I want the right understanding if they are poor where are all those items coming from?? Do they buy them whole sell and then do their profit selling or am I close to the answers?? are they selling for the owner
You failed from the word go!! All these people on the street about 90% are from the Northern part. Nigeria did not educate them enough. Most of the oil money has passed through their hands without thinking about the country but rather their tribes and their tribes position in Nigeria. They value their tribes and religion more than the country.
The Majority of the women panhandling on the streets are from neighboring Countries like Chad and Niger. They come from war torn Countries and settle in Nigeria. It’s hard for them because some of them can’t find jobs and we have a lot of them in Lagos, Nigeria.
@@worldformatics If you are truly a Nigeria you would know that most of them are not from Nigeria. Not that it matters. The only problem is that Nigerian leaders are not ready to fix the country to help people like these ones.
Unchecked population growth wipes out economic gains. Little attention is paid to up-skilling the workforce along with poor urban planning results in what you see.
The corruption in Nigeria is massive 😳 I worked there in an oil company you must grease someone hands and feet for anything ,the government on all level is horrible
I did a project on Nigeria and came out with some findings that Nigeria is not rich at all. In fact, Nigeria is one of the most poorest African countries. My Lectures argued with me till they read the details for about two days to understand my argument. With the population of Nigeria, if Nigeria decides to pay just one social intervention or pro poor program for the citizens, the economy would collapse in just six months. Nigeria is not digitalised enough to even know their real population hence many influx of other countries people eg Niger, Chad and Cameroon. They made a mistake not to educate the North which has become monster on the development of Nigeria.
@@zigibeat3689 If Nigeria is one of the poorest countries in Africa that means Italy is one of the poorest countries in Europe. Italy also has dirty parts in Naples but i don't see Europeans boasting that Italy is the poorest county in Europe, .It also means that Brazil is also amongst the poorest countries in the world. China India also has parts like this is and even worse so you should say the same about them being the amongst the poorest countries. Russia is also the poorest country country in Europe when you take out Moscow and st Petersburg why don't you boast about that. , you cant judge a whole country a few parts in a large city like Lagos which equally or more has very rich areas. Nigeria is digitalised to know the real population but the northern politicians corrupted the system and lied about the population figure so that actually Nigeria is richer than reported because with a lower population then the GDP per capita is lower than reported and I have not counted the informal economy yet.
@@NANA-un1jw You read without understand. You wrote just with emotion but not understand the core message. You mentioned Italy, Russia, India Brazil etc. All these countries have pro poor programs paid by the country. Can you compare the quality of life in above countries to Nigeria? They all have Free education Free health care Quality utilities Free benefits. If Nigeria is rich then Nigeria should pay for some of these to alleviate poverty and extreme poverty which leads to insecurity. Go to Rwanda and see how a government with GDP of only $10 billion has made health care, education and housing free. You wallow in poverty and dirt still proud of it. Didn't you see children who suppose to be in school under the bridge? Don't you care about those kids health? Don't you care about their future? And don't you know those kids under the bridge with no proper care for them are a threat to Nigeria's security?
OmG I have never seen such a humans traffic jam like this 😱I thought India is the biggest humans traffic jam on this earth but this is another level 😁btw why are these people sitting in the middle of the road🥺
I’ve no idea what goes wrong to African nations.20 years ago I learned that Africa is the poorest continent in the world,even at the present looks change nothing back then.
