Is Planetside 2 Unfair & Pay to Win?

  • Опубліковано 23 лют 2023
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  • @ZealousVidya
    @ZealousVidya  Рік тому +1

    Subscribe for more!

  • @tjgob00m
    @tjgob00m Рік тому +42

    The true PTW is thanks to client side performance. The better your PC, the better your performance.

    • @TurtleFootMining
      @TurtleFootMining Рік тому +1

      This is not true IMO. I’m rocking a GTX 980 with a 990X and I’m clapping kids every time I hit tab I’m on top most kills, most damage. Also rocking a 60hz monitor and I’m smacking everyone. Thanks due to my ex professional CS skills not my PC 😅😅😅

    • @LethitaNemedian
      @LethitaNemedian Рік тому +1

      This take is literally dated.
      Most of the playerbase is likely to have a PC utilizing hardware released in the past 7-8 years. An OLD rig would look like a 6700k with a gtx 1060 or rx 570. This rig carries 60fps in fights of 40 or lower. When you hit shitshow levels of pop, everyone's skill matters less. A more reasonable rig would have an i5 8600k (or the current AMD performance equivalent, I just know their releases at the time weren't close) and a gtx 10-series graphics card. Graphics optimizations in the game have made me gain ~40fps (average 100 now in moderate fights, drop to 40 in shitshow mode).
      I don't think it's likely that a majority of the playerbase is utilizing pre-2016 released hardware.
      The thinking that "they're pc cost more" being the issue applies for less and less of the playerbase with every passing year. I believe that at this point, a majority of the base's rig is THERE to run the game optimally. In tech years, running pre-2016 hardware makes your setup a dinosaur.

    • @agnosticpanda6655
      @agnosticpanda6655 Рік тому +1

      All you need are 100+ fps most of the time, there's no measurable benefit beyond that. Pretty much every cheap PC can do that nowadays. You just need to live with potato graphics (which people with good PC's are using too, anyways).

    • @ramchriz8673
      @ramchriz8673 Рік тому

      Real P2W is being born rich or being able to find a job so you can buy better PC, and training and working harder than anyone else! :)

    • @HardlyGaming
      @HardlyGaming Рік тому

      Nope, it's all about fps. You can sit at 120fps with a potato machine if you're willing to play on brick settings.

  • @Apticx
    @Apticx Рік тому +4

    i think the biggest "pay to win" aspect is usually just people dying from the same player and weapon 10x because they are in its most effective situation because veterans are able to exploit that and then thinking its op. then once they buy that weapon they dont get anything done with it because they try to midrange with a smg and then die to a heavy with another weapon you dont own. people usually only realize its not pay 2 win once they spend either money or lots of time learning the game but most people dont even get that far.
    I feel like most people (especially new ones that are used to carrying games) just get ego hurt too hard if their kd is not 10+. the most fun i have in this game is by doing stupid things that usually result in a low 1-2 kdr but are just genuinely more fun to do than passively farming a choke as a heavy and try to boost kdr as much as possible.
    while i can easily archieve sessions with a kdr of 8-10+ i mostly just enjoy trolling and doing stupid shit like trying to roadkill people in a esf and other things that just make you go "wth is that guy doing"
    just have fun and try out as much things as possible and find something you enjoy other than trying to minmax for that perfect kd session to share on reddit.

  • @brodofraggins
    @brodofraggins Рік тому +10

    Not having matchmaking is irrelevant when a zergfit can drop 48 people on a 12 person fight.

    • @MuffelamMorgen
      @MuffelamMorgen Рік тому

      Then let me ask why you fight with 12 people against 48? Why you dont bring another 50 to the fight and push the zergfit back? Btw. that is how a war works in reality.

    • @brodofraggins
      @brodofraggins Рік тому

      @@MuffelamMorgen lol

    • @surr3ald3sign
      @surr3ald3sign Рік тому

      ​@@brodofragginshes right tho, if you get zerged its literally as simple as dropping a message in your outfits discord asking for some backup...

