My brain kinda sucks 🧠

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @pedrum23
    @pedrum23 Рік тому +6

    all you ever do is make excuses and play the victim

  • @Th3Gam3925
    @Th3Gam3925 Рік тому +6

    Look at the comments bruh. You got the sympathy you were trying to get.
    Good job.

  • @Slipahaulic
    @Slipahaulic Рік тому +8

    Boogie Dawg your killing it, I think we all feel a little unwell no matter who we are. you are getting better for you, thats what matters. self care is the best kind of care, enjoy life and stay real, we love you for it!

  • @Trash-O-Negative
    @Trash-O-Negative Рік тому +16

    Self-improvement is a constant thing, there's no such thing as absolute perfection. You most definitely have come a long way, bro. I enjoy these self-reflection videos and honestly listening to you gives me hope in my life. Thank you

  • @rikdarenhuis1709
    @rikdarenhuis1709 Рік тому +3

    Excuses are not for someone else. You make them up for yourself to feel beter

  • @Podgemaster
    @Podgemaster Рік тому +1

    I’m Autistic and was diagnosed as a 41 year old adult last June. I paid for the best private autism diagnoses and support. It was long, consisted of many tests, long conversations and face to face testing. When the results came, they said they were shocked i slipped through the net all this time. I am the very definition of someone masking and faking a life, well up to last June. Now I’m learning who I actually am.
    I see much of you in me, I have great anxiety and long suicidal depressions. The depression has dropped a great deal since I was diagnosed and understand why I don’t fit in, don’t like people.
    You’re not alone, there are many like us. You are one of the few that’s put your life out on display. But we’re out there.
    And anyone saying “that’s your excuse” just shows their utter ignorance to me. Not worthy of my time or being listened too.
    Hell, feel free to reach out to me. I think you’ll be shocked how much of your conditions i share. But I was lucky to have a much better social awareness from years of painful observation and am told I have a rare outlook on many situations because of 40 years undiagnosed survival learning to try and live in a world that makes no sense.

  • @TheInnerSession
    @TheInnerSession Рік тому +1

    most people are unable to empathise with something they feel is unknown to them. thats why ppl say its an excuse they think you can just not do the things you have done like its easy and logical. And lets be honest here, people act like you have killed someone or something just as serious. You have said a few lies, manipulated people into feeling sorry for you or helping you out financially and a few bad statements whether joking or not (whether you didnt intentionally mean to or you did) its still very low on the bad human scale. like in real life your an angel compared to actual bad peoiple. Eveyrhting is just made a massive deal because its nice drama for views and people love gossip naturally as humans.
    on a scale of 1 - 10 your actions in the past are probably like 2/10 in the "actual bad" scale. its unreal the amount of hate you get from some people. but its just because your on the internet you get this level of hate and the fact you like to show them it effects you, but your human its expected.
    keep your head up, youve done such minimal things wrong in life and have turned out better than 99% of people who have gone through your trauma growing up. some people growing up like that turn into killers and everything.
    i know you act defeatist and like your a bad human but your not, that is just the words of others slagging you off and so on for years and years making you think your 100x worse than you are.

  • @DavidMichaelBurnett
    @DavidMichaelBurnett Рік тому

    Hi mate. I've been watching you for years from the UK.
    I hate seeing you like this. From looking outside of the box I think you need to take a break from the internet for a while. I don't mean just a week, I mean for at least a couple of month. It's causing you unnecessary grief. You can't work on yourself whilst your head is being battered by shit people on the internet.
    You've been out there in a beautiful place. Focus on being in the moment. Focus on what's around you. Focus on being able to walk and explore that bit extra everytime you leave the house. Don't waste your energy.
    Sending my love man. You don't deserve to be feeling like this.

  • @chrisstorms4446
    @chrisstorms4446 Рік тому +1

    Boogie, you’re starting to worry me man. You began this video saying that you’re embarrassed that you’re as broken as you’ve ever been, and by the end of the video you’re saying you’re better than you’ve ever been and you haven’t gotten in trouble in 3 years. I don’t even want to say the name of the guy who came to your house, but there was that, and there was the boxing match, and then a bunch of little stuff that doesn’t really matter. Sometimes the appropriate response isn’t to just keep pushing like nothing happened. I pray that you meditate on these defeats to grow a true strength. You deserve it. Your fans love you, and we deserve it too, damn it.

