mission control has a line in which he says that he told managment that dwarves shouldnt be able to keep the gold, meaning that they actually get to sell it for 100% of its value
I think gold's value has completely crashed and it's now just a way to exploit the dwarvish genes of having an affinity for gold to keep them working for the company
small note; Mission control at one point mentions "I told them letting you keep the gold for yourselves was a mistake." Which suggests that the miners get to keep all the value of the gold. If this is true, I assume it's because whatever other minerals or objectives are vastly more lucrative and management lets the workers keep the comparatively worthless gold so they look generous.
this is what i would assume, gold on earth is valuable only for its rarity or uses in tech and fashion, otherwise it’s not an incredibly good metal. with the rarity being out of the picture with intergalactic mining, gold is most definitely just a shiny rock i assume that something like jewelry probably has moved on from gold…. jadiz-lined jewelry would quite literally glow - so would aquarks
@@fordalels Gold is quite a good metal with amazing properties. Malleable, conductive, very high density, nearly indistructable with acids and bases (only one known reagent can dissolve it and it's a nasty blend of 2 acids).
@fordalels never thought of Aquarks being used for jewelry XD the thought of four Dwarves working their asses off and barely surviving waves and waves of enemies just for someone to have a pretty necklace
Considering that you earn roughly 25-100$ a mission, as well as the fact that dwarves likely go on multiple missions a day, if you were to squeeze out six short missions you would earn 150$ on the lowest end, or the equivalent of over 20 hours work at the federal minimum wage of 7.25. As your earnings are likely to be much higher and the dwarves seem to (mostly) enjoy fighting bugs for a living, Deep Rock Galactic might be considered one of the better places to work in Dwarven culture. Ignoring the high mortality rate of course.
the dwarves may just consider the mortality rate making it a more manlier place to work. i dont think they care about those kinds of statistics nor numbers in the first place
You forgot to account for it being a game, which means the adventure has been simplified. It's more likely that instead of a fun 30 min romp, one delve is a hard day's worth of work.
@@UtrilusThe "Daily" Brew changes every 30 mins real time, if we base the 24hr day in that timeframe in-game, an efficient dwarf can run 2-3 missions per day.
@@karuiGaming and where did you get that source? As far as i can tell, the "daily" beers remain indefinitely until the host disband the lobby or after a mission regardless of success or failure. You can even disband the lobby even if no one is there which mean you can just roll for whatever beer you want. Edit: this is the case for pc, unless you're talking about the console version then it might be different
@@wrathybear Tested it myself. It just doesn't change when you're still in the space rig. Easier to notice when in Solo Its like when you're in the mission menu, when the 30mins is up, the missions doesn't reset until you go out and in again. For the Daily Brew to change after the 30 mins, you just need to do "Disband Team" to reset the space rig. Edit: there might be a chance I've been rolling the same beers back to back so I don't notice any change. So I'll be testing again in a bit Edit: Welp I'm wrong lol. My bad, looks like I was hallucinating or something
Per mission it's not a lot, but that's solely on mission payout alone. Longer missions usually take about half an hour (for me at least, when going solo), so we can get to a per hour payment. If $100 is the hardest ones, then we'll just say $50 per mission. That still makes $100 an hour. And that's before the extra payment for hazard level, mission complexities (the mutators), gold, bittergems, and the value of any crafting minerals (which the company allows the miner and their team to keep for themselves, offering to pay for them if desired through the trading terminal). The base payout for each mission might not be much, but per hour you're making more than the US president - and with any of the added payouts you can start looking at some fairly nice paychecks here.
50 usd an hour is a pretty good wage last time I checked. If you're sweating and getting 8 minute point extractions then thats 202 usd an hour. However this notably doesn't include the commute.
lovely video! to your findings my dwarf currently has $37,370.15 (747,403) and ive spent $34,275.75 (685,515) on every dwarf on promotions (i dont even wanna see how much ive spent on upgrades, and cosmetics lol)
Unfortunately the roughly $100 per hour income is heavily reduced from how much is spend on upgrading tools for the job. Even just normal t5 upgrades can cost 4,000 credits each not even factoring in materials. To unlock every t5 upgrade I estimated a minimum of 72,000 credits, although that's a lowball estimate AND doesn't include materials. And that's just for t5! Not to mention armor, utility, and traversal upgrades! If we account for overclocks, with a range of prices going from 7,300 to 8,950 credits, by god that's a lot of money! Thankfully, these upgrades, along with skill, allow us to take on higher hazard missions which can more than double the initial payout. This, on top of other hazard bonuses (complexity, length, warnings) can bring a bonus of up to +233% mission payout (3.3x) The video also doesn't include secondary objectives, which add usually around 400 credits, again scaling to hazard level, further increasing payout. Not to mention deep dives, lasting around an hour and paying out 10-14k creds per run. That alone is almost $600 dollars an hour. TL;DR: Greenbeards spend a lot to become greybeards, and greybeards get a fuck ton of bonuses commensurate to experience and even more hazardous work environments.
Personally for me, when it comes to the currency in video games I tend to think of it more like how they do it in PayDay where you actually made more money, it’s just that the money you have access to is your budget for purchases related to gameplay. This is my head canon on why we never have to, in most games, spend money on stuff like food, bills and the likes because that all comes from our non-game-related budget.
There is another thing to forget: As long as you are on the space rig, you pay to the monopoly of your own employer. The prices are potentially jacked up by a lot there since the employees can keep a lot of what they mine to buff up what could be a rather meager pay, so they drag the profits back out of their pockets again with 'Luxuries'. When they ever leave the solar system and return to where they may came from, they would indeed be 'rich'. In turn, I guess the company is also collecting a big cut of materials of miners who did not make it (MC implies a lot don't get far) and the absurd ammout of riches we collect is a direct result of the quartet we have being workaholics. Alcoholic Workaholics. They love their job to much to go and spend all their money by anyone that is not the company.
