"This is coming from the perspective of a fan" "So expect me to complain about how formulaic it's gotten while simultaneously bitching about everything that's different" That might just be the best thing he has ever said in one of these videos.
+SilentTree He has lol. In an earlier review, he made a joke about the mainstream Dark Souls community ignoring Demon's Souls. It's kinda become a recurring joke in his commentary about the souls series that he ignores Demon's Souls. I think he might've even reviewed DeS?
I was yet to play a Dark Souls game until Dark Souls 3. I had a lot of fun. Apart from the countless deaths, infinite rage, lot's of suicidal thoughts and a broken wall from my continued bashing against it. So yeah, overall, pretty fun
Actually I'm from Plymouth, I just moved up north when I was around 11 and I can tell you they're really no better. Maybe people from Cambridge or Oxford are but the south-west isn't posh either. I imagine the accent has a lot to do with the misconception.
I actually was introduced to Dark Souls via III. My friend co-op'd it with me. I was upset with how hard it was at first, then I figured out that it's just pacing. Dark Souls plays much slower and more deliberately than a lot of AAA games these days. I just wasn't used to it and was trying to play way too fast and loose. Great game.
+christopher Christos so which do you prefer? the racist blabbermouth idiot, the snake in the grass wonder bitch, or the guy promising everything and anything like what Obama did.
The people who call Trump racist should consider how many immigrant, black people, or other ethnic minorities he employs. He is paying them monthly for a job well done. How many minorities do you employ? To me paying for someone doesn't sound very racist, a true racist wouldn't even consider employing them. Quite simple. :)
The longsword has always been one of the best weapons in the game. If you get too used to it though then any weapon with a slower move set feels under powered because your used to the timing of a faster weapon.
Yeah most boss weapons and other unique weapons really couldn't compare to the might of shit like the lothric knight straight sword or other basic weapons (though there are still plenty that are great as long as you use a certain build). It really doesn't help that these weapons can be infused and are upgraded using farmable materials rather than the rare titanite scales and twinkling titanite.
ESO - Fallout & Elder Scrolls Guides Well yeah, it's as if someone were to knock on your door trying to sell you something. Of course you can just slam the door in their face, but it's more likely that you would say something like "not interested" or "fuck off" before doing so. Humans are social creatures and tend to react socially. With that said, SLAM!
My problem was how frequent invasions were. Especially in the Farron Woods and Anor Londo. You were either a Watchdog or a Faithful and invading someone else every few minutes or a Sentinel/Moon Blade and defending the person being invaded. Of course it's pretty cool to have the huge invasion battles. Those things get really crazy.
Great review as always Yahtzee! But as a newcomer to the Dark Souls franchise I have to say, without knowing anything about the previous games formula, every mechanic, monster, and NPC were a delight all the way through to the end.
You are a god-given gift to the world, this is legendary! xD I love how it's both informative and honest, while also being cleverly funny and outright insanely funny.
I'm gonna have to agree with Yahtzee on this, I loved Dark Souls 3, but instead of doing it's own thing like DS2, it just felt like a repeat of DS1. Hopefully the DLCs will give it some more depth.
Dark Souls 3 might be my favorite of the three The bosses are pretty consistently amazing besides a few like deacons, the movement and combat feels as tight as its ever been, the level design allows enough space to attack and fight while still providing cover whereas older games can feel claustrophobic and make any swinging attack hit a the walls. I would have loved to see more sophisticated level design return making players rely more on exploration and shortcuts rather than the next bonfire, but the world was still interesting to travel through and still gave the same feeling of desperation that people expect of dark souls. Although it didnt change much, i liked to idea of unkindled rather than undead as it shows how cyclical the world has become and how desperate people are to continue the age of fire despite of bleak it has left the world. The lore of the first game is still the best as far as im concered, but Dark Souls 3 did a great job of expanding the lore in a satisfying way without having an over reliance on nostalgic storytelling. Things like aldrich appearing to use Gwyndolin as some kind of a puppet, the nameless king being the hype train we all deserved, and the soul of cinder reinforcing to cyclical nature of the world by showing a representation of the player that have become slaves to the continuation of the age of fire. A lot of people like dark souls 3 but dont love it which is fine but i wish it got more respect because its fucking awesome
Ok, so I was introduced to Dark Souls 3 as my first Dark Souls about 3 months ago. I was completely unaware that each different class started with different equipment. So I decided to go with what appeared to be the most balanced character, The Depraved. It took me only 2 hours to beat the crystal beast and the first boss and I thought, "OK, yes. This is the level of difficulty that I was expecting from all the bitching I hear about this game." Later when my friend laughed that I picked The Depraved and told me to restart I decided to try The Knight. It took me about 10 minutes to get through the intro area, hell of a lot better I would think. As I ran through the game, fell in love with Onion Bro and stabbed my "wife" through the face, I tried out almost every weapon I could get my hands on. Eventually I settled on the Black Knight Sword and just stuck with it (stun locks in PvP which helped a ton). After I beat it I couldn't not play through it on New Game+ and then New Game++. My roommates eventually took the game away from me before I could go at it again. Anyways, I hope that answers your question on how new people view the game. Also, I spent maybe 10 hours researching lore, items, and quest lines.
You know even as a person who has played the original dark souls and bloodborne I'd still say Dark souls 3 is a very good game oh also The first DLC is coming out sometime in from what i've heard autumn so better steal the game back by then
It doesn't help knowing that by killing the Soul of Cinder you're killing the last remaining piece of Solaire since canonically he went on to be a Lord of Cinder in another cycle after DS1.
The biggest issue I've been seeing with the Souls games is that with Demons souls to Dark Souls 1 you can clearly see where they made improvements off of the previous iteration while this seems lost on the Dark Souls sequels where 2 ADDS problems on top of Dark Souls 1 and Dark souls 3 carries over problems from Bloodborne without many if any improvements. For example, some of the most egregious problems with bloodborne were: 1. Grab attacks, with hour-long animations that would take out most if not all of your health (and maybe poison you, killing you by the time your recovery animation finishes) and be initiated either by a gentle swipe that is hard to distinguish from a weak slap or with insane phantom range. 2. Enemies with a "flurry" attack that has almost zero windup and will stunlock you for most of your health (Think of the mosquito-man enemies from Castle Cainhurst). 3. Enemies with arbitrarily long windups to some of their attacks so instead of reacting naturally to your enemy's moves you have to memorize their attacks through trial and error because they don't follow any kind of logical momentum. 4. Healing being too quick and too plentiful. Dark Souls 2 was the worst for essentially re-introducing grass from Demons Souls, although they do get props for slowing the animation down. In Bloodborne the 20 instant bloodvials was clearly there to compensate for the poor enemy design. In 3 you have limited Estus but taking a swig is instantaneous and un-punishable, I've seen plenty of PVP videos where someone takes a swig less than 10 meters from an invader's face and gets away scot-free. 5. While not particular to Bloodborne, poise has been fucked both ways since Dark Souls 2. For Bloodborne this means that you are severely punished for fighting certain enemies with a quick dex weapon who would poise through your attacks and hit you for most of your health, while heavy-hitting str weapons would stunlock the enemy and turn them into a joke. In Dark Souls 3 it means that the weakest slap will cause someone in full Havel's to stumble, making quick spamming weapons king except for whatever weapons From decided to arbitrarily tack on hyper-armor frames on some of their moves. Or maybe I'm just complaining too much?
Dark souls 3 uses more of a hyper armor system bloodbourne has poor enemy design idk dark souls had some of the worst the estus system wasn't that great either yes it made balance a tad easier but why where most of the dark souls 1 bosses jokes after new game while dark souls 2 really started fucking your eye sockets with new game plus bloodbourne just will fuck you a demons souls will make you cry to sleep as a red eye claymore knight 1 shots you
@Nipah Auauau - I don't mind the healing so much, as I don't play online if I can help it and a lot of enemies will interrupt your estus chugs if you don't get some distance first... and if I just goof around, I'll soon run out no matter how many charges I have. Apart from that though, you make pretty good points. Stunlock/flurry combos (i.e. Dark Souls 3's final boss' greatsword form juggling you in the air with flame sword swipes and a final smash) are pretty bullcrap, and grab attacks are just plain frustrating too. I would like either some chance to escape after a grab (with partial damage maybe) or to stab your weapon in the enemy's hand/arm to at least deal them some damage while they hold you. Just sitting there watching yourself get brutalized doesn't feel like gameplay. And yeah, poise is pretty screwed up. I remember in DS3 I was in... Untended Graves, I think? And fighting some skinny dual-sword undead dressed in rags. They would just go from being staggered by continuous hits, to launching an uninterruptible counter attack, after which they would bounce around acrobatically on top of being stable as platemail while being whaled on. I don't mind enemies being difficult. I *do* mind them ignoring the established game mechanics.
1:20 Not really, the lords of cinder are survivors of the past linkings of the fire and the reason they buggered off is because they don't want to die in order for some nobody to link the fire again. With their combined power.
I feel I should say the mana bar isn't really new, cause Demon's Souls, another Fromsoft game, had a Mana bar as well, increasing or decreasing in size, depending on what wand you have.
2:26 Too bad this never really became an actual main thing of the game. There are a few enemies where you see the pus come out to fight you. But it basically feels like something tacked onto the game and quickly forgotten about.
"expect me to complain about how formulaic it's gotten while simultaneously bitching about everything that's different." The definition of a Nintendo fan.
