Welcome Brother Alfred its wonderful that you have been able to join us at the Easter Vigil. Sadly here in Australia we were not able to hold the Vigil Mass with anyone in attendance and the RCIA candidates at our church have to wait until Coronavirus restrictions are lifted. Welcome home and please pray for all those who were unable to be fully admitted into our faith last Saturday, that they may soon become fully members of the Body of Christ as you have already done.
Emtedee prayers for your country. Yes i feel very honored and blessed because i know not everyone had the same opportunity as i did. I live in a rural area of the united states and we have been blessed so far. But yes i will be praying for all candidates and please pray the rosary everyday in these times. God bless.
I was raised as a protestant. Always felt something was missing. I thought church was pointless. I attended Mass with a friend of mine when I was about 13. The difference between that church and mine was palpable. Started reading veraciously about church history. At 18, I converted to Catholicism much to the dismay of my family. They got over it.
EF ANDMK you read the church history and not the Bible? If you read the Bible, you will definitely find out that catholic church teachings are against Gods word.
@@ramenpho8162 are you even aware that it was the Catholic church who compiled the scriptures and made it into one book to read a universal scriptural writings? And here you are saying that the Catholic teachings are even wrong? ??Says by you, but we in Catholicism has one universal teachings governed by God.
Lea Marie remember that Christ bring His kingdom to this earth, not religion. And just look at the fruit of your religion. You will be able to tell the type of tree base on the fruit. Your catholic religion made atrocities throughout history. The persecution of non catholics, gruesome genocide. And the manipulation of the Bible just to satisfy your church agenda. That is evil. You practice witchcraft, necromancy by praying to the dead. You introduce false doctrine. That is the work of the devil. To deceive. I was a catholic, if you read the real Bible (not the one made by catholics) you will find out how corrupt and evil your church is.
Lea Marie not my word, but by Gods word your church is wrong. Read it. Be educated straight from Gods word and not from your priest. I do not bring religion but i am bringing Christ to you. His kingdom. Not your frances kingdom
I am a convert. I was raised Baptist and converted in the early 90's when I was in my late 20's. I appreciate this video so very much. Thank you for your ministry.
Douglas Collier I’m also a convert and grew up back and forth between Methodist and Baptist although I was baptized as a Presbyterian. My Confirmation has been delayed until further notice thanks to the coronavirus but I won’t give up. I was 28 when I made the decision to convert.
@@BoaConstrictor126 The problem is you are still not saved. All you've ever had was religion and you still don't know for sure if you are going to heaven when you die because you haven't been born again and received the gift of the Holy Spirit who assures you of your salvation.
I was raised Lutheran but as a child I saw a rosary in a jewelry store window and in an instant in my heart I knew I would become a Catholic. When I married and became Catholic I knew I was truly home. That was 52 years ago.
@@Nolongeraslave No, the rosary beads represent the prayers Catholics say on the beads. Many of my childhood friends were Cathic so I already knew the prayers. The rosary itself just visualized what I desired.
@@5sweetiepie I actually know much about the rosary. In fact I had the litany of Mary in my head. You post had curious wordings. I do realise the attraction people have towards Catholic Church but those who are sucked in by whatever attraction don't stop to ask themselves whether those attraction are really of God. What was missing when you were a Lutheran?
@@5sweetiepie Are you born again? What gospel did the Apostles preach by which we are saved? Is it the same gospel by which you were converted? These things are much more serious than simply calling them opinions because life eternal is what everyone is seeking.
I thought I would be able to listen to this while folding laundry. Umm. No. This deserves all my attention with some paper and a pencil. Wow. I pray my son grows up to be like you. You know and love your faith so well. - former Presbyterian concerting to Catholicism :)
😊 Smile! Life is short and beautiful so make the best of it. Be happy! Katholikos comes from two Greek words: "kata or kath" (meaning "through" or "throughout") and "halos" (meaning "whole"). This notion of "throughout - the - whole" carries no notion of boundary or lines drawn that demarcate those who are "in" and those who are "out. " The preaching of Jesus of Nazareth also supports this notion of katholikos - "Catholic." Jesus' very short parable of "the yeast" found in Matthew 13:33 and Luke 13:21, in which Jesus likens the Kingdom or Reign of God to a woman who makes bread. The Kingdom of God is said to be like the yeast that is added to flour and is found"throughout-the-whole of the dough, building it up, not destroying or separating the four, but becoming one-with, part-of, and mutually benefiting from and contributing to the life of bread. The "Catholic" aporoach, one that recognizes the call for the enacting of the Reign of God "throughout -the -whole of the world, sees the church as INCLUSIVE because it is to be found without separation from, but instead exists as part of the world and society.
@@brotherdj777 I've heard from many like yourself who basically do the same thing Muslims do with the Quran, boiling faith down to just a book only approach. No thank you. The universal Church that Christ established exists as part of the mystery of faith. Without the element of mystery, of tradition, of structure, of ritual, of history, etc. you cannot wholly partake in expressing the ever transformative relationship between man and divine.
@@brotherdj777 Some people resort to ad hominem attacks and disingenuous implications when they no longer have anything constructive to offer. Congratulations, you're one of them.
jaranarm...Congratulation, The Holy Spirit gave you the GRACE of being part of His church. This is a grace that is not given to everybody, but HE gave it to you because you are special. God and our Virgin Mother bless you ALWAYS, no sickness or virus can get to you, they protect you.
That's an interesting perspective. I am a Catholic (raised as one), but I admit, especially as I got older, I sometimes find the fixation with mystery... distracting at times. It nice - particularly at Easter and Christmas. But for the day to day stuff, I I'll admit that although I most closely align with Catholicism, I do admire many of the protestant churches being grounded in the physical. Its all to easy to become so wrapped up in ritual and mystery, that the real substance starts to get lost. Though as with all things, its about getting the balance right so as to perform its function best.
@@benlowe1701 you admire the grounded in the physical as protestant sects do??!!!! are you sure you are a devoted Catholic? I find your comment so disappointing, specially from somebody that refers himself as Catholic. Read your Bible again and discover the gift of the Holy Eucharist. When you understand that you would never say again what you just said. It's blasphemy, do not insult the Lord that way, HE paid a high price for our salvation. We are supposed to help our other brothers and sisters to see the TRUTH of the LORD.
John M Phiri I’m so Glad to here it I’m 14 and I was raised Catholic but I’ve only just realised the Beauty of my religion I feel like the only fulfilment I need is from God not worldly thing will ever make me feel this way and it’s beautiful
I left the Church 30 years ago to find the "Truth." I studied and searched hard... inwardly, outwardly. In the end it brought me back to Catholicism and Christ.
😊 Smile! Life is short and beautiful so make the best of it. Be happy! Katholikos comes from two Greek words: "kata or kath" (meaning "through" or "throughout") and "halos" (meaning "whole"). This notion of "throughout - the - whole" carries no notion of boundary or lines drawn that demarcate those who are "in" and those who are "out. " The preaching of Jesus of Nazareth also supports this notion of katholikos - "Catholic." Jesus' very short parable of "the yeast" found in Matthew 13:33 and Luke 13:21, in which Jesus likens the Kingdom or Reign of God to a woman who makes bread. The Kingdom of God is said to be like the yeast that is added to flour and is found"throughout-the-whole of the dough, building it up, not destroying or separating the four, but becoming one-with, part-of, and mutually benefiting from and contributing to the life of bread. The "Catholic" aporoach, one that recognizes the call for the enacting of the Reign of God "throughout -the -whole of the world, sees the church as INCLUSIVE because it is to be found without separation from, but instead exists as part of the world and society.
As a Protestant Christian, I must commend Fr. Casey for his clarity, good humor and humility in expounding on the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. I have enjoyed many of his videos. Roman Catholicism could have no better spokesman and ambassador to the remainder of the Christian world. In spite of our doctrinal and historic differences, lack of understanding and human pride, as believers, we are all one in Christ.
Mark Alexander, I agree this young man is very eloquent in proclaiming a false catholic doctrine. If catholics are not Born Again they never enter the Kingdom of God , those are Jesus words to Nicodemus . We are not all One in Christ that is a deception and it seems even Denominational Christians fall for it . ! I will never be One with a catholic that prays to their catholic dressed up Mary , the saints , rosary and taken the eucharist Transubstantiation will occur then they think ending up in purgatory is what's going to happen to be purified . They also pray to the dead (known in Pagan culture) in purgatory that does not exist . Roman Catholicism is a diabolical religion and for many it will have major eternal consequences . i did extensive historic research on the origin of the RCC till now , but not from a catholic source . Biblical truth matters and it has to be said , just pleasing people leaves emptiness .
Correction: Despite they claim Supreme Authority and would kill heretics again in a Sacred Heartbeat, the Roman Pagan Church has a great Public Relations Rep in Father Casey whom carries a firm, masterful grasp on doublespeak; that of which is worthy of a high ranking, global politician.
@@forthewin369 please just stop. I'm tired of protestants attacking catholics saying false things and creating more division when we're all believers in Christ. You never see Catholics bullying protestants. It's always protestants bullying catholics. It seems Catholics are more peaceful in the fact that we believe in the truth but won't force you to come back to Christ's church. We don't go up to you and say hey man you're completely wrong. We love protestants and never want to shame. It seems like this guy is the only protestant that gets how to not be condemning or condescending. Take note brother.
I was raised Lutheran. But when I was six years old, God spoke to me and told me I would be Catholic one day. I was told to honor my parents and that when I was older I would come to the church. I liked my church growing up, but I always knew that one day I would become Catholic. At 17 I went off to college and by the following year I had come into the church. I knew I was home. I loved it and soaked it all in. I could never be anywhere else. I disagreed with Luther, and felt somewhat hypocritical being a lutheran. But I knew what I was toldl and that I needed to honor my parents while I was young. When I was 18 I came into the church and 40 years later I am still fully sure of my decision. There is something quite powerful to knowing that our church leads all the way back to the apostles. Wow. I do believe we are misunderstood and some Catholics take things a bit too far, like actually burying a statue of Joseph in the yard upside down facing west or whatever the heck it is so that your home sells. Or to think they are changing the weather by hanging a rosary on a bush! That is idolatry. And we must steer clear of that. It can confuse other non Catholics who don’t understnad what our church teaches and what a few supersticious people are doing. I get questioned all the time why some would kiss a statue, or bow to a statue of Mary. It appears to them as if we are worshipping idols. Theres a lot that can be explained as long as we are all on the same page. If we all picked up the catechism and read it, we could really make a differencce. But one cannot evangelize their faith without fully understanding it. As a convert I feel that I learned so much coming in as an adult. Then a few years ago I graduated from the four year program Catholic Biblical School of Michigan, part of the program from Denver. I love my church!
@SNES Nes A statement like that tells me that you’ve maybe experienced their church services but do not actually know what their fundamental beliefs are. They’re vastly different and on some very key things. Their differences are quite literally why Lutherans even exist - because Martin Luther believed differently from the Catholic Church and because of these very different beliefs was excommunicated as a heretic.
@SNES Nes : No difference? When you go to a Catholic Mass and receive Holy Communion you are receiving the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Himself! When you go to a Lutheran service, or any other denomination for that matter, you are receiving a piece of bread.
I am not Catholic. I am not even Christian. However, I find your videos very interesting and they have really helped me to understand Catholicism in a deeper way. I enjoy learning about other faiths and how they differ, or sometimes resemble my own religious beliefs. Thank you, and bless you.
In case you are a Germanic Heathen (given the Mjölnir sign in your profile picture), I can tell you that Germanic mythology is in its core Catholic. I used to be a Germanic Heathen with a deep understanding about the myths and when I converted to Catholicism I did not have to discard anything from the Germanic myths, I merely had to complete them further.
Same here. I was raised Catholic but grew up wanting to branch out and explore other beliefs. Father Casey here does a good job of teaching what it Catholicism really means when it was sort of glossed over to me when I was young. Ultimately, I cannot bring myself to agree with their ideologies, but will admit that their method of communing with God is indeed beautiful.
Same here. I was raised Catholic but grew up wanting to branch out and explore other beliefs. Father Casey here does a good job of teaching what it Catholicism really means when it was sort of glossed over
Same here. I was raised Catholic but grew up wanting to branch out and explore other beliefs. Father Casey here does a good job of teaching what it Catholicism really means when it was sort of glossed over
Same here. I was raised Catholic but grew up wanting to branch out and explore other beliefs. Father Casey here does a good job of teaching what it Catholicism really means when it was sort of glossed over
I'm currently in RCIA and I'm so happy I found this video!!!!! Being a former Baptist I can tell you that I have had personal revelation that this is God's Church right here!
