Although I was raised in a catholic family, I had been atheist all my life. But when I found gregorian chants, I really felt the Spirit of God for the very first time because there was something powerful in those chants that touched my soul, I can't describe it. I'm now a traditional Roman Catholic, and I am proud of it.
It's time to crusade not for the Holy Land but for the Holy Quest of bringing back Morality and Values that are taught to us by the One True God! Deus Vult brothers and sisters!
Both Piuses, Their Holinesses Pius the Eleventh and Pius the Twelfth gave us a headstart, they started a modesty crusade which helps us in our morals, we must encourage what is said in their writings. God Bless you.
Do people realise, this sublime , beautiful polyphon was written over a thousand years ago. And compare it to the greatest composers of today. We have lost our way to Christ and lost so much on the wide road to progress.
Thank you for uploading this recording. We are singing this polyphony for Good Friday 2022.The score is written with a time signature of 4/2. We will be singing at a slightly slower tempo than this recording but the movements of all the parts and the entrances are easier to sense in the piece after listening to the Norte Dame choir. The message of the words is the most beautiful cry from the soul expressing the glory of the Cross. I feel so blessed and honored to sing this arrangement by Domenico Bartolucci.
The beauty of the music is inspiring. I will have your channel playing during our Thanksgiving dinner with family. So many blessings to be thankful for and from their mighty Source.
Music is a blessing from God to Man, the beautiful chords and notes that flow from heart, mind, and soul are truly divine at core, even if they can be abused for other uses. The ultimate use of all things is for the Glory of God, but even the little things still hint to something Heavenly, even if it is primitively. The science and art of music is like that of Creation. God created the world out of the music of love, the music of joy and peace, and so do we create a world of the same. Maybe I’m rambling, or maybe I’m just a fool trying to look smart, but I can’t help but deeply appreciate beautiful things. Chant just so happens to be that.
Thank you for posting this. It's always funny to me. In New England (Region in America) little to no one Believes in God. It makes me Melancholy to think that every day. I am a Catholic still here waiting for these people to be enlightened, not by war, not by force conversion, but peacefully. I know what the Spanish did in the past and I disagree with their ways of force conversion. Everyone whom believes in God will either go to Limbo, or Heaven itself. Overall, this calms my soul. It heals me mentally. I do suffer from Depression, etc. Always crawling back to these songs make me at peace with myself. I always felt at peace listening to this music. I thank you for this. May God Bless all of you. In Nomine Patris Et Filii Et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. Ave Amici
God be with you and yours, friend. I'm near Boston, and it truly is saddening to know that many of the people surrounding me laugh and mock my faith, and are either ignorant of or fully against the Savior I fully trust. We need to pray for New England, and that the people will come back to Christ here.
@@Hopeofmen Indeed, here in Rhode Island it is the Same my friend. Many people do Mock my Faith as well. People hate me because of me being Catholicism. We need to pray for those souls who have strayed away from God to be back in-line so they can be saved as well.
This chant and Kyrie:Orbis Factor are so beautiful with a woman's voice, its like an angel sent by God to bless us with this chants. God bless you my christian brethren!
Az urunk Jézus Krisztus, jóval tovább mutatott ,mint a földi világ. Azzal hogy a mennyekben ment ,az atyja jobbján van ó kapott meg minden hatalmat a mennyekben és itt a földön. O egy az atyával. .Ó az örök életet adta meg nekünk, hogy nekünk örök életünk legyen ó benne ,mint az atyaban a fiuban és a Szent léleknek a nevében Ámen Ma a világunkban csak ő általa mehetünk az ő atyjahoz .O az ajtó a szikla a bárka. Az első és az utolsó a kezdet és a vég, az alfa és az omega ..Ámen
For what will I do when my time to cross the river has come? Will I be swept away to the abyss, or shall I cross safely into His Kingdom? I am but a lowly creature before Him, yet He still cares for me. How humble I am to be a son of the Lion of Judah.
