She deserves the presidential medal of freedom for this act. She is doing what their parents don't have the balls to do. We salute you! Go fund her please.
@@ph7715 Bring back the draft for these punks and when they turn 18 send them off to 13 weeks of Marine Corps basic training on Parris Island South Carolina.
This is how kids act in the classroom, too. This is why teachers are leaving the field. I'm a teacher and I'm so glad I'm retiring soon. No respect. It's a thankless job, and parents blame the teachers.
No one is teaching children accountability for their actions anymore. If they they want to blame the adult for standing up and finally saying enough is enough
I grew up in rural upstate NY. One day a boy starting punching my brother for no reason. The driver, a young farmer (about 20 years old) stopped the bus jumped up and ran back, grabbed the kid by his neck, dragged him off the bus and told him that from then on he'd have to find another way to get to school as he'd never be allowed to ride the bus again! That driver was my hero!
Yeah, we are not allowed to separate a fight by physically involving ourselves or putting our hands on any students. We will be fired nowadays. In my mind tho, if a student's life is at risk, i.e. students is being strangled, stabbed, etc., Imma sleep okay being fired but knowing that I saved a student's life. I would not ever sleep well again if I followed procedure, not intervened, and the student died. Plus being a retired firefighter, at 6 feet tall, athletic, and pretty strong, I would take my chances and help the student.
That’s what these snotty kids need. Every time they are disciplined, the parents want to sue! Riding the bus is a privilege. Anyone who misbehaves should have that privilege taken away.
For real though. This generation of kids is so entitled that they need to be talked to like this sometimes. Good on ya bus driver hahaha kids are punks they need to be put in their place
Our bus driver in the late 70s and early 80s was so respected that all he had to do was slow down unexpectedly on one of our rural roads on our route if we got too loud, look up in the mirror at the group, and we would become silent. Only once or twice over the years did he have to look in the mirror and yell, "HEY!!...*sudden silence*... Keep it down." He was a sweet, kind man, but we respected him and didn't want him upset with us.
My sister has applied to be a bus driver for the school system. I don't see it ending well if she is hired on because she is not the type to put up with any nonsense from the students or adults.
It is NEVER okay to treat kids like that. She was acting worse than any of those kids!! If she didn’t want to work there anymore, she could just quit, no need to throw a temper tantrum. If kids are misbehaving, there are much more appropriate ways to discipline them, we need to be respectful of all people and give a good example to children. If she wanted her kids to act better she should have set a better example. God bless 💝
And you think it’s ok for a bud driver, to threaten kids, and say things like, “I’m gonna beat the shit out of you” wow! You think that’s right, but it’s wrong. Same with the transgender bullshit of 2023. You and the word think that that’s right, but it’s wrong. You poor brainwashed individuals
I was suspended from a bus for 5 days for pulling another girl's hair in the 4th grade and believe me I learned my lesson! I had to walk seven blocks in the dead of winter to and from school because my parent's refused to reward my horrible behavior. I never did anything like that again!
Right - I was kicked off for a few months. Had to walk an hour home… never did anything wild on the bus again… hell I even became friends with the driver that kicked me off originally !
You had good parents. You did it, you admitted you did it and you suffered the consequences, which allowed to learn something. Perhaps these kids parents should listen to you!
You cleaned up your act because your behavior had consequences. What we see on this bus is the consequences of not making children face the consequences of their actions.
I'm 38 years old and this is giving me flashbacks to when I was a kid on the bus. Some of the children were horrendous! One of my friends blew up a firecracker on a bus. I'm with this lady -- she had enough.
Same age here, I remember one of the kids threw one of those glass encased stink bombs in the back of the bus one day. The whole bus smelled horrible even with the windows open.
I took my son out of public school after the hell he went through, first the bus, so I started driving him and then he was constantly bullied because he liked to wear bowties and if he wore regular casual clothes they would say "is that a Wal-Mart shirt" and then nasty stuff like "I effed your mom" and in kindergarten he would come home asking me questions like "mom, how do men have sex?" Meaning gay men. And "whats a condom".. I took him out after 7th grade. We did homeschool. Middle school is when it gets really bad.
I'm a former teacher (high school) who quit because of disrespectful kids. Believe me...many of them are absolutely horrible. Not all, but many. I've been so happy--work-wise, at least--ever since I left.
As a kid I remember kids on the bus torturing bus drivers. There were quite a few that reacted back this way but no one ran and told cause we all knew we deserved it. Also we didn't have smart phones or social media. Still though I imagine the kids drove her to the breaking point
Social media is the worst. It’s so easy to film and post somebody having a mental breakdown like this and get all outraged over it from the comfort of our armchairs without having to see the months and years of harassment and disrespect this person probably endured to get to the point where they lost their mind like this.
the thing you said here that everyone looks over nowadays is... we knew we deserved it. we had accountability for our own actions then. nowadays thats unheard of. the older i get the more i realize what... the times have changed means.
@@dman1417 My bus driver got angry and yelled at us in high school, but never used language like this and we were probably WAY worse than the kids in this video lmao. We were from the ghetto. At a certain age you have to control your emotions and avoid saying certain things, otherwise you miss out and get yourself in trouble for not putting a lid on it. Our bus driver probably wanted to say a bunch of thing she wasn't supposed to, but she didn't. She knew she was just talking to brats and teenagers that don't care about school. She prioritized her needs in the long term rather than the short term.
@@Ryan-ev5gv Take a hike, denier. More kids need to be told off like this, and even SMACKED. You and your "We just need to 'Talk to the kids, cause they'll see reason.'" mob has had your way for decades now, and kids have become not only WORSE in their bullying, they not only BEAT UP weaker kids, they GANG UP on them, and even murder some. Kids acting up need a DRESSING DOWN, and if that doesn't work, they DO need a good swift kick in the ass/damn good bloody nose. We had bullies in my day, but NOTHING like the savages now. No consequences for rotten behavior, turns brats into criminals.
I rode a school bus to school from 1st grade through the 10th grade in the 1960's and 1970's. There was never a single time the children gave the driver a hard time. The parents of these kids giving this driver a hard time, need to seriously look at that their parenting skills and start teaching them to respect one another and respect adults.
Tony D - I agree about parents, but I also know that parents have to be super careful today, when discipline can result in CPS showing up at the door - and I'm not just talking about physical discipline. "The system" has worked hard to undermine parental authority and we're seeing the results.
These parents don't care. They coddle these brats and probably act the same disrespectful way. That's where the brats learned how to be disrespect and rude.
I grew up in the late 80s and 90s and I and my friends we were absolutely horrible kids lol and I don't remember not one single incident where we gave the bus driver a hard time
My heart goes out to her, she deserves all the support for what she’s put up with. Children can be so cruel and out of control, I hope they are ashamed and the parents see how many people are on her side!!
Hey parents. Why do you think so many teachers are retiring and there are bus driver shortages everywhere? When you teach your kids to defy and disrespect authority, this is what happens.
