For anyone that is looking at getting married, I have prepared an extensive 8hr Pre-Marriage Course where I cover all aspects regarding your journey to getting married. We conduct these courses live every few months but you can still enrol and watch a replay -
I want to ask you some questions about my marriage. My marriage was held last year and alhamdulillah now I'm married for 1 year. I wanna ask you that for my nikkah, my mother asked my father about his consent for this marriage. My father at first lightly declined it. Later, he himself asked my mother about him(my husband) and asked my mother what's her thoughts about it. She said this marriage would be good for me, and she wanted this marriage to happen. After hearing my mother's decision, my father said, "Well/ok,if you think so." Then after that my father and mother both started arranging my marriage occasion. So I want to ask you if my father's words are considered his consent. Please answer me.
This was very helpful to a revert like myself. I have unfortunately seen people going into marriage very blindly especially as a young woman. We need to all know our rights and commitments for the sake of Allah and do it to the best of our ability inshallah. I almost don’t want to get married until I learn a lot more about Islam. Learn more about the men’s rights too. I want my future husband happy inshallah, all while serving Allah the RIGHT way. May Allah guide us all and grant us a wonderful spouse Ameen ❤
Every time ,wen this brother bilal assad speaks it widens our brains and hearts may Allah bless this brother with all the godness in deen as well as duniya ameeen
1. talk/ respect the culture 2. visit / get to know 3. engagement / agreement 4. marriage contract 5. identity of the couple 6. accept verbally / consent 7. no legal impediment 8. right of mahr 9. witnesses /audience
May Allah bless sheikh Belal, elevate his status ya rab grant him and his loved ones jannatul firdous, protect him him ya rab, bairek fee so we continue to benefit from Your knowledge through him, ameen ya rab.
After 50+ yrs old, I don't see myself getting married. My family (especially my mother) doesn't seem to agree to any man who comes with a proposal who doesn't meet her requirement. I am still single at this age. Allah knows best, I surrender to His will.
I hope you find contentment and understand that 50 is still young enough as long as you're not drooling and shitting yourself when you're sitting, you are still enough to get married, marriage is just having a companion, stop putting blocks for yourself, I find younger men are very shallow so I will wait until at least 50 to get remarried, first marriage was a life lesson and I got a beautiful baby hope you can adopt and foster to benefit the ummah
It is very crucial to do all of this in islam ☪️ for your marriage to be valid for sure, Maasha allah…goodluck to muslim girls, islam is beautiful and peace ❤
Assalamualaikum Sheikh, may Allah always grant you khair and barakah, I have one question, for the Nikaah contract, is there a certain format we have to follow? And do we draw the contract up ourselves or must it be done by the celebrant who's officiating the Nikaah?
As someone with no direct male relative capable of being my wali (all direct living relatives are either children or female) I was panicking a bit until he mentioned the Hanafi school…ok, I’m no longer worried. I’ve been widowed for nearly a decade so I’m pretty sure that counts as mature enough (my potential partner is Hanafi). I still haven’t the foggiest clue as to what to request for mahr though.
JazakAllah kheer for great lecture. Although if you could please give a lecture about marriage in today's western society, when muslims children want to marry non muslims, what are the conditions for that marriage to be valid??
Moslem are haram to marry non moslem unless...Moslem men who's allowed marry non moslem women in one condition, if they're ahlul kitab. It's prohibited for moslem women to marry non moslem men.
Ours is different, we have to say certain words as well. They also check your beliefs to make sure you're a muslim😅 Thereafter, they ask the girl several times to confirm or object to ensure no force or compulsion with one wali present. They get everyone back together and they ask is this the agreed mehr, then they ask them the questions and document it (has it been paid or promised). The next phase is documenting in front of the witnesses. A dua khayr is done and then food is given to the guests.
I'm from Malaysia. yes. it is hard. need to pronounce specific word like template in one breath then confirm with the all 4 witness does it acceptable or not. marriage is hard in here. i know it is hard due to marriage law here protects women mostly, but still, so tedious so hard. I wanna get married but now seems impossible with the economy (already hard before recession) Please pray for me, your sister in Islam
The more i listen to the lecture the hilarious it is, imagining these poor men proposed or see each other for the first time ,.. She act shy, he act shy, her father stared at you lol 😆 Ijab Kabul in Indonesia is similar to Malaysia as you mentioned.. I agree its not necessary about the saying during ijab kabul must be in one breath, but again its culture. You know Mr Belal, do you ever considered to write a book, being a marriage celebrant, you have quite a lot of experience that you may want to share with public, .. Just a thought.. No class this week, probably not next week either, .. All great success insha Allah for Light Upon Light that starts today in England, i am with you all in spirit ❤️
Seriously I feel like staying single for the rest of my life is less of a burden than going thorugh all the embarrassment in irder to get married. My family is non practicing / non religious, I didnt grow up with a lot of cultural teachings, hardly speak the language from where my family originates. I learned how to pray from youtube and was mocked for praying by some in my family. My parents are divorced, and doing a lot of stuff I dont like. I feel like, if a man was to think about marrying his daughter to me he would wanna inspect my family etc and then I would dip. And then the whole language and culture thing would also break the deal. Idk man, I feel so stuck with this
Alhamdullilah bother, allah guided you. You have the chance to do the hardest dawah in the world i.e. to your own family. Try to connect to good practicing muslims, maybe go to mosques near you and make some good friends and connections and constantly give dawah to your family through tour behaviour like rasulallah (saw) taught. Inshaallah they will start understanding your belief even if they temselves don’t convert. Through your good connections with otger muslims, you can form a good image and even if your family doesn’t provide a good example while looking for a sister, your friends can be testimony for your good behavior and character. And finally, constantly keep making dua for guidance for people near and around you, and inshaallah, allah will keep opening doors for you
Thank you for explaining all this. What if the male is Never Married and female is a divorced with grownup son of 18 years. She has brothers who don’t want to get involved in her Nikkah. In this instance what should she do, as her son even 18 years is still a young boy. Do they approach Imam in local Masjid?
Yep, ask your local & trustworthy imam or sheikh. Btw, in Islam, boy or man is not decided by age. It's a number, but reaching puberty and other few factors is what decides whether one's a child or an adult.
I would avoid accepting mahr request as "hajj Trip" or "a car", because it's not a certain value, it changes every year and by provider. You might book a hajj in a 4 star hotel where you share a room with 4 others and then she says I wanted 5 star for us alone. Also you don't know how much it will cost in a few years. So to avoid conflict rather agree on monetary value or even better grams of gold because of inflation.