Boże miłosierny pomóż życiu się nawrócić w duchu i sercu , niech rozkwitnie o Jezu ludzkie serca i zapragną cię przyjąć do całego serca , poprzez miłości i pokorną modlitwy najpiękniejsze twemu niebu o przyjacielu naszych dzieci .Uwierz Panie żeś Stwórcą bo sam o tym nam zaświadczyż swoją miłosierną miłością .🍀💚
Escuchando esta hermosa obra, sentí calor en mi pecho. Sentí el calor del Amor del Padre; por unos segundos sentí su abrazo y su amor incondicional. Sentí el abrazo de su Espíritu Santo y de Cristo. Sentí deseos y el anhelo de fundirme para siempre en su seno y su Amor infinito. Esto es más que las memorias olvidadas de volver a ser uno con la madre; y volver a experimentar ese Amor inicial, o de querer fusionarse con la esposa para darse mutuamente la vida. Es increíble la Paz y el gozo que se siente de recibir su abrazo a pesar de nuestra inmundicia por un instante!!
Beautiful. Such slow and somber yet equally contemplative and uplifting music and lyrics to express the soul's gratitude to the Lord for His sacrifice for our Redemption.
This is incredibly beautiful, especially the voice of the soloist, just lovely. I might make one point, though: the Latin “clavo” is more closely translated as “nail,” which makes complete sense in light of these lyrics.
Jedyny Pan Zaświatów Jezus nie Gardzi Rządną Duszą Która Zapragnie się Zbawić w Jego Miłosierdziu Bożej łask .Słowo Ofiarowane Sercu idący drogą Razem Jego Świętością , Otwarte Jego Słowa Rodzą Się we Wszechświaty i Kierują do Waszych Drzwi .Tylko Pan Najmilszy , Chwała Jemu sercu Chrystusowego i Maryji Dziewicy .Ten Który Żyję w Jasnościach Wieki , zaostrzony Waszymi sumieniami serc , nie dopuszczajcie się godzin nie dobra .✝️🍀😔
I know everyone likes to say Deus Vult on this channel, but I don't. When I watched "The Kingdom of Heaven" I remember watching the Templar's yell God wills it and then go massacre a Muslim caravan. But at the end after Ballieon surrenders Jerusalem he says. "If this is the kingdom of God then let Gods will be done" or something like that. The phrase Deus Vult or God wills it gives justification to whatever action is next taken. Because as Christian's it is our desire to do Gods will. But also remember what Jesus said to Peter "But He turned and said to Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's." Mathew 16:23. Christians or not our will for ourselves is hardly ever Gods will for us. When we say God wills it, it is almost like saying, this is what I feel should be done so God wills it. Think about that for a while. I would rather say. God I don't know what your will is but whatever it is let it be done. Or simply put, Gods will be done. Fiat voluntas Dei (according to Google translate).
I am the hammer of His justice I am the shield of His people I am the bearer of His flame I am the Weilder of His Thunder I am a Son of the Lion of Judah And I am the Storm of His power. This is my oath.
Good point. On the other hand, the film "Kingdom of Heaven" is a revisionist retelling of the crusade, made by historical revisionists who hate the Church. The crusade's real history is a much more inspiring tale of pushing back against 400 years of aggression by the muslim side.
Aspetto Iddio... Lo aspetto... L'Anima mia Lo desidera... Aspetto che prenda possesso di me... Perchè solo Lui può risollevarmi... Solo Lui può risuscitarmi... Dagli inferi Lo invoco... Dalle tenebre Lo chiamo... Aspetto il Signore Dio... Solo Egli può risollevarmi...
Miłości Pana żyją , ofiarują pokój i stałe serce boże . Nad wysokościami promienieje krzyż Jezusa , zbawienie nas , i leczone rany Syna opłakując nad duszami nie myjąc serca swoje . Duch święty pełen złocień i sław głosu prawd przyjdzie nieulękniony z łask Boga. Ześle miłości czyste swego serca , by lud i ich dusza się ochrzciła w ciepłej i białej jak perła miłości . Prosząc by wiara modliła się o swoje serca i zamiar umiłowania się wzajem dla Boga .🍀
Magnifique "!si nous recevons le témoignage des hommes,le témoignage de Dieu est plus grand,or ce témoignage de Dieu qui est plus grand est celui qu'il a rendu de son Fils ,celui qui croit au Fils de Dieu a le témoignage de Dieu en lui ". épître de Jean
L'Anima mia spera nel Signore Dal profondo a Te grido, o Signore, Signore, ascolta la mia voce. Siano i tuoi orecchi attenti alla voce della mia preghiera.
