Regarding fire pea, I think part of the reason that the community rates it so highly is how its damage scales with level. On level one, it does the same damage as a repeater, but every level after that it does more damage than repeater. A level 3 fire peashooter does 100 damage per shot while a level 3 repeater only does 30
@@GNVS300 you can use the the torch and duplicate again the damage (using the main example of the original coment 3 firepeas do 300 damage at lv3 and 3 the repeaters do 90x2 aka 180 but 2 repeaters with a a torchwood deal 60x2x2 aka 240 still less so xd this was supposed to show how repeater is better but is not lol) showing how is objetibly better than the firepea (is not lol this is just a joke about how at the start of this comment i thought repeater with torchwood could be better than firepea but it wasnt)
I always though It was for the pretty good design , despite being another peashoter It has the best peashoter design imo and expectation, I remember this plant was mentioned since 2014 in Dark Ages update
Iceberg lettuce is a plant food sink that also stalls for setting up sun production, not a spammable staller. In the "story" levels of the game, it fits in nicely with the meta
Regarding iceberg, the main reasons why people think it's good are 1: at the start of the round, it can stall hard enough for you to add one or 2 sun producers before worrying about kills. This comboed with a insta kill like mine or bean allows you to focus on sun for a long time before you truly focus on damage. 2: its plant food is OP
Exactly this -- Iceberg lets you focus on sun so you can straight up place heavy hitters a whole lot earlier, which ironically means... you don't actually have to worry as much about number of plant slots, since you basically only need that heavy hitter down on each lane, then keep reinforcing those lanes. Very contrary to what the video was saying about it being a waste of slots
To be honest, I thought people overrated Iceberg Lettuce was due to it's previous availability. Can't exactly say for certain now-a-days, but back then Iceberg was pretty dang early in Ancient Egypt; and that and it's competition pretty much being world clears at the time made it much. Much more accessible and thus much more usable.
True, its in my opinion,a pretty good plant while youre in the early part of the game,where you dont exactly have that many stallers to pick from. Other stallers might outclass it,but for the while you have it,it does its job well,affecting Gargantuars and niche torch zombies.
The electric blueberry problem is that there is no reason to use it or any other random instakill plants over caulipower, as caulipower instakills and hypotizes, which allows you to snowball the zombies into a hypnotized board. And even if the caulipower instakills the wrong zombie, hypnotized zombies have a lot of value as they can deal extra damage. And yes creeps even if its way too broken, I find it very satisfying to get enough caulipowers down to straight up win any level
I think what would’ve made Electric Blueberry better is if it was more like Banana Launcher allowing you to target zombies. To balance that out, the sun cost shoulda been higher.
I think the reason Fire Peashooter got its reputation is because the plant people compared it to the most was Pepper-Pult. Who worked fine as a heater, but as an actual offensive plant was sort of...not great. Like you said, Fire Peashooter was basically just a cheaper Repeater that could also heat plants. Well, Pepper-Pult cost the same as Repeater but also recharged slowly, attacked less frequently, and did less damage per shot (yes, it had splash damage, but that rarely made up for everything else). So when compared specifically to Pepper-Pult, the plant easiest to compare it to, Fire Peashooter seemed super powerful.
Fire Peashooter got it's reputation because when considering leveling the plants, Fire Peashooter's damage scales so high with it's level. Compared to the repeater, which has the same damage as Fire Peashooter in lv1, Repeater at lv3 has 60 dmg, while Fire Peas has 100, that's a huge jump in damage with each level up.
You missed the most important reason why Iceberg is considered so good. Its PF is literally Ice shroom making it superior staller to Stunion and Stallia if you can afford using plant food on it or you have it boosted from Zen Garden.
@Dumb Blob you get shadow shroom right at the end of the game most of the time, I'm not certain about most mods. Plus, they serve two different purposes. Iceberg lettuce's plant food freezes zombies across the board, halting movement and stalling zombies, which also has the bonus of not calling the next wave. Shadow shroom affects every plant with a damage over time effect that will call the next wave, perhaps even before everything's dead, which can be deadly depending on that next wave
@Dumb Blob still doesn't change the fact that shadow shroom isn't a sufficient replacement for iceberg lettuce, regardless of what your opinions on how good it's plant food is. Also, plant food isn't that rare. I've been able to find around 3-5 on an average level
@Dumb Blob plant food is definitely quite plentiful in vanilla. Before you unlock shadow shroom, iceberg is probably your best option for a plant food sink, unless you’re playing BWB, in which case you’d want infinut.
I tend to use iceberg as a potato mine substitute in the early game and as a budget ice bloom in the endgame, after I save up plant food. I prefer stunion otherwise.
Actually the best part of lightning reed is that it ignores all gimmicks, like shovels, umbrellas, changing lanes, jesters etc. It absolutely does not fall off in late game, since you can easily get seed packets to upgrade it. The one problem is that in challenges outside of the main game, it’s far harder to level up after lvl 3, but challenges are pay to win anyways
If you need to level it to keep it from falling off, then it fell off. You can use most other attackers that you unlock after Reed or even that you unlock in the same world as Reed without ever leveling them, and they never fall off. If you need to pull out the leveling mechanic to make Reed "just meh", then consider what will happen when you level a plant like Melon-Pult or Laser Bean.
15:30 Infi-nut's plant food is kind of weird to compare to having a bunch of walls spread across a lane, because it's individual rather than split into pieces. It's more like having a tall nut (+2000 hp) spread across the entire lane.
One of two "wall" plants I actually use, the other being (surprisingly enough) Spring Bean. PvZ 2 has so many insta kill zombies, that the fact those two counter them (although one much more than the other, spring bean skill kinda sucks) is very important
For fire pea, i think most people say it’s op when it’s leveled, which it pretty much is, but most plants are to be fair Also an underrated plants video would be very cool! Great video as always
+ it was good even before leveling system was added. Cuz' even tho it costed some crystals to buy, in the end you had a alt repeater with -25 sun cost (originaly repeater - 200 sun, fire pea - 175 sun), heating for ice levels and a plant food attack that as was already said - burns down entire lane at the same time like Jalapeno instead of shooting down zombies one-by-one with a pea barrage.
People say fire peashotter is better than repeatter but I disagree because the problem with fire peashotter is that he/she cannot be buffed by pea vine making repeater better (peavine and torchwood buff repeater)
I think this is all because popcap was all about powercreep on most updates. For example, iceberg lettuce was the best on the start of the game, but instead of keeping its place, popcap just released stallia on lost city and stunion on frostbite caves. It happens a lot, honestly, and the best example is primal plants (expect peashooter and maybe sunflower), wasabi whip to bonk choy (now can be said about pokra beating wasabi), missile toe and banana launcher and others. Most of the times its simply better on premiuns to make people buy them. Its kinda dumb, and one of the reasons why mods are so popular.
Ironically, Stunion was part of the "Lock and Key" design PopCap keeps using in PvZ. Celery counters most everything except MC and Glitter in early NMT, for example, and it seems, at first glance, like Bowling Bulb was meant to remove Surfboards and Octopi in BWB. Stunion just happened to, eventually, be better, overall.
I use all 3 early game stallers together so often, I didn't really think to compare them all Sure it takes a lot of seed slots, but having two full rows of fully grown sun-shrooms before the first conehead can make magnifying grass even more stupid than it normally is But yeah, between the three, stallia is probably better. Though stunion really isn't better than iceberg lettuce. It's more versatile sure, but that small sun cost can slow down early game sun production by a lot
Stunion is as cheap as it can be for it's ability, not to mention the 50 sun meta PvZ2 runs on which makes the cost difference even more minimal. Plus, stunion is capable of pulling his own later in the level due to his longer stun time and 2 tile aoe unlike Iceberg who is merely single target and has less freeze time.
My "Overused" Plant was Snapdragon. This was while you still had to get world keys individually and the worlds were still being released. Also Spikeweed handles chickens and weasels so much better than Reed...
I think it's altverz that turns electric blueberry into something I like a lot more just by swapping its priorities. It focuses down special zombies before going for any standard ones, so it's there to specifically remove those. Combined with walls and some stalls, you can weed through basics while having it deal with high hp specials. It's fun to come up with setups with.
I agree. This makes her more consistent, not only due to specials in Altverz being relatively common, but also due to her not wasting her attacks on weaker enemies often.
Only disagreement is Fire Peashooter. Before the Torchwood buff she was a flat-out upgrade to Repeater and can reliably tear through medium-health zombies. Also I'd definitely consider her the single best plant for thawing; the Lava Guava demonstration you made feels counterproductive to me as it renders Guava's main attack pointless, while Fire Pea can attack as normal _and_ warm plants around her. Also, I was surprised to see Infi-Nut on here, and while I don't disagree I definitely think it's fair he was above Sun-Shroom on Flag Zombie's community voted list. In fact, I'd consider Sun-Shroom to be one of the most overrated plants in the game due to its sun production being very minimal early on in levels, which is especially lacking in the later worlds when levels are very fast-paced.
