it feels like it until you remember the ship with the same price, freelancer base, has 30 less scu. So it's actually comparatively good. Though you have to decide whether the long range, living amenities and armor really make up for being sluggish, poorly armed and unable to load ground vehicles ^^
Man they really put effont into not leaving space for a 4th container even tho it totally fits. Look at the rails, they don't go all the way to the end of the ship, each container has a gap in between the other and an even bigger gap between the first container closest to the ship and the ship itself. This should have 4 containers and another 32 SCU of cargo...just saying.
Killer video as always! Just a sidenote: the lockers that don't look like they open are actually how you can access the ship's local inventory without pressing "i", you just have to stand pretty close to them and not move
A senario where the RAFT could be very useful. A crew lands and engages a facility and are able to hold the ground, next logical step is to loot the place. Enter RAFT which swoops in and drops it's three cargo containers (covered by air if needed). Once dropped the ship is able to vacate the area to avoid any kind of sustained fire. Ground forces are able to load the three containers with what ever loot they wish without having to cover a grounded vessel. Once all loot is stored in the containers they are closed and when all ships return to extract the ground forces the RAFT returns, quickly pickes up the containers and your off! Much smaller window where a vessle is grounded for long periods of time.
The RAFT becomes even more versatile as more 32scu conexes get added to the game. Specifically more *types* of these conexes. While the RAFT cannot carry any vehicles, I could see a hover- or ground bike (or a Greycat golf cart) being able to fit into one of the conexes down the road. Small-group operations are also going to be it's strong point. Ship #1 drops off a ROC or two, but can't store excess ore in bulk because the deck space is needed for the vehicles. RAFT flies in, drops off a conex at each work site, problem solved. The same thing goes got small-group asteroid mining or salvage jobs (when salvage is eventually added). Overall, I'm seeing a lot of potential for this ship.
if the caintainer say had a drop varient with a parachute or some they would be very effective for personel drops as well. 10 per crate, 30 people in a single pass
If there are double sized modules, this could be very versatile. As is, you've got an interesting Qship a small pirate operation. Imagine the pirates pull up expecting an easy ransom and space bikes spill out of the boxes to counter attack.
Exactly. If one of the RAFT's jobs is to be a loader/unloader for the Hull series of freighters, then limiting it to 32SCU conexes makes no sense. And we know from dev statements that the Hulls will carry the larger sizes...the 32SCU conex is specifically mentioned as the smallest size they'll carry. The big question mark is how flexible the devs are ultimately going to make the conexes. And that hinges on the cargo respec slated for, iirc, v3.18
Honestly the crew quarters amenities does logically fit into the role of in system transport. You would still have some time down time in QT especially on the longer runs like MT to Crusader. With the ships focus of minimizing time on dock the crew would spend very little to no time enjoying station amenities and would utilize the living quarters on the ship. These would likely equate to regional company truckers that could take 8-12hrs on a 1 way trip before dropping trailer and picking up a new trailer for the next destination possible spendin 5 days on the road befor returning home. In system transport is likely the limit of this from a lore perspective as once inside a planetary system the trips are short enough to allow multiple crews and shift work. For this the ship just doesn't fit except it is the closest thing to fill the role. You'd want something that can move as much of that hull E cargo to the planet as fast as possible without incident. For long hauls like you said it just doesn't carry enough. A hull series would be better or even any of the larger haulers we have.
Let's also not forget that most star systems are going to be far larger than Stanton, Pyro being just one such example at being 17 AU across to Stanton's 5 AU diameter. If you fit a more efficient Quantum Drive on a ship approximately the size of the RAFT and travel across the entirety of stanton, that's a solid chunk of time spent in transit alone, now take that number and increase it by a factor of three or four and you will have an approximation of how long it might take to cross the entirety of Pyro or systems of like size. I don't know about you, but when you add that kind of theoretical time spent in transit as well as the time spent waiting for cargo to be loaded or unloaded, I'm going to seriously appreciate the kind of crew quarters that the RAFT offers, especially since Tony Z and friends are talking about AI paying real attention to crew amenities when it comes to whether they will hire on with you or not. It's also worth considering that the RAFT may possibly fit in the hanger of the Polaris after the Corvette gets its size increase, thus allowing the Polaris to function as a very effective mobile lockbox for a RAFT carrying some extremely high value cargo, essentially creating a symbiotic and profitable relationship for the two ships, especially since the Polaris would logically be faster due to its larger Quantum Drive.
@@Hiigaranwarrior159 i threw in a Crossfield on it, and now it's my go to Hauling for my small batches of Refinery jobs that is a pain to move if i bring a larger hauler like the C2 or the MSR(i do still bring the MSR out instead if i manage to fill it fully).
How the fsck you supposed to afford escorts when running a mere 96 SCU of cargo? The profit margins even off of laranite (which basically doesn't exist to buy) just aren't there. Best case scenario is 35k profit for a run that takes 20-30 minutes. You cannot afford to hire a combat pilot even if you give them 100% of your profits.
You don’t hire escorts, especially if you are only running cargo in the raft. And because of the 3.15 wipe everybody and their brother is cargo hauling for quick cash so its drastically increasing buy in costs which reduces total haul profits. Right now you need a C2 starlifiter if you wan to make 50-100K per run. Using the raft as you mentioned is completely worthless.
technically speaking it's all about what a container can hold: we know the Hull series can potentially transport small ships disassembled into containers, and that's something different from the topical SCU of raw material. Could be that a container could contain scientific or electronic equipments ready to use on site, as we saw in Siege of Orison. I think carrying contains could be more profitable then simply carry SCU crates because it allows for larger goods to be shipped and potentially more rewarding ones.
Seems like it could be a great ship for pirate fleets that need to gather containers that fell off the truck. Also, would be interesting to see if they come out with other modules it can grab, like a vehicle, or mobile refinery.
I think the quantum range and living amenities are for a specific reason, outpost establishment. You escort in a bulk freighter, covered in 32scu boxes, and you get SRV's and RAFT's to drop them down planet side, whatever the gravity, whatever the weather. It can protect the crew while you wait for the next big ship to offload, or you can follow it back. Of course the bread and butter work is in established systems, doing contract trade. Cos it really needs a combat escort.
Yeah. Large bulk frieghters won't be able planetside. It would be impossible to get back out. Ships like these are made to unload large freighters and get containers where they need to go.
I got myself the Raft and I am really enjoying it. I wish they would have added the 4th container though for the extra cargo space. It has a glitch with the lift though that I hope they fix soon as it keeps killing me.
If the Hull E is equivalent to a freight train, then this is a freight truck, and the MPUV is a cargo van. You haul in the goods en mass with the Hull E, you load the cargo containers at the station with the RAFT, and you use your MPUV to get your goods from the port to where it needs to go at that landing location. You could also have your RAFT haul your goods from a Jump Point to any part of the system, move refined ores from a Lagrange station to a Landing Zone (especially if you happen to have an org that does a lot of mining), or just do your typical trading routes. But where this ship seems to fit at the moment is within the star system. Jumping from one system to another seems like a job for the Hull series or similar ships, especially since they are carrying so much cargo.
There may be also a mechanic, that containers with unstable cargo are already special pieces and it would require no ship upgrades to carry them. Just like in reality, with containers being fridges, pressure tanks, standard cargo, all fitting the same trailer and being transported by the same truck. This would give ships with external cargo a ton of value, without making those with internal cargo holds obsolete. It would depend only on a question of how much do you value security?
