*"Production mistake, or critical lore detail?!"* "I think we all know what it really is!" "And I think we all know what I'm gonna pretend that it is." - Every Star Wars Fan ever (including me)
I think he ruined his own theory, he says that the dark side and light side of the force use different sensitivity’s 10:30, resulting in users of different sides of the force either having an advantage or disadvantage, he then goes onto say that force ghosts can only appear at locations with strong force presence( nexus). With obi wan appearing in dagobah 12:48, but dagobah is strong in the dark side of the force so obi wan shouldn’t be able to appear here, meaning that only light side force nexus’s will be able to spawn force ghosts as dark side users can’t use the ability
@@ryanmatthews1096 I think he meant that some areas on Dagobah are stronger in the Dark side and other areas on Dagobah are stronger in the Light side, the cave he was telling Luke about was stronger in the Dark side
My biggest issue with Force Ghosts is that it went from a hard-to-achieve higher state of the Force to "All Force sensitives just become a Force Ghost when they die"
@@loydtheliar5659 it's never said they can't, but see how even Yoda didn't know it was possible and had to undergo the training in order to become a force ghost, so I would say if a sith knew about it and took the training it could be possible
@@arjavjain7229 i mean, i know this is legends, but in many of the games it was mentioned that sith can't become force ghosts because they use the force differently than jedi
I'll make the same basic framework of a point that Matpat does here -- there's a ton of valid complaints and criticisms, but THIS isn't one of them. This was not a completely contradictory act. What Rey appears to be doing here toward the end is truly getting rid of the lightsaber, possibly even destroying it. What Luke did at the beginning of The Last Jedi was just making a point. He tosses it very lightly behind himself, behind him where he knows full well there's still plenty of levels of island. There's literally no way the lightsaber will actually be damaged at all from what he does, and he's perfectly aware of that. Luke's just trying to get cute and fancy to win an argument. Rey was trying to genuinely squash the thing forever.
@@kevinw712 Please don't try to defend bad movie decisions. If you have to write the reason for the movie, it means that they didn't think about it at all and was just a bad decision on their part.
A note on why they didn't help out on Endor: Yoda made it very clear that for Luke to finish his training, he had to face Darth Vader alone. They could have helped, physically, but they weren't allowed to help, so to speak.
They have seen it and they see the past, present, and future. They *saw* it but they also saw what was coming after. Also they weren’t fighting on Endor.
An army of teddybears armed with ropes vs a well trained army with weapons and vehicles, and the cute small ones wins ? It might be to long to film, but they got some ghost help for sure.
I bet the “aura” around the sith force wielders is preventing ghosts from appearing around them... as siths absorb much more energy (even from nothing) compared to jedies.
This can be taken even further when we talk about Mortis from Clone Wars. Mortis was a nexus of the Force, teeming with so much life that Qui-Gon could manifest a body. He never learned how to do that, so it would seem that if there’s enough of a Force nexus you can appear as a full ghost even without training.
In my opinion Rey should have said “Just Rey” this would have done a better job at proving the point that who you are isn’t as important than who you chose to be
I did like the last jedi, and if the ryse of skywalker followed in the steps of that the last jedi then the trilogy would have felt way more conected, and not like only the first and last movies happened and the last jedi was a weird dream. Just Rey would have been perfect, or the people getting inspiration to fight back from luke skywalker.
rey had some real potential to be a good character if they'd stuck with treating her like an organic h-bomb (unpredictable, strong but undisciplined...) like luke did in TLJ
I just chalk it up to Tatooine being home to 2 very powerful Skywalkers, as well as the supposed place of Anakin's immaculate conception. So much important stuff happened there that the Force must have been fairly strong. Totally reaching, but that's kinda what this channel is about.
One minor point: Luke wasn't swinging his saber like that because the Light Side was weak in the throne room - he did it because he was attacking Vader with primal anger, ignoring any sense of training in favor of slashing at Vader as heavily and powerfully as he could.
14:00 I also think a big part of that is Luke being close to death, like how Yoda had an easier time contacting Qui-Gon away from a nexus while meditating
So the empire just can't take over some planets because of, force ghosts? “Soldiers, why haven't you taken over this planet yet?“ “There were this blue people“
Dang this is like in mythologies when the gods can’t interact with their demigod kids directly but hermes can go down and slap they kids with exposition
Yeah so slight problem with Qui-Gon: didn’t he manifest as a force ghost at the end of Kenobi? Seems that the writers just forgot about him never completing this training.
Can't anyone that had some experience in the physical world in Star Wars continue their training even after they became a force ghost? Heck why are we just focused on his appearance here when he also appeared in the clone wars too.
He lived by the will of the force, allowing it to guide him in life, he was closer to the force than any other Jedi of the day, most falling to bureaucracy, but quigan was taught how to come back after he died, then he tought obi wan the same power that os the training he is about to go do in the show. In life and legend of obi wan it goes in to better detail
Didn't Qui-Gon say at the end of Kenobi that he had been following Obi Wan as he lived on Tatooine? If Obi Wan _had_ been training like Matpat pointed out, then couldn't Qui-Gon just have been training with him, or at least watching him train and, for lack of a better term, taking notes on how to do it? Tell me what you all think
What other movie actor came back for the show? Every character got new voice actors for the show. I guess Ian McDiarmid did return for a small cameo as Palpatine for Order 66, but that was only after Sam Witwer had played the character regularly for years too.
Fun fact: Vader never killed Ben, he became one with the force right before the saber hit as to not give Vader the satisfaction. That is why Vader kicks the cloak, he doesn't know what happened
@@WrensthavAviovus Imagine if Obi-wan disappeared into the force, the robe falls to the floor, Vader's reflex was too slow, swipes at thin air, then Ben appears to him as a ghost and mocks him saying: "Missed me by that much!" in Don Adams voice. (sounds like the kind of joke you'd see in Star Wars (Robot Chicken) or Spaceballs).
MatPat isn't wrong tho TCW is basically filler for the movies. If it was up to me I'd make Star Wars take place in different universes like Lego Star Wars so continuity won't be messed up and writers can continue to tell the story they want without being limited to make sense for the movies. Original Trilogy-Main universe Prequel Trilogy-Alternate universe Sequel trilogy-Separate universe The Clone Wars animated series-Focuses on the stormtroopers in a what if universe Rebels and Resistance-Their own universes that are canon to each other
Endor can be explained pretty simply... the force ghosts just decided to stick for the after party since they knew Luke and Co. would prevail, I mean they are literally timeless. So they just wanted to throw a small ghost party.
Headcannon: In the MMO it makes it clear there is an obscure dark-side technique that allows a force user to absorb a ghost, consuming it to increase their power. Maybe the ghosts don't directly confront the sith because they are afraid of becoming lunch.
Do you mean the Sith Inquisitor storyline in SWTOR ? Since it is a dark side technique, and an especially obscure one, I am not sure if the Jedi would be aware of it. Besides, it is best not to bring up the ancient expanded universe when discussing the new films : it is a depressing reminder of much better stories than those we got...
i think that would make some degrees of sense. the dark side always has a way of twisting things. also given how rare the knowledge of force trancendance(what i will call the act of becoming a force ghost), the need for the technique to slay force ghosts or otherwise banish them would be rare. however it all ties into how the philosophies of the dark and light sides struggle with eachother. while light side wielders could likely more easily learn the technique of force trancendance(since it aligns with their philosophy more), the dark side would struggle more with it, since they are often focused heavily on matters of life, like building and sustaining empires, trying to save people they are close too, and clinging onto material life as much as they can. this would likely explain why it would be the darkside that would develop such a technique. if we consider how darkside and light side might operate from a dnd angle...light side would be like positive energy, restoring, preserving and bringing life into the universe. the darkside meanwhile is negative energy, the domain of necromancy and undeath, that maintains life by drawing it away, killing those they take it from, or twising life to go against the natural process. true balance would be to ensure that neither of these forces grows too strong. too much light side/positive energy and people no longer bother to innovate and people and lives and civilisations stagnate. meanwhile too much darkside or negative energy and there is no growth or benefit. only the endless taking of life to sustain a few.
technically paplaitne kinda did that with 2 living pathetic idiots, ben skywalker and Rey 'Skywalker; so if the method was originally meant for ghosts, than obviously he would have done it to the army of ghosts as seen is hishe. So much for luke impressing his father
I like the theory, and agree that it's tied to Force Nexuses. However, I disagree that force nexuses = life. The Jedi Temple on Lothal had very little life around it being surrounded by mostly empty planes with only a few lothcats around, but was very strong with the force. I think these nexuses are more likely "thin" areas where the veil between dimensions is weaker. In the case of Lothal, this manifested in a portal to the World Between Worlds. Ahch-to had an actual hole which led Rey to some weird mirror/vision dimension. And Mortis was likely a realm in between the real world and the Force dimension.