Right Wing nationalists --- both here in the US and in Western Europe --- are so strange and stupid, they are actually hilarious at the same time! LOL Anyway, Whites in Europe trying to stop immigrants and refugees flowing in from the Third World is like Native Americans, Australian Aborigines, Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners trying to stop Whites from invading their regions and countries from the 1600s to the mid 1900s. It's a hopeless undertaking. The fact of the matter is, humans ALWAYS have moved around the earth ever since our earliest ancestors hightailed out of Africa, in successive groups, from 200,000 to 50,000 or so years years ago... Whites in the US are down to barely 60%; in 20 to 25 years, their number would fall below 50%. In most Western European countries, it'd take a little longer; but by 2100 to 2200, most or all Western Europeans would b quite "brown," with Whites down to less than 50%. IF it takes that long. Bitch about it, scream, commit suicide over it, erect walls... mistreat new arrivals badly on purpose... doesn't matter. Humans will go wherever they think there's more food, more games, more jobs, more opportunities... 50,000 years ago or today, it makes no difference. Where large scale and endless migratory movements of the human race are concerned... time is irrelevant, as are cultures, artificial borders, politics, discrimination.... ON THIS VIDEO, though, I must admit I had a headache & my sense of depression shot way up... just watching it for a few moments. Not sure how people could live like that. As someone who's never had kids, I don't understand why people have so many kids, when the environment is as hopeless and unsafe as this and many other places.... I'm sure there's bad and good people here, as they are everywhere... but the chaos, poverty, lack of planning & functional rules & laws, and lack of minimal functional approach to modern life... it's just boggles the mind...
Please when next you are a video of Street Scenes in Lagos, always remember to tell your viewing audiences around the world the name of the Streets or Roads where you are recording that video.
The problem in Nigeria is the Government with corrupt politicians with big pockets in their pants but not honor, respect, empathy , love for their country and brothers and sisters ,very sad and shameful , my respect for the people in Nigeria you deserve better
Wow Africa is full of chaos Shocked to see Please tell me who those people are waiting to get food in the middle of the street like this every day right? What are his leaders doing?Thanks to your walking tour for giving me those sights fully support from Thailand 🇹🇭 my friend good luck friend see you 👍
Africa ? you Pattaya 🇨🇷 This is Nigeria not the Whole part of Africa, Afrika is Big Continental with 54 Country inside. if something chaotic happen in some where in Asia it mens the Whole part of Asia.
@@loveliejoseph6239 corupt government in Nigeria, supported by the Americans and British government, once they do what the British and American want, no problem for them.
@@davet9708 100 % truth they can care less about the people living in poverty and those struggling day to day just to survive meanwhile they are fattening their pockets with money that can benefit the people who desperately needs help.
Está África realmente parou no tempo, passa ano entra ano, e o povo não muda o geito de se vestir, cader a globalização que não consegue se adaptar na África pobre.
May be the rule of having 1 child of China should start applying in Nigeria as of now before things get worse. This kind of life is not the life of having 6-8 kids in one family. Not sure if the every 10-year census of people are matched to the resources available currently. If not, the govt should take action immediately.
The ambiguity comes from the fact that the people of Northern Nigeria regard the people of Niger Republic as their brothers and sisters, then it becomes unclear as to "who is who"!
@oti Opondo Arinaitwe Ghana deported this set of people recently to Niger Republic. If they could be in Ghana in large numbers, then you best believe they are in Nigeria in droves!
@@oceejekwam6829 Thanks for clarifying. Don't know much about Nigeria. It would be a shame to have a particular ethnic group become synonimous with incompetency or ills affecting Lagos.
Chai! There's an URGENT need for social services in Nigeria!!!! All these homeless people are Northern muslims. There's a major failure to "govern " in Nigeria. 😢
So many years later and you haven't got your act together yet. The colonialists are always the scapegoat in Africa to protect the useless leaders in some countries.