@belal.assaad I want to ask you some questions about my marriage. My marriage was held last year and alhamdulillah now I'm married for 1 year. I wanna ask you that for my nikkah, my mother asked my father about his consent for this marriage. My father at first lightly declined it. Later, he himself asked my mother about him(my husband) and asked my mother what's her thoughts about it. She said this marriage would be good for me, and she wanted this marriage to happen. After hearing my mother's decision, my father said, "Well/ok,if you think so." Then after that my father and mother both started arranging my marriage occasion. So I want to ask you if my father's words are considered his consent. Please answer me.
@@belal.assaad I want to ask you some questions about my marriage. My marriage was held last year and alhamdulillah now I'm married for 1 year. I wanna ask you that for my nikkah, my mother asked my father about his consent for this marriage. My father at first lightly declined it. Later, he himself asked my mother about him(my husband) and asked my mother what's her thoughts about it. She said this marriage would be good for me, and she wanted this marriage to happen. After hearing my mother's decision, my father said, "Well/ok,if you think so." Then after that my father and mother both started arranging my marriage occasion. So I want to ask you if my father's words are considered his consent. Please answer me.
Sheikh, what about if my father isn't in my life as he has bad habits and my mother is the one who, as a single parent, earns and provides for us? My uncles aren't in the picture either as they are very abusive to my mother who has health difficulties and my grandad died last year. I do have a brother but he's only 18. Would he have to speak on my behalf? Jzk khair for a very insightful talk.
WaSalam sister, sorry to know that. Yes, your brother becomes your Wali. But an Imam will try to make the effort to contact your father, if it is practicable.
Isn't it thought-provoking how the mother has no role to play despite having raised you on her own while the father is off gallivanting and shirking his duties, but when it comes to getting you married the trauma-inducer has to be brought on board...
@@belal.assaadasalamu alaikum Sheikh I also have this same situation. But am a single daughter of a single mother. My father left me 19 years ago, my grandad died, I have no brothers and my uncle don't take care of us. My mom took care of me all these years, protected and provided. Who will be my wali then? Is it fair that my mom went through all these struggles and someone else being my wali?
I was married but he beat me so I left, I cannot speak to him to get a talaq and there’s nobody in my country to give a fasiq, I want to marry again but I cannot obtain a divorce. What can I do?!!!!
Ι feel for you sis. Isn't being a woman in this world so hard for many, even when you are a Muslim women, you'd think religion would help, but in reality it's a man's world, even the Islamic shariah around marriage and divorce. If he can give you a Talaq just by saying the words no court no nothing, and you don't even have the system in place to receive one as a victim of abuse it shows how vulnerable the system leaves a woman in, esp if she has no support by way of family or wealth. May Allah be with you, pray and seek guidance and as an adult woman it is up to you to decide what you wish to do. Allah sees and knows what is in your heart. I pray that you do not become bitter or have it affect your mental health. May Allah make life easy for you.
@@fbcork2003 A man can give divorce with words but the courts are still involved when it comes to a bunch of other things. The women aren’t left stranded nor do they need his permission to divorce him if it’s a matter of abuse. Just find an imam, it’s that simple
Salam brother, where Can one Contact you and maybe have a conversation with you? Me and my husband would like to have a talk with you about our marrige and also does it cost?
It’s disappointing that it’s never mentioned what one should do when they have no family… on either side.. man or woman. Because I’m a convert of 10 years… I have no family. What am I supposed to do? My husband died in 2019, was a love marriage.. small marriage (religious) thx for the advice. I don’t have a family for a man to go to…. So it’s difficult and leaves room for a lot more haram stuff.. it’s difficult to tell these guys no or there should be someone with us.. it’s like they think it’s too strict.. but they’re Muslim… it’s weird
My situation is different but similar. All I can say is try your best and leave the rest to Allah. Live for the here after, don't worry much about this life. I hope you do the same for me. Just keep reminding each other. I just wish there's someone I could talk to.
People have different opinions on the idea of love and marriage and so on, but since im a Muslim I can’t be in a haram relationship with a girl until we get married obviously, and anyways it never works out for me since I always get my heart broken in the end with all of my past relationships that I have had, but even with Islam and being a Muslim it’s too much and too many steps I have to go through to get married and girls ask for high mehr and people give you evil eye on your wedding day and I don’t want to tell my parents that I like someone because I’m too embarrassed and I’m scared that even if I do get married I won’t even like the person and I’m really sad and have been crying, what should I do cuz I feel like I’m gonna die alone
Assalamu 3alaykum. I want to get married soon Inshallah and i have a problem with the wali. My mom and dad both approve and the grooms family also does but my dad is making it difficult, wants me to sign a marriage conract with the groom because of the inheritance money of my father. He also officially changed to shia just because of the inheritance and also is abusive, easily manipulated by my aunts and manipulates everyone. He also doesnt pray and eats non-halal meats. I would dislike him to be my wali because i dont think he will do a good job at it. he is currently about 80 years old and not of sound mind. My fathers side is toxic and my unlces are all absent. Can i make a sheikh my wali? Im sorry for writing this much but since i am an only child and have no brother, i need to get professional advice. Thank you
Sheikh please answer my question Wa assallamu aleykum we rahmetullahi we berekatuhi 2 Months ago i married alhamdulillah, bevor the marriage, i read the prerequisite for a valid marriage i read a lot about the wittinesses to be 2 men or 1 man and 2 women so i had 1 man and 2 women as wittinesses that put their signature to the contract i also had a audience with more muslim men and women recently someone said to me that my marriage/nikkah is invalid because i had 2 women as wittinesses.. so i dont know what to do, i barely sleep at night so my question is, is my marriage valid?
Welcome to reality. This here exactly is why I believe Muslim women are subjugated in many ways under Islamic rules, without even bringing culture into the picture. I have no idea why life is this way for many, it's unfortunately our Qadr and I truly believe that Allah will judge according to one's situation.
@@fbcork2003f push comes to shove an imam can be a Wali. So at no point is a woman left stranded or alone. The world is cruel to women so I’m happy Allah swt made it obligatory for a man to protect us from any male weirdos/predators who want to marry and take advantage of women. To be a wali is a severe responsibility, the burden not being on women is a good thing.
1. In the absence of the father (dead, uncontactable, non-Muslim, or fasiq) 2. After the paternal grandfather, followed by the son, followed by the brother, then the paternal uncle .
