These videos have become one of my favorite parts of War Thunder. Makes me feel like I'm not alone in this horrifically inconsistent world of bad luck.
@@iffracem No, it's luck. I swear, I have the worst luck in this game. Things like, two seconds after I set a fire on an enemy plane, it's gone, but my fires never go out no matter what I do. I get instantly pilot-sniped with shots over a kilometer away, but I can fill a plane with a couple hundred rounds at 200 meters, and it'll be perfectly fine. It's a hard thing to describe without people just saying "skill issue" or some shit, but I swear it's not natural. Part of it is Gaijin's game being inconsistent as hell, but most is just random chance not being in my favor more often than it is.
It's a knowledge check. They can one shot your shell-pile or 50 cal your crew but if they are shooting darts from large cannons you can survive a lot of pincushion
4:34 Every time I see a scenario like that, where a tiny little light vehicle gets just obliterated by a 150+mm round, it always reminds me of the, “Boss, you killed a child!” line from MGSV.
I like to use the proxy as a "top attack" round at longer ranges. just aim slightly higher than normal to aim for roofs and it usually causes pretty good damage. Just remember that it has a minimum arming distance unlike the normal HE.
nah not that great. direct hit will do more damage. i use this vehicle on my top tier lineup for maps with chokepoints. The proxy fuze doesnt work for the mbts. the helis on the other hand...
Proxy works miracles as Anti-Air. So much explosive, pretty good fuse range, it just decimates air craft. Had alot of matches where I would just pull that out instead of my actual SPAA, to pop helicopters.
I use proxy rounds only, in my type 75 SPH, it's so dirty it's satisfying. You can kill a m18 behind a building. Once i killed an spaa, a wall away, didn't know where he was, just saw his tracers. Shot my proxy, and proxy him to death.. It's so dirty it's satisfying! it is also a moral booster. You don't need to be to afraid landing your shots correct.
6:06 I swear this was like something straight of a cartoon. I'm just imagining some character trying to crawl out of danger, and sudenly bumping into the villan's leg.
You'd be amazed how many times that has worked for me. I just act like a dead tank and they'll drive right past.. Sometimes the two brain cells in their head rub together and they'll MG you and you know you are fucked.
@@SilvaDreams if you bind engine activation to a easy to access button (I play on controller) then you can just become a total ghost if someone doesn’t look at you too closely
I was the guy at 2:18 hiding in plain sight thanks for killing me with one of my favorite tanks in the game and then memeing it lmfao I’ll have you know I was two seconds away from destroying you with my FIAT heat shell!!!111!! Love the videos bro especially seeing you play some Swedes!
I second this, the M4A3 105 is what the Tiger wanted to be. It can tank helluva shots, has a lot of pen, can overpressure, has a .50 cal, is fucking fast, and can one shot almost everything. It's incredible for sniping at long range and with ace crew (like mine) is easy to get 4-6 kills before dying by CAS.
@@JohnSmith-mk5jt Yeah, it is like beating toddlers with a bat. Having the .50 cal alone is like already having a M2A2 plus a big ass 105 mm cannon lmao
There are only 2 kinds of players that take a 1.0 vehicle over the 6.0 br. One time I met a 15 cm Sturmpanzer II, when I was in the tiger 2 P. The match ended with our victory and I checked, he had 5 kills and zero deaths.
its not sturmpanzer, but once i fought a swedish team and somehow an Spj44 lead them with 5 kills, cople assists and 0 death. this was in 6.7 match mind you.
Funny thing is the higher you go over 6.7 the easier it is because so many things are either a MBT with thin side armor or a light tank which all have paper armor.
i recently have been grinding Sweden, found this thing a few weeks ago. It is now probably my favourite tank if not one of my favourites! something about hitting planes or tricking people with a 3.7 sec reload
Continuing the trend of Swedish autoloaders, Strv M/42 Delat Torn. It has a 3.5 second reload and with the APHE shell it boasts similar performance to the American 76 while also having about twice the HE filler.
