Genesis (take #1)

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,2 тис.

  • @hawksm2783
    @hawksm2783 7 років тому +905

    You forgot that the snake is supposed to have legs.

    • @AuroraBoarder1
      @AuroraBoarder1 6 років тому +60

      Hawksm278 - And wings!

    • @gooddog6745
      @gooddog6745 5 років тому +182

      both of you and NSC are correct, ten points for everybody

    • @ashisharora7572
      @ashisharora7572 5 років тому +23

      They forgot many things including Adam with hair or eve without hair

    • @gooddog6745
      @gooddog6745 5 років тому +53

      @@rasheed9705 Christianity is actually polytheistic.
      Satan wasn't a thing in a couple of early books.
      then satan. satan is not Satan, satan is a word, an adjective. Then few books later, Satan was invented as an alter ego of God. Then the New Testament loops the Satan to the snake.
      The Snake wasn't supposed to be Satan, but the New Testament bends the story.

    • @gooddog6745
      @gooddog6745 5 років тому +12

      @@rasheed9705 watch 43alley's video on The Evolution of Satan in the Bible ( link: ) [43alley and NSC did a collab] He did a great analysis on how Satan was introduced to the Bible and that a modern book (paradise lost) has greatly influenced idea of Today's Satan

  • @shakie3545
    @shakie3545 8 років тому +1104

    Must get pretty boring being omniscient, omnipotent and everlasting or existing out of time and space. Sometimes you just gotta spice things up.

    • @erigor11
      @erigor11 7 років тому +40

      That's a nice point right there. Being a "superior" being as we conceive it is pretty much... inferior.

    • @darkenergy8318
      @darkenergy8318 6 років тому +42

      Atleast with polytheism things were epic or atleast consistent .
      All gods had opposition worth or equal to the gods being opposed .The sex ; mostly rape scene are amazing and the gods weren't truly omnipotent but possess the right amount of power to either create something or claim authority among the pantheon . Each have their motivation to behave in a certain way and thus how the supernatural was consistent .
      Unfortunately monotheism came along and fused all these entity or traits into one single being ( causing D.I.D and other mental problems ) ...maybe that why they had to create Lucifer to hold that opposition spotlight but Lucifer can't be as great as his predecessors - if you ask , Lucifer is the weakest entity that ever hold the office of opposition .And of course there is this stupid idea of freewill that co exist with an omni god who caused everything from the neurological level to all the way up to grand scale to happen .
      Poor story writing sad.

    • @mattsupertramp6506
      @mattsupertramp6506 6 років тому +16

      Dark Energy I agree, Norse and Greek mythology are awesome.

    • @Sondergirl1610
      @Sondergirl1610 5 років тому +4

      By murdering billions and making it their fault

    • @zamiel3
      @zamiel3 4 роки тому +1

      @@darkenergy8318 The Bible wasn't monotheistic. It was henotheistic.

  • @ProphetofZod
    @ProphetofZod 8 років тому +927

    Late to the game on this, but I love how, once you point it out, it's so obvious that putting Adam and Eve in the garden made no sense unless he wanted them to "sin." How does a perfect garden where we live forever make sense in a cosmology where God''s ultimate plan is for us to end up in heaven? As far as that goes, why did God ever create and put us in this self contained physical universe to begin with? Why did we not just start in heaven where we were supposed to be from the start? You really know how to open up a philosophical can of worms, and your videos are still among my favorites!

    • @R3tr0v1ru5
      @R3tr0v1ru5 7 років тому +32

      Fantastic comment.

    • @DoverDaniel
      @DoverDaniel 7 років тому +64

      Good thinking, but some religious groups would answer this with "humans were supposed to live on earth forever" like the jehovahs witnesses for instance...The thing about the bible, as you probably know, is that IT IS FUCKING CONTRADICTORY...There's even a video on this channel of two guys on a talk show saying completely contradictory thigs based on the bible, and this "living on earth/heaven" thing is one of them. But your line of thought would fit perfectly with most of the christian doctrines out there.

    • @NoTrueFace1
      @NoTrueFace1 7 років тому +25

      "How does a perfect garden where we live forever make sense in a cosmology where God''s ultimate plan is for us to end up in heaven?"
      ask any christian and the answer is usually "man was meant to live in Eden for a time and then go to heaven without dying."

    • @vnen
      @vnen 7 років тому +17

      Some denominations believe that the heaven (or rather, the paradise) will be on Earth. God will destroy everything on the Apocalipse and rebuild the Earth so the righteous can live here. I just don't know what he's waiting for.

    • @drewsharp9162
      @drewsharp9162 4 роки тому +3

      NoTrueFace1 but what’s funny is that “meant to” implies a plan, so was it Gods plan that just...didn’t happen?

  • @NonStampCollector
    @NonStampCollector  14 років тому +91

    Mocking the truth, well I wouldn't want to do that. Thus, I checked, and confirmed, that christianity was utter bollocks before I started mocking it.
    And "following their own desires"? Imagine, a race of beings to whom god granted free will, actually using it! If I were god I'd certainly be displeased by that.

  • @adamc1966
    @adamc1966 6 років тому +455

    Pure genius. Looks like god made sin for HIS enjoyment.

