Death Penalty Pros And Cons

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @glenndanzigsmanycats2045
    @glenndanzigsmanycats2045 3 роки тому +80

    Personally, i think the only crimes that should be grounds for the death penalty are murder (in certain cases), rape and child molestation.

    • @glenndanzigsmanycats2045
      @glenndanzigsmanycats2045 3 роки тому +5

      @勇樹 nah, rapists and child molesters should be killed also.

    • @schakiarligonde1736
      @schakiarligonde1736 3 роки тому +10

      Nope abolish it

    • @dcmarvelcomicfans9458
      @dcmarvelcomicfans9458 3 роки тому +2

      @@glenndanzigsmanycats2045 retributive Justice is not real Justice

    • @glenndanzigsmanycats2045
      @glenndanzigsmanycats2045 3 роки тому +16

      @@dcmarvelcomicfans9458 I disagree. Justice is justice.

    • @joshuabrant3487
      @joshuabrant3487 2 роки тому

      Why are you saying murderers should only be executed in certain cases and then you just blankly say all rapists executed? That's retarded on so many levels.

  • @IloveSpicynoodles-j6h
    @IloveSpicynoodles-j6h Рік тому +9

    I believe sadistic crimes should receive the death penalty but it needs to be very carefully and strictly regulated because it is in fact a risk when we give a lot of power to the state.

    • @mdtomychanwoo8583
      @mdtomychanwoo8583 11 місяців тому +1

      you put my thoughts in one well-written sentence

    • @robertbones326
      @robertbones326 18 днів тому

      That's the problem. What's sick and sadistic is subject to interpretation.

    • @ShibaStruck
      @ShibaStruck 10 днів тому

      @@robertbones326 r@pe is not sick and sadistic?

  • @dps6198
    @dps6198 2 роки тому +45

    When I was in college I had the choice of a few topics for my research paper. The topics available were abortion, death penalty and welfare. I chose what I thought was the least controversial topic, the death penalty,
    I was very pro death penalty until I completed my research. When reviewing several death penalty cases I was a little surprised at my findings. In many cases, unless the defendant admitted to the crime, there was video evidence that clearly showed the defendant committing the crime there were problems with witness accounts, not having the body of the victim, police manufacturing evidence, prosecutors not sharing evidence with the defense, jurors who show no interest in the trial and judges that are in the courtroom but a million miles away.
    What I found was most appalling was the manufacture of evidence by the police to secure a conviction and prosecutorial misconduct by the DAs office especially in high profile cases and ill-equipped defense attorneys who barely graduated law school and end up as public defenders. These public defenders are appointed by the judge to represent the defendant if he is unable to afford an attorney.
    Then there's the work of the Innocence Project. These are law students who take on cases when they believe there is an issue with the trial.
    As I stated I was very pro death penalty but after my paper I decided I could no longer support the death penalty. In Texas, for decades, there was no life without parole that's why there were so many sentenced to death. Several years ago the legislature passed a life without parole thereby reducing the number of those executed.
    George Bush, the younger, was president he stated firmly that he is 100% sure that everyone who was sentenced to death and executed since the days of either the republic or since becoming a state had a fair, lawful and just trial.
    Now than, that's a very bold statement to make. Considering he's never looked at every single death penalty case and execution in Texas going back to its admission as a state.
    That statement made me think twice about how the death penalty is applied. As I stated I no longer support the death penalty because as much as we want to believe that everyone in the entire USA will get a fair trial from their time in traffic court to the most awful crime of murder not every one gets a fair trail. When you look at the variable the deck is stacked against it.

    • @mjohn9199
      @mjohn9199 Рік тому

      Right On.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @gopher7691
      @gopher7691 11 місяців тому +1

      Do you have an example of an innocent person being executed in the last 20 years in the US, when DNA testing came into its own? It very easy to assert that it has happened. Why don’t you give an example?

    • @gopher7691
      @gopher7691 10 місяців тому

      @@mjohn9199 wrong on

    • @robertbones326
      @robertbones326 18 днів тому

      I've never read a comment that's so oblivious to the burden of proof. The death penalty isn't a default. It's not the responsibility of others to prove why the death penalty shouldn't happen. It's like asking a bank to prove why you shouldn't get a loan, while making no effort what so ever to explain why you're applying for one,

  • @19leeryan
    @19leeryan 3 роки тому +42

    It isn't contraversal, it saves lives and money, both that could be used to help any country.

    • @mariusgustavus6522
      @mariusgustavus6522 3 роки тому +22

      Well Europe does fine without it^^

    • @mariusgustavus6522
      @mariusgustavus6522 3 роки тому +3

      @The high ground Well Britain does what it wants to do anyways. They were never representive of Europe
      And the French casw irritates me. Is there crimerate really that bad?

    • @benjaminhamel5280
      @benjaminhamel5280 3 роки тому +28

      what? the death penalty costs more than life in prison, look it up, and it doesnt save lives either.