Just here to say I hope you're doing better now after your operation, I imagine based on my own experience with surgery, that the recovery process and post treatment can feel slow but you'll get through it chief, love your content.
I understand why they dont have it but I kinda wish the arty in wt had indirect fire capabilities like if you aim upwards itd show your impacts on the minimap or something.
The only things I can think of right nowin the game with a minimum indirect range that fits on maps would be the Sturmpanzer II and IV and the Sturmtiger
that moment at 5:35 had to be terrifying for your enemy lmao. firing that shot, failing, and just desperately machine gunning as you watch that massive cannon turn slowly towards you
Hello Spookston! I'm from Sweden and I have been to the military vehicle museum called Arsenalen, they have a Bandkanon there, the prototype that reloaded even faster then the production version you just played, I will recall that it can shot 14 rounds in 45 seconds. Thanks for the video, it was really fun to watch! Could you play the Tiger II (H)?
Best ammo is proxy only, shoot above the tank and it will explode downwards, keep in mind that proxy only works if the target is more than 250m away, if under 250m it will not detonate but just fly above them, on close range its best to shoot commanders cupola or underneath the tank if possible as its insta kill
This is my goal for the Sweden tree currently. Love the design and sillyness lol. Again asking for the Super Pershing, I think like my 7th or 8th time asking:)
Been lurkin in the WT community to see if the game was worth the time investment. Your vids are the most entertaining and eventually got me to install! Great vids man, keep it up!
Hey Spook, I recently got the USSR IS-6 premium and it is exceptionally good. It has insane reverse speed and has the same 122 as the IS-2 except it has more armour and the torque on the IS-6 is amazing I reckon it'd make a good video. Only downsides are really the slow reload compared to other tanks in its br but the reload for the gun is pretty fast, and it bounces shells really well, and also the tight packing of the crew so low survivalbility, typical of Russian tanks tho. Uptiers are common but it performs relatively well if played right, would love to see it, love the content
I have a friend who uses proxy rounds on the tanks too, but he makes shooting aircraft out of the sky with this thing like art. I love it being called the PEZ dispenser.
I have learned through extensive bombing of BKan's that it is not considered an "Open Top" vehicle. So if the plane doesn't hit you directly with the bombs, it ain't killin you.
If ya can, do some more videos on the premiums that can kind of show how they are. I got a T-55 AM1 because I liked its looks and it seems quite fun to use
Spookston content has the best war thunder and funny doggo memes in the same place. This may or may not be because Spookston is the only one combining funny doggo and war thunder, but take that as you will.
the bKan is one of my favourite vehicles with its funny round, autoloader, anomalously good survivability and the fact that the ammo compartment can push bombs underground to disarm them.
The guys using the derp br 1.0 German arti is such a troll but not in a bad way. I do the same with the same exact tonk, and it is always funny af when u get that God mode achievement by randomly blind dropping a shell in the direction of the enemy spawn and it gets one of em.
Not sure if anybody else said it, but I think that bkan is best loaded with proxy shells only. On direct hits they work pretty much the same as the normal shells. I know that some claim they don't, but i could not see any difference. On the other hand, proxy shells are great for shooting approximate location and getting hidden light tanks. I love taking a random shot into a cap and exploding a hidden light tank. Also, with proxies, bkan becomes useful on hills. It's so satisfying taking it tanks that think they are hidden behind a depression. Finally, with only proxy shells, one is always ready for an aircraft.
I think the proper role and all the power of these vehicles is to use them for their intended purpose as field artillery. Stand behind a gentle hill, out of reach of others, and fire ammo with a proximity fuse at groups of vehicles, incapacitating several targets at once. To achieve this, you first have to get tired and play like a tank destroyer until you research fuse ammo. I saw my teammate play that with his G6. Not only that - he was also able to shoot down planes with ammunition with a proximity fuse.
