By the way, the reason this video has no intro sequence is because it was copyright claimed for using the "to be continued" meme song. I'll be posting it to twitter later today so follow me at By the way, did you know I sell merch? come grab a t-shirt or something at
Polar coordinates died so that sin, cos, and tan had meaning. Polar coordinates suck though, multiplying them is hard. I didn't even know you could multiply directions until I came across that
If you want to play an easy laidback character, don't main a Sloth! Main a Turtle instead. At least you get defense! Some can even swim in the sea! Although keep in mind those ones...have a very hard grind in their first few levels. So hard in fact, barely any of them make it to endgame. Better to be a land turtle instead.
So the only reason those giant sloths got bodied is because humans labbed the matchup. And the only reason tree sloths are still around is because humans didn't bother learning the matchup. Lol.
@@Dynvali Sam O'Nella Academy, he's kinda like Tierzoo but instead of *only* talking about the different tiers of all of the animals, he talks about random stuff like, from a man that could literally eat anything you gave him (Including a newborn baby) to how bad it really was being a pirate and much more… Also: He draws all of his videos by himself instead of using pictures like Tierzoo does… So thats a plus I guess? I really recommend watching him, he's realy talented with the funny presentation and execution in the videos. Sam and TZ is prolly my favourite youtubers if I were to pick some of them. Side note: He has *ALOT* of dark humor in his videos, just a heads up incase you wanted it.
My people will make a comeback one day, in honor of my father's legacy. As I quote from my father "One day the humans will fall and the sloths will rule the world".
exactly, just like Tree builds but due to Sloth being a little more mobile you can actually move out of danger zones if you need and thus not loose your Farm Build unless a Tree who is just going to stay in like a wildfire and all your progress is lost.
Sloth is a fine main for idle gamers. Got knocked from a perch. Fell into a lake. Sunk. Crawled out when I had a care. Did my weekly business. Returned to roost. Let high-metab players burn out. I'll gladly fade away. Sometime later. When I have a care to.
It's a good build for farming, but if you spend that much time afk, you will be ironically farmed by better developed builds used by active players. In this patch, where humans are meta and human players just ignore lesser builds, it can be a viable build if you have some luck, but if you encounter any other predator class player, you're done.
Animal AFK farm builds seems counter productive. Send bots for bacteria or plant builds instead. Plant builds are better because every now and then you get evolution points to spend making them pretty.
Thanos was kinda right I got your absolute unit right here pal. Lol Naw, Sid was the shit. He might still be S tier in todays meta. He’s damn near indestructible.
BROmeliad1 TierZoo refers to real life as the game “Outside”. The Outside Hall Of Fame is basically a collection of cartoon characters, animal movie villains/heroes, and actual animals that are notably more bad ass than the regular variant of their species.
I once attempted to take Sid while playing as a Carchardontosaurus that a friend had gained access to by hacking and he was angry because the game over broke the exploit. I could probably take him with Therizinosaurus which was my main when it existed but I am not a hacker so I can't.
Dude, I think you should make a video of the Ant tier list, its one of the most popular classes, and while one ant is weaker than a sloth, in groups, they can tear a hole through entire biomes, I think its worth mentioning.
I'm still waiting on that Cambrian tier list he was thinking of doing. C'mon, show me the weird fucked up stuff from Earth's Spore Creature Creator phase.
I hear that if the human class players don't clean up their act, the devs plan on instituting this huge debuff called "global warming" to every server on the planet.
@@bobjoe109 the way I hear it that update has been confirmed as a sure thing by human dataminers. The only thing up for debate is when and just how hard it's going to hit.
I think sloth players don't really want to be sloth players. I just think they have really bad internet, which removes a lot of their options. The sloth build is not technical and isn't heavily affected by latency.
or what if instead every laggy player is in fact forced to be a sloth. So sloths are still op its just that everyone that plays it is so laggy you can't tell.
The sloth build actually has a hidden talent. Its claws are still highly damaging, and its reflexes in close quarters is much higher than its mobility indicates. However, the energy cost of using this can be crippling, as their diet and slow digestion may actually end the game via the starvation condition if they use it too much.
I Mained a human during that time, only to die to a ground sloth player. So when i responded, I chose the ground sloth as my new main, ONLY TO GET GANGED UP ON BY HUMANS!!
The city meta is where it’s at, won’t be changing soon. However I think crow mains are overrated, too mainstream. I personally think that the best build in the game, other than human, is the dog or cat.
I never actually did any sort of sloth play-through, here's a list of everything I ever played: Opabinia Dragonfly Brachiosaurus Terodactyl Corvid Human
If the Sloth starve to death from low temperatures killing the bacteria in their gut, wouldn't that mean that the recent patch notes are actually a buff for sloth players that negates that flaw in their build?
Another thing of importance is to know that while the climate is warming, that quite specifically means the average temperature. This is really very important. Warmer climate is a less stable one, and temperature changes may get stronger as well. Both down and up. The sloth's problem is that they can not afford a large drop even once. Sloths desperately need a stable climate, and a warmer one is not.
In addition, the increase in average temperature will also result in changes to the compositions of habitats, i.e. fungus and bacteria AOE debuffs that weren't a concern in certain servers are suddenly patched in with environmental mods. That's why a lot of frog mains are finding their playtimes severely curtailed, their builds were never meant to be played on servers with high fungal AOE. These mods could have catastrophic effects on the sloth's food source, either through parasitic AOE infection that would reduce the nutritional status of the leaves or, more likely, kill off the trees completely as we've seen in other servers like the American West where tree-killing parasitic AOE debuffs can destroy entire swaths of forest in less than a decade.
Alright thanks for all the replies and considering them I can say that while my initial observation about the affect of climate change on the sloth build may not have been correct, with the replies debating it I feel like it should've remitted at least somewhat more discussion about it in the video.
@@Bomosigames It's all good, my man, the meta is an insanely large and complex game, no one is going to banhammer you for not knowing all the specifics of how the intricately interwoven mechanics work.
So the only reason sloths aren't extinct is because they are literally too useless to bother killing? I feel like that should surprise me, but it kinda doesn't.
I'll admit that the tree sloth build is pretty abysmal in combat. However, a case could be made that it's one of the best builds in the game for someone attempting a pacifist run. Their great advantage is one that you won't necessarily pick up on from their stats alone: there is very little benefit for anyone in attacking a sloth. They don't provide much XP. They don't taste very good, due to all the gunk in their fur. They're herbivores who suck at dealing damage, meaning that they pose no threat to anyone. You mentioned how they use leaves as their primary energy source, and how inefficient that is. That was an intentional part of their design. Sloths have complex four-chambered stomachs that allow them to digest certain plants, including leaves, more easily than other herbivores can. This is important because it allows them to focus on food that other herbivores aren't especially interested in, e.g. leaves, and thus AVOID competing with said other herbivores for food. Leaves may not provide much energy, but a) they're ridiculously easy to obtain in the arboreal zone, and b) sloths have such a low metabolism that they NEED less energy than any other mammal their size. This non-competitive strategy means that they're unlikely to either run out of food OR threaten any other players' food supplies, so they won't come into conflict with other herbivore players. Spending all of their stat points on stealth and HP is the icing on the cake, as making themselves even slightly harder to a) find and b) kill further decreases the motivation for predatory players to attack them, which is why said predatory players typically only do so if they're either extra hungry or training n00bs.
August RempelEwert I suppose the poor int was a necessary sacrifice as well: as can be seen on the other end with the human build, nervous tissues have insane resource costs, so humans had to sacrifice a bit of strength and a bit of vegetation eating ability, although they hit such insane int levels that the latter was overcome with the new “cook” skill, rare but not unheard of before, in small amounts (raccoons moisten their food before eating), but seldom to the level that human builds pour time into being able to use many things as loot. Also, I’ve always wondered whether humans have a higher susceptibility to illness by raw foods and other sources than other predators, or if it’s a side effect of spreading to servers with strains they never encountered
As much as I enjoy these to tier videos, he puts way too much emphasis on combat when it comes to these rankings. It's certainly a reliable way to approach the game, but avoiding combat and especially maximizing on unused niches are very viable strategies. The low ranking of the sloth is a great example of this bias. Their ability to successfully occupy their niche and success in the Central and South American rainforest servers earns them a place in mid-tier in my book
Isaac Jonas But he pointed out how the sloth doesn’t have nearly a high enough stealth stat to mitigate the need for both power and mobility. Even the octopus (the build with the max stealth stat) has at least some other positive attributes, like their signature ink clouds and high intelligence. In a meta full of so many powerful predators (especially when their habitat includes the Amazon of all places), you need to be able to fight or get away or do literally ANYTHING so that being spotted isn’t a death sentence. Especially when, again, your stealth’s only okay. Come to think of it, the sloth’s like the capybara, but without the HP and with ‘strategies’ so ridiculous they seem to only be there to sabotage an already poor build.
pacifist build tend to work poorly. it worked for the sloth only because his zone prevented humans and some predator to attack them. Koala build is pretty much an "echo" of sloth build. The koala just has singly higher mobility and poison resist to eat poisonous leaves but an abysmal intelligence level. the low profile strategy worked well at first but everything changed when smarter builds came to australia like human, foxes, cats and dogs. They ended up having humans as support players after those humans and their parties almost kicked out the koala build from the game. Dugong: Dugong build is made to be an pacifist tank. A lot of hp but it was assumed that having low mobility and intelligence would be not a problem. but they are easy source of xp to anyone in their range including humans. Dugong just end up unable to defend itself. panda: they just got a crippling overspecialization with bamboo causing severe constipation. Making a build that is centered around not bother other players force you to focus on one or two type of source of food to avoid any competition. most pacifist build are overspecialized and start to suffer from it with the next update.