    • @dcmarvelcomicfans9458
      @dcmarvelcomicfans9458 3 роки тому +11

      19leeryan 1.There is no credible proof that the death penalty works as a deterrent. In the US, in states where the death penalty has been abolished, there has been no significant change in the rates for serious criminal offenses, such as murder.
      2. It is a cruel and unusual punishment, where basic standards of human dignity are compromised or undermined.
      It continues the cycle of violence. Retribution is just another word for revenge-it is essentially just a form of the flawed thinking that two wrongs can make a right. The pro argument is that killing people is wrong; therefore, you should kill people for killing, which makes no sense. . .
      3. It affects the poorer segments of society and racial minorities disproportionately, in part because they cannot afford the costs of good legal support. In the USA, although only 13% of the population is African-American, 50% of death row prisoners are African-American.
      4. The justice system is bound to make mistakes. In the case of people who are wrongly imprisoned, they can be released from prison and given compensation, but a wrongful execution can never be righted.
      5. The death penalty is not cost-effective. When all the practical and legal costs are taken into account, it is clear that the execution is more expensive than imprisoning for life.
      6. A life spent in prison is a worse punishment than an execution. A life sentence prisoner has many years to endure their punishment, as well as experience remorse and reflect on his or her crimes. of law enforcement officials.
      The abolition of the death penalty occurs most often in states where the murder of police officers is a very low percentage of all homicides.
      In 2014, there were 14,000 murders that took place in the United States, but there were only 35 executions that took place.
      7. It is used to control political messages.
      The United States uses the death penalty exclusively for the punishment of crimes as defined by legal code and precedent. It is a principle which is not consistent for other countries in the world. 78% of global executions because of capital punishment come from just four countries when excluding China: Iraq, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. 8. Family members of a victim are adversely impacted by the death penalty.
      The Marquette Law Review found that when family members go through the capital punishment process after someone they love becomes a victim, they have higher levels of mental, physical, and behavioral health problems when compared to when the perpetrator receives a sentence of life in prison. Although this issue does not happen in every circumstance, some family members can feel responsible for the fact that the government is putting this criminal to death.
      Proponents would argue that capital punishment provides relief because it guarantees that person can no longer harm another, but there are many families who do not feel a sense of satisfaction with this action. If they are the ones who experience loss, then there should be a way to provide input for them. There are very few prison escapes that occur, and fewer that involve violent criminals.
      9. The number of escapes from prison in the United States declined by more than 50% between 1998-2013, falling to a rate of 10.5 escapes per 10,000 prisoners in 2013. At the same time, the number of life sentences handed out by the court system has gone up by 500%. Most of the incidents that contribute to a prisoner escape come from low-security situations, like when 16 prisoners walked away from a work site and another 3 disappeared from a community work center.
      Out of all of the reported escapes in 2013, only one inmate from a secured facility was able to get away.
      Some countries, including Sudan and Iran, use the death penalty as a political tool. It becomes a way to punish political opponents who might want to take their country in a different direction. There were a total of 2,500 death sentences recorded in 54 countries in 2018, with about 20,000 people currently under sentence around the world at the end of the year.
      10. Children are sometimes put to death through the use of capital punishment.
      There are at least 97 kids who were put to death by capital punishment laws in Iran since 1990. Another 145 child executions have happened in China, the Republic of Congo, Pakistan, Sudan, South Sudan, Yemen, Nigeria - and the United States.
      Scott Hain, Toronto Patterson, T.J. Jones, Napoleon Beazley, Gerald Mitchell, Shaka Sankofa, Glen McGinnis, and Steven Roach were all put to death in the United States for a crime that they committed at age 17. Sean Sellers was executed when he was 29 for a crime that he committed when he was 16. 11. The evidence obtained to justify the death penalty is sometimes tainted.
      There are specific guidelines in the United States today that limit how and when law enforcement can obtain evidence during questioning. This structure of protection is not always available around the world. There are numerous people executed after being convicted during an unfair trial, often on the basis of evidence or confessions obtained through the use of torture. Some defendants were not given adequate legal representation.
      Some countries even use the death penalty as a mandatory punishment for specific offenses, which means the judge cannot consider the circumstances of the crime during the sentencing phase of a trial. 12. More focus on Rehabilitation for serious offenders murderers, rapists, pedophiles, abusers, and drug dealers Is more effective to reintegrate them back into society and also get them a job however not everyone can be rehabilitated and that's what maximum-security prison is for the keep them away from the Society but still treat them like human beings NOT like animals take away their freedom not their Humanity. Norway prove this its recidivism rate is 20% in Germany it's 40% in Japan 48% the United States full on punishment prison (with zero Rehabilitation) recidivism rate is 76.6%

    • @roninzero12
      @roninzero12 3 роки тому

      @@mariusgustavus6522 White countries sure have low crime

  • @TheVeryLastOne
    @TheVeryLastOne 3 роки тому +135

    Of course the death penalty works. Once you kill a criminal they can't repeat what they've done so therefore it works

    • @moreplatesmoreface
      @moreplatesmoreface 3 роки тому +63

      Killing a child is the most effective way of preventing future misbehavior. It isn't as simple as you think

    • @Occams_Razor489
      @Occams_Razor489 3 роки тому +12

      @The Very Last One
      My sentiments exactly. That offender will never murder again. Pay no attention to the liberal tree huggers whale savers that make ridiculous claims on how to save all the serial killing child murdering psychopaths and sociopaths in the prison system and prepare them for successful release to become successful pro social members of society

    • @user-ws4lt2tp9t
      @user-ws4lt2tp9t 3 роки тому +6

      @@moreplatesmoreface no a child is innocent but killing people for crimes like murder and not letting them out after 2 weeks of good behavior helps deter people from a crime and decreases the number of criminals and if someone murders knowing it would get them killed then they choose to die

    • @JK-tq7bi
      @JK-tq7bi 3 роки тому +22

      @@moreplatesmoreface No, its simple. You kill, you get killed.

    • @moreplatesmoreface
      @moreplatesmoreface 3 роки тому +13

      @@JK-tq7bi it's simple if you don't want to think about complex ideas and don't care about being as perfectly moral as possible. It isn't simple if you care about morality and its complications.

  • @dmtdreamz7706
    @dmtdreamz7706 2 роки тому +7

    There was a very strange feature in this case, strange because of its extremely rare occurrence. This man had once been brought to the scaffold in company with several others, and had had the sentence of death by shooting passed upon him for some political crime. Twenty minutes later he had been reprieved and some other punishment substituted; but the interval between the two sentences, twenty minutes, or at least a quarter of an hour, had been passed in the certainty that within a few minutes he must die. I was very anxious to hear him speak of his impressions during that dreadful time, and I several times inquired of him as to what he thought and felt. He remembered everything with the most accurate and extraordinary distinctness, and declared that he would never forget a single iota of the experience. ‘About twenty paces from the scaffold, where he had stood to hear the sentence, were three posts, fixed in the ground, to which to fasten the criminals (of whom there were several). The first three criminals were taken to the posts, dressed in long white tunics, with white caps drawn over their faces, so that they could not see the rifles pointed at them. Then a group of soldiers took their stand opposite to each post. My friend was the eighth on the list, and therefore he would have been among the third lot to go up. A priest went about among them with a cross: and there was about five minutes of time left for him to live. ‘He said that those five minutes seemed to him to be a most interminable period, an enormous wealth of time; he seemed to be living, in these minutes, so many lives that there was no need as yet to think of that last moment, so that he made several arrangements, dividing up the time into portions-one for saying farewell to his companions, two minutes for that; then a couple more for thinking over his own life and career and all about himself; and another minute for a last look around. He remembered having divided his time like this quite well. While saying good- bye to his friends he recollected asking one of them some very usual everyday question, and being much interested in the answer. Then having bade farewell, he embarked upon those two minutes which he had allotted to looking into himself; he knew beforehand what he was going to think about. He wished to put it to himself as quickly and clearly as possible, that here was he, a living, thinking man, and that in three minutes he would be nobody; or if somebody or something, then what and where? He thought he would decide this question once
    for all in these last three minutes. A little way off there stood a church, and its gilded spire glittered in the sun. He remembered staring stubbornly at this spire, and at the rays of light sparkling from it. He could not tear his eyes from these rays of light; he got the idea that these rays were his new nature, and that in three minutes he would become one of them, amalgamated somehow with them. ‘The repugnance to what must ensue almost immediately, and the uncertainty, were dreadful, he said; but worst of all was the idea, ‘What should I do if I were not to die now? What if I were to return to life again? What an eternity of days, and all mine! How I should grudge and count up every minute of it, so as to waste not a single instant!’ He said that this thought weighed so upon him and became such a terrible burden upon his brain that he could not bear it, and wished they would shoot him quickly and have done with it.’¹

  • @abdellatif7013
    @abdellatif7013 2 роки тому +7

    If all goverments in the world applied eye for an eye on criminals the world would be alot more peaceful , criminals are not afraid of prison anymore they get free food and a place to live , you can't treat a murdrer with humanity if he has no humanity inside his heart

  • @Tom-ci4wn
    @Tom-ci4wn 2 роки тому +10

    Good video but a few things u didn’t mention is what will be in place instead of the death penalty and whether going to prison for the rest of your life is a more harsh punishment as many people argue that if you lock someone up forever they never experience the joys of life and get beaten up by other inmates and get treated like crap and they have to live with that for the rest of their life and their pain and suffering will end decades later when they die from old age where as with the death penalty they are imprisoned then after a few decades it ends. I also think u could have talked a bit more about whether an innocent person could be executed by saying how efficient DNA, finger print and video evidence is and whether even that evidence can be false and also talk about evidence faked by the police in other cases where the suspected culprits were found innocent years later.

