This has literally been known since she first became famous. She spoke on how she suppresses her ticks in interviews and then ticks during off camera moments and whenever she can.
My son has Tourette Syndrome, with ticks much like Billie Eilish. He’s had them since he was six (he’s twenty-one now). He was bullied occasionally, but his teachers and school administrators made a point of explaining the syndrome to his classmates. The majority of his schoolmates were not only understanding and kind about it, they were very defensive if anyone made fun of him. Good on Billie for bringing Tourette to the fore.
She talked about it before, the title made it sound like she never talked about it, I admire her so much. But I think this is the first time she was more candid about it
I have Tourette Syndrome as well and was diagnosed at 6 years old. It's incredibly empowering to see people like Billie bring awareness to this neurological condition, and how she didn't let it dictate her life. She's a true success story and given the massive stigma and utterly harmful representations of this disorder in entertainment and on social media in the past, it's time that _true_ awareness is spread about Tourrette and its impact on the lives of those living with it.
It IS TOURETTE! No S! It's Not I had flus or colds or I have a headaches. The S comes from the word Syndrome & people people mispronounce the name Tourette!
She is a young woman that said once 'give an ugly guy a chance he think he runs the world' And i would replay to her: give a depressed girl a mic and aoutotune and she think she is a singer (Sorry for bad english)
My partner has tourette syndrome, and as far as the ticks and random mimicks, it's honestly something people should learn as these people that have it can't control it, to all those that have much love toward y'all
I think Billie has revealed in the past that she has Tourette’s and deals with having ticks. But I’m glad that she’s bringing attention to this disease. Hope she is happy otherwise because health is very precious ❤️
@@vulcov7430 they aren’t weird habits.. idk about you but she actually has Tourette’s syndrome, it’s not something you can just control and get rid of, I think she would’ve already done that if she could.
@@isabellaantopia Yeah Tourette's syndrome is not controllable but she doesnt have Tourette's..... notice how all people with Tourette's have a certain set of phonic tic's and motor tic's? but she does just random stuff and never has the same tic lol she is just full of it....
she’s been open about her tics and tourette’s for years. she talked about it on the ellen show in i believe 2019 and then in her documentary last year as well
She’s so brave talking about this. You don’t need noticeable symptoms to be diagnosed with something. I’m diagnosed with a learning disability because I have symptoms of loads, and yet people still think I’m lying when being diagnosed with a learning disability just means there’s way too many. I really feel grateful for her talking about this as you don’t need noticeable symptoms to have these things. A note to those screw if people thing you’re lying or not only you, some family and the doctors know you aren’t ☺️☺️☺️
As someone with Mild Tourette's Syndrome with tics like hers I'm really glad she's brought awareness to it cause I remember being bullied in school for it and being embarrassed for having it and hopefully she can help change the stigma of it 💙
@@toastarkat the thing she has to flex her muscle and on both sides.. She has to open and stretch her mouth several times. It's repetitive behaviors that she can avoid, but she thinks about doin it so she does it or she can't get stress relief. Tourrettes is someone having spasms. Not someone who need to flex their muscles and open their mouth wide to stretch
She has talked about it for years. Any fan of hers knows she has tics. I think it’s great she is leading the way for other people with the condition to feel more accepted.
I have Tourette and I can understand her struggle 😢 I hope that we start to spread awareness about it so that way people who do have it don’t feel as embarrassed.
In middle school, my friend had Tourette’s and would swear uncontrollably and make tic noises loudly. I understood him, but this lunch lady was super rude to him and confronted him and said to “stop making those funny noises”. He was on the verge of tears, but he held himself back, while we defended him and told that lady his situation. - People need to be educated on how to interact with people with disorders…
I have tourette syndrome and i really don't understand why people online want to have it so bad, im guessing for attention but a lot of people struggle because of it and its really not something to just self diagnose yourself with.
She spoke about that a couple of years ago. That's one of the reasons why I like her because she doesn't let anything especially Tourettes stop her from straight up being AWESOME! The other is her magnificent character and great talents. KEEP DOING IT!!! YOU'RE INSPIRING SO MANY!
I’m so happy I can relate to somebody so big, also am very happy she can bring awareness because my awkward ass is tired of explaining my tics! Especially at work when I’m just trying to make a living and not be stared or laughed at.
