"God is trying to tell you something." - (The Color Purple)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 10 тис.

  • @Shawn89311
    @Shawn89311 8 років тому +2191

    Who else gets chills when she starts singing and the people could hear her inside the church

  • @carbino1055
    @carbino1055 5 років тому +4317

    "Speak Lord Speak to Me" tears come to my eyes everytime. Who here's in 2019? STILL HERE 12/2021!!STILL HERE 10/2022!!🤗

    • @chesterjackson8682
      @chesterjackson8682 5 років тому +85

      When this movie came out I was a freshman at Tuskegee.... it was Institute then. Nonetheless, l got married, had two daughters, had, a separation... so on and so forth. I never saw it coming, but me and my children separated and stopped communicating for several years. A minister told me that they would be back. Out of the blue.. my youngest invited to treat me to lunch and my oldest comes around. When l saw that scene with the father holding his daughter the tears flowed. I tried to be hard and stern as a man, but for a father who actually cares you're only fooling yourself when you try to dismiss things.

    • @Ladylace97
      @Ladylace97 5 років тому +11


    • @chordsofgratitude2073
      @chordsofgratitude2073 5 років тому +19

      She's the preacher's daughter 🤫🤫😇😇🙏🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗💖💖😘

    • @lakimafranco2284
      @lakimafranco2284 5 років тому +28

      God's trying to tell us something

    • @iontskipads4105
      @iontskipads4105 5 років тому +22

      Did the "lip quivering" cry 😢😭
      🎶speak to me🎶

  • @bawkhiss
    @bawkhiss 2 роки тому +595

    The way Shug said „see daddy, sinners have soul too“ just brings me to tears. She’ll always be a child of God no matter where life took her

    • @gregorybryant2734
      @gregorybryant2734 Рік тому +13

      Just makes me think what did Aretha Franklin, Gladys Knight and many other Black Women singers had to endure after there music moved from the Black Church to main street music. I Love the Black Church and the Grandson of a Reverend. My Granddad was very strict Black Air Force High up sergeant and old school. I miss him but in them Days they where really ugly towards New things becoming new. LOL SMH but true.

    • @kl.8992
      @kl.8992 Рік тому +3


    • @kingblack223
      @kingblack223 Рік тому +4

      Every time

    • @ajqueenie
      @ajqueenie 22 дні тому

      has always brought me to tears….finally acceptance

  • @sflager2323
    @sflager2323 2 роки тому +963


    • @robertatkinson7258
      @robertatkinson7258 2 роки тому +27

      Hey, you're in good company with "multitudes" who feel the same sentiments. We can relate, identify, and empathize with the strong emotions being conveyed by this superb and powerful performance.

    • @stevearmstrong1605
      @stevearmstrong1605 2 роки тому +21

      Yes I cry every time also

    • @stephanieclark7019
      @stephanieclark7019 2 роки тому +12

      The same for me!! Every time, all THE time!! She was singing as if it were her last day on Earth and she knew it.

    • @DarylDSmith
      @DarylDSmith 2 роки тому +8

      I'm a 45 year old man, and I'm crying now like Im at a loved ones funeral, there is so much power in the message. God bless you!

    • @Mysasser1
      @Mysasser1 2 роки тому +8

      I'm 43 and it wrecks me too!

  • @kholeemarie7530
    @kholeemarie7530 6 років тому +2403

    Most underrated scene in the history of black cinema I love this black women with strength and dignity and courage

    • @benjamintielking5893
      @benjamintielking5893 6 років тому +25

      Gonna be honest with God...gonna speak the truth...gonna rise UP with Holy Boldness & declare that if God brings my chosen lady into my life between now & Christmas 2018...then Heaven & Earth as my Eternal Witnesses...I shall be a happily married gentleman before Christmas 2019!!! Yea and Amen!!! P.S.~ God knows I've held on through ALL the "No's"...NOW it's time for my "Yeses"!!! {{smiling through my tears}}

    • @furiousstyles81
      @furiousstyles81 5 років тому +14

      I agree! Hold hardly!✌🏽🙏🏾🙏🏾

    • @ladennayoung2939
      @ladennayoung2939 5 років тому +11

      @@benjamintielking5893 I pray God hear and answers that peayer for you in Jesus name. God bless. He will give us the desire of our heart.

    • @g-max2810
      @g-max2810 5 років тому +2

      Kholee Marie 🤣 why you say it’s underrated?? When we see all of what it is. 🤷🏾‍♀️

    • @selenal.9802
      @selenal.9802 5 років тому +26

      Underrated because the person that played Shug Avery’s character should have gotten recognition. I’m 40 and I’ve been singing this song in my mind for weeks, just listening today and seeing how the character didn’t care anymore and went to her father with that song to let him know God was telling Him something. That blew my mind and I couldn’t help but cry. We are ALL HUMAN BEINGS WE WILL NOT ALWAYS MAKE THE RIGHT DECISIONS BUT CAN BE FORGIVEN. AND BE YOURSELF DONT BE WHAT SOMEONE ELSE WANTS YOU TO BE. Especially if you are a nice person, that will help drive depression and anxiety out!

  • @kellyleathers8806
    @kellyleathers8806 5 років тому +1356

    All she ever wanted was her daddy’s love and approval...damn I’m 55 and I’m tearing up like a big fat baby....maybe just maybe god is trying to tell me something too....

    • @kericarter1305
      @kericarter1305 4 роки тому +15

      Heyyyy... Thats deep.. Nuff said...

    • @jessepaea7683
      @jessepaea7683 4 роки тому +8

      He always has something for you 💖

    • @deeking7889
      @deeking7889 4 роки тому +3

      Kelly Leathers Thats all.

    • @deeking7889
      @deeking7889 4 роки тому +13

      Kelly Leathers This part always make me tear up and now that my dad is gone..oh

    • @JayBtv1984
      @JayBtv1984 4 роки тому +9

      35 and did the same...he definitely is telling us something

  • @SGCullers
    @SGCullers 5 років тому +3182

    Who's here in 2020🙏 "God's trynna tell you something

    • @timeshaevans1157
      @timeshaevans1157 4 роки тому +20


    • @mariag1470
      @mariag1470 4 роки тому +14


    • @pastelledducks5830
      @pastelledducks5830 4 роки тому +8


    • @k.g.r.5970
      @k.g.r.5970 4 роки тому +9


    • @brandifulgham5484
      @brandifulgham5484 4 роки тому +17

      I'm up in here at 2020 HUNNI...with tears in my eyes!! This part right here...this part right here nicca....if it don't bring you to your knees...then idk what to tell you...BUT MAYBE GOD IS TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!!🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

  • @XMaryGardner
    @XMaryGardner 4 місяці тому +513

    Anybody else listening to this in 2024!

    • @SarahDaClara
      @SarahDaClara 2 місяці тому +7

      YAASSSSS ❤

    • @seamterrell3871
      @seamterrell3871 2 місяці тому +7

      Most certainly

    • @qur4334
      @qur4334 2 місяці тому +8

      I ❤ The Color Purple

    • @gangstergranny63
      @gangstergranny63 2 місяці тому +5


    • @taneshabeverly6516
      @taneshabeverly6516 Місяць тому +7

      Me this is my family and I favorite movies and were not on good terms now but God lead me here I wasn't even looking for this song. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @The-r2y
    @The-r2y 6 років тому +1225

    When His spirit calls you, if you have a connection to him as his child..you NEVER forgot his voice!!!

  • @nolasalazarbarnes7895
    @nolasalazarbarnes7895 4 роки тому +979

    Ugly cry 😭 That scene always gets me. I love when Shug says, “See Daddy sinners have soul too”, then he hugs her and she finally has that love from her father she wanted so badly. Then Albert finally does right by Celie, the whole scene is beautiful glimpse at redemption and forgiveness.