  • @williamwong4040
    @williamwong4040 Рік тому +10

    Everyone supports morality until the moment inhumanity happens to them.

  • @yuyan9971
    @yuyan9971 Рік тому +2

    Last week during debate class, I was on the con side for death penalty. Next week I'm on pro side.
    Time to quit debate.

  • @Ilikemma-v2j
    @Ilikemma-v2j Рік тому +14

    I’ve never seen a dead man kill someone.

    • @JackiePhillipsTheSocialPet
      @JackiePhillipsTheSocialPet 3 місяці тому +2

      I have never seen a person in prison for life in solitary confinement kill another person!!!!

    • @Arkham7621
      @Arkham7621 3 місяці тому

      @@JackiePhillipsTheSocialPet its more like tourture

    • @JackiePhillipsTheSocialPet
      @JackiePhillipsTheSocialPet 3 місяці тому

      @@Arkham7621 What is?

    • @Arkham7621
      @Arkham7621 3 місяці тому

      @@JackiePhillipsTheSocialPet solitary confinement

    • @JackiePhillipsTheSocialPet
      @JackiePhillipsTheSocialPet 3 місяці тому

      @Arkham7621 Then don't commit crimes where that is the punishment!!

  • @marcuspete3463
    @marcuspete3463 3 роки тому +10

    It would if after all appeals are completed in 1 month then penalty is carried out the next month.

    • @laurikaunisto7403
      @laurikaunisto7403 3 роки тому +3

      Bureaucracy is sometimes good. When the trials take longer time to go trough, it makes sure that every aspect of the crime has been checked, every aspect that could prove the sentence is right, and every aspect that could prove it's wrong.

    • @Occams_Razor489
      @Occams_Razor489 3 роки тому +1

      That’s could be done in 1/2 the time it currently takes

    • @laurikaunisto7403
      @laurikaunisto7403 3 роки тому +2

      @@Occams_Razor489 Possibly, but the more time it takes the better the crime will be examined. We're talking about human lives here.

  • @niranwashere1087
    @niranwashere1087 2 роки тому +4

    Was looking for a simple explanation of the argument to help me write my English speech, finally found this, thanks bro

  • @zaratron
    @zaratron 3 місяці тому +1

    It works only when applied quickly and homogenously.

  • @c.evans1804
    @c.evans1804 3 роки тому +23

    Some people argue it's not an effective deterrent, and the reason for that is because it's not regularly enforced. If there was less time between executing criminals, and implemented more frequently it would be more effective.

    • @kg-yh1tq
      @kg-yh1tq 3 роки тому +15

      For it to be a deterrent its assumed those criminals are RATIONAL thinkers who are conscious about the consequences. Now you only need common sense to understand ANY rational person would be deterred with the idea of getting life imprisonment WITHOUT parol for their crimes.
      Having a "worser" punishment (the death penalty) doesn't automatically mean one would deter more than another, BOTH would be able to deter a rational person. If you had the option to chose between 200 years of torture in hell or 500 years, obviously you would choose 200, but that does not mean the 200 years of hell WOULDN'T deter you.
      The death penalty is just simply not needed and is INEFFECTIVE as a deterrent because of this second option (life without parol) is available and processes the same results.
      : : : Getting rid of the death penalty would prevent irreversible mistakes, reduce a large amount of expenses and time.

  • @pikachu8508
    @pikachu8508 2 роки тому +11

    I strongly support death penalty not because of deterrent, but rather making sure the murderer can't commit more murders anymore. Also I don't want the tax money being spent on food and medicines for those horrific criminals.

    • @Ed-nm9cq
      @Ed-nm9cq 2 роки тому

      What if they get it wrong tho, do your really have that much faith in ur government, I know I don’t.

    • @pikachu8508
      @pikachu8508 2 роки тому +2

      @@Ed-nm9cq Singapore have one of the least corrupt government in the world, that's why we tend to trust our government to get things done.

    • @Ed-nm9cq
      @Ed-nm9cq 2 роки тому

      @@pikachu8508 let’s pretend they were completely uncorrupt, your system still isn’t perfect, and most likely you have executed at least one innocent person in the last decade.

    • @pikachu8508
      @pikachu8508 2 роки тому +3

      @@Ed-nm9cq Life sentence isn't perfect either, they might escape the prison and commit more murders, or they could still commit murder even in the prison.

    • @onlyechadtherebellious2467
      @onlyechadtherebellious2467 2 роки тому

      Funny because there are other ways to get the murderer to stop killing so thanks for proving how immoral you can be.
      Even if the murderer did get the penalty, your life would still be the same just with the murderer dead. The murderer wiuld still be somewhere out there locked but no longer committing crime.

  • @earbunnyisgloomy9613
    @earbunnyisgloomy9613 2 роки тому +2

    Be pro life and supportvthe death penalty. That's the way it should be

  • @JacobStein1960
    @JacobStein1960 3 роки тому +6

    I don't see how the death penalty differs fundamentally from imprisonment, which is a sort of temporary death. If a person is sentenced to even 5 years of imprisonment, his life is likely to change permanently for the worse and he will suffer greatly. Yet, how do we know that he was really guilty? Furthermore, is imprisonment a deterrent in the first place? If we have no problem with imprisonment, I don't see why capital punishment should be a problem.