Strange that the autoloader doesn't work when the power is out - as it's not really an autoloader. The gun is in fact a giant recoil-operated autocannon feeding from an en-bloc clip (that quite literally looks like someone took a garand clip and messed up the scale value in blender).
Fun fact I learned after getting the bkan…. You can over pressure mbts by hitting there 50 cals. You can knock out the crew of a super Pershing by hitting the extra armor on the turret. Also you can knock out any tank by hitting there 50 cals
My frend's favorite tank is Bkan 1c and here is a tip from him "use proxy rounds because they behave just as normal HE but if the target is more than 300m away you can shoot over it and kill him"
I really hoped that these tanks could also be used like in World of Tanks, that is, your allies mark or when they are attacking you will see coordinates and an area to aim at. air to aim/shoot (just like in arcade air battles)
oh hey i got here kinda early this time. I was going to mention in a previous video but you actually can do indirect fire as a player. I even made a video on it because of how many players accused me of cheating. It's not the most thrilling gameplay wise but if you get good at it and have a team of players you can potentially use other high caliber artillery.
The Plane hit at 1:50 ... had a similiar situation in another game, was Battleground Europe and was playing with the "mitrailleuse de 25 mm CA mle 39", a french 25 mm aa gun. Had a new player beside me and told him, dont try to shoot at enemy planes, when the marker around them is light grey, because, it means, they were over 2 km away, so i fired a 15-shell-magazine to prove my point, the last two shells hit the plane ... oh boy.
These videos have become one of my favorite parts of War Thunder. Makes me feel like I'm not alone in this horrifically inconsistent world of bad luck.
This bad luck is also retarded teammates called
Could have stopped after "world" I think? The bad luck bit isn't really relevant, it's inconsistent regardless of skill or luck.
@@iffracem No, it's luck. I swear, I have the worst luck in this game. Things like, two seconds after I set a fire on an enemy plane, it's gone, but my fires never go out no matter what I do. I get instantly pilot-sniped with shots over a kilometer away, but I can fill a plane with a couple hundred rounds at 200 meters, and it'll be perfectly fine.
It's a hard thing to describe without people just saying "skill issue" or some shit, but I swear it's not natural. Part of it is Gaijin's game being inconsistent as hell, but most is just random chance not being in my favor more often than it is.
@@ODST_Parker sounds like a skill issue to me
My favorite part of the Bkan is how ridiculously survivable it is for absolutely no reason sometimes
Survives every shell launched at it, dies to a 25 kg bomb that lands 20 meters away.
its just an RNG lmao, once i survived a swarm of ISs and Pershing while taking out some of them in this thing, and also a damned BT5 one shot me.
swedish vehicles can be like that
It's a knowledge check. They can one shot your shell-pile or 50 cal your crew but if they are shooting darts from large cannons you can survive a lot of pincushion
@@drmaulana2600 not random the bt5 was probably the only one using an APhe shell with the correct fuse
4:34 Every time I see a scenario like that, where a tiny little light vehicle gets just obliterated by a 150+mm round, it always reminds me of the, “Boss, you killed a child!” line from MGSV.
Great work, this why your the best boss!
Edit: this doing numbers. thank you guys
@@kiryu-chan1590 Oh my god we share the same fucking brain cell because I said exactly that when he did that
S rank
i was waiting for him to edit in the meme but was ultimately disappointed
imagine that in OddBawz voice
goldilocks tastes the soup:
7:37 this one is too hot
7:40 this one is too cold
7:43 this one is just right
I creased up at the *"I've fallen and I cant get up!"*
I like to use the proxy as a "top attack" round at longer ranges. just aim slightly higher than normal to aim for roofs and it usually causes pretty good damage. Just remember that it has a minimum arming distance unlike the normal HE.
nah not that great. direct hit will do more damage.
i use this vehicle on my top tier lineup for maps with chokepoints. The proxy fuze doesnt work for the mbts. the helis on the other hand...
