All social workers should have body cams to prove what they they make up lies even what the child says..teachers are involved and helping them take the children..
A friend of mine had her baby forcefully taken away from her and that baby is now adopted. I was abused as a child and even though my abuser is dead and gone, I was red flagged because I’m a survivor of abuse. With the help of my doctor I got social services off my back and have not heard anything since. My son is in a loving home, I’m going to uni to ensure he has a great future and I can provide for him. His dad works long hours to ensure our son has everything he needs. Social workers are scum. I’ve never met a nice one.
My mother's youngest sister was intellectually challenged (we suspect a brain injury at birth but no one can find a direct explanation). Her husband was also a little slow mentally. They raised four boys who turned out to be of high above average to superior intelligence when they were assessed as young adults. Their children did not get much intellectual stimulation at home, but their teachers more than made up for that by working with them more at school. Hearing this story just makes me livid! I think that unless there is violence in the home, the ultimate goal of the state should be to help families stay together and to provide in-home assistance rather than removing the children. There have been so many cases where the system took no action and the children in question were ultimately severely damaged by the parents or even fatally injured. No one has a crystal ball, but the state should make remedial training and support for families a priority. When a family falls under scrutiny of social services, I would prefer to see them moved together into a house with a live-in couple who can oversee their parenting skills and make recommendations, but the parents and children stay together. I know these situations are unique and must be cnsidered individually, but training inadequate parents and helping them develop successful parenting strategies surely must cuse less harm than destroying the nuclear family unit?
Chris Lambert social workers lie like hell...They did so when i had investigation due to the custody case i had in Court with my youngest daughter's father....Cause of the evil lies from social services..familyright office and her father with his lawyer he won......even he hardly knew the girl and she didn't want to meet him.....Cause if those bitches in familyrightoffice and social services+ the social workers at the Place she met her father once a week and 2 older women who i was forced to meet to get "help" with my parenthood and their lies the Court was on his side....i hardly got chance to even defend myself in Court and tell my view......However...she still lives with me....her father has got a new baby but those people stamped me to be a bad mom cause of their bloody shit lies....even she she still lives with me ,he has the Court on his side....He said he didn't want to force her to move there....that she could decide i hope he keeps his Words...... Even i don't drink or use drugs or abuse my daughter in any ways at all(mental/emotional,physically or sexually)and did Everything for her ,they were fixed with the idea to let him win even he had only seen her 5 times from she was born till she was 9 years old ....and it was just short meetings....They claimed i had manipulated her to be against the father......lies again.....Her feelings were her own feelings....cause she has strong feelings about things.....If she really wanted to meet her father nobody would manage to change her mind about be against him....Her feelings were totally her own and nothing i have had given her.....But they just were obcessed by giving me the blame for it so he more easily would win.
I was told by an ex social worker, there is the way the social work are supposed to work and there is the way they actually work, big difference between the two.
Social services have made my kids life hell. Asked them what they wanted to be when they grow up then told them they would never be able to do that, they lied and manipulated what ever was said. They are not there to help no matter what they say. It’s been a very hard and scary time when my kids were younger they ruined a time that should be treasured with your young children.
I know of a young woman years ago, she had a baby boy and she didn't even have a chance to mother him. She got home, no problems then after 4 days the boiler broke so she stayed with her parents whilst the landlord arranged for it to be repaired. But the social services took her baby because they said she had no means to put a roof and provide heating for him.... 4 days...
How could they prove emotional abuse occurs prior to birth? One couple was told, prior to birth, that their child would be taken at birth. Child trafficking?
Exactly read the Nancy Schaefer report it outlines all these financial incentives. She was a senator in Georgia that ended up dead after that report came out.
A point here. The children taken from loving parents for forced adoption. How will they feel (about Social Services) when they are older and find out they were deprived of a life with their birth family due to a pack of lies told by SS and the rest of them?
I can tell u EXACLY wot it feels like! I am seriously affected by FA as a baby robbed of a loving stable family home and placed with emotionally and physically abusive loons whose other bio daughter died not long before of some mysterious breathing disorder not a surprise really considering I was attacked in a fashion that cud cause death by asphyxiation and to think CAMMS advice to the APs on how to "deal" with a distressed child in mourning for it's real mother!
My family suffered the same,I lost my four grandchildren,although they had all the family help we helped nearly every day ,they came and took them, two into the care system,and two were adopted , they were determined to have the children although they were loved by all.
People need to get together and work together in every case and appeal to Supreme Court to terminal corrupt Judges and shut down child stealing cartels
My 3eldest were taken coz my ex was battering me and i couldnt escape and they wouldnt help and my kids were put up for adoption my younger 2 blonde hair blue eyes beautiful manners and gorgeous. My eldest who had behaviour issues (and wasnt my exs kid so harder to prove) was left to rot in a kiddies home. When i met my husband 7yrs later and i wasnt expecting to have anymore kids, and accidentally fell i got a letter saying re baby edwards (my exs name) we r co cerned ur pregnant again with andrew and we r looking to remove the baby at birth. I was 14wks. I called em in tears explained id moved 30miles away to be with new hubby to escape my ex and start a new life and it was his baby. Next thing i knew we had a social worker and while she assessed us she wasnt a single bit concerned and she was hugely supportive not just having the baby but with my dying father in law. Itbwas hell for 2weeks tho i even considered abortion to save myself going thru that again. Different council a better social worker and i got the help i needed to be a good mum. Why couldnt other social worker do that?? She lied in court luckily i could prove it, and she got sacked and her little lacky but the court still issued the adoption papers. I have my eldest back after yrs of abuse in the system but my 2middle kids were taken to order. They told us they wanted adoption and they had parwnts chosen 6months before we went to court! I am having another baby on tues 13th march and this time social services havent even bothered to speak to us this time coz we satisfied them, and midwifes and such that we r in no way a threat to our kids. Sad thing is my ex has been spotted with a woman and a baby recently so if hes had more kids even tho he was supposed to be the actual problem how can he be allowed a kiddy but i was at risk of losing mine again? Oh yeah coz all the woman needs to do is say hes someone else or lie he hasnt had kids before and he doesnt get checked unless shes had issues with ss in the past. Needs to be a proper register.
I’m about to study to be a social worker because of what I went through with the a hole social workers when I was young. Their are some good and some assuming, prejudiced, fault finding ones. They’re the evil ones.
@@destiny9734 thank u for getting out there and proving good people can do the job aswell. I personally think social work is like midwifery. U cant be a good midwife until u have a baby urself and truly understand what happens inside and out (used to be the law aswell, only licensed midwifes had to be married and have atleast 1 baby), and in the same way, unless u have had to deal with ss, u cant understand peoples problems and be able to help and empathise properly. I wish u all the luck in the world.
Janet Othen thank you Janet. When I was young I decided I would be one of the ‘good ones’ because I had to deal with them a lot and some were absolutely horrible assuming twats who held so much power to make decisions about my life it was unbearable. But once or twice I had a very supportive one who made a good difference and helped a lot. So I totally get what you mean about experience. All the best hun x
Social workers will remove children if the parent refuses to leave the abuse partner. If you call the police on a violent partner they report it to social services.
In oz, one child taken all others will be taken stright after birth! So sad, meaning no one can change and if they do it's not noted.i pray for these mothers and fathers.