What if Darth Vader, being Anakin Skywalker channeling absurd amounts of Dark Force, negates the Light Force with his presence? We see this whenever he faces Luke, like Mat said, he seems to force Luke into using the Dark Force when they face off, and Luke along with others who face him seems to be restricted in using the Light Side
Matpat making a theory about star wars with actual science and common sense, actively making the movies better. Disney: WRITE THAT DOWN! WRITE THAT DOWN!!
Not really. Many people had problems with midichlorians because they tried to make something magical (the force) into a science. It’s like saying that proving Harry Potter magic is actually based on plant power would be an improvement to the universe.
Possible plug for that last plot hole: Yoda and Obi Wan's plan hinged on Luke facing the Emperor. If they'd interfered and attack Vader in some way, Luke would never have made it to the Death Star.
They can sorta see a little into the future too, so knowing that if they interfered, Vader would not have the character development that would be necessary to defeat Palpatine would make sense!
Also its not like every single jedi ever was a force ghost. We only know like 4 jedi that can do it so I think its kinda balanced for them to be that OP
No, its bad and inconsistent writing. Force ghosts weren't able to do this before, and if they had been able to before, it would've opened up a lot of plot holes. Matpat is essentially having to provide his own head-canon in order to console with the glaring issues that JJ Abrams and Ryan Johhnson have added to Star Wars.
@@averyhaferman3474 Obi Wan walks over to Luke in ROTJ, he even brushes aside vines as he walks by them, stops and holds his posture while obviously standing on the ground. Then he sits on a log. No floating, you're thinking of It.
@@bartudundar3193 plus, if you read some of the accounts from workers on the death star, you begin to realize how empty it was, it had the depth of a small moon and a total surface area larger then some countries, that area really begins to make 1.6 million feel smaller.
Sort of feel like the Endor plothole was pretty glossed over, when earlier it was mentioned that these force ghosts have the potential to see the future...and in that potential, perhaps they saw that Anakin's prophecy does, in fact, come true, though only if they did not intervene in that particular instance. Perhaps without Darth Vader's redemption, Luke would have fallen, either succumbing to the allure of the Dark Side or to wounds inflicted by Palpatine in their final fight. Is it a bit contrived? Perhaps a bit, though it's certainly closer to home for the franchise than the recent films.
Well there is another big plot hole why didn’t anakin’s force ghost ever tell anyone about exegal he had been there before palpatine explained it to him his son was searching for it for years and his grandson had fallen to the dark side because of lies he could’ve confirmed were false at any time
He does only appear for a few seconds though, and it's been established that he can only appear as a ghost where the force is strong, whether that means there's a lot of life or a force nexus. I'd say it's likely a force nexus is near where he appeared in that one scene.
I'm thinking Yoda used more of his own midichlorians when making the lightning because as a force ghost he's mostly made up of the stuff. and since he's powerful he can afford to
Rumor has it that 7, 8, and 9 are going to be made non-canon and brand new 7, 8, and 9 are going to come out under the production of the guy who made The Mandelorian.
@@Ryanowning that's not a rumor. That's just right wingers making up stuff. There's no way to erase those from canon as several actors are deceased or no longer interested in the series. Disgruntled fans should just accept the fact that the prequels weren't good either and TLJ is thematically in line with George.
@@Ryanowning They could relatively easily create a 'soft' non-canon through books and comics, but there is no way they are taking the risk of shouting 're-do' on the entire trilogy.
@@thnecromaniac Disney star wars isn't canon, what's your argument now. The vast majority of fans hated the sequel trilogy, because of this there have been discussions that have been released from Lucas film and Disney about simply ignoring the prequel trilogy ever existed in future films. In other words removing them from canon. Thus it can be stated fans not corporate entities with a large wallet and an IP right dictate what is and isn't real. Furthermore creative executive for Lucas film Matt Martin had this to say "It’s all fake anyway so you can choose to accept whatever you want as part of the story." So there you go, none of Disney's star wars in canon and all the good fiction from legends is.
@@FlameOnTheBeat And they should remove that stupid line where Rey "senses" Chewie... Didn't she sense him before!? ... But that is one of the lesser problems of the sequels.
DragonHeart 12 meant it as a joke for the people that understand it. I totally get that it is by definition a spin off but tbh is deserves to be more than that
"Give you therapy sessions." Now if only they'd done that when a young boy was ripped away from his mother or when that boy, now as an adult was struggling with coming to with someone close to him dying.
Possible addendum to this theory: Popular theory in real world "ghosts" is that they need energy to manifest at all, and will take that energy from their surroundings, be it electric energy, heat, or even biological energy. The same would probably be true of force ghosts, which is why they manifest in areas with such positive force. However, Sith use the dark side of the force, and we've seen numerous times that the dark side has a corrupting influence on even the strongest of Jedi. It's entirely possible that the light and dark sides of the force behave like positive and negative magnetic forces, and that if the ghosts of a Jedi were to get too close to the negative influence of a Sith Lord, they might be more easily corrupted without their physical form. Or the presence of an overwhelming dark force simply causes enough disturbance in the force that it prevents a force ghost from forming. So even in a force rich area, a force ghost can't interfere with someone like Vader. Edit: Further evidence of this limitation comes from the lack of dark force users using the power of force ghosts. As they said, Qui Gon found his own path to immortality, something Palpatine was obsessed with. Given how powerful force ghosts are, if they didn't have very specific limits, someone like Palpatine would certainly want that power, but he didn't. He sought a different path towards immortality.
another thing is that palpatine, being as powerful as he is, would easily be able to probably dispel or destroy the force ghosts in some way, if not permanently, at least temporarily, so they wouldn't be much of a threat to him.
@@josh4fun668 The only evidence of a dark side force ghost we've seen was Darth Bane, but even that was just an allusion "etched into time." However, being that that's the only canon material that's touched on the topic, the possibility is not disproven. --- My personal headcanon is that by the very nature of the dark side, dark side force is too erratic to form a definite figure after death. That's why we don't see the sith as ghosts. Additionally, when Jedi die they become part of the greater force, allowing other Jedi from all over to tap into their… force. Inversely, when Sith die their energy appears to congregate in smaller and more specific locations (the pit on the island in TLJ and the cave in Dagobah, though there are many examples of this I'm skipping for the sake of brevity). --- My point, sith can only become ghosts in super concentrated areas being that they are much more erratic and formless by nature, we just haven't seen this because where they congregate have only been shown to be a few select locations. Again, just headcanon.
Liam Neeson was not "too expensive for the cameo" He was supossed to appear at the end of episode 3 but broke his leg before the shooting... as for the Clone Wars thats the reason why I know for a fact he's not "too expensive for the cameo" as he is the only actor from the movies who did voice acting in the show, while every other character is voiced by voice actors rather than the actors from the movies because theyre too expensive! Liam Neeson is a fucking badass and he doesnt feel like to much of a star to make cameos even if he gets paid less.. also, he is known for voice acting as well so...
