters have other things to do (and lose dps if they interrupt a cast to interrupt), and should be assigned to backup interrupt or specific interrupt duties. I really like what Legion added in the interrupt game with lots of mobs having multiple spells, some of which are more important to interrupt than others. If you have your interrupt on cooldown because your itchy trigger finger interrupted a little boom and now you take the big boom in the face, that's your problem, and an area to improve.
My old Guild never seemed to understand #4 (as last as possible), and I got so much grief for doing it. "Why don't you interrupt dude, I always have to do it for you." One of the reasons why I left.
this is a great video but there's a few things missing. there's exceptions to the rules. for example most channeled spells you want to interrupt asap. however on medhiv in kara, letting his missiles go almost all the way through let's him cast less spells, but you still want to interrupt it right before finishing because it puts a debuf on the tank. also nightbane has a spell that must be interrupted, but the casting of the spell does not stop his attacks and does not allow him to cast another spell faster. and since you sometimes need to run into fire as melee, it's best to interrupt when you have the chance. the point is, you need to understand the minutia of each spell once you get into content that you can wipe in.
Just a thought - you could have included something about using knockbacks and stuns (supernova, shockwave etc.) to interrupt the non-interuptable abilities. Granted it doesn't lock that ability's school but can help save a lot of damage to the tank/raid.
It's not the difficulty of pressing the one button. This may be hard for you to understand, so I'll go slow. Not everybody knows everything that their class does.
Hmm... not sure why you're being snarky but whatevs. I'm not talking about pressing buttons, i'm talking about priority. I for one, never interrupted everything that i could because i never saw interrupting as being super-relevant, i never gave interrupting the priority Preacher advises.
As i said above: it was never difficult for me to interrupt, it was just that i never saw it as a big priority. But from what i gather prom Preacher, it's a huge one. Hence, lesson learned!
A request: Once you finish these class guide series, would you be willing to do something on raid leading? I find myself somewhat tempted to get into it as my guild is slowly crumbling.
Love how you took the first excuse possible to abandon SV Hunter. At the least, it would have been cool to see you revist Ret, since you had negative first impressions but they got a decent round of updates since Legion launch.
I haven't played my Pally as a healer since early WoD. And never really kept up with the news of what was going on with holy. So queing up into a Mythic MoS, and finding out holy doesn't have an interrupt anymore by the tank yelling,"noobs interrupt!" While we're all scattering into the wind cause of a fear. It was quite jarring, funny thing is the tank actually blamed me for not interrupting. I actually believed him, cause I was pressing my interrupt key. I genuinely felt like I fucked up and wiped the group, and they left cause of me. Although we had a rogue and the tank was a Pally... Pugs man, even if you don't have the ability to do something you still need to do it so they don't have to. Same thing as when I tank Vault of the Wardens. You sir Mr. Tanky you're the one with the light on the last boss, cause this mage at touching it.
I'd really like to see other classes get an incentive for interrupting like Demon Hunters have. They get Pain for successfully interrupting a spell/skill. Now just imagine a Blood DK/ Prot War getting Runic Power/Rage for interrupting.
I remember back in cata that if you didn't interrupt healers in heroics, you'd probably wipe. I'm on a balance druid now, and having interrupt on a one minute cooldown is the worst thing ever. Might switch back to my shaman.
The standard WoW UI isn't garbage for this any more - it actually looks a lot like what you use now, with visible cast bars for all mobs floating over their heads. I think a lot of people who have been using UI mods to address shortcomings in the WoW UI don't even realize how much it's been upgraded because they never use it.
Preach, I am really sad that you aren't going to PUG with your Melee DPS. I know that you have your video on the PUG world, but I was hoping that you were going to find ways to gear up and PUG as a DPS now that everyone wants 860+, even for mythic +2. Obviously the answers are 1. Find a guild 2. Make friends 3. Tank or heal. I just only spend 4-6 hours a week on WoW so My time has to be very purposeful. Loved your video on guild misconceptions, maybe I should just suck it up and find a guild who wants to run Mythic+'s a lot. Thanks for all the great vid's!
preach where is our updated mage 7.1.5 video, I'm torn between fire and arcane atm and have no idea if I should be using my crit trinkets or int trinkets when I'm fire.
