The title is a joke, if you don't like my ideas that's fine. Leave a like, comment, or share, or sub if you enjoyed! The first place I ever heard the Last Dragonborn theory: Twitter I never use: Discord: Twitch: Thanks! - Dareloth
i think these ideas are great mate, hopefully but very unlucky a bethesda employe can push these ideas forward for us and if develpoment have the resources to do it could implment it but i doubt this, but at least we will have the modding comunity that could implment these ideas if bethesda dont :D
It would be cool, sadly Vivec was killed and soul trapped by the argonian Nerevarine while they were tripping on increase strength potions and skooma. Maybe if the player visits the soul Cairn they could run into him and tell him about how sheogorath's comet destroyed vardenfell
I want attributes and spell crafting back. They won’t do it because of engine/developer limitations but I still want it. The advanced movement, incremental levelling and expansive spell crafting made the old games.
@@WastedPot I really also liked the old inventory icons from oblivion and morrowind. I also would like them to do more armor-slots again and I liked the idea that you have to repair equipment. More hidden and unique items and artifacts would be cool, so you wanna really explore the world. It would also be great to come up with something else other than „essential NPCs“ Gore and impactful combat would be nice.
@@WastedPot engine limitations would be the worst excuse to not have those. Morrowind's engine can handle them, and oblivion's engine can handle them. They decided to remove them in favor of a different system, they can definitely put them back. I think Bethesda just thinks people are afraid of numbers and won't be able to play a TES6 where they have to look at numbers that go up
Carrying on with your idea of a shamed hermit Vivec in Hammerfell being there seeking the players help stopping Tribunal cultists messing with Dwemer ruins in an attempt to revive the other two
For The Last Dragonborn, we could see them in Apocrypha, but maybe they'd turn themselves into a dragon like the leader of the Tiger folk from Akavir. Knowledge hidden in Apocrypha could be the explanation of how TLD would become one.
@@My0ldFr13nd I'd like to believe that akatosh would reclaim the last dragonborn and maybe have him mantle alduin at the end of days. Kinda like the champion of cyrodil mantling sheogorath.
I've been saying this for a long time. I'm a Morrowboomer, so I really like having a real time aspect to lock picking instead of some frozen time mini game. It makes more sense that the whole purpose of lock picking is to be stealthy enough to not be seen or caught DURING the lock picking attempt. Otherwise, why not bash or kick the door in or pry the chest open? I've also always thought it was strange that I would be locked out if I ran out of picks when I'm holding an axe or hammer. I think there should be different lock types and you have an entire kit of different picks, and you have to select the correct pick for each lock. There should be a different picking process or mini game for each type as well. I also think the picks should have a greater durability, and the harder locks should just take more time or be too hard instead of breaking picks easier.
To piggyback off your point about putting less emphasis on crafting, I would like to see all unique items and weapons have custom models. I remember being so disappointed that Red Eagle's Bane/Fury was just a renamed Ancient Nord Sword. I want well-crafted and challenging quests tied to unique items-don’t be afraid to make them overpowered, especially the Daedric artifacts. Players should be able to craft a build around unique item drops.
If the game is set in another human province, I would like the people to be culturally distinct from the human races in the last two games. At times, the Nords felt like reskinned Imperials. I would also like the culture's lore to be explored in depth; I felt like Skyrim left a lot of meat on the bone when it came to Nord lore.
Yes, I agree that the human races of tamriel should be way more distinct from each other. Bretons because of their mixed elven heritage should have sharper features and maybe even slightly pointed ears. Nords should be generally taller and larger than other humans. Imperials imo should have more of a tan complexion to set themselves apart from the nords and bretons. The player should be able to tell someones race from a distance imo
I think such an ending for the Dragonborn is ignoble, it'd be a shame for them to end as a thrall of Hermeus Mora. Even though I believe its most likely the Dragonborn was subjugated by Mora, I reckon it'd be more fitting for them to end up exploring other parts of Tamriel and even other continents
It doesn't have to be the end for TLD. I highly doubt the player character from TES VI could kill the Dragonborn. Maybe wounding them and helping to free them could be incorporated into the questline. We've already been down the "exploring other parts of Nirn" route with the Nerevarine and I found that to be extremely unsatisfying.
I don't think the idea is too bad I would just obscure it more so there would be room to interpret if that was really the Dragonborn or something or someone else
@@theemerdareloth What if, depending on who you choose they could say the dragon born is either busy being a general in either Skyrim or back in cyrodill
I'm really liking the Vivec idea, although I would have his gold and blue colouring faded, to the point where he just appears more as an Altmer. The name bit is especially good, but not even an obscured name, just nothing at all there when you speak to him initially. It would only be revealed if you manage to get him to speak his name.
My idea about the return of The Last Dragonborn would be that when you inevitably need an Elder Scroll you can raid their tomb, filled with murals, references and maybe even a skeleton of Delphine to take out your anger on, but when you find The Last Dragonborn, they rest peacefully and allow you to take the scroll to fulfil your grand journey, in a sense, passing the torch to a new protagonist.
Awesome ideas, especially about the combat. Though I wouldn't want TES VI to turn into a souls games, I think the series could really benefit from some sophisticated combat. I'd also like to see the return of the Fighters and Mages Guild, and maybe having skill requirements for you to advance. I think it's weird having a heavy armoured, illiterate, magically-incompotent Nord as the Archmagister of Tamriel's mages guild. P.S thanks for the shoutouts 🙂
Yeah, I definitely don't want Dark Souls combat, but a better general flow to the gameplay could be nice. Technically, the Fighters and Mages Guilds are both disbanded I believe, but I do like that idea. And you're absolutely welcome!
You're not wrong, haha. I do have ideas for more specific quests but didn't want to do exact questlines or anything because I'm writing an Elder Scrolls DND campaign, and I don't want all my shit to get leaked haha.
@@theemerdareloth Oh hey that’s awesome to hear! I started my own TES D&D campaign some time ago with my friends set in the time of Potema The Wolf Queens dark reign. Awesome vid btw. :D (just found your channel and loving the lore stuff!)
Lore and characters are obviously very important, but almost everything on my wish list relates to the gameplay. I grew up playing Morrowind, and I just want a game that feels like an upgrade and smoothing out of the systems present in Morrowind. Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 4, and I guess Starfield (I haven't played it, but I've watched some videos) are very similar games to Morrowind, but they have a different feel that makes it hard for me to get into them. I do like Fallout 3, and New Vegas is right up there with Morrowind, and I kinda like Skyrim. I keep wanting to get into Skyrim, and I have a lot of hours in it, but it starts to feel like I'm just running in circles after I play for an hour or two. I still can't really pinpoint what it is that's missing. I think it's just a lot of little differences adding up into not quite being my preferred style 😢
Regarding your points about scaling and loot, I think these are both things that Morrowind did really well, especially for its time. You could come across a sword tucked away in an obscure corner of a cave on a mummy in an area accessible only by levitation and it would turn out to be a phenomenal sword with awesome enchantments on it and a unique name. Likewise it was a great feeling wandering into a tomb occupied by vampires and getting owned, only to come back later and wipe them all out
@@theemerdareloth I suspect that's because there was more handcraftedness and intentionality in the loot placement. I suspect each game since then has had their dungeons more and more algorithmically populated.
There’s already so many people who have supposed claim to the Dragonborn’s soul, I think our respective protagonists can honestly just choose at this point. A war for the Dragonborn’s soul between the Daedra & Aedra would be insane, like Ragnarök.
Serana being the tie-in would be the most sensible. Due to how they handled companions and NPCs in Skyrim, Serana is probably the only person who could claim to be their friend.
-Let you make your own spells, enchantments, tomes, etc. -Make your own houses using the settlements system, completely optional and not used in main quests. -Allow for various holds to have established supply lines that are player controlled. So say in Skyrim if you did the civil war and took over Windhelm and Whiterun, then those two plus Solitude would have established supply lines, meaning the merchants will be wealthier and sell higher quality items, even if a little more expensive but then makes bartering useful.
Jyggalag absolutely needs to make an appearance in TES6. If I was designing the game, he would be the big baddie. He sets his plan in motion to conquer the other Daedric Princes and you have to stop him, or join him. Oh and Bethesda needs to bring back spell crafting. I was agitated that they took it out after Oblivion.
@@hemlock_solution He might make an appearance but he won't be a central villain. They have shoe horned themselves into a specific narrative now and can't deviate from it now. We'll be fighting the Thalmor for at least the next two games.
