Shit always fall from the sky when I play. Goats. Bandits. Even other giants sometimes just appears. Had one falling right into Falkreach just a few weeks ago :p
My favorite glitch was when a skeleton dragon fell out of the sky on top of me as I was crossing the bridge to the college of Winterhold, pulling me off and sending me tumbling to my death. Well played, Alduin.
Used to see a lot of teleported janky dragon bones in the normal Skyrim but hasn't really happened in my Special edition playthrough yet. Guess they might've fixed it.
when I played Skyrim there was a glitch that activated when I died during that one mission for the companions when you first fight the silver hand or whatever. whenever my character was indoors I would hear this horrible rattling sound constantly and when I went into third person and my character model was completely gone. when I was at the tavern in whiterun I looked up for no reason and saw the 3rd person model of my character ragdolling across the ceiling. I managed to leave the tavern in 3rd person view and then I witnessed my character change from its intended position into a ragdoll corpse that slowly started to rise into the sky and never stopped. and then that one asshole asked if I get to the cloud district very often.
"Do you go to the Cloud District often? Oh what am I saying, ofc you don't" No, I'm only the first Dragonborn in over 1000 years who saved the world from armageddon, brought the Thieves Guild back into power as well as the Dark Brotherhood, rebuilt Wuuthrad for the Companions and imprisoned a dragon in the keep OF the Cloud District. I'll be fucked if I can figure out two sets of stairs and a fucking wooden door these days tho.
It's the usual order of things. A few games pull of a genre amazingly, then the next 6-10 years after that you're going to have the dozens of copycats which range from great to terrible.
My best glitch is while walking through Whiterun, I was engaged in a conversation. To whom? I do not know, no one was around when it adjusted my camera. After leaving the dialogue, I noticed a person floating above my head, in a T pose. He floated forward a few feet and then ascended into the sky, never to be seen again. Some say, he is still ascending to this day.
+Arrow In Eye Mine was I jumped through a ceiling by accident, got thrown by the dodgy collision where I flew through a mountain and the game promptly crashed.
I once jumped on a bandwaggon full of cabbages when the wagon went flying at 300 mph at some poor old woman rambling to her son about how she just saw a dragon. She died and the son couldn't give less of a shit.
omfg i did something similar, except when i jumped onto the cabbage cart it spazzed out and shot through me, somehow killing me with cabbages rolling all over my body.
ICantSplel that's nothing one time i found parthonax's skeleton on the bridge when ever i entered whiterun even though i hadn't killed him and he was still chilling at the top of the throat of the world. luckily this meant i could help the blades again without having to kill him
ICantSplel Weirdest glitch has to be when I was going down a dungeon, and I stepped somewhere that led me to a infinite floor glitch. Interestingly, I was placed at the beginning of the same dungeon, and upstairs... with no loading screens.
Charles Patrick My best glitch was in my Mansion in Falkreath. I've adopted a child in Whiterun and bandits were raiding my house. I was playing tag with her at the time when they arrived, and amist the battle what i see is Lucia brandishing a knife to Bandits and murdering them like a boss. After that, my girl was on a frenzy and kept killing everything around my house including the livestock i've ordered from my housecarl. Took some time to get her back at normal, but after that i've installed a Mod that would allow me to take her as a Follower, because FUCK HOUSECARLS, my adopted daughter is a BAD ASS!
my favorite glitch is that I was fighting bandits on my way to the dark brotherhood sanctuary and I was using a bow, a butterfly flew by and took a arrow. I guess they still have collision detection on player characters and the like. I then made it a personal goal to hit as many butterflies with arrows as possible
One time I was talking to some dude in the Whiterun Jarl's palace, and then a dinner plate came out of nowhere and smashed into his face. It was stuck there for a while.
So, I once loaded my game where me and my companions were in Solitude, gearing up to set out and face the terrible creatures at Jurgen Windcaller's gravesite. And then suddenly, my companions started to run away from me. Very very quickly. They sprinted out the city gates and down to the harbourfront. That was the last time I saw them.
to defend my intelligence. I went with empire because i had no fucking idea what was happening, there was a dragon and every thing else was background nose.
I went with the empire because I spent 3 hours talking to various people in Skyrim who weren't blinded by hero worship for one side or the other and reading up about both sides on every forum I could find. To each his own. (; ...And just in case you were wondering: Ulfric and his lackeys are all racist jerks. The only thing that they had going for them--fighting the elves and ending the white-gold concordant--is already on General Tullius's long-term agenda. Skyrim by itself is in no state to take on the elves.
I remember I killed a dragon once, but I didn't get it's soul. I kept walking, but then the corpse started following me and ragdolling where ever I went. In my house, in the cities, in the dungeons, in the freaking SOUL CAIREN! Everywhere that f-ing dragon never let me live it down that I killed him.
Just because lots of people seem to want to share their Skyrim glitch stories- I decided to go on a killing spree in Riften one time in order to do some power leveling, and after the killing stopped, I went back to examine the bodies for gold and the like and I found what I can only describe as a wormhole connected to a fountain of blood. There was a constant stream of blood spurting out of thin air, apparently where I'd burst an artery on of one of my enemies.
my best glitch was during the opening credits scene, the wheels starting bugging out, and tried to fuse with the horse, and then we started doing backflips, I was in a tree for a while, and then we trotted off a cliff into helgen proper, all the while none of the NPC's noticed a thing, they just kept on with their dialog, and eventually we ended up stuck upside down on a building because our horse must've gained infinite density and shot off into space
I had a similar story except there was no dialogue or music. We were just riding silently for a bit then just as we were about to enter Helgen the cart flew over the town and crashed into a mountain
I remember that in skyrim, the first time you witness a dragon being resurrected, it immediately flew of, attacked a mammoth, and was then killed by said mammoth, which had taken almost no damage. I will always remember that mammoths are apparently far more powerful than flying magic dragons.
I was tasked to kill a traveling noble in Solitude by order of the Night Mother. So I stabbed her right in the middle of town square, but it was okay because the game said I was hidden. After stripping her corpse of everything (because I was a horder) I left her body out in the streets as I made my escape. When I came back, I found at least 7 guards who had just noticed the naked corpse, and had all gathered round to "inspect" it, by bending down and touching it.
It was kind of disappointing, but I did like how if you didn't finish the civil war when you were doing the main story you got to put people in charge of certain cities. I do wish Maven had given me some sort of reward for negotiating her into being jarl of Riften though.
the time my horse finished off the dragon. I swear I thought at one moment it was going to shout FUS RO DAH (I guess it held back in order to hide the fact it's the real dragonborn).
How to win the game? Duel wield axes and use a speed shout, then swing your arms around like a "Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman" until everything dies, then if your a Argonian just use your daily skill which heals you faster then chugging 5 potions
I don't know, I went through most of the game one-shotting a lot of creatures with my khajiit dropping into stealth and sniping everyone with the bow. And for the dragons I simply add a poison to my arrow that does a rather nasty amount of damage, making even the final battle not that difficult.
My weirdest one is when I was running into a cave and after I got in the cave, the only colors I could see was 10% orange and 90% black so I, who was blind and swinging all over the place got killed by a group of trolls.
I was killed by a cabbage cart. It started moving and I got closer. The cart then shot towards me, pinning me to the Riverwood trader as my life drained..... to this day I have not been able to recreate it
GeakGuySheldon Dude I had something similar where I tried jumping on top of the cart and it instantly killed me and launched my corpse on the roof of the blacksmith.
i once had a really strange bug where for some reason both ulfic stormcloak and general tullius spawned naked outside whiterun, then proceeded to get into a fist fight where neither could die, so they just continued fighting naked for eternity, i believe they are still there.
My first couple playthroughs, I got confused as to why the intro segment kept changing from playthrough to playthrough. It later turns out that I was so busy worrying about being *CHASED BY A FUCKING DRAGON ATTACKING THE TOWN* that I had completely missed the fact that there was some sort of moral/ethical decision to make over who you would run away with when you were being *CHASED BY A FUCKING DRAGON ATTACKING THE TOWN!*
There isn't a moral/ethical decision. There is literally no difference between who you choose. The only difference is the dialogue for the next 5 minutes.
Funnily enough, I first ran of with the stormcloak- dude, then somehow lost him, run a few metres with the imperial guy and in the end found myself back at the side of the stormcloak. And I was like: "I have no idea what just happened, or what I did, or how I even managed to lose the guy I was supposed to follow, but it had a dragon in it, so it was totally epic!"
I just saw an objective "escape with Rolf or Hadvar" and thought who the fuck is this Rolf man? Again, more preoccupied with this Hadvar man reminding me to stay close to this lovely wooden wall to avoid the fucking fire breathing lizard, then slaughtering men that, to my knowledge, had forgotten about dragons and were some weird fuckers living in a cave.
The biggest problem I have with Skyrim is friendly fire. If you employ a mercenary or follower and accidentally breathe on them, they won't rest until your skull becomes bonemeal.
It's even worse when they're healing in a pile of enemies, and you kill the mercenary you paid money for without realizing, and THEN... You forget they died and then you lose the stuff you gave them.
Jordis got smashed up by a giant but didnt actually die, she disappeared for a while but then as I was looking around for a corpse she came sliding into view on her back chatting away to me and she just wouldnt get back up. I walked around for ages with her just sliding along behind me.
I guess the weirdest glitch I had was in Riverwood, in the general store, I did my usual routine of putting a pot in the vendor's head and the physics on the pot glitched out hard, it started vibrating at supersonic speed and doing that ragdoll bug noise and after a few seconds the dude died and he got dragged all over the room like a paper man following the crazy vibrating pot. All while her sister kept talking about how we needed to get back the golden statue thingie, good times.
I had a neat one off glitch where after a large battle the invisible Valkyrie descended onto the battlefield and promptly ignored the spirits of the fallen and instead decided to take their weapons and shields. All at once they began slowly floating straight up so high they disappeared. I came back later to find bodies still around but the weapons and shields were no where to be found.
My favourite glitch involved The Companions quest where one of them dies. I looted the lovely armour from his corpse,but next time I went back to their hall there he was, sitting in his underwear drinking mead. He just looked at me (wearing his old armour) and asked... "Yes?"
best way to play is with infinite carry weight. I love immersion and all but it's pretty annoying to travel back to town every 2 caves to unload your helmet collection I also find it fun to try to collect every armor set and unique weapon in the game
if you play on PC, use the "~" next to the "1" and type player.modav carryweight * *= the amount of carry weight you want if on PS3 of Xbox, then tough
King M The alchemy glitch has console players sorted though, all you need is the fortify carry weight enchantment and a ridiculously powerful fortify enchanting potion.
