The Apostle Paul REPEATEDLY says that those that worship Christ are Israel. Somehow they ignore every reference to Christians being the Israel of God, as Paul said, 'Not all who call themselves Israel are Israel." "And do not presume to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham." Matthew 3:9.
@@AnathemaMysticalcel Agreed. Dispensationalists give 'lip-service' only to the Books of Galatians, Hebrews, Romans, while purposely misinterpreting Revelations. Dispensationalist interpretations lead to stark contradictions. Example: "I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, so that you will not be conceited: A hardening in part has come to Israel, until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: “The Deliverer will come from Zion; He will remove godlessness from Jacob." Romans 11:25-26. Dispensationalist say that this points to the future earthly kingdom of Israel when ALL will come to the Lord. However, 2 chapters earlier say something COMPLETELY different: "Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved:" Romans 9:27.
@@PaulChristianJenkinsJD I totally agree with you. But I will make the whole arguement as simple as possible. What makes "Israel" Israel? Chapter 19 of Exodus states: "if you obey my voice, you will be a peculiar nation, a chosen people." If you are obeying God you are Israel, the great commission, is fulfillment of the old testament prophecies that God would gather his people from the nations. It is so much simpler then calvanistic dispensationalists make it. Professing them selves wise they become fools.
“I am writing these things to warn you about those who want to lead you astray. But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know, and what he teaches is true-it is not a lie. So just as he has taught you, remain in fellowship with Christ.” 1 John 2:26-27 NLT
Listening to this talk, I can see how Matthew 24:24 is being and will continue to be fulfilled. I was raised dispensational and started asking questions at 9 years old after the church camp I went to wouldn't let any of us children leave the evening service until we all spoke in tongues.. At 9 years old!. I quit asking after years of being brow beat by Christians, including my family members. I never lost faith in God though, just men! I learned to study the bible for myself, and I'm still learning as the Holy Spirit wills it. Read read read, pray pray pray people, stop listening to men! THANK YOU JESUS!
i was enticed with the teaching of dispensational, however i felt something was really off,. they lack the spirit of Love and it only made me confused.
Amen amen amen, perfectly said, stop listening to men and read God's word for yourself and learn, John 16:13 but when he the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth
@@stephaniegoings7932 Hi Stephen, maybe you can help me. In John 11: 23-24 we read: "Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” I asked a dispensationalist exper... doesn't that mean the resurrection, including the rapture, will occur on the LAST DAY? He told me that Jesus was speaking to a Jewish woman in a different dispensation before Jesus' resurrection. I asked him the following question but never heard back from him.... Based on Martha's inspired words, does that mean that Jews like Lazarus who died in that dispensation would rise on the LAST DAY and Gentiles who die after Jesus' Passion in that dispensation would rise some 7 years prior to the LAST DAY? How would you answer? Thanks and God bless.
I'm confused. By literal, do you include figurative? Because there were a lot of messianic prophesies about Jesus. Like, he would take our heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh. Did he literally do that or is that a metaphor? Or, "he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel". Also, Why only look at messianic prophesies and not the rest of prophesy which is full of allegory and metaphor? And why would we think language is only meant to be taken literally? What about poetry? Jesus spoke in Parables. The disciples asked him why he doesn't speak plainly but in metaphor. He said we should drink his blood and eat his flesh. Hopefully not literal. Is literalism different than what I think it is? One last thing. Just because something is not taken literally doesn't mean someone can pull out any meaning they want from it. The metaphor is in there and it is meant to be taken out by those who want the truth.
No wonder you're confused, didn't he say especially prophecy, and then explains that every prophecy relating to Christ's birth, ministry, death and resurrection were fulfilled literally. It's so off base to suggest that parables and poetry and allegories are to be taken literally as well. If one uses allegory to explain something else, you cannot but take it as not being literal. Context is key! That is how language works. Cheers.
I believe God calls me to abide to have faith in Him, to have in hope for the second coming and to be charitable through love. I believe I have a mission to spread the message of salvation. Anything that doesn't directly help me relate that message, means very little to me. I find peace in praying to God about my lack of understanding for biblical history and theology. I have read and listened to a lot of discussions about these topics, never have I found peace through another man's explanation, only in prayer to God.
Always great to quote things from someone else’s mail that you didn’t see the other side of and weren’t there for and weren’t alive during the time it was written. Especially in the classic old English that Timothy absolutely definitely wrote it in. 1500 year old first version translations from a dead form of Greek are so so perfect, why even question it ya know?
@@GetAGripBroThen don't quote or use words from anybody you haven't literally met or were alive during the time that they wrote anything; such a stupid argument😂
In each case you need to look at what the context of those words mean. Also it helps to know the original intent of the author. Soon can either mean "in a short time" or "what will happen next". Shortly means shortly but in what context is it used? In which part? That will determine its meaning. For example in Revelation, an angel says these things must shortly take place. That is more a period of a short time. But the book of Revelation from chapters 4 to 19 focus on visions of John on what will take place in the future. Quickly referenced by the words of Jesus in Revelation 22 mean not that I will return quickly, but rather that when I return it will happen quickly. In other words, David took a while when he became king to when he ruled over Israel. Jesus is saying when He returns, it will happen quickly. The return itself will not take long from Heaven to Earth. There is a difference between Immanence and short time frame. Immanence means it could happen at anytime, short time means it WILL happen shortly. Dispensationalists believe in the immanence of the return which means nothing has to happen for the rapture to take place except the last gentile coming to faith in Jesus. Hope this helps.
@@thegospelofchristsaves7174 I didn't need help, thank you. Revelation 1:3 says, "Blessed is the one who reads, and those who hear the words of the prophecy and keep the things which are written in it; for the time is near." Chapters 4-19 are included in that prophecy. "for the time is near." This is the reason they were blessed for reading it. Scripture is always a blessing, but in their case, it saved their lives! Partial preterists don't need any hermeneutical gymnastics to explain words that don't fit the narrative. Understanding comes much easier to me now. I love my brothers and sisters in Christ and pray that each one would find truth in God's Word and so be blessed.
@@neilnolte2587 Your generalist statement about words needed help as some who would read it would not in any way understand what you meant by it. You quote the Bible with "Blessed is the one who reads," which is true, but ignorant is the one who spouts wourds out of emotion without forthought.
Dispensationalism seems to highlight ethnic Israel more than it highlights the True Israel of God, the Lord Jesus Christ who has torn down the dividing wall between Jew and Gentile and has unified all those who he has redeemed creating one new man as preordained by God and foretold by Sacred Scriptures.
Not really. It just seems to be that way because after the fiasco of 1600+ years of the gentiles aka the Age of Conscience, God began to move again and formed a nation that is ethnically distinct and gave His promises to them during the Age of Promise. They failed, spectacularly, and out of the gentiles and the Jews, God formed the Church, which is the focus in the present Dispensation, the Age of Grace. He will fulfil the promises He made to Abraham in the Millennial Kingdom, which is physically peopled by the Jews and gentiles, but ruled by the Church, who are kings and priests and are already in their glorified bodies and are able to travel dimensions. The Jews and the gentiles will also reign in a lesser capacity as hinted in the gospels, so essentially during the Millennial Kingdom, the Church, Israel, and the gentiles are going to reign with Christ for a thousand years. What a glorious era that will be!
@@sambee4927 Thank you for sharing your thoughts, my friend. But do kindly provide Scriptural basis for this so we can all carefully study it. Thank you, again.
The passage you are citing says that people who WERE Gentiles, are no longer called Gentiles. They are no longer foreigners and strangers to the promises of YHVH, but have become fellow citizens with the saints of YHVH. Tearing down the wall is what allowed former pagans to join Israel. The 'one new man' is Israel and those who have now chosen to live like Israel lives.
@@johananswedlund7149 Not according to Eph. 2: 14-22. This explains why Christ has only ONE BRIDE not two - THE CHURCH, made up of all who are in Christ. (Jews and Gentiles) No wonder the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews included Abel, Enoch, Noah, Job, and others, in its "Hall of Faith," though they were not ethnically Jews. However, they had the same faith as Abraham (Gal. 3: 7-9,). Indeed ever since it's by grace through faith! (Rom. 4: 10 - 13) Hallelujah!
Even the old testament people were saved through Christ so I don´t know what´s the deal there. There´s one God, Triune, and one Saviour of the whole world, Christ Jesus. May God save us from false preachings and leaders who won´t seek to preach the truth.
Funny, I only read about God’s covenants in the Bible. These are the various promises God makes and they inform man how God will interact with his creation. I missed the Scripture references that explain (exegete) the various dispensations.
Everything that the dispensational position embraces is taught in scripture. Having said that, I don’t see it as doctrine but more as a help or guidelines to understanding. I believe in the dispensation because it allows me to more clearly understand scripture.
Dispensationalism also argues God saves people differently throughout time (Abraham was saved differently by faith, Moses was saved by the law, We are saved by Jesus) which argues God is ever-changing and constantly changing his mind. I believe God is the same yesterday today and forever. God does not change his mode of salvation. Jesus says no one enters the kingdom of heaven except through me. If Jesus is not lying then that means Abraham Moses and we must all enter through him, proving God does not change his mode of salvation
You are very, very correct. John 8:57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
@Ghee19 it is what dispensationalism teaches. They have revised the position to now say every dispensation was grace but that is not what Scofield taught
When a dispensationalist says “Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John was written for the Jews” and you reply with “Romans 1:16” - they don’t like that very much. They don’t like 2 Timothy 3:16, either.
You did not even answer the last question - is it biblical? and never used any scripture as you said you would. What a disappointment and waste of time. All you did was summarize dispensationalism.
Before you “waste your time”, look at the time stamp. This is not a dissertation, but a summary. Summaries are quite useful for someone who runs across an unfamiliar idea and wants to get on with a task at hand. I’m grateful. Thank you for this helpful video so that I don’t spend MY time on hours of bunny trail. Later I will do a longer study.
@@deborahbraman4667 sister, but don't you think that he should also answer whether it's biblical and use scripture because he said he would use. It's good to summarize but the problem is he did not deliver what he said he would. I think we should always stand on our words.
Great reply! I agree. I'm preaching on those verses in Romans 11 in a couple of weeks mind if I use some of this information to quote? Especially like the replacement theology comparisons and the quotes from the Dallas crowd.
It wasn't invented by Darby. He just gets credit because his message and writings are documented and can be pointed at. (Pierre Poiret, John Edwards, Isaac Watts, Alexander Campbell, then Darby + all the other heretics that followed)
@@wydopnthrtl - You're calling Isaac Watts a 'heretic' ??!! He was a HERO of our Christian faith. Sorry, that alone reveals a that for you, your bias is more important than the actual facts.
@@messengersmessianicjewisho1058 I could be mistaken... he was a sun-worship day keeper and laws of God denier as I understand. If I'm mistaken please show me.
This is not strictly true. There were a few Jesuits who taught a proto version of this doctrine in the 1500's, but it didn't become popular until Darby.
Dispensationalism is not biblical. To make it look like one, they ignore the covenants of the Bible and replace it manufactured beliefs. Don’t get tied up with lies.
How to rightly divide. 2 Timothy 2:15 King James Version 15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Church age(faith alone) Galatians 2:16 - Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. Romans 4:5 - But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. 1st rapture(pretribulation/before tribulation) 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 King James Version 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 1st judgment(judgment seat of Christ)-good or bad 2 Corinthians 5:10 King James Version 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. 1 Corinthians 3:13-15 King James Version 13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. 14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. ----------------- Tribulation(works, not just faith) John.2:22-26 kjv 22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? 23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. 24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. 25 Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way? 26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. 2nd judgment (great white throne judgment) Revelation.8:3-4 Kjv 3 And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. 4 And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand. Revelation 20:11-15 KJV And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. In conclusion Jesus raptures the church and we meet in the clouds. Tribulation saints endure to the end, dying for Christ’s witness, and rejecting the mark. On top of that they are gathered out of the angels hands, after they have been killed And then it’s the 2nd coming at the very very end Each man his his own order •Order of Raptures 1 Corinthians Chapter 15 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. 24 Then [cometh] the end, We leave when Christ comes for us, they endure to the end. It’s simple the more you read the more you learn. If you haven’t opened the Bible how do you expect to learn it, learn from others? Doctrine of man, is doctrine of devils. Man has a deceitful heart Jeremiah 17:9-10 King James Version 9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? 10 I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.
@@LilPeeper420 There are major wholes to dispensational viewpoints (which most modern theologians have concluded is unbiblical). The Torah wasn't given to Goyim (Gentiles), it was given to Israel. Yet, you can be grafted into Israel in the present age still (faith). Further, you cannot believe in dual covenant theology (which dispensationalism requires) and believe Yeshua fulfilled ALL promises to Israel at the same time. This would create a contradiction of fallacy pertaining to the blessing due only to the Messiah. And this contradiction would literally rob Yeshua of His glory! In essence, either you believe we are new creations in Yeshua, a holy united people, or you believe that Yeshua didn't quite get over the finish line, and there is still some work to be done on His part to fulfill His promise to Israel. There's so much more to write, but the conundrum of robbing Yeshua of His glory precludes the necessity to continue critiquing a theology originating from a little Irish girl's dream.
there was a word called Dispension, which mean to give, that was the original Dictionary meaning in Bible, Bible also says he dispensed his grace, but the word dispensationalism was made 100 years ago and teaches that god changes with the ages, he DELT with people different but gods original plan never changes
@@SpotterVideo I also noticed they teach there are the two Holy Spirits, one that distributes spiritual gifts (healing, miracles, etc.) to Jews and the other Holy Spirit available to Christians that just resides in them, but doesn't give them gifts, so poor Christians are at mercy of the Devil who "rapes" them back and forth and they should rejoice in their affliction because they already have a promise of an eternal life through their faith anyway. Such dispensational view makes Christian church totally invalid, like some powerless fool and the Devil laughs. Now, the sad thing is that what I state here is what we see manifest in real life, so I wonder if it isn't biblical, why does it manifest?