    • @dcmarvelcomicfans9458
      @dcmarvelcomicfans9458 3 роки тому +2

      1.There is no credible proof that the death penalty works as a deterrent. In the US, in states where the death penalty has been abolished, there has been no significant change in the rates for serious criminal offenses, such as murder.
      2. It is a cruel and unusual punishment, where basic standards of human dignity are compromised or undermined.
      It continues the cycle of violence. Retribution is just another word for revenge-it is essentially just a form of the flawed thinking that two wrongs can make a right. The pro argument is that killing people is wrong; therefore, you should kill people for killing, which makes no sense. . .
      3. It affects the poorer segments of society and racial minorities disproportionately, in part because they cannot afford the costs of good legal support. In the USA, although only 13% of the population is African-American, 50% of death row prisoners are African-American.
      4. The justice system is bound to make mistakes. In the case of people who are wrongly imprisoned, they can be released from prison and given compensation, but a wrongful execution can never be righted.
      5. The death penalty is not cost-effective. When all the practical and legal costs are taken into account, it is clear that the execution is more expensive than imprisoning for life.
      6. A life spent in prison is a worse punishment than an execution. A life sentence prisoner has many years to endure their punishment, as well as experience remorse and reflect on his or her crimes. of law enforcement officials.
      The abolition of the death penalty occurs most often in states where the murder of police officers is a very low percentage of all homicides.
      In 2014, there were 14,000 murders that took place in the United States, but there were only 35 executions that took place.
      7. It is used to control political messages.
      The United States uses the death penalty exclusively for the punishment of crimes as defined by legal code and precedent. It is a principle which is not consistent for other countries in the world. 78% of global executions because of capital punishment come from just four countries when excluding China: Iraq, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. 8. Family members of a victim are adversely impacted by the death penalty.
      The Marquette Law Review found that when family members go through the capital punishment process after someone they love becomes a victim, they have higher levels of mental, physical, and behavioral health problems when compared to when the perpetrator receives a sentence of life in prison. Although this issue does not happen in every circumstance, some family members can feel responsible for the fact that the government is putting this criminal to death.
      Proponents would argue that capital punishment provides relief because it guarantees that person can no longer harm another, but there are many families who do not feel a sense of satisfaction with this action. If they are the ones who experience loss, then there should be a way to provide input for them. There are very few prison escapes that occur, and fewer that involve violent criminals.
      9. The number of escapes from prison in the United States declined by more than 50% between 1998-2013, falling to a rate of 10.5 escapes per 10,000 prisoners in 2013. At the same time, the number of life sentences handed out by the court system has gone up by 500%. Most of the incidents that contribute to a prisoner escape come from low-security situations, like when 16 prisoners walked away from a work site and another 3 disappeared from a community work center.
      Out of all of the reported escapes in 2013, only one inmate from a secured facility was able to get away.
      Some countries, including Sudan and Iran, use the death penalty as a political tool. It becomes a way to punish political opponents who might want to take their country in a different direction. There were a total of 2,500 death sentences recorded in 54 countries in 2018, with about 20,000 people currently under sentence around the world at the end of the year.
      10. Children are sometimes put to death through the use of capital punishment.
      There are at least 97 kids who were put to death by capital punishment laws in Iran since 1990. Another 145 child executions have happened in China, the Republic of Congo, Pakistan, Sudan, South Sudan, Yemen, Nigeria - and the United States.
      Scott Hain, Toronto Patterson, T.J. Jones, Napoleon Beazley, Gerald Mitchell, Shaka Sankofa, Glen McGinnis, and Steven Roach were all put to death in the United States for a crime that they committed at age 17. Sean Sellers was executed when he was 29 for a crime that he committed when he was 16. 11. The evidence obtained to justify the death penalty is sometimes tainted.
      There are specific guidelines in the United States today that limit how and when law enforcement can obtain evidence during questioning. This structure of protection is not always available around the world. There are numerous people executed after being convicted during an unfair trial, often on the basis of evidence or confessions obtained through the use of torture. Some defendants were not given adequate legal representation.
      Some countries even use the death penalty as a mandatory punishment for specific offenses, which means the judge cannot consider the circumstances of the crime during the sentencing phase of a trial. 12. More focus on Rehabilitation for serious offenders murderers, rapists, pedophiles, abusers, and drug dealers Is more effective to reintegrate them back into society and also get them a job however not everyone can be rehabilitated and that's what maximum-security prison is for the keep them away from the Society but still treat them like human beings NOT like animals take away their freedom not their Humanity. Norway prove this its recidivism rate is 20% in Germany it's 40% in Japan 48% the United States full on punishment prison (with zero Rehabilitation) recidivism rate is 76.6%

    • @JacobStein1960
      @JacobStein1960 3 роки тому

      @@dcmarvelcomicfans9458 Is there any credible evidence that prison works? Or that anything works? Let’s abolish the whole thing

    • @auntyjasmine2566
      @auntyjasmine2566 3 роки тому

      @@JacobStein1960 YES! They do work in prison systems, that focus on rehabilitation. (also in countries that have less income inequality, as majority of crimes are related to money)

    • @JacobStein1960
      @JacobStein1960 3 роки тому +1

      @@auntyjasmine2566 People still commit crimes even though they know prison is a possibility so maybe just like the death penalty doesn't deter people prison also doesn't deter people so why not abolish prison as well? Every anti-death penalty argument could be used as an anti-prison argument. Therefore I see no reason not to use the death penalty much more often and much more quickly . It's much cheaper than incarceration if we would get rid of the insanely long appeals process we use now. And no repeat offenders.

    • @pikachu8508
      @pikachu8508 2 роки тому +1

      @@dcmarvelcomicfans9458 Singapore have mandatory death penalty for murderers and drug traffickers , and yet that country has one of the lowest crime rate in the world.

    @GuldAnSKIBBIDI Рік тому +2

    You know I have been to twitter and people usually tweet on the worst type of crimes like saying stuff like. “I hope you die soon” “I hope he gets stabbed multiple times until death” or “he should get the firing squad” despite the horrible atrocities people commit seeing the reaction of humans especially of this generation scares me… we may not have to forgive but god can. He can forgive anyone. He CANT hate anyone. I believe if someone truly tries hard enough. He or she can be redeemed. Even if it isn’t possible in one’s lifetime to redeem themselves from their actions. The soul can always be reformed. But when evil actions causes the rest of humanity to hold on to bigger anger and hatred. The main thought that lingers is “kill them its justice” im sorry….. I can’t agree with that

  • @marceline227
    @marceline227 2 роки тому +1

    Off-topic but I swear the first second of the video is Factorio music.

  • @OrangeEnjoyer
    @OrangeEnjoyer 3 роки тому +25

    100% for death penalty under particular circumstances

    • @laurikaunisto7403
      @laurikaunisto7403 3 роки тому +9

      Killing somebody to prove killing is wrong is not right

    • @user-ux3ec8lp1i
      @user-ux3ec8lp1i 3 роки тому +5

      @@laurikaunisto7403 the killing is a punishment for killing another. Ppl like ted bundy deserve it they shouldn’t be let free cause he killed more then 1 person. We already know killing someone’s wrong but a lot of murders don’t care. Without the death penalty ppl will continue to kill. It’s justice

    • @laurikaunisto7403
      @laurikaunisto7403 3 роки тому +5

      @@user-ux3ec8lp1i There's no proof that the death penalty reduces murder rates, look it up

    • @DTux5249
      @DTux5249 3 роки тому +2

      @@laurikaunisto7403 eeeeh I agree with your conclusion, not the argument
      If "killing someone for killing" is wrong, that logic should extend to "locking someone up for locking someone up". I.e. the whole point of the justice system. (Prison)
      A government cannot be held to the same standards as it's citizens, otherwise it could not manage them. I can't sue my prison for holding me in a cell against my will
      I prefer the argument that the government shouldn't have the right to kill as a punishment, as it is too large of a responsibility for one to have. Especially someone in power.
      It's not "if I can't kill, the government can't either", but "if the government can't kill, I can't either".

    • @slayer2608
      @slayer2608 2 роки тому

      @@laurikaunisto7403 for 100% confirmed rapes e.g. audio video footage of it happening and murder with 100% evidence Yessss its right fuck criminals

  • @bearilliantbear1769
    @bearilliantbear1769 Рік тому +1

    When the criminal is waiting 20 years or more and the judicial system is still like "well we don't know if we should do it yet" I think that's cruel. Cruel to not only the criminal, but also the families and those involved because justice is not received and they have to wait on the edge of their seat for years. But it's also cruel to the taxpayers who are basically just paying for a dead man to live. Should take under 10 years to come to a conclusion. If there's not a conclusion within a reasonable amount of time, the sentence should be re-evaluated for life or a lower sentence or even release depending on circumstances.