I picked up one via upgrading a rarely flown LTI Arrow for just over $50.0 usd, including three paints, in the hope CIG creates several missions for the Hull series ship owners so I can support the transfer of their containers to the next port or final destination?
something about the RAFT I think ppl dont realize is that as soon as cargo refracting and server meshing is in this thing will become the backbone of any military effort of Orgs. It will be the tactical cargo transport of choice cause it can just pick up standard crates and drop them of to fleets or outposts. This tactical mobility is something no other freighter has ATM
Flying onto darkside of planet, I turned off interior lights, but there was still a light reflection on the inside on the glass surfaces making it hard to see out and see low visibility features on the planet to use as guidance. Was trying to find Shady Glen Farms. Had to fly external camera the whole way down to see mountain ranges, terrain features etc
The Argo RAFT fits into a system of delivery missions we don't have yet. Literally, the RAFT is a true space trucker's bobtail with a 40' trailer, not as big as your standard 18 wheeler, let alone a double or triple trailer. When you look at the Hull series the D/E's are the container ships that sail between ports, the Hull C's are the trains that take loads from the ports, the Hull B's are the semi's, with the Argo Rafts and Hull A's are the smaller sized delivery trucks doing local runs. These type of missions should come from company dispatchers and a player should have to earn rep. with smaller jobs before they can bring in a Hull E to haul a planet's worth of production away to another system. The internal cargo carriers, from the smallest starter ships up to the BMM and Kraken, these are the independent traders/haulers who pick up whatever loads they can here and there while trying to turn it over for the most profit even if they have to haul it further to do so. An Argo RAFT isn't your best ship to haul goods from one small outpost to the next one, the Freelancer, Cutty Black, MSR, and so forth are better suited for those in atmosphere runs. The RAFT is a flying brick meaning it isn't fuel efficient enough to fly in and out of atmosphere repeatedly. Also, outposts don't have cargo container handling facilities, only space stations and planet side spaceports have the infrastructure for it. So in my opinion, if you want to stick to cargo hauling with ships like the Hull series then get the Argo RAFT over the Hull A. The RAFT is better defended with the 360 degree all round top turret than the Hull A's measly chin barbette for the pilot. But if you want to go forth and try to make a sting of good deals on your own to make your fortune, skip the RAFT and go with a Freelancer or especially a Freelancer MAX instead.
i feel the Argo Raft has a large QT tank to reduce refueling time between stops, fly, pick, go off drop, good for the last leg of the cargo hauling. How i can see it being used is it will go very with the Hull series... for e.g, a Hull D jumps into to a system, then starts sending out drop off request from there (i.e 20 SCU to Planet X, 30SCU to Planet Y, 60SCU to planet Z), then a players with RAFTs will bring be able to accept this jobs and drop then to individual planets/stations while the Hull D moves from Space stations to Space stations for larger consignments. This model could also be used for Org or Corps faster rather than stopping in a space station, then unload and load to smaller ships. A fleet with a few rafts should be able to move goods to different planets easily and quickly than a single Hull, stoping at multiple stop points to offload. That would explains why it needs the accomodation on board, it allows the owners to take a break on board the ship, rather than landing back somewhere to take a break. The large fuel tank means they are able to QT in and out planents more times than anyother ship thus reducing time needed for refueling, loading, unloading. That said, without a change in how we buy/sell cargo, we wont be able to see the benefits of the RAFT especially at this moment (Store ship, heads to TDD, then back). What i can think of is eventually it might be like irl where you off load the cargo, get a chit from the warehouse office, then go to the TDD to collect your payment within the day. so you could do 10 runs and collect 10 Chits, then collect your payment. making the Raft something that is very useful.
Yes, I would factor in "fueling" in addition to "loading/unloading" costs as a long-term thing. It'll take a larger tank to fill, but with its size you can choose when/where to refuel when it's convenient...not when you HAVE to. Could be pretty good at cost savings too if you find a nice cheap station to fuel at =-)
I really hope they add the opportunity to carry ships as cargo too in the raft. Carrying a avenger in the back that was a purchased product that needs a speedy delivery would be awesome. Like carvana pretty much
I'm gonna get the raft, I think its a good solo/duo cargo ship, and since its the 3 big crates i think it will make cargo running interesting in the future when its more fleshed out. Plus it'll be nice to have a small ship for running high value, low quantity items like laranite and agricium.
yeah make it less of a pain just to move say 30SCU of stuff from a refinery using a C2/MSR, the Raft sits prefectly between larger SCU cargo hauling and i believe the external underslung cargo carrier would make things quick once cargo refractor comes in and there is a update on the cargo gameplay
I wonder if the RAFT is just one of multiple configurations they intend to add to the same basic chassis. Since the cargo-refactor was originally scheduled for around now, they chose the cargo-hauling variant for this IAE. If I am right, then what else could this general hull form do? Replace the cargo container cranes with fuel tanks and refueling probe? Repair machinery and/or large tractor beam for towing?
Cargo ship with tractor beam and open cargo framework. No listed ability to pick up mining bags. If it could, then there would be a strong synergy with the MOLE or Prospector. Considering quantanium ore time limit and RAFT's selling point is fast load/unload time, handling mining bags would be a HUGE advantage.
External cargo is a big nono in my opinion, in high risk areas laser bolts and mass cannon shells are going to be flying and you'll potentially loose one of those containers where as an internally armoured and shielded craft has no such issue, if your ferrying commodity goods only i guess its not such a big deal its not like your going to get shot at every run, profit impact will be low over a career, but it will still feel terrible making a loss on your run, but any real value cargo or rare space artifacts ( which are already confirmed btw ) you want a sealed cargo hold as a must have item.
Just looking at the concept art images of the cranes/clamp lowering containers makes me feel like the RAFT can run multiple containers stacked on each other
Dude thanks for always making these great videos. I’ve been watching your channel for years and always enjoy your presentation on the different ships and concepts.
I like cargo ships like this, the freelancer series, and the cutlass that can haul a decent amount, can be manned by a lone player, and have some decent pilot controlled weaponry. Though of course having a gunner along with you would be ideal
Traded a ship for this one and will be using it as a mining cargo ship for when I go cave mining. Since they added the capability to unload you inventory into the ship. You could extract every mineral from a single cave mine and make more money.
A few things I think should be mentioned is the fact that this ship doesn't need to open it self up to unload meaning It is a far more secure way of cargo hauling. I also think this thing is going to be great when the massive Pyro system comes into play with 27000 fuel meaning maybe not having stop to refuel as much as other ships in its class or maybe just be able to use really fast quantum drives.
I have a feeling cargo loading is going to be similar to ore refining. You pay for how quickly you want it done - say the different between 'container to hangar', 'container to ship', 'crate to hangar', 'crate to ship' and there's a big cost or time difference to pay someone else to load your ship up rather than load it yourself. If I have to load 3 containers via a tractor beam rather than move 120 boxes into my Max I am going to be taking the RAFT 100% of the time because I spend more time in the air and trading the commodoties rather than playing 3d tetris in my Max's hold.
I love the design of this ship. I own one but, to be honest, I'm still torn whether I'll keep it. The cargo seems a little shy of what it should be to be profitable, especially after fuel/repair costs of "long hauls" (multi system) and if you need an escort, you're not making money. It's not a fighter (obviously) but I believe the pilot controlled weapons are way too small. They are nothing more than a light show and can't be expected to do much at size 1. IMO they should be size 2. As far as interior design, I think it's beautiful...but, that floor between the pilot and co-pilot is a real missed opportunity and should have been an unobstructed view of below. It would help in landing and would take advantage of a under-slung cockpit area. Another great video YB!