Beaucoup mes Beaucoup de ces personnes font rien si personnes se bouge pour le bien de touse ses n'apporte quoi croyez pas que ces les autre qui vous aideront 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😠😠😠😠💩💩💩💩💩
👉 Kepada Dua'belas Suku Bangsa Ya'Qub jika masih ada hingga saat ini. Ya'Qub artinya Is'rael. 👉 Kepada Umat Kristen Protestan se'dunia. 👉 Kepada Orang-orang Kedutaan Besar dari Negara Yordania yang di Negara-negara dari Benua Africa. 👉 Kepada Lembaga Al'Qi'Tab Indonesia. 👉 Kepada Seorang Pria bernama Torop Haposan dari Negara Indonesia yang sangat membenci Orang-orang Sau'di A'rabbiah. 👉 Kepada Seorang Pria bernama Ahmed Salman Rushdie. 🌍Bumi ini, bukan milik La'am! Mereka Berbendera🇸🇦 kepada Bendera Negara Sau'di A'rabbiah. Mereka masing-masing ialah bajingan-bajingan dari Racis Roh Setan; Lail'laul'lairriah, Lail'lain'naul'laul and Lail'lain'taul'laul. Kalimat "An'ta" tidak berlaku kepada Roh Setan. Sebab Roh Setan tidak kelihatan oleh sepasang matamu. An'na adalah Roh Setan berhuruf La yang telah menjadi banyak manusia saat di Taman Eden. Mereka masing-masing keturunanku serta kelahiranku: An'na'Laul'laib'naib_hu_'ai Roh-roh Pria Sau'di A'rabbiah. An'na'Laul'laib'naib_hi_'ai Roh-roh Wanita Sau'di A'rabbiah. An'na'Laul'laib'naib_hu_'ai Roh-roh Pria yang beragama Lais'laam se'dunia. An'na'Laul'laib'naib_hi_'ai Roh-roh Wanita yang beragama Lais'laam se'dunia. An'na'Laul'laib'na'lail'laib_hu'wa_'ai Pria-pria Sau'di A'rabbiah. An'na'Laul'laib'na'lail'laib_hi'wa_'ai Wanita-wanita Sau'di A'rabbiah. An'na'Laul'laib'na'lail'laib_hi'ya_'ai Wanita-wanita Sau'di A'rabbiah. An'na'Laul'laib'naib_hu_'ai Roh Pria bernama Osama bin La'den. Laul' artinya: Zaman Roh Setan, Dunia Roh Setan. Hu'Wa artinya Seorang Pria. Hi'Wa artinya Seorang Wanita. Hi'Ya? .... Wa? .... Hu artinya Roh Pria. Hi artinya Roh Wanita. An' artinya: Permulaan, awal. Na artinya: Benar, Ya. An'Na artinya Sa'Ya. => Bahasa Indonesia. La artinya: Jangan, bukan, tidak, Roh Setan. il' artinya: Orang, mahkluk manusia. Ib'na artinya: Keturunan, kelahiran, hidup memperanakkan, hidup diperanakkan. Ib artinya: Hidup, jelma, datang, muncul. Lail' artinya: Jangan kepada mahkluk manusia, bukan kepada mahkluk manusia. Contoh Lail' adalah: Hewan, Pria-pria yang beragama Lais'laam se'dunia beserta Pria-pria Sau'di A'rabbiah, Wanita-wanita yang beragama Lais'laam se'dunia beserta Wanita-wanita Sau'di A'rabbiah, Patung Hewan, Patung Ular Naga 🐲, Patung Yesus, Patung Bunda Ma'ria, Patung Buddha, Patung Raja Sigale-gale di Toba Samosir yaitu di Negara Indonesia, tengkorak-tengkorak manusia yang berasal dari Orang-orang yang beragama Lais'laam se'dunia, tengkorak-tengkorak manusia yang berasal dari Orang-orang Sau'di A'rabbiah, Roh Setan, bangunan berhala' 🕋Batu Qabbah di Negara Sau'di A'rabbiah; dan lain-lainnya oleh buatan tangan-tangan manusia di permukaan bumi ini. La'am artinya Wahyu Roh Setan. Al'lah artinya maha atas Roh-roh Setan. Lah adalah Roh-roh Setan pada tiap-tiap individu di dalam Orang-orang yang beragama Lais'laam se'dunia beserta Orang-orang Sau'di A'rabbiah. La'ar La'ah. Warning: Umat Gereja-gereja Kristen Protestan se'dunia diizinkan untuk membunuh Orang-orang Sau'di A'rabbiah, membunuh "Orang-orang yang beragama Lais'laam se'dunia", membakar Al'Qi'Tab Bahasa Indonesia, membakar Bendera Negara Sau'di A'rabbiah, meruntuhkan bangunan berhala' Batu Qabbah, meledakkan Gedung Istana Kerajaan Sau'di A'rabbiah. Jesus Christ Of God tidak mengenal Al'lah dan tidak mengenal il'la. Bangsa Sau'di A'rabbiah telah mendidik Kalian untuk menjadi Orang-orang Jahat dan Atheist.