    • @brodofraggins
      @brodofraggins Рік тому

      @@surr3ald3sign lol

  • @weenercarguy4100
    @weenercarguy4100 Рік тому +4

    The tutorial seriously needs to explain the ADS mechanic where if your ADS animation has not fully finished and you shoot before it has finished it's basically the same as hip-firing in terms of accuracy. This absolutely needs to be taught in the tutorial or changed, this changed my gameplay from praying my shots hit to actually getting consistent kills. I just don't think the game prepares the new players enough, I mean it doesn't even explain how to properly SHOOT YOUR GUN. They seriously need to show the true reality of the game in the tutorial by explaining very unique mechanics like the ADS one and emphasize that they will not get kills against experienced players if they are aiming for the body. Having a friendly smiley happy tutorial for a game filled with 3000 hour veterans is just setting false hopes that the game is going to be playable as a solo new player.
    The lack of preparedness Is what creates this falsified view of unfairness, yeah you can tell the new player to "suck it up and get better" but how many people does that really work on?

    • @surr3ald3sign
      @surr3ald3sign Рік тому

      Honestly if you dont know these things its bc PS2 is your first ever fps game and if PS2 is ykur first ever fps game you need to reevaluate some key decision making skills.... thus is not a new player friendly game, its made for ppl who already have a good grasp of fps mechanics and no amount of tutorial will fix a lack of that experience

  • @joebutler9776
    @joebutler9776 Рік тому +6

    I do not think that it is play to win, yes being a member provides some nice benefits and you can buy some implants but... principally this is about basic skill at shooting (I will neve be top tier at that, but I can dream), tactics (which make a big difference), and strategy (overall map control and focus). It is certainly a time invested to understand and win game. And there is always more refinement in these areas, which is one reason I keep coming back. I also have a comment on the definition of winning, most reports focus on KD, but I know people who love the most revives, the most repairs, the most alerts won, etc. Honestly most of the people I play with have a more holistic view of winning than just KD, it is noted for sure, but play style is not changed dramatically because of it.

  • @deujdel7014
    @deujdel7014 Рік тому +4

    I agree
    I love Planetisde 2 but it is pay 2 win in a sense.......that extra 50% nanites matter alot, it allows ppl to do suicide runs to blow up sundies or just do crazy things with no consequences because they have more nanites....Remember planetside it's not a 1 vs 1 engagement only, it's a battle overtime, so although you might not see pay 2 win is 1 vs 1 engagements, overtime an even match 1 vs 1, will skew towards the side with more nanites, since more nanites = more power/options to kill.
    Like I said in 1 vs 1 situations this game is not pay 2 win....I started over with characters with crap implants, and I still did very well....Sure I would love to have some implants, but my KDR/KPM was still high....So Implants/little upgrades like that are not that huge of a difference overall...Skill matters more.
    However, I wouldn't mind everything being unlocked, or most things being unlocked so new players couldn't go into victim mentality to cope.....I wouldn't mind that one bit.
    The biggest help to Casual Players would be higher TTK, it would allow n00bs to actually react to being killed, right now it's easy as hell for sweaty vets to wipe n00bs without even being hit....One of the main criticism of the reviews, is that people die ASAP and dont now wtf happened, the cause is obviously low ttk and a whole platoon shooting at you in a chokepoint/doorway....Devs need to fix this if we want players to stay.
    I agree, Heavies camping doorways/chokepoints and having good KPM/KDR isn't really impressive...Like you said Planetside is about big battles, exploring a huge map and moving around to take over other facilities, not camping doorways for hours like many salty HA vets do.
    It's sad, but the devs need to cater more to Players who move and attack, instead of catering to campers camping doorways....There catering to these salty vets has hurt planetside IMO.

    • @AlluringSpy
      @AlluringSpy Рік тому

      @@KanyaDT But without the nerf you'd be forced to run nanoweave all the time to stay competitive, making all the other stuff obselete but the adrenaline pump for infiltrator. Now you have more choice, I think nanoweave should've never existed or add something like a move speed debuff if you use it. What do you think about this?

  • @Markfr0mCanada
    @Markfr0mCanada Рік тому +4

    Out of all the points about pay to win, really the only 2 that stick for me are the nanite boost from membership and the 45k iso for the expensive implants with a whatever cost bypass. Thankfully this game doesn't have the option to go the MOBA route to raise money because of all the certs vets have. The MOBA loop for any who don't know is to add something to the game once a month, for 3 weeks it's ludicrously OP to boost sales, then gets nerfed so the players get 1 week of a balanced game to keep them playing before the next pay to win drops. Wrel tried this with the crossbow, and it failed horribly because all the vets bought it day 1 with certs. If you want to know WHY he doesn't like the vets walking around with so many certs, that's why.