  • @pokeroryx
    @pokeroryx 3 роки тому +7

    Very informative, thank you!

  • @iamsheel
    @iamsheel 2 роки тому +4

    Life of Torture should be a thing. Like seriously planned and organized torture for offenders. That will satisfy everyone, the believer and none believer that death is a relieve. At least everyone will be guaranteed that those people will suffer and be in a constant pain for what they did.

    • @diozlatan93
      @diozlatan93 2 роки тому

      you need a psychologist

    • @iamsheel
      @iamsheel 2 роки тому +2

      @@diozlatan93 yeah sure I'm the one who needs that. Not anyone who says we should pay for offenders wellbeing, healthcare and comfort. Nothing wrong in caring about how "humane" they're treat as much as possible, right?!

    • @JannisAdmek
      @JannisAdmek 2 роки тому

      Are you Christian by any chance? Just asking.

    • @daydreamer1722
      @daydreamer1722 2 роки тому +3

      Thats fucked up

    • @jonathancharles3719
      @jonathancharles3719 Рік тому +1

      I’m afraid of you

  • @CMVMic
    @CMVMic 2 роки тому +11

    It definitely deters criminals who care about their life and it definitely comforts families who dont want this crime to be done to other families by the same culprit

    • @bronykingamethystrain5676
      @bronykingamethystrain5676 Рік тому +1

      Then why is there still Crime happening? And what if the person they sentenced was the innocent? Executing someone is never going to give any one closure. If they say they got closure, then they are not only lying to you, but themselves

    • @CMVMic
      @CMVMic Рік тому

      @@bronykingamethystrain5676 a deterrence doesn't prevent every instance. Innocents being sentenced is a indirect outcome of an imperfect society. It shows that the justice needs reform since no one should be sentenced unless proven to be guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The threshold for doubt should be so insignificant that the amt of innocents who are sentenced to death is so small in comparison to the amt of guilty ppl being sentenced to death that it justifies it. Murderers should not be given opportunities to go back into society or live their lives. The right to life should be automatically forfeit if they took away that right from others. The moral dilemma you suggest can easily be solved if we start thinking numbers. So lemme ask you this?
      If killing one innocent child meant saving millions, would you do it?

  • @disguiseddogie7954
    @disguiseddogie7954 3 роки тому +2

    Jail doesn't work sometimes else needs to be done
    Beatings maybe

  • @Anita.Cox.
    @Anita.Cox. 10 місяців тому

    Its costly not a good deterrence and has been shown to bring less closure then just standard locking people up, and this whole argument detracts from the more important arguement of prison abolition and how we shouldn't have police or prisons.

  • @clarenceleekasiangscss6507
    @clarenceleekasiangscss6507 Рік тому +1

    Gaia I’m sent here for homework help

  • @t.connerproductionsinc.8046

    I feel like there is no right or wrong answer to this question. Not only do both sides have good arguments, but there are also people who have no opinion on the death penalty. The problem is that the question “Is the Death Penalty justified?” is entirely subjective, meaning that it cannot be answered by an objective standpoint.
    BTW: This is coming from someone who neutral in this debate.

  • @danellacalling3513
    @danellacalling3513 3 роки тому +5

    Hiya, may i ask where you got your statistics from?

  • @nagratna793
    @nagratna793 3 роки тому +2

    Yessss it can see how many criminals get shattered in fear that how they ll be killed for inflicting pain and extreme brutality to others.. thinking of extreme harsh dealth penalty many criminals and potential criminals usually comes to backfoot bedore they commit any pre meditated crime..death penalty should be there forever

    • @CraftKiller-tv7gb
      @CraftKiller-tv7gb 2 роки тому +1

      So... no second chances?

    • @Widdekuu91
      @Widdekuu91 2 роки тому +1

      'One can see how mny criminals get shattered in fear.'
      Yes, it surely deters the desperate people from robbing a store when they don't have food.
      It surely deters someone murdering a burglar, it surely deters a depressed teen shooting up his school.
      That's why the crimerate has gone down so much *cough cough* and why America still has 4 times more crime than for example the Netherlands. Oh oh oh how well it works.

    • @airplanefood3576
      @airplanefood3576 2 роки тому +1

      @@CraftKiller-tv7gb In murder cases, definitely no second chances. The victim doesn't get a second chance so neither should the filth that killed them.

    • @CraftKiller-tv7gb
      @CraftKiller-tv7gb 2 роки тому

      @@airplanefood3576 And what about life sentence? Wouldn't it also do the trick of not giving them a second chance?

    • @airplanefood3576
      @airplanefood3576 2 роки тому

      @@CraftKiller-tv7gb Depends on what prison you send them to. There still are real prisons in the U.S. but many woke states have started turning some prisons into essentially shelters. Some give free food, warm beds, tv, workshops, and even job opportunities to make money in prison. Certain criminals like murderers and rapists should not get that sort of luxury as a reward for their crimes.

  • @naftalibendavid
    @naftalibendavid 3 роки тому +17

    Pretending we know the minds of The Founders is a red herring. As wonderful as they all might have been, we can think for ourselves.

    • @yum8666
      @yum8666 3 роки тому +3

      Yeah and we can't really rely on them. I mean some of them even wanted to abolish slavery but they shied away from it because of how much it would divide the country, it could be that it is the same case here for the death penalty.

    • @gopher7691
      @gopher7691 11 місяців тому

      How do we know we have the right of free speech if the constitution is indecipherable?

    • @gopher7691
      @gopher7691 11 місяців тому

      How do we know each state has 2 senators if the constitution is indecipherable?

  • @oldsoldier64
    @oldsoldier64 2 роки тому +3

    I am betting it cuts down on recidivism, but I haven't seen any studies. And seriously, someone nasty enough to kill someone is not going to be "deterred" by a potential execution.

  • @edgychico9311
    @edgychico9311 3 роки тому +17

    Of course it's gonna work trust me you're mind will be clear and you're dream will be peaceful.

  • @zeniittinen
    @zeniittinen Рік тому

    FYI, the custom subtitles have numerous mistakes in them. The automatically translated ones are better.

  • @banb9511
    @banb9511 3 роки тому +9

    It works if you kill the killer quick

  • @Lobsterman5481
    @Lobsterman5481 2 роки тому

    it's not done often.

  • @hartfeltopinion6178
    @hartfeltopinion6178 3 роки тому +7

    😂umm ya. They end up dead usually

  • @Andrew-df1dr
    @Andrew-df1dr 3 місяці тому

    The death penalty is never, ever acceptable.

  • @NoosaHeads
    @NoosaHeads 2 роки тому +1

    I'm against capital punishment because it's such an ugly and primitive act. When i look back at some of the hideous, weird and brutal executions metered out, just a couple of hundred years ago, I'm repulsed and disgusted at the savagery - all performed in the name of fair and equitable punishment. I'd hate to think that future generations would look back on current society and regard us with that same disgust. I *would* be in favor of extremely uncomfortable imprisonment, for life, with no future judge ever able to grant parole. (by "extreme discomfort", I mean solitary confinement, bland diet, no perks at all and no medical treatment). If this causes misery, madness or suicide, the punishment has been appropriate justice for the bereaved.
    If someone murdered one of my loved ones, I would want the perpetrator to endure ongoing punishment for a very long time.