Sorry I will not be subscribing or supporting your channel. I have lived in North America for many years, and I know what they think about Africa. This narrative is BS. Cuz you are doing exactly what they think about us.
You're ashamed to see the true depiction of Nigeria. You want people to keep showing those big houses corrupt politicians and drug dealers live in. When Nigerians start facing the reality, that's when our country will be free.
I love africa i am always curious about every video about African related......good video plz do more videos......love frm South India.
Watching from somalia 🇸🇴
Extremely sad that poverty is high in nigeria while the country has oil and gas
Great walk tour around the extremely populated parts of Lagos Nigeria. Tnx4sharing full watched brother👍🏻
Wow! The traffic of both humans and vehicles is so organised. America and Europe should emulate Nigeria.
Are you serious?Organized? Did I miss something?
That is not organized. Not in the least. Who would emulate this? That is total chaos. You have people and vehicles trying to use the same roadway.
@Wilson Dassumpcao - organized chaos 🤣🙂🤣
@@wilsondassumpcao2089 you don’t get his sarcasm
@@navycorpsmanveteran61 he's being sarcastic.
I am so grateful to see how things are there uncensored,..and THANK YOU. WISHING,..THE BEST TO EVERYONE THERE.
I want the right understanding if they are poor where are all those items coming from?? Do they buy them whole sell and then do their profit selling or am I close to the answers?? are they selling for the owner
Real live cultural and informative plus well captured@ NICE 👍 people too
Looks exactly like NewYork lol
Chaos on the next level.
What they have in their minds they manifest in their surroundings
Due to the conditions how could anyone smile this is what you called hard-living...
God help our country Nigeria. Nice video
Very interesting busy place.
Chào bạn nhé khu vực phố xá đông đúc thế xe nhiều lắm cảm ơn bạn đã chia sẽ video này mình đồng hành cùng bạn nhé
...so much Dubai and New York's ambiance here...
Is very busy just like Douala in Cameroon, the struggle and hustle is real
Very happy to see the people if Nigeria. I request show the shops in close cameras
Very creative and resourceful people. One day soon, Nigeria will stand tall, in the African continent.
Soon in ur dreams
Keep dreaming.
Corruption makes everything to be in ruts. 😊😊😊
You failed from the word go!!
All these people on the street about 90% are from the Northern part. Nigeria did not educate them enough.
Most of the oil money has passed through their hands without thinking about the country but rather their tribes and their tribes position in Nigeria. They value their tribes and religion more than the country.
Nice video
The Majority of the women panhandling on the streets are from neighboring Countries like Chad and Niger. They come from war torn Countries and settle in Nigeria. It’s hard for them because some of them can’t find jobs and we have a lot of them in Lagos, Nigeria.
Always pushing their blame on someone. Is it written on their faces where they are from other than the country they find themselves in
@@worldformatics If you are truly a Nigeria you would know that most of them are not from Nigeria. Not that it matters. The only problem is that Nigerian leaders are not ready to fix the country to help people like these ones.
@@worldformatics they are from Niger republic and Chad
Good job
Nigeria is one of the richest countries on the continent and still has this quality of life? That's a shame.
Unchecked population growth wipes out economic gains. Little attention is paid to up-skilling the workforce along with poor urban planning results in what you see.
The corruption in Nigeria is massive 😳 I worked there in an oil company you must grease someone hands and feet for anything ,the government on all level is horrible
I did a project on Nigeria and came out with some findings that Nigeria is not rich at all. In fact, Nigeria is one of the most poorest African countries. My Lectures argued with me till they read the details for about two days to understand my argument.
With the population of Nigeria, if Nigeria decides to pay just one social intervention or pro poor program for the citizens, the economy would collapse in just six months.
Nigeria is not digitalised enough to even know their real population hence many influx of other countries people eg Niger, Chad and Cameroon.
They made a mistake not to educate the North which has become monster on the development of Nigeria.
