What Is the Gift of Prophecy?

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @NuCreature8
    @NuCreature8 5 років тому +46

    Amen, it's very important to be careful who u have speaking into your life. When we're new believers, we feel the urgency to go to someone to hear from God all the time, when we can ourselves. It takes a lot of discipline & prayer. Also test the church u start attending as well, if something seems off, look to God for revelation. No matter what, don't let anyone else mold your personal relationship with Christ !

    • @lynnm.2019
      @lynnm.2019 5 років тому

      Amen. : )

    • @saxmanjpr5092
      @saxmanjpr5092 4 роки тому +1

      YEs, YOUR personal relationship. He will tell INDIVIDUALS things that the church as a whole would ick you out over. I can only imagine what Hosea must have gone through after he told others that God told him that he would marry a HOOKER! (Hosea 1:2)

  • @kielacruz6284
    @kielacruz6284 5 років тому +24

    Speaking in tongues or in unknown language is a great feeling. Whenever I am speaking it, I do not know how will I translate it but sometimes I know deep in my heart whom or what I am praying for. Followed by the gift of prophesy, during our worship, my tongue was urging to say the word of God such as "You are the Light" and "Our Savior". I am amazed because the Holy Spirit is doing that, not just because I want to say it. I had vision of a verse while prophesying. 18:28. After worship I did some research. It was from Psalm 18:28 "You, Lord, keep my lamp burning, my God, You turn my darkness into light." If everyone will just surrender to the Lord (set aside all fears and the feeling of unworthiness) and ask for the gifts, it will be given not because we deserve it but because our Lord Jesus loves us all. I am blessed. You are too 😊

    • @MonarchPoolPlaster
      @MonarchPoolPlaster 4 роки тому +3

      It isn't about "feelings". A lot of things can give you feelings, but that's not what we're after.

    • @CrochetNewsNetwork
      @CrochetNewsNetwork 4 роки тому +4

      Hi Ana, I’m glad you are a Christian, but I can tell by your comments that you have been a Christian less than five years. Unfortunately what you wrote although you may "feel right" is not Scriptural. However as we grow in Christ we will become more mature in our understanding. God bless you.

  • @jackiehensen896
    @jackiehensen896 Рік тому +2

    My experience. I'm just now figuring out what happened to me. My husband's mother came to me and I felt her love for him. I knew to tell him everything was going to be fine and that she loved him. I told a woman I didn't know she was going to die. And her angels were going to come for her. There were 3 of them. It was like I was in her body. I was her lying in bed. I told her there was no pain and no pain. I told her was knew them. She jumped up and showed me something between her chest. I was shocked I even said it. She took me to her family she was with for me to repeat it. She was wanting to talk about it and her family didn't. Months later I sat down next to A man and I knew he was in recovery. God gave him a second chance and he needed to quit beating him self up over his past. He started cry and kissed me. He couldn't talk he had throat cancer. I didn't know were it comes from and have no control over it. I know it's a blessing a gift . It might never happen to me again.

  • @beckywarren997
    @beckywarren997 6 років тому +8

    Gods love is so powerful and it's within us.Gods son Jesus Christ shall lead us into heaven as long you go by his rules and do what's right in your life.Everyday when you wake up in the morning it's a gift from God.Its a blessing to be alive.Love and prayers goes out to you all.💛🙏✝️

  • @pinkfuschia8140
    @pinkfuschia8140 6 років тому +17

    A prophet wasn't just a forteller, they gave instruction from God. It's really quite dangerous that many cult leaders rise up today and appear to do this, with people listening to them who go off and do all kinds of things, like mass suicides, murders etc which is brought about not by God, but by man's own desire for power. Nonetheless,, there are people that do have that spiritual gift today. Acts 2 shows Peter quoting Joel saying that in the last days your sons and daughters will prophesy, old and young will dream dreams and have visions.

  • @jolynization
    @jolynization 5 років тому +30

    God also warns through prophecy. I have that gift.

    • @ChildofGod777o
      @ChildofGod777o 5 років тому +1

      Yes amen!

    • @AscheDjidoi
      @AscheDjidoi 4 роки тому +2

      me too

    • @jcilpensahan6761
      @jcilpensahan6761 4 роки тому +1

      Wow me too

    • @denyellaaceleste27
      @denyellaaceleste27 3 роки тому +1


    • @GeeRodd
      @GeeRodd 3 роки тому +1

      I want you guys to do a personality test. It seems like certain personalties lean towards this stuff.
      take the Myers Briggs personality test. I'm assuming many of you will get ENFP, ENFJ, INFJ

  • @sterlingpinoy
    @sterlingpinoy 3 роки тому +3

    a lot of prophetic words I've heard from others is similar to what the holy spirit speaks to me when it's just Him and I casually talking. even with that its always amazing to recieve a word from someone and if you ask me, important too to have others speak life to you and pray for you.

  • @mommaof6
    @mommaof6 2 роки тому +2

    My 3 top gifts are Giving, Prophecy, Mercy. I just learned that through a gift assesment. I read characteristics of people with these gifts and I match them 98%.
    I went through some spiritual warfare of confusion, at that time I didnt realize it, I thought it was me lacking faith.
    On the 3rd day of warfare 3 things happened...I heard a audiable voice say "spiritual warfare".
    I had a dream that I won a fight with a very biggg girl and at the end I tell her "I worship the living God". And lastly later that day again i heard "his trying to steal everything youve learned"
    Ive been praying the Holy Spirit confirm my gift(s) and guidance.

