When I was first starting to play, after I had done the campaigns and a few games against the AI, I played 2 v 2s because I figured I'd be able to watch what my team mates do and maybe get carried by them a little while I learned how to play better. In one of my first matches, I accidentally placed my supply depot in a position to wall off the ramp in my base - not realising it only led to a backbase. My teammate started swearing and all capsing in the chat about it, which made me look what he was doing and that's when I realised my mistake. I sent an scv to build a second depot to help him wall off the big ramp, but it was too late. He was fully enraged, spamming about how every game he ends up with noobs that make him lose and stuff like that. Then he made all his workers kill my command center. I GGd in all chat, and explained to the enemy team how they had won without even interacting with us yet, that my ally had just killed my command center. Then I queued up for another game and got the same guy on my team, and he did it again, still with caps lock on flaming in the chat. So I GGd, and queued up again. Annoyingly, I got the same guy on my team AGAIN, and he did the same thing. I know now I should have just waited a little while before queueing up. However, I'm glad I didn't and this is why. The next match I got a zerg on my team, and the flaming guy was on the enemy team. I explained in all chat to his teammate what had just happened just to name and shame him, and so my ally knew what was at stake here. Then I played my nooby little heart out. Nothing fancy, just marine marauder medivac play, but my macro in the game was the best I had ever achieved. With my honor at stake, I was making sure I kept my economy rolling, always building up my army and upgrades. My zerg team mate did an amazing job harassing the enemy team with lurkers, stopping every move out in its tracks and keeping them down to a maximum of 3 bases each. When the time came, I rolled over the poor enemy team-mate who had not wronged me, simply because he was in the way. A huge all in frontal assault, and he GGd. I should mention as well the flamey guy had been talking trash to me all game in the chat, but I had not been responding, just macroing with every bit of my power. But once he was left as the sole surviving enemy, I started to poke back a little. "Who's the noob now?" I asked, which he of course did not seem to like. I got my armies surrounding his territory and realised something funny. He had attempted to transition into mass thors after my zerg friend had been crushing all his squishy bio moveouts with lurkers. Thors with barely any upgrades. "Mass thors? Genius!" I told him ironically while my 3/3 men with guns turned his giant death robots into swiss cheese. But now he was quiet. Me and my ally pushed in towards his bases, and he left the game. No GG of course, but I didn't need him to say it to know that it was, in fact, a very good game. The revenge was sweet.
i dont know what it is about Blizz games but they just attract all of the worst people imaginable. this shit does not happen in other RTS games like RA2 or AOE2, everyone is pretty considerate and polite. this only happens in BW, WC3, and SC2, and, like, no other RTS game, at all.
Not just this episode but in general, it seems like there's a pretty big overlap in the Venn diagram of people that are super salty and whiney and people that choose the mecha-zerg skin.
I love Patches' chillness. On the other hand, MetalBeard was complaining SO ironically that I have to wonder if he was using it as a distraction tactic. Irony in that he's complaining about F2 A-move while building the most F2 A-move army possible, but then also complaining when the Terran does micro even a little. I get that some people really do lose their minds when they're upset, but real balance arguments are like Terran bases. You got your main which you don't want them to look at and a few defended bases in front. MetalBeard has two bases, 3 Planetaries for each of them, and if you engage into a troll build like that it'll be your own dang fault.
Just discovered this channel a few days ago and this video was comedy gold 🤣😂🤣😂 I grew up playing war2 and original starcraft in the 90s but been without a computer for many yrs until recently. I watched some vids of pro sc2 league yrs back and have been excited to finally play as i just bought the game a few weeks ago. You definitely have some awesome tutorial and training vids which have been helpful as ive been away from RTS for over 20yrs and am extremely rusty lol. So much has been added to this game compared to original & BW. I have bearded dragons for pets and love talking to people from AU, i am a classic trance vinyl only DJ and a couple of my subscribers live over there. One is also a DJ and lives in the outback and he tells me that he has hundreds of them all over his property and i thought it was hilarious. He said the kangaroo population is out of control though and 1st thing that came to mind was Roger from Tekken LMFAO. Thank you for great content comedy and awesome guides🙏🙏🙏 Cheers from south of Boston 🍻🥂☕🔥 🐉☁
If I was Legacy's ally, I would amass an army, not to destroy our opponents but to destroy him. His rage and tears of salt would give me far more pleasure than a win.