Torchwood did get buffed, so I would consider repeater torchwood superior, although fire peashitter is better for thawing due to infinite range and fast recharge. I would consider snapdragon much stronger tho, and it can still thaw. I disagree on sun-shroom. Sun-shroom is much cheaper than primal, which is I assume what I assume you're comparing it to. So you can plant more down quickly, thus getting more sun production. If you spend 75 sun on a primal sunflower, it'll give 75 sun production. If you spend 75 sun on sun shrooms, you'll get 75 sun initially but quickly get 150 sun. Looking at the sun-shroom growth rate, it does have less sun profit than primal sunflower in general. If it produces sun during the first 18 seconds, it'll have a sun production about 50 less than primal sunflower in total. From 19-21, it'll be 25 less. Anything after that has the same production. But since you can get more sun shrooms earlier, it'll make up for it. Sunshroom can also stall gargs, distract fishermen/octos, and block anklos easily because of how cheap it is. From my experience, primal and shroom are basically identical in performance.
@@louiscarl7629 you forgot about the leveling system, it easiest to wait 7 days before farming gems and buying fire pea, but before in game fire pea was better than snapdragon cuz dragon didn't warm plants and short range, the thing with fire peashoter is that he is more independent but ratter than that leveling him is pretty good, since it becomes a lot better(like any plant)
It also helped me understanding it's attack pattern. Roto is, diagonal up, diagonal down, diagonal up backwards, diagonal down backwards. While star fruit is, diagonal up, diagonal down, straight up, straight down, straight backwards. The diagonal up, and diagonal down, projectiles are the most important and effective, as they're the only ones that go forward I know this might seem obvious, but for me, it's attack pattern was confusing at first. You know where to place it where the projectiles will actually land and hit the zombie, once you understand. bh yeh spamming helps too
@@paul_particularlyunhappynutif you ever used starfruit at pvz 1 and used it to full potential (spamming it) you would immediately know where rotobaga would shoot too
I loved how you mentioned using Fume Shroom as an alternative choice to Lightning Reed, because I was actually using both of them together for most of my first playthrough of PvZ 2.
The strongest aspect of Infinut's plant food effect isn't just the fact that you get a multilane wall, but rather the amount of things that wall counters. It fully blocks things like fishermen, keeps you protected even if things like wizard or octo zombies come and poof the base plant, ect.
i think the real use of the iceberg lettuce it's on early game when building the sun producers, at least that's how i use it, but still suits on the "training wheels" idea, gives you time to build sun producers, but i think with experience, you can do that without. I used to ALWAYS pick lettuce, but when i got attached to snapdragon, i started to feel his downsides, not being compatible with fire really hinders some builds, what pushed me back on using stunion was the 25 sun, but when i started to use it, it really felt good, at least for me, who uses a lot of fire setups for fun.
Thats a nice agruement with good points, but since I disagree I will now make a meme where I depict you as the soyjack and me as the wojack and post it on the internet. Consider your reputation over.
Fire peashooter is THE heater. Unless you are desperate for splash damage, pepper-pult is completely irrelevant due to its 30 year recharge, high cost, and slow attack speed. Are you really gonna put lava guava or snapdragon in the second column?
My problem with these lists and rankings is just that no one considers newer this LATE GAME plant better than this EARLY GAME one? Yea! Doesn't make the early game one horrible or anything..y'all acting like I should of hardcore researched the game first before picking it up to selectively play certain worlds to build the best team asap..nah I'm just playing through them blind going from left to right on the world screen doing them "in order" I guess. How good a plant is, is irrelevant if I can't get that plant yet especially if you have to max it out to be good (which will take ages with free piñatas and seed packets from completing levels) 💀If this were a competitive tierlist I get it, but most opinions on the plants (like people enjoying iceberg or lightning reed) are based around playing the game level to level not selectively choosing world to build an op army of plants to kill the rest of the worlds with or straight up spending money to start off with the best of the best..people grow to like and appreciate a plant that's found early because their carried them til they could find a better plant, in a way that gives the plant more value to them because even though it's not the best it was good for most of the game which inflates how they view it.
You can always go back and look for guides on your level, or how a wise spongebob character once said, go back to the ice cream shop of the little ones.
Personally, Infi-Nut is a very useful plant for me. Especially in the "Generate X Amount of Sun Levels". Primal Walnut is better, but I like Infi-Nut for its shield and regeneration.
Well you forget about sunbudget levels where you can only have around 2500 sun. If a primal wallnut ges destroyed it soon becomes 125 sun later mathematically while infi nut stays at 75 cuz it doesn't die.
The reason fire pea is rated highly is not because people think it's super good, but it's because how utterly garbage pepper pult is. Pepper pult has an extremely slow recharge, but more importantly? It is a pult plant. This means it isn't shooting its projectiles into the ice to melt it faster, it's firing over it. 9 times out of 10 you would rather the ice melt first before zombies are dealt with, since if the zombies are dealt with too quickly, more ice waves will appear.
I love Iceberg, but it's mostly a sun-production setup staller. I find I get much more use out of it in AltverZ than vanilla usually though, especially since it gives chill without levelling there, plus Stallia is 25 sun. (those are the only two I've played so far.)
That's kinda dumb how you miss that the Reed is a main attacker and stands at the back of the lane while the Fume shroom, Snapdragon et cetera are melee and thus cannot be massed, which is always done for Reed
@@Ladengoat I'm personally playing them in what I was thought was "in order" so I do not have those plants you speak of yet, Idk what all the plants do so I'm not skipping around in worlds just to get certain plants..that's something someone more experienced in the game would do, for newer players Iceberg does just fine till you get those better plants later
I hate Electric Blueberry. I was playing the Electric Blueberry level in Neon Mixtape Tour and there was a Gargantuar so close to the home, and a weak zombie far away from home. Guess which one she targeted...
In the words of GNVS, if a plant needs to be spammed to be good, it isn't good. Lightning Reed, while mid on its own, isn't worth the hype even when spammed. It just can't keep up, and arena/arena plants don't help with that.
Dude, what else do you expect from Lightning Reed? It can : -Damage 3 lanes -Deal with Swarms -Damage multiple targets -Counter Excavator and Umbrella zombie combo all by itself -Be absolutely broken when spammed And all of that for ONLY 125 Sun
I would like to say that infi-nut is also useful for the fact that it saves you sun on having to plant more wall-nuts. You are essentially spending that 75 sun to guarantee that lower-level zombies do not demolish your wall. Yes, I understand plant food works the same, but A. you might run out, and B. You are capped at 4.
Especially when it comes to sun budget levels they become crucial. Only being 75 sun compare to wallnut that may cost 200 every time per row destroyed.
I always hated that iceberg could only freeze one zombie on its tile instead of freezing all zombies on the tile. The lack of a chilling effect until higher levels also doesn't help matters either. While I still think it's a solid plant, it does have flaws that annoy me.
There's no other pvz youtuber that is making more interesting videos than you, mark my word. You not only feed us raw hour gameplay, but these type of documentary-essay type videos with such unique and interesting topics are just top notch.
I've run iceberg lettuce and stallia in the same comps and it really shows the specific niches they both have. Iceberg has an insane plant food effect and can keep some problem zombies in place keeping them from causing more issues even if they were slowed, while Stallia is the spammable slow that you can just throw on a group to buy more time. I generally like to have 1 iceberg lettuce in my main defensive core just for plant food and throw the rest of the stallers around where I need them
One defense for infi-nut : using it in middle game to stall a bit before putting the early attackers (i often use bonk choi) is pretty useful, and can help me save up for my sun when i go for set-ups with banana launcher. Also, banana launcher can deal with hords quite well, which helps infi-nut's plant food. Obviously, infi-nut doesnt go well against gargs or some other one-shot zombies, but it is still a very viable strategy
@@louiscarl7629 my issue with wall nut was that stalling with a wallnut, i would have to wait a long time before getting all wallnuts ready again, and having to heal them back (so replanting) if i have to stall any zombie. On the other hand, primal wall nut did do good in jurassic marsh, because i don't have to wait to plant one and i can easily react with a wallnut if something goes badly.
Well Infi Nut is good for stalling zombies even without PF effect due to his projector like Turquoise Skull and Hair Metal Gargs so it's basically essential on some Endless Zones
As an iceberg lettuce user that has 8 seed slots I use both iceberg lettuce and stallia even if stallia is way better both of them almost infinitely stall one zombie which massively delays the first zombies that spawn when I’m trying to plant 2 rows of sun producers at the start of the game. Even if it’s use in my deck is minimal I sometimes bring plants I don’t even use because there’s not a lack space for me specially since I only have like 1/3 of the premium plants. Even if in the late-game of a match it’s massively outclassed it’s one of the best free stallers at the start of the match.
Your logic is flawed regarding the seed slots. On harder levels, the sun is the problem as waves of zombies almost immediately start to attack you. You don’t need many attackers or sun producers, one of each is enough. The other seed slots are effectively support, helping you in every which way to build up your defense. Costing zero sun and stalling the early game for that little bit longer is incredibly valuable especially for 0 sun. The plant food is also one of the best. I think it is pretty well rated as the value the 0 sun plants provide is exceptional for what they are worth.