    • @annreisanio1599
      @annreisanio1599 4 роки тому +7

      Someones said we have free will

    • @quinnard9750
      @quinnard9750 4 роки тому +16

      Free will is a myth

    • @pabrielgomez8563
      @pabrielgomez8563 3 роки тому +2

      Thank You.

    • @strxkereye
      @strxkereye 3 роки тому +3

      @@quinnard9750 free will isn’t a myth LMAO. You could do anything logically within bounds on your own will at any given moment. 😑

    • @phill234
      @phill234 3 роки тому +3

      @@strxkereye Well, that's a) false and b) that's not what people mean when saying that there is no free will.

  • @phillipmoore9012
    @phillipmoore9012 8 років тому +521

    “He commanded Adam not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; to disobey could not be a sin, because Adam could not comprehend a sin until the eating of the fruit should reveal to him the difference between right and wrong. So, he was unfair in punishing Adam for doing wrong when he could not know it was wrong.”-- Mark Twain
    The "original sin" idea was developed in the 2nd Century, not in biblical times. It was first alluded to by Bishop Irenaeus (d. 202) and later developed by Augustine (354-430).

    • @ethanwagner6418
      @ethanwagner6418 5 років тому +16

      I never thought of that.

    • @ducksquad1259
      @ducksquad1259 5 років тому

      That's certainly one way of speculation. However, it is just that; it is not the teaching of Judea/Christian teaching. Being such a fundamental building block of these faith's version of the human condition, it seem obvious that there is a truth beyond this speculation. And there is indeed.
      Judea/Christian tradition asserts that up until the fall, humanity was absolutely certaint that their nature was rooted in God and God's desires/love alone. They had an intimate understand of this, even more so than the faithful do today.
      Now, based on our archaeological knowledge of today, the story of Adam and Eve isn't so cut and dry, but it's principles are. We know from the story that God gave human souls a defined list of what to do and what not to do. So choosing from the "what not to do" section was a deliberate action against the wishes of God, against their own nature rooted in God, a nature that they were, again, more intimately connected with than the humans that preceded them (aside from Mary, according to Roman Catholic doctrine). Thus, while the concept of "sin" had not been developed, it is fair to say that Adam and Eve's decision was an even greater offence than anything we could commit nowadays.

    • @sarinat3101
      @sarinat3101 5 років тому +52

      @@ducksquad1259 No, it isn't. When a child shoots himself with the gun his parent left cocked and loaded alone in his play pen, it's the parent's fault. Not the child. Especially when the parent also left a tv program running in the background telling the child how much fun guns are (the serpent's alleged enticement). I don't know what 'principles' you're talking about but I can't see any in this story. It sounds like the story an ancient adult would have made up to answer an innocent child's question about why people are so shitty to each other. They didn't have an explanation since they didn't understand evolution, so they said it was humanity's fault they transgressed against a god. But they weren't logical enough to see the holes in their own story. And people today still aren't logical enough, so they keep believing it.

    • @ducksquad1259
      @ducksquad1259 5 років тому +2

      Fair points, and that's a fitting analogy.
      Now, these religions claim that we have free will. Well, a will isn't truly free unless the options available span a broad spectrum, even to the point of contradicting eachother. The apple, representing temptation in general, was God's mechanism of promoting free will, just as the precence of the serphant (Satan's influence on the world) promoted it as well.
      The faiths also claim that God created us to love him. If you had a family doped up on happy love pills that you gave them, their love towards you would by nature be less intimate and less meaningful because it is impossible to distinguish if this love is of their own accord or merely one that you induced by giving them the pills (this later is actually more tangible, probable, and safer to assume). True love needs to be defined, among other things, by a fully conscious, fully aware, entirebly avoidable choice.
      I urge you to watch 51:00-51:00 of the video I link here to get a further grasp of where I'm coming from. The man in this video, Ben Sharpio, is an Orthodox Jew.

    • @sarinat3101
      @sarinat3101 5 років тому +39

      @@ducksquad1259 Know the clip, and I know who Ben Shapiro is. He's pretty smart on a few topics, but he utterly falls apart on religion. His take on Genesis is nothing more than an opinion, and it's still wrong. He claims humanity was trying to 'superimpose its own view on reality' in opposition to what Yahweh wanted.'
      Remember: Yahweh is supposed to be omniscient. Every religious apologist ignores this whenever convenient. Meaning Yahweh knew when he put the fruit in the garden that the humans would notice it and personally allowed the serpent to tempt his creations knowing they'd fail. There is no way this story happens without every single action being fully under Yahweh's approval, meaning he intended humanity to fall, and intended to place all humanity in this terrible Jigsaw trap of needing to be saved from a sin none of us had any choice in making. The 'free will' argument is garbage. Yahweh has free will and he doesn't sin, so even according to monotheistic theology we know it's possible to both have free will and not sin. Why wouldn't Yahweh make us like that unless he WANTED to create suffering?
      You say "True love needs to be defined, among other things, by a fully conscious, fully aware, entirely avoidable choice." I'd agree. And what is the choice Yahweh gives us? Love him (even though he doesn't provide adequate evidence to convince humans he even exists), or be tortured forever. I'm curious as to how anyone could possibly see that as a loving choice. If you married a guy, and he came to you and said, 'baby, I love you forever and more than anything. And if you ever leave me, I'll kidnap you and torture you in my basement forever. That's how much I love you. But it's all your choice! I don't want to force you into anything.' What would your reaction be?
      It's honestly a hideous story of an eternal torturer dressed up to make it sound loving, and it's sickening to hear otherwise intelligent, compassionate people defending it.