It’s time parents take responsibility and raise their children to function in society. This is not the fault of children it’s just the symptom of very poor parenting.
Everybody has a breaking point. I drove a school bus in NYC. You have no idea what a stressful job it is and how bad some of these kids are. I retired 10 years ago and there is not a doubt in my mind that some of these kids are now in jail . I also have to add that most of my kids were great.
The students rule the roost. Bus Drivers are subjected to foul language, students bullying other students and more. District officials don't follow through on students inappropriate behavior. I wish she hadn't lost her cool and let them get to her. Enough with student entitlement.
my son was one of those dickheads on the bus, not in this video but on his bus he was an asshole, and he never got in trouble, i have... on that same bus, 4 other kids... know who the bus driver picked on??? my kindergarten aged daughter who is about as sweet as pie. not my teen so walkking up and down the aisle playing music loud as shit... thats from my own daughters that were on the bus even. so when i confronted drivers company about it id asked them to talk to her and see whats what. it got worse. so bad eventually that we took one kid off the bus, our, "bad kindergartener". then the bus driver went on to ask my other kids "did your parent take her off the bus cause i was teasing her?". the bus driver was female. she was mad at me because i didnt give her daughter a "good" quote on a paint price to paint her house. well, the school never stopped this bus driver so i called the superintendant and said if you dont stop her, i know her husband and where she loves, i will gobthere drag them both outside and beat them close to death. it stopped. why did it take me threatening their lives to stop her from picking on a 6 year old kid? the schools are democrat run and its fuckin obvious. anarchy wins for them. total chaos. i get that bus drivers do a lot, and deal with a lot, but some are just flat out dirty rode hard and hung up wet fuckholes.
@@rosemariemello6675You must be a "new" parent in your 20s (or possibly early-30s). That type of "reprimanding" does NOT work -- you end up with the spoiled brats we've gotten over the past 10 years (maybe more)!!!!
If an unknown chemical was sprayed on the bus. Kick them all off the bus it's no longer safe. Its obvious from the full video that this wasnt the first time an unknown chemical was sprayed or smoked on the bus. Seattle mass transit with UW is installing drug detectors on busses and trains to monitor air quality to protect the operators. Since some have now tested positive for drugs and been involved in accidents
This is what happens when you take discipline out of school. I remember growing up my teachers were allowed to whoop us if we acting up.this generation of kids is something else.that’s why I always appreciate ppl who work with’s a lot to take from someone else’s kid.
This poor lady. Hope these little monsters finally start getting the discipline and parenting that their failures of parents at home haven't been providing.
I think a commendation and a raise would be more in order for this brave bus driver. She should be showered with praise and not given any ctiticism. Thank you for your service!
I love how people say, “oh, poor teachers. They don’t make any money and they have to deal with kids all day.” No. Dead wrong. Teaching is one of the easiest jobs on the planet and teachers make damn good money. I taught for 6.5 years. I know. It was the easiest job I ever had. Quite frankly, it wasn’t fulfilling enough for me. The people we ought to be putting are the bud drivers. They are the ones who make dirt and have to put up with kids and their crap.
Gotta say, I get it. When I was a teacher, and I’d be running lunch time detention, I had students stare at me right in the face and pour honey mustard on my floor because they knew I had to clean it up because they were already in detention and the school wasn’t going to do much more to them, so they knew they could refuse to clean up their mess. There were days I wanted to blow up like this.
I actually once got in trouble as a teacher because I made the kids who drew on the desks in my classroom put on gloves and get scrub brushes and scrub the graffiti off the bleachers. The school system said I can’t make students do manual labor and I was like “this punishment 100% fits the crime.” As a teacher out hands are tied and the school won’t have your back because they’re afraid of being sued.
don’t say shit you don’t know. this is my school. learn your facts straight before you start spreading false information 😹. the kids in that bus are good. i know the girl that was yelled at. she’s an extremely nice person.
It is NEVER okay to treat kids like that. She was acting worse than any of those kids!! If she didn’t want to work there anymore, she could just quit, no need to throw a temper tantrum. If kids are misbehaving, there are much more appropriate ways to discipline them, we need to be respectful of all people and give a good example to children. If she wanted her kids to act better she should have set a better example. God bless 💝
If an unknown chemical was sprayed on the bus. Kick them all off the bus it's no longer safe. Its obvious from the full video that this wasnt the first time an unknown chemical was sprayed or smoked on the bus. Seattle mass transit with UW is installing drug detectors on busses and trains to monitor air quality to protect the operators. Since some have now tested positive for drugs and been involved in accidents
Society broke when parents feared CPS more than kids fearing their parents. I never feared the principal, teacher, or police. I feared my dad who would "kill" me if they called him.
Finally a bus driver puts the bad kids in their place. A lot of bus drivers have to put up with bad kids distractions as they try to drive, this poor woman is obviously at the end of her rope. Most parents don't care to teach their kids to be respectful and get angry if you correct their children's bad behavior.
Superintendent’s letter to parents says it all. No support for staff. And that’s why things get out of control. Been there! No consequences for kids, because no structure or leadership from the top. And the letter is such a cop out.
Back in the 70's.. any acting up that occurred, the driver would stop the bus for 5 minutes, every time. Sometimes, it took an extra 30 minutes. We learned it put a dent in our free time really quick. Also , a note was sent to the principle on the ones causing problems. He would call the parents in to meet, that your child had one last chance or otherwise, no bus riding for the rest of the school year.
Good for her!!! These Children of The Corn Kids are horrible and the parents don’t don’t discipline them correctly. I hope others follow her until something is done about their inappropriate behaviors.
I’m tired to my core of hearing how we dare not do anything that might fracture a child’s fragile psyche: rubbish. These entitled little cretins are, first and foremost, the product of negligent parenting. At worst, they reflect the values of the parents. Where you find a bully at school, you find a parent who is a bully.
WOW...these parents should be so proud of their little spawns! Can you hear the kids laughing?? No one should have to endure this treatment from some spoiled brats on a daily basis.
@@Ryan-ev5gv What? You again? Threatened. I'm sure they're all gonna need a whole bunch of therapy now. Hey! Maybe some'll find they're the wrong gender! Yeah that'll civilize the little thugs.
It is NEVER okay to treat kids like that. She was acting worse than any of those kids!! If she didn’t want to work there anymore, she could just quit, no need to throw a temper tantrum. If kids are misbehaving, there are much more appropriate ways to discipline them, we need to be respectful of all people and give a good example to children. If she wanted her kids to act better she should have set a better example. God bless 💝
don’t say shit you don’t know. this is my school. learn your facts straight before you start spreading false information 😹. the kids in that bus are good. i know the girl that was yelled at. she’s an extremely nice person. it’s also hard to not laugh when you’re being yelled at
This poor driver. This is a person in serious need of support from employers and is on the verge or already past. I can see both sides, but honestly gotta side with the driver. Or really anyone working around school systems. This starts at home. A lot of these kids could benefit from better parenting.
