Quick Question - Why Do Some Jedi's Disappear When They Die And Others Don't?

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • I am sure George Lucas has an explanation for this, I am just too lazy to find it.
    Copyright Disclaimer - This video contains copyrighted images and sound. It is an educational study and falls under the "fair use" provisions of copyright law and the first amendment to critique and discuss.


  • @jesseredwards
    @jesseredwards 8 років тому +19

    Not to be picky but the plural for Jedi is Jedi.

  • @adamt.borrowmanmr.mattobei9865
    @adamt.borrowmanmr.mattobei9865 22 дні тому +1

    If you look closely, obi-wan was already gone before Vader hit him with the lightsaber. Also Luke skywalker disappeared when he died in the last Jedi.

  • @devtrev85
    @devtrev85 8 років тому +5

    As I understand it, the prequels help explain that disappearing at death and remaining conscious afterward are tied together. It's a learned ability. Before he died, apparently Qui-Gon discovered a way to manifest himself in the Force. We never saw him again but we did hear him in Episode II (Liam Neeson was slated to appear Force ghost style in EpII but was injured in an accident and couldn't shoot, so the appearance was downgraded to a voice cameo). This is explained a little in Episode III. Yoda tells Obi-Wan that he's communicating with Qui-Gon in the netherworld of the Force, and that Yoda will teach Obi-Wan how to talk to him, too.
    So becoming the Force ghost after death is a learned ability, and seeing the Force ghost is also learned. A Jedi with training can make that transition and communicate with his friends who are still alive if they know how to focus their mind - or something like that.
    It's not a perfect setup for why Luke is able to hear and see Obi-Wan without being trained. Maybe Lucas was implying Luke is so powerful he doesn't need to be trained for that. Anyway, that's the explanation offered in the films.

  • @Darthpsychonis
    @Darthpsychonis 8 років тому +11

    In the lore of Star Wars the ability for a Jedi to disappear upon death and come back as a Force ghost is something that has to be learned, and is not something that normally happens. While it is not really explained in the films themselves, originally in Revenge of the Sith Qui-gon Jinn was going to have a scene where he communicates to Yoda from beyond the grave and explain to him how to become one withe Force when he dies so he can continue to teach people the ways of the Jedi even after death. The scene was not include because Liam Neeson was not available, but it still exists in the film's script and novelization. The scene was sort of re-worked into the last episodes of Star Wars The Clone Wars where Qui-gon begins to talk to Yoda which bewilders the other Jedi as apparently communing with the dead has been unheard of till that point. Qui-gon the begins to lead Yoda on a spiritual journey to teach him how to do this. As for Anakin, I always just assumed that his body may have disappeared off screen.

  • @Martin-wz5rm
    @Martin-wz5rm 5 років тому +7

    I was getting comfortable for a theory video, it turns out to only last 30 seconds and be a question ;-;

    • @SeaTac411
      @SeaTac411  5 років тому +1

      Well it said it was only 30 seconds in the corner of the thumbnail ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • @tmage01
    @tmage01 6 років тому +1

    They couldn't get Liam Neeson to do another movie.

  • @revjirhcs
    @revjirhcs 7 років тому +4

    Think it was because Obi-one and Yoda where rdy to become one with the force before they died. You saw that Yoda had peace with the fact he would die as did Obi-one by letting Vader strike him down.

    • @noelbus4536
      @noelbus4536 7 років тому

      Magtheridon Apocalypce but quigon didnt die right after darth maul killed him . he died just after obiwan defeated maul and told him to train anakin

  • @trombone7
    @trombone7 7 років тому +1

    Anakin : didn't disappear because he was sith.
    Qui Gon : Didn't disappear because ( I don't quite remember) was a Jedi master not a knight or a knight but not a master.
    It has something to do with some distinction Liam Neeson said on the tonight show in like 1999, and also something to do with why Qui Gon couldn't be on the jedi council. He somehow doesn't qualify to die and disappear.
    My guess, without looking into it.

  • @zorroag
    @zorroag 8 років тому

    my guess would be it's their choice to reincarnate or not...and also qui gon was a shitty jedi with a pretty low power level and vader was too dark and old and robotic to do it anymore...and also they might not have died right away when we see them stabbed

  • @DeadYorick
    @DeadYorick 8 років тому +1

    I think it was entirely because at the time when Star Wars and Empire came out there wasn't this elaborate universe Star Wars had. So they made them disappear "to make them seem more magical". After Jedi they dropped all of this.

  • @paulyzish
    @paulyzish 8 років тому +2

    Hi Sean: my theory is that amongst the Jedi and the Sith there are shades of grey. Yoda and Obi-Wan where Jedi in every sense of the word, and in the end they transformed into the force. Annakin was seduced by the Darkside; although he did the right thing in the end, it wasn't enough for him to be transformed; Likewise, Qui Gon, according to count Dooku, may have had a shady back-story. Had Qui Gon lived, Count Dooku would have attempted to bring him to the Darkside; whether or not he would've succeeded, Qui Gon's backstory prevented him from being transformed. I am certainly not a Star Wars expert, but I love the films, And that's my take on it. Peace.