Actually, he would be a very great motivator for the Thalmor. Since they're very doing a cruel law of order and his ways actually align with the Thalmor so I wouldn't be surprised if he'd be working with them. Within the oblivion timeline there was a few phrases being said that the high elves in Somerset are worshipping daedric more than ever.
@@77wolfblade Especially since we know that the Thalmor only got the drop on the Empire in the Great War due to Daedric help (the Orb of Vaermina) and that once they lost that, the Empire started to turn the tide. Realistically even an Empire that lost Skyrim in the civil war, hell Cyrodil alone would probably body the Dominion in the Second Great War if it was a fair fight. Maybe Jyggalag's full time assistance would be what would allow them victory in the Second War. It would also be an interesting mirror to the Ayelid Empire maintaining control of Cyrodil thanks to Daedric assistance.
If I remember correctly, they did the "unknown before introduced" in Skyrim. When you meet Serana, for the whole of 15 seconds. I think she was called "strange woman" before she told you her name.
I really love the Vivec idea and I think a great place to find him would be in a super hard to find and obscure dearven ruin. He could be at the very end and help you fight the dungeon boss or maybe you find him after the boss, main point being that you find this hermit just wandering around a dwarven ruin trying to find out what happened to them. I think the Rourken clan is name-dropped in Morrowind and should be a great way to incorporate more dwarven lore into the game as well. 2 birds with one stone.
This is great, such a fun video. Your Thalmor documentary was amazing, it's nice to hear a more sympathetic and realistic opinion of the High Elves. Your concept for Vivec is AWESOME! Wow. I need him in Elder Scrolls 6 now. I'm going to be upset if he doesn't show up after you talked about it lol. I think ES6 will be like a big Daggerfall throwback and maybe a love letter to the whole series. Vivec would be great for some Morrowind love. Even if we don't see him I just had to say your concept and your idea was so so cool.
I don't think the player character should be the chosen one again. For instance, if the game is set in Hammerfell and the Ansei return to defeat the Thalmor, it would be interesting to experience it from a side character's perspective while still being a key player in the narrative, similar to the Hero of Kvatch and Martin Septim.
I think that they should add some questions before intro? Like “What race was your Dragonborn”, “Did you support Imperial Legion or Stormcloaks”… My opinion, if they are gonna bring characters from past game… Letting us tailoring our own story. Idk…
@@theemerdareloth There’s so much potential with TESVI and years left. Hope they’ll bring it to the hype that it has. Until then we can (in close future) at least enjoy Skyblivion…
I love your Vivec idea, but I have zero hope for their writing quality. They dont have a professional writer on staff so untill then I wont expect anything like this to happen.
One thing I always thought would be cool regarding crafting is if you couldn't make any weapons or armor quite as good as the legendary stuff you can find, but, once you are at master level, you could embark on a quest to find rare components that are only available this one time to make a custom legendary of your own from a unique assortment of designs for each weapon or armor section (pommels, grips, blade types, spikes for hammers, engraving and shape for armors, etc.) You could also pick the magical effect, and I think there should even be some fairly unique effects like maybe a shield that hurts vampires when they hit it or something.
My "fanfiction" implimentation of Dragonborn in ES6 is that your character will delve in a dungeon with an excavation crew near the border of Hammerfell which is the only other Nordic ruin in the game. You and the crew you are a part of get to the end of the dungeon and meet an unbeatable Ancient Dragon. After you can get it's hp low enough, it triggers a cutscene that knock you away and before you pass out, you will see a blurry siloutte of the classic Skyrim Iron Helmet shouting "Fus Ro Dah". You will wake up later at the camp where you will meet Serana where you can talk about time passed between 5 & 6. She will reveal that the Dragonborn and her are now out of Skyrim adventuring around Tamriel. And make a meta joke about players just immediately fast travelling between POIs to clear dungeons by the Dragonborn not waiting for Serana and went ahead towards the next direction (possibly teasing the next place for ES7 and making so that you never really meet the Dragonborn). The quest reward will be a portion of Dragonbones that you can trade for one unique dragonbone weapon of your choice.
I much prefer this sorta discussion for TES 6 over what I normally see on YT. A lot of what comes up is "HUGE TES 6 LEAK, HAMMERFELL???!" and they just regurgitate what we saw in 2018. Keep up the good content!
Although it may not be possible with Bethesda continuing to use the Creation Engine but I would love to see some kind of overhall of movement. I agree with the sentiment to add dedicated dodging like in Dark Souls or Assassins Creed Origins/Odyssey. I think crafting would be good if it was kept to utility items like potions or even more. Like sword oils from Witcher, boluses from Elden Ring, or various traps like in Horizon Zero Dawn. That way each playstyle could concentrate on their own "crafting branch" potions for mages, oils for fighters, and traps for sneaks. I think that weapon and armor crafting could still be good but it has to be way dialed back. Crafting a weapon should be like a side quest where to collect the parts to reforge a might weapon or hunt a mythic beast. Like how Farcry locked the best equipment upgrade behind hunting a rare animal.
I always thought that Serana would be the link between your Skyrim characters ending, and es6. For example I can imagine having a side quest from her, where she explains ‘I used to have a travelling companion, but things got…. Complicated’.
i know its unlikely but one way they could get around many of the questions surrounding the last dragonborn is to have es6 set during the same time period as skyrim and maybe just have npcs acknowledge certain events like the greybeards summoning the dragonborn or have random npcs mention what is happening and things like that
While I know a lot of purist will hate this, I feel like they could implement combat, abilities, spells and class design from ESO (redesigned for a single player game) and combat would be instantly improved.
Bethesda aint gonna have any good dialogue in their next game. Their dialogue trees and checks are an absolute mockery of the rpg genre. They make RPGs for people who don’t like RPGs. Their games are the only “rpg” games COD players and stuff play.
Things I want, more stuff with an-xileel, maybe even a companion argonian, speaking make some fun unique companions that actually have neat stories or abilities that make you wanna use them. If they do have crafting, I do agree that there should be maybe like cool unique gear that has actual fun stuff but I do kinda wanna have the ability to customize weapons in elder scrolls, as well as spells, let us craft spells again cause that was fun! And make magic more involved I wanna be able to play a super mage. Maybe have both the Skyrim dual wield spells and powerful spells you can cast no matter what you are holding.
I want vampirism to not have its own skill tree, but to add on to existing skill trees. For the sake of example I’m assuming they reuse Skyrim skill trees. I don’t actually think that but it keeps it simple for the sake of example, destruction magic could grow an absorption branch like the three elemental branches, illusion could get bonus calm effectiveness and perhaps a disguise perk for a spell that makes you look mortal temporarily. Feeding should also only lower your vampire level by one instead of resetting, that way it’s easier to play in the intermediate stages rather than just using the two extremes. All combat skills could get bonus perks for damage. This method would let you live out the power fantasy of being a powerful vampire, but since it still costs perk points it basically just means your vampire can be extremely good at fewer things. Ideally the extra perks vampires would have available would be interesting and cool, but even if they were just flat damage increases it would still be a direct connection between your character and their new vampire self, unlike the vampire lord form that only uses your three bases stats and otherwise is basically completely different from your character. I wouldn’t mind this system for the werewolf too, but I admit the current method of making it a completely separate skill tree makes a lot more sense for the werewolf, since the lore is all about normal people with a beast within. I wouldn’t mind if they went even harder on the differences between your normal character and their werewolf self, even separating their base stats from each other so you can have a glass canon wizard that can lose it and transform into a tank wolf. Although, werewolf defense would need to be reworked.
I want in TES6 they expand armor slots like in Morrowind. Left right gloves, left rights boots, under armor, masks and helmets etc I think it would be cool: if it turned out that TES6 is really in hammerfell and we would be required to learns Sword Singing to beat bad guys it would turn into a sort of mini-game to actually use a shi-hai. Idk, QTE and use certain buttons like Ocarina of Time in Legends of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Horses like in red dead redemption 2. They should be more than just a transport, but as companions we would love to protect. Advanced stealth system. Theifs guilds and Dark Brotherhoods are people's most beloved guilds in any of TES, Stealth builds are certainly the most popular choice in Skyrim. It would be a crime if they didn't improve it and bring it to a new level. I don't ask Metal Gear Solid V, but I would like to
I figure that they'll likely be really vague about the Dragonborn's fate and avoid giving them a set appearance since it's basically a tradition in order to avoid setting a hard Canon for a blank slate PC. I can see Serana becoming a recurring character. Still, I also see them either following up on the Thalmor as a plot thread or simply disposing of them in-between games as a way to "wipe the slate clean".
while i (respectfully) admit in my opinion a lot of your ideas here are shit (talking about the lore ideas such as vivec or serana returning, im positive on the gameplay changes you suggested) i can see that you are very much passionate about the tes universe and its lore and even though i heavily disagree i really liked the video, cheers!