I missed so much my interrupt on Holy Paladin :( Even as healer I usualy had most interrupts in dungeons... but only resto shamy was left with interrupt now from healers.
Hello! Anyone knows what program preach uses to record his videos? they seem always so smooth compared to the one's that i record in shadowplay for example.
Just implemented the following Macro for my Frost DK: #showtooltip /castsequence reset=15 Mind Freeze, Blinding Sleet Result: 1 Hotkey for two Interrupts. :)
I understand why interrupting is importing after playing eye of azshara as a tank and dps when i tanked i always interrupted the serpent boss thus never had to deal with the extra heads when i played dps No one interrupts the submerge and i have to deal with the extra heads or else we wipe
As soon as you said interrupt as fast as possible I got triggered that you were giving such bad information, and then later on in the video you said the correct thing which is interrupting late. It's so frustrating watching melee interrupt some abilities really early. Range can have a pass since I don't expect them to sit around waiting for the end of a cast which fucks up their rotation. Good video, I hope new players watch this as it's very important.
Preacher if its possible could you tell me what addons you use or anyone else know which ones that were in the video?? Please it would help me out a ton!
hey, just wanna to know if you are using focus interrupts also ? and of so how does this work for you, i actually have my keybindings also on e/Se, what do you recommende for that ? thx
I'm wondering if you're getting confused between Malkorok and Nazgrim? Malkorok was the Blackrock Orc who got beefed up on the powers of a dead Old God. There was nothing honorable about him.
According to Nobbel, Malkorok became Garrosh's adviser in Tides of War, and it's possible he was the one who convinced Garrosh to throw his honor out the window and do all those terrible things.
How do you coordinate your interrupts with other people in your group? I notice in my guild's m+ groups that a lot of times we have 2 people hitting interrupts against the same cast, which leads to having 0 interrupts for other casts.
the amount of times i see polymorph fish go through in eye is absurd if i don't interrupt it it will go through 9/10 times and rampage... as well, it's pretty annoying I've seen wipes on hydra in EoA... its gotten to the point where i will sprint to interrupt range then displacer out to the adds just so rampage doesn't go through i pretty much don't even wait to see if others will interrupt anymore its not even worth it...
as a healer i believe every single dps should see this video, is just annoying how the dps thinks they are there just for doing dmg if they die is cause i can't do my job well. have been kicked for lots of dungeons cause dps stand all over the areas do not dispell or never use their protective cds
This is a very insightful video. But, I still have some reasons to not interrupt. It's a very niche scenario, but if I'm at more than halfway full of my resource as a DH, interrupting kind of becomes a loss of fury/pain. Again, very niche thing. Is there a way to counter that so I can still have on-par interrupts?
Kage the orc no, there isn’t. It’s a quirk of the spec. But resource generation shouldn’t be a problem for you, so I’m not sure why this would prevent you from interrupting where it is necessary. Change your gear maybe to get better resource generation.
Crazy Zaul Elvui lets you change the colour of the castbar depending on if it's interruptable or not, and other addons such as Quartz and Castbars do the same, Gnosis is a good one as well, just go in the options and look at the interrupt options
So happy you mentioned interrupting to get the mob into the deathball - it's very useful for M+
4:22 ah yes, Malkorok from my favorite Cataclysm raid, Siege of Orgrimmar
My favorite Cataclysm raid was Naxx personally, Thrall was such a good fight pre-nerfs.
Im not sure if preach got it wrong again or hes just messing with us from that drama time when he did the exact same thing.