  • @rexisnox577
    @rexisnox577 3 роки тому +24

    im suprised he didnt mention the anti death penalty argument of it killing innocence which is already at 4%.

    • @ltdc426
      @ltdc426 2 роки тому


    • @compa6251
      @compa6251 2 роки тому

      @@ltdc426 no, it's true. Well, if by false you mean "it could be even higher" then I guess you're right, but at least the documented cases of innocents put to death is around 4% of all the excecuted criminals

    • @ltdc426
      @ltdc426 2 роки тому

      @@compa6251 about 1500 hundred murderers have been executed since Fuhrman was overturned. 4% is what, about 70 innocent people executed. Not hardly. By documented you mean wishful thinking by groups like project innocence not actual court ruling. So out of seventy so called innocent people people name ONE that was declared 'innocent' by a court of law post execution. Court, date, judge, cough up real traceable info. Here's a hint, #1 don't confuse exoneration with innocence. They are not synonymous. #2 courts don't declare 'inoocence'. They either hold you responsible, do not hold you responsible, or no longer hold you responsible. Not really sure how a pardon might fall in there but if you got one let's hear it.

    • @compa6251
      @compa6251 2 роки тому

      @@ltdc426 so you only want names of people who are pardoned.
      Otherwise you won't believe me? If I say, as an example, Ruben Cantu, a man who was arrested and excecuted for robbery and murder in 1993, whose supposed witness and co-defendant later recanted their testimony admitting to have never seen him killing a man and nearly killing another, but was never officially pardoned, it "doesn't count"?
      That that 4% is a false statistic because it's all "wishful thinking" because you are certain every single person who was excecuted is 100% guilty?
      And why do you not accept exoneration cases?

    • @compa6251
      @compa6251 2 роки тому

      @@ltdc426 I just noticed another thing. You lied in your comment. The number of excecuted men and women since the '70s is not "about" 1500. It's over 8000.
      I don't know if your lie is caused by a need to mislead people or simple ignorance, but it was still very dishonest

  • @Redridge07
    @Redridge07 8 місяців тому

    no stats and not real data .....

  • @foxhound4911
    @foxhound4911 2 роки тому

    Justice is not balance what about to the one who was accused? With no proof innocent people that is in the wrong place and in the wrong time. Let God be the judge not us humans because our body will get old but our sould is eternal. It is worse rotting in hell

  • @SanjoManigos
    @SanjoManigos 2 роки тому

    i think death penalty is not effective we ppl dont share same set of mind nor kriminals you know what im saying

  • @endtimesareuponus8930
    @endtimesareuponus8930 Рік тому +4

    I'm all FOR the DEATH Penalty.

  • @banb9511
    @banb9511 3 роки тому +5

    Take a vote death penalty YES OR NO??

    • @CraftKiller-tv7gb
      @CraftKiller-tv7gb 2 роки тому +1

      No - that's my vote

    • @MikeNapoli1989
      @MikeNapoli1989 2 роки тому +2

      Yes. Hang them high

    • @Widdekuu91
      @Widdekuu91 2 роки тому

      @@CraftKiller-tv7gb Same here, no.

    • @pikachu8508
      @pikachu8508 2 роки тому +1

      Yes, not just murderers deserve a death penalty, drug traffickers deserve it too, and death penalty should be mandatory for both of these offences.

    • @Widdekuu91
      @Widdekuu91 2 роки тому

      @@pikachu8508 Because famously drug traffickers love that job and are usually not single mothers trying to provide for their children with mule-ing or poor people trying to keep their head above water.
      Maybe you should focus more on how to fix the inequality and the moneyproblems in the world, rather than just kill off the poor.
      There's a video about that bytheway, it's a comedyvideo. Kill all the poor, by Mitchell and Webb.
      While you're at it, "are we the baddies' is also funny. You sound like you'd profit from some good humor.

  • @gopher7691
    @gopher7691 11 місяців тому

    Is Justin a pro?

  • @dcmarvelcomicfans9458
    @dcmarvelcomicfans9458 3 роки тому +18

    I'm extremely against the death penalty 1.There is no credible proof that the death penalty works as a deterrent. In the US, in states where the death penalty has been abolished, there has been no significant change in the rates for serious criminal offenses, such as murder.
    2. It is a cruel and unusual punishment, where basic standards of human dignity are compromised or undermined.
    It continues the cycle of violence. Retribution is just another word for revenge-it is essentially just a form of the flawed thinking that two wrongs can make a right. The pro argument is that killing people is wrong; therefore, you should kill people for killing, which makes no sense. . .
    3. It affects the poorer segments of society and racial minorities disproportionately, in part because they cannot afford the costs of good legal support. In the USA, although only 13% of the population is African-American, 50% of death row prisoners are African-American.
    4. The justice system is bound to make mistakes. In the case of people who are wrongly imprisoned, they can be released from prison and given compensation, but a wrongful execution can never be righted.
    5. The death penalty is not cost-effective. When all the practical and legal costs are taken into account, it is clear that the execution is more expensive than imprisoning for life.
    6. A life spent in prison is a worse punishment than an execution. A life sentence prisoner has many years to endure their punishment, as well as experience remorse and reflect on his or her crimes. of law enforcement officials.
    The abolition of the death penalty occurs most often in states where the murder of police officers is a very low percentage of all homicides.
    In 2014, there were 14,000 murders that took place in the United States, but there were only 35 executions that took place.
    7. It is used to control political messages.
    The United States uses the death penalty exclusively for the punishment of crimes as defined by legal code and precedent. It is a principle which is not consistent for other countries in the world. 78% of global executions because of capital punishment come from just four countries when excluding China: Iraq, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. 8. Family members of a victim are adversely impacted by the death penalty.
    The Marquette Law Review found that when family members go through the capital punishment process after someone they love becomes a victim, they have higher levels of mental, physical, and behavioral health problems when compared to when the perpetrator receives a sentence of life in prison. Although this issue does not happen in every circumstance, some family members can feel responsible for the fact that the government is putting this criminal to death.
    Proponents would argue that capital punishment provides relief because it guarantees that person can no longer harm another, but there are many families who do not feel a sense of satisfaction with this action. If they are the ones who experience loss, then there should be a way to provide input for them. There are very few prison escapes that occur, and fewer that involve violent criminals.
    9. The number of escapes from prison in the United States declined by more than 50% between 1998-2013, falling to a rate of 10.5 escapes per 10,000 prisoners in 2013. At the same time, the number of life sentences handed out by the court system has gone up by 500%. Most of the incidents that contribute to a prisoner escape come from low-security situations, like when 16 prisoners walked away from a work site and another 3 disappeared from a community work center.
    Out of all of the reported escapes in 2013, only one inmate from a secured facility was able to get away.
    Some countries, including Sudan and Iran, use the death penalty as a political tool. It becomes a way to punish political opponents who might want to take their country in a different direction. There were a total of 2,500 death sentences recorded in 54 countries in 2018, with about 20,000 people currently under sentence around the world at the end of the year.
    10. Children are sometimes put to death through the use of capital punishment.
    There are at least 97 kids who were put to death by capital punishment laws in Iran since 1990. Another 145 child executions have happened in China, the Republic of Congo, Pakistan, Sudan, South Sudan, Yemen, Nigeria - and the United States.
    Scott Hain, Toronto Patterson, T.J. Jones, Napoleon Beazley, Gerald Mitchell, Shaka Sankofa, Glen McGinnis, and Steven Roach were all put to death in the United States for a crime that they committed at age 17. Sean Sellers was executed when he was 29 for a crime that he committed when he was 16. 11. The evidence obtained to justify the death penalty is sometimes tainted.
    There are specific guidelines in the United States today that limit how and when law enforcement can obtain evidence during questioning. This structure of protection is not always available around the world. There are numerous people executed after being convicted during an unfair trial, often on the basis of evidence or confessions obtained through the use of torture. Some defendants were not given adequate legal representation.
    Some countries even use the death penalty as a mandatory punishment for specific offenses, which means the judge cannot consider the circumstances of the crime during the sentencing phase of a trial. 12. More focus on Rehabilitation for serious offenders murderers, rapists, pedophiles, abusers, and drug dealers Is more effective to reintegrate them back into society and also get them a job however not everyone can be rehabilitated and that's what maximum-security prison is for the keep them away from the Society but still treat them like human beings NOT like animals take away their freedom not their Humanity. Norway prove this its recidivism rate is 20% in Germany it's 40% in Japan 48% the United States full on punishment prison (with zero Rehabilitation) recidivism rate is 76.6%