I was in the same boat and ended up melting it next day. I absolutely love the interior of the ship, feels fairly well thought out, but it's cargo capacity is so small that as of now I couldnt see it being that good of a cargo ship. Maybe when cargo refactor hits and we get load/offload times it might be more interesting but your better off right now with say a Max or something else.
Will we be able to use this to pick up Ore in the field from the prospectors and moles. Their cargo bags are supposed to be detachable. If it's shuttling cargo it adds a whole new level to a group mining situation keeping the miners on site for maximum output
Has anyone noticed that this ship is configured like a drop ship? With the VTOLs, heavy armor and too mounted turret this thing could have future use for combat zone resupplies. Maybe one day we will be able to put vehicles in cargo containers. Fly in, drop the containers and get out.
I think it's important to point out that the Hercules uses a S3 quantum, which uses FAR more quantum fuel. A Pontes-equipped Hercules can travel about 60% as far as a Crossfield-equipped RAFT - and the RAFT will get there faster while doing it.
If you have the free Argo Cargo, you can CCU it to the raft for about $60. That seems to be excellent value for a cargo ship of this size. I have larger cargo ships and still got the raft just for the value and great aesthetic. Plus, it could be CCU'd further to larger ships if you end up not liking it.
Is that a pre-release version? Everyone else has the inventory open when they click on the closets in the rec room. A couple of thoughts: CIGs stated plan for cargo is that everything must be in containers and they *may already be filled ready to load aboard* which I guess would be the case when you buy your cargo from a TDD, maybe from Admin. This means the time factor is based on how fast you can get the containers travel-ready. While you are loading the containers into your cargo bay or getting them attached to a Hull, the RAFT is on its way to its destination though as you say, we have no idea of the scale of that time saving. Cargo Docks allow you to store containers for later collection. Can we buy 9 containers in a single visit to the TDD and have them waiting at the Cargo Dock then at the destination store them until all 9 have been transported? Can we then sell the contents of all 9 *unloaded* containers in a single visit to the TDD at the end? This would make the potential time savings of multiple short trips just picking up and dropping off pretty useful as any other ship wanting to transport more than its cargo capacity would have to unload its containers from the hold/spindle before it could get more containers loaded and that doubles the time lost each time. Last point, a lot of people say that other ships are better choices because they carry more but they neglect the fact that these ships all cost more. Sure a Freelancer Max carries more but it only carries 25% more while costing 50% more. They may add the ability to go bounty hunting but people like me are not interested in looking for trouble. I own no fighters and my other freighter is an MSR that is designed to avoid trouble and run (yes it carries more and will carry data but at over twice the cost) while the next ship I will acquire is the Vulture that cannot fight back either.
Great video and thoughts! Thank you for creating it : ) You are right, based on what we know right now, it does feel odd, where does it exactly fit with the QT range the price per SCU would have to go way up to make it worth the travel time. Also great crew quarters, love the galley as well as the overall ship layout. I think the grab n go is right and that part makes sense, will there be specifically a hauler gameplay loop built entirely around that specific sized containers? Also we noticed that the MOLE and RAFT both have exactly 96 SCU. Perhaps with the tractor beam there would be ore hauling ARGO operations. Speaking of Galley where is the refrigerator? Most cases it is clear glass with drinks and food. I do love the Argo look, a nice alternative to Drake - a technically more refined and functional - the ARGO look and design. I would like to see something that fits between the Prospector and MOLE from ARGO. Perhaps like the ROC DS variant for ship mining.
I have several cargo ships already so I certainly don't *need* a RAFT, but I ended up getting one anyway because I like it. For the record I never do this anymore so it's quite a change for me. I really like (most of) the design choices they made with this ship and I want to encourage that. She's not perfect by a long shot but overall I think this is one of CIG's best. With a couple of exceptions, the layout is solid, and where things are makes sense (for once). I hope they'll continue improving on this sort of work.
The shorter the run, the higher value you get from a quick un/load. But long hauls make load time insignificant. Not to mention the cargo value. If this ship has greater value, it isn't here and now. I also thought it was meant to assist the Hull series with off loading, but if we've learned anything from recent game play, tractor beams are the king for cargo manipulation. Which means using a RAFT to assist the loading and unloading of a Hull akin to putting on oven mittens to type on your keyboard. So I would see an SRV better and faster at manipulating cargo for a Hull series ship.
This thing would be perfect for long hauling if it has the best-in-class fuel efficiency. With that large of a tank, if you have lets say twice the fuel efficiency than the next hauler, you can actually mount faster drives to speed your entire journey. It becomes the best medium ship that can both do long distance hauling and do it faster than anyone else. Maybe a multiplier of some sorts.
I suspect that in the future we will probably see an increase to QT fuel capacity for many hauler based ships, or that the raft will have its reserves nerfed to be more in line with other ships of its size.
I made up my mind when I first saw this thing. It looks perfect for me. Great interior. Space trucking but not requiring as many people as something like a Cat would. The crew quarters alone hooked me. Once players are required to wait while things a loaded, I think this thing will come into its own.
Traded in my Nomad for the RAFT. (I have a 400i and Sabre Comet). It gives me Terrapin vibes, which is one of my favorite ships but just can't justify it. I've been using this for some missions that don't involve space combat.
The whole loading time aspect is what has me a little sceptical as well. Because at current state the Freelancer MAX easily wins the race by being a good bit faster and more agile to the point that it feels like i could get a few minutes ahead flying down from one of the orbital stations (without jumping of course) and maneuvering into a hangar. And on the short routes in system, as you said, the MAX also basically carries that missing 4th container on the quick trip while the Raft just cant use its insane fuel capacity. I bought a Raft regardless, but i have to admit that until all its most likely use cases are live and it has convinced me on a very long inter-system trip to some bad weather, high grav (they mentioned something like that on ISC, i think) station, this ship is probably just going to haul my refinery orders and be in constant danger of turning into an lti token for something moure suited to the role of an in system workhorse
If there are missions to pick up other people's containers and you're not risking your OWN cash loading up your cargo bay, and the Freelancer cannot do that, and the payment for run is similar... Then this will be a better ship. Because right now if you lose one load of cargo that YOU paid for you're going to have to do 10 more trips to make up that loss.
Nice overview, as always. As it turned out, my mind was made up as soon as I saw it because it looks the part of a spaceship, not a scifi machine, so a day one buy for me.
Ended up with one of these today by chance and only $5 of my money. Had an Argo cargo from a referral was going to upgrade it to a Cutty-B but didn’t have enough money so was going to do a Titan, but then noticed something weird about the 300I why is there a cheaper option to upgrade. Fell down the rabbit hole of crazy upgrading chains. Cargo -> 300I -> Spartan -> warlock -> Raft. The warlock jump was because the gift card was $5 short. So $55 from me but that gift card was years old so doesn’t count as my money.
Oh right forgot to mention, I more just got caught up in the whole upgrade game. Blew right past the Cutlass Black the ship I was actually wanting. I really haven’t done any trading in game. Not since I loaded up a C2 with all the drugs only to find out there really wasn’t that much demand for them.
