Tales of Arise, PS4 (Tales Retrospective)

  • Опубліковано 23 гру 2023
  • Today we finally end the series with a game that has been the bane of my existence for over 2 years. With the sales of Tales games plateauing for the last 10 years Bandai Namco would look to try and reinvent the series to reach wider audiences. However, what they would creat would be in my mind a game alien to the rest of the series. Can I learn to love this game like so many others seem to or will I contiue to hate this game?
    Time Stamps:
    2:08 Origin
    6:06 Story
    9:27 Presentation
    13:42 Gameplay
    22:53 Sound
    25:32 Final Thoughts
    Link to my Twitter:
    / xenosanctum1
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    / sormon
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  • @UnicornofWar
    @UnicornofWar 7 місяців тому +11

    Oh my god, I feel seen on the whole "Why are gels no longer percentage based???'

  • @xemnasxiii3992
    @xemnasxiii3992 6 місяців тому +7

    I've only started this video but Honestly I share this sentiment of feeling alone in a sea of positivity and I'm still not over it. I've played this game didn't think much of it and actually started overlooking the story bc I was getting bored (I got tired of being told racism bad by the time we hit kingdom 4), replayed it a year later and absolutely found it an egregious replay in many ways be it character writing, story and story pacing or gameplay but then I hit the reddit fan base and this game is apparently a great game, great story, great combat, the characters are all super deep and well written and actually there are bountiful reasons the characters are doing the things they do and me and my butt load of criticism against the game feel completely confused as to how a game I could barely consider mediocre gets such positive reviews from the playerbase, the thing I've appreciated about this game where the what if's I could find about how part of this story could have gone.
    I think the saddest part about this is that even the dlc couldn't salvage my opinion of it this game will forever be wasted potential to me, opportunities were there and they didn't happen and now well this game can't exactly be redone not will it get a follow up bc they've basically "resolved" their issues and gotten their happy ending... all of that without ever giving us that marriage scene too btw lol

  • @ThinkBeyondOrdinary
    @ThinkBeyondOrdinary 7 місяців тому +6

    I think the main difference is that there are different "types" of fans of the series. Maybe you can differentiate them into casual and hardcore fans, or even fans of the combat or the overall experience/setting.
    For example, some fans of the Tales Of series are fans specifically of the combat, how intricate and complex it can be, the amazing combos you can achieve with planning and practice. And how balanced the whole system is to offer that kind of experience. Other fans don't care about the combat at all - and I admit, I'm one of them. For me, the combat in the Tales Of series has always been fun, but I've never gone much beyond the basic surface of doing a few combos and holding down the block button. For me, the series has always been about "playing an anime": having exciting music, interesting characters, with beautiful settings to explore and fun stories to follow. The combat just needs to be fun enough.
    For fans like me, Arise took almost all of the things we love most about the series and elevated them. I recognize that I would like a few more 2D animated cutscenes, and the story from the middle to the end ends up being a bit rushed and loses its rhythm, but that doesn't ruin the overall experience of the game. It's fun to play, beautiful to watch, and enjoyable to listen to. The change in the combat system wasn't a highlight for me because it was never the main reason I liked the series.
    I can totally understand why people were disappointed, of course. If possible, I would like the game to have been as good for other fans as it was for me. But it remains one of the best games in the series to date for its sense of exploration and adventure.

  • @simonlow0210
    @simonlow0210 6 місяців тому +6

    Nice review. I think I mostly agree with your gripes about the combat as well. Although I don't think the combat is "bad", but it definitely could make some tweaks here and there. Such as allowing us to combo bosses more easily.