    • @EarlsBackYard
      @EarlsBackYard 2 місяці тому

      No he was still a force ghost so that doesn’t explain it either

  • @paulyzish
    @paulyzish 8 років тому +2

    Hi Sean: What I think would be a wonderful video would be to ask the question: who was Annakin's father? If you showed the clip from episode one, his mother said that there was no father. In episode three, the Emperor reveals that a wise sith named Darth Plageus was able to influence the midia chlorides to create life; he further reveals that his apprentice killed him in his sleep. My theory is that the Emperor was the apprentice and that Darth Plageus was able to conceive annakin purely with the force which explains why Anakin's midia chloride count was off the chart. Once Annakin was conceived, Darth Plageus was of course killed by his apprentice a.k.a. the Emperor who later used Annakin to do his bidding. That's my theory. Peace.

  • @JimmyDThing
    @JimmyDThing 8 років тому +1

    I believe it's a level of achieved consciousness. It's absolutely for certain that they will continue on into a next life, the question is if they're conscious of themselves enough to be an active participant in this or not. In fact, the ones that disappear are SO conscious that they are able to remain in a ghost-like form of themselves to finish something before continuing on.

  • @NoPeopleLand
    @NoPeopleLand 8 років тому +4

    Because it's basically an special technique, Qui Gon learned it in the ''after life'', and then found a way to communicate with Yoda and Obi Wan, whom learned it while they were alive, that's why they disappear,it's because they instantly became one with the force.
    Anakin probably learned this technique as Qui Gon did ( though at a much faster rate),either that or his essence/soul was '''Intercepted'' by Yoda and Obi Wan, who may helped him achieve the form of a Force Ghost.

  • @Pippinmog
    @Pippinmog 8 років тому +1

    Cinematic effect. Nothing more.

  • @earlgreen5832
    @earlgreen5832 6 місяців тому +1

    DO & DIE DON’T QUESTION WHY Luke 17:10
    Joel Osteen’s anecdotal story supporting questioning and filtering what you let into your subconscious is about him watching a war movie and having nightmares in the night. It brought me back to the subject of war. As Commander in Chief Presidents have to direct men and women willing to put their lives on the line for their country/men in battle. This service is done in faith and gladly because they feel moved and compelled do it. We are Christian soldiers going on to war. We are ridiculed for blind faith but our faith is as such too, where we know our Master loves us and our cause is right. So ours is to ‘do and die and not to question why’ also, but our rewards are sure and our KING reigns for sure! You can’t go wrong and you can’t lose!

  • @USALibertarian
    @USALibertarian 8 років тому

    The implication is that it is not that they disappear when they die, it is that they chose to be one with the force. Yoda is obviously ready to go when he disappears. And Obi-Wan doesn't just get killed, he raises his lightsaber when he sees Luke has made it to safety. Had he not known that he could communicate with Luke he would not have chosen to do this. So, it's not "some Jedi do and some don't disappear when they die" as much as these two learned the "skill." So, assuming this and the ability to become a force ghost are linked, then why does Anakin appear as a force ghost to Luke? I assume it is because there are two sides to the communication between the living and "dead" jedi and that Luke is so in tune with The Force that even though Anakin was not skilled in the light side enough to do it himself, Luke was able to meet him more than half way by that point.

  • @chriskazaglis
    @chriskazaglis 6 років тому

    Basically, they're trying to save on funeral costs as they did not have death benefits as consultant jedis.
    Question answered - you're welcome.

  • @Simplesource98
    @Simplesource98 7 років тому

    they disapear when they know they are going to die. Thats the theory I heard and seems to make scence.

  • @brmblazer
    @brmblazer 7 років тому

    Im late to this but I always figured it was just some Jedi had unlocked that ability through training and meditation and some didn't

  • @plumlogan
    @plumlogan 8 років тому

    Ask mega nerd question - get mega nerd answers

  • @leonidasvictorscaleholm4825
    @leonidasvictorscaleholm4825 8 років тому

    Maybe they're becoming one with the force?

  • @michaelcoffey498
    @michaelcoffey498 7 років тому

    lol cremation scene at the end

  • @fuckenps3
    @fuckenps3 8 років тому

    Between prequels and OT there are much worse inconsistencies. Anyway, I think some fans say that Luke burned the suit only, and there's that extra material in ep. 3 or something that explains Qui Gon & Yoda are learning afterlife stuff.
    I think Adywan mentioned he's going to make Vader fade at death didn't he (for RotJ:R)?