"Scales are concepts. They are abstract. Modes are what you hear in the real world" This may be the best, most succinct statement of the difference I've ever heard.
agreed. often we compartmentalize our experience with scales(playing them up and down the neck) and assign that to our definition of it. scales are just random notes. we just play them in order lol
Awesome video! My friends and I met you years ago on a rainy day at a small festival in PA. We invited you under our popup tent and asked you to play us a song, as you had your acoustic with you and were walking through camp. We were blown away at your playing and your set. You were incredibly nice and signed our merch and chatted with us after the show. Thanks for doing what you do!
This is the exact way i had to learn modes. I spent a couple years fretting over modes ( Pun intended)😅 but when i started seeing the chords in the scale patterns and playing over those chords with the mode scale, it all clicked . This is an awesome lesson and im very glad to have found your channel. Thanks 💯
As someone who played guitar for 30 years without good information, and with limited access to resources during my first decades, I really, really, really appreciate your channel and the way you convey valuable information. Thanks man!
So many angles I almost never notice. This a great way and, another way to understand something I already know, differently. on a deeper level. Great stuff! Thanks
Thank you about time somebody figured it out. I am a film score major and guitarist.. Guitarist are taught the stupidest concept of modes possible. I didn't figure it out until I got to Berklee and learned in the context of a film score. MAJOR is a MODE!!!
I need more ear training ( no question). Your bad notes still sounded good to me. Even that camel was chilling in the Major shade.Thanks for the great lesson.
I agree with your modal system Although when adding chromatic information from the blues, relative diminished or combining scales You get sub sets and melodic patterns , they are not modes . For example if combine A Dorian b2 and A aeolian b5 you get the Jimmy page scale
This is more position memorisation again!! Try this instead..The reason you are confused is because everyone just re-tells the same theoretical manifesto when it comes to modes INSTEAD of explaining it in a more pedestrian way so as to afford the performer the necessary insight to actually be useful. This is where I come in. First just forget (for now) the fact that D Dorian is the same notes as C Major. Forget this because you need to start thinking about modes as either major or minor sounds. Also note that I got this concept from the MI ‘Harmony and Theory’ textbook by Keith Wyatt & Carl Schroeder Page 90. From this perspective, you will be able to use them in the real world of playing stuff. In this case Dorian is actually a minor sound. So first you have to know the D minor scale sound and then apply the skills below to see that D Dorian is an altered minor scale that differs from D minor (aeolian) by one note (it has a #6). So isolate and memorize your aeolian minor scales and Ionian major scales and get to a mode via this way INSTEAD of thinking in terms of a position in a major scale. The breakout of the ‘major vs minor modes’ is below. It is easy to get a modal sound using this mindset.. Let’s consider the E Dorian scale for now.. Why do I not join the masses and explain how Dorian is this entity that is built from the 2nd note of the parent major scale and that you should play D major but start from the ‘E’ note? Because for one that is a tired and just idiotic way to think about modes. Secondly what does this actually do to your thought process as a soloist? Well for one, it knocks your thought process out of e minor tonality (which is where you are at sonically) and puts you into having to do a useless conversion process to d major. Why? It’s not d major anymore: it’s e Dorian. You don’t need to do that because more than likely your already using some form of e minor pentatonic and you just want to flavor up your solo with a new sound by adding a sharp 6. (So that’s a sharp 6 in e minor again!! This means ‘the sharp 6 would be C# because In E minor, the 6th is C). This means you have to know your minor scales!! FYI. For Dorian (since it is a ‘minor’ sound) it’s very closely associated to the minor scale of the same tonic (in this case… E). So playing modes is rather easy once you know your major an minor scales all over the neck because you can keep your mind on using the same scale patterns but altering one note in general; much easier than switching your focus from the tonic your in to a whole different scale. FIRST A FEW REQUIREMENTS ARE NECESSARY you have to memorize or have at your disposal a list of all the major and relative minor scales (ex. C major and A minor are the same scale, so do this for all keys) and know all the accidentals. This is very important You have to know what chords are found in the major scale. Just start with triads. So All major scales have the same chord formula: C Major is:: C major triad, D minor triad, E minor triad, F major triad, G major triad, A minor triad, B half diminished triad Next organize the modes in to two camps (major sounds and minor sounds). Now that you have memorized the major and minor scales, you will recognize all the modes as one of these major or minor scales just ordered differently.. this means for ex. D Dorian (note below that I have listed out the easy formulas to get a mode) has the same notes as C Major; just use the chords from C Major. THIS NEXT COMMENT IS THE MOTHERLOAD OF ALL INFORMATION I PRESENT. so in our D Dorian example, if you want to really hear that mode in context, you use the 4 and 5 chord from the major scale the mode is from (4 and 5 are the only places in the major scale that has back to back major triads and these two triads work in a magical way to really lay out the modal sound when you play these two triads over the mode tonic base note .. in this case for D Dorian it is really C Major (F Major and G major are the 4 and 5 chords. When you play a D base note over F major and G major, you get the D Dorian mode sound. Then you can play the D Dorian scale over those chord vamps. (This method of using 4 and 5 triads over the bass note of