My dwarf hovers around 300,000 credits, or $15,000, and with a playtime of about 320 hours that equates to almost $47 an hour, and the actual value is _much_ higher since it doesn't account for all the money I've spent, so it's probably double that or more, which seems quite good if you can get past the high risk of death.
Idk about you guys but if I had a choice between wage-slaving at service jobs the rest of my life, and doing dives for DRG for like 20 years before retirement, I'd be the first on the drop pod. Damn the pay, it's the work and principles that count. I'd rather meet Karl at the hands (claws?) of a bug than slowly whittle away at my health with physical drudgery and slop food.
Currently my dwarf has $173,307.9 (3,466,158) and I've successfully completed 1791 missions and saved (for safety due to the unstable galactic market) $285,705 (5,714,100) in minerals. So if my calculations is right, in a successful mission on average I can get about $256.3 (5126). I have been working for Deep Rock Galactic Company™ for 5 years in orbit and that will go with around $100k/year salary. Which is not bad. Aint' gonna mind spending it all on beer with decent dwarves! Thanks for reading. Rock & Stone!
something you missed is that all credit & XP gains are affected by the hazard bonus, so if you have a 100% hazard bonus that chunk of gold is gonna be worth 4 credits each instead of 2 - and at worst, you're getting a 25% hazard bonus (haz 1 with no modifiers and minimum length & complexity).
1:40 I would argue the fact that drg is even running that demand is high enough that an insanely expensive operation is a justifisble expense. Gold is almost certainly more valuable compared to now rather than less.
my dwarf is worth 31,237.25$, or 73,837.25$ if i sold all of my mineral reserve but given that the sell price of each unit of mineral is 2.5$, and the buy price is 7.5$, it is safe to say that the open market values each mineral somewhere between these 2 values. it is most likely going to be a different value within the range, but the company normalizes the price of them because it is not meant to be equivalent to selling on the open market, and they outright tell you that. they do this so they can still make a profit weather you are buying so you can get the mineral component for an upgrade, or selling to afford the credit component of an upgrade.
So, one million credits is how much I have, meaning my dwarf in sheer monetary value is...50k. Sounds about right. The jukebox and arcade comparison was unexpected, but makes a lot of sense. Also I want to mention that Haz 1 and 2 are piss easy even for Greenbeards unless something unexpected happens like a bulk detonator, meaning the pay is actually really good. It becomes more risky with Haz 4. Haz 3 depends on skill, most veteran should beat it like a cake walk. I write this to explain that even though you are risking your lives, the lower Hazard levels shouldn't really give the dwarves many problems. Anyway, sorry for the wall of text. Amazing video, Rock and Stone!
Maybe I should address this in my DRG book story, especially since they immediately saw them being worth a ton of money from mining gold. Just wait until they figure out!
Expectations from a DRG book story: Epic fights with bugs. Reality: The crippling inflationary effect from the mass mining of gold on the Dwarvish economy.
Yeah the game mentions the amount of Gold recovered from Hoxxes threw the economy out of whack. Part of why we get paid a low amount is because of being able to keep any gold we find.
in my drg bank and vault, i've got a combined 29'264 minerals, each being worth 50 credits, so 1'463'200 credits plus 532'843 credits saved. that being 1'996'043 credits in total. coming to 99'802.15 USD (i will point out that i have bought and unlocked everything along with the cosmetics in the game, hence my relative low credit count)
@@Archduck the funny thing is that i have 100 hours less than some of my friends but i'm almost 100 player levels above them because i speedrun high haz games.. that or i'm playing like a lobotomite and mic spamming
Gold is probably cheaper in this world due to there being so much, gold today is expensive due to rarity. Asteroid mining will heavily bring down the value of it. Hoxxes is basically like that.
As said, gold is basically worthless because of the market, but I am surprised at the math. I always felt like I was rich in DRG with over a few million credits.