@@s0ullessness They're talking about the beginning of a level before you can start mass producing sun 💀ofc they're struggling for sun when the first round just started. I can hardly slap down 2 sunflowers before zombies start walking down the lanes with 0 offensive plants a 0 sun cost stall plant is decent for the start of a level, especially early game when the plants you have are quite limited in selection
@@Ladengoat No he's not? Multiple times in the video he mentions maxed no. He isn't arguing about level 1 plants (most plants when only lvl1 suck honestly)
iceberg lettuce is really useful for overfarmers, like 10 sunflowers because when you overfarm, you need a way to stall the enemies while spending the least amount of sun which iceberg lettuce is used for. it can also be used for example, when you are farming and a lane isnt defended, you can just use iceberg lettuce to delay any zombie in that lane until you defend it
He did mention it in the video, and it's not even good like come on there are so many plant with plant food ability that pretty much kill every zombie so who care about stunning them
@@s0ullessness Stunning can be good at the start of a level when you're still gathering sun or for later in the level if you're overflooded with zombies and need to stall them before they wreck your lanes, it has it's uses it's not exactly useless
Chardguard remains one of my favorite plants. It helped me discover the Blover thing and that was when it really clicked, and I just brought it with me everywhere I could. Lightning Reed + Snapper was just very fun to do, and satisfying to watch, but it was sad to see how badly Reed falls off. Infi-nut is def a counter pick type of plant, but yeah, there is always Chardguard which you can, with blover, one shot a garg easily.
I've already pointed out the fact your narration skills have improved on the last video, but now I can also hear an improvement in sound quality. You're definitely going places, comrade.
I feel like lightning reed is good, but its definitely a support plant. Unironically, its probably great with electric plants- citron and electric blueberry come to mind here. However, its easy to just get enough for it to be good against one zombie to where it is always good. I think a balance for it would to make it cost less, but lose damage on bounces. Maybe then it could have more bounces as well? It would be nice to have a light supportive attacker in pvz2 and I feel lightning reed would be great for that, maybe we will see a change like this in pvz3?
Yeah, lightning reed is good, but the damage drops off on later maps. This is remedied by the power tiles when you clear 'the Future' map, which is where you ramp up tons of Sun to spam a lot of tiles to drop plant food on. Which is where the low cost of Lightning Reed comes in handy since you basically finish up the basic set-up pretty quickly so you can focus more on sun production to spam Turnip. Since I haven't played in ages... can't really say with the new meta and all that But lightning reed is a good opener to ease into harder hitters as the map progresses. It just isn't good enough as a solo flood unit later on
10:01 Actually, it is kinda hard. Sure, it might start off easy with the 1st 10 days, but after that, it gets hard, with a few easy days thrown in. But Fire Pea is the savior here. Well, that's until Weasel Hoarder comes into play. Then, it's just torture again.
I’ve been playing these games for almost 10 years at this point and never knew Stallia’s name was supposed to reference how it stalls zombies Kill me now, I am not worthy
Infinut also cover sun limited levels and you don't need more than one of it to win a level, just make sure you don't rely on a wall to begin with. I do think it's the only thing here that deserves the attention.
@@crisptain6356don't need to, infi regeneration for a wall needed stradegy will help out endlessly. Staying at max of 75 per wall compare to the normal wallnutd or even primal wallnut in a sun budget level.
I think everyone uses lightning reed wrong and falls for the trap of using a lot of them because it's ok, when they work best with powerful plants, effectively chipping enough health off at a global range so the powerful plants don't need to hit stuff as much. Like yeah sure other plants do that will too and it's still not OP but I still think everyone is using it wrong.
Yea I don't use it as a main attackers, more of a front row support? It's cheap and easy to throw down for chicken defense (people say to just use spikeweed but that costs a lot more meaning it's as useful if chickens show up earlier than I have spikes on every row for 'em) and decent at chipping away health so my stronger back row plants can kill them much easier and my defensive plants don't get munched as much..idk if they can sometimes insta kill things? But sometimes they straight up electrocute zombies to a crisp which is more helpful than not ig. Are there better plants late game? Yea! But are they good for a big portion of the game? Yea. So I wouldn't say they're that bad
@@testerwulf3357 exactly!! And their plant food buff can comes in handy sometimes since it destroys a lot of zombies before it goes away and moves all across the map, so you don't have to worry about it not being in the right lane or having a lot of them to compensate! I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks it's used wrong!😅🤣💜 And also what plant doesn't do a good job in a group of the same kind of plant? I think judging it like that is weird for that reason too!😅🤣🙃 I think using a lot of them is a noob trap, but I guess it's also a pro trap aswell😅🤣🙃 also using them as a group either works or it doesn't, there's no in between, but using only a couple of them with other plants can work in so many more situations😅🤣🙃 I've thought about this a lot because it's my favorite plant too😅🤣💜 Right behind Spike weed since it can hit anywhere on the map but Spike weed only hits whenever something's directly on top of it, but they both do good chip damage which is what I think they're roles really are, it's basically a globally ranged spikeweed😅🤣💜
Funnily enough, you should *protect* infinut plant food shield instead of, you know, use the plant specifically designed to be wall in the intended way.
Speaking about underrated plants, I genuinely think Shrinking Violet is way underrated, perhaps overshadowed by Imp Pear. Without Plant Food, Shrinking Violet shrinks multiple zombies which can be blown away by Draftodil, while Imp Pear is applied to only a single target. Most of us love Imp Pear because of its Plant Food effect, which can boost the score in Arena, and because it's free and have faster recharge. Both are good plants, but in different ways.
Before watching the video I already agree with the two on the thumbnail as a result of Flag Zombie's community ranking video so hoping they're on the list Edit: And it's the #1 thing he's basing the list on lol
But iceberg lettuce can stall the first few zombies when you dont have an attacker in every lane in the startand you can freeze gargantuans so they become much less scary
The reason iceberg is so popular isn’t because it’s a spammable staller, but rather it’s just like oh cool I have an extra slot might as well bring an insta or a staller
ngl i never used infini-nut as the pf never thought that useful to me Oh and if your'e asking how i got through lv 28 on BBW.... idk the heck you asking me.
I don't think you acknowledge why infi-nut is quite amazing. Ofc its not the greatest wall, its not supposed to be, its a temporary one for considerable less sun with the intention that you don't allow zombies to eat at it for too long. For 75 sun right from the get go with a plant food you can have a full set of barriers protecting every lane, and then you can dedicate everything else into offenses that will kill any zombies before they can overpower the simple wall, not to mention you only needed the one patch of grass to accomplish this. You need only place 1 infi-nut for the whole game to have a successful defense. And its cheap price allow for flexibility if you do decide to spam it. Truly an S-tier plant
The strongest point for iceberg is the very first zombie. Most levels, at least until the later worlds, only send a single zombie at the start, meaning that it can be very helpful for a couple extra sunflowers before you have to start prepping your actual defense.
@@berdwatcher5125 Some levels barely have plant food… unless you have power lily. But I rather use something like inf nut or use the plant food for extra sun
If a plant needs to have plant food to be good it's really not good. Why use iceberg plant food when you can have primal potato mine to clear the field whilst still being usable without the plant food
Using just potato mine has the same effect aside from one modern day level where the flag happens instantly, so iceberg isn't even useful. There is a limit to how much you can slow down the spawning and potato mine alone achieves that
for eletric blueberry it feels like it will always target a singular imp, even if there is 50 gargantuars next to it, for caulipower it feels like it targets the gargantuars, and after a bit the imp
Iceberg lettuce is absolutely crazy when you first unlock it, and can carry up to pirate seas in vanilla. However, it immediately falls off when you unlock cherry-bomb
The thing about Firepea is that it snowballs with each level. It gains +20 damage per level. But that's just my observation anyway. I don't think it's that overpowered, but I can see why people praise it
firepea has only 10 levels to level up to while most other pea plants have like 15 or 20 levels to level up to so obviously there's a difference on the rate of damage increased when leveled up.
Infi-Nut has one dominating niche: blocking and completely nullifying Hair Metal Garg shockwave damage. This is a huge help especially in endless mode where they eventually send 0193837474757 HM Gargs at once and utterly destroy any row in your path.
lightning reed and iceberg are the only plants that I use every day and every level. And paring them is so op, lightning reed for aoe damage, while lettuce freezes an enemy, and reed can also pierce which is good
From personal experience, the best use of Electric Blueberry is in higher levels of Penny's Pursuit when there aren't a high quantity of enemies in conjunction with Caulipower. In those scenarios, your plants are more than likely going to do nothing, including the instakills. However, Caulipower and Blueberry can deal with those higher level zombies. I say in conjunction since both of them have long cooldown times, so using both helps in keeping up the momentum
something about iceberg lettuce is that once you level it up enough it does get an area of effect and can freeze multiple zombies at once. to go along with this, at a certain level, iceberg lettuces recharge is up at least 2 seconds until the zombie is unfrozen. this is huge for endless levels like level 20 where multiple gargs can be spawned as the very first zombies for that level. so grow up and realize
I don't usually find myself limited on seed slots (except for eclise) so I never really minded quite the opposite actually whenever I have an open seed slot ice is probably a choice I can never go wrong with. Don't get me wrong, if I need the seed slot, then I will remove iceberg without batting an eye. Stalio is probably still better but depends on the mod
I think people underestimate blover (and hurricale too but not as broadly) because of just how many ways you can make a zombie be "in the air" and possibly flung by blover. For a few examples: Spring bean's special+blover kills the entire board primal peashooters knockback with a well-timed blover can instakill almost anything (tough to do until you have a few lanes of peashooters or zombie bullies, primal peas special practically guarantees you wipe the row) Just for the sake of not naming every plant with knockback, any plant with knockback can trigger blovers "in air" instakill effect It shuts down TONS of zombie pushes (can blow away scallywags; seagull/pelican zombies; imps being fired out of an imp cannon; imps coming out of a broken barrel during the animation; the gargantuar imp before it hits the gound; parrots; flung imp bulls before touching the ground; jetpack/disco jetpack zombies; imp bots when they are falling from bot swarm; dodo zombies mid-flight, bug zombies; any zombie being pushed by breakdancer zombie with proper timing can be blovered; any zombie being pushed forward by the stego, raptor, and ankylo; balloon; and flung explosive imps.) Goes without saying that it is increadibly overpowered in the majority of areas in the game and bringing it in areas like pirate seas and jurrasic marsh, with good timing, can lead to you steamrolling off of spamming blover everytime you see a primal peashooter get ready to fire at the closest zombie.