There are a wealth of great prayers outside of Mass, too. And sometimes words are not even needed - work in caring for others can be a prayer in itself
The One Church of God, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. The Lord Jesus said to Peter three times. This is not a figment. THREE TIMES and NOT ONE TIME. His words, "Feed my sheep". (John 21: 14-22) And, then shortly before Jesus ascended to Heaven while blowing on the disciples with the Strong Power of the Holy Spirit, "I will give you the key to the Kingdom of Heaven. What you bind in this world will be bound in heaven and what you release in this world will be released in heaven." (Matt. 16: 19) The appointment of Peter does not mean that the other disciples are not worthy but God only appoints one person to be a leader among the apostles namely Peter. God does not want division as God loves Israel and His promise is that He will always be saved for Israel even though in the course of time Israel often hurts God, but God is not willing to let Israel be scattered. The same is true for the Churches of God One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. The Church of God often experiences ups and downs but Jesus God will never negate His Church. He defended His Church in the Unity and Holy Communion from the beginning of the Christian era until now despite the upheaval and violations within the church itself as well as Heresy or Schism attacks as Luther did. Heresy and Schism will continue to exist and shake the church of God as a problem both arising from Non-Catholic Christians and from among Muslims. The church may be many, but only one that God wants, that is, One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, based on Faith only in Jesus, is passed on to Peter and all His disciples. Simple analogy: In one class there must be a class president and the class president will responsibly report the results of any activities carried out by students to the teacher. The class leader sometimes makes mistakes but the teacher entrusts only to one person so it is not possible just because of the mistakes of the class president so God decided to appoint another class leader in the class itself and the teacher could not disband the class only because of violations committed by the class leader . The teacher constantly reprimands the Class President and also other students if they get caught fighting with each other. It often happens that students often fight with the class president even because it does not suit the class president, some of the students often make their own rules of the game. The Church of God One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic is like a class being led by Peter in all matters and the matter is accounted to the Master, Jesus. Luther if he does not like the class president ie the Pope does not need to get out of the unity of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of God who bases his faith only on Jesus God by continuing to establish the teachings of the church that God himself inherited to the students in the form of Holy Traditions, Scriptures and Magisterium (The Power of Teaching the Church) Remember many deceivers roam around with their forehead interpreting the end times and the Antichrist. Full salvation is only in Jesus God through the intercession of the Church of God entrusted to Peter and all His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic disciples forever and ever until the end of time. Beyond that there is salvation but it is not FULL !! JESUS BLESS YOU.
The most important Word there is... is the word Jesus. If you can't think of a prayer or don't know how to pray just close your eyes look inward into your soul and say Jesus. He is there at the alter of your heart waiting for you. He loves you. Go to Him He will never fail you.
@@Kitiwake : : I am a Catholic. So now BY the authority and power given to me by JESUS, I command all the evils spirits, sickness, disease, infirmities, to get out of you right now and be completely healed, Amen. Thank you JESUS. PLEASE say this prayer over anybody and everybody, Amen.
Priests reading this, for the love of Christ's body, start catechizing selflessly and without regard for people's opinion. Deliver Truth, that is Jesus, lest He be ashamed of you when He comes.
@@mikemyerspaids6775 Neither be ye called masters. The meaning is that our Father in heaven is incomparably more to be regarded, than any father upon earth: and no master to be followed, who would lead us away from Christ. But this does not hinder but that we are by the law of God to have a due respect both for our parents and spiritual fathers, (1 Cor. 4. 15) and for our masters and teachers. This commentary above, unlike the literal/legalistic interpretation you seemed to have espoused, agrees both with the rest of the Bible (and not just in the above verse*) and the historical Christian interpretation. Peace be with you. *Paul, Abraham, Jewish Elders, and Christian Elders at the Council of Antioch are all called fathers by the apostles in the New Testament. And all of those seem to be meant in a spiritual sense (for Abraham it is undeniable). Ask for verses and I'll track them down for you. As for historicity of the Catholic interpretation, refer to Homily 72 on Matthew by Chrysostom (died AD 407).
"I had grown up thinking that Catholics prayed to the saints and expected them to answer their prayers. I came to realize that in Catholic doctrine, the saints are as alive and aware as our next door neighbors. And so, we can approach them and ask them to intercede for us just as we might ask our pastor to pray for us. Understanding this help me to see that Roman Catholic Christians weren't pagans in disguise. Now I understand that Catholics are fellow Christian brothers and sisters. Reality shows me that Luther and other Protestants disagree about each doctrine." (Professor Stanley Martin Hauerwas. Protestant theologian at the University of Notre Dame and Duke Divinity School, chair in theological ethics at the University of Aberdeen. Named "America's Best Theologian" by Time magazine in 2001)
One aspect I found helpful is the old "individual versus community". Protestantism emphasizes the individual with faith alone and the Bible as the sole authority. Catholicism emphasizes community as we help each other to salvation and the Holy Spirit's guiding the tradition of the church. Ironically the Bible is part of that tradition from the fourth century.
I stumbled on your channel last week and I've been watching it everyday. I have grown up Baptist, but I have felt so connected to you and your teachings. You've gotten me to read my Bible again, pray, and truly and fully commit to Jesus Christ. Thank you Father Casey!
I was born a protestant, then in middle school, after looking at the vast amount of evidence for the church, I converted. It was hard leaving all my protestant brothers and sisters, but I thank God for the grace and tremendous gift of the Catholic Church, founded by Christ himself. Thank you father Casey God bless you 🙏✝️
Congratulations for the step forward you did to the TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST !, welcome !!! But, there are more to find and work to do as roman-catholic faith needs deep studies to learn... Ave Maria ! Deus Vult !
*I was an anti catholic protestant for around a decade.* I never imagined I would come back to the catholic faith until I found the truth for God knows I truly and humbly seek Him searching all evidences historically and biblically. Protestants must examine their doctrines which pure unbiblical and against the tradition that could lead them to eternal damnation. *No wonder there are tens of thousands of Protestant denominations claiming to be the true the biblical church even Luther is unstoppably crying in his grave for his pride and foolishness .* This is devils plan to destroy, the Catholic Faith, the only Church founded by Jesus Christ. *Let us all follow the tradition* not the Vatican 2, which is another counter church of satan.
@@qitzpaquitojr.reston2337 Before the Reformation, the church that existed was the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). Before and even after, the RCC has been and is still mired in “evil” desires and pursuits. The RCC pre Reformation was hardly a Godly establishment. Instead, the leadership and the RCC was used as a vehicle for the pursuit of POWER, WEALTH, and INFLUENCES all outside of righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and gentleness. Of course there were men and women who were exceptions to this but from the Pope down through the Bishopric to the Priests, the pursuit of money, power and possession as well as immorality were rampant throughout the RCC. Sadly, even the counter reformation was mostly a move by the RCC to keep itself alive and maintain as much power, influence, and wealth as it could. The problem according is the core value of the RCC since its inception. Instead of pursuing God's Word as the first and foremost ideal, the Word of God was withheld, hidden, and make inaccessible to the layman by the church! This was by design and a means to “make God's Word” and the “word of the Pope” and ecclesiastical leadership supreme and definitive, no matter how non biblical and opposite the “word” was to the Bible. No matter the church or organization, when the pursuit of money, power, influence, or prestige trumps in anyway God's Word, corruption, evil, and ungodliness will follow and destroy from within. This applies to all ages. We are seeing this today throughout “Protestant” reformed churches a move away from the importance of God’s Word being replaced by sentiment for man’s feelings and a misguided policy of “acceptance of everyone's belief system.” A modern form of HUMANISM (man’s ideas, feelings, and desires are more important than God’s Word) has infiltrated a large majority of today's church leadership preached from boardrooms and pulpits. Shalom
@@ronaller5209 I See where you're coming from. But seeing it's origin and even the words of Christ, The Catholic Church *IS* The Only Church that Christ himself established and founded upon the Rock of St. Peter. And regardless of how stained she may be, she is His Bride. Our Lord promises that the very gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church he founded. Two millenia! and the Church, who could not even destroy herself internally, is still here and continues to live out the mission she was designed for - the Salvation of souls. Any institution with this much flaws and corruption couldn't last a decade let alone over two thousand years. What Christ willed for humanity is alive and well in His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church: To reconcile mankind to Himself by Grace through the Sacraments His Son instituted. To be a genuine Christian as Christ ordained one not ought to presume he must be a happy clapper jew enthusiast. *PAX* ✝️
"The material world mediates the presence of God, so that we can physically see, touch, hear, smell, and taste, an infinite and immaterial God." Thank you for this beautiful explanation as to why we have the Sacraments.
: YOU can heal your family and friends, just watching the Catholic videos of "JCILM INFO" on youtube. Let's SHOW the world the power of Catholic church, Amen. YOU can convert and revert millions
@@johnpglackin345 : send this prayer to all your family members and friends and get 100% result. Any sickness any disabilities. : I am a Catholic. So now BY the authority and power given to me by JESUS, I command to all the evils spirits, sickness, disease, infirmities, to get out of you right now and be completely healed, Amen. You are completely set free by the Truth and you are completely healed by the Truth
@James Reilly If you don't live the truth to those around you than Our Lord cannot really work through you to bring these souls to the One True Church. Our Interaction with those outside the faith will not bear fruit if we don't act like followers of Jesus. If the Apostles did not have faith and zeal after they received the Holy Ghost the faith would not have spread.
Casey, I’m so grateful for your videos and appreciate you efforts to evangelize and inform about the teachings of Catholicism through this platform so much - truly an inspiration.
As a Protestant, or "non-Catholic" I guess haha, I very much enjoyed this. I love Catholic views, the Saints are awesome and I greatly enjoy them. I'm just not sold on the exclusivity and many traditions that feel unnecessary as a Christian. Perhaps that will change in the future. Thank you, Father! God bless!!
Can you give me an example of a tradition that confuses you? I don’t want to come off as one of the people in the comments who are a bit crazy, I’m just genuinely curious because most Protestants seem to hate Catholics
@@hayleymarse2853 I definitely don't hate Catholics, in fact I love them greatly. I guess most of your traditions, to be honest. I'm learning more about the Saints intentionality, but it just seems so overwhelming how there are specific responses, greetings, ways to worship, and the whole process of essentially being deemed Catholic enough to enter the church as a member. It's just a lot as a new Christian that I'm not prepared for, or ready for. I don't know of any Protestants personally who hate Catholics or attack them, yet I've met dozens of Catholics in the last week who attacked me, hated me, called me a false Christian, etc. Not to mention the entire idea of Purgatory before Heaven is TERRIFYING. Haha
@Khrotso Koza I appreciate your explanation, but I feel (as I think most Protestants do) that this limits God's sacrifice for us and adds nonscriptural additional work; akin to saying, "I know your sacrifice was for all people, and all sins, for all time, but it won't save me unless __", which isn't right. Jesus death on the cross was final, and yes it was for all sins (past, present, future), and for all people, the problem is that only those who choose to walk the narrow path and believe him will every truly accept this gift and through repentance and confession (to Him) we can be wiped clean of those transgressions. I believe no human will ever match God's standard like Jesus did, no matter of works can do so, or tradition, and if God knows what's in our hearts when we cry out and beg for forgiveness, how can one confession be more or less than perfect. It just doesn't seem right that God's perfect sacrifice on the cross is still not enough for Catholic belief and that without strict traditions, or semi-torture for x years, it won't be able to get into Heaven upon my death. I hope that makes sense in a non confrontational way!
@Khrotso Koza I agree with much of this, but I strongly disagree that works has absolutely anything to do with it. We're all sinners, we're all impure and broken, and therefore nowhere near perfect. Every act we take is imperfect and not infallible, therefore the works we do (no matter how good natured or kind hearted) isn't enough, and can't be, compared to the works of our Lord. I believe, as I believe all Protestants do generally, is that salvation is through Grace and Grace alone.We get baptized as Christians not because it's magically transforms us, but to please God and be re-born anew in His love, and to outwardly express our love and dedication for Him. My church takes part in the Eucharist/Communion because we want to remember His sacrifice, His love, and the brokenness of His body on the Cross for us. I personally believe it's a transformation of blood and wine into body and flesh, but this is personal not Protestant in general, as you know. I just can't imagine God's perfect sacrifice being only part of the whole needed to enter Heaven. Isn't the whole point of said sacrifice that we're imperfect, He's perfect, and therefore He paid a debt He didn't owe, that I own and could not repay, so that our imperfect selves may be saved through Him and find a place in Heaven? (Thank you for this discourse by the way, I hope none of this comes off hostile or abrasive in any way!!)