That is also why I like watching Clone Wars in spanish. (My native language). The voice actors are the same for the series and the movies. Also fun fact: the prequel trilogy is 100 times better in spanish. No more awkward lines or shitty acting. It's great.
normal people " The Venator class star destroyer True Fans : The Venator class carier Every single character in the clone wars tv show : The Venator class cruiser
*obi-wan kenobi ends w qui-gon showing up as a force ghost on a literal desert planet* obi-wan kenobi: so anyway i started retconning matpat: *surprised pikachu face*
I adore this theory. To theorize why they didn't interfere on Endor, remember that the ghosts appeared AFTER the battle was over. Also remember how when Luke first enters the throne room, Palpatine is taunting him as the Rebels are losing. It's pretty obvious when Luke fights Vader that the Empire begins losing around that time like when the Rebels succeed in detonating the charges and the fleet is able to break through. Maybe Obi-Wan and Yoda didn't help at first because Vader and Palpatine's presence was so strong in the Dark Side that it interfered with their ability to be ghosts and help out. One could even have a headcanon that Obi-Wan and Yoda DID help as they were the ones that may have given guidance to the Rebels on the planet(similar to Obi-Wan being just a voice in IV) but maybe they couldn't completely manifest because of the Dark Side presence still nearby. Of course this is theorized from contradicting evidence, but we know Matpat of course did the same ;P
this makes sense, but lets take it a step further. matt focused entirely on how much force is present but forgot to think whether what was present is light or dark force. what if force users have a large impact on the surrounding force. all force ghost have appeared near a jedi, a user of the light side. and never near a sith. what if its that simple. a sith makes the force sway to the dark around them so a force ghost cant show up there, a jedi sways the force to the light allowing a force ghost to show up. when both sides are present its in flux. on hoth luke wasn't really a jedi yet, so maybe he wasn't influencing the force enough, as he got more powerful the ghosts where able to show up and do more around him.
Here are my problems with the movie -too many useless characters that get no screen time -General Hux being a good guy -Palpatine didn’t tell Kylo the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise
"If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!" "How powerful is that?" "Oh, you know, I'll be able to give people bits of vague advice and appear at big celebrations and stuff."
Obi-wan became one with the Force. The whole Force. Obi-wan is the Force, and the Force is Obi-wan. That's what he means by being more powerful. The Force has unlimited power, and since Obi-wan is the Force, that's his unlimited power.
Thought I might try to contribute to this. 1. The life on hoth isn't explained very well, but basically wampas eat tauntauns, who eat underground lichen. There's probably more food chains, but this is just one example. 2. The force ghosts didn't interfere with darth vader on endor because Luke wouldn't have been able to turn him to the light side, which probably interferes in some way with him going to Ahch-To
Theory to that last note, what if, since Anakin was once a light side user, was able to use the light side of the force to freeze force ghosts and stop them from manifesting in their dimension…
Yslamari uses them to create force bubbles to protect them from Voskyrs. So natural selection can give you force predators as like Voskyrs and Mace Windu.
The difference between human and animal becomes nonsense when you are in a galaxy with aliens. Humans can't really create a fantasy separation between themselves and animals when things like Yoda, wookies, and ewoks exist. Yes there are species without technology that use the force though.
@@leonglitch no Its not Because It says that she Is a hero but also a nobody just someone that was brave enough to take on the emperor (But rey Palpatine Is better)
I was kinda disappointed by that. Sure, the name of Palpatine has a lot of fear connected to it, but the name of Solo is the name of a hero, and Kylo Ren absolutely DESTROYED that heritage.
There was a part on force ghost in the d20 tabletop rpg. From memory, there were jedi ghost for unfinished duty, but is was kind of borrowed time and they should not wait too long before permanently joining the force or their own balance could change. There were also siths ghost but it was more about deep hatred and refusing to face death.
Sporks And Forks This was the LEGO Star Wars the saga, back then we don’t have red bricks (not that I remember), and I think the only collectibles were minikits and blue minikits. Correct me if I’m wrong :3
I think it's the effectiveness of the force when you start to consider who's fighting. When Yoda fights Dooku/Palpatine, they don't resort to solely using force abilities because they are both strong in use of the force. If you're a ghost that's made of the force, well someone strong like Vader or Palpatine would just push the force away, preventing you from forming or even interacting with the world. It would be a losing battle from the start.
And according to comics, Vader is like the strongest living force user we have ever seen, moving space stations, throwing cruisers, showing almost every range of known ability like the healing, breathing, mental manipulations. Its like fighting someone on their home turf .
I think star wars fans should never post their opinions otherwise they will die. I dont get it that fans are angry if someone like the sequels. It is their opinion not yours. I like the sequels myself
Matpat talks about how more midichlorians = stronger force ghost. Totally skips over how millions of Sith are literally cheering in the stands on Exegol along with suped up Sith Lord Sidious AND Rey AND Kylo. Tons of midichlorians right there and super densely packed at that! Sorry but there's still zero redeeming value for the new trilogy. Sign the petition. Rewrite them!
@Finn D Yes, but the crowd is pretty much the only life on the planet. When the force ghosts are on other, more life-filled planets, they probably draw energy from the *entire* planet, or from a very large radius. There just wouldn't be enough midichlorians to support even one force ghost. Edit: still signing that petition tho
She should’ve said “Rey Palpatine.” The whole movie was about how you can be whatever you want no matter your origins. Then they threw it out the window when she says “Rey Skywalker”
Hey, if I found out the biggest evil in the galaxy was my grandfather just a day or two before I go to fight him, I'd be pretty traumatized to hear his surname over and over even after killing him.
Have a solution for your Endor contradiction: Yoda and Obi-Wan didn't interfere because they needed Palpatine. Vader brought Luke to the Emperor. Though they couldn't manifest, the guys trusted Luke enough to know he'd work his magic on Vader and turn him against his master.
@@MrGamer557 He also said earlier on in the video that force ghosts can see into the future, or at least a little. Meaning they'd know if they didn't interfere, everyone would be just fine, and maybe they didn't want to accidentally mess it up. But that's just a theory...
But you have to admit is in the expanded universe. Star Wars Rebels however was included in Rise of Skywalker. I loved Clone Wars, but let’s be honest, how much of it really affects the story at all?
Considering the ghosts being part of the Cosmic Force, and them potentially having knowledge of the future, perhaps they didn't interfere on Endor due to knowing or at least sensing the potential of Vader's redemption. They might have been able to strike him down, but none but Luke could have redeemed him.
Here's another perspective: a force ghost striking Vader down on Endor could have caused the Emperor to realize something was up and take off. It would be unlikely that he would make himself that vulnerable again. There would also most likely be the unintended consequence of alienating Luke from the light side, as he made his intentions to save his father clear in his meeting with Obi-Wan (who also made it clear he didn't believe Anakin could be saved). I know I'd be pretty pissed if the choice to possibly save my father was suddenly taken from me by a trusted mentor. It might even be enough to make me go full Dark Side.
"Obi Wans force ghost is also in a bit of a middle ground."
No...He has the high ground
You underestimate my power!!
dont do it aniken!
Ahhhh ahh
" I don't like sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere"
Take my upvote
*"Production mistake, or critical lore detail?!"*
"I think we all know what it really is!"
"And I think we all know what I'm gonna pretend that it is."
- Every Star Wars Fan ever (including me)
yup summed it up perfectly
He also sits on a log. It's definitely intentional that ghosts always could interact with the physical world.
Disney: Write this down, write this down!!!
@Hara Isbara There is a rumor they are going to make Sequel trilogy non canon.
"Why aren't they the ones doing everything?"
[Laughs in LEGO Star Wars Ghost Characters]
good times
Good timessssss
I think he ruined his own theory, he says that the dark side and light side of the force use different sensitivity’s 10:30, resulting in users of different sides of the force either having an advantage or disadvantage, he then goes onto say that force ghosts can only appear at locations with strong force presence( nexus). With obi wan appearing in dagobah 12:48, but dagobah is strong in the dark side of the force so obi wan shouldn’t be able to appear here, meaning that only light side force nexus’s will be able to spawn force ghosts as dark side users can’t use the ability
@@ryanmatthews1096 I think he meant that some areas on Dagobah are stronger in the Dark side and other areas on Dagobah are stronger in the Light side, the cave he was telling Luke about was stronger in the Dark side
My biggest issue with Force Ghosts is that it went from a hard-to-achieve higher state of the Force to "All Force sensitives just become a Force Ghost when they die"
It began with "all force sensitives just become a force ghost when they die" and then changed
i mean sith can't become force ghosts
@@loydtheliar5659 it's never said they can't, but see how even Yoda didn't know it was possible and had to undergo the training in order to become a force ghost, so I would say if a sith knew about it and took the training it could be possible
@@arjavjain7229 i mean, i know this is legends, but in many of the games it was mentioned that sith can't become force ghosts because they use the force differently than jedi
@@loydtheliar5659 hmm I didn't know that
Lady: Rey who?