I do not see how even a tractor beam can position all three containers, they are in the way of each other. And the sight of the controller is also blocked, it probably end up all being game magic anyway (with lots of dev time wasted to still try the impossible).
I like the Raft very much but as you said it has a lot of unknowns. And since it has a rather strong competition with Hull B and Freelancer MAX the decision comes down very hard on those unknowns. Stronger VTOL and loading times might just fill a niche for it to be the best in.
It looks like a big shuttle type ship. I'd say it's perfect for multiple runs between say a planet colony and a space station for a large delivery contract. I still think that carries too little for it's size. Maybe another 8 or 16 SCU would be perfect for it.
To be fair it should have far larger hydrogen tanks, not quantum so that it is hugely effective as a shuttle back and forth. That requires lots of hydrogen, not quantum.
@@jimrussell4062 It's true. QT is needed on the ship of it's size, yes. But hydrogen is much more important for a cargo runner. To be honest, I think that CIG shouldn't release ships without their associated mechanics ready. Otherwise we may get another case of Reclaimer, that's big, useless and requires a remake already, simply wasting a lot of recourses.
Primary advantage, the cargo crates snap on and off like legos. One, two, three, done. You won't have to move every single box by hand, like with the Connie or Freelancer.
Nice review. Personally I believe this manufacturer will have a niche over the rest. These things are meant to work together quickly and efficiently with their siblings rather quickly. In / out done. Others I feel will stumble and will take more time and this should be weighted on and considered. Specificity at some point will play a large impact on how people determine their needs.
i think this ship is worth more than the odyssey once this ship has all its functions turn on like front magnetic grab plates to push or pull or grab then you have no load times. this is the main ship im mine fleets transferring to or from Orion and hull C i mean the caterpillar possibly be much better faster
I believe this one is more for the NPC haulers, and less for players. Though, if there are missions specifically designed with this ship in mind, it would certainly make it more attractive.
for plant-to moon, or station to planet surface, short distance work, I can see why you would want this....if you can do 2x or 3x the runs of other rear, ramp-load ships in a day, yaaahoooo! BUT, who in their right mind would cruise this thing, carrying cargo or not, without an escort? ...and, if you must have an escort, there goes your profit. Even though it takes a few minutes longer to load a Freelancer, if the goal is medium/longer distances, having at least a minimal chance of fending off minor pirate bugs would be well worth the longer wait for the boxes to be loaded at pickup/dropoff.
Given the ground clearance I personally would like to see 6 containers carried in stacks of two. I know cargo quantity vs price point etc etc but it would be more efficient at least.
What you should do is use it as a Warbond CCU discount stepping stone ION currently at $75 total discount i did miss some daily Warbond’s that would increase that saving’s further In the future when cargo has to be manually loaded it will have a place currently it has no place
I'm seriously considering trading in my Cutlass Black for one of these. Caveat: I *also* own a Freelancer, specifically a Freelancer MIS. If I didn't, I wouldn't be considering the swap. But with the 'Lancer doing most things as well as, or better than, the Cutlass, my "Space Huey's" days might be numbered. No, the MIS - or any other variant except for the MAX - can't carry a Greycat ROC. If I owned one, that'd be a significant factor. Since I don't, it ain't. Now, just let me jump into my Nomex undies before y'all kick off the flame war 😄
5 times the range of a DUR. ... that's gotta be a mistake. How is it so useful to have a quick load/unload design if you bring this ship 50 star systems away? Why have so much QT fuel tank capacity if this ship is better used locally?
I cant help but feel like the ship was designed for something else and they needed another ship to sell so they slapped the idea of a crane on. Just looking at the ship it screams something like a some refining ship or something like that to pair with the Mole. And those magnetic seperators/filters on the upper deck feel like a leftover from that desgin. I do like how 95% of the ship looks, only down side is the feeling of wasted space in the crane area. Also feels like the first ship that has the gold standard for me. With all the unknowns about cargo i cant recomend it right now but I might still pick one up just beause shes a beauty.
Man they really put effont into not leaving space for a 4th container even tho it totally fits. Look at the rails, they don't go all the way to the end of the ship, each container has a gap in between the other and an even bigger gap between the first container closest to the ship and the ship itself. This should have 4 containers and another 32 SCU of cargo...just saying.
If I didn't already have a Lancer MAX, I would have very likely bought the RAFT for sure. But with the current 'state of play' the greater SCU, vehicle carrying ability, faster ingress/egress, greater agility and firepower of the Lancer MAX stopped me from picking up the RAFT. The interior esign and details of the RAFT really is nice though, I love the living space - Lancer is just so ugly by comparison, lol!!! Get the ships you want for the game we're playing now... a lot will change by the tme the game is finished and goes live, so it's no point planning too far ahead.
Thanks for this informative video! Your voice sounds so different this time, like there is an autotune effect on it, at least for the first half of the video...
I rented one when it came out and did a test cargo run. I find it's too slow in atmosphere. And unless you're going to jump out the airlock all the time the elevator is very slow, and, at the moment, possibly kill you with a bug. 😆 It has virtually no guns. If ALL you care about is cargo it's better than the Freelancer. If you care about being more multi-purpose it's worse. Freelancer can carry a little bit of vehicle. It's got four size three guns so you can do a little bit of bounty hunting. Until the cargo container mechanic is in the game I would suggest a Freelancer Max. Sure costs a bit more but it's much more capable all around RIGHT NOW.
I love the interior, but just wouldnt feel safe flying it. The only guns are on top and it rolls so slow that any attacker can just live under your belly for generations.
That 'missing' fourth container is the biggest drawback. The ship just seems to be underutilised.
it feels like it until you remember the ship with the same price, freelancer base, has 30 less scu.
So it's actually comparatively good.
Though you have to decide whether the long range, living amenities and armor really make up for being sluggish, poorly armed and unable to load ground vehicles ^^
Man they really put effont into not leaving space for a 4th container even tho it totally fits. Look at the rails, they don't go all the way to the end of the ship, each container has a gap in between the other and an even bigger gap between the first container closest to the ship and the ship itself. This should have 4 containers and another 32 SCU of cargo...just saying.
feel like they should extend it, and get rid of recreational space so it can hold 5 containers
too bad it doesnt expand like the Hull A
Killer video as always! Just a sidenote: the lockers that don't look like they open are actually how you can access the ship's local inventory without pressing "i", you just have to stand pretty close to them and not move
Good note! I wonder if it wasn't interacting since I was in AC.
I think they're supposed to have external storage, like the redeemer drawers that also don't work that way currently
A senario where the RAFT could be very useful.
A crew lands and engages a facility and are able to hold the ground, next logical step is to loot the place.
Enter RAFT which swoops in and drops it's three cargo containers (covered by air if needed). Once dropped the ship is able to vacate the area to avoid any kind of sustained fire.
Ground forces are able to load the three containers with what ever loot they wish without having to cover a grounded vessel.
Once all loot is stored in the containers they are closed and when all ships return to extract the ground forces the RAFT returns, quickly pickes up the containers and your off!
Much smaller window where a vessle is grounded for long periods of time.
The RAFT becomes even more versatile as more 32scu conexes get added to the game. Specifically more *types* of these conexes. While the RAFT cannot carry any vehicles, I could see a hover- or ground bike (or a Greycat golf cart) being able to fit into one of the conexes down the road.
