This is POWERFUL! Lonnie Frisbee's Words from the GRAVE W/John Ruttkay (LONNIE'S ROOMMATE)

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024


  • @jq8974
    @jq8974 Рік тому +62

    So much gold here: I can’t chew the cud of any kind of bitterness 🙌🏽, you fall in love with the ministry of the Lord, or the Lord of the ministry 🫶🏽- awesome wisdom. And to top it all off, God is using Lonnie through his friends to minister to a sexually broken generation as the greatest revival of all time begins. Praise Jesus. 🙌🏽👏🏽☺️🌱

    • @garygiff2024
      @garygiff2024 Рік тому

      Your selling lies to the people! Your seemingly desireing to be moneychangers too!

    • @rexsheeley8177
      @rexsheeley8177 Рік тому

      Yes so much Gold, I was at the Jesus Gathering in San Diego 2 weeks ago and met John and many brothers and sisters. There was a creek that ran thru the camp ground ,I and 2 children and their grandfather panned for Gold and found gold in every pan.... Just like this video.

    • @garygiff2024
      @garygiff2024 Рік тому

      @@rexsheeley8177 You are using the Name of God in vanity. You speak of God in Heaven as a puppet. Your in line for an awakening, better sooner while there is time for repentance.

  • @taynemoore5757
    @taynemoore5757 Рік тому +63

    Since the Jesus revolution movie, I have been relentlessly pursuing more about the movement and Lonnie. I have been blessed so much by this and it has made our calling so clear. Exciting times!
    I am also thankful for people who really take the time to teach us about our identity in Christ. This is an issue in the church body today and it sounds like Lonnie could have benefitted from someone teaching him about that. With the fast growing movie, I heard from someone saying that if you read the new and Old Testaments, you became a pastor. ❤
    My concern is, although we have pastors like Robby, Dan Mohler, Todd White, etc who teach about our identity in Christ, we would never be free of our old self like Romans 6 tells us we will be.
    Connie Frisbee talks about how they believed that after Baptism, they were a new creation. It was mentioned that Lonnie really wanted to baptize people immediately, because he knew there was transformational power of dying to old self and putting on Christ (not just a symbolism).
    But as Robby teaches us, we have an identity thief and he tries and resurrects our old self and we are the only ones able to let that old self resurrect. Christ has buried the old self, the enemy cannot resurrect the old self but we can choose to walk in our old ways again.
    I am finding this is the most hindering mindset for believers today. Hearing Lonnie’s story is screaming that this was the same problem back then.
    We truly need to know in our heart and mind that Christ has redeemed us back into sonship and that God can now Father is again because in His eyes, we are Holy, Blameless and above reproach (Col 1:23). If we know whole heartedly that our God loves us a son, we truly don’t need the approval of men or father figures in our life.
    Three days before my wedding, my dad, who I loved, died of an unexpected heart attack. I wasn’t following Jesus at the time. I went to the hospital and as soon as I saw my dad there I wept uncontrollably for hours. At home, I am in my room in the dark weeping and found myself not really talking to anyone but asking “why?” “Why?” Why?”
    Instantly, all the chaos left my mind. Every thought, every concern, every emotion and I heard so clearly in mind. “Your dad was a good dad but I’m a better one and I’ve got you!
    Instantly, a blanket of peace fell over my head and went through my body removing all the effects of the stress, emotions, worries that I was feeling.
    At that point, I knew there was a God and He loved me and that is when I began my pursuit of Him.
    Although i missed my dad, I never
    Thank you Jesus!

    • @comeasachild
      @comeasachild Рік тому +2

      I love Dan Mohler and have been through his School of Kingdom Living many times on YT. I have learned that when I stumble or am tempted to stumble (mine is more about wrong motives), the Holy Spirit is there to tap me on my shoulder and say, "That way of thinking, believing, or acting isn't for you anymore." My heart/spirit absolutely knows and believes that, and the Grace of God (the enabling power) is there to empower me to repent and say "no" (i.e., put off) that way of thinking, believing, or acting. It has been very freeing to know how to put off the old and put on the new! 🙌

    • @taynemoore5757
      @taynemoore5757 Рік тому +4

      @@comeasachild I agree Pam. The 2011 HCSKL with Dan has been a great way to reset the mind in so many ways but in particular, knowing I’m a son in the kingdom, loved by the father has been so freeing.

    • @geopos3248
      @geopos3248 Рік тому +4

      Keep your eyes on the Lord .
      Man will only let you down.

    • @tonygville2969
      @tonygville2969 Рік тому

      As the late Larry Norman said, Why don't you look into Jesus, He's got the Answer 👍🙏
      Don't look at man, because he will always let you down.
      Wisdom 13:1-9 👍☝️
      I was got into this moment in 1979 in Coconut Grove in Miami. Lonnie and Bob Mumford would preach in Kennedy Park in Coconut Grove before the Vineyard started over by Baptist Hospital. I was at Pastor Steve Brown's church over at Key Biscayne Presbyterian church, and the interdenominational church was just another way to broaden the road 🤔
      Today there's OVER 45 THOUSAND different denominations in the protest church 🤔
      Someone show me in the bible where this is what Jesus Christ started 😐
      I'll be waiting, right here in the Church that Jesus Christ did start with the laying of His hands on St Peter.
      The music and bible study were good, but I was missing the One Thing, that only is in the One Holy Catholic Church, the Real Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏
      St John wasn't lying about folks walking away because they couldn't handle the Truth.
      Ain't nothing like The Real Thing Baby 👍☝️🙏
      As the Talbot Brothers sing so well, Behold now The Kingdom, and See with New Eyes ☝️👍🙏
      There's a reason why the Catholic Church has been a huge Bullseye on it 🤔
      The snake won't waste time on a false church,, especially now.
      Check out Dr Scott Hahn at the St Paul Center and receive the Truth 🙏 Viva Cristo Rey ✌️

    • @alicia4him1
      @alicia4him1 Рік тому +1

      so so sooo precious your testimony is. Wonderful words, beautiful words from the Lord given to you !!

  • @desertrose7058
    @desertrose7058 Рік тому +127

    God is still using His servant/friend Lonnie 🥰 (Take that devil !) Sad that Chuck Smith and John Wimber didnt father Lonnie like Lonnie so needed ! (Even Chuck Smith's son says this in an interview.) Many kids /people today are going to need this as they come into The Kingdom now, leaving trans lies! 💖

  • @williamray7445
    @williamray7445 Рік тому +22

    "all have fallen short " i will never BE ANGRY at someone who SINS differently than I DO

    • @robertaswanson5633
      @robertaswanson5633 Рік тому

      Good point!