  • @KM-vm5gp
    @KM-vm5gp 4 роки тому +1097

    Is it just me or do anyone else cry during this scene 🙏🏾

    • @AZ-nr1id
      @AZ-nr1id 3 роки тому +26

      Yes. A sinner has found her way back to God, it’s beautiful. He is waiting with open arms.

    • @omegadaniel2896
      @omegadaniel2896 3 роки тому +14

      @@AZ-nr1id ugly cry! 😂

    • @AZ-nr1id
      @AZ-nr1id 3 роки тому +8

      @@omegadaniel2896 yes!! ❤️

    • @albirondyL1814
      @albirondyL1814 3 роки тому +29

      I’m not even religious and I choke up. It doesn’t matter who you are, gospel can bring anyone together.

    • @richwixom8606
      @richwixom8606 3 роки тому +17


  • @amygravelle5820
    @amygravelle5820 2 роки тому +484

    Speilberg was robbed by the Academy in 1985. This is one of the most beautifully made films ever. This scene is pure perfection. Alice Walker's amazing work brilliantly brought to life.

  • @itsmorganalysse
    @itsmorganalysse 7 років тому +580

    "See daddy?"" sinner's have a soul too....My heart melts...gets me every time

  • @godsprincess2330
    @godsprincess2330 3 роки тому +942

    Now that's the power of the Holy Ghost. She was singing her song, then overheard her favorite gospel song. Afterwards it lead her to the church. That goes to show you that no matter what you're doing at any given time, God will bring you in. By any means. This scene is powerful.

  • @CreoleLadyBug
    @CreoleLadyBug 6 років тому +3021

    The Academy cheated them. Best picture that year.

    • @Ladylace97
      @Ladylace97 5 років тому +82

      For sure they all got cheated but Whoopi is an EGOT Oprah is Oprah & everyone else pretty much became superstars so they did alright even though the academy didn't acknowledge this film like it should have

    • @MrFlyboy1313
      @MrFlyboy1313 5 років тому +19

      1985 was a huge year for great films and they got wiped out by Out Of Africa. Kiss of the Spiderwoman, Cocoon, and Pritzi’s Honor were also splitting the vote to prevent a Win for Color Purple. The Trip to Bountiful was my personal sentimental favorite that year.

    • @wakeuppeople5815
      @wakeuppeople5815 5 років тому +32

      When they didn’t win do you know I NEVER watched again

    • @kristelquartz6085
      @kristelquartz6085 5 років тому +7


    • @NavyAssassinOnBLAST
      @NavyAssassinOnBLAST 5 років тому +15

      Agreed. I remember. Out of Africa got it. And Spielberg didn't get nominated.

  • @Love_Blanche
    @Love_Blanche 2 роки тому +391

    I get chills when she belts out the first "Speak to me..."

    • @ignaciobolbaran6323
      @ignaciobolbaran6323 2 роки тому +11

      Beautiful and Anointing Song!!! I cry or I jump. Speak to Me, Lord. I Love Gospel and Black Churches. Are the Best. I' m White but I love Black People. God knows why they are here. We are One colour but we have The Same God who created us and His Son The King of Kings, Jesús who died for us in Calvary and He'll come back soon

    • @bkjackson7059
      @bkjackson7059 2 роки тому +8

      2022 and this scene still makes me tear up

    • @michellebultema261
      @michellebultema261 2 роки тому +1


    • @pairrynwatson4229
      @pairrynwatson4229 2 роки тому +2

      @@ignaciobolbaran6323 🤗 Amen🙏🏽Sister, In The Name Christ Jesus🎚❤💜

    • @cherichocolate
      @cherichocolate 2 роки тому


  • @ThokoXaba
    @ThokoXaba 8 років тому +2547

    One of the greatest most powerful and spiritual scenes in cinematic history.

    • @BMILLER0727M
      @BMILLER0727M 8 років тому +20

      Amen. Brings tears to my eyes because that was me. Try looking at the scene from the Five Heartbeats, I Feel Like Going On. It is just as inspiring.

    • @alwaysvictorioushighlyfavo6065
      @alwaysvictorioushighlyfavo6065 8 років тому +16

      It sure IS!!!!!!!

    • @teresab208
      @teresab208 8 років тому +5

      family situation ...

    • @BMILLER0727M
      @BMILLER0727M 8 років тому +3

      Teresa B ? Please clarify. Family situation?

    • @ambermosley6520
      @ambermosley6520 7 років тому +3

      Teresa B i so agree

  • @tootiejohnson9252
    @tootiejohnson9252 5 років тому +1362

    Who still watches this in 2019??? This always gives me goosebumps to hear her sing God is Trying To Tell You Something.

    • @BFTBBoxing
      @BFTBBoxing 5 років тому +3


    • @donnawakefield4937
      @donnawakefield4937 5 років тому +4

      I have it on dvd and watch it every chance I get I even watch it on my iPad straight after watching dvd 📀 just for this song.

    • @taemason4134
      @taemason4134 5 років тому +6

      This is me and my little sister movie we love it

    • @notanother_me
      @notanother_me 5 років тому +1

      Tootie Johnson 🙋🏾‍♀️

    • @angiethebrunette-d5x
      @angiethebrunette-d5x 5 років тому +6

      I had no idea that wasn’t her voice. The singers name is Tata Vega. Beautiful voice

  • @luzorellana6638
    @luzorellana6638 4 роки тому +1107

    This quote always gets to me, “ see daddy sinners have souls too”

    • @marcusthompson168
      @marcusthompson168 4 роки тому +27

      Just be mindful of where that “Soul” ends up because of sin. Judgement day comes for all of us.

    • @desa415
      @desa415 4 роки тому +35

      @@marcusthompson168 Yes, but the point of this scene is that she is asking for her father's love anyway.

    • @armywife2248
      @armywife2248 3 роки тому +7

      I always thought she said "sinners have song too". Lol!

    • @hebrewqueen9280
      @hebrewqueen9280 3 роки тому

      Me too

    • @mjbizz6587
      @mjbizz6587 3 роки тому +30

      Love when ole Girl in the choir realized she had to let that song go!! Lol...

  • @LightandLove73
    @LightandLove73 3 роки тому +307

    I've been shut down completely withdrawn into myself for a solid year, and yesterday I finally heard Him. Speak to me, Lord! Amen 🙏

    • @Readthefineprint221
      @Readthefineprint221 2 роки тому +4

      Amen! Congratulations momma!!!

    • @memphissmithhickoryhill
      @memphissmithhickoryhill 2 роки тому +2

      God bless you.

    • @4SeaSonS1435
      @4SeaSonS1435 2 роки тому +3

      Amen! Continue speaking Lord! 🙌🏽🙏🏽🙌🏽

    • @carlosholcombe
      @carlosholcombe 2 роки тому +2

      I hope all is well again for you! God is always speaking and sometimes we may not be ready to hear what He’s trying to tell us. Sometimes we just have to sit still for a moment or listen to the wind blowing. Sometimes we can be going through something or have questions about something and at some point you may see a commercial or newspaper article where the text is what you needed to see. I love it when I can walk down the street and hear part of a conversation from some random people, and that part of the conversation is exactly what I needed to hear. I stop and smile up to the sky and say, I hear you! God is always speaking to us in ways He knows we will better hear him or receive the message intended for us!

    • @kelvendyson1508
      @kelvendyson1508 2 роки тому


  • @Sil_P
    @Sil_P 8 років тому +2550

    This will forever be one of the greatest movies (and scene) ever made.

    • @cnadyapple5343
      @cnadyapple5343 8 років тому +12

      yes it will the struggle was real wasn't it

    • @krlm2280
      @krlm2280 8 років тому +9

      I would put Eddie kane scene "i feel like going on" from the five heartbeats above it

    • @lioneaglegriffin
      @lioneaglegriffin 8 років тому +13

      "father can you hear me" is probably the closest i've seen in a move.