My favorite Skyrim glitch was when I had a mammoth spawn in a tree and stand there while everything in the area tried to kill it including the giant that was supposed to be protecting it.
Yeah, I have to say, the game really, really didn't help itself present a choice that could go either way when the first you see of the Empire in Skyrim is that they're literally prepared to execute people by the job-lot despite no actual orders to do so, just because they were in a random area at a random time, and more importantly, they were about to do that to ME. It really doesn't help motivate me to give them a chance.
Nyctas Cadellidon But then you go to Windhelm and figure out it's the equivalent of Little Rock during the Civil Rights Movement. And it does not help if you decided to be an elf.
I made my choice based upon facts. Stormcloaks want to worship Talos as a Divine and the Thalmor doesn't think Talos should be worshipped as one. A Divine is a creature that used to be Aedrea but lost all their powers when creating Earth and creatures. Whatever Talos did to win such respect, was not on the same level as creating a whole planet and the creatures living there. Thus giving up your godhood.
Tyr Barghest I didnt care too much about the Talos banning stuff, i just couldnt join the Stormcloaks cos they are all incredibly racist and shortsighted lol and although im an Imperial which the Nords dont seem to hate too much. My adventuring buddy is a Dark Elf so those racist Stormcloaks can eat my sword :P
callum flude Have you ever just sat there in Ulfric's hall and listened? I swear it's like night and day when you compare it to what Tulius and Rikke are talking about. When I first started playing Skyrim, that's what made the choice so hard. The Stormcloaks were all racist but extremely honorable and the Imperial wasn't racist but were incredibly dishonorable.
Here's a glitch: One time, I was just walking through the mountain pass between ivarstead and helgen, and then an imperial soldier on a horse blasted upward like a rocket, did a zig-zag, and initiated warp drive off into the sunset.
especially when you start adding in mods, sure I love the horseback combat mod but why Is that custom weapon I downloaded hovering 3 feet away from my hand, oh well TSUNAMI MAGIC GO! oh crap I drowned everyone
The one thing i hated about skyrim was that just about everything was indoors, never out in the lush open world where all the nice trees are. a mission would tell you: Go to the glade of unimaginable beauty and splender. There you will find a dark damp cave. Go into the cave and get me the sword of "i bet you wish you were outside right now". then head over to fort "Just like every other fort" and get me the sacred kneebrace of saint "wishiwasinthewillows". then bring it to the crypt of "just like the first one you go to in this game" and fight some Draugr. Draugr, the reanimated corpses of Dead Nords. Not to be confused with zombies, which are the Reanimated corpses of dead humans that may include Nords. There are different because reasons.
my best bug so far is when i was fighting a dragon and suddenly the dragon stopped caring about me and went off to fight some bandits a few miles further. so i chased it and apparently the bandits did spawn but their clothing didn't, so i found myself fighting a dragon and a bunch of naked bandits. had some nude mods so they where full monty
One time when I was woefully underleveled I found some dragon priest on top of a mountain. I managed to kill it, but as I approached the word wall I stepped on a random ribcage that was lying on the ground and was promptly launched ten feet into the air and straight off the side of the mountain.
So, I had a bandit hand me back a dagger I'd dropped and politely warn me not to leave weapons around. While I was hiding and undetected. And then he walked away.
Best glitch? A giant smashed Lydia and myself into pancakes. After reloading, she was still dead on the ground. However, her lifeless corpse kept following me around like a normal follower, merrily sliding along the ground after me.
Also I´m pretty sure that the "rim" in Skyrim is not about the circumference of the only female puppy in Paw Patrol (as implied), but rather about rime ice and you must admit the name fits very well then. You spend a lot of time under the open sky and there is a lot of ice.
My best one was when a dragon flew out of the ground, with a giant riding it until he fell off, died at my feet and the dragon decided he was late for tea.
Oh wow, it's a blast from the past to hear Yahtzee praising an open-world game for being different. Little did he know the glut of open-world games that the AAA industry would become...
Had a bunch of bugs with Serana. In the quest where you had to gather water to get entrance to the temple, she would keep looping around in a single area and not follow me. Had to quicksave to fix that. Another time was after beating Harkon. She got stuck in an attack position and it wasn't possible to talk to her at all. Had to beat her up to return her to normal. Oh and a bonus bug with Aela. After getting the first totem, she just forgot about it and disappeared from the game lol. Somehow the fix for this was to sleep for 2 days and she just magically appeared beside my bed and the quest finished normally.
I entered *Radiant Raiment* and then I SHAT MYSELF!!! there were 5 mannequins faced tword me, about the shop. slowly moving tword me with clothing on like random generated npcs. Then suddenly they all went to T-pose had the clothes taken off them, and acted as normal mannequins again... *grumbles* god damn elf magic...
My best bug was when i absorbed a dragon soul before i killed the dragon, then it became a skeletal dragon flying around and i couldnt kill it. I came back later, and it was invisible. I still managed to defeat it though, with the floating blood shaped as a dragon's snout.
I got the exact same glich it was so weird and cool. I killed the invisible dragon by finding a bear then letting the dragon and the bear fight then I killed the dragon :)
my brother got into a dragon fight at the college of winterhold, killed it, its corpse landed on the walkway. he reloaded the save and the dragons skin was back and it was humping the college walls. (games are bad at remembering where things with ragdoll physics are meant to be)
I got a glitch where I killed a dragon, and it rolled down a hill as I took it soul. Then, whenever I entered a new area for the rest of the game (until I logged off) There was an extremely glitched dead dragon to the right-hand side of me.
my best glitch came when I was trying to do the exploit on console that lets you be both a werewolf and a vampire lord at the same time, somehow I messed it up and I turned into a half werewolf where I was in human form but I had a wolf head and claws but the rest of me was in human form
I went with the Empire on my first playthrough, not because I wanted to see what happened, or because they are better people. My thoughts were "HOLY CRAP A DRAGON RUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUN!"
I always go with the Empire no matter what my character's plans are because if you go with Hadvar, you get free iron ingots, which means a jumpstart to your Heavy armor skills. Though in SkyRe, crafting requires more materials, so I guess it evens itself out.
Whilst leaving whiterun to go.... somewhere I saw a mammoth ahead of me. He started to spin slowly, then got faster and faster until he flew straight up into the sky, still spinning, like a rocket launch. Legend has it he spins to this day
General guy: No I will rule Skyrim in the name of the Hostage Empire! Bearded guy: NO I WILL rule skyrim in the name of racist Nords Me: BITCH HOW ABOUT I RULE SKYRIM both: o_o Me: I own the local theives guild, the companions, the local dark brotherhood, Im the Archmage, I've killed well over 300 dragons on my way to fucking sell stuff, I have enough gold to build a palace out of it, I reformed the Dawnguard, I cured Serana here of Vampirism (its surprisingly easy), Im the Thane of everyhold, I have enough enchanted weapons and Armour to build an Army of SuperSoldiers, I'm the only one keeping the economy going by selling shit I dont need, I have 2 dragon buddies, ones an asshole and the other loves me! I'm able to instantly pick flowers and my ass which infact can hold as much shit as a freight train! Iv'e gained the attention of every Deadra asshole out there, I could win an eating contest against anybody and anything, I was mentored by all previous guild masters and a fucking dragon, they all ended up dying! Hell I murder every thalmor asshole I come across so under my rule they cant do shit, a rule inforced by the might of so many people who will follow me to Asgard itself, all equipped with weapons of legends, and I could kill anyone in this room with my fucking voice! Oh and i'm apparently a bard now... make me High King and with my leadership we could rule not only skyrim, but Tamriel itself, and the GALAXY!!!
+TheAtomicGoliath That is the backstory of talos. He was just a dragonborn who 100% completed the game he was in. He won so many wars because he could just reload if he fucked up.
It's fair to say that sequels will never continuously please fans because the game makers either: change it so little as to make it look like the same game as before, or change it to the point where it's not the same game and is not enjoyable in the same way.
My favorite/most frequent glitch is when dead dragons fall from the sky, right on top of me. They still have their skin, but you can't loot them or absorb their souls. It only started happening recently, but its already been 25-30 times. Makes me jump when I'm not expecting it.
Isn't that just a load of shit-pie? "Yeah, let's toss the guy who stole a horse and the other guy who just crossed our boarder (which isn't illegal) in the same cart as the person who literally fucking shouted the king to death and staged a rebellion, along with his lackey."
The Creator Just as it happens in real life sometimes, they captured a group of rebels. They won't care if one of them says he "was just crossing the border", they just won't believe him.
My best Skyrim glitch was when I was just walking along and suddenly a horse landed on me. I died instantly. I think somehow a giant must have thrown it into the stratosphere. Anyway, after the horse incident, I found that a kettle came flying at me from behind. Thinking this was a quest starter, I turned around. Instead of starting a quest however, Barbas the talking dog slowly glitched his way out of the ground and started running around in a circle, his head held to the air, barking endlessly. Somehow he kept following me until I thought "Screw this" so I Unrelenting Force'd him to f*ck off.
11 years later and the cooking pot, dog-bollock, piñata still has me in absolute hysterics, partly because it's an excellent joke delivery but mostly because my memory is so poor you could use it to strain spaghetti and every time is like the first time.
***** Though the universe of Elder Scrolls has reasons behind calling their wyverns dragons. It's because 4 legged dragons don't exist in their universe. Like the Dwarves (which are actually just elves), they only have wyverns. In the sense of a multiverse theory (and some liberal application of Whovian logic) the word "Dragon" must have bled through the fabric of the universes enough that the word 'Wyvern' doesn't exist in their language or world. The same can be said against 'Dwarves' of TES, being that the word bled through, blah blah blah, elfs that were highly skilled in crafting with metal called their race Dwarf.
Glitch swaping comment chain! The best glitch i remenber was when i saw a Whiterun Guard swiming in the middle of the air and drowing a few steps later.
dank moo My best glitch was when I decided to collect a TON of gems and put them into a pot. Eventually, the gems inside would move around so much that some would go through the pot and hit the ground. Frustrated, I jumped inside the pot with the intent to "stomp" on them, when I found I slowly descended through the pot and then the floor, as if I took a warp pipe. I ended up returning to the entrance of my house, where the pot of gems was. My two worst glitches was when my camera was stuck in Third-Person mode (I fight in First-Person mode, makes it easier to shoot arrows/spells), and when I ended up getting a black screen RIGHT WHEN I left a dungeon, saving my progress.