Small-group operations are also going to be it's strong point. Ship #1 drops off a ROC or two, but can't store excess ore in bulk because the deck space is needed for the vehicles. RAFT flies in, drops off a conex at each work site, problem solved. The same thing goes got small-group asteroid mining or salvage jobs (when salvage is eventually added).
Overall, I'm seeing a lot of potential for this ship.
if the caintainer say had a drop varient with a parachute or some they would be very effective for personel drops as well. 10 per crate, 30 people in a single pass
If there are double sized modules, this could be very versatile. As is, you've got an interesting Qship a small pirate operation. Imagine the pirates pull up expecting an easy ransom and space bikes spill out of the boxes to counter attack.
Exactly. If one of the RAFT's jobs is to be a loader/unloader for the Hull series of freighters, then limiting it to 32SCU conexes makes no sense. And we know from dev statements that the Hulls will carry the larger sizes...the 32SCU conex is specifically mentioned as the smallest size they'll carry. The big question mark is how flexible the devs are ultimately going to make the conexes. And that hinges on the cargo respec slated for, iirc, v3.18
Honestly the crew quarters amenities does logically fit into the role of in system transport. You would still have some time down time in QT especially on the longer runs like MT to Crusader. With the ships focus of minimizing time on dock the crew would spend very little to no time enjoying station amenities and would utilize the living quarters on the ship. These would likely equate to regional company truckers that could take 8-12hrs on a 1 way trip before dropping trailer and picking up a new trailer for the next destination possible spendin 5 days on the road befor returning home.
In system transport is likely the limit of this from a lore perspective as once inside a planetary system the trips are short enough to allow multiple crews and shift work. For this the ship just doesn't fit except it is the closest thing to fill the role. You'd want something that can move as much of that hull E cargo to the planet as fast as possible without incident.
For long hauls like you said it just doesn't carry enough. A hull series would be better or even any of the larger haulers we have.
Let's also not forget that most star systems are going to be far larger than Stanton, Pyro being just one such example at being 17 AU across to Stanton's 5 AU diameter.
If you fit a more efficient Quantum Drive on a ship approximately the size of the RAFT and travel across the entirety of stanton, that's a solid chunk of time spent in transit alone, now take that number and increase it by a factor of three or four and you will have an approximation of how long it might take to cross the entirety of Pyro or systems of like size.
I don't know about you, but when you add that kind of theoretical time spent in transit as well as the time spent waiting for cargo to be loaded or unloaded, I'm going to seriously appreciate the kind of crew quarters that the RAFT offers, especially since Tony Z and friends are talking about AI paying real attention to crew amenities when it comes to whether they will hire on with you or not.
It's also worth considering that the RAFT may possibly fit in the hanger of the Polaris after the Corvette gets its size increase, thus allowing the Polaris to function as a very effective mobile lockbox for a RAFT carrying some extremely high value cargo, essentially creating a symbiotic and profitable relationship for the two ships, especially since the Polaris would logically be faster due to its larger Quantum Drive.
@@Hiigaranwarrior159 i threw in a Crossfield on it, and now it's my go to Hauling for my small batches of Refinery jobs that is a pain to move if i bring a larger hauler like the C2 or the MSR(i do still bring the MSR out instead if i manage to fill it fully).
I bought one and am extremely pleased with it. Feels like a real spaceship
How the fsck you supposed to afford escorts when running a mere 96 SCU of cargo? The profit margins even off of laranite (which basically doesn't exist to buy) just aren't there. Best case scenario is 35k profit for a run that takes 20-30 minutes. You cannot afford to hire a combat pilot even if you give them 100% of your profits.
You don’t hire escorts, especially if you are only running cargo in the raft. And because of the 3.15 wipe everybody and their brother is cargo hauling for quick cash so its drastically increasing buy in costs which reduces total haul profits. Right now you need a C2 starlifiter if you wan to make 50-100K per run. Using the raft as you mentioned is completely worthless.
technically speaking it's all about what a container can hold: we know the Hull series can potentially transport small ships disassembled into containers, and that's something different from the topical SCU of raw material. Could be that a container could contain scientific or electronic equipments ready to use on site, as we saw in Siege of Orison. I think carrying contains could be more profitable then simply carry SCU crates because it allows for larger goods to be shipped and potentially more rewarding ones.
Seems like it could be a great ship for pirate fleets that need to gather containers that fell off the truck. Also, would be interesting to see if they come out with other modules it can grab, like a vehicle, or mobile refinery.
I think the quantum range and living amenities are for a specific reason, outpost establishment.
You escort in a bulk freighter, covered in 32scu boxes, and you get SRV's and RAFT's to drop them down planet side, whatever the gravity, whatever the weather.
It can protect the crew while you wait for the next big ship to offload, or you can follow it back.
Of course the bread and butter work is in established systems, doing contract trade. Cos it really needs a combat escort.
Yeah. Large bulk frieghters won't be able planetside. It would be impossible to get back out. Ships like these are made to unload large freighters and get containers where they need to go.
I got myself the Raft and I am really enjoying it. I wish they would have added the 4th container though for the extra cargo space. It has a glitch with the lift though that I hope they fix soon as it keeps killing me.
Yeah the lift glitched me into the floor than I almost got a trespassing crimestat.. I killed myself before I got a crimestat.
I fixed it my just crouching when I try to step on it
If the Hull E is equivalent to a freight train, then this is a freight truck, and the MPUV is a cargo van.
You haul in the goods en mass with the Hull E, you load the cargo containers at the station with the RAFT, and you use your MPUV to get your goods from the port to where it needs to go at that landing location.
You could also have your RAFT haul your goods from a Jump Point to any part of the system, move refined ores from a Lagrange station to a Landing Zone (especially if you happen to have an org that does a lot of mining), or just do your typical trading routes. But where this ship seems to fit at the moment is within the star system. Jumping from one system to another seems like a job for the Hull series or similar ships, especially since they are carrying so much cargo.
There may be also a mechanic, that containers with unstable cargo are already special pieces and it would require no ship upgrades to carry them. Just like in reality, with containers being fridges, pressure tanks, standard cargo, all fitting the same trailer and being transported by the same truck. This would give ships with external cargo a ton of value, without making those with internal cargo holds obsolete. It would depend only on a question of how much do you value security?
I picked up one via upgrading a rarely flown LTI Arrow for just over $50.0 usd, including three paints, in the hope CIG creates several missions for the Hull series ship owners so I can support the transfer of their containers to the next port or final destination?
something about the RAFT I think ppl dont realize is that as soon as cargo refracting and server meshing is in this thing will become the backbone of any military effort of Orgs. It will be the tactical cargo transport of choice cause it can just pick up standard crates and drop them of to fleets or outposts. This tactical mobility is something no other freighter has ATM
Flying onto darkside of planet, I turned off interior lights, but there was still a light reflection on the inside on the glass surfaces making it hard to see out and see low visibility features on the planet to use as guidance. Was trying to find Shady Glen Farms. Had to fly external camera the whole way down to see mountain ranges, terrain features etc
Ping for night vision via pressing tab when you're struggling to see the dark side of a planet or moon.
The Argo RAFT fits into a system of delivery missions we don't have yet. Literally, the RAFT is a true space trucker's bobtail with a 40' trailer, not as big as your standard 18 wheeler, let alone a double or triple trailer. When you look at the Hull series the D/E's are the container ships that sail between ports, the Hull C's are the trains that take loads from the ports, the Hull B's are the semi's, with the Argo Rafts and Hull A's are the smaller sized delivery trucks doing local runs. These type of missions should come from company dispatchers and a player should have to earn rep. with smaller jobs before they can bring in a Hull E to haul a planet's worth of production away to another system.