Rey: Rey Rey Binks!
Force ghost of Jar Jar fades into view
And she also turns to the Dark Side to follow in Jar-Jar's footsteps
Honestly would've preferred this.
Right after she said Skywalker, the lady should have slapped her with Luke's traffic violations, from when he nearly hit her, entering Toschi Station.
No god no please no
Darth jar jar figured out how to become a force ghost without being a Jedi.
The Clone Wars is a criminally underrated show
no duh
Zippy Zach Attack* Its treason then
“Jedi”s weapons deserve more respect”
Also Luke: throws lightsaber in water to be broken”
That’s the point
I loved that moment
ruining the 69 likes be like
I'll make the same basic framework of a point that Matpat does here -- there's a ton of valid complaints and criticisms, but THIS isn't one of them. This was not a completely contradictory act. What Rey appears to be doing here toward the end is truly getting rid of the lightsaber, possibly even destroying it. What Luke did at the beginning of The Last Jedi was just making a point. He tosses it very lightly behind himself, behind him where he knows full well there's still plenty of levels of island. There's literally no way the lightsaber will actually be damaged at all from what he does, and he's perfectly aware of that. Luke's just trying to get cute and fancy to win an argument. Rey was trying to genuinely squash the thing forever.
@@kevinw712 Please don't try to defend bad movie decisions. If you have to write the reason for the movie, it means that they didn't think about it at all and was just a bad decision on their part.
A note on why they didn't help out on Endor: Yoda made it very clear that for Luke to finish his training, he had to face Darth Vader alone. They could have helped, physically, but they weren't allowed to help, so to speak.
Exactly. That last part of the video made me a bit mad because the answers legit were in the movies.
Now I’m not a jedi but I feel like killing death vader instead of completing one jedi’s training is a win in the long run
They could've helped against the Stormtroopers.
also supposedly in the original script they did help
Except Vader is hundreds of miles above Endor.
“Rey who”
*”Rey’d shadow legends”*
The tatooine woman: oh f*** I’m outta here
The new just when you think your safe ad pisses me off
*furiously double taps*
No no more please its its everywhere xD
@@DeathByHotcakes no he is the senate
Matpat: says Rey is a bad guy.
Movie: says she’s a palpitine
Matpat: so what I said was true from a certain point of view
Hey if all you've got are straws you grasp at them
I found this chill new Star Wars Film Theory
666th like
@@anojamalalage7242 The time has come...Execute Order 666
She’s not a bad guy, just a bad character XD
Luke: **struggling to fight Darth Vader in Endor**
Yoda and Obi Wan: *I´m gonna pretend I didn't see that*
They have seen it and they see the past, present, and future. They *saw* it but they also saw what was coming after. Also they weren’t fighting on Endor.
@@king_supreme1102 Leia was
Ah, Leah has the teddy bear squad. She'll be fine.
An army of teddybears armed with ropes vs a well trained army with weapons and vehicles, and the cute small ones wins ? It might be to long to film, but they got some ghost help for sure.
I bet the “aura” around the sith force wielders is preventing ghosts from appearing around them... as siths absorb much more energy (even from nothing) compared to jedies.
This can be taken even further when we talk about Mortis from Clone Wars. Mortis was a nexus of the Force, teeming with so much life that Qui-Gon could manifest a body. He never learned how to do that, so it would seem that if there’s enough of a Force nexus you can appear as a full ghost even without training.
qui gon has some training he can manifest as a voice
@@symtrick4782 Right, but he cannot manifest a body. He never finished his training
In my opinion Rey should have said “Just Rey” this would have done a better job at proving the point that who you are isn’t as important than who you chose to be
Rey solo
I think it would be better if she said "Rey Palpatine", showing that she is not afraid of who she is.
I did like the last jedi, and if the ryse of skywalker followed in the steps of that the last jedi then the trilogy would have felt way more conected, and not like only the first and last movies happened and the last jedi was a weird dream. Just Rey would have been perfect, or the people getting inspiration to fight back from luke skywalker.
@@Smile-wd6rz I approve
rey had some real potential to be a good character if they'd stuck with treating her like an organic h-bomb (unpredictable, strong but undisciplined...) like luke did in TLJ
"Rey who?"
"Rey Skywalker"
"Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!"
Haha, identify theft go brrrrr!
Ah yes I understand that Office reference
I don't think Rey Understands the power that name carries
This comment is golden
I understand that reference
MatPat: calls Clone Wars an animated spinoff.
Yep, at least I can die happy now that Mattpat mentioned the clone wars
@@pabloparedesdiaz9591 Stop reposting this you stinky.
it’s treason then
sinking book83 just stop
Qui Gon Jin’s force ghost in Tatooine is a big reason to retcon this whole video
That show was awful qui Gon can't turn into a force ghost his training is incomplete
@@johnstrife7 He continued his training in the afterlife. Darth Vader has NO Force Ghost training, but he figured it out.
I think as Anakin was dying obi-wan appeared and taught him how to do it
@@teddybaker4759So did Leia, which was interesting. I wonder if Luke taught her during the training she had with him?
I just chalk it up to Tatooine being home to 2 very powerful Skywalkers, as well as the supposed place of Anakin's immaculate conception. So much important stuff happened there that the Force must have been fairly strong. Totally reaching, but that's kinda what this channel is about.
Lady: Rey who
Rey: I don’t have a last name
Lady: no name? Rey solo then.
okay now THAT would have been awesome if it were in the movie.
@FRANK - i would have given the movie 10/10 if they did that
Who else remembers using the ghosts in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga and easily taking down enemies because you couldn’t get hit?
Ohhhh yeah
Ghost yoda was so op
Yah, try doing the battle where you had to fight your P2, but your both ghosts.
I remember how hard they were to get when I was a kid because they were expensive and I didnt like grinding when I was younger
And were invisible
One minor point: Luke wasn't swinging his saber like that because the Light Side was weak in the throne room - he did it because he was attacking Vader with primal anger, ignoring any sense of training in favor of slashing at Vader as heavily and powerfully as he could.
You're right, that is minor because Matpat already mentioned that Luke wasn't thinking during their duel and was purely trying to strike Vader.
Im pretty sure that was just a joke, but yeah ur point is tottaly valid! /gen
@@ilinca781 uh what does /gen mean
@@xavier51 /gen means genuine/ genuine question
@@ilinca781 oh okay thanks
14:00 I also think a big part of that is Luke being close to death, like how Yoda had an easier time contacting Qui-Gon away from a nexus while meditating
Mat pat: “can I make More good Star Wars content”
Mickey: “only if you praise our latest Star Wars movie”
Underrated comment
Hoho! Mickey will break your legs if you say ONE BAD THING about Rise of Skywalker!
Wait, he was sarcastic when he praised the movie.
@@shinyjose5467 That's why we love him.
@@shinyjose5467 I am not sure about that. He usually talks more clearly sarcastic when he is sarcastic.
So the empire just can't take over some planets because of, force ghosts?
“Soldiers, why haven't you taken over this planet yet?“
“There were this blue people“
Blue boys show up behind them
Oh god aaaaaaaa-
Blueman group assemble!!
Listen up here's a story about a blue guy living in blue world.
@Corn Peyton Noone under 30 knows what that means lol
Sounds like avatar
Dang this is like in mythologies when the gods can’t interact with their demigod kids directly but hermes can go down and slap they kids with exposition
Percy Jackson reference my friend
Yeah but in actual Greek/Roman mythology, demigods didn't have powers from their god/goddess parents.
That’s....not true
Yeah so slight problem with Qui-Gon: didn’t he manifest as a force ghost at the end of Kenobi? Seems that the writers just forgot about him never completing this training.
Can't anyone that had some experience in the physical world in Star Wars continue their training even after they became a force ghost? Heck why are we just focused on his appearance here when he also appeared in the clone wars too.