  • @thebigchungus4515
    @thebigchungus4515 7 місяців тому +11

    I’ll just copy and paste the review I made on Backloggd:
    A complete shallow mess of an action game with a myriad of conflicting design choices.
    >enemy and boss interactions are neutered compared to previous entries (artes have less distinct features among them, the amount of hit states you can potentially inflict on an enemy has been lessened, with even shit like downing enemies locking them down to the ground, unable to be comboed, bosses will flat out ignore hitstun entirely, even humanoid ones)
    >you only get a max of 12 artes (6 for ground and 6 for air) when most modernish games allowed for at least 16
    >artes are now separated into two categories, ground and aerial, vastly limiting your combo potential and leading to more repetition
    >if you want to keep an enemy in its break state, you’ll find yourself forced into doing aerial combos even if you probably won’t want to, making the aerial and ground play feel even more homogenized
    >Boost Artes/Strikes all have a singular answer and don’t particularly open up for interesting combo routes and gameplay applications
    In most action games (the big ones at least, not counting the shoveleware stuff) you can change the status of a normal enemy pretty easily. There are multiple types of hitstun, stun, aerial status, downed status, pinned on a wall etc. These go a long way in making combat against normal mooks enjoyable, since they open up a lot of possibilities. Hitting an enemy and having it suffer just damage and hitstun is the most basic interaction and it's fine, but if it's almost all you ever do, then it starts to become a problem.
    Tales games usually do a pretty good job with this, giving you a ton of artes with unique properties (pushback, launchers, downing, picking enemies up from a downed state, spinning, dizzying, relocating player characters behind the enemies, inflicting varying amounts of hitstun, comboing into themselves for multiple hits, and more) that not only had useful functions when it came to engaging enemies but made it satisfying as a result due to the amount of different hit reactions you can inflict. In Arise, however, there’s just not as many outside of knockdown with Boost Attacks, in which you can’t even pick up enemies from since it locks them to the ground, launchers, and some status effects here and there, which makes the combat feel less dynamic as a result.
    There's not really any room for real creativity or interesting situations arising from what you choose to do, there's a very limited number of possible game states in Arise with very limited answers. When an enemy actually is responding to being hit they only have a single type of standing hitstun since things like basic OTG mechanics are no longer present, and a stun/stagger state where all you can do is wail on them while they sit in place. Of course that's when they're not just plowing through attacks with super armor. There's no room for actual variety in combat since everything you do will lead to the exact same outcome. I can't consider swapping out animations to do the same thing to be actual depth or variety.
    As for the conflicting design choices, Arise wants to have you doing fast, flashy combos (which are really brainless to perform since you'll never create an interesting situation that you have to adapt to and you'll never have to think about what artes will go well together. Even something as simple as accounting for your arte choices causing knockdown is out the window.) yet it's also unresponsive with unnecessarily lengthy animations that can't be canceled, and spams super armor on every enemy. Generally having most of your moves be long animation locks is for games with slow, methodical combat (e.g. Monster Hunter, Souls) but Arise tries to have its cake and eat it too, unable to decide between being a poor copy of stuff like DMC or a poor copy of stuff like MonHun.
    Then you get to the boss encounters which invalidate half of the game mechanics. It's like you're playing a whole different game when you fight these guys. Their super armor is permanent meaning the pierce system doesn't matter, you can't do the combos they clearly tried to design game systems around, and to top it all off since you can't get them into hitstun you can't knock them into the air, which makes half of your assigned moveset useless on most of them.
    I like having options in action games. I like having a lot of different ways I can approach the same thing from the core systems. I like being able to find a lot of creative applications for a given tool. That's depth. None of this is present in these encounters where there is a single optimal way to approach them. If it's a big monster boss you dodge very highly telegraphed attacks and hit the flashing glowing weak point until it dies. For humanoid bosses, it's just dodge into attack, use your limited selection artes that come out fast enough, to reset and do it again. I tried the highest difficulty available and it was still so fucking boring and mindless.
    Then there’s the fact that they removed co-op, a standard feature across the series, just so they could make it like every other generic ARPG Bamco already puts out. It doesn't have the LMBS, fighting game influence, or fleshed out combat you used to be able to expect of a Tales game. It's a "Tales" game with none of the defining features of Tales. And while it threw out a lot of established, unique features of the series the ones it does retain suffered dramatic regressions. The strategy menu only affects healing behavior now and Overlimit is back to the way it was in GameCube Symphonia where you don't have control over it activating and can't see how close you are to entering OVL state either.