+kyle magaro Let's be honest, nobody actually comes here for a review of a game. They come here for entertainment. He still clarifies if he likes games while shitting on them, but the point is the shitting.
+Cao Cao Well, no. It doesn't. Hyperarmor does exist (invuln while certain animations play) but that's it. Poise is completely turned off. Similarly to the physical defense stat that does basically nothing and also may as well be removed from the stats page.
+Cao Cao I will concede that Poise appears to be turned off though... really weird. I was under the impression from gameplay that the stat might be improving hyperarmor frames or something but nope... Really shitty business.
I think his comment about DS2's level design being better referred to how it was a lot more varied with the settings. I mean he didn't exactly comment on the verticality, the level exploration, enemy placements and such, but instead on how DS3 has a bit too similiar level themes. That's something I can agree with, since there really are like 3 cathedrals in the game.
I haven't played it yet, but I'm glad they're saying it's the last one. It was starting to feel formulaic to me as well, and I'd really like to see the creative team at From Software try something new now.
Well, the unkindled are undead who attempted to link the fire but failed. It even says in the intro cinematic: "Nameless accursed undead, unfit even to be cinder"
I'm sure dozens of people have been sticklers about this already, but the blue FP bar is a call back to Demons' Souls from 2007. It was the first Souls game and features a magic bar. The idea of the magic bar over the page uses mechanic is so that magic wielders have to invest more and cast their magic more carefully, unlike in DS1 and 2 where you could just do NG++++ ad nauseum until you had an exorbitantly high amount of things like Crystal Soul Spear, Wrath of the Gods, and Great Chaos Fireball etc.
Personally I prefer that it's gone away from the ds2 style and towards the ds1 style again. I don't know why, but I just do not like the style of ds2 very much for the most part.
I think Dark Souls 3 works as a Trilogy Should. The first game shows off the world, the second does something different than the first, and the third takes what was learned in both games, and what the fans liked about them, and use them in the third. Saying Dark Souls 3 wallows in the first game is saying Mass Effect 3 did the same...
+Terence Smith Close. More accurately Mass Effect is like they started a story, then it went off on a tangent because it forgot what it was talking about, then it suddenly remembered the story before losing its shit and it starts maniacally setting everything around it on fire.
I actually got pretty far in this one. ...And then the Prince of Lothric and his twin brother happened. Once the game started brigning out dual bosses that fucking TELEPORTED, I knew I was officially outclassed. Even all my excess backtracking, grinding for XP and making sure I had beaten all the optional bosses up to that point couldn't save me. When you're barely holding on against the regular enemies anymore (seriously, fuck those knights with the glowing red eyes in the castle area), what chance do you have against dual bosses? I'd already reached the point where I had to summon online players to deal with every other boss (though it was nice to actually get some use out of my PS Plus subscription), but even then I was taking a gamble, not least because even if the game DID generate a summon sign outside a boss door, there was a chance that a poor internet connection on either end could prevent them from showing up halfway through the summoning. Also, I swear Embers were starting to become more and more scarce as the game went on. Either that, or I was dying so frequently that it wouldn't have made a difference either way. Thus, I was forced to wing it a lot of the time, and trying to 'wing it' in Dark Souls' is like running screaming across land mine territory and hoping to God you don't step on one. Still got more enjoyment out of this game than the first one, though. This was mainly because you can teleport between bonfires from the get-go and actually start off with a decent amount of Estus Flasks if I remember correctly. Seems to be a lot more grey, though. I mean, for everything I didn't like about the first game (those fucking dual dragon slayers being at the top of my list), it had more diversity in terms of locations. I mean, let's compare some of the locations between the first and third games: Dark Souls 1: Graveyard/Shrine With Skeletons Undead Burg Forest Area That Looks Like It Belongs In A Metroid Prime Game Sewers That Actually Feel Like A Location And Not Just A Generic Sewer Fucking Blighttown (Which Feels Like More Blight Than Town) Pale Yellow City of Anor Londo (fuck this place, by the way) Whatever That Place With The Ghosts Is Called Dark Souls 3: Grey Graveyard Grey Firelink Shrine Grey Bridge Area With Dragon Grey Cathedral Area With Fat, Love-Starved Witches Grey and Brown Swamp Area Grey Catacombs That Never Seem To Fucking End Grey Castle With Multiple Grey Levels Within Said Castle Twilight Sparkle's Abandoned GREY Library Where You Dunk Your Fat Head In GREY Candlewax Which Somehow Stops GREY Hands From GREY Grabbing You Or Some GREY Shit Like That With GREY GREY GREY (Did I Mention Grey?) I actually FORGOT about the one level that WASN'T grey - the ice palace area filled with those stupid sorceress bitches with ice javelins who somehow always manage to kill me in two hits no matter low much I level up or what stats I increase or what armour I equip and also that giant crocodile thing on the bridge as a big 'fuck you' to anyone who thought that the much needed change of scenery might be a sign of good things going forward and FUCK EVERY BOSS IN THIS AREA. Also, black knights, just to make me homesick for the Darknuts in Twilight Princess. Cheers. You know what else I forgot? Where I was going with any of this. I dunno, something about grey... Dark Souls 3: The Fire Fades Edition? More like Dark Souls 3: The Grey Never Fades Edition! EVEN MOST OF THE ENEMIES ARE GREY! What is it with grey in these Tolkien style fantasy games?! Seriously, I feel like I could just remove the word 'grey' from my vocabulary and replace it with phrase 'Dark Souls 3' and it would still make perfect sense! "I'm going to read 50 Shades of Dark Souls 3!" "I got abducted by some Dark Souls 3 aliens last week!" "I was watching Dark Souls 3's anatomy on TV last night!" "Oh, that's kind of a Dark Souls 3 area for me." "In Skyrim, I was taught the way of the voice by the DarkSouls3Beards!" ...Okay, I think I'll sign off now. Nobody's going to read this, anyway.
Interestingly I still play DS 1 and so far have not tried DS2 or DS3. I did an early start in DS2 but when the controls changed everything in such a strange manner in the kyeboard/mouse controls I decided to leave it there till I had time to learn everything again. Hard to say why but I keep enjoying DS1.
I "ve played DS2 for almost 600 hours with mouse + keyboard, yet it is much better to change buttons and disable double mouclick for strong attacks (because it delays normal attacks waitnig for second click)
To be fair, if you play as a Knight, you're playing easy mode at the start of the game. I chose Deprived and every piece of equipment and new weapon was a god send, it made the game very exciting.
I'm not sure how the DS games are, but I remember seeing that with Demon's Souls when I first played it. The starting level would vary based on character that was chosen. I tried the Rogue and got annihilated. Tried again with a knight character and it had a considerably different feel.
I saw DS3 as a bit of a return to form. Took all the lessons they learned from DS1 2 and bloodborne and applied them here. Not to say it's perfect, but aside from DS1 holding a special place in my heart as the first souls game I played, DS3 is easily my favorite of the series.
He's not talking about that. He's talking about the blue screens at the end in general. They used to be on the youtube ones, but now they are only on the versions on the Escapist website and are removed and replaced with the "subscribe" thing on the youtube version.