The poor driver? I’m glad you’re OK with a grown woman threatening kids as young as 11 that for most of them has never had a disciplinary issue in their lives.
Yep crazy people like me. That think you shouldn’t threaten kids. You discipline the kids that are causing trouble you don’t go on a psycho pathic tirade on a bus full of kids that had nothing to do with any of it. Yeah she’s a great example of how people should act.
And this is part of the problem. School officials deeming the driver's behaviour unacceptable but never said a word about the students' behaviour. When I was at school we took public buses (only certain private/independent schools have their own buses here in Australia) and even then our school principal told the bus company to report unacceptable behaviour from students. The principal went so far as to 'suspend' a particular bus from picking up and dropping off at the school for two weeks (due to complaints from the drivers) and after that two weeks would be reinstated on a trial basis only, if the kids could prove they could behave themselves. This put the onus on parents to not only find an alternate way for their kids to get to and from school for two weeks (most of us had two parents working full-time) and forced them to address their kids' behaviour.
Good for her. She is having to do the job that parents should have done. These kids have no respect for anyone but themselves. Back in the day a parent would have stepped in for discipline , but now? Nope. It’s everyone’s fault but their kids
I understand where she was coming from... Unless you are in the school environment, you have not a clue of what happens in the schools nor on a school bus. I know I retired in 2014 after 35 years.... . Personally, families should sign contracts for their kids to ride the school bus; disrespectful behavior off the bus or better parents should be fined.... Money talks.
don’t say shit you don’t know. this is my school. learn your facts straight before you start spreading false information 😹. the kids in that bus are good. i know the girl that was yelled at. she’s an extremely nice person.
As an educator in the midst of retiring I can many disrespectful kids. Adm won't get their hands dirty...have to go through hoops to write referrals....very stressful to work in education in a lot places...promise you....most of the parents haven't put those kids in their places like that
My mom drove my school bus (and also ran the kitchen). Small school back in the '80s. She was treated well most of the time... If she wasnt, all she had to do is call the parents and the parents would be the ones to put a foot up their arse!. That was back when most of the parents supported staff and disciplined kids.
Massachusetts passed a law No more suspending kids in house or out of house suspension… it’s too demeaning to the character and yes I’m serious as of November 2022 Massachusetts no longer suspense students
I have seen this type of disrespect in students, and find that any kind of reprimand is useless. When I encounter it now, I go directly to the principal and report it. These are not little kids, they are old enough to know better, and their disrespect boarders on cruel behavior toward their target. No way to describe it but bullying. Period.
Question.. if kids are allowed to record teachers, bus drivers, whomever else, I'm wondering can it go the other way around? Say proving or documenting repeated bad behavior from a child? I'm not saying I agree or disagree one way or the other, just curious
Better believe the parents will fight against that and win. The parents are the ones who taught them how to be entitled and disrespectful. They definitely won't let them be held accountable.
This is because parents allow so much disrespect and foolishness from their kids. They allow them to sit in the house all day and play games, constantly on social media, anything- just so that they (parents) don't have to be bothered. That's not raising your kids parents! You very rarely see kids playing outside anymore, it's a sad shame Growing up, we played outside from 10am or noon on the weekends or in the summer time, until it was almost dark. We had the best times then.
Back when I was a kid, when I rode the bus to school and home, we were respectful to our bus driver. And she did not take kindly to any disrespectful behavior.
These aren't little tots, these are older kids I am sure they have heard worse. She did not hit anyone or put anyone out to walk. Did one of them get their little feelings hurt...grow up and stop wining. Sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you. But if those kids are distracting the bus driver, they could get everyone hurt or worse in an accident.
I choose to empathize with her anger despite having limited information. However, her approach was all wrong. "I'm gonna shove my foot so far up your ass!" lmao. It makes the whole school look bad. When you have a job and responsibilities your behavior doesn't only reflect on you, it reflects on the whole establishment you're a part of. I see so many news stories like this and it's frustrating because I'd be in their camp if they didn't choose the worst approach possible.
Um no, she threatened to use physical violence. Shes an adult and threatened children. If i got in her gace and told her i was going to break my foot off in her ass like she did on that bus. I would get arrested. How the fuck do you morons expect kids to act grown up if you cant act like an adult yourself.
@@Ryan-ev5gv When I was behaving like a brat? Yes! And you know what? I became a law abiding citizen who, while I am an adrenaline junkie, I never so much as took even an "experimental" toke. This is the FIRST TIME EVER, I've gone though an entire reply chain, to see just how stupid somebody can be. And before you call me some kind of obsessive compulsive nut job, take a good look in the mirror.
@Ryan No I didn't because I was raised to be respectful of my elders and not to misbehave in public or at home. I would never have acted in a way that bmmade a bus driver have to stop the bus due to my behavior.
When there's an accident, they'll all blame the bus driver, because these kids are such good kids. I'd question each kid privately so the bullies can't influence them.
What a shame today. Bus driver loses job cause kids are entitled to do whatever they want to. Unbelievable what a joke . They get called out and pull there phones out and record.
it wasn't 'teasing'. They downright harassed and bullied her, thinking they could, because she was 'only' an 'old woman' to them, pretty much like their grandmothers, whom I'd bet they show zero respect or consideration to as well. I wouldn't have put up with this for a single minute, let alone as long as she had.
@@ElizabethGS It was worse than that because according to her side of the story, someone sprayed perfume and she has asthma and is allergic to strong oders like that. She said this had happened a month ago or so with this same group of kids and she had explained to them that she's sensitive to strong smells like that. So someone knew this fact and still sprayed perfume. I think just about anyone would fall over the edge with that. Not only endangered her life but the entire bus as well...
@@lalalalisa41 Yes! I heard her say that as well, in the middle of her tirade, while one of them whined that they hadn't, but she very directly said she could smell it - so 'someone' did, and quite deliberately. If one of those 'kids' had asthma it would have been an entirely different story, I'm sure. The police would have been called on her if she'd worn perfume while knowing any child had asthma who rode the bus she was driving and the parents would be picketing the school AND her. This woman gets paid a pittance to get these kids safely back and forth to their homes while putting up with these out of control juveniles and they can't even have the decency to be reasonably decent to her? It boggles the mind.
Have I lost my mind...this grown woman cussing at underage children....she should be fired for have a problem with your job , QUIT...GOT IT. GET IT, GOOD
This is what kids need nowadays. You see how they are responding positively to authority because they actually believe her. Empty threats are what cause kids to rebel
It doesn't matter what caused it. She's the adult and as such responsible for not treating children like that. It's no excuse and never excusable. She could have asserted control in a more peaceful way that doesn't cause trauma. Kids have enough to deal with these days
Listen, I get it. I've worked as a teacher in some very rough situations and there have been many many times I wanted to lash out but couldn't since it would not be appropriate. Students nowadays have no respect for authority and it's really no surprise she snapped.
Being a bus driver for a public school system in the United States is one of the toughest jobs on the planet. The kids are different these days and present a load of challenges. I feel bad for the lady personally.