    • @thebigchungus4515
      @thebigchungus4515 7 місяців тому +8

      Outside of the combat I thought it was still pretty mediocre. It's very frontloaded to give you a strong first impression but the world and dungeon design drop off rapidly. It's full of recycling, you'll never stop fighting recolors of the same handful of enemies from the first couple areas, and dungeons are full of copypasted rooms.
      The characters aren’t anything to write home about either. Alphen was just the standard heroic main protag with amnesia. Yeah, he has a bit of a dorky side and is a weapons nerd but that’s just about it. He doesn’t really have any major flaws he has to overcome since the mystery and set-ups around him are external rather than internal. Now, I would be fine with this if they actually made him funny or entertaining to follow, like, Lloyd or Yuri but he has nothing about him.
      Shionne was the standard, prickly tsundere love interest. While she has her understandable reasons for doing so, it doesn’t make her any more compelling to watch, even when she does eventually defrost and that’s not even getting into how on-the-nose her relationship with Alphen is.
      Law is the dumbass of the group and isn’t even particularly endearing with it and just comes across as obnoxious more than anything. Plus the whole “if you kill her, you’ll be just like her” thing that pops up at one point during the story annoyed the hell out of me.
      >party is on a quest to kill all the lords and have already killed 2
      >Introduce a new lord who just killed over 100 civilians in front of the party
      >party member who already wanted her dead due to her past crimes tries to kill her
      >another party member literally runs to block the spell from hitting the villain
      >villain does nothing while all of this is happening and escapes
      >find her after slaughtering her henchmen
      >previous party member has a change of heart
      >party lets her go AGAIN
      >bigger and badder villain immediately appears to kill her anyway
      Just a complete mess overall.
      Rinwell is pretty normal besides the racist mage thing but there’s not much to her outside of her flirting/bickering with Law.
      Kisara has nothing to her beyond being the team mom, fishing, her ass, and "muh dead brother."
      Dohalim felt like he did have nice development throughout the game though, especially with how he learns to see how his rule has affected the people under him. I like him.
      Hootle is the team pet but he’s adorable so I’ll give him a pass.
      The villains are also all lackluster as well, being comprised of little more than different flavors of mustache-twirling assholes, though at least the Sephiroth wannabe is the most entertaining with how much he yearns for his salty runback. And don’t even get me fucking started with the "it was aliens all along" twist. And the godawful skits, where the game has you stop every 10 steps to have a cutscene where everyone just slightly rephrases the conversation they just had for the sixth time.
      >Law: Golly fellas, I’m starting to think racism is bad.
      >Alphen: Interesting idea…
      >Rinwell: But I love racism. Also, I hate you (please love me)
      >Shionne: I don’t need any of you.
      >Dohalim: Culture sure is interesting.
      >Kisara: Which one of you can I nurse?
      >-Walk outside and trigger another cutscene-
      >Alphen: Guys, maybe racism isn’t the way?
      >Law: Hmm, maybe you are right.
      >Rinwell: I HATE RENANS, YOU IDIOT (Oh god I love you)
      >Shionne: You are all wasting my time.
      >Dohalim: Mmm, culture.
      >Kisara: Seriously you guys are making me want to mom so hard.
      >-Walk a little way down the road-
      >Law: I just had this weird idea like maybe different races shouldn’t hate each other
      And let us not forget how this absolute gem of a game really tried to show you a bunch of slave owners who horrifically torture and kill the people underneath them and go "you know, they weren't all that bad, they were just trying to do what they think was right."
      Overall, Tales of Arise is the epitome of style-over-substance and I legitimately do not understand the amount of praise it has received. Yes, the game looks extremely pretty and some of the animations are quite nice to look at, but the actual game is a slog, both mechanically and narratively.

  • @Ekkolocationzz
    @Ekkolocationzz 7 місяців тому +6

    AYEE YOU DID IT! I actually agree with everything you say here, ToArise should've been so much more. It shouldve been an homage to all of the tales games before it, but it feels like they want to forget their roots.

  • @Etoilime
    @Etoilime 3 місяці тому +1

    As a player who only plays healers in video games, the CP feature grew old really quickly for me, fortunately I played on the Steam version so starting the 4th Lord's realm, I downloaded a mod that negated all CP cost for Dohalim and Shionne's healing spells, it made the game a lot better for me though being really easy, therefore I restricted myself to playing at high difficulties to have more challenge!
    I also downloaded the multiplayer mod to play with two friends, which also made me appreciate the game even more!
    Playing Dohalim with friends and unlimited healing was a really pleasing experience, until the last dungeon where every enemy with maybe one exception resists to darkness which is most of Dohalim's artes, it became hell to even stagger one enemy where it was already hard before.

  • @pralenkaman8105
    @pralenkaman8105 7 місяців тому +8

    I agree, I really liked arise on my first playthrough, however, replaying it I found that boss fights are unbearable, the amount of super armor in the boss fights made them hard to deal with even on moderate difficulty
    I've been replaying some tales games myself and it's funny because while arise ended up being worse than I remember, zestiria, the game that most tales fans say is the worst in the series has been a pleasant surprise the whole way through, played the whole game on hard mode and it was actually pretty enjoyable, gameplay is still a weakness of that game as well, but it wasn't nearly as bad as arise's super armor and the story was so much better than what I remembered

  • @zexalsrevenge511
    @zexalsrevenge511 Місяць тому +1

    I think newer Tales entries are definitely good, it’s just that fans have unreasonably high expectations of the franchise I feel. Many other IPs have the same issue, too many to list. I like this IP for its combat system and the combos you can do, so satisfying if you ask me. I definitely want to play Arise regardless of varying opinions on the game.

  • @TonyKnight1208
    @TonyKnight1208 4 місяці тому +2

    Liked the game but the story flatline after the mask came off. I got so bored n was so glad to be done with it

  • @jamalcharles9533
    @jamalcharles9533 7 місяців тому +1

    From the time you let it be known that you disliked Arise, this was the review that I was looking forward the most.... and it did not disappoint. While I have not played the game as yet, I will one day to see if what I think is any different.
    I do however, respect your view as a long time Tales fan that played every single mainline game, which is not something many can boast, given this series love of not releasing games in the West.
    The lack of LMBS sucks though! LMBS is what made this series unique! This omission has now made this series the pioneering stand-out action rpg series it was in the 90s to being similiar to other generic AJRPGs.

