Thanks, quite a tricky piece to get, I didn't realise at the time the harmonic dissonance is played by holding down the bottom string first fret, then harmonic on third fret above that.. but It's ok, all things considered :)
Is that 4th fret note is that a pinch harmonic or just a harmonic and do you use it with your pinky finger? Confusing riff to me the intro among other parts
Nicely done! And thanks for the tab :P
thanks! >3
Awesome ;D
Thanks, quite a tricky piece to get, I didn't realise at the time the harmonic dissonance is played by holding down the bottom string first fret, then harmonic on third fret above that.. but It's ok, all things considered :)
Is that 4th fret note is that a pinch harmonic or just a harmonic and do you use it with your pinky finger? Confusing riff to me the intro among other parts
No they're natural harmonics