  • @EndGameEnt
    @EndGameEnt Рік тому

    As someone who responded to the podcast episode negatively, I don't think it's a bad thing that you did. I think it's great, I think you should talk to all of your critics in a similar way (assuming that they critique in good faith like Tom seems to other than with Frank). I still think I can help you Boogie. Thank you for coming clean so much about your mental health even though I'm sure your therapist and friends would advise against it. You've definitely gotten better though and the critical videos don't point that out too much, though I believe Tom did well in giving some credit. Good on you for getting out for long walks btw! Walkin every day in your condition is great for your mind, body, and soul.
    I tried deleting myself about 6 times from the age of 4 to 28 and don't think like others either, it's very isolating. I too had a traumatic childhood and I'd be happy to explain that all in a private message. I finally conquered my depression though and have helped others with theirs. I love that you state the things you did right here too, it's important to be proud of these things you've accomplished Boogie. Love to hear that. We can give you so many more things to be proud of before you actually leave this planet.

  • @patrickfarmer4881
    @patrickfarmer4881 Рік тому

    You are a great comedian. Most people that struggle with depression, Anxiety are the best at making others laugh

  • @jakemild3750
    @jakemild3750 Рік тому +1

    i’m autistic and this is the most relatable video i’ve seen of yours

  • @tpl6963
    @tpl6963 Рік тому

    i feel a connection to you from this video. i'm the same. i'm not diagnosed autistic but i probably am, and from what you said, it seems you maybe are too. it's ok though, everyone is different. being different/a freak is fun sometimes. it comes with a lot of shit, but there are gifts also

  • @darthmoocher8077
    @darthmoocher8077 Рік тому +1

    Hell yeah Boogie! I said it in that interview that his complaints were extremely petty and what you are doing today and in the now is the important thing to remember... That's why we fall right, to live better today...

  • @Scudmeow
    @Scudmeow Рік тому

    I have dealt with anxiety for as long as I can remember but if their one thing you have to realize, you can't be hard on yourself. Whatever happens is gonna happen and their is always good and bad. This is random but my dad passed in 21 and I started watching mike tyson with his spiritual journeys with 5meo-dmt and it fixed a lot of things in his thinking. But I mainly watched it cause its the spirit molecule that makes you feel like your reborn and the one thing that always comes back is just love yourself and love one another. I truly believe that and its why we are here. So love yourself man.

  • @amalgamatewisdom
    @amalgamatewisdom Рік тому +1

    People might not say this often enough, but Boogie you are VERY charismatic, you're photogenic (whether you want to believe that or not) and you look great on camera, you're HIGHLY expressive and emotive - you could be an actor, you're EXTREMELY well-spoken and have 0 issues communicating your thoughts. You have a lot going for you dude! The small doodads of daily life don't amount to the totality of what makes you YOU. :)

  • @shannonstibor6967
    @shannonstibor6967 Рік тому

    That looks like such a nice place to walk/explore.
    You don't have to explain anything to anyone. But we're here to listen. A lot of us understand and live through it as well. Don't be so hard on yourself.
    Also, I hate when people say you're making excuses when you're just trying to EXPLAIN things. There is a difference.

  • @vivalapalestine7235
    @vivalapalestine7235 Рік тому +10

    We still love you boogie
    Keep fighting brother 🙏❤️

  • @KetoChaos
    @KetoChaos Рік тому +1

    I'm 48, just diagnosed with ADHD, self diagnosed with ASD and I resonate with so much you are saying here. Somehow I did make relationships but my brain is just... 😢 It's incredibly frustrating.

  • @smithintern-tainment7868
    @smithintern-tainment7868 Рік тому

    A lotta people saying (with good intentions of course) stuff like “think more positively”. As someone with mental stuff too that’s really hard sometimes

  • @tylerlauvaas5883
    @tylerlauvaas5883 Рік тому +1

    Let’s go dude! I’ve been watching you since 2012 and omg as I’ve grown up watching you and wow, who thought Francis was a real person, congrats to all your accomplishments and keep up this content, absolutely loving the hiking and outdoor content, much love boogie!!!!!

  • @DarkonVail
    @DarkonVail Рік тому +8

    You've helped me through a lot over the years without you even knowing it. The good always outweighs the bad. Very happy to have you around man

  • @poormansracing
    @poormansracing Рік тому

    Be proud of yourself for getting outside and taking a walk. It's the little things that add up over time. We've all done dumb shit. It just means you're human. ❤

  • @DiceLifeJohnny
    @DiceLifeJohnny Рік тому +1

    dude you are the king of the nerds. embrace it and yourself. We like you for your mistakes. Your popularity went down when you tried to be someone you arent.

  • @NathanHunt
    @NathanHunt Рік тому

    You are an amazing person! I don't think your an embarrassment. You are a true blessing. Your life story just shows how much you can shine from such low points in life. I wish I could fly over there to hang out and give you a big hug!

