It’s a little sad to read some of the comments and seeing the negativity towards our military. Just know that there are still a lot of us that support and appreciate you 💯. That goes for law enforcement as well. 💯 I really hope we can figure out a way to come together again and find some common ground.
Not a disdain for the military; a disdain for the military industrial complex and corrupt politicians having no regard for the lives of those who serve. People are smartening up
Sad thing is, a lot of active duty service members and veterans would agree with many of the comments. We all love our service members, we have a disdain for the system.
nobody wants to die for the interest of is-rae-l . while at the same time at the detriment of our own country. the rich get richer from war, and our people and kids die for their financial benefit. the young ones arent as dumb as the older generation. if someone invades our country thats a different thing. but to fight foreign wars with iran or russia? no thanks
if the government wants it to be easier to recruit soldiers to fight in our wars the first thing they need to do is to make sure that the veterans of those wars are not living on the streets and/or dying from suicide due to ptsd, supporting our troops both while serving and after returning home
@@brianbanks3882my friend look into the history of homeless veterans in this country. Even back in the 80s there was estimated over 250k homeless vets. Today it's about 50k. The problem lies in the government not helping people with mental problems and overall just war taking a toll on guys. But yes keep blaming the immigrants😂
MacGyver being literally speechless, I almost thought he'd shed a tear of happiness when you gave him that grinder. Need more people like you in the world, Ryan. Always doing good things for people in your life. :)
man i bout shed a tear when you gave that grinder to Mcguyver, Could tell hes not used to being given giftslike that. Man was super thankful. Goooood work Ryan!
These videos lately show how much non stop thinking Ryan has to do. He has a rental company starting up, buildings being put up, running his business, helping his church, helping others and most importantly helping and caring for his family. Ryan only wants the best for people and that’s that. He doesn’t boost, and gives glory to god. Thank you Ryan for being a role model for young men like me. I have a 8 month old and times get tough, but you help me get tougher.
The fact that you noticed MacGyver being down with his upcoming operation and took the time out of your busy day to do something beyond nice for him says alot about you! You are beyond awesome for buying him the grinder as a pick me up. You can tell how much he really appreciated you for doing that and thinking of him. We need more people like you in this world!! GOOOOODDDD WORRRKKKKK!!!!!! 😊😊
The way you handed him that grinder and he was speachless was the most wholesome thing ive ever seen and it warms my heart. You can see the look on his face he is so filled with joy and shock he can't even speak.
I have been watching your channel since the beginning. I was one of the first 4k followers. I don't think I have smiled as much as the moment you gave the grinder to MacGyver. That was extremely kind and really showed your heart and intention for this channel. Thank you for helping a man with his mental health. So many of us struggle silently, the small token to MacGyver I'm sure helped him lift his spirits.
I know Tino is not a young man anymore but no matter the age its always good to have mentor. Ryan it warms my heart to see you mentoring Tino. Goood work!!
1) My Dad is a retired Colonel- thank you for speaking up. 2) An easy way to get the concrete to dump faster is to watch the video at 1.5 for me flawlessly 😁
These videos are the best. Mcguyver is a great guy, you can see he just wants to make a living by working hard and to do his thing and expect nothing in return from others. Ryan your videos are great, these ones are my favorite. Keep up the amazing entertainment! I respect you for your hard work and loyalty.
Very thoughtful Ryan to get Mcgyver that new tool. He was truly speechless from the kind gift in a tough time. Dont worry about all the Internet warriors you and your family are inspiring.
I had to pause at 27:42 to see McGuyver's face. Great act of kindness for your landlord, Ryan. Obviously he was grateful for that gift if he was speechless lol.
The face of a man who is so used to doing everything for himself, never expecting things from others. I am glad Ryan could not only cheer McGuyver up... but also gave him a glimmer of brightness in the world.
You are spot on regarding your equipment appearance Ryan. When I look to hire any contractor or repair person, one of the things that I look for is how their equipment looks and their professionalism during the initial contact. It does make a difference indeed.
Nice to see Tino getting more work in and showing up early. Keep it up, your going to be a boss in 5 years when Ryan has multiple companies and way more employees.
Hey Ryan, I spent 20 plus yrs in the Army. Now I am a retired vet. The recruiting work is like a roller coaster, and I think most would agree. The military does not seem to be a choice or thought by the younger folks. The Army served me well with what they offered me. I was able to obtain a bachelor's degree & 2 master's because the Army. The reality of it is nowadays you join and it's usually immediate deployment after your training. Army peeps fact check pls. For me it was a privilege and honor to serve. I went from Pvt/E1 to SGM/E9. I had a great career and retired at 40. It is a super opportunity for all, but some are not suited for a military environment and taking orders.