FINALLY! After 32 salt mine episodes we get a game where the bm'er is also the winner. It's a little boring and especially predictable when every time you know the bm'er is the loser. There's plenty of bm'ers who taunt their opponents and win, I like to see those guys and make fun of them too for variety.
So there is no excuse for Legacy's BM, but he was 100% right about scouting. In 2v2 almost everyone knows that the Protoss player scouts. The reasons are: 1) You have more workers mining early game so it is less of a hit to your economy (Big deal) 2) Your worker that builds the Pylon at the wall is now already part way across the map so again it is less hit to your economy. (very small deal) 3) There is a threat of a cannon rush making your opponents freak out. 4) There is a threat of a gas steal making opponent Protosses freak out. 5) You can Pylon block naturals making Protoss/Zerg freak out. 6) You can regenerate shields allowing you to be more aggressive. 7) You can recall your Probe once Reaper is out again letting you scout for longer. 8) You can leave a bit early and still use the same Probe to Proxy a Pylon/Gateway anyway for a warpgate rush. Note that if there is no Protoss player, then it is the Terran player who should SCV scout. Had the Protoss player scouted in this game it would have been an easy hold against the 1 base Proxy attack so while Legacy's conduct was terrible, there was some truth to what he was saying.
Legacy was floating so many resources the entire match and had the audacity to bitch about his opponent. Edit: I’m definitely one of those late 30’s viewers Pig, but I haven’t played SC in over a decade. I just enjoy your casts and witty sarcasm. I would like to think I would act my age if I ever jumped back on ladder, but I was known to rage in my younger years, lol 😂. Great content as always, keep it up 👍
I would love to see a game where the 2 players pretend to diss each other and say stuff like "im attacking my ally / AFK" in all chat, but in reality they're both in on it and totally cool with each other and just tricking the opponents into getting all laid back and not try harding cause they think "ah one guy is afk, this'll be an easy win"
Everyone talking about the first game, which is understandable, the dude was unhinged. But can we talk about the absolute irony of the guy in the second game complaining about easy races and a-moving and how easy it was for them to get to 4.6k mmr, as he proceeded to have 0 micro OR macro whatsoever. He built, literally the most a-move composition in the entirety of SC2 of roach/ling, without even a single ravager, did not place down a single creep tumor, had almost no upgrades pumped out when his opponent was 2/2, built silver league spores, and somehow this guy is in masters. There are literally campaign missions you can't beat on hard difficulty in sc2 with macro and micro that bad, and this man managed to hit masters with a-moving mass lings and roaches. The absolute lack of self awareness was astonishing, and to me, more entertaining than just the deranged racist rants in game one.
14:34 just to spite this guy, i went to go look at all the nerfs Terran has received: 1. Hellion Infernal Pre-Ignitor at one point gave more bonus damage. 2. Widow Mines nerfed to only be cloaked while burrowed if Armory is present. laser also indicates the presence of an armory, without ever needing to scout a terran's base. 3. Widow Mine Drilling Claws made less effective. 4. Siege Tank Siege Mode attack speed was reduced slightly. 5. Hellbat arc was reduced *heavily* from 110 degrees to 45. 6. Hellbat transportation size nerfed from 2 to 4. 7. Thor damage and attack speed was changed to be the same DPS but attack faster, meaning Thors are now affected by armor more. 8. the Cyclone is a very different unit from what it was from launch, but suffice to say when it was added it was an extremely OP unit and now it's not a very OP unit at all. 9. Build time of Marines and research time of Stimpack were both slightly increased. 10. Reapers in WoL at launch use to be INSANE and they had to be nerfed several separate times. 11. Vikings use to do more damage in both air and ground mode and had 1 base armor. 12. Medivacs were made slower sometime early in Wings. 13. Medivac Caduceus Reactor upgrade completely removed, with no compensation (in favor of focusing more on the speedy aspect of Medivacs IE Ignite Afterburners). 14. Liberator had a large suite of almost exclusively nerfs made to it since it was added to the game. only a few buffs, like not needing a research to enter defender mode. 15. Ravens have had a large suite of nerfs done to them across the entire history of SC2. 16. Battlecruisers had done more damage than they currently do at one point.