Yes, the Wali must be a Muslim. If not, the paternal grandfather, then son, then brother, then uncle, then cousin, then the Muslim Judge, then the Imam or a Muslim man of her choice. However, in the Hanafi school thought only, a Wali is not necessary but recommended on condition the girl is mature enough and aware.
He says that a son can be her Wali if she's been married before, but I've heard that she's able to be her own Wali in any subsequent marriage (since she would have the experience to tell for herself who's in her best interest). Anyone know more about this?
@@belal.assaadI am also a revert. I was lied to. I am married to someone but was told the contract was for us to get to know each other but it's not true. Now I feel I'm stuck with him. And unhappy. He hasn't fulfilled his obligation to me either and never took the contract to the county to get it legalized. Now I feel terrible because I am with this person but unhappy and uncertain. I feel played around with and used. 😢😭
@@emilyvanduren1020 i am so sorry my dear sister please go to your local imam inshAllah. Im so sorry . Sending you big hugs from another sister in Islam ❤️ I am sorry he is representing Islam badly to you. Don't forget islam is perfect but muslims aren't. Make alot dua. Ask Allah sincerely for help. He will help you my dear sister. I will pray my maghreb salah in an hour, i will pray for an ease for your situation. Stay strong ❤️❤️
@@emilyvanduren1020 you weren't lied to because you were a revert, born muslim girls are lied to their whole lives, and we are not even set up to live alone the way you women are, its a sad sad life for women, looks like we must be heading to Jannah
sometimes its like one person is more invested and ready for marriage and can't accept it when the other person doesn't want to. They start acting all dissapointed. Just a bunch of b.s. to try and guilt trip that person. 😠
Does the wali have to be Muslim ? How does it work for reverts Whn there’s nobody from the father side? Sometimes the men in the Muslim community really don’t care much about the girl rights when she’s not his daughter tbh
So funny how many don't question the practices around them, people who think must really be a rarity. Think about it, do you think this is how the Prophet did it? Do you think the Sahabah married this way? If that's the case then our ahadeeth must be missing a big chunk of really comical narrations and funny anecdotes from Nikaah of men running out of breath and the number of attempts to marry a girl before getting it right!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
Think the Singaporean Government has rdy solved this Type of Questions where Anthropologist are still struggling … Only In Singapore a child born to Indian & Chinese Parents can Be Malay … 😂😂😂😂
Can a sunni women marry a shia man in Islam? Otherwise he has good manners, kindhearted and understanding. I don't know what to do. I fear that I will never find a decent man(I an single before. Please advise sheikh. Jazakallah
No, if you are practising and you know your Deen you hate the beleifs of the shia so how can you share a bed with someone who curses the sahabah and does shirk with Allah???
Sister dont worry about never finding that one, in Whos hands is all our affairs in? Who can say “be” and it is! Who is The Provider? Who is The One who has been protecting you from birth til today? Alllah ﷻ. never say i fear my dear sister, why do you fear? Isnt Allah by our side? Doesn’t He ﷻ capable of doing anything and everything? So why should you worry? Is it possible that only that guy out of almost 8 billion will match you? Despite there being contradictions in your beliefs? My dear sister i love you for the sake of Allah, dont worry about something Allah took care of it for you. You did your part! You are actively trying to pursue a marriage, but dont let one proposal fool you and make you lower your standards. Youre a muslimah who follows the book of Allah ﷻ and the traditions of his prophet! Youre a woman who doesn’t curse our mother ‘aishah رضي الله عنها nor does she curse the companions (im speaking in a general aspect but i do hope these apply to you). He may be all that you mention but please note that there is a high possibility your children end up being shi’i (because naturally the children ten to lean towards the father in this aspect and so does the wife lean towards the belief of her spouse) and not only that but also arguments between you and him on what to raise your kids upon. sunnis and shias are not as similar as they may seem, not even their prayer is valid to us so what much more disagreements will there be? finally, if you still decide to pursue this marriage then please promise me to at least pray istikhara prayer. [Hūd - 6] And no (moving) living creature is there on earth but its provision is due from Allah. And He knows its dwelling place and its deposit (in the uterous, grave, etc.). all is in a Clear Book (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz - the Book of Decrees with Allah). Anas ibn Malik reported: A man said, “O Messenger of Allah, should I tie my camel and trust in Allah, or should I leave her untied and trust in Allah?” The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Tie her and trust in Allah.” Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2517 Grade: Hasan (fair) according to Al-Albani
It may very well depend on what you mean he's a Shia, as there are people who are ascribing to one group just because theu were born in it, not by actually believing in the religious texts. If he's having raafidah beliefs then straight no. But either way, check where he differs; try to invite him to the truth by proofs of orthodox Islam (ie, sunni), and if he accepts *genuinely* then good. But if he doesn't, then it is best that you move on. Make du'aa that Allah grants you the best of this life & the next.
@@Bintyunus What a beautiful reply brother! No outright dismissal, just lots of love, encouragement, an honest answer looking at both sides respecting her mind and her question. May Allah bless you to positively effect more minds.
All you say is wonderful, but I found out my soon to be exhusband only married me to get citizenship, he is from MAURITANIA 🇲🇷 (AFRICA), he's a SCAMMER. Sham on him.
Good lecture ya sheikh but I disagree where you say to respect the culture in seeking marriage. NO! Even as a young child I could see what was wrong about the man-made culture around me and ahmadulillah I don't support backward and practices that oppress society. People who act like sheep blindly following inappropriate, foolish and more importantly unIslamic practices is the reason why Islam has changed so much - precisely because culture has taken precedence over religion! Look at how Christians live today and Jews like you observed, Islam is already following suit and the advice is to respect culture clearly which you yourself know are unIslamic? Blindly adhering to culture is exactly why women are subjected to abuse and harassment and oppressed in such cultures, among other social evils. This is why child marriages happen! Why female infants are killed off in India! Why honorary killings happen in Afghanistan Pakistan and Bangladesh and India! Why women are married off for the first time by their men - the only ones involved in the marriage, the groom and the male guardian - as though she is cattle with no mind or choice in the matter. Take India for example, where I know for a fact in the state of Kerala the bride's permission is never sought, the Qadhi doesn't even see the bride to her if she consents to the marriage, and anyone Muslim or not can clearly see how this can be a tool of oppression and control, right here. Worse it's the bride who is forced to give dowry to the groom! - a haram practice that only takes place due to the Hindu culture around Muslims which they have greedily embraced.This is why in Asian cultures adult children especially daughters have no say in who they marry, their parents choose their life partners for them! And why therefore many of these marriages are potentially invalid! PLEASE DO NOT RESPECT CULTURES THAT ARE TOXIC AND GO AGAINST THE MESSAGE THAT ISLAM OFFERS. It's up to the younger generations the ones who are capable of seeing the cultures around them and thinking for themselves what is right and wrong, sensible or backward, Islamic or unIslamic to change such wrong practices and pave the way for good change and healthy cultures that are in line with Allah and His Prophets' message.