    • @herewegoagain3750
      @herewegoagain3750 2 роки тому +3

      Well said

    • @joshjimmykurian2499
      @joshjimmykurian2499 2 роки тому +2

      So what should we do to child molesters and child abusers. Feed them like a king inside prison. Death penalty is acceptable in some very serious crimes

    • @herewegoagain3750
      @herewegoagain3750 2 роки тому +3

      @@joshjimmykurian2499 feed them like a king? The conditions in prison are absolutely horrendous. But I guess I somewhat agree that sometimes the death penalty is necessary in extreme cases. Like for serial killers. But I’ve heard too many depressing cases of innocent people getting executed and that really shook me.

    • @shufdog
      @shufdog 2 роки тому

      Real shit?

    • @bige2576
      @bige2576 2 роки тому

      What if you dont do anything wrong, would you still be afraid of the state wrongly accused you of sth you never done? Death penalty is usually carried out months if not years after the suspect proved guilty anyway. Keeping murderers in prisons not only cost ineffective and wont decrease crime in general.

  • @MarcusCollins69
    @MarcusCollins69 3 роки тому +4

    If you kill a murderer
    The number of murderers stay the same

    • @razmalakataznia7969
      @razmalakataznia7969 3 роки тому +6

      No, if you kill multiple murderers the number of murderers decreases

    • @Andres_2004
      @Andres_2004 3 роки тому

      do you even know what murder is? we are talking like fucking serial killers here

    • @Edward-bm7vw
      @Edward-bm7vw 2 роки тому

      That makes no sense

    • @Anandita_Sinha
      @Anandita_Sinha 6 днів тому +1

      So if you keep a kidnapper in jail, you're also a kidnapper?

    • @MarcusCollins69
      @MarcusCollins69 5 днів тому

      @@Anandita_Sinha in a specfic location and you aren't the guard? yes

  • @montydendron1
    @montydendron1 2 роки тому +1

    Don't agree with any of this.

    • @user-us7rd7vl6b
      @user-us7rd7vl6b 2 роки тому +1

      why? I think that the death penalty is a good solution for criminals

  • @jamx97
    @jamx97 3 роки тому +18

    It ends in a criminals death so yes it does work.

    • @onlyechadtherebellious2467
      @onlyechadtherebellious2467 3 роки тому +1

      No it doesn’t

    • @jamx97
      @jamx97 3 роки тому

      @@onlyechadtherebellious2467 Explain yourself.

    • @onlyechadtherebellious2467
      @onlyechadtherebellious2467 3 роки тому

      @@jamx97 It’s already proven that killing criminals only creates more crime.

    • @jamx97
      @jamx97 3 роки тому +1

      @@onlyechadtherebellious2467 What's your proof?

    • @onlyechadtherebellious2467
      @onlyechadtherebellious2467 2 роки тому

      @@jamx97 Look at the evidence, even if it does stop crime it’s only for a split moment and it doesn’t succeed in bringing closure

  • @jamokie920
    @jamokie920 3 роки тому +19

    I'm from the Philippines
    I approved for Death Penalty ✌️👍

  • @paulclark5808
    @paulclark5808 Рік тому

    Murderers will kill again if the opportunity arises. Without the death penalty. Murderers get rewarded with free food,free lawyers, free medical care,free counseling, free education,security free retirement. It they oil again if just starts over again. Even with the death penalty most getting it die of old age or illness. There is no justice when this happens. With 8 billion people in the world they don't need to live. They get a painless death at that. They get a last meal a lot of states let them choose their last meal. People make too much money on murder. I feel like it's a benefit to kill more than a punishment. And they get fame. That last one is sickening. With the death penalty being swiftly is only option for me.

  • @iamaidansmith7542
    @iamaidansmith7542 3 роки тому +8

    But what happens if an innocent person is executed

    • @romanianpirate4531
      @romanianpirate4531 3 роки тому +9

      That is a strong argument against it

    • @iamaidansmith7542
      @iamaidansmith7542 3 роки тому +5

      Ik there’s no way to justify something knowing the risk of an innocent person being executed

    • @romanianpirate4531
      @romanianpirate4531 3 роки тому

      @@iamaidansmith7542 I believe that the Death Penalty can be allowed in wartime. Other than that you can use life imprisonment without parole

    • @wrestling46nerd
      @wrestling46nerd 3 роки тому +2

      @@iamaidansmith7542 if they used it for series crimes and the person was 💯 guilty with all strong evidence then yes, bring it back for Cold blooded killers. and Pedophiles to which imo are scum who can't be changed who should be hanged imo. Or emasculated.

    • @auntyjasmine2566
      @auntyjasmine2566 3 роки тому +2

      Exactly these people who are pro -death penalty have too much faith in the justice system, when in actuality, "justice" depends on your social group (i.e. race, class, gender), the type of lawyer you have, your networking etc...
      Why would you want capital punishment in a corrupt jusice system?