A dragonbreak is the only way to explain away the events of ESO imo. Its also just a really cool concept, a time fracture where multiple timelines happen simultaneously.
Idk about it being a skill, but id be shocked if climbing wasnt included in the game. You can literally already do that in thier engine: Starfield Mantle over objects and climb on top of buildings. Levetation SHOULD also be reintroduced, dunno if theyll do it, but fallout and starfield have jetpacks for vertical exploration.
Great video, it's nice to see some new ideas being brought to the table. As for Vivec's place in Hammerfell, (Whether you want to take the Sword-Meeting with Cyrus the Restless as official content or not) it would make sense that that is where Vivec (Ansu-Gurleht) would find himself in the midst of his soul-searching "coming to terms with mortality" journey. I have always joked about how interesting it would be to meet be to meet Cyrus' ghost in a TESVI Hammerfell, but it was erm...poorly recieved :P Fantastic idea though, and I think you're right - Vivec's story did not feel conclusive in TES:III whether or not you kill him or let him be. I believe there is more they could do with it. Jyggalag's return would be cool. Imagine what they could do with it? As we know the people of Hammerfell have been going through a period of significant change - their newly declared independence, and maybe some politcal unrest as a result. You could have the Forebears vying to keep stability and identity, while the Crowns are calling for a return to true Yokudan heritage, with the HoonDing and "Making Way" playing into this chaos, and with Jyggalag and so-called "order" being a neat juxtaposition. Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. This is just too fun to think about. Oh my god, the Eye of Magnus. Yeah. They HAVE to do something with that. It was annoying enough the way the College questline was left, but to not even follow up on the cryptic Psijiic bullshit at ALL would be such a wasted opportunity. Sadly have to disagree with the ESO part. I think there have been a lot of misunderstandings about how ESO has handled the lore, and while I agree that certain interpretations were handled very poorly, I have to vouch for the decent effort they made in both expanding upon preexisting lore and introducing something new -- such as the rich and complex Khajiiti religion, culture and politics; likewise for Argonians, Bosmer, Orcs, and Altmer. The lore of TES has always changed with each game, retcons have been made, and sometimes it hasn't always made sense. I believe ESO took that in stride and tried to do something to fix it, and sure, maybe those attempts haven't always been perfect (We won't talk about the absolute catasophre that was Legacy of the Bretons) but much like with previous entries in the series, I'm certain there's a way they could address ESO's lore in TES:VI without either outright comfirming its validity or dismissing it entirely. And i agree, a Dragonbreak is not a great way of going about that. More weapons, yes! Bow staffs, spears - hell, even sickles or something. Something new and different. We could definitely do with more versaliity, but improvements to combat is an absolute must. Again, great video. Some interesting points were made. Loved the indirect shoutout to Forgotten City as well - such am underrated game :)
I’d like a quest with ghosts lyris Titanborn and Sai Sahan’s ghosts, they’re souls were trapped by a vengeful Mannimarco and you must fight their undead remains to free them
Dude that concept art is sick! Id definitely love to see Vivec back again. Unfortunately no matter what they go for there are going to be some people are going to be disappointed with the fate of the dragonborn - i guess that's to be expected after waiting for over a decade though
On the Vivec idea: I think it would be even more interesting if he just doesn't outright introduce himself as Vivec at all, but rather, if you do enough things for him/pass speech checks, he will mention things that indirectly identify him as Vivec for people who played Morrowind/ESO and/or know Vivec's lore/history well will be able to just be like "Hold on a minute...", while to players who aren't familiar with Vivec he remains just some weird old hermit prophet/therapist in some cave somewhere/wandering/whatever.
Imagine if the Vestige themselves was one to author those ESO chapter books. It could be signed "The Souless One" and say printed in Eyevea or Artaeum since the Vestige is/was technically part of the Psijic Order and close to Archmage Shalidor. Stories about the "mysterious" Altmer Queen or the thriving city of Orsinium that nearly fell to it's own king.
When it was first announced and before we knew we were getting Hammerfell, I liked the idea of it being set from Elsweyr to Summerset Isles, explicitly against the Aldmeri Dominion. Essentially starting a full-scale revolution with you beginning as a slave and slowly toppling them. Also Elder Scrolls 6: Dominion goes hard as a name.
I don't really like if he's left a hermaeus mora servant, but only because he was so violent I think he doesn't fit the part. Like, mora, knowledge as darkness, the Dragonborn, mayhem. He's almost a servant of Sithis in any case. But yes, probably that'll be the canon end.
Fast travel should remain possible but not using it should be rewarding and interesting. The setting should transform dramatically over time in a way that enhances the storyline. There should be really creative ways to defeat enemies, some of which don't even involve combat. Devs should take a hard look at some of the amazing mods that were made for Skyrim and try to incorporate the essence of what worked. The core spirit of the game should be one of mystery, not just a list of things to do with an accompanying map that shows you exactly where to do them.
In Starfield they added a secondary melee attack which was alright, but I always hope they take inspiration from Mordhau. Imagine feeling powerful not just because you leveled your stats and gear but also because,as a human, you can outwit the AI by utilizing different attacks (overhead, off-hand, thrust, or quick). Maybe even feints and weapon throwing.
I don’t even have a hope for the next Elder Scrolls game with Bethesda’s track record. I do want them to put Legends in it like Witcher 3 did Gwent. They already have the assets and a nearly perfect card game. Thanks for the Video!
I agree with you about lowered expectations. As it sits right now the current western games being released seem to be lacking in many things. I never played Starfield , nor did I have interest in it. I hope that the reason it is taking so long for Elder Scrolls 6 to come out is because they want it to be just right. And as for the return of Vivec, I would love that. So many times I have had to argue with one of my Elder Scroll Role players that Vivec could still be alive sense there was no mention of his canon fate. So its hard to not consider that Vivec fled Morrowind , and went into hiding in a very unlikely place to hide for him. Same could go for Divayth Fyr. So, I think your ideas are fair and not unique either. Because many fans probably feel the same.
OMG, I love that ESO being an in-game book series idea! And that quip about the author doesn't know what he's doing and just writing nonsense, even going so far as to invent a daedric prince, and that's why they are called "chapters", love it! That NEEDS to be in VI. Not crazy about Vivec appearing, imo he was killed. And your whole Serana/last dragonborn/Hermaeus Mora I didn't like, but if written well it could work. The problem is I don't think Bethesda could write that plot well.
Give me right handed elves, who lived in the dessert, when the left handed elves came and genocided them, before the redguards come and genocide them. And now both handed elves will start appearing in hammerfell.
All very agreeable and seeing Vehk again would be sick. I hate crafting in 99% of games, but spell crafting, alchemy and enchanting need to return/stay. They just need to make better uniques. Also, there is an easy cope for levetation and teleportation. Wards. In Morrowind there were a couple places you couldn't teleport out of so it's not that big of a deal. Like add a silence effect on the player in cities and a dispel effect around the walls that only affects teleport and levitation spells.
Judging by how the Dragonborn was revealed by a guard after absorbing the soul of a dragon, you could say it was fate. However, I believe that this Dragonborn we play as will be forgotten because, from the civilians' point of view, anyone could be a hidden Dragonborn without even knowing it. So, I think a lot of people might forget who the Dragonborn actually is, but they will remember the legend of it. Who knows how far Alduin has resurrected them? Maybe some will appear in Hammerfell, High Rock, Cyrodiil, or even Morrowind.
@theemerdareloth I was so sad when we didn't have it in skyrim. I'm shocked we don't considering how crazy the official mod scene is right now. those spells were so handy and it felt great to craft and have in our toolkit.
I think a control system that could fit the elder scrolls for combat would be something like having a block and strafe mechanic a key binding for a quick spell with separate light and heavy attacks that could be blended to form different combos i thinks this is a perfect base to elevate elder scrolls combat while still maintaining the hack and slash feel this could further be improved if spells could still be main hand equipped and separate animations played for the two to further expand on the feel of combat instead of categorizing weapons by how many hands it takes to use them separate them by type for example don’t do one hand, two hand weapon do sword, dagger, mace, great axe and animate accordingly I think this could even reduce the damage done by bad writing
This system honestly works better than I thought using the staff as an example you could melee with the light attack and cast the staff spell with the heavy while having magic ward as in the quick spell slot or for the bow it could also have a melee animation for light attacks and you could shoot the bow for heavy attacks and then something like a fire wall for the spell slot as a form of defense this is something that is possible in Skyrim (apart from the weapon melee ) it just takes menu juggling to do and with this control system it could bypass a lot of that giving a more seamless and fun and immersive feel to the game while not being overly difficult to pilot or creating a complex skill ceiling without subtracting from the first person view
One of the reason Starfield wasn’t a huge success is cause people expected it to he Space Skyrim. Knowing that this is how things usually happen… we should all take care to have no expectations for ES6.
