What are your thoughts on Pre-Trib Rapture vs Mid-Trib or Post-Trib?

  • Опубліковано 15 тра 2016
  • Listen in as Monte Judah answers questions on Faith, Scripture, and our walk as believers.
    Click here for the full Q&A playlist: • Q&A Clips | Monte Judah
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КОМЕНТАРІ • 7 тис.

  • @suemoshier5475
    @suemoshier5475 Рік тому +35

    I was taught pre-trib. Howevet, the more I prayed and studiex, the more I came to believe way you just taught. What a blessing. You have just exained in greater detail why I believe what I believe.

    • @Pre-Tribulation
      @Pre-Tribulation Рік тому

      Your calling God's Judgement a blessing? WOW! Can men birth children? Do men need tampons on the stalls? Was the burning down of cities a "Peaceful protest" too?

  • @sarahhunt2376
    @sarahhunt2376 Рік тому +40

    Like Mordecai told Esther, dont think for one second that you'll escape or be kept from trouble. We're all in this together! Amen!

    • @crollinsphoto
      @crollinsphoto Рік тому +1

      That was old testament teaching. Lots of things have been written since then to say the opposite.

    • @debiburns8228
      @debiburns8228 11 місяців тому

      ​@@crollinsphotoThe "Old" Testament IS still relevant as much as the "New " Testament . The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed; The New Testament is the Old Testament revealed!

    • @chrisdriscoll6160
      @chrisdriscoll6160 10 місяців тому +15

      @@crollinsphoto the Lord is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He doesn't EVER change. The OT is pointing to Messiah.

    • @carlandre8610
      @carlandre8610 8 місяців тому +4

      It is interesting that those that live in countries that are not experiencing tribulation of any kind feel that they will escape the tribulation.
      Shall we different than our master?

    • @rgnold2517
      @rgnold2517 2 місяці тому

      Actually we are not all in this together, approximately 1920 years worth of born again believers have already gone on to be with the Lord, To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
      They escaped any suffering and purifying thru the tribulation.

  • @trevorkuun199
    @trevorkuun199 2 роки тому +15

    We can wonder and imagine all we want but what God has in store for those who love Him is far above our imagination

  • @888WulfDog888
    @888WulfDog888 3 роки тому +89

    I'm a pan tribulationist! I'm going to just wait and see how it pans out!
    Praise Jesus 🙏

    • @tabasco7915
      @tabasco7915 2 роки тому +6

      I think I will join you!

    • @lysanderhuynh
      @lysanderhuynh 2 роки тому +10

      Most likely, you will be wise in doing so... I, however, will say that "after the tribulation of those days" (Matthew 24:29-30) we will see Yeshua coming on the clouds of fire in full glory.

    • @888WulfDog888
      @888WulfDog888 2 роки тому +10

      @@lysanderhuynh Yes I have since come to believe that there is definitely no pre tribulation "rapture" as they call it.

    • @hopealivewithevang.olubunm2287
      @hopealivewithevang.olubunm2287 2 роки тому


    • @kingleonidas6352
      @kingleonidas6352 2 роки тому +4

      @@888WulfDog888 unfortunately its very popular, but just because its popular doesn't make it right.

  • @bobbyrodriguez8270
    @bobbyrodriguez8270 5 років тому +184

    If you're standing and building on the ROCK. Doesn't matter what trib you're tripping on. Jesus said He will be with us to the end, will never leave us or forsake us. God will give us the grace to endure whatever comes our way.

    • @blackh2o1
      @blackh2o1 5 років тому +4

      Bingo. That's how rapture can't happen. The Messiah plainly states He's coming here. If we go to heaven we can't be together

    • @herbbearingseed
      @herbbearingseed 5 років тому +10

      Bobby, It does matter. the five foolish virgins.

