isn't it weird that the final boss is a ball? and that you're fighting it whilst playing as a dog? it's like the ultimate game of fetch, but its to the death.
Hailey Higginbotham yeah but the problem is it wasn’t developed by clover studios which is now named platinum so they did make some mistakes and ruined some scenes We need more Videogames where the background characters actually encourage the main protagonist to help to defeat the main antagonist instead of being useless cowards.
Probably the closest I've every came to actually crying over a video game. What's even MORE sad though is the fact that this franchise hasn't continued in to the next generation. Easily one of the most underrated games of all time. At least as far as the general public is concerned.
DuckTalesWooHoo1987 You know while it is sad this franchise hasn't continued. Let's be honest what other stories can they tell? I suppose they could do a game about Shiranui's Journey but I feel this game doesn't need a sequel. So long as this can be played by future generations through the likes of PSN I'll be happy.
Seems like they could just go the Zelda route and basically always tell stories about Amaterasu the way they do with Link. It's almost like there's a Link for every time period or "universe" or whatever and couldn't they just do the same with this franchise?
DuckTalesWooHoo1987 No that's Zelda's thing and even then they actually have a plotline that connects all the games together. I'm personally not bothered about it but I know people freak out if the games aren't connected. I personally feel that just because a game was good doesn't mean a sequel must be made. I'd rather have one fantastic game than have it go the of Sonic the Hedgehog
Well Capcom goes sequel and spinoff crazy for Resident Evil and Street Fighter, and I love BOTH of those series. But then with great games like Okami and Viewtiful Joe they sorta just give up on them. There are TONS of cool things that could be done with an Okami sequel if it were on Wii U because of the potential the gamepad adds. I agree about Sonic though and I'm not saying that I want tons of sequels but just because they make at least a trilogy or something it wouldn't mean they'd have to keep on making them.
DuckTalesWooHoo1987 Well I have a different outlook on games in that I care more for the story than the gameplay and I just hate it that needless sequels are made for franchises that quite frankly don't need them. If they do make a sequel I will happily lap it up. I plan to play okamiden when I get the chance.
21:33 and onward is the first time I cried and shouted "Fuck yes" to a game. You get your ass kicked, and every friend you've made on the journey perks you up, and restores you to your former glory so that you can fight back twice as hard. And really, this whole fight was badass.Giant Susano slicing Yami when you summon the moon, Queen Himiko's Ghost appearing as protection when you activate the celestial brush; this boss fight, like everything else in this game, is a work of art as well as a true masterpiece.
This game is an emotional roller coaster.... I had no idea that this game existed but thankfully i found this game on the nintendo switch in 2020. The game was slow at first especially the introduction, but this game pulled me in and made me curious how the story was going to end. Because at multiple points i thought the story was going to end but it keeps on going. The characters, the game play, the setting, the boss fights, and the music are all great. And the conclusion is a tear jerker, epic, and i am satisfied/happy that i could play this game in my lifetime.
amaterasu - " imma beat you by drawing a circle!" yami - "how is drawing a circle going to help you?" *summons the motherfreakin' sun* yami - "well f***."
Even if the fight was bad sadly. I actually loved this moment and played like the boss is my little brother so I don't want to let him loose badly. OK IT WAS FOR THE MUSIC TOO
Yep. Yami and the fact that Issun wasn’t with her is essentially the boulder that. The mirror that helps Amaterasu is Issun and him fulfilling his role as Ammy’s celestial envoy
Just finished the game... One of the most amazing experiences I've had in my life as a gamer, and quite frankly, as a person. What a brilliant work of art.
if u played the remastered the ending song was cut...the original version has a beautiful song that makes rhe ending 100x more beautiful go listen to it
My God, as soon as the credits started I was in tears... During the credits I kept saying to myself "I FINISHED IT, I'M SO SAD THE AMAZING JOURNEY AND TALE OF AMATERASU IS FINISHED..." (Although I was glad at the same time) Throughout my first playthrough I was so determined to finish Okami also I couldn't put down my controller from the epic adventure I was having. I will never forget this amazing, beautiful unique adventure. Okami is officially in my top 5 favourite game of all time.