  • @ChaosServant-ll7pr
    @ChaosServant-ll7pr 7 років тому +240

    My mom once told me that the answer to this question is that God needed to give free will so humanity could truly love him. Without that choice, their love wouldn't be real... though considering what else I know about in the Bible, I no longer buy into that bullshit.

    • @mrpo3496
      @mrpo3496 6 років тому +28

      ChaosServant 12345 what kind of mother that allows her children to kill each other so that children have free will to love her.. People arent that free as most theist thinks..

    • @clementnade972
      @clementnade972 6 років тому +44

      I'll let my children play with the chainsaw because freewill.

    • @breebell468
      @breebell468 6 років тому +22

      Might as well leave poisoned candy out.

    • @isawadelapradera6490
      @isawadelapradera6490 5 років тому +50

      "god needed humanity to love him _freely"_
      *Cue threat of eternal burning and torture*

    • @directorkid3131
      @directorkid3131 5 років тому +15

      My mom says this to me too (I'm 14).
      So, an innocent baby who hasn't the knowledge of good and evil, doesn't truly love their mom? Because they don't know of hate, that means they don't love? OK.

  • @IvanSensei88
    @IvanSensei88 3 роки тому +89

    Imagine being a perfect being, perfect in every aspect. Can't starve, can't get sad, can't get lonely, can't feel anything negative, only positive. In a constant state of bliss and fulfillment... you cannot even get bored... what possible purpose can a universe serve to you?

    • @adamc1966
      @adamc1966 3 роки тому +14

      Yes and why create stupid people that u would eventually snuff out?

    • @CorePathway
      @CorePathway 10 місяців тому +1


    • @IvanSensei88
      @IvanSensei88 10 місяців тому +10

      @@CorePathway Why do I need to be worshiped and obeyed? Am I LONELY? Do I have a superiority complex? A perfect being doesn't have that, and shouldn't even have a Need or a Craving for being worshipped and obeyed.

    • @gimmekromer1151
      @gimmekromer1151 5 місяців тому +5

      ​@@IvanSensei88yes thats what bugs me why would a perfect being create "imperfect" beings to worship him? And then knowing It would get bad created them anyway?

    • @IvanSensei88
      @IvanSensei88 5 місяців тому

      ​@@gimmekromer1151 The only real way "out" of this conundrum, would be the to say that the creator is not perfect. Then I could 'somewhat' understand why such a being would want being worshiped, although this would raise a new set of problems for the theists.
      Also love how that other guy tucked his tail between his legs and skedaddled away the moment I engaged with him.

  • @KingQwertzlbrmpf
    @KingQwertzlbrmpf 7 років тому +113

    There is actualy a grave mistake in this video. And that is that according to the bible god gave the instruction about not to eat from the tree of tree of knoweldge of good and evil BEFORE he created eve and never repeats it. So eve never heard about not being allowed to eat from the tree of knoweldge of good and evil. Or at least not from god.

    • @KingQwertzlbrmpf
      @KingQwertzlbrmpf 7 років тому +10

      Well of course not.
      Also you should note that genesis is the myth in which christian monotheism originates. Mythologicaly speaking it is the god El (which is the origin god of Yahwee) subjugating the last remaining god from his original pantheon which is his wife Ishtar (also called Inanna) thereby gaining her powers in addition to his own and becoming a single omnipotent god (as opposed to a pantheon of gods each with limited power).
      Let's recount the story. God (El) creates the man in his image making it a representation of himself. Afterwards he creates the women which is a representation of Ishtar, his wife. He creates the women from a rib of the man (himself) thereby demonstrarting that Ishtars powers are not hers but originate from him.

    • @KingQwertzlbrmpf
      @KingQwertzlbrmpf 7 років тому +7

      Well, you are not really telling me anything new.
      Also, the story about lillith is part of the original jewish mythology, it's no longer present in the current form of the (christian) bible.
      And no, "El" is not plural for elohim. It's just an older name for the god described. El was the babylonian god of water and wisdom. That's also why the bible states that in the beginning god's spirit "moved across the face of the waters" (genesis, 1:2). However, in the original myths Inanna, Els daughter (or in other myths regarding the two, his wife) bested El in a drinking game. In his drunkenness El gifted Inanna with the twelve "Me powers". The Me powers are basicaly the power to rule the world. Inanna took the Me powers and hastily made way for her own city of Ur where she was untouchable for El. El, after sobering up tried to get the Me powers back, but inannas servant (the queen of the west) managed to thwart els pursuers. Inanna arrived in Ur and El acknowledged his defeat. But when Inanna retrieved the twelve Me powers, which she had stored in her vulva (no joke, it's actualy what the myths tell you), there were many more powers than before. This was how Inanna in all essentiality became the queen of the gods.
      If you look at the myths predating the creation of the bible you can see that El took on more and more aspects over time with all of this culminating in (mytholocialy speaking) taking back the powers of inanna in genesis thereby becoming the supreme god. Of course it's not like there are no other gods in the bible. Yahwees struggles with Baal are taking up a good portion of the old testament. But the bible no longer describews them as god but as demons, a classical tactic to dissuade your own flock of doubting and judaism is by far not the first religion to do this.