This episode "I prefered Dark Souls' 2 level design" On Dark Souls 2 episode : "The areas are uncreative, like a lava castle" Make up your freakin mind already
DS3 has the best level design in the series in terms of pure gameplay but the game is too linear and the areas look too uninspired for it to truly shine
Yahtzee is not the only one to prefer DS2's level design. Now, I played DS2 first before really seeing much of DS1, so I can't make too many direct comparisons there, but one thing that I heard a lot from friends who played DS1 first is that DS2 feels less connected than DS1. Partly it's because you can warp from the beginning, meaning you only really have to see each area once and you don't see all the interconnections and shortcuts that DS1 needed. Partly it's because DS2 has a hub town that branches out, dividing the game into more discrete "areas" than its predecessor. But hey, DS3 feels even less connected than DS2, especially since you can't even leave the first area without warping from a bonfire. What DS2 did allow was a world that felt more like a fantasy. I've heard that one of the original sources of inspiration for the Souls series was badly-translated western mythology; whether or not that's true, I get much more of that feeling from DS2 than DS3. It doesn't feel quite coherent, but it's just about close enough that it works. Going back to level design, look at the progression that takes you to Iron Keep: you start out in Huntsman's Copse and Harvest Valley, going downwards almost the whole way. Somehow, this takes you to Earthen Keep, where you descend into a mountain, and then you end up at Iron Keep, which, while it must logically be miles underground by this point, somehow has a view of the sky. It feels alien and mysterious, which just adds to the dark fantasy atmosphere. Side note: is it just me, or does DS2 have a weird obsession with descending? Almost every area I can think of has you exit at a lower point than you entered (the only exceptions I can think of are Mist Area, Doors of Pharros, maybe Drangleic Castle, maybe No Man's Wharf, and that's about it). You're always going downhill; heck, the Throne of Want is at the bottom of an enormous cavern. Even the DLCs do it, except for the mostly circular Crown of the Ivory King (but hey, the Ivory King is trapped, guess where, deep below his castle, and you have to take a ridiculously long fall to get down to him). Then there are the enemies and bosses. DS2 definitely likes throwing regular soldiers at you as standard enemies (occasionally mixing it up by making them enormous or making them crawl instead of walk), and DS3 has a lot more variety in regular enemies you face. Well, more varied in appearance, anyway. I'm not so sure DS3 actually handles regular enemies that much better, though. It's hard to say for certain, but I can't help but think that DS2 used its enemies more effectively than DS3 did. Standard enemies in DS3 rarely felt like they posed any sort of challenge. Obviously, there are exceptions (Irythill, I'm looking at you), but the danger comes from specific things the enemies can do, rather than placement or tactics. For example, look at the wardens in Irythill Dungeon; they're not difficult to kill, but they can drain your maximum health and insta-kill you if they manage to hit you once. Or there are the serpents in Archdragon Peak; they're aggravating because just one of them can stun-lock you and the big ones do absurd damage. The knights are only difficult when you run into them at low levels without decent equipment. They feel unfair, like the game is punishing you for not playing a certain way. Compare the enemies in DS2. Individually, they're far from threatening, but the way they're arranged and the way they force you to consider the environment and the consequences of your actions has a meaningful effect on how you deal with them. Heide's Tower of Flame gives you big, slow, high-damage enemies that are easy to avoid, but then it restricts your movement with narrow paths so that you are forced to either fight them head-on (on their terms) or draw them into a situation that gives the advantage back to you. Or in No Man's Wharf, where the enemies are just regular hollows, but they're hidden in every building, or hanging off docks to jump up behind you, or positioned on balconies to shoot at you; in short, the enemies and the environments work together to create a challenge. On the flipside, DS2 also has Shrine of Amana, with enemy sorcerers who shoot projectiles that will never stop chasing you, and they're the worst. But, again, the sorcerers themselves aren't actually that strong, and their spells sting but aren't lethal immediately. It's the combination of low mobility, open terrain that limits your path but doesn't impede their shots, and melee enemies that force you to prioritize one type of foe or the other that makes this area so brutal. There's a fundamental difference in design philosophy between DS2 and DS3. DS3 likes to give you duels against tougher individual enemies, while DS2 uses its lesser enemies as environmental obstacles for you to overcome. DS3 also seems more willing to give you an easy out, a way to make certain parts significantly easier if you somehow know the trick. For example, DS3 has the Catacombs of Carthus, which is made significantly easier if you have a Blessed weapon. Those hollows being taken over by the black goop can be killed quickly enough that the goop doesn;t appear. You can beat Yhorm in just a few swings of Storm Ruler, and the Ancient Wyvern goes down in one plunging attack. Farron Keep is much easier to deal with if you stock up on purple moss or go out of your way to find the poisonbite ring. DS2 doesn't do that nearly as much. Take the Gutter, for example, which is roughly equivalent to Farron Keep in that it loves poison and hampers your ability to fight. Unlike Farron Keep, however, you can prevent the poison from taking effect by moving carefully, destroying the statues that poison you, and slowing down. Farron Keep instead forces you to experience poison buildup by making the area itself poisonous. There's no way to avoid moving through poison, and that means you have to wait for the buildup to wear off before you can sprint to the next safe spot and repeat the process. Maybe it's closer to Earthen Keep in that regard, but at least there the poison was optional; braving it gets you bonuses, rather than being required to progress. The Gutter only really has standard hollows, and most of them are unarmed, but they're still dangerous because they can hamper your motion and put you in danger from the statues. The enemies in Farron Keep are more threatening, but you never have to deal with them and the poison simultaneously, and you rarely even have to fight more than one at a time.
I liked your analysis. Perhaps because I did enjoy Dark Souls II to an unusual and hour-burning degree. When was the last time you played a game and realized you've been at it for almost 8 straight hours? Dark Souls I doesn't have that. The pace the game has eventually forces a regular player to take breaks, and to obsess over it when not playing, to go back at it fully motivated and focused. I get a similar feeling from Dark Souls III. But with II SOTFS (after finishing the original version), I had to oblige myself to stop playing. Steam marked 400+ minutes per session way too many times in the last 2 weeks. And I believe this to be a level design virtue, regardless of what purists of the original Dark Souls say about it. And there's also the meta, which Dark Souls II pulls off better than any other Souls game.
From the perspective of someone who's first Dark Souls game was DS3, it's the greatest mix of loving it and wanting to throw your controller against the wall I've ever had with a game.
Gotta say, I agree about the level design. There's way too many bonfires and they are in so stupid places. There are even places where you can see two bonfires simultaneously. I also get lost often, but that's mostly because the places feel so similar and repeating. It never happened in 1 or 2, not even in the more complex areas. I like how you can find out where everything is in relation to everything else just by looking at the skybox or scenery, just like in the 1, but that's about it. What happened to the level design in these games?
+MrSamulai It's much better than in 2, but is a huge step down from 1 and BB. I think that because it should have been the best of the 4 and it wasn't, he's overreacting slightly. The Profaned Capital is a goddamned joke though...
+MrSamulai Yeah, bonfires are quite...frequent ( Farron Keep/ Wood of Sacrifices has around 9 or so?) and i were suprised when right after Dragonslayer Armour was another on for the Archives. And i don't know much about level design although i don't think it's too bad. And after 4 Souls games in rapid succesion i suppose From Software doesn't have many ideas anymore
Yeah the bonfires should feel like a reward after going through a long struggle and should feel like a sigh of relief when you get to one, but in this game... I can't see why people say this game is hard save for a few bosses mostly the ones at the end and one optional one but other than that yeah... Great game though
+Raven Games Most do. He's being hyperbolic with his criticisms. Although the fact that the best weapons (estoc, longsword, dark sword) are all in the very beginning of the game is incredibly frustrating.
I liked the pvp mechanics in DS2 better than in DS3. Frankly it just felt more put together and less glitchy. Right now I'm getting so much frame rate lag on XBONE and PC that it is almost unplayable at this point.
I just watched all 3 dark souls vids in a row and i love how hes like at first i don't wanna play and than loves it like everyone says happens. Dark souls is awesome :D
I'm a fan of all the weapons being more, or less equal, your less worried about stats, and more worried about what suits you, it drives home the whole, " You can make your character however you want." Because everything is valuable more or less. As for level design, aesthetically I'm not a fan, everything looks just ab9ut the same save a few color swaps, and it all looks higher fantasy in a way, one of the things I can appreciate about Darksouls 1 aesthetic was everything looking old, decrepid, and now everything just looks pretty with a few pebbles, some dust, and eldritch abominations, now how they actual levels are built, again, it's not bad, but Darksouls 1 did it better, land a good example of this is when you [SPOILER ALERT] reach Anor Londo, it looks lonely, it's sad, but you can also tell that that it was once beautiful, but has since fallen into disrepair, all the other castle's just look as if the janitor called in sick the 5 days prior. Armour, and weapon designs suffer the same problem, jow I can't promise I'll be 100% without bias saying this, but I can try. Early game weapons, and armour look better then later game armour, I'm not saying darksouls has to be the most realistic of games hell you roll to dodge away from attacks (which they really should change to a side step, because rolling just looks dumb) but later in game the FUG looks out of place compared to the other design, armour, though not as bad, is crammed full of detail, so much so it's got the case of " Too much is a good thing." This needs a fancy design, this needs engravings, and random bits of unneeded metal. Also, one of my least favorite aspects of the new weapons is battle arts, it doesn't help that all straight swords have the same battle art, I was hoping that this would add more weapon variaty, instead there is now difference between the broad sword, and longsword besides r2, and one of the r2's is pretty shite. Well, these are all the grie- MAGIC IS SHIT-... a okay, now that's all my grievances with the game I have so far. Any thoughts fellow opinionated denizens of the internet?.
+Peyton Spain I disliked it, Alot of weapons in the game has the same move sets or similar, All axes have warcry and swing the same (Unless it's a greataxe), I always felt like i missed the excitement in the game of finding a new shiny weapon. I found a one hand axe that has the special ability to add bleed and healing to your attacks but then i found out you needed the rarer kinds of titanite so i just ignored it, It makes me sad that a high strength build works best with the high scaling of the battle axe, I just can't find a way to beat that bloody weapon in any souls games, It's just too good.
+Peyton Spain I'll agree on the weapons, not so much on the armor. I always found myself using armor from the mid-to-late game when I got it, though the vast majority of it was bought from the handmaiden rather than picked up. Dancer's stuff, Artorias's stuff, Watchers' stuff, that one helmet that the Valley fire witches drop that makes you look like a ring wraith, even some of the Winged Knight set (the gauntlets primarily) became staples in my Fashion Souls wardrobe.
3:50 Poise is broken at the moment. Literally, the game got hacked and it was discovered that the feature is... again, literally turned OFF. Turning the feature ON, the game will prompt you a message then you get softban. Poise does nothing right now, gaming outlets are asking questions to From Software but they havent made any comments about it.
+LastSider Who needs poise if you have a upgraded greatshield? Literally nothing can wear down your stamina. But yeah, i was surprised that poise was nonexistant like in 2, where 3 is so similar to 1.
+LastSider bamco has made a statement saying they're asking from if this is a bug or not....it was also a holiday week in japan so one of the reasons everything was so quiet last week.
However, I'll say this : Dark Souls 3 is an excellent introduction to the serie. I've started by this one and enjoyed the fuck out of it from the beginning to the end. And now, I am almost done with Dark Souls 1 (I'm in the tomb of giants with only nito skelito left to mash into cadaveric pulp before moving on to Gwyn) and I also loved it since I set foot into the asylum.