@@brokenstarfury4895 oh they did? dang i havent used it in a while (or really played any vanilla pvz 2 for a while) so thats cool. Still pretty bizarre how they have a plant as overpowered as it is currently with all sorts of wacky mixes you can do with it.
Electric Blueberry is actually my favorite plant in this game, though even I'll admit it's not that great for basically the exact reasons you talk about here. I just love abilities with a little randomness to them! It's a cool design for a plant too.
I'm konestly surprised that Electric Blueberry is popular because this plant is ASS. Although yes, it does instant kill zombies as long as it is alive, EB takes WAY too long for it to recharge. And even then, it is very inconsistent on what zombie it wants to target. For example: if there is a zombie that is about to enter the house, if there are zombies at the end of the lawn, it is a all out casino if EB gets that zombie near to the house. And it can only target one zombie at a time until it has to recharge again. And to top that off if being outclassed by not only Caulipower, but pretty much almost every single instant in the game, and yeah, you have an unreliable plant to deal with.
@@greenthewhite hmm yes let me only put 1 lighting reed as my main attacker, surely I can survive with it because putting more of it is such a braindead take
Okay, Infi-nut is pretty good, especially with plant food. Its good cause it's really cheap way to stall things, and set up your ealygame sun production, while stopping nasty stuff in all lanes, meaning you have extra slots for limited maps (like beach), and it has huge melee synergy, giving 4 lanes of double damage(or sun production). That or the 2 Infi-nut permastall, or projectile protection, and staying up against wizards or octopuses. Honestly, Infi-nut is underrated against most obscure zombie abilities, as it has interaction with most of them.
Don't forget Infi Nut is still really good even without PF effect. It blocks Hair Metal Gargs' shockwaves indefinitely, Rodeo Legend Zombies can't get past the defense in anyway. MC Zom B's microphone spinning attack also gets stalled. Turquoise Skull also doesn't instantly burn the projector on Infi Nut
Regarding fire pea, I think part of the reason that the community rates it so highly is how its damage scales with level. On level one, it does the same damage as a repeater, but every level after that it does more damage than repeater. A level 3 fire peashooter does 100 damage per shot while a level 3 repeater only does 30
Because fire pea levels go up to 10 while repeater levels go up by 20
I'm part of that camp, it's stupid how quickly her damage increases when levelled, plus the Plasma Peas at level 5(?)
blue fire how much damage on level 3?
@@GNVS300 you can use the the torch and duplicate again the damage (using the main example of the original coment 3 firepeas do 300 damage at lv3 and 3 the repeaters do 90x2 aka 180 but 2 repeaters with a a torchwood deal 60x2x2 aka 240 still less so xd this was supposed to show how repeater is better but is not lol) showing how is objetibly better than the firepea (is not lol this is just a joke about how at the start of this comment i thought repeater with torchwood could be better than firepea but it wasnt)
I always though It was for the pretty good design , despite being another peashoter It has the best peashoter design imo and expectation, I remember this plant was mentioned since 2014 in Dark Ages update
Iceberg lettuce is a plant food sink that also stalls for setting up sun production, not a spammable staller. In the "story" levels of the game, it fits in nicely with the meta
and as It levels up to more than 16+ it now does aoe freeze insted of single targeting
Also in Eclise it is absolutely insane with nearly 100% uptime
Ice bloom might do better as a late game screen freeze tho
How is it not a spammable lol it stalls zombies and it’s free
@@memelurd7341 how do you realistically get ice bloom before beating the main story
I believe Pepper pult is not popular because it takes what feels like a wall-nut long to refresh the seed packet
And it's also just a slightly stronger cabbage for twice the price, which is bad.
@@RGC_animation I’ve always wondered why a literal flaming pepper would only be marginally better than a ball of leaves while costing so much more
Does anyone else think that this guys takes just suck?
It deal AoE too
@@tezereth Yea its not that good eather lol, You get more Value whit Repeaters
Regarding iceberg, the main reasons why people think it's good are
1: at the start of the round, it can stall hard enough for you to add one or 2 sun producers before worrying about kills. This comboed with a insta kill like mine or bean allows you to focus on sun for a long time before you truly focus on damage.
2: its plant food is OP
Exactly this -- Iceberg lets you focus on sun so you can straight up place heavy hitters a whole lot earlier, which ironically means... you don't actually have to worry as much about number of plant slots, since you basically only need that heavy hitter down on each lane, then keep reinforcing those lanes. Very contrary to what the video was saying about it being a waste of slots
@@gaerekxenos and its plant food is op in every world except frostbite caves
And it can stun gargs
To be honest, I thought people overrated Iceberg Lettuce was due to it's previous availability.
Can't exactly say for certain now-a-days, but back then Iceberg was pretty dang early in Ancient Egypt; and that and it's competition pretty much being world clears at the time made it much. Much more accessible and thus much more usable.
Exactly why we use it especially from zen garden. That thing just mwah.
True, its in my opinion,a pretty good plant while youre in the early part of the game,where you dont exactly have that many stallers to pick from.
Other stallers might outclass it,but for the while you have it,it does its job well,affecting Gargantuars and niche torch zombies.
The electric blueberry problem is that there is no reason to use it or any other random instakill plants over caulipower, as caulipower instakills and hypotizes, which allows you to snowball the zombies into a hypnotized board. And even if the caulipower instakills the wrong zombie, hypnotized zombies have a lot of value as they can deal extra damage.
And yes creeps even if its way too broken, I find it very satisfying to get enough caulipowers down to straight up win any level
I think what would’ve made Electric Blueberry better is if it was more like Banana Launcher allowing you to target zombies. To balance that out, the sun cost shoulda been higher.
@@8thFurno well, since the electric plants are often associated with aoe they could have given it some form of chain/splash effect
@@8thFurno i think making electric blueberry prioritize stronger zombies but slightly nerfing her damage will work
@@sythrus Maybe the splash/chain damage could only be a bit higher than lightning reed's, but I do agree.
@@yonghong4832that would’ve worked too.
I think the reason Fire Peashooter got its reputation is because the plant people compared it to the most was Pepper-Pult. Who worked fine as a heater, but as an actual offensive plant was sort of...not great. Like you said, Fire Peashooter was basically just a cheaper Repeater that could also heat plants. Well, Pepper-Pult cost the same as Repeater but also recharged slowly, attacked less frequently, and did less damage per shot (yes, it had splash damage, but that rarely made up for everything else). So when compared specifically to Pepper-Pult, the plant easiest to compare it to, Fire Peashooter seemed super powerful.
Fire Peashooter got it's reputation because when considering leveling the plants, Fire Peashooter's damage scales so high with it's level. Compared to the repeater, which has the same damage as Fire Peashooter in lv1, Repeater at lv3 has 60 dmg, while Fire Peas has 100, that's a huge jump in damage with each level up.
@@RenShinomiya121 Also that. But even before leveling was a thing there was this consensus that Fire Peashooter was insanely good.
Nah it's because fire pea is a female
@@memelurd7341 you learn something new every day
why are you using past tense words
Creeps forgot the most important part about ice burg lettuce: it’s cute
Finally someone who said it ❤
You missed the most important reason why Iceberg is considered so good.
Its PF is literally Ice shroom making it superior staller to Stunion and Stallia if you can afford using plant food on it or you have it boosted from Zen Garden.
@Dumb Blob you get shadow shroom right at the end of the game most of the time, I'm not certain about most mods. Plus, they serve two different purposes. Iceberg lettuce's plant food freezes zombies across the board, halting movement and stalling zombies, which also has the bonus of not calling the next wave. Shadow shroom affects every plant with a damage over time effect that will call the next wave, perhaps even before everything's dead, which can be deadly depending on that next wave
@SkillEsauits freeeeeeee
@Dumb Blob still doesn't change the fact that shadow shroom isn't a sufficient replacement for iceberg lettuce, regardless of what your opinions on how good it's plant food is. Also, plant food isn't that rare. I've been able to find around 3-5 on an average level
@Dumb Blob plant food is definitely quite plentiful in vanilla. Before you unlock shadow shroom, iceberg is probably your best option for a plant food sink, unless you’re playing BWB, in which case you’d want infinut.