Exactly this, you do your training and you are immediately sent away from your family for next to nothing anymore. The places you’re sent to you have no idea why you are being sent, the wars aren’t fought to protect your country anymore. If people felt they were being sent to serve and protect more would do it but when you get sent across the world to take over oil supplies or defend another country you have no ties to it just isn’t worth it. Why do I want to risk my life for next to nothing for people I don’t care about? The college degrees aren’t worthwhile anymore either since most people with degrees still work for the same money as those without. It’s just no incentive anymore.
My friend just got out of the army after a tour, he didnt deploy to any combat once. There is a large quantity of military personnel who will never see combat.
Wow that was so cool what you did for McGuyver! You could tell he was super down over the surgery and recovery as he’s a hard worker and prob can’t sit still for long. The look on his face, and emotions said it all, it was right up his alley. It was cool how he was showing all of these “tools” he made from repurposing things that we’re broke or sitting around the shop right before Ryan gave that to him. You can tell he absolutely loved it and was shocked Ryan gave it to him, he loved it it’s probably something he never would have spent his own money on. The look on his face said it all and makes it totally worth it. Very cool of Ryan 😎
It's a telling tale about Tino's work mindset. Ryan goes in his house for 5 minutes and Tino has bagged up the garbage out of his truck and put it in the garbage can. Eric and Francisco would have spent the same time looking at each other's videos on TicToc. Tino is a much better worker, and hopefully he can get his transportation issues worked out to be a more consistent employee going forward.
You people worry too much about other men. Eric is young, he works a full time job, plus his own stuff. He flips vehicles too. He is young, and is doing 20x more than most people his age. I bet the people talking smack are just as lazy and are projecting their own insecurities
Or maybe the millionaire in charge can buy him a new car? Oh wait, then there wouldn't be a " right around the corner" saying.. ffs when are you people going to see this as movie set and not real life.. gullible people I Guess... This is a money machine... Y'all are the same that didn't realize WWF wrestling was fake until you were in your twenties....
Goooooooooood afternoon, Ryan. Thank you to all our vets. It's great seeing your plan for the land coming together. May you accomplish all that you set out in your plan.
I have one friend who's a Marine and he says he can't wait till he's done. I have one friend who was in the Navy, he left that as soon as he could. Then I have 7 friends who joined the Air Force. All of them of which love it. It seems like the Air Force is just the way to go and from what I've heard from them its almost like they're treated the best out of all the branches.
Ryan can I just say that your wife is a goddess she has all those kids to take care of while you are working and somehow manages to keep the house clean and organized!!!
Tino & Ryan work days are my favorite winter vids. Work gets done with no clownin! 👍 Prayers and good vibes for MacGyver with successful procedures and quick recovery. 🙏❤️ I’m really glad the garage door damage is minimal, nothing like what I had imagined. It’d be nice if Eric would help with the repair. Ryan clapping back against the negativity is warranted. It IS getting old and redundant.🙄 Bravo Ryan. It needed to be said. My OCD has me wondering why you didn’t flag the pins for the buildings!🤔🤷🏻♀️ Wise words. God bless our military personnel, ALL BRANCHES, past, present, and future. Complacency and apathy have no place among Americans who may have to defend her one day soon. 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸
I don't think the armed forces not finding people has anything to do with "masculinity" considering women are part of the armed forces too. I think more and more people are seeing soldiers returning home and getting absolutely no help, needing to fight for VA benefits, having PTSD, etc. and just don't want to risk all of that so some defense contractor executive can buy another Yacht.
I spoke to Ryan on the phone the other day super down to earth dude. Really wish I could pick his brain about business. Ryan that conversation we had changed my day. Just know that changed my mood. Thanks again sir.
That was awesome of you to do that for McGuyver. You could clear as day see how shocked and happy he was. Love seeing peoples day be made. If you are in a bad mood it immediately changes to being good.
Been watching your videos for a few months now. Love your positivity and how much you do for the guys. Keep up the amazing work from a man also in the trades.
I just want to tell you something. I was retired for about 6 months when 1 morning I woke up and could not breathe. When to the doctors and found out I had cancer and a tumor got the tumor removed and 65 days later got released from the hospital went to the cancer doctor and got told I had to get kemo treatments . Went for my first Kemo treatment and it ruled my kidneys, so now I have to get dialysis treatment 3 times a week for 4 hrs each treatment. I have been in hospital for over 60 days now and still in the hospital. Enough about my sickness. The reason I am writing this is about your videos. I am so depressed from being trapped in the hospital over 125 days and loosing my voice and your videos help me get thru each day. I enjoy very much watching them and the excellent work that your company does with concrete. I see that you are a religious man, so I am asking you to say a few prayers for me, and maybe it will help. Keep making the videos and I will keep watching. The medical bills are so high that your videos are the form of entertainment I have. God bless you and your crew, stay safe, and keep the videos coming. Enjoying them.😊
I love the military but yea they need to update, very clear why nobody wants to join anymore. Many military veterans have videos on why. Great video Ryan!!