    • @garygiff2024
      @garygiff2024 Рік тому

      But if you be not angry at sin ,then you also remain the devil,s friend!

    • @joseesmith6348
      @joseesmith6348 Рік тому +1

      He that is without sin, cast the first stone. I felt immense mercy when I saw photo of Lonnie in bed and very ill, when we hate and judge and condemn we serve the devil, it s his greatest desire, to get us to condemn others in our heart, when we condemn anyone we hurt Jesus, we hurt God.

  • @JamesKellyJohnson5
    @JamesKellyJohnson5 Рік тому +38

    (38:26) "You either fall in love with the Lord of the ministry, or the ministry of the Lord." 🤯🔥💙

    • @donnylimbert4925
      @donnylimbert4925 Рік тому +1

      This right here, powerful and timely!

    • @garygiff2024
      @garygiff2024 Рік тому

      To stay clear of both these things you say would be wise to anyone seeing this! You are a ravening wolf!

    • @sheilaboland6285
      @sheilaboland6285 Рік тому

      James, Why not both?

    • @JamesKellyJohnson5
      @JamesKellyJohnson5 Рік тому +2

      @@sheilaboland6285 The point he is making with this statement (directed at church leaders, pastors, etc.) is to beware making an idol out of the ministry, where some prioritize keeping their position and attendance numbers up, over preaching the full truth of the written Word of God.
      To your point though, a church leader can certainly love both the Lord and the ministry that God has given him at the same time, as long as his priorities are in order. God bless 🙏

    • @alicia4him1
      @alicia4him1 Рік тому +3

      Yes... people get puffed up and lose sight of Who saved them and Who should get all the glory, constantly. We are nothing without Him .

  • @sandranovak4720
    @sandranovak4720 Рік тому +9

    Robbie Dawkins is so sensitive to the truth. I highly appreciate how he understands how powerfully God used Lonnie Frisbee ! Calvary Chapel would NEVER have grown without Lonnie Frisbee, It was a lifeless DRY church before Lonnie moved it in the Holy Spirit.

  • @tex8917
    @tex8917 Рік тому +45

    Robbie, thank you for all you do, and setting the record straight on Lonnie, when i heard others talk about him i was getting major checks in my spirit. Pray you continue to write books sharing testimonies of all you go thru, as there is ALOT of power in them to "do it again Lord". You have been a great encouragement to me and the body of Christ, continue in your boldness.

    • @garygiff2024
      @garygiff2024 Рік тому

      It would not be wise to follow the counterfeit to hell! They are making a god out a fallen creature! That is idolotry the devil,s sin!

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist Рік тому

      "Love one another with brotherly affection; outdo one another in showing honor."
      ~ Romans 12:10

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist Рік тому

      "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, as indeed you are doing."
      ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:11

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist Рік тому

      "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, as is fitting, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of each one of you for one another is increasing, so that we ourselves boast about you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all the persecutions and afflictions that you are enduring."
      ~ 2 Thessalonians 1:3ff

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist Рік тому

      "But encourage one another every day, as long as it is called 'today,' that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin."
      ~ Hebrews 3:13

  • @TheRevivalChannel
    @TheRevivalChannel Рік тому +14

    Watched Jesus Revolution twice. It was even more powerful the 2nd time.
    The movie made me want to know more about Lonnie. I've been watching John's videos. He is right on and sees things like they are.
    The current church in the west is broken. It has become a corporation with a CEO, my wife calls them "Local Popes", sad but true.
    My name is Lloyd Cole and I got saved back in 1975 sitting behind the wheel of a 1964 Chevy while I was high on angel dust. The Lord snatched me with fear. I was totally convinced I was going to die and go to hell within a matter of hours or a few days. I felt like I had finally ticked God off and that he was done with me. I started repenting for the life I lived and through my angel dust out the window.
    I told God that I was sorry for the way that I had lived my life. I asked Jesus to come into my heart and to forgive me and I told the Lord that if he let me live that I would give him the rest of my life.
    I didn't feel anything until the next morning when I woke up, it felt like I had died and went to heaven. For the first time in my life I felt the presence of God surrounding me. I discovered that Jesus was the most high God. All my drug friends thought I went crazy. I had a 1958 Chevy truck. Every time I would go to the Christian bookstore I would buy one or two Jesus bumper stickers, pretty soon I had 28 Jesus bumper stickers on my truck.
    So, I did go crazy, I went crazy for Jesus and I'm still crazy for Jesus over four decades later.
    John Ruttkay is connecting the dots,
    Thanks for posting this video!

  • @susananderson1715
    @susananderson1715 Рік тому +11

    The Holy Spirit is putting a prophetic megaphone up to John Ruttkay's mouth. If ever a voice is being amplified it is for times such as these that warrant it. The heart of the Father resides in him to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children back to the fathers. And it is through John and others that knew the life and message of Lonnie Frisbee who will spark the fulfillment of the Sampson prophecy over his life. When it is written of Sampson: "Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived," I suspect Lonnie's story will do the same to the kingdom of darkness that has ravaged those bound in the LGBTQ community, those victimized by pedophilia and sex trafficking, and others held captive to sexual bondages and pornography. 'Unless the seed falls to the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.'"

  • @sharonwise2790
    @sharonwise2790 Рік тому +8

    There’s a focus on Lonnie because after watching the movie it was obvious who carried the anointing and the Spirit of the Power of God. That’s what people are hungry for !!!!! Not more nicely nice church services. I have been to Greg Laurie Harvest services and he is another salvation preacher. Which is fine but give us the WHOLE Gospel!!!! Not just get out of hell free card

    • @sharonwise2790
      @sharonwise2790 Рік тому +1

      Guys thank you for telling us about Lonnie !!!! We want to know more 💕💕💕💕

  • @stevezumbrun6650
    @stevezumbrun6650 Рік тому +17

    Believers that are filled with the HOLY GHOST know the whole gospel!!
    These guys know the entire gospel!!

  • @montanadeb
    @montanadeb Рік тому +20

    Former Vineyard Pastors. Outside the walls in house church. Getting positioned….God help us as you are our first love. Come Holy Spirit.❤

  • @petehaggard8539
    @petehaggard8539 Рік тому +10

    Why don’t we have more friendship in the body of Christ!?! I have friends right here I’ve been friends with 20+ years and we just love one another, it’s not a matter of “strategic partners” whatttt? Robbie, I’m not concerned about a strategic partner, I just want to be your friend!! - John Ruttkay 🙌👏👏. Ahh I love that!!