I thought the exact same thing! In fact I was so determined, I finished it at 3 AM on Saturday or maybe it was even a Sunday night. I was so satisfied with the ending, but pissed because there wasn't a post game because I wanted to keep playing, I didn't want to let go. I grew to love the characters, the art style and the music. I was in love with the game. I had never played anything else like it! I didn't sleep much for the next three days because my mind was blown and working, trying to process "Omg its over I actually finished it..." Then I taught myself Sumi-e painting. It is definitely in my top 5 as well along with Undertale, Skyrim, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon in no particular order. Okami truly impacted me as a gamer and a person. If anyone is reading this.... thank you for listening.
I remember how much I wanted this game when it came out. I didn't get it though, then one day 6 years later I saw a used copy at Gamestop (how lucky was I?) and I remembered how much I wanted it so I picked it up. I got home, started playing it, and couldn't put it down until I had beaten it. 6 years of waiting was completely worth it and it is still my favorite game of all time to this day.
I just realized that the ball is supposed to represent the Boulder in the story of Amaterasu. In her story, after Susano-o insulted and disgraced her, she hid herself in a cave and covered it with a boulder out of depression. In that time, the sun was gone, and people lived in fear and darkness. The gods rallied together, trying to coax Amaterasu out of her cave. They planned a ruse, where they arranged an entire festival just outside her cave. The music, the cheering, and the sound of laughter drew Amaterasu's curiosity and decided to peek, asking the gods why they were celebrating despite the world being in darkness. They told her "why it's because we have someone more glorious than you!" and in order to see who this person was, was met with her own reflection instead. In that moment, Tajikarao, a god of incredible strength, threw the boulder wide open, thus restoring light to the world.
all i ask is for kamiya to give me something as triumphant as issun's monologue with the celestials restoring ammy's powers with that final shot of the camera angling it to look like she is smirking.
21:33 forward is just plain beautiful and if you're really invested in the story is an unbelievable explosion of emotion, all the journey spirals to this big climax. I cried when I was younger playing for the first time, I cried replaying the game now. Such an underrated piece of art, one of the few games you can feel its soul, you play it and you know it was made with love. All my love to everyone involved in the creation of Okami, thanks for the wonderful experience that'll never forget.
if u played the remastered on anything other than the original ps2 ur missing out on the beautiful ending song that was cut. i played this when it first came out after seeing it on XPLAY and my god what a roller coasted of emotions
2006 Overall Game of the Year winner 2006 Japan Media Arts Festival winner 2007 Japan game Award winner Most critically acclaimed video game starring an animal character(guinness record) Although it is low in terms of sales, the evaluation is very high. If the ratings are low, a sequel or high-quality version will never be released in the first place. Sales of the high-quality version exceeded 1 million copies.
8 years ago i still remember after i sealed orochi away again after 50 hours like "finally did it!" then bam +40 more hours for the real ending like wtf genius game :D
@@Patricknotstarr it took me almost 100 hours to complete the game too, which is about twice as much as average 😊 I guess Jay and I enjoy long playthroughs
I came to the comments section because i wanted to make sure i wasn’t the only one who CRIED BECAUSE IT WAS SO EPIC AND NOW I JUST FEEL SO SATISFIED UGH BEST GAME SRSLY.
I kinda regret finishing this game in the middle of the night because I was so damn tired and couldn’t fully appreciate what was happening. This game is up there with some of my favorites and I’m so glad I finally got around to playing it.
Yep it sure was! god I love Issun this story was so good. Good enough to write a book out of it, but alas the story MUST BE told by pictures, for it is pure ARTWORK
I have to say, the most brilliant thing about this whole boss is after amaterasu receives her prayers and the boss fight starts again, you yourself draw the sun into the sky.
I am not ashamed, but proud, to say that I cried and still cry every time I see this scene. I always wanted to play this game, but could not play it until I got the HD version for Switch. The ending was so emotional. I think this hit me harder because one of my dog's (an akita inu) is named Amaterasu because of the goddess and because of this game, which I played years after Amaterasu was born at my house.