The best way to discipline these disruptive students is to suspend them from riding the bus for one week, And durning that week the parents need to bring them to school each morning and sign them into school and at the end of the day, The parents need to pick them back up and sign them out of school, The reason for signing the students in and out of school, Is to make sure both the students and parents realize how disruptive their children are acting and endangering the welfare of the other students on the bus, I guarantee the parents will be tired of their children’s BS, and how it disrupts the parents having to be disciplined also !
OMG I love this woman for bringing back so many suppressed memories of my youth ,… as a 60 year old man this is how we were spoken to as children by our elders,.. I guess you’d say… back in the pre participant trophy days ,…. and I might ad ,.. adults were treated with a lot more respect back then ,… and there was a heck of a lot less violence
Respect is not something that's demanded, but rather earned. Screaming like a lunatic and threatening them with physical violence doesn't earn respect. Glad she resigned.
Isn't it so nice dealing with all the forgotten kids nowadays...the parents now days (almost all of them) need to learn what parenting is, and that you need to "interact and teach" with said children they decided to have. Sad.
While she was wrong, I get it! Many of these kids are rotten nowadays and their parents defend their rotten behavior. This is why schools cannot keep bus drivers. Our school district has half the drivers not return after Christmas break. My grandsons bus has been late dropping him off after school time and time again because of unruly kids on his bus. It's ridiculous. I bet if the school stops offering transportation all these complaining parents will be complaining about that.
Why did you start off saying she was wrong? What made her wrong? These kids here and see everything online. But because she swore in person, she was wrong? None of it was wrong
Because she was wrong she acted worse than any kid on that bus. I 100% guarantee if any student on that bus threatened her with violence and screamed in her face, like that, they would not be in school anymore.
@@craigmack1715 don’t say shit you don’t know. this is my school. learn your facts straight before you start spreading false information 😹. the kids in that bus are good. i know the girl that was yelled at. she’s an extremely nice person.
Blah blah blah. Yes she could have used a better choice of words but she had had enough. Oh yeah every parent says my child or this child is so sweet. I was never THAT naïve parent. Wake up.!!!
She deserves the presidential medal of freedom for this act. She is doing what their parents don't have the balls to do. We salute you! Go fund her please.
It would be so funny to watch the fear of god in your eyes too.
Gee..Well said and 1000% agree with you!!
Alvin Bragg will make sure she never does
@@ph7715 Bring back the draft for these punks and when they turn 18 send them off to 13 weeks of Marine Corps basic training on Parris Island South Carolina.
I disagree she deserves to be taken out of that school
This is how kids act in the classroom, too. This is why teachers are leaving the field. I'm a teacher and I'm so glad I'm retiring soon. No respect. It's a thankless job, and parents blame the teachers.
No one is teaching children accountability for their actions anymore. If they they want to blame the adult for standing up and finally saying enough is enough
They have no fear of repercussions... because there are no repercussions.
I’m worried for when this generation becomes adults… society is screwed
That part☝🏿
I grew up in rural upstate NY. One day a boy starting punching my brother for no reason. The driver, a young farmer (about 20 years old) stopped the bus jumped up and ran back, grabbed the kid by his neck, dragged him off the bus and told him that from then on he'd have to find another way to get to school as he'd never be allowed to ride the bus again! That driver was my hero!
Yeah, we are not allowed to separate a fight by physically involving ourselves or putting our hands on any students. We will be fired nowadays. In my mind tho, if a student's life is at risk, i.e. students is being strangled, stabbed, etc., Imma sleep okay being fired but knowing that I saved a student's life. I would not ever sleep well again if I followed procedure, not intervened, and the student died. Plus being a retired firefighter, at 6 feet tall, athletic, and pretty strong, I would take my chances and help the student.
So you let your brother get his ass kicked and you didn’t jump in is what I got out of this story.
Today he would be fired and the parents would sue for emotional damage
@@Claudia-cr2pm and probably charged with child endangerment for leaving him 😅
That’s what these snotty kids need. Every time they are disciplined, the parents want to sue! Riding the bus is a privilege. Anyone who misbehaves should have that privilege taken away.
All those kids should be expelled from the transportation program. They do not deserve it.
Riding the school bus is a privilege, not a right. Kick them off.
@@clairekitchen5627 amen
Let them warm up the chevrolegs and take a walk….
Where in this video does a single student give the driver a hard time.
Timestamp and or quote.
There is none.
@pat mcgillanBased on the lack of evidence contained in this video it is unknown.
Trump Univ. School of Detectives?
When you see how disrespectful these kids are to their own parents and grandparents it's not surprising that they treat others this way.
Well, good thing she showed him the right way by threatening kids and throwing a temper tantrum.
You're an idiot. This after all the shooting? I Hope the bitch cant get a job to save her life. She has no business around children. Way to go Karen
For real though. This generation of kids is so entitled that they need to be talked to like this sometimes. Good on ya bus driver hahaha kids are punks they need to be put in their place
@wb3954 "this generation of kids" all generation of kids are assholes its their thing. Stop playing the generation game.
FR i work as a substitute in the schools and I have been a toned down variation of this. They will drive you to the brink!
Our bus driver in the late 70s and early 80s was so respected that all he had to do was slow down unexpectedly on one of our rural roads on our route if we got too loud, look up in the mirror at the group, and we would become silent. Only once or twice over the years did he have to look in the mirror and yell, "HEY!!...*sudden silence*... Keep it down." He was a sweet, kind man, but we respected him and didn't want him upset with us.
Right?! All you gotta do is give 'em that death stare lol.
Drove a school bus for 10 years. Can totally relate with this woman!
i know the girl and she didnt spray anything the driver was just letting it out for no reason
Riiight. Because people completely lose their minds like this for absolutely no reason at all.
My sister has applied to be a bus driver for the school system. I don't see it ending well if she is hired on because she is not the type to put up with any nonsense from the students or adults.
Well, as long as she doesn’t threaten kids, she’ll probably be OK
It is NEVER okay to treat kids like that. She was acting worse than any of those kids!! If she didn’t want to work there anymore, she could just quit, no need to throw a temper tantrum. If kids are misbehaving, there are much more appropriate ways to discipline them, we need to be respectful of all people and give a good example to children. If she wanted her kids to act better she should have set a better example. God bless 💝
They could never pay me enough to put up with this 😤
That part☝🏿
Kids are so disrespectful.
Because thier parents are.
dude this is my school those kids aren’t even bad you sound dumb
At some point kids learn right from wrong. The kids on this bus are old enough to know what appropriate behavior is.
And you think it’s ok for a bud driver, to threaten kids, and say things like, “I’m gonna beat the shit out of you” wow! You think that’s right, but it’s wrong. Same with the transgender bullshit of 2023. You and the word think that that’s right, but it’s wrong. You poor brainwashed individuals
I was suspended from a bus for 5 days for pulling another girl's hair in the 4th grade and believe me I learned my lesson! I had to walk seven blocks in the dead of winter to and from school because my parent's refused to reward my horrible behavior. I never did anything like that again!