If only Twin Emperors weren't so hard so you could get them along with Mimiron to give you the buff during the fight
Doombringer is the best artifact weapon
Been rocking interrupts at "E" since WOTLK, its really fun once it becomes a motoric function and you do it without thinking. When I have all my interrupts and stuns and disables at CD and no one interrupts and we wipe...fml.
I know this is a year old, but all my interrupts are bound to “E” as well lol
You should have also made mention that spells you can interrupt are yellow, and ones that cannot be interrupted at all have a shield icon. At least, on the standard UI anyway. Very helpful when you find yourself wondering why your interrupt failed.
Well done preach been watching you for ages and I have to say interrupting is something you have engraved in my brain had a group the other day complaining about an add not getting interrupted I was ranking I stated I use mine on cd dps said I was a liar and at that point my heals posted the number of interrupts showing me during the fight have 12+ and next guy down having 3. And I can say with out a doubt that is because of you! And what you"preach" is true about no one interrupts shit for the most part until you get to higher tier players. Keep up the work and educating it helped me so I'm sure it will help other and does and will continue to make a difference. Cheers and keep killin it :)
Thanks for the video. I appreciate your tips and tricks :) I never really thought about holding off on my interrupts and it makes a lot of sense. I've also been watching your other videos on healing and tanking and have learned quite a bit. Now I hope to apply those tools successfully in my game experience. Thanks Preach!
Yes! Thank you for this video, it's ridiculous how many people I come across that don't interrupt! And thank you for the tip of interrupting late as well, didn't even cross my mind.
Great advice for new players, this will help me in my mythic runs for sure. Thanks & keep the good content coming.
Love your guide Preach. I have been playing for more than 10 years and still learn something new. Also...shout out to interrupters in Wrath that could interrupt the Twin Valk ' heal before the bubble popped up.
A big thing I'd recommend as someone who mained ret paladin through a lot of high end content would be to utilize your set focus as much as you can in a fight.
You will run into scenario's in raiding where you will be responsible for locking out a spell caster, but killing them off might not be the highest priority. So rather than trying to juggle targets and either.. A: Slap an interrupt early in the cast and give the target more up-time, or B: Sit targeting a sub optimal target waiting to get off a properly timed interrupt and miss out on damage you could of been pumping into the main target.. if you just set an easy keybind to your set focus (I used Alt R) and then use a macro that will ONLY interrupt your set focus.
You would be surprised how much you can actually utilize interrupting through set focus to make things much smoother for yourself. I would highly recommend if you try this though to make the interrupt a variant of your normal interrupt key.. So I use the grave key (~) always for interrupts, and (Alt ~) for my set focus interrupts.
But if you are actually new to melee dps, i'd follow what he covered in the video first before trying to keep tabs on multiple targets. :) It can really start to hurt your damage if your too focused on juggling a set focus target to cover interrupts.
+d, all chars, the first thing I bind on any new character. Other interrupts (torrent, avenger's shield) are sharing some other bind, but they're mostly class dependant, as they're secondary interrupts and situational.
Use a mouse-over macro, so you don't have to switch target. I also use tidy plates, because they allow to highlight casting mobs by opacity and size of nameplates.
Thanks for making this video Preach, especially the part about waiting as long as possible to interrupt. This is something I learned way back in WotLK. As a healer main it's so goddamn helpful when my DPS use their interrupts to maximum effect, and it's so easy to do yet most people don't interrupt at all during dungeons or raids -- knowing how to do it properly makes everyone's run go smoother and faster for not that much extra work.
Now if we could teach the same thing to healers for dispelling...
Thank you so much for the vid Preach!
I always considered myself pretty comfortable at interrupting, and figured I probably didn't need any advice on the topic, but this video made me realize that I was fucking up this whole time by interrupting as fast as I could! I was almost proud of how quickly I could interrupt lmao. It makes sense why you'd wait, especially after your explanation but it just never occurred to me before.
Just goes to show there's always something to learn and improve upon.