Bro, 1:56 scared the ever loving balls out of me. Doing wilderness slayer on my Ultimate Iron Man. heard ancient magik sound effects and straight up panicked.
Billy: "Hey Jimmy, you seem a little worried. What's wrong?" Jimmy: "I... it's nothing. I can handle it." Billy: "Are you sure? YOu know you can talk to me." Jimmy: "Okay fine. It's... I gotta take a shit." Billy: "WHAT? But you went down there yesterday! You even set a new record!" Jimmy: "I lied. Yesterday I wanted to, but I was too scared so I came back up here 2 metres before I reached the ground. My last real shit was 9 days ago." Billy: "Oh no! 9 days? That's terrible!" Jimmy: "I know. I have to go now. Wish me luck. If I die, you can have my branch." Billy: [starts crying] "This means a lot to me. I promise to take good care of it. But you gotta come back, you just have to!" To be continued...
1:03 I've read somewhere that sloth players come down to defecate on the ground because they must bury their feces to hide the smell from predator players.
Hey tier, my little sis and I were actually discussing the Meta today, and we noticed a really weird player build out there that we think you should take a look at. The axolotl. It has insane regeneration, and (if I recall correctly) can even regenerate its brain. I think they're even immune to aging. But with all of that, they're not even a tank, live only in one small area, and basically do absolutely nothing with their unique abilities. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!
According to a scientist's blog post in 2015,[1] axolotls actually do something with their regeneration, although it does sound like a stupid application. "Axolotls regularly bite each other on the leg as part of their whole social structure and the loser often ends up having to regenerate a whole limb." [1]:
I have a few ideas for videos you could do. 1. a tier list for various horse species. 2. At 2:32 you showcase an Eocene tier list. Could you create this? 3. A video explaining how you would fix various F and D tied builds to make them more viable in the current meta. these are just some ideas, but I hope they help you make your next videos.
Sometimes they also grab their own bodyparts, thinking they are branches. They also move so slow, that algea grow on them, and they will die of that, bc they can't move anymore.
Uuh sorry but Cambrian meta was best meta Not that newfags who only joined during the Ice Age could understand that obviously I think I'm just gonna leave this game, I just can't believe how much the devs have fucked the Arthropod guild over the years, it's like they hate us or smth
@@solalflechelles1216 Devonian was better. Yeah, competitive was started in the Cambrian, but it was still trash. there was no animal build larger than 3.3 meters. It was a joke my dude.
@@solalflechelles1216 Yeah Arthropods still have by far the most build options and most players among all guilds with Mobility and Multicellular abilities. Just because they don't control the highest weight classes anymore doesn't make them in any way unfairly nerfed.
They say you can only torrent old versions because the game patches itself constantly. But you take the risk of getting weird glitches if you do that, like volcanos spawning in the middle of nowhere. It's fun to watch, tho.
toniseanandcarter toniseanandcarter Oh yeah, I remembered when a glitch caused penguins to spawn in Africa. The players made that so much of a deal that the devs even denied it was a glitch, and they just left them there.
3:30 It was more so the change of the climate. The cold reduced food and food is usually the limiting factor on size. Smaller sloths were able to survive. However sloths have no speed and as still fairly large mammals they don't have great stealth either. So with the forced reduction in size removing HP and attack they had to flee to the trees.
The climate shifted from glacial to interglacial and Visa versa dozens of times without causing extinctions. In fact, the last transition was actually more mild than the previous one in terms of climate. Guys, it was humans.
High INT, otherwise typical for a mid-tier bird. Some have okay stealth and go for green, subdued skins but others are so flashy that they'd get annihilated if their regular servers actually had any competent aerial predator builds. A matchup between a raptor and a parrot would be downright unfair. The INT is definitely useful for players that decide to ally with humans but by the same token, it makes them a popular target of human players who want to capture them to force into only playing on their own private servers involuntarily, which is a real threat to the playerbase. The negative stealth stat also plays into it.
Asad Parvez Also the fact that entelodonts and Andrewsarchus were not contemporaneous with things like Smilodon, Mammuthus, and giant sloths. He's just grouping all Cenozoic animals together and calling it the Eocene, for some reason, which refers to a very specific span of time far before mammoths and giant sloths.
@@WrathofFenrir99 yeah it was at least B tier ,sure it was like the ultimate predator whit amaizing burst speed stamina steereng speed and it's spacing peck attack could kill everything whit a critical , too bad it was held back by the asshole it was lobbying (like every other bird or reptile ) and the early game in which you had to follow the constant tutorials in which you had to follow a older player while you learn the sensibility of the command and you expand your gear .
@@glup6129 If you look at all too closely (or look at all) you'll find TZ has (sometimes very basic) errors in all of his videos. I do enjoy the theme and format so I keep watching, but I wish he was more rigorous.
All sloth mains are hackers. Every build gets kicked from the game for being idol and inactive, except sloths. They hack so they can stay in the game even if they are inactive.
woof woof well some of us sloth mains dont have time to play all the time like other players. Had to switch to a human main cause I kept getting griefed
Personally I know how: the only inactive mode you can be in without being kicked is “sleep” mode, sloths take advantage of this by breaking the “average sleep/nocturnal” bar, they manually set their average sleep time to 24 hours
But slakoth is somewhat useful in pokemon, it got yawn (which is important for me) and evolves to vigoroth, then to slaking that have the highest stats, second to Snorlax.
True. And yawn is all important when running a slaking. But Pokémon and Outside have different metas. In Pokémon, sloths are viable. In Outside, sloths are literally the worst animal possible when living. The only creature ever to somehow make Koalas look viable. They deserve their own tier. Sloth Tier. It doesn’t get any lower.
Woah woah woah , remember Magikarp evolves into Gyarados , an absolute unit by itself . Let’s not compare it to sloths who show no signs of speccing into evolving into high tier anytime soon .
@@squishyoctopi7042 hey that's good news. Now they just need to make Winona worth playing and the game is balanced pretty much. Wes can stay Wes. He's Wes. Haven't played in a while but I personally main Maxwell and try to partner with a Wolfgang. Big boy handles the baddies and I horde as many supplies as I can before the cold times come lol what about u friend?
@@lechethefarmer9823 Maxwell for me too! I like to partner with a Wickerbottom and Wolfgang. Maybe WX. Maxwell is awesome for resources, nightmare fuel farming and killing the bee queen. And yeah, Wes can stay Wes. He's Wes.
Seriously, what is the point of ranting about how bad a challenge build is? They specifically built sloths to be bad, to prove that you can be essentially useless and still be viable.
@@ShinigamiSamaH Well, viability is directly linked to the ability to not be extinct in this game, so yes, they are viable. They may not be great examples of what to do, since the mainly spec'ed towards useless skills, but they can still be playable.
Humans most likely killed most large land animals. If it was the ice age/climate change, how come over 50% of all large land based animals died off at the same time, that had survived for millions of years up until around 12000? Same reasoning goes for other humans that were our cousins. It's most likely homo sapiens.
@@PresidentialWinner thats because the climate changed in a very short days. Younger Dryas period, I implore you to look it up. Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson did some podcasts with Joe Rogan which are a good start.
@@thrainkross4288 I don't have the time to look at any more Rogan podcasts but since you watched it you can explain it. So how did so many species die off at around the same time that had survived many many ice ages and climate changes for millions of years? What happened 10000-13000 years ago that was so drastically different from the previous changes that none could adapt?