  • @danieldevine8588
    @danieldevine8588 Рік тому +9

    Many ppl who RECEIVE the most from God are ppl w/ "father wounds." They are so hungry for fatherly love that, when they discover God as the Good Father, they eat and eat and eat--so they end up w/so much to give. This is one of many ways that God turns the tables on the devil

    • @YosemiteLee
      @YosemiteLee 5 місяців тому

      This is an absolute truth danieldevine8588.

  • @Almosthomeforever
    @Almosthomeforever Рік тому +11

    Lonnie- meaning in Hebrew “Ready for Battle; Lion-bold; Noble” How God has blessed us all with this precious life. 💕

    • @jazminebelle-bee6972
      @jazminebelle-bee6972 Рік тому +2

      I did the same thing, when looking up his last name it led me to England and the town had a Flag of fox on it. There's more but I can't expound on it here. ✝️🕊👑

    • @garygiff2024
      @garygiff2024 Рік тому

      But Lonnie is cursed because he did not the perfect will of God being the face of the " jesus movement" Lonnie gave into lying seducing spirits " counterfeiting the Holy Spirit! Yes Lonnie had the option to " try" the spirits as the scripture reveals , but chose what his ego sugested! The church was dead at the same time the devil made this offer to him!

  • @yahnahm.7487
    @yahnahm.7487 Рік тому +33

    After death Lonnie's voice is being heard. Praise our Father in Heaven. 💕💕💕💕

    • @garygiff2024
      @garygiff2024 Рік тому

      There can what ever they will with any movie to carry you away! I repented of movies when it was time for me to face reality!

    • @garygiff2024
      @garygiff2024 Рік тому

      @Rebecca Wood
      The eyes are the window to the soul , and Jesus said you will know who mine are by the fruit they bear! Seeing into lonnie,s eyes is a death gloom. That,s how lonnie saw things and lonnie rode the way carried by the power of the devil. The devil also transforms himself as unto an angel of light too! People are not watching and praying

    • @robertaswanson5633
      @robertaswanson5633 Рік тому

      @@garygiff2024 Did you see it? How can you judge what you have not seen. This movie is a true story. It is reality.

  • @iknowheis
    @iknowheis Рік тому +12

    I saw a video by Evangelist Hamilton Filmalter, from South Africa, where he shared about Lonnie in South Africa and he credits Lonnie as being the catalyst of the Charismatic Renewal in South Africa! Amazing!

  • @annettestephens6133
    @annettestephens6133 Рік тому +7

    “…and when you make a business out of a body, it is called a prostitute.” -Torben Søndergaard, the Last Reformation 🔥

  • @comeasachild
    @comeasachild Рік тому +10

    I have recently come across a number of ex-gay/Trans people and have enjoyed listening to their testimonies and following their ministries such as Beckett Cook, Laura Perry Smalts, and Rosaria Butterfield, etc. As an older, straight, follower of Christ, I've realized over the years that most people have struggled with sexual sin, whether it's was hetero or homosexual. People coming out of any sexual lifestyle need Truth spoken from a compassionate heart by people who will continue reminding them who they are in Christ and to keep walking in relationship and faith in the empowering Grace of God. They have been transformed in the Spirit and will be transformed in the flesh if they don't give up. ❤️

    • @patricklaporte6453
      @patricklaporte6453 Рік тому

      Pam: So true. Thank you. You may enjoy my book "Glorified Rubble: Rebuilding the True You." It chronicles my journey as a born-again believer who struggled with same-sex attraction and how I've learned to deal with it biblically. In summary, the book is a look at Romans 6, 7 and 8 - the blueprint for dealing with indwelling sin post new birth - including same-sex attraction. It's available online. I dedicated the book to Rosaria Butterfield because of how the Lord has used her in my life - even spent a few days with her husband Kent and their family. They walk the talk!

  • @johnemmons9087
    @johnemmons9087 Рік тому +11

    Thank you for keeping Lonnie alive.

  • @comeasachild
    @comeasachild Рік тому +10

    This is amazing! As Believers and as leadership, we each need to hear this as a personal word for ourselves. It's so easy to judge leadership, and it's easy for leadership to judge their congregants. I feel like God is calling us, as John said, to repentance and forgiveness. We need to be quick to forgive and pray for one another and allow the Holy Spirit to bring the conviction upon the heart.

  • @patricklaporte6453
    @patricklaporte6453 Рік тому +27

    I was born again in 1966 and became involved with the charismatic renewal about the same time the Jesus revolution surfaced. Lonnie Frisbee's dying of AIDS moved me deeply. If he struggled with same-sex attraction, I know firsthand what it was like to struggle with it as a born-again believer during the 1970's This is not to excuse his sin or my sin, but it was a struggle the church, for the most part, ignored: that someone who was born again could struggle with same-sex desires. By most part, I mean church leaders who faced the truth that a "genuine" believer could struggle that attraction, instead of addressing it pastorally within the context of their churches, farmed us out to so-called "ex-gay" ministries who specialized in "healing" homosexual desires; the largest was Exodus. Ironically, they formed the same time gay rights exploded. While gay rights went on to redefine culture, the ex-gay ministries imploded. Why? Because they were steeped in Freudian psychology and promised a healing not found in the Bible. Same-sex attraction is a sin of the flesh - and God does not heal the sinful appetites of the flesh. Scripture is clear that in the new birth we are new creatures in Christ. It is equally clear that the new birth doesn’t automatically remove the desires of flesh: the need for on-going personal sanctification. The same is true for sinful same-sex desires and their accompanying romantic feelings (unnatural affection and a sign of the last days (2 Tim 3: 1-7). Countless men and women who looked to be healed from homosexuality and never found it, gave up trying and resigned themselves to living as gay men and women. I did for eight years. Lonnie may very well have given up his own struggle for these very reasons, without actually living in the gay culture. The fact that he repented proves what Jesus said in John 6:39 - that all whom the Father gives Jesus, He will lose none and raise them up on the last day (election). I’ve written a book "Glorified Rubble: Rebuilding the True You,” published by WestBow Press. It chronicles my born-again experience, my own struggle with same-sex attraction, how Jesus rescued me from living in the gay culture in Chicago with my accompanying repentance, and what I’ve learned from Scripture as the biblical way to deal with same-sex desires and ALL sins of the flesh that bait us post new birth. In summary it’s a look at Romans 6, 7 and 8. I recommend John MacArthur’s book “Hacking Agag to Pieces.” He skillfully unpacks how a born-gain believer is to deal with the desires of the flesh: put them to death and not seek to be healed of them! I found it encouraging, because that is what I said in my book regarding same-sex attraction. However, when I’ve heard MacArthur talk about homosexuality, he quotes 1 Cor. 6:11, “such were some of you” and stops - making it sound like same-sex desires are removed in the new birth; and if they remain, you’re not saved. He may not mean that, but it’s how it’s taken. And it contradicts what he presents in the book I’ve mentioned. Because of his fan base, if he would include that the sanctification process of putting to death the desires of the flesh - and it takes time and effort on our part - is the same for all believers, including those who struggle with the sin of same-sex attraction, it could be used of the Lord to call those living in the far country to come home! I pray for that day!