  • @Kenijamaru
    @Kenijamaru Рік тому

    "You're very important, that's what matters the most and you are important to many" what keeps me going

  • @TAG152gaming
    @TAG152gaming Рік тому +1

    It helps to remind yourself of everything you've accomplished and achieved and how much better off you are than you were 5 - 10 years ago

  • @GingerGaiden
    @GingerGaiden Рік тому

    At this point people just love trolling you with the "you are making excuses" comments. You are giving reasons and those reasons are valid. You deserve redemption and forgiveness like nearly everyone else.

  • @johnobrien1613
    @johnobrien1613 Рік тому

    Hey boogie. Greetings from Ireland. I recently started councilling as i had a couple of things happen at the start of the year that just compounded on top of other stuff that has happened over the last few years and i broke one night. Feeling much better since i started and the councillor said i was making progress which is great. So keep strong boogie

  • @amandarey2858
    @amandarey2858 Рік тому

    I feel your pain I’m a domestic abuse survivor and sexual assault victim as well.There are others going through this including myself.Keep on doing good

  • @lady-rennali
    @lady-rennali Рік тому

    It's nice seeing you walk around somewhere beautiful.

  • @guardian_angelx7337
    @guardian_angelx7337 Рік тому +1

    Ur a deep thinker and sincere soul its just life sometimes we think to refelct lots and sometimes we get stuck in our own thoughts just forgiveurelf sometimes and not think to much over everyone opinions cuz in the end its ur life u live it but yes its hard for u cuz ur llife on the world to see daily just be more proud cuz u done more this year then any time in ur past stay positive

  • @chubblemunch
    @chubblemunch Рік тому

    You ever try fishing Boogie? Might be a fun hobby to get you outside more often.

  • @Syrup762
    @Syrup762 Рік тому

    Really good to see you outdoors and moving buddy. Hope you are doing well.

  • @TheZeldaSymphony
    @TheZeldaSymphony Рік тому

    Watching this a 2nd time. You and I are a lot alike. I have no clue about Turkey Tom. Don't care.
    I found out I was autistic at 32. Not something I wanted to find out or know, but it makes sense.
    How have I survived? 80% of my life is not in reality. I live in a fantasy world where there's love, good vs evil, and happiness is real. Every now and then I get knocked back into reality and I get my heart broken. I sometimes question if I am in reality when I am in my version of reality.
    I recently got fired for a job I was amazing at for trying to do the right thing. I know I was right, but sometimes I worry I was perceiving something else. I know that's not true, but it's the fun of being me. I manage to survive bills and stuff like that, but my credit is bad.
    I gave up on love, but I still have hope. I chase dreams that won't happen. I've been in love with the same guy for over 11 years. No clue where he is now really. I moved across the country and I'm still hooked on him.
    My reality is weird. I also may be stupid, or just gullible. For example, you thought it was funny I didn't know Francis was parody 100% of the time. We follow each other on Twitter. I'm not sure why you followed me, maybe because I told you I sang in the Zelda Symphony, which I did until it ended in 2017, but other than that, I'm nobody. That was the highlight of my life. I do not feel I will accomplish much.
    I believed I could help afghanistan people leave their country, because I thought the US would go back. I gave false hopes to people there as I thought the US was going back. I truly want to help people like that, and i help people here when I can, but I failed.
    My brain also jumps around a lot, because my brain is thinking 5 thoughts ahead, then looping back where my slow fingers are trying to keep up with that data, so I apologize for the scattered comment.
    I honestly hate life at times. I lost my cat of 19.5 years in September. I dream about him often. I was like Sam to Frodo "Don't go where I can't follow". But I can't leave my 2 girls (cats) behind. It's just us now. I'm autistic and gay, and gay people are already in their world of, a lot of times, being petty and judgmental. I didn't even ask to be alive, yet here I am.
    Honestly, the only thing that I look forward to, is playing Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. If the world ends, after I beat the game, COOL. I'll not be missing anything.
    I don't know how to escape the fantasy that I live in, but I'm afraid if I do, I won't last in reality alone. The world is a dark place. We have so many problems in the US and yet look at places like Syria, Afghanistan, and North Korea. So many more places, and we are suffering with our corrupt politicians.
    Right now, I'm on this stupid thing, because I have hope (of something). I saw a TitTok of some musicians playing music. It's from another country. One of them was just so beautiful in how he smiled while he was performing, and I thought, "maybe I can reach out to him and we can chat even though we live across the world from one another?" I mean, love knows no boundaries and if it's there, we only live on one small spec of a planet compared to the rest of the universe, so why not? And if I don't shoot my shot, I may miss out on a potential "happy ending". I mean, I've avoided risks and I regret them.
    So, I get you as much as I can. If you get me, then yeah, that makes sense. I seem like I'm rambling, but to me, ALL of this is related. It's hard to tie it in. Shockingly, I right a damn good essay for college.
    I love seeing you post, I'm glad you're not deleted. I'm happy that you exist. I'm still happy you murdered me in Among Us that one time.
    Also, just an FYI, another post, pinned I believe, said he's "high-functioning autistic". I used to say that, but apparently that's no longer correct. Idk why, but I guess those who don't say that could be seen as "low-functioning" so it's no longer a term used? Just some info. We are all functioning, just we may not be able to express it. We process a lot of information while we're having sensory overloads and thinking about stuff ahead, current, and behind. I get the most random memories from my childhood and I still feel emotions that I felt then, now.
    Thanks for being you