I like the motivation I get from watching your videos there is something about seeing into the life of others that's really inspiring. Keep up the good work victory!!!!
I got Covid last week, sure enjoyed your channel, it made the 2weeks go by super fast. Really admire how you just go and do the job. I’m that kind of guy. I’m definitely watching all of your videos!
Teno you are the man you don't complain and you're always happy you're probably one of the best guys Ryan has you need to start your own UA-cam so you can make use some extra money you deserve it
Use “tough boy” or bondo for that trim on the garage door. Can even add texture if needed. Otherwise it’s great for things like that little job. From one snow bank engineer to another. Great work!!! Easy Money!!!
In the 70's I worked in a decal factory, we also applied decals for a nominal fee. The trick for alignment when applying decals is to use a fine mist of Windex on the surfaces of both the decal and the surface, to receive the decal, adjust the orientation and then use a plastic squeegee to smooth and flatten the decal slowly from the center out to the edges watching for air bubbles. If you get an air bubble "pop" it with a fine pin and use the squeegee to gently flatten the bubble. We used the same process regardless of the size of decal. The side for a semi trailers is a bit more challenging but the process is essentially the same.
Make Eric fix it. I hate when guys brake stuff and leave it for someone else to fix. I know it probably wouldn’t make sense cost wise cause the kid doesn’t know much of anything but it’s a good lesson
28:20 - I don't think I've ever seen "McGyver" so gob-smacked as when you gave him that lovely grinder. It was obvious that he was really, really touched by your generosity. You did a good thing there, Ryan.
Careful with the F150. Cam Phaser rattle is very common. Just did mine on my 2017 king ranch ecoboost luckily it was under extended warranty or it would have cost me $3500+
Hi ryan big fan from the Netherlands probably the only one 😂😂 i wish i could come and work for u ... i do love landscaping and concrete to i used to work as an builder i was a contracter i builded alot of houses and appartements unfortunately im sick and cant work anymore im stuck at home and i do not have the money for operation but keep up the good work!! I love you're team u have very serious hard working guys keep it going! Easyyyyyy moneyyyyyy
very easy to fix the garage trim, i repair many of those through out the year, the nannies love hitting those corners. i always used Bondo. a fast drying compound that mixes with a hardener.
I just watched you cleaning the concrete off the bucket truck. Once you clean the surface, they make clear contact vinyl ( perhaps the company who makes you labels could provide it for you?) that you could lay on top of the gauges and shifts. That way, the concrete is easier to clean. If you make a template, you can have multiple clear vinyl sheets made to have to replace them f they get destroyed for any reason. Putting a clear coat on the gauge glass will also help keep the concrete from sticking. Hope that helps?
Ryan works so hard, owns his own company, but yet lives the most humble and modest life imaginable. No fancy house, no fancy cars, even his boat is nothing fancy at all.
Anyone with his skill set is an unstoppable force he is like the old-time pioneer farmer he can fix anything build anything and survive in any condition I learned from a man exactly like him worked with him for over 30 years even after growing up I still helped him until he passed but I am thankful for having him teach me what he did because I have professional people bring me stuff sometimes because they can't figure it out it's a true blessing from god to have knowledge
Hey on the trim damage you use a two part epoxy to fill in the damage. Once it hardens sand paper and paint. Or for a quick fix use super glue and baking soda. Just cover the damaged area then quickly though baking soda on the super glue. Might have to repeat to get the right thickness. Then sand paper and paint. Good luck and have a nice day. US Army - MOS 64C - 1973 to 1981
Just a couple of rhetorical queries regarding your views on the military and masculinity. Which branch of the military did you serve in? Are you teaching your son about masculinity and military service? Would you encourage a daughter to become a military aviator?