This an Oblivion glitch and I attended to do it a lot but I'll say it anyway. I was bored and had a nice collections of staffs like the Wabajack and Sanguine's Rose so I continually used them on guards and then resurrect them with Staff of Worms so I could repeat the process. I also used a deadric artifact that was a hammer that paralyzed people and strangely after a while of resurrecting and killing with it bodies would just turn into goop when dead or paralyzed. It was actually pretty funny resurrecting the goop, watching it glow purple and then a guard reforms...only to melt again when the time runs out.
I have a continuing glitch in Skyrim to whenever I fast travel to the giant stronghold thing closest to Whiterun, when the loading screen leaves I see a floating mammoth and when I kill a giant it suddenly falls to the ground... I have started exploiting this to get mammoth tusks and make profit Another on in the exact same location was when a innocent fox gently sneezed in the general area of a giant and so the giant hit with it's massive club sending the poor thing flying into the sky. Yet another hilarious glitch is when you shoot a draugr so that it sends the body clipping into one of the draugr doors and they get trapped. I have managed to capture this glitch in the wild and have uploaded it *cough* *cough*
TheGizimboGamer At the Companions Quest Line at the final mission (i think) there was a giant frostbite spider, for me instead of falling down straight at my face it just floated there until i shot it a few times and it died.
My favorite Bug moment was when I was walking out of whiterun and just a little past the town heard a moo and thumping footsteps, a giant raced towards me so I ducked under a nearby very small bridge and hit it with my weak fire spell for half an hour like the cheap "technically not cheating, he just cant reach me here" person that I am, go out and loot the giant only to hear the mammoth again but cant find it so I just start walking before its also hearing a dragon roar and look to the sky to see a dragon flying backwards with the mammoth apparently duck taped to it and it releases the mammoth over my head so I try to move out of the way but apparently it had pathing right for my skull as it crashed into me going velocity, killing me and sending me back to a save 2 hours previously because it hadn't auto saved and I thought I was safe after I beat the giant. It was the only time I've ever been mammoth bombed by the dragon but it was wild and hilarious.
On a more Skyrim related topic than my last comment 2 weeks ago.. The major issue I have with most open world games, especially Bethesda ones, is that there's really no replay value aside from just..playing the game again, and maybe using a different method of attack. The game doesn't change based on what you do. At the start, you get to choose one of two people to escape with, but both ways lead to almost identical missions. The only difference being which Jarl you talk to. And even then they both give you similar missions. The game doesn't change based on your options as a play. If I kill 10 people and there's no witnesses, I can come back later, and nothing changes. No one seems to care that I killed those 10 people. There's no one trying to find me, no wanted posters. Hell, there's a side mission in Skyrim where people flip out because someone was murdered in a town, and they ask you to help find the killer. So OBVIOUSLY death is something they care about. But if YOU kill someone, they don't care. You could leave bodies all over the place in that very same town, and the other NPCs wouldn't look twice. There's also no game-changing things either. Like, I can't use a fireball to light a house on fire, then come back later to see that house has burned down for the rest of the game. I can go into a town wearing full Daederic armor with a huge sword and a fireball in my other hand, and no one cares. Kids will still walk up to you and ask you to play tag, while other npcs look at you and think you'll be a good person to ask for help with their meaningless chore. I know it would be difficult to code, and probably take extra time. But I think it would be worth it. A game doesn't really feel like a real world, if nothing you do effects anything. It just feels like you're taking part in a pre-written story and your only input is telling the character where to go. And in an "OPEN WORLD" game, that's not exactly a good thing to feel. Sure, it's an open world game, but it's still really closed off and doesn't change much.
No replay value!? What are you NUTS!! Theirs TONS of replay value (assuming you haven't meticulously explored the entire map and all the dlc's in one or two sittings Just so you wouldn't have to play it again) which is NOT the way to play this game. Me, i STILL haven't even completed the quest that the graybeards give you to go get that horn or jorgan windcaller or whatever. FUCK THAT NOISE, EVERY SINGLE TIME i attempt to even start that quest i just go "Uhhg" and start over. Its the main reason why i installed the Alternate start: live another life mod from the Nexus. I'm going to explore the map eat and sleep in towns, roleplay, Live in the world of skyrim. THAT'S How you play this game (for me at least) And for me the game will have Infinite replayability because i don't do the main quest.
SporeFreak2010 The thing is, "that's not the way to play this game" is exactly how I tend to play. I see no reason NOT to do everything possible in one playthrough. Do the main quest and some side quests. Do some more side quests and explore. Then do some DLC. Then more sidequests and DLC. Until I've filled out as much of the map that I can, and found as much as I can. Don't get me wrong, I've made a couple characters, to try out different play styles. Stealth/bow, cool ninja assassin with dual daggers, generic sword/shield nord. But I still always had one character I played with more, and tried to fill out everything I could. It has replay value, a BIT, because there's a strong likelihood that you're going to miss something. Plus you can play as a few different playstyles. But the problem is, the game doesn't change. No matter what you do, the game is always the same. There's no big life-changing decisions in the game, that hugely alter stuff. I'm not given a big decision to save, or destroy an entire town of innocent people, that if killed, are gone for the entire rest of the game(and impacts the game in other ways too). There's no real Karma system either. I can kill as many people as I want, and as long as no one sees me, no one cares about the hundreds of bodies piling up in the streets. It just gets a bit old, starting a new game, and it being exactly the same as every other playthrough. In my opinion, Fallout has more replay value, simply due to stuff like Megaton. And the one town where you get to decide who ends up as the leader. Things that actually change an area fairly drastically, depending on your involvement. Skyrim doesn't really have anything like that. You just follow through each mission, and by the end, you're leader of everything, and saved the world.
Who needs replay value when you can (and I have) go nearly 200 hours and barely even touch the main quest? Why worry about playing a second time when you'll be 90 by the time you're done with the first? Your other ideas about persistent consequences and property damage are wonderful however. Only problem is that reminds me of Peter Molyneux's Fable promises, until someone explained to him that a fluid storyline that changes based on the player's actions is pretty much impossible.
The only way to play this game is with graphics card bigger than the computer...then download 233 MODS with every thing that should have been implemented in development...Shadows/Lighting?...Better Combat system o.O? Realistic Needs? actual CIVIL WAR!?...and boom you have one of, if not, the best RPG ever made
I personally would like a better civil war mod. The Civil War mod is just, gigantic battlefields that you are just asking to die in at the beginning of the game, and looks a bit cheesy. And later in the game, you are basically a walking volcano destroying everything in your path.
niels718 Did you read the entire post? The game is fucking boring without most of the mods out there and even when you do get it running it's just inevitable to eventually have it crash and lose all your progress, even with frequent saves which will immediately become nullified and broken
My favourite glitch is getting flung halfway across the universe by a dragon, and that time slowing ability which decides to not turn itself off randomly so you just become the flash
Oddly enough, I only came across one, big glitch while playing Skyrim. I was running from some bandits, trying to get to town when my character very suddenly launched a billion miles into the air. It was pretty funny until I realized I hadn't saved for over an hour.
contrary to popular opinion, skyrim isn't actually a game. It's an enormous character creator. You spend the first 5 minutes choosing race and appearance by shifting nobs and the next 40+ hours choosing your characters skills by rapidly jamming the attack buttons they just forgot to add the actual game at the end
for me it was a game with horrible combat design, repetitive, really bad inventory design, no quick-slots for spells or potions or backup weapons so you have to play open inventory simulator every time you fight, which I guess was their way of trying to make the combat interesting, because besides that chore the combat was just mash the attack button until the bad guy falls over. It also had horrible voice acting, game breaking glitches and glitchy animations, not a very intriguing story and no character development, and there were only 2 or 3 different kinds of monsters in the world so even exploring that felt repetitive. Every dungeon in Skyrim looks the same. The music was pretty good, and that was it. One of the most disappointing games I've ever played.
I randomly decided to rewatch this video because I got back into Skyrim recently, and…Oh Yahtzee. I don't think there is a more adequate representation of "be careful what you wish for" then hearing Yahtzee beg for more open world games and less linear shooters ten years ago, given his recent gripes. XD
my most fond memory in skyrim is first figuring out the restoration potion exploit... When you can turn a bunch of fish and flowers into the power of a nuclear missile on a bloody fork and run around the country instakilling enormous monsters, you know you have reached the ultimate cheese
I once was fighting a draugr that was on a higher ledge, and hit it with an arrow so hard that it flew up, and got its head lodged between the wall and the rafters. I wouldn't even call that a glitch, it's just a testament of how detailed the object borders are.
I shot one into a portcullis at one point (can't remember exactly where) but his corpse prevented the thing from opening, so I couldn't continue the quest and had to restart from the start of the dungeon because I was a noob and never used quicksave
I just ran, with a man, into a building, to escape a Dragon. Turns out he was from the Empire. Ok well whatever. I'll see what happens for the rest of the game....
My problem with Skyrim is that the dungeons are too linear. Travel through this twisting hallway, kill the boss, take the shortcut out. If you've played Oblivion, most dungeons in it had several floors and tons of different paths that usually lead to deadends and no shortcuts back out. And I'm disappointed that there is no mod to overhaul these existing dungeons either, even after 3 years of this game being out.
I went to Whiterun to purchase some ingots so I could work on my smithing skill. I fast travelled there, and as soon as the screen loaded I heard "Blades, helmets.. anything to suit your needs" Ok, so where are you, blacksmith lady? I can hear you but where are you? Turns out she was in the stream under the bridge at the start to town. Her legs were stuck in the ground and only her torso was sticking out, but she didn't seem to mind. I was able to talk to her and she sold me some smithing supplies.
My stealth is through the fucking roof. I can literally crouch and combat roll strait in front of and into enemies! I can slit the throats of people having a conversation and the still don't see me on legendary. So in short, go stealth, it pays off.
Everyone complains about the dialogue wheel from Oblivion not realizing that by removing it there's no new implemented way to increase an NPC or followers disposition now. I didn't think it was that bad but how is gutting it without replacing "great"
I have to pick between the only two extreme glitches that I remember. But my favorite has to be when I was wrapping up the Dark Brotherhood's questline. Cutting out a lot, I was about to kill my target when his missing burly bodyguard ghosted through the wall. Had to wait until he decided to return to whatever dimension he'd popped out of.