  • @theDemolisher13
    @theDemolisher13 Рік тому +6

    No the hit reg is actually broken at times me and my good mate went out and tested that. It mostly comes down to server performance. Some days it's running optimally and there's no issues other days it's running a bit sluggishly. This was really noticeable when you would go power knifing before it's nerf and find that sometimes you could knife someone 10 meters away and other days you couldn't knife someone touching you. Now this would also apply to bullets hence sometimes I would get video footage of putting 10 gauss saw rounds into a medic and them firing back 2 bullets and winning. These days it's not that bad but it is a big factor to still be aware of.

    • @syrphilipgulmatico5352
      @syrphilipgulmatico5352 Рік тому +1

      Bruh this happens to me too like i know i hit them with the vanquisher so many times even headshots and they still manage to turn around and 2 shot kill me.

    • @ethandye8764
      @ethandye8764 Рік тому

      no regs are an issue in almost every multiplayer shooter, look at rust. you have to make the server lag sometimes when the shittier connections drop, but that also the planetside 2 servers are indeed Celeron hardware, and they just like the tf2 valve servers, they are showing their age.

    • @yourworldwidememedealer
      @yourworldwidememedealer Рік тому

      it's real bad if you a ls4 and have bad server latency and constant lag, sometimes headshots will count as body shots or go completely through them

      @0BLACKESTFUN0 Рік тому

      this is such a major problem that i refuse to play infantry for longer than 1 hour . And at night time you play against less skilled players so its also no fun when netcode is functioning

  • @NoahVanceFishing
    @NoahVanceFishing Рік тому

    Just reinstalled today since I noticed the player pop for emerald was at around 1200. Popped on to find my account completely wiped which is a bummer but I haven’t played it in a long time. Jumped straight into it with base guns and did just fine. I did not feel outmatched at all.

  • @GeoBGO
    @GeoBGO Рік тому +2

    It's all about time spent in the game

  • @paskcharron4542
    @paskcharron4542 Рік тому

    Planetside 2 : You will die. Alot.
    They even say it in their tutorial at the end.

  • @ethandye8764
    @ethandye8764 Рік тому +1

    im just glad to hear someone call a max what it is, a crutch. theyre really hard to kill as infantry though...

    • @Lucas-wj8kl
      @Lucas-wj8kl Рік тому +1

      What? Just drop a C4 on them.

    • @HardlyGaming
      @HardlyGaming Рік тому

      @@Lucas-wj8kl Yep, if people struggle to kill Maxes then they can't blame the Max. I don't even remember the last time I pulled a Max considering how useless they are.

  • @patlecat
    @patlecat Рік тому

    I like that we don't have a matchmaking in PS2, else I would never be challenged to make more efforts to improve.

  • @dalentces2492
    @dalentces2492 Рік тому +1

    I mean like it or not, gunplay in this game is somewhat unique in it's complexity and this will inadvertently attract players who are interested in skilled play. The major difference you can easily feel compared to other shooters is the low velocity mixed with high CoF increase and different types of recoil affected by a myriad of variables (stuff like horizontal tolerance or first shot multiplier on vertical recoil, how many games use those so prominently?). The amount of shots you need to kill was set to a value that requires you to either efficiently burst or hope that the last bullet will find it's way on it's own when outside cqc range, and that's just when you engage a single target. If there is more of them and you're not bursting, you will run out of ammo before the second kill if it's not an LMG you're using.
    Also, you just brush off hackusations, when of all games on the market this one has possibly the greatest number of uninterrupted, hours-long blatant hacking sessions that can be experienced on daily basis by tens if not hundreds of players at the same time. Devs literally don't even have a working built-in report system anymore, you have to email them with proof of exploits which maybe 0,01% of people does.
    You're playing on Cobalt yourself for god's sake. Are you telling me you've never seen flying MAXes or noclipper shotgun users two-shotting everything in sight? AP Lightning hidden under one of the tower bases on Oshur that makes a comeback every now and then? Have you not seen Engineers sitting inside Ti Alloys walls near the vehicle terminal or the capture point, destroying anyone who passes by? At this point I don't know what to say to you.
    If you think that people who use blatant hacks to bring attention to the amount of hacking that can be done with no repercussions are the only ones to do it, I have a bridge to sell to you. There are many more people using undetectable ESPs that give them just the right amount of advantage to make them "salty vets". Just recently someone on Cobalt's reddit posted a clip of getting sniped by a Bastion on Hossin by a prominent NC player while sitting in a stalker cloak, not moving, from a distance of several hundred meters. TWO times in a row. We'd never know otherwise, had they not been recording at the time.