the mode works for all modes FYI). Best to try using the ‘A’ style chords from the CAGED chord system and play you bass note on the 5th or 6th string. HOW TO FIGURE OUT A MODE. A mode is effectively more of an “alternate major or minor sound”. This really opened the floodgates for me and is just more intuitive. I think you will likey…. ;). I hope it saves you a bunch of time and from a bunch of confusion MODES MADE EASY Basically you have major and minor sounds. Here is the breakout: Major sounds: Ionian Mixolydian Lydian Ionian major scale ←Again just memorize these.. then to get these other two major sounding mode scales use the formula against the major scale you already know. Basically each of the other two major sounding mode scales has one note that is different when compared to the major scale so you can apply your knowledge of the major scales on the fretboard and just change one note to play modal Lydian scale ← ionian scale with a #4 So if you have memorized the Dmajor scale, then to play D Lydian you raise the 4th scale note like this: D major: D E F# G A B C# D lydian: D E F# G# A B C# (So from the points above, you should be able to see that D Lydian is really the A major scale, so the 4 and 5 chords in A Major are D major and E major. Play these chords with a D in the bass to hear D Lydian and of course play D Lydian notes) Mixolydian scale ← ionian scale with flat7 D major: D E F# G A B C# D mixolydian: D E F# G A B C (D mixolydian is really G major and the 4 and 5 chords in G Major are C Major and D major, so play these chords over a D bass note to hear D mixolydian and of course play D mixolydian. Do this kind of analysis for any mode and it should become 2 nature after awhile). Now for minor sounds you have four basic scales: Aeolian Dorian Phrygian Locrian Aeolian / minor scale ← just memorize these as they are just all the major scales starting on the 6th scale degree so if you know the major scales just be able to recite what the 6th degree is and that is your minor scale plus you will have memorized another interval. So from the Dmajor example above, B is the 6th scale degree B aeolian ← also known as the ‘minor scale’ there is one minor scale for each major scale (look at a circle of 5ths diagram) B aeolian: B C# D E F# G A Dorian ← same as aeolian scale with #6 B Dorian: B C# D E F# G# A. ← you may notice that B Dorian and D Lydian have the same notes but just realize this fact: Dionian Edorian F#phrygian Glydian Amixolydian Baeolian C#locrian are all the same scales just starting from a different note in the Dmajor scale. So you should be able to work out that B Dorian and D Lydian are also from a same scale which is the A major scale. This will all make sense in time. The best thing to do right now is to memorize all the major scales and then know which minor scales come from each major scale and memorize them Phrygian ← same as aeolian scale with b2 B Phrygian: B C D E F# G A (So from the points above, you should be able to see that B Phrygian is G major so the 4 and 5 chords in G Major are C major and D major. Play these chords with a B in the bass to hear B Phrygian and of course play B Phrygian notes) Locrian ← same as aeolian scale with b2 and b5 B Locrian: B C D E F G A So assimilate the modes by what is different from what you already know about major and minor scales is the best way as once you can recall the major and minor scales (all 12), you should be able to use the known scale patterns and adjust for the one note difference rather easily (two for locrian). As well by far the most useful chord vamp is the 4 and 5 chord from the major scale that the mode is from. All these other chord/mode explanations I have seen are serious overkill in my opinion and hardly of use in a musical context. Start easy and then as you build your base up of modal knowledge, you can dive back in to some more complex chord/mode possibilities.. or most Likely… NOT. ;) Finally why do the 4 and 5 triads/chord work so well? Thru investigation you should see that the accidentals found on the 4 and 5 chords in any major scale really lay out the notes that make the mode(s) pop out (when you swap in different bass notes). So B Dorian, the note that makes that mode pop is the G#. The 4 chord from A Major is D major (D F# A). The 5 chord is E major (E G# A) so you can see hopefully that basically your implying B Dorian by vamping these two chords (when playing these chords over a B bass note) And this is why you will hear pop or rock songs using the 4 and 5 chords when you run across a modal song or section of a song.
First off, thank you for all of that effort! I really like "A mode is effectively more of an 'alternate major or minor sound'”. That is helpful! I understand most of what you wrote but have some questions. When you say "So B Dorian, the note that makes that mode pop is the G#." Isn't B Dorian really the A Ionian scale (which has C#, F#, G#)? Your formula says "Dorian means sharp the 6th". I know I have this wrong but that would make me think "F##". Or would the 6th be "the 6th of B"? But the B Major scale (Ionian) already had G# as the 6th. So that would make me think G# (which, again, I know is wrong).
Good point about tonal center how a scale is not a mode untill it is being played . The trajectory of your playing implies dorian though you started ionian . I noticed that about Skynyrd Whats your name" 2 chords A and G It starts on A major blues Then when it goes to G and g major scale is played, it creates a Dorian sound
For the beginner guitar student, I would recommend playing the Am chord with the 1st finger on the 9th fret using an “open A string” and the Em chord with the 1st finger on the 4th fret using an “open E string”. Am chord - ⑤ A(open) ④ C ③ E ② A Em chord - ⑥ E(open) ④ G ③ B ② E
You’re the man! I know people 8:17 who act like modes are a mystery or baloney… but I’m always like, “…you have to hear the difference between a dominant 7 #11 and a dominant 7#5 right? You have to hear you can’t play the same scale or arpeggio on those chords, right? I lot of guys say they don’t know modes but they know to play different notes over a vanilla major 7 versus a major 7 #11. I wish I had this video like 20 years ago because nobody explained the stuff properly to me even after taking music classes and lessons.