I tend to use iceberg as a potato mine substitute in the early game and as a budget ice bloom in the endgame, after I save up plant food. I prefer stunion otherwise.
I bet you at some point pvz2 is gonna add a cherry bomb style plant but instead of killing, it instant hypnotizes every zombie in a 3x3 area
It needs to also have some pointless secondary trait, like making hypnotized flying enemies move faster.
goddamn that would be broken. and it would make hypnoshroom even more useless
Yeah but……..Arena ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@@paul_particularlyunhappynut cherry bomb:
Nah, that would be too useful. Instead they need to add pokra clone #57
Actually the best part of lightning reed is that it ignores all gimmicks, like shovels, umbrellas, changing lanes, jesters etc. It absolutely does not fall off in late game, since you can easily get seed packets to upgrade it. The one problem is that in challenges outside of the main game, it’s far harder to level up after lvl 3, but challenges are pay to win anyways
He is soooo overatted that he is underrated
If you need to level it to keep it from falling off, then it fell off. You can use most other attackers that you unlock after Reed or even that you unlock in the same world as Reed without ever leveling them, and they never fall off. If you need to pull out the leveling mechanic to make Reed "just meh", then consider what will happen when you level a plant like Melon-Pult or Laser Bean.
@@huntercoda4887 How does that make any sense at all?
@@KhajaSodhu what do you not understand all he is saying that if a plant needs to be buffed to be useable, its bad.
Lightning reed is bad when a zombie gets too close they only attack the zombies who are close and it's litteraly bad at frostbite caves
11:46 Wolfy would like a word with you.
Great video as always.
Hahahahaaa same thought
Release the thunderstorm
Isnt wolfys favorite plant mag grass
@@f687sNFM he still abuses lightning reed
He's using level 1 while wolfy uses level 4 lightning
15:30 Infi-nut's plant food is kind of weird to compare to having a bunch of walls spread across a lane, because it's individual rather than split into pieces. It's more like having a tall nut (+2000 hp) spread across the entire lane.
Chard guard is truly a very unique and great plant and I am glad it’s final starting to get the popularity it deserves.
Chard Guard is really useful in Penny's Pursuit regardless of Zombies' level. The more I use him, the more I love him.
isn't chard guard always popular?
One of two "wall" plants I actually use, the other being (surprisingly enough) Spring Bean. PvZ 2 has so many insta kill zombies, that the fact those two counter them (although one much more than the other, spring bean skill kinda sucks) is very important
@@quinsysquid2562 most people always prefer Primal Wall-Nut or Infi-nut over it,
Personally I do the opposite
Or you could just upgrade stallia and do the same exact thing better and for free
For fire pea, i think most people say it’s op when it’s leveled, which it pretty much is, but most plants are to be fair
Also an underrated plants video would be very cool! Great video as always
+ it was good even before leveling system was added.
Cuz' even tho it costed some crystals to buy, in the end you had a alt repeater with -25 sun cost (originaly repeater - 200 sun, fire pea - 175 sun), heating for ice levels and a plant food attack that as was already said - burns down entire lane at the same time like Jalapeno instead of shooting down zombies one-by-one with a pea barrage.
@@mixamasl the heating and sun cost don't make it better that much
People say fire peashotter is better than repeatter but I disagree because the problem with fire peashotter is that he/she cannot be buffed by pea vine making repeater better (peavine and torchwood buff repeater)
The thing is that fire pea seeds are really common.
14:00 when you said "low risk, low reward", my headphones said "low battery, power off"
I think this is all because popcap was all about powercreep on most updates. For example, iceberg lettuce was the best on the start of the game, but instead of keeping its place, popcap just released stallia on lost city and stunion on frostbite caves. It happens a lot, honestly, and the best example is primal plants (expect peashooter and maybe sunflower), wasabi whip to bonk choy (now can be said about pokra beating wasabi), missile toe and banana launcher and others. Most of the times its simply better on premiuns to make people buy them. Its kinda dumb, and one of the reasons why mods are so popular.
Ironically, Stunion was part of the "Lock and Key" design PopCap keeps using in PvZ. Celery counters most everything except MC and Glitter in early NMT, for example, and it seems, at first glance, like Bowling Bulb was meant to remove Surfboards and Octopi in BWB. Stunion just happened to, eventually, be better, overall.
I use all 3 early game stallers together so often, I didn't really think to compare them all
Sure it takes a lot of seed slots, but having two full rows of fully grown sun-shrooms before the first conehead can make magnifying grass even more stupid than it normally is
But yeah, between the three, stallia is probably better. Though stunion really isn't better than iceberg lettuce. It's more versatile sure, but that small sun cost can slow down early game sun production by a lot
Stunion is as cheap as it can be for it's ability, not to mention the 50 sun meta PvZ2 runs on which makes the cost difference even more minimal. Plus, stunion is capable of pulling his own later in the level due to his longer stun time and 2 tile aoe unlike Iceberg who is merely single target and has less freeze time.
I've always laughed at the notion of Lightning Reed spam when Rotobaga spam is more fun and effective in my experience
I use both
Or starfruit spam, if you play mods or make very questionable financial decisions.
@@ShadesMF or play a lot of Penny's Pursuit
Roto gang
rotobaga its good yo
My "Overused" Plant was Snapdragon. This was while you still had to get world keys individually and the worlds were still being released.
Also Spikeweed handles chickens and weasels so much better than Reed...
Debatable, since full row os Spikeweeds cost more than 2 Lightning Reeds.
I like how, in the thumbnail he puts the shadows of the plants overshadowing the others. Really nice details!👌
I think it's altverz that turns electric blueberry into something I like a lot more just by swapping its priorities. It focuses down special zombies before going for any standard ones, so it's there to specifically remove those. Combined with walls and some stalls, you can weed through basics while having it deal with high hp specials. It's fun to come up with setups with.
Eclise was the first mod to come up with that idea
I agree. This makes her more consistent, not only due to specials in Altverz being relatively common, but also due to her not wasting her attacks on weaker enemies often.
Only disagreement is Fire Peashooter. Before the Torchwood buff she was a flat-out upgrade to Repeater and can reliably tear through medium-health zombies. Also I'd definitely consider her the single best plant for thawing; the Lava Guava demonstration you made feels counterproductive to me as it renders Guava's main attack pointless, while Fire Pea can attack as normal _and_ warm plants around her.
Also, I was surprised to see Infi-Nut on here, and while I don't disagree I definitely think it's fair he was above Sun-Shroom on Flag Zombie's community voted list. In fact, I'd consider Sun-Shroom to be one of the most overrated plants in the game due to its sun production being very minimal early on in levels, which is especially lacking in the later worlds when levels are very fast-paced.
Torchwood did get buffed, so I would consider repeater torchwood superior, although fire peashitter is better for thawing due to infinite range and fast recharge. I would consider snapdragon much stronger tho, and it can still thaw.
I disagree on sun-shroom. Sun-shroom is much cheaper than primal, which is I assume what I assume you're comparing it to. So you can plant more down quickly, thus getting more sun production. If you spend 75 sun on a primal sunflower, it'll give 75 sun production. If you spend 75 sun on sun shrooms, you'll get 75 sun initially but quickly get 150 sun.
Looking at the sun-shroom growth rate, it does have less sun profit than primal sunflower in general. If it produces sun during the first 18 seconds, it'll have a sun production about 50 less than primal sunflower in total. From 19-21, it'll be 25 less. Anything after that has the same production. But since you can get more sun shrooms earlier, it'll make up for it. Sunshroom can also stall gargs, distract fishermen/octos, and block anklos easily because of how cheap it is.
From my experience, primal and shroom are basically identical in performance.
@@louiscarl7629 you forgot about the leveling system, it easiest to wait 7 days before farming gems and buying fire pea, but before in game fire pea was better than snapdragon cuz dragon didn't warm plants and short range, the thing with fire peashoter is that he is more independent but ratter than that leveling him is pretty good, since it becomes a lot better(like any plant)
@@wuahahaintel6949 I did not forget, I simply don’t care.
Sunshroom is extremely powerful if you stall the early game, which isn't too hard to do
@@silverpotato4272 he just doesn't know how to use regular potato mine correctly
Or stallia
Or celery stalker
use rotobaga in hordes, kinda like puffshroomsz spam it as much as you can (preferably near the front like column 5 and 6)
It also helped me understanding it's attack pattern. Roto is, diagonal up, diagonal down, diagonal up backwards, diagonal down backwards. While star fruit is, diagonal up, diagonal down, straight up, straight down, straight backwards. The diagonal up, and diagonal down, projectiles are the most important and effective, as they're the only ones that go forward
I know this might seem obvious, but for me, it's attack pattern was confusing at first. You know where to place it where the projectiles will actually land and hit the zombie, once you understand. bh yeh spamming helps too
@@paul_particularlyunhappynutif you ever used starfruit at pvz 1 and used it to full potential (spamming it) you would immediately know where rotobaga would shoot too
I loved how you mentioned using Fume Shroom as an alternative choice to Lightning Reed, because I was actually using both of them together for most of my first playthrough of PvZ 2.