😊 Smile! Life is short and beautiful so make the best of it. Be happy! Katholikos comes from two Greek words: "kata or kath" (meaning "through" or "throughout") and "halos" (meaning "whole"). This notion of "throughout - the - whole" carries no notion of boundary or lines drawn that demarcate those who are "in" and those who are "out. " The preaching of Jesus of Nazareth also supports this notion of katholikos - "Catholic." Jesus' very short parable of "the yeast" found in Matthew 13:33 and Luke 13:21, in which Jesus likens the Kingdom or Reign of God to a woman who makes bread. The Kingdom of God is said to be like the yeast that is added to flour and is found"throughout-the-whole of the dough, building it up, not destroying or separating the four, but becoming one-with, part-of, and mutually benefiting from and contributing to the life of bread. The "Catholic" aporoach, one that recognizes the call for the enacting of the Reign of God "throughout -the -whole of the world, sees the church as INCLUSIVE because it is to be found without separation from, but instead exists as part of the world and society.
Quality presentation all round. I love theology and philosophy because they enlighten the mind and reassuring to the heart. Love how you get to the root fundamental difference.
@@brotherdj777 : : I am a Catholic. So now BY the authority and power given to me by JESUS, I command all the evils spirits to get out right now and you be completely healed, Amen . YOU are completely set free, Amen
@@helenabara2092 yes..DO THIS in memory of me. the church looked to the practices of the early church to solidify the Catholic interpretation beyond doubt.
@@stephenjohnson9632 This is true, however if we were taught as Catholics at our CCD how to deal with them we would be much better off. Most Protestants I know who actually go to a church were taught at some point how to "witness" to Catholics. They memorize a handful of Bible verses taken completely out of context that they use to trip up Catholics. It's tough for your regular, every day Catholic to deal with people like this. As far as explaining our faith, I do believe it's harder to explain than an Evangelical's faith. They don't have the fullness of the Church. Even though it seems like they memorize so much of scripture, in all actuality they ignore a massive amount of it. I think all of Evangelical faith is pretty much summed up by John 3:16. That's all they need to explain.
I was Protestant from 1972 until 1987. I was baptized Protestant in 1982. I went through RCIA in 1987, my freshman year at St. Joseph, and became an altar server. In 1988 I was confirmed with my class at St. Joseph High School. I still attend the Ironton Catholic Churches.
I'm a full blown atheist, but have always been fascinated by religion. Especially catholicism and more ancient religions, I've tended to stick to the more scholarly study of religion, but this definitely gives me a very interesting perspective on catholicism. Most everyone I've learned from no longer believe in God or never did... well done my dude, you've earned yourself a subscriber
Many athiests have become Christians while trying to prove to themselves that God doesn't exist. Many Protestants have become Catholics while trying to prove to themselves that the Catholic Church is wrong. You're on the right track here!
Im a Baptist that started really looking into the divide between catholic and protestant. This channel has been enlightening. I'm beginning to think Baptist and catholic was the same thing all along with very human misconceptions dividing the church. I'm not convinced, but you do have my attention. Thank you for your content
I was close to renouncing my religion, Catholic. Then something happened in my life so seismic that I think it is a call from God to come back to Him. Thanks for the video. It deepens my perspective on Catholicism.
Fr Casey, I am a returned Catholic and stumbled onto you on the way home.... You are a God Sent ! Still going through your videos from way back....but I'm getting it...more and more each day ! God Bless You ! 😇
I've been following your channel for a while and find your videos to be very meaningful and helpful. But I have to ask, why do you use modern pop-rock type music? One thing that I love deeply about Catholicism is the sacred, transcendent aesthetic. I don't want Catholicism to try to be trendy, cool, hip, and relevant. I don't want the Church to follow pop culture. I want the Church to be timeless, eternal, divine, profound, and beautiful. Thank you for all that you do, and may God bless you.
Fr. Casey, I am a Sister and I am on a process of making a graphic novel about spiritual warfare and the beauty of our faith. Your video is a gift from God! It helps me a lot!!! Please keep them coming, Father! Pray for me thag I may always be guided in the process.
What a profound talk. Thank you. I never heard Catholic talking against protestant. But protestant do talk against Catholic that saddens me. We all belong to Jesus Christ .Let's strengthen each other by our prayers and appreciation and learning and respecting each other.
So, I got this video in my recommendations, being raised in a Lutheran home, now an atheist and subscriber of many atheist channels, and what shall I say? UA-cam must have guessed I've always had and still have some faible for Catholicism. Because let's face it, your churches definitely have more to offer for unbelievers than those sober grey protestant walls, and be it their mere beauty.
You and the Ten Minute Bible Hour guy should get together. Also, we Anglicans are a lot close to Catholics than we are to most Protestants. We aren't really Protestant, so much as non-papal Catholics.
I'm an Anglican from England but recently spent a month in Canada. I went to a local Protestant service with a fellow Anglican friend of mine and it was very different to what I was used to to say the least. We got into a conversation with one of the congregation afterwards in the lobby, and after explaining what our church services are usually like (liturgy, Eucharist, choral music etc.) they said: 'so you guys are Catholic right?'! I think what's so interesting about Anglicanism, in both faith and practice, is how it sort of lies between the two, though I'm personally more inclined to seeing it as a more 'catholic' denomination in many senses.
I was raised Roman and Bishop Sheen was encouraging me to enter the Seminary. In the 60’s I left the Church and wandered. I finally found the Episcopal Church and knew I was home...now I identify as an Anglo-Catholic.
Thats because anglicanism from the first moment did not have doctrinal problems with Rome,only problem was Popes refusal to give divorce to horny king henry, so guy got angry and decided to steal all churches from Rome, to blackmail all bishops to come on his side(all of them betrayed Pope, their faith, except Great st. John Fisher), and started violent reformation of England that lasted for centuries. So today in England queen is main authority on Christ teachings, not Pope, haha blasphemy
Greetings Father! I hope you will have a livestream or a chat forum where we could exchange information or questions about most things. Thank you Father Casey! Happy Easter! Fraternally yours, Paul
I am a Christian but I am Truly Catholic and I Love Jesus and God and Mother Mary with all my Heart and with all my Soul. Truly my lord you are present in the Blessed Sacrament! Jesus I Trust in you. 🙏 Kia Ora-Greetings from Aotearoa-New Zealand🇳🇿💕😊👍🤗🙌❤
: I am a Catholic. So now BY the authority and power given to me by JESUS, I command all the evils spirits, sickness, disease, infirmities, to get out of you right now and be completely healed, Amen. PLEASE say this prayer over anybody and everybody, in New Zealand Amen. If you need a healer in New Zealand please reply
Beautiful video!! As a young Catholic, I really am loving being able to watch videos like this and see what other people comment. I’m proud being Catholic and want to grow more! Though, seeing how theres quite a few people trying to say “you’re wrong” and “no, you’re wrong” it’s just a little sad reminder how its been divided. But it does give me a little insight, kind of. Sometimes I think why is it so hard to just understand or come to an agreement on something? Why only focus on the differences? Or why only focus on the “bad” things?? I don’t know, accusing just doesn’t seem like the right thing. Though through those arguments and other comments, I learned what not to say, how to say it, and the nice reminders of why people converted to Catholic. The nice comments stand out too, so it’s also really nice seeing people trying to understand or telling their story! But I hope those people who really try to push things on others also learn to not only focus on the negative
You are clearing away the misinformation that I’ve heard about Catholicism. As someone who is a part of a different Christian faith, I thank you for the clarity that will help me make friends with one or more Catholic(s) someday. Believing in Jesus Christ is what makes someone a Christian. Christians Unite In Christ.
The Protestant Church has the Bible, Jesus, and grace, followed by works. The Roman Catholic Church has the Bible, the Pope, the Vatican, Purgatory, Limbo, Mary, Jesus, a belief that there is a change of a wafer to the body of Christ, requirements to "attain" salvation. Protestants believe the Bible alone gives the path to salvation. Roman Catholics say that some of the sacraments (sourced from the Bible) and being in the Roman Catholic Church (with few exceptions), are required for salvation.
@@TodaysDante in addition to that Catholics also have tradition(since its 2000+ years old already) ), consistories(electing the new successor of Peter), and many other things not found in the bible. Why? Because the Catholic Church is neither dead nor abandoned by Christ. Christ continues to recreate Her. Its not the same as yesterday abd surely the Church won't be the same tomorrow. But one thing will never change, Her teachings. Christ said to his apostles, "I am with you until the end of age". ProDeoEtEcclesiam
@@josefg8017 - Probably closer to 1700 years. And it's technically the ROMAN Catholic Church. The Catholic Church consists of everyone who believes Jesus is the Son of God and repents. The ROMAN Catholic Church added a bunch of stuff... like you said... continually "recreating" it, so much so that it's unrecognizable from where it started. I understand what you're saying. The Roman Catholic Church is the living, breathing representation of the word of God, while the Protestants believe in the unwavering, unchanging word of God in the Bible. Having a line of successors all the way back to Peter doesn't make that particular church 100% correct 100% of the time. Do you really think Jesus would approve of everything the Roman Catholic Church has taught and done through the centuries? I think we'd agree that the church Peter helped start after Jesus ascended isn't the same as the one today. Whether or not that's a good thing is up to interpretation.
@@TodaysDante so you mean Christ revealed himself 2000 years ago and after his ascension he is permamently gone? Today is the Feast of the Divine Mercy btw. Where Christ appeared to Sis Faustunina in Poland to ask for conversion of sinners. Is Christ appearing in the midst if his people impossible? Is instituting this feast called "bunch if things Catholics add" ? Or whenever Christ continues to reveal himself is just called "fake miracles"? Protestants would never believe.
I Have a great appreciation of Roman Catholic church but Jun no serious Protestant would say the pulpit is chief or even think that when asked what Faith gives them, their answer would be in terms of our Triune God, Father, Son, Spirit.
: I am a Catholic. So now BY the authority and power given to me by JESUS, I command all the evils spirits, sickness, disease, infirmities, to get out of you right now and be completely healed, Amen. PLEASE say this prayer over anybody and everybody, Amen . Pray same prayer over all SICK and they must heal, Amen
To an outsider your statement is a complete turn off. It just seems to confirm to most outsiders that Catholicism is just a cultural thing. If you had mentioned how much being Catholic has helped you to love God and to know Jesus Christ perhaps that would be something to consider. I'm not trying to be critical. I'm making an observation. It's okay to disagree.
From the "Reason" part on I vehemently disagreed. For this is what Humanism was within the Church on the heels of the Black Plague and the disillusionment with faith and God. Men turned to the power of their own reason apart from God, putting man closer to the center to see if he could usurp God. Michael Angelo and DaVinci were two prime examples, but so was Calvin, the humanist, Catholic lawyer, turned renegade. He was 21 years old when he fled the Catholic Church because of violence that had erupted against Protestants in France. To hear a Catholic leader stress the emphasis on reason reeks of that Humanist tradition within the Church which gave rise to the Man of Lawlessness that was formed in society through the 3-fold Great Rebellion: Renaissance-Reformation-Enlightenment. This was one long movement to overthrow all authority over the individual and establish precedence in all realms of society for man to determine his own destiny. In other words, ultimately, man in God's place. It was written about in the book of Revelation as the branding of the beast and St. Paul predicted it as the template of the Man of Lawlessness (anti-authority).
@@TheRootedWord sounds convincing. But the Church holds on to and implores to reason to prove that there is God. And this is juxtapose on human attitude before and now with the Church. Before revelation of God, Man deified things through forms of aminism, therefore rendering them sacred and unexplorable. With the Church's understanding, Man studies the rest of His creations and therefore praises God through their discoveries.
"I had grown up thinking that Catholics prayed to the saints and expected them to answer their prayers. I came to realize that in Catholic doctrine, the saints are as alive and aware as our next door neighbors. And so, we can approach them and ask them to intercede for us just as we might ask our pastor to pray for us. Understanding this help me to see that Roman Catholic Christians weren't pagans in disguise. Now I understand that Catholics are fellow Christian brothers and sisters. Reality shows me that Luther and other Protestants disagree about each doctrine." (Professor Stanley Martin Hauerwas. Protestant theologian at the University of Notre Dame and Duke Divinity School, chair in theological ethics at the University of Aberdeen. Named "America's Best Theologian" by Time magazine in 2001)
Sums up Catholicism in a nutshell. So difficult to explain ( for me, anyway ) to a Protestant the difference. When I try, the person to whom I’m speaking gets this “ glazed” look.
You should study more the scripture because all of these are biblical. As a former anti catholic, most protestants think the sacraments are unbiblical and these are all just tradition without fully understanding *what tradition really means* and how significant they are for our salvation. They don’t even know what Word of God is. We shoul stick to the Catholic tradition no matter what, even Rome changed it which has happened already.
Read the catechism with footnotes, or just deal with them with a smile. You have a working knowledge of our faith. While good to understand deeper, is all you need, actually.