Still my favorite boss fight in all of gaming, and it's because of the music. In the very end there is no desperate feel to the music. It's the standard open world theme. It is a piece of hope. It's not can we defeat Yami, Yami has already lost, defeating him is just a formality
Yes because "You`d best show my brush the respect it deserves!" Kinda clues you in on the possibility of the narrorator being Issun. (When I said Yes I meant maybe)
Raven At first I thought it was Waka/Nagi because after you defeat that mist inside the emperor's stomache he said "It rushed like it had a rendezvous with a lost friend" or something and the only character that speaks lines with French words is Waka/Nagi... ARGH the last cutscene got me it sounded like Issun
It's Issun. Here's how you know: The way he talks and how he mentioned "You haven't figured out how only I knew this story" part meant it was Issun. Issun was there for Amy the whole time apart from the battle, but as a celestial envoy he would have access to the details of the battle.
I always become a sniveling mess when Issun truly takes on the mantle of the Wandering Artist as a Celestial Envoy like no other before him. He was in Ammy's thoughts to the very end, that partner in crime. He really came through.
I'm glad to see I'm not the only crybaby here! I remember seeing that cutscene for the first time when this game first came out and having tears run down my cheeks. Such a beautiful game.
since this game i never see my Siberian husky doggy the same, i really love her!!!! i thought to put her the name of "amy" but my girlfriend just say me im crazy! haha!, i just love the animals, and the dogs...greetings for everyone. :D
Just finished playing this game again. 14 years later, I still cried like a kid at that Issun scene. There are some things that didn't hold up - like how slow the game is - but as a whole it still hold up and the high is still as good as I remember. This game is so good man.
I always loved how happy Ammy was to see Waka again, cos not only cos she’s happy he’s still alive, but also I think when she regained her powers, she also finally got back all her memories and fully remembered who Ushiwaka is
I've played this game like five times and beating it and it still gives me chills I wish there was another sequel to the celestial plains this game is truly breathtakingly beautiful
It cracked me up bc I thought the game would end after you killed orochi but it kept going on after each boss battle I was like more??? And then the Ark set off I was like aight we going to the next zone! But it actually ended 😂
Finish this masterpiece today on series s. Amazing game, longest time i took to beat a game. 60 hours. My second one was mgs3 snake eater half that time. Must read slow. Anyways worth every second
Don't underestimate the power of friendship. I wish I could have some friends spiritually back me up during my last moment at the exam with a nice soundtrack. lel
i love how the game goes about dehumanizing yami so you can truly percieve him as the ultimate evil, he isn't humanoid, not even a animal like creature, he's just a machine that doesn't even talk (he does have that little seal fish thing inside him that could be his true form but it's not something that the game really focus on)
i hope you're still alive, random fellow on the internet... because if you are, you already know why i'm commenting. you saw the game awards. she's back. the sun is back. Amaterasu Okami is back!
I've been playing this off and on for a couple months, and put off playing the ending for several weeks bc life. When I finally got back to it I was a little sad how short it was. And I legit thought we were going to be able to visit the Celestial Plain, go to the moon, find Kaguya again somewhere 😭 Ugh the loose ends of this game. It was great though. Now I feel like I need to play it again just to get a more fluid experience of the story 😂
me playing the third act portion of okami: geez this game really starts to drag towards the end... its age definitely shows me playing the final boss of okami: this is da best game ever
I remember the first time the ball opened and there was just lmao I remember using brush strokes against this boss once I earned them all back. And Crescent was actually the most satisfying to me lol. The game was so nicely done, I immediately started my new file with the upgrades and still had fun.
Wow, the end of this game is EPIC! It's so amazing seeing this brave wolf take on the monstrosity that has her kind could never fully conquer for so long... The ball But jokes aside, this game is truly stunning
It was a fanfic named "The Twilight Will" that introduced me to this game. A canon divergent crossover with "Kingdom Hearts" in which one of the worlds visited was this one (and I gotta say, this game really fits "KH" vibes incredibly well, I'm glad I got to know this game). Oh ! And unlike what most might think, Roxas is the protagonist, not Sora, since this story is a "what if" of sorts. I'm a bit sad though. Sad, because many of the deaths and other tragedies such as Waka getting an honorable end are averted in the fanfic. Which is why I'm gonna do what I do best when I prefer fanfic over the canon material... I'm gonna live in denial regarding the canon material.