Could you do a video where you talk about what the "hypothetical ultimate predator" would be, as in if you could create a brand new build to be the ultimate predator, what would it be? What stats would it main, what abilities would it have, and so on?
@@arthurkerkhofs6377 Yeah but you could still talk about everything except humans. Like "everyone knows humans have risen to the top of the food chain, but other than intelligence, what are the best aspects that other predators of the world bring to the table", or some shit like that.
High INT, team strats, knowledge of the enviroment, at least mid POW, etc. I guess you could say african painted hounds, wolves, orcas and dolphins are the ultimate predators, at least based on the meta now. If we go back to the beginning of the xenozoic, raw POW, good natural weaponry and mid STL would be key, so classes like bears, sabertooth tigers, etc. would be the ultimate predators on that time. It's more about "what the meta is in this moment" rather than "who is better than who".
Don't you think there's a mammal clan bias beneath this argument? Sloths are basically mammals stripped down and rebuilt as a reptile archetype. It would make more sense to compare them to iguanas. The reason sloths are still viable in the meta is because they're so specialized. They've gone all in on a food source that almost no one else can exploit and that will never run out. It doesn't matter if they lose matchups, they can shrug off the losses because they have security.
Agreed, while I won't defend sloth players beyond how adorable their facial options are. I do think using human deforestation strats as an excuse for why sloth mains are bad is unreasonable. Simply put, Outside has gotten so broken that every other build has been forced to adapt around a single OP ape build. There may be a balance patch in a few in-game decades or centuries, but until then everyone else is just going to have to adapt to the endless stream of human mains flooding the servers.
I'm saying it's low tier because they're stuck in one tree the entire time a human is cutting it down. They're too slow to even get down before it falls. Carebear human players have to come to the tree when they find one and pick it up. Squirrels aren't F tier because they can just jump and relocate.
Ultra-specialized strategies are generally not known for being high-tier. And when the meta is literally defined by uncertainty and local server wipes caused by human players, that's a VERY risky strategy.
Heaviest nerf in the animal world maybe if we started giving them avocados or literally any other food that they are able to eat they’d get buffed again
1:00 They do have one big advantage though and that is their extremely rapid experience growth. Because they consume so little calories they can just remain in one tree without actually having to do anything.
TierZoo should contact and work with Mikey Bustos from AntCanada to make an rank on differend kind of Ants. Maybe Mikey Bustos would even act as a guest speaker for that special.
That´s not evil, that´s just flexing. Like "Yeah, I could kill you, but I´m a good hunter, so I´ll let my kids have a shot at you. Maybe you´ll survive, who knows? Hehe."
I know roasting sloths is fun and all but what about Pandas. They eat bamboo but they're stomach are meant for meant. They are too lazy to breed and often times they dont recognize there own offspring and ended up stepping on them. The reason how this build survives because have the hidden ability called "tourist trap". So basically they survive by sitting still and act pretty for the tourist
@@thomasjenkins5727 you have a point but it just sad that before a certain patch Pandas were the dominant build in their glory days and even today they have powerful jaws that made dangerous back then but they shifted to a playstyle of eating bamboo which is toxic to them by the way only because bamboo has no way to run away from them. If only Panda players resort to hunting instead of afk farming and let the humans take care of them. They are going extinct because of their lazy playstyle
Blender Owl Studios Wow, there's so much misinformation in your comments it's hard to know where to correct you. Panda stomachs are "meant" for their diets as much as any animal's. In fact, most bears are primarily herbivorous, so the giant panda is no exception here (rather, derived hypercarnivorous species like the polar bear are the exceptional ones). Brown bears will even choose berries over salmon if they both come in to season at the same time. Pandas are certainly not under threat of extinction because of their relatively specialized lifestyles (although panda diets are not just bamboo); in fact, the fact they are still alive when tigers and other species have gone extinct in their range tells us they are good survivors. They are under threat of extinction because they are a large animal forced to compete with humans, again a task they have done remarkably well next to some of the highest population densities in the world. Pandas still have immensely powerful jaws, can weigh over 160 kilos (350 lbs), and have injured humans. There was no "decline" of pandas from ancient meat-eating bears to lazy pandas; if anything, all bears originate from a panda-like ancestor, since pandas are the basalmost bear taxon alive today.
Wdym slaking xan learn like literally every tm, and sure it has its snooze ability which really brings it down but if you arent aome greedy player that only wants constant damage they can be an absolute powerhouse.
@@ilikestew5719 yes, he does. I mentioned that in my comment but it was pretty small and maybe i didnt get the name right. I do agree this ability is a real pain in the ass but its complimented by the incredible power it has every other turn. Like i said if you stratigise right and arent some speed hungry dumbass its a real powerhouse
A part of me would have liked to hear about the moths that have a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship with Sloths. They live in the fur, eat the algae that grows on their fur, and even use the sloth dung as a place for reproduction. A sloth's body and their waste is like an ecosystem on its own to these moths. Any chance to get a tier rating for these symbiotic moths? Or perhaps a comment on a future video?
If they rely on a exclusively on a low-tier to survive, they're automatically low-tier. They're essentially vulnerable to everything a sloth is, except instead of dying immediately they'd either had to find another sloth ASAP or die a few days later. Not to mention the endangerment or even extinction of their host species would mean the same for them. Obviously this doesn't work the other way around, being dependent on a high-tier doesn't make you high-tier, especially if that high-tier is humans. Modern medicine has completely destroyed large populations of most human and domestic animal parasites.
The algae. Apparently Sloths with more moths have more nutrient rich algae in their fur which they can apparently eat. And so the whole descending the tree to defecate is solely linked to helping their support sloth moths generate food for them.
Honestly wish I picked a different build. I’m just so invested in my sloth character. Those once a week poop runs really build up the adrenaline. Rest in peace to the OG sloth builds, only real fans will remember.
A frame 1 kill move with 26 invincibility frames is pretty good on its own, and up throw to rest can kill at 0%, and chances are you’ll wake up before your opponent respawns.
I mean, some of the philosophers in the Outside community argue that it's mostly about adapting to suit the zone you're in. But even then, I have more fun playing as a bacteria than I ever did playing a sloth. Could we get a video on bacteria soon? Or do you only do animal builds?
@@thomasjenkins5727 Nah. Playing a bacteria is something of an exercise in micromanagement, because you're balancing numbers and decisions based on the entire population, rather than a single individual as with animals. I suspect that is the reason bacteria aren't very popular with the player-base; it's practically a different game. (The other being extermination by human antibiotics)
echo fighter. the only difference is that the sloth is actually quite smart, they are observative and can understand if a animal is a danger for them. they are reputed to be friendly with humans (most of the time.) and the koala is singly more mobile. Also sloths put some evolution points into swimming since their jungle is full of water. koalas decided to go for poison resistance instead since their server is very dry. for the rest they have the same gameplay. if i had to chose between a koala or a sloth i would take a sloth since they have more intelligence and can move on water.
That's part of what makes this channel so unique and fun. Also, the heavy influence of RuneScape references is super nostalgic for me as that was my first ever MMO and I still play it to this day.
humans may have mastered every single arena but the arborial, BUT they have also specced into terraforming which enables them to literally destroy the whole arborial meta nevertheless. any player in the arborial arena knows it, if their server is getting terraformed, they're done for. in short: the sloth's survival is no longer guaranteed, no matter how low xp they are. at least the other sloth players put up a fight against humans and then all gave up and quit. giant and aquatic sloths were proper players, many pros among them. but arborial sloths? all noobs, absolute trash players, professional laggers if anything. takes them forever to act when they get spotted and attacted afterall. but most of all, it's like they are afk 97% of the time. it's like those age of empires players that when they are about to lose, they dont use their villagers to put up a last stand, partisan style, nope. they first get massacred, then as a delayed reaction they just command all their villagers to go towards the 4 corners of the map, maybe build a shitton of walls and try to hide in the most remote and inaccessible location they can find and hope they die last. because they will still die for sure.
Though I once won an 8 players all_v_all match in SC1 with a very similar strategy where my base was destroyed and I decided to just start 4 new bases all over the map. I did manage to build and hide many more bases and my last opponent got caught coldhanded after wiping out what he thought would be his last real opponent and then getting stabbed in the back.
I used to do that! Good times, good times. But I used to build Town Centers and military buildings instead, in an attempt to fight back. And they'd find me before I could finish creating a unit. It was fun.
By the way, the reason this video has no intro sequence is because it was copyright claimed for using the "to be continued" meme song. I'll be posting it to twitter later today so follow me at
By the way, did you know I sell merch? come grab a t-shirt or something at
Whoo loves ASCII ?