Hey Ryan huge fan love the content been watching for 2 years now Nice to see all the new Bobcat Equipment you bought I actually work for Bobcat over in California Inland Bobcat In Riverside Ca been with the company for 8 years now Keep up the great content 👍 Eassyyyyyy Moneyyyyy
You should paint the buggy have it all matching I think it will look much nicer and your a good painter so off course it would .. love watching you I’m Over in the uk 🇬🇧 god bless
I was in the military, yes the "incentives" for joining sound good, but there have been many changes and legislation creations that have made the benefits much harder to actually receive, plus the people in the military are mostly people that join the day after leaving high school and never learn how to mature past high school and therefore bring all that immaturity with them when they gain rank and authority. I have been in quite a few stations, and out of every one of my friends that I make, I have not found a person who says they actually like where they work, so that is causing people to become disenfranchised with the military and leaving, and the military refuses to do anything to try and keep people from leaving, the only incentive for staying has been a small pity check and loyalty which is worth less than the small pity check. Then the people that are in see the big bonuses being offered to new recruits and further become disenfranchised with the military, building resentment. After doing my time in the armed forces, I do not think it is a good path for anyone who wants to do big things in their life.
It’s your business and life do what you want!! And there’s still quite a few of us who support our service members and will stand/ fight beside them if it comes to that God Bless America 🇺🇸
I wanted to thank you so much for the entertainment you've provided me over the last few months Ryan. Im about to head into the air force myself and always looked to your videos to pass the time. Im excited to see all the progress after I return from basic
Hi ryan, not had a dewalt laser, but the ones we use have 2 settings, a rough and a fine setting, might be worth checking if yours does and what the default setting is bud
It’s a little sad to read some of the comments and seeing the negativity towards our military. Just know that there are still a lot of us that support and appreciate you 💯. That goes for law enforcement as well. 💯 I really hope we can figure out a way to come together again and find some common ground.
Not a disdain for the military; a disdain for the military industrial complex and corrupt politicians having no regard for the lives of those who serve. People are smartening up
Tell em to stop supporting and pushing the rainbow mafia and the rest of the establishment agenda!
Sad thing is, a lot of active duty service members and veterans would agree with many of the comments. We all love our service members, we have a disdain for the system.
nobody wants to die for the interest of is-rae-l . while at the same time at the detriment of our own country. the rich get richer from war, and our people and kids die for their financial benefit. the young ones arent as dumb as the older generation. if someone invades our country thats a different thing. but to fight foreign wars with iran or russia? no thanks
What a misrepresentation of the comments
if the government wants it to be easier to recruit soldiers to fight in our wars the first thing they need to do is to make sure that the veterans of those wars are not living on the streets and/or dying from suicide due to ptsd, supporting our troops both while serving and after returning home
Zionism is not worth fighting for
No money left. Giving it all to non citizens. Who have never lifted a finger for the country, yet veterans lie in the streets. It’s truly disgusting
@@brianbanks3882 not to mention the boatloads of cash were just sending to other countries, in order to fight wars we shouldn't be a part of...
@@brianbanks3882my friend look into the history of homeless veterans in this country. Even back in the 80s there was estimated over 250k homeless vets. Today it's about 50k. The problem lies in the government not helping people with mental problems and overall just war taking a toll on guys. But yes keep blaming the immigrants😂
Those soldiers are pawns in the eyes of politicians and especially for those in “higher places” of you know what I mean.
MacGyver being literally speechless, I almost thought he'd shed a tear of happiness when you gave him that grinder. Need more people like you in the world, Ryan. Always doing good things for people in your life. :)
man i bout shed a tear when you gave that grinder to Mcguyver, Could tell hes not used to being given giftslike that. Man was super thankful. Goooood work Ryan!
McGuyver might be a great candidate for your old Milwaukee tools. The look on his face when you gave him the grinder said it all.
I agree, he was so happy and I loved that moment for him. He deserves it
True 🙏🙌
He also said he would sell them but just doesnt want to part everything out. Guess it depends if he gets an offer @mikeonthebox
That would also be a great idea I bet he would absolutely love the tools and I bet he would make you something with them
These videos lately show how much non stop thinking Ryan has to do. He has a rental company starting up, buildings being put up, running his business, helping his church, helping others and most importantly helping and caring for his family. Ryan only wants the best for people and that’s that. He doesn’t boost, and gives glory to god. Thank you Ryan for being a role model for young men like me. I have a 8 month old and times get tough, but you help me get tougher.
Ryan for president
Not to mention his UA-cam channel!
This guy 😂
Not Alot of thinking just do the thinking when the problem Arises
Love to see the little things goes long way
The fact that you noticed MacGyver being down with his upcoming operation and took the time out of your busy day to do something beyond nice for him says alot about you!
You are beyond awesome for buying him the grinder as a pick me up. You can tell how much he really appreciated you for doing that and thinking of him.
We need more people like you in this world!!
His reaction was priceless
The way you handed him that grinder and he was speachless was the most wholesome thing ive ever seen and it warms my heart. You can see the look on his face he is so filled with joy and shock he can't even speak.