Trish Bod Well if a parent can’t look after one kid and they don’t change their bad behaviours then they shouldn’t be allowed to have more kids, plus it’s not fair to the one that they couldn’t look after. I hate the Social Services as much as the next person but some people obviously do deserve to lose their kids, look at all the high profile child abuse cases in the news; Baby P for example, was well known to the police and social work.
That’s not true I’m from Australia and I know women who have lost other children and keep their new baby due to getting off drugs etc they do not just take your child if you are doing better than you were I used to live in a housing commission tower for twelve years and that just is not the case. I also grew up a ward of the state, in and out of foster care and this just isn’t true unless they have genuine concerns about drugs, living conditions or abuse even ppl with mental health conditions can raise a child as long as they aren’t coming up under at least one or more of stated categories
There is SO MUCH MORE to each of these stories...I have seen it myself, I've listened to parents saying they have not done anything wrong, yet I have SEEN the results of and the violence myself... A man who we saw beat his child, swearing he never touched her. He hit her over six times before we got across the road to grab him off her.
I agree this doco only gave 1 side people will say anything firstly the man who was accused of sexual abuse of a child by his exwife had his step daughter a 7 year old sitting on his lap sorry but this rang alarm bells for me.Secondly the horrific tape of the mans children being taken by social services showed clearly that the parents being hysterical was making the situation worse for the children if you know they have to go for whatever reason try and be calm for the kids sake you can be hysterical after the leave.To do otherwise is just selfish.
To meet targets are going after sibings of disabled child or where in West Yorkshire few years back. tried this with me mistook my intellegence got a solicitor straight away challenged them. How was it I was considered able to look after my Autistic son but not his brother and sister. Note Autistic children very hard to place why went after my able children they failed solicitor was very good took me on for free. Social worker was moved to another department. We moved just over the border into North yorkshire I rang north yorkshire social services provided them with paper work from west yorkshire we where supported by children with disability team we'd so much support from them I had to ask if they could back off abit so we could do things with the kids ourselves they where amazing and we both got glowing parent reports no concerns at all. exact opposite of west yorkshire came out few years later multiple families where having to fight to keep their able children over housing emotional inferred parental fighting yet disable chid was not applied to be removed from the parents. There was a huge stink over this west Yorkshire (kirklees) where going after families with disabled children they where discribed as easy targets to meet forced adoption targets. All three of my children amaxing adults working full time never been in trouble with the police no bother with drugs. Youngest 18 is the IT tech at local high school. Daughter appling to work for the police supervisor in very large bar currently my autistic son working in a hotel no longer non verbal did level 3 at college.
In Canada a woman had her infant daughter who was less than a year old forcibly taken from her when social workers showed up at her residence with an order to remove her roommate's children. For unknown reasons they also removed the infant and threatened the mother with arrest if she did not comply. Six days later while in foster care the infant died suddenly, most likely from Reye's Syndrome, a fatal reaction to aspirin. She had been left unattended for hours prior to her death. There was never a legal removal order and the mother had to sue the government for the right to speak publicly about her case.
I guarantee that the social workers are treating the kids like commission jobs because it looks better if they get more and more kids adopted out so horrible to take kids from a loving family for no actual reason
I have 6 children I would love to adopt I would never know if the child's mother was fine. I wouldn't adopt now you don't take children away from good mothers .
God will soon "REPAY" those who work the inexcusable and unconscionable CRIMES against God and humanity of unjustly removing - KIDNAPPING/STEALING - the God-given children of others for their paychecks. Like the Nazi-era war criminals, those guilty of these crimes do belong being brought before a tribunal and being held individually accountable and punishable. Jah gives children as a gift - "an inheritance" to their parent(s), and NEVER to "the state." (Psalm 127:3)
Worked as a social worker for years but never really understood how the system worked until my granddaughter had an accident and DCF got involved. Eventually the case was dismissed but it was 5 months before the case closed. Believe when I say it was an unbelievable nightmare, and I still have PTSD from this horrible experience. Thankfully my granddaughter who is now 22 years old and is and is amazing young woman. My daughter and husband were fortunate that we had the financial means along with my contacts in the field who provided much support and sanity, but from my experience this is not the norm. The power of these agencies and the judgements they are allowed to make is beyond cruel. So many of these so called professionals involved with these families need more help than the people they are supposed to help. I pray for those involved with these agencies.
They tried same with that to! Tried I noticed bedside files it was saying I wasn't attending ( I missed 2 days in 4 months ) I learned you could get travel money back by going to a certain area in the hospital , staff had to sign and date the forms, I photo copied them, they tried bringing this up at a meeting as child protection issue saying I wasn't attending so I whipped all the photo copied forms out, I have this meeting audio recorded! X
My God the children died in foster care!!!! I'm completely chock. What is wrong with this people....taking a child from his loving parents to kill him. This is so so so sad. I hope this social workers don't sleep at night! :( I'm so sorry for their lost :(
Here's the thing though. These people are fleeing to Ireland but Irish social services are no different. I was subject to threats in a Dublin hospital during my pregnancy from doctors who were falsifying my medical notes, that they decided I was faking pain which they had not bothered to investigate the cause of, and if I couldn't cope with pain I couldn't cope with a child. A large ovarian cyst was found and removed during a c-section and I was actually sent home from the hospital with my child 2 days later, without any kind of apology for their unprofessional conduct. Like all new parents in Ireland, we underwent inspections from the public health nurse at home for the first few weeks as well. I do not feel that this country is much of a safe haven for parents. Anyone leading British parents to believe they are safe in Ireland is not giving them the whole picture.
This is socialism, y’all are in a socialist system and most are bland to it. People should rise up and talk back the government. I’m praying for you guys everyday 💜
Ms. Arianna please look up the definition of socialism. This isn't socialism it's tyranny under a conservative government(since 2010)..tyranny can come from any group if the wrong psychopathic types are in power.
I'm absolutely shocked that this is happening, shame on the UK government. What's the real reason why these kids are being abducted from their parents. Unbelievable
My lil boy was kiddnaped by the father across state lines n I tried for yrs to find him one day eight yrs later they found him called me n took n adopted without consent I had no choice n I miss my oden so much n I can't see him till he's twenty one that's west Virginia law bullshit I live in frostburg Maryland it was just a total struggle with not knowing what would he look like n is he thinking of me I am missing a piece of me I've had my oldest he's fifteen now n misses him n only remembers him at yr three I love you oddie I wish laws were different n the real abusers get karma not good people young people like me.