@friendly neighbor I may be wrong, but I think the Lutherans believe in consubstantiation. Yes, the Eucharist is Christ's flesh and blood, but the substances of the bread and the wine are still present along side Christ. While Catholics believe in transubstantiation, where the substances of bread and wine disapear and only their accidents (what the senses percieve) remain.
I was baptized in the Christian church. To the best of my knowledge they believe that salvation comes from faith in Christ through baptism (immersion). I have attended a Methodist Church for years. My daughter and her family are Catholic. I love attending church with them. I love how Catholics seem to truly worship Christ were as we protestants just get preached at and sent home to be good. I think it is fine to be further Catholic or protestant just as long as you believe that Jesus is God's son. I bet we will be surprised who we will meet in heavan, but what do I know I've never been there. Anyway God Bless and stay safe.. Jesus loves us.
"Knowing WHY we believe what we do..." A very poignant statement. It's so easy to get into doctrine debates and scripture interpretation debates; but, articulating why we believe what we do gets right to the heart of any discussion. Thank you for posting this wonderful video!
I'm glad I found you by chance. This is exactly what I've been taught in my religion courses in school. I wanted to reconnect again with my beliefs and relearn what I have forgotten over all those years. I found a bunch of Protestant UA-camrs but it didn't seem to match what I had learned in school, but this is exactly the things I've been taught. When I finished my master, I want study theology and maybe teach it later in school :) Thank you for your videos ❤️ I really like your calm behavior. This makes it much easier to listen to :)
Awesome content as usual. I’m your avid fan and you inspired me to create my own UA-cam channel with the same niche. I’m a newbie in youtuber trying my best to do reflections with life and help people do the same and have a closer relationship with God like you do. God bless us all always.
The traditions and consistency of the teachings of the Catholic Church is another thing that makes it feel right. When you go to mass, you know how it is held and how it is teaching from both the old testament and then how that relates to the new testament in every single liturgy. It's a comfort to feel the familiarity and consistency every week. Makes feeling God in your daily life much more real. Thank you for this video. I just found it and have subscribed today.
Then why does the church not obey the old testament. See Pope Eugene IV and the Council of Florence where the church rescinded the prohibition on eating blood as stated in Acts 15. The church declared that the four prohibitions in Acts 15 applied to a former time that no longer exists. And since the prohibition on eating blood was only "an ancient tradition of the Jews" it cannot be that important. Did Pope Eugene not read Deuteronomy 12, where the prohibition is not just a tradition, but an actual commandment of God. Yet people accept papal infallibility and blindly follow even the most absurd decisions.
The difference is Catholics has amazing intimate relationship with Jesus consumed his divinity, body, blood and soul. For Protestant Jesus is just a personal saviour.
During your December 2021 vacation, I had a chance to go back and re-hear a few episodes. This being one of them. I got a copy of McBrien's Catholicism (found out the hard way it's a two volume set) and dug in deep. I'm a Lutheran, my wife is Catholic. Thanks for helping us with defining our differences; it draws us closer together.
😊 Smile! Life is short and beautiful so make the best of it. Be happy! Katholikos comes from two Greek words: "kata or kath" (meaning "through" or "throughout") and "halos" (meaning "whole"). This notion of "throughout - the - whole" carries no notion of boundary or lines drawn that demarcate those who are "in" and those who are "out. " The preaching of Jesus of Nazareth also supports this notion of katholikos - "Catholic." Jesus' very short parable of "the yeast" found in Matthew 13:33 and Luke 13:21, in which Jesus likens the Kingdom or Reign of God to a woman who makes bread. The Kingdom of God is said to be like the yeast that is added to flour and is found"throughout-the-whole of the dough, building it up, not destroying or separating the four, but becoming one-with, part-of, and mutually benefiting from and contributing to the life of bread. The "Catholic" aporoach, one that recognizes the call for the enacting of the Reign of God "throughout -the -whole of the world, sees the church as INCLUSIVE because it is to be found without separation from, but instead exists as part of the world and society. 😊😊😊
@@johnbrowne3950 "I had grown up thinking that Catholics prayed to the saints and expected them to answer their prayers. I came to realize that in Catholic doctrine, the saints are as alive and aware as our next door neighbors. And so, we can approach them and ask them to intercede for us just as we might ask our pastor to pray for us. Understanding this help me to see that Roman Catholic Christians weren't pagans in disguise. Now I understand that Catholics are fellow Christian brothers and sisters. Reality shows me that Luther and other Protestants disagree about each doctrine." (Professor Stanley Martin Hauerwas. Protestant theologian at the University of Notre Dame and Duke Divinity School, chair in theological ethics at the University of Aberdeen. Named "America's Best Theologian" by Time magazine in 2001)
@@macormicbenjamin9315 As a Christian I go to God through Jesus Christ. No need for a intermediary sinner to ask for me. I stick with the Bible. And good luck trying to find two Roman Catholics who agree on anything. Except none of them know for sure if they are going to heaven when they die.
I belong to an Apostolic Christian church, but my family is Catholic.. I was baptized as a child when I was 12, my family neglected this act for really long. I’ve binged all of father Casey videos, and now I know perhaps me being a Protestant was the route my life took..but after knowing my parents had the responsibility in installing in me a catholic faith from my baptism onward, I can see where they failed, completely neglecting a religious or spiritual life in their faith. And left me as a child to wonder what a first communion was...and I took my own path. I used to be very harsh on Catholicism as some Protestants can me, but then I stumbled on father Casey, and in time, my outlook began to change. Now I wish I knew where Franciscans have a soup kitchen so I can help...just be around and help.. you’re doing something Casey. Something good.
I just converted to Catholicism, so number 2 where you said there is no singular list of theological principles /pillars confused me a little. I thought the teachings in the catechism for example, or the precepts of the church, or what we say in the creed are solid non-negotiable principals?
There are dogmatic statements and doctrines, yes. But that doesn't mean that we have an official stance on every theological question ever asked or that there aren't multiple valid perspectives on certain issues (think of it as a way to emphasize certain spirituality.) I recommend that you watch the video that I alluded to in that section: ua-cam.com/video/iAAI0Hhl0W8/v-deo.html
@@BreakingInTheHabit is catholic and eastern orthodoxy have same mysticism!?! Orthodox say that only truly faith is Orthodox, and other is falling apart from true Church. And why catholic left teaching from the early fathers, like the first 10 century isnt important!?
This is an excellent presentation. I want to share this video with some Protestant friends of mine but I know as soon as they hear the word "mediation" they immediately shut down. I've been through this with them before and it's always a stand off. They become so triggered by that word, "mediator", that they won't listen to anything else. It's sad.
@@Veritas1234 I've used the explanation of how we pray for each other, how we intercede for each other because I know they do that too. Even St Paul says that we should pray for each other, and the "One Mediator" verse comes from his letter to Timothy. In other words, why would St Paul contradict himself? They still don't see it that way. They've been taught to debate Catholics. Not all of them, but many. It's clear to me that they memorize a handful of verses, out of context, that they believe disproves Catholicism. The "One Mediator" verse is a big one. Most of the verses they memorize contradict so many other verses when taken out of context.
: YOU can heal your family and friends, just watching the Catholic videos of "JCILM INFO" on youtube. Let's SHOW the world the power of Catholic church, Amen.
@@brotherdj777 You are so entangled in your hatred of the one true faith, the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, that YOUR soul is in danger. I watched your videos. Mocking Christ's Church is definitely not a way to "witness" to Catholics. I pray that you will be filled with the Holy Spirit and your eyes be open to ALL of Scripture. Not just the verses you think disprove Catholicism. This is a matter of salvation.
Being raised in a Christian household, I never really got why is it that made Catholicism different. Turns out it is only a few diverging viewpoints. To me, the core of the message remains unaltered, and as such, I gotta say this video was very well done and informative. Keep the excellent work, brother
Former protestant here. Just entered into full communion with the catholic church on saturday. Feels good to be catholic feels good to be home 😎.
Alfred S
A very big and hearty welcome to you, and to quote a popular and by now well used phrase, " Welcome Home".
Well, welcome home brothaa...
Welcome Brother Alfred its wonderful that you have been able to join us at the Easter Vigil. Sadly here in Australia we were not able to hold the Vigil Mass with anyone in attendance and the RCIA candidates at our church have to wait until Coronavirus restrictions are lifted. Welcome home and please pray for all those who were unable to be fully admitted into our faith last Saturday, that they may soon become fully members of the Body of Christ as you have already done.
Emtedee prayers for your country. Yes i feel very honored and blessed because i know not everyone had the same opportunity as i did. I live in a rural area of the united states and we have been blessed so far. But yes i will be praying for all candidates and please pray the rosary everyday in these times. God bless.
Brother Alfred peace and good to you, WELCOME !!. Ave Maria !!!
I was raised as a protestant. Always felt something was missing. I thought church was pointless. I attended Mass with a friend of mine when I was about 13. The difference between that church and mine was palpable. Started reading veraciously about church history. At 18, I converted to Catholicism much to the dismay of my family. They got over it.
EF ANDMK you read the church history and not the Bible? If you read the Bible, you will definitely find out that catholic church teachings are against Gods word.
@@ramenpho8162 are you even aware that it was the Catholic church who compiled the scriptures and made it into one book to read a universal scriptural writings? And here you are saying that the Catholic teachings are even wrong? ??Says by you, but we in Catholicism has one universal teachings governed by God.
Hi EF, welcome home!
Lea Marie remember that Christ bring His kingdom to this earth, not religion. And just look at the fruit of your religion. You will be able to tell the type of tree base on the fruit. Your catholic religion made atrocities throughout history. The persecution of non catholics, gruesome genocide. And the manipulation of the Bible just to satisfy your church agenda. That is evil. You practice witchcraft, necromancy by praying to the dead. You introduce false doctrine. That is the work of the devil. To deceive. I was a catholic, if you read the real Bible (not the one made by catholics) you will find out how corrupt and evil your church is.
Lea Marie not my word, but by Gods word your church is wrong. Read it. Be educated straight from Gods word and not from your priest. I do not bring religion but i am bringing Christ to you. His kingdom. Not your frances kingdom
I am a convert. I was raised Baptist and converted in the early 90's when I was in my late 20's. I appreciate this video so very much. Thank you for your ministry.
Douglas Collier I’m also a convert and grew up back and forth between Methodist and Baptist although I was baptized as a Presbyterian. My Confirmation has been delayed until further notice thanks to the coronavirus but I won’t give up. I was 28 when I made the decision to convert.
@@BoaConstrictor126 Welcome home
Douglas Collier Thanks be to God I was finally confirmed in the Catholic Church last night
@@BoaConstrictor126 Welcome home my brother!
@@BoaConstrictor126 The problem is you are still not saved. All you've ever had was religion and you still don't know for sure if you are going to heaven when you die because you haven't been born again and received the gift of the Holy Spirit who assures you of your salvation.
I was raised Lutheran but as a child I saw a rosary in a jewelry store window and in an instant in my heart I knew I would become a Catholic. When I married and became Catholic I knew I was truly home. That was 52 years ago.
You converted because of a jewelry in a form of a rosary?
@@Nolongeraslave No, the rosary beads represent the prayers Catholics say on the beads. Many of my childhood friends were Cathic so I already knew the prayers. The rosary itself just visualized what I desired.
I actually know much about the rosary. In fact I had the litany of Mary in my head. You post had curious wordings. I do realise the attraction people have towards Catholic Church but those who are sucked in by whatever attraction don't stop to ask themselves whether those attraction are really of God. What was missing when you were a Lutheran?
@@voidremoved You are entitled to your opinion and to express it. But it remains just an opinion, one which I hold in low regard.
Are you born again? What gospel did the Apostles preach by which we are saved? Is it the same gospel by which you were converted? These things are much more serious than simply calling them opinions because life eternal is what everyone is seeking.
I thought I would be able to listen to this while folding laundry. Umm. No. This deserves all my attention with some paper and a pencil. Wow. I pray my son grows up to be like you. You know and love your faith so well. - former Presbyterian concerting to Catholicism :)
😊 Smile! Life is short and beautiful so make the best of it. Be happy!
Katholikos comes from two Greek words: "kata or kath" (meaning "through" or "throughout") and "halos" (meaning "whole"). This notion of "throughout - the - whole" carries no notion of boundary or lines drawn that demarcate those who are "in" and those who are "out. "
The preaching of Jesus of Nazareth also supports this notion of katholikos - "Catholic." Jesus' very short parable of "the yeast" found in Matthew 13:33 and Luke 13:21, in which Jesus likens the Kingdom or Reign of God to a woman who makes bread. The Kingdom of God is said to be like the yeast that is added to flour and is found"throughout-the-whole of the dough, building it up, not destroying or separating the four, but becoming one-with, part-of, and mutually benefiting from and contributing to the life of bread.