    • @surr3ald3sign
      @surr3ald3sign Рік тому

      I play emerald and out of over 100 hours so far of active frontline combat i have yet to see a SINGLE hacker...

  • @prorok1972
    @prorok1972 Рік тому +2

    IDK after long time playing P2 I see that you can get kills(win) only with your skills and sometimes with luck. Of course you can buy weapons but it doesn't give you more chance to kill.

  • @desktoprhyme3996
    @desktoprhyme3996 Рік тому

    Bro just summed the game up better than anyone

  • @jinxclaessen1544
    @jinxclaessen1544 Рік тому +2

    literally everyone can 1 shot eachother reviving has no demerit and u can get everything u need with certs..

  • @PatrixBest
    @PatrixBest Рік тому

    After having not played for 2 years, I started a new character and by BR 16 I was scoring a K/D of 4 as infantry with just basic equipment.
    You're definitely not held back from playing successfully.
    At the same time, I know well that if you take teo squads at an equal, elevated level of skill, and one is playing at BR 16 and the other is ASP+, the second squad will have so many more ways to engage the low BR squad.
    Vehicle play if pretty much out of the question for the low BR squad. But that's not really pay 2 win, that's just the disparity between new and old players

  • @Frosthowl93
    @Frosthowl93 Рік тому

    What 3v3 RTS games are you playing?

  • @zakadams762
    @zakadams762 Рік тому

    the max thing is overstated though, by all means buy it and support the game, I wonder how many people actually do. I hope the game gets more funds and lasts for many years to come. Many of the maxes running Berzerker probably have been playing since the start, most vets are long term

  • @MetaMaticGamer
    @MetaMaticGamer Рік тому

    I got into this game recently but I can see that it isn't really pay to win for the most part, especially when I was accused of hacking when I just wanted a dog tag these guys built a silo right on top of no less. They were trying to fight me off high ground and I held that ground well and killed the same guy coincidentally like three or four times.

  • @Stormbreaker613UA
    @Stormbreaker613UA Рік тому

    Well. Main problems are client side shenanigans + Damage Reg problems. - For example, sometimes you can Dump half of your mag into Dude and achieve nothing and in a same time Dude just insta kill you in matter of seconds. And sometimes when everything is working fine you can wipe a small squad by yourself and do some good kill streaks.

  • @josefbartosik6253
    @josefbartosik6253 Рік тому

    The thing about that even after 20 h you are still begginer is soo true. I'ts probably me thing but even after more than 220h of play time (acording to steam), im running with K/D of 0.55-1.2 (with light, not as good with heavy, dunnu why). My main point is, it does not matter how good you are, you will still die, be it sneaky infi or just being over run by sheer numbers.

    • @AlluringSpy
      @AlluringSpy Рік тому

      And I think low KDR portrays the real world wars really well, in most games of 30 people in a team you can play with consistency to your skill, but in this game where you go against hundreds of players there's so much chaos that no matter how good you are you will die a lot to dumb stuff due to the amount of chaos going on.
      How many badasses in ww2 must've instantly died to some random grenade or artilley, never displaying their marksmanship? PS2 really depicts the meat grinder aspet of wars in my opinion.

  • @devrimboga8584
    @devrimboga8584 Рік тому

    It's very up to your skill and i like this. You can die 15 times in a row. Or you can kill 15 times a row. 😂

  • @willywillington9252
    @willywillington9252 Рік тому

    the way I see it, the game technically *is* P2W, but the only advantages you can *only* get by paying money are pretty minor overall and require you to be already good at the game to really benefit from them. for example, if you're bad and instantly die as a max, does it *really* matter if you can spawn maxes 50% more often if you accomplish nothing to begin with. and when you get good as a max and stop dying so much, it still won't matter because you wouldn't be running out of nanites even if you *didn't* have the increased nanite regeneration.