When I went to the orcs after finishing their quest when their chief thanked me, pronounced me orc Blood-Kin, and said "to the orcs you will be known as famil-" *twitch* "You never should have come here!" before him and all the other orcs started to attack me
Oh my sides, my best/worst glitch, in vanilla, is that my body separated from my camera and clothing, so I was a naked argonian wandering around a cave with a fucking CCTV in the corner
My favorite glitch was when I saved a friend and it accidentally played the spouse dialogue instead of the friend one. What made it funnier was already married.
I went with the imperials the first time up. The rebels seemed cool but I'm pretty sure helping a soldier not die from a dragon attack earns you a pardon. Only later I found out the only benefit you don't get from starting with the rebels is free iron and steel ingots from Hadvar's Dad's shop. Made myself a nice sharp sword from it and some wolf pelt.
This may not be a "glitch" per se, but one of my more memorable Skyrim moments was when I repeatedly backstabbed an infinite wave of friendly soldiers to grind up my level a little bit, but I lost track of time and the ever clueless soldiers continue to swim through their comrades' corpses, right up to the man with blood as a new paint job, and treat me as if I was their friendly neighbor. 20 minutes later i had enough bodies to take up the population of Australia
I went up to a Word Wall once and absorbed the Word, as you do, went into my menu to spend a Wyvern Soul to get it and yet found I didn't have any new Words to learn! Reloaded the Save and the same thing happened again! Then in another dungeon, while I was inspecting a door that was barred on the other side, I somehow managed to get my crosshair in jus the right spot to lift said bar! On console! Haven't managed it again, though, sadly... Another time, a great big Wyvern landed in front of me on a mountain pass, I hit it a couple of times with the Mehrunes Razor, saw my HP was low and ducked into a nearby stone hut to heal, but then noticed the Wyvern wasn't breathing fire at me any more! Turned out I'd insta-killed it with the Razor! Okay, not a bug or a glitch, but I felt it needed sharing as I thought it was a pretty cool story...
Loaded into my game and for some reason instead of loading right outside a Dwarven city I had just been exploring as I should have I spawned about a mile or so above said Dwarven city where upon I immediately fell from the sky and died. Game reloaded. Spawned where I should of spawned the first time round.
The imperials just kind of assume you're a rebel despite not having any files on you and the fact that you're not wearing rebel clothing. However, they are still the good guys in the war.
I don't think it's quite that simple. From what I gather, it comes down to a philosophy debate: freedom vs. order. Both are very, very necessary. But which is more important?
bjh2o It comes down to "Possibility to kill Thalmor some day?" vs "Oh, yay, we can worship Talos for the _week before the Thalmor kill us all_." But in all seriousness, Ulfric is a greedy, power-hungry murderer and a liar. As Saerlund Law-Giver said- the cause is true, but the man is a lie.
TheTrueWolfboy I get that. And that's a big part of what makes it complex. But his cause isn't wholly unjust. The Nordic way was literally dying and in very real danger of being lost completely. Yes, Ulfric had his own selfish intentions. But the defense of his culture always struck me as the main objective he wanted to achieve.
bjh2o The Nord way wasn't, and isn't, at risk. Talos is not the Nord way, it's one small part of it. And before Ulfric, everyone _still worshipped Talos_. His petty rebellion gave the Thalmor cause to up the ante in Skyrim. Torygg would have supported Ulfric's ideals if asked. Elisef said as much. Ulfric murdered him for the throne. He's considered a hero for what would now be considered war crimes in Markarth. Under Imperial rule, the Nords can do anything they want besides openly worship Talos. You cannot have a just society under a corrupt ruler. Ulfric is a racist. Ulfric is a murderer. Ulfric is a self-absorbed, avaricious coward. Torygg was a fair ruler who cared about all others, and he was murdered for the throne. For the good of the people of Skyrim- nay, for the good of all of Tamriel, the Empire must win the war. The Empire needs to regain its hold over the other Provinces, regain its former glory, and strike back against the Aldmeri Dominion. I respect the Stormcloaks for fighting for what they believe in, but they are doing it in ignorance.
***** I normally side with Ulfric and then go through the stages of my character realizing he's a prick before I get the Crown, and then I betray the Stormcloaks for the Empire. The Aldmeri Dominion is basically the Nazi Empire. I ain't touchin' that shit. I hate the Thalmor with a passion. Hammerfell would sooner side with Skyrim than the Dominion, and if you know the history between them that's saying something.
my favorite glitch was when i was in my home in riften i was in the basement doing inventory and out of the corner of my eye i saw movement so i had a look around and saw noone except my manikin but for a split second i thought i saw it move so walk right up to it and stared at it for a few seconds and nothing then i laughed and thought it was my imagination ....then the manikin turn his head and looked me straight in the eyes and i jumped almost 3 feet out of my bed waking everybody in the house...
I've been binge watching these videos for about a half hour and have literally injured my throat from laughing. I pulled something or strained something and it hurts but I'm not stopping. XD
Getting launched into low orbit by a giant is still one of my all-time favorite vidya memories.
When I first told my friends that I was playing Skyrim the first thing they all said was, "Did you get launched by the giants yet?"
Shit always fall from the sky when I play. Goats. Bandits. Even other giants sometimes just appears. Had one falling right into Falkreach just a few weeks ago :p
Gotta love the mammoths too, just a sudden flash of dark brown in the sky out of nowhere and you find them dead ripe for looting
It just always rains Argonians for me.
McLovin getting off my horse to the same effect was much better
My favorite glitch was when a skeleton dragon fell out of the sky on top of me as I was crossing the bridge to the college of Winterhold, pulling me off and sending me tumbling to my death.
Well played, Alduin.
I know this one. Didnt hit me, but I was really scared for a moment
more successful use of one his followers corpses than anything else he tried (which was limited to raising them to die to you so.,..)
Used to see a lot of teleported janky dragon bones in the normal Skyrim but hasn't really happened in my Special edition playthrough yet. Guess they might've fixed it.
That must’ve been quite the jumpscare XDD
when I played Skyrim there was a glitch that activated when I died during that one mission for the companions when you first fight the silver hand or whatever. whenever my character was indoors I would hear this horrible rattling sound constantly and when I went into third person and my character model was completely gone. when I was at the tavern in whiterun I looked up for no reason and saw the 3rd person model of my character ragdolling across the ceiling. I managed to leave the tavern in 3rd person view and then I witnessed my character change from its intended position into a ragdoll corpse that slowly started to rise into the sky and never stopped. and then that one asshole asked if I get to the cloud district very often.
Because of this comment, I ended up looking stupid trying to stifle a laugh in a library
"Do you go to the Cloud District often? Oh what am I saying, ofc you don't"
No, I'm only the first Dragonborn in over 1000 years who saved the world from armageddon, brought the Thieves Guild back into power as well as the Dark Brotherhood, rebuilt Wuuthrad for the Companions and imprisoned a dragon in the keep OF the Cloud District. I'll be fucked if I can figure out two sets of stairs and a fucking wooden door these days tho.
Fact: Nazeem ("Cloud District" guy) has the same voice actor as Torbjorn from _Overwatch_.
Zapsie The wonderful world of voice actors.
I'm going to now buy over watch so I may find said person and bash their face in with the biggest blunt instrument I can find.
Ah, remember when linear shooters were the mainstream default, and an open world game was a refreshing change of pace? What a fanciful concept.
“ Wow, crafting, stealth mechanics, and an open world? What a fresh novel concept! “
Jimminy c-throat
Every generation has it's generic game style
And the monkey’s paw curls
It's the usual order of things. A few games pull of a genre amazingly, then the next 6-10 years after that you're going to have the dozens of copycats which range from great to terrible.
My best glitch is while walking through Whiterun, I was engaged in a conversation. To whom? I do not know, no one was around when it adjusted my camera. After leaving the dialogue, I noticed a person floating above my head, in a T pose. He floated forward a few feet and then ascended into the sky, never to be seen again.
Some say, he is still ascending to this day.
+Arrow In Eye Probably was Nazeem on his way to the Cloud District...
+Arrow In Eye Mine was I jumped through a ceiling by accident, got thrown by the dodgy collision where I flew through a mountain and the game promptly crashed.
+Arrow In Eye No, you just met Jesus and convinced him to abandon humanity. :)
+CheeseOfMasters Damn you
I once jumped on a bandwaggon full of cabbages when the wagon went flying at 300 mph at some poor old woman rambling to her son about how she just saw a dragon. She died and the son couldn't give less of a shit.
I just giggled like a loon so hard the entire office looked at me funny.
I can't find the fucks to give. This comment is amazing.
My cabbages!!
Off with their heads! One for every head of cabbage!
Loving the Avatar references!
omfg i did something similar, except when i jumped onto the cabbage cart it spazzed out and shot through me, somehow killing me with cabbages rolling all over my body.
Weirdest glitch has to be Lydia dying in a cave then her body showing up in my house in Whiterun for some reason... just lying there.
ICantSplel well Now you will know the sorrow of those lives you have ended
Argus Horstus Hubertus .Schnitzelkönig So many scientists...
ICantSplel that's nothing one time i found parthonax's skeleton on the bridge when ever i entered whiterun even though i hadn't killed him and he was still chilling at the top of the throat of the world. luckily this meant i could help the blades again without having to kill him
ICantSplel Weirdest glitch has to be when I was going down a dungeon, and I stepped somewhere that led me to a infinite floor glitch. Interestingly, I was placed at the beginning of the same dungeon, and upstairs... with no loading screens.
Charles Patrick My best glitch was in my Mansion in Falkreath. I've adopted a child in Whiterun and bandits were raiding my house. I was playing tag with her at the time when they arrived, and amist the battle what i see is Lucia brandishing a knife to Bandits and murdering them like a boss. After that, my girl was on a frenzy and kept killing everything around my house including the livestock i've ordered from my housecarl. Took some time to get her back at normal, but after that i've installed a Mod that would allow me to take her as a Follower, because FUCK HOUSECARLS, my adopted daughter is a BAD ASS!
my glich was when i saw a butter fly in a rock and decided to "jump on it" and the damn thing when fliying up WITH ME STILL STANDING,
+Ramiro Galletti that kind of takes all the thrill out of riding a dragon, does it?
my favorite glitch is that I was fighting bandits on my way to the dark brotherhood sanctuary and I was using a bow, a butterfly flew by and took a arrow. I guess they still have collision detection on player characters and the like. I then made it a personal goal to hit as many butterflies with arrows as possible
That sounds perfectly normal to me
One time I was talking to some dude in the Whiterun Jarl's palace, and then a dinner plate came out of nowhere and smashed into his face. It was stuck there for a while.