I normally interrupt quite a bit, but interrupting at the end of the cast is something I never thought of. Thank you!
For anyone looking for keybind advice:
Any direction on the mousewheel, R, T, F are all some of the fastest keys you can hit
My personal multi-char setup: mouse wheel up is my interrupt across all characters becuase its the fastest to hit. My heaviest defensive is shift-mouse wheel down, biggest dps cooldown is shift-mousewheel up, defensive dispells is shift-r, offensive dispell f, pvp trinket shift-t
if a character doesnt have a skill of those types the key can be reused for something different, but I always keep similar abilities like that. Also a 12 side button mmo mouse has been very valuable for me as well
the problem I always have with interrupting is someone else beats me to it by a split second and then its on cool down and I cant get the next one.
Interrupt training: Gundrak Moorabi, aka. "Mr. anticipate-my-mammoth-shapeshift-bro"
Was such a pain getting that achievement because if you missed, you most likely killed him right as he got it.
I bind interupts to top mouse wheel, and secondary interupts or other CC to bottom mouse wheel. Works incredibly well since most interupts don't trigger a GCD (if I recall correctly, but totally call me out if I'm wrong), and I don't lose time moving my left fingers anywhere. Totally not saying it's better, just throwing it out there as an idea.
should also be noted (unless u do later in the video) that you can interrupt non-interruptable spells by just stunning, fearing, hex, poly, deathgripping, etc
This 13 minute video is summarized as "watch cast bar, interrupt the right spells, and interrupt late."
I started interrupting with any semblance of consistency back at the start of WoD like you warned and taught us to during the Beta. Here I am, 2.5 years later, and I'm that Stage 3 interrupter, where when (if, lol) I see an interrupt go out prematurely, I get a little irritated. I usually sit at 25-30 interrupts per run and it absolutely INFURIATES ME when other people don't interrupt. When I call them out on it, the usual canned response is "lolol I'm not paying attention it's no big deal". Yeah, ok, I'm just gonna let that cast go through and let it one shot you then. See how big of a deal it is when you're face deep in the mud.
q is my interrupt key. Always has been, always will be.
Best thing I did a few years back when I was redoing my keybindings was to bind the interrupt ability to the mouse wheel for all my toons. Doesn't matter what my left hand is doing, I can always reach my interrupt quickly.
Good video again preach, like the series you've done so far. Have one addition to the video myself, interrupting by applying loss of control and displacements. Not sure if it fits for the video you have made but thought i put it out here
You don't really notice it until you run into a group with 3 casters and suddenly there's spells flying everywhere.
I've switched my main to Warlock, and interrupting is one of the things I miss from the other classes I play. When I have an infernal out to do aoe, I hit my interrupt button and get an aoe stun instead. Yeah, that can still have the desired effect, but it's a longer cooldown.
yeah it sucks but with how many melee there are now, we don't really have to
Use the doomguard instead
There are times where you have to interupt early, for example Pugging nightbane runs only 1 person and me generally know how to interupt and as a mage if I don't interupt early my spell wont come off cooldown for the next spell.
okay, this I find very helpful since I was just interrupting willy nilly, ty preach
Speaking of Cataclysm and Blackwing Descent: The lava phase of Nefarian has three adds that need to be interupted as well, otherwise the platforms will take too much damage, die and leave the raid in the dust for the actual fight against him. Interupting as late as possible actually makes it possible to have only one *melee* interupter per platform. Why melee? Because all melees (at the time at least) have a 15 sek cooldown on their interupts and it works out perfectly when you interupt late.
My interrupt is Mouse Button 5, which is right below my thumb on the mouse and it's the same for all my classes (Even Warlock, with the command daemon to get the felpuppy's ability).