Мне впадлу писать все мои мысли на английском, поэтому положусь на гугл переводчик и на терппение читающих Короче, если хорошенько доебать руководство с помощью пингов по куску золота, то он может выдать фразу "Зря мы позволили вам оставлять золото себе". То есть шахтёры получают всё золото найденное на миссии, тем более, что никаких миссий на золото не выдаётся. Золото - побочный продукт, который DRG вообщем то и не нужен. Капитализация DRG идёт исключительно от поставок моркита, акварков и продажи сердец Омморона, а так же (если вспомнить теорию о DRG как о ЧВК) на продаже оружия, сделанного на основе нитры. О цене моркита и акварков спорить сложно, но вот Омморон - можно приблизительно посчитать. Бульдозер полностью остаётся кинутым в шахте. Тут я, честно признаюсь, без понятия как его оценивать, на вид он больше обычного трактора в два - три раза, и во столько же раз мощнее. Но не технологичнее - это важно. Средний трактор в России стоит где то 2-3 миллиона рублей (в европе слабенький трактор стоит 25 миллионов, хуй DRG будут такие покупать), самая дорогая часть трактора - это двигатель, обеспечивающий мощность машины, он же и будет стоить в два - три раза больше. + буровая часть, которую тоже непонятно как считать. Буровые установки, которые выдаёт гугл стоят 1.5 миллиона, но они и технологичнее и менее мощные. Закинем ещё один трактор, в конечном итоге бур Дорреты это поршень и сверло из дорогих материалов. + Корпус, но он не должен быть дорогим. Итого за одну миссию конвоя DRG на одну лишь Доррету теряет около 10-15 миллионов рублей или же ~112 - 168 тысяч долларов США. Без вычета трат на доставку команды туда и обратно, доставку Дорреты, доставку припасов, затраты электроэнергии на телепортацию ресурсов из Молли, и, как малая часть, зарплаты самим рабочим, которая (если откинуть теорию, о том что гномы - либо клоны, либо заключённые) должна превышать обычные зарплаты в 2-4 раза (потому что в России оно так, кстати вы уже заметили, что я очень много ориентируюсь на Россию, да?) А теперь представьте лучезарные рожи жадных жиробубелей - менеджеров DRG, которые готовы тратить столько бабла на сраный светящийся шарик. О нет-нет, это РЕАЛЬНО дорогой шарик, доход от продажи которого значительно превышает затраты вложенные на его добычу. Я не знаю, честно, и предположить не могу сколько DRG получают от других миссий, но если бы их КПД не превышало бы ту же добычу моркита, то до них бы не было никакого дела. Теперь вопрос состоит только в том, насколько жирный доход получают DRG за одно такое сердце. x10? x100? Как вариант они могут получать нематериальную выгоду от продажи сердец, как например взятка государству, за возможность оставаться на планете. Так же при высадке на миссию, контроль скажет о том, что они обнаружили сердце, подразумевая, что обнаружили незадолго до отправки экспедиции. + расположение сердец Оммокрона так же может добываться из геоданных конкурентов, кои наши гномы так неустанно крадут каждый раз, так что миссии саботажа - тоже входят в расходы на сердца Оммокрона. DRG - компания - капитализация которой позволяет идти на риск - потерять 200К долларов при учёте уже вложенных хер знает сколько долларов в оборудование и доставку. Значит, что бы примерно узнать стоимость DRG, нужно найти в реальном мире компанию подходящую под следующие характеристики: опасное, высокотехнологичное, отдалённое и сырьевое производство, имеющее проблемы с международным правом (незначительно, но всё же). Я если честно вообще без понятия какая компания может подходить под такие характеристики, наверное какая нибудь банановая республика, или что то типа того. Писал эту гору текста два часа, аж вспотел, сука
Zloebuchii google translate translates "мне впадлу писать" as "I feel like writing". No, I don't feel like writing. Isn't it obvious? P.P.S жиробубили = fatasses
Interesting that we keep the gold. It would make sense given how little gold is worth and how much the other stuff you were focusing on is. Thanks for the paragraph rykb!
I'm worth $58,229.3 witch is $57475.73 more than my real life value, and if per DRG mission i make about 1000 credits or $50, then i only need to do 2 missions per day to meet my real life jobs per-day pay of about $100, so if i 2-4 missions per-day working 8-14 hour days i could make $13 per hour, witch is on par with military pay for soldiers, minus the benefits, but with the plus of shooting an army of mostly extremely close range enemies with guns, hmmm i might have to think about becoming a gun for hire in a 3rd world country for a random backwater dictator well that job market is still open. (edit forgot to account for gold and mineral cash, so it could be a even better pay out, at least comparatively to my job cleaning vomit and trash)
Ignoring the benefits DRG provides for being an employee, most of your money is made by investing and trading your minerals. I see so many miners complain about not earning enough money, yet they never do anything with their minerals other then spend it all on dumb beard trims and useless equipment upgrades. Absolutely laughable. Use the daily deals, take missions that give lots of minerals, and invest. It’s a marathon, not a sprint miners. Rock and stone.
To be fair considering the fact the current drg economy is seems to be a lot less inflated than the global economy currently those 1000 credits could probably get you a lot
What about the value of Nitra? When presented with 80 pieces, DRG authorizes a shipment of medical supplies and ordinance that's enough to restock two dwarves from zilch. Now that ammo ain't cheap on the logistics nor the materials put into them... and yet, an easy-to-grab 80 pieces is worth an investment on DRG's part. That's *bartering.* If DRG won't take payment for ordinance, Nitra must be some pretty amazing stuff.
Personally, i disagree. As far as i can tell, all of the purchasable items in the space station are provided by deep rock galactic (the company) so they can and likely will charge as high as they want for things like beer. i think the most accurate comparison wouldn't be any of the on board commoditys, but the job, most comparable to oil rig saturation divers, who get paid around 600 dollars a day.
in celebration of max promoting each class, reaching lvl 800 and going up over 1000 hours played, i'm here again after 6 months to update my wealth. something that i haven't seen mentioned are mineral containers in the forge. after getting every overclock and cosmetic core, you will get mineral containers instead. each container costs 600 credits to forge and grants 120 of a random mineral. my updated wealth: 52 mineral cores in the forge inventory (6'240 minerals) 57'739 magnite 63'643 bismor 64'783 umanite 51'937 croppa 61'897 enor pearl 55'181 jadiz 361'418 minerals total. and in by bank account is 4'664'095 credits 361'418 minerals come out to 18'070'900 credits. my value comes out to a grand total of 22'734'995 credits, or 1'136'749.75 USD
To be fair given what you $100 can get you in this game this is got to be pre-inflation $100. Just regular gun parts are expensive much less fully automatic laser guided missile launcher parts.
damn, risking life fighting alien bugs to mine resources and only get paid 100 bucks? thought being able to make 100 bucks every 15 minutes is a pretty good deal
2:05 - Easily - A single unit of Phazyonite is worth ~200 credits, or 2 minerals in the Accessory Shop. Using this we can extropo0late that a unit of these minerals is valued at 100 credits .