Rip jojo references. You tried, TierZoo! But a shame that you can't use a fun meme to start your video.
Sad react
How are you in the comments of every video I watch?
What's the outro song?
The fact that Eagles use Sloths for new players' training gotta be the best information internet has provided me for a long time.
Carlton Blend the sloths must be mind blown, going faster than they could ever imagine, through the air too 😂
@@legolas76524 I think with the size of those talons on Harpy Eagles, the Sloths would probably have more than just the wind tearing through them
Anon E. Mus it would be a very magical, and painful experience lol
Basiclly sloths are so worthless as a food source they are not even worth killing
But they are so imobile that even a blind eagle could grab one... Perfect Training Dummy
One of the few tiers that's also a type of sin.
Jesus I am a human but behave like a sloth is that a sin?
Jesus if you died for our sins, who died for our cos and tan?!
Polar coordinates died so that sin, cos, and tan had meaning.
Polar coordinates suck though, multiplying them is hard. I didn't even know you could multiply directions until I came across that
Jesus Christ Oh hey, the dev is here.
I read this as, "are sloths slow tier."
I mean that ain't wrong
Holy fuck I read ur comment wrong thinking it said low instead of slow so I went to check, got confused then went back to this comment and realised
@@merco3626 same
@@merco3626 lol
@@merco3626 thank you for explaining im such an idiot and mis-read it twice
If you want to play an easy laidback character, don't main a Sloth! Main a Turtle instead. At least you get defense! Some can even swim in the sea! Although keep in mind those ones...have a very hard grind in their first few levels. So hard in fact, barely any of them make it to endgame. Better to be a land turtle instead.
Love your car vids bro
Hi bladed😄
Where’s the Miata?
@Bored Again except you know sailors LMAO
Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins
@T Sing It's the real world. I believe you've already picked your class, and it's human, the most broken class... you scrub.
So the only reason those giant sloths got bodied is because humans labbed the matchup. And the only reason tree sloths are still around is because humans didn't bother learning the matchup. Lol.
More like they never fought. Sloths are such trash mobs than there's no reason to farm them.
Why do you want to learn a matchup that don't even worth it? Screw the arboreal matchup... we don't need that...
Why would you bother living in the forest when you can just get rid of the forest?
@@irradiatedslagheap7933 Exactly...
I prefer Sam O'Nella's Explanation. The sloth just decided "This whole 'movement' thing is overrated, i"m switching teams to be a plant."
lol which video
@@Dynvali Sam O'Nella Academy, he's kinda like Tierzoo but instead of *only* talking about the different tiers of all of the animals, he talks about random stuff like, from a man that could literally eat anything you gave him (Including a newborn baby) to how bad it really was being a pirate and much more…
Also: He draws all of his videos by himself instead of using pictures like Tierzoo does… So thats a plus I guess?
I really recommend watching him, he's realy talented with the funny presentation and execution in the videos. Sam and TZ is prolly my favourite youtubers if I were to pick some of them.
Side note: He has *ALOT* of dark humor in his videos, just a heads up incase you wanted it.
@@tnbrgr Ah yeah, I do watch Sam O'Nella, just wondering which video the comment was referencing since I can't remember seeing that one.
I'm really just waiting for the Sam and Tierzoo collab we all know is coming
@@tnbrgr he asked which video the original comment is about, not an explanation on Sam...
They're just conserving their power. Today, they're releasing it.
Oh god...
This is so ominous and vague, and I love it.
As though the sloth clan has been using Bide for millions of years. OMG could you imagine...
Who else got the reference from Hyouka?
They are keeping their true power levels hidden
3:15 when you realize that sid from "the Ice Age" movie was meant to be jacked.
B r u h
i think you meant 3:16
@@tremendousyeet3467 bruh
@@Gangshibj838 Blue Sky had it coming for them ever since they made Ice Age Baby.
This channel is hilarious. I love the concept. How did it take me so long to find this channel.
Kim Xiong ikr like know we know about all the updates!
Yeah, I never knew some of these things about the game
I know right?
Me too
we're noobs!
My people will make a comeback one day, in honor of my father's legacy. As I quote from my father "One day the humans will fall and the sloths will rule the world".
King Sloth II sloth
Sloths are an AFK farm build. You have to pay attention once a week to poop, the rest of the time you can be half asleep or on your phone.
exactly, just like Tree builds but due to Sloth being a little more mobile you can actually move out of danger zones if you need and thus not loose your Farm Build unless a Tree who is just going to stay in like a wildfire and all your progress is lost.
On the other hand, the tree build only requires attention twice a year to grow an loose leaves. At that point I wonder why people even play.
Sloth is a fine main for idle gamers. Got knocked from a perch. Fell into a lake. Sunk.
Crawled out when I had a care. Did my weekly business. Returned to roost.
Let high-metab players burn out. I'll gladly fade away. Sometime later. When I have a care to.
It's a good build for farming, but if you spend that much time afk, you will be ironically farmed by better developed builds used by active players.
In this patch, where humans are meta and human players just ignore lesser builds, it can be a viable build if you have some luck, but if you encounter any other predator class player, you're done.
Animal AFK farm builds seems counter productive. Send bots for bacteria or plant builds instead. Plant builds are better because every now and then you get evolution points to spend making them pretty.
"Once a week they have to go to the bathroom"
Once a week? God...
what? thats nothing new to me
Yup! And pooping makes them lose 1/3rd of their health
*looks at my lifestyle and bathroom habits* .... fuck, I’m a literal and figurative sloth
with that slow metabolism they have, what do you expect?
Yeah it's bad from what I have heard
someday we will rise again.
Yes we will
@Jason Lee ooh that sounds good. previously we had been lounging in tree tops, but your plan sounds better.
Top ten anime nerf of all time
i actually want a sloth anime in mech suits now..
That's why Sid the sloth was the only sloth to make it into the Outside Hall of Fame.
*He was an absolute unit*
Woah woah, I think someone is forgetting Flash! He even got a mobility upgrade. "Flash, Flash, hundred yard dash!"
Thanos was kinda right I got your absolute unit right here pal. Lol Naw, Sid was the shit. He might still be S tier in todays meta. He’s damn near indestructible.
BROmeliad1 TierZoo refers to real life as the game “Outside”. The Outside Hall Of Fame is basically a collection of cartoon characters, animal movie villains/heroes, and actual animals that are notably more bad ass than the regular variant of their species.
Sid was one of the best players ever in Outside.
I once attempted to take Sid while playing as a Carchardontosaurus that a friend had gained access to by hacking and he was angry because the game over broke the exploit. I could probably take him with Therizinosaurus which was my main when it existed but I am not a hacker so I can't.
Sloths are the dark souls of our ecosystem
Fuk i just posted this lul
F 💀
More like Lords of the Fallen
ReqSouls: 9001
0/10, didn't mention sloth's low intelligence (they sometimes grab their own arm thinking it's a branch, this results in them falling to their death)
buddeman27 WTF
I just laughed out loud
They also can't recognize a tree leaf if it's not attached to a tree branch.
I laughed hard LMAO, sloth players are so pathetic
When your camouflage is so good that you mistake yourself for a tree.
I'm always astounded by the amount of editing and subtle jokes that go into these videos. Great job as always!!
Dude, I think you should make a video of the Ant tier list, its one of the most popular classes, and while one ant is weaker than a sloth, in groups, they can tear a hole through entire biomes, I think its worth mentioning.
Yes please, Ant tier list!
Bonus points if you team up with AntsCanada
Ants are very diverse and are pretty successful in whatever biome they choose. I'd like to see and ant tier list.
Fire ant mains are douchebags but yeah that'd be a good episode. They're the only class that specced into Formic Acid.
hear hear
I don't know about everyone else, but I want to see that Ice Age tier list in detail now
A L same here!
This Comment needs to be at the top
I get the feeling that might be his next project, since he already has the tier list drawn out
Me too lol
I'm still waiting on that Cambrian tier list he was thinking of doing.
C'mon, show me the weird fucked up stuff from Earth's Spore Creature Creator phase.
If it wasn’t for those meddling humans we’d have giant killer sloths
Exactly, I would love some giant sloths to ride into battle
@@insertname4337 Humans rode giant killer elephants into battle - which are even cooler.
@@insertname4337 they would be slow
I love the use of the Don't Starve soundtrack in this video, fitting.
I instantly smiled when I heard the soundtrack at the beginning :)
Sloths need buffs? Too bad the devs aren't too active anymore.