/focus focus [@mouseover, exists] you'll need a keybind before hand (I use mousewheel pressed down, not scroll down)
/cast [@focus, harm] Counter Shot
just helps my hunter interrupt while doing something else.
great video preach just one thing you may have to clarify is interrupting channeling spells as fast as possible and normal casts as late as possible (medich fight in kara is a good example for all the interrupting you need)
Melee definitely are #1 on interrupt duty. Casters have other things to do (and lose dps if they interrupt a cast to interrupt), and should be assigned to backup interrupt or specific interrupt duties. I really like what Legion added in the interrupt game with lots of mobs having multiple spells, some of which are more important to interrupt than others. If you have your interrupt on cooldown because your itchy trigger finger interrupted a little boom and now you take the big boom in the face, that's your problem, and an area to improve.
ChumblesMumbles Another great reason melee>ranged. Thanks man.
Q is the reserved key for it for me no matter the class.
when you see "uploaded 2 mins ago" you know you gotta comment immediatly
My old Guild never seemed to understand #4 (as last as possible), and I got so much grief for doing it. "Why don't you interrupt dude, I always have to do it for you."
One of the reasons why I left.
this is a great video but there's a few things missing. there's exceptions to the rules. for example most channeled spells you want to interrupt asap. however on medhiv in kara, letting his missiles go almost all the way through let's him cast less spells, but you still want to interrupt it right before finishing because it puts a debuf on the tank. also nightbane has a spell that must be interrupted, but the casting of the spell does not stop his attacks and does not allow him to cast another spell faster. and since you sometimes need to run into fire as melee, it's best to interrupt when you have the chance. the point is, you need to understand the minutia of each spell once you get into content that you can wipe in.
Just a thought - you could have included something about using knockbacks and stuns (supernova, shockwave etc.) to interrupt the non-interuptable abilities. Granted it doesn't lock that ability's school but can help save a lot of damage to the tank/raid.
wow, holly crap! i never knew just how much of this i was missing!
Way to be a dick. Not everyone knows everything that they can do. For some classes it can be a lot
TheDiggster13 you are kidding right? It's one button if your failing that I have no words for you.
It's not the difficulty of pressing the one button. This may be hard for you to understand, so I'll go slow.
Not everybody knows everything that their class does.
Hmm... not sure why you're being snarky but whatevs.
I'm not talking about pressing buttons, i'm talking about priority. I for one, never interrupted everything that i could because i never saw interrupting as being super-relevant, i never gave interrupting the priority Preacher advises.
As i said above: it was never difficult for me to interrupt, it was just that i never saw it as a big priority. But from what i gather prom Preacher, it's a huge one. Hence, lesson learned!
Malkorok is the guy from Siege of Orgimmar, Maloriak is the guy you were trying to talk about.
I got Sephuz so I just interrupt everything quickly before anyone can "steal" it
Malkorok, Maloriak...same thing really.
Always a good one to rewatch!
I have my interrupt on button 4 on my mouse on every character, I find it's an easy place for it too
mouse-wheel up is a great interrupt button choice! :D
A request: Once you finish these class guide series, would you be willing to do something on raid leading? I find myself somewhat tempted to get into it as my guild is slowly crumbling.
Love how you took the first excuse possible to abandon SV Hunter. At the least, it would have been cool to see you revist Ret, since you had negative first impressions but they got a decent round of updates since Legion launch.
scorpious1109 ...SV play style is shit mate. he doesn't need to make an excuse.
Then he should have known better than to ask his troll viewers. Seems like such a "pro player" would be able to stick with it, but w/e.
Yeah true you should bind the interrupt on the same key on all the alts it makes it easier
I haven't played my Pally as a healer since early WoD. And never really kept up with the news of what was going on with holy. So queing up into a Mythic MoS, and finding out holy doesn't have an interrupt anymore by the tank yelling,"noobs interrupt!" While we're all scattering into the wind cause of a fear. It was quite jarring, funny thing is the tank actually blamed me for not interrupting. I actually believed him, cause I was pressing my interrupt key. I genuinely felt like I fucked up and wiped the group, and they left cause of me. Although we had a rogue and the tank was a Pally... Pugs man, even if you don't have the ability to do something you still need to do it so they don't have to. Same thing as when I tank Vault of the Wardens. You sir Mr. Tanky you're the one with the light on the last boss, cause this mage at touching it.