@@zigibeat3689 If Nigeria is one of the poorest countries in Africa that means Italy is one of the poorest countries in Europe. Italy also has dirty parts in Naples but i don't see Europeans boasting that Italy is the poorest county in Europe, .It also means that Brazil is also amongst the poorest countries in the world. China India also has parts like this is and even worse so you should say the same about them being the amongst the poorest countries. Russia is also the poorest country country in Europe when you take out Moscow and st Petersburg why don't you boast about that. , you cant judge a whole country a few parts in a large city like Lagos which equally or more has very rich areas. Nigeria is digitalised to know the real population but the northern politicians corrupted the system and lied about the population figure so that actually Nigeria is richer than reported because with a lower population then the GDP per capita is lower than reported and I have not counted the informal economy yet.
@@NANA-un1jw You read without understand.
You wrote just with emotion but not understand the core message.
You mentioned Italy, Russia, India Brazil etc.
All these countries have pro poor programs paid by the country. Can you compare the quality of life in above countries to Nigeria?
They all have
Free education
Free health care
Quality utilities
Free benefits.
If Nigeria is rich then Nigeria should pay for some of these to alleviate poverty and extreme poverty which leads to insecurity.
Go to Rwanda and see how a government with GDP of only $10 billion has made health care, education and housing free.
You wallow in poverty and dirt still proud of it.
Didn't you see children who suppose to be in school under the bridge?
Don't you care about those kids health?
Don't you care about their future?
And don't you know those kids under the bridge with no proper care for them are a threat to Nigeria's security?
Corruption in Nigeria is very very massive
From kenya 🇰🇪 feeling sad for this people
Partout c'est le chaos géneralisé .
People sitting in side of the street. Is there begging? I am shocked!!! They are all healthy people I think
I'm sure this is mainland in Lagos but which area?
OmG I have never seen such a humans traffic jam like this 😱I thought India is the biggest humans traffic jam on this earth but this is another level 😁btw why are these people sitting in the middle of the road🥺
Bangladesh is world class human traffic
After seeing the "richest" country in Africa, I'm truly lucky to be Kenyan
🤝Салам Алеикум с Казахстана, всем мира и добра
Nobody is smiling. Everyone looks 😠
4:22 WOLT delivery 😂
I’ve no idea what goes wrong to African nations.20 years ago I learned that Africa is the poorest continent in the world,even at the present looks change nothing back then.
No trees only concrete.
So this is Nigeria
No doubt!
Almost like Sweden.
Right Wing nationalists --- both here in the US and in Western Europe --- are so strange and stupid, they are actually hilarious at the same time! LOL
Anyway, Whites in Europe trying to stop immigrants and refugees flowing in from the Third World is like Native Americans, Australian Aborigines, Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners trying to stop Whites from invading their regions and countries from the 1600s to the mid 1900s. It's a hopeless undertaking.
The fact of the matter is, humans ALWAYS have moved around the earth ever since our earliest ancestors hightailed out of Africa, in successive groups, from 200,000 to 50,000 or so years years ago...
Whites in the US are down to barely 60%; in 20 to 25 years, their number would fall below 50%. In most Western European countries, it'd take a little longer; but by 2100 to 2200, most or all Western Europeans would b quite "brown," with Whites down to less than 50%. IF it takes that long.
Bitch about it, scream, commit suicide over it, erect walls... mistreat new arrivals badly on purpose... doesn't matter. Humans will go wherever they think there's more food, more games, more jobs, more opportunities... 50,000 years ago or today, it makes no difference.
Where large scale and endless migratory movements of the human race are concerned... time is irrelevant, as are cultures, artificial borders, politics, discrimination....
ON THIS VIDEO, though, I must admit I had a headache & my sense of depression shot way up... just watching it for a few moments. Not sure how people could live like that. As someone who's never had kids, I don't understand why people have so many kids, when the environment is as hopeless and unsafe as this and many other places....
I'm sure there's bad and good people here, as they are everywhere... but the chaos, poverty, lack of planning & functional rules & laws, and lack of minimal functional approach to modern life... it's just boggles the mind...
Please when next you are a video of Street Scenes in Lagos, always remember to tell your viewing audiences around the world the name of the Streets or Roads where you are recording that video.
The street name is 419 Nigerian prince , mugu street
So many people around what a hell hole i thought Africa was a rich country. Hope they dont migrate here.