I was on stream with Patches during this game. Not sure if the VOD is still available but we were laughing our asses off while workshopping what to say next to piss off the Zerg even more.
One more piece of petty nincompoopery (nice word, by the way!) was the fact that legacy just cleaned up the buildings of the player that had left, leaving Pyramid to fight the one that actually fought back.
That's how the early game was as well. He focused on buildings not units. Bit more consistency for his irony, through most of the early game he'd avoid _confrontations_ (even verbal ones) with his actual opponents and when he did fight he'd lose to several pylons. lol
I would have stayed as long as possible and continue to enrage my racist partner. Just quitting doesn’t take nearly enough of their time. I choose to troll them relentlessly until it is them who quits. With that said, to each their own, your style would definitely be better for your mental health. Racist d-bags can be extremely taxing on ones well-being .
Wait.... The victory screen in game 1 was for Legacy. That means Legacy is the one who sent in the video. Is this a case of someone intentionally creating salt?
I came back after a while and those widow mine buffs are actually insane and who came up with that, but at the same time, those widow mines deserve the range buff.
That first game reminds me of a 3v3 match where one of my allies raged at the other. The one who was raged at began team killing both me and the other guy. I started fighting back against the TKer while the other ally finished the enemies off. We both stayed after the match was over and had a 20 min long war cause we both refused to let the other have their way. Sadly i could not save the replay for some reason and I was sad cause it's the only time I've had a friendly fire war go on after a match was over.
ByuN caused a unit that was written off by the community to be nerfed THREE times in 1 years and then a fourth minor nerf the following year. But sure Terran are never nerfed.
I've encountered some absolutely AWFUL teammates on random 2v2 as well 😅 these days I really only play with a friend so we can actually work together lol
Ah, the best part for me was Legacy trashing Fiorams main AFTER the latter had already left, all the while getting his lurkers murderkilled in the 'Toss base x'D
IN TEAM GAMES: 1) You are not supposed to ask for scouting, everyone should know their stuff from gold/plat and above. 2) In order. Toss always scout first. Is there not toss in team? Then scv, then drone last. Why? 3) Probe has shield regen, and 1 probe can warp multiple buildings at once. The other 2 races can't. While the Zerg has some rights to complaint about scouting, sure he could do better scouting himself with ovi. However, Z (legacy) is wasting time telling the other guy stuff you are not even supposed to ask or say give the above notions. About the rest of the game, I won't comment it.
Legacy just knew that there was a possibility that the enemy team was hacking their chat log so he ACTED like a three year old but was probably just duping the hackers
We need a separate -23 years old category for online games, then the adults can just have a fun game without being bothered by people who lack maturity.
There is something funny about calling Terran the easiest race, when to me, a Zerg turned random, it’s definitely the hardest mechanically. If you say it’s the strongest though we can debate, but definitely not the easiest race.
If MetalBeard would have bothered to do a tiny bit of research before making a claim then he would have observed that Terran clearly is not overpowered. Top 20 of Europe: 3 Zerg, 14 Protoss and 3 Terran (3 and 8). Top 20 of America: 6 Protoss, 5 Terran and 9 Zerg. Top 20 Asia: 9 Protoss, 2 Zerg and 9 Terran. In none of the regions Terran is overrepresented in the top-20, in 2 out of 3 Terran is very clearly underrepresented. If any of the 3 races is overrepresented it is Protoss: vastly overreppresetned in Europe, not underrepresented in the other 2 regions. Not that that is a reason to complain about Protoss, either play Protoss if you think that it is better (I have more fun with Terran or Zerg, no offense) or just get good, the best players show that you can win from all the 3 races if you play suffiiciently good.