Salamu Aleycom Warahmat Allah wabarakatu sheikh. I married my Muslim husband (ex now) at 18 previously divorced and with a son. There was no real proposal, he didn’t even go to my mother. His family refused to give him consent to marry me and threatened to send him back to Jordan. He ran away from his parents home took me to the local mosque. I had no idea what marriage in Islam was. I didn’t know our rights in Islam I didn’t know about the need of a wali, witnesses or mahr. *(I know now everything I’ve mentioned were red flags. But I learned about Islam through this man a 21 year old virgin. I fell in love with Islam instantly. Although brought up in JW & Catholicism combined. I always knew there was only ONE God, Allah but I didn’t know His name then. My husband made me feel it would be hard for me to find any man willing to marry a divorcée with child and he seemed to accept my child before we married) Once there at the mosque we sat down and they ( him and two sheikhs) spoke briefly in Arabic. I didn’t understand Arabic at the time. One of the sheikh did know English yet he never spoke to me except to ask me two questions, if I agreed to marry my husband and if I agreed to the $1 Maher he offered. I said yes to both. The sheikhs seemed confused but did not care enough to ask me questions to understand how little I understood about marriage in Islam. A few weeks later my husband told me we’d travel to Jordan to visit his family. He told me to leave my two year old son with my mother that we’d only be gone for one month. Once in Jordan he informed me we wouldn’t be returning to America. I ran away to return to my son. I was pregnant. He came back and said he’d only take me back if I abandoned my son with his father. He also informed me if I chose divorce he’d take our son (my second son) to his country and I’d never see him again. I agreed to leave my first born son with his father after him saying this is who kids go to in case of divorce in Islam. Believing I’d be able to care for him on weekends and times my husband was at work. But my husband’s mother hated my son and made it impossible for me to see him. When I confronted my husband with this fact he told me in Islam the wife should keep her husband happy at all times and if I angered his mother I’d be angering him. I was obedient, loyal, respectful helpful to him and his family and believed that they’d allow me to see my son once they warmed up to me. That never happened. By this time I had reverted but only learned what they’d taught me about Islam. He was physically, emotionally and financially abusive. I was isolated from everyone I knew specially my parents. I made the ultimate sacrifice to move to his homeland to prove my loyalty to him and his family, hoping he’d finally be a good man living in a Muslim country. But his abuse only escalated and he informed me I’d never leave his country with my children to visit my son and family. After he’d specifically promised I’d be allowed to visit once a year. We separated seven years ago and got legally divorced a few years ago in American court. He refuses to make our divorce legal here in his country to prevent I remarry. And threatened me to kick me out of Jordan if I apply for Khula or register our American divorce here. Was our marriage valid in the first place? Jazak Allah Khair.
Hehe you can skip the whole process and just ask her hand from her father, or whoever is the guardian in her family, her consent and yours, have 2 witnesses, agree on her Mahar and call the Imam to solemnize it.
@@belal.assaad Thank you for simplifying it ya Sheykh, you're blessed that Allah chose you to become what and who you are today. May Allah reward you and shine further your intellect, your lightness of being and your advice that befits the times we live in. Pray for those of us who have tough lives and struggle to understand Qadr.
What if she is a revert and didn’t understand what was going on, didn’t have any whitenesses of her own and parents didn’t know? (Asking for a friend 😅)
Avoid the marriage until she educated herself on religion especially marriage. The man’s family will have great unwritten expectations of her if they follow Islam. The marriage will be set for failure if both parties don’t educate themselves on Islamic rules when it comes down to marriage. Especially this backward in-laws always interference Momma’s boys 3rd Wheels are his family members
For anyone that is looking at getting married, I have prepared an extensive 8hr Pre-Marriage Course where I cover all aspects regarding your journey to getting married. We conduct these courses live every few months but you can still enrol and watch a replay -
I want to ask you some questions about my marriage. My marriage was held last year and alhamdulillah now I'm married for 1 year. I wanna ask you that for my nikkah, my mother asked my father about his consent for this marriage. My father at first lightly declined it. Later, he himself asked my mother about him(my husband) and asked my mother what's her thoughts about it. She said this marriage would be good for me, and she wanted this marriage to happen. After hearing my mother's decision, my father said, "Well/ok,if you think so." Then after that my father and mother both started arranging my marriage occasion. So I want to ask you if my father's words are considered his consent. Please answer me.
This was very helpful to a revert like myself. I have unfortunately seen people going into marriage very blindly especially as a young woman. We need to all know our rights and commitments for the sake of Allah and do it to the best of our ability inshallah. I almost don’t want to get married until I learn a lot more about Islam. Learn more about the men’s rights too. I want my future husband happy inshallah, all while serving Allah the RIGHT way. May Allah guide us all and grant us a wonderful spouse Ameen ❤
Ameen ❤️ true agree absolutely right
InshaAllah 👍
Every time ,wen this brother bilal assad speaks it widens our brains and hearts may Allah bless this brother with all the godness in deen as well as duniya ameeen
Jazakallahu Khairan ustadh
Love from Uganda
May Allah keep you for us
May Allah reward you w goodness & barakah.
Was really a beneficial lecture; enjoyed it.!
I'm happy that you shaikh finally have your account 😊
This video was very helpful and informational thank you for posting it on UA-cam
SHUKRAN for the clarity. The explanation is the best. May ALLAH BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ALWAYS
I learnt so much! A much needed topic in this day and age, thank you so much
This brother delivered the best speeches in the all world💚🤍 سبحان الله
1. talk/ respect the culture
2. visit / get to know
3. engagement / agreement
4. marriage contract
5. identity of the couple
6. accept verbally / consent
7. no legal impediment
8. right of mahr
9. witnesses /audience
May Allah bless sheikh Belal, elevate his status ya rab grant him and his loved ones jannatul firdous, protect him him ya rab, bairek fee so we continue to benefit from Your knowledge through him, ameen ya rab.