The strongest aspect of Infinut's plant food effect isn't just the fact that you get a multilane wall, but rather the amount of things that wall counters. It fully blocks things like fishermen, keeps you protected even if things like wizard or octo zombies come and poof the base plant, ect.
i think the real use of the iceberg lettuce it's on early game when building the sun producers, at least that's how i use it, but still suits on the "training wheels" idea, gives you time to build sun producers, but i think with experience, you can do that without. I used to ALWAYS pick lettuce, but when i got attached to snapdragon, i started to feel his downsides, not being compatible with fire really hinders some builds, what pushed me back on using stunion was the 25 sun, but when i started to use it, it really felt good, at least for me, who uses a lot of fire setups for fun.
Agreed, iceberg lettuce is awesome at early game. But its bad when you use it on arena mode because arena mode is just full of hordes
Honestly we can't really do anything about a plant being overrated
Thats a nice agruement with good points, but since I disagree I will now make a meme where I depict you as the soyjack and me as the wojack and post it on the internet. Consider your reputation over.
(This is sarcasm)
Fire peashooter is THE heater. Unless you are desperate for splash damage, pepper-pult is completely irrelevant due to its 30 year recharge, high cost, and slow attack speed. Are you really gonna put lava guava or snapdragon in the second column?
For real
I CAN understand Lava guava because of it's plant food, Snapdragon tho.. Yk you can use it to defend your house but like.. use instants or smth
What's the problem with putting lava guava there?
@@Ladengoat cuz its an instant
My problem with these lists and rankings is just that no one considers newer this LATE GAME plant better than this EARLY GAME one? Yea! Doesn't make the early game one horrible or anything..y'all acting like I should of hardcore researched the game first before picking it up to selectively play certain worlds to build the best team asap..nah I'm just playing through them blind going from left to right on the world screen doing them "in order" I guess. How good a plant is, is irrelevant if I can't get that plant yet especially if you have to max it out to be good (which will take ages with free piñatas and seed packets from completing levels) 💀If this were a competitive tierlist I get it, but most opinions on the plants (like people enjoying iceberg or lightning reed) are based around playing the game level to level not selectively choosing world to build an op army of plants to kill the rest of the worlds with or straight up spending money to start off with the best of the best..people grow to like and appreciate a plant that's found early because their carried them til they could find a better plant, in a way that gives the plant more value to them because even though it's not the best it was good for most of the game which inflates how they view it.
Damn that's deep
You can always go back and look for guides on your level, or how a wise spongebob character once said, go back to the ice cream shop of the little ones.
Personally, Infi-Nut is a very useful plant for me. Especially in the "Generate X Amount of Sun Levels". Primal Walnut is better, but I like Infi-Nut for its shield and regeneration.
Well you forget about sunbudget levels where you can only have around 2500 sun.
If a primal wallnut ges destroyed it soon becomes 125 sun later mathematically while infi nut stays at 75 cuz it doesn't die.
It doesnt die, but it has low hp so the zombies get through your defenses pretty easily@@suki-artsanimations807
Creeps,you are criminally underated,in my opinion
No he objectively isn't 💀
His opinion is treated like God's 10 Commandments what are you talking bout?
@@SuperiorChaotic dude, are you serious? You say that because he crap talked a plant you like?
best part about him is that he actually uses a mic
it's seemingly a rare thing in this community for some reason
our opinion
The reason fire pea is rated highly is not because people think it's super good, but it's because how utterly garbage pepper pult is.
Pepper pult has an extremely slow recharge, but more importantly? It is a pult plant. This means it isn't shooting its projectiles into the ice to melt it faster, it's firing over it. 9 times out of 10 you would rather the ice melt first before zombies are dealt with, since if the zombies are dealt with too quickly, more ice waves will appear.
The reason fire peashooter has a high reputation is the leveling system which makes fire peashooter pretty good, damage wise
@@victoriagrubb8853 fire peashooter had a niche cult-like following pre-level system
@@kemosonicfan123lbp I don’t want to ask why
I love Iceberg, but it's mostly a sun-production setup staller. I find I get much more use out of it in AltverZ than vanilla usually though, especially since it gives chill without levelling there, plus Stallia is 25 sun. (those are the only two I've played so far.)
is alterZ a mod? because if it is, i find it dumb that they’re trying to make ice better than stalia for whatever reason
@@GB-sr9kv it is
Or sun budget staller like infi nut.
Lightning Reed feels powerful, and that's why I use it sometimes.
I use him all the time except in jurassic marsh
That's kinda dumb how you miss that the Reed is a main attacker and stands at the back of the lane while the Fume shroom, Snapdragon et cetera are melee and thus cannot be massed, which is always done for Reed
The fact that you need more than 2 columns of lightning reed for it to do anything is kind of a problem, though.
Infi-nut pf + 3 rows of snap dragons and you're set
@@Vlad_Tomai and the first zombie which is not basic, cone or bucket kills you. But if there were 3 rows of Reeds...
@@atreidesson cones are melting so you need to deal with bucketheads only
This is a very specific scenario
The reason Iceberg lettuce is good is because of its ability to stall for sun, early into the level and story, as you get it in early ancient Egypt.
But stunion and stallia do that much better
Can you get Stunion and Stallia in the first world of the game?
@@funnyeh1298 you get stunion in the fourth, and those first worlds are so easy you likely won’t even need it
@@Ladengoat I'm personally playing them in what I was thought was "in order" so I do not have those plants you speak of yet, Idk what all the plants do so I'm not skipping around in worlds just to get certain plants..that's something someone more experienced in the game would do, for newer players Iceberg does just fine till you get those better plants later
@@testerwulf3357 but all worlds before neon mixtape tour are easy, so you likely won't need it
I hate Electric Blueberry. I was playing the Electric Blueberry level in Neon Mixtape Tour and there was a Gargantuar so close to the home, and a weak zombie far away from home. Guess which one she targeted...
Sometimes I hate random probabilities like these.
In the words of GNVS, if a plant needs to be spammed to be good, it isn't good. Lightning Reed, while mid on its own, isn't worth the hype even when spammed. It just can't keep up, and arena/arena plants don't help with that.
Dude, what else do you expect from Lightning Reed? It can :
-Damage 3 lanes
-Deal with Swarms
-Damage multiple targets
-Counter Excavator and Umbrella zombie combo all by itself
-Be absolutely broken when spammed
And all of that for ONLY 125 Sun
Conclusion:Wintermelon better
-Weak damage
-Waste space
Wait, electric blueberry is overrated? I thought we all agreed it was garbage.
Im stuck in 2018 so i thought it was op
Creeps was on gun point when making this video. That’s why corn didn’t show up, or else the cult would start rioting
I would like to say that infi-nut is also useful for the fact that it saves you sun on having to plant more wall-nuts. You are essentially spending that 75 sun to guarantee that lower-level zombies do not demolish your wall. Yes, I understand plant food works the same, but A. you might run out, and B. You are capped at 4.
Especially when it comes to sun budget levels they become crucial. Only being 75 sun compare to wallnut that may cost 200 every time per row destroyed.
I always hated that iceberg could only freeze one zombie on its tile instead of freezing all zombies on the tile. The lack of a chilling effect until higher levels also doesn't help matters either. While I still think it's a solid plant, it does have flaws that annoy me.
There's no other pvz youtuber that is making more interesting videos than you, mark my word. You not only feed us raw hour gameplay, but these type of documentary-essay type videos with such unique and interesting topics are just top notch.
I've run iceberg lettuce and stallia in the same comps and it really shows the specific niches they both have. Iceberg has an insane plant food effect and can keep some problem zombies in place keeping them from causing more issues even if they were slowed, while Stallia is the spammable slow that you can just throw on a group to buy more time. I generally like to have 1 iceberg lettuce in my main defensive core just for plant food and throw the rest of the stallers around where I need them
One defense for infi-nut : using it in middle game to stall a bit before putting the early attackers (i often use bonk choi) is pretty useful, and can help me save up for my sun when i go for set-ups with banana launcher. Also, banana launcher can deal with hords quite well, which helps infi-nut's plant food. Obviously, infi-nut doesnt go well against gargs or some other one-shot zombies, but it is still a very viable strategy
I think that base wall-nut is better for that because it's cheaper and has more hp.
@@louiscarl7629 my issue with wall nut was that stalling with a wallnut, i would have to wait a long time before getting all wallnuts ready again, and having to heal them back (so replanting) if i have to stall any zombie. On the other hand, primal wall nut did do good in jurassic marsh, because i don't have to wait to plant one and i can easily react with a wallnut if something goes badly.
viable, just not a top 10 plant
@@silverpotato4272 yup
Well Infi Nut is good for stalling zombies even without PF effect due to his projector like Turquoise Skull and Hair Metal Gargs so it's basically essential on some Endless Zones
This is the "I dont use this plant a lot and here is why you are wrong" video
As an iceberg lettuce user that has 8 seed slots I use both iceberg lettuce and stallia even if stallia is way better both of them almost infinitely stall one zombie which massively delays the first zombies that spawn when I’m trying to plant 2 rows of sun producers at the start of the game. Even if it’s use in my deck is minimal I sometimes bring plants I don’t even use because there’s not a lack space for me specially since I only have like 1/3 of the premium plants. Even if in the late-game of a match it’s massively outclassed it’s one of the best free stallers at the start of the match.