The internal cargo carriers, from the smallest starter ships up to the BMM and Kraken, these are the independent traders/haulers who pick up whatever loads they can here and there while trying to turn it over for the most profit even if they have to haul it further to do so. An Argo RAFT isn't your best ship to haul goods from one small outpost to the next one, the Freelancer, Cutty Black, MSR, and so forth are better suited for those in atmosphere runs. The RAFT is a flying brick meaning it isn't fuel efficient enough to fly in and out of atmosphere repeatedly. Also, outposts don't have cargo container handling facilities, only space stations and planet side spaceports have the infrastructure for it. So in my opinion, if you want to stick to cargo hauling with ships like the Hull series then get the Argo RAFT over the Hull A. The RAFT is better defended with the 360 degree all round top turret than the Hull A's measly chin barbette for the pilot. But if you want to go forth and try to make a sting of good deals on your own to make your fortune, skip the RAFT and go with a Freelancer or especially a Freelancer MAX instead.
i feel the Argo Raft has a large QT tank to reduce refueling time between stops, fly, pick, go off drop, good for the last leg of the cargo hauling.
How i can see it being used is it will go very with the Hull series... for e.g, a Hull D jumps into to a system, then starts sending out drop off request from there (i.e 20 SCU to Planet X, 30SCU to Planet Y, 60SCU to planet Z), then a players with RAFTs will bring be able to accept this jobs and drop then to individual planets/stations while the Hull D moves from Space stations to Space stations for larger consignments. This model could also be used for Org or Corps faster rather than stopping in a space station, then unload and load to smaller ships. A fleet with a few rafts should be able to move goods to different planets easily and quickly than a single Hull, stoping at multiple stop points to offload. That would explains why it needs the accomodation on board, it allows the owners to take a break on board the ship, rather than landing back somewhere to take a break. The large fuel tank means they are able to QT in and out planents more times than anyother ship thus reducing time needed for refueling, loading, unloading.
That said, without a change in how we buy/sell cargo, we wont be able to see the benefits of the RAFT especially at this moment (Store ship, heads to TDD, then back). What i can think of is eventually it might be like irl where you off load the cargo, get a chit from the warehouse office, then go to the TDD to collect your payment within the day. so you could do 10 runs and collect 10 Chits, then collect your payment. making the Raft something that is very useful.
Yes, I would factor in "fueling" in addition to "loading/unloading" costs as a long-term thing. It'll take a larger tank to fill, but with its size you can choose when/where to refuel when it's convenient...not when you HAVE to. Could be pretty good at cost savings too if you find a nice cheap station to fuel at =-)
Great content , keep up the good work.
Also changing your power capacitor to engine increases the amount of boost you have and at how fast it recharges
I really hope they add the opportunity to carry ships as cargo too in the raft. Carrying a avenger in the back that was a purchased product that needs a speedy delivery would be awesome. Like carvana pretty much
That voice modulation, everyone can hear that right?
yea, I was wondering as well
I'm gonna get the raft, I think its a good solo/duo cargo ship, and since its the 3 big crates i think it will make cargo running interesting in the future when its more fleshed out. Plus it'll be nice to have a small ship for running high value, low quantity items like laranite and agricium.
yeah make it less of a pain just to move say 30SCU of stuff from a refinery using a C2/MSR, the Raft sits prefectly between larger SCU cargo hauling and i believe the external underslung cargo carrier would make things quick once cargo refractor comes in and there is a update on the cargo gameplay
I wonder if the RAFT is just one of multiple configurations they intend to add to the same basic chassis. Since the cargo-refactor was originally scheduled for around now, they chose the cargo-hauling variant for this IAE. If I am right, then what else could this general hull form do? Replace the cargo container cranes with fuel tanks and refueling probe? Repair machinery and/or large tractor beam for towing?
Yes it's a very open and generic space frame, they could do all sorts of things with it.
Great vid as always! I bought one, we'll see how everything pans out. If it sucks I'll just CCU to a Hull C.
Great review, and congratulations on reaching 50k subscribers!
Cargo ship with tractor beam and open cargo framework.
No listed ability to pick up mining bags.
If it could, then there would be a strong synergy with the MOLE or Prospector.
Considering quantanium ore time limit and RAFT's selling point is fast load/unload time, handling mining bags would be a HUGE advantage.
External cargo is a big nono in my opinion, in high risk areas laser bolts and mass cannon shells are going to be flying and you'll potentially loose one of those containers where as an internally armoured and shielded craft has no such issue, if your ferrying commodity goods only i guess its not such a big deal its not like your going to get shot at every run, profit impact will be low over a career, but it will still feel terrible making a loss on your run, but any real value cargo or rare space artifacts ( which are already confirmed btw ) you want a sealed cargo hold as a must have item.
Just looking at the concept art images of the cranes/clamp lowering containers makes me feel like the RAFT can run multiple containers stacked on each other
Dude thanks for always making these great videos. I’ve been watching your channel for years and always enjoy your presentation on the different ships and concepts.
I like cargo ships like this, the freelancer series, and the cutlass that can haul a decent amount, can be manned by a lone player, and have some decent pilot controlled weaponry. Though of course having a gunner along with you would be ideal
Traded a ship for this one and will be using it as a mining cargo ship for when I go cave mining. Since they added the capability to unload you inventory into the ship. You could extract every mineral from a single cave mine and make more money.
A few things I think should be mentioned is the fact that this ship doesn't need to open it self up to unload meaning It is a far more secure way of cargo hauling. I also think this thing is going to be great when the massive Pyro system comes into play with 27000 fuel meaning maybe not having stop to refuel as much as other ships in its class or maybe just be able to use really fast quantum drives.
The crew quarters are perfect for those 3+ hour waits while the cargo is being readied.
I have a feeling cargo loading is going to be similar to ore refining. You pay for how quickly you want it done - say the different between 'container to hangar', 'container to ship', 'crate to hangar', 'crate to ship' and there's a big cost or time difference to pay someone else to load your ship up rather than load it yourself. If I have to load 3 containers via a tractor beam rather than move 120 boxes into my Max I am going to be taking the RAFT 100% of the time because I spend more time in the air and trading the commodoties rather than playing 3d tetris in my Max's hold.
I noticed this ship holds the same as the argo mole. Might be a good synergy there for miners
I love the design of this ship. I own one but, to be honest, I'm still torn whether I'll keep it. The cargo seems a little shy of what it should be to be profitable, especially after fuel/repair costs of "long hauls" (multi system) and if you need an escort, you're not making money. It's not a fighter (obviously) but I believe the pilot controlled weapons are way too small. They are nothing more than a light show and can't be expected to do much at size 1. IMO they should be size 2. As far as interior design, I think it's beautiful...but, that floor between the pilot and co-pilot is a real missed opportunity and should have been an unobstructed view of below. It would help in landing and would take advantage of a under-slung cockpit area. Another great video YB!
I was in the same boat and ended up melting it next day. I absolutely love the interior of the ship, feels fairly well thought out, but it's cargo capacity is so small that as of now I couldnt see it being that good of a cargo ship. Maybe when cargo refactor hits and we get load/offload times it might be more interesting but your better off right now with say a Max or something else.