  • @prokiller_yt
    @prokiller_yt Рік тому +8

    This man literally made my childhood

  • @itsBATION
    @itsBATION Рік тому +2

    Papagut reaction to that interview… go watch it, nuff said

  • @GandalfTheJedi
    @GandalfTheJedi Рік тому

    I found ya back in the first francis videos and ive followed you ever since. thank you for taking time out of your day to sign my spellground and take a picture with me at retrofest. even the little francis bit about magic and yugioh. regardless i have your back, support you and love you. Take care of yourself out there, the world is a scary place

  • @MrOuest
    @MrOuest Рік тому

    'At best life is bittersweet.'
    -Jack Kirby

  • @TheBossMan2407
    @TheBossMan2407 Рік тому

    Keep going boogie rooting for you brother. Great content recently

  • @qffaffafaffrafrfraf
    @qffaffafaffrafrfraf Рік тому +1

    Personally I think you're too hard on yourself, you're doing pretty damn well given your circumstances and history. Focus on the positives

  • @hitman3693
    @hitman3693 Рік тому

    Damn I love seeing you walk around you got this boogie

  • @WhatsWrongBuddy
    @WhatsWrongBuddy Рік тому +2

    why don't you box someone and gamble on virtual coins to feel better? :)

  • @mastercyconide7660
    @mastercyconide7660 Рік тому +1

    That conversation you had with Tom was really eye-opening, not just about you personally but with how little people understand mental illness. We appreciate people like you who are brave enough to talk about it, because it's really difficult.

  • @angeloposted3438
    @angeloposted3438 Рік тому

    I haven’t seen anyone talk all the shit and not throwing a single punch 😂😂😂

  • @henlohenlo689
    @henlohenlo689 Рік тому

    being alive is a joy small things can give alot joy also. regardless of ur health or what ur going through.
    u always will be a pioneer and legend of youtube. atleast in my opinion.

  • @somegirljess
    @somegirljess Рік тому

    And fyi You gave me one of my Stims, I say 'hey/hi guys' in a Francis voice to my cats every time I walk in the door. Yes, I'm that crazy cat lady.. and the one eyed Pat Polecat (she came from a house of strippers) meows back st me.

  • @xavierdavies1983
    @xavierdavies1983 Рік тому

    Hey boogie, u know what iv noticed, you get bullied, allot, and its not fair. Yes, u may not be happy with some past actions, we ve all made mistakes, we re only human. But the amount of videos negatively attacking you etc, its not right my man. You look after yourself fella, and fuck the haters. My best advice, except your mistakes, own them, realise everyone has done the same and much worse lol, and dont let the fuckers bring u down. Take care dude

  • @Rift_Hawkman
    @Rift_Hawkman 2 місяці тому

    7:49 pretty much is “why am I still getting hate”

  • @vwallop0122
    @vwallop0122 Рік тому

    I'm so proud of you!!! ❤❤❤

  • @sloppymommy4796
    @sloppymommy4796 Рік тому +26

    Please be kinder to yourself, boogie

  • @Harakatheboye
    @Harakatheboye Рік тому

    Oooo nice hair!!

  • @cosmojuicer
    @cosmojuicer Рік тому

    Boogie, do your thing. Everybody F's up. You been on YT forever. I'm sure you know how to produce material people like. Good luck buddy we all need 2nd 3rd and 4th chances.

  • @evianal
    @evianal Рік тому

    i reject your reality and substitute my own
    Adam Savage

  • @coldogno7
    @coldogno7 Рік тому

    human biggest setback is their brain

  • @robrivera5694
    @robrivera5694 Рік тому

    No buddy your doing great your looking thinner every day 🤗

  • @xyz.anonymous
    @xyz.anonymous Рік тому +7

    You heavily moderating comments? Ppl just want accountability instead of pity my guy.