He lived by the will of the force, allowing it to guide him in life, he was closer to the force than any other Jedi of the day, most falling to bureaucracy, but quigan was taught how to come back after he died, then he tought obi wan the same power that os the training he is about to go do in the show. In life and legend of obi wan it goes in to better detail
Didn't Qui-Gon say at the end of Kenobi that he had been following Obi Wan as he lived on Tatooine? If Obi Wan _had_ been training like Matpat pointed out, then couldn't Qui-Gon just have been training with him, or at least watching him train and, for lack of a better term, taking notes on how to do it? Tell me what you all think
He already pulled it off by Rebels.
@@sonicinfinity1871 ture but that was one of the force nexuses therefore allowing him to show himself
"Liam Neeson is too expensive for the cameo"
*Liam Neeson literally voicing qui gon in the clone wars animated series*
What other movie actor came back for the show? Every character got new voice actors for the show. I guess Ian McDiarmid did return for a small cameo as Palpatine for Order 66, but that was only after Sam Witwer had played the character regularly for years too.
The way I heard it, it sounded like " too expensive to be any more than some cameos".
He was supposed to do it in 2 or 3 but broke his leg if I remember correctly
Tweety Song yeah Samuel L Jackson didn’t say Motherf*****
**Liam Neeson probably appearing in the Kenobi series**
Fun fact: Vader never killed Ben, he became one with the force right before the saber hit as to not give Vader the satisfaction. That is why Vader kicks the cloak, he doesn't know what happened
Obi-Wan is a troll even in the face of death
Yep. If Vader killed Obi-wan there would at least be burn marks on the cloak.
@Tweety Song Hello There
@@WrensthavAviovus Imagine if Obi-wan disappeared into the force, the robe falls to the floor, Vader's reflex was too slow, swipes at thin air, then Ben appears to him as a ghost and mocks him saying: "Missed me by that much!" in Don Adams voice. (sounds like the kind of joke you'd see in Star Wars (Robot Chicken) or Spaceballs).
Uuuh what, 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
matpat: calls star wars the clone wars a 'spin off'
Me: I accuse you of treason against the grand army of the republic.
The senate will decide his fate
I mean technically yeah it's a spinoff show
And shall be executed as such
MatPat isn't wrong tho TCW is basically filler for the movies. If it was up to me I'd make Star Wars take place in different universes like Lego Star Wars so continuity won't be messed up and writers can continue to tell the story they want without being limited to make sense for the movies.
Original Trilogy-Main universe
Prequel Trilogy-Alternate universe
Sequel trilogy-Separate universe
The Clone Wars animated series-Focuses on the stormtroopers in a what if universe
Rebels and Resistance-Their own universes that are canon to each other
Albert The Peacock Its not stormtroopers in TCW, they are clones. Big differens
Endor can be explained pretty simply... the force ghosts just decided to stick for the after party since they knew Luke and Co. would prevail, I mean they are literally timeless. So they just wanted to throw a small ghost party.
Headcannon: In the MMO it makes it clear there is an obscure dark-side technique that allows a force user to absorb a ghost, consuming it to increase their power. Maybe the ghosts don't directly confront the sith because they are afraid of becoming lunch.
Do you mean the Sith Inquisitor storyline in SWTOR ? Since it is a dark side technique, and an especially obscure one, I am not sure if the Jedi would be aware of it.
Besides, it is best not to bring up the ancient expanded universe when discussing the new films : it is a depressing reminder of much better stories than those we got...
i think that would make some degrees of sense. the dark side always has a way of twisting things. also given how rare the knowledge of force trancendance(what i will call the act of becoming a force ghost), the need for the technique to slay force ghosts or otherwise banish them would be rare. however it all ties into how the philosophies of the dark and light sides struggle with eachother. while light side wielders could likely more easily learn the technique of force trancendance(since it aligns with their philosophy more), the dark side would struggle more with it, since they are often focused heavily on matters of life, like building and sustaining empires, trying to save people they are close too, and clinging onto material life as much as they can. this would likely explain why it would be the darkside that would develop such a technique. if we consider how darkside and light side might operate from a dnd angle...light side would be like positive energy, restoring, preserving and bringing life into the universe. the darkside meanwhile is negative energy, the domain of necromancy and undeath, that maintains life by drawing it away, killing those they take it from, or twising life to go against the natural process. true balance would be to ensure that neither of these forces grows too strong. too much light side/positive energy and people no longer bother to innovate and people and lives and civilisations stagnate. meanwhile too much darkside or negative energy and there is no growth or benefit. only the endless taking of life to sustain a few.
technically paplaitne kinda did that with 2 living pathetic idiots, ben skywalker and Rey 'Skywalker; so if the method was originally meant for ghosts, than obviously he would have done it to the army of ghosts as seen is hishe. So much for luke impressing his father
The problem that invalidates this point is that The Old Republic is no longer canon
This needs more likes, however since SW is a masterpiece of an afterthought, I can't really care.
Hoth! There ain't enough life on that ice cube to fill a space cruiser!
No but seriously. I like this one a lot.
Mot Goai wonderful video old chap
I'm going with a subterranean ocean full of simple life forms idea. 🤔
I like the theory, and agree that it's tied to Force Nexuses. However, I disagree that force nexuses = life. The Jedi Temple on Lothal had very little life around it being surrounded by mostly empty planes with only a few lothcats around, but was very strong with the force.
I think these nexuses are more likely "thin" areas where the veil between dimensions is weaker. In the case of Lothal, this manifested in a portal to the World Between Worlds. Ahch-to had an actual hole which led Rey to some weird mirror/vision dimension. And Mortis was likely a realm in between the real world and the Force dimension.
new title for this episode:
"Matpat pulls a litle sneaky on us and turns a flaw in Rise of Skywalker into a flaw with the original triology."
It’s not a “flaw”
Lol..."a little sneaky"
@@hollownite4165 uh oh how unfortunate
It’s not a flaw, it’s a feature, 😶😅, but on the real though, it’s not a flaw
ofoers What is a retcon?
What if Darth Vader, being Anakin Skywalker channeling absurd amounts of Dark Force, negates the Light Force with his presence? We see this whenever he faces Luke, like Mat said, he seems to force Luke into using the Dark Force when they face off, and Luke along with others who face him seems to be restricted in using the Light Side
"They smack you with a cane"
"They give you therapy sessions"
*very helpful*
What? Your therapists don't smack you with a cane? They're not doing their job right then...
@@ItBePatYo they roda rolla me
TurtleBoiYT WRYYyYYYYyYYYYy!!!!!!!!!!!
sometimes people need to be treated like an old Magnavox.. smack it till it works
Luke: a Jedis weapon needs more respect
Also Luke: (throws same lightsaber off a cliff)
He threw his old lightsaber off the cliff in The Last Jedi. He said that in The Rise of Skywalker.
I see it as part of a character arc.
@@albertjackinson he also throws his lightsaber in ROTJ.
@@Bothandle70 When?
@@albertjackinson After defeating Vader: ua-cam.com/video/pVWGmQgHDZc/v-deo.html
Hey look, you got the joke.
The reason they didn’t fight Vader on Endor is because and I quote “our asses, Vader would kick” -Yoda
I love this.
Lmao, sounds accurate XD
on the other hand, if you are Darth Nox, you CAN use force ghosts to help you take over....
“When Luke is flying above the Death Star Obiwan could only speak to him”
What did you want? Obiwan to appear on the wing?
"Luke I'll always be your wing man"
He has to, for the high ground
He coulnt fit on the ship, it’s a single person cockpit
Yes absolutely
Matpat making a theory about star wars with actual science and common sense, actively making the movies better.
Or more accurately.
Disney: “execute order 66”
I don’t think the mouse really wants to put in the effort
At this point they should just hire Matpat to make the new trilogy
Don't lie, you know they won't.
Palpatine: "your ghost friends can't help you here"
that's it, problem solved
Not really. Many people had problems with midichlorians because they tried to make something magical (the force) into a science. It’s like saying that proving Harry Potter magic is actually based on plant power would be an improvement to the universe.