    • @KingQwertzlbrmpf
      @KingQwertzlbrmpf 7 років тому

      Quite frankly, i didn't quite understood what your point was to begin with.

    • @jeffthompson9622
      @jeffthompson9622 3 роки тому

      Good point!

  • @Thutil
    @Thutil 10 років тому +126

    Why were the continents in their modern arrangement? Is it because the Earth is only 6000 years old?

    • @louistournas120
      @louistournas120 8 років тому +10


    • @hannes1734
      @hannes1734 7 років тому +16

      The Ussher-Lightfoot-Calendar says that the Earth was created on Oct.23 4004 BC. I cannot see how one could believe that.

    • @freshairkaboom8171
      @freshairkaboom8171 6 років тому +3

      Yeah, you see, the puzzle pieces that fit perfectly with each other, and who obviously drifted apart over millions and millions of years, actually were just created apart from each other all along. Makes perfect sense to me.

    • @johnrosschisholm5740
      @johnrosschisholm5740 4 роки тому

      C O R R E C T

  • @pepejulianonziema69
    @pepejulianonziema69 4 роки тому +42

    god created man in his image
    before that, man created god's image

    • @bloopahVIII
      @bloopahVIII Рік тому +2

      but no man shall see god and live
      everybody dies

  • @bwdoggrooming4482
    @bwdoggrooming4482 8 років тому +182

    It makes no sense to put the fruit there- because God is omnipotent and omnipresent. He would've known Adam and Eve would eat the fruit, as he is all knowing. If he wasn't able to see the future it would've made a little more sense, but even then, why do it? Why tempt us to sin? Why did God want us to stay stupid and ignorant?

    • @ThaDreamMerchant
      @ThaDreamMerchant 7 років тому +47

      No logic allowed in this comment section!

    • @momo-ht2oe
      @momo-ht2oe 7 років тому +10

      Thewifeswapped At the time the idea of omniscience was not around. That idea of god evolved later then they try to lie by saying it is the same guy. Try reading the Story of a God by Karen Armstrong she explains how Yaweh evolved

    • @adaharrisonn
      @adaharrisonn 6 років тому +2

      Thewifeswapped to be fair like, just because you know someone is going to do something that's wrong doesn't make it less wrong

    • @fourteatwo
      @fourteatwo 6 років тому

      Now God would indeed have known what happened which is why he told them that eating from the tree of selfrealisation would make them mortal, thus providing them with the tree of life to become one with God again in Jesus. It is a poetic description of puberty, the danger of rejecting the authority over the self by thinking to be in control of it yourself. Hanging on to your self is what makes you suffer death. If you live in God you can live in every heart.
      God did not want men to stay stupid as he told them what was right and wrong in eternal truth. He just did not want them to judge right and wrong according to their self interests. It is not the tree of wisdom or knowledge but the tree of realisation of good and evil. In eating from it they exercised free will as we all can, but we also can choose to accept Gods authority and follow him willingly

    • @lnsflare1
      @lnsflare1 6 років тому +5

      To be fair, it was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, so not eating of it wouldn't mean that humanity *had* to remain stupid and ignorant, only that they would remain eternally innocent and unable to sin (or feel shame, etc...)because they wouldn't be able to comprehend either good or evil on a conceptual level and therefore wouldn't have the ability to violate morals that they would be completely incapable of having.

  • @gorgenfol
    @gorgenfol 7 років тому +37

    but, hang on, didn't the snake get its legs removed as a punishment and therefore it still has to have its legs in this portrayal? Because they didn't eat from whatever-gives-knowledge-of-good-and-evil-to-be-inserted-here yet... mmmmh.

    • @jaimelannister1797
      @jaimelannister1797 3 роки тому +1

      Yeah as the punishment the snake had to crawl on it’s belly

  • @mattsupertramp6506
    @mattsupertramp6506 6 років тому +28

    "The stinking bog of good and evil" 😂 brilliant

  • @richo61
    @richo61 14 років тому +7

    "Genesis - how it should have ended."
    Very funny!

  • @ChaoticSupernova
    @ChaoticSupernova 14 років тому +13

    I love that Eve's voice is just Adam's voice but with a higher pitch.

  • @user-dk4gm3xm6h
    @user-dk4gm3xm6h 3 роки тому +11

    So why make the tree in the first place then?

    • @fearandloathing9976
      @fearandloathing9976 3 роки тому +5

      Good and evil fruit is high in vitamin C and god didn’t want to get scurvy

  • @RobNurgundy
    @RobNurgundy 14 років тому +7

    Another great vid NSC. It never occured to me how the temptation of adam and eve started even before the serpent with god puting something that was desirable in the garden in the first place. Substituting the Tree with something repulsive could have changed the outcome ie. the 'Fall'. Given god's all knowingness it would seem he intended them to 'take the bait' because then he could turn on his malevolent charms :oP

  • @volodask
    @volodask 11 років тому +46

    Haha, the children speak Polish! :D

    • @alukuhito
      @alukuhito 4 роки тому +6

      And Adam, Eve, and God speak Australian English.