I have a few questions for 'dispensation pre-trib rapture' believers: In John 11: 23-24 we read: "Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” Does that mean Jewish believers in Jesus who died prior to His Passion will rise again in a second resurrection (ie. at the last day)...and....Gentile Christians who have died after His Passion will rise 7 years before the last day? If so, doesn't that mean there will be 2 resurrections? How do dispensationlists separate Jesus talking to Jews in one dispensation before His Passion and Jesus talking to those same Jews after His Resurrection? In which resurrection will those Jews rise? I'd really like to understand this. Thanks and God bless all.
If the word "dispensation" refers to a period of time, when is the time period of God as mentioned in Colossians 1:25. The passage states, "Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God;" The passage parallels Ephesians 3:2, which reads, "If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward:" Is the dispensation of grace limited to the church age? Noah found grace in the OT. Could it be that the word "dispensation" refers a dispensing of something like a covenant? A paper towel dispenser dispenses paper towels. The covenants would be a better method of understanding the dispensing of the selected covenant. The church or Gentiles are strangers to the covenants. What think ye?
“27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Gal. 3:27-29) If you believe these verses are God’s holy word, you cannot believe that God has two separate peoples with separate plans of salvation. We can debate how biblical prophecy is fulfilled all we like, but it cannot allow for special treatment of the Jewish people. As Romans 9:27-28 says, “27 Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: ‘Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea, only the remnant will be saved. 28 For the Lord will carry out his sentence on earth with speed and finality.’” God’s blessings to all my brothers and sisters in Christ and to all reading this comment.
How can there be two peoples of God in the world when Paul clearly taught that there is only one people of God, as it was written "13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility," Eph.2, and "By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear." Heb.8:13 and Gal.6:15-16, "15 Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation. 16 Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule-to the Israel of God."
Dispensationalism is not Biblical. There is, and has always been, one people of God, those who placed their faith in the coming Messiah and those who place their faith in the same Messiah who has come, Jesus Christ. There is no way around the fact that faith in Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. The Father saved, saves us, through the Son, by the Spirit so that by the Spirit, through the Son, we come to the Father (Ephesians 1:3-14). God's plan of salvation has been the same throughout the Biblical record, throughout human history. Anyone who says differently, run.
…When’s the last time you kept the 10 commandments? Oh, so you have always kept the sabbath day of Saturday and done no work? We don’t live under the 10 commandments today. We aren’t expected to obey the Levtical laws. See Randy white of Toas New Mexico on UA-cam. 4,000 videos for excellent dispensational study
Thanks so much for you very clear explanation. Even as a novice, however, I can't help but question your commitment to "all things literal" when large passages of the bible are song (poetry) that focus on the heart and large portions are apocalyptic and by definition contain many symbols that are not meant to be taken literally. According to "all things literal" the pregnant woman and red dragon of Rev 12 will be a woman and a real dragon? Do I have that right?
Hello. I just have a comment that helped me. Let the Bible interpret itself either in the passages before or after (context), or in the same book (near text) or remote text (found in another part of the Bible-in another book. A word search sometimes helps). Discern what is 'Like and As' when scripture describes it like that, as in Revelation. We know when John says 'Behold the Lamb of God', Jesus isn't a 4 legged animal but a picture/type. When the literal sense makes sense, give it no other sense. Most of Psalms is prophetic scripture that will be fulfilled in the future. A lot of prophetic Scripture also has duel fulfillment. It has happened in the past but will also be fulfilled in the future. 2 Tim 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. 🙂
@@jennifercrawford7129 Dual fulfillment? In Matthew 24:2 Jesus is answering the question of when the stones of Herod's temple would be torn down, and in 24:21 He says that this would be accomplished during the Great Tribulation by the Roman soldiers: "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies then recognize that her desolation is at hand" (Luke 21:20). We know in hindsight that that happened in 70 a.d. right after the Christian Jews fled from the city. In Mt 24:21 Jesus said that THAT was the "great tribulation" and that there would never be a worse tribulation in the future. So if you believe the words of Jesus there cannot be a dual fulfillment of the 70 a.d. great tribulation. It boils down to this: Do you believe the words of Jesus or the words of Cyrus Scofield, the founder of dispensationalism?
@@jennifercrawford7129 Can you show me anywhere in the New Testament where the apostles declare that an OT prophecy was fulfilled once in Christ and then there will be a second ("dual") fulfillment at a later time? Anywhere?
Today's theologians are all influenced by Israel. Check out Adam Clark, John Gill, Matthew Henry, and Albert Bell. Otherwise you get some version of Jonathan Cahn or Michael Brown.
I agree, and I think the bible does clearly point to dispensationalism. I do understand why people may disagree and feel it can be unclear. Regarding people going for the replacement theology I believe is very wrong and anti biblical
@@MicheMoffatt Can you at least give us a Scripture? My faith is the Word of God. "Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? Therefore I TELL YOU THAT THE KINGDOM OF GOD WILL BE TAKEN WAY FROM YOU and given to a people who will produce its fruit." Matthew 21:42-43. "In the same way, after supper He took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is poured out for you." Luke 22:20. "In speaking of a new covenant, He has made the first one OBSOLETE; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear." Hebrews 8:13. "Therefore Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, now that He has died to redeem them from the transgressions committed under the first covenant." Hebrews 9:15. "They will level you to the ground- you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, BECAUSE YOU DID NOT RECOGNIZE THE TIME OF YOUR VISITATION FROM THE LORD.” Luke 19:44.
Pastor Andy Wood gives a very Biblical understanding of dispensationalism in the study of Genesis. It makes total sense. I believe God does not break His promises.
Romans 9: 6 But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel; 7 nor are they all children because they are Abraham’s descendants, but: “through Isaac your descendants will be named.” 8 That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants.
You're absolutely right! God does not break his promises. And he's fulfilling it through Jesus christ. This dispensationalism and it's twisted theology is exactly why it's a salvation issue because they are proclaiming that there's the body of Christ which is all Jews and gentiles that are saved and then there's the Jews that are not saved which are still being considered by them God's chosen and that they don't have to go through Jesus to receive salvation because of the promise. But that contradicts everything Jesus said which is nobody comes to the father except through Him. It's really dangerous out there and it's best just to allow the holy spirit to guide you through the word. Or at least find people that you trust. Constantly pray for discernment because I just learned about this a week ago and I thought I knew everything about the deceptions of the world that's going on. Just when you think you have it all figured out the Holy Spirit shows you otherwise. God bless
I have listened to talks with dispensationalists and covenant theologians. They seem to be saying the same things almost. The covenant theologians also believe in different covenants that God made with His people, like different dispensations. The major difference comes when the covenant is seen to apply only to the church and all future promises made distinctly to Israel are then interpreted as being spiritual and for the church. As John MacArthur says, Israel gets all the curses and none of the blessings. Israel was always going to reject messiah the first time, it’s the only way our sins could be paid. Even the proto-evangelion in Genesis 3:15 shows that Christ was always doing to die and the rejection of Israel was always on the plan. They’ve not been replaced because of the nation of Jews rejecting Christ.
So did Christ only die for the sins of the Israelites or everyone? It's not replacement, it's still the everlasting covenant that was promised to Abraham. Israelites just aren't separated anymore.
Hi, I like the name of this channel! I've always been taught, and am still convinced of, the dispensational view. However, in all that time I have rarely heard the thing about seven dispensations and don't think it is helpful. And I would avoid the term "two peoples of God" because, again, it's better simply to talk about Israel and the Church, as the Bible does. People of other persuasions often jump on cliché phrases such as these and then dismiss the whole understanding. Maybe these phrases form part of the debate in the USA, but in the UK I've hardly heard these terms; they grate with me, even though I am firmly persuaded by the viewpoint. You rightly say the real issue is literalism, including with prophecy. It once dawned on me that, if prophecy can be fulfilled "spiritually" or non-literally, then we'd have no idea when it had ever been fulfilled; and one reason God gave it is to prove to us that He is God, who knows the end from the beginning. It seems so obvious that it must be clear and precise, and that God's intention is to communicate clearly and reveal who He is.
false doctrine that is running rampant in the Church, there is ONE dispensation (a Dispensing) God's "GOSPEL of GRACE" on fallen man through JESUS CHRIST prophesied in the O.T. fulfilled in the N.T. (Ephesians 3:2-5) "If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward: {3} How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words, {4} Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) {5} Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; ALSO Col 1:20-29, Would love to debate you Sir but doubt you will
Paul wrote Ephesians. All the Ephesians (all they in Asia) turned away from Paul (per Paul's epistle). Furthermore Paul was forbidden tp preach the word in Asia, and the Ephesians were in Ephesus, which was the Roman capital city of Asia Minor. All the candles stick Churches of Revelation were in Asia Minor and (per Acts 16:6) Paul was forbidden to preach the word there.
@@KeepingWatch95 Not sure what this has to do with the dispensation of Grace being the one and ONLY Gospel, but will respond, Paul clearly visited Ephesus "in Asia" twice and as it is yet true Act 16:6 was for forbidden to preach the Gospel in Asia yet in Act 18:1-6 while in Corinth is released to Ephesus to preach the Gospel ( Act 19:1,2,17,26, ) Paul was NOT preaching a different Gospel to the Ephesians "Asians", also the epistle to the Ephesians nowhere says that "they turned" from him, and in Rev 2 they are being "warned" to do the "first" works "or else" (Revelation 2:4-5) "Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. {5} Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent." maybe you could explain, just don't know what this has to do with ONE dispensation of the Gospel of Grace throughout human history
@@Tom-uh9kk _Both... Paul is forbidden to preach the word in Asia... and all of Asia turns away from Paul. This means towards the end of Paul's ministry, all the candle stick churches of Revelation had turned away from Paul._
@@Tom-uh9kk _Paul is forbidden to preach the word in Asia..._ Acts 16:6 Now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, and *were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia,* _(In Acts 16:6 Phrygia & Galatia are areas in Asia.)_ _(In Acts 16: 7 & 8 Paul fails to comply to what was “forbidden” him. Paul continues and goes to three cities in Asia (Mysia, Bithynia, Troas)...)_ Acts 16:7 After *they were come to Mysia, they assayed to go into Bithynia:* but the Spirit suffered them not. Acts 16:8 And they passing by Mysia *came down to Troas.* _(In Acts 16:9 to 11 Only after a dream does Paul leave Asia to go to Greece.)_ _(In Acts 17:1 Paul returns to Asia going to Thessalonica.)_ _(In Acts 17:3 It is clear that Paul is preaching to them in Asia.)_ _(In Acts 18 Paul continues further in Asia and goes to Ephesus.)_ _If it is not shown by the scriptures that Holy Ghost changed that Paul is forbidden (of the Holy Ghost) to preach the word in Asia, and if Paul goes and proclaims to be an “apostle” within Asia... that would make Paul a false apostle._ _Apostle means "messenger, he that is sent"_ G652 ἀπόστολος apostolos ap-os'-tol-os From G649; a delegate; specifically an ambassador of the Gospel; officially a commissioner of Christ (“apostle”), (with miraculous powers): - apostle, messenger, he that is sent. _And because Paul was not only; NOT SENT to Asia Minor, Paul was “FORBIDDEN” to preach the word in Asia... and if Paul claims to be a "Apostle/messenger/sent" in Asia after Acts 16:6 then Paul is a false “apostle/messenger/sent" as accordingly to what is written in Acts 16:6._ _(In Paul 's writings to the Ephesians in Asia, Paul proclaims to be an “apostle/messenger/he that is sent”)_ Ephesians 1:1 *Paul, an apostle* of Jesus Christ by the will of God, *to the saints which are at Ephesus,* and to the faithful in Christ Jesus: _Note all the seven candlestick churches are in Asia and per Acts 16:6 Paul is forbidden to preach the word there. But Paul goes to one of the seven churches of Revelation (only one which is Ephesus) and Paul (in writing) claims to be an apostle/messenger/he that is sent. (Ephesians1:1 _*_Paul, an apostle ... to the saints which are at Ephesus...)_* _Sometime later Paul writes 2 Timothy and declares “all they which are in Asia be turn away from [him]”... “no man stood with me”..._ 2 Timothy 1:15 *This thou knowest, that all they which are in Asia be turned away from me;* of whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes. 2 Timothy 4:16 *At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me:* I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge. _After Paul's ministry (and after “all they in Asia be turned away from [Paul]”) in Revelation the first church Jesus instructs John to write is the church of Ephesus (the same church Paul had written to). However Jesus commends the church of Ephesus for “[trying] them which say they are apostles (apostle/messenger/he that is sent), and are not, and hast found them liars_ Revelation 2:1 *Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write;* These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; Revelation 2:2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how *thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:*
I had been teaching the 7 dispensations and with it the past, present and the future of God's people became clearer than before. It even gives a clear understanding of what will transpire from the rapture to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ while the world is subjected to the 7 years of Tribulation. The series of events and their occurrences appears very clear and while one studies it the whole scenario looks like a view of the valley from the mountaintop. Thank you so much for the confirmation Got Questions.