That is glorious
That’s probably the most realistic thing that happened in the game
So, I once loaded my game where me and my companions were in Solitude, gearing up to set out and face the terrible creatures at Jurgen Windcaller's gravesite.
And then suddenly, my companions started to run away from me. Very very quickly. They sprinted out the city gates and down to the harbourfront.
That was the last time I saw them.
Sounds like a smart thing to do, the way we all roll x3
to defend my intelligence. I went with empire because i had no fucking idea what was happening, there was a dragon and every thing else was background nose.
Also I joined them later because i figured "The Empire" would have mas denero a los Rebels
I went with the empire because I spent 3 hours talking to various people in Skyrim who weren't blinded by hero worship for one side or the other and reading up about both sides on every forum I could find. To each his own. (;
...And just in case you were wondering: Ulfric and his lackeys are all racist jerks. The only thing that they had going for them--fighting the elves and ending the white-gold concordant--is already on General Tullius's long-term agenda. Skyrim by itself is in no state to take on the elves.
Also that Empire guy didn't come off half as bad :/
***** Thank for agreeing with me Frank
***** Wow, you actually know binary??
I remember I killed a dragon once, but I didn't get it's soul. I kept walking, but then the corpse started following me and ragdolling where ever I went. In my house, in the cities, in the dungeons, in the freaking SOUL CAIREN! Everywhere that f-ing dragon never let me live it down that I killed him.
It was haunting you
@@crawlingboy lol
U still remember that experience from this comment now?
I had this happen with a mammoth except it didnt register that it was dead and would still attack but couldnt be damaged anymore
This sounds like a fun D&D prompt
Just because lots of people seem to want to share their Skyrim glitch stories-
I decided to go on a killing spree in Riften one time in order to do some power leveling, and after the killing stopped, I went back to examine the bodies for gold and the like and I found what I can only describe as a wormhole connected to a fountain of blood. There was a constant stream of blood spurting out of thin air, apparently where I'd burst an artery on of one of my enemies.
My best glitch is when i tried getting off my horse and walking, but instead i was running extremely fast with galloping noises in the background.
my best glitch was during the opening credits scene, the wheels starting bugging out, and tried to fuse with the horse, and then we started doing backflips, I was in a tree for a while, and then we trotted off a cliff into helgen proper, all the while none of the NPC's noticed a thing, they just kept on with their dialog, and eventually we ended up stuck upside down on a building because our horse must've gained infinite density and shot off into space
Similar thing happened to me, except the wheels just flew off, and the wagon was left upside down with all of our heads clipping through the ground.
I had a similar story except there was no dialogue or music. We were just riding silently for a bit then just as we were about to enter Helgen the cart flew over the town and crashed into a mountain
I remember that in skyrim, the first time you witness a dragon being resurrected, it immediately flew of, attacked a mammoth, and was then killed by said mammoth, which had taken almost no damage. I will always remember that mammoths are apparently far more powerful than flying magic dragons.
I was tasked to kill a traveling noble in Solitude by order of the Night Mother. So I stabbed her right in the middle of town square, but it was okay because the game said I was hidden. After stripping her corpse of everything (because I was a horder) I left her body out in the streets as I made my escape. When I came back, I found at least 7 guards who had just noticed the naked corpse, and had all gathered round to "inspect" it, by bending down and touching it.
Peter Hanson
By any chance, was that hold taken over by a Military Committee of necrophiles?
Lol same thing happened to me but instead of a lady it was the Penitus Oculatus agent
i assassinated a wizard and then he fell through the ground and rose back up behind me.
looks like the tables have turned.
+Pariah Apocalypse I laughed to hard at this
To quote conan the barbarian, even in death, a wizard cannot be trusted.
I could just imagine the mage saying "U fokin wot m8?"
Sounds like he was roleplaying online
my best glitch is when i became jesus (i killed a fox, dragged its body into a river and as soon as its floppy body touched the water it came to life)
theflyingdugong my best glitch is where river wood decided to disappear no people wer there and the buildings didn't load so
Well it is a Bethesda game , harhar
as the old saying goes, you can lead a fox to water but you cant make it STAY FUCKING DEAD
I wish the civil war questline was better integrated into the main story.
It didn't feel like anything really changed afterwards.
It was kind of disappointing, but I did like how if you didn't finish the civil war when you were doing the main story you got to put people in charge of certain cities. I do wish Maven had given me some sort of reward for negotiating her into being jarl of Riften though.
Sam Rader I actually think its a quite realistic feature.
***** I shouldn't have to mod a fucking game because the developers didn't do it right.
That's not what I'm saying. I'm just suggesting something like Civil War Overhaul or WARZONES to help you with your plight, good sir.
the time my horse finished off the dragon. I swear I thought at one moment it was going to shout FUS RO DAH (I guess it held back in order to hide the fact it's the real dragonborn).
How to win the game? Duel wield axes and use a speed shout, then swing your arms around like a "Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman" until everything dies, then if your a Argonian just use your daily skill which heals you faster then chugging 5 potions
press (~)
Type "TGM"
(toggle god mode)
You win.
Nero Goldmane Only works on computer Skyrim but yeah.
I don't know, I went through most of the game one-shotting a lot of creatures with my khajiit dropping into stealth and sniping everyone with the bow. And for the dragons I simply add a poison to my arrow that does a rather nasty amount of damage, making even the final battle not that difficult.
Only if you aren't cool. Use fisticuffs to kill everything, even the godzilla. No radioactive lasers, because that's also cheating.
I think the dual-wielding would work better with an Orc.
I am very pleased he liked this Elder Scrolls.
(I will never forget you hovering-over-the-ground-lady...)
My favorite glitch was when I saw a mammoth flying around roaring and breathing fire.
My weirdest one is when I was running into a cave and after I got in the cave, the only colors I could see was 10% orange and 90% black so I, who was blind and swinging all over the place got killed by a group of trolls.
when i changed gender every time i fast traveled or entered a room, but kept the same face
I was killed by a cabbage cart. It started moving and I got closer. The cart then shot towards me, pinning me to the Riverwood trader as my life drained..... to this day I have not been able to recreate it
GeakGuySheldon Dude I had something similar where I tried jumping on top of the cart and it instantly killed me and launched my corpse on the roof of the blacksmith.
Akiraspin GeakGuySheldon Don't f*** with cabbage carts. They will f*** your s*** up.
i once had a really strange bug where for some reason both ulfic stormcloak and general tullius spawned naked outside whiterun, then proceeded to get into a fist fight where neither could die, so they just continued fighting naked for eternity, i believe they are still there.
Dude, check, just go check and let me know real quick!
ah yes, the true battle for the position of the tru king of skyrim
Seems a better alternative than losing a ton of people in the war pointlessly lol
My favorite glitch was and always will be the dragon corpse that follows you whenever you fast travel.
My first couple playthroughs, I got confused as to why the intro segment kept changing from playthrough to playthrough. It later turns out that I was so busy worrying about being *CHASED BY A FUCKING DRAGON ATTACKING THE TOWN* that I had completely missed the fact that there was some sort of moral/ethical decision to make over who you would run away with when you were being *CHASED BY A FUCKING DRAGON ATTACKING THE TOWN!*
I fucking noticed the first time I play. I take the time to actually immerse myself as my character.
When I played I didn't even see the imperials. I ran after the rebels so fast that I only found out there was a decision from watching this video
There isn't a moral/ethical decision. There is literally no difference between who you choose. The only difference is the dialogue for the next 5 minutes.
Funnily enough, I first ran of with the stormcloak- dude, then somehow lost him, run a few metres with the imperial guy and in the end found myself back at the side of the stormcloak. And I was like: "I have no idea what just happened, or what I did, or how I even managed to lose the guy I was supposed to follow, but it had a dragon in it, so it was totally epic!"
I just saw an objective "escape with Rolf or Hadvar" and thought who the fuck is this Rolf man? Again, more preoccupied with this Hadvar man reminding me to stay close to this lovely wooden wall to avoid the fucking fire breathing lizard, then slaughtering men that, to my knowledge, had forgotten about dragons and were some weird fuckers living in a cave.
The biggest problem I have with Skyrim is friendly fire. If you employ a mercenary or follower and accidentally breathe on them, they won't rest until your skull becomes bonemeal.
+Denny Chen my guess is you play a mage. try using block and have a dialogue with them.( it work most of the time)
It's even worse when they're healing in a pile of enemies, and you kill the mercenary you paid money for without realizing, and THEN... You forget they died and then you lose the stuff you gave them.
+zachary neil who the fuck hires mercenaries in skyrim?
Whiterun Guard yes but not for actual protection or to fight
+Whiterun Guard What about an arrow to the knees.
Sorry I had to.
One night a glowing ghost on horseback, got hit by Giant, so i put a wish on that beautiful star flying through the sky...
Jordis got smashed up by a giant but didnt actually die, she disappeared for a while but then as I was looking around for a corpse she came sliding into view on her back chatting away to me and she just wouldnt get back up. I walked around for ages with her just sliding along behind me.
Alice Clarke I had that same one! That was my favorite!
I guess the weirdest glitch I had was in Riverwood, in the general store, I did my usual routine of putting a pot in the vendor's head and the physics on the pot glitched out hard, it started vibrating at supersonic speed and doing that ragdoll bug noise and after a few seconds the dude died and he got dragged all over the room like a paper man following the crazy vibrating pot. All while her sister kept talking about how we needed to get back the golden statue thingie, good times.
I had a neat one off glitch where after a large battle the invisible Valkyrie descended onto the battlefield and promptly ignored the spirits of the fallen and instead decided to take their weapons and shields. All at once they began slowly floating straight up so high they disappeared. I came back later to find bodies still around but the weapons and shields were no where to be found.
My favourite glitch involved The Companions quest where one of them dies. I looted the lovely armour from his corpse,but next time I went back to their hall there he was, sitting in his underwear drinking mead.
He just looked at me (wearing his old armour) and asked... "Yes?"
I always loved picking a random direction, going in it, than being forcibly drafted into the local giant space program.