    • @MarieElenaCambria1
      @MarieElenaCambria1 Рік тому +1

      There is no "GIFT" to the prophet. There is a criteria to being a prophet and it means to be an empty Oracle for Elohim to speak through via His Spirit of truth and light. This person needs to suffer unimaginably and walk through the degradation of the hour. This is a part of the witness and testimony. He or she is utterly emptied out only to the cause of Christ. Profoundly dependent on Elohim and their King for all things. Not one prophet in existence wants the job due to the cost. They are often hated, reviled and rejected harshly. The odds of possessing a You-tube Following is very low. The only way to "Bring forth divine revelation" one has to be in sync and connected to the life sustaining Spirit. The Tongues of Angels is written in our DNA. When an Oracle is connected to the life stream of the Holy Spirit and he or she speaks in the tongues of angels and because this language is written in our DNA, each listening will understand it. The heart of their messages is always Repentance and they themselves have gone through the continuously vulnerable, utterly transparent, deeply soul searching process of Repentance to the point that they hate themselves. They hate the sin w/i themselves. They see it clearly. They walk on the edge of a knife - worthy/unworthy daily.
      The Gift of Discernment comes with the ability to prophecy. For me growing up at a very tender age it was like seeing that the Emperor was never wearing any clothes. I too see patterns very easily. Like "What comes next" MENSA test questions. I have a heart for others so learned through application and spirit to apply seeing patterns in individuals. However one's own assessment if not utterly surrendered to the Spirit and Will of God can interfere with the message.
      The Church is corrupt. Too much Christianese. Too much Complacency. Too much sin.

  • @n_l_o
    @n_l_o 6 років тому +6

    This was an excellent RTRQ! Thank you guys for answering this question. I've been struggling with this for some time now. Many in my community are in the more charismatic mindset when it comes to Biblical prophecy and I've struggled engaging them when it comes to this topic. Thank you for bringing me clarity on the gift of prophecy and for always being true to the Word of God.

    • @yash90370
      @yash90370 3 роки тому

      Same here brother, even I have been facing such, but thanks be to God for preachers/teachers - who divide and balance the scriptures rightly.

  • @adamska950
    @adamska950 6 років тому +5

    Man, am I glad I found this channel. My in-laws are so deep into misrepresenting the word of God. It affects my marriage and relationships with anyone on their side, and bothers me due to the fact that I feel it's wildly blasphemous. They're deep into the Christological "astronomy" which, I think, anyone who is even halfway honest with themselves recognizes to be rebranded astrology. It's nuts. Glad to find stuff like this to watch and learn from during my breaks at work.

    • @Obi-Wan81
      @Obi-Wan81 5 років тому +3

      Hey. My marriage is in the process of ending due to all this stuff. My wife left me last year because I wasn't "spiritually leading" my family. She is heavily into Bethel, Sozo, and self-proclaimed prophets, which I've always had major issues with. Bethel and anything to do with them should be avoided at all costs. Be like the Bereans - evaluate everything you hear by scripture to judge whether or not it is true and 'of God'. Be encouraged. You are not the only one out there who is going through stuff like this...

    • @DestinysPoeticJourney
      @DestinysPoeticJourney 3 роки тому +2

      It’s great that you take time in your work breaks to spend time with or learn about the Lord! I personally need to make more time for Him

  • @yash90370
    @yash90370 3 роки тому +1

    There's so much lack of true preaching in the Christian world, thank God for the wisdom you have Pastor Wagner.

  • @DannyWBrownJapan
    @DannyWBrownJapan 5 років тому +12

    I hate to be harsh here, but this man reads scriptures and then directly contradicts them. He read a verse that says when speaking in tongues, people do “not speak to men but to God.” Then he contradicted it saying tongues is for preaching to people in their own language even when you don’t understand their language. This speaker also said, “You don’t need to go to find a prophet who is going to build you up, encourage you, or comfort you. The word of God is going to do that.” But he read the scripture that says “everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3). The very word of God says we should accept prophesy, but we test each, one by one: “Do not put out the Spirit's fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to the good” (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21).

    • @andrewortiz9226
      @andrewortiz9226 5 років тому

      I discovered some contradictions in the bible! I'm Christian and I believe in Jesus it's just that I see many contradictions, what do u think??

    • @ricoparadiso
      @ricoparadiso 4 роки тому +5

      Andrew Ortiz Point them out for me because i know there is none, just misunderstanding from the reader.

    • @queendove6376
      @queendove6376 4 роки тому

      Andrew. The Bible does not contradict itself, because there are 2 people talking: Jesus, His Apostles and His disciples and Paul’s teachings. Paul has his own gospel and then there is Jesus. Paul did not teach what Jesus in the flesh taught and God want you to decide who you will obey. I hope you choose Christ Jesus. Amen

    • @nzr5252
      @nzr5252 4 роки тому

      @@queendove6376 you sayin pauls message is irrelevant??

    • @queendove6376
      @queendove6376 4 роки тому +1

      I’m saying he is not teaching the same message that Jesus taught His apostles and disciples.
      Read the letters that Paul wrote.
      It’s right there. Paul says Jesus taught him through visions and revelations.
      He never met Jesus when Jesus was here on the earth.

  • @XxMrDAVIDA7xX
    @XxMrDAVIDA7xX 6 років тому +15

    Homologeo is prophecy which means to speak the same thing as God. If God speaks through you to someone it’s a prophecy too. Not limited to just that but it is prophecy

    • @joelkurien411
      @joelkurien411 5 років тому


    • @Brittanychannel
      @Brittanychannel 3 роки тому +2

      I have this gift my family gets freaked out cause God speaks through me to give them a message they say I’m crazy when God does it they think it’s me

  • @rogerbrady2003rab
    @rogerbrady2003rab 5 років тому +3

    This was really good. Real truth real quick and really clearly explained

  • @propheticnature
    @propheticnature Рік тому +2

    To prophesy does not mean to bring forth, ‘your thoughts’ I.e., your opinions. 2 Peter 1:21- NO PRIVATE INTERPRETING.

  • @brianhowell5423
    @brianhowell5423 2 роки тому

    What a good word,. Listen as a minister myself I have said NO to people that want to be used in the gifts and visions. Well, you say that's not right. Well, if as Christian we face hell coming at us, can you imagine what, hell would come into their life if they are used in the prophet's gift? I would caution anyone who wants to work in the ministry of prophets or prophecy. Walk in my shoes and you will see why I say this. There is a cost to having a prophetic ministry, and I am actually working on a book coming up about what to expect when you pray to be used in the prophetic office, I'm still praying about this book. Listen the last thing I want to do is push you away but be aware you have an enemy that will hit you hard. God bless.

