Do you know how many microns of clear did you remove with these 2 steps? Im not sure with heavy compounds. You need some clear for some demage repairs in the future and polishing many years, many times for glossy paint with fine polishes. In my opinion heavy compounds are for old car that will be waxed garage queen. U do it only once and will not demage paint again. Or after repaint to remove orangepeel and some painting defects.
It's very difficult to remove microns when polishing, that's just a myth, I tested it with a coating meter and after polishing the same spot several times, nothing happened.
@Amddetailing I tried remove one very deep scratch to max. I remove all clear on one mini spot. Not so dificult 😀. I think that factory clearcoat is about 50 microns on many cars. Have you measure coating before and after correction with ewocar heavy ,mirka wool and 21mm machine?
Hello AMD! Let me start off by saying I love your work and content. Subscribed and like all the videos. Maybe you can help me. I have a 2004 Mercedes Benz GL 450 that is black and the paint is completely trashed. Swirls everywhere and holograms from someone's previous poor polishing job. I watched your video with the Audi A6 where you used 2 foam pads and heavy cut, medium cut and polishing compound to perfect the piano black. Here on the Audi q7 you use wool pad and foam padbpolish. Which one do you recommend would be the best in the Benz ?
Thank you, first of all, and it all depends on the condition of the coating, loss of hardness of the coating, etc. The best way is to try it on a small part and see which method suits you (my recommendation is to start with wool)
@@Amddetailing okay. Sounds good. I'll do 2 sections on a panel and see which one has better results. I'll try the DA with a foam pad. Heavy cut, medium and ultra fine. And on the second section I'll try a rotory wool pad and finish with a DA fine Polish and pad.
Stavi linkove navedenih artikala koje koristis, uzimaj proviziju na svaki klik i dodatno na kupljeno, ne mora biti nase trziste, amazon americki i to je dovoljno. Inace svaka cast na radu
@@Amddetailingmogu ti poslat par affiliate linkova vezano za produkte koje koristis na insta, pa procitaj i povezi se sa njima da ti daju linkove (za US i UK), naravno uvijek gledaj i ostale gdje ima pogodne al ovo cisto da se ubacis u taj affiliate
Majstore sve pohvale za rad ,po znanju sam vrh na ovim prostorima! Koliko krpa otprilike koristis u cut fazi ? Na tvrdom laku posle vune da li je obavezan mikrofiber da izvuce eventualne tragove iste i da se finisira sa mekanim sundjerom da sve bude kako treba
Pozdrav,zavisi sve kakav je cut bio oko 2 krpe,i to sa cime ces raditi poslije vune isto zavisi od toga sta si sa vunom iradio i koliko si tragova ostao moze tako u 70% slucajeva
Cao, menzerna 400 mikrofiber 2500 srednji sundjer 3800 finish sumdjer medjutim hologrami su i dalje tu koji su nastali od mikrofibera. BMW piano black boja. Mislim da je pasta premasna
@@Amddetailing Hvala na odgovoru. Radio sam kako ste napisali ali sa etil alkoholom 70 posto,menzerna je malo masnija pasta, ocigledno da treba da probam sa nekim eraserom, removerom itd. SVAKO DOBRO
Awesome result 👍🏻 And great video as always..!
Tnx my friend
I love you DETAILING👀❤❤❤
Tnx bro
Thanks for video
Moja prva pasta ewocar i sjajno,danas isprobao ovu kombinaciju, savrseno ispalo i to prvo poliranje u zivotu.
Uzivaj u poslu😉
Great video and awesome work 🤩💪my friend
Tnx my friend 😉😉😉😉
thank u for sharing information
Pozdrav mogu li isto raditi i sa ewocar vunom za roto masinu, th mogu li je koristiti na da masini?
Do you know how many microns of clear did you remove with these 2 steps?
Im not sure with heavy compounds. You need some clear for some demage repairs in the future and polishing many years, many times for glossy paint with fine polishes.
In my opinion heavy compounds are for old car that will be waxed garage queen. U do it only once and will not demage paint again.
Or after repaint to remove orangepeel and some painting defects.
It's very difficult to remove microns when polishing, that's just a myth, I tested it with a coating meter and after polishing the same spot several times, nothing happened.