    • @ericabolden2307
      @ericabolden2307 8 років тому +5

      +krlm2280 yesssss that's a favorite

    • @adamlopez2073
      @adamlopez2073 8 років тому +5

      I agree. this and the scene with Cicely Tyson in The Women of Brewster Place in that scene with her and her daughter, always blows me away.

  • @1caramelbaby
    @1caramelbaby 5 років тому +688

    I don't care how far you run that calling is undeniable. 🌱🌻When he has humbled you. #StillGrowing

    • @francedmchaye4109
      @francedmchaye4109 5 років тому +2

      So true.

    • @Kaiaintcappin
      @Kaiaintcappin 5 років тому +2


    • @MC-wb8pv
      @MC-wb8pv 5 років тому +1


    • @mecafuller7861
      @mecafuller7861 5 років тому +12

      Ive ran so far from home yet my father keeps calling me and calling me to come home. Each time ive sinned hes called me home when i lose my faith he calls me home 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯

    • @tianagadsden4843
      @tianagadsden4843 5 років тому +3

      @@mecafuller7861 go home, thr Holy Spirit may be prompting your Father to call you. Go.

  • @robintraylen7331
    @robintraylen7331 6 років тому +444

    This film was robbed of the Oscar. The best most beautiful film ever.

    • @geniasmith5791
      @geniasmith5791 5 років тому +5

      The best movies usually are especially black ones imo

    • @presbyteriangirl9739
      @presbyteriangirl9739 5 років тому +2

      I agree. I love this movie. It's so good

    • @moezzdiorfly
      @moezzdiorfly 5 років тому +5

      Like Drake said you don't need an award to have recognition real art still being recognized today when you see Whoopi Goldberg you know her for who she is when you see Danny Glover you remembered his art and what he carried

    • @cliffperrino3015
      @cliffperrino3015 5 років тому +3

      From a white man , one of the most beautiful movies I have ever seen, when she meets her kids I just cried!

  • @lisagilliam7884
    @lisagilliam7884 2 роки тому +16

    When the music stopped and Shug broke out the "Speak Lord, speak to me", I felt that in my bones!!!. I long for God to speak to me. And by these comments, i'm not the only one. Bless us Lord with your voice and lets us adhere to it.

  • @treyalston3414
    @treyalston3414 9 років тому +425

    This song makes me cry and on the brink of crying. I have failed God so many times and sinned and yet He still loves me no matter what. Even the times when I wanted to give up on myself and life, He kept telling me in my spirit don't give up. I wanted to die but He still never gave up on me. Why should I give up on Him by giving up? The battle is not mine because I am not strong enough to fight it. It is God's. I love you all and I want to say that we are truly living in our last days. Let's just please give our life over to Jesus before it is too late.

    • @iveywebb
      @iveywebb 9 років тому +6

      +Trey Alston100 this post will bless others

    • @treyalston3414
      @treyalston3414 9 років тому +6

      +iveywebb thank you, to God be the glory

    • @kalemeiajones
      @kalemeiajones 9 років тому +10

      May God Continue to bless you......

    • @treyalston3414
      @treyalston3414 9 років тому +1

      Kalemeia Jones Thank you, you too

    • @vdrspandah2414
      @vdrspandah2414 9 років тому +4

      Amen brotha

  • @JvNelsonn
    @JvNelsonn 7 років тому +349

    her reaction to him hugging her was so authentic. I always cry.

    • @757JQuan
      @757JQuan 6 років тому


    • @terrili964
      @terrili964 6 років тому


    • @CiaoBellaize
      @CiaoBellaize 6 років тому +2

      Everytime. It never gets old.

    • @paularawrs
      @paularawrs 5 років тому +7

      I felt that so hard cause my dad and I don’t have a strong relationship. Him accepting her put such relief in her eyes, like she was home again.

    • @sabineworn8696
      @sabineworn8696 5 років тому +4

      That and when Miss Celie meets her kids at the end! THAT makes me cry every time as well!

  • @stridergal
    @stridergal 10 років тому +314

    ever since she came back to that little town she had been trying to get her daddy to see her, acknowledge her, daddy couldn't forgive her for what life she had led. When the choir started singing that song he was trying to send her a message through God, but it was God who sent a message to him to learn to forgive her for her past and see her really see her.

    • @Kafuinga
      @Kafuinga 10 років тому +6

      yes dammit YEASSSS YAAAAASSS DAt shit is si powerful

    • @inaj27
      @inaj27 10 років тому +10

      PREACH IT!

    • @MNGYM26
      @MNGYM26 10 років тому +7

      I wish I could like that statement a thousand times!

    • @markemond731
      @markemond731 9 років тому +3

      Yes!!! Amen

    • @PhillyChic215_
      @PhillyChic215_ 9 років тому +2

      stridergal AMEN!

  • @Zuwante1996
    @Zuwante1996 2 роки тому +55

    I was 9 years old when this movie came out in 1985. When Shug burst through those doors singing I got chills and I still get them now!!!!

    • @annescholten9313
      @annescholten9313 2 роки тому +2


    • @torialynch2609
      @torialynch2609 2 роки тому +2

      Me toooo Definitely one of My Favorites 76 was a Great Year

    • @Zuwante1996
      @Zuwante1996 2 роки тому +2

      @@torialynch2609 Yes 1976 was an awesome year!!

    • @mireillen5682
      @mireillen5682 2 місяці тому

      Oscar performance 😊😅

  • @denise4071
    @denise4071 4 роки тому +2259

    With this pandemic going on...God Is Trying To Tell Us Something...Chills Everytime I hear this song

    • @msglorious2real
      @msglorious2real 4 роки тому +32


    • @danawilliams1779
      @danawilliams1779 4 роки тому +49

      I cry everytime I watch this scene.

    • @kevinmansell8746
      @kevinmansell8746 4 роки тому +29

      yes he is Tina the politics of Satan is working very hard to rip apart human society of what it really means to Help EVERYONE in need

    • @moblack5883
      @moblack5883 4 роки тому +11

      Sure is funny how these preachers sure are quiet and the ones who said the blood will protect them all dying from Covid 19

      @DEADGAME4MINE 4 роки тому +19

      I swear! Makes me cry like a baby! 🥺🙌

  • @jorijames7545
    @jorijames7545 6 років тому +408

    Today our world lacks in the believing in our God. 💔

    • @benjamintielking5893
      @benjamintielking5893 6 років тому +8

      May God give us ONE MORE chance to LIVE by faith...LOVE....with our whole heart & CHERISH each other....with Holy Boldness!!! Amen Jesus...Amen

    • @Algerian.ARAB_48
      @Algerian.ARAB_48 6 років тому +3

      the world specially occidentale now worship satan an money

    • @june3420
      @june3420 6 років тому +7

      I like this song. Not a Christian. I believe some Christians are bigots because of what they put me through.

    • @sp4cegrl27
      @sp4cegrl27 5 років тому +1

      lawrencio de la rosa i’m with you, i am an atheist, but i love to see true people like this love their god. it’s refreshing.

    • @RR-rd3fy
      @RR-rd3fy 5 років тому +2

      People better wake up he’s coming soon..😇🙏🏾 please believe people if you feel something when you watch this and you don’t believe you better listen because god is trying to tell you something

  • @mattymolina
    @mattymolina 4 роки тому +374

    The revelation is to me is that the Lord was really speaking to the church. The "sinners" knew they could go to the church but the church needed to learn to accept them. That was the message!

      @MOCOMAKEUP 3 роки тому +16

      Absolutely. We, the Church, need to be more soft hearted to folks that really are out here lost. Doesn't mean we accept and go along with, or endorse, their sin but we can be a place of love and encouragement and still love them

    • @rebeccaabel4589
      @rebeccaabel4589 3 роки тому +2

      Its Forgiveness and returning to God. Her father shunned her for leaving the church and living a sinful life .