The "Catholic" aporoach, one that recognizes the call for the enacting of the Reign of God "throughout -the -whole of the world, sees the church as INCLUSIVE because it is to be found without separation from, but instead exists as part of the world and society.
As someone who bounced around different faiths and denominations, the Catholic emphasis on mystery and transformation really did it for me.
@@brotherdj777 I've heard from many like yourself who basically do the same thing Muslims do with the Quran, boiling faith down to just a book only approach. No thank you. The universal Church that Christ established exists as part of the mystery of faith. Without the element of mystery, of tradition, of structure, of ritual, of history, etc. you cannot wholly partake in expressing the ever transformative relationship between man and divine.
@@brotherdj777 Some people resort to ad hominem attacks and disingenuous implications when they no longer have anything constructive to offer. Congratulations, you're one of them.
jaranarm...Congratulation, The Holy Spirit gave you the GRACE of being part of His church. This is a grace that is not given to everybody, but HE gave it to you because you are special. God and our Virgin Mother bless you ALWAYS, no sickness or virus can get to you, they protect you.
That's an interesting perspective. I am a Catholic (raised as one), but I admit, especially as I got older, I sometimes find the fixation with mystery... distracting at times.
It nice - particularly at Easter and Christmas.
But for the day to day stuff, I I'll admit that although I most closely align with Catholicism, I do admire many of the protestant churches being grounded in the physical. Its all to easy to become so wrapped up in ritual and mystery, that the real substance starts to get lost. Though as with all things, its about getting the balance right so as to perform its function best.
@@benlowe1701 you admire the grounded in the physical as protestant sects do??!!!! are you sure you are a devoted Catholic? I find your comment so disappointing, specially from somebody that refers himself as Catholic.
Read your Bible again and discover the gift of the Holy Eucharist. When you understand that you would never say again what you just said. It's blasphemy, do not insult the Lord that way, HE paid a high price for our salvation. We are supposed to help our other brothers and sisters to see the TRUTH of the LORD.
I was born and raised as Protestant, became Catholic 40 years ago and I have never looked back. I love it and will die Catholic
We are Christians that's what Matters
John M Phiri I’m so Glad to here it I’m 14 and I was raised Catholic but I’ve only just realised the Beauty of my religion I feel like the only fulfilment I need is from God not worldly thing will ever make me feel this way and it’s beautiful
Can someone please pray for me. I need Jesus. And if the Catholic Church is the way I want to do it.
John M Phiri I got confirmed just a little over a month ago and will never go back to being Protestant. Not ever
Matthew Tiger what about the tremendous suffering in so called purgatory that you will have to endure
I left the Church 30 years ago to find the "Truth." I studied and searched hard... inwardly, outwardly. In the end it brought me back to Catholicism and Christ.
Me, too
😊 Smile! Life is short and beautiful so make the best of it. Be happy!
Katholikos comes from two Greek words: "kata or kath" (meaning "through" or "throughout") and "halos" (meaning "whole"). This notion of "throughout - the - whole" carries no notion of boundary or lines drawn that demarcate those who are "in" and those who are "out. "
The preaching of Jesus of Nazareth also supports this notion of katholikos - "Catholic." Jesus' very short parable of "the yeast" found in Matthew 13:33 and Luke 13:21, in which Jesus likens the Kingdom or Reign of God to a woman who makes bread. The Kingdom of God is said to be like the yeast that is added to flour and is found"throughout-the-whole of the dough, building it up, not destroying or separating the four, but becoming one-with, part-of, and mutually benefiting from and contributing to the life of bread.
The "Catholic" aporoach, one that recognizes the call for the enacting of the Reign of God "throughout -the -whole of the world, sees the church as INCLUSIVE because it is to be found without separation from, but instead exists as part of the world and society.
I hope you understand how important your journey was as it meant you found the truth of your faith in a way you never would have otherwise!
As a Protestant Christian, I must commend Fr. Casey for his clarity, good humor and humility in expounding on the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. I have enjoyed many of his videos. Roman Catholicism could have no better spokesman and ambassador to the remainder of the Christian world. In spite of our doctrinal and historic differences, lack of understanding and human pride, as believers, we are all one in Christ.
Amen brother
Mark Alexander, I agree this young man is very eloquent in proclaiming a false catholic doctrine. If catholics are not Born Again they never enter the Kingdom of God , those are Jesus words to Nicodemus . We are not all One in Christ that is a deception and it seems even Denominational Christians fall for it . ! I will never be One with a catholic that prays to their catholic dressed up Mary , the saints , rosary and taken the eucharist Transubstantiation will occur then they think ending up in purgatory is what's going to happen to be purified . They also pray to the dead (known in Pagan culture) in purgatory that does not exist . Roman Catholicism is a diabolical religion and for many it will have major eternal consequences . i did extensive historic research on the origin of the RCC till now , but not from a catholic source . Biblical truth matters and it has to be said , just pleasing people leaves emptiness .
You don't understand nothing about the bible.
Correction: Despite they claim Supreme Authority and would kill heretics again in a Sacred Heartbeat, the Roman Pagan Church has a great Public Relations Rep in Father Casey whom carries a firm, masterful grasp on doublespeak; that of which is worthy of a high ranking, global politician.
@@forthewin369 please just stop. I'm tired of protestants attacking catholics saying false things and creating more division when we're all believers in Christ. You never see Catholics bullying protestants. It's always protestants bullying catholics. It seems Catholics are more peaceful in the fact that we believe in the truth but won't force you to come back to Christ's church. We don't go up to you and say hey man you're completely wrong. We love protestants and never want to shame. It seems like this guy is the only protestant that gets how to not be condemning or condescending. Take note brother.
I was raised Lutheran. But when I was six years old, God spoke to me and told me I would be Catholic one day. I was told to honor my parents and that when I was older I would come to the church. I liked my church growing up, but I always knew that one day I would become Catholic. At 17 I went off to college and by the following year I had come into the church. I knew I was home. I loved it and soaked it all in. I could never be anywhere else. I disagreed with Luther, and felt somewhat hypocritical being a lutheran. But I knew what I was toldl and that I needed to honor my parents while I was young. When I was 18 I came into the church and 40 years later I am still fully sure of my decision. There is something quite powerful to knowing that our church leads all the way back to the apostles. Wow. I do believe we are misunderstood and some Catholics take things a bit too far, like actually burying a statue of Joseph in the yard upside down facing west or whatever the heck it is so that your home sells. Or to think they are changing the weather by hanging a rosary on a bush! That is idolatry. And we must steer clear of that. It can confuse other non Catholics who don’t understnad what our church teaches and what a few supersticious people are doing. I get questioned all the time why some would kiss a statue, or bow to a statue of Mary. It appears to them as if we are worshipping idols. Theres a lot that can be explained as long as we are all on the same page. If we all picked up the catechism and read it, we could really make a differencce. But one cannot evangelize their faith without fully understanding it. As a convert I feel that I learned so much coming in as an adult. Then a few years ago I graduated from the four year program Catholic Biblical School of Michigan, part of the program from Denver. I love my church!
@SNES Nes No it is not. Watch the video
@SNES Nes A statement like that tells me that you’ve maybe experienced their church services but do not actually know what their fundamental beliefs are. They’re vastly different and on some very key things. Their differences are quite literally why Lutherans even exist - because Martin Luther believed differently from the Catholic Church and because of these very different beliefs was excommunicated as a heretic.
@SNES Nes :
No difference?
When you go to a Catholic Mass and receive Holy Communion you are receiving the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Himself!
When you go to a Lutheran service, or any other denomination for that matter, you are receiving a piece of bread.
@SNES Nes but let's be clear, it's not weird.
@SNES Nes watch the video I sent, its really good and will answer your question
I am not Catholic. I am not even Christian. However, I find your videos very interesting and they have really helped me to understand Catholicism in a deeper way. I enjoy learning about other faiths and how they differ, or sometimes resemble my own religious beliefs. Thank you, and bless you.
In case you are a Germanic Heathen (given the Mjölnir sign in your profile picture), I can tell you that Germanic mythology is in its core Catholic. I used to be a Germanic Heathen with a deep understanding about the myths and when I converted to Catholicism I did not have to discard anything from the Germanic myths, I merely had to complete them further.
Same here. I was raised Catholic but grew up wanting to branch out and explore other beliefs. Father Casey here does a good job of teaching what it Catholicism really means when it was sort of glossed over to me when I was young.
Ultimately, I cannot bring myself to agree with their ideologies, but will admit that their method of communing with God is indeed beautiful.
Same here. I was raised Catholic but grew up wanting to branch out and explore other beliefs. Father Casey here does a good job of teaching what it Catholicism really means when it was sort of glossed over
Same here. I was raised Catholic but grew up wanting to branch out and explore other beliefs. Father Casey here does a good job of teaching what it Catholicism really means when it was sort of glossed over
Same here. I was raised Catholic but grew up wanting to branch out and explore other beliefs. Father Casey here does a good job of teaching what it Catholicism really means when it was sort of glossed over
I'm currently in RCIA and I'm so happy I found this video!!!!!
Being a former Baptist I can tell you that I have had personal revelation that this is God's Church right here!
God bless you Fr Casey.
Thankyou for this Video.
I’m not Catholic, but outside of God’s word in scripture, there are no other greater prayers said than the words spoken in the Catholic mass.
There are a wealth of great prayers outside of Mass, too. And sometimes words are not even needed - work in caring for others can be a prayer in itself
The Catholic Eucharist is in scripture- look into the last supper
The One Church of God, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.
The Lord Jesus said to Peter three times. This is not a figment. THREE TIMES and NOT ONE TIME.
His words, "Feed my sheep". (John 21: 14-22)
And, then shortly before Jesus ascended to Heaven while blowing on the disciples with the Strong Power of the Holy Spirit, "I will give you the key to the Kingdom of Heaven. What you bind in this world will be bound in heaven and what you release in this world will be released in heaven." (Matt. 16: 19)
The appointment of Peter does not mean that the other disciples are not worthy but God only appoints one person to be a leader among the apostles namely Peter.
God does not want division as God loves Israel and His promise is that He will always be saved for Israel even though in the course of time Israel often hurts God, but God is not willing to let Israel be scattered.
The same is true for the Churches of God One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.
The Church of God often experiences ups and downs but Jesus God will never negate His Church. He defended His Church in the Unity and Holy Communion from the beginning of the Christian era until now despite the upheaval and violations within the church itself as well as Heresy or Schism attacks as Luther did.
Heresy and Schism will continue to exist and shake the church of God as a problem both arising from Non-Catholic Christians and from among Muslims.
The church may be many, but only one that God wants, that is, One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, based on Faith only in Jesus, is passed on to Peter and all His disciples.
Simple analogy:
In one class there must be a class president and the class president will responsibly report the results of any activities carried out by students to the teacher.
The class leader sometimes makes mistakes but the teacher entrusts only to one person so it is not possible just because of the mistakes of the class president so God decided to appoint another class leader in the class itself and the teacher could not disband the class only because of violations committed by the class leader . The teacher constantly reprimands the Class President and also other students if they get caught fighting with each other.
It often happens that students often fight with the class president even because it does not suit the class president, some of the students often make their own rules of the game.
The Church of God One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic is like a class being led by Peter in all matters and the matter is accounted to the Master, Jesus.
Luther if he does not like the class president ie the Pope does not need to get out of the unity of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of God who bases his faith only on Jesus God by continuing to establish the teachings of the church that God himself inherited to the students in the form of Holy Traditions, Scriptures and Magisterium (The Power of Teaching the Church)
Remember many deceivers roam around with their forehead interpreting the end times and the Antichrist.
Full salvation is only in Jesus God through the intercession of the Church of God entrusted to Peter and all His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic disciples forever and ever until the end of time. Beyond that there is salvation but it is not FULL !!
The most important Word there is... is the word Jesus. If you can't think of a prayer or don't know how to pray just close your eyes look inward into your soul and say Jesus. He is there at the alter of your heart waiting for you. He loves you. Go to Him He will never fail you.
I agree, the mass is a prayer & every day it's slightly different. That's one of the reason's why Mary appeared at Knock, here in Ireland.
100% Catholic, 100% Indonesian 🇲🇨
Pro Deo Et Ecclesia ⛪
Catholic from Philippines with ♥️
@@dhennthor7257 hi neighbor 👋
We are near... I'm in north sulawesi island. 😊
@@MarioPoluan Caritas Christi Urget Nos 🙏⛪
Same here!☝🏻
Be safe!
This Brother really knows what he's talking about the Catholic Church.