God Bless this grassroots a single mom of a special needs child in the states...our social services basically IS CPS, and I almost lost my child due to being critically ill and chronically hospitalized (while asking for help from DCF, having meeting in between hosp visits and completing paperwork from my room in ICU...with school, the social workers, and the outside “support” dept’s working WITH DCF all aware of my situation) my heart aches for these parents...when I see the documentaries re: places like the Britain,Scotland, Ireland, ect regarding things like benefits I always comment on the huge differences and how fortunate our friends are from across the pond in those makes my heart heavy to see that Child Protective Services is the same everywhere...I came 2 blood pressure points away from dying and 3 weeks later was blindsided by a social worker who, while previously knowing my med condition and knowing the father was f*ck all for help-suddenly was clueless of my medical Condition and had gotten quite friendly with the father..who all of a sudden was appalled and quite willing to was the most terrifying and soul crushing experience of my life..if it not for my willingness to never give up on my baby, I surely would have taken my life..that was the only time I seriously considered it..but in that situation you can’t tell anyone because DCF would use that against you as well...I was very fortunate however...thanks TO A WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC, my child is back home with me: this is no thanks to them, but to the fact we had no proper custody arrangement, there was no proper arrangement to take away-that and child’s father (despite how he acts with an audience) truly did not want to be responsible...if I could give one piece of advice that I wish I had had in the beginning of that hellish 3 years? SECURE LEGAL COUNSEL IMMEDIATELY!! POOR? WHO CARES...THERE ARE LAWYERS WHO SPECIALIZE IN THESE CASES THAT WILL OFFER PRO BONO HELP! THERE ARE ADVOCATES! NO MATTER HOW THE INVESTIGATORS TREAT YOU UPON DISCOVERY OF YOUR REPRESENTATION-THEY ARE TREATING YOU THAT WAY BECAUSE THEY DON’T EXPECT YOU TO EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO LEGAL COUNSEL! I had a case worker spit absolute vitriol at me and ask why I thought I’d need a lawyer if they were “only” there to ask me questions...I asked what it would HURT if they were only there to ask me questions, and respectfully asked them to read our case file and see what happened to my child the LAST time someone came to “only ask some questions” and offer “help” (help I HAD ASKED FOR)...strangely enough? After the first abusive meeting with the 2 of them? I never heard a word from them again... 1.5yrs later. Not a peep. Lawyer up. If anyone here Is from the states and finds themselves in trouble, pls let me know and I’ll put u in touch with your states list of Pro Bono Family Law Offices and numbers for advocacy groups... God bless all of you, and your children. Never stop fighting.
😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 why are social services getting away with it been trow it myself 😢😢😢😢 I had a borson done to Rachel hope Miller in London it was he'll become I didn't want Rachel to go into care sestom 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
yes it is obvious the mother is a little slow, but she's not a neglectful or abusive parent. not from I've seen in this video. there's no reason she should be unable to care for a child especially with the help she has from her husband and family.
As a Scottish woman I am disgusted by our system! My uncle had his kids taken and it was deserved but his gf didn’t deserve it but they weren’t willing to help her they just took the kids and my cousins were sexually abused and passed around home to home. I know kids who NEED taken from their home kids who I have offered to have to help and show some love to as a mother of 3 but these kids are still at home with these abusive parents and I can’t do a thing. Here’s innocent families having babies taken for nothing. It is frightening that we have no control sometimes, how can it be humane to do this?
This woman at 5.20 is talking a load of rubbish. It is very easy for them to remove children. Just build a case over time by twisting the truth, inventing 'evidence' and telling a pack of lies to the court and they get what they want.
Exactly these people permanently destroy families and children. They never report the death rates and abuse in these foster care system but take a child's death that wasn't in foster care blow it up and say they need more money in foster care. Meanwhile they are attacking normal range parents and placing children in abusive homes so foster parents, social workers, judges, and lawyers can get a paycheck.
So sad right now. I feel so much sadness so much anger and so much fucking bewilderment! This happens here in Australia too it happened to me and my children I fought and fought and fought and in the end by the grace of God I have my children home with me. The lies shit man the vicious lies these people tell the pain they love to cause the suffering they love to watch both of the parents and children it’s unbearable and for most people unless you’ve experienced it or know someone close to you who you trust and believe who has it’s unbelievable! I was not believed for a very long time. I’m not the same person I see the whole world very differently to be honest I hate it it makes me sick. I want justice and one day I’ll get it the truth will come. These people mostly women and mothers themselves are simply the devils puppets there is no other explanation for every single one of these people all over the world having the exact same personality it’s ridiculously evil
All SW children should be remover and see how they feel and the solicitor that work in this system 2019 87,500 kids taken to care and only 40,000 returned. And this system is behind closed doors and breaches the human rights. 42% of kids that go in to care are at more harm than with own parents.
Apart from all the other terrible issues I can't get past the damage that has been done to the father that was falsely accused by his ex wife. It is disgusting and you should be charged if you make false allegations.
The bible said it's a commendable sin to call anyone stupid. it is. and those people saying that about you should repent. The bible also says judge not that you be not judged
Amanda Gill they are corrupt, I was adopted at 11, and was removed from my alcoholic prostitute transient mother at age 5. I had a God mother that helped from birth, she finished raising my mother who was a run away from an orphanage that DCFS placed her there when she was 15. my mother went thru 5 foster homes before finding my God mother, only to have me removed three different times and adopted out. I still choose to have contact with her to this very day, because she loves me. thanks to Ancestry DNA I found out that I am 11% Irish myself, and 19% is British. fuck the bloody crown!
I'm in the US and CPS is the only thing that really frightenes me as a parent. I'm a damn good mother but that's not enough. I've since learned that. I've never had any problems with them but I've heard stories and I keep an attorney on retainer as a precaution. It's innocent people who really need to see to it they have immediate legal representation in the event of an emergency.
social workers stole two of my grandchildren, they are now 19 and 18 years old and have there paperwork but social has said so many lies that the eldest a girl don't want anything to do with the family, it's heartbreaking. This was a forced adoption, we all loved the babies but they wanted them so they could meet there targets, this was in Cornwall.
I couldn't have children and I can't imagine what it would be like for parents to have their children taken away I feel so sad for the parents their are children who are being beaten and murdered and still the children are with the abusers SS needs to remove them . Not the children who are in loving homes it's a disgrace what is going on in this world
Social services in the UK turned ruthless and stopped caring about families and keeping kids in loving homes about 18years ago. The ongoing baby P effect. If you remember baby p and the uproar from the public on how s.s failed him and the same s.s had failed a little girl prior to baby P. Since then social services turned there failures around onto innocent parents and the baby p after effect still continues. The baby p case has caused every parent to be placed in the same dangerous book esp if you have mental health. Future possible harm is what they get you on.
social worker have a bad reputation they tend to cause more harm and heartache then help, I have seen a good family destroyed because a social worker made the wrong choice,some of them dont even have kids, it makes me laugh,They took kids from a single parent to give to a drug dealing farther !The boy child at 16 started to sell drugs all becouse the farther had a supportive mother who owned her own business how impressive.She was a con woman also,the childrens dad is a drug addic now ,who has never worked a day in his life there's there Mother who works 2jobs over 7 days a week to live, who didnt really hit it off with the social worker on day 1 paid the price ,we had to sit and watch the childrens granmother be granted custardy noing she wouldnt be the person to raise them they still lived with there drug dealing father who abused drugs himself,she told the court these thoughts and risked comeback from the farther who already threatened the mothers family and asaulted her brother everytime he saw him ,wheres the justice for this? i have no hart in the Social system anymore its such a shame.Funny thing is she reached out for help to them becouse she was suffering so much domestic violence and was terified of there farther, So best advice think twice before you reach out for help becouse it could end up being your worst nightmare !!!! all the mother needed was help getting away from this abuser/addict she was an Emotional reck who needed a bit support ,Nothing what couldn't ov been sorted ,Suppose her being beaten up by there farther in the same home as the kids was her fault ! i would be grateful for comments
Damn, this is scary as fcuk! I don't have any children and don't live in Britain, but it must be a horror beyond imagination to go through this as a parent. Removing a child from it's natural family should be the very last resort.