Question if ur religious, are gods the devs
I hear that if the human class players don't clean up their act, the devs plan on instituting this huge debuff called "global warming" to every server on the planet.
@@nikil6395 p sure that's the joke my guy
@@bobjoe109 the way I hear it that update has been confirmed as a sure thing by human dataminers. The only thing up for debate is when and just how hard it's going to hit.
Trust me they are planning a HUGE patch
I think sloth players don't really want to be sloth players. I just think they have really bad internet, which removes a lot of their options. The sloth build is not technical and isn't heavily affected by latency.
or what if instead every laggy player is in fact forced to be a sloth.
So sloths are still op its just that everyone that plays it is so laggy you can't tell.
They still got dial up connections lol
Wht game is this XD I Think i'm stupid
CrackedShack then why not be one of the plant builds
i only played sloth just because my rig is old.
The sloth build actually has a hidden talent. Its claws are still highly damaging, and its reflexes in close quarters is much higher than its mobility indicates. However, the energy cost of using this can be crippling, as their diet and slow digestion may actually end the game via the starvation condition if they use it too much.
Sounds good on paper until you realize that even their slashes are slow. You gotta be fast in order to cut better
2:24 Damn imagine being kicked off the server by sea cows
Love the use of the don’t starve music
Is it copy right free or UA-cam just ignoring it?
It makes sense it is a survival game
The oldschool runescape themes are also always so nostalgic and cool. It's like 30% of the reason I subscribed
Vidmantas V he talks over it so im sure its fair use
To be fair, I did try to balance animals
How is this ballancing... sloths are so useless they should be extinct by now.
You really need to update mother earth
We need Deathwing to release his Cataclysm again.
Hey can you give humans a nerf? things are getting tense here and i think they're a bit overpowered, not fun to fight against
@@famtomerc nah humans are literally the most fragile things without weapons. Our advanced intelligence is our only defense
Yo it’s a dev!
Ahh the old days
I remember when I mained a giant ground sloth
those were the days
I Mained a human during that time, only to die to a ground sloth player. So when i responded, I chose the ground sloth as my new main, ONLY TO GET GANGED UP ON BY HUMANS!!
@@DrKFC69 kkkkkkkk (hahahahaha)
The city meta is where it’s at, won’t be changing soon. However I think crow mains are overrated, too mainstream. I personally think that the best build in the game, other than human, is the dog or cat.
@@Deadass271 I main Jar, im the Mayo Jar Species
I never actually did any sort of sloth play-through, here's a list of everything I ever played:
If the Sloth starve to death from low temperatures killing the bacteria in their gut, wouldn't that mean that the recent patch notes are actually a buff for sloth players that negates that flaw in their build?
Somewhat, but recent patches also increased the frequency and severity of tropical storms, and anything that destroys trees demolishes sloths.
Another thing of importance is to know that while the climate is warming, that quite specifically means the average temperature. This is really very important.
Warmer climate is a less stable one, and temperature changes may get stronger as well. Both down and up.
The sloth's problem is that they can not afford a large drop even once. Sloths desperately need a stable climate, and a warmer one is not.
In addition, the increase in average temperature will also result in changes to the compositions of habitats, i.e. fungus and bacteria AOE debuffs that weren't a concern in certain servers are suddenly patched in with environmental mods. That's why a lot of frog mains are finding their playtimes severely curtailed, their builds were never meant to be played on servers with high fungal AOE.
These mods could have catastrophic effects on the sloth's food source, either through parasitic AOE infection that would reduce the nutritional status of the leaves or, more likely, kill off the trees completely as we've seen in other servers like the American West where tree-killing parasitic AOE debuffs can destroy entire swaths of forest in less than a decade.
Alright thanks for all the replies and considering them I can say that while my initial observation about the affect of climate change on the sloth build may not have been correct, with the replies debating it I feel like it should've remitted at least somewhat more discussion about it in the video.
@@Bomosigames It's all good, my man, the meta is an insanely large and complex game, no one is going to banhammer you for not knowing all the specifics of how the intricately interwoven mechanics work.
So the only reason sloths aren't extinct is because they are literally too useless to bother killing?
I feel like that should surprise me, but it kinda doesn't.
Sloth meat doesn't taste good to most humans.
"it’s slimy, chewy and gamey"
Probably only restores a few hp at most
hey if it works i works rite?
culwin gamely taste? What does it taste like?
I'll admit that the tree sloth build is pretty abysmal in combat. However, a case could be made that it's one of the best builds in the game for someone attempting a pacifist run.
Their great advantage is one that you won't necessarily pick up on from their stats alone: there is very little benefit for anyone in attacking a sloth. They don't provide much XP. They don't taste very good, due to all the gunk in their fur. They're herbivores who suck at dealing damage, meaning that they pose no threat to anyone.
You mentioned how they use leaves as their primary energy source, and how inefficient that is. That was an intentional part of their design. Sloths have complex four-chambered stomachs that allow them to digest certain plants, including leaves, more easily than other herbivores can. This is important because it allows them to focus on food that other herbivores aren't especially interested in, e.g. leaves, and thus AVOID competing with said other herbivores for food. Leaves may not provide much energy, but a) they're ridiculously easy to obtain in the arboreal zone, and b) sloths have such a low metabolism that they NEED less energy than any other mammal their size. This non-competitive strategy means that they're unlikely to either run out of food OR threaten any other players' food supplies, so they won't come into conflict with other herbivore players.
Spending all of their stat points on stealth and HP is the icing on the cake, as making themselves even slightly harder to a) find and b) kill further decreases the motivation for predatory players to attack them, which is why said predatory players typically only do so if they're either extra hungry or training n00bs.
August RempelEwert
I suppose the poor int was a necessary sacrifice as well: as can be seen on the other end with the human build, nervous tissues have insane resource costs, so humans had to sacrifice a bit of strength and a bit of vegetation eating ability, although they hit such insane int levels that the latter was overcome with the new “cook” skill, rare but not unheard of before, in small amounts (raccoons moisten their food before eating), but seldom to the level that human builds pour time into being able to use many things as loot.
Also, I’ve always wondered whether humans have a higher susceptibility to illness by raw foods and other sources than other predators, or if it’s a side effect of spreading to servers with strains they never encountered
As much as I enjoy these to tier videos, he puts way too much emphasis on combat when it comes to these rankings. It's certainly a reliable way to approach the game, but avoiding combat and especially maximizing on unused niches are very viable strategies. The low ranking of the sloth is a great example of this bias. Their ability to successfully occupy their niche and success in the Central and South American rainforest servers earns them a place in mid-tier in my book
Well, it is no fun playing a competitive game if you're not going to compete tbh, so i can see why he'd do that.
Isaac Jonas But he pointed out how the sloth doesn’t have nearly a high enough stealth stat to mitigate the need for both power and mobility. Even the octopus (the build with the max stealth stat) has at least some other positive attributes, like their signature ink clouds and high intelligence. In a meta full of so many powerful predators (especially when their habitat includes the Amazon of all places), you need to be able to fight or get away or do literally ANYTHING so that being spotted isn’t a death sentence. Especially when, again, your stealth’s only okay. Come to think of it, the sloth’s like the capybara, but without the HP and with ‘strategies’ so ridiculous they seem to only be there to sabotage an already poor build.
pacifist build tend to work poorly. it worked for the sloth only because his zone prevented humans and some predator to attack them.
Koala build is pretty much an "echo" of sloth build. The koala just has singly higher mobility and poison resist to eat poisonous leaves but an abysmal intelligence level. the low profile strategy worked well at first but everything changed when smarter builds came to australia like human, foxes, cats and dogs. They ended up having humans as support players after those humans and their parties almost kicked out the koala build from the game.
Dugong: Dugong build is made to be an pacifist tank. A lot of hp but it was assumed that having low mobility and intelligence would be not a problem. but they are easy source of xp to anyone in their range including humans. Dugong just end up unable to defend itself.
panda: they just got a crippling overspecialization with bamboo causing severe constipation.
Making a build that is centered around not bother other players force you to focus on one or two type of source of food to avoid any competition. most pacifist build are overspecialized and start to suffer from it with the next update.
Sloths: “I used to rule the world!”
We are the slothhearted
Omg he played the ice barrage sound effect hahaha
Howard Wimshurst all the vids have a touch of rs haha that’s why I keep coming back
I didn't know what this was so I played the sound effect, but the sound effect played from this video at the same time
I used to hate that sound in castle wars >:Y
@@captainzork6109 yeah when you started hearing it you knew that death was only moments away
@@khanzerk3053 "rs"?
Specializing in sleep will always have a spot In the mental health meta
Nobody cares if you're first. They only care if you're late, because then you're probably a sloth main.