    • @tiedyehobo
      @tiedyehobo Рік тому

      What a long winded propaganda for justifying same sex Insidious desires. Sounds like your a dabbler of forbidden sin. Repent

    • @277kne
      @277kne Рік тому +3

      That was a long and thoughtful comment. I appreciate it.
      I too have the same struggles. I've wanted the LORD to change my personality. Don't think he does that but maybe affects it.
      What about those that are aflicted with the desire for alcohol? I have heard for some God took the desire away and others continue to struggle. Many evangelist of the past years used to pray for people with alcohol addiction. What's the difference between that addiction of the flesh and sexual addiction and same sex attractions?

    • @HollyBluePlanet
      @HollyBluePlanet Рік тому +6

      I was bi when I got saved in the mid 70's, and led my best female lover to the Lord. We both went straight. I think it's easier for women because our drive is different. For you guys it's an appetite. For us, it's a place to feel safe.

    • @HollyBluePlanet
      @HollyBluePlanet Рік тому +5

      Also, it's easier to resist the temptation when you realize you are doing harm. The Holy Spirit can give you a heart of flesh that does not want to hurt another. Ask God to show you how fornication actually hurts the other. He will show you. Then you won't want to do it anymore. I was the most prolific free love participant I ever met, and He had to show me why it is a sin. It took a while. lol

    • @patricklaporte6453
      @patricklaporte6453 Рік тому

      @@tiedyehobo No way have I justified my sin. I've said the opposite. It must be put to death through obedience. Don't twist what I wrote. I have repented and it's in what I wrote. And I also wrote that same-sex desires must be put to death in a believer's life. Perhaps, I should have added that you can't be a Christian and live a life given over to same-sex sexual practices. Following Christ is not in addition to the sin(s) of the flesh we love and excuse. How do you deal with the "flesh" in your life? In case you don't read it, this is what I replied to Holly Avila: In my book "Rebuilding the True You," I mention how I repented of a sinful and blasphemous same-sex relationship for the very reason you mentioned. If I had truly loved him, I would not have engaged him in a sin that hurt his relationship with God, as well as mine. We had sinned against each other in what seemed like love - feelings may be real but are not true when submitted to what the word of God says is true - and it did not affect only us. We had sinned first and foremost against God (Read David's confession of sin in Psalm 51.) That was the greater sin! What seemed to be love was unnatural affection not fitting for how we were created as males - and a direct contradiction of God's created order in Gen 1:27. I repented of those feelings the same as I repented of the sexual acts. The same is true from women who are/were engaged in lesbianism.

  • @legacedar
    @legacedar Рік тому +11

    I watched John’s UA-cam video the day after seeing Jesus Revolution on the pre-release date of 2/22. I left the theater feeling unsatisfied and wanted to know more about Lonnie. Thanks, John, for filling in the blanks! I ordered the trilogy autobiography and am now on the 2nd chapter of the third book. I can’t get enough!! I’m so compelled by the Holy Spirit power of God! We as Christians need to walk and work in the power that God provides! I’m so hungry for that!
    One thing that puzzles me: there are articles on the internet claiming that Lonnie had 2, some say 3 children but Roger Sachs tells a story in the postscript of the 2nd book about Lonnie hanging out with Roger’s kids and expressing regret that he never had children of his own. Please shed some light on this. Lonnie’s story seems to be so radically transparent. I want to believe that it truly is.
    Thank you! Blessings!

    • @garygiff2024
      @garygiff2024 Рік тому

      Why you desire to follow in the path of a dead soul who is twice dead I don,t know!

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist Рік тому +1

      ​@@garygiff2024 "Do not complain against one another, my brothers, lest you be judged. Look, the judge is standing at the doors." ~ James 5:9
      "And do not grumble, as some of them did, and were killed by the destroyer."
      ~ 1 Corinthians 10:10

  • @michellepadgett2869
    @michellepadgett2869 Рік тому +9

    I can fully understand why Lonnie felt so “rejected” and became bitter.. 😢😢
    He was a Revolutionist and Reformer and they were trying to box him in, package his gifts for their benefit and not allow him to be who God chose him to be!!

    • @chrissimpson6701
      @chrissimpson6701 Рік тому

      It happened to me as well. Lonnie and I have the same story in so many ways.

    • @pearladams4817
      @pearladams4817 Рік тому +2

      God did not 'choose' him to be gay. Read his death bed confessions in one of his books. He described homosexuality as satan's counterfeit to take many people to the lake of fire with him.

    • @garygiff2024
      @garygiff2024 Рік тому

      Rehashing Lonnie ie in a " movie " too should awaken to not go down the his path! This man Lonnie went with " another Jesus"!

    • @petriciahice4838
      @petriciahice4838 Рік тому +1

      Sadly the "leaders" used him up, they did not want the holy spirit, more or less kicked him out, then they would not even help with his funeral, SO SO SAD

    • @michellepadgett2869
      @michellepadgett2869 Рік тому +2

      @@petriciahice4838 That is very typical of anyone who is blessed by God with an Anointing of exceptional gifts, talents and skills

  • @jonathanrocha2275
    @jonathanrocha2275 Рік тому +8

    John's a pretty good dude. Let's make sure to honor him in the body of Christ

    • @rick54xp
      @rick54xp Рік тому

      I agree brother, we grew up together and I can testify of his consistency and zeal to bring all glory and honor to our Lord Jesus. Johnny has worked hard and sacrificed much to bring as many as possible to a full revelation and understanding of the gospel of Jesus. He seeks no honor, glory or financial gain, only “well done good and faithful servant” from his Heavenly Father. So I agree with you and honor my friend.