Right - I was kicked off for a few months. Had to walk an hour home… never did anything wild on the bus again… hell I even became friends with the driver that kicked me off originally !
Nowadays, they'd accuse the school of child abuse and fire people.
You had good parents. You did it, you admitted you did it and you suffered the consequences, which allowed to learn something. Perhaps these kids parents should listen to you!
You cleaned up your act because your behavior had consequences. What we see on this bus is the consequences of not making children face the consequences of their actions.
Today your parents would be charged with child abuse/neglect. This is why parents are reluctant to do anything.
I'm 38 years old and this is giving me flashbacks to when I was a kid on the bus. Some of the children were horrendous! One of my friends blew up a firecracker on a bus. I'm with this lady -- she had enough.
Same age here, I remember one of the kids threw one of those glass encased stink bombs in the back of the bus one day. The whole bus smelled horrible even with the windows open.
We sang and were hyper but never ever made our bus driver so mad they stopped the bus nor tried to hurt them or cause issues. It’s insane these days.
I took my son out of public school after the hell he went through, first the bus, so I started driving him and then he was constantly bullied because he liked to wear bowties and if he wore regular casual clothes they would say "is that a Wal-Mart shirt" and then nasty stuff like "I effed your mom" and in kindergarten he would come home asking me questions like "mom, how do men have sex?" Meaning gay men. And "whats a condom".. I took him out after 7th grade. We did homeschool. Middle school is when it gets really bad.
This is why parents need to use that belt more often. Kids are brats
I'm a former teacher (high school) who quit because of disrespectful kids. Believe me...many of them are absolutely horrible. Not all, but many. I've been so happy--work-wise, at least--ever since I left.
As a kid I remember kids on the bus torturing bus drivers. There were quite a few that reacted back this way but no one ran and told cause we all knew we deserved it. Also we didn't have smart phones or social media. Still though I imagine the kids drove her to the breaking point
Social media is the worst. It’s so easy to film and post somebody having a mental breakdown like this and get all outraged over it from the comfort of our armchairs without having to see the months and years of harassment and disrespect this person probably endured to get to the point where they lost their mind like this.
the thing you said here that everyone looks over nowadays is... we knew we deserved it. we had accountability for our own actions then. nowadays thats unheard of. the older i get the more i realize what... the times have changed means.
@@dman1417 My bus driver got angry and yelled at us in high school, but never used language like this and we were probably WAY worse than the kids in this video lmao. We were from the ghetto. At a certain age you have to control your emotions and avoid saying certain things, otherwise you miss out and get yourself in trouble for not putting a lid on it. Our bus driver probably wanted to say a bunch of thing she wasn't supposed to, but she didn't. She knew she was just talking to brats and teenagers that don't care about school. She prioritized her needs in the long term rather than the short term.
If someone can’t handle their job then it’s time to find a new one. Not to scream and threaten children, especially as young as six graders.
@@Ryan-ev5gv Take a hike, denier. More kids need to be told off like this, and even SMACKED.
You and your "We just need to 'Talk to the kids, cause they'll see reason.'" mob has had your way for decades now, and kids have become not only WORSE in their bullying, they not only BEAT UP weaker kids, they GANG UP on them, and even murder some.
Kids acting up need a DRESSING DOWN, and if that doesn't work, they DO need a good swift kick in the ass/damn good bloody nose.
We had bullies in my day, but NOTHING like the savages now.
No consequences for rotten behavior, turns brats into criminals.
Kids are becoming more and more disrespectful! It’s just getting worse
I rode a school bus to school from 1st grade through the 10th grade in the 1960's and 1970's. There was never a single time the children gave the driver a hard time. The parents of these kids giving this driver a hard time, need to seriously look at that their parenting skills and start teaching them to respect one another and respect adults.
Tony D - I agree about parents, but I also know that parents have to be super careful today, when discipline can result in CPS showing up at the door - and I'm not just talking about physical discipline. "The system" has worked hard to undermine parental authority and we're seeing the results.
These parents don't care. They coddle these brats and probably act the same disrespectful way. That's where the brats learned how to be disrespect and rude.
We were taught respect. These kids are not. We live in a sorry world.
I grew up in the late 80s and 90s and I and my friends we were absolutely horrible kids lol and I don't remember not one single incident where we gave the bus driver a hard time
Where in this video does a single student give the driver a "hard time".
Timestamp and or quote.
There is none.
My heart goes out to her, she deserves all the support for what she’s put up with. Children can be so cruel and out of control, I hope they are ashamed and the parents see how many people are on her side!!
Hey parents. Why do you think so many teachers are retiring and there are bus driver shortages everywhere? When you teach your kids to defy and disrespect authority, this is what happens.
They have to be taught how to act properly at a young age, not when they are older and they can beat YOU up.
This new generation is the worst yet 🤦♂️ social media has ruined them
The problem is society just crumbles as we allow this to be the norm.
In my opinion teachers are retiring because they don't want to teach if students feel like they're not being taught yes you going to have problems
It’s time parents take responsibility and raise their children to function in society. This is not the fault of children it’s just the symptom of very poor parenting.
Everybody has a breaking point. I drove a school bus in NYC. You have no idea what a stressful job it is and how bad some of these kids are. I retired 10 years ago and there is not a doubt in my mind that some of these kids are now in jail . I also have to add that most of my kids were great.
25 Years and still driving I agree with you 100%
The students rule the roost. Bus Drivers are subjected to foul language, students bullying other students and more. District officials don't follow through on students inappropriate behavior. I wish she hadn't lost her cool and let them get to her. Enough with student entitlement.
my son was one of those dickheads on the bus, not in this video but on his bus he was an asshole, and he never got in trouble, i have... on that same bus, 4 other kids... know who the bus driver picked on??? my kindergarten aged daughter who is about as sweet as pie. not my teen so walkking up and down the aisle playing music loud as shit... thats from my own daughters that were on the bus even. so when i confronted drivers company about it id asked them to talk to her and see whats what. it got worse. so bad eventually that we took one kid off the bus, our, "bad kindergartener". then the bus driver went on to ask my other kids "did your parent take her off the bus cause i was teasing her?". the bus driver was female. she was mad at me because i didnt give her daughter a "good" quote on a paint price to paint her house. well, the school never stopped this bus driver so i called the superintendant and said if you dont stop her, i know her husband and where she loves, i will gobthere drag them both outside and beat them close to death. it stopped. why did it take me threatening their lives to stop her from picking on a 6 year old kid? the schools are democrat run and its fuckin obvious. anarchy wins for them. total chaos. i get that bus drivers do a lot, and deal with a lot, but some are just flat out dirty rode hard and hung up wet fuckholes.
@@nathanbohn1078 lol no one cares. And the bus driver got over $100k in donations from this. She wins
@@nathanbohn1078 I can tell you're like 12 and making this all up.