Pour le 2vs2 j'ai souvent vécu celà un gars persuadé de savoir jouer mais au final tu gagnes la partie a toi seuls avce son aide a la 10-13 eme minutes quand il a un semblant d'armées 😂😂😂
I honestly feel zerg is the strongest race (it's a very balanced game, just over all feels a little better than the rest.. early game feels a bit rougher though). My personal opinion and keep in mind I'm absolute shit at the game, unranked, dumpsters by bronze players a few times (somehow can beat elite ai with no problem though lol)
This is one of the reasons why I recently quit. I know it's just immature children online that are being insane on chat but I play to let off steam after my full-time job and it was just not worth it at the end of the day.
I will say this for every game, period, if you think something is OP, then play it and abuse that fact, if you refuse because it's boring or for some other reason, your just bad. I have this mentality for any game I play
He he, at first, when I received the video notification, based on the video title, I thought it is some video where cops apprehend a bad guy. Then I remembered I am not subscribed to those types of channels. 😆
Pyramid the hero no one deserves. Such resilience!
When I was first starting to play, after I had done the campaigns and a few games against the AI, I played 2 v 2s because I figured I'd be able to watch what my team mates do and maybe get carried by them a little while I learned how to play better. In one of my first matches, I accidentally placed my supply depot in a position to wall off the ramp in my base - not realising it only led to a backbase. My teammate started swearing and all capsing in the chat about it, which made me look what he was doing and that's when I realised my mistake. I sent an scv to build a second depot to help him wall off the big ramp, but it was too late. He was fully enraged, spamming about how every game he ends up with noobs that make him lose and stuff like that. Then he made all his workers kill my command center. I GGd in all chat, and explained to the enemy team how they had won without even interacting with us yet, that my ally had just killed my command center.
Then I queued up for another game and got the same guy on my team, and he did it again, still with caps lock on flaming in the chat. So I GGd, and queued up again. Annoyingly, I got the same guy on my team AGAIN, and he did the same thing. I know now I should have just waited a little while before queueing up. However, I'm glad I didn't and this is why.
The next match I got a zerg on my team, and the flaming guy was on the enemy team. I explained in all chat to his teammate what had just happened just to name and shame him, and so my ally knew what was at stake here. Then I played my nooby little heart out. Nothing fancy, just marine marauder medivac play, but my macro in the game was the best I had ever achieved. With my honor at stake, I was making sure I kept my economy rolling, always building up my army and upgrades. My zerg team mate did an amazing job harassing the enemy team with lurkers, stopping every move out in its tracks and keeping them down to a maximum of 3 bases each. When the time came, I rolled over the poor enemy team-mate who had not wronged me, simply because he was in the way. A huge all in frontal assault, and he GGd. I should mention as well the flamey guy had been talking trash to me all game in the chat, but I had not been responding, just macroing with every bit of my power. But once he was left as the sole surviving enemy, I started to poke back a little. "Who's the noob now?" I asked, which he of course did not seem to like. I got my armies surrounding his territory and realised something funny. He had attempted to transition into mass thors after my zerg friend had been crushing all his squishy bio moveouts with lurkers. Thors with barely any upgrades. "Mass thors? Genius!" I told him ironically while my 3/3 men with guns turned his giant death robots into swiss cheese. But now he was quiet. Me and my ally pushed in towards his bases, and he left the game. No GG of course, but I didn't need him to say it to know that it was, in fact, a very good game. The revenge was sweet.
I am impressed you kept playing after those first three times. Good job, and well done getting your sweet revenge!
I enjoyed this story :)
massive W !
That felt good
YES! Beautiful, good job.
i dont know what it is about Blizz games but they just attract all of the worst people imaginable. this shit does not happen in other RTS games like RA2 or AOE2, everyone is pretty considerate and polite. this only happens in BW, WC3, and SC2, and, like, no other RTS game, at all.
Not just this episode but in general, it seems like there's a pretty big overlap in the Venn diagram of people that are super salty and whiney and people that choose the mecha-zerg skin.
Holy crap, i was not expecting that level of salt xD
i most certainly didn’t expect someone to drop the hard r over… not scouting.