  • @beccalove8791
    @beccalove8791 Рік тому +8

    I used to go to a meeting on Wednesday nights in the summer of 1971 in an episcopal church. This was in Riverside in California. The worship was so wonderful and Lonnie would preach. After he was done preaching and church was over, he would invite us to another room for an “ afterglow” where he would preach some more. I vividly remember him teaching about the sower and the birds etc

  • @munderpsych
    @munderpsych Рік тому +6

    Oh my goodness. There is so much connected and God is revealing this to so many people.
    After the prayers of this video at the end and then prayers Robby gave at the end of another video of his oh my goodness I slept so well last night. It just felt like a depth and comfort in healing sleep. I did buy the three books. There’s something so powerful in what is all happening in the Church right now. So much tied together it’s astounding. 🙏❤️🔥❤️‍🔥

  • @markmorin2755
    @markmorin2755 Рік тому +2

    Lonnie never had help for same sex attraction and fragmentation, but as an Elijah forerunner, God is using him to set free those who have those problems in much greater numbers today. Turning the hearts of the fathers to the children who can help set them free…and the hearts of those children are being turned to those loving fathers…

  • @craigcunningham3705
    @craigcunningham3705 Рік тому +3

    Dear Lonnie. The reason God used Lonnie so effectively was because he was broken. Rose petals smell the best when dry and crushed.

  • @JesusMovement2.0
    @JesusMovement2.0 Рік тому +3

    God is amazing, & appoints, & anoints and foolish things confound the wise.
    John has been humbly serving the Lord, has no social media, yet goes viral talking about his friend Lonnie Frisbee. We just started filming him and rob juncal out of obedience, only God knows it would turn into this.

  • @Ogivekrew
    @Ogivekrew Рік тому +6

    Mr. Ruttkay! Love that man! The guy can cook too!

  • @monicacarson1698
    @monicacarson1698 Рік тому +5

    I'm only recently hearing about Lonnie Frisbee. I appreciate all you're doing Robby Dawkins for all these conversations with others who knew him up close and personal💗🌹😇

  • @Pixie330-r1y
    @Pixie330-r1y Рік тому +3

    Great interview, but I wish you had not kept skipping and taking out what John is saying - I would rather do 2 hours with the full interview.

  • @breastfeedingfixers
    @breastfeedingfixers Рік тому +10

    I’m so happy that you get to share John. We miss seeing you! Dennis and Leilani

  • @chrissimpson6701
    @chrissimpson6701 Рік тому +4

    🇺🇲America, we need to go back to this. The passion, the anointing, the love of God in it's purest form. Through Jesus Christ, we need to repent of our sins and accept Jesus as Lord. I missed this movement being born in 1979, but God still had a plan for me and my life. He saved me in Highschool, I was a 19 year old Senior. But what these people experienced, I experienced the day I accepted him, I felt his arms literally embrace me, I felt the warmth prescence of the Lord. Everything was there, but it became new before my eyes.
    Now at 43 years old, I still serve, love, and accept as Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I am still on the battlefield knowing this world dont have too much time left. As for Lonnie, he was used by God tremendously, he was a great man of God, he had his struggles, but on his deathbed, it comforts me to know, that he repented of his sins. His spirit is with Jesus now, question is, what about you? What about me? We must get our own lives together before we run and judge someone else.

  • @dianneeastwood6397
    @dianneeastwood6397 Рік тому +6

    Across the board, this whole interview and what has been said here resonates with my heart and spirit! Thank You!!!

  • @dwellinj1513
    @dwellinj1513 Рік тому +4

    Love the interview, love hearing about Lonnie and John’s stories but maybe a wee bit less interrupting from interviewer and his stories.

  • @daisyzaldivar246
    @daisyzaldivar246 Рік тому +5

    Brother Robby thank you for these interviews. The movie was amazing! I believe God is using it. But I did get the sensation that Pastor Chuck wasn't comfortable with the movement of the Holy Spirit. I had no idea who Lonnie was before this movie. These interviews brings things more into perspective. Thank you.

  • @carolbrown2501
    @carolbrown2501 Рік тому +3

    Wondering why someone who knew Lonnie well, doesn’t look into making a movie about his life? Just a thought.

  • @mmedi6165
    @mmedi6165 Рік тому +3

    So let me get this straight, the movie celebrates a pastor who’s religious organization was revived by all the people Lonnie lead to Jesus but when this pastor grew in prominence all the supernatural gifts the Holy Spirit was doing through Lonnie were an inconvenience therefore he and the Holy Ghost were brushed aside and put in a back room! I am so heartbroken for Lonnie. And at the time when the guy needed the most support and love from his bro/sisters all he got was crickets. Pobrecito se merecía lo mejor

  • @Peaceful-resistance1
    @Peaceful-resistance1 Рік тому +4

    I want to thank you both for taking the time to share these thoughts and turning our eyes back to the simplicity of the Gospel! Father rekindle that 1st love we each had with Jesus our Lord and Savior.

  • @christopherberlanga
    @christopherberlanga Рік тому +5

    Great interview. Keep bringing more Robbie, it’s igniting something. John is right, a Shaking is Coming! And it Will separate yet once again, those who stand in the way of The Lord. God bless!

  • @nancyparish8282
    @nancyparish8282 Рік тому +4


  • @psalmone8953
    @psalmone8953 Рік тому +3

    God is up to SOMETHING BIG and we need to be ready!!!🪔🙏🏽🙌🔥📖❤️‍🔥🙇‍♂️👺🤺

  • @lindafriend3067
    @lindafriend3067 Рік тому +1

    My heart is leaping with joy at John's comment, that this current wave of the Holy Spirit, will be people who love Jesus, with no need for a title, pastor, apostle, etc. Just function as a pastor, an apostle, prophet,.... ONLY JESUS GETS THE GLORY AND THE "NAME RECOGNITION!"

  • @MajorIllustration
    @MajorIllustration Рік тому +5

    The Roman Catholic Church made Christianity a business, centuries ago. The Americans sent out more missionaries than any other country, I’m told.

    • @tiedyehobo
      @tiedyehobo Рік тому +2

      These guys are making a business out of it too.

    • @johnemmons9087
      @johnemmons9087 Рік тому +3

      Renew your mind hobo!

