  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • This is an Audi A5 model manufactured in 2011. Is brought from England. Has a 2-liter engine - Diesel. Manual.
    The integrated computer board can show the current consumption in two different modes:
    - one is the average consumption during the trip (you can see it right now highlighted)
    - and the real-time consumption of the fuel. The range varies here each moment - depending on the position of the gas pedal and the current speed of the car.
    You can switch between those modes by pressing the buttons on the windshield wiper stalk.
    Also, it can show the total mileage the car can pass with the current fuel in its tank.
    However, let's see how accurately those numbers are calculated.
    Sometimes it can show 12 miles per gallon, sometimes 47 or even 200. Converting those to liters per 100 kilometers it will be 19, 5, 1.2 liters per 100 kilometers accordingly.
    The average consumption reading shows data more or less accurately but you will need to ride the trip for about 20 minutes to check this number.
    I found one issue in this car. All the units can be specified either in miles or in kilometers - like distance or speed.
    However, the consumption is always shown in miles per gallon for this particular car.
    There are several ways to measure car consumption.
    One method is to fill the full tank of diesel. To note the current mileage reading. Then to ride the distance.
    You can ride making several tank refuelings. But the main thing here is to note how much distance you passed overall and
    to remember the amount of gasoline you put into the tank for this period. The last refueling should be also done with
    the full tank. Is better to do it at the same petrol station on the same pump so the incline of the car will be the same while refueling.
    The other method - is just to make regular notes of the refueling and the current mileage on the odometer. Usually, it's done
    with an application. The main thing here is to regularly put the data inside the application to have correct data.
    And the more time it is used - the more precise the consumption will be shown. The only thing there - is that
    It will be a mixed average consumption including rides inside the city and on highways.
    In my test, I was using the second approach.
    By the way, in Cyprus, we are using the Euro as a currency.
    Within 4 months of using the car in Cyprus I have:
    - consumed 950 Euro (or 1040 USD) for diesel refueling ( or 1.8 eur ( 1.9 USD) per liter of diesel in average)
    - 521 liters of diesel (or 138 gallons)
    - 7560 km (4698 miles)