I never knew she had tic’s it’s sad for anyone who has it it also makes me really mad how people fake things like tic’s just to be popular and then no one believes the people who actually have it
@@Trd2020 A lot of people do lie about these things, as ridiculous as it sounds. It’s become especially common among teens and young adults over tik tok. They’re either looking for ways to earn sympathy or because they they just think it’s “quirky”, so disrespectful considering the people who have to suffer through certain conditions on the daily.
I'm autistic and I stim a lot. What I found most surprising is that I never realized how much I needed to stim until I became more open about my diagnosis. Stimming can be similar to tics, so I understand how much of a mental challenge it is to mask that. The fact that Billie has been masking her tics whenever she's in the public eye or performing at a concert must have been a hard mental struggle. So glad she's opening up about while she's still young. And so releieved to see how comfortable she is opening up about it. Welcome to the neurodivergent family Billie!
She’s talked about it before. I love how open and honest she’s been about it. Also happy she brings awareness and keeps the names of those who opened up about it to herself.
We need to ban violent video games like Grand Thief Automobile, rap music by Eminem and Young Thug who is actually in jail right now, movies and shows like Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad!
I did the mouth thing and the eye thing for years! I'd get in so much trouble for it but mine was (and still is at times) from my ocd. It's so weird how different disorders can cross over.
I don't have Tourette's but disorders do cross over because I have facial expressions I cannot control. People point them out from time to time, and it is awkward, for decades I did not understand what that was about. I got diagnosed with autism as an older adult so I guess those things can be related, too.
My partner has it, and we keep it light hearted and fun so he doesn't feel embarrassed or like it upsets me or anything. The second date we had, he said "I'm glad you kissed me in between my tic attacks". He passed out in my arms from a breathing tic a few times, and had an attack to bad his dad had to drive me home. All that before we made it official, lol. Doesn't bother me, I handle it just fine and take care of him.
Ive had touretts sydrome sence 2015, and its really cool how a figure in society brings awareness to this. I have very similar facial tics to her and when I hear how other people react to them, its very similar to the people and how they react.
You can’t get “highly offended” if someone laughs or asks what your looking at if people don’t know you have these ticks. It’d be different if people KNEW and still laughed.
@@davidkahler1311 At least she actually writes her own songs and sings with her natural voice and doesn't follow pop music trends just for the profit of her label, unlike many top 40 artists.
@@nomnomnommy2955 yessir. I have tics and she almost very obviously is faking. Sure I have mild tourrettes but it's not as easy to supress them during long periods of time like she claims for interviews.
@@mr.mangaming that’s not entirely true. I’ve been able to suppress for a long time. Sure, I’ll get a tiny bit of a tic out but it’s not really noticeable. I would consider my Tourette’s to be moderate, and sometimes even severe, and some people still get surprised when I say I have Tourette’s. *Now that being said*, someone could still fake tics and have it seem real. We’d never know unless a doctor says it or they go to something like an event or fun camp or something that would require someone to be treated for or have a diagnosis of Tourette’s (like camp twitch and shout). Also, keep in mind that full blown Tourette Syndrome is not just tics. It comes with a ton of impulsivity and erratic behavior. You can have barely any tics or have just a couple and still be diagnosed if you fit the rest.
@@anthonyperez2467 I didnt say it all had to be like mine, or that she was 100% faking. Just that it's hard to believe somebody could supress them for that long.
“I’m not like other girls, I know that billie eilish has tics” No one believed her, but they found out the hard way from UA-cam reply’s and Reddit comments.
@@yeanogaming1193 They’re a pick me pretending to not be a pick me while simultaneously trying to make fun of other people as if they’re pick me’s for knowing this isn’t breaking news or a ‘stunning reveal’ lmfao how is it not relevant to say it’s not new news?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@Batman_21-jc Why do girls keep calling each other "pick me's"? Everyone has a different personality and there's nothing wrong with that. There's no need to be catty.