    • @boogie2988
      @boogie2988  Рік тому

      I have filters in place. I tend to go through them every few days and release most of them.

  • @DeaseNootz
    @DeaseNootz Рік тому +6

    Boogie acting like his brain is actually not good is top tier bait man. This dude will literally say anything to just not take accountability. Hes literally saying he hates the DMV and doesnt like paperwork, as if anyone else likes to do these things.
    Dude its life. Life sucks a lot for a lot of people. Instead of trying to fix your problems you just go to UA-cam and complain.

    • @Weedman69666
      @Weedman69666 Рік тому

      Mental illness is in invisible enemy that others can’t see. You don’t know everything about him. Boogie is not the only person that struggles. But him talking about it is important, because it’s just the reality. Mental illnesses literally take everything from you because you don’t act neurotypical.

  • @osmondfar2
    @osmondfar2 Рік тому +8

    And so the cycle continues

  • @WhatsWrongBuddy
    @WhatsWrongBuddy Рік тому +6

    This guy is worst than Chris Chan

    • @TeddieSage1987
      @TeddieSage1987 Рік тому

      Dude. No. Boogie hasn't molested his mother like Chris Chan.

  • @jinjowatts
    @jinjowatts Рік тому +10

    I think a large part of the problem is that you think you're the first man alive to experience mental health issues. It's just getting old. We all have serious trauma and many of us have depression/anxiety. It's not a new concept to anyone.

    • @NCARLYLE-c8f
      @NCARLYLE-c8f 8 місяців тому

      Lmao i know i fucking hate it when people in their 20s go oh ive got depression, its like boy i had it when i was 2 or something lmao. People can say they got depression then other people say it doesnt exist when the literally get so easily depressed. being happy and positive thought can be dangerous, being upbeat all the time i tried to end my life people saw me smiling and laughing i had developed depression, but the type of depression escalates fast i tried to end my life but i thought maybe that was just a bad person i had in my life, everytime i try to be happy and someone goes nope, its like im open to try love but they dont wanna love me aha.

  • @wolfman8449
    @wolfman8449 Рік тому +7

    This was very performative. It reminds me of Shia Lebouf. Anyone with experience in manipulation sees right through this but the fact is a lot of gullible and naive people follow content like this so it works on a chunk of the audience.
    He has the tools to get better but his conscience is fucked. He is a self pity machine that justifies poor treatment and manipulation. Hopefully this works out in the end, most people can change and improve, he certainly can...someday.

  • @Beavisofficial
    @Beavisofficial Рік тому +5

    *hiker casually enjoying his walk*
    hears voices nearby: ''im a mess dude, my brain dont work too good and i wanna die''

  • @michaelrobinson300
    @michaelrobinson300 Рік тому +4

    You should climb a mountain, then become a inspirational speaker. Then sell a book. Then travel to to the Philippines to get a wife

  • @CrispyTierCritter
    @CrispyTierCritter Рік тому +6

    Boogie try not to make people feel sorry for himself challenge(impossible)

  • @jeffreyjeffrey007
    @jeffreyjeffrey007 Рік тому +5

    Reasons versus excuses; an important distinction.

  • @TraversyMedia
    @TraversyMedia Рік тому +30

    You have to start thinking more positive bud. I know it’s hard. Just the fact that you are self aware and able to communicate what you are is great. It sounds corny but the way that you think affects the way you feel and what manifests in your life. Stay up man. You have a nice house, you have tons of fans. It could be way worse. Always remember that

    • @Solidsnake856
      @Solidsnake856 Рік тому +1

      He should just leave youtube and get a job as a desk clerk

    • @Ranger1812
      @Ranger1812 Рік тому +1

      @@Solidsnake856 Would you be embarrassed or proud if your comments were displayed alongside you publicly?

    • @Solidsnake856
      @Solidsnake856 Рік тому +1

      @@Ranger1812 Neither, I'd own up to my comments and not make excuses like boogie does

    • @Ranger1812
      @Ranger1812 Рік тому

      @@Solidsnake856 So you admit that your comments are horrible.

    • @Solidsnake856
      @Solidsnake856 Рік тому +2

      @@Ranger1812 Trying to get someone to admit something to fit your narrative and shift attention away from you, classic boogie tactic

  • @Priest92
    @Priest92 Рік тому +3

    You weren't so stressed when you took the loan out for tesla lol

  • @StarHelix-
    @StarHelix- Рік тому +41

    When it really comes down to it, no one is playing the same game. We all aren't living in the same reality, we can only our own interpretations of it. Yeah Boogie, your reality isn't everyone else's, but everyone else only lives in theirs, facing their own ups, downs, traumas, excitements, etc. You've made an extremely good change for yourself, and at this point you just need to keep going! We're all rooting for you man!