    • @jamalcharles9533
      @jamalcharles9533 7 місяців тому +1

      As for the people who disagree with your review, while I see why they like the game, there's a common thread I see:
      It seems to me that people who dislike this game have played the older games, while those who like it have not.

    • @jamalcharles9533
      @jamalcharles9533 7 місяців тому

      I also understand your frustration with this game's lack of complexity in combat in comparision to the older games. To me, I see this as a continuation of the complaint the many videogames nowadays are getting simpler and simpler......

  • @reinsama2.09
    @reinsama2.09 7 місяців тому +11

    Arguably the worst tales game I've ever played, even zestiria for all it's fault was better than what we got.
    And no just because arise sold well doesn't mean it's good

  • @Darkaran1
    @Darkaran1 7 місяців тому +4

    Note: Iwamoto is NOT a small time artist and like Daigo Okumura he did a TON of secondary character over the years (and some main characters in ToZ, To and ton of stuff in TotW series on PSP iirc) for the series as well as be the art director fo ToV and OF ourse Arise
    I personally don't consider Arise as part of the series and at this point I'm EXTREMELY concerned about the futureof the series. Every single game release since Baba left after Berseria has been a letdown or an absolute shitshow: Crestoria was OK for what it was but failed. Luminaria was an insult to the series and literally had nothing to do with anything Tales of except for branding. The ToS port was an absolute disservice to the game specially on Switch. An this year Beyond the Dawn DLC is simply inexplicable in terms of timing and (lack of) quality. They HAVE to release a new game for 2025 so we will know what they have cooking next year surely. But I am really scared it will be unrecognizable. Arise left most of the Tales of unique heart behind for marketability's sake. If they do what I fear they will, I won't be able to continue saying Tales of is my favorite series. I will consider it finished in 2016.

    • @goncaloferreira6429
      @goncaloferreira6429 7 місяців тому +2

      " Arise left most of the Tales of unique heart behind for marketability's sake" is a good way to put it. any thouhts on arise´s dlc? what do you think they will do next? and what do you think they SHOULD do next?

    • @Darkaran1
      @Darkaran1 7 місяців тому

      @@goncaloferreira6429 thanks. On the DLC I have not much good to say. It's inexplicably late and content wise it doest justify the price compared to Xenoblade Series DLC or other RPGs with similarly priced expansions like Witcher 3 or Cyberpunk 2077. No new characters, artes or mechanics is a huge letdown and the bare minimum I would have expected on top of a new story. But we only got story and fetch quests. I was greatly disappointed. What should they do next? Hard to say without conflating it with what I want. But seeing how hard is for them to ship games (specially if they are going to continue this big budget route that's inherently more time demanding) is setting up a smaller team to do smaller 2D-ish games like they did in the past that are faster to ship and can be done in a style closer to classic entries. If you look at the Square Enix division that produces the HD-2D titles they are capable of releasing one almost every year despite being 2 and a half years of works each using 2 development teams. If they had 1 team for smaller/2D entries, another team (or contractor) for ports of classic/in localized entries and another with the bigger budget game you cold have 1 release per FY. You could also test gameplay ideas with the smaller games and let the results inform the big budget project as well so you can have diversity among the games and rhake advantage of being able to tip the toe on something and give it some serious ooomph it if works. That would be my take

    • @goncaloferreira6429
      @goncaloferreira6429 7 місяців тому

      @@Darkaran1 hum. cannot compare any company to Square, not sure if dividing their team is even possible.
      besides, since arise was such a commercial hit and even winning game of the year somehow ( is there any comment on how profitable it was?) i dont see them going back to thinking smaller projects are the way to go.
      they could have used the sucess of arise to bring some remasters ( abyss please). instead they spend 2 years on an expansion released when the main game was mostly forgotten.
      with arise i wished they improved their storytelling. they failed.

    • @xenosanctum2531
      @xenosanctum2531  7 місяців тому +1

      Vesperia DE in 2019 was really good. It arguably what gave me the false hope that Arise was going to be really good.

    • @Darkaran1
      @Darkaran1 7 місяців тому

      ​@@xenosanctum2531agreed. It made me think the new producer was in tune with the series identity and the fans desires, but it wasn't exactly like that.

  • @MagillanicaLouM
    @MagillanicaLouM 3 місяці тому

    Its funny binging through this retrospective and seeing you allude to your disdain for Arise, particularly in its combat being an example of modern Tales mostly missing the mark considering when it came out, it "getting things right again" was the most sung praise by longtime fans that I saw. I know opinions aren't a monolith, but it is interesting to see from someone living and breathing Tales of give this perspective. Even though I'm not really a new Tales fan or anything myself, picking up on the intricacies of the different battle systems i have played isn't my forte, so it'll be fun to hear your thoughts.
    As for what I can comment on, yeah Arise.... I'm not in love with it. The cast i find just to be aight, the story is one done similar and better in the series before imo, the alleged direction it potentially is gonna take the series in I kinda dread. I wouldn't call it horrible but it's not exactly what i hope to see more of for the series future. I hope its influence is a lot more understated than interviews make it sound like it's gonna be.