BlueYoshi oh no
TierZoo: "nobody likes hearing that their main is bottom-tier trash"
Little Mac mains in the audience: *Tears of agreement*
Bro, 1:56 scared the ever loving balls out of me. Doing wilderness slayer on my Ultimate Iron Man. heard ancient magik sound effects and straight up panicked.
Looked at my screen too XD.
iron man *B T W*
@@Booba-Fett Yes yes, I know but that's what made it so damn scary, :p I was literally holding my bank.
@@TH3pAbl0n4tor RuneScape?
@@phabidz osrs
Sid was OP
Ah yea, that streamer was really good, he gaves those Sloths a good image, even we, the OP humans respect him.
that time you know Sid can actuallu one punch Diego
Billy: "Hey Jimmy, you seem a little worried. What's wrong?"
Jimmy: "I... it's nothing. I can handle it."
Billy: "Are you sure? YOu know you can talk to me."
Jimmy: "Okay fine. It's... I gotta take a shit."
Billy: "WHAT? But you went down there yesterday! You even set a new record!"
Jimmy: "I lied. Yesterday I wanted to, but I was too scared so I came back up here 2 metres before I reached the ground. My last real shit was 9 days ago."
Billy: "Oh no! 9 days? That's terrible!"
Jimmy: "I know. I have to go now. Wish me luck. If I die, you can have my branch."
Billy: [starts crying] "This means a lot to me. I promise to take good care of it. But you gotta come back, you just have to!"
To be continued...
*Survival of the fittest*
This is so sad,leave a like if ur depressed
Next week when he finally reaches the bottom.
how long did this conversation take..
1:03 I've read somewhere that sloth players come down to defecate on the ground because they must bury their feces to hide the smell from predator players.
Compare that to builds that deliberately use urine to mark their presence and scare off enemy players.
Hey tier, my little sis and I were actually discussing the Meta today, and we noticed a really weird player build out there that we think you should take a look at. The axolotl.
It has insane regeneration, and (if I recall correctly) can even regenerate its brain. I think they're even immune to aging.
But with all of that, they're not even a tank, live only in one small area, and basically do absolutely nothing with their unique abilities.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!
gosh, if only i was an _a x o l o t l_
just gotta wait till i die and respawn
According to a scientist's blog post in 2015,[1] axolotls actually do something with their regeneration, although it does sound like a stupid application. "Axolotls regularly bite each other on the leg as part of their whole social structure and the loser often ends up having to regenerate a whole limb."
As a biologist and a former Runescape addict, I absolutely love your channel.
Before the video:“life is not a game”
After the video:”welp you got me there”
a weird game to say the least
I have a few ideas for videos you could do.
1. a tier list for various horse species.
2. At 2:32 you showcase an Eocene tier list. Could you create this?
3. A video explaining how you would fix various F and D tied builds to make them more viable in the current meta.
these are just some ideas, but I hope they help you make your next videos.
Sloths sometimes miss grabbing a branch and they already started letting go with their other limbs, falling to their death.
To be fair, no build is great with a terrible player at the controls.
Chris V I one saw a bird player flap both wings independently, so basically that guy never flew
@@fishyfishyfishy500akabs8 must've been two people fighting for the controller haha.
@@hecticshade yep
Sometimes they also grab their own bodyparts, thinking they are branches. They also move so slow, that algea grow on them, and they will die of that, bc they can't move anymore.
Sloth players are just AFK players. Why'd you hate on em
If you wanna afk go get plants or mushrooms, surface servers are not very suited for mammal afk builds.
Why do you think people hate AFKers?
JoA Because they’re lazy and never pick viable builds
I miss Ice Age meta. Rotation did insane DPS, and we discussed best stat distribution every day. Made a lot of friends.
Uuh sorry but Cambrian meta was best meta
Not that newfags who only joined during the Ice Age could understand that obviously
I think I'm just gonna leave this game, I just can't believe how much the devs have fucked the Arthropod guild over the years, it's like they hate us or smth
@@solalflechelles1216 Geez, y'all old geezers hate every meta besides your own. Are you gonna brag about how "balanced" the pre-Cambian meta was too?
@@solalflechelles1216 Devonian was better. Yeah, competitive was started in the Cambrian, but it was still trash. there was no animal build larger than 3.3 meters. It was a joke my dude.
@@solalflechelles1216 Yeah Arthropods still have by far the most build options and most players among all guilds with Mobility and Multicellular abilities. Just because they don't control the highest weight classes anymore doesn't make them in any way unfairly nerfed.
Casuals I started in the Proterozoic eon
02:52 are you telling us that this is what Sid from Ice Age should look like? Or the arborial build was also around?
You should hit up AntsCanada and do an ants tierlist
I tried, he ignored me lol
@@TierZoo I am not surprised he has seemed to actually go insane over the past few years.
But you should definitely do an ants tier list video!
TierZoo that's rough fam, kudos for the attempt though
@Pepe The Platypus What have happened to him? I peek at his stuff on occasion and cant really find anything wrong or off putting with it?
is it possible to load older version of the game? i don't like new updates
They say you can only torrent old versions because the game patches itself constantly.
But you take the risk of getting weird glitches if you do that, like volcanos spawning in the middle of nowhere. It's fun to watch, tho.
when i was doing that all desert enemies swapped with ice enemies ending up in diffrent places
toniseanandcarter toniseanandcarter Oh yeah, I remembered when a glitch caused penguins to spawn in Africa. The players made that so much of a deal that the devs even denied it was a glitch, and they just left them there.
Why would you want to? There were less servers, and way too much grinding.
You've been kicked from the server due to inactivity
| Reconnect |
wtf I can't click reconect I'm reporting u and u gonna get banned m8
It was more so the change of the climate. The cold reduced food and food is usually the limiting factor on size. Smaller sloths were able to survive. However sloths have no speed and as still fairly large mammals they don't have great stealth either. So with the forced reduction in size removing HP and attack they had to flee to the trees.
The climate shifted from glacial to interglacial and Visa versa dozens of times without causing extinctions. In fact, the last transition was actually more mild than the previous one in terms of climate.
Guys, it was humans.
Can you talk about parrots?
Can parrots talk about you?
Good job
High INT, otherwise typical for a mid-tier bird. Some have okay stealth and go for green, subdued skins but others are so flashy that they'd get annihilated if their regular servers actually had any competent aerial predator builds. A matchup between a raptor and a parrot would be downright unfair. The INT is definitely useful for players that decide to ally with humans but by the same token, it makes them a popular target of human players who want to capture them to force into only playing on their own private servers involuntarily, which is a real threat to the playerbase. The negative stealth stat also plays into it.
@@comradegarrett1202 I've seen parrots break a brazilian nut like nothing. If they put their minds to it, they could bite off the raptor's feet. ^ ^
Holy shit I just discovered this channel and this is gold. How did I not know about this before? ;-;
I never knew I needed this channel until now.
Lucky now you can binge watch the videos
Trolligarch it’s great. All the videos.
Lol, where have you been? The game started and became popular like million years ago.
@@KuroDCupu i don't get it,why doe? Is this a game or a role-play?
PLEASE do a pleistocene megafauna tier list
Asad Parvez Also the fact that entelodonts and Andrewsarchus were not contemporaneous with things like Smilodon, Mammuthus, and giant sloths. He's just grouping all Cenozoic animals together and calling it the Eocene, for some reason, which refers to a very specific span of time far before mammoths and giant sloths.
@@WrathofFenrir99 yeah it was at least B tier ,sure it was like the ultimate predator whit amaizing burst speed stamina steereng speed and it's spacing peck attack could kill everything whit a critical , too bad it was held back by the asshole it was lobbying (like every other bird or reptile ) and the early game in which you had to follow the constant tutorials in which you had to follow a older player while you learn the sensibility of the command and you expand your gear .
Yes please
@@glup6129 If you look at all too closely (or look at all) you'll find TZ has (sometimes very basic) errors in all of his videos. I do enjoy the theme and format so I keep watching, but I wish he was more rigorous.
Poor Miyubi... Life is very rough on her...
Aaaand she died again.
So they’re basically Meta Knight in Smash 4, just a shell of what they used to be
Or Puff in Brawl
Except MK in Sm4sh is still viable. Sloths are not.
ganon in brawl/wii
@@asiseverything3404 Ganon wasn't that good in Melee. He was mid tier.
They're god-tier tbh, and we also need a new smash game based on your videos
Did you just comment on RLL’s video ?
The humans could just one tap every other animal.