Proxy works miracles as Anti-Air. So much explosive, pretty good fuse range, it just decimates air craft. Had alot of matches where I would just pull that out instead of my actual SPAA, to pop helicopters.
I use proxy rounds only, in my type 75 SPH, it's so dirty it's satisfying. You can kill a m18 behind a building. Once i killed an spaa, a wall away, didn't know where he was, just saw his tracers. Shot my proxy, and proxy him to death.. It's so dirty it's satisfying! it is also a moral booster. You don't need to be to afraid landing your shots correct.
Obviously it can be not so reliable as the normal HE. But from what i experienced. It doesn't happen often
@@Rio_SenpaiYT that strat on desert maps in my little ruskie tanks makes me pee a little to be honest
Video 4 of asking spookston to play a amx 50
Which one? There's like a ton of them
nah he’s gotta play the dicker max
@@Myyka_1 superbias only correct answer
6:06 I swear this was like something straight of a cartoon.
I'm just imagining some character trying to crawl out of danger, and sudenly bumping into the villan's leg.
More Swedish tanks please? Like ikv’s and strv’s?
i would love to see it too
More Sergal tanks the better!!
@@shadows4400 what does that mean
@@sillylittleowlguy2392Cheese wedge
Strf as well.
4:23 the shell went on an adventure
Shell casing
2:10 "Don't move. His vision is based on movement"
I saw him from over there and I was like “maybe he doesn’t see me” lmaoooo
You'd be amazed how many times that has worked for me. I just act like a dead tank and they'll drive right past.. Sometimes the two brain cells in their head rub together and they'll MG you and you know you are fucked.
@@SilvaDreams if you bind engine activation to a easy to access button (I play on controller) then you can just become a total ghost if someone doesn’t look at you too closely
@@user-ns4zm8qe9p even better if you use american tanks with brown paint that look like theyre dead already xD
I was the guy at 2:18 hiding in plain sight thanks for killing me with one of my favorite tanks in the game and then memeing it lmfao I’ll have you know I was two seconds away from destroying you with my FIAT heat shell!!!111!! Love the videos bro especially seeing you play some Swedes!
You should play the m4a3 105, it is decently armored and can tank a lot of shots at its BR and overpressure
I second this, the M4A3 105 is what the Tiger wanted to be. It can tank helluva shots, has a lot of pen, can overpressure, has a .50 cal, is fucking fast, and can one shot almost everything. It's incredible for sniping at long range and with ace crew (like mine) is easy to get 4-6 kills before dying by CAS.
The M4A3 (105) is absolutely disgusting in a downtier
the sealclubber
@@JohnSmith-mk5jt even in an uptier, it can and will bounce shots from a kv-2
@@JohnSmith-mk5jt Yeah, it is like beating toddlers with a bat. Having the .50 cal alone is like already having a M2A2 plus a big ass 105 mm cannon lmao
Thanks for the huge memory you brought back with the background music, Command & Conquer Generals ♥
There are only 2 kinds of players that take a 1.0 vehicle over the 6.0 br.
One time I met a 15 cm Sturmpanzer II, when I was in the tiger 2 P.
The match ended with our victory and I checked, he had 5 kills and zero deaths.
its not sturmpanzer, but once i fought a swedish team and somehow an Spj44 lead them with 5 kills, cople assists and 0 death.
this was in 6.7 match mind you.
I agree, i once killed an is 6 and a su 100 p with one shot with the sturmpanzer
Funny thing is the higher you go over 6.7 the easier it is because so many things are either a MBT with thin side armor or a light tank which all have paper armor.
Are that the swedish blow gun with 100 pen?