She says if she has a tic while having a conversation with someone they'll ask "what's wrong?" But then she says ticking is something you'll never notice when having a conversation with me... so why would someone ask whats wrong? The contradiction is just so obvious 😒
Ppl bringing awareness of tourettes on tiktok has become big! I've learned a bit from it. Like the fact that tics can be painful. It's a well known disease but not many know what its like. Glad she's opening up about it 👍
I- how did people not know this? She has been talking about it for years! This just proves people only listen to what they want to, not what actually matters.
We only want to listen to her music you can't force us and if we don't want to listen to what actually matters then we won't you can't FORCE US SO SHUT UP.
as someone who has been on tic watch and is suspecting that have mild Tourettes (I'm doing lots of head twitching and idk why yet) it brings me happiness to see someone who I admire that has Tourettes
@@person86422 it's not nerve damage dude. it's a neurological condition that misfires signals from the prefrontal cortex of the brain to the central nervous system. your uneducated ass is looking real embarrassing rn💀
Interesting she often still makes fun of others and passes judgment so often. She is a little girl with too big of a voice. She should sing and when she's done she would be better off just shutting up. I hope she does not off herself when she's 27, but I would not be surprised.
“I hope she doesn’t off herself when she’s 27” Wtf is wrong with you? There’s something seriously wrong with you to hate this girl so much for existing lol
I relate to Billie A LOT in this, I too, have mild Tourette syndrome. I have multiple tics that you wouldn’t really be able to notice if you weren’t thinking about them. Sometimes they’re worse and more frequent, and sometimes they rarely happen. Just depends what situation I’m in. I was also diagnosed at a very young age and it took me a long time to accept it. But now I embrace it and see Tourette’s as a quality that makes me unique.
She's bloody scrumptious! An exotic delicacy worth riotously devouring 24/7/365 days. A drop shall not be wasted as such a grievous act would be an unforgivable crime against nature.
@@indiesunflowers This person is commenting on the fact that just because she has a disability, that doesn't mean it holds her back. she has a very mild case, but I know people that cannot drive or cook because of their Tourette's.
Wouldn't have known that. I remember a man who shopped at the same grocery store I did had tourettes syndrome. He would just unexpectedly, suddenly shout cursewords while he was walking and immediately become normal again. Oddest thing I ever saw.
@@lapislazuli06 that means she is bringing it up. Forcing him to ask. He wasn't organically interested. Nobody is. She sucks and she's only diagnosing herself for clout. Wake up smoggy
I definitely had a mild form of tourettes when I was young about 7 years old. There were several ticks I remember doing pretty much all the time. I was never diagnosed and thankfully outgrew it. I had a pretty traumatic childhood and I have a strong feeling that had something to do with the onset of it.
This has literally been known since she first became famous. She spoke on how she suppresses her ticks in interviews and then ticks during off camera moments and whenever she can.
Inside Edition needs to stop using internet explorer
Not everyone is obsessed with her to know everything. Some people just like her music and may not get all into her personal life.
She had it all this time
Never new she had Tourettes and I still don't think she does
Yeah for everyone's information, she did not just now reveal this, she has acknowledged it numerous times in the past
Yeah I remember the first time she said this
Yeah but that title wouldn't get as much views lol
Lies but ohhkK
@@centeguahan3760 not lies, people legit already knew about this
@@centeguahan3760 she has but okkkk
My son has Tourette Syndrome, with ticks much like Billie Eilish. He’s had them since he was six (he’s twenty-one now). He was bullied occasionally, but his teachers and school administrators made a point of explaining the syndrome to his classmates. The majority of his schoolmates were not only understanding and kind about it, they were very defensive if anyone made fun of him. Good on Billie for bringing Tourette to the fore.
Everything is normal.
I wish your family best of health
That school should be sued😠
@@eifleefjn8002 what
@@eifleefjn8002 why?
She talked about it before, the title made it sound like she never talked about it, I admire her so much. But I think this is the first time she was more candid about it
Ohhhh Candid fancy word
I honestly had never heard that she has Tourette’s.
She made it seem like that herself but I’ve seen/read several interviews where she has. She must’ve forgot.
I didn't kno. Im not a fanboy tho
No... she said.. she never talked about it before!. Her own words!! So Keep on keeping your savior safe from her own words!