Possible plug for that last plot hole: Yoda and Obi Wan's plan hinged on Luke facing the Emperor. If they'd interfered and attack Vader in some way, Luke would never have made it to the Death Star.
They can sorta see a little into the future too, so knowing that if they interfered, Vader would not have the character development that would be necessary to defeat Palpatine would make sense!
Also its not like every single jedi ever was a force ghost. We only know like 4 jedi that can do it so I think its kinda balanced for them to be that OP
"My training was incomplete."
Obi-wan Kenobi series: "I'm about to end this mans whole career."
Matpat : *makes star wars theory*
The media : "so you have chosen death"
Cough* cough* media
this is legit his best SW theory because it actually fits the overarching theme made by George Lucas
No, its bad and inconsistent writing. Force ghosts weren't able to do this before, and if they had been able to before, it would've opened up a lot of plot holes. Matpat is essentially having to provide his own head-canon in order to console with the glaring issues that JJ Abrams and Ryan Johhnson have added to Star Wars.
All force ghosts have always interacted with one thing in common: the ground. They've always had physical capabilities! lol
float. at ground level
Including the high ground
@@dounutman1310 nice!
Also, they create sound waves. 😅
@@averyhaferman3474 Obi Wan walks over to Luke in ROTJ, he even brushes aside vines as he walks by them, stops and holds his posture while obviously standing on the ground. Then he sits on a log. No floating, you're thinking of It.
I always thought this was a much easier solution: They can't manifest close to strong dark side users.
That actually makes sense.
That would be an easy simple answer but the last Jedi messed that up when Luke duels the angry kid as a ghost
@@josephaurelius5567 Luke wasn't a ghost in that scene, more like a projection
In the Vader comics obi wan talks to vader as a ghost
Isn't rey a dark side user... A bit?
This explains perfectly why Qui Gon never appeared to Obiwan in the new Obi Wan series until he was on Tatoween, because it was a force nexus.
Matpat: the death star is lifeless
the 1.7 milion military personel on the death star: .........
Exactly, lifeless
But they don’t live there naturally, since it’s an artificial moon. Same with Cloud City. People live there, but they ain’t supposed to.
What do you think they eat? Is their a livestock area in the death Star?
@@bartudundar3193 plus, if you read some of the accounts from workers on the death star, you begin to realize how empty it was, it had the depth of a small moon and a total surface area larger then some countries, that area really begins to make 1.6 million feel smaller.
Qui Gon: Without the Mediclorians life could not exist and we wouldn't have any knowledge of the force.
Anika: Yeah, because you would be dead.
Anika? Don't bring Seven into this!
This seemed like a comment L from Death Note would say and I'm so proud
@philipp ii. yep, and so is your sense of humour, it never existed.
"YOULL BE DEAD!!!" - that creepy cantina guy
Sort of feel like the Endor plothole was pretty glossed over, when earlier it was mentioned that these force ghosts have the potential to see the future...and in that potential, perhaps they saw that Anakin's prophecy does, in fact, come true, though only if they did not intervene in that particular instance. Perhaps without Darth Vader's redemption, Luke would have fallen, either succumbing to the allure of the Dark Side or to wounds inflicted by Palpatine in their final fight.
Is it a bit contrived? Perhaps a bit, though it's certainly closer to home for the franchise than the recent films.
Well there is another big plot hole why didn’t anakin’s force ghost ever tell anyone about exegal he had been there before palpatine explained it to him his son was searching for it for years and his grandson had fallen to the dark side because of lies he could’ve confirmed were false at any time
Qui-Gon Jinn appearing on Tattoine in kind of killed this theory off.
Not exactly a planet teeming with life.
but it was
He does only appear for a few seconds though, and it's been established that he can only appear as a ghost where the force is strong, whether that means there's a lot of life or a force nexus. I'd say it's likely a force nexus is near where he appeared in that one scene.
@Tin Watchman why does "moisture farm" not really inspire thoughts of "teeming with life"?
Tattooine is a force nexus
MatPat: Patches up lore mistakes for free Disney: *I see this as an absolute win*
I just imagine a bunch of birds and insects dying as the midichlorians leave their body to fuel Yoda's lightning... Because of thermodynamics
I'm thinking Yoda used more of his own midichlorians when making the lightning because as a force ghost he's mostly made up of the stuff. and since he's powerful he can afford to
I thought he just altered where natural lightning was going to strike, it was already storming over the island.
Well as long as the birds were seagulls it's all good.
“Mitichlorians are the powerhouse of teh Force.”
-matpat, probably
Well. He said pretty much this in a Game Theory about Fallen Order, so...
bill wurtz: -merchants,probably
12:16 shows tarooine as an example of low force for lack of life but the first live action appearance of qui gon jinn's force ghost is there. Ironic.
“I’m going to bring balance to the force, like Rey”
Fans: It’s treason then.
Rumor has it that 7, 8, and 9 are going to be made non-canon and brand new 7, 8, and 9 are going to come out under the production of the guy who made The Mandelorian.
@@Ryanowning I'd love that, with the same characters because each character actually had potential. JJ and Rian just did them dirty.
@@Ryanowning that's not a rumor. That's just right wingers making up stuff. There's no way to erase those from canon as several actors are deceased or no longer interested in the series.
Disgruntled fans should just accept the fact that the prequels weren't good either and TLJ is thematically in line with George.
@@theresamartinez7517 no. Luke was always going to end up a hobo so Rian did him right
@@Ryanowning They could relatively easily create a 'soft' non-canon through books and comics, but there is no way they are taking the risk of shouting 're-do' on the entire trilogy.
MatPat: Thinks he is a huge star wars fan
Star wars legends fans: Perhaps your archives are incomplete
Meh, not cannon, sorry bub, but Disney ruined your love
@@thnecromaniac Still Star Wars. Their point stands.
@@thnecromaniac Disney star wars isn't canon, what's your argument now.
The vast majority of fans hated the sequel trilogy, because of this there have been discussions that have been released from Lucas film and Disney about simply ignoring the prequel trilogy ever existed in future films. In other words removing them from canon. Thus it can be stated fans not corporate entities with a large wallet and an IP right dictate what is and isn't real.
Furthermore creative executive for Lucas film Matt Martin had this to say "It’s all fake anyway so you can choose to accept whatever you want as part of the story."
So there you go, none of Disney's star wars in canon and all the good fiction from legends is.
@@vampuricknight1 ok, that was an explanation
Im a Darth Revan stan, loved the Old Republic
"Except for one teeny, tiny problem..."
Yeah. A good story to tell.
@@FlameOnTheBeat And they should remove that stupid line where Rey "senses" Chewie... Didn't she sense him before!?
... But that is one of the lesser problems of the sequels.
I figured since they were connected to Luke, he could lift them
“Just play Lego Star Wars. But in all seriousness.”
Matpat, we are being serious.
No, Lego Star Wars sucks.
Lego Star Wars is the best Star Wars product ever
MatPat: Clone wars=A spin-off
Clone wars fans: good soldiers follow orders
Great vid anyway. Always love to see Star Wars theories
But.... It is a spin-off? He never said it wasn't canon, but supplementary material to a main body of media is, in definition, a spin-off
DragonHeart 12 He knows he just wished MatPat saw it as a good show and he felt as if Mat was saying it was bad maybe.
DragonHeart 12 meant it as a joke for the people that understand it. I totally get that it is by definition a spin off but tbh is deserves to be more than that
We don’t speak of what happened.... tup😣 and fives 😖😩😭 i miss fives!!!!!!!
"Give you therapy sessions." Now if only they'd done that when a young boy was ripped away from his mother or when that boy, now as an adult was struggling with coming to with someone close to him dying.
Or when that boy was working as a servant to basically the most evil person in the galaxy
Oh boy, wait till he sees the end of the Obi Wan Kenobi show and has to rethink everything about Qui-gon.
"Animated Spinoff" = The best Star Wars content since the original trilogy (arguably)
The Mandalorian is up there though.
its still an animated spinoff.
The Phineas and Ferb crossover *Cough* *Cough*
Calling something a spinoff doesn't mean the content is bad.
Clone wars season 7 and the mandalorain are the best Star Wars content that Disney will make
When I became a ghost I had unlimited High Ground
I see you everywhere obi wan
U drifted up to the high ground
Where were you on Endor!!!