Personally I don't see or feel the need to reintroduce major characters. A couple cameos or references is fun, but I don't think you need to reintroduce major players like Vivec, Serana and so on. To me the world itself is the main focus of these games - and the characters in it, even the major players, are merely set pieces to make it come alive. I personally feel like having reoccurring important characters like Vivec would sort of change the focal point of the games to be about telling their stories, rather than them simply being another page in the book that is the world itself. I'd rather their fates be left unknown if not known already, and let it be up to poets and historians to procure and interpret as they have with all other noteworthy people in the universe. The state of the world however is more important to dive into. A satisfying continuation of the overall geopolitical narrative and setting that has been established.
I don't want the Dovahkiin to be an emperor or some thrall or champion to Herma. I want them to be in an old ruin sitting in peace on some throne or chair of some kind wearing the iconic gear from the trailer. Iron helmet, scaled armor, iron boots and gauntlets. Nothing but an armored inaninate skeleton but recognizable as the last Dragonborn to the player. You can take the armor and it has some unique name and effect while looking unique from other TES6 gear. Nothing more. It doesn't say whether he was good or bad or even if he was a he. Just a long lost legend. Maybe you'll hear stories of the Dragonborn throughout the game that some people revere and others deny but the only truth that's known is that the person lived and died.
I don’t know the correct answer, but it definitely shouldn’t have that gear and lock them in to being a warrior only. Could have been a mage, an archer, a thief, a spell sword with light armour or robes, a battle mage…anything. I’m tired of the Skyrim ads being considered “canon LDB”.
much of the events in skyrim i feel like will be untouched unless they required mentioning in elder scrolls 6, given that its probably set in hammerfall, i do like the idea of vivec but i think something like the college of winterhold wont be addressed, maybe theyll decide what is and isnt cannon, probably just the resolution of relevant questlines, one thing i want is questlines to be longer, ive always felt like in skyrim the endgame of questlines is thrust upon as a player from the beginning and you never really get a chance to learn and interact with the various factions, whereas in oblivion to me it seemed like there was much more of that
I have a feeling that its gonna be greater than skyrim. Considering that this will most likely be Todd's last ES game and we all know ES is his baby. Thats why its probably taking forever.
I disliked Blades and the Fallout Shelter game. ES6 will probably be out in about 2028 at the earliest. I've given up on Bethesda. Starflop and Fakeout76 were bad games from a bad studio.
@@TheGreatOne-gw7xh Disagree completely moreover, objectively they were massive commercial successes so you thinking they're trash is irrelevant because if they could replicate that success they would. The problem now as they aren't replicating that success at all.
I have do have to disagree *somewhat* about crafting, not entirely. I agree that things like artifacts should absolutely stand out and even if they dont do as much raw damage as say a high-tier crafted weapon they should have enchantments and effects that fundamentally change the way you approach certain gameplay mechanics be they combat, stealth, magic etc. I like the fact that if I dedicate myself to the crafting-enchanting skill trees that I can make legendary status weapons, and I think that a cool thing to do for high-level characters in an ES game would be to actually have like a quest where you cement a custom made enchanted weapon into actual artifact status. But I agree that there should be a balance there. I should be able to make any common weapon better than weapons I find on bandits, but artifacts need to stand out and be unique and incredibly powerful. Also do not level artifacts I hate leveled artifacts.
I do recommend the Bards College and Blood & Snow addons. Bigger then Dawnguard style expansion. Dam good stuff. changed my opinions on Creations. I think Zaric said it best in calling them "Third Party DLC." Good cause for at least the good stuff bring considdred cannon.
I'd be horrified to find out my Dragonborn is now a monster 🥺 That being said, it is the most likely ending. There's no flipping the bird to the Gardener 😂 Some interesting ideas. Nice ramble 😁
After the dragonborn DLC the last DB is the most powerful thing alive, if they don't take over the empire in mora's name they'd have the ability to make their own
I think they should bring back the dragon priest mask Konahrick. Make that the dragon birns new identity that he has become Konahrick and you get the amst as a reward. Maybbe change it and the effects to make sense in ES6 but i like think the Last dragonborn would have obtained that mask with the aid of Mora snd soon ssw hisself as Konahrick. Using the power of both the ancient nord arts and apocrytha to do Moras bidding.
I'd be interested to see how they could revamp combat within the creation engine. I've tried out a few mods that alter combat in skyrim and it does feel better, but it still really just comes down to "click repeatedly" and you're not really reacting to much outside of hitting potions when you need to. But I am not sure what it could be that wouldn't feel either immersion breaking, or just "not elder scrolls"
I know in Oblivion it was rumored that Vivec and the Nerevarine went to Akavir, I could see a rumor of "The last dragonborn went to Atmora to learn of their ancestry" or something, but I think they're gonna either be too on the nose with whatever they choose to do.
I think your idea of the DragonBorn is perfect. We shouldn’t still be milking Skyrims success, and make this elder scrolls stand out on its OWN, and making it a side quest perfectly exemplifies that I think. As for gameplay I just hope it’s fun to play (combat-wise) when it comes out in my 50s. 😅😭. Really like your idea of always being able to cast magic. Also I’m not sure what a Dragon Break is?
Thank you! A Dragon Break is a period of time where time flows non-linearly. It makes it so multiple events are possible at one time. I cover it a bit more in depth in my Mannimarco lore video!
@@Aewon84eh I mean as long as they aren’t a major character and just a little boss doesn’t sound too bad. Rather than making the Dragonborn a fully fledged character? What do you think?
The title is a joke, if you don't like my ideas that's fine.
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The first place I ever heard the Last Dragonborn theory:
Twitter I never use:
- Dareloth
i think these ideas are great mate, hopefully but very unlucky a bethesda employe can push these ideas forward for us and if develpoment have the resources to do it could implment it but i doubt this, but at least we will have the modding comunity that could implment these ideas if bethesda dont :D
Having Vivec be a wandering hermit getting to properly understand mortal life for the first time in thousands of years would be a really good idea
Thank you!
Like Odin
But it makes no sense. He is basically lucid dreaming because of Chim. Would be pretty much the same like Talos in Morrowind.
It would be cool, sadly Vivec was killed and soul trapped by the argonian Nerevarine while they were tripping on increase strength potions and skooma. Maybe if the player visits the soul Cairn they could run into him and tell him about how sheogorath's comet destroyed vardenfell
@@your-username-here2308 If he had Chim why'd he run from Dagoth Ur without the heart hes weaker just a fancier Diveyth Fyr.
PEOPLE, we know that Tes 6 won't have any of this but GRAB ALL THIS IDEAS AND MAKE MODS OF IT
Another option is learn programming, set up a studio create your own games with these ideas.
@@77wolfblade but that will mean loosing all the lore an paraphernalia of the elder scrolls
@@joseherrera3370 Let your brain cook surely you'll be able to come up something interesting for lore.
@@joseherrera3370 Just pull a Michael Kirkbride and trip balls while you’re writing the lore
@@77wolfblade god forbid people want consistency and quality in their beloved franchise
I love how you've drawn Vivec, it was very reminiscent of Kirkbride's drawings!
Agreed, lovely sketches
Plot twist: ES6 is set 500 years before Daggerfall
@@N0Bah_D-666 elder scrolls 6 is just a daggerfall remake
I want attributes and spell crafting back. They won’t do it because of engine/developer limitations but I still want it. The advanced movement, incremental levelling and expansive spell crafting made the old games.
I really also liked the old inventory icons from oblivion and morrowind.
I also would like them to do more armor-slots again and I liked the idea that you have to repair equipment.
More hidden and unique items and artifacts would be cool, so you wanna really explore the world. It would also be great to come up with something else other than „essential NPCs“
Gore and impactful combat would be nice.
@@K.R.98 I miss the old design principles, before money fucked Todd right in the brain
@@WastedPot engine limitations would be the worst excuse to not have those. Morrowind's engine can handle them, and oblivion's engine can handle them. They decided to remove them in favor of a different system, they can definitely put them back. I think Bethesda just thinks people are afraid of numbers and won't be able to play a TES6 where they have to look at numbers that go up
@@nolankanski9116 Damn right it’d be the worst excuse, doesn’t mean they won’t roll it out to further diminish goodwill will the OG fans.