I respectfully disagree, everything that most people agree about regarding dispensationalism is simply because that’s what they have been taught, not because they actually read the Bible.
This doctrine has a purpose and it is to try to diminish the person and power of Christ to save the whole world. Be careful with doctrines that undermine the person of Jesus as God, even the God of the Old Testament too.
@@michaelseay9783well I must be a "fluke" and/or "rarity" (to you at least) because I was a " dispensationalist" BEFORE I had ever even heard the term or was introduced to the "idea" of "dispensationalism" because I READ MY BIBLE. At the very least because God has a COMMANDMENT to do so; 2 Timothy 2:15 "STUDY to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING the WORD of TRUTH." ("Fun" fact: the ONLY verse in the entire Bible that says to STUDY the Bible is found ONLY in the KJV Bible) I was also "KJV only" before I knew "KJV only" was an actual thing; because not only did no other translation (per-version) sound right to me, it was and IS blatantly obvious that all other translations were corrupted by the "god of this world" whether the translators knew they were doing his work or not. I've attended at least 12 churches in my life over the last approx 15 years & NONE of them besides the one God led me to 2 years ago and still attend today, is a church that actually preached the Bible as I had always understood it and read it. I can't imagine reading a Bible not believing it is the PERFECTLY PRESERVED WORD OF GOD that I can TRUST every word in it, not being up for my own interpretation or needing to "go to the Greek/the original manuscripts" 2 Peter 1:20 "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation" Which to be clear, I simply read the (AV/KJV) Bible exactly as it reads😮🤯💥! Comparing Scripture with Scripture because Crazy, I know. anyways I'm literally about to go fly my drone hopefully pass out these new Bible tracts I just got in the mail today and then come home and get into my daily reading (in Ezra in my read through going from cover to cover) prayers I'm able to witness to someone, or God willing lead a soul to Christ. Love you ALL my brother's and sister's in Christ I pray for discernment but even more so I just pray for the blessing of being reminded that there are still plenty of believers in Jesus Christ whether we agree on some doctrines (big or small) or not. May we be lights, reflections of Christ in this dark world. See y'all on the other side ❤
I would push back slightly on subjective private interpretation caused by not taking a literal approach. Whether you believe the fall was caused through Adam and Eve eating literal fruit tempted by an actual reptile or you believe the fruit was sin in general and Satan was speaking as Satan does today but metaphorically described as a snake, you still have to deal with the same conclusion. Literalism and mytho-history bring us to the same places, same realities, same principles. For example, if someone believed Jonah was an allegory pointing to Christ rather than a literal historical figure (based on Nineveh, timelines and populations), it doesn’t steal from what Jonah ultimately points to. Christ resurrecting. I don’t take this view of Jonah but have friends who do, and ultimately we still come to the same conclusions. Just some thoughts. Great video!
Hi. Have you listened to Abner Chou’s lectures on christocentric hermeneutics? Not every passage in scripture is to be taken as an allegory for Christ. Yes, there are types, like Jonah but we read the scriptures as the authors intended their writings to be read. The reason I say this is that although the example of Jonah is good there are other ones that lead to replace,ent theology and applying all scriptures about Israel onto the church.
No one knows what the serpent was. Remember, God cursed the serpent after the fall and made it what it is today. Some have suggested that it was an upright being with legs. Even an intellect, though not human. “Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.”
@@emknight72 It's also important to note that the Hebrew word for "snake" or "serpent" had two connotations; one being 'deceiver' and the other being 'shining' or 'shining one'. There is a fascinating lesson from a well-respected ancient Hebrew scholar, Dr. Michael Heiser
The only way to understand what appears to be a contradiction in the word of God because there (are none) is to understand dispensationalism, Like I’ve told other who doubt find out why apostle Paul uses the word in the New Testament and the context behind it brothers and sisters.. let the Lord lead you, God bless you all in Christ.
Yes, it is a massively complicated topic. David Currie wrote a book on it, some 500 pages, titled: Rapture: The Endtimes Error That Leaves The Bible Behind. Even reading that book created more questions. What helped me the most was I realized one day, out of the blue, that I was literally chasing a rabbit down a hole similar to attempting to make Alice in Wonderland a true story. Once I realized the entire theory was the 1830s brainchild of a single Playmouth Brethren theologian named John Nelson Darby, I put it on the shelf beside Alice in Wonderland. Doing that was very freeing since it helped me to focus on the state of my soul at any moment instead of when Jesus will return. That way, I am best assured to be ready for His return and not just looking for it as though I already had my heaven card punched. If you think back in our own history, many well meaning dispesantionalists have ruined their faimilies, bank savings and careers listening to the latest prophesy that the rapture would be on such and such a date. David Currie list the names and dates of all the documented prophesies starting with Paul who thought Jesus would return in his lifetime. David listed every century and guess what? Every one of the predictions were wrong. Even Bill Graham got in on it when he predicted in 1951 that the world would come to an end in 1953. Then there's the book '88 reasons the world will end in 1988'. Chances are most, if not all of our generation, will die before any such rapture occurs and as the large majority of Christians believe, the catching up (rapture) will occur on the Last Day. God bless.
From what I understand disspensationalism says that certain rules are for the jews and don't apply to gentiles. For example, the 10 commandments apply to everyone but circumsion or not eating pork are for jews only.
The English word "dispensation" is confusing in the first place. It's the act of management, administration I do believe: dispensing. Eph 3:2 rings clear to me but how others have taken it, run with it creating doctrines from it scares me. Other go even deeper & try to claim more to the Mystery of revelation that Paul claims when it is simply the gospel of grace. He speaks of the dispensation of this grace given to him; he means as he was authorized and commissioned by God to dispense the doctrine of the gospel, which commission and authority were given to him chiefly for his service of the Gentiles. It is easy to listen to someone expand this into a doctrine & create confusion. That's just the way I see it as I trust the Holy Spirit in Bible study rather than men of unknown reputation. I've heard many teach on it that ignore most of scripture & follow what they call "their apostle":Paul only.
Dispensationalism is unbiblical in several ways. The first is that Dispensationalism created man-made time periods that simply don't exist in the Bible. Second is that Israel and the Christian church are not two separate churches. We have all been grafted onto the same family olive tree. We are all spiritual Israel and all from the seed of Abraham. Dispensationalism has only been taught in the last 120 years or so. It is a newer philosophy.
It is not unbiblical. There are different time periods in the Bible. None are man made,everyone of them have scriptures dedicated to proving that one time period,the Bible quote literally says so. And you just disproved your own point: Israel and the Christian church are NOT two sewerage churches,but we are the same family olive tree? That means Dispensationalism agrees with you,and yes they are two different people. And there are different time periods focusing on those people. Abraham’s sees was the tribes,and nations. Not spiritual,however I say that only to my knowledge because I haven’t seen any scripture saying that all Christina’s and Israelites are spiritually of Abraham
No1 Take a hermeneutics class No2 read Ephesians 10times until you realize that Christian gentiles an Christian Jew's are ONE in Christ. It's so strainious to get ideas of the last century out of people's mind. . .
The war crimes committed by a certain small nation in the Middle East over the past year or so has really made we question my understanding of the end times.
So if we are to take everything in the Bible literally, then God is a bird because he longs to gather us under his wings, and the devil is a dragon in revelation. This is ludicrous. He ignores the fact that there are different genres in the Bible that communicate truth, but not all are to be taken literally.
So the Apostles were wrong in Acts 15 for not taking Moses literally that circumcision was, "an everlasting covenant." (Genesis 17:13) To bad the Apostles didn't understand dispensationalism.
A literal interpretation does consider genre. When someone says they take a literal approach to scripture it doesn’t mean they ignore metaphors or allegory. Quite the contrary. But every metaphor has a literal meaning it is trying to convey. For example the dragon you mentioned represents a real being, the devil, not just some random thing or idea that we can interpret however we want. The opposite of a literal approach is to make metaphors or allegories where there are none or saying that Revelation just represents the struggle of good vs. evil and doesn’t actually have literal events or people in mind.
The word "dispensation" is in the Bible. Use it as a starting point. Then notice where it says "but God", "but now", and follow the pattern. The doctrine of the Church the Body of Christ is written in Paul's epistles, the 12 Apostles spoke of an earthly hope, Paul, the Apostle to the gentiles, spoke of a heavenly hope for the Church. Salvation by grace, not by works, not by the Law. Yup, dispensations makes lots of sense. Thank you Lord!!
PS: the word god, as a word, is a title of office. Any individual in that office can carry the title of that office. Note then that "is One" and "as One" are two different statements.
And Dispensationalism doesn't read it literally when the Bible doesn't go with its own preconceptions. Dispensationalism is simply a gaggle gook of theology made popular by it's fantastical eschatology.
@mauricerobertson1944 Spurgeon; the guy that has 90% of the population being tortured for all of eternity in physical hell fire? What a guy !! Limited atonement boffer😢.
Usually I find that Got questions has very solid teaching. Here however you explain dispensationalism twice... without once showing where we should find this doctrine in scripture. So I am left with only the two dispensationalist distinctives - I believe, yes, we should interpret scripture using the historical literal grammatical method. However, I do not see where a distinction should be drawn between the peoples of God - We are one church, as described by Paul in Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." which to me seems to refute the idea entirely
You have to use your brain too . Where you see literal reading take it literally or symbolic reading that is symbolic . Have You never read that church replaced Israel !! no! Look now what's happening in Israel ! It's being set up for ez 38&39 .
It's amazing to me how a word that only appears four time, and only in Paul's epistles, and only referring to his own ministry; can be so perverted. The scriptures- referring to the Jews and Gentiles- say that now there's no difference. See Romans and Ephesians for examples.
Matthew 15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. 26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs. 27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. 28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.
Please post this video again, but without the music. If you're teaching, don't have distractions. If you're playing music, then don't talk through it. Many people struggle with learning when there is a competition for their focus. As someone with a brain injury, your video is very difficult to learn from. So I'm not watching it any further then where I stopped ... at 0:43.
And yet they say it's exactly the opposite, citing Darby. Always Darby. They don't seem to know that Irenaeus, Tertullian, St. Augustin and others in the first five centuries talked about different dispensations.
@@cherismith5707all of the church fathers that even hinted at dispensations referred strictly to dispensations of time. This is a concept-word fallacy to say they must be talking about the exact definition of dispensationalism now. By the way, all of them believes the Church IS Israel, which dispensationalists reject. As well, don’t appeal to church fathers if you don’t agree with 99% of their beliefs. It’s inconsistent
You say literalism but I would argue Dispensationalists do not take Mathew 24:34 literally. "Truly I say to you this generation will not pass away until all these things take place."
Wow, it’s a shame to see someone who is so talented at explaining a topic do so little critical thinking When it comes to the Bible and how to read it well. You didn’t present the other side of the argument at all, all you did was bash it and basically called them stupid and that they’re wrong. Exegesis is out the window on this one; Likely everything else post on here. It’s easy to find what you want in the Bible if you already know what you’re looking for… Yikes.
Please thoroughly explain your point of view and what you believe before saying yikes so that we can use the Word of God to test whether your views /beliefs are “yikes” or not and hold up to what God’s Word says :)
@@svviftghostlol ohhhh right the “prooftexting”. If this were amateur hour maybe I would have a go at it; if you can keep up with a 40 page dissertation on the subject, then we can have a discourse.
@@svviftghost Matthew 13:24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: Matthew 13:25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. Matthew 13:26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. Matthew 13:27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? Matthew 13:28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? Matthew 13:29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Matthew 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. _Jesus sown the good seed. Right after the enemy came and sown the tares among the good seed._ _Good seed = the four Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John._ _The tares were sown then after._ _Many people, instead of following what Jesus had sown, prefer to follow that which was sown after Jesus._ _But Jesus said to follow him._ John 10:27 *My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:* John 10:28 *And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.*
The intention was to present a one side view. GotQuestions is Calvinist in their soteriology but otherwise jettisons the Reformed faith in favor of dispensationalism and a Baptistic position on the Sacraments (Credo/Memorial only). I’ve pretty stopped considering them a viable source for Reformed teaching.
Vastly ironic that as the dispensationalist view slowly comes into greater alignment with the facts on the ground, "scholars" pronounce it irrelevant. Some "scholars".
“A thief 's🇮🇱 partner 🇺🇸is his own worst enemy. He will be punished if he tells the truth in court, and God will curse him if he doesn't.” (Proverbs 29:24, GNB) “Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:” (Romans 9.6, KJV) “Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.” (Matthew 21.42-44, KJV)
It didn't, you need to study up in history. Catholicism and other denominations fell away from it with replacement theology. The early church fathers (post apocalyptic father's) taught dispensationalism. Ana-Baptist and a few other denominations still taught dispensationalism.