I have been watching your channel since the beginning. I was one of the first 4k followers. I don't think I have smiled as much as the moment you gave the grinder to MacGyver. That was extremely kind and really showed your heart and intention for this channel. Thank you for helping a man with his mental health. So many of us struggle silently, the small token to MacGyver I'm sure helped him lift his spirits.
Yes and it gives him a goal to recover from the surgeries and work with his new tools.
I know Tino is not a young man anymore but no matter the age its always good to have mentor. Ryan it warms my heart to see you mentoring Tino. Goood work!!
@@watcher_1960 Third time’s a charm! Tino*!!😁
@@ItzMzJulez2UTino or RTH aka Round the Corner. Either way.
@@watcher_1960 Thank You
@@Scatpack23 really? fixed bud
1) My Dad is a retired Colonel- thank you for speaking up.
2) An easy way to get the concrete to dump faster is to watch the video at 1.5 for me flawlessly 😁
I don’t want to fight for biden😂
@@alex-nv8vmDid you mean you wouldn’t want Biden deciding what you fight for and who? Nobody fights for their leader…
@@RichardWraithnobody wants to be in the army because we don’t want to fight over oil that we get no percentage of😂
These videos are the best. Mcguyver is a great guy, you can see he just wants to make a living by working hard and to do his thing and expect nothing in return from others. Ryan your videos are great, these ones are my favorite. Keep up the amazing entertainment! I respect you for your hard work and loyalty.
Tino is a favorite. He has a great personality and is funny.
Call my mom 😂
Don't even think about it! Tino lol
Very thoughtful Ryan to get Mcgyver that new tool. He was truly speechless from the kind gift in a tough time. Dont worry about all the Internet warriors you and your family are inspiring.
I had to pause at 27:42 to see McGuyver's face. Great act of kindness for your landlord, Ryan. Obviously he was grateful for that gift if he was speechless lol.
The face of a man who is so used to doing everything for himself, never expecting things from others. I am glad Ryan could not only cheer McGuyver up... but also gave him a glimmer of brightness in the world.
Praying for MacGyver better use titanium and maybe a little duct tape
MacGyver speechless? This I HAVE to see!
@@Flamew0lfcame here to say that. Definitely seems like the guy who’s had to do everything for himself his whole life
Great reaction, he was stunned by you generosity! Praying for his hip replacement to be quick and fast healing.
McGuyver is the type of dude you'd love and hate being your neighbour, that moment of silence from him spoke a thousand words - Great work Ryan!
Tino is so humble. Your most skilled worker!!! 👊🏽
Well done RYAN.
That was a really nice gesture by you giving Maciver that tool as a present to keep his spirits high.
I just loved the way Tino cleaned your truck out with out you asking him you've got a good man he said how much garbage do we have good job Tino 👍😂😂
I loved his reaction when you got him the grinder. That was absolutely priceless 😊
You are spot on regarding your equipment appearance Ryan. When I look to hire any contractor or repair person, one of the things that I look for is how their equipment looks and their professionalism during the initial contact. It does make a difference indeed.
Good to see you wit tino more. He works hard in summer
Nice to see Tino getting more work in and showing up early. Keep it up, your going to be a boss in 5 years when Ryan has multiple companies and way more employees.
Hey Ryan, I spent 20 plus yrs in the Army. Now I am a retired vet. The recruiting work is like a roller coaster, and I think most would agree. The military does not seem to be a choice or thought by the younger folks. The Army served me well with what they offered me. I was able to obtain a bachelor's degree & 2 master's because the Army. The reality of it is nowadays you join and it's usually immediate deployment after your training. Army peeps fact check pls. For me it was a privilege and honor to serve. I went from Pvt/E1 to SGM/E9. I had a great career and retired at 40. It is a super opportunity for all, but some are not suited for a military environment and taking orders.
Orrrrr some are just smart and don't care to risk their lives serving our corrupt government.
Thank you for your service. Enjoy your retirement.
Exactly this, you do your training and you are immediately sent away from your family for next to nothing anymore. The places you’re sent to you have no idea why you are being sent, the wars aren’t fought to protect your country anymore. If people felt they were being sent to serve and protect more would do it but when you get sent across the world to take over oil supplies or defend another country you have no ties to it just isn’t worth it. Why do I want to risk my life for next to nothing for people I don’t care about? The college degrees aren’t worthwhile anymore either since most people with degrees still work for the same money as those without. It’s just no incentive anymore.
@@Detox_iBit’s literally this simple. 🤣🤣 some people lol
My friend just got out of the army after a tour, he didnt deploy to any combat once. There is a large quantity of military personnel who will never see combat.