Imo theres no reason that "the engine" should limit you. Simply get actual devs to work on it. This is absurd
if TES6 doesn't have "ANOTHER HAND TOUCH THE BEACON" i ain't buying
@@whitecat1441 and if it isn’t loud enough to bust a ear drum I ain’t buying
i was sold on hermit vivec the moment you pulled out the drawing with the big ass beard
Carrying on with your idea of a shamed hermit Vivec in Hammerfell being there seeking the players help stopping Tribunal cultists messing with Dwemer ruins in an attempt to revive the other two
Oooh. Interesting. I like that idea.
"Hope, is the first step on the road to disappointment."
For The Last Dragonborn, we could see them in Apocrypha, but maybe they'd turn themselves into a dragon like the leader of the Tiger folk from Akavir. Knowledge hidden in Apocrypha could be the explanation of how TLD would become one.
@@My0ldFr13nd I'd like to believe that akatosh would reclaim the last dragonborn and maybe have him mantle alduin at the end of days. Kinda like the champion of cyrodil mantling sheogorath.
Damn this channel is underrated. Concise, well thought out and written. Very chill "good professor" type vibes.
It would be nice if there were multiple different types of locks.
I've been saying this for a long time. I'm a Morrowboomer, so I really like having a real time aspect to lock picking instead of some frozen time mini game. It makes more sense that the whole purpose of lock picking is to be stealthy enough to not be seen or caught DURING the lock picking attempt. Otherwise, why not bash or kick the door in or pry the chest open? I've also always thought it was strange that I would be locked out if I ran out of picks when I'm holding an axe or hammer. I think there should be different lock types and you have an entire kit of different picks, and you have to select the correct pick for each lock. There should be a different picking process or mini game for each type as well. I also think the picks should have a greater durability, and the harder locks should just take more time or be too hard instead of breaking picks easier.
@@thefranken-thing Oh yeah I hadn't thought of that. It could be really intense if you have to quickly pick a hard lock so you don't get caught.
To piggyback off your point about putting less emphasis on crafting, I would like to see all unique items and weapons have custom models. I remember being so disappointed that Red Eagle's Bane/Fury was just a renamed Ancient Nord Sword. I want well-crafted and challenging quests tied to unique items-don’t be afraid to make them overpowered, especially the Daedric artifacts. Players should be able to craft a build around unique item drops.
If the game is set in another human province, I would like the people to be culturally distinct from the human races in the last two games. At times, the Nords felt like reskinned Imperials. I would also like the culture's lore to be explored in depth; I felt like Skyrim left a lot of meat on the bone when it came to Nord lore.
Absolutely agree
Yes, I agree that the human races of tamriel should be way more distinct from each other. Bretons because of their mixed elven heritage should have sharper features and maybe even slightly pointed ears. Nords should be generally taller and larger than other humans. Imperials imo should have more of a tan complexion to set themselves apart from the nords and bretons. The player should be able to tell someones race from a distance imo
@@EastBayJata if it’s set in hammerfell, it would be kind of hard to NOT make them distinct from the others, high rock im more iffy on
I think such an ending for the Dragonborn is ignoble, it'd be a shame for them to end as a thrall of Hermeus Mora. Even though I believe its most likely the Dragonborn was subjugated by Mora, I reckon it'd be more fitting for them to end up exploring other parts of Tamriel and even other continents
It doesn't have to be the end for TLD. I highly doubt the player character from TES VI could kill the Dragonborn. Maybe wounding them and helping to free them could be incorporated into the questline. We've already been down the "exploring other parts of Nirn" route with the Nerevarine and I found that to be extremely unsatisfying.
I don't think the idea is too bad I would just obscure it more so there would be room to interpret if that was really the Dragonborn or something or someone else
@@theemerdareloth What if, depending on who you choose they could say the dragon born is either busy being a general in either Skyrim or back in cyrodill
I'm really liking the Vivec idea, although I would have his gold and blue colouring faded, to the point where he just appears more as an Altmer. The name bit is especially good, but not even an obscured name, just nothing at all there when you speak to him initially. It would only be revealed if you manage to get him to speak his name.
Thank you. Yeah I like that idea!
My idea about the return of The Last Dragonborn would be that when you inevitably need an Elder Scroll you can raid their tomb, filled with murals, references and maybe even a skeleton of Delphine to take out your anger on, but when you find The Last Dragonborn, they rest peacefully and allow you to take the scroll to fulfil your grand journey, in a sense, passing the torch to a new protagonist.
Awesome ideas, especially about the combat. Though I wouldn't want TES VI to turn into a souls games, I think the series could really benefit from some sophisticated combat. I'd also like to see the return of the Fighters and Mages Guild, and maybe having skill requirements for you to advance. I think it's weird having a heavy armoured, illiterate, magically-incompotent Nord as the Archmagister of Tamriel's mages guild.
P.S thanks for the shoutouts 🙂
Yeah, I definitely don't want Dark Souls combat, but a better general flow to the gameplay could be nice.
Technically, the Fighters and Mages Guilds are both disbanded I believe, but I do like that idea.
And you're absolutely welcome!
Every idea is just “it would be cool if this character” came back lol
You're not wrong, haha. I do have ideas for more specific quests but didn't want to do exact questlines or anything because I'm writing an Elder Scrolls DND campaign, and I don't want all my shit to get leaked haha.
@@theemerdareloth Oh hey that’s awesome to hear! I started my own TES D&D campaign some time ago with my friends set in the time of Potema The Wolf Queens dark reign.
Awesome vid btw. :D (just found your channel and loving the lore stuff!)
Lore and characters are obviously very important, but almost everything on my wish list relates to the gameplay. I grew up playing Morrowind, and I just want a game that feels like an upgrade and smoothing out of the systems present in Morrowind. Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 4, and I guess Starfield (I haven't played it, but I've watched some videos) are very similar games to Morrowind, but they have a different feel that makes it hard for me to get into them. I do like Fallout 3, and New Vegas is right up there with Morrowind, and I kinda like Skyrim. I keep wanting to get into Skyrim, and I have a lot of hours in it, but it starts to feel like I'm just running in circles after I play for an hour or two. I still can't really pinpoint what it is that's missing. I think it's just a lot of little differences adding up into not quite being my preferred style 😢
Regarding your points about scaling and loot, I think these are both things that Morrowind did really well, especially for its time. You could come across a sword tucked away in an obscure corner of a cave on a mummy in an area accessible only by levitation and it would turn out to be a phenomenal sword with awesome enchantments on it and a unique name. Likewise it was a great feeling wandering into a tomb occupied by vampires and getting owned, only to come back later and wipe them all out
Yes, I totally agree. Morrowind had a fantastic scaling and exploration system for being as old as it is.
@@theemerdareloth I suspect that's because there was more handcraftedness and intentionality in the loot placement. I suspect each game since then has had their dungeons more and more algorithmically populated.
I’d cry if the last Dragonborn became a thrall of the big eyeball man 😭
There’s already so many people who have supposed claim to the Dragonborn’s soul,
I think our respective protagonists can honestly just choose at this point. A war for the Dragonborn’s soul between the Daedra & Aedra would be insane, like Ragnarök.
3:16 in fallout 4 when you meet dogmeat his name is only "dog". Later it chqnges to dogmeat when mama murphy tells you that
That's true, so they have the capability.
Serana being the tie-in would be the most sensible. Due to how they handled companions and NPCs in Skyrim, Serana is probably the only person who could claim to be their friend.
-Let you make your own spells, enchantments, tomes, etc.
-Make your own houses using the settlements system, completely optional and not used in main quests.
-Allow for various holds to have established supply lines that are player controlled. So say in Skyrim if you did the civil war and took over Windhelm and Whiterun, then those two plus Solitude would have established supply lines, meaning the merchants will be wealthier and sell higher quality items, even if a little more expensive but then makes bartering useful.
Jyggalag absolutely needs to make an appearance in TES6. If I was designing the game, he would be the big baddie. He sets his plan in motion to conquer the other Daedric Princes and you have to stop him, or join him. Oh and Bethesda needs to bring back spell crafting. I was agitated that they took it out after Oblivion.
Yeah, Bethesda definitely dropped the ball on spellcrafting being missing.
@@hemlock_solution He might make an appearance but he won't be a central villain. They have shoe horned themselves into a specific narrative now and can't deviate from it now. We'll be fighting the Thalmor for at least the next two games.