Clicked on this video in spite of the title and thumbnail, not because of them. Since this rewarded your use of them, I apologize for being part of the problem.
Lots of opinions here. How much mileage can l get on thinking m…major, minor, minor, major, major, minor, and diminished? That considering a major key. Minor the same just starts different.
C Ionian is the major scale. If you play it with #4 (F#) then it’s C Lydian; with b7 (Bb) then it’s C Mixolydian. With b3/b7, it’s Dorian; with b3/b6/b7, Aolian; with b2/b3/b6/b7, it’s Phrygian. - So 3 modes with a major 3rd, 3 modes with a minor 3rd, and now Locrian (b2/b3/b5/b6/b7) works over a Diminished chord (b5!). - Memorize those 7 formulas! Do the same for all the other “parent” scales. That’s how to learn modes, by formulas and all from the same starting note.
I appreciate all of your videos! How do you get the camera to bob with your head? It seems to be in sync with your body movements during certain camera shots.
"Scales are abstract groups of notes. Modes are how those groups of notes sound to the listener in the real world." Modes _are_ scales. Drawing a line between them is what confuses people. Dorian is a scale. That it happens to a mode of another scale doesn't make it not a scale. It just so happens that you can build Y by starting on the Nth note of scale X, so we can call Y a mode of X, but it's still a scale. You could call the major scale the second mode of Locrian and nothing would change.
Brother Marbin, when I meet fellow guitarist, I make an attempt to understand how they see the guitar and music. I want to see how they see the fretboard and approach to harmony/progressions and lead phrasing. I can see that you see the guitar in the way that I see the guitar. I am subscribed as there is much you can teach me--I like your approach. Have your read Kenny Werner's book called "Effortless Mastery"? Just curious
Modes are not an unnecessary detour. Look at them this way. Take a fully extended chord, put all the chord tones into scale form and you have the mode that goes with the chord. Dorian: b3,b7. Mixolydian:b7. Aeolian: b3, b6,b7. Etc. Modes are just a way to organize notes
Idk about poopooing playing F on the C to em vamp. When played as a leading tone (I think I used the term correctly) at the end of the em and resolving to E on the C chord sounds like Unchained Melody to me. One of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. "I need your love..." I love your content btw, I still struggle to fully comprehend a lot of it even after attending music school, but I aspire to increase my understanding.
Haha great thumbnail. Wonder if you'll catch any flak. Ah well, sometimes it's good to stir things up. Personally, I find Rick B's explanations often quite convoluted and "mathematical", but many seem to like him, so there you go. But I like your explanation of modes here, it makes sense (as a guy who knows modes v well). Cheers!
Hey Marbin. I like how you presented a different approach to the modes by looking at the chords within C major and the CAGED system. Do you think it would help to highlight certain notes when playing modally to clearly grasp the sound? So when playing over F you can emphasize B to get that Lydian sound. Let me know your thoughts, thank you!
When practicing Scales/Modes over multiple octaves, an issue arises that makes hearing the "character" of the Mode problematic. For example: Cdefgabc, Defgabcd, Efgabcde. Notice that each octave switched to the next higher Mode: Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian. To avoid the problem this causes, start each new octave on the Root of the Mode: Cdefgabc, Cdefgabc, etc.
The problem is people not being able to distinguish between scales and modes. If Dorian or Ionian or Lydian were scales, they would have modes themselves, which would be paradoxical. The fact that they are 'shaped' like the scales you know doesn't mean they are scales. The scale is the 'thing' and the modes are the sounds the 'thing' takes when you hear it. Next time you hear someone talking about 'Mixolydian' or any other mode as a 'scale' run for your life
MARBIN, A mode is a scale or groups of notes in a KEY against a tonal center from a certain scale degree. You should do a lesson about Pentatonic Modes like Dorian Pentatonic, Lydian Pentatonic, Phrygian dominant pentatonic, Lydian Dominant Pentatonic and which VAMPS chord changes will work for each mode. This is used in Fusion Blues guitarist which is more useful in rock music.
What he’s teaching is correct, and he explains it well. The modes, that is, the European “church modes,” are an application of a single seven note scale against seven different tonics or tonic cords. You play a C major scale against an F major chord, you *hear* F Lydian mode. It’s not a new “scale.” You’re still in C. It’s about perception of what is audible. I feel somewhat vindicated whenever I see a video of a teacher teaching what I’ve struggled to bring to students. They’ll have flashes where they *hear* the mode, but often they’re resistant to going into that wold of perception.
I created a web app that allows you to visualise all this, great practice tool and free, I can post the link if you ok with that, it's free, so not sales. To remember the names of modes, associate the feeling with a place that has the same first letter, then think of an acronym for the names, learning this theory is so much easier on the guitar when you can visualise.