@@BloopTube it's a goofy little thing, have yet to be made aware of anything with a lower velocity
i recently have been grinding Sweden, found this thing a few weeks ago. It is now probably my favourite tank if not one of my favourites! something about hitting planes or tricking people with a 3.7 sec reload
Continuing the trend of Swedish autoloaders, Strv M/42 Delat Torn. It has a 3.5 second reload and with the APHE shell it boasts similar performance to the American 76 while also having about twice the HE filler.
that last plane lmfao! he probably had a heart attack when he saw you turn towards him! xD
There is another unique swedish vehicle with a fast autoloader, the S tank :)
Just here to say I hope you're doing better now after your operation, I imagine based on my own experience with surgery, that the recovery process and post treatment can feel slow but you'll get through it chief, love your content.
Since the update changed some APDS penetration stats, I'd be curious to see how that effects gameplay(if it does at all anyway).
They added like 100mm pen to brits apds but the damage and angle performance is absolute garbage now
for some reason my APDS goes straight down after penetrating. Is that normal?
@@i8yourDog nah i have same problem and it's like this with lagrge caliber apds .
@@i8yourDog That happens mainly on Russian APDS when hitting a Leo A1A1/A5 it dips 90 degrees and does 0 damage haha.
@@BARelement lol for me it's the exact opposite. My 105 APDS on the A1A1 does that every time.
Dude, I have the hardest time with this thing but the most fun at the same time!
I understand why they dont have it but I kinda wish the arty in wt had indirect fire capabilities like if you aim upwards itd show your impacts on the minimap or something.
Most of the artillery pieces we have in-game have minimum engagement ranges that exceed most maps
CAS and artillery with indirect fire mode? Sounds like a good way to end up killing ground RB mode.
The only things I can think of right nowin the game with a minimum indirect range
that fits on maps would be the Sturmpanzer II and IV and the Sturmtiger
just arc ur shots xd
Just get a spotter to help you calculate your ranges 5 head.
that moment at 5:35 had to be terrifying for your enemy lmao. firing that shot, failing, and just desperately machine gunning as you watch that massive cannon turn slowly towards you
Hello Spookston!
I'm from Sweden and I have been to the military vehicle museum called Arsenalen, they have a Bandkanon there, the prototype that reloaded even faster then the production version you just played, I will recall that it can shot 14 rounds in 45 seconds.
Thanks for the video, it was really fun to watch!
Could you play the Tiger II (H)?
It's my second time seeing Spookston taking decapitated turret for a tank. It's hilarious every time.
0:43 artelery brothers
Best ammo is proxy only, shoot above the tank and it will explode downwards, keep in mind that proxy only works if the target is more than 250m away, if under 250m it will not detonate but just fly above them, on close range its best to shoot commanders cupola or underneath the tank if possible as its insta kill
Wait so that one plane kill he really did just bitchslap it with the 155?
with proxy ammo yes like an spaa, i did it couple of times as well
@@robertharris6092they're talking about at 3:53 which was point blank
The sheer size of this artillery in real life is astounding imo
>shoots cannon
>Kills a guy
>Shoots a roof-mounted machine gun
>No hitbox
Yup, that's war thunder for ya
Ikv91 is insane especially on wide open maps, it’s a really fun vehicle overall to play
ikv91 is nuts once you get the laser rangefinder, the shell travel waaaay too slow to reliably hit otherwise.
arching it over obstacle is funny tho @@ravenof1985
I have actually learned alot about were to shoot tanks with HE from your channel. I appreciate it. GG
This is my goal for the Sweden tree currently. Love the design and sillyness lol.
Again asking for the Super Pershing, I think like my 7th or 8th time asking:)
Use Bkan 1C at top tier, ez sl
@guy- oh buddy I'm top tier in Sweden now. It's stupid good lol.
Been lurkin in the WT community to see if the game was worth the time investment. Your vids are the most entertaining and eventually got me to install! Great vids man, keep it up!