Bóg jest Panem on jest wyzwaniem na drogę miłości .Chwale u Ojca spojrzeć mu oblicz stóp i niebios .Boże zmiłowanie naszych serc , zmiłuj się o wieczne łask dobroci. Żywe ścieżki poprowadzą istotę słabości , światłem dróg życia , aby uczyć dóbr bożej miłości .🍀
Dear Lord🙏🏻Dear Jesus, please heal humanity from the virus that devours the earth❤️🥺Eternal father, I sacrifice to you the flesh and the blood of the soul and the deity of your dearest son and of our Lord Jesus Christ to atone for our sins and the sins of the whole world🙏🏻for his painful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world🌹❤️holy god, holy mighty, holy immortal have mercy on us and the whole 🌍praise you,Lord, forever amen🙏🏻🌺❤️
Offer Forgiveness to those women who rose you up away from your earthly Fathers. Grant Forgiveness to those men who could not protect their sons and daughters from their motherly influences. Realize They could Not Help it. Honor your parents, Prove yourselves worthy of the Gift.
Głosy Pańskich Aniołów Świętych przysyłają Wieści duszą ludzkim Że Światło Boże Zbliży do Waszych domów i Ogrodów .Bóg Wyrwany z Snu milczenia i Obecnością Tworzyć wasze kwiecia nie Na próżno .Jego Serce Odkryte z Cierpień Cierni , Oslaniajcie się przed złem A grzechem pokuta Wyzwolenie w Czasie .Słowo Boże rodzi Całe Światy razem z Maryją , Skromność Jej serca Wasze nie opuści , odda Część i Waszym dzieciom 🌹🙏😔🤝🤝
En Glorioso español, una traducción muy aproximada: Entre todos el árbol fiel, ¡y sólo noble! nada en el bosque produce formas similares de las hojas, flores y semillas. Madera, hierro, dulce carga. Viento glorioso combate y luchó, ÉL triunfó cómo el Redentor. Por encima de todos los demás, y sólo un noble árbol de la cruz, los fieles: no hay otro bosque que produce formas similares de las hojas, flores y semillas. Madera, hierro, dulce carga. La Trinidad sea la Gloria Eterna, al igual que se encuentran; Padre, Hijo, iguales alabanzas siempre; Trino alabado sea Su Nombre por la Eternidad. Por encima de todos los demás, y sólo un noble árbol de la Cruz, los fieles: no hay otro bosque produce formas similares de las hojas, flores y semillas. Madera, hierro, dulce carga.
God can you hear me,this demon is controlling my mind,my heart, my thoughts, myself. He is using me as a lust and can't break free, I have no soul or emotionally. I'm dying 💀☠️, can't live this life anymore. Please Lord 🙏😭😭 😭 help me please. Send an angel to put me on right path. I want to come to your kingdom of heaven
Et bien non, ce n'est pas seulement un destin qu'on nous ferait miroiter le fait que le divin existe dans le destin de l'humanité! C'est tout à fait ça, l'homme est fait pour parvenir au divin mais pas par lui-même, par l'action de Dieu uniquement! L'homme qui cherche la toute-puissance et le contrôle sur toute chose est tout simplement un orgueilleux qui est sur une route dangereuse avec une probabilité de se perdre à tout jamais! Et oui, le Seigneur vit en nous, et nous devons vivre pour lui et avec lui. Un homme et une société qui sans Dieu ou qui s'érige plein de "dieux idolâtres" est une société qui est en grand danger de mort! Vous avez aussi raison, ce chant est très beau! Si vous vous intéressez à la Liturgie chrétienne et catholique en particulier, ce chant du Crux fidelis se trouve dans l'Office de la Passion du Vendredi Saint que nous venons de fêter ce vendredi 10 avril! Il se trouve dans le missel de la forme extraordinaire du rite romain.