@christsavesreadromans1096I was told that exact thing by a dispensationalist when, I said “Jesus said, ‘It’s hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.’” He said, “Jesus, said that to an unbelieving Jew, before the resurrection.” I had no idea until that conversation that dispensationalists hold Jesus’ words as lesser than Paul’s. I was shocked!
The problem with the "literal" point he brings up is that it seems to ignore the incorporation of exegesis, which might affect interpretation in a less than literal manner.
You think your interpretation of “what it says” is the same as mine? How about the more than 700 different languages it has been translated to. If it’s a rapture you’re subscribing to, you’re missing the point. Love is the fulfillment of the law.
a lot of belief system are post-biblical. if they are from 2'nd or 3'rd or 19'th century is not the best criteria to reject or accept it. for example, trinity concept is post biblical, and is not valid (if it is) just because it is old.
The Kingdom now people never answer the question about evil and Satan being chained. Also, I believe Jesus is supposed to be reigning from Jerusalem in the Kingdom. I don't think he's there.
I agree mostly with this interpretation of dispensationalism. However, the statement that Old Testament saints were saved by simply having faith in God is decidedly inaccurate. God immediately let Adam and Eve know that a blood sacrifice would be needed for their sins and gave them the coats of the animals He had just sacrificed picturing clearly imputed righteousness. Also, the promised seed of the woman is all the way back in Genesis 3:15 so they know that one day God was going to send His Messiah to die for their sins. This is born out in passages of both Old and New Testaments. The New Testament doctrines of imputation and justification in the New Testament are securely and clearly based in the Old Testament. See Romans chapters 4 and 5 and the Epistle to the Galatians. Abraham, when God commanded him to sacrifice his only begotten son, Isaac, knew that "God will provide HIMSELF a sacrifice." The verse means clearly that Abraham prophetically knew Christ would come and die for our sins. Isaiah 53 is so abundantly clear about Christ who would be the Lamb of God and that by faith in His atoning sacrifice, we could be saved. Isaiah 53:11 is crystal clear. " He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities." The meaning is that by coming to the knowledge of the sacrifice of Christ many would be JUSTIFIED. Old Testament saints know a LOT more than we give them credit for and one of those things was the atoning work of Christ.
The Bible does not teach dispensationalism. You have to bend it, twist it, and manufacture a couple of lies to present it as true. Thanks but no thanks.
Ephesians 3 King James Version 3 For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, 2 If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward: 3 How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words, You were saying?🧐. You can take your foot out of your mouth anytime now…
@@jafojafo5412 Taking the word of God out of its intended context is the first step that leads to a false doctrine. First, try to find out what the meaning of dispensation is first; second, try to learn that dispensation is a noun not a doctrine, and third, not everyone reads the kjv. Now, try to read your bible and stop believing in false teachings. People with little biblical background are the most susceptible to deception. Oh, I forgot, no one creates a doctrine out of one single noun... Think about that before you keep on believing a lie.
@@jafojafo5412 keep reading! You stopped right before he tells you what the mystery is! How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words, Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel: Ephesians 3:3-6 We are ONE with Israel! In the Body of Christ!!!! There are not two people of God like dispensationalism falsely claims. It’s those who believe only, no matter your race because God is “no respecter of persons”!!!! Israel that doesn’t believe is not God’s people! Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory, Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles? As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved. And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God. Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved: For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth. And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha. What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith. But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone; As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. Romans 9:6-8,22-33 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. Romans 2:28-29
Paul apostle said there is no longer Jew or Gentille the Bible teaches us today that there’s two types of people in a nutshell, the believer and the unbelievers.
Cyrus Scofield -- the father of dispensationalism -- was proven to be a great con man, so guess what that makes you. The Bible contains Poetry in addition to Prose -- So you are going to interpret Poetry Literally? This means that God is a giant chicken since Jesus said that he longed to gather Jerusaem as a hen gathers her chicks. Two "peoples of God?" Not if you interpret the Prose parts of the Bible literally. "For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into ONE, and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in HIs flesh the enmity which is the Law of commandments contined in ordinances, that in Himself He might make the two into ONE new man, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile them both in ONE body to God through the cross" (Eph 2: 14-16) But you refuse to take the plain, everyday meaning of those words literally. Yet, you insist on interpreting the obvious poetry of a passage like Matt 24:29 literally. Sun, Moon and Stars falling is a poetic reference to Israel cast away, as in Joseph's dream of his father being the Sun, his mother the Moon, and his brothers the stars. Like most dispensationalists you interpret the prose like poetry and the poetry like prose. No wonder confusion reigns in the church.
Look up the connection between Herzl and Blackstone "the Father of Zionism" Israel would have set up in Uganda if it weren't for this ridiculous Dispensationalism ideology. Abrahamic religions are a scourge!
@@gregorylatta8159 his teachings make the most sense to me personally. I’m open to learning everything I can. I’ve just Recently been saved so I’m still learning as much as possible.
@@gregorylatta8159They believed that faith plus works applied to the Old Testament and to the upcoming Tribulation Period. In today’s dispensation of the grace of God, salvation is by faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ. No heresy at all.
His Pre Trib rapture theory is unbiblical and unfounded in any scripture. The church will endure tribulation to the end of time. That's the second coming of our Lord Jesus in all Power and Glory. There's no other coming except for the deception of Satan.
Keep in mind that this idea came about in a time when 7th Day Adventists, Jehovah Witness, Mormonism, Finnleyism and other heresies were created. I’ll take the historical view of Post-Millenialism instead.
Agree, without Darby and Scofield we arent even having this conversation. 1800 if Christian history had NO conception of the "Rapture." Uts no wonder paganism has overrun Christendom when Christians are all waiting for the fire escape.
Quite frankly I find the dispensational Biblical view quite convoluted and confusing. It arbitrarily breaks up the beautiful prophecy of Daniel 9 and creates a false dichotomy concerning the church and Israel. For one thing, dispensationalists are encouraging the Jews to rebuild the temple and to start sacrificing animals again! The temple was destroyed for a reason as Jesus’ death put an end to sacrifice and to start up the temple system again would be like saying that his death on the cross wasn’t good enough! This is blasphemy!
Your method of Interpretation is WRONG. The Bible uses all forms of Language and is packed with Literature that is NOT Literal. Taking poetic language in a Literal way only leads to WRONG or ERRANT understandings. Dispensationalism is also WRONG. This results in a TWISTED View of God and Prophecy.
"emphasizes literal interpretation" and "promises made... for land... will be ultimately fulfilled in the thousand year period..." So I guess the word "forever" isn't taken literally then?? Genesis 13:15, Psalm 110:4 (repeated several times in Hebrews). 1000 years is a long time but doesn't come close to "forever". And how do you put a "close parenthesis" on Jesus' high priesthood when the Bible says it's forever?
You can see this is truth because it's how scripture is set out, how history as been set out our present time and future to come, Israel and the Church. It's like taking a bird's eye view on human past present and future. It's nothing to be arguing about. . 🙄
I don't disect God's word. The Bible is entire. I don't select a portion and ASSUME that I am only meant to apply only a portion of it. We are told NOT TO ADD TO- NOR TAKE AWAY. The idea that the Bible and it's meaning is a platform for man to pick apart and apply what fits us due to our time frame and to apply MANs theories of it as a whole to me, serves as so counterproductive and seperatist that it grieves the truth in that the Lord speaks to us through it. Bith Paul and Jesus made reference to God's law in the old testament , NOT The add ons of pharisees. Sadly, if it a seperatism and adds confusion- We should understand that God is NOT the author of confusion. God does NOT make mistakes and grace has been given mankind since day one of our existance. It is BY FAITH through grace in Christ Jesus that we are saved. Bless us all Lord and show us the way to understand YOU not by words of men or scholars, science, or theorists- but by your Holy Spirit in the reading and continual prayer of what YOU provide for us daily. In Jesus Christ I pray, Amen
Dispensationalism teaches a pre-trib rapture, which the bible does not support. No where does it say we will be taken up secretly or silently or that we will be spared going through the time of tribulation (7 plagues). The Bible is clear that we must go through tribulation and persevere to the end in order to be saved.
@christsavesreadromans1096 no it doesn’t. You don’t know what you’re saying,salvation is dependent upon what YOU do,which it isn’t at all,no one gets saved by what they do. You make Jesus not important by that teaching
@christsavesreadromans1096 Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by Grace are ye saved through faith,and that not of yourselves,it is the gift of God,not of works lest any man should boast. Here Paul says you are saved only by faith you are saved,in the verse you pointed out it wasn’t talking about salvation. By the way,at the end of 1 Corinthians 13,he says that charity(in the KJV) is the most important. But he also mentions faith and hope. He says “the greatest of these three is charity.” So clearly Paul isn’t talking about salvation at all on that chapter,he’s talking about something different. You just don’t see it. And the in 1 Corinthians 14,the very next chapter he says “Follow after charity,and desire after spiritual gifts,…” so he wasn’t talking about being saved,he was talking about spiritual gifts.
Get John Reisinger's book "The Four Seeds of Abraham." He shows the fallacy of Dispensationalism and Traditional Covenant Theology. It is a much sought after book!
This guy doesn't answer anything. The bible is clear about who Gods people are. Only those who are in Christ Jesus are Gods sons and daughters. . There are not two peoples of God with two different covenants and two different destinations, there's only one people of God under one shepherd Jesus the Christ.
Sigh… he isn’t trying to give you an opinion, he’s expanding what Disoensationalists believe. If you are a Christian -Or just a man of integrity, watch the video again and then post an apology.
The Apostle Paul REPEATEDLY says that those that worship Christ are Israel. Somehow they ignore every reference to Christians being the Israel of God, as Paul said, 'Not all who call themselves Israel are Israel."
"And do not presume to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham." Matthew 3:9.
This would also make the statement in revelation make sense. "I know those who say they are jews but are not".
@@AnathemaMysticalcel Agreed. Dispensationalists give 'lip-service' only to the Books of Galatians, Hebrews, Romans, while purposely misinterpreting Revelations. Dispensationalist interpretations lead to stark contradictions. Example:
"I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, so that you will not be conceited: A hardening in part has come to Israel, until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: “The Deliverer will come from Zion; He will remove godlessness from Jacob." Romans 11:25-26.
Dispensationalist say that this points to the future earthly kingdom of Israel when ALL will come to the Lord. However, 2 chapters earlier say something COMPLETELY different:
"Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved:" Romans 9:27.
@@PaulChristianJenkinsJD I totally agree with you. But I will make the whole arguement as simple as possible.
What makes "Israel" Israel?
Chapter 19 of Exodus states: "if you obey my voice, you will be a peculiar nation, a chosen people."
If you are obeying God you are Israel, the great commission, is fulfillment of the old testament prophecies that God would gather his people from the nations.
It is so much simpler then calvanistic dispensationalists make it. Professing them selves wise they become fools.
@@AnathemaMysticalcel “Calvanistic”! 😂
Two natures of Israel.
“I am writing these things to warn you about those who want to lead you astray. But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know, and what he teaches is true-it is not a lie. So just as he has taught you, remain in fellowship with Christ.”
1 John 2:26-27 NLT
Needed this, thank you. Back to studying the word
Listening to this talk, I can see how Matthew 24:24 is being and will continue to be fulfilled. I was raised dispensational and started asking questions at 9 years old after the church camp I went to wouldn't let any of us children leave the evening service until we all spoke in tongues.. At 9 years old!. I quit asking after years of being brow beat by Christians, including my family members. I never lost faith in God though, just men! I learned to study the bible for myself, and I'm still learning as the Holy Spirit wills it. Read read read, pray pray pray people, stop listening to men!
i was enticed with the teaching of dispensational, however i felt something was really off,. they lack the spirit of Love and it only made me confused.
@@mountainmover777 I'm a dispensionalist, and I don't speak in tongues and have never spoken in tongues. Way to stereotype people.
Amen amen amen, perfectly said, stop listening to men and read God's word for yourself and learn, John 16:13 but when he the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth
@@stephaniegoings7932 Hi Stephen, maybe you can help me. In John 11: 23-24 we read: "Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”
I asked a dispensationalist exper... doesn't that mean the resurrection, including the rapture, will occur on the LAST DAY?
He told me that Jesus was speaking to a Jewish woman in a different dispensation before Jesus' resurrection.
I asked him the following question but never heard back from him....
Based on Martha's inspired words, does that mean that Jews like Lazarus who died in that dispensation would rise on the LAST DAY and Gentiles who die after Jesus' Passion in that dispensation would rise some 7 years prior to the LAST DAY?
How would you answer? Thanks and God bless.
I'm confused. By literal, do you include figurative? Because there were a lot of messianic prophesies about Jesus. Like, he would take our heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh. Did he literally do that or is that a metaphor? Or, "he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel". Also, Why only look at messianic prophesies and not the rest of prophesy which is full of allegory and metaphor? And why would we think language is only meant to be taken literally? What about poetry? Jesus spoke in Parables. The disciples asked him why he doesn't speak plainly but in metaphor. He said we should drink his blood and eat his flesh. Hopefully not literal. Is literalism different than what I think it is? One last thing. Just because something is not taken literally doesn't mean someone can pull out any meaning they want from it. The metaphor is in there and it is meant to be taken out by those who want the truth.