  • @shane3674
    @shane3674 Рік тому +10

    I’ve always seen you as successful. You have a successful UA-cam channel, you have thousands of fans who adore and follow you. You’ve decided to try and do something about your health and have actually succeeded at a lot of it. Your on a good road man. I think a lot of it is your anxiety talking. Sometimes you start getting too much in your own head and you try to play damage control but it can make things worse. Just stay strong my friend. We are still here, we still love you!

  • @NostalgiaMan
    @NostalgiaMan Рік тому +1

    Been a few Boogie. How have you been?

  • @midnightmadness8936
    @midnightmadness8936 Рік тому +14

    I hope somehow, some way the happiness you deserve comes your way. Lasting happiness.
    Stay strong Boogie, I can see that you are trying to and making much progress to get better

    • @Solidsnake856
      @Solidsnake856 Рік тому

      No you cant. He never has and never will make ANY progress

    • @midnightmadness8936
      @midnightmadness8936 Рік тому +1

      Honesty is big for me. I was being honest when I said that I saw Boogie improving. And honestly, despite not knowing you, I can see someone trying to grow in their own way. I know that we can be civil about things. Even if it's behind a keyboard

    • @Solidsnake856
      @Solidsnake856 Рік тому

      @@midnightmadness8936 Boogie has been "improving" for 30 years. 30 years and still being a giant manchild with a victim complex is not really improvement if you ask me

  • @samuri89
    @samuri89 Рік тому +8

    Listen man. I've been struggling horribly the past cpl weeks mentally. I've been diagnosed w schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Atleast you have friends and family. You can do this man. I've watched u for years and always every video give u a like. U got this man. Never show this world that your vulnerable. It'll eat you alive man. Stay safe man!

    • @boogie2988
      @boogie2988  Рік тому +8

      You can do this to my friend! Those are some a tough diagnosis but listen to your doctors, and I know they can help you!
      You deserve all the love and respect in the world, and I hope you find it!

  • @dxov1597
    @dxov1597 Рік тому +11

    I doubt anyone here has actually watched the turkey tom interview. Tom dismantled all of boogies lies

    • @DS-bz7de
      @DS-bz7de Рік тому +1

      Don't stick around to hate. Get on with ur life

    • @DS-bz7de
      @DS-bz7de Рік тому


    • @Stan_Crimes
      @Stan_Crimes Рік тому +3


    • @dxov1597
      @dxov1597 Рік тому +1

      @@DS-bz7de that’s not hating. But when will enough be enough. There’s only so many excuses someone can make for their lies and bad behaviour. As adults and we have free rights to call people out for their actions. That’s not hate. Criticism and calling people out for lying isn’t hate. It’s called criticism. I literally used to be a boogie fan and I was subbed for almost 7 years. But this is the same old song and dance. What you are doing is enabling bad behaviour. For example if a child lies you don’t just excuse that behaviour because they are children. You can give them hard to swallow advance to help them understand why what they did can be considered wrong and you can help them grow as people and not lie when they grow up. I have struggled with lots of mental health issues over the years but not once have I blamed my bad behaviour on my illness. That is on me. And do you know what I did to better myself? I seeked professional help and learned to treat it and not make the same mistakes instead of blaming my illness for all my shortcomings. Yes it can affect it but you still have to be willing to change yourself in order to actually change.

    • @DS-bz7de
      @DS-bz7de Рік тому

      @Dxov1 well, fair enough.

  • @thefactory-r7c
    @thefactory-r7c Рік тому +2

    After those crypto investments I could’ve told you the same thing.

  • @Itzyourboihayden
    @Itzyourboihayden Рік тому +6

    Loving these daily uploads see your face always makes my day your such a good guy you inspire me to be better love you so much booige

  • @GumbosGhost
    @GumbosGhost Рік тому +2

    I am same age as you, I suffer from the same affictions as you, my background is simular, I know how hard it is, it is torture, even with medication

  • @arashlatifi1233
    @arashlatifi1233 Рік тому +84

    You never stop with the excuses and just put your head down and take accountability, do you? It's so wild to me that a 48-year-old grown man can constantly make these silly excuses constantly.

    • @generalalcazar41442
      @generalalcazar41442 Рік тому +9

      Underrated comment

    • @SpencerLuxBurton
      @SpencerLuxBurton Рік тому +5

      Some people can't tell the difference between excuses and reasons. You appear to be one of them.
      I'm curious why you choose to ignore the parts of these videos where he DOES claim accountability for what he's done?
      Do you actually watch the full video?
      You are a stranger looking in on his life and giving your opinion about what he has to say about HIMSELF as if what you have to say is in any way valid.
      It's embarrassing, and you should really consider minding your own business.