His face was priceless! Can’t get a face of thankfulness ❤
Man watching Ryan walk into his house and being able to see the top of his fridge is something else for us short people. Like a whole new world!!
Wow that was so cool what you did for McGuyver! You could tell he was super down over the surgery and recovery as he’s a hard worker and prob can’t sit still for long. The look on his face, and emotions said it all, it was right up his alley. It was cool how he was showing all of these “tools” he made from repurposing things that we’re broke or sitting around the shop right before Ryan gave that to him. You can tell he absolutely loved it and was shocked Ryan gave it to him, he loved it it’s probably something he never would have spent his own money on. The look on his face said it all and makes it totally worth it. Very cool of Ryan 😎
It's a telling tale about Tino's work mindset. Ryan goes in his house for 5 minutes and Tino has bagged up the garbage out of his truck and put it in the garbage can. Eric and Francisco would have spent the same time looking at each other's videos on TicToc. Tino is a much better worker, and hopefully he can get his transportation issues worked out to be a more consistent employee going forward.
Good move by Tino. Take the lead and help Ryan. He does a lot.
Tino's more mature. Ryan is probably doing a big favor by giving him hours even though he really doesn't need him.
Tino has been killing it! Dude is confident and jumps right in. He grew on me big time.
You people worry too much about other men. Eric is young, he works a full time job, plus his own stuff. He flips vehicles too. He is young, and is doing 20x more than most people his age. I bet the people talking smack are just as lazy and are projecting their own insecurities
Or maybe the millionaire in charge can buy him a new car? Oh wait, then there wouldn't be a " right around the corner" saying.. ffs when are you people going to see this as movie set and not real life.. gullible people I Guess... This is a money machine... Y'all are the same that didn't realize WWF wrestling was fake until you were in your twenties....
Goooooooooood afternoon, Ryan. Thank you to all our vets. It's great seeing your plan for the land coming together. May you accomplish all that you set out in your plan.
I have one friend who's a Marine and he says he can't wait till he's done. I have one friend who was in the Navy, he left that as soon as he could. Then I have 7 friends who joined the Air Force. All of them of which love it. It seems like the Air Force is just the way to go and from what I've heard from them its almost like they're treated the best out of all the branches.
Of course.. it's called the chair force for a reason.
You can't treat a front line marine or infantry the same as the man flying a 100million $ aircraft
Its really sweet what you did for your landlord, he really was speechless ❤ what a heart you have.
Ryan can I just say that your wife is a goddess she has all those kids to take care of while you are working and somehow manages to keep the house clean and organized!!!
I fully agree but would call her a saint, like I would have called MY mother a saint for having 13 children and suffering all her short life.
Keeping a house clean with kids is hard asf! Props to her ! Not only that her car is very clean unlike someone cough cough (Ryan)
Tino & Ryan work days are my favorite winter vids. Work gets done with no clownin! 👍
Prayers and good vibes for MacGyver with successful procedures and quick recovery. 🙏❤️
I’m really glad the garage door damage is minimal, nothing like what I had imagined. It’d be nice if Eric would help with the repair.
Ryan clapping back against the negativity is warranted. It IS getting old and redundant.🙄 Bravo Ryan. It needed to be said.
My OCD has me wondering why you didn’t flag the pins for the buildings!🤔🤷🏻♀️
Wise words. God bless our military personnel, ALL BRANCHES, past, present, and future. Complacency and apathy have no place among Americans who may have to defend her one day soon.
I'm amused by how you and McGuyver just walk in on eachother, hurl insults and then just carry on like normal. 😂
And all without cuss words! Just wholesome, hilarious banter between men!
Glad to see you are keeping tino busy!
I don't think the armed forces not finding people has anything to do with "masculinity" considering women are part of the armed forces too. I think more and more people are seeing soldiers returning home and getting absolutely no help, needing to fight for VA benefits, having PTSD, etc. and just don't want to risk all of that so some defense contractor executive can buy another Yacht.
I spoke to Ryan on the phone the other day super down to earth dude. Really wish I could pick his brain about business. Ryan that conversation we had changed my day. Just know that changed my mood. Thanks again sir.
You can tell MacGyver has worked for and earned everything he has and has never been given a thing. We need more people like him
That was awesome of you to do that for McGuyver. You could clear as day see how shocked and happy he was. Love seeing peoples day be made. If you are in a bad mood it immediately changes to being good.
Been watching your videos for a few months now. Love your positivity and how much you do for the guys. Keep up the amazing work from a man also in the trades.