Truth has been spoken. Thank you.😊
Excellent comments. Excellent questions. I wish that I could give you more than one like. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Good question.
Thank you.
No wonder you're confused, didn't he say especially prophecy, and then explains that every prophecy relating to Christ's birth, ministry, death and resurrection were fulfilled literally. It's so off base to suggest that parables and poetry and allegories are to be taken literally as well. If one uses allegory to explain something else, you cannot but take it as not being literal. Context is key! That is how language works. Cheers.
2 Timothy 2:15
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
I believe God calls me to abide to have faith in Him, to have in hope for the second coming and to be charitable through love. I believe I have a mission to spread the message of salvation. Anything that doesn't directly help me relate that message, means very little to me. I find peace in praying to God about my lack of understanding for biblical history and theology. I have read and listened to a lot of discussions about these topics, never have I found peace through another man's explanation, only in prayer to God.
@@davepane7306 amen.
Yes, you spoke well when you said "be charitable through love". What Paul refers to as 'faith working through love'. God bless.
You might want to look up John MacArthur and his teachings on Theology and so on. God's peace to you
I've been seeing SO MUCH pushback on this lately, so I needed a brush up on it. Thanks!
Have you prayed about it, sought God on Truth?
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that’s needeth not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING the WORD OF THRUTH. 2tim. 2:15
Always great to quote things from someone else’s mail that you didn’t see the other side of and weren’t there for and weren’t alive during the time it was written. Especially in the classic old English that Timothy absolutely definitely wrote it in. 1500 year old first version translations from a dead form of Greek are so so perfect, why even question it ya know?
@@GetAGripBro bruh.
@@JC_Denton whoops
@@GetAGripBroThen don't quote or use words from anybody you haven't literally met or were alive during the time that they wrote anything; such a stupid argument😂
@@irreducibleBoogie A little late on this one. Go cry somewhere else
Many who claim to take God's Word literally don't take the words, "soon", "shortly", "quickly" or "this generation" literally.
In each case you need to look at what the context of those words mean. Also it helps to know the original intent of the author. Soon can either mean "in a short time" or "what will happen next". Shortly means shortly but in what context is it used? In which part? That will determine its meaning. For example in Revelation, an angel says these things must shortly take place. That is more a period of a short time. But the book of Revelation from chapters 4 to 19 focus on visions of John on what will take place in the future. Quickly referenced by the words of Jesus in Revelation 22 mean not that I will return quickly, but rather that when I return it will happen quickly. In other words, David took a while when he became king to when he ruled over Israel. Jesus is saying when He returns, it will happen quickly. The return itself will not take long from Heaven to Earth.
There is a difference between Immanence and short time frame. Immanence means it could happen at anytime, short time means it WILL happen shortly. Dispensationalists believe in the immanence of the return which means nothing has to happen for the rapture to take place except the last gentile coming to faith in Jesus. Hope this helps.
Also, "At Hand."
Amen amen amen!
@@thegospelofchristsaves7174 I didn't need help, thank you. Revelation 1:3 says, "Blessed is the one who reads, and those who hear the words of the prophecy and keep the things which are written in it; for the time is near." Chapters 4-19 are included in that prophecy. "for the time is near." This is the reason they were blessed for reading it. Scripture is always a blessing, but in their case, it saved their lives! Partial preterists don't need any hermeneutical gymnastics to explain words that don't fit the narrative. Understanding comes much easier to me now. I love my brothers and sisters in Christ and pray that each one would find truth in God's Word and so be blessed.
@@neilnolte2587 Your generalist statement about words needed help as some who would read it would not in any way understand what you meant by it. You quote the Bible with "Blessed is the one who reads," which is true, but ignorant is the one who spouts wourds out of emotion without forthought.
Dispensationalism seems to highlight ethnic Israel more than it highlights the True Israel of God, the Lord Jesus Christ who has torn down the dividing wall between Jew and Gentile and has unified all those who he has redeemed creating one new man as preordained by God and foretold by Sacred Scriptures.
Not really. It just seems to be that way because after the fiasco of 1600+ years of the gentiles aka the Age of Conscience, God began to move again and formed a nation that is ethnically distinct and gave His promises to them during the Age of Promise. They failed, spectacularly, and out of the gentiles and the Jews, God formed the Church, which is the focus in the present Dispensation, the Age of Grace. He will fulfil the promises He made to Abraham in the Millennial Kingdom, which is physically peopled by the Jews and gentiles, but ruled by the Church, who are kings and priests and are already in their glorified bodies and are able to travel dimensions. The Jews and the gentiles will also reign in a lesser capacity as hinted in the gospels, so essentially during the Millennial Kingdom, the Church, Israel, and the gentiles are going to reign with Christ for a thousand years. What a glorious era that will be!
@@sambee4927 Thank you for sharing your thoughts, my friend. But do kindly provide Scriptural basis for this so we can all carefully study it. Thank you, again.
The passage you are citing says that people who WERE Gentiles, are no longer called Gentiles. They are no longer foreigners and strangers to the promises of YHVH, but have become fellow citizens with the saints of YHVH.
Tearing down the wall is what allowed former pagans to join Israel.
The 'one new man' is Israel and those who have now chosen to live like Israel lives.
@@AgeDeo2009 it's not a question of who is being " highlighted" more it's a question of separate and distinct promises made to two distinct groups.
Not according to Eph. 2: 14-22. This explains why Christ has only ONE BRIDE not two - THE CHURCH, made up of all who are in Christ. (Jews and Gentiles) No wonder the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews included Abel, Enoch, Noah, Job, and others, in its "Hall of Faith," though they were not ethnically Jews. However, they had the same faith as Abraham (Gal. 3: 7-9,). Indeed ever since it's by grace through faith! (Rom. 4: 10 - 13) Hallelujah!
No wonder why everyone is confused.
Absolutely perfect presentation! Thank you!😁
Even the old testament people were saved through Christ so I don´t know what´s the deal there. There´s one God, Triune, and one Saviour of the whole world, Christ Jesus.
May God save us from false preachings and leaders who won´t seek to preach the truth.
Funny, I only read about God’s covenants in the Bible. These are the various promises God makes and they inform man how God will interact with his creation.
I missed the Scripture references that explain (exegete) the various dispensations.
No you didn't... cause they aren't there! 😆
Exactly, covenant theology is the right way to interpret the bible, since "literally" is what the Bible teaches, covenants.
Everything that the dispensational position embraces is taught in scripture. Having said that, I don’t see it as doctrine but more as a help or guidelines to understanding. I believe in the dispensation because it allows me to more clearly understand scripture.
Dispensationalism also argues God saves people differently throughout time (Abraham was saved differently by faith, Moses was saved by the law, We are saved by Jesus) which argues God is ever-changing and constantly changing his mind. I believe God is the same yesterday today and forever. God does not change his mode of salvation. Jesus says no one enters the kingdom of heaven except through me. If Jesus is not lying then that means Abraham Moses and we must all enter through him, proving God does not change his mode of salvation
No that’s not correct
You are very, very correct.
John 8:57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?
John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
@Ghee19 it is what dispensationalism teaches. They have revised the position to now say every dispensation was grace but that is not what Scofield taught
When a dispensationalist says “Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John was written for the Jews” and you reply with “Romans 1:16” - they don’t like that very much. They don’t like 2 Timothy 3:16, either.
You did not even answer the last question - is it biblical? and never used any scripture as you said you would. What a disappointment and waste of time. All you did was summarize dispensationalism.
So we will never know if it's biblical and if it's correct. Very disappointing
Before you “waste your time”, look at the time stamp. This is not a dissertation, but a summary. Summaries are quite useful for someone who runs across an unfamiliar idea and wants to get on with a task at hand. I’m grateful. Thank you for this helpful video so that I don’t spend MY time on hours of bunny trail. Later I will do a longer study.
@@deborahbraman4667 sister, but don't you think that he should also answer whether it's biblical and use scripture because he said he would use. It's good to summarize but the problem is he did not deliver what he said he would. I think we should always stand on our words.
The answer is no
Thank you for this!
Thank you so much. Great explanation.
He said he would use the Bible but never read from it
Yeah, good observation. I am still on the fence about the "Got Questions" website.
Swear these false preachers couldn't tell you 5 verse from the bible.
Great reply! I agree. I'm preaching on those verses in Romans 11 in a couple of weeks mind if I use some of this information to quote? Especially like the replacement theology comparisons and the quotes from the Dallas crowd.
He said he was going to explain from a biblical perspective. He never said he was going to read the scriptures. Get it right!
@@colleenc236 he never quoted scripture or used scripture either.
Thanks so much for this straightforward explanation. Google’s explanation went right over my head.
Probably went over the heads of most of those likely to believe dispensationalism
Dispensationalismus is 100 % biblical !!!
@@johnmcguire4635 Not me!!!
The explanation in the video was not straightforward. A lot of fallacies.
@@johnmcguire4635 what an uncharitable response for a Christian to have.
Thank you for this very succinct but thorough explanation!
This theology was invented by John Nelson Darby in the 1830s. It is a man-made doctrine taught nowhere in church history prior.
It wasn't invented by Darby. He just gets credit because his message and writings are documented and can be pointed at.
(Pierre Poiret, John Edwards, Isaac Watts, Alexander Campbell, then Darby + all the other heretics that followed)
@@wydopnthrtl - You're calling Isaac Watts a 'heretic' ??!! He was a HERO of our Christian faith. Sorry, that alone reveals a that for you, your bias is more important than the actual facts.
I could be mistaken... he was a sun-worship day keeper and laws of God denier as I understand. If I'm mistaken please show me.
This is not strictly true. There were a few Jesuits who taught a proto version of this doctrine in the 1500's, but it didn't become popular until Darby.
@@AN-nl9puThere you have it: Jesuit heresies.
Pastor Nelson you didn't say if dispensationalism was or wasn't Biblical. But thank you for your many videos. Lord bless you.
Dispensationalism is not biblical. To make it look like one, they ignore the covenants of the Bible and replace it manufactured beliefs. Don’t get tied up with lies.
How to rightly divide.
2 Timothy 2:15
King James Version
15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Church age(faith alone)
Galatians 2:16 - Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. Romans 4:5 - But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
1st rapture(pretribulation/before tribulation)
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
King James Version
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
1st judgment(judgment seat of Christ)-good or bad
2 Corinthians 5:10
King James Version
10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
1 Corinthians 3:13-15
King James Version
13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.
14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.
15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.
Tribulation(works, not just faith)
John.2:22-26 kjv
22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?
23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.
24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.
25 Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way?
26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
2nd judgment (great white throne judgment)
3 And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.
4 And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand.
Revelation 20:11-15 KJV
And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
In conclusion
Jesus raptures the church and we meet in the clouds.
Tribulation saints endure to the end, dying for Christ’s witness, and rejecting the mark.
On top of that they are gathered out of the angels hands, after they have been killed
And then it’s the 2nd coming at the very very end
Each man his his own order
•Order of Raptures
1 Corinthians Chapter 15
22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.
24 Then [cometh] the end,
We leave when Christ comes for us, they endure to the end. It’s simple the more you read the more you learn. If you haven’t opened the Bible how do you expect to learn it, learn from others?
Doctrine of man, is doctrine of devils.
Man has a deceitful heart
Jeremiah 17:9-10
King James Version
9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
10 I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.
@@LilPeeper420 There are major wholes to dispensational viewpoints (which most modern theologians have concluded is unbiblical). The Torah wasn't given to Goyim (Gentiles), it was given to Israel. Yet, you can be grafted into Israel in the present age still (faith). Further, you cannot believe in dual covenant theology (which dispensationalism requires) and believe Yeshua fulfilled ALL promises to Israel at the same time. This would create a contradiction of fallacy pertaining to the blessing due only to the Messiah.
And this contradiction would literally rob Yeshua of His glory! In essence, either you believe we are new creations in Yeshua, a holy united people, or you believe that Yeshua didn't quite get over the finish line, and there is still some work to be done on His part to fulfill His promise to Israel. There's so much more to write, but the conundrum of robbing Yeshua of His glory precludes the necessity to continue critiquing a theology originating from a little Irish girl's dream.
there was a word called Dispension, which mean to give, that was the original Dictionary meaning in Bible, Bible also says he dispensed his grace, but the word dispensationalism was made 100 years ago and teaches that god changes with the ages, he DELT with people different but gods original plan never changes
@@SpotterVideo I also noticed they teach there are the two Holy Spirits, one that distributes spiritual gifts (healing, miracles, etc.) to Jews and the other Holy Spirit available to Christians that just resides in them, but doesn't give them gifts, so poor Christians are at mercy of the Devil who "rapes" them back and forth and they should rejoice in their affliction because they already have a promise of an eternal life through their faith anyway. Such dispensational view makes Christian church totally invalid, like some powerless fool and the Devil laughs. Now, the sad thing is that what I state here is what we see manifest in real life, so I wonder if it isn't biblical, why does it manifest?
I have a few questions for 'dispensation pre-trib rapture' believers:
In John 11: 23-24 we read: "Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”
Does that mean Jewish believers in Jesus who died prior to His Passion will rise again in a second resurrection (ie. at the last day)...and....Gentile Christians who have died after His Passion will rise 7 years before the last day?