The problem with that game is, the original team that made Ôkami don't did make that one. Even in that game Ammy is a "he." So Ôkami never get a sequel.
you know exactly why you're here
"Our journey is far from over."
Thank the Gods... He was right all along
isn't it weird that the final boss is a ball? and that you're fighting it whilst playing as a dog? it's like the ultimate game of fetch, but its to the death.
is furball !!
There could be symbolism to it being a ball. Being wrapped up in darkness, closed up and never seeing the world maybe?
oml you're so right I never thought of it that way now I'm dying.
That ball is the most annoying thing in tansunoko vs capcom
actually you are fighting a fish in a fishbowl
"I can tell you the rest of the story some other time"
Its time for the sequel, Issun
they made one called okamiden :3
Hailey Higginbotham yeah but the problem is it wasn’t developed by clover studios which is now named platinum so they did make some mistakes and ruined some scenes
@@hailo__art Yeah, about that...
I have good news...
@@sevilzook9199 Our prayers have finally been heard...
That cutscene is one of the most emotional moments in gaming history.
Radical Ed and it's a lightning that is likely to never strike again
damn right I cried
Shit, damn right. I cried when I finished the game over a decade ago, but I didn't expect it to hit me again today.
We need more Videogames where the background characters actually encourage the main protagonist to help to defeat the main antagonist instead of being useless cowards.
Probably the closest I've every came to actually crying over a video game. What's even MORE sad though is the fact that this franchise hasn't continued in to the next generation. Easily one of the most underrated games of all time. At least as far as the general public is concerned.
DuckTalesWooHoo1987 You know while it is sad this franchise hasn't continued. Let's be honest what other stories can they tell? I suppose they could do a game about Shiranui's Journey but I feel this game doesn't need a sequel. So long as this can be played by future generations through the likes of PSN I'll be happy.
Seems like they could just go the Zelda route and basically always tell stories about Amaterasu the way they do with Link. It's almost like there's a Link for every time period or "universe" or whatever and couldn't they just do the same with this franchise?
DuckTalesWooHoo1987 No that's Zelda's thing and even then they actually have a plotline that connects all the games together. I'm personally not bothered about it but I know people freak out if the games aren't connected. I personally feel that just because a game was good doesn't mean a sequel must be made. I'd rather have one fantastic game than have it go the of Sonic the Hedgehog
Well Capcom goes sequel and spinoff crazy for Resident Evil and Street Fighter, and I love BOTH of those series. But then with great games like Okami and Viewtiful Joe they sorta just give up on them. There are TONS of cool things that could be done with an Okami sequel if it were on Wii U because of the potential the gamepad adds. I agree about Sonic though and I'm not saying that I want tons of sequels but just because they make at least a trilogy or something it wouldn't mean they'd have to keep on making them.
DuckTalesWooHoo1987 Well I have a different outlook on games in that I care more for the story than the gameplay and I just hate it that needless sequels are made for franchises that quite frankly don't need them. If they do make a sequel I will happily lap it up. I plan to play okamiden when I get the chance.
People at 12 AM: Sleeping
Me at 12 AM: watching a wolf God beating the shit out of a ball
“What a long and winding road it’s been, eh, ma chérie?”
when everyone prayed... I so wanted to cry and cheer at the same time
I cried and cheered.
+Fandom Trash i cry every time, this game is amazing =')
I cried when Ammy howled but Issun was no there :(
OK, I admit it, I totally cried.
You're not the only one.
Me too.
I almost did as well but I'm too dead inside.
no excuses this time I totally admit it too
21:33 and onward is the first time I cried and shouted "Fuck yes" to a game. You get your ass kicked, and every friend you've made on the journey perks you up, and restores you to your former glory so that you can fight back twice as hard.