I have Tourette Syndrome as well and was diagnosed at 6 years old. It's incredibly empowering to see people like Billie bring awareness to this neurological condition, and how she didn't let it dictate her life. She's a true success story and given the massive stigma and utterly harmful representations of this disorder in entertainment and on social media in the past, it's time that _true_ awareness is spread about Tourrette and its impact on the lives of those living with it.
No, not really.
It's Not I had flus or colds or I have a headaches.
The S comes from the word Syndrome & people people mispronounce the name Tourette!
Same I have it too and I think people should talk about this more and I am glad she did.
Why not space
Give an ugly guy a chance, he thinks he rules the world, give a depressed emo girl autotune, she thinks she can sing
im glad shes talking about that and opening up..this can help others passing through the same thing!!i love billie
Except for “ugly guys” according to her. To hell with her.
I am glad that she brings positive awareness to this syndrome. I think it help people be understanding and empathy when they see others with ticks.
She is a young woman that said once 'give an ugly guy a chance he think he runs the world'
And i would replay to her: give a depressed girl a mic and aoutotune and she think she is a singer
(Sorry for bad english)
@@zakeorca3157 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@zakeorca3157 W comment
@@zakeorca3157 copied
My partner has tourette syndrome, and as far as the ticks and random mimicks, it's honestly something people should learn as these people that have it can't control it, to all those that have much love toward y'all
@@NAT-turners-Revenge why would u even ask that
@@NAT-turners-Revenge I’m sure it happens 😂
@@NAT-turners-Revenge Tourette's is not the same of bipolar or sometgimg
@@NAT-turners-Revenge why would u ask a complete stranger is their partner slaps them, like it’s kinda weird ngl
@@NAT-turners-Revenge has yours ever slapped you?
I think Billie has revealed in the past that she has Tourette’s and deals with having ticks. But I’m glad that she’s bringing attention to this disease. Hope she is happy otherwise because health is very precious ❤️
Thats not really Tourette's... Just weird habits. Did the same thing when i was a kid and just learned to stop and out grew it.
tourette's isn't a disease lolol
@@vulcov7430 they aren’t weird habits.. idk about you but she actually has Tourette’s syndrome, it’s not something you can just control and get rid of, I think she would’ve already done that if she could.
@@isabellaantopia Yeah Tourette's syndrome is not controllable but she doesnt have Tourette's..... notice how all people with Tourette's have a certain set of phonic tic's and motor tic's? but she does just random stuff and never has the same tic lol she is just full of it....
that's not Tourette syndrome. People who have it have no control at all. She is faking this for publicity.
She is bringing attention to the discriminations against Ticks, which is NEEDED. Thank You for this, she is brave that's for sure!
So brave LMAO
This isn't brave, nothing against Billie of course.
Lmao yeah because people with this syndrome has never done this before
This kid
@troll-man it's not that it's something different
she’s been open about her tics and tourette’s for years. she talked about it on the ellen show in i believe 2019 and then in her documentary last year as well
She’s a clown lmfao
Yea that’s why I don’t get why she said she’s never talked about it before. I’ve seen/read several interviews where she has. She must’ve forgot.
Yes, I felt that I knew this already.
@@Coco_Loco95 she probably means she’s never been so candid about it before
She’s so brave talking about this. You don’t need noticeable symptoms to be diagnosed with something. I’m diagnosed with a learning disability because I have symptoms of loads, and yet people still think I’m lying when being diagnosed with a learning disability just means there’s way too many. I really feel grateful for her talking about this as you don’t need noticeable symptoms to have these things. A note to those screw if people thing you’re lying or not only you, some family and the doctors know you aren’t ☺️☺️☺️
Wow I said she was brave too. But as a joke.
As someone with Mild Tourette's Syndrome with tics like hers I'm really glad she's brought awareness to it cause I remember being bullied in school for it and being embarrassed for having it and hopefully she can help change the stigma of it 💙
Same I am glad she talked about it not many people do.
Lies again? Text Sms El Tornado
It's OCD yeah. They obviously just diagnose people with stuff that doesn't fit half of the time.
@@droo3010 How tf does that sound like OCD to you...