    • @LarsPallesen
      @LarsPallesen 4 роки тому +4

      A little known fact - Adam and Eve were Polish :-)

    • @chinggiskhan6678
      @chinggiskhan6678 3 роки тому

      @@LarsPallesen What? No they weren't!

    • @maklovitz
      @maklovitz 7 місяців тому

      2:36 haha

  • @geigy
    @geigy 13 років тому +5

    Wow! Your artwork is improving. Gotta say. The sweep of the view of the GoE is breathtaking, and the oblique viewpoint on Adam and Eve is very nicely composed.

  • @Metal7771
    @Metal7771 12 років тому +13

    Eve: "...wish he never made that revolting mess with it's freaking stench."
    Satan: "Damnit!"
    IDK why but that part made me bust out laughing! XD

  • @MannyXj1
    @MannyXj1 13 років тому +3

    Nonstamp, your Eve voice is priceless! I laughed too hard. You're awesome man!

  • @butteredmap9064
    @butteredmap9064 5 років тому +16

    Kills me everytime the snake says that

  • @haleemabdurahman5151
    @haleemabdurahman5151 10 місяців тому +1

    Simplicity is addictive.. These videos are dangerously addictive...

  • @Esnaklive
    @Esnaklive 7 років тому +51

    Ha! I had an ad for a bible app.

    • @TheOneWhoMightBe
      @TheOneWhoMightBe 6 років тому +1

      Israel Institute of Biblical Studies, here.

  • @ApostateInParadise
    @ApostateInParadise 6 років тому +5

    Having Mormon temple flashbacks from this.

  • @nolimit4117
    @nolimit4117 3 роки тому +3

    Did Adam and Eve have free will? if so, the tree couldn't be there to give them a chance to follow God. And if Adam and Eve didn't have free will, then them eating the apple is what gave them free will. That means, they were supposed to eat the apple🍎

  • @kingheathen
    @kingheathen 14 років тому +2

    OH BOY! The suspense is killing me! I wonder what he changed!!!!
    (I love the take on making the forbidden thing something that they wouldn't desire in the first place...I can't say I've ever seen anyone take that approach even as simple and obvious as it is now that you've pointed it out.)

  • @Pillowpants8495
    @Pillowpants8495 11 років тому +8

    I love this! The Stinking Bog of the Knowledge of Good and Evil!

  • @j919or
    @j919or 13 років тому

    In 1997, a team of eight research scientists known as the RATE group (Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth) set out to investigate the assumptions commonly made in standard radioisotope dating practices (also referred to as single-sample radioisotope dating). Their findings were significant and directly impact the evolutionary dates of millions of years.

  • @ASAP_Kenny
    @ASAP_Kenny 3 роки тому +3

    Why was it a sin for cane to kill Abel if god never told him not to? If he naturally knew it was bad then doesn’t that mean god didn’t create morals? We already had them from the start?

    • @Mauricekaip
      @Mauricekaip 3 роки тому +3

      And if they ate from the tree of good and evil, why were laws even written down?

  • @xunatz
    @xunatz 14 років тому +1

    Short, yet one of your better ones! Great work and thanks very much, I really enjoyed watching it.

  • @LarsPallesen
    @LarsPallesen 4 роки тому +5

    Anyway, what was God thinking when he put the Tree of Knowledge with the forbidden fruit in the midst of the Garden of Eden? Who was it for? What was its purpose?
    People say it was the snake (Satan) who tempted Adam and Eve. I'd argue it was God when he put a tree with forbidden fruit in that garden.

    • @a.bagasm.7253
      @a.bagasm.7253 3 роки тому

      Mightve been the popular answer one. to test them, their faith

    • @AssassinoJake
      @AssassinoJake 3 роки тому +1

      @@a.bagasm.7253 Faith in what? They know god exists cause they spoke to him. And why would an all knowing being, who knows all the hair on my head, everything i have done and will do, and knew me before i knew myself test Adam and Eve? Wouldn't God already know?

  • @AmitKumar-qz2us
    @AmitKumar-qz2us 3 роки тому +2

    Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd, and bloody religion that has ever infected the world."
    [In a letter to Frederick the Great]- Voltaire

  • @tylermanning4321
    @tylermanning4321 4 роки тому +4

    Eve pretty cute ngl

  • @wilfredthebold
    @wilfredthebold 14 років тому

    @SpecialElisa That would be a crazy long song too. Can you imagine all the Israelites getting around the campfire to sing Genesis? They wouldn't get to go to sleep until the next week.