    • @MarieElenaCambria1
      @MarieElenaCambria1 Рік тому

      Tell me your cost and what Visions and Dreams are like for you or receiving Revelation? This is a genuine question. One can't just be "used" in visions. As a matter of fact the Cost is substantial and has to paid up front. Elohim begins to build you by breaking you repeatedly through heart ache and loss & weeping over Jerusalem many long years before He can truly use you in the correct hour. I have had many visions where I stood up and puked or almost feinted or was filled with anxiety. Not so much with dreams. I was born obsessed with God and began to have dreams and visions, (which are different platforms so to speak for communication) at a very tender age. It only has (and does) isolated me esp from or in "The Church". The heart of the message is always Repent. Thus the individual must go through agonizing periods of repentance and utter transparency before God themselves as well as Rejection from others.
      The enemy does not attack me. He did many years ago. Still - The cost is so vast and so overwhelming, I could write paragraphs about just the cost alone. Again: One can't just choose to have this "Gift" which to the prophet is not a gift at all. He or she lives for the other side; the promise to come because in this life they have no life. WAY Too much Christianese polluting something so simple. Tongues of Angels is written in our DNA. That is how it works. However "this gift" it is not active in this hour nor does it need to be. Gifts are essential to the hour for the cause of Christ and His kingdom.
      May the God of Eternity wrap you & your loved ones in a veil of protection.
      Stay Safe. Stay Free.
      *꧁•♥ Believe♥•🕊꧂"*۞

  • @silvijosabajo7579
    @silvijosabajo7579 6 років тому +13

    My friend prohecies specific in detail to people. My Cousin came to Christ 2 weeks ago because my friend prophecied more than 20 details of his life including what he was thinking and what colour his bed sheets were. Even about a pain he had that not even his parents or any else knew about. My cousin could hardly stand on his feet because of the power of God that came over him. And funny enough we were at a muslim wedding when al of this happend.

    • @diamondnicole8810
      @diamondnicole8810 5 років тому +3

      Sounds like a familiar spirit. Giving someone details about their life especially in past tense is not prophesy. Satan can do that. God gives insight into the FUTURE and most importantly prophets speak THE WORD OF GOD

  • @msve3730
    @msve3730 3 роки тому +1

    I have this gift Thank you God

  • @ashdivakaran9664
    @ashdivakaran9664 3 роки тому +1

    Excellent teaching. There’s so much confusion and false teaching in the church today.

  • @SamVieiraGuitar
    @SamVieiraGuitar Рік тому

    "Devine revelation out of the guidance of the Holy Spirit" - according to this I can prophecy everyday to anyboby, am I right? I can speak the word of God to someone to encourage them, confort them... if Im filled with the Holy Spirit Im being guided by Him.

  • @katythepsychiclady2342
    @katythepsychiclady2342 Рік тому

    We all have different gifts, we are supposed to use them to HELP people and the earth.

  • @halilalexanderzeverboom7012
    @halilalexanderzeverboom7012 4 роки тому +1

    Many of those who say the gift is for now indeed say that the prophecies these days can contain errors and mistakes by those who speak them from their mouths. Mostly they point out 1 Corinthians 13 where it says we prophesie in part. Paul says (we) prophecy in part and he also speaks about himself when he says (we). The same Paul says in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 that all Scripture is given by God, which means through prophecy. So if those who teach the gift of prophecy as active for these days say that it contains errors. How can they even trust Gods Word then? And how can they lay their hand on the Bible without saying it contains errors?
    God bless from Holland and stay sharp, everyday asking the Lord to give you His wisdom, knowledge and insight for revelation, to know Him and His Word! ❤🙏

  • @livingunashamed4869
    @livingunashamed4869 6 років тому +9

    Good video, always tough to tell if people are really prophesying from God or not.

    • @richardqualls5463
      @richardqualls5463 6 років тому +1

      Kevin B actually if it doesn’t match what’s written in God’s Word (Bible), it’s not from God. There’s no new prophecy since the Canon has been closed.

    • @theprophetez1357
      @theprophetez1357 5 років тому +1

      If you know the Bible you will know if they are from God or not.

    • @ninanickel3103
      @ninanickel3103 4 роки тому +2

      Richard Qualls the way new prophecy was worded is way too vague. God is VERY specific. And also gives warnings of wrath as well as protection

    • @evelynerazohernandez9354
      @evelynerazohernandez9354 3 роки тому +1

      True but when one is lead by the holy spirit he will reveal the truth if that person is speaking from God or not.

  • @SerjStar
    @SerjStar 6 років тому +5

    I believe tongues and prophecy is linked together

    • @XxMrDAVIDA7xX
      @XxMrDAVIDA7xX 6 років тому

      Serj Star sometimes yes amen

    • @yashimabrown1872
      @yashimabrown1872 5 років тому

      They are!

    • @sterlingpinoy
      @sterlingpinoy 3 роки тому

      very much so, yes. they both speak life into what the holy spirit wants to accomplish. could be a minute from the spoken word to even like 10 years.

  • @davidbermudez7704
    @davidbermudez7704 5 років тому +12

    Whenever a so-called “prophet or prophetess” ever tells me something I tell them “Show me in the light of Scripture”

    • @andrewortiz9226
      @andrewortiz9226 5 років тому +8

      quite the opposite for me, a while back I was losing faith and I told my family that today is my last time in church, we went anf there was a prophet, he didn't call himself one but others called him a prophet, this man came up to me and knew me by my name and he knew that I was going to leave the church and alot of things but one word he said pierced my soul "and that word was: Surrender! He also knew my Name!! my faith is back and I'm going to church now 4 times a week! I'm on fire!!