Will we be able to use this to pick up Ore in the field from the prospectors and moles. Their cargo bags are supposed to be detachable. If it's shuttling cargo it adds a whole new level to a group mining situation keeping the miners on site for maximum output
The front thrusters are directly in line with the aft thrusters... This is an obvious problem.
Is it only me that was having a weird audio issue? It sounded like he was using a malfunctioning auto-tuner.
I think the same at least for the first half of the video too and am glad I am not the only one who hears that.
Has anyone noticed that this ship is configured like a drop ship? With the VTOLs, heavy armor and too mounted turret this thing could have future use for combat zone resupplies. Maybe one day we will be able to put vehicles in cargo containers. Fly in, drop the containers and get out.
I think it's important to point out that the Hercules uses a S3 quantum, which uses FAR more quantum fuel. A Pontes-equipped Hercules can travel about 60% as far as a Crossfield-equipped RAFT - and the RAFT will get there faster while doing it.
If that's accurate, good to know.
Why would you compare it to a Hercules and not a Freelancer, MSR or Constellation? They seem the better comparison.
If you have the free Argo Cargo, you can CCU it to the raft for about $60. That seems to be excellent value for a cargo ship of this size. I have larger cargo ships and still got the raft just for the value and great aesthetic. Plus, it could be CCU'd further to larger ships if you end up not liking it.
Is that a pre-release version? Everyone else has the inventory open when they click on the closets in the rec room.
A couple of thoughts:
CIGs stated plan for cargo is that everything must be in containers and they *may already be filled ready to load aboard* which I guess would be the case when you buy your cargo from a TDD, maybe from Admin. This means the time factor is based on how fast you can get the containers travel-ready. While you are loading the containers into your cargo bay or getting them attached to a Hull, the RAFT is on its way to its destination though as you say, we have no idea of the scale of that time saving.
Cargo Docks allow you to store containers for later collection. Can we buy 9 containers in a single visit to the TDD and have them waiting at the Cargo Dock then at the destination store them until all 9 have been transported? Can we then sell the contents of all 9 *unloaded* containers in a single visit to the TDD at the end? This would make the potential time savings of multiple short trips just picking up and dropping off pretty useful as any other ship wanting to transport more than its cargo capacity would have to unload its containers from the hold/spindle before it could get more containers loaded and that doubles the time lost each time.
Last point, a lot of people say that other ships are better choices because they carry more but they neglect the fact that these ships all cost more. Sure a Freelancer Max carries more but it only carries 25% more while costing 50% more. They may add the ability to go bounty hunting but people like me are not interested in looking for trouble. I own no fighters and my other freighter is an MSR that is designed to avoid trouble and run (yes it carries more and will carry data but at over twice the cost) while the next ship I will acquire is the Vulture that cannot fight back either.
You forgot to mention the other Argo design cue. LOTS of headlights, this beast has at least 20.
Great video and thoughts! Thank you for creating it : ) You are right, based on what we know right now, it does feel odd, where does it exactly fit with the QT range the price per SCU would have to go way up to make it worth the travel time. Also great crew quarters, love the galley as well as the overall ship layout.
I think the grab n go is right and that part makes sense, will there be specifically a hauler gameplay loop built entirely around that specific sized containers?
Also we noticed that the MOLE and RAFT both have exactly 96 SCU. Perhaps with the tractor beam there would be ore hauling ARGO operations.
Speaking of Galley where is the refrigerator? Most cases it is clear glass with drinks and food.
I do love the Argo look, a nice alternative to Drake - a technically more refined and functional - the ARGO look and design.
I would like to see something that fits between the Prospector and MOLE from ARGO. Perhaps like the ROC DS variant for ship mining.
The docking port also looks like impractical, where can it realistically attack with the cockpit in the way?
I have several cargo ships already so I certainly don't *need* a RAFT, but I ended up getting one anyway because I like it. For the record I never do this anymore so it's quite a change for me.
I really like (most of) the design choices they made with this ship and I want to encourage that. She's not perfect by a long shot but overall I think this is one of CIG's best. With a couple of exceptions, the layout is solid, and where things are makes sense (for once). I hope they'll continue improving on this sort of work.
The shorter the run, the higher value you get from a quick un/load. But long hauls make load time insignificant. Not to mention the cargo value. If this ship has greater value, it isn't here and now.
I also thought it was meant to assist the Hull series with off loading, but if we've learned anything from recent game play, tractor beams are the king for cargo manipulation. Which means using a RAFT to assist the loading and unloading of a Hull akin to putting on oven mittens to type on your keyboard. So I would see an SRV better and faster at manipulating cargo for a Hull series ship.
Looks to me that they could make modules that attach to the back allowing it to haul more
This thing would be perfect for long hauling if it has the best-in-class fuel efficiency. With that large of a tank, if you have lets say twice the fuel efficiency than the next hauler, you can actually mount faster drives to speed your entire journey. It becomes the best medium ship that can both do long distance hauling and do it faster than anyone else. Maybe a multiplier of some sorts.
I suspect that in the future we will probably see an increase to QT fuel capacity for many hauler based ships, or that the raft will have its reserves nerfed to be more in line with other ships of its size.
I made up my mind when I first saw this thing. It looks perfect for me. Great interior. Space trucking but not requiring as many people as something like a Cat would. The crew quarters alone hooked me.
Once players are required to wait while things a loaded, I think this thing will come into its own.
Didnt think I needed this ship...until I did :)
Traded in my Nomad for the RAFT. (I have a 400i and Sabre Comet). It gives me Terrapin vibes, which is one of my favorite ships but just can't justify it. I've been using this for some missions that don't involve space combat.
What escort has enough range while also enough firepower to protect the Raft?
The whole loading time aspect is what has me a little sceptical as well. Because at current state the Freelancer MAX easily wins the race by being a good bit faster and more agile to the point that it feels like i could get a few minutes ahead flying down from one of the orbital stations (without jumping of course) and maneuvering into a hangar. And on the short routes in system, as you said, the MAX also basically carries that missing 4th container on the quick trip while the Raft just cant use its insane fuel capacity.
I bought a Raft regardless, but i have to admit that until all its most likely use cases are live and it has convinced me on a very long inter-system trip to some bad weather, high grav (they mentioned something like that on ISC, i think) station, this ship is probably just going to haul my refinery orders and be in constant danger of turning into an lti token for something moure suited to the role of an in system workhorse
If there are missions to pick up other people's containers and you're not risking your OWN cash loading up your cargo bay, and the Freelancer cannot do that, and the payment for run is similar... Then this will be a better ship. Because right now if you lose one load of cargo that YOU paid for you're going to have to do 10 more trips to make up that loss.
A flat rate or maybe % of the haul appeals to me more than trading. Hauling other peoples cargo all the way!
Nice overview, as always. As it turned out, my mind was made up as soon as I saw it because it looks the part of a spaceship, not a scifi machine, so a day one buy for me.
not really related to the video, but what planet is that? it looks almost like new babbage but I don't know where it would be on it.
When does the event end?
Ended up with one of these today by chance and only $5 of my money.
Had an Argo cargo from a referral was going to upgrade it to a Cutty-B but didn’t have enough money so was going to do a Titan, but then noticed something weird about the 300I why is there a cheaper option to upgrade. Fell down the rabbit hole of crazy upgrading chains.
Cargo -> 300I -> Spartan -> warlock -> Raft.
The warlock jump was because the gift card was $5 short. So $55 from me but that gift card was years old so doesn’t count as my money.