Although I was raised in a catholic family, I had been atheist all my life. But when I found gregorian chants, I really felt the Spirit of God for the very first time because there was something powerful in those chants that touched my soul, I can't describe it. I'm now a traditional Roman Catholic, and I am proud of it.
Welcome back aboard the bark of St. Peter.
Wow incredible. Heaven rejoices :)
Welcome home!
You must pray everyday. The Spirit of God in us is like a plant that we have take care of every day
God bless you
There is a deep sadness, yet a reverance, yet a peace, yet a resonance to this song. Glory be to the Lord, God Almighty.
I ask God for strength and willpower to overcome the hardships in my life.
I am weak and tired but i have no doubt of his power
And god is with you my brother. I will pray for you!
Romans 5: 1-5
@@Hereticalable I'll have hope trough the tribulations so i can receive his grace. Thanks for sharing that part of the scripture with me
@@andiradke9480 He will guide us, let's follow him
You're not weak and you're not alone. I will pray for you. God bless!
It's time to crusade not for the Holy Land but for the Holy Quest of bringing back Morality and Values that are taught to us by the One True God! Deus Vult brothers and sisters!
Both Piuses, Their Holinesses Pius the Eleventh and Pius the Twelfth gave us a headstart, they started a modesty crusade which helps us in our morals, we must encourage what is said in their writings.
God Bless you.
😢 may God have mercy to the world.
@@normacerrega3615 he has now we should use it
Amen! Amen ! Amen!
Even though I sin daily, you still claim me as one of your own. Jesus, you are the subject of my adoration.
Go to confession and be absolved of your sins by the power of the Holy Spirit. Then persevere in your faith.
Amen. God bless you brother. Depart yourself from sin and go to a priest
If you knowingly sin and make no effort to change, Jesus will not accept you into his fathers eternal kingdom!!
Dear Lord deliver us from Evil , Amen.
ZeLegend lord helps those who help themselves, sin is too sweat a thing 🙏🏻🙏🏻may mary and our lord guide us
Do not bring us into temptation
Amen Father
“God helps those who help themselves.” Is not in the Bible.
@@SonofPerson no idea where he got that from
Do people realise, this sublime , beautiful polyphon was written over a thousand years ago. And compare it to the greatest composers of today. We have lost our way to Christ and lost so much on the wide road to progress.
Glory to Him.
This is a 20th century masterpiece, not a milennial one. It`s writer, Card. Domenico Bartolucci returned to his Creator in 2013.
Lord Give Me Strength To Fight Evil in The World. So Many Souls Are Lost! Have Mercy On Them...
This is one of the most beautiful pieces of polyphony I have ever heard. May God grant me the strength to carry the cross He wants me to carry
All glory to almighty God!
Adriano Machado rather
Christ is our Lord and Savior! Amen
"Eis o Lenho da Cruz ! Do Qual Pendeu A Salvação do Mundo!
Beautiful, Gloria a Deus!!!
Hope my brothers and sisters have a blessed Easter. Christ is risen!!!
I love You, my Dearest Savior... in the depths of my heart... in the depths of my wildest desires... only Your Name is on my lips!
Thank you for uploading. This calms my soul. I'm going through hard times and this helps! May God bless you all my brothers and sisters.
Rico Cobana stay strong my brother, keep the faith, God is with you!
Another favorite. So beautiful, so moving! Jesu auxilio! Adoramos te, glorificamus te.
Tout simplement magnifique et magique ! La Gloire du Seigneur resplendit
I hope you will recover from the tragedy of Notre Dame. God Bless.
Thank you for uploading this recording. We are singing this polyphony for Good Friday 2022.The score is written with a time signature of 4/2. We will be singing at a slightly slower tempo than this recording but the movements of all the parts and the entrances are easier to sense in the piece after listening to the Norte Dame choir. The message of the words is the most beautiful cry from the soul expressing the glory of the Cross. I feel so blessed and honored to sing this arrangement by Domenico Bartolucci.