After 50+ yrs old, I don't see myself getting married. My family (especially my mother) doesn't seem to agree to any man who comes with a proposal who doesn't meet her requirement. I am still single at this age. Allah knows best, I surrender to His will.
Insha Allah u'll find a way sist..
You’re 50+ years old and never been married??? Subhan’Allah sister I’ll pray for you
I hope you find contentment and understand that 50 is still young enough as long as you're not drooling and shitting yourself when you're sitting, you are still enough to get married, marriage is just having a companion, stop putting blocks for yourself, I find younger men are very shallow so I will wait until at least 50 to get remarried, first marriage was a life lesson and I got a beautiful baby hope you can adopt and foster to benefit the ummah
Tawwakul 🤲🌸🌷
Sister you have a say aswell in these matters as far as I know. Your mother cannot entirely decide about your fate on her own
İt's the sheikh that i love the most sheik belal Allahuma barık☺
It is very crucial to do all of this in islam ☪️ for your marriage to be valid for sure, Maasha allah…goodluck to muslim girls, islam is beautiful and peace ❤
Bless you alweys 💕 i love to listen you your great spekar great topics lecture
That’s very helpful
Alhamdulillah, you’re welcome.
Aameen. Make Dua Sis!
Assalamualaikum Sheikh, may Allah always grant you khair and barakah, I have one question, for the Nikaah contract, is there a certain format we have to follow? And do we draw the contract up ourselves or must it be done by the celebrant who's officiating the Nikaah?
Did u ever find out ?
Wa Aleykum Salaam
As someone with no direct male relative capable of being my wali (all direct living relatives are either children or female) I was panicking a bit until he mentioned the Hanafi school…ok, I’m no longer worried. I’ve been widowed for nearly a decade so I’m pretty sure that counts as mature enough (my potential partner is Hanafi).
I still haven’t the foggiest clue as to what to request for mahr though.
JazakAllah kheer for great lecture. Although if you could please give a lecture about marriage in today's western society, when muslims children want to marry non muslims, what are the conditions for that marriage to be valid??
Moslem are haram to marry non moslem unless...Moslem men who's allowed marry non moslem women in one condition, if they're ahlul kitab. It's prohibited for moslem women to marry non moslem men.
Thank you for this lesson sheikh. My question to you is: How should revert sisters go about it. No muslim in the family - who would be the wali?
representing officer/ skeikh
Ours is different, we have to say certain words as well. They also check your beliefs to make sure you're a muslim😅
Thereafter, they ask the girl several times to confirm or object to ensure no force or compulsion with one wali present. They get everyone back together and they ask is this the agreed mehr, then they ask them the questions and document it (has it been paid or promised).
The next phase is documenting in front of the witnesses. A dua khayr is done and then food is given to the guests.
I'm from Malaysia. yes. it is hard.
need to pronounce specific word like template in one breath then confirm with the all 4 witness does it acceptable or not.
marriage is hard in here. i know it is hard due to marriage law here protects women mostly, but still, so tedious so hard.
I wanna get married but now seems impossible with the economy (already hard before recession)
Please pray for me, your sister in Islam
The more i listen to the lecture the hilarious it is, imagining these poor men proposed or see each other for the first time ,.. She act shy, he act shy, her father stared at you lol 😆
Ijab Kabul in Indonesia is similar to Malaysia as you mentioned..
I agree its not necessary about the saying during ijab kabul must be in one breath, but again its culture.
You know Mr Belal, do you ever considered to write a book, being a marriage celebrant, you have quite a lot of experience that you may want to share with public, .. Just a thought..
No class this week, probably not next week either, ..
All great success insha Allah for Light Upon Light that starts today in England, i am with you all in spirit ❤️
“Don’t try it before you buy it” I’m dying 😂
How is no one else talking about this, it was magical 😂😂
Seriously I feel like staying single for the rest of my life is less of a burden than going thorugh all the embarrassment in irder to get married. My family is non practicing / non religious, I didnt grow up with a lot of cultural teachings, hardly speak the language from where my family originates. I learned how to pray from youtube and was mocked for praying by some in my family. My parents are divorced, and doing a lot of stuff I dont like. I feel like, if a man was to think about marrying his daughter to me he would wanna inspect my family etc and then I would dip. And then the whole language and culture thing would also break the deal. Idk man, I feel so stuck with this
Alhamdullilah bother, allah guided you. You have the chance to do the hardest dawah in the world i.e. to your own family. Try to connect to good practicing muslims, maybe go to mosques near you and make some good friends and connections and constantly give dawah to your family through tour behaviour like rasulallah (saw) taught. Inshaallah they will start understanding your belief even if they temselves don’t convert. Through your good connections with otger muslims, you can form a good image and even if your family doesn’t provide a good example while looking for a sister, your friends can be testimony for your good behavior and character. And finally, constantly keep making dua for guidance for people near and around you, and inshaallah, allah will keep opening doors for you
Thank you for explaining all this. What if the male is Never Married and female is a divorced with grownup son of 18 years. She has brothers who don’t want to get involved in her Nikkah. In this instance what should she do, as her son even 18 years is still a young boy. Do they approach Imam in local Masjid?
Yep, ask your local & trustworthy imam or sheikh. Btw, in Islam, boy or man is not decided by age. It's a number, but reaching puberty and other few factors is what decides whether one's a child or an adult.
As far as I know, a divorced woman does not need a Wali. Allahu alam
Jazakallah kheiran, love you for the sake of Allah. Barakallah
If marriage isn't registered in marriage council still it will be valid ? Or later it will create problem?
I would avoid accepting mahr request as "hajj Trip" or "a car", because it's not a certain value, it changes every year and by provider. You might book a hajj in a 4 star hotel where you share a room with 4 others and then she says I wanted 5 star for us alone. Also you don't know how much it will cost in a few years. So to avoid conflict rather agree on monetary value or even better grams of gold because of inflation.
Yes, I agree.
Mahr is paid in money (gold) by us, not sure about the new payments styles etc.
@belal.assaad I want to ask you some questions about my marriage. My marriage was held last year and alhamdulillah now I'm married for 1 year. I wanna ask you that for my nikkah, my mother asked my father about his consent for this marriage. My father at first lightly declined it. Later, he himself asked my mother about him(my husband) and asked my mother what's her thoughts about it. She said this marriage would be good for me, and she wanted this marriage to happen. After hearing my mother's decision, my father said, "Well/ok,if you think so." Then after that my father and mother both started arranging my marriage occasion. So I want to ask you if my father's words are considered his consent. Please answer me.