Your logic is flawed regarding the seed slots. On harder levels, the sun is the problem as waves of zombies almost immediately start to attack you. You don’t need many attackers or sun producers, one of each is enough. The other seed slots are effectively support, helping you in every which way to build up your defense. Costing zero sun and stalling the early game for that little bit longer is incredibly valuable especially for 0 sun. The plant food is also one of the best. I think it is pretty well rated as the value the 0 sun plants provide is exceptional for what they are worth.
If you're actually struggling to get at sun then having to spend 25 less ain't gonna cut it
You’re saying that like stallia costs sun (also 25 sun is not a lot if you place your sun producers well)
@@s0ullessness They're talking about the beginning of a level before you can start mass producing sun 💀ofc they're struggling for sun when the first round just started. I can hardly slap down 2 sunflowers before zombies start walking down the lanes with 0 offensive plants
a 0 sun cost stall plant is decent for the start of a level, especially early game when the plants you have are quite limited in selection
@@testerwulf3357 Wow so hard to get 25 sun
i mean primal potato, stunion, stallia, even stuff like chili bean exist
1:44 lvl 10+ it stuns in an area, it becomes the better stunion at that point, also the plant food is decent
If you can get a plant to level 10 then you ain't gonna need staller anymore
He is arguing about level one plants
@@Ladengoat No he's not? Multiple times in the video he mentions maxed no. He isn't arguing about level 1 plants (most plants when only lvl1 suck honestly)
@@testerwulf3357 then why would you use a level ten plant to do what another plant can do at level one
@@testerwulf3357he mentions it’s at time but he literally says at base
iceberg lettuce is really useful for overfarmers, like 10 sunflowers because when you overfarm, you need a way to stall the enemies while spending the least amount of sun which iceberg lettuce is used for. it can also be used for example, when you are farming and a lane isnt defended, you can just use iceberg lettuce to delay any zombie in that lane until you defend it
25 sun won't make a difference to your 10 sunflowers.
@@KhajaSodhu it does when it has a cooldown
@@fjnv Yeah and stunion stuns for 12 seconds instead of 10
@@KhajaSodhuIs it free?
@@dredgenspace I've realised I was way too angry at people's opinions. Anyway Both stunion and iceberg lettuce are good, and even stallia.
Funny that you never said anything about Iceberg being an ice shroom that costs plant food instead of sun
He did mention it in the video, and it's not even good like come on there are so many plant with plant food ability that pretty much kill every zombie so who care about stunning them
@@s0ullessness Stunning can be good at the start of a level when you're still gathering sun or for later in the level if you're overflooded with zombies and need to stall them before they wreck your lanes, it has it's uses it's not exactly useless
Chardguard remains one of my favorite plants.
It helped me discover the Blover thing and that was when it really clicked, and I just brought it with me everywhere I could.
Lightning Reed + Snapper was just very fun to do, and satisfying to watch, but it was sad to see how badly Reed falls off.
Infi-nut is def a counter pick type of plant, but yeah, there is always Chardguard which you can, with blover, one shot a garg easily.
Hey creeps, have you considered making a video on Phat-Beat? Would love to hear your take on it if you can find enough content to talk about it lol
I've already pointed out the fact your narration skills have improved on the last video, but now I can also hear an improvement in sound quality. You're definitely going places, comrade.
I feel like lightning reed is good, but its definitely a support plant. Unironically, its probably great with electric plants- citron and electric blueberry come to mind here. However, its easy to just get enough for it to be good against one zombie to where it is always good. I think a balance for it would to make it cost less, but lose damage on bounces. Maybe then it could have more bounces as well? It would be nice to have a light supportive attacker in pvz2 and I feel lightning reed would be great for that, maybe we will see a change like this in pvz3?
Yeah, lightning reed is good, but the damage drops off on later maps. This is remedied by the power tiles when you clear 'the Future' map, which is where you ramp up tons of Sun to spam a lot of tiles to drop plant food on. Which is where the low cost of Lightning Reed comes in handy since you basically finish up the basic set-up pretty quickly so you can focus more on sun production to spam Turnip. Since I haven't played in ages... can't really say with the new meta and all that
But lightning reed is a good opener to ease into harder hitters as the map progresses. It just isn't good enough as a solo flood unit later on
The lack of fire pea splash damage makes PvZ2 feel so much more lifeless than PvZ1.
10:01 Actually, it is kinda hard. Sure, it might start off easy with the 1st 10 days, but after that, it gets hard, with a few easy days thrown in. But Fire Pea is the savior here. Well, that's until Weasel Hoarder comes into play. Then, it's just torture again.
I’ve been playing these games for almost 10 years at this point and never knew Stallia’s name was supposed to reference how it stalls zombies
Kill me now, I am not worthy
Infinut also cover sun limited levels and you don't need more than one of it to win a level, just make sure you don't rely on a wall to begin with. I do think it's the only thing here that deserves the attention.
If your defense hardly needs a wall to begin with, is it really worth spending a whole plant food on a wall?
walls shouldn’t be used in limited sun levels anyways
@@melvint-p9500 I only use inf nut for plant food + snapdragon or cold snapdragon spam… it’s pretty op
@@APersonThat yeah, that’s a pretty good use of it, actually
@@crisptain6356don't need to, infi regeneration for a wall needed stradegy will help out endlessly. Staying at max of 75 per wall compare to the normal wallnutd or even primal wallnut in a sun budget level.
How is Reed not good in NMT? Most zombies there are pretty frail.
Ngl, the most overrated plants are most of the sun plants. Like they dont even do any damage.
Wow so funny😐
The fact that all you need is Lightning reed to complete all the worlds except fo Jurrasic Marsh and Modern day is absolutely insane.. Its so good!!!
I think everyone uses lightning reed wrong and falls for the trap of using a lot of them because it's ok, when they work best with powerful plants, effectively chipping enough health off at a global range so the powerful plants don't need to hit stuff as much. Like yeah sure other plants do that will too and it's still not OP but I still think everyone is using it wrong.
Yea I don't use it as a main attackers, more of a front row support? It's cheap and easy to throw down for chicken defense (people say to just use spikeweed but that costs a lot more meaning it's as useful if chickens show up earlier than I have spikes on every row for 'em) and decent at chipping away health so my stronger back row plants can kill them much easier and my defensive plants don't get munched as much..idk if they can sometimes insta kill things? But sometimes they straight up electrocute zombies to a crisp which is more helpful than not ig. Are there better plants late game? Yea! But are they good for a big portion of the game? Yea. So I wouldn't say they're that bad
@@testerwulf3357 exactly!! And their plant food buff can comes in handy sometimes since it destroys a lot of zombies before it goes away and moves all across the map, so you don't have to worry about it not being in the right lane or having a lot of them to compensate! I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks it's used wrong!😅🤣💜 And also what plant doesn't do a good job in a group of the same kind of plant? I think judging it like that is weird for that reason too!😅🤣🙃 I think using a lot of them is a noob trap, but I guess it's also a pro trap aswell😅🤣🙃 also using them as a group either works or it doesn't, there's no in between, but using only a couple of them with other plants can work in so many more situations😅🤣🙃 I've thought about this a lot because it's my favorite plant too😅🤣💜 Right behind Spike weed since it can hit anywhere on the map but Spike weed only hits whenever something's directly on top of it, but they both do good chip damage which is what I think they're roles really are, it's basically a globally ranged spikeweed😅🤣💜
General internet rule is when u hear that something is overrated it's good and when u hear it's underated it's bad
Funnily enough, you should *protect* infinut plant food shield instead of, you know, use the plant specifically designed to be wall in the intended way.
Speaking about underrated plants, I genuinely think Shrinking Violet is way underrated, perhaps overshadowed by Imp Pear. Without Plant Food, Shrinking Violet shrinks multiple zombies which can be blown away by Draftodil, while Imp Pear is applied to only a single target.
Most of us love Imp Pear because of its Plant Food effect, which can boost the score in Arena, and because it's free and have faster recharge.
Both are good plants, but in different ways.
but shrinking violet on its own is mediocre when instead of making zombies weaker just use cherry bomb and get the job done early
@@gravyrobloxtutorials how about on zombies that can still survive a single explosive plant? Shrinking violet can weaken them.
@@ZombieMiraculer74sure, it can be useful for gargantuars, but still I think there's just better options in general.
@@Lissy_YT481 It literally weakens enemies severely plus plant food what better option is there? Premium plants? Who tf waste money on this game
@@NOWNVATTU if that's going to be your only "argument" then you can gtfo already.
Before watching the video I already agree with the two on the thumbnail as a result of Flag Zombie's community ranking video so hoping they're on the list
Edit: And it's the #1 thing he's basing the list on lol
Also lightning reed is garbage in pvz heroes too
Also Wolfy would love to disagree with lightning reeds placement here.
Does no one realize that iceberg lettuce can freeze a 3x3 area when leveled up enough at a 100% uptime?
But iceberg lettuce can stall the first few zombies when you dont have an attacker in every lane in the startand you can freeze gargantuans so they become much less scary
But stallia and stunion do that better
Just use early destructive plants like Potato Mine and Chili Bean.