@@ZerglingLover that was quite unexpected indeed hahah
@Adolf Hitler username checks out
Legacy show just about every possible toxic trait you can find in a team pvp game its actually impressive how much of a baby ragin toxic troll he is
meanwhile Pyramid just struggling to work with his manchild teamate
Pyramid is a such a chad. You can tell he's got better things to do than give any thought to his immature teammate.
the guy took an afternoon off from playing League of Legends with as toxic as they were with their teammate.
I love Patches' chillness. On the other hand, MetalBeard was complaining SO ironically that I have to wonder if he was using it as a distraction tactic. Irony in that he's complaining about F2 A-move while building the most F2 A-move army possible, but then also complaining when the Terran does micro even a little.
I get that some people really do lose their minds when they're upset, but real balance arguments are like Terran bases. You got your main which you don't want them to look at and a few defended bases in front. MetalBeard has two bases, 3 Planetaries for each of them, and if you engage into a troll build like that it'll be your own dang fault.
11:20 sick snap recall from the "trash non scouter" !!!
Just discovered this channel a few days ago and this video was comedy gold 🤣😂🤣😂
I grew up playing war2 and original starcraft in the 90s but been without a computer for many yrs until recently. I watched some vids of pro sc2 league yrs back and have been excited to finally play as i just bought the game a few weeks ago. You definitely have some awesome tutorial and training vids which have been helpful as ive been away from RTS for over 20yrs and am extremely rusty lol. So much has been added to this game compared to original & BW.
I have bearded dragons for pets and love talking to people from AU, i am a classic trance vinyl only DJ and a couple of my subscribers live over there. One is also a DJ and lives in the outback and he tells me that he has hundreds of them all over his property and i thought it was hilarious. He said the kangaroo population is out of control though and 1st thing that came to mind was Roger from Tekken LMFAO.
Thank you for great content comedy and awesome guides🙏🙏🙏
Cheers from south of Boston
This is the most entertaining sc2 content in my opinion. Thanks!
*MetalBeard:* Waitasec... Is this sarcasm?
*Patches:* Hmm, sarcasm? What's that? Is it tasty?
Great to see another fun episode of The Salt Mines. Also... love the shirt, man :)
GG, Pyramid. Good job on keeping a level head.
Name a better SC2 series on YT than salt mines. Betcha can't! 😁 Great stuff Pig!
Sorry, but Husky's original Bronze league Heros will always be the greatest of all time. Salt Mines definitely top 5 though.
If I was Legacy's ally, I would amass an army, not to destroy our opponents but to destroy him. His rage and tears of salt would give me far more pleasure than a win.
FINALLY! After 32 salt mine episodes we get a game where the bm'er is also the winner. It's a little boring and especially predictable when every time you know the bm'er is the loser. There's plenty of bm'ers who taunt their opponents and win, I like to see those guys and make fun of them too for variety.
So there is no excuse for Legacy's BM, but he was 100% right about scouting. In 2v2 almost everyone knows that the Protoss player scouts. The reasons are:
1) You have more workers mining early game so it is less of a hit to your economy (Big deal)
2) Your worker that builds the Pylon at the wall is now already part way across the map so again it is less hit to your economy. (very small deal)
3) There is a threat of a cannon rush making your opponents freak out.
4) There is a threat of a gas steal making opponent Protosses freak out.
5) You can Pylon block naturals making Protoss/Zerg freak out.
6) You can regenerate shields allowing you to be more aggressive.
7) You can recall your Probe once Reaper is out again letting you scout for longer.
8) You can leave a bit early and still use the same Probe to Proxy a Pylon/Gateway anyway for a warpgate rush.
Note that if there is no Protoss player, then it is the Terran player who should SCV scout.
Had the Protoss player scouted in this game it would have been an easy hold against the 1 base Proxy attack so while Legacy's conduct was terrible, there was some truth to what he was saying.
Legacy was floating so many resources the entire match and had the audacity to bitch about his opponent.