Awesome as always but one detail I feel I should mention is the "mana" bar was actually in Demon Souls so I think it is less going the way of WoW and more just getting back to its roots as the game is much closer to the style of Demon Souls and the first Dark Souls
i personally like 3 more than the first two, it took a few pages from each and sure several places did just become regurgitated and re skinned, but it had a lot more lore, even new stuff that people havent figured out yet. the weapon arts were great and thankfully heavy weapons and armour have been fixed since dlc and the arena. magic bar come back from demon's souls is really helpful as well as an actual estus that serves to be more useful than the herbs from ds2
I was told by my partner that the world of dark souls is caught in a bit of a time paradox, which is why a LOT of elements in DS3 call back so strongly to DS1 (Firelink Shrine is in both games, but in 3 it's decidedly not destroyed, for example. Anal Rodeo is also an area in both 1 and 3, as another example. I haven't gotten too far into DS3 so I can't really say more about the time paradox thing)
Ds3 was my first souls game and my first game on ps4 after previously playing on xbox. Fighting Gundyr while not being used to the controller was a real teeth kicking
The only problem I had with Dark Souls 3 was starting off with the best armour and weapon in the game... Kinda killed the excitement of finding new armour sets
Longsword definitely isn't the best. And armour doesn't really matter that much, I wore light armour just because it looked cool and didn't notice any notable difference compared to the beginning armour, as long as you're wearing anything at all you get a sizeable bonus to defence.
On the plus side, if they really stick with it being the last rather than prolonging their last gasp for (instert however many they've made by now here) games like Final Fantasy did, that means you can at least remember the series fondly, as it once was. Fun fact: Final Fantasy is called that because it was originally expected to be the last game Square Enix made, and if it hadn't done so well it would have been.
To be honest, the biggest thing keeping me from getting darksouls 3 is the lack of new gear. I shouldn't be able to recognize and name over half the weapons and armor in a new game. Yeah some weapons are timeless, how many different "generic swords" can you make, but at least TRY to come up with a new spin on them. Even if it's just a new name, at least try. Basically, darksouls 2 has most of the fashion souls that DS3 offers, and many more that it doesn't. A lot of them even have unique movesets to come with them too! Clearly FromSoft has miss-understood what their fans _really_ want.
Literally all weapons have a new spin on them. They all have a new thing to them called a Weapon Art. so the claymore in the first to games compared to the claymore in 3 is different. And they added a lot of new weapons. the Carthus weapons, Onikiri and Ubadatchi, Sellsword TwinBlades, Warden Twinblades, Gotthard TwinBlades. The Ithyrll weapons and armor. Winged knight weapons and armor. Gundyr's halberd.
i dont think so, i find it to have given a little more to it, i mean the weapons you can pull out of there are amazingly effective, the couple armour sets you get are pretty good, was dissapointed in the lack of bosses, but the enemies and legions of them kind of made up for it.
The lore behind it is incredibly interesting, and the boss fights were fairly well designed. Now that the Ringed City is out, it certainly feels much more satisfying (though no end cutscene, weirdly). The final boss fight is truly deserving of the title "boss fight".
I'd hardly call a magic meter a "new gameplay element" for Dark Souls considering Demon's Souls had one. Im glad Dark Souls 2 world design is getting some appreciation though.
+TheDementedWendigo No, its linear path system was retarded. The actual areas you went to were fantastic aesthetics. And while people bitch about going to a lava castle from a poison gas tower via elevator, that's now answered in DS3: The places fucking move.
Yep, that first boss fight was my first introduction to Dark Souls and it kicked the shit out of me big style when it bursts into that black goopy stuff.
I got into dark souls 3 first. And to be honest I was only able to do that was because of the Let's Drown out run of DS2. I hated this game when I first played it. But I have to say I enjoy it a lot.
I'm trying to imagine Yathzee's delight when he saw that both DLC's revolve around churches.
"This is coming from the perspective of a fan"
"So expect me to complain about how formulaic it's gotten while simultaneously bitching about everything that's different"
That might just be the best thing he has ever said in one of these videos.
@@robinhyperlord9053 Ok Buddy
The best thing he’s ever said was every bond film
@@sineadthomas2024 To be fair, that came out after this comment was written.
"Are the undead hordes known for holding a lot of royal weddings?" Well now that you mention it...
@@gogokittyexpress I'm from the future and it's still too soon.
@@jimijenkins2548 What is this a reference to?
@ in Dark Souls 3, you can marry Anri of Astora. The wedding ceremony involves shoving a stone sword through the fan favorite character's head.
Unkindled are basically Undead who tried to link the fire and failed, thus they were burned to ash.
+DominusSanguis Thank you!
Beretta249 No the dark souls 1 character is the final boss
+Emilia Gianova well that's not entirely true, if basically up to you as to whether or not the final boss is the chosen undead or not.
Doodle Bot What do you mean?
+Emilia Gianova all the endings, much like in the previous dark souls titles, are somewhat ambiguous and subject to interpretation.
I met my girlfriends family in Newcastle. I can say that it is extremely accurate.
You do know Yahtzee is a prophet right:/
+Jagannath Barman Indeed he is.
+Jackikins This is propah shite man! We are propah mint from the toon like!
+Jeff Bridgewood aye wor proper cannie
+Jackikins you got killed with sticks? rip
To be fair, Demon's Souls had a magic meter.
Check out the earlier review of Dark Souls. In regards to DeS, as a DaS game, he claimed "we don't count it anymore."
+zentazym1 Demon's Souls is one of the better, if not the best, entries in the series. He should really try it out.
+SilentTree He has lol. In an earlier review, he made a joke about the mainstream Dark Souls community ignoring Demon's Souls. It's kinda become a recurring joke in his commentary about the souls series that he ignores Demon's Souls. I think he might've even reviewed DeS?
+zentazym1 He did review Demon's Souls. He told it to fuck off.
+Chillermushroom Well, I guess that explains it pretty well lol.
The starting longsword is hilariously one of the top tier pvp weapons.
"Welcome to the Salty Spitoon. How tough are ya?"
How tough am I? I watch Zero Punctuation sped up.
CajBaj the White Yeah? So?
@@manderic5436 R-Right this way! Sorry to keep you waiting!
I was yet to play a Dark Souls game until Dark Souls 3.
I had a lot of fun. Apart from the countless deaths, infinite rage, lot's of suicidal thoughts and a broken wall from my continued bashing against it.
So yeah, overall, pretty fun
You forget it all when you see that "VICTORY ACHIEVED" text.
Yahtzee has gone from the outsider who finds the game's fans insufferable to becoming an insufferable fan.
And I love it.
a bit late, but it someone has to say it:
character development, ladies and gentlemen!
The Newcastle thing is so true and I'm fucking from there.
+Pyewalker216 Geordies have two settings:
-Overtly friendly
-Fucking run
what do you mean we are posh as fuck
Actually I'm from Plymouth, I just moved up north when I was around 11 and I can tell you they're really no better. Maybe people from Cambridge or Oxford are but the south-west isn't posh either. I imagine the accent has a lot to do with the misconception.
+Casey Dunn Yeah there are very few places in Britain that I'd consider truly posh
Mind you, Buckinghamshire's probably full of corgis
I actually was introduced to Dark Souls via III. My friend co-op'd it with me. I was upset with how hard it was at first, then I figured out that it's just pacing. Dark Souls plays much slower and more deliberately than a lot of AAA games these days. I just wasn't used to it and was trying to play way too fast and loose. Great game.
"sort of like deciding between a Clinton and trump presidency" it hurts Yahtzee, it hurts.
+christopher Christos
so which do you prefer? the racist blabbermouth idiot, the snake in the grass wonder bitch, or the guy promising everything and anything like what Obama did.
The people who call Trump racist should consider how many immigrant, black people, or other ethnic minorities he employs. He is paying them monthly for a job well done. How many minorities do you employ? To me paying for someone doesn't sound very racist, a true racist wouldn't even consider employing them. Quite simple. :)
Oh yes, Trump employs a ton of immigrants and black people. On very low positions and with very low wages, if he even bothers paying them that is.
69th like...
@@mustekkala Central park 5 proves you wrong trump filth.
The longsword has always been one of the best weapons in the game. If you get too used to it though then any weapon with a slower move set feels under powered because your used to the timing of a faster weapon.
HOW DARE YOU I love cathedrals. I require more buildings to have pointy roofs and 100-feet tall doors.
yeah one of the big problems was how most unique weapons were shit compared to the might of the standard weapons.
Are they not always? Except for Artorias Greatsword in my opinion
HProff25 no the boss weapons in ds3 are useful but do people not understand weapons in dark souls are always viable for every build
At least they fixed that with the dlc weapons. Not only are they unique and fun but they’re actually useful and worth your time to get
Yeah most boss weapons and other unique weapons really couldn't compare to the might of shit like the lothric knight straight sword or other basic weapons (though there are still plenty that are great as long as you use a certain build). It really doesn't help that these weapons can be infused and are upgraded using farmable materials rather than the rare titanite scales and twinkling titanite.
What's with the secret agent minion in the intro?
+Gabriel Fortunato
Your profile picture make you look like you have doubt on what you've commented.
+Michael Haney uh
You missed it lmao
I meant that one little imp in sunglasses
I saw it immedeately how many times have I seen this intro to know that something is wrong.
+Gabriel Fortunato Its FakeAgent
YES I AM JIMMY! I legit live in Newcastle XD wtf, this video actually butched me.
+ESO - Fallout & Elder Scrolls Guides So do I, i nearly shit bricks
Oh, hey eso.
+ESO - Fallout & Elder Scrolls Guides who the hell are you, why should I care, go away!
Kir SK Care enough to comment, logic.