  • @Scitch-et4vk
    @Scitch-et4vk 7 місяців тому +5

    I love this game

  • @yogirajmore63
    @yogirajmore63 6 місяців тому +4

    Last peak tales gameplay was vesperia.

    • @xenosanctum2531
      @xenosanctum2531  6 місяців тому +2

      I'd say Graces was peak, so was Xillia 2

    • @yogirajmore63
      @yogirajmore63 6 місяців тому +2

      But I categorize tales into two gameplay System.
      The tier system where you chain artes according to their tier (base - master - arcane) and the CC System where you can chain Combo through a dedicated resource.
      What I mean is vesperia is the peak form of tier system. Correct me if I am wrong, destiny was first to use the tier system where you could chain base - master Arte so what I mean is vesperia has perfected it.

  • @finalBDE
    @finalBDE 7 місяців тому +1

    I won't lie, I like arise more then I used to. I can forgive a blander story and characters, because it was always a gamble if the previous games had good ones to begin with. But the doubling down on Berseria's ass "Things barely stun" gameplay loop is something I'll never understand. Literally the only change Arise needs is the ability to make bosses flinch like in literally every previous game and I'd say Arise is a banger.
    The music is pretty good though, definitely not as good as the previous games, but I might just be biased.

  • @jamesbond3w
    @jamesbond3w 2 місяці тому

    God I feel like a bigger outsider now after hearing that beginning lines.
    Like I never touched a "Tales of" game until Arise. I was scrolling through the game store on Xbox and saw this as a new game and thought I might as well try it out since I haven't touched a typical jrpg game like ever. (I guess if you wanna count pokemon mystery dungeon as one then I have sorta touched base)
    I got hooked into the series because of Arise and started playing the games backward since. Going straight for Vespiria Remastered and now Symphonia since it got ported for Xbox One.
    So far I think I've enjoyed Arise more because of various stuff like the graphics and quality of life aspects. The story so far seems kinda repetitive and even similar to in all three games I played.
    Magic in the world, political troubles because of a higher entity, the main female protagonist is somehow the bane of the world and we have to journey across the world just to fix it.
    So hearing that Arise is the same as the massive ret-conned schist-pie that was Force Awakens really puts me as an outsider

  • @goncaloferreira6429
    @goncaloferreira6429 7 місяців тому +5

    Arise is a fail in my book at least in the sense that it failed the opportunity given by the hardware upgrade. It placed all the bets on the graphics and that somehow paid off. but the storytelling is still weak and the combat suffered this time too.
    we will have to see what the future brings.
    ps: what about the dlc?

  • @lerofiq
    @lerofiq 25 днів тому +1

    The fact that they paywalled shit is what makes this Tales of the worst for me, and the people defending this shit are just holyshit braindead.
    Same take about the boss part, I also think that this battle system is just bad, and that makes me think this game is hardly Tales of Series, I understand some people might enjoy the battle system because they played on easy difficulty, but this on max difficulty is just super spammy crap, and I know Zestiria is also spammy, but at least I got to do cool spam, unlike this one. For the story, if they think that the destroyed Rena planet reveal or plot twist makes me the player surprised, nope, I am utterly disappointed. And don't get me started on the fkin Story DLC.
    But anything else, like graphics, character design, and their 3d expression overall is a massive improvement.

  • @matex2207
    @matex2207 7 місяців тому

    Zestiria was the last time we had staves, you got that thing wrong on dohalim. Minor detail really.

    • @xenosanctum2531
      @xenosanctum2531  7 місяців тому +1

      Correct, the whole elongating staff got me too focused on Xillia. My bad.

  • @lapis3965
    @lapis3965 3 місяці тому

    A fantastic analysis on Tales of Arise is by youtuber DreamlordofGaming, with his video titled "Tales of Arise Critique - When a Great Story Fails" since he analyzes the story to the most minute detail, and I agree with MANY of his criticisms of it. To be clear, Tales of games were NEVER primarily known for it's plot ( Personally, If I was to rate JRPGs in terms of plot, I don't think I'd put any on the ones I'd played in my top ten) , but what Tales IS known for is it's action combat, and character interactions (enhanced by it's skits, though honestly fun banter can only get you so far). That said, Arise's story was particularly stupid IMO.
    DreamlordofGaming analysis here for anyone that's curious:

    • @danielramsey6141
      @danielramsey6141 20 днів тому

      About the Only TALES of Plot that I actually like, is TALES of SYMPHONIA. Which is far better than Arise is.