@@belal.assaad I want to ask you some questions about my marriage. My marriage was held last year and alhamdulillah now I'm married for 1 year. I wanna ask you that for my nikkah, my mother asked my father about his consent for this marriage. My father at first lightly declined it. Later, he himself asked my mother about him(my husband) and asked my mother what's her thoughts about it. She said this marriage would be good for me, and she wanted this marriage to happen. After hearing my mother's decision, my father said, "Well/ok,if you think so." Then after that my father and mother both started arranging my marriage occasion. So I want to ask you if my father's words are considered his consent. Please answer me.
Sheikh, what about if my father isn't in my life as he has bad habits and my mother is the one who, as a single parent, earns and provides for us? My uncles aren't in the picture either as they are very abusive to my mother who has health difficulties and my grandad died last year. I do have a brother but he's only 18. Would he have to speak on my behalf? Jzk khair for a very insightful talk.
WaSalam sister, sorry to know that. Yes, your brother becomes your Wali. But an Imam will try to make the effort to contact your father, if it is practicable.
Isn't it thought-provoking how the mother has no role to play despite having raised you on her own while the father is off gallivanting and shirking his duties, but when it comes to getting you married the trauma-inducer has to be brought on board...
@@belal.assaadasalamu alaikum Sheikh I also have this same situation. But am a single daughter of a single mother. My father left me 19 years ago, my grandad died, I have no brothers and my uncle don't take care of us. My mom took care of me all these years, protected and provided. Who will be my wali then? Is it fair that my mom went through all these struggles and someone else being my wali?
I was married but he beat me so I left, I cannot speak to him to get a talaq and there’s nobody in my country to give a fasiq, I want to marry again but I cannot obtain a divorce. What can I do?!!!!
Take it to Islamic court and get ur divorce
Ι feel for you sis. Isn't being a woman in this world so hard for many, even when you are a Muslim women, you'd think religion would help, but in reality it's a man's world, even the Islamic shariah around marriage and divorce. If he can give you a Talaq just by saying the words no court no nothing, and you don't even have the system in place to receive one as a victim of abuse it shows how vulnerable the system leaves a woman in, esp if she has no support by way of family or wealth. May Allah be with you, pray and seek guidance and as an adult woman it is up to you to decide what you wish to do. Allah sees and knows what is in your heart. I pray that you do not become bitter or have it affect your mental health. May Allah make life easy for you.
@@fbcork2003 A man can give divorce with words but the courts are still involved when it comes to a bunch of other things. The women aren’t left stranded nor do they need his permission to divorce him if it’s a matter of abuse. Just find an imam, it’s that simple
khula go to another country and get a khula
May allah grant you jannah,, you're speech is the best all the time,,
Alhamdudilla I'm the 1.6k like
ustaz i want to ask a thing about talaq please help me im confused😭
Sheikh, what’s your thoughts on a pre nuptial agreement?
i think it's allowed...optional bvased on t couple agrrement
Salam brother, where Can one Contact you and maybe have a conversation with you? Me and my husband would like to have a talk with you about our marrige and also does it cost?
It’s disappointing that it’s never mentioned what one should do when they have no family… on either side.. man or woman. Because I’m a convert of 10 years… I have no family. What am I supposed to do? My husband died in 2019, was a love marriage.. small marriage (religious) thx for the advice. I don’t have a family for a man to go to…. So it’s difficult and leaves room for a lot more haram stuff.. it’s difficult to tell these guys no or there should be someone with us.. it’s like they think it’s too strict.. but they’re Muslim… it’s weird
I'm pretty sure you should seek help from the more knowledgeable people in your community
You can go to a sheikh or an imam and ask them on your behalf. Just like the imam here did. They should accept.
My situation is different but similar. All I can say is try your best and leave the rest to Allah. Live for the here after, don't worry much about this life. I hope you do the same for me. Just keep reminding each other. I just wish there's someone I could talk to.
People have different opinions on the idea of love and marriage and so on, but since im a Muslim I can’t be in a haram relationship with a girl until we get married obviously, and anyways it never works out for me since I always get my heart broken in the end with all of my past relationships that I have had, but even with Islam and being a Muslim it’s too much and too many steps I have to go through to get married and girls ask for high mehr and people give you evil eye on your wedding day and I don’t want to tell my parents that I like someone because I’m too embarrassed and I’m scared that even if I do get married I won’t even like the person and I’m really sad and have been crying, what should I do cuz I feel like I’m gonna die alone
go and workout, you need more testosterone and help with your anxiety men who cry over these types of stupid things are simps
Assalamu 3alaykum. I want to get married soon Inshallah and i have a problem with the wali. My mom and dad both approve and the grooms family also does but my dad is making it difficult, wants me to sign a marriage conract with the groom because of the inheritance money of my father. He also officially changed to shia just because of the inheritance and also is abusive, easily manipulated by my aunts and manipulates everyone. He also doesnt pray and eats non-halal meats. I would dislike him to be my wali because i dont think he will do a good job at it. he is currently about 80 years old and not of sound mind. My fathers side is toxic and my unlces are all absent. Can i make a sheikh my wali? Im sorry for writing this much but since i am an only child and have no brother, i need to get professional advice. Thank you
Sheikh please answer my question
Wa assallamu aleykum we rahmetullahi we berekatuhi
2 Months ago i married alhamdulillah, bevor the marriage, i read the prerequisite for a valid marriage i read a lot about the wittinesses to be 2 men or 1 man and 2 women
so i had 1 man and 2 women as wittinesses that put their signature to the contract i also had a audience with more muslim men and women
recently someone said to me that my marriage/nikkah is invalid because i had 2 women as wittinesses..
so i dont know what to do, i barely sleep at night
so my question is, is my marriage valid?
as i know...t witnesses should be men....u'd better askothers, there could be different mahdzab
Ustazzz pls give us some stories of your own marriage ❤❤❤
جزاك الله الفردوس الأعلى
Malaysia as same as Indonesia in saying specific speech in one breath to perform akad nikah 🤫
There is not ONE male in my family that is reasonable. They are all terrible and I have NO ONE to protect me!!! 😢
I’ll make Du’a for you, inshallah Allah will bring someone to help you 😢
Welcome to reality.
This here exactly is why I believe Muslim women are subjugated in many ways under Islamic rules, without even bringing culture into the picture. I have no idea why life is this way for many, it's unfortunately our Qadr and I truly believe that Allah will judge according to one's situation.