Marta K. Anyone who works with children from teachers to health visitors and even childminders are told to visit the children’s home to make sure the child is looked after properly. My daughter was born with a metabolic condition which went undiagnosed for an extended amount of time and left her with brain damage. For the first few weeks of her life I was in and out of the doctors, emergency department, local hospital, you name it, nobody would listen or admit her to hospital. We finally got a nurse to take us seriously and they discovered she was critically ill with liver failure and sepsis. Iv always had to fight for her care and treatment, yet they accused me of missing appointments they never sent me or sent to wrong address, and one day a health visitor turned up at our door without an appointment, we weren’t in we were at the beach because of course no appointment had been made, so she called me at the beach and said she was thinking of calling social services because I’m refusing to see her, despite the fact she also said in the conversation that she was ‘just passing by’ , then last year out of the blue they decided I’d need regular visits by the health visiting team, and each time they’d turn up an hour to 2 hours early to try and catch me out and then ask really personal questions. I’m the type of Mum to bake cakes and go on walks with my children I’m not the ‘type’ whatever that is, to need checking on as a parent. At the same time I have a family member who is a social worker and she does cocaine on a daily basis whilst in the company of her own 6 year old daughter, who she also neglects to go fly off to see her friends abroad, and once called her daughter a little bitch at her 4th birthday party,
+Marta K. It is the the same shit in Scandinavia to...especially in Norway...and sweden and denmark aren't that much better either.....If i had possibility i would move to a country totally free friom SS .....Maybe is soooooo Beautiful country ....
They’re not good, we have one in the family and she’s the worst mother ever, abusive, neglectful and takes drugs in the company of her 6 year old daughter.
I was in care from a young age and I can't remember how I felt not seeing my birth mother but 35 years on I still am in the dark to real.issue my mother lost us to care now I know a mirror image of my own fate must have cist me my kids
Yep they seem to target lower income parents but not broke parents. Parents that make just enough that they can't afford an attorney but will pay out everything they have to try and get their children back. Nancy Schaefer report outlines this very well
These programs are made knowing social workers cannot defend themselves. They are damed if they don't and damed if they do. It is incredibly difficult to take a child in to care. The final decision is not made by a social worker. In Scotland a children's panel makes the decision. In England a court. Of course these people always say they are totally innocent.
There's nothing stopping SWs from speaking up at all. The courts and children's panels always act and make decisions on what the SWs recommend and they lie on the very same reports in order to sway the mind of the judge. I know for a fact they tell lies and alter records in order to box tick. They are not fit for purpose
Yes this happened me socal worker accuse me of being an alcoholic and forced me for my child to live with my sister I told them they will be sorry I have yet to sue them for the wrongs they done to me but when my family was all for the social workers there ever as bad 💯they Destroyed my life
I know this is going to sound mean but in a sense that kind of made me wonder if this guy IS a suitable parent. I'm sure his total breakdown traumatized those kids way, way more than being taken away. I think a stable parent would have controlled themselves. But I admit, I've never had my children taken away. Still I hope, if I did, I would stay strong and calm in front of them for their sake.
Yes. Listening to it again won't make it better and that is not the way how you control yourself, when you listen to that again. It is traumatic. And exactly, you will stay as calm as you can as a parent for the sake of the children. But I don't know if he stayed calm because I didn't listen to it and skipped that part of the video. It hurts me too much so I won't listen to it, not even when I don't know these poor people.
Grandparents deserve better treated in UK care procedures as most family's don't these morons cut of paternal.granparents out a child's life and also leave them.feeling empty like the.parents they remove children from
As a retired social worker you have no idea what travesties I have seen with families who,for whatever reason, became involved in the DCF system. The system has incredible power with extremely limited wisdom in their decision making. Families with resources always fare better within courts and DCF. More resources, including legal help, needs to be given to help these families, many who are falsely accused. Please refrain from judging until you have experienced the hell many of them have had to endure.
Oh fuck off mate. We're one of the most capitalist countries in the world. This nowt more than a government organisation getting too big for its boots. Socialism? Pffffffftttttttt.
God bless these Irish for helping these families
All social workers should have body cams to prove what they they make up lies even what the child says..teachers are involved and helping them take the children..
"Taking your child is worth than death" yes correct sentence
A friend of mine had her baby forcefully taken away from her and that baby is now adopted. I was abused as a child and even though my abuser is dead and gone, I was red flagged because I’m a survivor of abuse. With the help of my doctor I got social services off my back and have not heard anything since. My son is in a loving home, I’m going to uni to ensure he has a great future and I can provide for him. His dad works long hours to ensure our son has everything he needs. Social workers are scum. I’ve never met a nice one.
My mother's youngest sister was intellectually challenged (we suspect a brain injury at birth but no one can find a direct explanation). Her husband was also a little slow mentally. They raised four boys who turned out to be of high above average to superior intelligence when they were assessed as young adults. Their children did not get much intellectual stimulation at home, but their teachers more than made up for that by working with them more at school. Hearing this story just makes me livid! I think that unless there is violence in the home, the ultimate goal of the state should be to help families stay together and to provide in-home assistance rather than removing the children.
There have been so many cases where the system took no action and the children in question were ultimately severely damaged by the parents or even fatally injured. No one has a crystal ball, but the state should make remedial training and support for families a priority. When a family falls under scrutiny of social services, I would prefer to see them moved together into a house with a live-in couple who can oversee their parenting skills and make recommendations, but the parents and children stay together. I know these situations are unique and must be cnsidered individually, but training inadequate parents and helping them develop successful parenting strategies surely must cuse less harm than destroying the nuclear family unit?
Lucky4 them
Its hard for many people to believe that Social worker lie, but I've never known them to tell the Truth
chris Lambert 👏
Chris Lambert social workers lie like hell...They did so when i had investigation due to the custody case i had in Court with my youngest daughter's father....Cause of the evil lies from social services..familyright office and her father with his lawyer he won......even he hardly knew the girl and she didn't want to meet him.....Cause if those bitches in familyrightoffice and social services+ the social workers at the Place she met her father once a week and 2 older women who i was forced to meet to get "help" with my parenthood and their lies the Court was on his side....i hardly got chance to even defend myself in Court and tell my view......However...she still lives with me....her father has got a new baby but those people stamped me to be a bad mom cause of their bloody shit lies....even she she still lives with me ,he has the Court on his side....He said he didn't want to force her to move there....that she could decide i hope he keeps his Words......
Even i don't drink or use drugs or abuse my daughter in any ways at all(mental/emotional,physically or sexually)and did Everything for her ,they were fixed with the idea to let him win even he had only seen her 5 times from she was born till she was 9 years old ....and it was just short meetings....They claimed i had manipulated her to be against the father......lies again.....Her feelings were her own feelings....cause she has strong feelings about things.....If she really wanted to meet her father nobody would manage to change her mind about be against him....Her feelings were totally her own and nothing i have had given her.....But they just were obcessed by giving me the blame for it so he more easily would win.
chris Lambert people don't want to believe it. But it's all going on.
chris Lambert neither they can make up shut just because they don't like u
Amanda Gill
Yep, I’ve been a victim of this too!!