Hello! Could you direct me to where I could purchase the sheet music? I'd appreciate it very much!
@@st.josephsmusic8420 -our music director provided the music from c.Foundazione Domenico Bartolucci. I believe he downloaded music with permissions.
The beauty of the music is inspiring. I will have your channel playing during our Thanksgiving dinner with family. So many blessings to be thankful for and from their mighty Source.
Music is a blessing from God to Man, the beautiful chords and notes that flow from heart, mind, and soul are truly divine at core, even if they can be abused for other uses. The ultimate use of all things is for the Glory of God, but even the little things still hint to something Heavenly, even if it is primitively. The science and art of music is like that of Creation. God created the world out of the music of love, the music of joy and peace, and so do we create a world of the same. Maybe I’m rambling, or maybe I’m just a fool trying to look smart, but I can’t help but deeply appreciate beautiful things. Chant just so happens to be that.
É uma música de outro mundo... Não tenho como explicar: minha casa ficou com outro ambiente. O ouvinte é transportado para uma paz indescritível...
Perfetta la Giustizia
come la Provvidenza Divina
Iesus autem miserere nobis.
Thank you for posting this. It's always funny to me. In New England (Region in America) little to no one Believes in God. It makes me Melancholy to think that every day. I am a Catholic still here waiting for these people to be enlightened, not by war, not by force conversion, but peacefully. I know what the Spanish did in the past and I disagree with their ways of force conversion. Everyone whom believes in God will either go to Limbo, or Heaven itself.
Overall, this calms my soul. It heals me mentally. I do suffer from Depression, etc. Always crawling back to these songs make me at peace with myself. I always felt at peace listening to this music. I thank you for this. May God Bless all of you.
In Nomine Patris Et Filii Et Spiritus Sancti.
Ave Amici
Thank you, we'll keep you in our prayers!
Stay strong, stay close to what is true to you: God. I’m praying for you!
God be with you and yours, friend. I'm near Boston, and it truly is saddening to know that many of the people surrounding me laugh and mock my faith, and are either ignorant of or fully against the Savior I fully trust. We need to pray for New England, and that the people will come back to Christ here.
@@Hopeofmen Indeed, here in Rhode Island it is the Same my friend.
Many people do Mock my Faith as well. People hate me because of me being Catholicism. We need to pray for those souls who have strayed away from God to be back in-line so they can be saved as well.
@@victorsalazar5837 Thank you. And you as well!
I listened to this beautiful piece 3 days before my father passed away. If there is a god, may he be by his side.
Absolutely amazing. Truely mesmerizing music. *Praise the Lord*
În numele Tatălui , şi al Fiului , şi al Sfântului Duh , acum şi pururea şi în vecii vecilor . Amin.
Você é da romênia?
Adoration of the Cross Magnificent!!! +NND+ Templari Cattolici Italiani Deus Vult!!!
This chant and Kyrie:Orbis Factor are so beautiful with a woman's voice, its like an angel sent by God to bless us with this chants. God bless you my christian brethren!
Az urunk Jézus Krisztus, jóval tovább mutatott ,mint a földi világ. Azzal hogy a mennyekben ment ,az atyja jobbján van ó kapott meg minden hatalmat a mennyekben és itt a földön. O egy az atyával. .Ó az örök életet adta meg nekünk, hogy nekünk örök életünk legyen ó benne ,mint az atyaban a fiuban és a Szent léleknek a nevében Ámen Ma a világunkban csak ő általa mehetünk az ő atyjahoz .O az ajtó a szikla a bárka. Az első és az utolsó a kezdet és a vég, az alfa és az omega ..Ámen
Perfect for the Cross Adoration on Holy Friday.
For what will I do when my time to cross the river has come? Will I be swept away to the abyss, or shall I cross safely into His Kingdom? I am but a lowly creature before Him, yet He still cares for me. How humble I am to be a son of the Lion of Judah.