This man is hard to work for always complaining
I just want to tell you something. I was retired for about 6 months when 1 morning I woke up and could not breathe. When to the doctors and found out I had cancer and a tumor got the tumor removed and 65 days later got released from the hospital went to the cancer doctor and got told I had to get kemo treatments . Went for my first Kemo treatment and it ruled my kidneys, so now I have to get dialysis treatment 3 times a week for 4 hrs each treatment. I have been in hospital for over 60 days now and still in the hospital. Enough about my sickness. The reason I am writing this is about your videos. I am so depressed from being trapped in the hospital over 125 days and loosing my voice and your videos help me get thru each day. I enjoy very much watching them and the excellent work that your company does with concrete. I see that you are a religious man, so I am asking you to say a few prayers for me, and maybe it will help. Keep making the videos and I will keep watching. The medical bills are so high that your videos are the form of entertainment I have. God bless you and your crew, stay safe, and keep the videos coming. Enjoying them.😊
Perhaps your son could join the military if you're so concerned with the culture shift.
Asi se hace Tino! Good job today. Hustle! Be a good right hand man and learn as much as you can
Mcguyvers reaction to that grinder really was just so pure
I love the military but yea they need to update, very clear why nobody wants to join anymore. Many military veterans have videos on why. Great video Ryan!!
Man your the most down to earth dude man , every day you inspire me and then you do something more over the top good job Ryan
You just know he just made the coolest gadet with the grinder straight away 😂 what a man, use what you got
That was really cool what Ryan did for macgyver. Shows alot about his personality. But macgyver seems like he always enjoys Ryan's company!
Wow, I felt how mcgyver felt right there. Your a great guy Ryan and I know with or without the camera this is who you are.
I like the motivation I get from watching your videos there is something about seeing into the life of others that's really inspiring. Keep up the good work victory!!!!
It’s become my after work routine to watch a few of your videos. Man they’re so entertaining!
I got Covid last week, sure enjoyed your channel, it made the 2weeks go by super fast. Really admire how you just go and do the job. I’m that kind of guy. I’m definitely watching all of your videos!
The surprise you did for a diver was Special. That was a really cool moment. Thank you for sharing that Ryan.
Teno you are the man you don't complain and you're always happy you're probably one of the best guys Ryan has you need to start your own UA-cam so you can make use some extra money you deserve it
His reaction being given the grinder was brilliant. Very hesrt warming moment
Good to see Tino getting some time in.
Ryan,to fix the garage trim,use fiberglass filler,then sand to smooth,and then paint,done all the time!
Giving that man that gift was so awesome
Honestly seeing MacGyver that happy made my day. Your a good man ryan and you've changed my outlook on life for the better. Be like ryan.
The way McGuyver changed instantly when he seen that gift you could really tell that he doesn’t receive many gifts and how much he appreciated it!
Was very good to see Daryl Jr on the last video you are a great boss and a great father and a great son God bless you and your family my friend 🙏
I kept replying the part where you gave the grider to McGuyver his face said it all. Best luck to him.
“For once I’m speechless “❤ may god bless you with more and your familia Ryan
Use “tough boy” or bondo for that trim on the garage door. Can even add texture if needed. Otherwise it’s great for things like that little job. From one snow bank engineer to another. Great work!!! Easy Money!!!
In the 70's I worked in a decal factory, we also applied decals for a nominal fee. The trick for alignment when applying decals is to use a fine mist of Windex on the surfaces of both the decal and the surface, to receive the decal, adjust the orientation and then use a plastic squeegee to smooth and flatten the decal slowly from the center out to the edges watching for air bubbles. If you get an air bubble "pop" it with a fine pin and use the squeegee to gently flatten the bubble. We used the same process regardless of the size of decal. The side for a semi trailers is a bit more challenging but the process is essentially the same.
MacGyver deserves more of that. That was awesome of ya
Wishing MacGyver a speedy recovery! I had my knee done at 27, that failed 13months later. Waiting for a full replacement.
Awesome of you to keep Tino around for some hours. This video was a nice change of pace 👍 I wish I was gifted a DeWalt 😂
Mcguyver is so creative! Love that!
Make Eric fix it. I hate when guys brake stuff and leave it for someone else to fix. I know it probably wouldn’t make sense cost wise cause the kid doesn’t know much of anything but it’s a good lesson
28:20 - I don't think I've ever seen "McGyver" so gob-smacked as when you gave him that lovely grinder. It was obvious that he was really, really touched by your generosity. You did a good thing there, Ryan.