I was told by an ex social worker, there is
the way the social work are supposed to work and there is the way they actually work, big difference between the two.
Social services have made my kids life hell. Asked them what they wanted to be when they grow up then told them they would never be able to do that, they lied and manipulated what ever was said. They are not there to help no matter what they say. It’s been a very hard and scary time when my kids were younger they ruined a time that should be treasured with your young children.
4 years later how is life now?
I know of a young woman years ago, she had a baby boy and she didn't even have a chance to mother him. She got home, no problems then after 4 days the boiler broke so she stayed with her parents whilst the landlord arranged for it to be repaired. But the social services took her baby because they said she had no means to put a roof and provide heating for him.... 4 days...
What the actual F***?? Who called on her though? I mean social workers don't spy on your home. Someone must have reported it.
Good on ye for moving and I wish you all the best Social Services are corrupt.
SW career criminals
How could they prove emotional abuse occurs prior to birth?
One couple was told, prior to birth, that their child would be taken at birth. Child trafficking?
Exactly read the Nancy Schaefer report it outlines all these financial incentives. She was a senator in Georgia that ended up dead after that report came out.
A point here. The children taken from loving parents for forced adoption. How will they feel (about Social Services) when they are older and find out they were deprived of a life with their birth family due to a pack of lies told by SS and the rest of them?
Bridget Doman its always coverd up and when its not there's always a fib or lie
@Diane Stevens Money.
I can tell u EXACLY wot it feels like! I am seriously affected by FA as a baby robbed of a loving stable family home and placed with emotionally and physically abusive loons whose other bio daughter died not long before of some mysterious breathing disorder not a surprise really considering I was attacked in a fashion that cud cause death by asphyxiation and to think CAMMS advice to the APs on how to "deal" with a distressed child in mourning for it's real mother!
Children taken by criminals and given to their partners in crime.
This needs to be remade as nothing has changed and it getting out of control
My family suffered the same,I lost my four grandchildren,although they had all the family help we helped nearly every day ,they came and took them, two into the care system,and two were adopted , they were determined to have the children although they were loved by all.
People need to get together and work together in every case and appeal to Supreme Court to terminal corrupt Judges and shut down child stealing cartels
oh my goodness so sorry to hear that didn't know this happened that easily
Kathleen Price sad state of affairs Granny's have rites too but I must tell you to get a solicitor as they won't entertain you without one
T Bphy you look like a man that knows the score well said and thanks for your excellent comment
Yes get a solicitor to add to your troubles
So proud of Ireland for helping these people rear their children. Forced adoption is so wrong!
My 3eldest were taken coz my ex was battering me and i couldnt escape and they wouldnt help and my kids were put up for adoption my younger 2 blonde hair blue eyes beautiful manners and gorgeous. My eldest who had behaviour issues (and wasnt my exs kid so harder to prove) was left to rot in a kiddies home. When i met my husband 7yrs later and i wasnt expecting to have anymore kids, and accidentally fell i got a letter saying re baby edwards (my exs name) we r co cerned ur pregnant again with andrew and we r looking to remove the baby at birth. I was 14wks. I called em in tears explained id moved 30miles away to be with new hubby to escape my ex and start a new life and it was his baby. Next thing i knew we had a social worker and while she assessed us she wasnt a single bit concerned and she was hugely supportive not just having the baby but with my dying father in law. Itbwas hell for 2weeks tho i even considered abortion to save myself going thru that again. Different council a better social worker and i got the help i needed to be a good mum. Why couldnt other social worker do that?? She lied in court luckily i could prove it, and she got sacked and her little lacky but the court still issued the adoption papers. I have my eldest back after yrs of abuse in the system but my 2middle kids were taken to order. They told us they wanted adoption and they had parwnts chosen 6months before we went to court! I am having another baby on tues 13th march and this time social services havent even bothered to speak to us this time coz we satisfied them, and midwifes and such that we r in no way a threat to our kids. Sad thing is my ex has been spotted with a woman and a baby recently so if hes had more kids even tho he was supposed to be the actual problem how can he be allowed a kiddy but i was at risk of losing mine again? Oh yeah coz all the woman needs to do is say hes someone else or lie he hasnt had kids before and he doesnt get checked unless shes had issues with ss in the past. Needs to be a proper register.
I’m about to study to be a social worker because of what I went through with the a hole social workers when I was young. Their are some good and some assuming, prejudiced, fault finding ones. They’re the evil ones.
@@destiny9734 thank u for getting out there and proving good people can do the job aswell. I personally think social work is like midwifery. U cant be a good midwife until u have a baby urself and truly understand what happens inside and out (used to be the law aswell, only licensed midwifes had to be married and have atleast 1 baby), and in the same way, unless u have had to deal with ss, u cant understand peoples problems and be able to help and empathise properly. I wish u all the luck in the world.
Janet Othen thank you Janet. When I was young I decided I would be one of the ‘good ones’ because I had to deal with them a lot and some were absolutely horrible assuming twats who held so much power to make decisions about my life it was unbearable. But once or twice I had a very supportive one who made a good difference and helped a lot. So I totally get what you mean about experience. All the best hun x
@@destiny9734 bless u hun atleast they didnt grind u down and u still wanna do good, thats all that matters now. Good luck to u.
Social workers will remove children if the parent refuses to leave the abuse partner. If you call the police on a violent partner they report it to social services.
I’ve had my son taken from his mother at birth in hospital just because we argued when she was pregnant we are fighting for him now it’s horrible
‘The absolute hardest thing to do is to remove a child’ - not when your making crap up it’s not!!!
In oz, one child taken all others will be taken stright after birth! So sad, meaning no one can change and if they do it's not noted.i pray for these mothers and fathers.
Trish Bod Well if a parent can’t look after one kid and they don’t change their bad behaviours then they shouldn’t be allowed to have more kids, plus it’s not fair to the one that they couldn’t look after. I hate the Social Services as much as the next person but some people obviously do deserve to lose their kids, look at all the high profile child abuse cases in the news; Baby P for example, was well known to the police and social work.
@@Girl-101 I know im late but her point was that they don't give the parents a chance to show that they've changed
The problem is lies from others saying terrible parents etc and no proof otherwise
That’s not true I’m from Australia and I know women who have lost other children and keep their new baby due to getting off drugs etc they do not just take your child if you are doing better than you were I used to live in a housing commission tower for twelve years and that just is not the case. I also grew up a ward of the state, in and out of foster care and this just isn’t true unless they have genuine concerns about drugs, living conditions or abuse even ppl with mental health conditions can raise a child as long as they aren’t coming up under at least one or more of stated categories
There is SO MUCH MORE to each of these stories...I have seen it myself, I've listened to parents saying they have not done anything wrong, yet I have SEEN the results of and the violence myself... A man who we saw beat his child, swearing he never touched her. He hit her over six times before we got across the road to grab him off her.
I agree this doco only gave 1 side people will say anything firstly the man who was accused of sexual abuse of a child by his exwife had his step daughter a 7 year old sitting on his lap sorry but this rang alarm bells for me.Secondly the horrific tape of the mans children being taken by social services showed clearly that the parents being hysterical was making the situation worse for the children if you know they have to go for whatever reason try and be calm for the kids sake you can be hysterical after the leave.To do otherwise is just selfish.