And really, this whole fight was badass.Giant Susano slicing Yami when you summon the moon, Queen Himiko's Ghost appearing as protection when you activate the celestial brush; this boss fight, like everything else in this game, is a work of art as well as a true masterpiece.
This game is an emotional roller coaster.... I had no idea that this game existed but thankfully i found this game on the nintendo switch in 2020. The game was slow at first especially the introduction, but this game pulled me in and made me curious how the story was going to end. Because at multiple points i thought the story was going to end but it keeps on going. The characters, the game play, the setting, the boss fights, and the music are all great. And the conclusion is a tear jerker, epic, and i am satisfied/happy that i could play this game in my lifetime.
Woaah that's amazing, finally i see someone new falling in love with this game, this game is a precious experience.
Here's to hoping it comes out on the newest gen too so more ppl can experience it
amaterasu - " imma beat you by drawing a circle!"
yami - "how is drawing a circle going to help you?"
*summons the motherfreakin' sun*
yami - "well f***."
@29:05 when Ammy becomes the great Shiranui again and "The Sun Rises" starts playing... EPIC CHILLS!
Even if the fight was bad sadly. I actually loved this moment and played like the boss is my little brother so I don't want to let him loose badly. OK IT WAS FOR THE MUSIC TOO
Same bro I got chills
Nah, it's when Shiranui become Ammy again.
Shiranui are the name of the wolf given by the mortal
I like how they added in the myth of Amaterasu hiding in a cave with the others complimenting her to get her out again.
+RainSaffy123 Right?! Okami is a such a masterpiece, even its details are epic.
I never noticed!
Yep. Yami and the fact that Issun wasn’t with her is essentially the boulder that. The mirror that helps Amaterasu is Issun and him fulfilling his role as Ammy’s celestial envoy
Just finished the game... One of the most amazing experiences I've had in my life as a gamer, and quite frankly, as a person.
What a brilliant work of art.
+José Pestana Same here. Okami was a truly invaluable experience for me.
I love it myself. Best game ever made. The story. Writing and design. Who need hi def
if u played the remastered the ending song was cut...the original version has a beautiful song that makes rhe ending 100x more beautiful go listen to it
@@Asachara nope, played the original, and I actually prefer the song they used in the HD version =)
@@x.kalibre whatttt reset was amazing tho and so emotional.
You know why you're here
Okami sequel officially announced with Kamija as director baby !!!!
My God, as soon as the credits started I was in tears... During the credits I kept saying to myself "I FINISHED IT, I'M SO SAD THE AMAZING JOURNEY AND TALE OF AMATERASU IS FINISHED..." (Although I was glad at the same time) Throughout my first playthrough I was so determined to finish Okami also I couldn't put down my controller from the epic adventure I was having. I will never forget this amazing, beautiful unique adventure. Okami is officially in my top 5 favourite game of all time.
+Rebecca Cooper I'm actually feeling all of that right now =)
In my top 5 too
I thought the exact same thing! In fact I was so determined, I finished it at 3 AM on Saturday or maybe it was even a Sunday night. I was so satisfied with the ending, but pissed because there wasn't a post game because I wanted to keep playing, I didn't want to let go. I grew to love the characters, the art style and the music. I was in love with the game. I had never played anything else like it! I didn't sleep much for the next three days because my mind was blown and working, trying to process "Omg its over I actually finished it..." Then I taught myself Sumi-e painting. It is definitely in my top 5 as well along with Undertale, Skyrim, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon in no particular order. Okami truly impacted me as a gamer and a person. If anyone is reading this.... thank you for listening.
I remember how much I wanted this game when it came out. I didn't get it though, then one day 6 years later I saw a used copy at Gamestop (how lucky was I?) and I remembered how much I wanted it so I picked it up.
I got home, started playing it, and couldn't put it down until I had beaten it. 6 years of waiting was completely worth it and it is still my favorite game of all time to this day.
if u played the remastered ur missing the beautiful song at the end of the original ps2 how the ending was meant to be
It's so sad when Amy thought there was Issun with her ...