Hysterical. I can imagine myself losing it like this, but her response is surreal. Kids are out of control today.
Good for her! She deserves a medal
this is normal in our school bus. Disrespectful kids, pissing off the driver, ringing bells all the time, no care for the driver
Poor lady. Can only imagine what she goes through on a daily basis
I don’t blame her. I remember stuff like this happening when I was in school over 15 yrs ago, students harassing bus drivers.
You don't reprimand other people children, take it to the parents it, get it good
@@rosemariemello6675You must be a "new" parent in your 20s (or possibly early-30s). That type of "reprimanding" does NOT work -- you end up with the spoiled brats we've gotten over the past 10 years (maybe more)!!!!
I don’t blame her. My wife drove school bus. Kids are absolutely terrible. Parents should be strung up. Instead they are strung out.
If an unknown chemical was sprayed on the bus. Kick them all off the bus it's no longer safe. Its obvious from the full video that this wasnt the first time an unknown chemical was sprayed or smoked on the bus. Seattle mass transit with UW is installing drug detectors on busses and trains to monitor air quality to protect the operators. Since some have now tested positive for drugs and been involved in accidents
This is what happens when you take discipline out of school. I remember growing up my teachers were allowed to whoop us if we acting up.this generation of kids is something else.that’s why I always appreciate ppl who work with’s a lot to take from someone else’s kid.
We had teachers that would walk you to the office by the hair of the head, back in the 80's. If I got paddled at school, I got belted at home!
That's what people have been saying since the beginning of time
@Drea Talks They won’t. Great grandma will.
And parents can't discipline their children without fear of going to jail of child abuse now
Actually, this is the result of teaching kids to think they are the center of the world.
Good for her. Make them be respectful. She told them her truth. 🎉
This poor lady. Hope these little monsters finally start getting the discipline and parenting that their failures of parents at home haven't been providing.
We were awful on the bus…. Totally understand and good for her. Sometimes you gotta give ‘em the real talk.
I think a commendation and a raise would be more in order for this brave bus driver. She should be showered with praise and not given any ctiticism. Thank you for your service!
One day in high school a kid got rude with the driver and we stood up for her.
This is why there's a bus driver and teacher shortage nationwide.
Kids are pieces of shit now. I’m a bus driver and while I’d never act like this, I definitely wish we could.
I love how people say, “oh, poor teachers. They don’t make any money and they have to deal with kids all day.” No. Dead wrong. Teaching is one of the easiest jobs on the planet and teachers make damn good money. I taught for 6.5 years. I know. It was the easiest job I ever had. Quite frankly, it wasn’t fulfilling enough for me. The people we ought to be putting are the bud drivers. They are the ones who make dirt and have to put up with kids and their crap.
Omg!!!I'm a bus driver and I would never do this to my kids. It's hard to bite your tongue but this isn't right. She should have self control
Gotta say, I get it. When I was a teacher, and I’d be running lunch time detention, I had students stare at me right in the face and pour honey mustard on my floor because they knew I had to clean it up because they were already in detention and the school wasn’t going to do much more to them, so they knew they could refuse to clean up their mess. There were days I wanted to blow up like this.
Exactly! They do the same on the busses.
I'd end up in jail if i had to deal with that! Kudos to you for dealing with it as long as you did!
Should've made the kid put gloves on, call his parents, give him a bucket of water and a rag to scrub it.
I actually once got in trouble as a teacher because I made the kids who drew on the desks in my classroom put on gloves and get scrub brushes and scrub the graffiti off the bleachers. The school system said I can’t make students do manual labor and I was like “this punishment 100% fits the crime.” As a teacher out hands are tied and the school won’t have your back because they’re afraid of being sued.
@@TheRoyalHounds Wow. No wonder why this generation of kids are lacking morals and respect. Not all, but seems like too many.
Unruly school children get a much need verbal "TUNE-UP" from the school bus driver. Now let us bow our heads in prayer: ............
All those kids should have to be brought by their parents. Then see if their behavior changes.
don’t say shit you don’t know. this is my school. learn your facts straight before you start spreading false information 😹. the kids in that bus are good. i know the girl that was yelled at. she’s an extremely nice person.
I stand tall & strong with you Miss Jackie Miller
Why aren't the officials investigating those bad a$$ kids? They should hire more bus drivers like her.
Needs more like her.
It is NEVER okay to treat kids like that. She was acting worse than any of those kids!! If she didn’t want to work there anymore, she could just quit, no need to throw a temper tantrum. If kids are misbehaving, there are much more appropriate ways to discipline them, we need to be respectful of all people and give a good example to children. If she wanted her kids to act better she should have set a better example. God bless 💝
Fuk those brats … & their parents!
Why would you say that? 😭
If an unknown chemical was sprayed on the bus. Kick them all off the bus it's no longer safe. Its obvious from the full video that this wasnt the first time an unknown chemical was sprayed or smoked on the bus. Seattle mass transit with UW is installing drug detectors on busses and trains to monitor air quality to protect the operators. Since some have now tested positive for drugs and been involved in accidents
Good for her! So many of these young kids are so entitled, disrespectful, and just out of control!
It is not the kids it is their parents. I drive bus and kids know you have no power and the administration will just give them a slap on the wrist.
Society broke when parents feared CPS more than kids fearing their parents. I never feared the principal, teacher, or police. I feared my dad who would "kill" me if they called him.
Exactly, me too.
Finally a bus driver puts the bad kids in their place. A lot of bus drivers have to put up with bad kids distractions as they try to drive, this poor woman is obviously at the end of her rope. Most parents don't care to teach their kids to be respectful and get angry if you correct their children's bad behavior.
Superintendent’s letter to parents says it all. No support for staff. And that’s why things get out of control.
Been there! No consequences for kids, because no structure or leadership from the top.
And the letter is such a cop out.
This era in today’s world has no respect for anyone at this point…feel for this woman…parents need to teach your children some respect!…
Oh the days where teachers can spank children for misbehaving.
She was right to discipline the students like this, but the foul language was unnecessary
She deserves a trophy 🏆👏
They leave out everything that preceded it too.
Back in the 70's.. any acting up that occurred, the driver would stop the bus for 5 minutes, every time. Sometimes, it took an extra 30 minutes. We learned it put a dent in our free time really quick. Also , a note was sent to the principle on the ones causing problems. He would call the parents in to meet, that your child had one last chance or otherwise, no bus riding for the rest of the school year.
Good for her!!! These Children of The Corn Kids are horrible and the parents don’t don’t discipline them correctly. I hope others follow her until something is done about their inappropriate behaviors.
I’m tired to my core of hearing how we dare not do anything that might fracture a child’s fragile psyche: rubbish. These entitled little cretins are, first and foremost, the product of negligent parenting. At worst, they reflect the values of the parents. Where you find a bully at school, you find a parent who is a bully.
WOW...these parents should be so proud of their little spawns! Can you hear the kids laughing?? No one should have to endure this treatment from some spoiled brats on a daily basis.