Modes of the harmonic minor are common, for example in Klezmer music, so the “whole step/half step” only rule is not really true. Unless you really don’t have any Klezmer music in the US, in which case that sucks. Also, modes of blues and pentatonic scales are used widely in improvisation, especially on guitar.
I just look at the top and bottom of each diatonic mode, and IIRC there are 3 pairs with identical top and bottom 3 intervals, not the same pairs for each end, but if you know them, you have 3 options where you can flip a mode on the fly. It only works if you start on the mode root note ascending or descending. Once you've played 6 notes of a diatonic mode, the octave notes and the 4 halftone notes, you've made the decision on which mode it is (or 5 notes for the modes where a root note is also a semitone note). AFAIK I was probably playing Ionian and Mixolydian and also Aeolian and Dorian interchangeably for years, thinking I was play just major and minor. It was more whatever fit, or sounded right at the time. Those 3 intervals also set the 'flavour' for the mode. Is it major, minor or 7th?
This is a pretty good lesson mate. I still hate modes, but now I feel like I don’t wanna kill them anymore….they can be, if they stay away from my beloved arpeggios ok? ….ok deal.
There are two more parent scales! you can make them by removing a notes from symmetric diminished, giving two more 7 note scales without any consecutive half steps
If you could have a little window on the side with someone with average sized fingers playing next to you that would be great! Love you man but yo got them spida fingaz
My humble opinion after donkeys years of playing guitar and NOT yet watching the video is- Ionian+aeolian are major and minor scales(same) which any half decent guitarist should know or how the---k will you work out what to play?! Dorian +mixolydian are super useful if you play blues/roots styles. they contain the dom 7+mi7 arpeggio notes so you can sound coherent not like a clown"wandering all over the neck at random" Learn 2 extended positions thats more than enough play the mode according to the chord you are playing that gives it the sound .no complaints in 30 years of playing. The other modes are of small importance unless you specifically want them to develop a sound like joe satriani or something......but there are tons of different scales that will give you different sounds.
Most guitarists sound like they’re playing boring scales and licks without understanding melody and phrasing. Also, I think there are many interesting guitar tutors online. Some are mature and informative while others are shallow, immature and quite shitty.
"everyone is stupid" except you?
That's right Larry.
@ oh I didn’t know that
Very informative lesson... and man, I LOVE Uncle Larry's playing!
We’re just breaking balls. Big fan of your playing :)
A Wild Larry sighting!
damn ! straight to the lesson in the first second ! no bs personal story or lenghty context. that shows respect to the viewer. love it
"Scales are concepts. They are abstract. Modes are what you hear in the real world"
This may be the best, most succinct statement of the difference I've ever heard.
agreed. often we compartmentalize our experience with scales(playing them up and down the neck) and assign that to our definition of it. scales are just random notes. we just play them in order lol
"Mode" just means "scale I haven't learned yet" 😂
It's all about intervals. Melody and bassline.
Folks do tend to like fancy sounding misinformation. 🤷
I’m Jens Marbin. Learn modes, make music.
Jens and Marbin are the best out there. Nice shout out 😂
@@guitarigmusik197 their approaches to teaching modes and CAGED are so different. I really enjoy seeing both options.
dude... your channel talks about almost all of the most important concepts in music, and perfectly explains them too... this is better than berklee
7:30 Excellent exercise!
Awesome video! My friends and I met you years ago on a rainy day at a small festival in PA. We invited you under our popup tent and asked you to play us a song, as you had your acoustic with you and were walking through camp. We were blown away at your playing and your set. You were incredibly nice and signed our merch and chatted with us after the show. Thanks for doing what you do!
This is the exact way i had to learn modes. I spent a couple years fretting over modes ( Pun intended)😅 but when i started seeing the chords in the scale patterns and playing over those chords with the mode scale, it all clicked . This is an awesome lesson and im very glad to have found your channel. Thanks 💯
Killer Thumbnail! 🤣
Best lesson I've had for a while. Top notch stuff, really intuitive, really immersive in your universe of experimenting music
the play a progression in each CAGED shape idea is gold!
one minute and a half into the video and already making so much sense and useful info. the title might be true
ya melech
10:15 “spirit of the camel” ha ha! I do love all those wrong sh*tty notes. Fun channel FYI.
“That’s the whole game of harmony”… I’ve been waiting for somebody to explain harmony this clearly. This is great! Love it! Subscribed. Thank you.
Glad it was helpful!
Yep. This is genius.
He forgot to add... "tonal harmony"
As someone who played guitar for 30 years without good information, and with limited access to resources during my first decades, I really, really, really appreciate your channel and the way you convey valuable information. Thanks man!
Rock on!
I'm not ready to comprehend this. But I'll be back when I am ready. Love the work. Will visit patreon
I love you play an example of every thing you are explaining as you explain. Seems logical but most people on UA-cam explain music like a maths class.
So many angles I almost never notice. This a great way and, another way to understand something I already know, differently. on a deeper level. Great stuff! Thanks
Great lessons and videos. Love your band.