Is there an update about the Kerry McDougall , her husband and did they get their children back ?
This disgusts me! I can't believe they are aloud to do this!
this is painful, i cant imagine living in a county where you cant have a family because of the government
To meet targets are going after sibings of disabled child or where in West Yorkshire few years back. tried this with me mistook my intellegence got a solicitor straight away challenged them. How was it I was considered able to look after my Autistic son but not his brother and sister. Note Autistic children very hard to place why went after my able children they failed solicitor was very good took me on for free. Social worker was moved to another department. We moved just over the border into North yorkshire I rang north yorkshire social services provided them with paper work from west yorkshire we where supported by children with disability team we'd so much support from them I had to ask if they could back off abit so we could do things with the kids ourselves they where amazing and we both got glowing parent reports no concerns at all. exact opposite of west yorkshire came out few years later multiple families where having to fight to keep their able children over housing emotional inferred parental fighting yet disable chid was not applied to be removed from the parents. There was a huge stink over this west Yorkshire (kirklees) where going after families with disabled children they where discribed as easy targets to meet forced adoption targets. All three of my children amaxing adults working full time never been in trouble with the police no bother with drugs. Youngest 18 is the IT tech at local high school. Daughter appling to work for the police supervisor in very large bar currently my autistic son working in a hotel no longer non verbal did level 3 at college.
This is heartbreaking 😭 I'd love to know if that couple got there boys back? Anyone know if there's any updates of this?
I wonder how much extra social workers pay for life insurance
In Canada a woman had her infant daughter who was less than a year old forcibly taken from her when social workers showed up at her residence with an order to remove her roommate's children. For unknown reasons they also removed the infant and threatened the mother with arrest if she did not comply. Six days later while in foster care the infant died suddenly, most likely from Reye's Syndrome, a fatal reaction to aspirin. She had been left unattended for hours prior to her death. There was never a legal removal order and the mother had to sue the government for the right to speak publicly about her case.
I guarantee that the social workers are treating the kids like commission jobs because it looks better if they get more and more kids adopted out so horrible to take kids from a loving family for no actual reason
This is one of the reasons why I'm afraid to have children.
Perhaps that's their plan. Make people afraid to have children, and curb population growth.
I have 6 children I would love to adopt I would never know if the child's mother was fine. I wouldn't adopt now you don't take children away from good mothers .
I have one child with downs syndrome this is herting me. Bastards I really hate them. I can't say anything now oh god.
God will soon "REPAY" those who work the inexcusable and unconscionable CRIMES against God and humanity of unjustly removing - KIDNAPPING/STEALING - the God-given children of others for their paychecks. Like the Nazi-era war criminals, those guilty of these crimes do belong being brought before a tribunal and being held individually accountable and punishable. Jah gives children as a gift - "an inheritance" to their parent(s), and NEVER to "the state." (Psalm 127:3)
Take them from the wrong parents then stick em in the system. That messes a lot of kids heads up...yet they talk about emotional abuse. Unbelievable!!
You couldn't have put it any clearer
All parents need a class action in Criminal court and take the way to the highest court
Worked as a social worker for years but never really understood how the system worked until my granddaughter had an accident and DCF got involved. Eventually the case was dismissed but it was 5 months before the case closed. Believe when I say it was an unbelievable nightmare, and I still have PTSD from this horrible experience. Thankfully my granddaughter who is now 22 years old and is and is amazing young woman.
My daughter and husband were fortunate that we had the financial means along with my contacts in the field who provided much support and sanity, but from my experience this is not the norm. The power of these agencies and the judgements they are allowed to make is beyond cruel. So many of these so called professionals involved with these families need more help than the people they are supposed to help. I pray for those involved with these agencies.
It's called karma
@@whitewitche not all social workers are bad
They tried same with that to! Tried I noticed bedside files it was saying I wasn't attending ( I missed 2 days in 4 months ) I learned you could get travel money back by going to a certain area in the hospital , staff had to sign and date the forms, I photo copied them, they tried bringing this up at a meeting as child protection issue saying I wasn't attending so I whipped all the photo copied forms out, I have this meeting audio recorded! X
I’ve had my mum taken from me by social services hey have all the power I want her back home but they have the final say it is heart braking
If anybody tried to take my children there’d be blood shed...most likely from my children first and Then me.
Can't agree more. I will fight till the last drop of blood in my body. No Law in the Universe can separate the child from the parents
My God the children died in foster care!!!! I'm completely chock. What is wrong with this people....taking a child from his loving parents to kill him. This is so so so sad. I hope this social workers don't sleep at night! :( I'm so sorry for their lost :(
So, what happened with that father's case? Did he and his wife get their kids back?
Here's the thing though. These people are fleeing to Ireland but Irish social services are no different. I was subject to threats in a Dublin hospital during my pregnancy from doctors who were falsifying my medical notes, that they decided I was faking pain which they had not bothered to investigate the cause of, and if I couldn't cope with pain I couldn't cope with a child. A large ovarian cyst was found and removed during a c-section and I was actually sent home from the hospital with my child 2 days later, without any kind of apology for their unprofessional conduct. Like all new parents in Ireland, we underwent inspections from the public health nurse at home for the first few weeks as well. I do not feel that this country is much of a safe haven for parents. Anyone leading British parents to believe they are safe in Ireland is not giving them the whole picture.
This is socialism, y’all are in a socialist system and most are bland to it. People should rise up and talk back the government. I’m praying for you guys everyday 💜
Ms. Arianna please look up the definition of socialism. This isn't socialism it's tyranny under a conservative government(since 2010)..tyranny can come from any group if the wrong psychopathic types are in power.
É Caoimhe true. Butireland is way, more important than Britain. Ireland using common sense and are not evil.
Jessica Jackson yep, this is conservative ideology. NOT socialism!
I'm absolutely shocked that this is happening, shame on the UK government.
What's the real reason why these kids are being abducted from their parents.
My lil boy was kiddnaped by the father across state lines n I tried for yrs to find him one day eight yrs later they found him called me n took n adopted without consent I had no choice n I miss my oden so much n I can't see him till he's twenty one that's west Virginia law bullshit I live in frostburg Maryland it was just a total struggle with not knowing what would he look like n is he thinking of me I am missing a piece of me I've had my oldest he's fifteen now n misses him n only remembers him at yr three I love you oddie I wish laws were different n the real abusers get karma not good people young people like me.
They are an absolute law to unto themselves! They are not fit for purpose!