It really was it goes to show how close they had become the whole boss battle hit me hard with the feels
Who's Amy? Oooh! Ammy*
Myy100 no need for the sarcasm my friend
Yeah...I was too glad thinking about Issun returning that I didn't suspect it could be an ilusion to get my guard down.
I just realized that the ball is supposed to represent the Boulder in the story of Amaterasu. In her story, after Susano-o insulted and disgraced her, she hid herself in a cave and covered it with a boulder out of depression.
In that time, the sun was gone, and people lived in fear and darkness. The gods rallied together, trying to coax Amaterasu out of her cave. They planned a ruse, where they arranged an entire festival just outside her cave.
The music, the cheering, and the sound of laughter drew Amaterasu's curiosity and decided to peek, asking the gods why they were celebrating despite the world being in darkness. They told her "why it's because we have someone more glorious than you!" and in order to see who this person was, was met with her own reflection instead.
In that moment, Tajikarao, a god of incredible strength, threw the boulder wide open, thus restoring light to the world.
Welp. We are all here today thanks to the recommendation tab and The Game Awards. Ōkami sequel coming soon!
all i ask is for kamiya to give me something as triumphant as issun's monologue with the celestials restoring ammy's powers with that final shot of the camera angling it to look like she is smirking.
21:33 forward is just plain beautiful and if you're really invested in the story is an unbelievable explosion of emotion, all the journey spirals to this big climax. I cried when I was younger playing for the first time, I cried replaying the game now. Such an underrated piece of art, one of the few games you can feel its soul, you play it and you know it was made with love. All my love to everyone involved in the creation of Okami, thanks for the wonderful experience that'll never forget.
If this doesnt make you cry, Nothing Does, what a Beautiful Story.
Okamia is probably the most under-rated, but yet, best game ever made.
Such a shame people don't know this game as much.
if u played the remastered on anything other than the original ps2 ur missing out on the beautiful ending song that was cut. i played this when it first came out after seeing it on XPLAY and my god what a roller coasted of emotions
2006 Overall Game of the Year winner
2006 Japan Media Arts Festival winner
2007 Japan game Award winner
Most critically acclaimed video game starring an animal character(guinness record)
Although it is low in terms of sales, the evaluation is very high. If the ratings are low, a sequel or high-quality version will never be released in the first place. Sales of the high-quality version exceeded 1 million copies.
@@Asacharawhat song was cutted?
28:47 I just remember crying and laying out of the most satisfying beatdowns of my life.
8 years ago i still remember after i sealed orochi away again after 50 hours like "finally did it!" then bam +40 more hours for the real ending like wtf genius game :D
How’d it take 50 hours to beat Orochi??
@@Patricknotstarr it took me almost 100 hours to complete the game too, which is about twice as much as average 😊 I guess Jay and I enjoy long playthroughs
Yami: "why do i hear boss music?"
Amaterasu: "yes... but its not yours..."
First game I ever cried/felt emotion to back when i was a kid
I've never cried more over a videogame, the music always gets me
I came to the comments section because i wanted to make sure i wasn’t the only one who CRIED BECAUSE IT WAS SO EPIC AND NOW I JUST FEEL SO SATISFIED UGH BEST GAME SRSLY.
The final battle and the scene before it and the ship sailing to the sky. Bring me to game ever made
I kinda regret finishing this game in the middle of the night because I was so damn tired and couldn’t fully appreciate what was happening. This game is up there with some of my favorites and I’m so glad I finally got around to playing it.
I bet the narrator was actually issun but older
It was
Yep it sure was! god I love Issun this story was so good. Good enough to write a book out of it, but alas the story MUST BE told by pictures, for it is pure ARTWORK
That makes the entire game so much sweeter, oh my stars!
Good games never get old
The shamisen work alone is gorgeous. That should tell you how much detail went into the game.
I have to say, the most brilliant thing about this whole boss is after amaterasu receives her prayers and the boss fight starts again, you yourself draw the sun into the sky.