Thank you about time somebody figured it out. I am a film score major and guitarist.. Guitarist are taught the stupidest concept of modes possible. I didn't figure it out until I got to Berklee and learned in the context of a film score. MAJOR is a MODE!!!
Nice! i picked up Paul Wertico and Farred Hauqe at the Denver airport and drove them to a gig during Covid. Excellent guys!
I really love your teaching style! Always makes me wanna go and play guitar after watching. Oh and that guitar sounds lovely.
This could be an entire guitar book. Great video.
I need to write down some concepts of this lesson, but I really feel it is an awesome lesson!!! Manu thanks
I need more ear training ( no question). Your bad notes still sounded good to me. Even that camel was
chilling in the Major shade.Thanks for the great lesson.
Dani that guitar is absolutely beautiful!!! Thanks for all your insights. You are a great teacher.
Thank you kindly!
This is great! The more I learn about tonality the more I see that Schoenberg's music is the real rock and roll
Best explanation of modes ive seen
Love your channel. Someone else besides Ben Eller with a great sense of humor.
This channel is really amazing, perfect mix of valuable information directly put into musical context and humour !
Best guitar lesson
Great video man! You explained it perfectly.
I agree with your modal system
Although when adding chromatic information from the blues, relative diminished or combining scales You get sub sets and melodic patterns , they are not modes .
For example if combine
A Dorian b2 and A aeolian b5 you get the Jimmy page scale
This is more position memorisation again!! Try this instead..The reason you are confused is because everyone just re-tells the same theoretical manifesto when it comes to modes INSTEAD of explaining it in a more pedestrian way so as to afford the performer the necessary insight to actually be useful. This is where I come in.
First just forget (for now) the fact that D Dorian is the same notes as C Major. Forget this because you need to start thinking about modes as either major or minor sounds. Also note that I got this concept from the MI ‘Harmony and Theory’ textbook by Keith Wyatt & Carl Schroeder Page 90. From this perspective, you will be able to use them in the real world of playing stuff. In this case Dorian is actually a minor sound. So first you have to know the D minor scale sound and then apply the skills below to see that D Dorian is an altered minor scale that differs from D minor (aeolian) by one note (it has a #6). So isolate and memorize your aeolian minor scales and Ionian major scales and get to a mode via this way INSTEAD of thinking in terms of a position in a major scale. The breakout of the ‘major vs minor modes’ is below. It is easy to get a modal sound using this mindset..
Let’s consider the E Dorian scale for now.. Why do I not join the masses and explain how Dorian is this entity that is built from the 2nd note of the parent major scale and that you should play D major but start from the ‘E’ note? Because for one that is a tired and just idiotic way to think about modes. Secondly what does this actually do to your thought process as a soloist? Well for one, it knocks your thought process out of e minor tonality (which is where you are at sonically) and puts you into having to do a useless conversion process to d major. Why? It’s not d major anymore: it’s e Dorian. You don’t need to do that because more than likely your already using some form of e minor pentatonic and you just want to flavor up your solo with a new sound by adding a sharp 6. (So that’s a sharp 6 in e minor again!! This means ‘the sharp 6 would be C# because In E minor, the 6th is C). This means you have to know your minor scales!! FYI. For Dorian (since it is a ‘minor’ sound) it’s very closely associated to the minor scale of the same tonic (in this case… E). So playing modes is rather easy once you know your major an minor scales all over the neck because you can keep your mind on using the same scale patterns but altering one note in general; much easier than switching your focus from the tonic your in to a whole different scale.
you have to memorize or have at your disposal a list of all the major and relative minor scales (ex. C major and A minor are the same scale, so do this for all keys) and know all the accidentals. This is very important
You have to know what chords are found in the major scale. Just start with triads. So All major scales have the same chord formula: C Major is:: C major triad, D minor triad, E minor triad, F major triad, G major triad, A minor triad, B half diminished triad
Next organize the modes in to two camps (major sounds and minor sounds). Now that you have memorized the major and minor scales, you will recognize all the modes as one of these major or minor scales just ordered differently.. this means for ex. D Dorian (note below that I have listed out the easy formulas to get a mode) has the same notes as C Major; just use the chords from C Major.
THIS NEXT COMMENT IS THE MOTHERLOAD OF ALL INFORMATION I PRESENT. so in our D Dorian example, if you want to really hear that mode in context, you use the 4 and 5 chord from the major scale the mode is from (4 and 5 are the only places in the major scale that has back to back major triads and these two triads work in a magical way to really lay out the modal sound when you play these two triads over the mode tonic base note .. in this case for D Dorian it is really C Major (F Major and G major are the 4 and 5 chords. When you play a D base note over F major and G major, you get the D Dorian mode sound. Then you can play the D Dorian scale over those chord vamps. (This method of using 4 and 5 triads over the bass note of the mode works for all modes FYI). Best to try using the ‘A’ style chords from the CAGED chord system and play you bass note on the 5th or 6th string.