3:07 - first, leaf lover does not remove hangover, it kills your buzz right now :( second - OILY oaf and GLYPHID slammer, take an educated guess what are the base ingredients for those :D (or why do management need those eggs in the first place)
My net worth is about 112,432.75$ hopefully the space equivelent of irs doesnt find out edit: if mineral stash is added to the net worth its 180,772.75
I would respectfully disagree with this conclusion, i also nerd out about world building a lot and tried to come up with an awnser for this exact question multiple times, up to the point were i researched the price of craft beers as reference to calculate the credit value, and it always gets to some absurdly low or high number. Also without knowing how much the market fluctuates and how much inflation it has the conclusion will never be precise enough to be worth the effort. For instance im from brazil and 100 dollars currently are worth 487 reais (or reals if you like the English translation). And with that much money i can probably buy more of some stuff than an US resident would be able too, food and medicine for example are relatively cheaper for us, while electronics are way cheaper in the US. So how much of that applies to drg? Until some solid basis is introduced in the game so we can properly calculate this i say we should just accept that 1 credit is equal to 1 credit and that's that.
This is failing to mention the history of scrips(and credits) and how it’s essentially a company coupon that people were forced to use in the labor towns they couldn’t escape because they were paid in scrip/credits; scrip/credits are not a legitimate currency. The only “economics” of this is what DRG decides a credit or scrip is worth. Rock and stone, miner.
so a bronze promotion costs about 9000 credits (plus resources), which is 450 usd. It's not even a real promotion, it's just a star you put on your profile picture.
1:05 - Incorrect. According tot he lore in game (Mission Control) "I told them letting you keep the gold for yourselves was a mistake..." - this indicates the Dwarves get to keep 100% of the gold they find. Also supported by the fact that none of the mission assignments require you to harvest gold.
mission control has a line in which he says that he told managment that dwarves shouldnt be able to keep the gold, meaning that they actually get to sell it for 100% of its value
Was about to comment this
I think gold's value has completely crashed and it's now just a way to exploit the dwarvish genes of having an affinity for gold to keep them working for the company
I think it's just because we get a tad too excited when we see compressed gold.
We'll just pin this here, I'm too much of a greenbeard. Thankfully that doesn't change the conclusion
small note; Mission control at one point mentions "I told them letting you keep the gold for yourselves was a mistake." Which suggests that the miners get to keep all the value of the gold. If this is true, I assume it's because whatever other minerals or objectives are vastly more lucrative and management lets the workers keep the comparatively worthless gold so they look generous.
this is what i would assume, gold on earth is valuable only for its rarity or uses in tech and fashion, otherwise it’s not an incredibly good metal. with the rarity being out of the picture with intergalactic mining, gold is most definitely just a shiny rock
i assume that something like jewelry probably has moved on from gold…. jadiz-lined jewelry would quite literally glow - so would aquarks
@@fordalels Gold is quite a good metal with amazing properties. Malleable, conductive, very high density, nearly indistructable with acids and bases (only one known reagent can dissolve it and it's a nasty blend of 2 acids).
@fordalels never thought of Aquarks being used for jewelry XD the thought of four Dwarves working their asses off and barely surviving waves and waves of enemies just for someone to have a pretty necklace
@@craftboy338 to be fair, it makes sense for a mining company :DD
@@Mp57navy thats true, tbf i was mostly thinking about how gold is used in tech rather than anything else
Considering that you earn roughly 25-100$ a mission, as well as the fact that dwarves likely go on multiple missions a day, if you were to squeeze out six short missions you would earn 150$ on the lowest end, or the equivalent of over 20 hours work at the federal minimum wage of 7.25. As your earnings are likely to be much higher and the dwarves seem to (mostly) enjoy fighting bugs for a living, Deep Rock Galactic might be considered one of the better places to work in Dwarven culture. Ignoring the high mortality rate of course.
the dwarves may just consider the mortality rate making it a more manlier place to work. i dont think they care about those kinds of statistics nor numbers in the first place
You forgot to account for it being a game, which means the adventure has been simplified. It's more likely that instead of a fun 30 min romp, one delve is a hard day's worth of work.
@@UtrilusThe "Daily" Brew changes every 30 mins real time, if we base the 24hr day in that timeframe in-game, an efficient dwarf can run 2-3 missions per day.
@@karuiGaming and where did you get that source? As far as i can tell, the "daily" beers remain indefinitely until the host disband the lobby or after a mission regardless of success or failure. You can even disband the lobby even if no one is there which mean you can just roll for whatever beer you want.
Edit: this is the case for pc, unless you're talking about the console version then it might be different
@@wrathybear Tested it myself. It just doesn't change when you're still in the space rig. Easier to notice when in Solo
Its like when you're in the mission menu, when the 30mins is up, the missions doesn't reset until you go out and in again.
For the Daily Brew to change after the 30 mins, you just need to do "Disband Team" to reset the space rig.
Edit: there might be a chance I've been rolling the same beers back to back so I don't notice any change. So I'll be testing again in a bit
Edit: Welp I'm wrong lol. My bad, looks like I was hallucinating or something
Wait, so we are risking our lives for less than a hundred dolars every single time?? This is outrageous!!!
Well with the gold bonus it'll be more than a hundred...
very thematic for drg though, company has us slaving for scraps
That's not counting hazard pay, which goes from +25% to up to +233% of mission payouts.
Per mission it's not a lot, but that's solely on mission payout alone.
Longer missions usually take about half an hour (for me at least, when going solo), so we can get to a per hour payment.
If $100 is the hardest ones, then we'll just say $50 per mission. That still makes $100 an hour.