    • @ricoparadiso
      @ricoparadiso 4 роки тому +3

      Andrew Ortiz Amen thats great but remember even the enemy can preform signs and wonders, dont be woo over by grand signs but stick to the Word of God. Its the fault in charismatics and gnostics because they seek the signs and wonders rather than God and end up making them their idol.

    • @andrewortiz9226
      @andrewortiz9226 4 роки тому +1

      @Janaina Ribeiro I go to a Church that preached The Message of The Cross of Christ, I believe that not everyone who says Lord Lord will inherit the kingdom but only those who do the will of the father as Jesus said!!

    • @thekwoods7234
      @thekwoods7234 4 роки тому

      @@andrewortiz9226 isn't the will of the father to believe on the on who he sent and to love others as christ has loved us?

    • @andrewortiz9226
      @andrewortiz9226 4 роки тому

      @@thekwoods7234 Yes that's also His Will but if we truly believe, there will be Fruit and works, because Jesus also said not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter The Kingdom, only those who do The Will of God, hope that helps.. it's good to ask questions

  • @JohanDee
    @JohanDee 2 роки тому +1

    One of our elderly pastors said to me, he recognized me having the gift of encouragement. Long ago I heard a few times that people were encouraged by my words. Later, on two occasions I felt afterwards, my voice and brain was used to explain things to others, and soon as I finished, I felt like I woke up, and thought: what did I say? Anyway, it is not prophesy, no speaking in tongues and it is not mentioned as one of the gifts of the holy spirit. It is still useful though and I like to enlighten individuals, not as a sermon giver...

    • @coquigordo2091
      @coquigordo2091 2 роки тому +1

      It's the gift of encouragement. Don't base your gift on the personal "experience" you had, but on the effect it had on others.

  • @joelkurien411
    @joelkurien411 5 років тому

    Great teaching about the gift of prophecy

  • @yolandawrenn9272
    @yolandawrenn9272 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks so much for the information brain food 😁

  • @ivettedizon7020
    @ivettedizon7020 4 роки тому

    Best explanation of prophesy on video.

  • @saxmanjpr5092
    @saxmanjpr5092 4 роки тому +1

    When speaking in generalities, if you have had prophecy come to pass in your life, you MUST tell others that you give a prophecy to your own expire and let them know that the promise WILL COME with hardships that the Lord did not "warn" the receiver about, but that she should look at this as taking it ALL on faith. Also, I have been a loaner in my life and not by choice, for i grew ups being told that I was "too nice,' and was pushed away no matter hat I did, so prophecy can sometimes come FIRST in order for YOU to get yourself straightened out before you can help others! A prophecy can also take MANY YEARS to come to completion, for I am in the middle off a prophecy that is VERY SLOWLY unfolding before my very eyes that was given to me 13 YEARS ago, but did not begin to come to pass until 4 YEARS ago! SO I now know i have nothing to worry about, BUT I did have to go to WAR with Jesus over it, as immediately alert it was given, my life went down the tubes. I know know that Jesu HAD to completely strip me of who I was in sings NATURE, not who I was because I was a sinner, for he has already forgiven me of, honestly, being a WHORE! (not a "stud!) - Jesus speaks to me mainly thru using symbolism, not only in my life to let me know what is going on in my life, but to tell me what is going on with my betrothed. AND AT TIMES to help others in giving them encouragement. He once used the story of a PARROT I saw on the internet that had the SAME NAME of someone I was texting at the same time in reading the article! - AT TIMES The Lord can use speaking in a tongue to only two people who are with one another and have that person interpret their own tongue! I have HAD that happen with a missionary that gave me a prophecy, BUT i did ask the lord before hand that if he should send someone to help me that might speak in tongues that their MUST me interpretation! - Lo and Behold, the Lord answered me! But what is said here still IS 100% correct! - Yes, measure from scripture, but from what denominational interpretation? I have found that I can not rely on ANYONE showing me, not even leaders in a church, for their are THOUSANDS of interpretations, depending on the denomination and I dont have time for those games, so I do this ONE ON ONE with the Lord. After all, we are to spend ALONE TIME with him right? And even if you tell a preacher you disagree with him then he will accuse you of rebelling. - I HAD a false prophet part spend his ENRITE CAREER being a false prophet and even RETIRED! But God ha shown me that his is STIL going to punish that man! OK! Ask the Lord about all this, but how much time are were to give him before he answers? I had to ask for almost 8 YEARS before an anger came and I had my CHRISTIAN MENTOR tell me that what I had heard was NOT from God, but boy was he ever wrong?! OK! "Want to hear from God? Read his word." Well "his word" tells me that Moses heard form God in a pillar of fire and a pillar of clouds. "His word" tells the that I will do GREATER THINGS the HIM. SO, I am looking for things like this to take place in my life! When will I be able to heal the sick so that I can show others that Jesus is real...as I myself have been miraculously healed from an S.T.D. When will I, be able to help a SISTER out because she never knew her Dad and brother and was told by religion to only hand out in the tonnes groups? I dont think we have a CLUE to who Jesus REALLY IS. Sure, there is truth in the bible, but I doubt we have a CLUE to its full meaning and most of it is ms interpreted.

  • @childrenofgod8615
    @childrenofgod8615 3 роки тому

    Thank you sir for the information and clarification

  • @StephanieBogart
    @StephanieBogart 6 років тому +4

    Yeah I was a psychic medium until earlier this year. I told God, if it’s not from Him, then I don’t want it. Haven’t been able to do it since with the exception of a few times. So since it didn’t completely go away...I’m torn.

    • @Lionrage5
      @Lionrage5 6 років тому +1

      What do you mean by it didn't completely go away? Did you keep doing the things you did before?

    • @StephanieBogart
      @StephanieBogart 6 років тому

      Lionrage5 no not at all. I just have psychic moments still. But no mediumship stuff. The only other thing that happened since becoming a believer is that when a neighbor passed away, I felt this weird sensation all over my body. Like something passed though me. As far as we can tell, it was at the time of his death. So weird. This was before I asked God to take it away though. But yeah, now all I have are psychic moments

    • @Lionrage5
      @Lionrage5 6 років тому +1

      Hmm... psychic moments? What are those?