    • @tiedyehobo
      @tiedyehobo Рік тому

      @@johnemmons9087 renew your mind emmons, do it in aramic

  • @evangelinacantu7541
    @evangelinacantu7541 Рік тому +2

    Lonnie didn't have a title, he ministered simple

  • @katmarino4120
    @katmarino4120 Рік тому +1

    Lonnie also in his 3rd book set free! Explains how people who were horribly abused as a young child need To be healed in their emotions ..and thank God he sent rich beullerto help him. Nobody back in the 40 50 and 60 and 70 s new how to even talk about it!🤗

  • @dianayoung1424
    @dianayoung1424 Рік тому +1

    I would go further, God is not going to go around you. Jesus said the Rock will crush you to dust. Do not think that you can turn off the faucet of God. It’s a tsunami. Dealing with bitterness is a lifetime work- don’t try a blanket proposal to God. It’s a line by line to get rid of each and every crumb each time it comes up. Jesus is forgiving you for each thought.

  • @judyvondergathen6818
    @judyvondergathen6818 Рік тому +1

    When you introduce sexuality to children and young adults, you have created a lifelong "shame-based" adult. You have ruined a life, and you will be held responsible to God for this. Psychologists today do the best they can to help these abuse victims, but it's a long painful road for each of these victims. Having your identity in Christ is the most likely thing to heal them.

  • @judithlowrance8079
    @judithlowrance8079 Рік тому +1

    Why is it that most in the church, even today, consider homosexual sin is worse than heterosexual sin? They are both sin, JESUS died for all sin. If there is confession and repentance there is forgiveness.

  • @ZionNazereth
    @ZionNazereth Рік тому +2

    That “broken vessel” seemed to be the only one without the fear of man and with reverence/yielding to Holy Spirit.

  • @RLF62
    @RLF62 8 місяців тому +1

    Man I wish this was unedited…
    Would have loved to have him finish his statements and tell his testimonies of witnessing these miracles.

  • @marisa8843
    @marisa8843 Рік тому +3

    I love these interviews!
    I did see people in Jesus Revolution get healed. The guy in the wheel chair was healed of addiction, the woman in pain, the guy who couldn't breathe, the woman deaf in her left ear. At least it looked to me like they were getting healed.

  • @alicia4him1
    @alicia4him1 Рік тому +1

    You have heard it said... Loving the things of the Lord instead of the Lord of the things

  • @Gladness2023
    @Gladness2023 Рік тому +3

    Love this clip.... Robbie Dawkins is so irreligious.... so sensitive to the religious spirit but such a heart for purity whilst speaking truth ! We need this today so much!

  • @deetoomey0413
    @deetoomey0413 Рік тому +1

    An awesome word. I am so.glad to find out about Lonnie Frisbee and how great God used him. Im.reading his books. I had bought all 3 before I saw the Jesus Revolution. Please pray for me. Because I know that God has called me to evangelism but being an older single woman I'm crying out God how can you use me? I want to help people find Jesus & pray for them and let the Joly Spirit flow through me and His gifts flow through me. There is so much going on inside of me and I believe God is going to show me how He can still use me to evangelize, see more and more people saved, healed and set free. Thank you Robby and John I have really enjoyed listening to you today. I listened to Part 1 and Part 2 of Lonnie's life story plus this one. They were all excellent and have relit my fire to be what God has called me to be. Please say a prayer of agreement with me abd for me. Blessings on you guys. ❤😊🙏🙌🤗👍

  • @judierose7
    @judierose7 Рік тому +1

    I really like this guy. And of course I love Robby. They are the real deal.

  • @mkrampitz1966
    @mkrampitz1966 Рік тому +1

    I didn’t know Bill Johnson had a twin brother. 😊Thanks John. Loved your Jeremiah 2:13 quote about broken vessels.

  • @onthekingsside2760
    @onthekingsside2760 Рік тому +4

    Thank you Robby and John. This was so encouraging like a healing balm over my soul. Jesus is Beautiful 😢

    • @garygiff2024
      @garygiff2024 Рік тому

      But to be His disciple are you willing to suffer as much as Him?

  • @randallroberts1489
    @randallroberts1489 Рік тому +1

    Something missing when we talk about Lonnie is his belief that a problem with American churches is materialism, it's people are getting very wealthy.

  • @sheanmorphew7923
    @sheanmorphew7923 Рік тому +1

    This is one of the best interviews so far! And 100% takes me back!
    Right into the moments. I agree John!

  • @AlexRodriguez-oq1mn
    @AlexRodriguez-oq1mn Рік тому +3

    I love John's descriptions, especially "Aninias and Sapphira time" 🤣

  • @jeffcossaboon5012
    @jeffcossaboon5012 Рік тому +2

    About 30 years ago I read a biography about Lonnie. When I finished God said something to the effect of, I started the last revival with Lonnie, and I want to start the next one with him. I am certain God would have preferred to have Lonnie with us, healthy in body soul ans spirit, but things are as they are. Still God is using him to help lead and bring in the new move. Glory be to God.

  • @botsterfilion7718
    @botsterfilion7718 Рік тому +1

    He had a conversation with the God of the universe? Really now? Does this guy also take on the title of “High Priest under the order of Makchizadek,”, like his roommate Lonnie Frisbee? Is anyone speaking of the occult practices of witchcraft Lonnie Frisbee was conducting during his so called evangelism for the Lords Kingdom?
    Good Lord, help us and save us !

  • @pamlemos3516
    @pamlemos3516 Рік тому +2

    Amen! Thank you so much for the beautiful prayer! That and the discussion of anger hit me hard and is confirming what our pastor preached on and prayed over us on last Sunday!

  • @Setapart4him
    @Setapart4him Рік тому +3

    Every TRUE revival started with prayer & repentance!🔥John 4:24

  • @lW9497
    @lW9497 Рік тому +1

    Wow, Bitterness & Unforgiveness. That hits it on the head. I've been working with some leaders who have this problem. Thanks for sharing this insight.

  • @TheFiestyhick
    @TheFiestyhick Рік тому +2

    You conducted this interview better than the one with Lonnie's brother, meaning you allowed the guest to speak.
    I hope you'll still keep working on that. Aim to have the guest do like 75%-80% of talking.

  • @debrashaw7483
    @debrashaw7483 Рік тому +3

    Thanks John really a lot of good words here about a lot of things that are in this season!

  • @richardgentry2039
    @richardgentry2039 Рік тому +2

    Florence here in little river south Carolina. A beautiful fresh wind.