Oh right forgot to mention, I more just got caught up in the whole upgrade game. Blew right past the Cutlass Black the ship I was actually wanting.
I really haven’t done any trading in game. Not since I loaded up a C2 with all the drugs only to find out there really wasn’t that much demand for them.
But, can u load processed ore onto the ship to sell?
So... Noob question, but how do I get this ship? I have store credits to get it, but I don't have the option to buy or upgrade to it?
I do not see how even a tractor beam can position all three containers, they are in the way of each other.
And the sight of the controller is also blocked, it probably end up all being game magic anyway (with lots of dev time wasted to still try the impossible).
I think you use it to transport whatever you mined with your mole
Highly underrated ship I definitely grinding for one soon the interior is just fantastic
The raft is more of a local delivery ship. As in planet side maybe between moons at most.
Are my headphones broken or is his voice audio slightly autotuney?
I think the same at least for the first half of the video too and am glad I am not the only one who hears that.
I like the Raft very much but as you said it has a lot of unknowns. And since it has a rather strong competition with Hull B and Freelancer MAX the decision comes down very hard on those unknowns. Stronger VTOL and loading times might just fill a niche for it to be the best in.
Is the audio janky
It looks like a big shuttle type ship. I'd say it's perfect for multiple runs between say a planet colony and a space station for a large delivery contract. I still think that carries too little for it's size. Maybe another 8 or 16 SCU would be perfect for it.
To be fair it should have far larger hydrogen tanks, not quantum so that it is hugely effective as a shuttle back and forth. That requires lots of hydrogen, not quantum.
@@jimrussell4062 It's true. QT is needed on the ship of it's size, yes. But hydrogen is much more important for a cargo runner. To be honest, I think that CIG shouldn't release ships without their associated mechanics ready. Otherwise we may get another case of Reclaimer, that's big, useless and requires a remake already, simply wasting a lot of recourses.
What happened to your voice Youngblood? It sounds different
Edit: nvm XD, who was the first person?
Primary advantage, the cargo crates snap on and off like legos. One, two, three, done. You won't have to move every single box by hand, like with the Connie or Freelancer.
Thanks for the in-depth review.
@STLYoungblood Are you gonna do a should you buy in the Redeemer now that it's out?
Nice review. Personally I believe this manufacturer will have a niche over the rest. These things are meant to work together quickly and efficiently with their siblings rather quickly. In / out done. Others I feel will stumble and will take more time and this should be weighted on and considered. Specificity at some point will play a large impact on how people determine their needs.
i think this ship is worth more than the odyssey once this ship has all its functions turn on like front magnetic grab plates to push or pull or grab then you have no load times. this is the main ship im mine fleets transferring to or from Orion and hull C i mean the caterpillar possibly be much better faster
I'm impressed it has a real airlock. That's rare in Star Citizen ships!
Love this ship. I think we may seem some great info coming soon.
Can it hold vehicles
What this has that no other ship has so far is to be able to loot full containers in space.
I believe this one is more for the NPC haulers, and less for players. Though, if there are missions specifically designed with this ship in mind, it would certainly make it more attractive.
Cargo Refactor it’s not the first ship to be in game before the gameplay was implemented .Nomad.
My take is that a 31 scu container is like a 1 scu box, you put raw material in it directly, not box.
for plant-to moon, or station to planet surface, short distance work, I can see why you would want this....if you can do 2x or 3x the runs of other rear, ramp-load ships in a day, yaaahoooo! BUT, who in their right mind would cruise this thing, carrying cargo or not, without an escort? ...and, if you must have an escort, there goes your profit. Even though it takes a few minutes longer to load a Freelancer, if the goal is medium/longer distances, having at least a minimal chance of fending off minor pirate bugs would be well worth the longer wait for the boxes to be loaded at pickup/dropoff.
Given the ground clearance I personally would like to see 6 containers carried in stacks of two. I know cargo quantity vs price point etc etc but it would be more efficient at least.
Might see it as a Cousin Crows mod down the line - pay to upgrade the cargo clamps to carry 6 over 3 containers or something.
Interesting if there will be double tall or double wide containers.
i would get this without thinking if it had the 4th container, i feel like it really should
What you should do is use it as a Warbond CCU discount stepping stone
ION currently at $75 total discount i did miss some daily Warbond’s that would increase that saving’s further
In the future when cargo has to be manually loaded it will have a place currently it has no place
I'm seriously considering trading in my Cutlass Black for one of these. Caveat: I *also* own a Freelancer, specifically a Freelancer MIS. If I didn't, I wouldn't be considering the swap. But with the 'Lancer doing most things as well as, or better than, the Cutlass, my "Space Huey's" days might be numbered.
No, the MIS - or any other variant except for the MAX - can't carry a Greycat ROC. If I owned one, that'd be a significant factor. Since I don't, it ain't.
Now, just let me jump into my Nomex undies before y'all kick off the flame war 😄
where is this location?
5 times the range of a DUR. ... that's gotta be a mistake. How is it so useful to have a quick load/unload design if you bring this ship 50 star systems away? Why have so much QT fuel tank capacity if this ship is better used locally?
I cant help but feel like the ship was designed for something else and they needed another ship to sell so they slapped the idea of a crane on. Just looking at the ship it screams something like a some refining ship or something like that to pair with the Mole. And those magnetic seperators/filters on the upper deck feel like a leftover from that desgin. I do like how 95% of the ship looks, only down side is the feeling of wasted space in the crane area. Also feels like the first ship that has the gold standard for me. With all the unknowns about cargo i cant recomend it right now but I might still pick one up just beause shes a beauty.
Man they really put effont into not leaving space for a 4th container even tho it totally fits. Look at the rails, they don't go all the way to the end of the ship, each container has a gap in between the other and an even bigger gap between the first container closest to the ship and the ship itself. This should have 4 containers and another 32 SCU of cargo...just saying.
If I didn't already have a Lancer MAX, I would have very likely bought the RAFT for sure. But with the current 'state of play' the greater SCU, vehicle carrying ability, faster ingress/egress, greater agility and firepower of the Lancer MAX stopped me from picking up the RAFT. The interior esign and details of the RAFT really is nice though, I love the living space - Lancer is just so ugly by comparison, lol!!!
Get the ships you want for the game we're playing now... a lot will change by the tme the game is finished and goes live, so it's no point planning too far ahead.
Thanks for this informative video! Your voice sounds so different this time, like there is an autotune effect on it, at least for the first half of the video...
Eve online commercials before your video!!!!! SACRALIGE! Just kidding LOL. Great video STL, as always.
I like it, but it does need more cargo space to be more equal and for looking better, as it seems its 60% living space and 40 % cargo.
loved this review.
I rented one when it came out and did a test cargo run. I find it's too slow in atmosphere. And unless you're going to jump out the airlock all the time the elevator is very slow, and, at the moment, possibly kill you with a bug. 😆 It has virtually no guns. If ALL you care about is cargo it's better than the Freelancer. If you care about being more multi-purpose it's worse. Freelancer can carry a little bit of vehicle. It's got four size three guns so you can do a little bit of bounty hunting. Until the cargo container mechanic is in the game I would suggest a Freelancer Max. Sure costs a bit more but it's much more capable all around RIGHT NOW.
I love the interior, but just wouldnt feel safe flying it. The only guns are on top and it rolls so slow that any attacker can just live under your belly for generations.