If you can’t handle your job, find a new one. She threatened every kid on that bus so glad she got fired.
@@Ryan-ev5gv What? You again? Threatened. I'm sure they're all gonna need a whole bunch of therapy now. Hey! Maybe some'll find they're the wrong gender! Yeah that'll civilize the little thugs.
It is NEVER okay to treat kids like that. She was acting worse than any of those kids!! If she didn’t want to work there anymore, she could just quit, no need to throw a temper tantrum. If kids are misbehaving, there are much more appropriate ways to discipline them, we need to be respectful of all people and give a good example to children. If she wanted her kids to act better she should have set a better example. God bless 💝
don’t say shit you don’t know. this is my school. learn your facts straight before you start spreading false information 😹. the kids in that bus are good. i know the girl that was yelled at. she’s an extremely nice person. it’s also hard to not laugh when you’re being yelled at
@@glizzygobbler5250 yea mmm hmmm says the parent of unruly kids or young punk that knows nothing about how to be a decent good human in society 😂
I hope people can see how disrespectful their own children can be to adults and authority figures.
This poor driver. This is a person in serious need of support from employers and is on the verge or already past.
I can see both sides, but honestly gotta side with the driver. Or really anyone working around school systems. This starts at home. A lot of these kids could benefit from better parenting.
The poor driver? I’m glad you’re OK with a grown woman threatening kids as young as 11 that for most of them has never had a disciplinary issue in their lives.
@@Ryan-ev5gv Put a sock in it. People like you are largely WHY kids think they can get away with murder.
Yep crazy people like me. That think you shouldn’t threaten kids. You discipline the kids that are causing trouble you don’t go on a psycho pathic tirade on a bus full of kids that had nothing to do with any of it. Yeah she’s a great example of how people should act.
These kids have to know they have to behave as she drives or they could cause an accidental with their distractions.
And this is part of the problem. School officials deeming the driver's behaviour unacceptable but never said a word about the students' behaviour. When I was at school we took public buses (only certain private/independent schools have their own buses here in Australia) and even then our school principal told the bus company to report unacceptable behaviour from students. The principal went so far as to 'suspend' a particular bus from picking up and dropping off at the school for two weeks (due to complaints from the drivers) and after that two weeks would be reinstated on a trial basis only, if the kids could prove they could behave themselves. This put the onus on parents to not only find an alternate way for their kids to get to and from school for two weeks (most of us had two parents working full-time) and forced them to address their kids' behaviour.
Good for her. She is having to do the job that parents should have done. These kids have no respect for anyone but themselves. Back in the day a parent would have stepped in for discipline , but now? Nope. It’s everyone’s fault but their kids
And then saying we don’t have “respect” is crazy. You don’t know what anyone goes through.
And wait until these kids get arrested or killed because of lazy parents.
She’s doing something their parents are scared to do .. no wrong done here 😅
I understand where she was coming from... Unless you are in the school environment, you have not a clue of what happens in the schools nor on a school bus. I know I retired in 2014 after 35 years.... . Personally, families should sign contracts for their kids to ride the school bus; disrespectful behavior off the bus or better parents should be fined.... Money talks.
don’t say shit you don’t know. this is my school. learn your facts straight before you start spreading false information 😹. the kids in that bus are good. i know the girl that was yelled at. she’s an extremely nice person.
Excellent idea.
As a school bus driver, I support this drivers actions. Those kids fucked around and found out...
As an educator in the midst of retiring I can many disrespectful kids. Adm won't get their hands dirty...have to go through hoops to write referrals....very stressful to work in education in a lot places...promise you....most of the parents haven't put those kids in their places like that
My mom drove my school bus (and also ran the kitchen). Small school back in the '80s. She was treated well most of the time... If she wasnt, all she had to do is call the parents and the parents would be the ones to put a foot up their arse!. That was back when most of the parents supported staff and disciplined kids.
Those days are LONG GONE BEKIVE ME!!
well now if Parents whoop their child you'll be arrest for child abuse.
Until public schools can actually punish kids things will keep degenerating.
Massachusetts passed a law No more suspending kids in house or out of house suspension… it’s too demeaning to the character and yes I’m serious as of November 2022 Massachusetts no longer suspense students
I have seen this type of disrespect in students, and find that any kind of reprimand is useless. When I encounter it now, I go directly to the principal and report it. These are not little kids, they are old enough to know better, and their disrespect boarders on cruel behavior toward their target. No way to describe it but bullying. Period.
Question.. if kids are allowed to record teachers, bus drivers, whomever else, I'm wondering can it go the other way around? Say proving or documenting repeated bad behavior from a child? I'm not saying I agree or disagree one way or the other, just curious
Better believe the parents will fight against that and win. The parents are the ones who taught them how to be entitled and disrespectful. They definitely won't let them be held accountable.
@@undrbridge96 I agree, just saying they will get pushback, parents don't want to deal with the accountability.
@@Andrew_S51 parents? I think you mean parent. Dads put a stop to this behavior.
@@avelinaosborne32 haha good point. It would be interesting to know the family dynamic in comparison to this behavior.
They already do that. We used to have a camera on our bus.
Kids pissed her off and they were laughing about it. Apples don't fall far from the tree. If kids are disrespectful, so are the parents
This is because parents allow so much disrespect and foolishness from their kids. They allow them to sit in the house all day and play games, constantly on social media, anything- just so that they (parents) don't have to be bothered. That's not raising your kids parents! You very rarely see kids playing outside anymore, it's a sad shame
Growing up, we played outside from 10am or noon on the weekends or in the summer time, until it was almost dark. We had the best times then.
Back when I was a kid, when I rode the bus to school and home, we were respectful to our bus driver. And she did not take kindly to any disrespectful behavior.
She should be fired immediately, but putting this on TV is a little overboard.
We all know how kids are at that age. Just gotta have thick skin!!
Good for her! So proud to see her stand up to these entitled brats!! Their parents have failed them miserably. She deserves praise from everyone.
Give her job back. Another example of how school administration's are failing our kids. All the kids involved should have been expelled.
These aren't little tots, these are older kids I am sure they have heard worse. She did not hit anyone or put anyone out to walk. Did one of them get their little feelings hurt...grow up and stop wining. Sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you. But if those kids are distracting the bus driver, they could get everyone hurt or worse in an accident.
I choose to empathize with her anger despite having limited information. However, her approach was all wrong. "I'm gonna shove my foot so far up your ass!" lmao. It makes the whole school look bad. When you have a job and responsibilities your behavior doesn't only reflect on you, it reflects on the whole establishment you're a part of. I see so many news stories like this and it's frustrating because I'd be in their camp if they didn't choose the worst approach possible.
Um no, she threatened to use physical violence. Shes an adult and threatened children. If i got in her gace and told her i was going to break my foot off in her ass like she did on that bus. I would get arrested. How the fuck do you morons expect kids to act grown up if you cant act like an adult yourself.
There was 11 year olds on that bus, older kids? Did you have a lot of adults threaten you with violence when you were 11?