  • @haleyxx5030
    @haleyxx5030 Місяць тому +2

    Tales of Berseria is their best game by far. I felt so connected to the characters and I loved all their personalities. The story and flow was so good and kept me super invested. I played this game and felt like that was missing from it. I liked Alphens personality. But i felt like the characters weren’t fleshed out or deep enough. IMO the game feels rushed? Also like a massive jump from earth to space?? Definitely something odd? I’m not sure how to describe it?? But i did like it at the same time so I don’t know 😭Tales of Berseria is the best though, I’m currently replaying the game again 😌
    Edit. I do like hootle and dolahim too lol

  • @eatmaipoop
    @eatmaipoop 6 місяців тому +1

    agree i think namco bandai needs to make a remaster or remake of tales of the abyss and make a new game similar to it. tales of arise sucks i couldnt finish playing it after the snow area and the whole salve story im over it.

  • @michaelsartori1881
    @michaelsartori1881 4 місяці тому

    Well I respect your opinion, but I don’t think the combat held back my enjoyment of the game as much as it did for you. I thought the graphics were great, the world design was really good, movement felt great, I really liked the character designs, I liked the combat for the most part but yeah the bosses were definitely too spongey. The story and characters were alright, but that’s all I really need if the gameplay and atmosphere keeps me engaged. Definitely not one of the best games I’ve played, but I thought it was alright.

  • @RazorBladezX
    @RazorBladezX 7 місяців тому +1

    By George he did it! Retrospective on Tales of Arise!! I’m excited but I’m not excited because .. I think you didn’t like it. lol 😂

  • @kyrudo
    @kyrudo 7 місяців тому +1

    Id be willing to forgive the combat system if the story didn’t completely drop the ball 3/4 through the game. It was main beef with Vesperia too. Really promising start. A decent mid game and then it feels like the last 4 hours of the game was just an after thought.
    I don’t mind the happy ending, its just that the last bit of the game feels like such a blitz if events here and there and nothing gets time.
    I really dislike Tales of Zesteria, but the build up and prep for the final part of the story felt earned. I just think Arise needed more time in the oven

  • @goldenharp5415
    @goldenharp5415 6 місяців тому

    I disagree that’s all I liked Arise as much as Vesperia and Berseria to be fair combat matters little to me considering of the 5 tales games I played I liked the combat equally (I’ve played Symphonia, Vesperia, Zestiria, Berseria, and Arise) like to each there own so agree to disagree.

  • @danielramsey6141
    @danielramsey6141 20 днів тому

    Not Gonna Lie. Been Playing this Game since I first Pre-ordered it.
    And Yeah, Bandai-Namco is getting OUT OF HAND With the DLC!
    The Fact that this Game Has Several Titles That are Purposefully Left off and are Locked Through DLC makes this Entry such a Problem!
    I Hear there are Even Special Quests that I LOCKED Through DLC! Thank God that isn’t the Case with The Devil Arms Weapons! (But those do need a New Game+ to be unlocked).
    What Makes this DLC Barrage even Worse is how it Impacts Leveling Up! I Get that the game Needs to Pace itself, but it really Doesn’t help! The Enemies in the game feel like Damage Sponges! So you have to find ways to beef up your levels and Stats to get through Mobs of enemies! This isn’t made any better when you have to struggle to get through Mobs that hit like a Truck while trying to earn levels, SP (skill points), and Materials for crafting. Same for materials.
    The Other problem is how Expensive By
    Using Skills and passive powers are when looking at them from the Title boards! And when they start dipping into the Thousands, it forces you to start participating in more Combat.
    Right Now, all my characters are At LEVEL 55! And I’m at the End portions of the game! Everything is around level 55 to 60+! But this only extends to certain enemies in specific areas!
    Right now, the Homeworld Rena has the Majority of Strong monsters to Level Gring on.
    This game has an Accessory/buff item that helps to Beef up each character’s stats with every kill. But it comes in so late. You really need to Craft it early on. But this item is hidden for a Large majority of the game that it’s practically hidden from New players!
    The other Necessary Items that Need to be Found are Artifacts! As getting those greatly speed up the Level grind!
    It’s good that these items are included, but this game gets so dull after a while that I found myself falling asleep! The game is interesting when it starts. But by the Time you get into the Second Half after ALphen’s Rival Boss. It becomes a real Drag to get through! As you are Facing off against Bosses and Mid-Bosses with Tanky Hp pools!
    All While Bamco Continues to Come up with some Really Stupid Ideas! Like Putting some Essential TRaining Arena DLC on THEIR GODDAMN WEBSITE! That is NOW INACCESSIBLE!!! 😮😡

  • @axeoseilez3207
    @axeoseilez3207 4 місяці тому

    I think Arise was an amazing game and dont understand why it would be hated. It had a great solid story good character arcs and likeable cast. Plus the combat was snappy and fluid. My only complaint was the late game difficulty spike it got comedically absurd. I beat the game at level 65 and every enemy post game was damn near level 90 which caused me to not play anymore.