@@fbcork2003f push comes to shove an imam can be a Wali. So at no point is a woman left stranded or alone. The world is cruel to women so I’m happy Allah swt made it obligatory for a man to protect us from any male weirdos/predators who want to marry and take advantage of women. To be a wali is a severe responsibility, the burden not being on women is a good thing.
If a person pray only fajr Eid and jummah prayer then what the punishment he will get or its ok or is he count in muslims?
So I guess my question is when does the uncle cover as wali??
1. In the absence of the father (dead, uncontactable, non-Muslim, or fasiq) 2. After the paternal grandfather, followed by the son, followed by the brother, then the paternal uncle .
Do the wali have to be Muslim? And if so what do you do if they’re not
Yes, the Wali must be a Muslim. If not, the paternal grandfather, then son, then brother, then uncle, then cousin, then the Muslim Judge, then the Imam or a Muslim man of her choice. However, in the Hanafi school thought only, a Wali is not necessary but recommended on condition the girl is mature enough and aware.
What school of thought do you follow sheikh bilal?
Generally speaking, Hanbali because it is what I studied in Shari’ah, but not strictly.
He says that a son can be her Wali if she's been married before, but I've heard that she's able to be her own Wali in any subsequent marriage (since she would have the experience to tell for herself who's in her best interest). Anyone know more about this?
@@hasibabdullah3463 bring your evidence, if you're truthful
@@khanhamid3744 who was Khadijah's (رضي الله عنها) Wali
@@golden12078 her uncle 'Amir bin Asad
her mahram only can be t guardian
@@Deeja.99 I haven't read this in any ayah nor hadith
What happens in the account of a revert woman, does the imam become her wali ?
Yes, the Imam usually becomes her Wali.
@@belal.assaadI am also a revert. I was lied to. I am married to someone but was told the contract was for us to get to know each other but it's not true. Now I feel I'm stuck with him. And unhappy. He hasn't fulfilled his obligation to me either and never took the contract to the county to get it legalized. Now I feel terrible because I am with this person but unhappy and uncertain. I feel played around with and used. 😢😭
@@emilyvanduren1020 i am so sorry my dear sister please go to your local imam inshAllah. Im so sorry . Sending you big hugs from another sister in Islam ❤️ I am sorry he is representing Islam badly to you. Don't forget islam is perfect but muslims aren't. Make alot dua. Ask Allah sincerely for help. He will help you my dear sister. I will pray my maghreb salah in an hour, i will pray for an ease for your situation. Stay strong ❤️❤️
@@emilyvanduren1020 you weren't lied to because you were a revert, born muslim girls are lied to their whole lives, and we are not even set up to live alone the way you women are, its a sad sad life for women, looks like we must be heading to Jannah
What if she has a step father ?
sometimes its like one person is more invested and ready for marriage and can't accept it when the other person doesn't want to. They start acting all dissapointed. Just a bunch of b.s. to try and guilt trip that person. 😠
How about my uncle? because my brother is not a Muslim
More scholars need to talk about the basics of nikkah in short videos because men have short attention spans
4K Quality 😁
Does the wali have to be Muslim ? How does it work for reverts Whn there’s nobody from the father side? Sometimes the men in the Muslim community really don’t care much about the girl rights when she’s not his daughter tbh
Could be represented by t authorized official
I. Like it
so that's not real?
we do that as well in Indonesia
So funny how many don't question the practices around them, people who think must really be a rarity. Think about it, do you think this is how the Prophet did it? Do you think the Sahabah married this way? If that's the case then our ahadeeth must be missing a big chunk of really comical narrations and funny anecdotes from Nikaah of men running out of breath and the number of attempts to marry a girl before getting it right!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
Think the Singaporean Government has rdy solved this Type of Questions where Anthropologist are still struggling … Only In Singapore a child born to Indian & Chinese Parents can Be Malay … 😂😂😂😂
Can a sunni women marry a shia man in
Islam? Otherwise he has good manners, kindhearted and
understanding. I don't know what to do. I fear that I will never find a decent man(I an single before. Please advise sheikh. Jazakallah
No, if you are practising and you know your Deen you hate the beleifs of the shia so how can you share a bed with someone who curses the sahabah and does shirk with Allah???
Sister dont worry about never finding that one, in Whos hands is all our affairs in? Who can say “be” and it is! Who is The Provider? Who is The One who has been protecting you from birth til today? Alllah ﷻ. never say i fear my dear sister, why do you fear? Isnt Allah by our side? Doesn’t He ﷻ capable of doing anything and everything? So why should you worry? Is it possible that only that guy out of almost 8 billion will match you? Despite there being contradictions in your beliefs? My dear sister i love you for the sake of Allah, dont worry about something Allah took care of it for you. You did your part! You are actively trying to pursue a marriage, but dont let one proposal fool you and make you lower your standards. Youre a muslimah who follows the book of Allah ﷻ and the traditions of his prophet! Youre a woman who doesn’t curse our mother ‘aishah رضي الله عنها nor does she curse the companions (im speaking in a general aspect but i do hope these apply to you).
He may be all that you mention but please note that there is a high possibility your children end up being shi’i (because naturally the children ten to lean towards the father in this aspect and so does the wife lean towards the belief of her spouse) and not only that but also arguments between you and him on what to raise your kids upon. sunnis and shias are not as similar as they may seem, not even their prayer is valid to us so what much more disagreements will there be?
finally, if you still decide to pursue this marriage then please promise me to at least pray istikhara prayer.
[Hūd - 6] And no (moving) living creature is there on earth but its provision is due from Allah. And He knows its dwelling place and its deposit (in the uterous, grave, etc.). all is in a Clear Book (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz - the Book of Decrees with Allah).
Anas ibn Malik reported: A man said, “O Messenger of Allah, should I tie my camel and trust in Allah, or should I leave her untied and trust in Allah?” The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Tie her and trust in Allah.”
Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2517
Grade: Hasan (fair) according to Al-Albani
It may very well depend on what you mean he's a Shia, as there are people who are ascribing to one group just because theu were born in it, not by actually believing in the religious texts.
If he's having raafidah beliefs then straight no.
But either way, check where he differs; try to invite him to the truth by proofs of orthodox Islam (ie, sunni), and if he accepts *genuinely* then good.
But if he doesn't, then it is best that you move on.
Make du'aa that Allah grants you the best of this life & the next.
You can only marry a Muslim.