    • @mikho04
      @mikho04 3 роки тому +2

      Now that is indeed a revelation. I agree.

    • @aneshow2903
      @aneshow2903 3 роки тому +2

      I love this response that is so true

  • @TracyRay-mh2vb
    @TracyRay-mh2vb 2 місяці тому +12

    Anytime a gospel song hit your heart you know it's time to make that change. Our God is good

  • @ms.queengrusheiaedmondson5157
    @ms.queengrusheiaedmondson5157 3 роки тому +900

    It's 2021: I absolutely CAN NOT hear nor sing this song without 😭crying😭 everytime. By the time I make it to the last "maaaaaaybe" I'm in FULL tears & can't stop them from rolling. For every child that simply wanted to be loved by their mother or father & couldn't receive that...we feel this to our core & soul. God neva fails...He loves us always😌

    • @kedrickseveran5776
      @kedrickseveran5776 3 роки тому +6


    • @ladytee3584
      @ladytee3584 3 роки тому +2

      Me neither

    • @AB-fw6qp
      @AB-fw6qp 3 роки тому +10

      Yup, I've been searching for my dad ever since I was a child, only to find out he met God along time ago. This kind of good music somehow brings him to me

    • @r5ndom551
      @r5ndom551 3 роки тому +15

      See daddy sinners have soul too- I'm fn GONE 😭😭😭

    • @heavystarch100
      @heavystarch100 3 роки тому +1


  • @queenheart6134
    @queenheart6134 8 років тому +2152

    See daddy sinner's have a soul too.

    • @peptalkforreallife4176
      @peptalkforreallife4176 8 років тому +11

      I will my daddy one day

    • @raulkonica7005
      @raulkonica7005 8 років тому +17

      theKarenaShow From Judah to Pastor!! Great actor!

    • @MsCashybaby23
      @MsCashybaby23 7 років тому +15

      Queen Heart i knew it.... you know how many arguments my family had over this line instead of soul my cousins would say song

    • @SLexy9682
      @SLexy9682 7 років тому +2

      Queen Heart Powerful

    • @TheKree4life
      @TheKree4life 7 років тому +3

      Casimere Totimeh my mother says that too! I always said soul.

  • @cwashington3903
    @cwashington3903 4 роки тому +272

    Who’s here in 2021 🙌🏽 God trying to tell you something AMEN !!

  • @angelanetherton8240
    @angelanetherton8240 2 роки тому +29

    This woman can sing!! Honestly just saying that isn’t good enough! My fav singing in any movie! I just cry minute she starts. Honey she makes me feel it through the screen!! This movie should had won every award made! Every actor was superb!! Woooo Lord have mercy !!

  • @Victoria_lynn8366
    @Victoria_lynn8366 4 роки тому +581

    This song makes me cry every time I see this scene, if you don't feel it, you don't have a heart periodt. Still one of my all time favorite classic movie

    • @andreblackburn7819
      @andreblackburn7819 4 роки тому +2


    • @makingsense7684
      @makingsense7684 3 роки тому +1


    • @pixieman1603
      @pixieman1603 3 роки тому +4

      Im crying now.

    • @ausencia63
      @ausencia63 3 роки тому +2

      Makes me weep every time 😢

    • @Victoria_lynn8366
      @Victoria_lynn8366 3 роки тому +2

      This song use to get my mom too, her dad was a preacher, so yeah it definitely hit home with her too. And when I see her cry I would cry harder😥 This will always be my #1 movie ever

  • @vyoung31
    @vyoung31 4 роки тому +879

    I’ve seen this movie fifty-leven times and I’m still in tears like seeing it for the first time.

    • @jayar7436
      @jayar7436 3 роки тому +23

      A whole fifty-leven! LMAO!

    • @thugmrs02
      @thugmrs02 3 роки тому +7

      *When I see 👀 the Silk, And her Grown Children 😭 I cry "Elven- Hundreds" time's too!* 😂

    • @tangelajones8029
      @tangelajones8029 3 роки тому +8

      Every time!

    • @deimarion824
      @deimarion824 3 роки тому +4

      Every single time..

    • @princeprince9227
      @princeprince9227 3 роки тому +5

      Can't front my eyes get watery too lmfaooo

  • @earljamesiii4364
    @earljamesiii4364 4 роки тому +306

    "I was SO BLIND, I was SO LOST, until you spoke to me"...

    • @rhonnig4700
      @rhonnig4700 4 роки тому +4

      I truly was I promise you I even walk and talk different

    • @Godisgreat-777
      @Godisgreat-777 3 роки тому +2

      Your comment made me 😭 because it’s so true. Thank you for saying exactly what you said. ❤️

    • @larrymcnutt1866
      @larrymcnutt1866 3 роки тому +1


  • @henryevans2935
    @henryevans2935 3 роки тому +413

    Black gospel music has some kind of special soul that just fills the heart and brings you closer to God it's like he is talking to you

    • @AB-fw6qp
      @AB-fw6qp 3 роки тому +11

      Music is my therapy, lifts my mood and is good company

    • @biancataylor9092
      @biancataylor9092 3 роки тому +9

      Black people sings the song with their soul and nothing their mouth or tongue just to get the words out. They put a message with it.

    • @jillw.2524
      @jillw.2524 3 роки тому +3

      100% right.

    • @amortranquilo661
      @amortranquilo661 3 роки тому +2

      @@biancataylor9092 The message, Deep like wata, LIIIVE like Fiya!! Vessel of Holiness!! Every. One.

    • @walterbrown2425
      @walterbrown2425 3 роки тому +10

      We are loosing this the more we integrate

  • @SheilaRamseySoprano
    @SheilaRamseySoprano 5 років тому +297

    After all these years, this part still gets me all choked up ... 😔

  • @aleqrobinson2876
    @aleqrobinson2876 5 років тому +327

    I don't think any movie scene can beat this one right here. Years later and it still touches me

  • @laurav5067
    @laurav5067 2 роки тому +42

    One of my favorite movies EVER!!!! such a powerful scene. Praise you Lord!

  • @stevenreichertart
    @stevenreichertart 5 років тому +398

    A powerful scene from the best movie of all time. The Color Purple was not awarded even one Oscar, and for that, I will never watch the Academy Awards again.

    • @djones148
      @djones148 5 років тому +7

      Me neither.

    • @suchafknladyyy
      @suchafknladyyy 4 роки тому +1


    • @neicylove769
      @neicylove769 4 роки тому +6

      It jad alot to do with the NAACP protesting the movie.When Whoppi Goldberg received the award from them she told them they almost cost them careers. Due to them not wanting to admit that in black families there is incest and abuse.

    • @gwilson8557
      @gwilson8557 4 роки тому +1

      damn. that's passion.

    • @janepoultney5207
      @janepoultney5207 4 роки тому +1

      Spielberg was also criticized, both for being a white director and for cutting out stuff from the book like the lesbian scenes. The Awards are all about politics.

  • @LadySwag502
    @LadySwag502 9 років тому +2441

    Black people are born with *soooo* much soul!!

    • @itsmampeeandmama
      @itsmampeeandmama 9 років тому +46

      yes we are!

    • @trintrinn7575
      @trintrinn7575 9 років тому +29

      yes. yes we are

    • @duckschyuler5068
      @duckschyuler5068 9 років тому +8

      +LadySoul502 Are you a racist? White people can sing just as good as black people

    • @PrincipalScratcher1
      @PrincipalScratcher1 9 років тому +120

      +Duck Schyuler When did she say ANYTHING about white people or whether or not they could sing?

    • @itsmampeeandmama
      @itsmampeeandmama 9 років тому +98

      +Duck Schyuler no racism here but we are commenting on a post where there are black actors and black singers. Get out of your feelings and put your race card back in your pockets. Ain't da Oscars or some shit on??? Damn!