    • @StephanieBogart
      @StephanieBogart 6 років тому +1

      Lionrage5 when I know
      something is going to happen and then it does...

    • @Lionrage5
      @Lionrage5 6 років тому

      It could be anything? Is it the Lord showing you these things? I'm trying to understand, i'm sorry if i'm annoying you :/

  • @oldnikonian343
    @oldnikonian343 6 років тому +4

    Title: What Is the Gift of Prophecy?
    Me: An apostolic gift that ceased during the apostolic era...
    Hebrews 1: 1~3 *In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets* at many times and in various ways, 2 *but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son,* whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.

  • @ashleyturner1071
    @ashleyturner1071 4 роки тому +1

    Hi, um do you know what it means if you keep seeing 1111 and 4444 on a daily basis for a couple of years or so. I've searched on you tube and it mostly seems accultic. Also I see a lot about empaths. Would this have anything to do with the gift of professy?

  • @deandredukes4975
    @deandredukes4975 5 років тому +3

    what Bible is he reading because he keeps talking about a know language when in my (KJV) Bible it says 1 Corinthians 14:2 “For he that speaketh an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God...”

    • @ninanickel3103
      @ninanickel3103 4 роки тому +1

      DeAndré Dukes it’s just stating they will know a language that isn’t theirs that they can speak to God in but will be able to be identifiable

    • @dwainsmit8410
      @dwainsmit8410 3 роки тому +1

      Refer to Pentecost, others could recognise their language. And you get the gift of interpretation.

  • @lime-kc2eu
    @lime-kc2eu 5 років тому +2

    So "for nobody understands" means a "known language", how does that make any sense?

    • @kaylaj490
      @kaylaj490 3 роки тому

      lol righttt, we must stop trying to twist scriptures to mean what we want them to mean

  • @allisonphillips8118
    @allisonphillips8118 5 років тому +1

    This is an awesome video! But in the middle of it you say that people who were in Corinth didn't have the Bible. That's not the point. But yes you're right that it's about forthcoming! All the prophecy in the Bible including the Book of Revelation is built on other scripture

  • @lanicross5938
    @lanicross5938 4 роки тому

    The real "gift" of prophesy will be the most difficult thing a human can psychologically cope with. it doesn't matter what your beliefs are. People say they want the truth, but not REALLY. You must be able to deal with "The Mandela Effect"

  • @robmoore7378
    @robmoore7378 6 років тому

    Please do one on the book of life & how to make ours thick.

  • @shanechyba9976
    @shanechyba9976 4 роки тому

    Yes I believe I have the gift of Prophecy but not in the way of God revealing the future visions of what not but is in he helps me understand the scripture but that does not mean I'm perfect I don't understand everything God helps me understand in such a way I kind of just get a lot of scripture and my purpose is to glorify God

    • @CrochetNewsNetwork
      @CrochetNewsNetwork 4 роки тому +1

      Shane Chyba your use of the word prophecy is incorrect. The Bible proves the Bible. Why say you have the gift of Prophecy when all you are doing is reading and understanding the Bible as time goes on. That is called BIBLICAL UDERSTANDING , not the gift of Prophecy.

    • @mysticalglowtv1796
      @mysticalglowtv1796 3 роки тому

      That is not the gift of prophecy.

  • @Lovinglea61
    @Lovinglea61 4 роки тому +1

    I ended up here trying to understand how a Psychic Medium who claims to be Gods Messenger uses bible verses to make people see that what he’s doing is in the bible, therefore he’s right to say that and cannot be judged. He also talks to ‘Spirit’ and tells people what they prayed for. Is he right?

    • @ashishstanley
      @ashishstanley 4 роки тому

      Omg! Same here... Please let me know if you've found anything :)

  • @ashoknayaki7776
    @ashoknayaki7776 3 місяці тому

    I want medical Lab knowledge
    Please pray my name is Ashok
    From Telangana.

  • @ShekinahFineArt
    @ShekinahFineArt 4 роки тому

    that makes so much sense thank you

  • @the-watch-man
    @the-watch-man 6 років тому +13

    *The only way to heaven is to ask the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, there is no other way to enter the kingdom of heaven*
    *John Chapter 10 Verse 9*
    *I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.*
    *John Chapter 3 Verse 15-18*
    *15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.*
    *16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.*
    *17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world; through him might be saved.*
    *18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.*
    *Ask for salvation now remember God does not send anyone to hell you do that yourself by not asking for salvation. Jesus died on the cross he took the sins of everyone, but if you don't ask for salvation then you have to pay the price for your sins and that means hell and hell is only a waiting place for the day of judgment and when you are in front of the white throne on the day of judgment you will go to the lake of fire and it's far worse than what hell can give you 1000's of times worse.*
    *Believe that Jesus is the son of God that God sent his only son to die on the cross for our sins, that he rose the third day and ascended into heaven. Know that you are a sinner. For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans Chapter 3 Verse 23).*
    *Ask with your heart speak with your lips do this in private*
    *Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have*
    *separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away*
    *from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me*
    *avoid sinning again.*
    *I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected*
    *from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become*
    *the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day*
    *Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will*
    *for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.*
    *Many will call themselves a Christian but have never asked for salvation so are not born again*
    *Matthew Chapter 24 Verse 11 - 13*
    *11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.*
    *12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.*
    *13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.*