Boże miłosierny pomóż życiu się nawrócić w duchu i sercu , niech rozkwitnie o Jezu ludzkie serca i zapragną cię przyjąć do całego serca , poprzez miłości i pokorną modlitwy najpiękniejsze twemu niebu o przyjacielu naszych dzieci .Uwierz Panie żeś Stwórcą bo sam o tym nam zaświadczyż swoją miłosierną miłością .🍀💚
Praise The Lord
Christ is our King. We will fight for Europe!
looks like you're losing..
Fritz Europe is just a kingdom of the earth. We as followers of the christ should fight for the kingdom of heaven💜➕
Fritz - what is your avatar?Im talking about the cross. Is it a symbol of some group or what?
Fritz fight harder, arabs are swarming in there
@@nima9452 And what was Byzantinum? The fight for heaven is a personal one. When Christians are getting mass-killed, we fight back.
R. I. P. Cardinal Domenico Bartolucci
Wonderful. Thankyou yet again.
There is no Church like Roman Catholic, many beauty unimaginable abounds
Indeed. After all, It IS the Church Our Lord founded.
Ever known the Orthodox church? Love you my Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ though.
@@bezagebremedhine5102as a catholic i love the orthodox church's beauty
Gloria a Dio! ✝️💓🙏
Escuchando esta hermosa obra, sentí calor en mi pecho. Sentí el calor del Amor del Padre; por unos segundos sentí su abrazo y su amor incondicional. Sentí el abrazo de su Espíritu Santo y de Cristo. Sentí deseos y el anhelo de fundirme para siempre en su seno y su Amor infinito. Esto es más que las memorias olvidadas de volver a ser uno con la madre; y volver a experimentar ese Amor inicial, o de querer fusionarse con la esposa para darse mutuamente la vida. Es increíble la Paz y el gozo que se siente de recibir su abrazo a pesar de nuestra inmundicia por un instante!!
Beautiful. Such slow and somber yet equally contemplative and uplifting music and lyrics to express the soul's gratitude to the Lord for His sacrifice for our Redemption.
God bless you
From France
Divine beauty! 🇧🇷🇻🇦
Your videos are great: music, fotos, lyrics and translation! I'm happy that I have found your channel.
This is incredibly beautiful, especially the voice of the soloist, just lovely. I might make one point, though: the Latin “clavo” is more closely translated as “nail,” which makes complete sense in light of these lyrics.
If I wanted someone to visualize the high point of western civilization I would make them close their eyes and listen to this.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Jesus Christ can not do this, he can only be a mediator between you and God.
@@Rick2010100 Jesus Christ is God Himself. He can forgive sins.
Jedyny Pan Zaświatów Jezus nie Gardzi Rządną Duszą Która Zapragnie się Zbawić w Jego Miłosierdziu Bożej łask .Słowo Ofiarowane Sercu idący drogą Razem Jego Świętością , Otwarte Jego Słowa Rodzą Się we Wszechświaty i Kierują do Waszych Drzwi .Tylko Pan Najmilszy , Chwała Jemu sercu Chrystusowego i Maryji Dziewicy .Ten Który Żyję w Jasnościach Wieki , zaostrzony Waszymi sumieniami serc , nie dopuszczajcie się godzin nie dobra .✝️🍀😔
A wonderful soul touching song.
Mi Dios, mi Rey Señor Jesús gracias por salvarnos a toda la humanidad en la Cruz. Tú victoria es eterna por siempre! 🙌🏻❤️✝️☁️🌍🌿🕊️🌈
Iesus Christos 💖
Son of God protect and bless your childern.
I love to continue like this adoration of the cross
I loved 🙏🏾
Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus!
Na wieki wieków. Amen
Es ist so schön.
Besutiful, Amen. Praise Jesus.
I know everyone likes to say Deus Vult on this channel, but I don't. When I watched "The Kingdom of Heaven" I remember watching the Templar's yell God wills it and then go massacre a Muslim caravan. But at the end after Ballieon surrenders Jerusalem he says. "If this is the kingdom of God then let Gods will be done" or something like that. The phrase Deus Vult or God wills it gives justification to whatever action is next taken. Because as Christian's it is our desire to do Gods will. But also remember what Jesus said to Peter "But He turned and said to Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's." Mathew 16:23. Christians or not our will for ourselves is hardly ever Gods will for us. When we say God wills it, it is almost like saying, this is what I feel should be done so God wills it. Think about that for a while. I would rather say. God I don't know what your will is but whatever it is let it be done. Or simply put, Gods will be done.