I'd really like to see other classes get an incentive for interrupting like Demon Hunters have. They get Pain for successfully interrupting a spell/skill. Now just imagine a Blood DK/ Prot War getting Runic Power/Rage for interrupting.
"only you can interrupt forest fires"
I remember back in cata that if you didn't interrupt healers in heroics, you'd probably wipe. I'm on a balance druid now, and having interrupt on a one minute cooldown is the worst thing ever. Might switch back to my shaman.
Interrupt is my side mouse button so I can just thumb it. Extremely easy and fast. I also have legendary ring for it. gives me a big incentive for it.
The standard WoW UI isn't garbage for this any more - it actually looks a lot like what you use now, with visible cast bars for all mobs floating over their heads. I think a lot of people who have been using UI mods to address shortcomings in the WoW UI don't even realize how much it's been upgraded because they never use it.
Interrupt on E aswell ^^ I'd say that running mythic + on an undergeared DH tank is the best way to learn how to interrupt x)
E and F are my go-to fast shit i need to do, E is interrupt always, F changes depending on char.
I am really sad that you aren't going to PUG with your Melee DPS. I know that you have your video on the PUG world, but I was hoping that you were going to find ways to gear up and PUG as a DPS now that everyone wants 860+, even for mythic +2. Obviously the answers are 1. Find a guild 2. Make friends 3. Tank or heal. I just only spend 4-6 hours a week on WoW so My time has to be very purposeful.
Loved your video on guild misconceptions, maybe I should just suck it up and find a guild who wants to run Mythic+'s a lot.
Thanks for all the great vid's!
People in pugs don't interrupt and pull packs. That's one of my first discoveries after rerolling to tank.
My interrupt has also been E for all my characters since forever! Neato! R is my get the fuck outta the way button.
mediv karazhan one of my favorite interrupt focused fights
"E" is my interupt key. 3:10 Mind Freeze is on "6".
preach where is our updated mage 7.1.5 video, I'm torn between fire and arcane atm and have no idea if I should be using my crit trinkets or int trinkets when I'm fire.
Ah yes, the classic interrupt button. It's been 0 for me forever and on all my characters. Super easy on naga
funny, my interupt has been (T) since i took pvp on my rogue seriously, back in tbc :.) this advice is great, great vid preach! i miss you!
I missed so much my interrupt on Holy Paladin :( Even as healer I usualy had most interrupts in dungeons... but only resto shamy was left with interrupt now from healers.
this is a no brainer for pvpers
cvk paper That's good as pvpers usually have no brain.
I feel like 1/3 of Preach's videos revolves around interrupting xD
I think this is a good video Preach! Great if you are a new player
shift 2 across all characters, all classes
Hey Preach, in your next video could you touch on this: Mouse-over interrupting vs hard targeted? Any benefits or drawbacks to one or the other?
Hello! Anyone knows what program preach uses to record his videos? they seem always so smooth compared to the one's that i record in shadowplay for example.
Just implemented the following Macro for my Frost DK:
/castsequence reset=15 Mind Freeze, Blinding Sleet
Result: 1 Hotkey for two Interrupts. :)
I understand why interrupting is importing after playing eye of azshara as a tank and dps
when i tanked i always interrupted the serpent boss thus never had to deal with the extra heads
when i played dps No one interrupts the submerge and i have to deal with the extra heads or else we wipe
There have been a fair number of mobs these days that DO actually attack while casting. Generally, these aren't interruptable spells, but still.
My interupt bind has been E for all toons as long as i can remember and i always wonder if its the best possible place.