    I can watch this scene a million times and feel it just like the first time I hear it. 😍 Sing Shug Avery!

  • @carbino1055
    @carbino1055 6 місяців тому +6

    I always find myself coming back here. I swear I always feel so much better after watching & singing right along. Always end in tears of joy. My dad passed in 94 & I still talk to him. Him & the Good Lord has gotten me thru so much. I love it😅

  • @nalii74
    @nalii74 7 років тому +528

    omg Shug was like a hundred yards away from the church and the girl singing could hear her all the way from there. I'm a grown man and this scene still makes me cry....unbelievable!

    • @maryannthomas2579
      @maryannthomas2579 6 років тому +2

      nalii74 I'm going to praise ur name

    • @PhDBajan
      @PhDBajan 6 років тому +9

      ...AND changed the tempo.
      SANG SHUG🙏🙏

    • @blakehoward4114
      @blakehoward4114 6 років тому +7

      An she was far away to an the girl heard her singing louder then her she stop

    • @sylviavelasco7625
      @sylviavelasco7625 6 років тому +8

      I cry on this part

    • @reinaldofuentes2054
      @reinaldofuentes2054 6 років тому +12

      I think the symbolism underlying that scene is that God was lending her his voice; He wanted this relationship fixed so he gave Shug the courage - and the voice - to reach her father. I mean, the song is "God is Tryin'a Tell You Something. :)

  • @richardcampbell4117
    @richardcampbell4117 8 років тому +482

    How every Actor, Actress, Director, Producer, Book Keeper, Trombone Player, Horse, Insect and Wooden Fence didn't win an oscar in this movie is FUCKING beyond me! This is truly one of the greats.

    • @mamabear704
      @mamabear704 8 років тому +4

      I agree

    • @anoukcarswell6611
      @anoukcarswell6611 8 років тому +28

      You know why

    • @whatreallymatters571
      @whatreallymatters571 8 років тому +17

      Lol it's an injustice but not a mystery

    • @MsBoucheBag
      @MsBoucheBag 8 років тому +9

      Say that 2 times! It's the middle of the night in Cali right now and I've been drinking. I played the song and it brought me to tears just like it has when I was out with my gay friend who blasted it like a rap song in the 90's and this morning when I explained to my husband what it all meant. I waited for the tears because I would expect nothing less. This is a tragic story of heartache turned to triumph/joyousness. Everyone came to see her as she truly was and that's how we came to understand her to be. This scene is so moving...so touching...so emotional that, if you told me you didn't feel it I would question if you even watched the same scene. It is definitely one of the scenes that solidified this movie's home in the land of classic movies that will always evoke a specific feeling. It's up there with Imitation of Life but not yet. If you don't cry when you watch it you're not a human. This is the SHI+!

    • @richardcampbell4117
      @richardcampbell4117 8 років тому +7

      It's 9pm here in the UK, and this song always brings me to tears whether I've been drinking or not. (I have but that's not the point). This film moves me so much and especially this scene where estranged relatives can find their way back to one another. I live for this scene. Maybe God IS trying to tell me something.

  • @Margie75
    @Margie75 7 років тому +505

    This film should have swept the Oscars just for this scene alone❤

    • @velboone6041
      @velboone6041 6 років тому +5

      I so agree.

    • @LyndaLand
      @LyndaLand 6 років тому +12

      Yup. One of the most powerful moments in a movie by far, on so many levels, ad in so many ways.

    • @LadyPhanthom1
      @LadyPhanthom1 6 років тому


    • @imari2305
      @imari2305 6 років тому +10

      Color Purple was jilted at the Oscars.

    • @tammyquest1253
      @tammyquest1253 6 років тому +1

      Marjorie Dieudonne no seriously!! I will always remember this more than a movie!

  • @mariadonham6554
    @mariadonham6554 4 місяці тому +4

    I am 54 years old now and every time I see this small clip in one of the best movies there ever was made.
    The feelings I receive can only be described as follows:
    My heart begins to beat so hard that I can feel it coming outside of my chest as well as my eyes are filled with tears that have not yet fallen onto my cheeks.
    But when she bursts through those doors to the church and is singing that old gospel song and stops in the middle of the church she does what only a child does when they have missed the love of a parent she grabs a hold of her daddy and hugs him so tightly and he holds her the same way and accepts her once again as his beautiful daughter!
    Then is when my heart bursts and tears run down my face like a river!
    All I can feel is LOVE. Pure unconditional LOVE!
    The LOVE that is described in the Bible when a child of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior returns back to their heavenly Father when they have strayed for a moment in time.
    I wish they would make movies of the magnitude in today's time. We need these types of movies.
    Now this scene has become personal to me. The scene has a little bit of sadness and a longing that a child feels when their parents have passed away and is home.
    Because of my father's passing I know I cannot have or feel that type of embrace ever again at least not in my lifetime here on Earth.
    Rest asure that when that glorious day comes when I go to my heavenly home I will run to my daddy as he would call me his baby girl and hug him so tightly as well as with my mommy my beautiful angel.
    I will hug Jesus more tightly if it's possible!
    To feel those 3 types of Love that they can only give will be a glorious day.
    But for now I will continue to watch this movie scene over and over and experience the same feelings once again which can best be described as Joy!

  • @NubianP6
    @NubianP6 6 років тому +426

    And it’s certainly no coincidence that her estranged father was preaching about the “Prodigal Son”. One of the best scenes from any movie, anywhere, at any time! 💜💜💜

    • @AEE60
      @AEE60 6 років тому +17

      NubianP6 I never noticed that's what he was preaching ❤

    • @NubianP6
      @NubianP6 6 років тому +11

      Maybelline Mable I didn’t either at first. I’d probably seen the movie a couple of times before I caught it. 🙂

    • @benjamintielking5893
      @benjamintielking5893 6 років тому +13

      I will BLESS the LORD all the days of my life!!! May He grant unto me a Holy Ghost filled woman to love & cherish, in Jesus Christ's name, amen.

    • @Millansmommytobe
      @Millansmommytobe 6 років тому +3

      I love that!!!

    • @NubianP6
      @NubianP6 6 років тому +1

      Benjamin Tielking *AMEN!*

  • @chaplaintaylor2327
    @chaplaintaylor2327 8 років тому +552

    This a classic scene in the Color Purple movie and Steven Spielberg should have won a grammy for it...

    • @MsBoucheBag
      @MsBoucheBag 8 років тому +25

      He surely should have. They blacklisted him for so long for this and when he finally got something it wasn't anything.....but magic. Thank you for telling a Black story even though at the end it wound up telling your own story and the story of many of my people who couldn't put a voice to their story and it be seen by the masses.

    • @alexandragolightly410
      @alexandragolightly410 8 років тому +5

      How was there no Grammy ?!!!?!??

    • @jounford7569
      @jounford7569 8 років тому

      Alexandra Golightly

    • @alexandragolightly410
      @alexandragolightly410 8 років тому +15

      By the way Grammys are for music , oscars are for movies

    • @Beetwate305
      @Beetwate305 8 років тому

      +Alexandra Golightly u r fine

  • @iam_karina9712
    @iam_karina9712 5 років тому +150

    I'm not African American but I LOVE this movie because it's pure truth!

    • @michekids
      @michekids 4 роки тому

      Me, too, and God has used it in multiple ways to speak to me

  • @vinnmann33
    @vinnmann33 2 роки тому +18

    Who doesn't cry when they hear this song...amazing

  • @dragonwinks
    @dragonwinks 5 років тому +665

    2020 this scene still makes me cry

    • @shalandawhite3497
      @shalandawhite3497 4 роки тому +8

      Yes LORD

    • @marionjohnson3201
      @marionjohnson3201 4 роки тому +12

      I love this, just love it! God is telling us all, wake up!!!