    • @sag2057
      @sag2057 3 місяці тому +1

      The post game make you level up so quick, you won’t grind to much because ennemies in post game give so much exp

  • @one.million.flowers
    @one.million.flowers Місяць тому +2

    I'm with you. This game is very overrated

  • @ZannacrossG1
    @ZannacrossG1 7 місяців тому +3

    You were far more merciful to the game's story then mine...the enemies seemed like the weakest in the series aside from maybe the first few games...with its final boss being even more in depth then Dhaos which is a disgrace and the way the whole plot just was a rushed mess to me after the second intro was...disgraceful. Also, the music really fell in to the" epic trap" as, I really only remember the main battle theme and the final few themes mostly for hearing them for so long.
    The cast was ok but yah, far inferior to Beseria. Did you ever get to the DLC? It, did not really change anything on the game's stance to me lol. In the end, I suppose it still feels more like a Tales game then Final Fantasy 16 felt like a Final Fantasy game but like...that's not saying much. You ask why so many love this as the best, and I really feel like its showing how so many just put the presentation over everything, and its sad that it will drive home to just go full FF16 and also push Tales of into mostly a interactive movie like FF16 became. I hope not, I hope RPG's are not all just going to just become action games for " winning over as many gamers as possible, quality be damned" but we will see. Well, congrats on doing a full recap of the series...what are you going to do now? Till then happy holidays.

    • @xenosanctum2531
      @xenosanctum2531  7 місяців тому

      Im unsure if I'll ever touch the DLC.

    • @ZannacrossG1
      @ZannacrossG1 7 місяців тому +1

      Well, I'll say its indeed not really going to change anything, felt more like a side quest that should have been in the main game and dragged on way to long.

  • @goldenharp5415
    @goldenharp5415 6 місяців тому +1

    I also just disagree that just because a series started something even if it’s good doesn’t mean it can’t or shouldn’t change ever or try something new.

    • @xemnasxiii3992
      @xemnasxiii3992 6 місяців тому +5

      I would agree if the changes made to the series where good implementations or ones that were well executed ideas for the series Arise, however, is a positive only in the visual department and I would argue it's mostly thanks to UE. I found the combat average at best and like Xenosanctum said very tedious during bosses, it is a objective step back that an action oriented jrpg series decides to implement bosses that do not follow the combat philosophy made for average enemies, it feels unfair and unrewarding and just ends up being a massive hp sponge on top of a slog. Story wise is subjective but I found it was less character focused entry too, we were moving on from characters way too fast i felt like many characters in the cast could have been explored more outside of skits that slightly go deeper but never really do anything either tbh
      So yeah my takeaway from Arise is keep the visuals improve the rest but seeing as the series has been trying to attract more and more new players and Arise was a massive success in that regard I guess the changes done won't be on the stuff I wasn't a fan of

  • @piotrsienicki3115
    @piotrsienicki3115 2 місяці тому

    I thought that Arise is big improvement regarding previous tales of games

  • @theshadowman8801
    @theshadowman8801 6 місяців тому +3

    I think scarlet nexus is better than tales of arise.

    • @xenosanctum2531
      @xenosanctum2531  6 місяців тому +7

      Scarlett Nexus had its own issues but ateast wasn't trying to be a game from another series.

    • @yogirajmore63
      @yogirajmore63 6 місяців тому

      Like Fe awakening killed and saved the series this is the awakening of tales series it saved and killed it.

    • @xenosanctum2531
      @xenosanctum2531  6 місяців тому +1

      @@yogirajmore63 Awakaning is still an SRPG with the same items, maps and unit types as found in most other FE games. If Awakaning was more like FE worriors then I would agree more with your point.

    • @HolyAarom
      @HolyAarom 6 місяців тому +1

      @@xenosanctum2531 man i dont know how much you are into fire emblem but hearing you say that just warms my heart. a lot of people like to say that awakening was a turning point for the series and while i agree in regards to the style of aesthetics, story, etc, the CORE GAMEPLAY still remains the same. fire emblem is one of the very few series i enjoy that have remained the same with its CORE GAMEPLAY ever since the first installment, and has shaken up the formula in ways that didnt drastically remove itself from the established core. i used to feel this way about tales as well because imo the common factor among most of the games was the LMBS and the very "anime" style it has, so im just very wary about how the series is gonna continue from here on.
      my brain is happy that tales is back on the radar (somewhat) as a series in the eyes of the average consumer, but my heart isnt happy because it's not the tales i loved for so long

  • @emeraldmosley8938
    @emeraldmosley8938 6 місяців тому

    🎶 Promo-SM

  • @brandondearmas294
    @brandondearmas294 7 місяців тому

    Dude praises one of the tales games that most people recognize as the worst. Bruh what?