If so, doesn't that mean there will be 2 resurrections?
How do dispensationlists separate Jesus talking to Jews in one dispensation before His Passion and Jesus talking to those same Jews after His Resurrection? In which resurrection will those Jews rise?
I'd really like to understand this. Thanks and God bless all.
Dispensationalism was made up by a guy. It is just his opinion.
Just like your opinion….is of no importance
clear and straightforward
If the word "dispensation" refers to a period of time, when is the time period of God as mentioned in Colossians 1:25. The passage states, "Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God;" The passage parallels Ephesians 3:2, which reads, "If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward:" Is the dispensation of grace limited to the church age? Noah found grace in the OT.
Could it be that the word "dispensation" refers a dispensing of something like a covenant? A paper towel dispenser dispenses paper towels. The covenants would be a better method of understanding the dispensing of the selected covenant. The church or Gentiles are strangers to the covenants. What think ye?
The word dispensation could also mean stewardship. It has nothing to do with a period of time. Does this help you?
Thank you so much for posting this I really enjoyed it it makes the most sense to me 🙂 Jesus loves you ❤️
Can't tell you how much I appreciate you guys!
“27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Gal. 3:27-29)
If you believe these verses are God’s holy word, you cannot believe that God has two separate peoples with separate plans of salvation. We can debate how biblical prophecy is fulfilled all we like, but it cannot allow for special treatment of the Jewish people. As Romans 9:27-28 says, “27 Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: ‘Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea, only the remnant will be saved. 28 For the Lord will carry out his sentence on earth with speed and finality.’” God’s blessings to all my brothers and sisters in Christ and to all reading this comment.
The best and most accurate description of Dispensationalism I have ever heard. The Bible MUST BE READ WITH THIS VIEW IN MIND AT ALL TIMES!!!!!
Pastor Justin Johnson from Grace Ambassadors is THE best mid Acts 9 teacher on this!
How can there be two peoples of God in the world when Paul clearly taught that there is only one people of God, as it was written "13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility," Eph.2, and "By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear." Heb.8:13 and Gal.6:15-16, "15 Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation. 16 Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule-to the Israel of God."
Dispensationalism is not Biblical. There is, and has always been, one people of God, those who placed their faith in the coming Messiah and those who place their faith in the same Messiah who has come, Jesus Christ. There is no way around the fact that faith in Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. The Father saved, saves us, through the Son, by the Spirit so that by the Spirit, through the Son, we come to the Father (Ephesians 1:3-14). God's plan of salvation has been the same throughout the Biblical record, throughout human history. Anyone who says differently, run.
Do you offer temple sacrifice?
Do you have to get on an ark to be saved?
Are you a Jew?
If not then you beleive in dispensations.
…When’s the last time you kept the 10 commandments? Oh, so you have always kept the sabbath day of Saturday and done no work? We don’t live under the 10 commandments today. We aren’t expected to obey the Levtical laws. See Randy white of Toas New Mexico on UA-cam. 4,000 videos for excellent dispensational study
Wrong!!!!! Today we are saved by faith not works (Ephesians). In Moses time up until Paul’s teachings people kept the law by doing works.
Thanks so much for you very clear explanation. Even as a novice, however, I can't help but question your commitment to "all things literal" when large passages of the bible are song (poetry) that focus on the heart and large portions are apocalyptic and by definition contain many symbols that are not meant to be taken literally. According to "all things literal" the pregnant woman and red dragon of Rev 12 will be a woman and a real dragon? Do I have that right?
Hello. I just have a comment that helped me. Let the Bible interpret itself either in the passages before or after (context), or in the same book (near text) or remote text (found in another part of the Bible-in another book. A word search sometimes helps). Discern what is 'Like and As' when scripture describes it like that, as in Revelation. We know when John says 'Behold the Lamb of God', Jesus isn't a 4 legged animal but a picture/type. When the literal sense makes sense, give it no other sense. Most of Psalms is prophetic scripture that will be fulfilled in the future. A lot of prophetic Scripture also has duel fulfillment. It has happened in the past but will also be fulfilled in the future. 2 Tim 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. 🙂
@jennifercrawford7129 this is very helpful. Thank you for sharing!🙏🏼
@@jennifercrawford7129 Dual fulfillment? In Matthew 24:2 Jesus is answering the question of when the stones of Herod's temple would be torn down, and in 24:21 He says that this would be accomplished during the Great Tribulation by the Roman soldiers:
"But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies then recognize that her desolation is at hand" (Luke 21:20). We know in hindsight that that happened in 70 a.d. right after the Christian Jews fled from the city. In Mt 24:21 Jesus said that THAT was the "great tribulation" and that there would never be a worse tribulation in the future. So if you believe the words of Jesus there cannot be a dual fulfillment of the 70 a.d. great tribulation. It boils down to this: Do you believe the words of Jesus or the words of Cyrus Scofield, the founder of dispensationalism?
@@jennifercrawford7129 Can you show me anywhere in the New Testament where the apostles declare that an OT prophecy was fulfilled once in Christ and then there will be a second ("dual") fulfillment at a later time? Anywhere?
I wonder if the guy in the video would believe the Lords supper is truly Jesus' body and blood lol, since Jesus said it was.
Yes to ALL. Thank you.
Thank you for this explanation.
God's words are true.
I’m studying Eschatology and I’m a dispensationalist after intense research/study I appreciate you covering this subject matter
Today's theologians are all influenced by Israel. Check out Adam Clark, John Gill, Matthew Henry, and Albert Bell. Otherwise you get some version of Jonathan Cahn or Michael Brown.
I agree, and I think the bible does clearly point to dispensationalism. I do understand why people may disagree and feel it can be unclear. Regarding people going for the replacement theology I believe is very wrong and anti biblical
@@MicheMoffatt Can you at least give us a Scripture? My faith is the Word of God.
"Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? Therefore I TELL YOU THAT THE KINGDOM OF GOD WILL BE TAKEN WAY FROM YOU and given to a people who will produce its fruit." Matthew 21:42-43.
"In the same way, after supper He took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is poured out for you." Luke 22:20.
"In speaking of a new covenant, He has made the first one OBSOLETE; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear." Hebrews 8:13.
"Therefore Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, now that He has died to redeem them from the transgressions committed under the first covenant." Hebrews 9:15.
"They will level you to the ground- you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, BECAUSE YOU DID NOT RECOGNIZE THE TIME OF YOUR VISITATION FROM THE LORD.” Luke 19:44.
Pastor Andy Wood gives a very Biblical understanding of dispensationalism in the study of Genesis. It makes total sense. I believe God does not break His promises.
“Makes sense” says the guy getting paid to say something lol
Romans 9: 6 But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel; 7 nor are they all children because they are Abraham’s descendants, but: “through Isaac your descendants will be named.” 8 That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants.
Galatians 3:29
@@jacksonrelaxin3425I know right. It sounds like some "trust me bro" religion.
You're absolutely right! God does not break his promises. And he's fulfilling it through Jesus christ. This dispensationalism and it's twisted theology is exactly why it's a salvation issue because they are proclaiming that there's the body of Christ which is all Jews and gentiles that are saved and then there's the Jews that are not saved which are still being considered by them God's chosen and that they don't have to go through Jesus to receive salvation because of the promise. But that contradicts everything Jesus said which is nobody comes to the father except through Him. It's really dangerous out there and it's best just to allow the holy spirit to guide you through the word. Or at least find people that you trust. Constantly pray for discernment because I just learned about this a week ago and I thought I knew everything about the deceptions of the world that's going on. Just when you think you have it all figured out the Holy Spirit shows you otherwise. God bless
This was helpful.
I have listened to talks with dispensationalists and covenant theologians. They seem to be saying the same things almost. The covenant theologians also believe in different covenants that God made with His people, like different dispensations. The major difference comes when the covenant is seen to apply only to the church and all future promises made distinctly to Israel are then interpreted as being spiritual and for the church.
As John MacArthur says, Israel gets all the curses and none of the blessings. Israel was always going to reject messiah the first time, it’s the only way our sins could be paid. Even the proto-evangelion in Genesis 3:15 shows that Christ was always doing to die and the rejection of Israel was always on the plan. They’ve not been replaced because of the nation of Jews rejecting Christ.
So did Christ only die for the sins of the Israelites or everyone? It's not replacement, it's still the everlasting covenant that was promised to Abraham. Israelites just aren't separated anymore.
Hi, I like the name of this channel! I've always been taught, and am still convinced of, the dispensational view. However, in all that time I have rarely heard the thing about seven dispensations and don't think it is helpful. And I would avoid the term "two peoples of God" because, again, it's better simply to talk about Israel and the Church, as the Bible does. People of other persuasions often jump on cliché phrases such as these and then dismiss the whole understanding. Maybe these phrases form part of the debate in the USA, but in the UK I've hardly heard these terms; they grate with me, even though I am firmly persuaded by the viewpoint. You rightly say the real issue is literalism, including with prophecy. It once dawned on me that, if prophecy can be fulfilled "spiritually" or non-literally, then we'd have no idea when it had ever been fulfilled; and one reason God gave it is to prove to us that He is God, who knows the end from the beginning. It seems so obvious that it must be clear and precise, and that God's intention is to communicate clearly and reveal who He is.
false doctrine that is running rampant in the Church, there is ONE dispensation (a Dispensing) God's "GOSPEL of GRACE" on fallen man through JESUS CHRIST prophesied in the O.T. fulfilled in the N.T.
(Ephesians 3:2-5) "If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward: {3} How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words, {4} Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) {5} Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; ALSO Col 1:20-29,
Would love to debate you Sir but doubt you will
Paul wrote Ephesians. All the Ephesians (all they in Asia) turned away from Paul (per Paul's epistle). Furthermore Paul was forbidden tp preach the word in Asia, and the Ephesians were in Ephesus, which was the Roman capital city of Asia Minor. All the candles stick Churches of Revelation were in Asia Minor and (per Acts 16:6) Paul was forbidden to preach the word there.
@@KeepingWatch95 Not sure what this has to do with the dispensation of Grace being the one and ONLY Gospel, but will respond, Paul clearly visited Ephesus "in Asia" twice and as it is yet true Act 16:6 was for forbidden to preach the Gospel in Asia yet in Act 18:1-6 while in Corinth is released to Ephesus to preach the Gospel ( Act 19:1,2,17,26, ) Paul was NOT preaching a different Gospel to the Ephesians "Asians",
also the epistle to the Ephesians nowhere says that "they turned" from him, and in Rev 2 they are being "warned" to do the "first" works "or else"
(Revelation 2:4-5) "Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. {5} Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent."
maybe you could explain, just don't know what this has to do with ONE dispensation of the Gospel of Grace throughout human history
@@Tom-uh9kk _Both... Paul is forbidden to preach the word in Asia... and all of Asia turns away from Paul. This means towards the end of Paul's ministry, all the candle stick churches of Revelation had turned away from Paul._
@@Tom-uh9kk _Paul is forbidden to preach the word in Asia..._
Acts 16:6 Now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, and *were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia,*
_(In Acts 16:6 Phrygia & Galatia are areas in Asia.)_
_(In Acts 16: 7 & 8 Paul fails to comply to what was “forbidden” him. Paul continues and goes to three cities in Asia (Mysia, Bithynia, Troas)...)_
Acts 16:7 After *they were come to Mysia, they assayed to go into Bithynia:* but the Spirit suffered them not.
Acts 16:8 And they passing by Mysia *came down to Troas.*
_(In Acts 16:9 to 11 Only after a dream does Paul leave Asia to go to Greece.)_
_(In Acts 17:1 Paul returns to Asia going to Thessalonica.)_
_(In Acts 17:3 It is clear that Paul is preaching to them in Asia.)_
_(In Acts 18 Paul continues further in Asia and goes to Ephesus.)_
_If it is not shown by the scriptures that Holy Ghost changed that Paul is forbidden (of the Holy Ghost) to preach the word in Asia, and if Paul goes and proclaims to be an “apostle” within Asia... that would make Paul a false apostle._
_Apostle means "messenger, he that is sent"_
G652 ἀπόστολος apostolos ap-os'-tol-os
From G649; a delegate; specifically an ambassador of the Gospel; officially a commissioner of Christ (“apostle”), (with miraculous powers): - apostle, messenger, he that is sent.
_And because Paul was not only; NOT SENT to Asia Minor, Paul was “FORBIDDEN” to preach the word in Asia... and if Paul claims to be a "Apostle/messenger/sent" in Asia after Acts 16:6 then Paul is a false “apostle/messenger/sent" as accordingly to what is written in Acts 16:6._
_(In Paul 's writings to the Ephesians in Asia, Paul proclaims to be an “apostle/messenger/he that is sent”)_
Ephesians 1:1 *Paul, an apostle* of Jesus Christ by the will of God, *to the saints which are at Ephesus,* and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:
_Note all the seven candlestick churches are in Asia and per Acts 16:6 Paul is forbidden to preach the word there. But Paul goes to one of the seven churches of Revelation (only one which is Ephesus) and Paul (in writing) claims to be an apostle/messenger/he that is sent. (Ephesians1:1 _*_Paul, an apostle ... to the saints which are at Ephesus...)_*
_Sometime later Paul writes 2 Timothy and declares “all they which are in Asia be turn away from [him]”... “no man stood with me”..._
2 Timothy 1:15 *This thou knowest, that all they which are in Asia be turned away from me;* of whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes.