@@ZombieMiraculer74 potatoe mine sucks
The reason iceberg is so popular isn’t because it’s a spammable staller, but rather it’s just like oh cool I have an extra slot might as well bring an insta or a staller
In my opinion inf-inut is also really good on plan your defense levels because it lets you defend every lane and you can spend more on attackers
spending 50 sun per lane isn't exactly expensive tho
@@silverpotato4272youll save 250sun and can use more expensive attackers that way for plan your defense
ngl i never used infini-nut as the pf never thought that useful to me
Oh and if your'e asking how i got through lv 28 on BBW.... idk the heck you asking me.
I don't think you acknowledge why infi-nut is quite amazing. Ofc its not the greatest wall, its not supposed to be, its a temporary one for considerable less sun with the intention that you don't allow zombies to eat at it for too long. For 75 sun right from the get go with a plant food you can have a full set of barriers protecting every lane, and then you can dedicate everything else into offenses that will kill any zombies before they can overpower the simple wall, not to mention you only needed the one patch of grass to accomplish this. You need only place 1 infi-nut for the whole game to have a successful defense. And its cheap price allow for flexibility if you do decide to spam it. Truly an S-tier plant
Fun fact: i hate using fire plants in eclise so much that i only ever use lava guava as a heating planting and nothing else.
Can snapdragon not heat?
@@KhajaSodhu i dint remember for eclise, but lava guava is a good heater
@@ryelo5448 Ok
The strongest point for iceberg is the very first zombie. Most levels, at least until the later worlds, only send a single zombie at the start, meaning that it can be very helpful for a couple extra sunflowers before you have to start prepping your actual defense.
Iceberg isn't good because of its single target freezing, it's broken because its plantfood stuns every zombie for 15 seconds.
Being a Plant Food sink isn't exactly grounds for being a top tier plant, especially when getting Plant Food is not an assured thing in every level.
@@milkmonstrosity but, plant food is in literally eveery level
@@berdwatcher5125 Some levels barely have plant food… unless you have power lily. But I rather use something like inf nut or use the plant food for extra sun
If a plant needs to have plant food to be good it's really not good. Why use iceberg plant food when you can have primal potato mine to clear the field whilst still being usable without the plant food
The amount of sun you can collect by stalling with Iceberg lettuce and Potato mine are worth it
Using just potato mine has the same effect aside from one modern day level where the flag happens instantly, so iceberg isn't even useful. There is a limit to how much you can slow down the spawning and potato mine alone achieves that
>"overrated plants"
>lightning Reed in the thumbnail
Instantly subscribed and liked
for eletric blueberry it feels like it will always target a singular imp, even if there is 50 gargantuars next to it, for caulipower it feels like it targets the gargantuars, and after a bit the imp
How many leprechauns can I fit into a carpi sun?
Holy shit thanks for the spoiler warning. I can't believe creeps didn't give a spoiler warning smh
I nearly had a heart attack because of that
Iceberg lettuce is absolutely crazy when you first unlock it, and can carry up to pirate seas in vanilla. However, it immediately falls off when you unlock cherry-bomb
The thing about Firepea is that it snowballs with each level. It gains +20 damage per level. But that's just my observation anyway. I don't think it's that overpowered, but I can see why people praise it
firepea has only 10 levels to level up to while most other pea plants have like 15 or 20 levels to level up to so obviously there's a difference on the rate of damage increased when leveled up.
Infi-Nut has one dominating niche: blocking and completely nullifying Hair Metal Garg shockwave damage. This is a huge help especially in endless mode where they eventually send 0193837474757 HM Gargs at once and utterly destroy any row in your path.
Iceberg hate in a creeps video? This is your best video already!
lightning reed and iceberg are the only plants that I use every day and every level. And paring them is so op, lightning reed for aoe damage, while lettuce freezes an enemy, and reed can also pierce which is good
But why not just use fume shroom and stunion
From personal experience, the best use of Electric Blueberry is in higher levels of Penny's Pursuit when there aren't a high quantity of enemies in conjunction with Caulipower. In those scenarios, your plants are more than likely going to do nothing, including the instakills. However, Caulipower and Blueberry can deal with those higher level zombies. I say in conjunction since both of them have long cooldown times, so using both helps in keeping up the momentum
Char guard + any healing (either perk or plant)
Infinite stall.
"Some people think some plants are straight up broken, while others don't."
*cough cough* bowling *cough cough*
Dam, I loved Infinut, and I havnt even used it Plant food usually
Also I believe Blueberry+Lightning reed kinda works
something about iceberg lettuce is that once you level it up enough it does get an area of effect and can freeze multiple zombies at once. to go along with this, at a certain level, iceberg lettuces recharge is up at least 2 seconds until the zombie is unfrozen. this is huge for endless levels like level 20 where multiple gargs can be spawned as the very first zombies for that level. so grow up and realize
Okay, yes iceberg lettuce can be upgraded to become good, but upgrading makes the game unfair, so he prefers to analyze the plants in level 1.
I don't usually find myself limited on seed slots (except for eclise) so I never really minded quite the opposite actually whenever I have an open seed slot ice is probably a choice I can never go wrong with. Don't get me wrong, if I need the seed slot, then I will remove iceberg without batting an eye. Stalio is probably still better but depends on the mod
Yea I think that applies to most people that play vanilla. Mods are where you really start to feel the lack of seed slots
I think people underestimate blover (and hurricale too but not as broadly) because of just how many ways you can make a zombie be "in the air" and possibly flung by blover. For a few examples:
Spring bean's special+blover kills the entire board
primal peashooters knockback with a well-timed blover can instakill almost anything (tough to do until you have a few lanes of peashooters or zombie bullies, primal peas special practically guarantees you wipe the row)
Just for the sake of not naming every plant with knockback, any plant with knockback can trigger blovers "in air" instakill effect
It shuts down TONS of zombie pushes (can blow away scallywags; seagull/pelican zombies; imps being fired out of an imp cannon; imps coming out of a broken barrel during the animation; the gargantuar imp before it hits the gound; parrots; flung imp bulls before touching the ground; jetpack/disco jetpack zombies; imp bots when they are falling from bot swarm; dodo zombies mid-flight, bug zombies; any zombie being pushed by breakdancer zombie with proper timing can be blovered; any zombie being pushed forward by the stego, raptor, and ankylo; balloon; and flung explosive imps.) Goes without saying that it is increadibly overpowered in the majority of areas in the game and bringing it in areas like pirate seas and jurrasic marsh, with good timing, can lead to you steamrolling off of spamming blover everytime you see a primal peashooter get ready to fire at the closest zombie.
The Spring Bean combo was patched, so you have to use Reinforce-mint.
They patched absolutely nothing else.
@@brokenstarfury4895 oh they did? dang i havent used it in a while (or really played any vanilla pvz 2 for a while) so thats cool. Still pretty bizarre how they have a plant as overpowered as it is currently with all sorts of wacky mixes you can do with it.
@@booshican2639 its been replaced with reinforce mint and Blover. And you can use plant food to refresh the time so its better
Does anyone like Lightning Reed? I only enjoyed it after I buffed it in my mod.
Pretty much more than half of the community do
@@s0ullessness oh...
It's one of my favorite plants in the game but not always reliable
I may not agree with some of these but I respect that you focused on some really controversial plants
Electric Blueberry is actually my favorite plant in this game, though even I'll admit it's not that great for basically the exact reasons you talk about here.
I just love abilities with a little randomness to them! It's a cool design for a plant too.
I'm konestly surprised that Electric Blueberry is popular because this plant is ASS. Although yes, it does instant kill zombies as long as it is alive, EB takes WAY too long for it to recharge. And even then, it is very inconsistent on what zombie it wants to target. For example: if there is a zombie that is about to enter the house, if there are zombies at the end of the lawn, it is a all out casino if EB gets that zombie near to the house. And it can only target one zombie at a time until it has to recharge again. And to top that off if being outclassed by not only Caulipower, but pretty much almost every single instant in the game, and yeah, you have an unreliable plant to deal with.
Virgin Infi-Nut vs Chad Guard
@@suki-artsanimations807 ?
@@suki-artsanimations807 I commited geno on the jews and there's no point on killing them again
Creeps: i cant believe people like infinut so much, so overrated
Also creeps: infinut is a great wall and here's why
Reed is so good, I don’t think it’s overrated, if used right (what’s not very hard) it can destroy most levels
true, lightning reed has litterally only 1 counter and its cheap too
Tf do you mean "if you used correctly" the only way to use it is literally spam
@@s0ullessness Average braindead take
@@greenthewhite hmm yes let me only put 1 lighting reed as my main attacker, surely I can survive with it because putting more of it is such a braindead take
Okay, Infi-nut is pretty good, especially with plant food.
Its good cause it's really cheap way to stall things, and set up your ealygame sun production, while stopping nasty stuff in all lanes, meaning you have extra slots for limited maps (like beach), and it has huge melee synergy, giving 4 lanes of double damage(or sun production). That or the 2 Infi-nut permastall, or projectile protection, and staying up against wizards or octopuses.
Honestly, Infi-nut is underrated against most obscure zombie abilities, as it has interaction with most of them.
Don't forget Infi Nut is still really good even without PF effect. It blocks Hair Metal Gargs' shockwaves indefinitely, Rodeo Legend Zombies can't get past the defense in anyway. MC Zom B's microphone spinning attack also gets stalled. Turquoise Skull also doesn't instantly burn the projector on Infi Nut