They can be made in 3 simple steps: 1) Collect roughly 1,000,000,000 large stones/rocks of varying shape 2) Place stones/rocks in the ocean/any large river and leave for roughly 1000 years 3) By chance 1 stone should have been eroded into a perfectly spherical shape - collect said stone Enjoy your atlas stone!
What if we actually crush the stone when we squeeze it?
They can be made in 3 simple steps:
1) Collect roughly 1,000,000,000 large stones/rocks of varying shape
2) Place stones/rocks in the ocean/any large river and leave for roughly 1000 years
3) By chance 1 stone should have been eroded into a perfectly spherical shape - collect said stone
Enjoy your atlas stone!
any one know how to make the stones?
LOL thank you for the laugh.
search eliot husle atlas stone
first viewer oh yea!