Agreed. At 4:22 I see an unusual use of the word 'effect' - 'affect' may be proper? Create an effect? Object of an effect?
@@econdude3811 Effect is proper.
Affect refers to the results of an effect.
"There was a nauseating effect. It affected me strongly."
This Brother is actually a Father - he was ordained about a year ago actually on 2 July 2019
The Catholic Church is the largest and oldest criminal organization on this planet.... its crimes go back centuries....
@@pownbnull for example, two would be good please
Thank you Father Casey. I nearly was going to turn against Catholicism. I now have the knowledge to defend my faith.
I would love to know why you were nearly led astray.
@@Kitiwake : : I am a Catholic. So now BY the authority and power given to me by JESUS, I command all the evils spirits, sickness, disease, infirmities, to get out of you right now and be completely healed, Amen. Thank you JESUS. PLEASE say this prayer over anybody and everybody, Amen.
Priests reading this, for the love of Christ's body, start catechizing selflessly and without regard for people's opinion. Deliver Truth, that is Jesus, lest He be ashamed of you when He comes.
Don't call no man FATHER for Jesus is only are real FATHER.
Not any man or priest.
@@mikemyerspaids6775 Neither be ye called masters. The meaning is that our Father in heaven is incomparably more to be regarded, than any father upon earth: and no master to be followed, who would lead us away from Christ. But this does not hinder but that we are by the law of God to have a due respect both for our parents and spiritual fathers, (1 Cor. 4. 15) and for our masters and teachers.
This commentary above, unlike the literal/legalistic interpretation you seemed to have espoused, agrees both with the rest of the Bible (and not just in the above verse*) and the historical Christian interpretation.
Peace be with you.
*Paul, Abraham, Jewish Elders, and Christian Elders at the Council of Antioch are all called fathers by the apostles in the New Testament. And all of those seem to be meant in a spiritual sense (for Abraham it is undeniable). Ask for verses and I'll track them down for you. As for historicity of the Catholic interpretation, refer to Homily 72 on Matthew by Chrysostom (died AD 407).
This is the clearest explanation i've ever heard. Thank you Father Casey. I pray that God continues to bless you!
"I had grown up thinking that Catholics prayed to the saints and expected them to answer their prayers. I came to realize that in Catholic doctrine, the saints are as alive and aware as our next door neighbors. And so, we can approach them and ask them to intercede for us just as we might ask our pastor to pray for us. Understanding this help me to see that Roman Catholic Christians weren't pagans in disguise. Now I understand that Catholics are fellow Christian brothers and sisters.
Reality shows me that Luther and other Protestants disagree about each doctrine." (Professor Stanley Martin Hauerwas. Protestant theologian at the University of Notre Dame and Duke Divinity School, chair in theological ethics at the University of Aberdeen. Named "America's Best Theologian" by Time magazine in 2001)
One aspect I found helpful is the old "individual versus community". Protestantism emphasizes the individual with faith alone and the Bible as the sole authority. Catholicism emphasizes community as we help each other to salvation and the Holy Spirit's guiding the tradition of the church. Ironically the Bible is part of that tradition from the fourth century.
I stumbled on your channel last week and I've been watching it everyday. I have grown up Baptist, but I have felt so connected to you and your teachings. You've gotten me to read my Bible again, pray, and truly and fully commit to Jesus Christ. Thank you Father Casey!
I was born a protestant, then in middle school, after looking at the vast amount of evidence for the church, I converted. It was hard leaving all my protestant brothers and sisters, but I thank God for the grace and tremendous gift of the Catholic Church, founded by Christ himself. Thank you father Casey God bless you 🙏✝️
Congratulations for the step forward you did to the TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST !, welcome !!! But, there are more to find and work to do as roman-catholic faith needs deep studies to learn... Ave Maria !
Deus Vult !
*I was an anti catholic protestant for around a decade.* I never imagined I would come back to the catholic faith until I found the truth for God knows I truly and humbly seek Him searching all evidences historically and biblically. Protestants must examine their doctrines which pure unbiblical and against the tradition that could lead them to eternal damnation. *No wonder there are tens of thousands of Protestant denominations claiming to be the true the biblical church even Luther is unstoppably crying in his grave for his pride and foolishness .* This is devils plan to destroy, the Catholic Faith, the only Church founded by Jesus Christ. *Let us all follow the tradition* not the Vatican 2, which is another counter church of satan.
Before the Reformation, the church that existed was the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). Before and even after, the RCC has been and is still mired in “evil” desires and pursuits. The RCC pre Reformation was hardly a Godly establishment.
Instead, the leadership and the RCC was used as a vehicle for the pursuit of POWER, WEALTH, and INFLUENCES all outside of righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and gentleness. Of course there were men and women who were exceptions to this but from the Pope down through the Bishopric to the Priests, the pursuit of money, power and possession as well as immorality were rampant throughout the RCC.
Sadly, even the counter reformation was mostly a move by the RCC to keep itself alive and maintain as much power, influence, and wealth as it could. The problem according is the core value of the RCC since its inception. Instead of pursuing God's Word as the first and foremost ideal, the Word of God was withheld, hidden, and make inaccessible to the layman by the church! This was by design and a means to “make God's Word” and the “word of the Pope” and ecclesiastical leadership supreme and definitive, no matter how non biblical and opposite the “word” was to the Bible.
No matter the church or organization, when the pursuit of money, power, influence, or prestige trumps in anyway God's Word, corruption, evil, and ungodliness will follow and destroy from within. This applies to all ages. We are seeing this today throughout “Protestant” reformed churches a move away from the importance of God’s Word being replaced by sentiment for man’s feelings and a misguided policy of “acceptance of everyone's belief system.” A modern form of HUMANISM (man’s ideas, feelings, and desires are more important than God’s Word) has infiltrated a large majority of today's church leadership preached from boardrooms and pulpits.
I should be converting this year after years of Protestantism. Hopefully when covid19 blows over i will be baptized and confirmed.
@@ronaller5209 I See where you're coming from. But seeing it's origin and even the words of Christ, The Catholic Church *IS* The Only Church that Christ himself established and founded upon the Rock of St. Peter. And regardless of how stained she may be, she is His Bride. Our Lord promises that the very gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church he founded. Two millenia! and the Church, who could not even destroy herself internally, is still here and continues to live out the mission she was designed for - the Salvation of souls. Any institution with this much flaws and corruption couldn't last a decade let alone over two thousand years.
What Christ willed for humanity is alive and well in His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church: To reconcile mankind to Himself by Grace through the Sacraments His Son instituted.
To be a genuine Christian as Christ ordained one not ought to presume he must be a happy clapper jew enthusiast.
*PAX* ✝️
Thanks father for your great works and for putting subtitles, I`ll be translating your videos for Eastern Europe... Blessings from Catholic Croatia!
"The material world mediates the presence of God, so that we can physically see, touch, hear, smell, and taste, an infinite and immaterial God." Thank you for this beautiful explanation as to why we have the Sacraments.
We may try hard to convert others, but underneath it all, it's the Holy Spirit's job... 🕊️🔥💧
Surrexit Dominus vere, alleluia! ✝️ ❤️👑💙
Yes, and the Holy Spirit works in us.
: YOU can heal your family and friends, just watching the Catholic videos of "JCILM INFO" on youtube. Let's SHOW the world the power of Catholic church, Amen. YOU can convert and revert millions
But we have to be their and interact with the person. Otherwise the Holy Ghost will not truly do it's job.
@@johnpglackin345 : send this prayer to all your family members and friends and get 100% result. Any sickness any disabilities. : I am a Catholic. So now BY the authority and power given to me by JESUS, I command to all the evils spirits, sickness, disease, infirmities, to get out of you right now and be completely healed, Amen. You are completely set free by the Truth and you are completely healed by the Truth
@James Reilly If you don't live the truth to those around you than Our Lord cannot really work through you to bring these souls to the One True Church. Our Interaction with those outside the faith will not bear fruit if we don't act like followers of Jesus. If the Apostles did not have faith and zeal after they received the Holy Ghost the faith would not have spread.
Casey, I’m so grateful for your videos and appreciate you efforts to evangelize and inform about the teachings of Catholicism through this platform so much - truly an inspiration.
As a Protestant, or "non-Catholic" I guess haha, I very much enjoyed this. I love Catholic views, the Saints are awesome and I greatly enjoy them. I'm just not sold on the exclusivity and many traditions that feel unnecessary as a Christian. Perhaps that will change in the future. Thank you, Father! God bless!!
Can you give me an example of a tradition that confuses you? I don’t want to come off as one of the people in the comments who are a bit crazy, I’m just genuinely curious because most Protestants seem to hate Catholics
@@hayleymarse2853 I definitely don't hate Catholics, in fact I love them greatly. I guess most of your traditions, to be honest. I'm learning more about the Saints intentionality, but it just seems so overwhelming how there are specific responses, greetings, ways to worship, and the whole process of essentially being deemed Catholic enough to enter the church as a member. It's just a lot as a new Christian that I'm not prepared for, or ready for. I don't know of any Protestants personally who hate Catholics or attack them, yet I've met dozens of Catholics in the last week who attacked me, hated me, called me a false Christian, etc. Not to mention the entire idea of Purgatory before Heaven is TERRIFYING. Haha
As a catholic who used to doubt my tradition i understand your views of catholicism but man purgatory is 100% biblical
@Khrotso Koza I appreciate your explanation, but I feel (as I think most Protestants do) that this limits God's sacrifice for us and adds nonscriptural additional work; akin to saying, "I know your sacrifice was for all people, and all sins, for all time, but it won't save me unless __", which isn't right. Jesus death on the cross was final, and yes it was for all sins (past, present, future), and for all people, the problem is that only those who choose to walk the narrow path and believe him will every truly accept this gift and through repentance and confession (to Him) we can be wiped clean of those transgressions.
I believe no human will ever match God's standard like Jesus did, no matter of works can do so, or tradition, and if God knows what's in our hearts when we cry out and beg for forgiveness, how can one confession be more or less than perfect.
It just doesn't seem right that God's perfect sacrifice on the cross is still not enough for Catholic belief and that without strict traditions, or semi-torture for x years, it won't be able to get into Heaven upon my death.
I hope that makes sense in a non confrontational way!
@Khrotso Koza I agree with much of this, but I strongly disagree that works has absolutely anything to do with it. We're all sinners, we're all impure and broken, and therefore nowhere near perfect. Every act we take is imperfect and not infallible, therefore the works we do (no matter how good natured or kind hearted) isn't enough, and can't be, compared to the works of our Lord. I believe, as I believe all Protestants do generally, is that salvation is through Grace and Grace alone.We get baptized as Christians not because it's magically transforms us, but to please God and be re-born anew in His love, and to outwardly express our love and dedication for Him. My church takes part in the Eucharist/Communion because we want to remember His sacrifice, His love, and the brokenness of His body on the Cross for us. I personally believe it's a transformation of blood and wine into body and flesh, but this is personal not Protestant in general, as you know.
I just can't imagine God's perfect sacrifice being only part of the whole needed to enter Heaven. Isn't the whole point of said sacrifice that we're imperfect, He's perfect, and therefore He paid a debt He didn't owe, that I own and could not repay, so that our imperfect selves may be saved through Him and find a place in Heaven?
(Thank you for this discourse by the way, I hope none of this comes off hostile or abrasive in any way!!)
Hey bro im a protestant you are doing a very good job. I love you all Catholic ❤
I love you too, brother. Remember to focus on what unites us.
New subscriber here! I'm a Protestant who married a Catholic. Really enjoying learning about Catholicism. Thank you and keep up the good work!
Amen that was an excellent presentation, Fr.Casey. God bless you.
I converted 4 years ago. For 32 years I had been seeking the "whole church" and it discovered it in the Holy Church.
Pro Deo Et Ecclesia ⛪
Catholic from Philippines with ♥️
😊 Smile! Life is short and beautiful so make the best of it. Be happy!
Katholikos comes from two Greek words: "kata or kath" (meaning "through" or "throughout") and "halos" (meaning "whole"). This notion of "throughout - the - whole" carries no notion of boundary or lines drawn that demarcate those who are "in" and those who are "out. "
The preaching of Jesus of Nazareth also supports this notion of katholikos - "Catholic." Jesus' very short parable of "the yeast" found in Matthew 13:33 and Luke 13:21, in which Jesus likens the Kingdom or Reign of God to a woman who makes bread. The Kingdom of God is said to be like the yeast that is added to flour and is found"throughout-the-whole of the dough, building it up, not destroying or separating the four, but becoming one-with, part-of, and mutually benefiting from and contributing to the life of bread.
The "Catholic" aporoach, one that recognizes the call for the enacting of the Reign of God "throughout -the -whole of the world, sees the church as INCLUSIVE because it is to be found without separation from, but instead exists as part of the world and society.