God Bless this grassroots a single mom of a special needs child in the states...our social services basically IS CPS, and I almost lost my child due to being critically ill and chronically hospitalized (while asking for help from DCF, having meeting in between hosp visits and completing paperwork from my room in ICU...with school, the social workers, and the outside “support” dept’s working WITH DCF all aware of my situation) my heart aches for these parents...when I see the documentaries re: places like the Britain,Scotland, Ireland, ect regarding things like benefits I always comment on the huge differences and how fortunate our friends are from across the pond in those makes my heart heavy to see that Child Protective Services is the same everywhere...I came 2 blood pressure points away from dying and 3 weeks later was blindsided by a social worker who, while previously knowing my med condition and knowing the father was f*ck all for help-suddenly was clueless of my medical
Condition and had gotten quite friendly with the father..who all of a sudden was appalled and quite willing to was the most terrifying and soul crushing experience of my life..if it not for my willingness to never give up on my baby, I surely would have taken my life..that was the only time I seriously considered it..but in that situation you can’t tell anyone because DCF would use that against you as well...I was very fortunate however...thanks TO A WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC, my child is back home with me: this is no thanks to them, but to the fact we had no proper custody arrangement, there was no proper arrangement to take away-that and child’s father (despite how he acts with an audience) truly did not want to be responsible...if I could give one piece of advice that I wish I had had in the beginning of that hellish 3 years? SECURE LEGAL COUNSEL IMMEDIATELY!! POOR? WHO CARES...THERE ARE LAWYERS WHO SPECIALIZE IN THESE CASES THAT WILL OFFER PRO BONO HELP! THERE ARE ADVOCATES! NO MATTER HOW THE INVESTIGATORS TREAT YOU UPON DISCOVERY OF YOUR REPRESENTATION-THEY ARE TREATING YOU THAT WAY BECAUSE THEY DON’T EXPECT YOU TO EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO LEGAL COUNSEL! I had a case worker spit absolute vitriol at me and ask why I thought I’d need a lawyer if they were “only” there to ask me questions...I asked what it would HURT if they were only there to ask me questions, and respectfully asked them to read our case file and see what happened to my child the LAST time someone came to “only ask some questions” and offer “help” (help I HAD ASKED FOR)...strangely enough? After the first abusive meeting with the 2 of them? I never heard a word from them again...
1.5yrs later.
Not a peep.
Lawyer up.
If anyone here Is from the states and finds themselves in trouble, pls let me know and I’ll put u in touch with your states list of Pro Bono Family Law Offices and numbers for advocacy groups...
God bless all of you, and your children. Never stop fighting.
😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 why are social services getting away with it been trow it myself 😢😢😢😢 I had a borson done to Rachel hope Miller in London it was he'll become I didn't want Rachel to go into care sestom 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
So, who are the people adopting these stolen children? Do they not kniw how these children are being procured?
kim mcdonald They are probably that desperate for kids that they don’t care, selfish fuckers shouldn’t be allowed kids in the first place.
I do hope they got them back bless them
yes it is obvious the mother is a little slow, but she's not a neglectful or abusive parent. not from I've seen in this video. there's no reason she should be unable to care for a child especially with the help she has from her husband and family.
As a Scottish woman I am disgusted by our system! My uncle had his kids taken and it was deserved but his gf didn’t deserve it but they weren’t willing to help her they just took the kids and my cousins were sexually abused and passed around home to home. I know kids who NEED taken from their home kids who I have offered to have to help and show some love to as a mother of 3 but these kids are still at home with these abusive parents and I can’t do a thing. Here’s innocent families having babies taken for nothing. It is frightening that we have no control sometimes, how can it be humane to do this?
I live in Scotland. They took mine 2017
This woman at 5.20 is talking a load of rubbish. It is very easy for them to remove children. Just build a case over time by twisting the truth, inventing 'evidence' and telling a pack of lies to the court and they get what they want.
Bridget Doman they don't even need to enter your home they lie and take them.
Exactly these people permanently destroy families and children. They never report the death rates and abuse in these foster care system but take a child's death that wasn't in foster care blow it up and say they need more money in foster care. Meanwhile they are attacking normal range parents and placing children in abusive homes so foster parents, social workers, judges, and lawyers can get a paycheck.
So sad right now. I feel so much sadness so much anger and so much fucking bewilderment!
This happens here in Australia too it happened to me and my children I fought and fought and fought and in the end by the grace of God I have my children home with me.
The lies shit man the vicious lies these people tell the pain they love to cause the suffering they love to watch both of the parents and children it’s unbearable and for most people unless you’ve experienced it or know someone close to you who you trust and believe who has it’s unbelievable!
I was not believed for a very long time.
I’m not the same person I see the whole world very differently to be honest I hate it it makes me sick.
I want justice and one day I’ll get it the truth will come.
These people mostly women and mothers themselves are simply the devils puppets there is no other explanation for every single one of these people all over the world having the exact same personality it’s ridiculously evil
All SW children should be remover and see how they feel and the solicitor that work in this system 2019 87,500 kids taken to care and only 40,000 returned. And this system is behind closed doors and breaches the human rights. 42% of kids that go in to care are at more harm than with own parents.
Apart from all the other terrible issues I can't get past the damage that has been done to the father that was falsely accused by his ex wife. It is disgusting and you should be charged if you make false allegations.
The bible said it's a commendable sin to call anyone stupid. it is. and those people saying that about you should repent. The bible also says judge not that you be not judged
😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 bless you 🙏 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢my goodness me 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢❤
I wonder what these social workers would think of some of the 'parents' here in the US.
Why do they say removal is the last thing they do.. When it's the first.. Why r they lieing.. They will answer to God that I'm sure of...
US has a severely broken system..
Will fight till the last drop of blood in my body. No Law in the Universe can separate the child from the parents
This happened to a friend of mine in Canada... it’s a world wide epidemic
So sad and I thought American social workers are corrupt
Amanda Gill they are corrupt, I was adopted at 11, and was removed from my alcoholic prostitute transient mother at age 5. I had a God mother that helped from birth, she finished raising my mother who was a run away from an orphanage that DCFS placed her there when she was 15. my mother went thru 5 foster homes before finding my God mother, only to have me removed three different times and adopted out. I still choose to have contact with her to this very day, because she loves me. thanks to Ancestry DNA I found out that I am 11% Irish myself, and 19% is British. fuck the bloody crown!
I'm in the US and CPS is the only thing that really frightenes me as a parent. I'm a damn good mother but that's not enough. I've since learned that. I've never had any problems with them but I've heard stories and I keep an attorney on retainer as a precaution. It's innocent people who really need to see to it they have immediate legal representation in the event of an emergency.
It happens everywhere. I’m Scottish and our system makes me sick.
the UK takes it to a whole new more terrifying level ...
@Lacey Langton I'm in school now getting a bachelor's in Social Work, I hope to work for CPS. any tips?
Get to Ireland and stay their till kids are 18yr old,
Why adopt out the kids, why not short term foster care,
Some thing is not right
Meeting targets
Or long term til parent is able
social workers stole two of my grandchildren, they are now 19 and 18 years old and have there paperwork but social has said so many lies that the eldest a girl don't want anything to do with the family, it's heartbreaking. This was a forced adoption, we all loved the babies but they wanted them so they could meet there targets, this was in Cornwall.
I went through this it’s just so heartbreaking 💔
Why is his wife not talking? Is there really something wrong with her?
This type of stuff happens in the U.S. too.