    • @beckywarren997
      @beckywarren997 6 років тому

      The Watcher Your words are so truly right.👌👍

    • @oldnikonian343
      @oldnikonian343 6 років тому +2

      *The Watcher wrote:* The only way to heaven is to ask the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, there is no other way to enter the kingdom of heaven
      John 10: 9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
      *Me:* That imagery is also used in the book of Revelation...
      Revelation 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. *If anyone hears my voice* and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
      The key phrase in that verse is "If anyone hears my voice."
      The bible is clear that not all will, or indeed CAN hear His voice... ever...
      Romans 11: 7~10 What the people of Israel sought so earnestly (salvation) they did not obtain. The elect among them did (along with elect Gentiles as per Rom 9: 24), but the others (the reprobate or non-elect from among the Jews and Gentiles)) were hardened (as per Rom 9: 18), 8 as it is written:
      “God gave them a spirit of stupor,
      *eyes that could not see*
      and *ears that could not hear,*
      to this very day.”
      9 And David says:
      “May their table become a snare and a trap,
      a stumbling block and a retribution for them.
      10 May their eyes be darkened so they cannot see,
      and their backs be bent *forever.”*
      Question: How can a person who cannot hear, hear Gods voice and open the door, especially since they won't even hear God knocking?
      Simple answer: They can't, which means that your assertion that *anyone* can enter the door just by asking for salvation is simply not true biblically.
      I mean, what about the reprobate?
      2 Timothy 3: 6~9 This sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 ever learning, and *never **_able_** to come to the knowledge of the truth.* 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, *REPROBATE* concerning the faith. 9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their's also was.
      *REPROBATE* [rep-ruh-beyt] _noun._ a person *rejected by God* and *beyond hope of salvation.*
      You may say, “Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?” If you do say that, then Paul has an answer for you here...
      Romans 9: 18~24 God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden. 19 One of you will say to me: “Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?” 20 But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’” 21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?
      22 What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath-prepared for destruction? 23 What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory- 24 even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles?
      It's God who determines who is and isn't saved, not us, because...
      Ephesians 1: 11 In him we were chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out *EVERYTHING* in conformity with the purpose of his will.
      ...unless of course you think that *EVERYTHING* means only "SOME THINGS.*
      Autonomous free will with regards to salvation is a construct of the prideful human imagination.
      Why do I say prideful? Because if salvation is ultimately down to your human decision, then you are saying that your decision is more powerful than the blood of Christ and the work of the cross that was efficacious (unfailing) for all for who it was intended, i.e. without your human decision, Christs blood would have no more power than tomato ketchup. So you become the mover and shaker in matters of salvation, because salvation belongs to man...
      Revelation 7:10 And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.”
      That's why Jesus said...
      John 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain.
      Acts 13: 48 ....and as many as were ordained to eternal life (i.e. ALL of them), believed.
      A simple paraphrase of that verse would go, "...and as many as WEREN'T ordained to eternal life DIDN'T believe."
      You see the bible is very clear that salvation is NOT of human decision...
      John 1: 12,13 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God- 13 children born not of natural descent, *nor of human decision* or a husband’s will, but born of God.
      You see the decision was made by God BEFORE we even existed...
      Ephesians 1: 4~6 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love 5 he predestined (pre-determined) us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will- 6 to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.
      2 Timothy 1:9 He has saved us and called us to a holy life- *not because of anything we have done* (i.e. not because we made a decision) but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.
      The names of all believers, those who will be saved, were written in the Lambs book of life before we even existed...
      Revelation 13:8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast-all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.
      Revelation 20:15 Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life (the reprobate) was thrown into the lake of fire.
      The above is the ONLY way to give God 100% of the glory for your salvation. Saying that you are saved because of a decision you made rather than efficaciously by the blood of Christ alone makes you a saviour, an idol...
      Isaiah 42:8 I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.
      It could be that you are genuinely saved, and I hope you are, that you mistakenly think that it was your doing because you decided to be saved, but it's simply not true.
      Just think how awesome it would be if God knew you and loved you with an everlasting love even before you existed and chose/elected you even before you were born and had done anything good or bad? This is a depiction of election...
      Romans 9: 10~13 Rebekah’s children were conceived at the same time by our father Isaac. 11 Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad-in order that God’s purpose in election might stand: 12 not by works but by him who calls-she was told, “The older will serve the younger.” 13 Just as it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”
      See? God chose Jacob and rejected Esau before they were even born or done anything good or bad IN ORDER THAT HIS PURPOSE IN ELECTION MIGHT STAND.
      Where does all the above leave the false doctrine of free will choice unto salvation?
      Answer: In the toilet.
      Humble yourself and give God ALL the glory for your salvation by accepting that it was ALL His doing and NONE of yours, that He is sovereign in matters of salvation...
      "I believe the man who is not willing to submit to the electing love and sovereign grace of God, has great reason to question whether he is a Christian at all, for the spirit that kicks against that is the spirit of the devil, and the spirit of an unhumbled and unrenewed heart." - Charles H Spurgeon
      It's easy to think that your saved because of something YOU did, but that's plain wrong and unbiblical, it's because of what HE hath done. He isn't so weak that He needed your help, He is an actual saviour, not a God who merely makes salvation available, where you have to add the finished touch because He was unable to save you otherwise.
      My credentials: I've been a born again Christian for over 35 years, I've been an ordained bible teacher for over 15 years and I hope the above has been helpful for you.
      Fathers blessings.

    • @thekwoods7234
      @thekwoods7234 4 роки тому

      @@oldnikonian343 I think that anyone whom calls is being called otherwise they have no wish to be saved that logic means someone somewhere is seekibg God praying for salvation but God says no I didn't call you I'm not saying election isn't true but I'm saying those whom choose to confess with there mouths and believe in there hearts shall be saved I do not understand the point of your response it seems to be calvinists teaching in the effect that those who want salvation can not get it not wishing to argue just attempting to understand have a safe and blessed day!

