Yuja Madeleine, which you will regret if you don't make it: the big secret of small differences.
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
- Hello, It's a Gayedang!
I'm going to use the homemade preserved yuja tea.
It's full of acacia flower and yuja aroma.
Let me introduce you to soft madeleine!
During this test,
I focused on moisture and fragrance.
Because of the moisture of yuja.
If you add preserved yuja tea to a normal madeleine recipe,
It's a bit sticky. (Especially silicon molds)
But if you reduce the amount of preserved yuja tea,
It tastes like nothing.
I used to be picky when I did tests
It's madeleine that I didn't like..
I think it has developed over the past two to three years.
In a test that tried an idea that suddenly came to mind,
A really delicious madeleine was born! Make sure to make it.
I don't recommend anything that tastes bad hahaha..
As I've always said,
Ga ̂teaux de Voyage is especially good if the ingredients are good,
You can eat it more deliciously.
I tend to use different types of butter,
I used butter that smells like honey.
There are a lot of tips in between videos
Please watch it a lot
🛒 Materials used
butter: link.coupang.c...
Loveler 2-layer vinyl adhesive SK-210: link.coupang.c...
Samsung Electronics The Plate Induction White 1 Outlet: link.coupang.c...
(As part of Coupang Partners' activities, a certain amount of commission is provided accordingly.)
Madeleine OPP Sealing Packaging Vinyl (8×13 cm): smartstore.nav...
Box(220x85x45mm) : bycolli.co.kr/...
Matper Baking Brush: smartstore.nav...
homemade preserved yuja tea -
• 🍋홈메이드 유자청 만들기와 활용 레시피(...
yuja madeleines 9EA
(Recipe when using preserved yuja)
The preserved yuja tea I used has honey added, so I divided it into two types.
Butter 90g
Eggs 80g
Sugar 50g
Acacia flowers honey 4g
Salt 0.5g
Cake flour 75g
Almond powder 15g
baking powder 4g
Homemade preserved yuja tea 69g
(Recipe when using commercial preserved yuja)
Butter 90g
Eggs 80g
Sugar 46.5g
Acacia flowers honey 7.5g
Salt 0.5g
Cake flour 75g
Almond powder 15g
baking powder 4g
preserved yuja tea 69g
① Grate eggs and preserved yuja tea together with a hand blender.
② Add sugar, honey, and salt to ① and mix.
③ Please finish the hazelnut butter.
④ While the butter is cooling, add the flour, almond powder and baking powder to ② and mix.
⑤ When the butter reaches 50 to 60°C(122℉~140℉), mix.
⑥ After putting it in a new bowl, wrap it tightly and refrigerate for 1 to 24 hours.
⑦ Put it in a piping bag and pan about 35g each.
⑧ Preheat to 200°C(392℉) About 15 to 20 minutes and bake for 180°C(356℉) / 11-12 minutes.
⑨ Cool over the mold as soon as you leave the oven.
45g per minute
15g of citron
7.5g of water
① Chop up preserved yuja tea.
② mix the all ingredients.
③ Spread thinly on the madeleine.
④ 180℃(356℉) / 1 minute to bake.
📍When using the recipe, please identify the source.
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Thank you for watching the long video😊
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안그래도 집에 있는 유자청 소비해서 베이킹 하려고했는데 레시피 너무 감사드려요 ㅎㅎ ❤ 질문이 하나 있는데.. 마들렌 구울때마다 굽고나면 윗면에 구멍이 뽕뽕 뚫려있어요 ㅠ 매끈한 마들렌을 굽고싶은데.. 만드는 과정에서 기포가 너무 많이 생기는게 문제일까요? ㅠ
제가 완성된 마들렌을 못봐서
이유가 이렇다 확정하긴 어렵지만
개인적인 생각으론 마들렌 반죽 시
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이렇게 사용하시눈 것도 좋습니다!
반죽 완료 후 새볼에 옮길 때
지면에서 약 20-30cm정도 높이에서
반죽을 조금씩 얇게 떨어트려 담아주세요
반죽이 자연스럽게 늘어지며
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핸드블렌더가 없으면 그냥 기포 생기지 않게 달걀이랑 유자청 섞어줘도 되나여???😊
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