The art direction in the game is INSANE.
it's incredible that I played this 1.5 years ago and this still makes me cry! truly a game that stands the test of time :')
I just finished the HD remake after years of first completing it on Wii and I totally forgot they went with the “my people need me” ending😅
Finished it again yesterday after 7 years....such a beautiful game :')
Thank you Okami, not only did I fight the final boss, but also the tears in my eyes.
All this time and this game is still a true work of art. Just got done playing the switch version and I loved every moment of it!
I've finished this game for the first time in 2022. A timeless masterpiece I found.
The Issun illusion always breaks my heart
I am not ashamed, but proud, to say that I cried and still cry every time I see this scene.
I always wanted to play this game, but could not play it until I got the HD version for Switch. The ending was so emotional. I think this hit me harder because one of my dog's (an akita inu) is named Amaterasu because of the goddess and because of this game, which I played years after Amaterasu was born at my house.
Still my favorite boss fight in all of gaming, and it's because of the music. In the very end there is no desperate feel to the music. It's the standard open world theme. It is a piece of hope. It's not can we defeat Yami, Yami has already lost, defeating him is just a formality
I cry just by hearing the last boss battle music
you mean YOUR music?
I was smiling in delight at that scene when everyone prays. Then in awesomeness at the fight afterwards.
Oh my god is issun telling the story
Yes because "You`d best show my brush the respect it deserves!" Kinda clues you in on the possibility of the narrorator being Issun. (When I said Yes I meant maybe)
Raven At first I thought it was Waka/Nagi because after you defeat that mist inside the emperor's stomache he said "It rushed like it had a rendezvous with a lost friend" or something and the only character that speaks lines with French words is Waka/Nagi... ARGH the last cutscene got me it sounded like Issun
It's Issun. Here's how you know: The way he talks and how he mentioned "You haven't figured out how only I knew this story" part meant it was Issun. Issun was there for Amy the whole time apart from the battle, but as a celestial envoy he would have access to the details of the battle.
I always become a sniveling mess when Issun truly takes on the mantle of the Wandering Artist as a Celestial Envoy like no other before him. He was in Ammy's thoughts to the very end, that partner in crime. He really came through.
i definitely pop this open to 21:00 or so and sit down for a cry now and then
I'm glad to see I'm not the only crybaby here! I remember seeing that cutscene for the first time when this game first came out and having tears run down my cheeks. Such a beautiful game.
who knew that the most evil thing is a fish
Or a Dodge Ball LOLOL
And we beat that fish by drawing circles.
When I beat the game as a kid I totally cried at that cutscene.
I just finished it. it's definitely one of my favorite videogames ever!!
*sniff* I'm...I'm not crying....who the hell is cutting onions?!
sorry... but I really enjoy cutting onions during bad times
since this game i never see my Siberian husky doggy the same, i really love her!!!! i thought to put her the name of "amy" but my girlfriend just say me im crazy! haha!, i just love the animals, and the dogs...greetings for everyone. :D
I love this game with the bottom of my heart
I couldn't record for some reason, so thank you very much for this video, means a lot ❤
Ive never even heard of the game before and that clip at the start was the first thing I saw about this game but I already want to cry
The tears, they won't stop, help
Just finished playing this game again. 14 years later, I still cried like a kid at that Issun scene. There are some things that didn't hold up - like how slow the game is - but as a whole it still hold up and the high is still as good as I remember. This game is so good man.
29:03 smile back. lol
What a surprise that the Bakugan ball is actually one of the best video game final boss battles.
I always loved how happy Ammy was to see Waka again, cos not only cos she’s happy he’s still alive, but also I think when she regained her powers, she also finally got back all her memories and fully remembered who Ushiwaka is
I beat this game twice! Such a good game!
tears every time
21:44 click here for instant tears
damn you, i cant stop my tears
I've played this game like five times and beating it and it still gives me chills I wish there was another sequel to the celestial plains this game is truly breathtakingly beautiful
It cracked me up bc I thought the game would end after you killed orochi but it kept going on after each boss battle I was like more??? And then the Ark set off I was like aight we going to the next zone! But it actually ended 😂
Finish this masterpiece today on series s. Amazing game, longest time i took to beat a game. 60 hours. My second one was mgs3 snake eater half that time. Must read slow. Anyways worth every second
I'm not crying at 3 o clock in the morning. I'm not! It's just rain damn it! Damn this was a tearjerker.