@@Ryan-ev5gv When I was behaving like a brat? Yes! And you know what? I became a law abiding citizen who, while I am an adrenaline junkie, I never so much as took even an "experimental" toke.
This is the FIRST TIME EVER, I've gone though an entire reply chain, to see just how stupid somebody can be.
And before you call me some kind of obsessive compulsive nut job, take a good look in the mirror.
@Ryan No I didn't because I was raised to be respectful of my elders and not to misbehave in public or at home. I would never have acted in a way that bmmade a bus driver have to stop the bus due to my behavior.
The bus driver snapped, and I totally get it. Shes probably put up with rude obnoxious brats for long enough. And kick their parents too !!!
Tip my hat to her. She had it with them and let them know. For some reason I’m guessing parents were upset with her and not with their own kids.
the kids weren’t upset. this is my school they just thought it was strange that she lashed out like that bc of perfume.
@@glizzygobbler5250 have a feeling it wasn’t the first time she told them to stop
When there's an accident, they'll all blame the bus driver, because these kids are such good kids. I'd question each kid privately so the bullies can't influence them.
Kids NEED more people that talk to them like this, good for her! It's obvious how disrespectful they are when all they do is talk back!
What a shame today. Bus driver loses job cause kids are entitled to do whatever they want to. Unbelievable what a joke . They get called out and pull there phones out and record.
They yank her chain then record her actions. Parents should be ashamed.
Good for her! Make the brats all WALK if they disrespect her!
Education begins at home. If kids aren't taught discipline and to respect authority at home, they can't truly learn anything worthwhile.
If kids don't respect their parents, how can anyone expect them to respect anyone else?
I’ve ridden on the bus with her driving a few years back. She seemed like fr a nice lady. Idk why they teased her like that.
They're just down right nasty individuals, that's why.
Because their parents are Karen's and Darren's.
it wasn't 'teasing'. They downright harassed and bullied her, thinking they could, because she was 'only' an 'old woman' to them, pretty much like their grandmothers, whom I'd bet they show zero respect or consideration to as well. I wouldn't have put up with this for a single minute, let alone as long as she had.
@@ElizabethGS It was worse than that because according to her side of the story, someone sprayed perfume and she has asthma and is allergic to strong oders like that. She said this had happened a month ago or so with this same group of kids and she had explained to them that she's sensitive to strong smells like that. So someone knew this fact and still sprayed perfume. I think just about anyone would fall over the edge with that. Not only endangered her life but the entire bus as well...
@@lalalalisa41 Yes! I heard her say that as well, in the middle of her tirade, while one of them whined that they hadn't, but she very directly said she could smell it - so 'someone' did, and quite deliberately. If one of those 'kids' had asthma it would have been an entirely different story, I'm sure. The police would have been called on her if she'd worn perfume while knowing any child had asthma who rode the bus she was driving and the parents would be picketing the school AND her. This woman gets paid a pittance to get these kids safely back and forth to their homes while putting up with these out of control juveniles and they can't even have the decency to be reasonably decent to her? It boggles the mind.
Have I lost my mind...this grown woman cussing at underage children....she should be fired for have a problem with your job , QUIT...GOT IT. GET IT, GOOD
She’s got my vote !!!
This is what kids need nowadays. You see how they are responding positively to authority because they actually believe her. Empty threats are what cause kids to rebel
She is my hero.
It doesn't matter what caused it. She's the adult and as such responsible for not treating children like that. It's no excuse and never excusable. She could have asserted control in a more peaceful way that doesn't cause trauma. Kids have enough to deal with these days
Listen, I get it. I've worked as a teacher in some very rough situations and there have been many many times I wanted to lash out but couldn't since it would not be appropriate. Students nowadays have no respect for authority and it's really no surprise she snapped.
Don't worry about these kids. America is on the verge of being humbled. Not long now
Absolutely no home training. I don't blame the bus driver, blame the parents.
How was her driving record? Probably as terrible to other drivers like she was to those kids.
Being a bus driver for a public school system in the United States is one of the toughest jobs on the planet. The kids are different these days and present a load of challenges. I feel bad for the lady personally.
God bless her for going full Buddy Rich on these entitled little jerks.
It took her that long to go off? She has the patience of Jobe, She needed that release. Good for her. Kids can be the worst people on the planet.
The best way to discipline these disruptive students is to suspend them from riding the bus for one week, And durning that week the parents need to bring them to school each morning and sign them into school and at the end of the day, The parents need to pick them back up and sign them out of school, The reason for signing the students in and out of school, Is to make sure both the students and parents realize how disruptive their children are acting and endangering the welfare of the other students on the bus, I guarantee the parents will be tired of their children’s BS, and how it disrupts the parents having to be disciplined also !
OMG I love this woman for bringing back so many suppressed memories of my youth ,… as a 60 year old man this is how we were spoken to as children by our elders,.. I guess you’d say… back in the pre participant trophy days ,…. and I might ad ,.. adults were treated with a lot more respect back then ,… and there was a heck of a lot less violence
Respect is not something that's demanded, but rather earned. Screaming like a lunatic and threatening them with physical violence doesn't earn respect. Glad she resigned.
@@pacnwguy9056 that’s why I said “ treated” them with respect instead of they were “ given “ respect
As a school bus driver, I feel her pain.... kids are evil
Isn't it so nice dealing with all the forgotten kids nowadays...the parents now days (almost all of them) need to learn what parenting is, and that you need to "interact and teach" with said children they decided to have. Sad.
Probably the best opinion I’ve heard so far, so right on point.
She should have them all kicked of the bus for remainder of the year.The ones involved. Let their parents cart them to school.
There’s no way I could do this job or be a teacher.
My father was a bus driver when I was in school. I have heard this rant before. People don't give bus drivers enough credit.
While she was wrong, I get it! Many of these kids are rotten nowadays and their parents defend their rotten behavior. This is why schools cannot keep bus drivers. Our school district has half the drivers not return after Christmas break. My grandsons bus has been late dropping him off after school time and time again because of unruly kids on his bus. It's ridiculous. I bet if the school stops offering transportation all these complaining parents will be complaining about that.
Why did you start off saying she was wrong? What made her wrong? These kids here and see everything online. But because she swore in person, she was wrong? None of it was wrong
Because she was wrong she acted worse than any kid on that bus. I 100% guarantee if any student on that bus threatened her with violence and screamed in her face, like that, they would not be in school anymore.
@@craigmack1715 don’t say shit you don’t know. this is my school. learn your facts straight before you start spreading false information 😹. the kids in that bus are good. i know the girl that was yelled at. she’s an extremely nice person.
@@glizzygobbler5250 glizzy, stop cutting and pasting!!!!
Blah blah blah. Yes she could have used a better choice of words but she had had enough. Oh yeah every parent says my child or this child is so sweet. I was never THAT naïve parent. Wake up.!!!
Ha!! That was great. If I was a kid, I would shut up or run off that bus. She means business