Edit: I’m definitely one of those late 30’s viewers Pig, but I haven’t played SC in over a decade. I just enjoy your casts and witty sarcasm. I would like to think I would act my age if I ever jumped back on ladder, but I was known to rage in my younger years, lol 😂. Great content as always, keep it up 👍
Love to see patches on here lol, I play with him a bit which makes this episode better
I would love to see a game where the 2 players pretend to diss each other and say stuff like "im attacking my ally / AFK" in all chat, but in reality they're both in on it and totally cool with each other and just tricking the opponents into getting all laid back and not try harding cause they think "ah one guy is afk, this'll be an easy win"
hahaha love the speech at 25 mins. Legend, PiG. Thanks for the content as always. Hashtag A-Move for life!!!
LMAO, genius commentary! Thank you Pig!
Everyone talking about the first game, which is understandable, the dude was unhinged. But can we talk about the absolute irony of the guy in the second game complaining about easy races and a-moving and how easy it was for them to get to 4.6k mmr, as he proceeded to have 0 micro OR macro whatsoever. He built, literally the most a-move composition in the entirety of SC2 of roach/ling, without even a single ravager, did not place down a single creep tumor, had almost no upgrades pumped out when his opponent was 2/2, built silver league spores, and somehow this guy is in masters. There are literally campaign missions you can't beat on hard difficulty in sc2 with macro and micro that bad, and this man managed to hit masters with a-moving mass lings and roaches. The absolute lack of self awareness was astonishing, and to me, more entertaining than just the deranged racist rants in game one.
Pig missed it, but at 6:15 in the first game the Void ray was killing an overlord....
Which I'd argue was the more valuable snipe.
That's supply, larva, and a super ultra mega critically important giga scout. ;)
Very happy to see 2v2! I almost exclusively play 2v2 and the salt abundant.
Can't believe legacy complained about his teammate for a solid minute and then went and still worked with his teammate by accident to win the game
He didn't really work with his teammate. Hydras attacked his worker line so he just attacked zerg for not respecting his "afk message".
He is the definition of "Failing Upwards"
to be fair his teammate was almost useless, not justifying his racist behaviour but still
@@ujotowh1514 hi legacy
@@ujotowh1514 his teammate held off a 2v1 attack while legacy slowly zergling rushed
24:21 I didn't expect this level of real talk from a series about making fun of people who take competitive amateur gaming too seriously.
i love this series man! keep em comin :D
Classic Zerg snatching a loss from the claws of victory.
I don't know how Pyramid kept going. The second my teammate starts to talk shit, I just stop playing. I won't deal with it, I'd rather take the loss.
14:34 just to spite this guy, i went to go look at all the nerfs Terran has received:
1. Hellion Infernal Pre-Ignitor at one point gave more bonus damage.
2. Widow Mines nerfed to only be cloaked while burrowed if Armory is present. laser also indicates the presence of an armory, without ever needing to scout a terran's base.
3. Widow Mine Drilling Claws made less effective.
4. Siege Tank Siege Mode attack speed was reduced slightly.
5. Hellbat arc was reduced *heavily* from 110 degrees to 45.
6. Hellbat transportation size nerfed from 2 to 4.
7. Thor damage and attack speed was changed to be the same DPS but attack faster, meaning Thors are now affected by armor more.
8. the Cyclone is a very different unit from what it was from launch, but suffice to say when it was added it was an extremely OP unit and now it's not a very OP unit at all.
9. Build time of Marines and research time of Stimpack were both slightly increased.
10. Reapers in WoL at launch use to be INSANE and they had to be nerfed several separate times.
11. Vikings use to do more damage in both air and ground mode and had 1 base armor.
12. Medivacs were made slower sometime early in Wings.
13. Medivac Caduceus Reactor upgrade completely removed, with no compensation (in favor of focusing more on the speedy aspect of Medivacs IE Ignite Afterburners).
14. Liberator had a large suite of almost exclusively nerfs made to it since it was added to the game. only a few buffs, like not needing a research to enter defender mode.
15. Ravens have had a large suite of nerfs done to them across the entire history of SC2.
16. Battlecruisers had done more damage than they currently do at one point.
Thank you :)
God I love these casts 👍💪😀
best series of any sc2 content creator
thnx mate!
I was on stream with Patches during this game. Not sure if the VOD is still available but we were laughing our asses off while workshopping what to say next to piss off the Zerg even more.