Fiat voluntas Dei (according to Google translate).
Wise words, thanks!
I am the hammer of His justice
I am the shield of His people
I am the bearer of His flame
I am the Weilder of His Thunder
I am a Son of the Lion of Judah
And I am the Storm of His power.
This is my oath.
Good point. On the other hand, the film "Kingdom of Heaven" is a revisionist retelling of the crusade, made by historical revisionists who hate the Church. The crusade's real history is a much more inspiring tale of pushing back against 400 years of aggression by the muslim side.
Thank you for this.
amen💚💚 , I love it thank you brother you're my faivorit youtuber.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you Father
Boże wielka jest twoja prawda i miłości .💧🌷
Aspetto Iddio... Lo aspetto... L'Anima mia Lo desidera... Aspetto che prenda possesso di me... Perchè solo Lui può risollevarmi...
Solo Lui può risuscitarmi...
Dagli inferi Lo invoco... Dalle tenebre Lo chiamo... Aspetto il Signore Dio... Solo Egli può risollevarmi...
Blessed be the Lord
I love your music
My favourite chants I think. Thanks !! Deus vobiscum !
Actually the formula is "Dominus Vobiscum"
@@Tom19142 OK, Thanks ; )
Dominus, qui in summum cruciatum se venturum vidit et mortus est pro nobis, benedictus!
Miłości Pana żyją , ofiarują pokój i stałe serce boże . Nad wysokościami promienieje krzyż Jezusa , zbawienie nas , i leczone rany Syna opłakując nad duszami nie myjąc serca swoje . Duch święty pełen złocień i sław głosu prawd przyjdzie nieulękniony z łask Boga. Ześle miłości czyste swego serca , by lud i ich dusza się ochrzciła w ciepłej i białej jak perła miłości . Prosząc by wiara modliła się o swoje serca i zamiar umiłowania się wzajem dla Boga .🍀
Magnifique "!si nous recevons le témoignage des hommes,le témoignage de Dieu est plus grand,or ce témoignage de Dieu qui est plus grand est celui qu'il a rendu de son Fils ,celui qui croit au Fils de Dieu a le témoignage de Dieu en lui ". épître de Jean
L'Anima mia
spera nel Signore
Dal profondo a Te grido,
o Signore,
Signore, ascolta la mia voce.
Siano i tuoi orecchi attenti
alla voce della mia preghiera.
Bóg jest Panem on jest wyzwaniem na drogę miłości .Chwale u Ojca spojrzeć mu oblicz stóp i niebios .Boże zmiłowanie naszych serc , zmiłuj się o wieczne łask dobroci. Żywe ścieżki poprowadzą istotę słabości , światłem dróg życia , aby uczyć dóbr bożej miłości .🍀
Glori to the Most Holy Theotokos!
Anima Christi,sanctifica me
Dear Lord🙏🏻Dear Jesus, please heal humanity from the virus that devours the earth❤️🥺Eternal father, I sacrifice to you the flesh and the blood of the soul and the deity of your dearest son and of our Lord Jesus Christ to atone for our sins and the sins of the whole world🙏🏻for his painful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world🌹❤️holy god, holy mighty, holy immortal have mercy on us and the whole 🌍praise you,Lord, forever amen🙏🏻🌺❤️
Offer Forgiveness to those women who rose you up away from your earthly Fathers.
Grant Forgiveness to those men who could not protect their sons and daughters from their motherly influences.
Realize They could Not Help it.
Honor your parents,
Prove yourselves worthy of the Gift.
You should get us more for the Holy Week.
Hello! Can anybody direct me to where I could purchase sheet music for this? 😍 I'm having a really hard time finding it.