  • @babblgamgummi6029
    @babblgamgummi6029 6 років тому +7

    I thought take #1 was gonna be lilith

  • @rwandaforever6744
    @rwandaforever6744 3 роки тому +2

    But...but...but you can't ignore the ONE argument that has been working since forever: We mere humans just cannot understand gods plan. Every friggin' thing he did/does/will do ist exactly how it has to happen for us to receive everything he has ever promised. Even if it seems contradictory or cruel or isn't, but we are too small of mind to realize.
    See, you can now switch off that brain of yours again and go back into obedience mode. Just do as you are told, no need to think for yourself. Private though and personal freedom are, as we all know, only an illusion, as the existence of the whole universe and every particle in it has been mapped out and planned. What ever happens was meant to happen and whatever you think of or not think of was exactly how it should go.
    Isn't that great? You can't change anything. Whatever reaction you have to events is what he wanted. That drowning child over there, that you could could jump in and save it. Or you could ask others to do it. Or you could just let it drown. Or you throw in a few more children and kill them all. No matter what's your choice, it's exactly what was planned. You just can't do anything wrong!
    It hurts my brain that there is a significant number of people in this world that believe this 100%.

  • @heyho7455
    @heyho7455 7 років тому +7

    Genesis does what nintendon't

  • @WolfriksWorld
    @WolfriksWorld 14 років тому

    Just when I thought my clever arsenal of ways to upset fundies was full...
    You're awesome NSC!

  • @lazyperfectionist1
    @lazyperfectionist1 7 років тому +9

    Yahweh is susceptible to boredom?

    • @bilbeman4125
      @bilbeman4125 6 років тому +7

      Why else would he start up this awful muck of a universe? The same reason we watch soap operas: it passes the time.

    • @theoffchannel2054
      @theoffchannel2054 5 років тому +1

      He's susceptible to regret despite being all knowing and perfect.

  • @Brunofromaraguari
    @Brunofromaraguari 3 роки тому +2

    This channel is amazing. New subscriber from Brazil 🇧🇷

  • @juanpedrodelacruz7348
    @juanpedrodelacruz7348 5 років тому +3

    I was thinking, where are the dinosours during Adam and Eve.

  • @BenWillBarrows
    @BenWillBarrows 14 років тому

    In the sumerian mythology that Genesis is based on, the chief god Enlil's reason for The Flood was that the noise of the humans having sex kept him awake at night. In the Bible, The Flood WAS God's attempt at starting again.

  • @robertwilliams570
    @robertwilliams570 3 роки тому +4

    Just a thought how did Adam and Eve understand the concept of death? It was never explained

    • @bangtanbangtan8338
      @bangtanbangtan8338 3 роки тому +8

      don't expect much from a book written by iron age men

    • @sigmaoctantis1892
      @sigmaoctantis1892 3 роки тому +3

      Also, as they had no knowledge of the good/evil distinction, they could not have known there was a distinction between obedience and disobedience on a good/evil scale.

    • @adamc1966
      @adamc1966 3 роки тому +2

      Absolutely...just proof it was written by men for the control over other men. Nothing holy about it.

  • @Antitheist
    @Antitheist 14 років тому

    I appreciate your using subtext at the end. Much better than spelling out what God meant by wanting to change something. I'm a screenwriter and on-the-nose dialog drives me nuts!
    So thanks. And great job, as usual.

  • @enterkramer
    @enterkramer 4 роки тому +3

    NSC's stick figure art style here is much more believable than actually trying to imagine what the genesis days actually looked like. :|

  • @omosolafemi7093
    @omosolafemi7093 2 роки тому +1

    I spend most of my time on the UA-cam app because of this channel ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @lennon7978
      @lennon7978 2 роки тому +3

      Thats a pretty bad statement, go work out and have some fresh air

  • @pjanoo6973
    @pjanoo6973 5 років тому +6

    Genesis 1:29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. Thanks for toxic hemlock and poison oak god.

  • @biologyprodigy
    @biologyprodigy 14 років тому +2

    But there has to be a God. Every time I say "God Damn it" I want an all mighty being to damn whatever I am upset about. lol

  • @ashwintytus4339
    @ashwintytus4339 11 років тому +3

    Was god afraid man will become god's equal if he also ate from the tree of life? Knowledge+immortality=God?

  • @NonStampCollector
    @NonStampCollector  14 років тому

    @DemandedGamingHD And what about those that have had religion forced upon them from way back when they were too young and innocent to be able to critically evaluate it? Let alone adults who waste their lives trying to please a non-existent mind-reading god. To me that seems far, far, far worse.
    Religion has far more evil to answer for than I or any other christianity-mocker could ever commit in a youtube movie.
    Mocking religion is arguably morally superior to 'tolerating' it.

  • @pyknicporpoise8121
    @pyknicporpoise8121 7 років тому +3

    Wait, but Adam and Eve couldn't procreate before eating the apple.

    • @jonboy9734
      @jonboy9734 7 років тому +4

      Guess Eve wanted the D.

    • @jilliansmith7123
      @jilliansmith7123 7 років тому +5

      Why not? It wasn't childbirth per se that was her punishment, but that it would hurt so much. But she still had to have children regardless.

  • @NonStampCollector
    @NonStampCollector  14 років тому

    @ApocalypseNow012 The thing that's new is people not understanding why outspoken atheists would feel motivated to speak out against religion.
    Oh wait - there's nothing new about that at all. Particularly as they could find the answer themselves if they'd just open their ears.

  • @NonStampCollector
    @NonStampCollector  14 років тому

    @Jakomancer Congratulations on being the first douche to comment on this video.