@@toastarkat the thing she has to flex her muscle and on both sides.. She has to open and stretch her mouth several times. It's repetitive behaviors that she can avoid, but she thinks about doin it so she does it or she can't get stress relief. Tourrettes is someone having spasms. Not someone who need to flex their muscles and open their mouth wide to stretch
She has talked about it for years. Any fan of hers knows she has tics. I think it’s great she is leading the way for other people with the condition to feel more accepted.
I have Tourette and I can understand her struggle 😢 I hope that we start to spread awareness about it so that way people who do have it don’t feel as embarrassed.
Oh wow. I never knew this about her. Glad she’s opening up and spreading awareness to those who have this diagnosis as well❤️❤️
I hate that everyone is saying; “this isn’t new, she’s opened up about it before” but clearly not everybody knows that she did.
In middle school, my friend had Tourette’s and would swear uncontrollably and make tic noises loudly. I understood him, but this lunch lady was super rude to him and confronted him and said to “stop making those funny noises”. He was on the verge of tears, but he held himself back, while we defended him and told that lady his situation.
People need to be educated on how to interact with people with disorders…
I have tourette syndrome and i really don't understand why people online want to have it so bad, im guessing for attention but a lot of people struggle because of it and its really not something to just self diagnose yourself with.
She has been open about her tourettes for years. She's had ticks in other interviews too
She spoke about that a couple of years ago.
That's one of the reasons why I like her because she doesn't let anything especially Tourettes stop her from straight up being AWESOME!
The other is her magnificent character and great talents.
She’s still a hypocrite
Thank you for shining a light! My little one has ticks and some days it exhausts him.
I’m so happy I can relate to somebody so big, also am very happy she can bring awareness because my awkward ass is tired of explaining my tics! Especially at work when I’m just trying to make a living and not be stared or laughed at.
I never knew she had tic’s it’s sad for anyone who has it it also makes me really mad how people fake things like tic’s just to be popular and then no one believes the people who actually have it
When talking about tourette's syndrome you spell it "tics"
Why would anyone lie? I have the tics since I was a child. It sucks and embarrassing
@@Trd2020 A lot of people do lie about these things, as ridiculous as it sounds. It’s become especially common among teens and young adults over tik tok. They’re either looking for ways to earn sympathy or because they they just think it’s “quirky”, so disrespectful considering the people who have to suffer through certain conditions on the daily.
@@Trd2020 did you have dyslexia to?
Im so sick of the haters in the comments.
I'm autistic and I stim a lot. What I found most surprising is that I never realized how much I needed to stim until I became more open about my diagnosis.
Stimming can be similar to tics, so I understand how much of a mental challenge it is to mask that.
The fact that Billie has been masking her tics whenever she's in the public eye or performing at a concert must have been a hard mental struggle. So glad she's opening up about while she's still young. And so releieved to see how comfortable she is opening up about it.
Welcome to the neurodivergent family Billie!
She’s talked about it before. I love how open and honest she’s been about it. Also happy she brings awareness and keeps the names of those who opened up about it to herself.
right at the border ya (thats where no sense was made) by uWuU
rip to all those beautiful kids at Robb elementary
Just heard about it on the bus rip
We need to ban violent video games like Grand Thief Automobile, rap music by Eminem and Young Thug who is actually in jail right now, movies and shows like Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad!
@@swallowedinthesea11 What?
@JJbands I like killua
I did the mouth thing and the eye thing for years! I'd get in so much trouble for it but mine was (and still is at times) from my ocd. It's so weird how different disorders can cross over.
Sorry to ask ,did ocd can make you have a tourette? I didn't know about this before..
@lollypooh3383 I don’t think OCD gives TOURETTE because I have OCD and I don’t have TOURETTE from it.
@@lollypooh3383you can have tics and it NOT be Tourette’s.. sometimes it’s anxiety tics, or OCD tics.. it really just depends on the person
I don't have Tourette's but disorders do cross over because I have facial expressions I cannot control. People point them out from time to time, and it is awkward, for decades I did not understand what that was about. I got diagnosed with autism as an older adult so I guess those things can be related, too.
Its nice to see her talking about this again! ♡
She’s done an incredible job within her teenage years and she continues to strive forward. So proud of you Billie:))
Kudos to her for bringing awareness to a serious issue. Mental health is so overlooked these days
Lol no it's not. If anything it's blown up to the point people make it their whole identity.