    • @marionjohnson3201
      @marionjohnson3201 4 роки тому +6

      It should have gotten best picture, lead actress lead actor best cinematography, it should have cleaned up! But it did in God's eyes, it did!!

    • @cassadydunn859
      @cassadydunn859 4 роки тому +3

      Every time for me to never get old

    • @delisiadidi1370
      @delisiadidi1370 4 роки тому +1

      Me too

  • @teresagibson4946
    @teresagibson4946 7 років тому +213

    She barely has to start sing that song and I'm in tears. Such a great film.

  • @vanessa-vu3uf
    @vanessa-vu3uf 8 років тому +688

    Forgiveness is very important.

  • @loveblue2
    @loveblue2 2 роки тому +64

    Such a beautiful movie; and this was such a powerful scene. I'm always struck by two things in this scene. First, the lyrics in the song where you can't sleep at night, start to wonder why; maybe God is trying to tell you something. Just immensely powerful words. Can't you just picture God trying to get a message to us, but we're too "busy" in our waking hours to listen. So, God is like, well, I'll have to use another way to get their attention. The middle of the night sounds about right.
    I'm also struck by the restoration of Shug's Avery's relationship with her father, then the camera zooms in on Celie, who is clearly longing for the children she lost so many years ago.
    What an amazing movie. 💕

    • @dmetcalf9318
      @dmetcalf9318 2 роки тому

      this is my go-to when my insomnia can't be tamed; I will sleep tonight!

  • @Ispeakthetruthify
    @Ispeakthetruthify 5 років тому +808

    What often gets lost in this scene is: Mister having a change of heart, and getting the money and sending for Celie's kids. All around great scene....

    • @cute_canadian_redhead6747
      @cute_canadian_redhead6747 5 років тому +25

      and Celie's beloved sister!

    • @chariesegrace3375
      @chariesegrace3375 5 років тому +4


    • @twyladale4383
      @twyladale4383 5 років тому +12

      The book is way better

    • @rosedemure5072
      @rosedemure5072 5 років тому +23

      Not at all... it all blended as one beautiful scene about two people finding their way. The part with Mister always stood out also.. to me

    • @faith2xxx
      @faith2xxx 5 років тому +29

      God spoke to him as well. He had to be humbled, and Celie mustering up the strength to leave him and his oppression did it.

  • @CaraneJ
    @CaraneJ 6 років тому +385

    Shuge Avery voice is so beautiful and soulful. Just beautiful.

    • @benjamintielking5893
      @benjamintielking5893 6 років тому +2

      Gonna be honest with God...gonna speak the truth UNASHAMEDLY...gonna rise UP with Holy Boldness & declare...I shall NOT be a "single" Man Of God come Christmas 22018,in Jesus' Honorable Name, amen.

    • @rickrazz7136
      @rickrazz7136 6 років тому +37

      Actually an awesome singer by the name Tata Vega is the singing voice is Suge in this movie. Still an Oscar worthy movie and performances.

    • @ZodiacThumpMusic
      @ZodiacThumpMusic 6 років тому +11

      You mean Tata Vega...but yeah, Shug LOLOL

    • @valenciashelton6229
      @valenciashelton6229 6 років тому +13

      That is TATA VEGA singing God is trying to tell you something! Saw her sing it in church in Pasadena

    • @Blaisefiyah
      @Blaisefiyah 5 років тому +8

      TaTa Vega!!!!! Love her voice

  • @richarddavis1731
    @richarddavis1731 7 років тому +445

    This is apart of our black history heritage

    • @kreyolfreedomnik1446
      @kreyolfreedomnik1446 6 років тому +9

      Each person of color has their own history, no one shares the same history.

    • @abnormpsych17
      @abnormpsych17 6 років тому +1

      Shut up

    • @sylviavelasco7625
      @sylviavelasco7625 6 років тому +8

      Yes n its so beautiful, Im mexican but sure appreciate your culture

    • @Dev-zd3rx
      @Dev-zd3rx 5 років тому +3

      @@joyastringertv3023 then what do "black people" stand for?

    • @IamAries52
      @IamAries52 5 років тому

      @@sylviavelasco7625 And I appreciate yours!!!

  • @PrettyBrwEyes88
    @PrettyBrwEyes88 2 роки тому +47

    God is sooooooooooooooo good!!! Crying in happiness 🙌🏽🙌🏽

    • @reginaldturner3570
      @reginaldturner3570 2 роки тому +2

      Me too I repent everytime I watch! I know I'm not living right! 😐😭😭😟

    • @PrettyBrwEyes88
      @PrettyBrwEyes88 2 роки тому +2

      @@reginaldturner3570 I'm not either, but I see our time is almost up and I really have to make some changes. I've always liked this scene and its really hitting home now...I'll pray for you and know that the Lord has your front and back! 🙌🏽💛

    • @reginaldturner3570
      @reginaldturner3570 2 роки тому +2

      @@PrettyBrwEyes88 thanks same to you!!

  • @TemptressMoon
    @TemptressMoon 6 років тому +513

    I've seen this movie over 30 times and every time it gets to this part I cry. It gives me shivers. I love it.

  • @sugarlove
    @sugarlove 9 років тому +3496

    one of the most perfect scenes ever to grace the silver screen! loooooooooooove this movie!

    • @bksonny
      @bksonny 9 років тому +14

      +sugar love ITA 100%

    • @stuckIN801
      @stuckIN801 9 років тому +9

      +sugar love but it's in color...

    • @salliejohnson3333
      @salliejohnson3333 8 років тому +3


    • @louiseg2205
      @louiseg2205 8 років тому +34

      I'm not religious but the feels I get from this film is too much. One of my favourite scenes from a movie!!

    • @ninapatterson1112
      @ninapatterson1112 8 років тому +4


  • @harleyquinn5774
    @harleyquinn5774 3 роки тому +368

    She still loves her father. Even though he disowned her for her "sins" she didn't stop loving him. "Sin" doesn't removes a child's love for their parent.

    • @jumacoates9044
      @jumacoates9044 3 роки тому +36

      Indeed. Likewise, he never stopped loving his daughter. Just buried it deep down due to pride and stubborness.

    • @MsRose00
      @MsRose00 3 роки тому +11

      Just like it shouldn’t remove a parent’s love for their child.

    • @trinasewell
      @trinasewell 3 роки тому +2

      Have mercy 🥺

    • @angelacooper8973
      @angelacooper8973 2 роки тому +2

      It sure don’t. Yes your kid may go down different paths but your love for them should never falter. Love the sinner but hate the sin. And we all sin no sin is greater than the other.

    • @martinpty8635
      @martinpty8635 2 роки тому +8

      Remember, he was the town's preacher, consequently, he had to set the example. Now, he was preaching about the prodigal son parable and suddenly, she rushed in the door just like the prodigal son; in other words, she was lost and now was found, exactly as he was saying, "remember children: it is possible for the Lord to drive you home and he can drive you home to truth" that is why he accepted her back. Wow, that sure was a powerful scene.

  • @akafelishous9193
    @akafelishous9193 2 роки тому +3

    This movie came out when I was 3 yrs old & it was my all time favorite movie as a child...this is my favorite part & can watch it a million times & feel the same reaction. Speak to me Lord🙌

  • @HisOnly17
    @HisOnly17 8 років тому +996

    This scene brings tears to my eyes every time. Shug is finally accepted by her father and Albert finally does the right thing and takes steps to reunite Celie with Nettie.

  • @Dubbc510
    @Dubbc510 3 роки тому +38

    When she heard her song.....The spirit of Christ hit her like a hammer....What a powerful scene....The Holy Spirit filled her and she was compelled to go to the house of the Lord.