Actually, he would be a very great motivator for the Thalmor. Since they're very doing a cruel law of order and his ways actually align with the Thalmor so I wouldn't be surprised if he'd be working with them. Within the oblivion timeline there was a few phrases being said that the high elves in Somerset are worshipping daedric more than ever.
@@77wolfblade Especially since we know that the Thalmor only got the drop on the Empire in the Great War due to Daedric help (the Orb of Vaermina) and that once they lost that, the Empire started to turn the tide.
Realistically even an Empire that lost Skyrim in the civil war, hell Cyrodil alone would probably body the Dominion in the Second Great War if it was a fair fight. Maybe Jyggalag's full time assistance would be what would allow them victory in the Second War. It would also be an interesting mirror to the Ayelid Empire maintaining control of Cyrodil thanks to Daedric assistance.
If I remember correctly, they did the "unknown before introduced" in Skyrim. When you meet Serana, for the whole of 15 seconds.
I think she was called "strange woman" before she told you her name.
Very true
I really love the Vivec idea and I think a great place to find him would be in a super hard to find and obscure dearven ruin. He could be at the very end and help you fight the dungeon boss or maybe you find him after the boss, main point being that you find this hermit just wandering around a dwarven ruin trying to find out what happened to them. I think the Rourken clan is name-dropped in Morrowind and should be a great way to incorporate more dwarven lore into the game as well. 2 birds with one stone.
This is great, such a fun video. Your Thalmor documentary was amazing, it's nice to hear a more sympathetic and realistic opinion of the High Elves. Your concept for Vivec is AWESOME! Wow. I need him in Elder Scrolls 6 now. I'm going to be upset if he doesn't show up after you talked about it lol. I think ES6 will be like a big Daggerfall throwback and maybe a love letter to the whole series. Vivec would be great for some Morrowind love. Even if we don't see him I just had to say your concept and your idea was so so cool.
The dragonborn idea is so repetitive though, we don't need Miraak 2.0
I don't think the player character should be the chosen one again. For instance, if the game is set in Hammerfell and the Ansei return to defeat the Thalmor, it would be interesting to experience it from a side character's perspective while still being a key player in the narrative, similar to the Hero of Kvatch and Martin Septim.
Casting magic underwater would be really cool if unlocked by waterbreathing spell/enchantment or picking Argonian as your race
It would be cool to see paarthurnax again, find out how he’s going and what’s happening with all the surviving dragons in the world
I think that they should add some questions before intro? Like “What race was your Dragonborn”, “Did you support Imperial Legion or Stormcloaks”… My opinion, if they are gonna bring characters from past game… Letting us tailoring our own story. Idk…
Pillars of Eternity 2 does this and I love it.
@@theemerdareloth There’s so much potential with TESVI and years left. Hope they’ll bring it to the hype that it has. Until then we can (in close future) at least enjoy Skyblivion…
I love your Vivec idea, but I have zero hope for their writing quality. They dont have a professional writer on staff so untill then I wont expect anything like this to happen.
One thing I always thought would be cool regarding crafting is if you couldn't make any weapons or armor quite as good as the legendary stuff you can find, but, once you are at master level, you could embark on a quest to find rare components that are only available this one time to make a custom legendary of your own from a unique assortment of designs for each weapon or armor section (pommels, grips, blade types, spikes for hammers, engraving and shape for armors, etc.) You could also pick the magical effect, and I think there should even be some fairly unique effects like maybe a shield that hurts vampires when they hit it or something.
My "fanfiction" implimentation of Dragonborn in ES6 is that your character will delve in a dungeon with an excavation crew near the border of Hammerfell which is the only other Nordic ruin in the game. You and the crew you are a part of get to the end of the dungeon and meet an unbeatable Ancient Dragon. After you can get it's hp low enough, it triggers a cutscene that knock you away and before you pass out, you will see a blurry siloutte of the classic Skyrim Iron Helmet shouting "Fus Ro Dah". You will wake up later at the camp where you will meet Serana where you can talk about time passed between 5 & 6. She will reveal that the Dragonborn and her are now out of Skyrim adventuring around Tamriel. And make a meta joke about players just immediately fast travelling between POIs to clear dungeons by the Dragonborn not waiting for Serana and went ahead towards the next direction (possibly teasing the next place for ES7 and making so that you never really meet the Dragonborn). The quest reward will be a portion of Dragonbones that you can trade for one unique dragonbone weapon of your choice.
Just finished the video, and all I have to say is: You're not a cook...
You're a freakin' MASTERCHEF!
Love this video. Would love to see more like it
I much prefer this sorta discussion for TES 6 over what I normally see on YT. A lot of what comes up is "HUGE TES 6 LEAK, HAMMERFELL???!" and they just regurgitate what we saw in 2018. Keep up the good content!
I just want more lore for the Left Hand Elves
Although it may not be possible with Bethesda continuing to use the Creation Engine but I would love to see some kind of overhall of movement. I agree with the sentiment to add dedicated dodging like in Dark Souls or Assassins Creed Origins/Odyssey. I think crafting would be good if it was kept to utility items like potions or even more. Like sword oils from Witcher, boluses from Elden Ring, or various traps like in Horizon Zero Dawn. That way each playstyle could concentrate on their own "crafting branch" potions for mages, oils for fighters, and traps for sneaks. I think that weapon and armor crafting could still be good but it has to be way dialed back. Crafting a weapon should be like a side quest where to collect the parts to reforge a might weapon or hunt a mythic beast. Like how Farcry locked the best equipment upgrade behind hunting a rare animal.
I always thought that Serana would be the link between your Skyrim characters ending, and es6. For example I can imagine having a side quest from her, where she explains ‘I used to have a travelling companion, but things got…. Complicated’.
i know its unlikely but one way they could get around many of the questions surrounding the last dragonborn is to have es6 set during the same time period as skyrim and maybe just have npcs acknowledge certain events like the greybeards summoning the dragonborn or have random npcs mention what is happening and things like that
While I know a lot of purist will hate this, I feel like they could implement combat, abilities, spells and class design from ESO (redesigned for a single player game) and combat would be instantly improved.
Bethesda aint gonna have any good dialogue in their next game. Their dialogue trees and checks are an absolute mockery of the rpg genre. They make RPGs for people who don’t like RPGs. Their games are the only “rpg” games COD players and stuff play.
Things I want, more stuff with an-xileel, maybe even a companion argonian, speaking make some fun unique companions that actually have neat stories or abilities that make you wanna use them.
If they do have crafting, I do agree that there should be maybe like cool unique gear that has actual fun stuff but I do kinda wanna have the ability to customize weapons in elder scrolls, as well as spells, let us craft spells again cause that was fun! And make magic more involved I wanna be able to play a super mage. Maybe have both the Skyrim dual wield spells and powerful spells you can cast no matter what you are holding.
I want vampirism to not have its own skill tree, but to add on to existing skill trees. For the sake of example I’m assuming they reuse Skyrim skill trees. I don’t actually think that but it keeps it simple for the sake of example, destruction magic could grow an absorption branch like the three elemental branches, illusion could get bonus calm effectiveness and perhaps a disguise perk for a spell that makes you look mortal temporarily. Feeding should also only lower your vampire level by one instead of resetting, that way it’s easier to play in the intermediate stages rather than just using the two extremes. All combat skills could get bonus perks for damage. This method would let you live out the power fantasy of being a powerful vampire, but since it still costs perk points it basically just means your vampire can be extremely good at fewer things. Ideally the extra perks vampires would have available would be interesting and cool, but even if they were just flat damage increases it would still be a direct connection between your character and their new vampire self, unlike the vampire lord form that only uses your three bases stats and otherwise is basically completely different from your character. I wouldn’t mind this system for the werewolf too, but I admit the current method of making it a completely separate skill tree makes a lot more sense for the werewolf, since the lore is all about normal people with a beast within. I wouldn’t mind if they went even harder on the differences between your normal character and their werewolf self, even separating their base stats from each other so you can have a glass canon wizard that can lose it and transform into a tank wolf. Although, werewolf defense would need to be reworked.
With the Jyggalag thing, you have to remember gods perceive time differently so 200 years could be but a few hours for them
I want in TES6 they expand armor slots like in Morrowind. Left right gloves, left rights boots, under armor, masks and helmets etc
I think it would be cool: if it turned out that TES6 is really in hammerfell and we would be required to learns Sword Singing to beat bad guys it would turn into a sort of mini-game to actually use a shi-hai. Idk, QTE and use certain buttons like Ocarina of Time in Legends of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Horses like in red dead redemption 2. They should be more than just a transport, but as companions we would love to protect.