  • @Alexkearney
    @Alexkearney 3 роки тому

    Read Wayne Grudem's book on prophecy

  • @unchargedpickles6372
    @unchargedpickles6372 Рік тому

    Since you aren't tormented with is, "gift" you don't know what you're talking about. I never asked for it but get woken from your sleep and shown something terrible is coming and the direction it will come from and it being something you can't do anything about. Even when you try to warn people they don't listen. Having to watch everyone choose selfishness and hate instead of choosing to care for others to prevent the thing. Or being tormented all day with a warning that something terrible is happening wo any sense of who or what, doubting your own sanity trying to dimiss it as a panic attack until someone you love has a massive heart attack a few hours into your misery of knowing a terrible thing is coming. It may sound awesome but it feels defeating and frustrating. People have become so selfish and hateful even when God slaps it in your face and guides you, others don't care for others and refuse to do what needs to be done. God knows that and shows me anyways but I think he's just showing me how far even his own flock has fallen. That even when he sends the info noone listens if it doesn't serve their self interests. Makes me share his sadness and disappointment in most who claim to be Christian than intentionally spread disease to the vulnerable cause it's an inconvenience for them to take the steps cause they personally think they'll be fine so to hell w the weak and vulnerable etc. So sad man. So disappointing and endlessly frustrating. God is suffering so much watching us so filled w hate and selfishness. We weren't put here to watch out for ourselves, that was never the point, we were put here to be selfless in protection and love of the weak, the vulnerable, the lost, the voiceless...to show our capacity to love beyond ourselves. I look around and see that point being drowned out. God didn't put a single human on this Earth to hate another. He put us here to learn selflessness to so deeply love each other we work to overlook differences and leave it all for him to judge. If you feel hate in your heart for any group or other people, you've strayed. That I know. Most of God's children are lost and can't even sew the forest through the trees anymore. Truly believe the hate in their heart is something of God as they sit and condemn and judge...they're going to be shocked when they realize whose path they've been on in reality. Smh. Its all getting so misunderstood.

  • @prophecyharris4198
    @prophecyharris4198 5 років тому

    My name is Prophecy and I have 3 dads and I have a heart on my face if you think it’s a lie it’s not bc its really me

  • @solascriptura3001
    @solascriptura3001 4 роки тому

    That’s why I left the SDA church

  • @brittanysowers-page6419
    @brittanysowers-page6419 3 роки тому +1

    Prophets are not highly liked by people, just saying.

  • @St._Jaden_P
    @St._Jaden_P Рік тому

    I don't think the word "prophecy" means "a divine revelation about the character of God or any divine doctrinal statement, and thus it is scripture." as too many cessationists believe. Prophecy, even in regards to foretelling the future, is not scripture. It is not adding to scripture, it is not taking away from scripture. In fact, just as the man said, TEST PROPHECY WITH SCRIPTURE. God never contradicts or goes back on His Word.
    If anyone ever gives a "prophecy" or a "word from the Lord", but it contradicts scripture, goes against scripture, or gives some new aspect of God that not in scripture, or even some new doctrinal belief that's not even implied in scripture, 86 whatever the person said. Don't pay attention to it, reject it, and make sure that person repents. God will not and can not deny, contradict, or go back on His Word.
    We can see in history, like with Cyprian for example, the Bishop of Carthage, who lived from 200 A.D. - 258 A.D.
    He records of prophecy and visions occuring, both day and night in Carthage. He called it the "divine rebuke". He wrote quite about about it in his Epistles.
    There are also others like Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Novation, Origen, Tertullion, and Cyril of Jerusalem.
    They all talk about how either the gift of prophecy was in operation, or how one can have the gift of prophecy if it is what the Spirit wills, as in accordance to 1 Corinthians 12:11. They all describe it as "prophecy" or "foreseeing certain events" or "foreknowledge".
    John Knox is another example of this.
    True biblical prophecy, happening today, is not "adding to scripture" nor is it how the "New Prophecy" was, with the Montanists. It is simply, divine revelation from God, concerning any event to happen in the near future on our timeline, or in regards to words of knowledge and words of wisdom, a revelation into the life of someone you would have no knowledge of at all, or a divine answer to a problem that has no natural answer that we could come up with.
    It is ALL for the edification of the Church, and as a sign to those who do not believe, in order that they might believe and repent and come to Christ. In the end it is all for the Exaltation and Glorification of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

  • @adude9442
    @adude9442 6 років тому

    their is a difference between foretelling and predicting. God foretells and humans predict. And a person must confess Jesus Christ as God if they are a profit.

    • @adude9442
      @adude9442 6 років тому

      *Jesus of Nazareth

  • @propheticnature
    @propheticnature Рік тому +1

    Speaking in tongues does not bring forth ‘revelation’ if he cannot interpret. Speaking in tongues are for people who DO NOT believe in prophecy. Oh, brother🤥

    • @MarieElenaCambria1
      @MarieElenaCambria1 Рік тому

      "Tongues" is "high angelic" is written w/i our DNA. Its our original language. The only way to "Bring forth divine revelation" one has to be in sync and connected to the life sustaining Spirit. There is a significant cost for this "gift". A gain: The Tongues of Angels is written in our DNA. When an Oracle is connected to the life stream of the Holy Spirit and he or she receives a revelation from the Spirit of directly from Christ or Elohim that individual then speaks out-loud in the tongues of angels and because this language is written in our DNA, each listening will understand it. The heart of their messages is always Repentance and they themselves have gone through the continuously vulnerable, utterly transparent, deeply soul searching process of Repentance to the point that they hate themselves. They hate the sin w/i themselves. They see it clearly. They walk on the edge of a knife - worthy/unworthy daily.
      The Church is corrupt. Too much Christianese. Too much Complacency. Too much sin.
      There is no "GIFT" to the prophet. There is a criteria to being a prophet and it means to be an empty beaten up Oracle for Elohim to speak through via His Spirit of truth and light. This person needs to suffer unimaginably and walk through the degradation of the hour. This is a part of the witness and testimony. He or she is utterly emptied out only to the cause of Christ. Profoundly dependent on Elohim and their King for all things. Not one prophet in existence wants the job due to the cost. They are often hated, reviled and rejected harshly. The odds of possessing a You-tube Following is very low.

  • @raybrensike42
    @raybrensike42 5 років тому

    Suppose a person says, "Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour." Is that statement prophecy? Sure can be, right?