  • @matthewkendall560
    @matthewkendall560 3 роки тому +1

    One of the most debated things liked to be brought up is that it will be way to expensive to keep people on death row for the numerous years or the decades, that it may require, inorder to prove these criminals guilty, reason why that excuse can't be used, is I won't give an exact amount of number of people, who go on death row but for say certain amount of people, who may go on death row there may, infact there's a very big chance that a much larger amount of people, who decided, not to commit that crime and don't end up going on death row

  • @grimmkidxx4579
    @grimmkidxx4579 3 роки тому +4

    Why do I have to Watch this for school it is soooooo boring!!😩

  • @nishae7436
    @nishae7436 3 роки тому +6

    No one has the right to take another’s life …hold them in prison for life yes but killing them no …

    • @nishae7436
      @nishae7436 3 роки тому

      @SILENCE EMPEROR no killer has the right to kill…that’s why there places called jails …hold them there until they pass away’s not the government job to kill…

    • @nishae7436
      @nishae7436 3 роки тому

      @SILENCE EMPEROR killing the person won’t take pain away it will always be there, even after the killer has been killed …I believe in a higher power other than government and it’s not at the hand of man…naturally if a person has killed , I would have hatred for them , especially killing a person within my family…but I still wouldn’t recommend death a said and stand by life yes..but not death…I leave everything in his hands of the man upstairs …

    • @nishae7436
      @nishae7436 3 роки тому

      @SILENCE EMPEROR..whatever way u believe in your world won’t have any effects on what I believe in my world …we all have limited time here anyway so it really doesn’t make a difference ..the harsher punishment would be a Iife sentence sitting in a cell for 24 hours day until there time is up not at the hands of any other …scared person..not at all …total opposite

    • @onlyechadtherebellious2467
      @onlyechadtherebellious2467 3 роки тому +1

      @@nishae7436 Don’t mind him, if he can’t provide any real counters against your arguments then he’s just another troll.

    • @sock7481
      @sock7481 2 роки тому +1

      Nah. When you look at particular cases and the stories behind them it really will infuriate a lot of people and wish death upon the criminals that did these certain crimes. I have been researching and watching videos of cruel crimes that were committed in Japan. Like one high school girl was r@ped tortured and beaten to death by a bunch of boys. When you hear more about the details it will really make you angry that these boys are just spending a couple of years in jail and will get away with these crimes and possibly do more in the future. It will make you wish that the boys were dead.

  • @lonewolfsim6837
    @lonewolfsim6837 3 роки тому +14

    I like the idea of the death penalty

    • @Widdekuu91
      @Widdekuu91 2 роки тому

      I like the idea of pudding falling from the sky.
      Let's have a referendum about that.

    • @earbunnyisgloomy9613
      @earbunnyisgloomy9613 2 роки тому +1

      Me too. Support the check outvnoise and dim teaspoon. Uh-merican flag

  • @thunderlich25
    @thunderlich25 2 роки тому

    death penalthy shoulnd't exist

  • @saintmay1952
    @saintmay1952 2 роки тому

    01:40 and?
    How is that an argument?!

  • @possum9827
    @possum9827 2 роки тому

    It works

  • @yutakago1736
    @yutakago1736 2 роки тому +2

    I found that people that do not support death penalty, lack sympathy for criminal's victims. Instead, these people see the criminal as the victim. If you have sympathy for the criminal's families. Why you do not have sympathy for the victim's families ? These people, who oppose death penalty, are just hypocrites. The research in USA about death penalty is flaw. If you look at the FBI files documentaries, you will heard these words very frequently - "The murder suspect is an ex-convict, who have histories of violent". If these violent criminals are given the death penalty instead of parole. The number of murder victims would have reduce significantly in USA. Many innocent people do not have to die. The only way the world can become a better place is to get rid of bad people. Death penalty is the solution. Don't see death penalty as evil when you enjoy the benefits of death penalty.

  • @NightOwlDev
    @NightOwlDev 3 роки тому +16

    I don’t think the death penalty is good, it should be banned, its a human rights violation

    • @richterman3962
      @richterman3962 3 роки тому +5

      @Alpha Hybrid yes, yes I would
      Death is not a punishment

    • @igetcoldtoes
      @igetcoldtoes 3 роки тому +8

      I support Death penalty 👊🏻🤍

    • @igetcoldtoes
      @igetcoldtoes 3 роки тому +5

      @SY S
      So they can go ahead and murder other people but we can’t do it to them either?
      If they felt sympathy about their life then they should’ve felt that when they were committing a murder.

    • @yylaminator
      @yylaminator 3 роки тому +2

      @Alpha Hybrid didnt jesus say you have to forgive your perpetrators?

    • @gluten1925
      @gluten1925 3 роки тому +11

      In my perspective, the death penalty isn't about morals at all. It is about reducing the likelihood of potential killers committing murder.

  • @toxicholygrenadethg9906
    @toxicholygrenadethg9906 2 роки тому +2

    The point is though, in basic terms, the death penalty is basically, the most horrible, inhumane, callous, flawed, wrongful, dark, and most petty punishment act that deserves to never exist, because it makes the rulers/governments appear just as bad and evil as criminals. If a person who is actually innocent and falsely deemed as a criminal, gets the death penalty, its mortally impossible to reverse, and it leaves an incredibly difficult stain on the ruler/system. It serves as a history lesson on what not to do when running a society. Its utterly disgraceful that certain select societies still have the death penalty.

    • @Edward-bm7vw
      @Edward-bm7vw 2 роки тому +1

      So murderers and child abusers should be punished by giving them a cushy life in jail for the rest of their lives? I refuse to accept that. If someone did something horrible to my family there's no way I could sleep soundly knowing these monsters are living comfortably in a cell. They deserve to suffer

    • @toxicholygrenadethg9906
      @toxicholygrenadethg9906 2 роки тому

      @@Edward-bm7vw There's no such thing as a comfortable life in prison. To retort in kind, do you want those wrongly accused to suffer? I don't think so, and death penalties doesn't deserve to exist.

    • @Edward-bm7vw
      @Edward-bm7vw 2 роки тому

      @@toxicholygrenadethg9906 These assholes have all their basic needs met. That's more than comfortable. I'm not referring to the extremely rare circumstances of a wrongful conviction. Is Dylan Roof innocent? Is Nikolas Cruz innocent?? NO!! These are the kinds of people who deserve it the most. And yes the death penalty DOES deserve to exist and the existence of people like I mentioned is proof of that. Otherwise I wish that these people live with YOU instead if you've got a problem with it

    • @airplanefood3576
      @airplanefood3576 2 роки тому +1

      @@toxicholygrenadethg9906 If you want no death penalty then we need more miserable prison conditions. Once someone commits are crime like murder they no longer deserve to be viewed as human.

    • @toxicholygrenadethg9906
      @toxicholygrenadethg9906 2 роки тому

      @@airplanefood3576 Like it or not, imprisonment is still important as a stiff deterrent, unlike the death penalty due to the reasons already said.
      Demonizing is also wrong, because at the end of the day, the criminal is still part of our racial kind. By all means, oppose against them, but do you have any idea how hypocritical it is to demonize others, whilst we are human ourselves?
      What astounds me, is that you did not even bother to listen to the whole comment I've posted, you didn't even bother to listen to logic. My overall answer to you, and to all those who try their hardest to justify the death penalty, is that not only do you give a shit about human rights, but your so called moral compasses are utterly shameful.

  • @SanjoManigos
    @SanjoManigos 2 роки тому

    i think death penalty is not effective we ppl dont share same set of mind nor kriminals you know what im saying