Haha yes I threw so hard because I was laughing so hard XD
Hope you are doing well pig. I Recently found this series and have been binge watching it the past few days.
The silver spores got Me ☠️
One more piece of petty nincompoopery (nice word, by the way!) was the fact that legacy just cleaned up the buildings of the player that had left, leaving Pyramid to fight the one that actually fought back.
That's how the early game was as well. He focused on buildings not units. Bit more consistency for his irony, through most of the early game he'd avoid _confrontations_ (even verbal ones) with his actual opponents and when he did fight he'd lose to several pylons. lol
Made some popcorn but I forgot the salt. Had to make more popcorn for the huge amount of salt in this vid! :D
That 2v2 is so fucking hilarious
Poor Pyramid, such a nice guy and had to deal with such a dolly lama stinky breath underhuman as Legacy :)
Pyramid was also really good at using their resources ggs funny episode
I have no idea why the other blue player stayed in the game, I would have left the moment the hard R dropped.
I would have stayed as long as possible and continue to enrage my racist partner. Just quitting doesn’t take nearly enough of their time. I choose to troll them relentlessly until it is them who quits. With that said, to each their own, your style would definitely be better for your mental health. Racist d-bags can be extremely taxing on ones well-being .
Complaining to a person with the name Patches is just asking to be trolled I feel.
Glad I brought margaritas for this trip into the Salt mines
Legacy is the kind of player who complain about his teammates "kill stealing" in FPS games.
While camping under a desk.
Wait.... The victory screen in game 1 was for Legacy. That means Legacy is the one who sent in the video. Is this a case of someone intentionally creating salt?
Legacy has that forever in wood league mentality.
I came back after a while and those widow mine buffs are actually insane and who came up with that, but at the same time, those widow mines deserve the range buff.
Haha this is the first time I saw a salty player win, that was a funny game
If I was Pyramid, I would have challenged Legacy to a 1v1 after the match to put the nail in the coffin lol.
*suckles each fingie*
Hell yes, Salt mines!
There's nothing like same-team salt for motivation. #TeamWork
That first game reminds me of a 3v3 match where one of my allies raged at the other. The one who was raged at began team killing both me and the other guy. I started fighting back against the TKer while the other ally finished the enemies off. We both stayed after the match was over and had a 20 min long war cause we both refused to let the other have their way. Sadly i could not save the replay for some reason and I was sad cause it's the only time I've had a friendly fire war go on after a match was over.
Oh man if we're doing teams for Salt Mines, I could submit like half of my team replays.
Do it
ByuN caused a unit that was written off by the community to be nerfed THREE times in 1 years and then a fourth minor nerf the following year. But sure Terran are never nerfed.
I've encountered some absolutely AWFUL teammates on random 2v2 as well 😅 these days I really only play with a friend so we can actually work together lol
The 1st game is literally the reason I dont play team games anymore
EDIT: Also, as a Zerg player, I feel ashamed by those monkeys
If "Legacy" is the score screen at the end... is he the one who submitted that replay? Seems mega-weird.
His creep spread was abysmal
For a creep spread to be abysmal he would have to creep spread in the first place, which he didn't do XD
Patches was pretty entertaining, good for them lol.
I hope the game I sent in makes it into an episode eventually! It was a short game and both of us played terribly but the karma and rage was funny 😅
username 100% checks out
Ah, the best part for me was Legacy trashing Fiorams main AFTER the latter had already left, all the while getting his lurkers murderkilled in the 'Toss base x'D
Love these!! :D
Yesss, finally my BM got me onto a Salt Mines. EzPz.
1) You are not supposed to ask for scouting, everyone should know their stuff from gold/plat and above.
2) In order. Toss always scout first. Is there not toss in team? Then scv, then drone last. Why?
3) Probe has shield regen, and 1 probe can warp multiple buildings at once. The other 2 races can't.
While the Zerg has some rights to complaint about scouting, sure he could do better scouting himself with ovi. However, Z (legacy) is wasting time telling the other guy stuff you are not even supposed to ask or say give the above notions.
About the rest of the game, I won't comment it.
