Here in Denver CO black Madeira kk, doing very well for me. Second year in container. Some varieties ( Smith, verdino del nord ) might do better in your climate. Which five varieties do well for you??
Black maderia is nothing more than a seedling probably from brogiotto nero or a similar fig because there are many synonms and variations of this fig in the Mediterranean. Taste wise is said to be same not worth the hype or money. Even the shape and the leaf pattern is basically the same. Just buy a brogiotto nero. Its a fast grower, prolific and reliable variety.
I like your honest opinion and that’s why I watch your channel.
According to you which are the best variety of figs? Please recommend the variety names
The smith fig seams to rate well among others. But I’m thinking depending on we’re it’s grow witch applys to all food. Nice work 😇
My figs did the same thing after be rain on!
It's happened sometimes really nothing new!
I still keep my tree.
Have you tried the pollinated version of these vs the ones you love to see if maybe is that improving the flavor?
There is no pollinator in VA. The climate in VA is just not good for this type. It is a top tasting variety in CA
I value your opinion. Will you name a couple of varieties that you prefer over Madera Island black? Thank you, Magnolia, Texas.
Here were some of my favorites when I was in Virginia: Top Fig Varieties in 2021 (N. VA)
Here in Denver CO black Madeira kk, doing very well for me. Second year in container. Some varieties ( Smith, verdino del nord ) might do better in your climate. Which five varieties do well for you??
I’ll do a summary at the end of the season. There is still a little growing left to do this season
I, agree!
What are your top 3 figs for flavor?
Adriatic JH, CDD Gegantina, White Madeira #1 were good for taste in VA
Black maderia is nothing more than a seedling probably from brogiotto nero or a similar fig because there are many synonms and variations of this fig in the Mediterranean. Taste wise is said to be same not worth the hype or money. Even the shape and the leaf pattern is basically the same. Just buy a brogiotto nero. Its a fast grower, prolific and reliable variety.
Thanks for the tip. I don’t think brogiotto nero is commonly grown here