McGyversuper good people, that man acted like you gave him a Ferrari, love it
Aweeee his face when u told him it was for him 😢😢😢 I would’ve gave him a hug McGuyver he’s an awesome wholesome person
Equipment looks fantastic....😊😊🏴
Careful with the F150. Cam Phaser rattle is very common. Just did mine on my 2017 king ranch ecoboost luckily it was under extended warranty or it would have cost me $3500+
Hi ryan big fan from the Netherlands probably the only one 😂😂 i wish i could come and work for u ... i do love landscaping and concrete to i used to work as an builder i was a contracter i builded alot of houses and appartements unfortunately im sick and cant work anymore im stuck at home and i do not have the money for operation but keep up the good work!! I love you're team u have very serious hard working guys keep it going! Easyyyyyy moneyyyyyy
Such a nice thing you did for Mcgyver you really are good stuff Ryan 👍♥️
Mcguyver is just a good dude. That’s all. Good hearted guy . Love seeing him in videos
very easy to fix the garage trim, i repair many of those through out the year, the nannies love hitting those corners. i always used Bondo. a fast drying compound that mixes with a hardener.
I just watched you cleaning the concrete off the bucket truck. Once you clean the surface, they make clear contact vinyl ( perhaps the company who makes you labels could provide it for you?) that you could lay on top of the gauges and shifts. That way, the concrete is easier to clean. If you make a template, you can have multiple clear vinyl sheets made to have to replace them f they get destroyed for any reason. Putting a clear coat on the gauge glass will also help keep the concrete from sticking. Hope that helps?
TINO Really showed that snow who is boss!!
Ryan works so hard, owns his own company, but yet lives the most humble and modest life imaginable. No fancy house, no fancy cars, even his boat is nothing fancy at all.
Macgyver was stoked! Great gift for him Ryan
for military thing you have to undestand people are less and less willing to want to fight in wars that have nothing to do with them overseas
That was a cool jesture that you did for MacGyver. He was truly touched by it. a CA fan
Hey Ryan! Numbers on the equipment would be nice for maintenance and telling which ones are rented out. love the videos and keep up the good work!
Nice to see Tino getting some personal time in..😊
Anyone with his skill set is an unstoppable force he is like the old-time pioneer farmer he can fix anything build anything and survive in any condition I learned from a man exactly like him worked with him for over 30 years even after growing up I still helped him until he passed but I am thankful for having him teach me what he did because I have professional people bring me stuff sometimes because they can't figure it out it's a true blessing from god to have knowledge
Hey on the trim damage you use a two part epoxy to fill in the damage. Once it hardens sand paper and paint.
Or for a quick fix use super glue and baking soda. Just cover the damaged area then quickly though baking soda on the super glue. Might have to repeat to get the right thickness. Then sand paper and paint.
Good luck and have a nice day.
US Army - MOS 64C - 1973 to 1981
Just a couple of rhetorical queries regarding your views on the military and masculinity.
Which branch of the military did you serve in?
Are you teaching your son about masculinity and military service?
Would you encourage a daughter to become a military aviator?
Hey Ryan huge fan love the content been watching for 2 years now
Nice to see all the new Bobcat Equipment you bought
I actually work for Bobcat over in California Inland Bobcat In Riverside Ca been with the company for 8 years now
Keep up the great content 👍
Eassyyyyyy Moneyyyyy
You should paint the buggy have it all matching I think it will look much nicer and your a good painter so off course it would .. love watching you I’m
Over in the uk 🇬🇧 god bless
I was in the military, yes the "incentives" for joining sound good, but there have been many changes and legislation creations that have made the benefits much harder to actually receive, plus the people in the military are mostly people that join the day after leaving high school and never learn how to mature past high school and therefore bring all that immaturity with them when they gain rank and authority. I have been in quite a few stations, and out of every one of my friends that I make, I have not found a person who says they actually like where they work, so that is causing people to become disenfranchised with the military and leaving, and the military refuses to do anything to try and keep people from leaving, the only incentive for staying has been a small pity check and loyalty which is worth less than the small pity check. Then the people that are in see the big bonuses being offered to new recruits and further become disenfranchised with the military, building resentment. After doing my time in the armed forces, I do not think it is a good path for anyone who wants to do big things in their life.
It’s your business and life do what you want!! And there’s still quite a few of us who support our service members and will stand/ fight beside them if it comes to that God Bless America 🇺🇸
McKiver speechless, staring in disbelief, Ryan quickly looking to jump in his truck and get out of there ....... two men on the verge of tears
Ryan you are a true inspiration 👏 🙌 thank you 😊
I wanted to thank you so much for the entertainment you've provided me over the last few months Ryan. Im about to head into the air force myself and always looked to your videos to pass the time. Im excited to see all the progress after I return from basic
Hi ryan, not had a dewalt laser, but the ones we use have 2 settings, a rough and a fine setting, might be worth checking if yours does and what the default setting is bud