2 Timothy 4:16 *At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me:* I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge.
_After Paul's ministry (and after “all they in Asia be turned away from [Paul]”) in Revelation the first church Jesus instructs John to write is the church of Ephesus (the same church Paul had written to). However Jesus commends the church of Ephesus for “[trying] them which say they are apostles (apostle/messenger/he that is sent), and are not, and hast found them liars_
Revelation 2:1 *Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write;* These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;
Revelation 2:2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how *thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:*
@@Tom-uh9kk _Per Acts 16:6 Paul is a false self claimed messenger._
I had been teaching the 7 dispensations and with it the past, present and the future of God's people became clearer than before. It even gives a clear understanding of what will transpire from the rapture to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ while the world is subjected to the 7 years of Tribulation. The series of events and their occurrences appears very clear and while one studies it the whole scenario looks like a view of the valley from the mountaintop. Thank you so much for the confirmation Got Questions.
I respectfully disagree, everything that most people agree about regarding dispensationalism is simply because that’s what they have been taught, not because they actually read the Bible.
Can you cite Scripture to support the various dispensations?
This doctrine has a purpose and it is to try to diminish the person and power of Christ to save the whole world. Be careful with doctrines that undermine the person of Jesus as God, even the God of the Old Testament too.
@@michaelseay9783well I must be a "fluke" and/or "rarity" (to you at least) because I was a " dispensationalist" BEFORE I had ever even heard the term or was introduced to the "idea" of "dispensationalism" because I READ MY BIBLE. At the very least because God has a COMMANDMENT to do so;
2 Timothy 2:15
"STUDY to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING the WORD of TRUTH."
("Fun" fact: the ONLY verse in the entire Bible that says to STUDY the Bible is found ONLY in the KJV Bible)
I was also "KJV only" before I knew "KJV only" was an actual thing; because not only did no other translation (per-version) sound right to me, it was and IS blatantly obvious that all other translations were corrupted by the "god of this world" whether the translators knew they were doing his work or not.
I've attended at least 12 churches in my life over the last approx 15 years & NONE of them besides the one God led me to 2 years ago and still attend today, is a church that actually preached the Bible as I had always understood it and read it.
I can't imagine reading a Bible not believing it is the PERFECTLY PRESERVED WORD OF GOD that I can TRUST every word in it, not being up for my own interpretation or needing to "go to the Greek/the original manuscripts"
2 Peter 1:20
"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation"
Which to be clear, I simply read the (AV/KJV) Bible exactly as it reads😮🤯💥! Comparing Scripture with Scripture because Crazy, I know.
anyways I'm literally about to go fly my drone hopefully pass out these new Bible tracts I just got in the mail today and then come home and get into my daily reading (in Ezra in my read through going from cover to cover) prayers I'm able to witness to someone, or God willing lead a soul to Christ.
Love you ALL my brother's and sister's in Christ I pray for discernment but even more so I just pray for the blessing of being reminded that there are still plenty of believers in Jesus Christ whether we agree on some doctrines (big or small) or not.
May we be lights, reflections of Christ in this dark world. See y'all on the other side ❤
@@DrVarner nope. He’s just delusional.
So far so good, but a better answer would have also pointed out the significant problems with this approach to Bible interpretation.
There is really no problem with this approach.
I would push back slightly on subjective private interpretation caused by not taking a literal approach. Whether you believe the fall was caused through Adam and Eve eating literal fruit tempted by an actual reptile or you believe the fruit was sin in general and Satan was speaking as Satan does today but metaphorically described as a snake, you still have to deal with the same conclusion. Literalism and mytho-history bring us to the same places, same realities, same principles.
For example, if someone believed Jonah was an allegory pointing to Christ rather than a literal historical figure (based on Nineveh, timelines and populations), it doesn’t steal from what Jonah ultimately points to. Christ resurrecting.
I don’t take this view of Jonah but have friends who do, and ultimately we still come to the same conclusions.
Just some thoughts. Great video!
Hi. Have you listened to Abner Chou’s lectures on christocentric hermeneutics? Not every passage in scripture is to be taken as an allegory for Christ. Yes, there are types, like Jonah but we read the scriptures as the authors intended their writings to be read.
The reason I say this is that although the example of Jonah is good there are other ones that lead to replace,ent theology and applying all scriptures about Israel onto the church.
No one knows what the serpent was. Remember, God cursed the serpent after the fall and made it what it is today. Some have suggested that it was an upright being with legs. Even an intellect, though not human. “Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.”
@@emknight72 It's also important to note that the Hebrew word for "snake" or "serpent" had two connotations; one being 'deceiver' and the other being 'shining' or 'shining one'. There is a fascinating lesson from a well-respected ancient Hebrew scholar, Dr. Michael Heiser
The only way to understand what appears to be a contradiction in the word of God because there (are none) is to understand dispensationalism, Like I’ve told other who doubt find out why apostle Paul uses the word in the New Testament and the context behind it brothers and sisters.. let the Lord lead you, God bless you all in Christ.
Excellent explanation ...
I feel like I'm too dumb to understand this.
Pray for wisdom God will give it to you
Yes, it is a massively complicated topic. David Currie wrote a book on it, some 500 pages, titled: Rapture: The Endtimes Error That Leaves The Bible Behind. Even reading that book created more questions.
What helped me the most was I realized one day, out of the blue, that I was literally chasing a rabbit down a hole similar to attempting to make Alice in Wonderland a true story.
Once I realized the entire theory was the 1830s brainchild of a single Playmouth Brethren theologian named John Nelson Darby, I put it on the shelf beside Alice in Wonderland.
Doing that was very freeing since it helped me to focus on the state of my soul at any moment instead of when Jesus will return. That way, I am best assured to be ready for His return and not just looking for it as though I already had my heaven card punched.
If you think back in our own history, many well meaning dispesantionalists have ruined their faimilies, bank savings and careers listening to the latest prophesy that the rapture would be on such and such a date. David Currie list the names and dates of all the documented prophesies starting with Paul who thought Jesus would return in his lifetime. David listed every century and guess what? Every one of the predictions were wrong. Even Bill Graham got in on it when he predicted in 1951 that the world would come to an end in 1953. Then there's the book '88 reasons the world will end in 1988'. Chances are most, if not all of our generation, will die before any such rapture occurs and as the large majority of Christians believe, the catching up (rapture) will occur on the Last Day. God bless.
From what I understand disspensationalism says that certain rules are for the jews and don't apply to gentiles. For example, the 10 commandments apply to everyone but circumsion or not eating pork are for jews only.
The English word "dispensation" is confusing in the first place. It's the act of management, administration I do believe: dispensing. Eph 3:2 rings clear to me but how others have taken it, run with it creating doctrines from it scares me. Other go even deeper & try to claim more to the Mystery of revelation that Paul claims when it is simply the gospel of grace. He speaks of the dispensation of this grace given to him; he means as he was authorized and commissioned by God to dispense the doctrine of the gospel, which commission and authority were given to him chiefly for his service of the Gentiles. It is easy to listen to someone expand this into a doctrine & create confusion. That's just the way I see it as I trust the Holy Spirit in Bible study rather than men of unknown reputation. I've heard many teach on it that ignore most of scripture & follow what they call "their apostle":Paul only.
Prophetic language is always symbolic, narrative is literal. Discernment tells you what you are reading and how to interpret it. 😮
Dispensationalism is unbiblical in several ways. The first is that Dispensationalism created man-made time periods that simply don't exist in the Bible. Second is that Israel and the Christian church are not two separate churches. We have all been grafted onto the same family olive tree. We are all spiritual Israel and all from the seed of Abraham.
Dispensationalism has only been taught in the last 120 years or so. It is a newer philosophy.
220 yrs...but yes.
It is not unbiblical. There are different time periods in the Bible. None are man made,everyone of them have scriptures dedicated to proving that one time period,the Bible quote literally says so. And you just disproved your own point: Israel and the Christian church are NOT two sewerage churches,but we are the same family olive tree? That means Dispensationalism agrees with you,and yes they are two different people. And there are different time periods focusing on those people. Abraham’s sees was the tribes,and nations. Not spiritual,however I say that only to my knowledge because I haven’t seen any scripture saying that all Christina’s and Israelites are spiritually of Abraham
Great job
No1 Take a hermeneutics class
No2 read Ephesians 10times until you realize that Christian gentiles an Christian Jew's are ONE in Christ.
It's so strainious to get ideas of the last century out of people's mind. . .
The war crimes committed by a certain small nation in the Middle East over the past year or so has really made we question my understanding of the end times.
So if we are to take everything in the Bible literally, then God is a bird because he longs to gather us under his wings, and the devil is a dragon in revelation. This is ludicrous. He ignores the fact that there are different genres in the Bible that communicate truth, but not all are to be taken literally.
So the Apostles were wrong in Acts 15 for not taking Moses literally that circumcision was, "an everlasting covenant." (Genesis 17:13) To bad the Apostles didn't understand dispensationalism.
A literal interpretation does consider genre. When someone says they take a literal approach to scripture it doesn’t mean they ignore metaphors or allegory. Quite the contrary. But every metaphor has a literal meaning it is trying to convey. For example the dragon you mentioned represents a real being, the devil, not just some random thing or idea that we can interpret however we want. The opposite of a literal approach is to make metaphors or allegories where there are none or saying that Revelation just represents the struggle of good vs. evil and doesn’t actually have literal events or people in mind.
Are there reversible circumcisions?
Don’t forget Revelations 2:9
Not everything is to be taken literally,but in general it’s the best way to see
The word "dispensation" is in the Bible. Use it as a starting point. Then notice where it says "but God", "but now", and follow the pattern. The doctrine of the Church the Body of Christ is written in Paul's epistles, the 12 Apostles spoke of an earthly hope, Paul, the Apostle to the gentiles, spoke of a heavenly hope for the Church. Salvation by grace, not by works, not by the Law. Yup, dispensations makes lots of sense. Thank you Lord!!
The prophecy of Elijah with regards of John being a type of Elijah is not literal
PS: the word god, as a word, is a title of office. Any individual in that office can carry the title of that office. Note then that "is One" and "as One" are two different statements.
Great explanation.
And Dispensationalism doesn't read it literally when the Bible doesn't go with its own preconceptions. Dispensationalism is simply a gaggle gook of theology made popular by it's fantastical eschatology.
its not biblical. Period. Its a lie.
CH Spurgeon said that Dispensational theology is a folly of man.
@mauricerobertson1944 Spurgeon; the guy that has 90% of the population being tortured for all of eternity in physical hell fire? What a guy !! Limited atonement boffer😢.
Usually I find that Got questions has very solid teaching. Here however you explain dispensationalism twice... without once showing where we should find this doctrine in scripture. So I am left with only the two dispensationalist distinctives - I believe, yes, we should interpret scripture using the historical literal grammatical method. However, I do not see where a distinction should be drawn between the peoples of God - We are one church, as described by Paul in Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." which to me seems to refute the idea entirely
My flesh is real food and my blood is real drink
You have to use your brain too . Where you see literal reading take it literally or symbolic reading that is symbolic .
Have You never read that church replaced Israel !! no! Look now what's happening in Israel ! It's being set up for ez 38&39 .
Great explaination. Well done.
It's amazing to me how a word that only appears four time, and only in Paul's epistles, and only referring to his own ministry; can be so perverted.
The scriptures- referring to the Jews and Gentiles- say that now there's no difference. See Romans and Ephesians for examples.
In Christ there is no difference. Outside of Christ there definitely is.
You forgot Galatians 3. The entire chapter. Especially the last 4 verses.
That’s so true
Matthew 15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.
26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.
27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.
28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.
Please post this video again, but without the music. If you're teaching, don't have distractions. If you're playing music, then don't talk through it. Many people struggle with learning when there is a competition for their focus.
As someone with a brain injury, your video is very difficult to learn from. So I'm not watching it any further then where I stopped ... at 0:43.
Let’s see Dispensational was taught by the early Church while reformed is a new teaching
And yet they say it's exactly the opposite, citing Darby. Always Darby. They don't seem to know that Irenaeus, Tertullian, St. Augustin and others in the first five centuries talked about different dispensations.
Please look into this, you have that incorrect brother , this is a new “ theory “ and it has a lot of error, a lot.
@@cherismith5707all of the church fathers that even hinted at dispensations referred strictly to dispensations of time. This is a concept-word fallacy to say they must be talking about the exact definition of dispensationalism now. By the way, all of them believes the Church IS Israel, which dispensationalists reject. As well, don’t appeal to church fathers if you don’t agree with 99% of their beliefs. It’s inconsistent
You say literalism but I would argue Dispensationalists do not take Mathew 24:34 literally. "Truly I say to you this generation will not pass away until all these things take place."
Wow, it’s a shame to see someone who is so talented at explaining a topic do so little critical thinking When it comes to the Bible and how to read it well. You didn’t present the other side of the argument at all, all you did was bash it and basically called them stupid and that they’re wrong. Exegesis is out the window on this one; Likely everything else post on here. It’s easy to find what you want in the Bible if you already know what you’re looking for… Yikes.