  • @sladewilson7750
    @sladewilson7750 Рік тому

    omg. i can't believe you missed this one crucial points.
    members get 2 additional character slots and 2 additional slots.
    also if you pay for a weapon or anything with dbc, you unlock it on all your character slot.

    • @ZealousVidya
      @ZealousVidya  Рік тому

      Yeah but that's like pay for convenience, not p2w

    • @charlesficherwcoffeebreaks7521
      @charlesficherwcoffeebreaks7521 Рік тому

      Grandrising B1 from N. Las Vegas Nevada I’m playing from New Conglomerate Warpgate then back to Vanu Sovereignty Biloba on PS3 Oshur y Asé

  • @HardlyGaming
    @HardlyGaming Рік тому

    It's not pay to win in any way HOWEVER the fact the devs reward the best players in the game with the best guns in the game then wonder why new players who spent an hour getting farmed by said vets give up and never come back..
    The only true benefit I found from membership was the repair/revive grenades. They're far too expensive to use without that extra resource.

  • @swedichboy1000
    @swedichboy1000 Рік тому

    It certainly would appear so if you are willing to get the best possible implants. Why bother with Support and Medics when you can do that yourself, right?

  • @manuscripter8880
    @manuscripter8880 Рік тому

    Do the math, those legendary implants cost like 45000 and you can only ever earn a pitiful amount. Not to mention those special weapons like the NSX I think it's called. That one is burst fire but if you spend cash to access those weapons (Because I see no way to earn them normally) you're getting a sweet deal, where someone spend a whole magazine on every other weapon you're blasting 3 guys in a room on your own with 1 clip.

  • @david_der_master_ofchicken5209

    7:20 He missed the shot on purpose not gonna lie.

  • @MrAnony07
    @MrAnony07 Рік тому

    By definition it is p2w you can spend real life money to get a advantage but what people don't think about is how p2w is it there are various lvls to it when most people hear p2w there first though is paying money to get a win but that's not what they should think they should think how much of a advantage do you get well the nanites boost is a big advantage and the ability to straight up buy any weapon or upgrade is also a advantage so yes it is p2w there's no argument there but overall it's not a massive game changer difference because this isn't COD this is a massive combined arms game where one guy spending a lot of money doesn't really matter because one person can't win the war with there advantages you need everyone and guess what you also have thoses p2w people on your team to plus it also helps everyone starts off with some if the most versatile and most useful guns out there so yes PlanetSide2 is p2w but overall it's not nearly a big deal and game changer people think.

  • @dust921
    @dust921 Рік тому

    i think adding in KDR was a bad idea people just get but hurt & rage quit .. but i play support so i really dont care about KDR i dont even no what the page looks like. im just here to have fun and chew gum

  • @gaatjegeenrukaangek6
    @gaatjegeenrukaangek6 Рік тому

    before you answer the question about "pay to win"
    you have to be able to define "Win". because if you get killed by someone who has payed for their upgraded weapon or passives, and you have earned them by the grind, did you lose?
    I believe "winning" in planetside is not about "killing people". its about coördination, and that's something money can't buy.
    another thing is, if you'd like to specify in a certain class, you can easily grind that single class to max in not TO long, the only thing paying for upgrading helps with is getting upgrades in ALL aspects of the game, wich for many players is not even a goal to begin with.
    and please don't start about camo, I bought camos and still get spotted from either 1 meter otr a 100 by players who play on lowest graphics.
    I payed a lot for my rig, to get killed by people with the low graph advantage, so I payed to lose...
    its a large discussion with many different outcomes, but at the end of the day, if you want to play a game and poses all there is to poses on the beginning of the journy, then yes, it's indeed pay to win. if you play a game to EARN your way to succes, then it's pay to spoil the fun.
    and about no que's, yes that's a good advantage, but that makes it "pay to play" just like the majority of games u have to pay for to begin with.
    and about the nanites, I've been member for a while, it helped a lot with my reckless driving, but now that I don't want to put money in this game, it made me a lot more strategic playing vehicles.
    at the end, it's all about it being a game, where people are working on, and it would be a bizare thought to think they will work for free. yes with only the cosmetics they prob earn a shi ton of money, but the fact that you can play a game for free and theoretically always be able to achieve the same goal as someone who pays for the game should be seen as a good thing.