There's always an intersection of *paradise* and *hell* .
This in a country that produces 1/10th of the world's pure oil.
Such horrible conditions exist in oil rich Nigeria? Incredible.
@William Henry this is the SAD REALITY for 200 million Nigerians on a daily basis 😐😐😐
Lagos may as well be another country, the rest of Nigeria isn't great but nowhere this hellish
@2:04 I would love to see the lady dance at the street market a little more
The problem in Nigeria is the Government with corrupt politicians with big pockets in their pants but not honor, respect, empathy , love for their country and brothers and sisters ,very sad and shameful , my respect for the people in Nigeria you deserve better
الفقر داء الشعوب والعلاج عند الاغنياء الذي ليس لبعضهم رحمة بالقلوب اللهم اغننا بحلالك عن حرامك
Truer words were never spoken
so modern city like Dubai Tokyo and New York.
Someday I will visit this place with Nickyezze..
Wow Africa is full of chaos Shocked to see Please tell me who those people are waiting to get food in the middle of the street like this every day right? What are his leaders doing?Thanks to your walking tour for giving me those sights fully support from Thailand 🇹🇭 my friend good luck friend see you 👍
Africa ? you Pattaya 🇨🇷 This is Nigeria not the Whole part of Africa, Afrika is Big Continental with 54 Country inside. if something chaotic happen in some where in Asia it mens the Whole part of Asia.
@@monicahovda5890 Yep, it's part of Nigeria. Thanks for the information, friend. I hope the events in the city will be better. Thank you.
@@monicahovda5890 What country are you from? i will show you your poverty.
The street name is 419 Nigerian prince , mugu street
@@worldformatics ha ha ha ha
Looks like hell in this planet
After watching one minute … im so happy i live in Chicago.
Saludos cordiales desde Nicaragua
Nigeria are just helping them them are from Niger 🇳🇪
May I know why sitting in the middle of the road what about working
Are those people sitting on the sidewalk homeless ? I see a lot of woman and children
They migrated from other parts of Nigeria to come to lagos to hustle, and some are beggars.
Some bring their children from up north to beg.
@@davet9708 Oh wow that’s very sad 😞
@@loveliejoseph6239 corupt government in Nigeria, supported by the Americans and British government, once they do what the British and American want, no problem for them.
@@davet9708 100 % truth they can care less about the people living in poverty and those struggling day to day just to survive meanwhile they are fattening their pockets with money that can benefit the people who desperately needs help.
Está África realmente parou no tempo, passa ano entra ano, e o povo não muda o geito de se vestir, cader a globalização que não consegue se adaptar na África pobre.
Nigeria is rich but the Politicians running the govt.makes the Country poor so Sad that pipol are suffering.
Looks like Bangladesh and Pakistan
Population growth is the main reason behind it !!!!!???? Want to control ??????
May be the rule of having 1 child of China should start applying in Nigeria as of now before things get worse. This kind of life is not the life of having 6-8 kids in one family. Not sure if the every 10-year census of people are matched to the resources available currently. If not, the govt should take action immediately.
Bangkitlah warga nigeria biyar negara anda berkembang lawan pemerintah yg koropsi
Uuuuui how do people live here is there even fresh air to breath aii zii ...too much people even making movements is a struggle
But why there is so many people not doing any thing and so much garbage in some of the areas
Important to state that those beggars aren’t Nigerians.
They are from Niger Republic and Chad.
The ambiguity comes from the fact that the people of Northern Nigeria regard the people of Niger Republic as their brothers and sisters, then it becomes unclear as to "who is who"!
@oti Opondo Arinaitwe
Ghana deported this set of people recently to Niger Republic. If they could be in Ghana in large numbers, then you best believe they are in Nigeria in droves!
Looks like india 🇮🇳 same
Look like vikari Pakistan with kangladesh 😁😁😁
@@pranabsarkar6395 truely said chi india vikari Pakistan and kangladesh and other Asian countries looks like same 😅
Those yellow transport vans and nappep should been taken off the road, blocking roads .
These people in the middle, are they sellers or homeless?
WFT is this post-WW3
They must get a sore bottom sitting on those rocks.