ESO - Fallout & Elder Scrolls Guides Well yeah, it's as if someone were to knock on your door trying to sell you something. Of course you can just slam the door in their face, but it's more likely that you would say something like "not interested" or "fuck off" before doing so. Humans are social creatures and tend to react socially. With that said, SLAM!
My problem was how frequent invasions were. Especially in the Farron Woods and Anor Londo. You were either a Watchdog or a Faithful and invading someone else every few minutes or a Sentinel/Moon Blade and defending the person being invaded. Of course it's pretty cool to have the huge invasion battles. Those things get really crazy.
4:12 definitely says "longslord". First slip I've ever heard him leave in after seeing dozens of his videos, so he is human after all. :-D
The end of the video felt just as you described the end of Dark Souls. Glorious
4:12 long-slord.
I'm impressed he's done literally hundreds of these videos and this is the first genuine misspeaking I've ever caught.
0:57. You just summed up the entire Souls fanbase in less than five seconds. And another great franchise in Zelda.
"Frankly I'm lukewarm on Dark Souls 3" Funny you should say that.
The First Flame is also pretty lukewarm around this point.
Great review as always Yahtzee! But as a newcomer to the Dark Souls franchise I have to say, without knowing anything about the previous games formula, every mechanic, monster, and NPC were a delight all the way through to the end.
The magic meter is actually a throwback to Demon's Souls. But it's a common enough feature that that point doesn't really matter I guess.
All three DS reviews hold up perfectly to this day
You are a god-given gift to the world, this is legendary! xD
I love how it's both informative and honest, while also being cleverly funny and outright insanely funny.
4:10 "...with my whippy little long-slord"
For years I have remembered that line. And for some reason, it's only this last viewing that I realized the slurring in it. Most peculiar...
I'm gonna have to agree with Yahtzee on this, I loved Dark Souls 3, but instead of doing it's own thing like DS2, it just felt like a repeat of DS1. Hopefully the DLCs will give it some more depth.
Dark Souls 3 might be my favorite of the three The bosses are pretty consistently amazing besides a few like deacons, the movement and combat feels as tight as its ever been, the level design allows enough space to attack and fight while still providing cover whereas older games can feel claustrophobic and make any swinging attack hit a the walls. I would have loved to see more sophisticated level design return making players rely more on exploration and shortcuts rather than the next bonfire, but the world was still interesting to travel through and still gave the same feeling of desperation that people expect of dark souls. Although it didnt change much, i liked to idea of unkindled rather than undead as it shows how cyclical the world has become and how desperate people are to continue the age of fire despite of bleak it has left the world. The lore of the first game is still the best as far as im concered, but Dark Souls 3 did a great job of expanding the lore in a satisfying way without having an over reliance on nostalgic storytelling. Things like aldrich appearing to use Gwyndolin as some kind of a puppet, the nameless king being the hype train we all deserved, and the soul of cinder reinforcing to cyclical nature of the world by showing a representation of the player that have become slaves to the continuation of the age of fire. A lot of people like dark souls 3 but dont love it which is fine but i wish it got more respect because its fucking awesome
Ok, so I was introduced to Dark Souls 3 as my first Dark Souls about 3 months ago. I was completely unaware that each different class started with different equipment. So I decided to go with what appeared to be the most balanced character, The Depraved. It took me only 2 hours to beat the crystal beast and the first boss and I thought, "OK, yes. This is the level of difficulty that I was expecting from all the bitching I hear about this game." Later when my friend laughed that I picked The Depraved and told me to restart I decided to try The Knight. It took me about 10 minutes to get through the intro area, hell of a lot better I would think. As I ran through the game, fell in love with Onion Bro and stabbed my "wife" through the face, I tried out almost every weapon I could get my hands on. Eventually I settled on the Black Knight Sword and just stuck with it (stun locks in PvP which helped a ton). After I beat it I couldn't not play through it on New Game+ and then New Game++. My roommates eventually took the game away from me before I could go at it again. Anyways, I hope that answers your question on how new people view the game. Also, I spent maybe 10 hours researching lore, items, and quest lines.
You know even as a person who has played the original dark souls and bloodborne
I'd still say Dark souls 3 is a very good game
oh also
The first DLC is coming out sometime in from what i've heard autumn so better steal the game back by then
Generic last boss you say? Yahtzee, don't pretend like you didn't shed a tear when the gwyn theme kicked in.
He probably rolled his eyes cause the game was trying too hard to peddle to nostalgia rather than doing its own unique thing.
@@MapleLeafAce I know I did
@@MapleLeafAce soul of cinder is just a better version of gwyn- more fun, more variety
Tbh I didn't even notice the theme
It doesn't help knowing that by killing the Soul of Cinder you're killing the last remaining piece of Solaire since canonically he went on to be a Lord of Cinder in another cycle after DS1.
"Theyve got a magic bar now that's new"
Yahtzee you played Demon's Souls; it's nothing new at all
+TheMightyKawama sarcasm
To true
Thank you.
+TheMightyKawama it's new for the Dark Souls series, at least.
You oughta go back to Demon's Souls and give it another spin.
+Jon Bezeau This. He mentioned that he might want to do that ages ago, I would love to hear him re-evaluate it now that he gets this series.
There is always a good reason to give it another spin. It is the only ps3 game i own and i don't even have the console. :D
Well we might finally get a re-review now however many years after the original review it will be with this upcoming remake.
the first weapon thing is spot on. It took forever to find something marginally better than the axe I started with
+wilson24488 Upgrades are the reason for this. A long sword+10 will out damage any +0 weapon.
+Matt Ingve Not really. A long sword +10 outclasses most other weapons even if they're fully upgraded.
In pve that is. In pvp they are easily parried.
*Pulls down pants*
*Pours lotion on hand*
*Proceeds to click on Zero Punctuation*
The biggest issue I've been seeing with the Souls games is that with Demons souls to Dark Souls 1 you can clearly see where they made improvements off of the previous iteration while this seems lost on the Dark Souls sequels where 2 ADDS problems on top of Dark Souls 1 and Dark souls 3 carries over problems from Bloodborne without many if any improvements.
For example, some of the most egregious problems with bloodborne were:
1. Grab attacks, with hour-long animations that would take out most if not all of your health (and maybe poison you, killing you by the time your recovery animation finishes) and be initiated either by a gentle swipe that is hard to distinguish from a weak slap or with insane phantom range.
2. Enemies with a "flurry" attack that has almost zero windup and will stunlock you for most of your health (Think of the mosquito-man enemies from Castle Cainhurst).
3. Enemies with arbitrarily long windups to some of their attacks so instead of reacting naturally to your enemy's moves you have to memorize their attacks through trial and error because they don't follow any kind of logical momentum.
4. Healing being too quick and too plentiful. Dark Souls 2 was the worst for essentially re-introducing grass from Demons Souls, although they do get props for slowing the animation down. In Bloodborne the 20 instant bloodvials was clearly there to compensate for the poor enemy design. In 3 you have limited Estus but taking a swig is instantaneous and un-punishable, I've seen plenty of PVP videos where someone takes a swig less than 10 meters from an invader's face and gets away scot-free.
5. While not particular to Bloodborne, poise has been fucked both ways since Dark Souls 2. For Bloodborne this means that you are severely punished for fighting certain enemies with a quick dex weapon who would poise through your attacks and hit you for most of your health, while heavy-hitting str weapons would stunlock the enemy and turn them into a joke. In Dark Souls 3 it means that the weakest slap will cause someone in full Havel's to stumble, making quick spamming weapons king except for whatever weapons From decided to arbitrarily tack on hyper-armor frames on some of their moves.
Or maybe I'm just complaining too much?
Nipah Auauau dark souls also fell off in some ways from demons souls I love both so its more more more death
Dark souls 3 uses more of a hyper armor system bloodbourne has poor enemy design idk dark souls had some of the worst the estus system wasn't that great either yes it made balance a tad easier but why where most of the dark souls 1 bosses jokes after new game while dark souls 2 really started fucking your eye sockets with new game plus bloodbourne just will fuck you a demons souls will make you cry to sleep as a red eye claymore knight 1 shots you
@Nipah Auauau - I don't mind the healing so much, as I don't play online if I can help it and a lot of enemies will interrupt your estus chugs if you don't get some distance first... and if I just goof around, I'll soon run out no matter how many charges I have. Apart from that though, you make pretty good points. Stunlock/flurry combos (i.e. Dark Souls 3's final boss' greatsword form juggling you in the air with flame sword swipes and a final smash) are pretty bullcrap, and grab attacks are just plain frustrating too. I would like either some chance to escape after a grab (with partial damage maybe) or to stab your weapon in the enemy's hand/arm to at least deal them some damage while they hold you. Just sitting there watching yourself get brutalized doesn't feel like gameplay. And yeah, poise is pretty screwed up. I remember in DS3 I was in... Untended Graves, I think? And fighting some skinny dual-sword undead dressed in rags. They would just go from being staggered by continuous hits, to launching an uninterruptible counter attack, after which they would bounce around acrobatically on top of being stable as platemail while being whaled on.
I don't mind enemies being difficult. I *do* mind them ignoring the established game mechanics.
1:20 Not really, the lords of cinder are survivors of the past linkings of the fire and the reason they buggered off is because they don't want to die in order for some nobody to link the fire again. With their combined power.
I feel I should say the mana bar isn't really new, cause Demon's Souls, another Fromsoft game, had a Mana bar as well, increasing or decreasing in size, depending on what wand you have.
It's new in the franchise called *Dark Souls*
It seems this message is not being received by some lesser minds.