  • @ThousandTimesNo
    @ThousandTimesNo Рік тому

    I've met 5 cheaters this year... Is it alot? Yes and No. There was 2 flyimg maxes with infinite ammo, 2 "no clippers" shooting from inside of a structure and one infiltrator that was like 4 times quicker in movement than anybody else. Biggest problem are not cheaters, but reaction time from devs... Those maxes farmed people for hours... They alone decided about alert outcomes...
    And no... Planetside is not P2W game i would argue, bundle weapons are not that good to pay money for them.

  • @bq1013
    @bq1013 Рік тому

    Seeing as I've killed plenty of sweaty spenders and not spent a cent on the game I don't see how its pay to win? P2W is when putting money into the game (actual money not 2 or 3 dollars a month) Gives you such an advantage that someone not matching your spending has Little to no chance what so ever against you. Anything else and you just need to get better. They pay to support the game they get some advantages, It by no means you cant win against those people.

  • @Markfr0mCanada
    @Markfr0mCanada Рік тому

    Copium is only a newish word, the concept is very old, along with it's little brother "rather quit than fail". Think back to your school years and what happened any time a kid failed a test. Did they own it, study up and do better on the restest? Or did they produce a string of excuses and/or disparage the kid with good grades as a teacher's pet and "I'm too cool to get good grades".
    It's just one or those things that grinds my gears is when people take something as old as humanity and pretend it's new. You didn't make it about generations, so thank you for that, but that's usually part of the picture. I say that as a millenial in my 30s who sees my peers turning into the old generation who react to lippy Zoomers as if they weren't exactly the same at that age.
    Copium=/= new.

  • @BrainBurnStudios
    @BrainBurnStudios Рік тому

    20 fps in large fights 😎

  • @artazceres1521
    @artazceres1521 Рік тому

    As someone who plays this game since 3 years i can tell you the game is just unfair
    New players are helpless and get farmed 24/7 by vets or sweats that only play heavy assault. When you are new to this game you are very weak and feel helpless .

  • @laputab
    @laputab Рік тому

    first aiming, second map and position understanding,
    120 144 fps and cert is not really important.
    pay money help just little.
    loser always complaint but don't practice and figure out the reason why they lose.
    i am not good but i know and i never complaint about other has a better skill.
    as i always sad this game is good game cause whatever you will find a funny way to play with.

  • @dust921
    @dust921 Рік тому

    im sorry but i just played a bunch of games that feel P2win & planetside is just not ... just play some real pay 2 win games:( humm its pay2win a bit but not in a way that's matter not like some of the uther games that u cant win without paying lol i dare eney1 to try to play diablo immoral in pvp free good luck with that

  • @josephjohnson5415
    @josephjohnson5415 Рік тому

    Open world pvp games will never ever be able to maintain a stable population. It's just the nature of averages. Folks look at the skill curve and forget the population burns and churns at both ends. The best and worse players leave. I will always love the game but it gets old, the same thing everyday so I play for a few weeks, leave for months and play for a few weeks until the game ends. It's best taking bites. It would be interesting to see what planetside side 3 will bring.

    • @weenercarguy4100
      @weenercarguy4100 Рік тому +1

      Same when it comes to the leave for months aspect, the one good thing about randomly playing the game once a year does is it gives you a very good sense on the state of the game from the eyes of a new player.

    • @josephjohnson5415
      @josephjohnson5415 Рік тому

      @@weenercarguy4100 I think people don't realize the 10 years. I've played all three factions, I flown all the planes and drove all the tanks. I started with 12 friends and only two still play occasionally but never when I come back. I haven't done even close to everything but I've definitely done a lot.
      I came back to see the underwater combat, which is okay but just okay. Honestly why are we letting planes fly around under water?
      I don't know who these mythical new players are, to me your asking me to believe in ghost and even after I think a saw one or two I still don't know if they're real.
      Planetside will always have a special place, it's own little niche, because nothing can compete with its genre. But let's be honest, nothing tries either because it's not a good genre in business terms. Pvp loses players naturally and therefore loses money potential and customers overtime and that can't helped in a "competitive" gaming environment.

  • @housebandthexenos2569
    @housebandthexenos2569 Рік тому

    Please talk slower. I'm a big fan of your channel but please for the love of all that is holy... I always find myself rewinding multiple times in your videos to catch all the (very good) info. I think you forget you have a pretty thick accent that is pretty uncommon to hear for the rest of the world, and I miss so many words at that speed.