Where the most rugged people are made.
Simpan komentarku sebelum hilang.
The Yoruba government of Lagos doesn't want to do its work,therefore everything and anything goes
Yoruba? Isn't that an ethnic group in Nigeria? So, which ethnic group would bring order to Nigeria?
@@2ksimworld858 Strange to label the government as a "Yoruba" government. It's the policies not the ethnicity that is responsible for what we see.
@@oceejekwam6829 Thanks for clarifying. Don't know much about Nigeria. It would be a shame to have a particular ethnic group become synonimous with incompetency or ills affecting Lagos.
Чого так багато жінок і дітей сидять впродовж дороги під парасольками?що вони роблять?товару в них немає,тож не торгують.таємниця...
Chai! There's an URGENT need for social services in Nigeria!!!!
All these homeless people are Northern muslims. There's a major failure to "govern " in Nigeria. 😢
4:13 orang baik
Result of colonialism of Britain and America. 😰😰
So many years later and you haven't got your act together yet. The colonialists are always the scapegoat in Africa to protect the useless leaders in some countries.
The continent of Africa should have been left alone by colonizers and slave traders☹️☹️
Сказал райсисянец у которого 40 процентов населения получает по 200 баксов в месяц (а скоро и того не будет) а солдаты трусы и стиралки воруют 😄
Let them all go back to their state of origin and hold their governors responsible.
OMG.. now i know why they sacrificed their life and limp to get out of that hellhole.. this is savagery on another level...
reality of islami brotherhood
But why are you mostly focusing on the beggars? Your caption suppose to be [Uncensored street beggars in Lagos]
Why are they all sitting on the road side, government should clear them off the road.
Se eu pudesse um dia iria conhecer lagos sabemos também que a Nigéria é o país más Rico da África e às mulheres nigeriana são Belas.
Beaucoup mes Beaucoup de ces personnes font rien si personnes se bouge pour le bien de touse ses n'apporte quoi croyez pas que ces les autre qui vous aideront 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😠😠😠😠💩💩💩💩💩
Scene dall..... Inferno africano.
Đây là đâu ạ
@@Ffdipedie họ còn nghèo và lạc hậu quá ạ, khả năng ấn độ, vì cái xe ba bánh, ấn độ rất nhiều
de São Miguel Quixeramobim Ceará h
Hell on Earth
👉 Kepada Dua'belas Suku Bangsa Ya'Qub jika masih ada hingga saat ini. Ya'Qub artinya Is'rael.
👉 Kepada Umat Kristen Protestan se'dunia.
👉 Kepada Orang-orang Kedutaan Besar dari Negara Yordania yang di Negara-negara dari Benua Africa.
👉 Kepada Lembaga Al'Qi'Tab Indonesia.
👉 Kepada Seorang Pria bernama Torop Haposan dari Negara Indonesia yang sangat membenci Orang-orang Sau'di A'rabbiah.
👉 Kepada Seorang Pria bernama Ahmed Salman Rushdie.
🌍Bumi ini, bukan milik La'am! Mereka Berbendera🇸🇦 kepada Bendera Negara Sau'di A'rabbiah. Mereka masing-masing ialah bajingan-bajingan dari Racis Roh Setan; Lail'laul'lairriah, Lail'lain'naul'laul and Lail'lain'taul'laul.
Kalimat "An'ta" tidak berlaku kepada Roh Setan. Sebab Roh Setan tidak kelihatan oleh sepasang matamu. An'na adalah Roh Setan berhuruf La yang telah menjadi banyak manusia saat di Taman Eden. Mereka masing-masing keturunanku serta kelahiranku:
An'na'Laul'laib'naib_hu_'ai Roh-roh Pria Sau'di A'rabbiah.
An'na'Laul'laib'naib_hi_'ai Roh-roh Wanita Sau'di A'rabbiah.
An'na'Laul'laib'naib_hu_'ai Roh-roh Pria yang beragama Lais'laam se'dunia.
An'na'Laul'laib'naib_hi_'ai Roh-roh Wanita yang beragama Lais'laam se'dunia.
An'na'Laul'laib'na'lail'laib_hu'wa_'ai Pria-pria Sau'di A'rabbiah.