    • @MakinaMakinaMakina
      @MakinaMakinaMakina Рік тому +10

      @@SpencerLuxBurton Can you please time stamp the parts he takes accountability, watches the whole thing and can’t find any? Perhaps I missed it

    • @pickleoh5454
      @pickleoh5454 Рік тому +12

      He just plays a victim and makes money. He sold his soul to the content long ago. I used to be a fan but realized how foolish I was. I feel zero pity for him. It’s always been a grift

    • @illusive012
      @illusive012 Рік тому

      Why are you even watching this mess. Totally forgot about his fucked up world until he popped up on TikTok and I saw your comment

  • @StraightEdgeRaptor
    @StraightEdgeRaptor Рік тому +3

    It's the excuses you make for your self not for other people and we remember the past so we can better our selves in the future. I am looking forward to those game or movie review's you use to do if you decide on that. I do want to see you move forward but we are never going to forget the past

  • @Psychol-Snooper
    @Psychol-Snooper Рік тому +4

    I don't mean this as a joke, but the little I know about your symptoms sounds like you experienced some type of brain injury, which might be from concussion, autoimmune disorders brought on by some sort of infection or what is somewhat common to your era, lead exposure in childhood. I also wonder if you have had an EEG to rule out epilepsy. Many people go their entire lives with undiagnosed epilepsy, like temporal lobe epilepsy. Psychology is not especially good at detecting brain damage because it's not really their field. They treat psychological conditions of the mind, and not medical conditions of the brain.
    People might minimalize your mental heath issues, but that's just because the average IQ is 100. Some people are just not smart enough to mentalize someone having an experience they don't have. That is their mental health struggle, and it's best to just dismiss their opinions for what they are. ♥

    • @DankDope
      @DankDope Рік тому +1

      He didn't get hit enough for a concussion, wasn't knocked out either

    • @DankDope
      @DankDope Рік тому +1

      Thanks for the comment though, very good

    • @Psychol-Snooper
      @Psychol-Snooper Рік тому

      @@DankDope Unconsciousness is not requirements for a concussion. The force need not be applied to the head directly but can be transferred to the brain from forces effecting other parts of the body like a fall or collision. It is quite possible for an adult to not even realize the symptoms are serious, and childhood amnesia could hide early traumatic brain injury.
      The real point here is that he is describing symptoms of executive dysfunction that is not being treated (whatever the cause.)
      Thx for your comments. :)

  • @doctordanish99
    @doctordanish99 Рік тому +5

    I was diagnosed with bipolar 1 with psychotic features at 14, and lord knows how many times I wanted to give up (delete myself). And when I was in a good place mentally, I went through a very abusive relationship and was later diagnosed with PTSD. I know the struggle, I really do. But at a young age, I discovered your channel and it brought me a lot of joy and hope in life. And when you spoke up about your mental health, I knew it was time to better myself. Today, I’m on a good mix of medications with little side effects, I go to therapy regularly, and I’m a member of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) and give mental health speeches to local elementary, middle and high schools. And I’m in a loving relationship that I’ve been in for 3 and a half years. I know you’ve got this Boogie, and myself and all your fans have your back. Take care of yourself, and have a good one. ❤

  • @persia007
    @persia007 Рік тому +82

    Don't be hard on yourself. We all struggle.

  • @oheymario
    @oheymario Рік тому +6

    Love you bro. You’re a light to many

  • @andrearovenski
    @andrearovenski Рік тому +1

    havent even seen the ep yet, so dont worry about it too much, just let the noise be energy instead of taking it from you

  • @archaicsoul4597
    @archaicsoul4597 Рік тому +2

    Don’t disregard your impact. Even your old Boogie Bombs literally kicked off careers and gave nobodies actual livelihoods. Not many folk can say that

  • @zachparade2791
    @zachparade2791 Рік тому +4

    Hi Boogie, Starting at 4:48 , it made me wonder if you have spoken to your therapist about the possibility of a diagnosis of autism with PDA (pathological/persistent demand avoidance). It’s something I have, and you expressed some similar experiences to what I have. PDA is still relatively new to be studied and isn’t diagnosed much in the US, but Great Britain seems to be taking this more seriously. Just a thought.

  • @lColbyl
    @lColbyl Рік тому +2

    When you undermine Tom by talking about him being in diapers at x y or z time it is really inappropriate I don't know if you know this or not but it's not kind. I've dealt with comments like those and being undermined like that can stick with a person.
    Boogie. I really think that you and your videos are at your best when you are doing commentary on subjects of interest to you and just sharing calm moments like these walks minus the talk about drama in your own personal life.
    When you get into these personal topics about you, you tend to consistently say things that are socially inappropriate and that's what people keep nailing you for. As an o.g subscriber that really wants the best for you, I hope this information helps you and your channel.