  • @sheilad7324
    @sheilad7324 6 років тому +614

    I seen this movie 500 × and still cry in 2018😭😭😭

    • @msanw
      @msanw 5 років тому +6

      Sheila Dav me too

    • @vitaminK1121
      @vitaminK1121 5 років тому +8

      I weep...to this day (just finished matter of fact)

    • @soybeans8139
      @soybeans8139 5 років тому +5

      do therightthing me too . 2019

    • @jkbigdd
      @jkbigdd 5 років тому +4

      And 08/30/2019

    • @japola5
      @japola5 5 років тому +4

      @@vitaminK1121 Me too !

  • @HEReIAM829
    @HEReIAM829 2 роки тому +2

    This my fav part of this movie so I come here from time to time. But what brought me here tonight was I was looking at the comments of something totally different. And one said see, daddy. Sinners have soul too. So I'm here❤️😊🙌 glory to God 2/17/22@948pm

  • @philipmonolagi269
    @philipmonolagi269 5 років тому +362

    "See Daddy, sinners have soul too"

    • @temeikabellamy260
      @temeikabellamy260 4 роки тому +14

      That part....when he finally embraces her I cry at that part every time it gives me chills!!!

    • @keithcollins3284
      @keithcollins3284 4 роки тому

      Yes they do

    • @madej5
      @madej5 4 роки тому

      @ how was he the sinner ? Not trying to start a arguement just wanna hear why you think that.

    • @madej5
      @madej5 4 роки тому +1

      @ oh ok ok I see

    • @southsideman4891
      @southsideman4891 4 роки тому

      Lost souls.
      Yeh. It kind of broke me up.

  • @toshahartzog3665
    @toshahartzog3665 4 роки тому +115

    Celie’s face always gets to me at the end 😔 she looked like she was happy for Shug but so tired and sad that she hasn’t been reunited with her fam....little did she know God was making a way and turning Mr’s heart at that very moment. Makes me think back and see that even know I may be sad or crying about something rn..God is making a way. ❤️

  • @Amberuzor
    @Amberuzor 5 років тому +88

    Decades later I still cry uncontrollably at this scene

  • @santanawicker5489
    @santanawicker5489 2 роки тому +8

    Songs breaks me down me and my grandma use to always watch this movie so this song just speaks volumes to me seriously RIP STEPHANIE SMITH thank you for showing me the power of Jesus!!!!!!!

  • @brantfrans8595
    @brantfrans8595 6 років тому +874

    A beautiful scene. Especially when the father and daughter reunited.

    • @massagebroad
      @massagebroad 6 років тому +23

      I actually had a moment like this with my father. I wasn't singing in a church or anything but he and I had somewhat of an estranged relationship after he remarried. Unfortunately after a long battle with brain cancer, his wife passed away. I'm not perfect. I did some pretty messed up junk when I waz young and I think I really disappointed him in my life. One day we got the chance to sit down together and I brought this song up and said "See Daddy, sinners have soul too." And we both just burst into tears and hugged each other like we had been separated for thousands of years. Now we are in a good, healthy parent-child relationship. All because I knew this song.

    • @brantfrans8595
      @brantfrans8595 6 років тому +8

      @@massagebroad That's great to know.

    • @CandyTok
      @CandyTok 6 років тому +1

      make more

    • @lisabrooks9587
      @lisabrooks9587 6 років тому +2

      I cry every time I c this part I miss my father R.I.H my father

    • @iontskipads4105
      @iontskipads4105 5 років тому +1

      👋 I'm the 700th like👍

  • @nooneknowsmypain5178
    @nooneknowsmypain5178 6 років тому +142

    My grandmother LOVED this song and this part of the movie. Bless her heart. She is gone now awaiting to see her Lord who she gave her all to. I can't wait until she and I both can see each other again in God's kingdom forever and ever!!

    • @ljohnson7812
      @ljohnson7812 5 років тому +2

      That's why this scene brought me to tears.Most of my Family Members that were around when this came out are gone and was heavily into church.

    • @chakierahopkins6605
      @chakierahopkins6605 5 років тому +3

      I feel you!!! Stay Strong R.I.P to our Grandmother's.

  • @scatteredstars80AD
    @scatteredstars80AD 3 роки тому +229

    I grew up watching this and have seen it 100 times and I am bawling. Even as a child I knew its importance

    • @valjeanlee7060
      @valjeanlee7060 2 роки тому +3

      Right..I don't know if that makes us really mature as a child...but even as a child this scene resonated with me...

    • @scatteredstars80AD
      @scatteredstars80AD 2 роки тому +2

      In many ways we know even then there is nothing so special as to be loved by our parents. The embrace that we always hope is there. As a mother now to be loved by our children. As a soul...to be loved and forgiven and embraced by God that makes us both. Im tearing up even now.

    • @scatteredstars80AD
      @scatteredstars80AD 2 роки тому +2

      Its significant to note he takes his glasses off to see. The miracles of God are not in a book...they are infront of us in the people we love.

    • @kingleehammond2623
      @kingleehammond2623 2 роки тому

      My grandma watch almost everyday bless her soul

  • @pearlharbor4790
    @pearlharbor4790 2 роки тому +13

    This was one of the most beautiful and heartbreaking yet perfect scenes in film history. The sinners at the river. The sinners in church. Pastor giving sermon about the prodigal son. His daughter is prodigal. The way Shug looks at her musician without words, the knowing. She leads them to the house of God. Her dad sees his daughter, the gorgeous face of the main choir singer, as she a knowledge the other voices and the daughter. Then her dad holds her reluctantly. Then he embraces her. Then Shug cries that most painful cry that some tears can't come out as pain is too deep. EVER TIME I SEE THIS SCENE IT GETS ME.

  • @jessemoreno8533
    @jessemoreno8533 2 місяці тому +2

    Amen now that I’m a Kingdom man I hear God through this song 🙏🏼🙏🏼

  • @mamabear704
    @mamabear704 8 років тому +162

    "see daddy, sinners have soul too" one of my most favorite quotes I use daily.... LOVE THIS MOVIE oh and people of color DO indeed have and are born with a amazing and exceptional, deep within SOUL.....

  • @XoAngelito
    @XoAngelito 8 років тому +594

    God is good, Makes me cry everytime I listen to this song I feel the holy ghost inside

  • @phillipdawkins4973
    @phillipdawkins4973 7 років тому +391

    Ole girl was trying to hold on to it, but when she realized it was Shug, she gladly let it go.....

    • @johnathanlewis3155
      @johnathanlewis3155 6 років тому +50

      That was her daughter

    • @ohreally404
      @ohreally404 6 років тому +36

      Johnathan Lewis I never knew that, as many times I’ve watched this.

    • @jays9548
      @jays9548 6 років тому +5

      The piano player is also

    • @karenb2873
      @karenb2873 5 років тому +2

      @Jean Williams I didn't know that either, was it in the book?

    • @vegasbaby3669
      @vegasbaby3669 5 років тому +1

      @Phillip Dawkins - ha ha, I know that’s right.

  • @mattdeans9873
    @mattdeans9873 21 день тому +2

    God did more than speak to me..After more than a decade of chronic alcoholism, one ordinary night for some strange reason, God picked me up by the scruff of the neck and indicated "you will NOT DO this anymore." I dont know why but I picked up the phone and reached out for help. I have been sober for 45 years now and it is my pleasure to be God's ambassador and try to do God's will for us every day. True story. Absolute proof for me that God is real.

    • @NatashavanDoren
      @NatashavanDoren 6 днів тому

      God was telling you something! I made all of my friends watch this movie

  • @aprilunderwood-moore6987
    @aprilunderwood-moore6987 3 роки тому +586

    Shug, over sang the whole choir walking down there to the church. Lol

    • @williamjohnson8845
      @williamjohnson8845 3 роки тому +18

      Damn right she did.