Advanced stealth system. Theifs guilds and Dark Brotherhoods are people's most beloved guilds in any of TES, Stealth builds are certainly the most popular choice in Skyrim. It would be a crime if they didn't improve it and bring it to a new level. I don't ask Metal Gear Solid V, but I would like to
I figure that they'll likely be really vague about the Dragonborn's fate and avoid giving them a set appearance since it's basically a tradition in order to avoid setting a hard Canon for a blank slate PC.
I can see Serana becoming a recurring character. Still, I also see them either following up on the Thalmor as a plot thread or simply disposing of them in-between games as a way to "wipe the slate clean".
while i (respectfully) admit in my opinion a lot of your ideas here are shit (talking about the lore ideas such as vivec or serana returning, im positive on the gameplay changes you suggested) i can see that you are very much passionate about the tes universe and its lore and even though i heavily disagree i really liked the video, cheers!
Comment of the month.
A dragonbreak is the only way to explain away the events of ESO imo. Its also just a really cool concept, a time fracture where multiple timelines happen simultaneously.
Idk about it being a skill, but id be shocked if climbing wasnt included in the game. You can literally already do that in thier engine: Starfield
Mantle over objects and climb on top of buildings.
Levetation SHOULD also be reintroduced, dunno if theyll do it, but fallout and starfield have jetpacks for vertical exploration.
Great video, it's nice to see some new ideas being brought to the table.
As for Vivec's place in Hammerfell, (Whether you want to take the Sword-Meeting with Cyrus the Restless as official content or not) it would make sense that that is where Vivec (Ansu-Gurleht) would find himself in the midst of his soul-searching "coming to terms with mortality" journey. I have always joked about how interesting it would be to meet be to meet Cyrus' ghost in a TESVI Hammerfell, but it was erm...poorly recieved :P Fantastic idea though, and I think you're right - Vivec's story did not feel conclusive in TES:III whether or not you kill him or let him be. I believe there is more they could do with it.
Jyggalag's return would be cool. Imagine what they could do with it? As we know the people of Hammerfell have been going through a period of significant change - their newly declared independence, and maybe some politcal unrest as a result. You could have the Forebears vying to keep stability and identity, while the Crowns are calling for a return to true Yokudan heritage, with the HoonDing and "Making Way" playing into this chaos, and with Jyggalag and so-called "order" being a neat juxtaposition. Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. This is just too fun to think about.
Oh my god, the Eye of Magnus. Yeah. They HAVE to do something with that. It was annoying enough the way the College questline was left, but to not even follow up on the cryptic Psijiic bullshit at ALL would be such a wasted opportunity.
Sadly have to disagree with the ESO part. I think there have been a lot of misunderstandings about how ESO has handled the lore, and while I agree that certain interpretations were handled very poorly, I have to vouch for the decent effort they made in both expanding upon preexisting lore and introducing something new -- such as the rich and complex Khajiiti religion, culture and politics; likewise for Argonians, Bosmer, Orcs, and Altmer. The lore of TES has always changed with each game, retcons have been made, and sometimes it hasn't always made sense. I believe ESO took that in stride and tried to do something to fix it, and sure, maybe those attempts haven't always been perfect (We won't talk about the absolute catasophre that was Legacy of the Bretons) but much like with previous entries in the series, I'm certain there's a way they could address ESO's lore in TES:VI without either outright comfirming its validity or dismissing it entirely. And i agree, a Dragonbreak is not a great way of going about that.
More weapons, yes! Bow staffs, spears - hell, even sickles or something. Something new and different. We could definitely do with more versaliity, but improvements to combat is an absolute must.
Again, great video. Some interesting points were made. Loved the indirect shoutout to Forgotten City as well - such am underrated game :)
Stop. Anything you may think of between now and the release of es6 is going to be way better than anything we’ll actually get from Bethesda
I’d like a quest with ghosts lyris Titanborn and Sai Sahan’s ghosts, they’re souls were trapped by a vengeful Mannimarco and you must fight their undead remains to free them
Lol 16:27 good, they've needed to drop this engine decade ago.
LD as servant to Hermaeus Mora makes sense. He was basically forced to mantle Miraak during the events of Dragonborn.
Dude that concept art is sick! Id definitely love to see Vivec back again. Unfortunately no matter what they go for there are going to be some people are going to be disappointed with the fate of the dragonborn - i guess that's to be expected after waiting for over a decade though
Thank you, I was happy with how it turned out! And I agree. There's no pleasing everyone.
On the Vivec idea: I think it would be even more interesting if he just doesn't outright introduce himself as Vivec at all, but rather, if you do enough things for him/pass speech checks, he will mention things that indirectly identify him as Vivec for people who played Morrowind/ESO and/or know Vivec's lore/history well will be able to just be like "Hold on a minute...", while to players who aren't familiar with Vivec he remains just some weird old hermit prophet/therapist in some cave somewhere/wandering/whatever.
Imagine if the Vestige themselves was one to author those ESO chapter books. It could be signed "The Souless One" and say printed in Eyevea or Artaeum since the Vestige is/was technically part of the Psijic Order and close to Archmage Shalidor.
Stories about the "mysterious" Altmer Queen or the thriving city of Orsinium that nearly fell to it's own king.
When it was first announced and before we knew we were getting Hammerfell, I liked the idea of it being set from Elsweyr to Summerset Isles, explicitly against the Aldmeri Dominion. Essentially starting a full-scale revolution with you beginning as a slave and slowly toppling them. Also Elder Scrolls 6: Dominion goes hard as a name.
Here's hoping for TES:7 in 2040s
I don't really like if he's left a hermaeus mora servant, but only because he was so violent I think he doesn't fit the part. Like, mora, knowledge as darkness, the Dragonborn, mayhem. He's almost a servant of Sithis in any case. But yes, probably that'll be the canon end.
Fast travel should remain possible but not using it should be rewarding and interesting.
The setting should transform dramatically over time in a way that enhances the storyline.
There should be really creative ways to defeat enemies, some of which don't even involve combat.
Devs should take a hard look at some of the amazing mods that were made for Skyrim and try to incorporate the essence of what worked.
The core spirit of the game should be one of mystery, not just a list of things to do with an accompanying map that shows you exactly where to do them.
In Starfield they added a secondary melee attack which was alright, but I always hope they take inspiration from Mordhau. Imagine feeling powerful not just because you leveled your stats and gear but also because,as a human, you can outwit the AI by utilizing different attacks (overhead, off-hand, thrust, or quick). Maybe even feints and weapon throwing.
I don’t even have a hope for the next Elder Scrolls game with Bethesda’s track record.
I do want them to put Legends in it like Witcher 3 did Gwent. They already have the assets and a nearly perfect card game.
Thanks for the Video!
I agree with you about lowered expectations. As it sits right now the current western games being released seem to be lacking in many things. I never played Starfield , nor did I have interest in it. I hope that the reason it is taking so long for Elder Scrolls 6 to come out is because they want it to be just right. And as for the return of Vivec, I would love that. So many times I have had to argue with one of my Elder Scroll Role players that Vivec could still be alive sense there was no mention of his canon fate. So its hard to not consider that Vivec fled Morrowind , and went into hiding in a very unlikely place to hide for him. Same could go for Divayth Fyr. So, I think your ideas are fair and not unique either. Because many fans probably feel the same.
That's understandable 👍
Its another 4 years away don't get to excited lady's and gentlemen
OMG, I love that ESO being an in-game book series idea! And that quip about the author doesn't know what he's doing and just writing nonsense, even going so far as to invent a daedric prince, and that's why they are called "chapters", love it! That NEEDS to be in VI.
Not crazy about Vivec appearing, imo he was killed.
And your whole Serana/last dragonborn/Hermaeus Mora I didn't like, but if written well it could work. The problem is I don't think Bethesda could write that plot well.
Give me right handed elves, who lived in the dessert, when the left handed elves came and genocided them, before the redguards come and genocide them. And now both handed elves will start appearing in hammerfell.
All very agreeable and seeing Vehk again would be sick.
I hate crafting in 99% of games, but spell crafting, alchemy and enchanting need to return/stay. They just need to make better uniques.
Also, there is an easy cope for levetation and teleportation. Wards. In Morrowind there were a couple places you couldn't teleport out of so it's not that big of a deal. Like add a silence effect on the player in cities and a dispel effect around the walls that only affects teleport and levitation spells.