  • @robmcgowan351
    @robmcgowan351 Рік тому +2

    John Ruttkay, that is an awesome shirt "31 Then the Lord opened Balaam’s eyes, and he saw the Angel of the Lord standing in the way with His drawn sword in His hand; and he bowed his head and fell flat on his face. 32 And the Angel of the Lord said to him, “Why have you struck your donkey these three times? Behold, I have come out to stand against you, because your way is perverse before Me. 33 The donkey saw Me and turned aside from Me these three times. If she had not turned aside from Me, surely I would also have killed you by now, and let her live.” I was driving my car to assist a pastor with live streaming and I stopped on the interstate and pulled to the shoulder because my a/c fan stopped. I spoke out loud to myself , "You understand II Thes 2:11 but have you understood Genesis 11:2." That was the last time I drove to help with church video live streaming at Satellite Beach, FL.

  • @susansmith.mystible
    @susansmith.mystible Рік тому +1

    Wow, just wow. Thank you both for sharing all this, God is anointing this Truth, even more than the Film, this film was the start so that you could share this history, this testimony, this teaching...

  • @simplebeautybysusie5251
    @simplebeautybysusie5251 Рік тому +1

    Excellent, thought provoking and rigorously honest interview on so many levels!!!✝️🙏🙌
    Thank you for seeing your best friend through God’s lens, you John are a true “ ride or die!” Sadly so very very rare these days and especially in a church setting 🙏God’s biggest and best blessings on you and yours! I also just watched your individual interview ❤ I was inspired to buy Lonnie’s 3 books to further Jesus’ assignment, movement and love. No need to complicate the gospel ✝️❤️

  • @janicesarver5120
    @janicesarver5120 Рік тому +3

    I'm a born again believer and know I need deliverance and I so want it. When it was said do they have legal rights to be there that really hit my spirit. Can someone help?

    • @tiedyehobo
      @tiedyehobo Рік тому +1

      Trust in God only. Only listen to what Jesus teaches. No matter what anyone says. Read the Bible and find the truth .man will fail you

    • @faithfreedom4084
      @faithfreedom4084 Рік тому +3

      Have the Holy Spirit search your heart for any unforgiveness, hurt, bitterness, rejection, offense, anger etc. Have him show you who and what happened. Take them through forgiveness and release them from any judgment. Apply the blood of jesus to your sins after repenting for anything you are holding against them. It may take several times to process the hurts and release all that comes up. Write it down if need be. Throw it out as a way to get it all out.

  • @healthandwellness1707
    @healthandwellness1707 Рік тому +2

    So amazing how u diagnose /identify exactly what went on in Lonnie's life due to his abuse.

  • @cantabriaecs
    @cantabriaecs Рік тому +1

    LOVED this...esp. the last half. I so rarely hear stuff that resonates deep in my heart and soul. This did...God is on the move! Thanks for the interview.....

  • @JK-uk1ck
    @JK-uk1ck Рік тому +1

    Please let the people you are interviewing talk!!

  • @cheririchardson457
    @cheririchardson457 Рік тому +1


  • @josesalcedo9686
    @josesalcedo9686 Рік тому +1

    Amazing, thanks for sharing this. Real, matured, spiritual fathers are so needed at this hour

  • @mrsnlwillie533
    @mrsnlwillie533 Рік тому +2

    Excellent!! Love you both! Come Holy Spirit!

  • @robertaswanson5633
    @robertaswanson5633 Рік тому +1

    I never heard of Lonnie Frisbee until I saw The Jesus Revolution. Since then I've been clicking on a lot of videos that mention his name. This is a great conversation...probably the best I've seen on the topic. Much good information about Lonnie but then even more wisdom towards the end. so much good stuff.! I agree with what they said about people trying to control God's movement. How interesting that the revival services at Asbury changed when the faculty took over. I sensed a real difference in hearing the reactions of the students to those of the faculty. And I was very disappointed with the faculty closed it down. Yes, as John said, it was messy but God can handle messy.

    • @jessicamartinez3613
      @jessicamartinez3613 Рік тому

      From what I heard the number of people was so overwhelming that the little town and the school was unable to care for the 60,000 plus people. The town hads a population of just over 2,000 and there wasn't enough food or places to sleep etc.

    • @robertaswanson5633
      @robertaswanson5633 Рік тому

      @@jessicamartinez3613 Jesus fed 5,000 with only a couple of fish and two loaves of bread. I have to wonder what miracles would have appeared to handle the crowds if the school had allowed it to continue.

    • @jessicamartinez3613
      @jessicamartinez3613 Рік тому

      @@robertaswanson5633 I agree with you.

  • @michellepadgett2869
    @michellepadgett2869 Рік тому +2

    Come back to your first love ❤️

  • @carizarou7445
    @carizarou7445 Рік тому +1

    WOW thank you so much for this interview. I saw the movie over the weekend and one of our friends was not happy! He claimed that because of Lonnie my daughter is gay. Wow I couldn’t even talk with him about it because I didn’t know who Lonnie was until the movie. Thanks for clearing this all up for me, we have a lot to talk about in our bible study tonight! LOL😊

  • @donnylimbert4925
    @donnylimbert4925 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for airing this. Some truly SPOT on truth about the current move of God and how we should be posturing ourselves if we want to "get on board".

  • @michellepadgett2869
    @michellepadgett2869 Рік тому +2

    Great word John!! Start with Repentance

  • @michellepadgett2869
    @michellepadgett2869 Рік тому +1

    Church leader’s still don’t know how to deal with those who are powerhouses for God who have experienced a lot of sexual trauma and abuse

  • @robertharms985
    @robertharms985 3 місяці тому

    (AFV) And He
    [Jesus] died for all so that those who live should no longer live to themselves, but to Him Who died for them and was raised again.
    (EMTV) Then He said to them all, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.

  • @TonyYuEvangelism
    @TonyYuEvangelism Рік тому +2

    Word and spirit? I’m having trouble finding in the word where people fell on the ground and shook like an epileptic when they received the Holy Spirit. This is what the Bible teaches about the Holy Spirit.
    Acts‬ ‭1‬:‭8‬ ‭
    But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall BE WITNESSES to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

    • @arleenibarra7637
      @arleenibarra7637 Рік тому +2

      So what does power look like?💛
      Tony Yu
      Have you ever been slightly electrocuted?
      God is an all consuming fire.
      Just something for you to think of.

    • @writeongal
      @writeongal Рік тому

      @Tony Yu please reread the book of Acts and try to do it without your predetermined bias. What do drunk people look like to you? Please understand that God isn't just another man. He is all powerful and if you ever experience just a bit of Him, that power will move you in one way or another. Blessings.