@@Bintyunus What a beautiful reply brother! No outright dismissal, just lots of love, encouragement, an honest answer looking at both sides respecting her mind and her question. May Allah bless you to positively effect more minds.
When will my marriage happen in dreams
Salam alaikum I am musimu from Kenya and I am in Saudi Arabia working in house hold I like maree mariege because I don't want moving married
All you say is wonderful, but I found out my soon to be exhusband only married me to get citizenship, he is from MAURITANIA 🇲🇷 (AFRICA), he's a SCAMMER. Sham on him.
This a lot of work.
Good lecture ya sheikh but I disagree where you say to respect the culture in seeking marriage. NO! Even as a young child I could see what was wrong about the man-made culture around me and ahmadulillah I don't support backward and practices that oppress society.
People who act like sheep blindly following inappropriate, foolish and more importantly unIslamic practices is the reason why Islam has changed so much - precisely because culture has taken precedence over religion! Look at how Christians live today and Jews like you observed, Islam is already following suit and the advice is to respect culture clearly which you yourself know are unIslamic?
Blindly adhering to culture is exactly why women are subjected to abuse and harassment and oppressed in such cultures, among other social evils. This is why child marriages happen! Why female infants are killed off in India! Why honorary killings happen in Afghanistan Pakistan and Bangladesh and India! Why women are married off for the first time by their men - the only ones involved in the marriage, the groom and the male guardian - as though she is cattle with no mind or choice in the matter. Take India for example, where I know for a fact in the state of Kerala the bride's permission is never sought, the Qadhi doesn't even see the bride to her if she consents to the marriage, and anyone Muslim or not can clearly see how this can be a tool of oppression and control, right here. Worse it's the bride who is forced to give dowry to the groom! - a haram practice that only takes place due to the Hindu culture around Muslims which they have greedily embraced.This is why in Asian cultures adult children especially daughters have no say in who they marry, their parents choose their life partners for them! And why therefore many of these marriages are potentially invalid! PLEASE DO NOT RESPECT CULTURES THAT ARE TOXIC AND GO AGAINST THE MESSAGE THAT ISLAM OFFERS. It's up to the younger generations the ones who are capable of seeing the cultures around them and thinking for themselves what is right and wrong, sensible or backward, Islamic or unIslamic to change such wrong practices and pave the way for good change and healthy cultures that are in line with Allah and His Prophets' message.
Salamu Aleycom Warahmat Allah wabarakatu sheikh. I married my Muslim husband (ex now) at 18 previously divorced and with a son.
There was no real proposal, he didn’t even go to my mother.
His family refused to give him consent to marry me and threatened to send him back to Jordan. He ran away from his parents home took me to the local mosque. I had no idea what marriage in Islam was.
I didn’t know our rights in Islam I didn’t know about the need of a wali, witnesses or mahr.
*(I know now everything I’ve mentioned were red flags. But I learned about Islam through this man a 21 year old virgin. I fell in love with Islam instantly. Although brought up in JW & Catholicism combined. I always knew there was only ONE God, Allah but I didn’t know His name then. My husband made me feel it would be hard for me to find any man willing to marry a divorcée with child and he seemed to accept my child before we married)
Once there at the mosque we sat down and they ( him and two sheikhs) spoke briefly in Arabic. I didn’t understand Arabic at the time. One of the sheikh did know English yet he never spoke to me except to ask me two questions, if I agreed to marry my husband and if I agreed to the $1 Maher he offered.
I said yes to both. The sheikhs seemed confused but did not care enough to ask me questions to understand how little I understood about marriage in Islam.
A few weeks later my husband told me we’d travel to Jordan to visit his family.
He told me to leave my two year old son with my mother that we’d only be gone for one month. Once in Jordan he informed me we wouldn’t be returning to America. I ran away to return to my son. I was pregnant. He came back and said he’d only take me back if I abandoned my son with his father.
He also informed me if I chose divorce he’d take our son (my second son) to his country and I’d never see him again.
I agreed to leave my first born son with his father after him saying this is who kids go to in case of divorce in Islam. Believing I’d be able to care for him on weekends and times my husband was at work. But my husband’s mother hated my son and made it impossible for me to see him.
When I confronted my husband with this fact he told me in Islam the wife should keep her husband happy at all times and if I angered his mother I’d be angering him.
I was obedient, loyal, respectful helpful to him and his family and believed that they’d allow me to see my son once they warmed up to me. That never happened.
By this time I had reverted but only learned what they’d taught me about Islam. He was physically, emotionally and financially abusive. I was isolated from everyone I knew specially my parents. I made the ultimate sacrifice to move to his homeland to prove my loyalty to him and his family, hoping he’d finally be a good man living in a Muslim country. But his abuse only escalated and he informed me I’d never leave his country with my children to visit my son and family. After he’d specifically promised I’d be allowed to visit once a year.
We separated seven years ago and got legally divorced a few years ago in American court. He refuses to make our divorce legal here in his country to prevent I remarry. And threatened me to kick me out of Jordan if I apply for Khula or register our American divorce here.
Was our marriage valid in the first place?
Jazak Allah Khair.
Bloody hell this is a very long process. Forget it. It’s too much hassle. After all that there’s still chance of divorce. My god!
Hehe you can skip the whole process and just ask her hand from her father, or whoever is the guardian in her family, her consent and yours, have 2 witnesses, agree on her Mahar and call the Imam to solemnize it.
@@belal.assaad Thank you for simplifying it ya Sheykh, you're blessed that Allah chose you to become what and who you are today. May Allah reward you and shine further your intellect, your lightness of being and your advice that befits the times we live in. Pray for those of us who have tough lives and struggle to understand Qadr.
Your reply is hilarious!!! .. mirrors my own take on life really. May Allah preserve your sense of humour and bless you with understanding.
What if she is a revert and didn’t understand what was going on, didn’t have any whitenesses of her own and parents didn’t know? (Asking for a friend 😅)
Seems like one of the conditions is missing. Best thing is to consult your local imam
Avoid the marriage until she educated herself on religion especially marriage.
The man’s family will have great unwritten expectations of her if they follow Islam.
The marriage will be set for failure if both parties don’t educate themselves on Islamic rules when it comes down to marriage.
Especially this backward in-laws always interference
Momma’s boys 3rd
Wheels are his family members
Speak to knowledgeable and trust worthy sisters. Still get your family involved. They just won’t be able to be a witness.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله Akhi is it possible I can talk to you about marriage ? Can I get a way to contact you? جزاك الله خير