“Sandbox sea- no no no no no!”
Will always be that quaint little joy this midnight
best way to play is with infinite carry weight. I love immersion and all but it's pretty annoying to travel back to town every 2 caves to unload your helmet collection
I also find it fun to try to collect every armor set and unique weapon in the game
How do you play with the most carry weight?
if you play on PC, use the "~" next to the "1" and type player.modav carryweight *
*= the amount of carry weight you want
if on PS3 of Xbox, then tough
King M
The alchemy glitch has console players sorted though, all you need is the fortify carry weight enchantment and a ridiculously powerful fortify enchanting potion.
true. but I'd say that takes a lot more time and resources to pull off.
It's not as though Skyrim players don't have both of those things in spades though.
My favorite Skyrim glitch was when I had a mammoth spawn in a tree and stand there while everything in the area tried to kill it including the giant that was supposed to be protecting it.
in memory of hovering ground lady 2012-2012
Yeah, I have to say, the game really, really didn't help itself present a choice that could go either way when the first you see of the Empire in Skyrim is that they're literally prepared to execute people by the job-lot despite no actual orders to do so, just because they were in a random area at a random time, and more importantly, they were about to do that to ME. It really doesn't help motivate me to give them a chance.
They did that to justify joining the rebels,because if they didint everyone would have joined the empire
Nyctas Cadellidon But then you go to Windhelm and figure out it's the equivalent of Little Rock during the Civil Rights Movement. And it does not help if you decided to be an elf.
I made my choice based upon facts. Stormcloaks want to worship Talos as a Divine and the Thalmor doesn't think Talos should be worshipped as one. A Divine is a creature that used to be Aedrea but lost all their powers when creating Earth and creatures. Whatever Talos did to win such respect, was not on the same level as creating a whole planet and the creatures living there. Thus giving up your godhood.
Tyr Barghest I didnt care too much about the Talos banning stuff, i just couldnt join the Stormcloaks cos they are all incredibly racist and shortsighted lol and although im an Imperial which the Nords dont seem to hate too much. My adventuring buddy is a Dark Elf so those racist Stormcloaks can eat my sword :P
callum flude Have you ever just sat there in Ulfric's hall and listened? I swear it's like night and day when you compare it to what Tulius and Rikke are talking about. When I first started playing Skyrim, that's what made the choice so hard. The Stormcloaks were all racist but extremely honorable and the Imperial wasn't racist but were incredibly dishonorable.
Here's a glitch: One time, I was just walking through the mountain pass between ivarstead and helgen, and then an imperial soldier on a horse blasted upward like a rocket, did a zig-zag, and initiated warp drive off into the sunset.
My favorite was when I was walking in the swamps south of Solitude and occasionally an elk would fall from the sky a few dozen yards in front of me.
Skyrim is a kind of game in which if you start listing all the flaws you would almost literally NEVER run out
especially when you start adding in mods, sure I love the horseback combat mod but why Is that custom weapon I downloaded hovering 3 feet away from my hand, oh well TSUNAMI MAGIC GO! oh crap I drowned everyone
Chompski There is an update already that is official that add proper horse combat.
The one thing i hated about skyrim was that just about everything was indoors, never out in the lush open world where all the nice trees are.
a mission would tell you: Go to the glade of unimaginable beauty and splender. There you will find a dark damp cave. Go into the cave and get me the sword of "i bet you wish you were outside right now". then head over to fort "Just like every other fort" and get me the sacred kneebrace of saint "wishiwasinthewillows". then bring it to the crypt of "just like the first one you go to in this game" and fight some Draugr.
Draugr, the reanimated corpses of Dead Nords. Not to be confused with zombies, which are the Reanimated corpses of dead humans that may include Nords. There are different because reasons.
Draugr served dragons, got mummified sorta by them, and then continued to serve dragons.
Zombies are amateurs.
Zombycow that's why I rarely use fast travel in Skyrim, it leads to a real sense of adventure and wonderment
Can zombie use powerful magic? Can zombie shout at you and make you went flying or lose your weapon ?
my best bug so far is when i was fighting a dragon and suddenly the dragon stopped caring about me and went off to fight some bandits a few miles further. so i chased it and apparently the bandits did spawn but their clothing didn't, so i found myself fighting a dragon and a bunch of naked bandits. had some nude mods so they where full monty
One time when I was woefully underleveled I found some dragon priest on top of a mountain. I managed to kill it, but as I approached the word wall I stepped on a random ribcage that was lying on the ground and was promptly launched ten feet into the air and straight off the side of the mountain.
So, I had a bandit hand me back a dagger I'd dropped and politely warn me not to leave weapons around.
While I was hiding and undetected.
And then he walked away.
Best glitch? A giant smashed Lydia and myself into pancakes. After reloading, she was still dead on the ground. However, her lifeless corpse kept following me around like a normal follower, merrily sliding along the ground after me.
Also I´m pretty sure that the "rim" in Skyrim is not about the circumference of the only female puppy in Paw Patrol (as implied), but rather about rime ice and you must admit the name fits very well then. You spend a lot of time under the open sky and there is a lot of ice.
My best one was when a dragon flew out of the ground, with a giant riding it until he fell off, died at my feet and the dragon decided he was late for tea.
My favorite glitch in Skyrim is when a giant clipped onto a dragons back and I witness the first dragon rider
Oh wow, it's a blast from the past to hear Yahtzee praising an open-world game for being different. Little did he know the glut of open-world games that the AAA industry would become...
Watch his review of Assassin's Creed 1 and watch Yathzee slowly dying inside over the years.
Had a bunch of bugs with Serana. In the quest where you had to gather water to get entrance to the temple, she would keep looping around in a single area and not follow me. Had to quicksave to fix that.
Another time was after beating Harkon. She got stuck in an attack position and it wasn't possible to talk to her at all. Had to beat her up to return her to normal.
Oh and a bonus bug with Aela. After getting the first totem, she just forgot about it and disappeared from the game lol. Somehow the fix for this was to sleep for 2 days and she just magically appeared beside my bed and the quest finished normally.
I entered *Radiant Raiment* and then I SHAT MYSELF!!!
there were 5 mannequins faced tword me, about the shop. slowly moving tword me with clothing on like random generated npcs.
Then suddenly they all went to T-pose had the clothes taken off them, and acted as normal mannequins again...
*grumbles* god damn elf magic...
My best bug was when i absorbed a dragon soul before i killed the dragon, then it became a skeletal dragon flying around and i couldnt kill it. I came back later, and it was invisible. I still managed to defeat it though, with the floating blood shaped as a dragon's snout.
I got the exact same glich it was so weird and cool. I killed the invisible dragon by finding a bear then letting the dragon and the bear fight then I killed the dragon :)
my brother got into a dragon fight at the college of winterhold, killed it, its corpse landed on the walkway. he reloaded the save and the dragons skin was back and it was humping the college walls. (games are bad at remembering where things with ragdoll physics are meant to be)
I got a glitch where I killed a dragon, and it rolled down a hill as I took it soul. Then, whenever I entered a new area for the rest of the game (until I logged off) There was an extremely glitched dead dragon to the right-hand side of me.
my best glitch came when I was trying to do the exploit on console that lets you be both a werewolf and a vampire lord at the same time, somehow I messed it up and I turned into a half werewolf where I was in human form but I had a wolf head and claws but the rest of me was in human form
that sounds incredibly awesome
avalon629h the downside was I LOST BOTH vampire and werewolf powers when that happened
I went with the Empire on my first playthrough, not because I wanted to see what happened, or because they are better people. My thoughts were "HOLY CRAP A DRAGON RUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUN!"
I always go with the Empire no matter what my character's plans are because if you go with Hadvar, you get free iron ingots, which means a jumpstart to your Heavy armor skills. Though in SkyRe, crafting requires more materials, so I guess it evens itself out.
Also (take this from someone who actually took the time to do the Stormclock quest line), the Stormcloaks are complete ASSHOLES.
Adam Vriend
Yeah, I know. They're racists.
Talos disaprooves.
Well, maybe the empire just needs a guiding hand from within. So I side with the empire.
Whilst leaving whiterun to go.... somewhere I saw a mammoth ahead of me. He started to spin slowly, then got faster and faster until he flew straight up into the sky, still spinning, like a rocket launch. Legend has it he spins to this day
This game wins In my book because of one thing.
General guy: No I will rule Skyrim in the name of the Hostage Empire!
Bearded guy: NO I WILL rule skyrim in the name of racist Nords
both: o_o
Me: I own the local theives guild, the companions, the local dark brotherhood, Im the Archmage, I've killed well over 300 dragons on my way to fucking sell stuff, I have enough gold to build a palace out of it, I reformed the Dawnguard, I cured Serana here of Vampirism (its surprisingly easy), Im the Thane of everyhold, I have enough enchanted weapons and Armour to build an Army of SuperSoldiers, I'm the only one keeping the economy going by selling shit I dont need, I have 2 dragon buddies, ones an asshole and the other loves me! I'm able to instantly pick flowers and my ass which infact can hold as much shit as a freight train! Iv'e gained the attention of every Deadra asshole out there, I could win an eating contest against anybody and anything, I was mentored by all previous guild masters and a fucking dragon, they all ended up dying! Hell I murder every thalmor asshole I come across so under my rule they cant do shit, a rule inforced by the might of so many people who will follow me to Asgard itself, all equipped with weapons of legends, and I could kill anyone in this room with my fucking voice! Oh and i'm apparently a bard now... make me High King and with my leadership we could rule not only skyrim, but Tamriel itself, and the GALAXY!!!
+TheAtomicGoliath Todd Howard, "Fine, you take over develoment of the Elder Scrolls 6"
+TheAtomicGoliath That is the backstory of talos. He was just a dragonborn who 100% completed the game he was in. He won so many wars because he could just reload if he fucked up.
+TheAtomicGoliath For king
+TheAtomicGoliath Imagine a game where your character is all of that, but nobody knows it and he secretley manipulates the entire world.
+Dylan K. Right. In Skyrim you _are_ all that, and the guards still have the balls to make that fucking sweetroll remark.
It's fair to say that sequels will never continuously please fans because the game makers either: change it so little as to make it look like the same game as before, or change it to the point where it's not the same game and is not enjoyable in the same way.
GREAT EXAMPLE is- Gears of war to gears of war Judgement day! Fucking completely reamped the game!