This is beautiful, but it's different to the original! Where's "Reset", the song that played in the PS2 version? I was waiting for it!
Maybe a copyright issue with Ayaka Hirahara
That build up to full power always had me go "LETS GO"
Don't underestimate the power of friendship.
I wish I could have some friends spiritually back me up during my last moment at the exam with a nice soundtrack. lel
I only caught something in my eye... *sniffle*
Even here, you guys are everywhere ;-;
Yeah, I cried... A lot.
I love Okami!
The howl at 6:24 tells that shit ia gonna get REALLY serious.
i love how the game goes about dehumanizing yami so you can truly percieve him as the ultimate evil, he isn't humanoid, not even a animal like creature, he's just a machine that doesn't even talk (he does have that little seal fish thing inside him that could be his true form but it's not something that the game really focus on)
Yeah, I really cried.
It's just too emotional and beautiful, just perfect.
We need an Okami 2.
Not Okamiden, Okami 2.
i hope you're still alive, random fellow on the internet... because if you are, you already know why i'm commenting. you saw the game awards.
she's back. the sun is back. Amaterasu Okami is back!
@@MrRukrio1 In the name of everything that is good in this world.
I think I never felt so happy for such a short video.
I miss this game , I been playing this since childhood :(
This game is available for PS3, PS4 and PC on steam
Seeing this game in 2024 brings back fond memories i absolutely loved this game
I've been playing this off and on for a couple months, and put off playing the ending for several weeks bc life. When I finally got back to it I was a little sad how short it was. And I legit thought we were going to be able to visit the Celestial Plain, go to the moon, find Kaguya again somewhere 😭 Ugh the loose ends of this game. It was great though. Now I feel like I need to play it again just to get a more fluid experience of the story 😂
I always cry when I play this...
This is a game that… I played maybe 15 mins in total more than 2 decades ago. But for some reason this game has always been In my heart
This is the first game where the portag got a power boost and i was like "LETS GO"
me playing the third act portion of okami: geez this game really starts to drag towards the end... its age definitely shows
me playing the final boss of okami: this is da best game ever
For a benevolent force of nature such as amaterasu, I imagine any demon would shit themselves if they heard the terrifying absolute ROAR that is 6:24
This is my Childhood game, I cried in the end. I honestly want more.
I love that the final boss was a giant hand, which represents the main thing that performs acts of evil, the fish confused me though.
I remember the first time the ball opened and there was just lmao
I remember using brush strokes against this boss once I earned them all back. And Crescent was actually the most satisfying to me lol.
The game was so nicely done, I immediately started my new file with the upgrades and still had fun.
you do now that crescent is a good move at that point
Wow, the end of this game is EPIC!
It's so amazing seeing this brave wolf take on the monstrosity that has her kind could never fully conquer for so long...
The ball
But jokes aside, this game is truly stunning
im ready for GOTY.
It was a fanfic named "The Twilight Will" that introduced me to this game. A canon divergent crossover with "Kingdom Hearts" in which one of the worlds visited was this one (and I gotta say, this game really fits "KH" vibes incredibly well, I'm glad I got to know this game). Oh ! And unlike what most might think, Roxas is the protagonist, not Sora, since this story is a "what if" of sorts.
I'm a bit sad though. Sad, because many of the deaths and other tragedies such as Waka getting an honorable end are averted in the fanfic. Which is why I'm gonna do what I do best when I prefer fanfic over the canon material... I'm gonna live in denial regarding the canon material.
Hideki Kamiya mentioned that he had some ideas for Okami 2, Let's all hope and pray for it to become a reality
Didn't it come out to DS?
Yeah. There was a sequel called Okamiden for the DS where you played as Ammy's son, Chibi.
The problem with that game is, the original team that made Ôkami don't did make that one. Even in that game Ammy is a "he." So Ôkami never get a sequel.
I don't really want a sequel. A sequel to perfection can never live up to the original.
@@ninetailedfox579121 this.