Born and raised as catholic , and my faith keeps getting stronger each day
This is an excellent video for instructing both Catholics, protestants and lay persons. Great work!
I grew up Catholic and just helps reinforce my faith. Thanks for great information.
God be with you amen 🙏 my Catholic Priest is from India 🇮🇳
Quality presentation all round. I love theology and philosophy because they enlighten the mind and reassuring to the heart. Love how you get to the root fundamental difference.
Profound and beautiful !!!! Holy Spirit is active in you Fr Casey !!!!!
As somewhat of a secular theist, I'm the most sympathetic towards Catholicism
@Christos Of course. I hold that various faiths and beliefs have some truth to them but adhere to no one religion
@@brotherdj777 And you are the follower of the false prophets in Jeremiah 23:16 and Matt 24:24 who come up with false teachings to confuse the people
@@brotherdj777 : : I am a Catholic. So now BY the authority and power given to me by JESUS, I command all the evils spirits to get out right now and you be completely healed, Amen . YOU are completely set free, Amen
@Christos How did you get that out of anything l said?
Thank you Father Casey. Your content is extremely helpful.
I am Protestant, but greatly appreciate your videos. I admire the balance of rich theological context, humble sincerity, and focus on gospel.
This was highly interesting. I am a Catholic since birth. Your statement about the gelato had me cracking up!
Jesus in the Last Supper Said
' Do it in REMEMBRANCE of me` I am proud to be Catholic.
I thought it was flippant.
The gelatto one was great!!!
@@helenabara2092 yes..DO THIS in memory of me.
the church looked to the practices of the early church to solidify the Catholic interpretation beyond doubt.
How is someone born catholic?
Very well spoken my brother... probably the best I've heard it explained in this kind of forum... well done and God bless.
Keep up the good work brother!
American Evangelicals took protestantism to a whole new level of protest.
Alex Brown
You can say THAT again!!!
Of course they did. Oh America, always wanting to be different. ..
Especially the ones on UA-cam.
Yet most of them can explain their faith better than most of us Catholics.
@@stephenjohnson9632 This is true, however if we were taught as Catholics at our CCD how to deal with them we would be much better off. Most Protestants I know who actually go to a church were taught at some point how to "witness" to Catholics. They memorize a handful of Bible verses taken completely out of context that they use to trip up Catholics. It's tough for your regular, every day Catholic to deal with people like this.
As far as explaining our faith, I do believe it's harder to explain than an Evangelical's faith. They don't have the fullness of the Church. Even though it seems like they memorize so much of scripture, in all actuality they ignore a massive amount of it. I think all of Evangelical faith is pretty much summed up by John 3:16. That's all they need to explain.
I was Protestant from 1972 until 1987. I was baptized Protestant in 1982. I went through RCIA in 1987, my freshman year at St. Joseph, and became an altar server. In 1988 I was confirmed with my class at St. Joseph High School. I still attend the Ironton Catholic Churches.
I'm a full blown atheist, but have always been fascinated by religion. Especially catholicism and more ancient religions, I've tended to stick to the more scholarly study of religion, but this definitely gives me a very interesting perspective on catholicism. Most everyone I've learned from no longer believe in God or never did... well done my dude, you've earned yourself a subscriber
Many athiests have become Christians while trying to prove to themselves that God doesn't exist.
Many Protestants have become Catholics while trying to prove to themselves that the Catholic Church is wrong.
You're on the right track here!
Im a Baptist that started really looking into the divide between catholic and protestant. This channel has been enlightening. I'm beginning to think Baptist and catholic was the same thing all along with very human misconceptions dividing the church. I'm not convinced, but you do have my attention. Thank you for your content
I was close to renouncing my religion, Catholic. Then something happened in my life so seismic that I think it is a call from God to come back to Him. Thanks for the video. It deepens my perspective on Catholicism.
greetings from Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church, Tema - Ghana
Fr Casey, I am a returned Catholic and stumbled onto you on the way home.... You are a God Sent ! Still going through your videos from way back....but I'm getting it...more and more each day ! God Bless You ! 😇
I've been following your channel for a while and find your videos to be very meaningful and helpful. But I have to ask, why do you use modern pop-rock type music? One thing that I love deeply about Catholicism is the sacred, transcendent aesthetic. I don't want Catholicism to try to be trendy, cool, hip, and relevant. I don't want the Church to follow pop culture. I want the Church to be timeless, eternal, divine, profound, and beautiful. Thank you for all that you do, and may God bless you.
Fr. Casey, I am a Sister and I am on a process of making a graphic novel about spiritual warfare and the beauty of our faith. Your video is a gift from God! It helps me a lot!!! Please keep them coming, Father! Pray for me thag I may always be guided in the process.
Hello, sister! What is your Order?
What a profound talk. Thank you. I never heard Catholic talking against protestant. But protestant do talk against Catholic that saddens me. We all belong to Jesus Christ .Let's strengthen each other by our prayers and appreciation and learning and respecting each other.
So, I got this video in my recommendations, being raised in a Lutheran home, now an atheist and subscriber of many atheist channels, and what shall I say? UA-cam must have guessed I've always had and still have some faible for Catholicism. Because let's face it, your churches definitely have more to offer for unbelievers than those sober grey protestant walls, and be it their mere beauty.
Paz y Bien. Gracias. Saludos y ánimo para continuar tu misión evangelizadora.
You and the Ten Minute Bible Hour guy should get together.
Also, we Anglicans are a lot close to Catholics than we are to most Protestants. We aren't really Protestant, so much as non-papal Catholics.
I agree with you, I too follow the two; Ten Minute Hour Bible and Breaking in the Habit
@@makeamelody1762 same!
I'm an Anglican from England but recently spent a month in Canada. I went to a local Protestant service with a fellow Anglican friend of mine and it was very different to what I was used to to say the least. We got into a conversation with one of the congregation afterwards in the lobby, and after explaining what our church services are usually like (liturgy, Eucharist, choral music etc.) they said: 'so you guys are Catholic right?'!
I think what's so interesting about Anglicanism, in both faith and practice, is how it sort of lies between the two, though I'm personally more inclined to seeing it as a more 'catholic' denomination in many senses.
I was raised Roman and Bishop Sheen was encouraging me to enter the Seminary. In the 60’s I left the Church and wandered. I finally found the Episcopal Church and knew I was home...now I identify as an Anglo-Catholic.
Thats because anglicanism from the first moment did not have doctrinal problems with Rome,only problem was Popes refusal to give divorce to horny king henry, so guy got angry and decided to steal all churches from Rome, to blackmail all bishops to come on his side(all of them betrayed Pope, their faith, except Great st. John Fisher), and started violent reformation of England that lasted for centuries. So today in England queen is main authority on Christ teachings, not Pope, haha blasphemy
Greetings Father!
I hope you will have a livestream or a chat forum where we could exchange information or questions about most things. Thank you Father Casey! Happy Easter!
Fraternally yours,
This Protestant here seconds that suggestion. Though am not Catholic, I am a subscriber and do enjoy the episodes.
Don't call any man FATHER
But only ur FATHER in heaven.
Mike Myers Paids Really? So all my friends named Jesus are Susej instead.
@@mikemyerspaids6775 Father Casey already tackled about this particular topic. Might want to check it out. The peace of Our Lord be with you always.
Beautiful, encouraging and humbling to be Catholic
I am a Christian but I am Truly Catholic and I Love Jesus and God and Mother Mary with all my Heart and with all my Soul. Truly my lord you are present in the Blessed Sacrament! Jesus I Trust in you. 🙏 Kia Ora-Greetings from Aotearoa-New Zealand🇳🇿💕😊👍🤗🙌❤
: I am a Catholic. So now BY the authority and power given to me by JESUS, I command all the evils spirits, sickness, disease, infirmities, to get out of you right now and be completely healed, Amen. PLEASE say this prayer over anybody and everybody, in New Zealand Amen. If you need a healer in New Zealand please reply
You can't be Christian and Catholic. This is such a horrible LIE
@@TriciaRP That's like saying you can't be a fruit and an apple, you pear.
I don't have any belief in the supernatural, but I was baptised as a Catholic and recognise the church's contribution to western civilization
But Jesus rose from the dead how is that not supernatural?
Beautiful video!!
As a young Catholic, I really am loving being able to watch videos like this and see what other people comment. I’m proud being Catholic and want to grow more!
Though, seeing how theres quite a few people trying to say “you’re wrong” and “no, you’re wrong” it’s just a little sad reminder how its been divided. But it does give me a little insight, kind of. Sometimes I think why is it so hard to just understand or come to an agreement on something? Why only focus on the differences? Or why only focus on the “bad” things?? I don’t know, accusing just doesn’t seem like the right thing. Though through those arguments and other comments, I learned what not to say, how to say it, and the nice reminders of why people converted to Catholic. The nice comments stand out too, so it’s also really nice seeing people trying to understand or telling their story! But I hope those people who really try to push things on others also learn to not only focus on the negative
You are clearing away the misinformation that I’ve heard about Catholicism. As someone who is a part of a different Christian faith, I thank you for the clarity that will help me make friends with one or more Catholic(s) someday. Believing in Jesus Christ is what makes someone a Christian. Christians Unite In Christ.
In protestant, they have the bible and pulpit. In the Catholic Church, we have bible, altar and Jesus in the most bleseed sacrament.
The Protestant Church has the Bible, Jesus, and grace, followed by works. The Roman Catholic Church has the Bible, the Pope, the Vatican, Purgatory, Limbo, Mary, Jesus, a belief that there is a change of a wafer to the body of Christ, requirements to "attain" salvation. Protestants believe the Bible alone gives the path to salvation. Roman Catholics say that some of the sacraments (sourced from the Bible) and being in the Roman Catholic Church (with few exceptions), are required for salvation.
@@TodaysDante in addition to that Catholics also have tradition(since its 2000+ years old already) ), consistories(electing the new successor of Peter), and many other things not found in the bible. Why? Because the Catholic Church is neither dead nor abandoned by Christ. Christ continues to recreate Her. Its not the same as yesterday abd surely the Church won't be the same tomorrow. But one thing will never change, Her teachings. Christ said to his apostles, "I am with you until the end of age".
@@josefg8017 - Probably closer to 1700 years. And it's technically the ROMAN Catholic Church. The Catholic Church consists of everyone who believes Jesus is the Son of God and repents. The ROMAN Catholic Church added a bunch of stuff... like you said... continually "recreating" it, so much so that it's unrecognizable from where it started.
I understand what you're saying. The Roman Catholic Church is the living, breathing representation of the word of God, while the Protestants believe in the unwavering, unchanging word of God in the Bible.
Having a line of successors all the way back to Peter doesn't make that particular church 100% correct 100% of the time. Do you really think Jesus would approve of everything the Roman Catholic Church has taught and done through the centuries?
I think we'd agree that the church Peter helped start after Jesus ascended isn't the same as the one today.
Whether or not that's a good thing is up to interpretation.
@@TodaysDante so you mean Christ revealed himself 2000 years ago and after his ascension he is permamently gone? Today is the Feast of the Divine Mercy btw. Where Christ appeared to Sis Faustunina in Poland to ask for conversion of sinners. Is Christ appearing in the midst if his people impossible? Is instituting this feast called "bunch if things Catholics add" ? Or whenever Christ continues to reveal himself is just called "fake miracles"? Protestants would never believe.
I Have a great appreciation of Roman Catholic church but Jun no serious Protestant would say the pulpit is chief or even think that when asked what Faith gives them, their answer would be in terms of our Triune God, Father, Son, Spirit.
Yes I just love my catholic faith and teaching 😊
Thank you for this. It helps me to deepen my understanding about Catholicism as a Catechist.
Tu n Gbu brother. I'm so blessed to hear this message. Praise God.
Thank you Father for this content🙏
Good job on this one, Casey.
thank you for the video :) , it really worth watching and educational
I really enjoyed this video. Thank you.
Wonderful video. Thanks for your work.
Born Catholic, Raise Catholic and will Die proud CATHOLIC!
Me too!