An'na'Laul'laib'na'lail'laib_hi'wa_'ai Wanita-wanita Sau'di A'rabbiah.
An'na'Laul'laib'na'lail'laib_hi'ya_'ai Wanita-wanita Sau'di A'rabbiah.
An'na'Laul'laib'naib_hu_'ai Roh Pria bernama Osama bin La'den.
Laul' artinya: Zaman Roh Setan, Dunia Roh Setan.
Hu'Wa artinya Seorang Pria.
Hi'Wa artinya Seorang Wanita.
Hi'Ya? .... Wa? ....
Hu artinya Roh Pria.
Hi artinya Roh Wanita.
An' artinya: Permulaan, awal.
Na artinya: Benar, Ya.
An'Na artinya Sa'Ya. => Bahasa Indonesia.
La artinya: Jangan, bukan, tidak, Roh Setan.
il' artinya: Orang, mahkluk manusia.
Ib'na artinya: Keturunan, kelahiran, hidup memperanakkan, hidup diperanakkan.
Ib artinya: Hidup, jelma, datang, muncul.
Lail' artinya: Jangan kepada mahkluk manusia, bukan kepada mahkluk manusia.
Contoh Lail' adalah: Hewan, Pria-pria yang beragama Lais'laam se'dunia beserta Pria-pria Sau'di A'rabbiah, Wanita-wanita yang beragama Lais'laam se'dunia beserta Wanita-wanita Sau'di A'rabbiah, Patung Hewan, Patung Ular Naga 🐲, Patung Yesus, Patung Bunda Ma'ria, Patung Buddha, Patung Raja Sigale-gale di Toba Samosir yaitu di Negara Indonesia, tengkorak-tengkorak manusia yang berasal dari Orang-orang yang beragama Lais'laam se'dunia, tengkorak-tengkorak manusia yang berasal dari Orang-orang Sau'di A'rabbiah, Roh Setan, bangunan berhala' 🕋Batu Qabbah di Negara Sau'di A'rabbiah; dan lain-lainnya oleh buatan tangan-tangan manusia di permukaan bumi ini.
La'am artinya Wahyu Roh Setan.
Al'lah artinya maha atas Roh-roh Setan.
Lah adalah Roh-roh Setan pada tiap-tiap individu di dalam Orang-orang yang beragama Lais'laam se'dunia beserta Orang-orang Sau'di A'rabbiah.
La'ar La'ah.
Umat Gereja-gereja Kristen Protestan se'dunia diizinkan untuk membunuh Orang-orang Sau'di A'rabbiah, membunuh "Orang-orang yang beragama Lais'laam se'dunia", membakar Al'Qi'Tab Bahasa Indonesia, membakar Bendera Negara Sau'di A'rabbiah, meruntuhkan bangunan berhala' Batu Qabbah, meledakkan Gedung Istana Kerajaan Sau'di A'rabbiah. Jesus Christ Of God tidak mengenal Al'lah dan tidak mengenal il'la. Bangsa Sau'di A'rabbiah telah mendidik Kalian untuk menjadi Orang-orang Jahat dan Atheist.
Voe vie vous vivie comme cela ses ding je ne comprends pas le noir par fois aucun activité rien pas de feu de circulation zéro
pobre gente.
occident vous etes riches maintenant.la recolonisation ne vous interesse pas .
इस देश में कोई भी देश के इंसान का रहना मुश्किल में पड़ सकता है जो बंदरो की तरह घमंडी हो🤣🤣🤣🤣
The same problem in most of India
26 Praise the Lord 86
שלום אדון עולם | Shalom Adon Olam🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Sorry I will not be subscribing or supporting your channel. I have lived in North America for many years, and I know what they think about Africa. This narrative is BS. Cuz you are doing exactly what they think about us.
You're ashamed to see the true depiction of Nigeria. You want people to keep showing those big houses corrupt politicians and drug dealers live in. When Nigerians start facing the reality, that's when our country will be free.
C'est totalement incroyable ce désordre qui est suicidaire, qui est mortel !!!!!!!
Welcome to hell....
Very horrible and a big shame.