    • @xenosanctum2531
      @xenosanctum2531  7 місяців тому

      Which one is that?

    • @brandondearmas294
      @brandondearmas294 7 місяців тому

      @xenosanctum2531 bersaria. Alot of people didn't like the attempt at "edginess" or a what they called a darker story. It also just feels like a barely different zestria . Honestly I haven't heard anyone say that Arise is bad. The most true criticism is it has a kind of generic jrpg plot which is fair

    • @xenosanctum2531
      @xenosanctum2531  7 місяців тому +7

      @@brandondearmas294 Berseria is a well liked Tales game. It IMO and alot of others has the best story in the series. Its combat is very diffrent to Zesteria. The Team Symphonia games have more in common with eachother than Berseria does with Zesteria. More people have had issues with Arise since it first came out.

    • @brandondearmas294
      @brandondearmas294 7 місяців тому

      @@xenosanctum2531 I must run in different circles because I never hear anything good about bersaria

    • @xenosanctum2531
      @xenosanctum2531  7 місяців тому +6

      @@brandondearmas294 Just read my Berseria retrospective comment section.

  • @ezequielfernandez476
    @ezequielfernandez476 7 місяців тому

    resume of the video: it looks great, sounds better, characters and story are ok, combat is too hard, i need the game to take my hand boo hoo.
    I loved the game, it was really fun, i can agree with one thing here and that is not as good as tales of berseria but damn is a great game, diferent is not bad and i think you having that mind set is what kills the game for you, a lineal combat system is way too outdated for todays players experience, i grew up with the old system so i can get the nostalgia factor in your argument but it doenst make it valid in a review context, you can miss it, you can enjoy it more because you grew up with it but you cant deny how outdated it is. Talking about the boss fights and combat overall, each boss has one or more weak points you can breake without much effort and all of them have some strat you can abuse, taking tales of berseria as an example, big bosses had super armor the entire fight and the only way to defeat them was to cast a mistic art at the right time followed by the rest of the characters arts, and thats only if you played with velvet, play with other characters that didnt were that broken and you were done, here at least that cheap one combo kill on bosses is gone and you need all your party memebers to do real damage in real time combat, so yeah is harder but thats the point.

    • @iransilva5857
      @iransilva5857 7 місяців тому +2

      big bossses not staggering in berseria is not even true. there's only like 2 gimmicks fight you can't stagger cause you need some specific strat to kill them.
      i don't see how lmbs is outdated when it produced the best games in this series.
      arise is boring cause the game is on rails in mobs and in bosses it be a spam fest wtih no thought cause enemies don't react to what you're doing to them

    • @ezequielfernandez476
      @ezequielfernandez476 7 місяців тому

      @@iransilva5857 i said it in the first comment, thats only if you use velvet who is broken and can use her arm (cant remember the name of the attack) to give herself invulnerability to interruption and can stagger the bosses, try it with the other characters and youll see the diference, my point is that in arise every party member is needed in the boss fights, against flying bosses you must use shion in a smart way, same with law and the armor, Kirara with runing, etc etc, im not saying one is better that the other (berseria vs arise) but that diferent isnt bad, like is said in the video

    • @iransilva5857
      @iransilva5857 7 місяців тому +2

      everyone can stagger bruh i played eizen and eleanor. for eizen you need to down or stun the enemy to use his soul break and that's not imposible in any boss fight.
      not the game fault you're bad at attacking and do unsafe shit.
      and that's not true cause alphen just downs everything anyway

    • @ezequielfernandez476
      @ezequielfernandez476 7 місяців тому

      @@iransilva5857 he cant down flying enemies or stop charging ones, and what you can do with eizen or eleanor is give them the dizzy state to bosses, not stagger perse, only velvet with her claw can do that without any risk, and we are talking about bosses not regular mobs

    • @iransilva5857
      @iransilva5857 7 місяців тому +2

      @@ezequielfernandez476 he literally can. did you even play the shit you're a defending?.
      also eizen adn eleanor can stagger and combo enemies and bosses wym

  • @user-wd4rq2cd3g
    @user-wd4rq2cd3g 7 місяців тому +2

    Oh, goodie. A Tales of Arise "retrospective" video made by an Arise hater who heavily dislikes the game, doesn't see it as a good Tales game, and disses its fans.
    Enjoy the thumbs down.
    Oh, and looking forward to seeing all the petty replies from other Arise haters over my comment. ;)

    • @thebigchungus4515
      @thebigchungus4515 7 місяців тому +20

      Sounds based, fuck this game.

    • @xenosanctum2531
      @xenosanctum2531  7 місяців тому +14

      When did I diss the fans? I tried very hard to identify every positive in this game and give it a far review.