: I am a Catholic. So now BY the authority and power given to me by JESUS, I command all the evils spirits, sickness, disease, infirmities, to get out of you right now and be completely healed, Amen. PLEASE say this prayer over anybody and everybody, Amen . Pray same prayer over all SICK and they must heal, Amen
To an outsider your statement is a complete turn off. It just seems to confirm to most outsiders that Catholicism is just a cultural thing. If you had mentioned how much being Catholic has helped you to love God and to know Jesus Christ perhaps that would be something to consider. I'm not trying to be critical. I'm making an observation. It's okay to disagree.
you won my like at "first, there is no such thing as protestantism"
and another when you reached the reason part
From the "Reason" part on I vehemently disagreed. For this is what Humanism was within the Church on the heels of the Black Plague and the disillusionment with faith and God. Men turned to the power of their own reason apart from God, putting man closer to the center to see if he could usurp God. Michael Angelo and DaVinci were two prime examples, but so was Calvin, the humanist, Catholic lawyer, turned renegade. He was 21 years old when he fled the Catholic Church because of violence that had erupted against Protestants in France. To hear a Catholic leader stress the emphasis on reason reeks of that Humanist tradition within the Church which gave rise to the Man of Lawlessness that was formed in society through the 3-fold Great Rebellion: Renaissance-Reformation-Enlightenment. This was one long movement to overthrow all authority over the individual and establish precedence in all realms of society for man to determine his own destiny. In other words, ultimately, man in God's place. It was written about in the book of Revelation as the branding of the beast and St. Paul predicted it as the template of the Man of Lawlessness (anti-authority).
@@TheRootedWord sounds convincing.
But the Church holds on to and implores to reason to prove that there is God.
And this is juxtapose on human attitude before and now with the Church. Before revelation of God, Man deified things through forms of aminism, therefore rendering them sacred and unexplorable. With the Church's understanding, Man studies the rest of His creations and therefore praises God through their discoveries.
@@TheRootedWord What about saint Augustine and saint Thomas Aquinas? They were pretty much about using reason.
Steven Irizarry No!
"I had grown up thinking that Catholics prayed to the saints and expected them to answer their prayers. I came to realize that in Catholic doctrine, the saints are as alive and aware as our next door neighbors. And so, we can approach them and ask them to intercede for us just as we might ask our pastor to pray for us. Understanding this help me to see that Roman Catholic Christians weren't pagans in disguise. Now I understand that Catholics are fellow Christian brothers and sisters.
Reality shows me that Luther and other Protestants disagree about each doctrine." (Professor Stanley Martin Hauerwas. Protestant theologian at the University of Notre Dame and Duke Divinity School, chair in theological ethics at the University of Aberdeen. Named "America's Best Theologian" by Time magazine in 2001)
Sums up Catholicism in a nutshell. So difficult to explain ( for me, anyway ) to a Protestant the difference. When I try, the person to whom I’m speaking gets this “ glazed” look.
You should study more the scripture because all of these are biblical. As a former anti catholic, most protestants think the sacraments are unbiblical and these are all just tradition without fully understanding *what tradition really means* and how significant they are for our salvation. They don’t even know what Word of God is. We shoul stick to the Catholic tradition no matter what, even Rome changed it which has happened already.
Read the catechism with footnotes, or just deal with them with a smile. You have a working knowledge of our faith. While good to understand deeper, is all you need, actually.
@friendly neighbor I may be wrong, but I think the Lutherans believe in consubstantiation. Yes, the Eucharist is Christ's flesh and blood, but the substances of the bread and the wine are still present along side Christ. While Catholics believe in transubstantiation, where the substances of bread and wine disapear and only their accidents (what the senses percieve) remain.
@@qitzpaquitojr.reston2337 Protestants are right abot unbiblical Catholic traditions such as raying to Mary, the saints and statues.
Thank you! I’m saving this for future reference 😊
Beautiful! Thank you for bringing me closer to the faith!
I was baptized in the Christian church. To the best of my knowledge they believe that salvation comes from faith in Christ through baptism (immersion). I have attended a Methodist Church for years. My daughter and her family are Catholic. I love attending church with them. I love how Catholics seem to truly worship Christ were as we protestants just get preached at and sent home to be good. I think it is fine to be further Catholic or protestant just as long as you believe that Jesus is God's son. I bet we will be surprised who we will meet in heavan, but what do I know I've never been there. Anyway God Bless and stay safe.. Jesus loves us.
Come home, sister.
Blessed to be Catholic
This young man has infinite wisdom & Quite an impressive way to Translate it.
WOW! Thank you Fr. Casey for a superb enlightenment! I love your vlogs. Keep educating us Fr. 🙏❤️✝️
"Knowing WHY we believe what we do..." A very poignant statement. It's so easy to get into doctrine debates and scripture interpretation debates; but, articulating why we believe what we do gets right to the heart of any discussion. Thank you for posting this wonderful video!
Excellent work! Also, thank you for mentioning deacons. We are so often set aside and left out.
Samething happened to the religious
I'm glad I found you by chance. This is exactly what I've been taught in my religion courses in school. I wanted to reconnect again with my beliefs and relearn what I have forgotten over all those years. I found a bunch of Protestant UA-camrs but it didn't seem to match what I had learned in school, but this is exactly the things I've been taught. When I finished my master, I want study theology and maybe teach it later in school :)
Thank you for your videos ❤️
I really like your calm behavior. This makes it much easier to listen to :)
Awesome content as usual. I’m your avid fan and you inspired me to create my own UA-cam channel with the same niche.
I’m a newbie in youtuber trying my best to do reflections with life and help people do the same and have a closer relationship with God like you do. God bless us all always.
The traditions and consistency of the teachings of the Catholic Church is another thing that makes it feel right. When you go to mass, you know how it is held and how it is teaching from both the old testament and then how that relates to the new testament in every single liturgy. It's a comfort to feel the familiarity and consistency every week. Makes feeling God in your daily life much more real. Thank you for this video. I just found it and have subscribed today.
Then why does the church not obey the old testament. See Pope Eugene IV and the Council of Florence where the church rescinded the prohibition on eating blood as stated in Acts 15. The church declared that the four prohibitions in Acts 15 applied to a former time that no longer exists. And since the prohibition on eating blood was only "an ancient tradition of the Jews" it cannot be that important.
Did Pope Eugene not read Deuteronomy 12, where the prohibition is not just a tradition, but an actual commandment of God. Yet people accept papal infallibility and blindly follow even the most absurd decisions.
It’s nice to see our young generation like you,with so much knowledge and boldness in our faith.Please continue
The difference is Catholics has amazing intimate relationship with Jesus consumed his divinity, body, blood and soul. For Protestant Jesus is just a personal saviour.
Bokyo Bokya That’s not accurate or helpful.
Stephen Johnson its the Truth, its accurate and helpful
Bokyo Bokya
There is more to Protestants than just that.
Correct. Interpreting scripture can be said to be an intellectual exercise only. Then prayer, in which Catholics have multiple rich levels and forms.
Grace and Justification: www.vatican.va/archive/ccc_css/archive/catechism/p3s1c3a2.htm
“whereas Protestants look to Rome for good gelato 🍧 “ LOL… didn’t see that coming but appreciated it! In all seriousness, your channel is a gift 🎁.
Your best video yet.
Riveting presentation Fr. Casey! Loved every second of the video
During your December 2021 vacation, I had a chance to go back and re-hear a few episodes. This being one of them. I got a copy of McBrien's Catholicism (found out the hard way it's a two volume set) and dug in deep. I'm a Lutheran, my wife is Catholic. Thanks for helping us with defining our differences; it draws us closer together.
I just became Catholic at the Easter Vigil, in full communion with the Catholic Church. I’m home now.
Welcome home!
Welcome home 🙏
Lol. .. welcome to the CULT RELIGION
Father,, Peace and Good . HAPPY EASTER !
Proud and grateful to be Catholic and I praise the Lord everyday that I belong and believe in this one true faith founded by Jesus himself 👍😇🙏
Then why do you follow the pope instead of Jesus?
😊 Smile! Life is short and beautiful so make the best of it. Be happy!
Katholikos comes from two Greek words: "kata or kath" (meaning "through" or "throughout") and "halos" (meaning "whole"). This notion of "throughout - the - whole" carries no notion of boundary or lines drawn that demarcate those who are "in" and those who are "out. "
The preaching of Jesus of Nazareth also supports this notion of katholikos - "Catholic." Jesus' very short parable of "the yeast" found in Matthew 13:33 and Luke 13:21, in which Jesus likens the Kingdom or Reign of God to a woman who makes bread. The Kingdom of God is said to be like the yeast that is added to flour and is found"throughout-the-whole of the dough, building it up, not destroying or separating the four, but becoming one-with, part-of, and mutually benefiting from and contributing to the life of bread.
The "Catholic" aporoach, one that recognizes the call for the enacting of the Reign of God "throughout -the -whole of the world, sees the church as INCLUSIVE because it is to be found without separation from, but instead exists as part of the world and society. 😊😊😊
"I had grown up thinking that Catholics prayed to the saints and expected them to answer their prayers. I came to realize that in Catholic doctrine, the saints are as alive and aware as our next door neighbors. And so, we can approach them and ask them to intercede for us just as we might ask our pastor to pray for us. Understanding this help me to see that Roman Catholic Christians weren't pagans in disguise. Now I understand that Catholics are fellow Christian brothers and sisters.
Reality shows me that Luther and other Protestants disagree about each doctrine." (Professor Stanley Martin Hauerwas. Protestant theologian at the University of Notre Dame and Duke Divinity School, chair in theological ethics at the University of Aberdeen. Named "America's Best Theologian" by Time magazine in 2001)
@@macormicbenjamin9315 As a Christian I go to God through Jesus Christ. No need for a intermediary sinner to ask for me. I stick with the Bible.
And good luck trying to find two Roman Catholics who agree on anything. Except none of them know for sure if they are going to heaven when they die.
I belong to an Apostolic Christian church, but my family is Catholic.. I was baptized as a child when I was 12, my family neglected this act for really long. I’ve binged all of father Casey videos, and now I know perhaps me being a Protestant was the route my life took..but after knowing my parents had the responsibility in installing in me a catholic faith from my baptism onward, I can see where they failed, completely neglecting a religious or spiritual life in their faith. And left me as a child to wonder what a first communion was...and I took my own path. I used to be very harsh on Catholicism as some Protestants can me, but then I stumbled on father Casey, and in time, my outlook began to change. Now I wish I knew where Franciscans have a soup kitchen so I can help...just be around and help.. you’re doing something Casey. Something good.
This series of Catholicism in focus is So helpful… u explain it neatly and concisely and clearly … God bless you for this Ministry!
I just converted to Catholicism, so number 2 where you said there is no singular list of theological principles /pillars confused me a little. I thought the teachings in the catechism for example, or the precepts of the church, or what we say in the creed are solid non-negotiable principals?
There are dogmatic statements and doctrines, yes. But that doesn't mean that we have an official stance on every theological question ever asked or that there aren't multiple valid perspectives on certain issues (think of it as a way to emphasize certain spirituality.) I recommend that you watch the video that I alluded to in that section: ua-cam.com/video/iAAI0Hhl0W8/v-deo.html
Breaking In The Habit thank you 🙏🏻
@@BreakingInTheHabit is catholic and eastern orthodoxy have same mysticism!?! Orthodox say that only truly faith is Orthodox, and other is falling apart from true Church. And why catholic left teaching from the early fathers, like the first 10 century isnt important!?
This is an excellent presentation. I want to share this video with some Protestant friends of mine but I know as soon as they hear the word "mediation" they immediately shut down. I've been through this with them before and it's always a stand off. They become so triggered by that word, "mediator", that they won't listen to anything else. It's sad.
This hits so close to home its almost scary, good luck pal
@@Veritas1234 I've used the explanation of how we pray for each other, how we intercede for each other because I know they do that too. Even St Paul says that we should pray for each other, and the "One Mediator" verse comes from his letter to Timothy. In other words, why would St Paul contradict himself? They still don't see it that way. They've been taught to debate Catholics. Not all of them, but many. It's clear to me that they memorize a handful of verses, out of context, that they believe disproves Catholicism. The "One Mediator" verse is a big one. Most of the verses they memorize contradict so many other verses when taken out of context.
VERITAS No. I pray but certainly not to my dead husband or anyone else who’s died. Why would I do that?
: YOU can heal your family and friends, just watching the Catholic videos of "JCILM INFO" on youtube. Let's SHOW the world the power of Catholic church, Amen.
@@brotherdj777 You are so entangled in your hatred of the one true faith, the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, that YOUR soul is in danger. I watched your videos. Mocking Christ's Church is definitely not a way to "witness" to Catholics. I pray that you will be filled with the Holy Spirit and your eyes be open to ALL of Scripture. Not just the verses you think disprove Catholicism. This is a matter of salvation.
“Protestants look to Rome for a good gelato...” Love it. Pax Vobiscum.
Protestants look to Rome for the anti-Christ because that's where he will show up as the Vatican is the seat of Satan and his minions.
Thank you for this video. It's very informative and has been very well prepared.
Being raised in a Christian household, I never really got why is it that made Catholicism different. Turns out it is only a few diverging viewpoints. To me, the core of the message remains unaltered, and as such, I gotta say this video was very well done and informative. Keep the excellent work, brother