Judging by how the Dragonborn was revealed by a guard after absorbing the soul of a dragon, you could say it was fate. However, I believe that this Dragonborn we play as will be forgotten because, from the civilians' point of view, anyone could be a hidden Dragonborn without even knowing it. So, I think a lot of people might forget who the Dragonborn actually is, but they will remember the legend of it. Who knows how far Alduin has resurrected them? Maybe some will appear in Hammerfell, High Rock, Cyrodiil, or even Morrowind.
You're waiting for TES6, I'm waiting for the mods for TES6, we are not the same.
The Nerevarine is an Argonian Male.
Boa Tarde, Amigo
Vivec achieved CHIM, he would still be alive, and able to do whatever he pleases
when are they going to do more on the dwemer they are my fav
they need to bring back spell crafting like we had in oblivion
If they did that'd be amazing
@theemerdareloth I was so sad when we didn't have it in skyrim. I'm shocked we don't considering how crazy the official mod scene is right now. those spells were so handy and it felt great to craft and have in our toolkit.
I like the ideas, especially seeing an old sojourn vivec.
However, answering mysteries kills lore. Threads _must_ remain severed.
I think a control system that could fit the elder scrolls for combat would be something like having a block and strafe mechanic a key binding for a quick spell with separate light and heavy attacks that could be blended to form different combos i thinks this is a perfect base to elevate elder scrolls combat while still maintaining the hack and slash feel this could further be improved if spells could still be main hand equipped and separate animations played for the two to further expand on the feel of combat instead of categorizing weapons by how many hands it takes to use them separate them by type for example don’t do one hand, two hand weapon do sword, dagger, mace, great axe and animate accordingly I think this could even reduce the damage done by bad writing
This system honestly works better than I thought using the staff as an example you could melee with the light attack and cast the staff spell with the heavy while having magic ward as in the quick spell slot or for the bow it could also have a melee animation for light attacks and you could shoot the bow for heavy attacks and then something like a fire wall for the spell slot as a form of defense this is something that is possible in Skyrim (apart from the weapon melee ) it just takes menu juggling to do and with this control system it could bypass a lot of that giving a more seamless and fun and immersive feel to the game while not being overly difficult to pilot or creating a complex skill ceiling without subtracting from the first person view
One of the reason Starfield wasn’t a huge success is cause people expected it to he Space Skyrim.
Knowing that this is how things usually happen… we should all take care to have no expectations for ES6.
Desperately need more complexity in combat.
Personally I don't see or feel the need to reintroduce major characters. A couple cameos or references is fun, but I don't think you need to reintroduce major players like Vivec, Serana and so on. To me the world itself is the main focus of these games - and the characters in it, even the major players, are merely set pieces to make it come alive. I personally feel like having reoccurring important characters like Vivec would sort of change the focal point of the games to be about telling their stories, rather than them simply being another page in the book that is the world itself.
I'd rather their fates be left unknown if not known already, and let it be up to poets and historians to procure and interpret as they have with all other noteworthy people in the universe.
The state of the world however is more important to dive into. A satisfying continuation of the overall geopolitical narrative and setting that has been established.
Agreed. I think they should stick with the format of the PC being the "legendary hero" of that time/region/era/event.
I don't want the Dovahkiin to be an emperor or some thrall or champion to Herma. I want them to be in an old ruin sitting in peace on some throne or chair of some kind wearing the iconic gear from the trailer. Iron helmet, scaled armor, iron boots and gauntlets. Nothing but an armored inaninate skeleton but recognizable as the last Dragonborn to the player. You can take the armor and it has some unique name and effect while looking unique from other TES6 gear. Nothing more. It doesn't say whether he was good or bad or even if he was a he. Just a long lost legend. Maybe you'll hear stories of the Dragonborn throughout the game that some people revere and others deny but the only truth that's known is that the person lived and died.
I don’t know the correct answer, but it definitely shouldn’t have that gear and lock them in to being a warrior only. Could have been a mage, an archer, a thief, a spell sword with light armour or robes, a battle mage…anything. I’m tired of the Skyrim ads being considered “canon LDB”.
much of the events in skyrim i feel like will be untouched unless they required mentioning in elder scrolls 6, given that its probably set in hammerfall, i do like the idea of vivec but i think something like the college of winterhold wont be addressed, maybe theyll decide what is and isnt cannon, probably just the resolution of relevant questlines, one thing i want is questlines to be longer, ive always felt like in skyrim the endgame of questlines is thrust upon as a player from the beginning and you never really get a chance to learn and interact with the various factions, whereas in oblivion to me it seemed like there was much more of that
Yeah I believe the Companions and the College of Winterhold are sub 10 quests.
I have a feeling that its gonna be greater than skyrim. Considering that this will most likely be Todd's last ES game and we all know ES is his baby. Thats why its probably taking forever.
I disliked Blades and the Fallout Shelter game. ES6 will probably be out in about 2028 at the earliest. I've given up on Bethesda. Starflop and Fakeout76 were bad games from a bad studio.
@@jfkst1 don't forget skyrim fallout 4 and 3 were also garbage.
Disagree completely moreover, objectively they were massive commercial successes so you thinking they're trash is irrelevant because if they could replicate that success they would. The problem now as they aren't replicating that success at all.
I have do have to disagree *somewhat* about crafting, not entirely. I agree that things like artifacts should absolutely stand out and even if they dont do as much raw damage as say a high-tier crafted weapon they should have enchantments and effects that fundamentally change the way you approach certain gameplay mechanics be they combat, stealth, magic etc. I like the fact that if I dedicate myself to the crafting-enchanting skill trees that I can make legendary status weapons, and I think that a cool thing to do for high-level characters in an ES game would be to actually have like a quest where you cement a custom made enchanted weapon into actual artifact status.
But I agree that there should be a balance there. I should be able to make any common weapon better than weapons I find on bandits, but artifacts need to stand out and be unique and incredibly powerful. Also do not level artifacts I hate leveled artifacts.
The crafting system in fallout 3 was all it ever needed to be
I do recommend the Bards College and Blood & Snow addons. Bigger then Dawnguard style expansion. Dam good stuff. changed my opinions on Creations. I think Zaric said it best in calling them "Third Party DLC." Good cause for at least the good stuff bring considdred cannon.
I'd be horrified to find out my Dragonborn is now a monster 🥺 That being said, it is the most likely ending. There's no flipping the bird to the Gardener 😂 Some interesting ideas. Nice ramble 😁
Honestly Elder Scrolls’s combat system needs a massive overhaul from the ground up.
After the dragonborn DLC the last DB is the most powerful thing alive, if they don't take over the empire in mora's name they'd have the ability to make their own
Just don't take BlackRock money, Bethesda. That's literally all I'm asking
I don’t think I’d trust a Morrowind + Fan Service from Bethesda nowadays. It would be hollow and stale
did you say… parthurnaax… fight?
"The Alduin and Paarthurnax Fight" in which you Fight Alduin with Paarthurnax.*
I think they should bring back the dragon priest mask Konahrick. Make that the dragon birns new identity that he has become Konahrick and you get the amst as a reward. Maybbe change it and the effects to make sense in ES6 but i like think the Last dragonborn would have obtained that mask with the aid of Mora snd soon ssw hisself as Konahrick. Using the power of both the ancient nord arts and apocrytha to do Moras bidding.
I'd be interested to see how they could revamp combat within the creation engine. I've tried out a few mods that alter combat in skyrim and it does feel better, but it still really just comes down to "click repeatedly" and you're not really reacting to much outside of hitting potions when you need to.
But I am not sure what it could be that wouldn't feel either immersion breaking, or just "not elder scrolls"
I know in Oblivion it was rumored that Vivec and the Nerevarine went to Akavir, I could see a rumor of "The last dragonborn went to Atmora to learn of their ancestry" or something, but I think they're gonna either be too on the nose with whatever they choose to do.
I do not believe Vivec was ever implied to have left with the Nerevarine, but I could be mistaken.
I think your idea of the DragonBorn is perfect. We shouldn’t still be milking Skyrims success, and make this elder scrolls stand out on its OWN, and making it a side quest perfectly exemplifies that I think.
As for gameplay I just hope it’s fun to play (combat-wise) when it comes out in my 50s. 😅😭. Really like your idea of always being able to cast magic.
Also I’m not sure what a Dragon Break is?
Thank you!
A Dragon Break is a period of time where time flows non-linearly. It makes it so multiple events are possible at one time. I cover it a bit more in depth in my Mannimarco lore video!
How is including the Last Dragonborn as a character in TES VI not milking Skyrim?
@@Aewon84eh I mean as long as they aren’t a major character and just a little boss doesn’t sound too bad. Rather than making the Dragonborn a fully fledged character? What do you think?