Maybe they're to dense to realize every From Soft game
Too bad this never really became an actual main thing of the game. There are a few enemies where you see the pus come out to fight you. But it basically feels like something tacked onto the game and quickly forgotten about.
Yeah I remember seeing iudex gundyr and thought the whole game was gonna be about the pus of man.
"expect me to complain about how formulaic it's gotten while simultaneously bitching about everything that's different." The definition of a Nintendo fan.
*the definition of any fan of any series with sequels
+kyle magaro Let's be honest, nobody actually comes here for a review of a game. They come here for entertainment. He still clarifies if he likes games while shitting on them, but the point is the shitting.
+Rukifellth The Shadow I have usually played the game, but these reviews make me realize a lot of shit
hes not wrong on how op the long sword is, all straight swords are for that matter, turn poise on fromsoft, for fucks sake
+SataruYamate Poise works..... just not how you'd like -.-
+Cao Cao maybe in pvp it does, but in pve i just stunlock everything to death so far
+Cao Cao Well, no. It doesn't. Hyperarmor does exist (invuln while certain animations play) but that's it. Poise is completely turned off. Similarly to the physical defense stat that does basically nothing and also may as well be removed from the stats page.
+Quibber123 Phys defence is equal for all armour. The rest is basically just an additional percentage. It works. It's just really REALLY shit.
+Cao Cao I will concede that Poise appears to be turned off though... really weird. I was under the impression from gameplay that the stat might be improving hyperarmor frames or something but nope... Really shitty business.
I think his comment about DS2's level design being better referred to how it was a lot more varied with the settings. I mean he didn't exactly comment on the verticality, the level exploration, enemy placements and such, but instead on how DS3 has a bit too similiar level themes. That's something I can agree with, since there really are like 3 cathedrals in the game.
I haven't played it yet, but I'm glad they're saying it's the last one. It was starting to feel formulaic to me as well, and I'd really like to see the creative team at From Software try something new now.
3:32 My +10 Chaoshander begs to differ.
Well, the unkindled are undead who attempted to link the fire but failed. It even says in the intro cinematic: "Nameless accursed undead, unfit even to be cinder"
Man spidertown really doesn't get enough love. That place was freaking cool.
I'm sure dozens of people have been sticklers about this already, but the blue FP bar is a call back to Demons' Souls from 2007. It was the first Souls game and features a magic bar. The idea of the magic bar over the page uses mechanic is so that magic wielders have to invest more and cast their magic more carefully, unlike in DS1 and 2 where you could just do NG++++ ad nauseum until you had an exorbitantly high amount of things like Crystal Soul Spear, Wrath of the Gods, and Great Chaos Fireball etc.
Personally I prefer that it's gone away from the ds2 style and towards the ds1 style again. I don't know why, but I just do not like the style of ds2 very much for the most part.
At least you can pop all your souls at once :P
The frik happened with the ending music there? :o
What was the name of it?
I think Dark Souls 3 works as a Trilogy Should. The first game shows off the world, the second does something different than the first, and the third takes what was learned in both games, and what the fans liked about them, and use them in the third. Saying Dark Souls 3 wallows in the first game is saying Mass Effect 3 did the same...
+Terence Smith well, I only used it as another Trilogy that had a drastically different 2nd part.
+Terence Smith Close. More accurately Mass Effect is like they started a story, then it went off on a tangent because it forgot what it was talking about, then it suddenly remembered the story before losing its shit and it starts maniacally setting everything around it on fire.
I actually got pretty far in this one.
...And then the Prince of Lothric and his twin brother happened.
Once the game started brigning out dual bosses that fucking TELEPORTED, I knew I was officially outclassed. Even all my excess backtracking, grinding for XP and making sure I had beaten all the optional bosses up to that point couldn't save me. When you're barely holding on against the regular enemies anymore (seriously, fuck those knights with the glowing red eyes in the castle area), what chance do you have against dual bosses? I'd already reached the point where I had to summon online players to deal with every other boss (though it was nice to actually get some use out of my PS Plus subscription), but even then I was taking a gamble, not least because even if the game DID generate a summon sign outside a boss door, there was a chance that a poor internet connection on either end could prevent them from showing up halfway through the summoning. Also, I swear Embers were starting to become more and more scarce as the game went on. Either that, or I was dying so frequently that it wouldn't have made a difference either way. Thus, I was forced to wing it a lot of the time, and trying to 'wing it' in Dark Souls' is like running screaming across land mine territory and hoping to God you don't step on one.
Still got more enjoyment out of this game than the first one, though. This was mainly because you can teleport between bonfires from the get-go and actually start off with a decent amount of Estus Flasks if I remember correctly. Seems to be a lot more grey, though. I mean, for everything I didn't like about the first game (those fucking dual dragon slayers being at the top of my list), it had more diversity in terms of locations. I mean, let's compare some of the locations between the first and third games:
Dark Souls 1:
Graveyard/Shrine With Skeletons
Undead Burg
Forest Area That Looks Like It Belongs In A Metroid Prime Game
Sewers That Actually Feel Like A Location And Not Just A Generic Sewer
Fucking Blighttown (Which Feels Like More Blight Than Town)
Pale Yellow City of Anor Londo (fuck this place, by the way)
Whatever That Place With The Ghosts Is Called
Dark Souls 3:
Grey Graveyard
Grey Firelink Shrine
Grey Bridge Area With Dragon
Grey Cathedral Area With Fat, Love-Starved Witches
Grey and Brown Swamp Area
Grey Catacombs That Never Seem To Fucking End
Grey Castle With Multiple Grey Levels Within Said Castle
Twilight Sparkle's Abandoned GREY Library Where You Dunk Your Fat Head In GREY Candlewax Which Somehow Stops GREY Hands From GREY Grabbing You Or Some GREY Shit Like That With GREY GREY GREY (Did I Mention Grey?)
I actually FORGOT about the one level that WASN'T grey - the ice palace area filled with those stupid sorceress bitches with ice javelins who somehow always manage to kill me in two hits no matter low much I level up or what stats I increase or what armour I equip and also that giant crocodile thing on the bridge as a big 'fuck you' to anyone who thought that the much needed change of scenery might be a sign of good things going forward and FUCK EVERY BOSS IN THIS AREA. Also, black knights, just to make me homesick for the Darknuts in Twilight Princess. Cheers.
You know what else I forgot? Where I was going with any of this. I dunno, something about grey...
Dark Souls 3: The Fire Fades Edition? More like Dark Souls 3: The Grey Never Fades Edition! EVEN MOST OF THE ENEMIES ARE GREY! What is it with grey in these Tolkien style fantasy games?! Seriously, I feel like I could just remove the word 'grey' from my vocabulary and replace it with phrase 'Dark Souls 3' and it would still make perfect sense! "I'm going to read 50 Shades of Dark Souls 3!" "I got abducted by some Dark Souls 3 aliens last week!" "I was watching Dark Souls 3's anatomy on TV last night!" "Oh, that's kind of a Dark Souls 3 area for me." "In Skyrim, I was taught the way of the voice by the DarkSouls3Beards!"
...Okay, I think I'll sign off now. Nobody's going to read this, anyway.
I read this, and it was quite entertaining
I could have read another three paragraphs of this.
Interestingly I still play DS 1 and so far have not tried DS2 or DS3.
I did an early start in DS2 but when the controls changed everything in such a strange manner in the kyeboard/mouse controls I decided to leave it there till I had time to learn everything again.
Hard to say why but I keep enjoying DS1.
I know, but cant use mouse 4 and 5 button for block and parry.
use xmousebutton control free software to change mouse buttons settings
I "ve played DS2 for almost 600 hours with mouse + keyboard, yet it is much better to change buttons and disable double mouclick for strong attacks (because it delays normal attacks waitnig for second click)
Ill check xmousebutton. Thx for the tips.
Enjoying a timeless classic is a great thing and a symptom of a healthy mind, man.
You have my respects (it happens to me with Vagrant Story).
To be fair, if you play as a Knight, you're playing easy mode at the start of the game. I chose Deprived and every piece of equipment and new weapon was a god send, it made the game very exciting.
Interesting... I should try that now I've just compiled 100 hours in my knight class...
I'm not sure how the DS games are, but I remember seeing that with Demon's Souls when I first played it. The starting level would vary based on character that was chosen. I tried the Rogue and got annihilated. Tried again with a knight character and it had a considerably different feel.
I saw DS3 as a bit of a return to form. Took all the lessons they learned from DS1 2 and bloodborne and applied them here. Not to say it's perfect, but aside from DS1 holding a special place in my heart as the first souls game I played, DS3 is easily my favorite of the series.
Escapist: how come you remove the little end credit witticisms from the YT versions?
Usually ended with music that fit the game i.e the title, but now it's copyrighted.
He's not talking about that. He's talking about the blue screens at the end in general. They used to be on the youtube ones, but now they are only on the versions on the Escapist website and are removed and replaced with the "subscribe" thing on the youtube version.
Brandon Fedie Exactly. The ones on Escapist have little cartoons and a couple lines of jokes.
Incentive for people to visit the website?
Chopin124 How would they even know if they only saw it from UA-cam?
This episode "I prefered Dark Souls' 2 level design"
On Dark Souls 2 episode : "The areas are uncreative, like a lava castle"
Make up your freakin mind already
+Cezary Dudkiewicz It's not a "one way or the other thing". you disliking something still means that you can prefer it to other things.