Super smash Animals
Forrest Sheadel
The humans would need prep time for their abilities
@@louisnixon4333 and equipment
Still by far, the best and Underrated Channel on youtube
In what possible way is this a underrated channel
@@Lemme-sniff-ya 1million abos, he deserves like 1billion^^
Vaidar This isn’t underrated. Over 1 Million subscribers with only 36 videos is already enough.
He is not underrated at all, he has a lot of subscribers and is still growing, and no one says anything bad about him.
he's not even the best lol
"Starve to death on a full stomach"
The devs are clearly region locking sloths with a weakness this glaring
All sloth mains are hackers. Every build gets kicked from the game for being idol and inactive, except sloths. They hack so they can stay in the game even if they are inactive.
woof woof well some of us sloth mains dont have time to play all the time like other players. Had to switch to a human main cause I kept getting griefed
I play sloth whenever my ping becomes shit as it doesn't require as many micros.
Personally I know how: the only inactive mode you can be in without being kicked is “sleep” mode, sloths take advantage of this by breaking the “average sleep/nocturnal” bar, they manually set their average sleep time to 24 hours
wasn't the point of being AFK to grind or something? because it's not really useful to be AFK just for the sake of it
Sloth is relaxing. I'm not a pro gamer jeez.
Should've specced a bit more into cuteness so you can get that WNF protection, like panda players do.
Sloths; the Magikarp of real life.
But slakoth is somewhat useful in pokemon, it got yawn (which is important for me) and evolves to vigoroth, then to slaking that have the highest stats, second to Snorlax.
True. And yawn is all important when running a slaking. But Pokémon and Outside have different metas. In Pokémon, sloths are viable. In Outside, sloths are literally the worst animal possible when living. The only creature ever to somehow make Koalas look viable. They deserve their own tier. Sloth Tier. It doesn’t get any lower.
But better:/
Woah woah woah , remember Magikarp evolves into Gyarados , an absolute unit by itself . Let’s not compare it to sloths who show no signs of speccing into evolving into high tier anytime soon .
@@Im-Not-a-Dog at least magikarp can evolve into gyrados at a very low level. sloths however, have nothing good going for them
You know you’re super interesting when you’re named after the number of toes you have
"it will starve to death, even on a full stomach"
Don't Starve music is extremely appropriate for this video lol sloths are basically Willow players
Willow got buffed now. Though she is still a bit dodgy. Who is your favourite character? :D
@@squishyoctopi7042 hey that's good news. Now they just need to make Winona worth playing and the game is balanced pretty much. Wes can stay Wes. He's Wes. Haven't played in a while but I personally main Maxwell and try to partner with a Wolfgang. Big boy handles the baddies and I horde as many supplies as I can before the cold times come lol what about u friend?
Maxwell for me too! I like to partner with a Wickerbottom and Wolfgang. Maybe WX. Maxwell is awesome for resources, nightmare fuel farming and killing the bee queen. And yeah, Wes can stay Wes. He's Wes.
Seriously, what is the point of ranting about how bad a challenge build is? They specifically built sloths to be bad, to prove that you can be essentially useless and still be viable.
Sure if you count being an XP farm for new players as "viable".
Sounds like a Sloth main.
What game are you playing, sir?
@@ShinigamiSamaH Well, viability is directly linked to the ability to not be extinct in this game, so yes, they are viable. They may not be great examples of what to do, since the mainly spec'ed towards useless skills, but they can still be playable.
Sounds exactly like what an S-rank would do to something as low-tier as a Sloth, they aren't even _worth_ grief-killing.
For eagles, sloths are literally training bots.
Imagine the precision after you’re done training though ez game
Thanks Tierzoo for teaching me how vulnerable Miyubi, the sloth girl from Seton Academy is
Now I need to protecc her
Giant ground sloths didn't die from over hunting, they died from catastrophic climate change 12000 years ago
but that wouldn't fit on the game humor does it?
Humans most likely killed most large land animals. If it was the ice age/climate change, how come over 50% of all large land based animals died off at the same time, that had survived for millions of years up until around 12000? Same reasoning goes for other humans that were our cousins. It's most likely homo sapiens.
@@PresidentialWinner no. Most of them could not adapt to the environment at all.
@@PresidentialWinner thats because the climate changed in a very short days. Younger Dryas period, I implore you to look it up. Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson did some podcasts with Joe Rogan which are a good start.
@@thrainkross4288 I don't have the time to look at any more Rogan podcasts but since you watched it you can explain it. So how did so many species die off at around the same time that had survived many many ice ages and climate changes for millions of years? What happened 10000-13000 years ago that was so drastically different from the previous changes that none could adapt?
Though nostalgia is a common reason, many players such as myself play sloth so we can have a stealth character on hard mode.
The Don't Starve soundtrack was a perfect fit
It is incredibly funny that harpy eagles keep sloths alive so that they can be used as target practice.
I love how playing as the sloth is so hard that you put the don't starve music in the background
I wondered who else noticed that
Could you do a video where you talk about what the "hypothetical ultimate predator" would be, as in if you could create a brand new build to be the ultimate predator, what would it be? What stats would it main, what abilities would it have, and so on?
NepNep it would be us humans
@@arthurkerkhofs6377 Yeah but you could still talk about everything except humans. Like "everyone knows humans have risen to the top of the food chain, but other than intelligence, what are the best aspects that other predators of the world bring to the table", or some shit like that.
NepNep Yeah that would be cool to think about
NepNep due to the fact that you always have to sacrifice something for an upgrade, it’s far from possible.
High INT, team strats, knowledge of the enviroment, at least mid POW, etc.
I guess you could say african painted hounds, wolves, orcas and dolphins are the ultimate predators, at least based on the meta now.
If we go back to the beginning of the xenozoic, raw POW, good natural weaponry and mid STL would be key, so classes like bears, sabertooth tigers, etc. would be the ultimate predators on that time.
It's more about "what the meta is in this moment" rather than "who is better than who".
Sloths are low tier?
Explain *Slaking*
Isn't Slaking one of the big sloths that got nerfed by the patch. Still in the OU teir though right?
Slaking is low tier in competitive pokemon too 😂
Slaking is lower than NU.
He suffers from the abysmal mobility stat sloths have, only able to get 1 hit in per his opponents 2.
@@masons2442 actually slaking's mobility isn't THAT bad
I used to main ground sloths a LONG time ago, since he played so uniquely, but now I main humans. I’m waiting to see the next big class...
Don't you think there's a mammal clan bias beneath this argument? Sloths are basically mammals stripped down and rebuilt as a reptile archetype. It would make more sense to compare them to iguanas.
The reason sloths are still viable in the meta is because they're so specialized. They've gone all in on a food source that almost no one else can exploit and that will never run out. It doesn't matter if they lose matchups, they can shrug off the losses because they have security.
And then human mains deforest your acre of rainforest and you have no game play and have to reroll.
human mains deforesting destroys everything from low tier sloths to high tier jaguars and panthers.
Agreed, while I won't defend sloth players beyond how adorable their facial options are. I do think using human deforestation strats as an excuse for why sloth mains are bad is unreasonable. Simply put, Outside has gotten so broken that every other build has been forced to adapt around a single OP ape build. There may be a balance patch in a few in-game decades or centuries, but until then everyone else is just going to have to adapt to the endless stream of human mains flooding the servers.
I'm saying it's low tier because they're stuck in one tree the entire time a human is cutting it down. They're too slow to even get down before it falls. Carebear human players have to come to the tree when they find one and pick it up. Squirrels aren't F tier because they can just jump and relocate.
Ultra-specialized strategies are generally not known for being high-tier.
And when the meta is literally defined by uncertainty and local server wipes caused by human players, that's a VERY risky strategy.
Heaviest nerf in the animal world maybe if we started giving them avocados or literally any other food that they are able to eat they’d get buffed again
thanks for the don't Starve theme :)
They do have one big advantage though and that is their extremely rapid experience growth. Because they consume so little calories they can just remain in one tree without actually having to do anything.
yeah also they don't have any competition for xp, since ruminant builds don't play in the arboreal meta.
Ants should be next!
TierZoo should contact and work with Mikey Bustos from AntCanada to make an rank on differend kind of Ants. Maybe Mikey Bustos would even act as a guest speaker for that special.
“Leaving them alive for practice”
Holy shit that’s pure evil it’s comparable to zombies making human farms
That´s not evil, that´s just flexing. Like "Yeah, I could kill you, but I´m a good hunter, so I´ll let my kids have a shot at you. Maybe you´ll survive, who knows? Hehe."
its comparable to people who catch and release the fish in a lake
@@TheSwiftblad3 ohhhh that was nice
How to use the shovel is up to you.