    • @TonyYuEvangelism
      @TonyYuEvangelism Рік тому

      Can you share a verse or two where people fell to the ground and shook like an epileptic when they’re filled with the Spirit? I still can’t find that in the Bible.

  • @alicia4him1
    @alicia4him1 Рік тому

    Yes !!! No titles... because once you have a title and fame the Lord does not get ALL the glory. You.. YOU... have been crucified with Christ.. it is NO LONGER YOU... who live but CHRIST in you. Right ? 😀🙏 Lift up no man...ONLY lift up Christ.

  • @covenantzoehgirl
    @covenantzoehgirl Рік тому

    Uh, helloooo, Jesus is the reason for ALL of this.. Holy Spirit is the "spark plug".. You people are trying to give credit to people who were USED by the Ancient of Days to get this started.. PLEASE PUT YOUR RELIGION AWAY AND FOLLOW GOD. JESUS. HOLY SPIRIT!! Don't screw it up again..

  • @joseesmith6348
    @joseesmith6348 Рік тому

    I think there could be a very deep message through all this, through the life of Lonnie NEVER CONDEMN ANYONE IN YOUR HEART, read Luke 6:27-38 And also read where Jesus tells us to feed the hungry, give shelter to the needy, when we do for the least we do for Jesus, NEVER CONDEMN ANYONE, love and mercy towards everyone is how we show Jesus we love him. Have faith, love and be merciful, share the light, that is what we are called for, we are not called to judge nor condemn. Through the heart of Jesus we can see passed the sins and find mercy.

  • @normamahns7184
    @normamahns7184 Рік тому

    First Corinthians 15:22, 15:45, and 15:47. When I read these verses I totally understand Mans love for Man. When these men are not indoctrinated with the Word...they may be confused and become Gay. For the "hole" in ones Soul is there. But Jesus is the Light that fills the "hole." The Natural Man only knows this if he knows The Word.

  • @radvibes
    @radvibes Рік тому

    Connie (Lonnie's ex-wife) said that they asked Chuck for marital counseling and Chuck said that they didn't need marital counseling. All they needed to know was that people were coming to the Lord....So sad.

  • @davidboehmer4359
    @davidboehmer4359 Рік тому

    I'm glad I never got involved with Lonnie Frisbee. I believe he had familiar spirits. I was in my bedroom December 23,1973. When Jesus convicted me of sin and rebellion, and saved me. I was 18.
    I did not know anything about him until a couple of years ago. In many ways in my years in Charismatic churches. Looking back I know God protected me from many things that I thought were him. But later on he brought me to understand. None of what I thought was him. Proved to ever be.

  • @robertorr7410
    @robertorr7410 Рік тому

    I meet with a couple of other men in the park. Public Jesus discussion on Sunday morning. Gilbert Park Mt Dora FL. 10 am

  • @colinliebenberg3685
    @colinliebenberg3685 10 місяців тому

    I was in some meetings in Cape Town, South Africa, in 1980. I was 13 years old at the time.
    It impacted me.

  • @lorimacduff1180
    @lorimacduff1180 Рік тому

    That couldn't have been 1984 when Jimi Swaggert repented on Live TV. Because I didn't become a Christian until October 1987 and I saw Jimi Swaggert Live in Toronto, Ontario before he fell and committed adultery. I know it's not the end of the world information, because I love hearing about these days, but maybe he might read this to get his years right for next time. He was defrocked in 1988 I do believe.

  • @JamesStein-hz7wk
    @JamesStein-hz7wk Рік тому

    The Glory of the Cross poem
    See him there at Calvary dressed out in full array
    The penalty for sinners Gods justice on display
    The slaughtered lamb now speaking, His soul is open wide
    I'm smitten and forsaken, My God My God Oh Why!
    A mocking crowd comes tempting, with waging heads allied
    A crown of thorns they gave him, set hard above his eye
    Yet some in sore amazement, let out a desperate cry!
    'Tis Jesus friend of sinners, My God My God Oh Why
    Then the earth began to tremble and the sun now shut its eyes
    Lest sin should reign eternal, the cursed of God must die
    With troubled hearts we see him, but faithful we must be
    This blessed act of mercy , t'was My God My God for me!
    His sheep had all been scattered, alone and all undone
    His Fathers heart now grieving, they'd soon have aid to come
    His work was now accomplished, the trembling cup lay bare
    Sins darkness now upon Him, as he hung in great despair
    Before the day was finished, His parched lips would rehearse
    The only words befitting, My God My God I Thirst
    Through smitten, bruised, abandoned, faith eye would let him see
    In three days he would be risen, with the keys of victory
    At the dawning of the morning on the first day of the week
    He left the grave behind him, now gone to tend his sheep
    He spoke with his disciples, at a dinner by the sea
    Three times he asked one question, Peter lovest me?
    The Righteous King Eternal, t'was this man from Galilee
    By faith, you can receive him and live life full and free
    All nations now are groaning, while silent hearts just cry
    A broken heart of sorrows, O' our God will not deny
    Return thy tears of sorrow, to the One who died for thee
    No! You have not been forsaken, just but look to Calvary
    JS 2014
    Hope you find rest and peace and renewed joy this Easter season

  • @ViraledOff
    @ViraledOff Рік тому

    I don't think I ever met Lonnie unless he was in a park where we camped in June or July 1972 in Los Altos, Sunnyvale or Mt View. I remember apricot and nectarine trees. Great breakfast. He said "I got a one way hit of Jesus". We said "no thanks" and went our way. A decade later I was stationed at El Toro and my friend Mike Godwin talked me into going to bible study at the house in Yorba Linda. July 29, 1981. I had never heard praise songs like Maranatha Praise 4 and 5 before that. I got choked up, wept and felt like I was immersed in warm sweet smelling oil. I saw a light come in and turn around to look out and changed everything from that point on--that was my Friend. We went to Calvary Costa Mesa a few months later because it was closer. I eventually went my own way, my Friend left. Demons really attack. I searched for so long but finally found my Friend again. I have been feeling the pre-tremors of the SHAKING that John Ruttkay speaks of since about 2014 and I have been trying to prepare in all the ways that you are speaking toward the end of this video. La oración es en espíritu, no en carne. Espíritu Santo ven. I feel all life on this biosphere we call earth will be touched. All life, every breath, every heartbeat is a gift. And every touch of the Holy Spirit is a gift. I'm about John's age now but I feel like getting back out on the street again. The need is so great. Espíritu Santo is saying "Vamonos, vamos". "I know the wind and the seas and they obey." Stay the course. Get ready for battle.