I couldn't have children and I can't imagine what it would be like for parents to have their children taken away I feel so sad for the parents their are children who are being beaten and murdered and still the children are with the abusers SS needs to remove them . Not the children who are in loving homes it's a disgrace what is going on in this world
Joshua 24 know haven't seen Joshua sec he was 7 years old he is in care 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
listening to that recording broke my heart ={
Social services in the UK turned ruthless and stopped caring about families and keeping kids in loving homes about 18years ago. The ongoing baby P effect. If you remember baby p and the uproar from the public on how s.s failed him and the same s.s had failed a little girl prior to baby P. Since then social services turned there failures around onto innocent parents and the baby p after effect still continues. The baby p case has caused every parent to be placed in the same dangerous book esp if you have mental health. Future possible harm is what they get you on.
victoria climbe
social worker have a bad reputation they tend to cause more harm and heartache then help, I have seen a good family destroyed because a social worker made the wrong choice,some of them dont even have kids, it makes me laugh,They took kids from a single parent to give to a drug dealing farther !The boy child at 16 started to sell drugs all becouse the farther had a supportive mother who owned her own business how impressive.She was a con woman also,the childrens dad is a drug addic now ,who has never worked a day in his life there's there Mother who works 2jobs over 7 days a week to live, who didnt really hit it off with the social worker on day 1 paid the price ,we had to sit and watch the childrens granmother be granted custardy noing she wouldnt be the person to raise them they still lived with there drug dealing father who abused drugs himself,she told the court these thoughts and risked comeback from the farther who already threatened the mothers family and asaulted her brother everytime he saw him ,wheres the justice for this? i have no hart in the Social system anymore its such a shame.Funny thing is she reached out for help to them becouse she was suffering so much domestic violence and was terified of there farther, So best advice think twice before you reach out for help becouse it could end up being your worst nightmare !!!! all the mother needed was help getting away from this abuser/addict she was an Emotional reck who needed a bit support ,Nothing what couldn't ov been sorted ,Suppose her being beaten up by there farther in the same home as the kids was her fault ! i would be grateful for comments
thats what happened to me and my husband
Damn, this is scary as fcuk! I don't have any children and don't live in Britain, but it must be a horror beyond imagination to go through this as a parent. Removing a child from it's natural family should be the very last resort.
Marta K. Anyone who works with children from teachers to health visitors and even childminders are told to visit the children’s home to make sure the child is looked after properly.
My daughter was born with a metabolic condition which went undiagnosed for an extended amount of time and left her with brain damage. For the first few weeks of her life I was in and out of the doctors, emergency department, local hospital, you name it, nobody would listen or admit her to hospital. We finally got a nurse to take us seriously and they discovered she was critically ill with liver failure and sepsis.
Iv always had to fight for her care and treatment, yet they accused me of missing appointments they never sent me or sent to wrong address, and one day a health visitor turned up at our door without an appointment, we weren’t in we were at the beach because of course no appointment had been made, so she called me at the beach and said she was thinking of calling social services because I’m refusing to see her, despite the fact she also said in the conversation that she was ‘just passing by’ , then last year out of the blue they decided I’d need regular visits by the health visiting team, and each time they’d turn up an hour to 2 hours early to try and catch me out and then ask really personal questions.
I’m the type of Mum to bake cakes and go on walks with my children I’m not the ‘type’ whatever that is, to need checking on as a parent.
At the same time I have a family member who is a social worker and she does cocaine on a daily basis whilst in the company of her own 6 year old daughter, who she also neglects to go fly off to see her friends abroad, and once called her daughter a little bitch at her 4th birthday party,
Marta K. It’s just as bad in the USA
+Marta K. It is the the same shit in Scandinavia to...especially in Norway...and sweden and denmark aren't that much better either.....If i had possibility i would move to a country totally free friom SS .....Maybe is soooooo Beautiful country ....
I wonder what the government is doing with all these children!!!!! Seems fishy
I would like to say that social workers are good but i cant
Some are but sadly not many.
They’re not good, we have one in the family and she’s the worst mother ever, abusive, neglectful and takes drugs in the company of her 6 year old daughter.
They are np goodamd how do i het in tou h with other people to protest
I was in care from a young age and I can't remember how I felt not seeing my birth mother but 35 years on I still am in the dark to real.issue my mother lost us to care now I know a mirror image of my own fate must have cist me my kids
I have seen the other side of the coin. Children severely abused but S.S. not removing them
Yep they seem to target lower income parents but not broke parents. Parents that make just enough that they can't afford an attorney but will pay out everything they have to try and get their children back. Nancy Schaefer report outlines this very well
That poor little darlin we must stop this when is everyone going to make a video like this as this is how we can educate them
I am learning that rachmaninov prelude in g#minor. lovely piano piece
Unfortunately it's the same way in Kentucky. usa
Scottish social services stole my two babies too just because I am transgender.
hi my name is maddy I have 3 boys 1 daughter ami is adopted and long term forster care I wish I could fun away with my 2 boys I hate social services
These programs are made knowing social workers cannot defend themselves. They are damed if they don't and damed if they do. It is incredibly difficult to take a child in to care. The final decision is not made by a social worker. In Scotland a children's panel makes the decision. In England a court. Of course these people always say they are totally innocent.
There's nothing stopping SWs from speaking up at all. The courts and children's panels always act and make decisions on what the SWs recommend and they lie on the very same reports in order to sway the mind of the judge. I know for a fact they tell lies and alter records in order to box tick. They are not fit for purpose
Yes this happened me socal worker accuse me of being an alcoholic and forced me for my child to live with my sister I told them they will be sorry I have yet to sue them for the wrongs they done to me but when my family was all for the social workers there ever as bad 💯they Destroyed my life
I found it very cruel that the dad had to listen to this again. They shouldn't have done this. :-( I couldn't have listened to that
I know this is going to sound mean but in a sense that kind of made me wonder if this guy IS a suitable parent. I'm sure his total breakdown traumatized those kids way, way more than being taken away. I think a stable parent would have controlled themselves. But I admit, I've never had my children taken away. Still I hope, if I did, I would stay strong and calm in front of them for their sake.
Yes. Listening to it again won't make it better and that is not the way how you control yourself, when you listen to that again. It is traumatic.
And exactly, you will stay as calm as you can as a parent for the sake of the children.
But I don't know if he stayed calm because I didn't listen to it and skipped that part of the video. It hurts me too much so I won't listen to it, not even when I don't know these poor people.
lol Oh that's probably good. He totally lost it. It was traumatic for ME and I don't tend to get emotional over seeing things like this.
Grandparents deserve better treated in UK care procedures as most family's don't these morons cut of paternal.granparents out a child's life and also leave them.feeling empty like the.parents they remove children from
My quadruplets have been taking fighting for them bk
Just gonna say... social services are NOT always liars, they can actually really help people
Yeah just like they helped baby P
As a retired social worker you have no idea what travesties I have seen with families who,for whatever reason, became involved in the DCF system. The system has incredible power with extremely limited wisdom in their decision making. Families with resources always fare better within courts and DCF. More resources, including legal help, needs to be given to help these families, many who are falsely accused. Please refrain from judging until you have experienced the hell many of them have had to endure.
RIP little man👼💔
SS --------machine minded!
lol those were probably child protetion services and she had to lie to them cuz she's under alot of heat 😂😂😂😂😂
Socialism at it's best.
R P and they want it in America SMH Europe is socialist don’t matter where or who says no, it’s true. This proves it
there’s nothing socialist about this! it’s right wing propoganda.
Oh fuck off mate. We're one of the most capitalist countries in the world. This nowt more than a government organisation getting too big for its boots. Socialism? Pffffffftttttttt.
So sad!
😢😢😢😢😢 my heart go's out to you 💯 true please get me to help 🙏 ro stop social services and courts getting away with it please 🙏 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
lost for words..just awful
Oh my god 😢 :-(
Registration of birth, that's how they get away with it, it's all about names and papers