  • @kasaneteto5718
    @kasaneteto5718 Рік тому +8

    Bro can this guy go a month without fishing for sympathy?!?!?

  • @gabrielmichaeltolentino3559
    @gabrielmichaeltolentino3559 Рік тому +2

    I'm gay, autistic and a chubby chaser. I don't have to cut off my left nut because I was born without it. I'm the gay, autistic, chubby chaser, one ball wonder 😳

  • @MostlyLoveOfMusic
    @MostlyLoveOfMusic Рік тому +2

    i'm not far different from your experience in a lot of ways

  • @ronin4991
    @ronin4991 Рік тому +19

    as long as your brain is capable of seeing the beauty of an open world game, then that is enough.

  • @surfsmith
    @surfsmith Рік тому +20

    Proud of you boogie been watching for years and I think your life has a big purpose

  • @stafy3
    @stafy3 Рік тому +2

    Hey man, I’ve been a long time viewer. We love you. That’s all

  • @brianramsay7056
    @brianramsay7056 Рік тому +2

    I felt so much dang compassion for you, myself, and everyone during this video. Things are rough...
    I watched the first 5 minutes of the interview and it seemed pretty heated. I was gunna go back and watch it, but I totally forgot about it.
    Also, I laughed way too hard at a new term I just learned. Neuro-typical? Gtfoh, haha. That's not a thing... Is it?

  • @ascorbic123
    @ascorbic123 Рік тому +1

    I'm not entirely sure how I feel about youtubers like Tom essentially building themselves a career on passing judgement on others, I don't think it should be socially acceptable for what is basicly a youtube 'journalist' to be putting out two hour long hit pieces on people. The culture surrounding this sort of work is to the detriment of everybody involved except the creator who is likely making large sums of money. All any of this does is propogate animosity in a space that's already completely overwhelmed by it to begin with.

  • @troyyakel2872
    @troyyakel2872 Рік тому +1

    Keep it up dude. You're out there walking! Small steps lead to big leaps.
    Give your life to Jesus Christ and He'll save you. He did me man. Was addicted to eating, living after things i shouldn't, had my priorities all out of whack man. He'll help you, we can't do it ourselves. Acknowledge God in all your ways and He will make your path straight. I got humbled before i realized i truly needed God. You can't do it alone, it never works, there's always a void there until you let God lead you and give you understanding of things you don't know yet.

  • @drewsmithgaming
    @drewsmithgaming Рік тому +3

    Hey boogie..I met you at retropalooza last year. I am the one who walked up to you and told you how proud of you I was and to keep doing you. You are an amazing creator and I love your videos. I told my wife when I met you I was going to absolutely let you know how much you mean to the UA-cam community and to the world itself for sharing your story. Keep doing you my friend. My wife and I think you are awesome.

  • @DJxxxGHOST
    @DJxxxGHOST Рік тому +1

    Donˋt search every problem in you and don’t ask you how you should be like a „normal“ person. If you would meet other people in their lifes (strangers) you will recognize every person has her own being and I think some arenˋt more different like you. I have often the same meaning of me, Iˋm different and not normal… but life your time on earth and donˋt be too hard to yourself! No one can be perfect! Maybe we meet each other and could talk over different things and you will see there are others and they are unsure too how they should be. Go sometimes out of your comfortzone and try to interact and meet other people and you will find some that matches with you :-) I know itˋs hard but I try the same! In your life you have always a learning process ;-) have a good time buddy, and maybe till my next USA trip :-)

  • @KamalTiwari82
    @KamalTiwari82 Рік тому +1

    You are not alone, I am a broken embarrassment too, I can barely put a speech together when I talk to other people with out the other individual telling me to indirectly be quiet. I have a severe anxiety issue it’s hard to work when others pick up on this and then end up being bullies because they simply without reason do not like me. To be honest misfits are the best, I know comparing real life to comics is not a good reference but looking at the comics all of the best characters or people are Misfits, be it Superman, Spider-Man, the flash even Batman all have issues which make them better. I also don’t do what others do when I go out I wear a hood on my head and have on many occasions heard others say take the hat off, to be honest I really don’t care what others say because my actions shouldn’t really affect anyone else unless they are a friend.

  • @stevebrule6046
    @stevebrule6046 Рік тому +1

    You keep saying your brain DONT work, but JUST GIVE IT A CHANCE. Just give it a chance.