As soon as you said interrupt as fast as possible I got triggered that you were giving such bad information, and then later on in the video you said the correct thing which is interrupting late. It's so frustrating watching melee interrupt some abilities really early. Range can have a pass since I don't expect them to sit around waiting for the end of a cast which fucks up their rotation. Good video, I hope new players watch this as it's very important.
Save lives; Interrupt today!
Dang when you have to teach people how to interrupt rip.
daang, some people are new to the game, how dare preach teach people things
Frostbyte I doubt you know what an interrupt is at all.
sorry not everybody is a nerd like you.
@Preach Gaming Would you agree because of cooldown time that boomkins are not the greatest at interrupting?
Preacher if its possible could you tell me what addons you use or anyone else know which ones that were in the video?? Please it would help me out a ton!
hey, just wanna to know if you are using focus interrupts also ? and of so how does this work for you, i actually have my keybindings also on e/Se, what do you recommende for that ? thx
Im kinda surprised you haven't mentioned mouseover macros and cc interrupts
soo are we going see another legacy video this lifetime??
is there an add on to coordinate who is in the interrupt rotation?
Malkorok...? I think you mean Maloriak, Preach.
Malkorok was Garrosh's ass kissing Blackrock bum chum in Siege of Orgrimmar.
At least he died honorably....
I'm wondering if you're getting confused between Malkorok and Nazgrim?
Malkorok was the Blackrock Orc who got beefed up on the powers of a dead Old God. There was nothing honorable about him.
Mark Haynes say what u will but he was loyal, down to his death
According to Nobbel, Malkorok became Garrosh's adviser in Tides of War, and it's possible he was the one who convinced Garrosh to throw his honor out the window and do all those terrible things.
How do you coordinate your interrupts with other people in your group? I notice in my guild's m+ groups that a lot of times we have 2 people hitting interrupts against the same cast, which leads to having 0 interrupts for other casts.
But Preach I thought you told me not to interrupt...
Mouse 3, Shift M3, and alt M3 for me :)
Arcane Storm, Rebuke, Hammer of Justice
Hey what addon is showing your resources over their health bars? Been looking for it for a few days
Slipped up on Malkorok instead of Maloriak, but I forgive you Preach cause I love you.
the amount of times i see polymorph fish go through in eye is absurd
if i don't interrupt it it will go through 9/10 times
and rampage... as well, it's pretty annoying
I've seen wipes on hydra in EoA... its gotten to the point where i will sprint to interrupt range then displacer out to the adds just so rampage doesn't go through
i pretty much don't even wait to see if others will interrupt anymore its not even worth it...
i have it binded to shift + T, It's slower than It could be but i have nowhere else to bind it
as a healer i believe every single dps should see this video, is just annoying how the dps thinks they are there just for doing dmg if they die is cause i can't do my job well. have been kicked for lots of dungeons cause dps stand all over the areas do not dispell or never use their protective cds
This is a very insightful video. But, I still have some reasons to not interrupt. It's a very niche scenario, but if I'm at more than halfway full of my resource as a DH, interrupting kind of becomes a loss of fury/pain. Again, very niche thing. Is there a way to counter that so I can still have on-par interrupts?
Kage the orc no, there isn’t. It’s a quirk of the spec. But resource generation shouldn’t be a problem for you, so I’m not sure why this would prevent you from interrupting where it is necessary. Change your gear maybe to get better resource generation.
So preach has an E-nterrupt
Whats the best addon that tells you what can and can't be interrupted but doesn't do a whole load of pointless other shit you don't want?
Crazy Zaul Deadly Boss Mods is one of my go to add ons
I have that ofc but it doesn't do interrupts except vital ones on bosses.
Crazy Zaul Elvui lets you change the colour of the castbar depending on if it's interruptable or not, and other addons such as Quartz and Castbars do the same, Gnosis is a good one as well, just go in the options and look at the interrupt options
Thank the heavens - was getting swamped by American politics and bored to tears, needed a solid dose of Preach to slap me out of it