Death sticks you say?
General Kenobi!
Possible addendum to this theory:
Popular theory in real world "ghosts" is that they need energy to manifest at all, and will take that energy from their surroundings, be it electric energy, heat, or even biological energy. The same would probably be true of force ghosts, which is why they manifest in areas with such positive force. However, Sith use the dark side of the force, and we've seen numerous times that the dark side has a corrupting influence on even the strongest of Jedi. It's entirely possible that the light and dark sides of the force behave like positive and negative magnetic forces, and that if the ghosts of a Jedi were to get too close to the negative influence of a Sith Lord, they might be more easily corrupted without their physical form. Or the presence of an overwhelming dark force simply causes enough disturbance in the force that it prevents a force ghost from forming. So even in a force rich area, a force ghost can't interfere with someone like Vader.
Edit: Further evidence of this limitation comes from the lack of dark force users using the power of force ghosts. As they said, Qui Gon found his own path to immortality, something Palpatine was obsessed with. Given how powerful force ghosts are, if they didn't have very specific limits, someone like Palpatine would certainly want that power, but he didn't. He sought a different path towards immortality.
another thing is that palpatine, being as powerful as he is, would easily be able to probably dispel or destroy the force ghosts in some way, if not permanently, at least temporarily, so they wouldn't be much of a threat to him.
Force ghost is a light side thing that no sith can do. I don't remember where I heard that though so it needs a fact check.
@@robert_gaming well I don't thing he could have a chance against Anakin, obi-wan, and Yoda's force ghosts
isn't force supposed to be everywhere in the universe at all times? that's what i got from the one star wars movie i saw
@@josh4fun668 The only evidence of a dark side force ghost we've seen was Darth Bane, but even that was just an allusion "etched into time." However, being that that's the only canon material that's touched on the topic, the possibility is not disproven.
My personal headcanon is that by the very nature of the dark side, dark side force is too erratic to form a definite figure after death. That's why we don't see the sith as ghosts. Additionally, when Jedi die they become part of the greater force, allowing other Jedi from all over to tap into their… force. Inversely, when Sith die their energy appears to congregate in smaller and more specific locations (the pit on the island in TLJ and the cave in Dagobah, though there are many examples of this I'm skipping for the sake of brevity).
My point, sith can only become ghosts in super concentrated areas being that they are much more erratic and formless by nature, we just haven't seen this because where they congregate have only been shown to be a few select locations. Again, just headcanon.
7:00 He did finish his training but it must’ve been while dead due to the Obi Wan Kenobi series on Disney+
MatPat: **calls TROS a masterpiece**
MatPat: **calls TCW a spinoff**
The fans: _It’s treason then._
spinoff does not mean bad.
a masterpiece does not mean free of fault (although I personally believe it isnt much of a masterpiece)
He was being sarcastic about it being a masterpiece
(Insert Sith Battlecry)
@@athan13590 a masterpiece means not major faults at the very least
Liam Neeson was not "too expensive for the cameo"
He was supossed to appear at the end of episode 3 but broke his leg before the shooting... as for the Clone Wars thats the reason why I know for a fact he's not "too expensive for the cameo" as he is the only actor from the movies who did voice acting in the show, while every other character is voiced by voice actors rather than the actors from the movies because theyre too expensive! Liam Neeson is a fucking badass and he doesnt feel like to much of a star to make cameos even if he gets paid less.. also, he is known for voice acting as well so...
based Liam
Fallout 3 comes to mind also. Absolute legend
That is also why I like watching Clone Wars in spanish. (My native language). The voice actors are the same for the series and the movies. Also fun fact: the prequel trilogy is 100 times better in spanish. No more awkward lines or shitty acting. It's great.
He basically voiced God (Aslan in Narnia)
@@einflinkeswiesel2695 was that the lion from narnia because i remember thinking he voiced the lion
"Rey who?"
"Reypublic Attack Cruiser."
Underrated comment
normal people " The Venator class star destroyer
True Fans : The Venator class carier
Every single character in the clone wars tv show : The Venator class cruiser
*obi-wan kenobi ends w qui-gon showing up as a force ghost on a literal desert planet*
obi-wan kenobi: so anyway i started retconning
matpat: *surprised pikachu face*
I adore this theory.
To theorize why they didn't interfere on Endor, remember that the ghosts appeared AFTER the battle was over.
Also remember how when Luke first enters the throne room, Palpatine is taunting him as the Rebels are losing. It's pretty obvious when Luke fights Vader that the Empire begins losing around that time like when the Rebels succeed in detonating the charges and the fleet is able to break through.
Maybe Obi-Wan and Yoda didn't help at first because Vader and Palpatine's presence was so strong in the Dark Side that it interfered with their ability to be ghosts and help out.
One could even have a headcanon that Obi-Wan and Yoda DID help as they were the ones that may have given guidance to the Rebels on the planet(similar to Obi-Wan being just a voice in IV) but maybe they couldn't completely manifest because of the Dark Side presence still nearby.
Of course this is theorized from contradicting evidence, but we know Matpat of course did the same ;P
@@10tailedbijuu Nothing they said came from Legends? They talked about the end of episode VI only.
Part of me believes that force ghost can't appear when the surrounding area is strong with the dark side.
This makes perfect sense to me.
This makes perfect sense to me.
this makes sense, but lets take it a step further. matt focused entirely on how much force is present but forgot to think whether what was present is light or dark force. what if force users have a large impact on the surrounding force. all force ghost have appeared near a jedi, a user of the light side. and never near a sith. what if its that simple. a sith makes the force sway to the dark around them so a force ghost cant show up there, a jedi sways the force to the light allowing a force ghost to show up. when both sides are present its in flux. on hoth luke wasn't really a jedi yet, so maybe he wasn't influencing the force enough, as he got more powerful the ghosts where able to show up and do more around him.
Here are my problems with the movie
-too many useless characters that get no screen time
-General Hux being a good guy
-Palpatine didn’t tell Kylo the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise
Also crappy story
Darth Plagueis was a dark lord of the sith so powerful and so wise he could manipulate the midichlorians to create life.
General Hux wasn't a good guy, he just didn't like Kylo Ren.
@@hatguy8225 wrong
I'm confused about the first one?
Isn't it good that useless characters got hardly any screen time
"If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!"
"How powerful is that?"
"Oh, you know, I'll be able to give people bits of vague advice and appear at big celebrations and stuff."
didn't even give him enough power to stand up while talking.
Obi-wan became one with the Force. The whole Force. Obi-wan is the Force, and the Force is Obi-wan. That's what he means by being more powerful. The Force has unlimited power, and since Obi-wan is the Force, that's his unlimited power.
@@AbjectPermanence The Ultimate High Ground.
Maybe he just has a terrible imagination
@@AbjectPermanence nah. Only the emperor has unlimited power.
Oh gosh then we got the Qui Gon force ghost in the Kenobi series🥶🥶🥶
Thought I might try to contribute to this.
1. The life on hoth isn't explained very well, but basically wampas eat tauntauns, who eat underground lichen. There's probably more food chains, but this is just one example.
2. The force ghosts didn't interfere with darth vader on endor because Luke wouldn't have been able to turn him to the light side, which probably interferes in some way with him going to Ahch-To
Who else thinks matpat should do a theory on how many days the movie "groundhog day" lasted
rami stated 13,495 years
Around 10 years, but the original plan was for it to be 10,000 years
10 or maybe 30 years but I wanna see it too. Like the comment to matpat can see
I'm very disappointed that no one so far has said one day.
MatPat complains about Ghost in Star Wars? That's the spirit!
Pun intended?
Take my like and leave
Eleonora Thu thu thy
I've never heard about starv wars before, is it any good?
Starv wars
Theory to that last note, what if, since Anakin was once a light side user, was able to use the light side of the force to freeze force ghosts and stop them from manifesting in their dimension…
Theory: if medichlorians are in every living things can animal and plants use the force?