@@nineteen96 Fax
That’s not mental health or something.
It’s not depression. It’s something else u can’t control but can be suppressed.
@@nineteen96 Besides the insane liberals lol
Bro mental health? Lmao
My partner has it, and we keep it light hearted and fun so he doesn't feel embarrassed or like it upsets me or anything. The second date we had, he said "I'm glad you kissed me in between my tic attacks". He passed out in my arms from a breathing tic a few times, and had an attack to bad his dad had to drive me home. All that before we made it official, lol. Doesn't bother me, I handle it just fine and take care of him.
I’m glad she’s bringing awareness to this.
I've known that for 3 years this isn't the first time she's said this...
Ive had touretts sydrome sence 2015, and its really cool how a figure in society brings awareness to this. I have very similar facial tics to her and when I hear how other people react to them, its very similar to the people and how they react.
You can’t get “highly offended” if someone laughs or asks what your looking at if people don’t know you have these ticks. It’d be different if people KNEW and still laughed.
as someone with Tourette's, it still hurts when people laugh at you condition
You can get offended, but you can’t be mad at them bc they didn’t know.
@@curiouscreature3305 the point is, they don’t even know you have this medical condition.
You should never laugh at people. You never know what's really going on.
We’ve known about it for a couple years. But nice to see she is openly talking about it guessed .
Y’all people, this ain’t a “stunning revelation”
She’s been open about for like years now…
she’s so talented!!😫😫
You think she is talented? BAHAHAHAHA
@@davidkahler1311 At least she actually writes her own songs and sings with her natural voice and doesn't follow pop music trends just for the profit of her label, unlike many top 40 artists.
@@davidkahler1311 I saw her live and she's talented
Keep searching boys, we’ve got to find who tf asked.
And suddenly, there began a rise in self diagnosed Tourette Syndrome amongst young females aged between 9-17
like thats her fault???
That isn’t her fault.
@@kittaylor5515 Never said it was…
As someone who has Tourette’s, this completely surprises me. I’m very inspired by her confidence in it
Don’t you think they look fake ?
@@nomnomnommy2955 yessir. I have tics and she almost very obviously is faking. Sure I have mild tourrettes but it's not as easy to supress them during long periods of time like she claims for interviews.
@@mr.mangaming ah yes bcuz everyones expericence has to be like yours for it to be real lol
@@mr.mangaming that’s not entirely true. I’ve been able to suppress for a long time. Sure, I’ll get a tiny bit of a tic out but it’s not really noticeable. I would consider my Tourette’s to be moderate, and sometimes even severe, and some people still get surprised when I say I have Tourette’s. *Now that being said*, someone could still fake tics and have it seem real. We’d never know unless a doctor says it or they go to something like an event or fun camp or something that would require someone to be treated for or have a diagnosis of Tourette’s (like camp twitch and shout).
Also, keep in mind that full blown Tourette Syndrome is not just tics. It comes with a ton of impulsivity and erratic behavior. You can have barely any tics or have just a couple and still be diagnosed if you fit the rest.
@@anthonyperez2467 I didnt say it all had to be like mine, or that she was 100% faking. Just that it's hard to believe somebody could supress them for that long.
No secret , but I love how she’s bringing awareness to this as I also have it since I was 5 💙
Nine 9 Hi5
Why is this categorized as a "stunning revelation" 💀
“I’m not like other girls, I know that billie eilish has tics”
No one believed her, but they found out the hard way from UA-cam reply’s and Reddit comments.
shes been open about it for years
@@yeanogaming1193 They’re a pick me pretending to not be a pick me while simultaneously trying to make fun of other people as if they’re pick me’s for knowing this isn’t breaking news or a ‘stunning reveal’ lmfao how is it not relevant to say it’s not new news?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@Batman_21-jc Why do girls keep calling each other "pick me's"?
Everyone has a different personality and there's nothing wrong with that. There's no need to be catty.
@@yeanogaming1193 and then she completely edited her comment 🤣🤣
@@Batman_21-jc we get it, you appeal to men
imma tell you something rn.....we don't care, we don't care
I wouldn't really call this a "reveal" since she literally spoke about it YEARS ago 🤦🏾♀️
She says if she has a tic while having a conversation with someone they'll ask "what's wrong?" But then she says ticking is something you'll never notice when having a conversation with me... so why would someone ask whats wrong? The contradiction is just so obvious 😒
Obvious how? She was just saying that she has gotten good at making her tics.