HOW TO FIGURE OUT A MODE. A mode is effectively more of an “alternate major or minor sound”. This really opened the floodgates for me and is just more intuitive. I think you will likey…. ;). I hope it saves you a bunch of time and from a bunch of confusion
Basically you have major and minor sounds. Here is the breakout:
Major sounds:
Ionian major scale ←Again just memorize these.. then to get these other two major sounding mode scales use the formula against the major scale you already know. Basically each of the other two major sounding mode scales has one note that is different when compared to the major scale so you can apply your knowledge of the major scales on the fretboard and just change one note to play modal
Lydian scale ← ionian scale with a #4
So if you have memorized the Dmajor scale, then to play D Lydian you raise the 4th scale note like this:
D major: D E F# G A B C#
D lydian: D E F# G# A B C#
(So from the points above, you should be able to see that D Lydian is really the A major scale, so the 4 and 5 chords in A Major are D major and E major. Play these chords with a D in the bass to hear D Lydian and of course play D Lydian notes)
Mixolydian scale ← ionian scale with flat7
D major: D E F# G A B C#
D mixolydian: D E F# G A B C
(D mixolydian is really G major and the 4 and 5 chords in G Major are C Major and D major, so play these chords over a D bass note to hear D mixolydian and of course play D mixolydian. Do this kind of analysis for any mode and it should become 2 nature after awhile).
Now for minor sounds you have four basic scales:
Aeolian / minor scale ← just memorize these as they are just all the major scales starting on the 6th scale degree so if you know the major scales just be able to recite what the 6th degree is and that is your minor scale plus you will have memorized another interval. So from the Dmajor example above, B is the 6th scale degree
B aeolian ← also known as the ‘minor scale’ there is one minor scale for each major scale (look at a circle of 5ths diagram)
B aeolian: B C# D E F# G A
Dorian ← same as aeolian scale with #6
B Dorian: B C# D E F# G# A. ← you may notice that B Dorian and D Lydian have the same notes but just realize this fact: Dionian Edorian F#phrygian Glydian Amixolydian Baeolian C#locrian are all the same scales just starting from a different note in the Dmajor scale. So you should be able to work out that B Dorian and D Lydian are also from a same scale which is the A major scale. This will all make sense in time. The best thing to do right now is to memorize all the major scales and then know which minor scales come from each major scale and memorize them
Phrygian ← same as aeolian scale with b2
B Phrygian: B C D E F# G A
(So from the points above, you should be able to see that B Phrygian is G major so the 4 and 5 chords in G Major are C major and D major. Play these chords with a B in the bass to hear B Phrygian and of course play B Phrygian notes)
Locrian ← same as aeolian scale with b2 and b5
B Locrian: B C D E F G A
So assimilate the modes by what is different from what you already know about major and minor scales is the best way as once you can recall the major and minor scales (all 12), you should be able to use the known scale patterns and adjust for the one note difference rather easily (two for locrian). As well by far the most useful chord vamp is the 4 and 5 chord from the major scale that the mode is from. All these other chord/mode explanations I have seen are serious overkill in my opinion and hardly of use in a musical context. Start easy and then as you build your base up of modal knowledge, you can dive back in to some more complex chord/mode possibilities.. or most Likely… NOT. ;)
Finally why do the 4 and 5 triads/chord work so well? Thru investigation you should see that the accidentals found on the 4 and 5 chords in any major scale really lay out the notes that make the mode(s) pop out (when you swap in different bass notes). So B Dorian, the note that makes that mode pop is the G#. The 4 chord from A Major is D major (D F# A). The 5 chord is E major (E G# A) so you can see hopefully that basically your implying B Dorian by vamping these two chords (when playing these chords over a B bass note) And this is why you will hear pop or rock songs using the 4 and 5 chords when you run across a modal song or section of a song.
Thank you so much ❤
i aint reading all that.
Nice essay, C- for effort.
First off, thank you for all of that effort! I really like "A mode is effectively more of an 'alternate major or minor sound'”. That is helpful!
I understand most of what you wrote but have some questions. When you say "So B Dorian, the note that makes that mode pop is the G#." Isn't B Dorian really the A Ionian scale (which has C#, F#, G#)? Your formula says "Dorian means sharp the 6th". I know I have this wrong but that would make me think "F##". Or would the 6th be "the 6th of B"? But the B Major scale (Ionian) already had G# as the 6th. So that would make me think G# (which, again, I know is wrong).
Good point about tonal center how a scale is not a mode untill it is being played .
The trajectory of your playing implies dorian though you started ionian .
I noticed that about Skynyrd Whats your name"
2 chords A and G
It starts on A major blues
Then when it goes to G and g major scale is played, it creates a Dorian sound
Subscribed. Immediately. You get right to it! Love that.
Awesome, thank you!
Nothing wrong with the Phrygian sound (b2) if used in the right place. It creates tension, has character. Like any spice it's all about the dose.
Best video title.
Looking forward for this one ;)
For the beginner guitar student, I would recommend playing the Am chord with the 1st finger on the 9th fret using an “open A string” and the Em chord with the 1st finger on the 4th fret using an “open E string”.
Am chord - ⑤ A(open) ④ C ③ E ② A
Em chord - ⑥ E(open) ④ G ③ B ② E
You’re the man! I know people 8:17 who act like modes are a mystery or baloney… but I’m always like, “…you have to hear the difference between a dominant 7 #11 and a dominant 7#5 right? You have to hear you can’t play the same scale or arpeggio on those chords, right? I lot of guys say they don’t know modes but they know to play different notes over a vanilla major 7 versus a major 7 #11. I wish I had this video like 20 years ago because nobody explained the stuff properly to me even after taking music classes and lessons.