Hey Spook, I recently got the USSR IS-6 premium and it is exceptionally good. It has insane reverse speed and has the same 122 as the IS-2 except it has more armour and the torque on the IS-6 is amazing I reckon it'd make a good video. Only downsides are really the slow reload compared to other tanks in its br but the reload for the gun is pretty fast, and it bounces shells really well, and also the tight packing of the crew so low survivalbility, typical of Russian tanks tho. Uptiers are common but it performs relatively well if played right, would love to see it, love the content
Always have to make sure to get the popcorn for a new Spookston upload
Could you do the ikv-91? Pretty good light tank with a laser range finder at 7.3.
I love the IKV-91!
I love your choice in music.
it brings me back.
That Shell at the end of the Tunisia match is going to single-handedly win the war and roll to Berlin
0:02 my guy as a Swedish user all Swedish vehicles are strange except for the Finnish export
love the game and these references
The Bkan 1C is not classified as a open-top vehicle by the game, meaning a lot of stuff cant easily overpressure you
Yeah !!! Thanks for playing my request !
Spookston, is one of your favourite vehicles still the Chi-Ha Kai?
@@Spookston The Chi-Ha Kai is an insane vehicle why not make a video on it? Or maybe you already have?
2:58 squidward ahh tank bruh
This is why I love the Swedish tech tree
Speaking of Swedish tanks, you should try SAV 20.12.48 too
"this is a crap vehicle" **proceeds to have some really good games and has fun** thats the BandKannon in a nushell :)
5:37 He shot you, and his breech was still open, he was reloading.
I admire your optimism in thinking Gaijin cares enough to model that
I have a friend who uses proxy rounds on the tanks too, but he makes shooting aircraft out of the sky with this thing like art. I love it being called the PEZ dispenser.
It's so satisfying when you turn it into a flak cannon
You should play the Breda 501, seems like a vehicle you might like cosidering it's pretty speedy with a very good cannon for it's BR.
I have learned through extensive bombing of BKan's that it is not considered an "Open Top" vehicle. So if the plane doesn't hit you directly with the bombs, it ain't killin you.
If ya can, do some more videos on the premiums that can kind of show how they are.
I got a T-55 AM1 because I liked its looks and it seems quite fun to use
I don't even play the game anymore and I look forward to these videos!
Day 47 : play the L3...
He has
stop lying you didn't comment for 47 days
@@ACEWARFARE1 bro is 1y late
@@Shirt. So?
@@ACEWARFARE1 im just saying🥲..
Nice shooting! Gotta love vehicles that actually get proximity HE.
5:34 it looks like his breech was open. So the pressure wave was able to travel down the barrel and into the turret.
I refuse, I will uptier my Daimler and Hurricane to 8.3 every single time. God Mode is such an intoxicating achievement to get.
4:34 when an HE shell the size of your tank hits you you’re gonna have a bad time.
4:26 fastest things on earth:
3: lamborgini
1: a fucking empty shell rolling trou everything at the double speed of light
Spookston content has the best war thunder and funny doggo memes in the same place. This may or may not be because Spookston is the only one combining funny doggo and war thunder, but take that as you will.
Always love seeing Jim Lahey (John Dunsworth) falling down the stairs and managing to not spill a single drop of liquor
Love now when I look up Yudintsev brothers only your channel comes up..
the bKan is one of my favourite vehicles with its funny round, autoloader, anomalously good survivability and the fact that the ammo compartment can push bombs underground to disarm them.
The guys using the derp br 1.0 German arti is such a troll but not in a bad way.
I do the same with the same exact tonk, and it is always funny af when u get that God mode achievement by randomly blind dropping a shell in the direction of the enemy spawn and it gets one of em.
4:10 the world's strongest palm bush in the middle of the bomb crater.
At this point these videos are the only thing keeping me playing the game
Not sure if anybody else said it, but I think that bkan is best loaded with proxy shells only. On direct hits they work pretty much the same as the normal shells. I know that some claim they don't, but i could not see any difference. On the other hand, proxy shells are great for shooting approximate location and getting hidden light tanks. I love taking a random shot into a cap and exploding a hidden light tank. Also, with proxies, bkan becomes useful on hills. It's so satisfying taking it tanks that think they are hidden behind a depression. Finally, with only proxy shells, one is always ready for an aircraft.
had to fight this thing as a t34 was hell
Imagine if they added the Emil III with its 150mm autoloader and actual armor. The game would never recover.