I had a neighbor girl that has this. I have seen people call it fake. It is very real.
wow, i didn't even know she had tourrettes. i'm glad she was able to open up about it.💕
She and a bunch of other celebrities claim they do.....but they don't. It's just good for attention.
so celebrities cannot be disabled? it's impossible for a celebrity to be disabled?
Thats really amazing of you bellie,its good to open up to your funs lots of love from🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲
It’s ok. She's a sweet young lady. I Won't judge. It could happen to anyone of us. Lovs for Bellie ❤️
Why would you even judge someone based on something that they can not control.
@@tehcupcakes6868 💯 you took the words out of my mouth 🤣
What do you mean “it’s ok”?? 😂😂😂
Ya, she's so sweet. Putting down "ugly" men
@@tehcupcakes6868 They only won’t judge because this person is on a pedestal in their life. People need to stop the celebrity worship. It’s annoying.
This isn't a new thing.... But also Love Billie!
💜💜💜 It’s been known she has this but good she explains it to bring awareness to it
As someone with Tourette’s I’m glad that she speaking about this even Though it’s been known that she’s had it for about over four years now
Yes I guess this is the media wanting more coverage on Billie
I adore her and am so proud of her courage to speak on this. It helps break the stigma
I'm glad she's open about this ❤
It’s not a reveal she has said this for years now lol but I’m glad everyone else knows now 👏🏽💯
It was obvious but I’m glad she’s comfortable enough to talk about it 👏🏻
Ppl bringing awareness of tourettes on tiktok has become big! I've learned a bit from it. Like the fact that tics can be painful. It's a well known disease but not many know what its like. Glad she's opening up about it 👍
"When the going gets tough, the tough get
going”. Keep your head up and chase that bag 💰! You got this I promise ❤️🔥🤞🏽
@@nisamsubair4062 🙌🏽🤝🏽
I- how did people not know this? She has been talking about it for years! This just proves people only listen to what they want to, not what actually matters.
We only want to listen to her music you can't force us and if we don't want to listen to what actually matters then we won't you can't FORCE US SO SHUT UP.
I have ticks as well and it’s honestly embarrassing when you have the urge to tick in public and can’t stop yourself.
I have TS too.
Me too
Whenever I want some attention, suddenly I have it too!
Hey Anxiety War!!
@@doefdte 😕
@@blakestaredwards ?
And how does this affect our lives?
Maybe it doesn't affect yours, but it does affect others.
Everyone has their own battles and its how you get through them and still live a life that defines you
why so sudden, don't see her tick in concert or met gala?
I’ve never seen it. Once.
Billie Eilish is so beautiful😍❤
Only thing worse than Billie Eilish pretending to have this condition is hearing her fans pretend she has talent.
I don't see tourettes. This girl is just trying to make you feel sad for her. This is offensive to someone like me who actually has tourettes and tics
A popular singer said it, so it must be true.. right?
@gamerman3904 you the type of person to bend over for someone famous. She does not have tourettes.
@@htht856like your mom
i have tourettes and i believe her. we need to stop aaccusing random people of faking
We stan you Billie Eilish
as someone who has been on tic watch and is suspecting that have mild Tourettes (I'm doing lots of head twitching and idk why yet) it brings me happiness to see someone who I admire that has Tourettes
Isn’t this the new tik Tok trend
Yes, 6 month ago it was it autism. Then is was BPD. Now it s Tourette's. Literally everyone is falling for it.
I already knew it isn’t the first time she talked about it.
Right ? Like this isn’t news. She’s spoken on it many times before. Anyone who is a fan of her knows this
Imagine not hating Billie ellish lmfao, couldn’t be me
“ reveals she has Tourette’s syndrome “ bro she has been told people she had it like years ago. Where have y’all been
Damn wtf that’s that’s David letterman?? I thought it was an ex homeless man
💀💀 Or current ..
Lots of people here saying she's "faking" it, like, no, you can't just assume someone is faking something like this just because their famous.