And that's before the extra payment for hazard level, mission complexities (the mutators), gold, bittergems, and the value of any crafting minerals (which the company allows the miner and their team to keep for themselves, offering to pay for them if desired through the trading terminal).
The base payout for each mission might not be much, but per hour you're making more than the US president - and with any of the added payouts you can start looking at some fairly nice paychecks here.
50 usd an hour is a pretty good wage last time I checked. If you're sweating and getting 8 minute point extractions then thats 202 usd an hour. However this notably doesn't include the commute.
If ya don't rock and stone, then you're not going home!
Rock and Stone!
Stone and rock! No, wait…
Rock and Stone yyyeeeeaaaaahhh!
Rock and Stone! To the bone!
lovely video! to your findings my dwarf currently has $37,370.15 (747,403) and ive spent $34,275.75 (685,515) on every dwarf on promotions (i dont even wanna see how much ive spent on upgrades, and cosmetics lol)
Thanks for the compliment, you have a solid amount of wealth there!
"We're Rich"
means a $7.50 -$12.50 reward for every miner that finds a Gold Chunk or a $50 - $75 for Bittergem
ALL OF THEM get paid for finding it
Unfortunately the roughly $100 per hour income is heavily reduced from how much is spend on upgrading tools for the job. Even just normal t5 upgrades can cost 4,000 credits each not even factoring in materials. To unlock every t5 upgrade I estimated a minimum of 72,000 credits, although that's a lowball estimate AND doesn't include materials. And that's just for t5! Not to mention armor, utility, and traversal upgrades! If we account for overclocks, with a range of prices going from 7,300 to 8,950 credits, by god that's a lot of money!
Thankfully, these upgrades, along with skill, allow us to take on higher hazard missions which can more than double the initial payout. This, on top of other hazard bonuses (complexity, length, warnings) can bring a bonus of up to +233% mission payout (3.3x) The video also doesn't include secondary objectives, which add usually around 400 credits, again scaling to hazard level, further increasing payout. Not to mention deep dives, lasting around an hour and paying out 10-14k creds per run. That alone is almost $600 dollars an hour.
TL;DR: Greenbeards spend a lot to become greybeards, and greybeards get a fuck ton of bonuses commensurate to experience and even more hazardous work environments.
DRG really is just a job, the longer you work the higher your pay goes.
Personally for me, when it comes to the currency in video games I tend to think of it more like how they do it in PayDay where you actually made more money, it’s just that the money you have access to is your budget for purchases related to gameplay. This is my head canon on why we never have to, in most games, spend money on stuff like food, bills and the likes because that all comes from our non-game-related budget.
New headcanon acquired
man even the fictional space mercenary miner dwarfs are making more than me in a hour where do i donate half my spine and join deep rock galactic?
They may make more than you, but at least you aren't in near-death scenarios every day.
I would say true but I'm a driver
@@Archduckok but like big gun
There is another thing to forget: As long as you are on the space rig, you pay to the monopoly of your own employer. The prices are potentially jacked up by a lot there since the employees can keep a lot of what they mine to buff up what could be a rather meager pay, so they drag the profits back out of their pockets again with 'Luxuries'.
When they ever leave the solar system and return to where they may came from, they would indeed be 'rich'.
In turn, I guess the company is also collecting a big cut of materials of miners who did not make it (MC implies a lot don't get far) and the absurd ammout of riches we collect is a direct result of the quartet we have being workaholics. Alcoholic Workaholics. They love their job to much to go and spend all their money by anyone that is not the company.
I thought about this, but the issue is that there's a union canonically, which would pressure against monopolistic prices in the space rig.
My dwarf hovers around 300,000 credits, or $15,000, and with a playtime of about 320 hours that equates to almost $47 an hour, and the actual value is _much_ higher since it doesn't account for all the money I've spent, so it's probably double that or more, which seems quite good if you can get past the high risk of death.
$47 an hour and you get your cardio in. Not like mission control out there wasting away in a desk.
Oh OK I guess I’m getting paid in peanuts
Idk about you guys but if I had a choice between wage-slaving at service jobs the rest of my life, and doing dives for DRG for like 20 years before retirement, I'd be the first on the drop pod. Damn the pay, it's the work and principles that count. I'd rather meet Karl at the hands (claws?) of a bug than slowly whittle away at my health with physical drudgery and slop food.
Imagine risking your life for 25$
1:17 not to mention the fact that these are dwarfs we're dealing with some versions of dwarfs are highly protective of gold and others at less so
Something you fail to take an account is the hazard modifiers that apply to the end of the mission.
youre a legend for making this. it doesnt help us physically in the slightest, but it helps us visualize, and thats what matters!
We’re rich !
We're rich !
We're rich!@@Archduck
Yes, yes, you're rich. Time to get a move on!
We're rich!
Currently my dwarf has $173,307.9 (3,466,158) and I've successfully completed 1791 missions
and saved (for safety due to the unstable galactic market) $285,705 (5,714,100) in minerals.
So if my calculations is right, in a successful mission on average I can get about $256.3 (5126).
I have been working for Deep Rock Galactic Company™ for 5 years in orbit and that will go with around $100k/year salary.
Which is not bad. Aint' gonna mind spending it all on beer with decent dwarves!
Thanks for reading. Rock & Stone!
something you missed is that all credit & XP gains are affected by the hazard bonus, so if you have a 100% hazard bonus that chunk of gold is gonna be worth 4 credits each instead of 2 - and at worst, you're getting a 25% hazard bonus (haz 1 with no modifiers and minimum length & complexity).
Ouch. I knew we were getting ripped off but thats harsh. Good thing we get compensated by playing with big guns and loud explosives.