  • @MartyJSwizzle
    @MartyJSwizzle 13 років тому

    @BrokenAeroVT - The difference is that if the bond-servant was “sold for debt, or for a crime, was to serve but six years, and to go out the seventh. If he sold himself, through poverty, both his work and his usage must be such as were fitting for a son of Abraham.”

  • @billycassells2000
    @billycassells2000 2 роки тому +1

    No sin means no Netflix for the gods.

  • @RobbithThePengin
    @RobbithThePengin 14 років тому +1

    Great video NonStampCollector! i really enjoy your work and find it very entertaining! please continue to make great videos such as this!

  • @coderhead
    @coderhead 14 років тому

    Not a bad hypothesis. I've always said it would be best to have not created the tree in the first place, but a stinking bog? Every bit as good!

  • @theferretman2157
    @theferretman2157 5 років тому +1

    Aw, for thousands of years no child went into the big, makes sense.

  • @Plepple
    @Plepple 12 років тому

    Lovely! Neither Adam nor Eve knew right from wrong before eating the fruit, yet their god deemed their act so horrendous that every person to come had to pay for it. At least until he sacrificed himself, to himself to change his own mind.

  • @charlesluis2035
    @charlesluis2035 3 роки тому +2

    the weird thing about it is that why would "God" punish Adam and Eve for something Adam and Eve didn't even know, I just noticed that "God" created Adam and Eve without having the knowledge of what's good and evil because the Good and evil is wrapped up in the apple, which means that Adam and Eve didn't know that disobeying God's order was right nor wrong, and for the people that are saying that this is just common sense, then why would "God" create the tree in the first place if he made Adam and Eve with the possession of common sense

  • @chickenshing
    @chickenshing 12 років тому

    Most of the time the kids babbled.
    But at 2:36 a girl articulated "(a name) you kiss me..."
    I guess the soundtrack was recorded in a kindergarten. So sweet, haha.

  • @DiscoveringReligion
    @DiscoveringReligion 14 років тому

    Great video! I had not thought of what might happen if the object of temptation was in fact revolting. The Creation story reflects very poorly on God. He created everything about us, yet our minds were so weak we could not resist being tempted for a single day? How long did man live in Eden anyway? The Bible documents Adam conceiving children around 100 years of age. We probably sinned shortly after the Creation, but at most it couldnt have been more than 100 years. The Bible is utter nonsense.

  • @azophi
    @azophi Рік тому +1

    As a former calvinist the answer is pretty much … yes. God made the world knowing full well that Adam and Eve would sin, he did that for His glory

  • @deadshot1995
    @deadshot1995 13 років тому

    @j919or Not sure, most scientists believe it was buried in a landslide. The cold mud would have acted as a preservative and the underlying permafrost completing the process by freezing the carcass.
    "Mummifying," is a process quite easily done in such a cold environment.

  • @chulk607
    @chulk607 14 років тому

    Yay, you're back! And a vid released on my birthday. THIS CANNOT BE COINCIDENCE.
    Well... I mean, maybe it is.
    But you're back! Huzzah.

  • @MrFungus420
    @MrFungus420 11 років тому

    "man is become as one of us"
    And, the usual defense against the possible point of this also meaning that there are multiple gods is that god was using the royal "us".

  • @cytherina
    @cytherina 12 років тому

    This is a very good thing to question about the whole Fall of Man thing: Did god REALLY want an eternal paradise, especially when he ran the risk of our Fall by placing the tree in the Garden, and should technically have known about what would happen, being omniscient and all...or did he screw around a bit so he has something to do?

  • @Ingmatter
    @Ingmatter 13 років тому

    Favorite story in the bible ever. Order adam and eve to not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, when such an instruction would require they understand that eating from the tree was evil, and not eating was good.
    god must have been high or something.

  • @piercethompson
    @piercethompson 5 років тому +1

    This is the Chapelle show for religion

  • @inulomar1776
    @inulomar1776 Рік тому +1

    Eat from the stinking bog in the middle of the bush! , just a metaphor?

  • @DRayL_
    @DRayL_ 14 років тому

    Excactly, NonStampCollector. Fascinating little bit of information there. If god really didn't want them to "eat it", either make it completely unpalatable, . . . or not have it there in the first place! It is a ridiculous story . . . .that reads like a children's story in reality. Probably fables told around those ancient desert nomadic sheep hearder's tents as they tried to get their kids to go to sleep.

  • @onesyphorus
    @onesyphorus 4 роки тому +1

    Eve - are those wings or hair?

  • @PublishingCentral
    @PublishingCentral 14 років тому

    I've always wondered what God was doing for all that eternity before Genesis 1:1. The reset button totally explains it..

  • @DjSapsan
    @DjSapsan 3 роки тому

    In 6000 years the entire Universe will be completely filled with human bodies if they had 2 babies per 20 years

  • @goemon9378
    @goemon9378 14 років тому

    love your vids...the ridiculousness is so funny lol

  • @deadshot1995
    @deadshot1995 13 років тому

    @j919or This study is based on the premise that radiometric dating techniques must always yield concordant ages for radiometric dating to be valid. Most often, radiometric dating results do agree. However, the Earth's surface is constantly being rearranged through volcanism, tectonics and erosion. Such rearranging cannot occur without impacting some of the isotopes in rocks.