Morrowind to Oblivion :|
My favorite/most frequent glitch is when dead dragons fall from the sky, right on top of me. They still have their skin, but you can't loot them or absorb their souls. It only started happening recently, but its already been 25-30 times. Makes me jump when I'm not expecting it.
This is like reading a roman book review of the Bible
at the beginning of the story you find out that you have been captured for trying to cross the border, the bloke sitting next to you tells you that!
I used to roleplay this part. As a hunter/poacher from the mountains north of Bruma :)
I used to roleplay it too, but then I took an arrow to the knee
Isn't that just a load of shit-pie? "Yeah, let's toss the guy who stole a horse and the other guy who just crossed our boarder (which isn't illegal) in the same cart as the person who literally fucking shouted the king to death and staged a rebellion, along with his lackey."
The Creator
Just as it happens in real life sometimes, they captured a group of rebels. They won't care if one of them says he "was just crossing the border", they just won't believe him.
JuliusAkavirius Even though that person wasn't wearing a stormcloak uniform. And one of those 'rebels' they knew for a fact was just a horse thief.
My best Skyrim glitch was when I was just walking along and suddenly a horse landed on me. I died instantly. I think somehow a giant must have thrown it into the stratosphere. Anyway, after the horse incident, I found that a kettle came flying at me from behind. Thinking this was a quest starter, I turned around. Instead of starting a quest however, Barbas the talking dog slowly glitched his way out of the ground and started running around in a circle, his head held to the air, barking endlessly. Somehow he kept following me until I thought "Screw this" so I Unrelenting Force'd him to f*ck off.
11 years later and the cooking pot, dog-bollock, piñata still has me in absolute hysterics, partly because it's an excellent joke delivery but mostly because my memory is so poor you could use it to strain spaghetti and every time is like the first time.
Even Yahtzee knows the difference between wyverns and dragons. Hence why he called then godzillas
***** Though the universe of Elder Scrolls has reasons behind calling their wyverns dragons. It's because 4 legged dragons don't exist in their universe. Like the Dwarves (which are actually just elves), they only have wyverns. In the sense of a multiverse theory (and some liberal application of Whovian logic) the word "Dragon" must have bled through the fabric of the universes enough that the word 'Wyvern' doesn't exist in their language or world. The same can be said against 'Dwarves' of TES, being that the word bled through, blah blah blah, elfs that were highly skilled in crafting with metal called their race Dwarf.
@@Un_Popular_Opinions Good gravy, I hope you fixed your brain problems over the last 6 years
Glitch swaping comment chain!
The best glitch i remenber was when i saw a Whiterun Guard swiming in the middle of the air and drowing a few steps later.
Mine was when I became a were-vampire and murdered everyone and never got a bounty.
dank moo My best glitch was when I decided to collect a TON of gems and put them into a pot. Eventually, the gems inside would move around so much that some would go through the pot and hit the ground. Frustrated, I jumped inside the pot with the intent to "stomp" on them, when I found I slowly descended through the pot and then the floor, as if I took a warp pipe. I ended up returning to the entrance of my house, where the pot of gems was.
My two worst glitches was when my camera was stuck in Third-Person mode (I fight in First-Person mode, makes it easier to shoot arrows/spells), and when I ended up getting a black screen RIGHT WHEN I left a dungeon, saving my progress.
This an Oblivion glitch and I attended to do it a lot but I'll say it anyway. I was bored and had a nice collections of staffs like the Wabajack and Sanguine's Rose so I continually used them on guards and then resurrect them with Staff of Worms so I could repeat the process. I also used a deadric artifact that was a hammer that paralyzed people and strangely after a while of resurrecting and killing with it bodies would just turn into goop when dead or paralyzed. It was actually pretty funny resurrecting the goop, watching it glow purple and then a guard reforms...only to melt again when the time runs out.
I have a continuing glitch in Skyrim to whenever I fast travel to the giant stronghold thing closest to Whiterun, when the loading screen leaves I see a floating mammoth and when I kill a giant it suddenly falls to the ground... I have started exploiting this to get mammoth tusks and make profit
Another on in the exact same location was when a innocent fox gently sneezed in the general area of a giant and so the giant hit with it's massive club sending the poor thing flying into the sky.
Yet another hilarious glitch is when you shoot a draugr so that it sends the body clipping into one of the draugr doors and they get trapped. I have managed to capture this glitch in the wild and have uploaded it *cough* *cough*
TheGizimboGamer At the Companions Quest Line at the final mission (i think) there was a giant frostbite spider, for me instead of falling down straight at my face it just floated there until i shot it a few times and it died.
It's been 8 years. Do you still remember floating floor lady?
My favorite Bug moment was when I was walking out of whiterun and just a little past the town heard a moo and thumping footsteps, a giant raced towards me so I ducked under a nearby very small bridge and hit it with my weak fire spell for half an hour like the cheap "technically not cheating, he just cant reach me here" person that I am, go out and loot the giant only to hear the mammoth again but cant find it so I just start walking before its also hearing a dragon roar and look to the sky to see a dragon flying backwards with the mammoth apparently duck taped to it and it releases the mammoth over my head so I try to move out of the way but apparently it had pathing right for my skull as it crashed into me going velocity, killing me and sending me back to a save 2 hours previously because it hadn't auto saved and I thought I was safe after I beat the giant. It was the only time I've ever been mammoth bombed by the dragon but it was wild and hilarious.
On a more Skyrim related topic than my last comment 2 weeks ago..
The major issue I have with most open world games, especially Bethesda ones, is that there's really no replay value aside from just..playing the game again, and maybe using a different method of attack.
The game doesn't change based on what you do. At the start, you get to choose one of two people to escape with, but both ways lead to almost identical missions. The only difference being which Jarl you talk to. And even then they both give you similar missions.
The game doesn't change based on your options as a play. If I kill 10 people and there's no witnesses, I can come back later, and nothing changes. No one seems to care that I killed those 10 people. There's no one trying to find me, no wanted posters. Hell, there's a side mission in Skyrim where people flip out because someone was murdered in a town, and they ask you to help find the killer. So OBVIOUSLY death is something they care about. But if YOU kill someone, they don't care. You could leave bodies all over the place in that very same town, and the other NPCs wouldn't look twice.
There's also no game-changing things either. Like, I can't use a fireball to light a house on fire, then come back later to see that house has burned down for the rest of the game. I can go into a town wearing full Daederic armor with a huge sword and a fireball in my other hand, and no one cares. Kids will still walk up to you and ask you to play tag, while other npcs look at you and think you'll be a good person to ask for help with their meaningless chore.
I know it would be difficult to code, and probably take extra time. But I think it would be worth it. A game doesn't really feel like a real world, if nothing you do effects anything. It just feels like you're taking part in a pre-written story and your only input is telling the character where to go. And in an "OPEN WORLD" game, that's not exactly a good thing to feel. Sure, it's an open world game, but it's still really closed off and doesn't change much.
No replay value!? What are you NUTS!! Theirs TONS of replay value (assuming you haven't meticulously explored the entire map and all the dlc's in one or two sittings Just so you wouldn't have to play it again) which is NOT the way to play this game. Me, i STILL haven't even completed the quest that the graybeards give you to go get that horn or jorgan windcaller or whatever. FUCK THAT NOISE, EVERY SINGLE TIME i attempt to even start that quest i just go "Uhhg" and start over. Its the main reason why i installed the Alternate start: live another life mod from the Nexus. I'm going to explore the map eat and sleep in towns, roleplay, Live in the world of skyrim. THAT'S How you play this game (for me at least)
And for me the game will have Infinite replayability because i don't do the main quest.
SporeFreak2010 The thing is, "that's not the way to play this game" is exactly how I tend to play. I see no reason NOT to do everything possible in one playthrough. Do the main quest and some side quests. Do some more side quests and explore. Then do some DLC. Then more sidequests and DLC. Until I've filled out as much of the map that I can, and found as much as I can.
Don't get me wrong, I've made a couple characters, to try out different play styles. Stealth/bow, cool ninja assassin with dual daggers, generic sword/shield nord. But I still always had one character I played with more, and tried to fill out everything I could.
It has replay value, a BIT, because there's a strong likelihood that you're going to miss something. Plus you can play as a few different playstyles. But the problem is, the game doesn't change. No matter what you do, the game is always the same. There's no big life-changing decisions in the game, that hugely alter stuff. I'm not given a big decision to save, or destroy an entire town of innocent people, that if killed, are gone for the entire rest of the game(and impacts the game in other ways too). There's no real Karma system either. I can kill as many people as I want, and as long as no one sees me, no one cares about the hundreds of bodies piling up in the streets. It just gets a bit old, starting a new game, and it being exactly the same as every other playthrough.
In my opinion, Fallout has more replay value, simply due to stuff like Megaton. And the one town where you get to decide who ends up as the leader. Things that actually change an area fairly drastically, depending on your involvement. Skyrim doesn't really have anything like that. You just follow through each mission, and by the end, you're leader of everything, and saved the world.
txfnero Well, to each his own i suppose :/
Who needs replay value when you can (and I have) go nearly 200 hours and barely even touch the main quest? Why worry about playing a second time when you'll be 90 by the time you're done with the first? Your other ideas about persistent consequences and property damage are wonderful however. Only problem is that reminds me of Peter Molyneux's Fable promises, until someone explained to him that a fluid storyline that changes based on the player's actions is pretty much impossible.
you are a 0:37
HAH! I NEVER TOOK PART IN THE CIVIL WAR! Come to think of it, I never actually tried stopping Alduin either.
Skyrim still burns, I bet.
The only way to play this game is with graphics card bigger than the computer...then download 233 MODS with every thing that should have been implemented in development...Shadows/Lighting?...Better Combat system o.O? Realistic Needs? actual CIVIL WAR!?...and boom you have one of, if not, the best RPG ever made
I personally would like a better civil war mod. The Civil War mod is just, gigantic battlefields that you are just asking to die in at the beginning of the game, and looks a bit cheesy. And later in the game, you are basically a walking volcano destroying everything in your path.
i run it 60 fps with a 200 comp
David Wolfe
dont run 20 big mods at the same time...
Did you read the entire post?