I would argue the fact that drg is even running that demand is high enough that an insanely expensive operation is a justifisble expense. Gold is almost certainly more valuable compared to now rather than less.
And here I am with billions of cash in offshore cash in Payday2
Compressed Gold $7.50 - $12.50
Bittergem $50 -$75
DataCell $25
TyrantShard (3) $52.50
Plagueheart (1) $12.50
*Prices subject to Hazard Bonus%
my dwarf is worth 31,237.25$, or 73,837.25$ if i sold all of my mineral reserve
but given that the sell price of each unit of mineral is 2.5$, and the buy price is 7.5$, it is safe to say that the open market values each mineral somewhere between these 2 values.
it is most likely going to be a different value within the range, but the company normalizes the price of them because it is not meant to be equivalent to selling on the open market, and they outright tell you that.
they do this so they can still make a profit weather you are buying so you can get the mineral component for an upgrade, or selling to afford the credit component of an upgrade.
3:03 Why did you note the cost of Leaf Lovers as 1$ when it should be 1.25 $ by that formula?
Massive error on my part. Sorry.
So, one million credits is how much I have, meaning my dwarf in sheer monetary value is...50k. Sounds about right. The jukebox and arcade comparison was unexpected, but makes a lot of sense.
Also I want to mention that Haz 1 and 2 are piss easy even for Greenbeards unless something unexpected happens like a bulk detonator, meaning the pay is actually really good. It becomes more risky with Haz 4. Haz 3 depends on skill, most veteran should beat it like a cake walk. I write this to explain that even though you are risking your lives, the lower Hazard levels shouldn't really give the dwarves many problems.
Anyway, sorry for the wall of text. Amazing video, Rock and Stone!
Thanks, it's a nice wall of text to read.
I recently spent 1,6mil credit to buy out the cosmetics in the shop, so currenty I'm at 30 000$ or about 600 000 credit
Nothing is more end of November than a huge shopping spree.
AFAIR my dwarf is worth around 20k$ just by cash, and much more if count all the minerals, gems, licenses and upgrades.
Right now in credits alone my dwarf has only $6,750
Maybe I should address this in my DRG book story, especially since they immediately saw them being worth a ton of money from mining gold. Just wait until they figure out!
Expectations from a DRG book story: Epic fights with bugs.
Reality: The crippling inflationary effect from the mass mining of gold on the Dwarvish economy.
@@Archduck It's a mix of both, plus the service story of one dude. The more you think about hoe DRG operates, the more it seems like a coal town.
@@jackie_lad a fun coal town
@@Cornnnflaek Of course!
I had this idea for a video a month ago, and I blame you for not waiting for my procrastination to catch up.
Well that's rough.
Wait so if 1 credit = 5 cents, then wouldn’t a leaf lovers special cost $1.25 since in game it’s 25 credits?
I think Oily Oaf is the one that's 25 credits.
@@Archduck I mean, you showed the Leaf Lover's as 25 credits in the video. Also, I'm pretty sure that the Glyphid Slammer should be $4.25, not $2.55.
Yeah the game mentions the amount of Gold recovered from Hoxxes threw the economy out of whack. Part of why we get paid a low amount is because of being able to keep any gold we find.
I think the credits aren’t directly pay but are more like company script
So I have roughly $6,500 in the game? Nice
DGR? Deep Galactic Rock?
Depth Galaxy Rock
Never knew I needed this until now lmao
Wow, the dollar has really gone up a lot.
after 600 missions i currently have about $35k, which doesn't seem like enough hazard pay...
in my drg bank and vault, i've got a combined 29'264 minerals, each being worth 50 credits, so 1'463'200 credits plus 532'843 credits saved.
that being 1'996'043 credits in total. coming to 99'802.15 USD
(i will point out that i have bought and unlocked everything along with the cosmetics in the game, hence my relative low credit count)
That's impressive, I'm honored to be in the presence of a greybeard
@@Archduck the funny thing is that i have 100 hours less than some of my friends but i'm almost 100 player levels above them because i speedrun high haz games.. that or i'm playing like a lobotomite and mic spamming
Gold is probably cheaper in this world due to there being so much, gold today is expensive due to rarity. Asteroid mining will heavily bring down the value of it. Hoxxes is basically like that.
As said, gold is basically worthless because of the market, but I am surprised at the math. I always felt like I was rich in DRG with over a few million credits.
Мне впадлу писать все мои мысли на английском, поэтому положусь на гугл переводчик и на терппение читающих
Короче, если хорошенько доебать руководство с помощью пингов по куску золота, то он может выдать фразу "Зря мы позволили вам оставлять золото себе". То есть шахтёры получают всё золото найденное на миссии, тем более, что никаких миссий на золото не выдаётся. Золото - побочный продукт, который DRG вообщем то и не нужен. Капитализация DRG идёт исключительно от поставок моркита, акварков и продажи сердец Омморона, а так же (если вспомнить теорию о DRG как о ЧВК) на продаже оружия, сделанного на основе нитры. О цене моркита и акварков спорить сложно, но вот Омморон - можно приблизительно посчитать.