  • @corthew
    @corthew 14 років тому

    I can't wait for the second installment to see what he changed.
    Brilliant dude.:)

  • @GoblinXXX
    @GoblinXXX 13 років тому

    @MartyJSwizzle I dare say most of us who aren't Christian *ANY MORE* realized how ludicrous these stories were from reading the bible when we still were. I paid attention in Sunday School, and that led directly to my atheism.

  • @MartyJSwizzle
    @MartyJSwizzle 13 років тому

    @viridismonasteriense - "There is a time for everything, & a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born & a time to die, a time to plant & a time to uproot, a time to kill & a time to heal, a time to tear down & a time to build, a time to weep & a time to laugh, a time to mourn & a time to dance, a time to embrace & a time to refrain from embracing, a time to be silent & a time to speak, a time to love & a time to hate, a time for war & a time for peace." ~ Ecc 3:1-8

  • @TheOkami1113
    @TheOkami1113 11 років тому +1

    It's surprising that the children these revoltingly bad stories were told didn't notice how stupid they were, and simply didn't retell them to their children.

  • @creamncheese7761
    @creamncheese7761 3 роки тому +1

    You see kids. It all started with Genesis...

  • @MartyJSwizzle
    @MartyJSwizzle 13 років тому

    @BrokenAeroVT - The only exception is in Ex. 22:18 of the OT under the Mosaic Law which does not specify how a witch is to die & is only applicable inside the boundaries of Israel; which no longer applies to Christians.

  • @StevensGloria
    @StevensGloria 13 років тому


  • @bentroyer1
    @bentroyer1 5 років тому +1

    Well shit guys 0:40 no more seedless watermelon, oranges, or bannanas I guess then god never gave us permission to eat fruit without seeds.

    @MARI0LAND 14 років тому +1

    Great video!
    Allthough I suspect Jahwe was just pretending to be bored and really did the reset because he realised that without death and a lot of happy incest children the earth would sometimes run out of space and he would have to create another one...

  • @j919or
    @j919or 13 років тому

    @deadshot1995 ""Another possibility is that there could have been a flash freezing.""
    Yes. Scientists consider that a negative temperature in the triple digits was necessary to cause these mammoths to be frozen with undigested food still in their stomachs.

  • @viridismonasteriense
    @viridismonasteriense 13 років тому

    @GoblinXXX Thank you. You're very kind.

  • @pitpride1220
    @pitpride1220 3 роки тому +1

    I love how the Bible exercises it's opinion on feminine nature and beta male behavior right out of the gate. Lucifer had game!

  • @jungsbodyguard
    @jungsbodyguard 12 років тому

    I like how it ends on a cliffhanger.

  • @1n354a
    @1n354a 14 років тому

    @FHomeBrew yeah I would have liked to see a cement company covering over the stinking bog after about 200,000 years....

  • @Marialla.
    @Marialla. 11 років тому

    I think the creation story is a little like the Star Trek episode where barbarian men ranted about the advanced female civilization underground, calling them the "givers of pain and delight". I don't think Adam and Eve were supposed to not know of good and evil, but tasting the fruit of the tree would bring them first-hand, right-now experiential knowledge of good and evil. Sex is pleasurable and good, but childbirth and adult responsibilities are painful.

  • @averagebear1
    @averagebear1 14 років тому +1

    Great vid, very thoughtful. I once had a discussion with a creationist and asked what would life be like without death? What would lions, sharks, and crocidiles eat? Eucalyptis leaves? Within a few months of creation, Adam and Eve would be up to necks in bunnies!!! What if germs never died? Hand sanitizer would be useless. How would ever find a parking place at the mall? Just imagine the traffic jams.

  • @Jacquer68
    @Jacquer68 14 років тому

    @FHomeBrew yeah, it would be boring. With no pain, death, strife, or really anything bad (not even childbirth would be painful!), there's no drive for change!

  • @NonStampCollector
    @NonStampCollector  14 років тому

    @nightoftheshape So there really is a revolting bog in the bible after all.

  • @Hudson316
    @Hudson316 14 років тому

    @spideycentz Altar boy eh? dangerous line of work, that one...

  • @bitshifter9191
    @bitshifter9191 4 роки тому +1

    Nice work NSC! You could have had termites eat the tree - reset - beavers chew it down to make a dam - reset - animals eat all the fruit - reset. The possibilities are endless ... maybe even eternal :) Given God's track record of "perfect" creation, Hell won't turn out as he planned and end up being an EPIC rave.

  • @niesson9456
    @niesson9456 9 років тому +2

    Gotta love the "new age" music playing there. Like the ones in spas like for meditation, yet somewhat gives of a futuristic feeling.
    Genesis and the rest of the bible. Or AKA Existence is god's The SIMS lolz
    What was it the prof always said... A story needs an IMPORTANT goal, and an even bigger wall or obstacle course for the subject to go through, and an EVEN BIGGER motivation to be able to climb it.
    It said bigger yes. But it didn't say stupid or senseless, or illogical. While emotion may be at times irrational ---isn't it ironic that it seems like a more suitable element to grow "morality" in??? And when you plant it next to reason, it seems to do much better.

  • @johnalexir7634
    @johnalexir7634 4 місяці тому

    The pineapples are fantastic, lol