Good stuff
Legacy just knew that there was a possibility that the enemy team was hacking their chat log so he ACTED like a three year old but was probably just duping the hackers
We need a separate -23 years old category for online games, then the adults can just have a fun game without being bothered by people who lack maturity.
OOO multiplayer replays count
Salt mining maximised
If an ally ever threw down racial slurs like Legacy did, I would immediately tell the opponent team I'm switching to their side, and help them win.
Legacy's first name must be Tom. Cause he's petty. I'm sorry Tom Petty, that's not fair to you.
Legacy doesn't understand what "broken English" means. It's just something people say to him when they're insulting him, so he uses it as an insult.
C'est un malade le deuxième bleu 😂😂
There is something funny about calling Terran the easiest race, when to me, a Zerg turned random, it’s definitely the hardest mechanically. If you say it’s the strongest though we can debate, but definitely not the easiest race.
Seeing people like this makes me think I could get gold at the least by slapping meat hands against the keyboard
If MetalBeard would have bothered to do a tiny bit of research before making a claim then he would have observed that Terran clearly is not overpowered. Top 20 of Europe: 3 Zerg, 14 Protoss and 3 Terran (3 and 8). Top 20 of America: 6 Protoss, 5 Terran and 9 Zerg. Top 20 Asia: 9 Protoss, 2 Zerg and 9 Terran. In none of the regions Terran is overrepresented in the top-20, in 2 out of 3 Terran is very clearly underrepresented. If any of the 3 races is overrepresented it is Protoss: vastly overreppresetned in Europe, not underrepresented in the other 2 regions. Not that that is a reason to complain about Protoss, either play Protoss if you think that it is better (I have more fun with Terran or Zerg, no offense) or just get good, the best players show that you can win from all the 3 races if you play suffiiciently good.
Wonderful! ^^
this is like goku and vegeta, Pyramid and legacy
no way the second game was masters 3! XD
For the 2v2, you kept saying "opponent" when the salty boy was yelling at his ally. Not his opponent.
If a Teammate is salty like Legacy, I just quit 😀 It's not worth my time. Sometimes I even quit, when my teammate intentional is stealing my expo.
Who in their right mind would solo queue for 2v2
I used to play 3v3 and most of the time I would just get killed by my own teammates cuz I'm a total noob at starcraft
Pour le 2vs2 j'ai souvent vécu celà un gars persuadé de savoir jouer mais au final tu gagnes la partie a toi seuls avce son aide a la 10-13 eme minutes quand il a un semblant d'armées 😂😂😂
I honestly feel zerg is the strongest race (it's a very balanced game, just over all feels a little better than the rest.. early game feels a bit rougher though).
My personal opinion and keep in mind I'm absolute shit at the game, unranked, dumpsters by bronze players a few times (somehow can beat elite ai with no problem though lol)
I primarily play 2v2 and I've been matched with legacy before. He's a toxic human and needs to be banned. He's like that in every game.
how do i cope with raging teammates
This is one of the reasons why I recently quit. I know it's just immature children online that are being insane on chat but I play to let off steam after my full-time job and it was just not worth it at the end of the day.
I wish I was that salty again to participate in the Salt Mines! Fun games! Cheers!
yay angry 2v2
opponent =/= teammate
Patches played so much better. Setting up choke points and everything
Legacy was right about that n00b
Lol wow this is some League levels of toxicity
If I were pyramid I would have killed legacy
10:15 You're whiny voice is very effective. TOO effective. Maybe don't use it so much, or for so long.
I will say this for every game, period, if you think something is OP, then play it and abuse that fact, if you refuse because it's boring or for some other reason, your just bad. I have this mentality for any game I play
yeah inevitably understanding follows after you try it yourself and stops being so frustrating to play against
He he, at first, when I received the video notification, based on the video title, I thought it is some video where cops apprehend a bad guy.
Then I remembered I am not subscribed to those types of channels. 😆
This legacy guy ruined either my sc2 or hots match up ... hat this guy
Where I come from, you get your s**t kicked for saying things like that...
Surely this is staged? No-one is really like this. And the ally was way to polite (like a script almost)