Бульдозер полностью остаётся кинутым в шахте. Тут я, честно признаюсь, без понятия как его оценивать, на вид он больше обычного трактора в два - три раза, и во столько же раз мощнее. Но не технологичнее - это важно. Средний трактор в России стоит где то 2-3 миллиона рублей (в европе слабенький трактор стоит 25 миллионов, хуй DRG будут такие покупать), самая дорогая часть трактора - это двигатель, обеспечивающий мощность машины, он же и будет стоить в два - три раза больше. + буровая часть, которую тоже непонятно как считать. Буровые установки, которые выдаёт гугл стоят 1.5 миллиона, но они и технологичнее и менее мощные. Закинем ещё один трактор, в конечном итоге бур Дорреты это поршень и сверло из дорогих материалов. + Корпус, но он не должен быть дорогим. Итого за одну миссию конвоя DRG на одну лишь Доррету теряет около 10-15 миллионов рублей или же ~112 - 168 тысяч долларов США. Без вычета трат на доставку команды туда и обратно, доставку Дорреты, доставку припасов, затраты электроэнергии на телепортацию ресурсов из Молли, и, как малая часть, зарплаты самим рабочим, которая (если откинуть теорию, о том что гномы - либо клоны, либо заключённые) должна превышать обычные зарплаты в 2-4 раза (потому что в России оно так, кстати вы уже заметили, что я очень много ориентируюсь на Россию, да?) А теперь представьте лучезарные рожи жадных жиробубелей - менеджеров DRG, которые готовы тратить столько бабла на сраный светящийся шарик. О нет-нет, это РЕАЛЬНО дорогой шарик, доход от продажи которого значительно превышает затраты вложенные на его добычу. Я не знаю, честно, и предположить не могу сколько DRG получают от других миссий, но если бы их КПД не превышало бы ту же добычу моркита, то до них бы не было никакого дела. Теперь вопрос состоит только в том, насколько жирный доход получают DRG за одно такое сердце. x10? x100?
Как вариант они могут получать нематериальную выгоду от продажи сердец, как например взятка государству, за возможность оставаться на планете. Так же при высадке на миссию, контроль скажет о том, что они обнаружили сердце, подразумевая, что обнаружили незадолго до отправки экспедиции. + расположение сердец Оммокрона так же может добываться из геоданных конкурентов, кои наши гномы так неустанно крадут каждый раз, так что миссии саботажа - тоже входят в расходы на сердца Оммокрона. DRG - компания - капитализация которой позволяет идти на риск - потерять 200К долларов при учёте уже вложенных хер знает сколько долларов в оборудование и доставку. Значит, что бы примерно узнать стоимость DRG, нужно найти в реальном мире компанию подходящую под следующие характеристики: опасное, высокотехнологичное, отдалённое и сырьевое производство, имеющее проблемы с международным правом (незначительно, но всё же). Я если честно вообще без понятия какая компания может подходить под такие характеристики, наверное какая нибудь банановая республика, или что то типа того.
Писал эту гору текста два часа, аж вспотел, сука
Zloebuchii google translate translates "мне впадлу писать" as "I feel like writing". No, I don't feel like writing. Isn't it obvious?
жиробубили = fatasses
Interesting that we keep the gold. It would make sense given how little gold is worth and how much the other stuff you were focusing on is. Thanks for the paragraph rykb!
@@Archduck :3
this comment needs to be put in a museum. arguably the highlight of the video lmao
Я прочитал и охуел, спасибо
wow, we literally are wasting our lives for a bag of chips
I am worth roughly $200000.00. Which is a lot.
I'm worth $58,229.3 witch is $57475.73 more than my real life value, and if per DRG mission i make about 1000 credits or $50, then i only need to do 2 missions per day to meet my real life jobs per-day pay of about $100, so if i 2-4 missions per-day working 8-14 hour days i could make $13 per hour, witch is on par with military pay for soldiers, minus the benefits, but with the plus of shooting an army of mostly extremely close range enemies with guns, hmmm i might have to think about becoming a gun for hire in a 3rd world country for a random backwater dictator well that job market is still open. (edit forgot to account for gold and mineral cash, so it could be a even better pay out, at least comparatively to my job cleaning vomit and trash)
Ignoring the benefits DRG provides for being an employee, most of your money is made by investing and trading your minerals. I see so many miners complain about not earning enough money, yet they never do anything with their minerals other then spend it all on dumb beard trims and useless equipment upgrades. Absolutely laughable. Use the daily deals, take missions that give lots of minerals, and invest. It’s a marathon, not a sprint miners. Rock and stone.
You're doing your part, one day you'll be too old for the mining adventures. Invest into your Dwarf's 401k
To be fair considering the fact the current drg economy is seems to be a lot less inflated than the global economy currently those 1000 credits could probably get you a lot
What about the value of Nitra? When presented with 80 pieces, DRG authorizes a shipment of medical supplies and ordinance that's enough to restock two dwarves from zilch.
Now that ammo ain't cheap on the logistics nor the materials put into them... and yet, an easy-to-grab 80 pieces is worth an investment on DRG's part.
That's *bartering.* If DRG won't take payment for ordinance, Nitra must be some pretty amazing stuff.
221674.2 in minerals and credits currently
Cool! But what about inflation? How do i know how much stuff those credits can buy me?
isn't it stated that gold's become near-worthless because of how much there is on hoxxes IV?
Oh god no duh the dwarfed live in the space rig dear god
That'd be a hilarious line if they add fool's gold.