What a nice sounding guitar man!
I think the best representation of the modes is modal, interchange
Marbinico VIP package ordered.
Clicked on this video in spite of the title and thumbnail, not because of them. Since this rewarded your use of them, I apologize for being part of the problem.
Modes become crystal clear when you play them on one string, sitar wise .
“…if you hit a few old ladies, that’s a lot.” Stop it-you’re killing me!
Great content as always.
Much appreciated!
With that thumbnail I knew I’d relate to you
If my neighbor plays a F... 💣💥 a Huge F, and car alarms going off, people yelling, dogs barking...
Lots of opinions here. How much mileage can l get on thinking m…major, minor, minor, major, major, minor, and diminished? That considering a major key. Minor the same just starts different.
C Ionian is the major scale. If you play it with #4 (F#) then it’s C Lydian; with b7 (Bb) then it’s C Mixolydian. With b3/b7, it’s Dorian; with b3/b6/b7, Aolian; with b2/b3/b6/b7, it’s Phrygian. - So 3 modes with a major 3rd, 3 modes with a minor 3rd, and now Locrian (b2/b3/b5/b6/b7) works over a Diminished chord (b5!).
- Memorize those 7 formulas! Do the same for all the other “parent” scales. That’s how to learn modes, by formulas and all from the same starting note.
Dani with no beard scares me more than learning theory
That earned a Subscribed.
I appreciate all of your videos! How do you get the camera to bob with your head? It seems to be in sync with your body movements during certain camera shots.
"Scales are abstract groups of notes. Modes are how those groups of notes sound to the listener in the real world."
Modes _are_ scales. Drawing a line between them is what confuses people.
Dorian is a scale. That it happens to a mode of another scale doesn't make it not a scale.
It just so happens that you can build Y by starting on the Nth note of scale X, so we can call Y a mode of X, but it's still a scale. You could call the major scale the second mode of Locrian and nothing would change.
Brother Marbin, when I meet fellow guitarist, I make an attempt to understand how they see the guitar and music. I want to see how they see the fretboard and approach to harmony/progressions and lead phrasing. I can see that you see the guitar in the way that I see the guitar. I am subscribed as there is much you can teach me--I like your approach. Have your read Kenny Werner's book called "Effortless Mastery"? Just curious
@@mikejames293 I have. It has some solid points but the whole approach is a little to feminine for my blood
People should do the song.Sing.Modes are an unnecessary detour.
You Tubers are rewarded for keeping their audience confused.
Modes are not an unnecessary detour. Look at them this way. Take a fully extended chord, put all the chord tones into scale form and you have the mode that goes with the chord. Dorian: b3,b7. Mixolydian:b7. Aeolian: b3, b6,b7. Etc. Modes are just a way to organize notes
One man’s ceiling is another man’s floor
Amen Sir
Idk about poopooing playing F on the C to em vamp. When played as a leading tone (I think I used the term correctly) at the end of the em and resolving to E on the C chord sounds like Unchained Melody to me. One of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. "I need your love..." I love your content btw, I still struggle to fully comprehend a lot of it even after attending music school, but I aspire to increase my understanding.
Congrats on get album. Looking forward to it
the most UA-cam title of all UA-cam titles haha!
Miles davis on 1:10. Respect.
Applied Common Sense, Genius Rejected. You are NOT wrong.🙏✌️🙏
Haha great thumbnail. Wonder if you'll catch any flak. Ah well, sometimes it's good to stir things up. Personally, I find Rick B's explanations often quite convoluted and "mathematical", but many seem to like him, so there you go. But I like your explanation of modes here, it makes sense (as a guy who knows modes v well). Cheers!
Hey Marbin. I like how you presented a different approach to the modes by looking at the chords within C major and the CAGED system. Do you think it would help to highlight certain notes when playing modally to clearly grasp the sound? So when playing over F you can emphasize B to get that Lydian sound. Let me know your thoughts, thank you!
I don’t understand any of this. Where do I start to get here?
@@educationalporpoises9592 our patreon
I love your lesson, I don't see this particular lesson. Great info, don't know where to start. Pls, a little help. Should I buy the CAGED,or what...?
Join our Patreon all the info is there
When practicing Scales/Modes over multiple octaves, an issue arises that makes hearing the "character" of the Mode problematic. For example: Cdefgabc, Defgabcd, Efgabcde.
Notice that each octave switched to the next higher Mode: Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian. To avoid the problem this causes, start each new octave on the Root of the Mode: Cdefgabc, Cdefgabc, etc.
Sorry Ravi. Sorry arabs. That was good 😂
But more seriously, everything Marbin is gold.