CarEdy23 you could say “it’s not black and white”
level design is so much more than just the setting
That means that he thinks that ds3 is worse
DS3 has the best level design in the series in terms of pure gameplay but the game is too linear and the areas look too uninspired for it to truly shine
The Long sword part is quite spot on, which is pretty saddening as hammering a long sword around at a boss wont feel the same as a huge ass sword....
1:15 the best simile ever
Still waiting on that demons souls remaster.
Yahtzee is not the only one to prefer DS2's level design. Now, I played DS2 first before really seeing much of DS1, so I can't make too many direct comparisons there, but one thing that I heard a lot from friends who played DS1 first is that DS2 feels less connected than DS1. Partly it's because you can warp from the beginning, meaning you only really have to see each area once and you don't see all the interconnections and shortcuts that DS1 needed. Partly it's because DS2 has a hub town that branches out, dividing the game into more discrete "areas" than its predecessor. But hey, DS3 feels even less connected than DS2, especially since you can't even leave the first area without warping from a bonfire.
What DS2 did allow was a world that felt more like a fantasy. I've heard that one of the original sources of inspiration for the Souls series was badly-translated western mythology; whether or not that's true, I get much more of that feeling from DS2 than DS3. It doesn't feel quite coherent, but it's just about close enough that it works. Going back to level design, look at the progression that takes you to Iron Keep: you start out in Huntsman's Copse and Harvest Valley, going downwards almost the whole way. Somehow, this takes you to Earthen Keep, where you descend into a mountain, and then you end up at Iron Keep, which, while it must logically be miles underground by this point, somehow has a view of the sky. It feels alien and mysterious, which just adds to the dark fantasy atmosphere.
Side note: is it just me, or does DS2 have a weird obsession with descending? Almost every area I can think of has you exit at a lower point than you entered (the only exceptions I can think of are Mist Area, Doors of Pharros, maybe Drangleic Castle, maybe No Man's Wharf, and that's about it). You're always going downhill; heck, the Throne of Want is at the bottom of an enormous cavern. Even the DLCs do it, except for the mostly circular Crown of the Ivory King (but hey, the Ivory King is trapped, guess where, deep below his castle, and you have to take a ridiculously long fall to get down to him).
Then there are the enemies and bosses. DS2 definitely likes throwing regular soldiers at you as standard enemies (occasionally mixing it up by making them enormous or making them crawl instead of walk), and DS3 has a lot more variety in regular enemies you face. Well, more varied in appearance, anyway. I'm not so sure DS3 actually handles regular enemies that much better, though. It's hard to say for certain, but I can't help but think that DS2 used its enemies more effectively than DS3 did. Standard enemies in DS3 rarely felt like they posed any sort of challenge. Obviously, there are exceptions (Irythill, I'm looking at you), but the danger comes from specific things the enemies can do, rather than placement or tactics. For example, look at the wardens in Irythill Dungeon; they're not difficult to kill, but they can drain your maximum health and insta-kill you if they manage to hit you once. Or there are the serpents in Archdragon Peak; they're aggravating because just one of them can stun-lock you and the big ones do absurd damage. The knights are only difficult when you run into them at low levels without decent equipment. They feel unfair, like the game is punishing you for not playing a certain way.
Compare the enemies in DS2. Individually, they're far from threatening, but the way they're arranged and the way they force you to consider the environment and the consequences of your actions has a meaningful effect on how you deal with them. Heide's Tower of Flame gives you big, slow, high-damage enemies that are easy to avoid, but then it restricts your movement with narrow paths so that you are forced to either fight them head-on (on their terms) or draw them into a situation that gives the advantage back to you. Or in No Man's Wharf, where the enemies are just regular hollows, but they're hidden in every building, or hanging off docks to jump up behind you, or positioned on balconies to shoot at you; in short, the enemies and the environments work together to create a challenge.
On the flipside, DS2 also has Shrine of Amana, with enemy sorcerers who shoot projectiles that will never stop chasing you, and they're the worst. But, again, the sorcerers themselves aren't actually that strong, and their spells sting but aren't lethal immediately. It's the combination of low mobility, open terrain that limits your path but doesn't impede their shots, and melee enemies that force you to prioritize one type of foe or the other that makes this area so brutal.
There's a fundamental difference in design philosophy between DS2 and DS3. DS3 likes to give you duels against tougher individual enemies, while DS2 uses its lesser enemies as environmental obstacles for you to overcome. DS3 also seems more willing to give you an easy out, a way to make certain parts significantly easier if you somehow know the trick. For example, DS3 has the Catacombs of Carthus, which is made significantly easier if you have a Blessed weapon. Those hollows being taken over by the black goop can be killed quickly enough that the goop doesn;t appear. You can beat Yhorm in just a few swings of Storm Ruler, and the Ancient Wyvern goes down in one plunging attack. Farron Keep is much easier to deal with if you stock up on purple moss or go out of your way to find the poisonbite ring.
DS2 doesn't do that nearly as much. Take the Gutter, for example, which is roughly equivalent to Farron Keep in that it loves poison and hampers your ability to fight. Unlike Farron Keep, however, you can prevent the poison from taking effect by moving carefully, destroying the statues that poison you, and slowing down. Farron Keep instead forces you to experience poison buildup by making the area itself poisonous. There's no way to avoid moving through poison, and that means you have to wait for the buildup to wear off before you can sprint to the next safe spot and repeat the process. Maybe it's closer to Earthen Keep in that regard, but at least there the poison was optional; braving it gets you bonuses, rather than being required to progress. The Gutter only really has standard hollows, and most of them are unarmed, but they're still dangerous because they can hamper your motion and put you in danger from the statues. The enemies in Farron Keep are more threatening, but you never have to deal with them and the poison simultaneously, and you rarely even have to fight more than one at a time.
I liked your analysis. Perhaps because I did enjoy Dark Souls II to an unusual and hour-burning degree.
When was the last time you played a game and realized you've been at it for almost 8 straight hours?
Dark Souls I doesn't have that.
The pace the game has eventually forces a regular player to take breaks,
and to obsess over it when not playing, to go back at it fully motivated and focused.
I get a similar feeling from Dark Souls III. But with II SOTFS (after finishing the original version),
I had to oblige myself to stop playing. Steam marked 400+ minutes per session way too many times in the last 2 weeks.
And I believe this to be a level design virtue, regardless of what purists of the original Dark Souls say about it.
And there's also the meta, which Dark Souls II pulls off better than any other Souls game.
From the perspective of someone who's first Dark Souls game was DS3, it's the greatest mix of loving it and wanting to throw your controller against the wall I've ever had with a game.
"You kiiiiiilllllllled meeeeee!"
LOL that image is stuck in my head now. :)
I lost it at 4:07.
"...whippy little longslord..." XD
We meet again...
Jaraxxus Krakthang VII
Gotta say, I agree about the level design. There's way too many bonfires and they are in so stupid places. There are even places where you can see two bonfires simultaneously. I also get lost often, but that's mostly because the places feel so similar and repeating. It never happened in 1 or 2, not even in the more complex areas. I like how you can find out where everything is in relation to everything else just by looking at the skybox or scenery, just like in the 1, but that's about it. What happened to the level design in these games?
+MrSamulai It's much better than in 2, but is a huge step down from 1 and BB. I think that because it should have been the best of the 4 and it wasn't, he's overreacting slightly. The Profaned Capital is a goddamned joke though...
+MrSamulai Yeah, bonfires are quite...frequent ( Farron Keep/ Wood of Sacrifices has around 9 or so?) and i were suprised when right after Dragonslayer Armour was another on for the Archives. And i don't know much about level design although i don't think it's too bad. And after 4 Souls games in rapid succesion i suppose From Software doesn't have many ideas anymore
+Black Wolf The whole point of bonfire after bosses are designed and placed only there for using souls to level up your character
+H_ EspelIZ Just like in Bloodborne
Yeah the bonfires should feel like a reward after going through a long struggle and should feel like a sigh of relief when you get to one, but in this game... I can't see why people say this game is hard save for a few bosses mostly the ones at the end and one optional one but other than that yeah... Great game though
I actually think Dark Souls 3 is far better than Dark Souls 2.
+Raven Games I actually think Dark Souls 1 is far better than Dark Souls 3.
+Raven Games Most do. He's being hyperbolic with his criticisms. Although the fact that the best weapons (estoc, longsword, dark sword) are all in the very beginning of the game is incredibly frustrating.
+Raven Games That's not a profound opinion. Very mainstream
+Clarence Boddicker dark souls 2 wasn't bad, it was just the least good of the series imo
I liked the pvp mechanics in DS2 better than in DS3. Frankly it just felt more put together and less glitchy. Right now I'm getting so much frame rate lag on XBONE and PC that it is almost unplayable at this point.
I'm patiently waiting for his review of Sekiro.
3:27 - Yuria: "Funny you should mention weddings..."