Answer: Yes, with numerous examples in Legends and some that got adapted into Rebels (with a few force sensitive wolves thrown in for good measure).
yes if they have a high enough medichlorian count
Yslamari uses them to create force bubbles to protect them from Voskyrs. So natural selection can give you force predators as like Voskyrs and Mace Windu.
me: Imagines darth untitled goose
The difference between human and animal becomes nonsense when you are in a galaxy with aliens. Humans can't really create a fantasy separation between themselves and animals when things like Yoda, wookies, and ewoks exist. Yes there are species without technology that use the force though.
Force Yoda: "Because your mother, I am not, young jedi."
But Master you already convinced the padawans to fling themselves around the area with the force
Same with Star Wars Rebels
Rey should have said “Rey Palpatine” in order to try and bring honor back to the palpatine name.
Or said that she was ‘Just Rey’
@@jesuusch but that would be an even worse ending
I'm Rey, Rey-venge of the Sith!
@@leonglitch no Its not
Because It says that she Is a hero but also a nobody just someone that was brave enough to take on the emperor
(But rey Palpatine Is better)
I was kinda disappointed by that. Sure, the name of Palpatine has a lot of fear connected to it, but the name of Solo is the name of a hero, and Kylo Ren absolutely DESTROYED that heritage.
There was a part on force ghost in the d20 tabletop rpg. From memory, there were jedi ghost for unfinished duty, but is was kind of borrowed time and they should not wait too long before permanently joining the force or their own balance could change. There were also siths ghost but it was more about deep hatred and refusing to face death.
Luke: A Jedi’s weapon deserves more respect.
Luke like about a couple of weeks previously: yeet.
2:06 I used to play LEGO Star Wars with the ghost characters as a kid, because I didn’t like being killed over and over by the spawning enemies :)
Just buy invincibility red brick, its easier to obtain and more versatile
cowards, all of you. how dare you use invincibility when the obvious answer is to use yoda to hear him scream everytime you die
Sporks And Forks This was the LEGO Star Wars the saga, back then we don’t have red bricks (not that I remember), and I think the only collectibles were minikits and blue minikits. Correct me if I’m wrong :3
Kawaii_Invader 61542 i think you could buy characters and red bricks with studs but im not 100% sure
I think it's the effectiveness of the force when you start to consider who's fighting. When Yoda fights Dooku/Palpatine, they don't resort to solely using force abilities because they are both strong in use of the force. If you're a ghost that's made of the force, well someone strong like Vader or Palpatine would just push the force away, preventing you from forming or even interacting with the world. It would be a losing battle from the start.
And according to comics, Vader is like the strongest living force user we have ever seen, moving space stations, throwing cruisers, showing almost every range of known ability like the healing, breathing, mental manipulations. Its like fighting someone on their home turf .
Sow as a force ghost i come when vader and palpatine sleep and...end credits, it's just badly written
Wonder how Qui-Gon appearing on Tatooine in Kenobi affects this
thats what I thought because he appeared on Tatooine a place with little life.
I wasn't expecting anything good but this is surprisingly logical.
I was surprised that he made some sense out of it without just saying, "Well, the Force just decided they didn't want the ghosts to do that."
This is his most credible video in star wars
Abhiram Yenduri yeah
Are you all new here or something he's all theories make sense
Remember when he said that Han was reys dad lol
"Rise of Skywalker is the perfect movie" Every other Star Wars fan: So you have chosen.... Death.....
The next minute says otherwise lmao
No I thought it was tight
That triggered me. Then I kept watching. He redeemed himself
I think star wars fans should never post their opinions otherwise they will die. I dont get it that fans are angry if someone like the sequels. It is their opinion not yours. I like the sequels myself
The only thing I found wrong was the lack of Jar Jar’s.
guys we found george lucas' youtube account.
The only acceptable comment on the video
Meesa thinky dats a very funny
Glad I’m not the only fan of Jar Jar.
In the The Force Unleashed DLC. Starkiller (Dark Side) is able to destroy Obi-wan’s force ghost ,yet it’s non-canon.
Matpat: *says that more life equals midichlorians *
Me: ima mass inbreed my Minecraft farm now
Take my like and leave
Matpat talks about how more midichlorians = stronger force ghost. Totally skips over how millions of Sith are literally cheering in the stands on Exegol along with suped up Sith Lord Sidious AND Rey AND Kylo. Tons of midichlorians right there and super densely packed at that!
Sorry but there's still zero redeeming value for the new trilogy. Sign the petition. Rewrite them!
@Finn D Yes, but the crowd is pretty much the only life on the planet. When the force ghosts are on other, more life-filled planets, they probably draw energy from the *entire* planet, or from a very large radius. There just wouldn't be enough midichlorians to support even one force ghost.
Edit: still signing that petition tho
She should’ve said “Rey Palpatine.” The whole movie was about how you can be whatever you want no matter your origins. Then they threw it out the window when she says “Rey Skywalker”
Hey, if I found out the biggest evil in the galaxy was my grandfather just a day or two before I go to fight him, I'd be pretty traumatized to hear his surname over and over even after killing him.
@@EatAnOctorok I'd say palpatine was my grandfather, do you how much money he has in an estate on naboo?
I thought u were james lol
You not the first person to say that.
Would you take Hitlers name, even if he's your granpa?
Yeah no. You wouldn't.
Have a solution for your Endor contradiction: Yoda and Obi-Wan didn't interfere because they needed Palpatine. Vader brought Luke to the Emperor. Though they couldn't manifest, the guys trusted Luke enough to know he'd work his magic on Vader and turn him against his master.
Right but they could have helped the rebels on Endor while Luke was on the death star.
@@MrGamer557 He also said earlier on in the video that force ghosts can see into the future, or at least a little. Meaning they'd know if they didn't interfere, everyone would be just fine, and maybe they didn't want to accidentally mess it up. But that's just a theory...
Vader was always the chosen one after all.
@@loganschlader881 a Film Theory!
Darwin Smith Well, too bad Palpatine came back thus rendering it all pointless.
The Kenobi series squashes this theory, Qui Gon Jin is a physical force ghost on tatuine
Now, I only have one issue.
Clone Wars is a Spin-off? I feel offended, Matathis Patathis
But you have to admit is in the expanded universe. Star Wars Rebels however was included in Rise of Skywalker. I loved Clone Wars, but let’s be honest, how much of it really affects the story at all?
@@samyull Other than partially setting up parts of Rebels?
@@samyull builds up Anakin's character more and makes his turn more believable and set things up for Rebels
It is not?
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Considering the ghosts being part of the Cosmic Force, and them potentially having knowledge of the future, perhaps they didn't interfere on Endor due to knowing or at least sensing the potential of Vader's redemption. They might have been able to strike him down, but none but Luke could have redeemed him.
Here's another perspective: a force ghost striking Vader down on Endor could have caused the Emperor to realize something was up and take off. It would be unlikely that he would make himself that vulnerable again. There would also most likely be the unintended consequence of alienating Luke from the light side, as he made his intentions to save his father clear in his meeting with Obi-Wan (who also made it clear he didn't believe Anakin could be saved). I know I'd be pretty pissed if the choice to possibly save my father was suddenly taken from me by a trusted mentor. It might even be enough to make me go full Dark Side.
Qui-gon's force ghost appearing on the lifeless Tatooine: I'm about to ruin this man's whole carrier.
Star Wars is still not as confusing as Five nights at Freddie’s
Five dreams at Freddie's
Star Wars will never be as confusing as five nights at Freddys.
The Dumbest Animation Channel no nothing will ever be as confusing as Fnaf
Animated spin offs? Matpat, the clone wars animated series is THE best thing to ever happen to star wars and you know that
Debatable. There’s the Mandalorian.
@@challengingarmadillo8472 The Mandalorian is good, but it doesn't hold a candle to Clone Wars
They’re made by the same crew
Are you saying that the fact that it is a spin off makes it bad?
No some spin offs are great! Take the clone wars for example... oh wait
“TROS was perfect”
Me: “I’m just going to pretend I didn’t hear that”
Ikr, started off wrong
This movie should have been called "the "Rise of the invincible Rey"
Or you canadmit you didn't get the joke
I enjoyed the Originals, Prequels, And The Sequels.
Not his strongest joke to start with....
Let’s give a round of applause to the longest film theory intro ever at 3:43