@Amddetailing I tried remove one very deep scratch to max. I remove all clear on one mini spot. Not so dificult 😀.
I think that factory clearcoat is about 50 microns on many cars.
Have you measure coating before and after correction with ewocar heavy ,mirka wool and 21mm machine?
Sjajno,vrhunski rezultat. Daj reci kako cistis padove...
Cetkom Rupes jer sam kompresor izbacio
Izbacio kompresor? Ok. Nego,mogu li se neke stvari naruciti preko tebe?
@@prika58 ne mogu ima as_detailing ih Mostara i kod njega uzimas
@@Amddetailing ok,thanks. Ako tebi nesto treba iz Zg,reci pa ti posaljem.
@@prika58 hvala prijatelju
Svaka čast kolega! Ogledalo 👍
Hvala prijatelju
Hello AMD! Let me start off by saying I love your work and content. Subscribed and like all the videos. Maybe you can help me. I have a 2004 Mercedes Benz GL 450 that is black and the paint is completely trashed. Swirls everywhere and holograms from someone's previous poor polishing job. I watched your video with the Audi A6 where you used 2 foam pads and heavy cut, medium cut and polishing compound to perfect the piano black. Here on the Audi q7 you use wool pad and foam padbpolish. Which one do you recommend would be the best in the Benz ?
Thank you, first of all, and it all depends on the condition of the coating, loss of hardness of the coating, etc.
The best way is to try it on a small part and see which method suits you (my recommendation is to start with wool)
@@Amddetailing okay. Sounds good. I'll do 2 sections on a panel and see which one has better results. I'll try the DA with a foam pad. Heavy cut, medium and ultra fine. And on the second section I'll try a rotory wool pad and finish with a DA fine Polish and pad.
Stavi linkove navedenih artikala koje koristis, uzimaj proviziju na svaki klik i dodatno na kupljeno, ne mora biti nase trziste, amazon americki i to je dovoljno. Inace svaka cast na radu
Hvala prijatelju na savjetu
@@Amddetailingmogu ti poslat par affiliate linkova vezano za produkte koje koristis na insta, pa procitaj i povezi se sa njima da ti daju linkove (za US i UK), naravno uvijek gledaj i ostale gdje ima pogodne al ovo cisto da se ubacis u taj affiliate
Great video as always 👌 this inspection light in hand its yato? If so which model ? Mamy thx
I'm in USA where can I buy polish great video
Contact official page
Majstore sve pohvale za rad ,po znanju sam vrh na ovim prostorima! Koliko krpa otprilike koristis u cut fazi ? Na tvrdom laku posle vune da li je obavezan mikrofiber da izvuce eventualne tragove iste i da se finisira sa mekanim sundjerom da sve bude kako treba
Pozdrav,zavisi sve kakav je cut bio oko 2 krpe,i to sa cime ces raditi poslije vune isto zavisi od toga sta si sa vunom iradio i koliko si tragova ostao moze tako u 70% slucajeva
Prvi lajk'o! Imam li poliranje hedije? 😂
Svaka cast moze samo tacan naziv mirka pokusavam je naci lp
Mirka Vuna to je naziv,ako si iz Bosne imas u as_detailing(mostar) vunu za kupiti.
Pogledaj profil na Pik-u.
@@Amddetailing Hvala ti zivio
Skodi li DA masini rad sa vunom bez otvora na sredini
Skodi vuni masini ne
Ok, hvala.Jel se moze to češće praktikovati ?
Cao, menzerna 400 mikrofiber 2500 srednji sundjer 3800 finish sumdjer medjutim hologrami su i dalje tu koji su nastali od mikrofibera. BMW piano black boja. Mislim da je pasta premasna
Odmasti svaku pastu i svaki korak pa nece ostati nista
@@Amddetailing Hvala na odgovoru. Radio sam kako ste napisali ali sa etil alkoholom 70 posto,menzerna je malo masnija pasta, ocigledno da treba da probam sa nekim eraserom, removerom itd. SVAKO DOBRO
i practice in my teen years this move ... lol
Привет мой друг. Скажи, можно ли попросить прислать мне на тест пасту? Буду очень рад. Конечно за деньги😉
Do have any requirements for detailing person i am interested to do job with you. I am from india🇮🇳