@@Kartoffelkamm that sounds pretty evil though !
My dad is a biologist and teaches college students- he absolutely loves your approach!
Imagine being worse than Pandas
Or koala
@@johnbrowning4510 Koalas are basicly the same play style. Eat greens and sleep all day.
this meme was made by not sloth gang
At least Panda spec into being a cute fluffy boi, while Sloth are literally tree hobos.
I know roasting sloths is fun and all but what about Pandas. They eat bamboo but they're stomach are meant for meant. They are too lazy to breed and often times they dont recognize there own offspring and ended up stepping on them. The reason how this build survives because have the hidden ability called "tourist trap". So basically they survive by sitting still and act pretty for the tourist
Blender Owl Studios pandas should just get become a support main
through the domestication tree.
Panda players are trolls. You can't roast a troll for playing a bad build... because that's the point.
@@thomasjenkins5727 you have a point but it just sad that before a certain patch Pandas were the dominant build in their glory days and even today they have powerful jaws that made dangerous back then but they shifted to a playstyle of eating bamboo which is toxic to them by the way only because bamboo has no way to run away from them. If only Panda players resort to hunting instead of afk farming and let the humans take care of them. They are going extinct because of their lazy playstyle
Pandas appeared on the bear tier list and they were rightfully placed on the bottom
Blender Owl Studios Wow, there's so much misinformation in your comments it's hard to know where to correct you. Panda stomachs are "meant" for their diets as much as any animal's. In fact, most bears are primarily herbivorous, so the giant panda is no exception here (rather, derived hypercarnivorous species like the polar bear are the exceptional ones). Brown bears will even choose berries over salmon if they both come in to season at the same time.
Pandas are certainly not under threat of extinction because of their relatively specialized lifestyles (although panda diets are not just bamboo); in fact, the fact they are still alive when tigers and other species have gone extinct in their range tells us they are good survivors. They are under threat of extinction because they are a large animal forced to compete with humans, again a task they have done remarkably well next to some of the highest population densities in the world.
Pandas still have immensely powerful jaws, can weigh over 160 kilos (350 lbs), and have injured humans. There was no "decline" of pandas from ancient meat-eating bears to lazy pandas; if anything, all bears originate from a panda-like ancestor, since pandas are the basalmost bear taxon alive today.
They aren’t terrible, they’ve just been storing their energy.
And today, that energy is released.
"Sloths are the worst builds in the game"
Slaking agrees.
Wdym slaking xan learn like literally every tm, and sure it has its snooze ability which really brings it down but if you arent aome greedy player that only wants constant damage they can be an absolute powerhouse.
@@Cryospec Yeah but doesn't he have an ability that makes him sleep every other turn?
@@ilikestew5719 yes, he does. I mentioned that in my comment but it was pretty small and maybe i didnt get the name right. I do agree this ability is a real pain in the ass but its complimented by the incredible power it has every other turn. Like i said if you stratigise right and arent some speed hungry dumbass its a real powerhouse
@@Cryospec True dat. I just really suck now, haven't really played a lot since the game with Giratina. Should really get back.
Love the PvP.
@@Cryospec a competitive pokemon player our favorite sloth slacking is *very* bad
A part of me would have liked to hear about the moths that have a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship with Sloths. They live in the fur, eat the algae that grows on their fur, and even use the sloth dung as a place for reproduction. A sloth's body and their waste is like an ecosystem on its own to these moths. Any chance to get a tier rating for these symbiotic moths? Or perhaps a comment on a future video?
If they rely on a exclusively on a low-tier to survive, they're automatically low-tier. They're essentially vulnerable to everything a sloth is, except instead of dying immediately they'd either had to find another sloth ASAP or die a few days later. Not to mention the endangerment or even extinction of their host species would mean the same for them.
Obviously this doesn't work the other way around, being dependent on a high-tier doesn't make you high-tier, especially if that high-tier is humans. Modern medicine has completely destroyed large populations of most human and domestic animal parasites.
Videos about players who use other players as stages might be interesting. It's pretty common, really.
How exactly does the sloth benefit from them though?
The algae. Apparently Sloths with more moths have more nutrient rich algae in their fur which they can apparently eat. And so the whole descending the tree to defecate is solely linked to helping their support sloth moths generate food for them.
HAH! The Halo respawn timer sound effect was a great touch when the harpy eagle took out the sloth for practice.
Honestly wish I picked a different build. I’m just so invested in my sloth character. Those once a week poop runs really build up the adrenaline. Rest in peace to the OG sloth builds, only real fans will remember.
Yeah Sloths nerfed a lot Devs screwed over Sloth mains from S teir to F teir
Just imagine if there was another extinction patch, the humans would just escape out of bounds to somewhere like Titan or the TRAPPIST-1 system
Sloths have rest though, and you don’t need to be HungryBox to know that it’s a pretty good move
But when your only option is to spam Rest, without Sleep Talk, Snore, or any other options when you're awake, your build can't really accomplish much.
A frame 1 kill move with 26 invincibility frames is pretty good on its own, and up throw to rest can kill at 0%, and chances are you’ll wake up before your opponent respawns.
I mean, some of the philosophers in the Outside community argue that it's mostly about adapting to suit the zone you're in.
But even then, I have more fun playing as a bacteria than I ever did playing a sloth.
Could we get a video on bacteria soon? Or do you only do animal builds?
TierZOO my friend. ZOO.
Hehe, bacteria. *macrophages intensify*
Bacteria aren’t a big main tho a lot of people play it
You actually play bacteria? You don't have bots using bac accounts to mine data?
@@thomasjenkins5727 Nah. Playing a bacteria is something of an exercise in micromanagement, because you're balancing numbers and decisions based on the entire population, rather than a single individual as with animals.
I suspect that is the reason bacteria aren't very popular with the player-base; it's practically a different game. (The other being extermination by human antibiotics)
How about koalas
You know
The dumbest mammal to ever live.
Bottom teir trash
There is a drop bear but it's hard to get to on the skill tree.
They still do somehow manage to kill humans, because Australia is a horrifying place.
koalas are high 24/7 and keep falling out of trees lol
echo fighter.
the only difference is that the sloth is actually quite smart, they are observative and can understand if a animal is a danger for them. they are reputed to be friendly with humans (most of the time.) and the koala is singly more mobile. Also sloths put some evolution points into swimming since their jungle is full of water. koalas decided to go for poison resistance instead since their server is very dry. for the rest they have the same gameplay. if i had to chose between a koala or a sloth i would take a sloth since they have more intelligence and can move on water.
If they move too much, they'll easily overheat and....
All she did was walk!!
Dude this is literally teaching viewers about animals by using video games and memes
yeah i think thats the point of his channel
You are new here, aren't you?
FriedrichHerschel yeah i guess i am
Voidmare im not saying its bad its actually quite smart
That's part of what makes this channel so unique and fun.
Also, the heavy influence of RuneScape references is super nostalgic for me as that was my first ever MMO and I still play it to this day.
humans may have mastered every single arena but the arborial, BUT they have also specced into terraforming which enables them to literally destroy the whole arborial meta nevertheless. any player in the arborial arena knows it, if their server is getting terraformed, they're done for.
in short: the sloth's survival is no longer guaranteed, no matter how low xp they are. at least the other sloth players put up a fight against humans and then all gave up and quit. giant and aquatic sloths were proper players, many pros among them. but arborial sloths? all noobs, absolute trash players, professional laggers if anything. takes them forever to act when they get spotted and attacted afterall. but most of all, it's like they are afk 97% of the time. it's like those age of empires players that when they are about to lose, they dont use their villagers to put up a last stand, partisan style, nope. they first get massacred, then as a delayed reaction they just command all their villagers to go towards the 4 corners of the map, maybe build a shitton of walls and try to hide in the most remote and inaccessible location they can find and hope they die last. because they will still die for sure.
Though I once won an 8 players all_v_all match in SC1 with a very similar strategy where my base was destroyed and I decided to just start 4 new bases all over the map. I did manage to build and hide many more bases and my last opponent got caught coldhanded after wiping out what he thought would be his last real opponent and then getting stabbed in the back.
I used to do that! Good times, good times. But I used to build Town Centers and military buildings instead, in an attempt to fight back. And they'd find me before I could finish creating a unit. It was fun.
I still play age of empires 2 online. There's actually a very active community still playing.
If you can look me the eyes and gun down a family of sloths. then I will believe you
andy02q What sc1?
How have I never seen this channel
The fact that he treats it all like a video game add even more layers of charm