Beautiful prayers Jezus We love YOU Be with Me olways🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹
Beautyful 😇
I love it
Głosy Pańskich Aniołów Świętych przysyłają Wieści duszą ludzkim Że Światło Boże Zbliży do Waszych domów i Ogrodów .Bóg Wyrwany z Snu milczenia i Obecnością Tworzyć wasze kwiecia nie Na próżno .Jego Serce Odkryte z Cierpień Cierni , Oslaniajcie się przed złem A grzechem pokuta Wyzwolenie w Czasie .Słowo Boże rodzi Całe Światy razem z Maryją , Skromność Jej serca Wasze nie opuści , odda Część i Waszym dzieciom 🌹🙏😔🤝🤝
Glory to god.. glory to you(❤️❤️❤️.
Who is the female singer in this? Excellent choice to accompany the others! Very Calming and it sounds so pure in tone, vocal skill and presentation.
My Lord ❤
En Glorioso español, una traducción muy aproximada:
Entre todos el árbol fiel, ¡y sólo noble! nada en el bosque produce formas similares de las hojas, flores y semillas.
Madera, hierro, dulce carga.
Viento glorioso combate y luchó, ÉL triunfó cómo el Redentor.
Por encima de todos los demás, y sólo un noble árbol de la cruz, los fieles: no hay otro bosque que produce formas similares de las hojas, flores y semillas.
Madera, hierro, dulce carga.
La Trinidad sea la Gloria Eterna, al igual que se encuentran; Padre, Hijo, iguales alabanzas siempre; Trino alabado sea Su Nombre por la Eternidad.
Por encima de todos los demás, y sólo un noble árbol de la Cruz, los fieles: no hay otro bosque produce formas similares de las hojas, flores y semillas.
Madera, hierro, dulce carga.
Gracias por la traducción a nuestra lengua universal, el idioma en el que el Emperador Carlos hablaba con Dios.
@@josejaviervidalgarcia6327 así es, que hermoso recordar esa cita de Carlos I.
Gracias Don Antonio.
Reciba un cordial saludo.
@@AB-et8ps ¡Igualmente, hermano!
Laudetur Jezus Christus et MARYJA IMMACULATA ❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸
Sweetest wood and sweetest iron, the sweetest weight is hung on thee.
God can you hear me,this demon is controlling my mind,my heart, my thoughts, myself. He is using me as a lust and can't break free, I have no soul or emotionally. I'm dying 💀☠️, can't live this life anymore. Please Lord 🙏😭😭 😭 help me please. Send an angel to put me on right path. I want to come to your kingdom of heaven
Prayers, a priest, a doctor, and love from your family and friends. I hope you are doing better. May God take pity on your suffering and heals you.
Hi friend. Make sure to pray that instead of commenting "can you hear me" on a youtube video.
Amen Amen Amen 🙏✝️🕊️
lindo, amei
On se plairait à croire qu il existe du divin dans le destin de l humanité ou c est simplement beau
Et bien non, ce n'est pas seulement un destin qu'on nous ferait miroiter le fait que le divin existe dans le destin de l'humanité! C'est tout à fait ça, l'homme est fait pour parvenir au divin mais pas par lui-même, par l'action de Dieu uniquement! L'homme qui cherche la toute-puissance et le contrôle sur toute chose est tout simplement un orgueilleux qui est sur une route dangereuse avec une probabilité de se perdre à tout jamais! Et oui, le Seigneur vit en nous, et nous devons vivre pour lui et avec lui. Un homme et une société qui sans Dieu ou qui s'érige plein de "dieux idolâtres" est une société qui est en grand danger de mort! Vous avez aussi raison, ce chant est très beau! Si vous vous intéressez à la Liturgie chrétienne et catholique en particulier, ce chant du Crux fidelis se trouve dans l'Office de la Passion du Vendredi Saint que nous venons de fêter ce vendredi 10 avril! Il se trouve dans le missel de la forme extraordinaire du rite romain.
Thanks you for the french subtiles
*Credo in Sancta Ecclesia Catholica*
Crux fidelis inter omnes 💜
Laudetur Iesus Christus!