    • @millball
      @millball 5 років тому

      Ray Brensike could you show a Bible verse to confirm it? 😀

  • @jonycruz2430
    @jonycruz2430 4 роки тому

    Wait so does the guy in black shirt prophesy?

  • @Cesar-pq2ck
    @Cesar-pq2ck 6 років тому +3

    It’s plain and simple. The Bible is God’s revelation, we all have access to it now. Don’t trust anyone that considers himself to be a prophet. You have the same information that they have.

    • @850Blasian
      @850Blasian 6 років тому +1

      Cesar you clearly dont understand that God calls some to speak his words thru his prophets...

  • @ashleyturner1071
    @ashleyturner1071 4 роки тому

    I feel emotions of others to a fault and coincidences use to happen regularly on a daily basis, they've died down a lot. I've never understood the point of it as it seemed for no purpose. I've been trying to be a Christian for over 10 years but I dont even go to church. Is this a low level of professy or am I been tampered with by the dark side. You tube keeps going on about empaths and light workers which is an accultic view on things. I just need some advice from someone who understands the gift of prophesy and is a true Christian. Thanks.

    • @thekwoods7234
      @thekwoods7234 4 роки тому +1

      I can't give much advice except you are right to stay away from anything occultist or not of God Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life noone comes to the father except through him! You say you've been trying for 10 years you do know that by confessing with your mouth and believe in your heart the lord jesus christ you will be saved if you have any questions please ask I'm here to help anyway that I can and I will be praying for you God bless you and your family!

  • @beejay7106
    @beejay7106 4 роки тому +1

    Incomplete definition. Speaker to emotionally attached to warning. Good Scripture reference.

  • @jaydakeyz2092
    @jaydakeyz2092 4 роки тому

    Careful, one who prays in tongues unknown to men is speaking to God in the spirit. Only God understands what they say because He is full of understanding and is not confined by language, whether it's diverse languages in a prayer. Pray in the spirit and pray with understanding. If I pray in spirit behind closed doors or in a congregation that speaks in tongues, I speak to God. Mysteries and secrets to God, it isn't meant to be understood by either my mind nor by others. It is for as self edification because these mysteries are revealed. If someone has the gift of interpretation they may be able to understand because the gift is operated in the spirit. But I'd be careful with your interpretation on this passage. Please look back into it. 1 Corinthians 14:2

  • @SerjStar
    @SerjStar 6 років тому

    So u basically shut all the those gifts down

  • @adude9442
    @adude9442 6 років тому

    I wish I had a gift or at least a talent.. :(

    • @Carishio
      @Carishio 6 років тому +5

      frank segura Hello Mr. Segura, you most likely have a gift or a 'talent' that you just don't know about yet. Sometimes your church members will let you know what gift you have! For instance, you may have the gift of teaching or consoling, perhaps even being a good speaker.
      Remember no gift is too small that it does not mean anything -- please read 1 Corinthians 12. We are one body, and God has given us each gift(s) to edify the church and thus glorify God. All gifts are equally important Mr. Segura, a gift of tounges is no more important than a gift of chariatable giving! Hope this helps a bit.

    • @adude9442
      @adude9442 6 років тому +1

      kadeef salaam okay thank you sir thats wonderful that you say that but I've never ever thought of myself as talented I hope the church member would tell me if I would tell me.

    • @yodasoja2011
      @yodasoja2011 5 років тому +2

      @@adude9442 I agree with Kadeef's encouragement! Also, I wanted to point you to another verse:
      Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.
      1 Corinthians 14:1 ESV
      Paul instructs us to desire the spiritual gifts, and it seems to me that you are doing that! He says to desire to prophesy (the second place spot, behind Apostles, according to 1 Corinthians 12:28), but whatever gift you discover you have, know that God has a purpose for it!
      1 Corinthians is a great book to read, because it touches on this subject a lot! I would encourage you to read it, prayerfully consider it, and be open to whatever God shows you to be your "part" of the body of Christ!

    • @adude9442
      @adude9442 5 років тому

      @@yodasoja2011 first God would have to make me smart enough to know what a gift is besides what is mentioned in the Bible

    • @karishort7561
      @karishort7561 5 років тому +1

      @@adude9442 ask him in prayer 🙏

  • @MarieElenaCambria1
    @MarieElenaCambria1 Рік тому

    There is no "GIFT" to the prophet. There is a criteria to being a prophet and it means to be an empty Oracle for Elohim to speak through via His Spirit of truth and light. This person needs to suffer unimaginably and walk through the degradation of the hour. This is a part of the witness and testimony. He or she is utterly emptied out only to the cause of Christ. Profoundly dependent on Elohim and their King for all things. Not one prophet in existence wants the job due to the cost. They are often hated, reviled and rejected harshly. The odds of possessing a You-tube Following is very low. The only way to "Bring forth divine revelation" one has to be in sync and connected to the life sustaining Spirit. The Tongues of Angels is written in our DNA. When an Oracle is connected to the life stream of the Holy Spirit and he or she speaks in the tongues of angels and because this language is written in our DNA, each listening will understand it. The heart of their messages is always Repentance and they themselves have gone through the continuously vulnerable, utterly transparent, deeply soul searching process of Repentance to the point that they hate themselves. They hate the sin w/i themselves. They see it clearly. They walk on the edge of a knife - worthy/unworthy daily.
    The Church is corrupt. Too much Christianese. Too much Complacency. Too much sin.

  • @childrenofgod8615
    @childrenofgod8615 3 роки тому

    Sir I have a question
    in these days does angel come into man and speak??? Cause someone in my church act like an angel and addresing her as an Angel

    • @Noname-qz5hg
      @Noname-qz5hg 3 роки тому

      I don't think we know for sure whether God still sends angels to communicate His message with us or to reveal something because I think that the bible is our main source of communication with God now.
      What do you mean she's acting like an angel?
      I personally would not trust someone that is claiming to be an angel, it's too weird to be honest.
      "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." 1 John 4:1