Please thoroughly explain your point of view and what you believe before saying yikes so that we can use the Word of God to test whether your views /beliefs are “yikes” or not and hold up to what God’s Word says :)
@@svviftghostlol ohhhh right the “prooftexting”. If this were amateur hour maybe I would have a go at it; if you can keep up with a 40 page dissertation on the subject, then we can have a discourse.
@@svviftghost Matthew 13:24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:
Matthew 13:25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
Matthew 13:26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
Matthew 13:27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?
Matthew 13:28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
Matthew 13:29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.
Matthew 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
_Jesus sown the good seed. Right after the enemy came and sown the tares among the good seed._
_Good seed = the four Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John._
_The tares were sown then after._
_Many people, instead of following what Jesus had sown, prefer to follow that which was sown after Jesus._
_But Jesus said to follow him._
John 10:27 *My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:*
John 10:28 *And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.*
The intention was to present a one side view. GotQuestions is Calvinist in their soteriology but otherwise jettisons the Reformed faith in favor of dispensationalism and a Baptistic position on the Sacraments (Credo/Memorial only).
I’ve pretty stopped considering them a viable source for Reformed teaching.
Agree. Dispy stuff - it’s goofy…
Vastly ironic that as the dispensationalist view slowly comes into greater alignment with the facts on the ground, "scholars" pronounce it irrelevant. Some "scholars".
Dispensationalism is the only way to interpret Scripture.
No, l am only joking, you are correct.
So does that mean the Body and Blood of Christ is truly present in the Lord’s Supper?
“A thief 's🇮🇱 partner 🇺🇸is his own worst enemy. He will be punished if he tells the truth in court, and God will curse him if he doesn't.” (Proverbs 29:24, GNB)
“Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:” (Romans 9.6, KJV)
“Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.” (Matthew 21.42-44, KJV)
Of course no scripture given to back up any of these claims.
It’s all in THE BIBLE. He says it’s the literal translation of scripture. Want to know it, read the Bible.
“Circumcise your heart”. Does he take that literally too?
If this is the correct way to interpret scriptute, then why did it take 1800 years to interpret it this way?
Because the devil lies.
It didn't, you need to study up in history.
Catholicism and other denominations fell away from it with replacement theology.
The early church fathers (post apocalyptic father's) taught dispensationalism. Ana-Baptist and a few other denominations still taught dispensationalism.
@christsavesreadromans1096 I have three books all on the early church fathers. I have read two of them, therefore I know that I am not lieing.
@christsavesreadromans1096I was told that exact thing by a dispensationalist when, I said “Jesus said, ‘It’s hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.’” He said, “Jesus, said that to an unbelieving Jew, before the resurrection.” I had no idea until that conversation that dispensationalists hold Jesus’ words as lesser than Paul’s. I was shocked!
Clear, straightforward, and eminently clear that dispensationalism is wrong
The problem with the "literal" point he brings up is that it seems to ignore the incorporation of exegesis, which might affect interpretation in a less than literal manner.
You think your interpretation of “what it says” is the same as mine? How about the more than 700 different languages it has been translated to. If it’s a rapture you’re subscribing to, you’re missing the point. Love is the fulfillment of the law.
Totally disagree with this belief system that didn't come about until the 19th century. The kingdom of God IS at hand.
a lot of belief system are post-biblical.
if they are from 2'nd or 3'rd or 19'th century is not the best criteria to reject or accept it.
for example, trinity concept is post biblical, and is not valid (if it is) just because it is old.
Then why so much evil? I thought Satan was chained in the pit.
The Kingdom now people never answer the question about evil and Satan being chained. Also, I believe Jesus is supposed to be reigning from Jerusalem in the Kingdom. I don't think he's there.
@@NP-29 do you believe in the Trinity?
I agree mostly with this interpretation of dispensationalism. However, the statement that Old Testament saints were saved by simply having faith in God is decidedly inaccurate. God immediately let Adam and Eve know that a blood sacrifice would be needed for their sins and gave them the coats of the animals He had just sacrificed picturing clearly imputed righteousness. Also, the promised seed of the woman is all the way back in Genesis 3:15 so they know that one day God was going to send His Messiah to die for their sins. This is born out in passages of both Old and New Testaments. The New Testament doctrines of imputation and justification in the New Testament are securely and clearly based in the Old Testament. See Romans chapters 4 and 5 and the Epistle to the Galatians. Abraham, when God commanded him to sacrifice his only begotten son, Isaac, knew that "God will provide HIMSELF a sacrifice." The verse means clearly that Abraham prophetically knew Christ would come and die for our sins. Isaiah 53 is so abundantly clear about Christ who would be the Lamb of God and that by faith in His atoning sacrifice, we could be saved. Isaiah 53:11 is crystal clear. " He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities." The meaning is that by coming to the knowledge of the sacrifice of Christ many would be JUSTIFIED. Old Testament saints know a LOT more than we give them credit for and one of those things was the atoning work of Christ.
The Bible does not teach dispensationalism. You have to bend it, twist it, and manufacture a couple of lies to present it as true. Thanks but no thanks.
Ephesians 3
King James Version
3 For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles,
2 If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward:
3 How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words,
You were saying?🧐. You can take your foot out of your mouth anytime now…
@@jafojafo5412 Taking the word of God out of its intended context is the first step that leads to a false doctrine. First, try to find out what the meaning of dispensation is first; second, try to learn that dispensation is a noun not a doctrine, and third, not everyone reads the kjv. Now, try to read your bible and stop believing in false teachings. People with little biblical background are the most susceptible to deception. Oh, I forgot, no one creates a doctrine out of one single noun... Think about that before you keep on believing a lie.
@@jafojafo5412 keep reading! You stopped right before he tells you what the mystery is!
How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words, Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel:
Ephesians 3:3-6
We are ONE with Israel! In the Body of Christ!!!! There are not two people of God like dispensationalism falsely claims. It’s those who believe only, no matter your race because God is “no respecter of persons”!!!! Israel that doesn’t believe is not God’s people!
Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory, Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles? As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved. And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God. Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved: For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth. And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha. What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith. But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone; As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
Romans 9:6-8,22-33
For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
Romans 2:28-29
What do you disagree with specifically?
Paul apostle said there is no longer Jew or Gentille the Bible teaches us today that there’s two types of people in a nutshell, the believer and the unbelievers.
Cyrus Scofield -- the father of dispensationalism -- was proven to be a great con man, so guess what that makes you. The Bible contains Poetry in addition to Prose -- So you are going to interpret Poetry Literally? This means that God is a giant chicken since Jesus said that he longed to gather Jerusaem as a hen gathers her chicks.
Two "peoples of God?" Not if you interpret the Prose parts of the Bible literally. "For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into ONE, and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in HIs flesh the enmity which is the Law of commandments contined in ordinances, that in Himself He might make the two into ONE new man, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile them both in ONE body to God through the cross" (Eph 2: 14-16)
But you refuse to take the plain, everyday meaning of those words literally.
Yet, you insist on interpreting the obvious poetry of a passage like Matt 24:29 literally. Sun, Moon and Stars falling is a poetic reference to Israel cast away, as in Joseph's dream of his father being the Sun, his mother the Moon, and his brothers the stars. Like most dispensationalists you interpret the prose like poetry and the poetry like prose.
No wonder confusion reigns in the church.
Look up the connection between Herzl and Blackstone "the Father of Zionism" Israel would have set up in Uganda if it weren't for this ridiculous Dispensationalism ideology. Abrahamic religions are a scourge!
When does Matthew 21:43 happen then?
Robert breaker explains dispensations really well. I highly recommend him to watch
Breaker is a Ruckman hyper dispensationalism teacher. They teach the faith/works in other dispensations unto salvation heresy.
@@gregorylatta8159 his teachings make the most sense to me personally. I’m open to learning everything I can. I’ve just Recently been saved so I’m still learning as much as possible.
@@gregorylatta8159They believed that faith plus works applied to the Old Testament and to the upcoming Tribulation Period. In today’s dispensation of the grace of God, salvation is by faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ. No heresy at all.
His Pre Trib rapture theory is unbiblical and unfounded in any scripture. The church will endure tribulation to the end of time. That's the second coming of our Lord Jesus in all Power and Glory. There's no other coming except for the deception of Satan.
Keep in mind that this idea came about in a time when 7th Day Adventists, Jehovah Witness, Mormonism, Finnleyism and other heresies were created. I’ll take the historical view of Post-Millenialism instead.
Agree, without Darby and Scofield we arent even having this conversation. 1800 if Christian history had NO conception of the "Rapture." Uts no wonder paganism has overrun Christendom when Christians are all waiting for the fire escape.
Quite frankly I find the dispensational Biblical view quite convoluted and confusing. It arbitrarily breaks up the beautiful prophecy of Daniel 9 and creates a false dichotomy concerning the church and Israel. For one thing, dispensationalists are encouraging the Jews to rebuild the temple and to start sacrificing animals again! The temple was destroyed for a reason as Jesus’ death put an end to sacrifice and to start up the temple system again would be like saying that his death on the cross wasn’t good enough! This is blasphemy!
Your method of Interpretation is WRONG. The Bible uses all forms of Language and is packed with Literature that is NOT Literal. Taking poetic language in a Literal way only leads to WRONG or ERRANT understandings. Dispensationalism is also WRONG. This results in a TWISTED View of God and Prophecy.
"emphasizes literal interpretation" and "promises made... for land... will be ultimately fulfilled in the thousand year period..."
So I guess the word "forever" isn't taken literally then??
Genesis 13:15, Psalm 110:4 (repeated several times in Hebrews). 1000 years is a long time but doesn't come close to "forever". And how do you put a "close parenthesis" on Jesus' high priesthood when the Bible says it's forever?
You can see this is truth because it's how scripture is set out, how history as been set out our present time and future to come, Israel and the Church. It's like taking a bird's eye view on human past present and future. It's nothing to be arguing about. . 🙄
It's a heresy so there's plenty here to argue about.
I don't disect God's word. The Bible is entire. I don't select a portion and ASSUME that I am only meant to apply only a portion of it. We are told NOT TO ADD TO- NOR TAKE AWAY.
The idea that the Bible and it's meaning is a platform for man to pick apart and apply what fits us due to our time frame and to apply MANs theories of it as a whole to me, serves as so counterproductive and seperatist that it grieves the truth in that the Lord speaks to us through it.
Bith Paul and Jesus made reference to God's law in the old testament , NOT The add ons of pharisees.
Sadly, if it a seperatism and adds confusion- We should understand that God is NOT the author of confusion. God does NOT make mistakes and grace has been given mankind since day one of our existance. It is BY FAITH through grace in Christ Jesus that we are saved.
Bless us all Lord and show us the way to understand YOU not by words of men or scholars, science, or theorists- but by your Holy Spirit in the reading and continual prayer of what YOU provide for us daily.
In Jesus Christ I pray,
Dispensationalism teaches a pre-trib rapture, which the bible does not support. No where does it say we will be taken up secretly or silently or that we will be spared going through the time of tribulation (7 plagues). The Bible is clear that we must go through tribulation and persevere to the end in order to be saved.
So you are saying we must work to be saved. That is heresy
@@TakenByETIf your faith isn't working then it's dead.
@@mountainmover777 but that doesn’t mean your soul is dead
@christsavesreadromans1096 no it doesn’t. You don’t know what you’re saying,salvation is dependent upon what YOU do,which it isn’t at all,no one gets saved by what they do. You make Jesus not important by that teaching
@christsavesreadromans1096 Ephesians 2:8-9
“For by Grace are ye saved through faith,and that not of yourselves,it is the gift of God,not of works lest any man should boast. Here Paul says you are saved only by faith you are saved,in the verse you pointed out it wasn’t talking about salvation. By the way,at the end of 1 Corinthians 13,he says that charity(in the KJV) is the most important. But he also mentions faith and hope. He says “the greatest of these three is charity.” So clearly Paul isn’t talking about salvation at all on that chapter,he’s talking about something different. You just don’t see it. And the in 1 Corinthians 14,the very next chapter he says “Follow after charity,and desire after spiritual gifts,…” so he wasn’t talking about being saved,he was talking about spiritual gifts.
Get John Reisinger's book "The Four Seeds of Abraham." He shows the fallacy of Dispensationalism and Traditional Covenant Theology. It is a much sought after book!
Dispensationalist heresy is confined Baptist and evangelicals.
Wow!!! So God is not the same yesterday, today and tomorrow???😢😢😢😢😢 someone took the initiative to divide God into dispensations.
This guy doesn't answer anything. The bible is clear about who Gods people are. Only those who are in Christ Jesus are Gods sons and daughters. . There are not two peoples of God with two different covenants and two different destinations, there's only one people of God under one shepherd Jesus the Christ.
Absolutely true.
All Jews and Gentiles who believe, have faith, repent and are baptized with water and of the Spirit in Jesus Christ are one with him and the Father.
Sigh… he isn’t trying to give you an opinion, he’s expanding what Disoensationalists believe. If you are a Christian -Or just a man of integrity, watch the video again and then post an apology.
@@datacipher why so upset!