I just watched all 3 dark souls vids in a row and i love how hes like at first i don't wanna play and than loves it like everyone says happens. Dark souls is awesome :D
I'm a fan of all the weapons being more, or less equal, your less worried about stats, and more worried about what suits you, it drives home the whole, " You can make your character however you want." Because everything is valuable more or less. As for level design, aesthetically I'm not a fan, everything looks just ab9ut the same save a few color swaps, and it all looks higher fantasy in a way, one of the things I can appreciate about Darksouls 1 aesthetic was everything looking old, decrepid, and now everything just looks pretty with a few pebbles, some dust, and eldritch abominations, now how they actual levels are built, again, it's not bad, but Darksouls 1 did it better, land a good example of this is when you [SPOILER ALERT] reach Anor Londo, it looks lonely, it's sad, but you can also tell that that it was once beautiful, but has since fallen into disrepair, all the other castle's just look as if the janitor called in sick the 5 days prior. Armour, and weapon designs suffer the same problem, jow I can't promise I'll be 100% without bias saying this, but I can try. Early game weapons, and armour look better then later game armour, I'm not saying darksouls has to be the most realistic of games hell you roll to dodge away from attacks (which they really should change to a side step, because rolling just looks dumb) but later in game the FUG looks out of place compared to the other design, armour, though not as bad, is crammed full of detail, so much so it's got the case of " Too much is a good thing." This needs a fancy design, this needs engravings, and random bits of unneeded metal. Also, one of my least favorite aspects of the new weapons is battle arts, it doesn't help that all straight swords have the same battle art, I was hoping that this would add more weapon variaty, instead there is now difference between the broad sword, and longsword besides r2, and one of the r2's is pretty shite.
Well, these are all the grie- MAGIC IS SHIT-... a okay, now that's all my grievances with the game I have so far. Any thoughts fellow opinionated denizens of the internet?.
Weapons being equal stat wise*
+Peyton Spain I disliked it, Alot of weapons in the game has the same move sets or similar, All axes have warcry and swing the same (Unless it's a greataxe), I always felt like i missed the excitement in the game of finding a new shiny weapon. I found a one hand axe that has the special ability to add bleed and healing to your attacks but then i found out you needed the rarer kinds of titanite so i just ignored it, It makes me sad that a high strength build works best with the high scaling of the battle axe, I just can't find a way to beat that bloody weapon in any souls games, It's just too good.
+Peyton Spain I'll agree on the weapons, not so much on the armor. I always found myself using armor from the mid-to-late game when I got it, though the vast majority of it was bought from the handmaiden rather than picked up. Dancer's stuff, Artorias's stuff, Watchers' stuff, that one helmet that the Valley fire witches drop that makes you look like a ring wraith, even some of the Winged Knight set (the gauntlets primarily) became staples in my Fashion Souls wardrobe.
They should just have more movesets, and battle-arts instead of stats, or better yet, make it customizable, like you could pick your own battle-art.
Poise is broken at the moment. Literally, the game got hacked and it was discovered that the feature is... again, literally turned OFF. Turning the feature ON, the game will prompt you a message then you get softban.
Poise does nothing right now, gaming outlets are asking questions to From Software but they havent made any comments about it.
+LastSider Who needs poise if you have a upgraded greatshield? Literally nothing can wear down your stamina.
But yeah, i was surprised that poise was nonexistant like in 2, where 3 is so similar to 1.
+LastSider bamco has made a statement saying they're asking from if this is a bug or not....it was also a holiday week in japan so one of the reasons everything was so quiet last week.
pumpkin1escobar I do hope. My first run was with a heavy armor and weapon run and was pretty excruciating.
However, I'll say this : Dark Souls 3 is an excellent introduction to the serie. I've started by this one and enjoyed the fuck out of it from the beginning to the end. And now, I am almost done with Dark Souls 1 (I'm in the tomb of giants with only nito skelito left to mash into cadaveric pulp before moving on to Gwyn) and I also loved it since I set foot into the asylum.
Awesome as always but one detail I feel I should mention is the "mana" bar was actually in Demon Souls so I think it is less going the way of WoW and more just getting back to its roots as the game is much closer to the style of Demon Souls and the first Dark Souls
The rusted iron ring ring joke still gets me
Maybe their next game with new engine will have usable netcode.
Yahtzee died to the Iudex Gundyr?!?! you could almost hear giantdad whispering"what are you? casul?"
cant wait for doom 4 review!!
+LEX Maximaguy87 What is this Doom 4 of which you speak? The only new Doom game coming out is Doom (tm)
its doom4...don't care if the 4 is missing.
+Meme Master 400 Faster Blaster love them all.
+Meme Master 400 Faster Blaster Yes
+Butterghost Boy/girl have you played Doom 4? I'm guessing so, because you've probably played Doom 1, and they're pretty much the same game
i personally like 3 more than the first two, it took a few pages from each and sure several places did just become regurgitated and re skinned, but it had a lot more lore, even new stuff that people havent figured out yet.
the weapon arts were great and thankfully heavy weapons and armour have been fixed since dlc and the arena. magic bar come back from demon's souls is really helpful as well as an actual estus that serves to be more useful than the herbs from ds2
I was told by my partner that the world of dark souls is caught in a bit of a time paradox, which is why a LOT of elements in DS3 call back so strongly to DS1 (Firelink Shrine is in both games, but in 3 it's decidedly not destroyed, for example. Anal Rodeo is also an area in both 1 and 3, as another example. I haven't gotten too far into DS3 so I can't really say more about the time paradox thing)
What the fuck do you mean by rodeo. There is no place called rodeo in ds1 or ds3.
@@ayushparameswaran8940 Anal Rodeo. Anor Londo? Watch ymfah's videos, my guy. He makes the joke fairly often.
@@ayushparameswaran8940 I laughed but I suspect they meant Anor Londo
The firelink shrine you see in Ds3 is a different one. The arena you fight the Demon Prince is actually the remains of the old shrine.
Cough magic bar is not a new thing cough
+Kirk Williams for darksouls it is
For the souls series no
+MrJJ6640 The original game, Demon Souls, had the magic meter.
+MrJJ6640 Demon's Souls had it.
Drunk Post-it
thats demon souls not dark souls
There was another imp in the scan over at 0:04 haha
Ds3 was my first souls game and my first game on ps4 after previously playing on xbox. Fighting Gundyr while not being used to the controller was a real teeth kicking
I live in Newcastle and I can confirm that that's exactly what Newcastle is like.
0:18 - 0:27 Oh hai Darksydephil!
The second half of the final boss gave me the feels, I'm a Dark Souls 1 fanboy btw
The only problem I had with Dark Souls 3 was starting off with the best armour and weapon in the game... Kinda killed the excitement of finding new armour sets
+Liam Dalton You start out with a refined Darksword + 10 and Havel's Armor?
+Karaksonen Most certainly Havel's isn't the "best armor" in the game.
Definitly not, weights a shitton. But i cant recall if either Havel, or Smough has better stats, never used either.
***** Yeah I don't like heavy armors, specially with poise being disabled they are pretty much trash.
Longsword definitely isn't the best. And armour doesn't really matter that much, I wore light armour just because it looked cool and didn't notice any notable difference compared to the beginning armour, as long as you're wearing anything at all you get a sizeable bonus to defence.
"Piece by piece replace myself" - was that a Jonathan Coulton reference Yahtzee??
Verwy Cwever
On the plus side, if they really stick with it being the last rather than prolonging their last gasp for (instert however many they've made by now here) games like Final Fantasy did, that means you can at least remember the series fondly, as it once was. Fun fact: Final Fantasy is called that because it was originally expected to be the last game Square Enix made, and if it hadn't done so well it would have been.
To be honest, the biggest thing keeping me from getting darksouls 3 is the lack of new gear.
I shouldn't be able to recognize and name over half the weapons and armor in a new game. Yeah some weapons are timeless, how many different "generic swords" can you make, but at least TRY to come up with a new spin on them.
Even if it's just a new name, at least try.
Basically, darksouls 2 has most of the fashion souls that DS3 offers, and many more that it doesn't. A lot of them even have unique movesets to come with them too! Clearly FromSoft has miss-understood what their fans _really_ want.
Literally all weapons have a new spin on them. They all have a new thing to them called a Weapon Art. so the claymore in the first to games compared to the claymore in 3 is different. And they added a lot of new weapons. the Carthus weapons, Onikiri and Ubadatchi, Sellsword TwinBlades, Warden Twinblades, Gotthard TwinBlades. The Ithyrll weapons and armor. Winged knight weapons and armor. Gundyr's halberd.
dont bother yourself ,there is nothing new here
The ending of the video came true. The DLC so far has seemed like an idle midnight wank.
i dont think so, i find it to have given a little more to it, i mean the weapons you can pull out of there are amazingly effective, the couple armour sets you get are pretty good, was dissapointed in the lack of bosses, but the enemies and legions of them kind of made up for it.
The lore behind it is incredibly interesting, and the boss fights were fairly well designed.
Now that the Ringed City is out, it certainly feels much more satisfying (though no end cutscene, weirdly). The final boss fight is truly deserving of the title "boss fight".
yeah, It was ok. Good in comparison to DS3, but(funny enough) i really disliked the ringed city part of the ringed city DLC. The rest was really good.
I'd hardly call a magic meter a "new gameplay element" for Dark Souls considering Demon's Souls had one. Im glad Dark Souls 2 world design is getting some appreciation though.
Dark Souls 2 world design was fucking retarded.
+TheDementedWendigo No, its linear path system was retarded. The actual areas you went to were fantastic aesthetics. And while people bitch about going to a lava castle from a poison gas tower via elevator, that's now answered in DS3: The places fucking move.
Yep, that first boss fight was my first introduction to Dark Souls and it kicked the shit out of me big style when it bursts into that black goopy stuff.
your videos make time fly so fast somehow
Imp in a suit during intro?
Dark Souls 3 is best game of the year 10,000,000,000/10
As a Newcastle resident myself I agree
I got into dark souls 3 first. And to be honest I was only able to do that was because of the Let's Drown out run of DS2. I hated this game when I first played it. But I have to say I enjoy it a lot.