The problem is people not being able to distinguish between scales and modes. If Dorian or Ionian or Lydian were scales, they would have modes themselves, which would be paradoxical. The fact that they are 'shaped' like the scales you know doesn't mean they are scales. The scale is the 'thing' and the modes are the sounds the 'thing' takes when you hear it. Next time you hear someone talking about 'Mixolydian' or any other mode as a 'scale' run for your life
Thank you for taking a stand against microtonal music! 🇺🇲
@@MHan-sk8dl 🇺🇸
MARBIN, A mode is a scale or groups of notes in a KEY against a tonal center from a certain scale degree. You should do a lesson about Pentatonic Modes like Dorian Pentatonic, Lydian Pentatonic, Phrygian dominant pentatonic, Lydian Dominant Pentatonic and which VAMPS chord changes will work for each mode. This is used in Fusion Blues guitarist which is more useful in rock music.
I did
What guitar is this? The sound is amazing!
Gibson ES 175
What he’s teaching is correct, and he explains it well. The modes, that is, the European “church modes,” are an application of a single seven note scale against seven different tonics or tonic cords. You play a C major scale against an F major chord, you *hear* F Lydian mode. It’s not a new “scale.” You’re still in C. It’s about perception of what is audible.
I feel somewhat vindicated whenever I see a video of a teacher teaching what I’ve struggled to bring to students. They’ll have flashes where they *hear* the mode, but often they’re resistant to going into that wold of perception.
Yasssss Queen
I created a web app that allows you to visualise all this, great practice tool and free, I can post the link if you ok with that, it's free, so not sales. To remember the names of modes, associate the feeling with a place that has the same first letter, then think of an acronym for the names, learning this theory is so much easier on the guitar when you can visualise.
Modes of the harmonic minor are common, for example in Klezmer music, so the “whole step/half step” only rule is not really true. Unless you really don’t have any Klezmer music in the US, in which case that sucks. Also, modes of blues and pentatonic scales are used widely in improvisation, especially on guitar.
I just look at the top and bottom of each diatonic mode, and IIRC there are 3 pairs with identical top and bottom 3 intervals, not the same pairs for each end, but if you know them, you have 3 options where you can flip a mode on the fly. It only works if you start on the mode root note ascending or descending. Once you've played 6 notes of a diatonic mode, the octave notes and the 4 halftone notes, you've made the decision on which mode it is (or 5 notes for the modes where a root note is also a semitone note). AFAIK I was probably playing Ionian and Mixolydian and also Aeolian and Dorian interchangeably for years, thinking I was play just major and minor. It was more whatever fit, or sounded right at the time. Those 3 intervals also set the 'flavour' for the mode. Is it major, minor or 7th?
Everyone teaches Modes "INCORRECTLY", except me!.
This is a pretty good lesson mate. I still hate modes, but now I feel like I don’t wanna kill them anymore….they can be, if they stay away from my beloved arpeggios ok? ….ok deal.
My conclusion is that I should be working on the whole tone scale.
@@michaelcreel106 wise
There are two more parent scales! you can make them by removing a notes from symmetric diminished, giving two more 7 note scales without any consecutive half steps
@@nolancote3393 those don’t follow rule 5 (cram as many as possible following rule 4)
In this system they are subsets
@@marbinmusic ah yeah fair enough, is this your definition or did you find it somewhere?
@ mine
😂😂😂 great lesson - very funny. I am, however, a certified camel sound enjoyer
4:58 Guthrie Trapp has entered the chat
If you could have a little window on the side with someone with average sized fingers playing next to you that would be great! Love you man but yo got them spida fingaz
10:57 If you hit a couple in one drive .. that's a lot - :-) lol
In the Blues, true American music, there are notes a quarter of a tone apart!
There are ways to make things work melodically that don't function harmonically. You don't play a chord with quarter tones in a blues
My humble opinion after donkeys years of playing guitar and NOT yet watching the video is-
Ionian+aeolian are major and minor scales(same) which any half decent guitarist should know or how the---k will you work out what to play?!
Dorian +mixolydian are super useful if you play blues/roots styles. they contain the dom 7+mi7 arpeggio notes so you can sound coherent not like a clown"wandering all over the neck at random"
Learn 2 extended positions thats more than enough
play the mode according to the chord you are playing that gives it the sound .no complaints in 30 years of playing.
The other modes are of small importance unless you specifically want them to develop a sound like joe satriani or something......but there are tons of different scales that will give you different sounds.
"How about some minors?" LMAO
This guy teaches Modes just like I do EXCEPT I do it better. ;)
Rule nr.1: don’t talk about Marbin club.
Is modes the same as the different tetrachords ? Asking for a friend
You lost my vote for "best" explanation at 1:30
This isn’t a democracy, you don’t get a vote.
That’s a controversial thumbnail 😂😂
beato's explanation about modes is confusing for a beginner, I found signal music studio's explanation is far more understandable
Is that a sample from Episode Three, Master?
@marbinmusic That ominous vocal drone behind you. Sounds like something from the OST of a popular Hollywood franchise, episode 3 thereof.
Giving your upload such an arrogant title instantly earned your channel a place in my Junk file.
Oh no, a rando’s junk pile. This is bad!
Most guitarists sound like they’re playing boring scales and licks without understanding melody and phrasing. Also, I think there are many interesting guitar tutors online. Some are mature and informative while others are shallow, immature and quite shitty.