The game is fucking boring without most of the mods out there and even when you do get it running it's just inevitable to eventually have it crash and lose all your progress, even with frequent saves which will immediately become nullified and broken
David Wolfe If you call that all boring, I guess it just isn't your type of game. Sucks to be you I guess /shrug
My favourite glitch is getting flung halfway across the universe by a dragon, and that time slowing ability which decides to not turn itself off randomly so you just become the flash
Oddly enough, I only came across one, big glitch while playing Skyrim. I was running from some bandits, trying to get to town when my character very suddenly launched a billion miles into the air. It was pretty funny until I realized I hadn't saved for over an hour.
contrary to popular opinion, skyrim isn't actually a game. It's an enormous character creator. You spend the first 5 minutes choosing race and appearance by shifting nobs and the next 40+ hours choosing your characters skills by rapidly jamming the attack buttons
they just forgot to add the actual game at the end
bro that is the game
for me it was a game with horrible combat design, repetitive, really bad inventory design, no quick-slots for spells or potions or backup weapons so you have to play open inventory simulator every time you fight, which I guess was their way of trying to make the combat interesting, because besides that chore the combat was just mash the attack button until the bad guy falls over. It also had horrible voice acting, game breaking glitches and glitchy animations, not a very intriguing story and no character development, and there were only 2 or 3 different kinds of monsters in the world so even exploring that felt repetitive. Every dungeon in Skyrim looks the same. The music was pretty good, and that was it. One of the most disappointing games I've ever played.
(I know I’m late on this but fuck it)
Spore fits the title of large character creator better than Skyrim
Unless you fight with a bow. Then it's more fun.
I randomly decided to rewatch this video because I got back into Skyrim recently, and…Oh Yahtzee. I don't think there is a more adequate representation of "be careful what you wish for" then hearing Yahtzee beg for more open world games and less linear shooters ten years ago, given his recent gripes. XD
my most fond memory in skyrim is first figuring out the restoration potion exploit... When you can turn a bunch of fish and flowers into the power of a nuclear missile on a bloody fork and run around the country instakilling enormous monsters, you know you have reached the ultimate cheese
I once was fighting a draugr that was on a higher ledge, and hit it with an arrow so hard that it flew up, and got its head lodged between the wall and the rafters. I wouldn't even call that a glitch, it's just a testament of how detailed the object borders are.
I shot one into a portcullis at one point (can't remember exactly where) but his corpse prevented the thing from opening, so I couldn't continue the quest and had to restart from the start of the dungeon because I was a noob and never used quicksave
I just ran, with a man, into a building, to escape a Dragon. Turns out he was from the Empire. Ok well whatever. I'll see what happens for the rest of the game....
My problem with Skyrim is that the dungeons are too linear. Travel through this twisting hallway, kill the boss, take the shortcut out. If you've played Oblivion, most dungeons in it had several floors and tons of different paths that usually lead to deadends and no shortcuts back out.
And I'm disappointed that there is no mod to overhaul these existing dungeons either, even after 3 years of this game being out.
Play Morrowind go to the first cave you see get killed in 1 hit and it has inverted camera axis and I hate that it makes it nearly unplayable for me.
General sexy Tulius
Go play daggerfall scrub.
Modded dungeons will fixed that. That's one reason why computer is better than console.
I'd rather the current dungeons be tweaked instead of piling new ones into the game. :P
Kinda hard to do unless you're implying they should make another one player game.
I went to Whiterun to purchase some ingots so I could work on my smithing skill. I fast travelled there, and as soon as the screen loaded I heard "Blades, helmets.. anything to suit your needs"
Ok, so where are you, blacksmith lady? I can hear you but where are you?
Turns out she was in the stream under the bridge at the start to town. Her legs were stuck in the ground and only her torso was sticking out, but she didn't seem to mind. I was able to talk to her and she sold me some smithing supplies.
My stealth is through the fucking roof. I can literally crouch and combat roll strait in front of and into enemies! I can slit the throats of people having a conversation and the still don't see me on legendary. So in short, go stealth, it pays off.
and is op as fuck while magic is weak and pathetic...
I always prefer to smash things in the face, so I play an Orc Warrior :D
Jacob Watkins
Are you using Two-Handed or dual wielding?
At least they added mounted combat since he posted this haha :)
how the fuck do i do that?
***** thanks, i am new to the game
My favourite bug was when I killed a dragon only to come back later to find it's body had been replaced with a naked black lady with a man's head
Mine was my head falling off, I still can't find it.
Mine was getting Fus Ro Dah'd into a wall by a Death Lord and getting stuck there upside down while he beat me to death.
I get dead dragons all over the place. My Skyrim's clean up crew is lazy. The dragon's skin comes back for some reason.
Saw a guard swimming in mid air near solitude harbour. Walked up to him, started treading air as he talked to me beford swimming off
Goodness even after 9 years he still feels the same
Everyone complains about the dialogue wheel from Oblivion not realizing that by removing it there's no new implemented way to increase an NPC or followers disposition now. I didn't think it was that bad but how is gutting it without replacing "great"
Your crime is specified. You crossed the border of Skyrim and Cyrodiil illegally.
I have to pick between the only two extreme glitches that I remember. But my favorite has to be when I was wrapping up the Dark Brotherhood's questline. Cutting out a lot, I was about to kill my target when his missing burly bodyguard ghosted through the wall. Had to wait until he decided to return to whatever dimension he'd popped out of.
When I went to the orcs after finishing their quest when their chief thanked me, pronounced me orc Blood-Kin, and said "to the orcs you will be known as famil-" *twitch* "You never should have come here!" before him and all the other orcs started to attack me
my best glitch was my horse who climbed up waterfalls
Mountains are too mainstream, I guess.
Oh my sides, my best/worst glitch, in vanilla, is that my body separated from my camera and clothing, so I was a naked argonian wandering around a cave with a fucking CCTV in the corner
My favorite glitch was when I saved a friend and it accidentally played the spouse dialogue instead of the friend one. What made it funnier was already married.
I like cereal more than popcorn.
Grabs popcorn
+1900maniac Ran out of cereal?
+MCHellshit we got a sharp one here
I went with the imperials the first time up. The rebels seemed cool but I'm pretty sure helping a soldier not die from a dragon attack earns you a pardon. Only later I found out the only benefit you don't get from starting with the rebels is free iron and steel ingots from Hadvar's Dad's shop. Made myself a nice sharp sword from it and some wolf pelt.
This may not be a "glitch" per se, but one of my more memorable Skyrim moments was when I repeatedly backstabbed an infinite wave of friendly soldiers to grind up my level a little bit, but I lost track of time and the ever clueless soldiers continue to swim through their comrades' corpses, right up to the man with blood as a new paint job, and treat me as if I was their friendly neighbor. 20 minutes later i had enough bodies to take up the population of Australia
WrongTime I did that as well XD
But who didn't?
the scaled crown army mission (or whatever it's called) right at the entrance your teammates will respawn infinitely
I went up to a Word Wall once and absorbed the Word, as you do, went into my menu to spend a Wyvern Soul to get it and yet found I didn't have any new Words to learn! Reloaded the Save and the same thing happened again!
Then in another dungeon, while I was inspecting a door that was barred on the other side, I somehow managed to get my crosshair in jus the right spot to lift said bar! On console! Haven't managed it again, though, sadly...
Another time, a great big Wyvern landed in front of me on a mountain pass, I hit it a couple of times with the Mehrunes Razor, saw my HP was low and ducked into a nearby stone hut to heal, but then noticed the Wyvern wasn't breathing fire at me any more! Turned out I'd insta-killed it with the Razor! Okay, not a bug or a glitch, but I felt it needed sharing as I thought it was a pretty cool story...
Loaded into my game and for some reason instead of loading right outside a Dwarven city I had just been exploring as I should have I spawned about a mile or so above said Dwarven city where upon I immediately fell from the sky and died. Game reloaded. Spawned where I should of spawned the first time round.
The imperials just kind of assume you're a rebel despite not having any files on you and the fact that you're not wearing rebel clothing.
However, they are still the good guys in the war.
I don't think it's quite that simple. From what I gather, it comes down to a philosophy debate: freedom vs. order. Both are very, very necessary. But which is more important?
bjh2o It comes down to "Possibility to kill Thalmor some day?" vs "Oh, yay, we can worship Talos for the _week before the Thalmor kill us all_."
But in all seriousness, Ulfric is a greedy, power-hungry murderer and a liar. As Saerlund Law-Giver said- the cause is true, but the man is a lie.
I get that. And that's a big part of what makes it complex. But his cause isn't wholly unjust.
The Nordic way was literally dying and in very real danger of being lost completely. Yes, Ulfric had his own selfish intentions. But the defense of his culture always struck me as the main objective he wanted to achieve.
bjh2o The Nord way wasn't, and isn't, at risk. Talos is not the Nord way, it's one small part of it. And before Ulfric, everyone _still worshipped Talos_. His petty rebellion gave the Thalmor cause to up the ante in Skyrim.
Torygg would have supported Ulfric's ideals if asked. Elisef said as much. Ulfric murdered him for the throne. He's considered a hero for what would now be considered war crimes in Markarth.
Under Imperial rule, the Nords can do anything they want besides openly worship Talos.
You cannot have a just society under a corrupt ruler. Ulfric is a racist. Ulfric is a murderer. Ulfric is a self-absorbed, avaricious coward. Torygg was a fair ruler who cared about all others, and he was murdered for the throne. For the good of the people of Skyrim- nay, for the good of all of Tamriel, the Empire must win the war. The Empire needs to regain its hold over the other Provinces, regain its former glory, and strike back against the Aldmeri Dominion.
I respect the Stormcloaks for fighting for what they believe in, but they are doing it in ignorance.
***** I normally side with Ulfric and then go through the stages of my character realizing he's a prick before I get the Crown, and then I betray the Stormcloaks for the Empire.
The Aldmeri Dominion is basically the Nazi Empire. I ain't touchin' that shit. I hate the Thalmor with a passion.
Hammerfell would sooner side with Skyrim than the Dominion, and if you know the history between them that's saying something.
my favorite glitch was when i was in my home in riften i was in the basement doing inventory and out of the corner of my eye i saw movement so i had a look around and saw noone except my manikin but for a split second i thought i saw it move so walk right up to it and stared at it for a few seconds and nothing then i laughed and thought it was my imagination ....then the manikin turn his head and looked me straight in the eyes and i jumped almost 3 feet out of my bed waking everybody in the house...
Dude I think that was on purpose. Like a jump scare Easter egg or something.
I've been binge watching these videos for about a half hour and have literally injured my throat from laughing. I pulled something or strained something and it hurts but I'm not stopping. XD