    • @KG-fw9ie
      @KG-fw9ie 3 роки тому +24

      I said the same thing!!! They could not keep up with her and she brought a following with her too...Let the church say Amen🙏🏾. She said enough was enough🕯💫

    • @KevShaw808
      @KevShaw808 3 роки тому


    • @voniarichardson7945
      @voniarichardson7945 3 роки тому +11

      Thing for me is when Shug met her dad at his church alone, she couldnt get out the words too this song. Then too delivery it the way she did ALWAYS bring me too tears..

    • @Chloeceegaming..7253
      @Chloeceegaming..7253 3 роки тому +2


  • @MrHeftyFine
    @MrHeftyFine 3 роки тому +120

    "See daddy, Sinners have soul too"
    Gah!! That's a punch directly in the feels. What an amazing scene

  • @dadutchessdtc
    @dadutchessdtc 3 роки тому +323

    The LORD still speaking in 2021🙏🏾

  • @joseantonio5113
    @joseantonio5113 2 роки тому +6

    God knows this movie still Needs to be Honored, and if you Try to rEmAke this MAKE Damn sUre it's at it's BeSt. TE COLOR PURPLE WILL ALWAYS BE ONE OF THE GREATEST MOVIES EVER!!! BLESSINGS TO THE WHOLE PRODUCTION TEAM. VERY APPRECIATED💯 MERCY

  • @deepdarkcocoa7956
    @deepdarkcocoa7956 5 років тому +424

    That's when God is SERIOUSLY drawing you. 💞❤️he's so real.

    • @francedmchaye4109
      @francedmchaye4109 5 років тому +1

      True to that, about GOD being real, of course.

    • @mecafuller7861
      @mecafuller7861 5 років тому +1

      Amennnn 💯💯💯💯💯

    • @kymnberlismusic6002
      @kymnberlismusic6002 5 років тому +4

      He's real... The comfort I get from knowing HE is real

    • @GavinciCode20
      @GavinciCode20 5 років тому

      Deepdarkcocoa you better say that sis

    • @barbarahenderson7611
      @barbarahenderson7611 5 років тому

      Before the devil kill you and all hope is lost, kill, steal and destroy is his name.

  • @rheap129
    @rheap129 5 років тому +422

    Me: I’m not gonna do it. Nope, not gonna cry...
    Shug: I hear you, Lord!
    Me: 😭😭

  • @mgawsmestevan23
    @mgawsmestevan23 3 роки тому +231

    I love that not only was it Shug’s favorite gospel song that she tried to mention to her father when he shunned her at the church. She stopped everything because that was her daughter singing it. Poetic.

    • @martinpty8635
      @martinpty8635 2 роки тому +31

      Her father was preaching about the prodigal son parable and suddenly, she rushed in the door, that is why he accepted her back. Wow what a powerful scene.

    • @martinpty8635
      @martinpty8635 2 роки тому +12

      @LaQuetta Jones But it was told in the book and in the movie, when she went to church the first time and she started talking to him, yet he refused her, once again, when she was talking to Celie, crying, she told her about it.

    • @moblack5883
      @moblack5883 2 роки тому +1

      @@martinpty8635 that’s how them Baptist be

    • @MaCherieAmour3
      @MaCherieAmour3 2 роки тому +10

      Whoa. Did not know it was her daughter

    • @larhondah.2793
      @larhondah.2793 2 роки тому +2

      @Keisha Few me too but they said the book mentioned it🤷🏿‍♀️

  • @cindystarkey3966
    @cindystarkey3966 2 роки тому +16

    This Song, played CONSTANTLY in My head for 18 months, IT brought Me through da STORM, It’s STORMING again, and IM STILL LISTENING❤️🙏🏽🎼

  • @donniewan75
    @donniewan75 4 роки тому +850

    The young woman in the choir who starts the song is Shug Avery's daughter.

    • @SuperVictor400
      @SuperVictor400 4 роки тому +61

      Real talent came from the birth.

    • @jss1993
      @jss1993 4 роки тому +95

      Vitor Santos fun fact that’s not actually shug Avery singing. It’s a voice over the real singer is named TaTa Vega.

    • @Lerodd
      @Lerodd 4 роки тому +34

      Without anyone telling me that I put 2 and 2 together

    • @justred5164
      @justred5164 4 роки тому +1

      Lerod Randolph how?

    • @dejareese1584
      @dejareese1584 4 роки тому +4


  • @Nicoleflygrl81
    @Nicoleflygrl81 6 років тому +130

    She was one of the most underrated black female actors back then this lady is amazing❤️❤️❤️

    • @Butterfly-sp4hr
      @Butterfly-sp4hr 5 років тому +5

      Margaret Avery was Awesome. She still looks beautiful.

  • @ViatiaAlondon
    @ViatiaAlondon 4 роки тому +721

    When she bust through that DOOR I lost it 😭

    • @AEE60
      @AEE60 4 роки тому +6

      Me too! Everytime

    • @pacificrules
      @pacificrules 4 роки тому +5

      GURL !!!😭😭😭

    • @face4682
      @face4682 4 роки тому +14

      She made you feel her!!!

    • @kenyataize
      @kenyataize 4 роки тому +13

      "Sinners have song too " that part got me🙏

    • @kristilambert3416
      @kristilambert3416 4 роки тому +2

      U and me both girl!

  • @davidkaun733
    @davidkaun733 14 днів тому +2

    Almost forty years on, this still breaks me down. The power of music…

  • @antonio706ga
    @antonio706ga 6 років тому +64

    This movie created so many stars like Danny Glover, Rae Dawn Chong, Oprah Winfrey, Laurence Fishburne, and many others!! This movie got snubbed at the Oscar's and Steven Spielberg should have gotten an oscar for being director of this movie as well!!

  • @VolcyThoughts
    @VolcyThoughts 5 років тому +2494

    Who else loves being black? 🙌🏾
    Edit: thanks for all the likes and comments. I didn’t even realize until now.

    • @achosenvessel6563
      @achosenvessel6563 5 років тому +58

      All the days of my life.

    • @elsamoreno9363
      @elsamoreno9363 5 років тому +52

      I'm Hispanic but I like your comment. God Bless

    • @daciascott3446
      @daciascott3446 5 років тому +33

      100%all day every day

    • @desraesoutae9516
      @desraesoutae9516 5 років тому +41

      I'm not black. But I love Soul music. It's just so Spiritually uplifting. God bless, from Australia. 30 December , 2019.

    • @daciascott3446
      @daciascott3446 5 років тому +32

      @@desraesoutae9516 blessing to you and yours. And you don't have to be BLACK. Music is something that we all should enjoy recallest of the color of a skin

  • @katiusicaklain9850
    @katiusicaklain9850 4 роки тому +403

    The fact that they could hear shug singing from so far away and over the music is amazing

    • @wrharris05
      @wrharris05 4 роки тому +9

      Just thought about that, in reality that wouldn't have happened until she got right outside the door. No one sings that loud. They were in the country but come on! 😂😂 I never thought about the acoustics the million times I saw this before, but we all know the meaning of this scene.

    • @natashaw9360
      @natashaw9360 4 роки тому


    • @zairfanlancaster9287
      @zairfanlancaster9287 4 роки тому +18

      It was God who carried her voice

    • @southsideman4891
      @southsideman4891 4 роки тому

      And Hollywood. Ive been to a many services: that could never happen in real life.

    • @nyrockchicxx
      @nyrockchicxx 4 роки тому +24

      One of the reasons her voice carried so far was that Shug was next to water (the Juke Joint was on the river), the path they walked was next to the river, and water can reflect sound and carry it.

  • @thaliadacosta7206
    @thaliadacosta7206 2 роки тому +1

    My soul needed this today. I'm not religious but today I believe God is really trying to tell me something today and I am so glad I haven't been getting high so I can actually hear him.