Um, you might want to rethink that statement. I've seen lots of famous people claim to have something they don't.
inside edition isnt really getting the "inside" news bc this has been known for years..
She said this like 4 years ago on a genius interview
Kids think it's cool to have tiks now
I hate when ppl notice it. But hopefully since she’s bringing awareness to it ppl won’t be as shocked
No you have nerve damage from drug use.
You clearly don't know anything about Tourette's💀
@@charluvs357 and you clearly don't know anything about nerve damage from drug use.
@@person86422 it's not nerve damage dude. it's a neurological condition that misfires signals from the prefrontal cortex of the brain to the central nervous system. your uneducated ass is looking real embarrassing rn💀
Interesting she often still makes fun of others and passes judgment so often. She is a little girl with too big of a voice. She should sing and when she's done she would be better off just shutting up. I hope she does not off herself when she's 27, but I would not be surprised.
“I hope she doesn’t off herself when she’s 27” Wtf is wrong with you? There’s something seriously wrong with you to hate this girl so much for existing lol
I think I speak for all of us when I say we really don't care
I mean, you clicked on the video and took time out of your day to write and post a comment. Clearly vou care enough to do that, Imao
@@warrior_girl_6837 I did not watch the video, and 90 percent of videos we watch we don't care about either we just watch them to watch them
i care lmao
Man really took the time to comment on a video to say he doesn’t care…🤦
@@adangamez3608 okay?
I relate to Billie A LOT in this, I too, have mild Tourette syndrome. I have multiple tics that you wouldn’t really be able to notice if you weren’t thinking about them. Sometimes they’re worse and more frequent, and sometimes they rarely happen. Just depends what situation I’m in. I was also diagnosed at a very young age and it took me a long time to accept it. But now I embrace it and see Tourette’s as a quality that makes me unique.
I love her with my whole heart !.
I hate her with my whole heart !.
She's bloody scrumptious! An exotic delicacy worth riotously devouring 24/7/365 days. A drop shall not be wasted as such a grievous act would be an unforgivable crime against nature.
get a life
imagine idolizing a kid. Weirdo
Omg with my whole heart too❤️
looks kinda fake and its porbably some light level of it
You probably don't know much about TS then. That case of Tourette's is actually very common.
@@charluvs357 everybody has that bruh
like we all haven't known for 5 years now...
Disability does not always translate to "in-ability" Billie's amazing. Period 👏 💯 ❤
how would tics stop her from doing anything? I'm sorry but this just comes off as patronizing.
@@indiesunflowers This person is commenting on the fact that just because she has a disability, that doesn't mean it holds her back. she has a very mild case, but I know people that cannot drive or cook because of their Tourette's.
@@indiesunflowers Billie has a mild case but for people with a more severe form of Tourette it can and does completely disrupt their lives.
Wouldn't have known that. I remember a man who shopped at the same grocery store I did had tourettes syndrome. He would just unexpectedly, suddenly shout cursewords while he was walking and immediately become normal again. Oddest thing I ever saw.
A true, "never remembered asking" moment honestly.
I though David Letterman asked?...
@@lapislazuli06 no he didn't lol
@@shroudedgrove4679 ok, I guess I missed the part where he asked why she twitched or what brings it on
@@lapislazuli06 that means she is bringing it up. Forcing him to ask. He wasn't organically interested. Nobody is. She sucks and she's only diagnosing herself for clout. Wake up smoggy
@@shroudedgrove4679 he still asked anyway and I don't know what smoggy means, lol
All Cap
Aww you want attention💀
I also have tourette syndrome and I used to get bullied for it but I'm proud of having tourette's now
Sounds like she wants more followers on ticktok
Nobody even mentioned tiktok💀
OmG ShEs sO BraVe😢
I definitely had a mild form of tourettes when I was young about 7 years old. There were several ticks I remember doing pretty much all the time. I was never diagnosed and thankfully outgrew it. I had a pretty traumatic childhood and I have a strong feeling that had something to do with the onset of it.
Can u pls explain more .. I felt my autistic daughter facing it .. what can I do .. help me
You give a depressed girl some auto tune she thinks she can sing
What's this have to do with the video
She didn't use auto tune bro💀💀💀