So, in order to be "rich" (or, in this case, have one million dollars), you would need TWENTY MILLION CREDITS
Personally, i disagree. As far as i can tell, all of the purchasable items in the space station are provided by deep rock galactic (the company) so they can and likely will charge as high as they want for things like beer. i think the most accurate comparison wouldn't be any of the on board commoditys, but the job, most comparable to oil rig saturation divers, who get paid around 600 dollars a day.
in celebration of max promoting each class, reaching lvl 800 and going up over 1000 hours played, i'm here again after 6 months to update my wealth.
something that i haven't seen mentioned are mineral containers in the forge. after getting every overclock and cosmetic core, you will get mineral containers instead. each container costs 600 credits to forge and grants 120 of a random mineral.
my updated wealth:
52 mineral cores in the forge inventory (6'240 minerals)
57'739 magnite
63'643 bismor
64'783 umanite
51'937 croppa
61'897 enor pearl
55'181 jadiz
361'418 minerals total.
and in by bank account is 4'664'095 credits
361'418 minerals come out to 18'070'900 credits.
my value comes out to a grand total of 22'734'995 credits, or 1'136'749.75 USD
Sir i am quite sure you are indeed not a duck, but a mallard
My cover's been blown. Tell no one
To be fair given what you $100 can get you in this game this is got to be pre-inflation $100.
Just regular gun parts are expensive much less fully automatic laser guided missile launcher parts.
damn, risking life fighting alien bugs to mine resources and only get paid 100 bucks? thought being able to make 100 bucks every 15 minutes is a pretty good deal
Hey, on the plus side, that means the guns are cheap.
2:05 - Easily - A single unit of Phazyonite is worth ~200 credits, or 2 minerals in the Accessory Shop. Using this we can extropo0late that a unit of these minerals is valued at 100 credits .
My dwarf is worth $73,599.90.
EDIT: I just realized that I get paid more by the Company in Lethal Company than DRG.
we're rich!
I am worth nothing
You have a lot of intrinsic value, just don't try using that to get upgrades.
And that's why mining gold is useless, focus on mineral
This will help me ace the econ final I have in 2 weeks!
My current wealth is $23,781.30 which is not too bad if you ask me.
Good luck with your endeavor, I wish you the best! Hope you achieve the coveted video title, "Using Economics to get an A in Econ".
3:07 - first, leaf lover does not remove hangover, it kills your buzz right now :(
second - OILY oaf and GLYPHID slammer, take an educated guess what are the base ingredients for those :D (or why do management need those eggs in the first place)
Damn the dwarves be getting MAD underpaid
My dwarf is worth roughly 3k dollahs, because I am poor rn, but thats more than im worth IRL
I have 676,558 credits in pocket money, so about 33,827.9$
You sound like the "Good advice mallard" from animeme
Okay, but how much is the chinese food?
Turns out im worth £38,302 ($48,429)
The cost of all my promotios are:
Scout (x8)
Scout credits: 213,057
Scout dollars: $10,652
Scout pounds: £8,424
Engineer (x10)
Engineer credits: 366,215
Engineer dollars: $18,310
Engineer pounds: £14,481
Gunner (x7)
Gunner credits: 157,009
Gunner dollars: $7,850
Gunner pounds: £6,208
Driller (x7)
Driller credits: 156,975
Driller dollars: $7,848
Driller pounds: £6,206
Total credits: 893,256
Total dollars: $44,660
Total pounds: £35,319
My net worth is about 112,432.75$ hopefully the space equivelent of irs doesnt find out
edit: if mineral stash is added to the net worth its 180,772.75
I’ve got $10,780.80, hopefully the space equivalent of the IRS doesn’t find out
The minimum income for filing a federal tax return is 12k. Even if the space IRS knows they can't do a thing about it.
More paint 3D?
Yeah I like this style better than the old economic videos
I would respectfully disagree with this conclusion, i also nerd out about world building a lot and tried to come up with an awnser for this exact question multiple times, up to the point were i researched the price of craft beers as reference to calculate the credit value, and it always gets to some absurdly low or high number. Also without knowing how much the market fluctuates and how much inflation it has the conclusion will never be precise enough to be worth the effort.
For instance im from brazil and 100 dollars currently are worth 487 reais (or reals if you like the English translation). And with that much money i can probably buy more of some stuff than an US resident would be able too, food and medicine for example are relatively cheaper for us, while electronics are way cheaper in the US. So how much of that applies to drg? Until some solid basis is introduced in the game so we can properly calculate this i say we should just accept that 1 credit is equal to 1 credit and that's that.
Mine's probably worth (in just credits) 250,000$
$218,840.90 or 199.867,39€ 😅 I am a Grey beard, about 3½ years in the mining biz, still no millionaire. RnS Brothers
This is failing to mention the history of scrips(and credits) and how it’s essentially a company coupon that people were forced to use in the labor towns they couldn’t escape because they were paid in scrip/credits; scrip/credits are not a legitimate currency. The only “economics” of this is what DRG decides a credit or scrip is worth. Rock and stone, miner.
We really are rich!
About 144206.65$
so a bronze promotion costs about 9000 credits (plus resources), which is 450 usd. It's not even a real promotion, it's just a star you put on your profile picture.
Imagine having to pay 450 for a cosmetic star in a real job. Dwarf culture really is something else.
Shit i’m about to go work at deeprock, $100 payout for half an hour of mining and killing bugs? Count me in. 10 a day means $1k for 5 hours of work.
WE'RE (not) RICH!
What about beer 🍻?)
Deep Gock Ralactic?
Deep Galactic Rock
Deep Glock Reactive
I'll have do one some thing around $60000! I'm RICH!!!
For Karl!
So I have around 150000
150000*5/100=750000/100=7500=>approximately 7500$
yes I did calculate in this comment
Were poor!!!!!!
1:05 - Incorrect. According tot he lore in game (Mission Control) "I told them letting you keep the gold for yourselves was a mistake..." - this indicates the Dwarves get to keep 100% of the gold they find. Also supported by the fact that none of the mission assignments require you to harvest gold.
I'm currently worth $87,000
105K from me
Your shirt doesn't seems to be fitting you well, perhaps spend some credit on it?
I need to get do more morkite missions, it's morkin time, before I can call up the royal tailor.