5:34 bruh. I felt this mans pain.
I'm pretty sure that this isn't how G/HMCs work but it was fun to watch.
Watching these videos reinforces my belief that war thunder is a skitzo sim
It is also very good at removing spawn campers
i always found the BKan to be excessively tanky for what it is, especially when taking APHE to the crew compartment and not killing a single member
I think the proper role and all the power of these vehicles is to use them for their intended purpose as field artillery.
Stand behind a gentle hill, out of reach of others, and fire ammo with a proximity fuse at groups of vehicles, incapacitating several targets at once.
To achieve this, you first have to get tired and play like a tank destroyer until you research fuse ammo.
I saw my teammate play that with his G6. Not only that - he was also able to shoot down planes with ammunition with a proximity fuse.
4:27 the shell: “I have to go, my city needs me”
Could've sworn I heard a Jet Force Gemini laser blaster sound in this.
Fun video as always 👍
I love how you call this thing the Ban Cannon. Probably makes shooting that doomtube even more fun.
0:58 I was drinking some water and that pathetic sound effect almost made me choke and laugh it all out
Strange that the autoloader doesn't work when the power is out - as it's not really an autoloader. The gun is in fact a giant recoil-operated autocannon feeding from an en-bloc clip (that quite literally looks like someone took a garand clip and messed up the scale value in blender).
As a chad Swedish tech tree grinder, I only played Sweden just for the bkan and I love ever second of it
Fun fact I learned after getting the bkan…. You can over pressure mbts by hitting there 50 cals. You can knock out the crew of a super Pershing by hitting the extra armor on the turret. Also you can knock out any tank by hitting there 50 cals
My frend's favorite tank is Bkan 1c and here is a tip from him "use proxy rounds because they behave just as normal HE but if the target is more than 300m away you can shoot over it and kill him"
Spook you need to play the new AMX-50 (TO90/930)! It's legitimately my favorite French tank now, great for a player like yourself!
Its weird that this thing is actually an artillery tank but yet it doesn't get ARTILLERY like other tanks get
I really hoped that these tanks could also be used like in World of Tanks, that is, your allies mark or when they are attacking you will see coordinates and an area to aim at. air to aim/shoot (just like in arcade air battles)
oh hey i got here kinda early this time. I was going to mention in a previous video but you actually can do indirect fire as a player. I even made a video on it because of how many players accused me of cheating. It's not the most thrilling gameplay wise but if you get good at it and have a team of players you can potentially use other high caliber artillery.
I like that the C&C generals background music is bring played in the background. Nice
I WAS SEARCHING FOR THIS EXACT COMMENT! Too bad many people dont play it anymore. it was and still fun af
I do believe that Sturmpanzer is just farming God Modes for silver lions. Makes sense
"Where am I supposed to shoot this thing?"
Gotta love answering your own question right as you finish asking it. 😁😁
@4:26 the can of chef Boyardee's following me home after my mom made me put it back
That aircraft kill was insane.
"It fires very quickly"
Why does everything make me feel personally attacked
The Plane hit at 1:50 ... had a similiar situation in another game, was Battleground Europe and was playing with the "mitrailleuse de 25 mm CA mle 39", a french 25 mm aa gun. Had a new player beside me and told him, dont try to shoot at enemy planes, when the marker around them is light grey, because, it means, they were over 2 km away, so i fired a 15-shell-magazine to prove my point, the last two shells hit the plane ... oh boy.
I hope they add animations to open top vehicles of the crew reloading the cannons
Just wanna say i love your War thunder content. Its actually super entertaining
7:35 This tank's life is just PAIN.
Proof we need the PzH 2000