    • @shawnalLovesJesus
      @shawnalLovesJesus 5 років тому +6

      @@blackh2o1 No. That's not how rapture can't happen. Isaiah 57
      1 The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 5 років тому +3

      @@herbbearingseed old boy, more accurately herbbulking'poisonous'seed, allow me to begin my statement with full disclosure of the fact that you are just another run-of-the-mill hard-shell pre-tribulation rapture detractor: Your inability to rightly divide the word of God is coming from the fact that you are egregiously biblically illiterate, therefore you are in a perpetual state of floundering while simultaneously revealing the depth of your error and embarrassing yourself by displaying your idiocy for all the world to see. This of course does not preclude your ascent out of the eschatological morass that now plagues you😮😉

    • @sostainscepter7801
      @sostainscepter7801 5 років тому +8

      It actually does matter and is very important so that it doesn't catch you by surprise

  • @purchasedbyblood
    @purchasedbyblood 5 років тому +359

    Pre mid post
    do not argue over it
    Live every day as if he’s coming at any moment

    • @Ally-ur2rr
      @Ally-ur2rr 5 років тому +8


    • @jaxstudios7670
      @jaxstudios7670 5 років тому +29

      Yes it matters...It matters because if we wrest with scripture it can and will cause our destruction...We must be steadfast in TRUTH..IF we are filled with the holy spirit and the holy spirit is HOLY and from the Father of TRUTH then how can we believe a lie? Its utterly impossible to believe something that isn't truth. And of we are believing a lie then we simply are NOT saved...Why does everyone overlook this and THINK they can believe whatever they wish whether it meshes with scripture or not? Satan doesn't want us to have truth and that is the sole reason for this confusion...
      Lets look at the ONE scripture everyone uses to say see there a rapture before the trib...
      1 Thes 4
      15For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
      So here the very FIRST topic is BELIEF...IF we believe the truth of the resurrection...then we will believe this...Fine yet this doesn't say what everyone thinks it says which is this event happens by the lords coming..."UNTO THE COMING OF THE LORD"...which narrows this down to a COMING of Christ...and we can know this without a doubt IF we look at the very next paragraph in 1 thes 5...because He then explains this concept a bit better...and this keeps it in context...
      1 Thes 5
      1But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 7For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. 8But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. 9For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 10Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. 11Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do
      So here its explained more thoroughly than the first paragraph...saying
      1)it comes as a thief in the night
      2)it destroys those who say peace and safety..
      .3)that we are nor in darkness that this day should overtake US, meaning we shall be here for this event...
      4)We need to keep watch of this day and make sure we are sober for it etc...
      5)it uses the same term "whether we sleep or we wake" which is very similar in nature to the first paragraph of 1 this 4...
      So then lets look at another rendering from a different written about this exact same day...
      2 Pet 3
      3Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 5For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 6Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: 7But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
      So first as in KNOWING THIS FIRST eluding to knowledge of TRUTH...we need to understand that this day is the very same day many will scoff about saying.....and then it is said this day is reserved for fire...and then it tells us not to be ignorant..very important fact meaning we MUST know the TRUTH of this day and nothing else will do...
      2 pet 3
      8But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
      So the reason this DAY has not come yet is so many can come to repentance who have not yet...well then if thats the case then maybe this day could destroy those who have not come to repentance...yes that is truth...
      2 pet 3
      10But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
      So here we have the same description that paul used but this time by peter, and then it goes on below about things being dissolved what manner of persons we ought to be in all HOLINESS and conversation...Holiness is truth and those that are holy can not and will not believe a lie...no matter what...it's utterly impossible..and again it calls for DESTRUCTION...same as Paul's letter above..
      2 pet 3
      11Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, 12Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? 13Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
      So here we get more detail than Paul gave about this very same day..It will be a day of fire dissolving the the heavens and the earth , the elements rendering this earth destroyed because peter then say NEVER THE LESS its all good because we look for a new heavens and an new earth... but then this passage gets really interesting...
      2 Peter 3
      14Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.
      So we can safely know that these people are the CHURCH made up of both jews and gentile believers for there is only one group, and this group is described JUST as the BRIDE of CHRIST is without spot or wrinkle...Rev 19 when she is given her white raiment..AND NOT BEFORE as many erroneously believe.
      2 Pet 3
      15And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
      Again stating just how long-suffering our lord really is so all can come to repentance..this is irriterated once again..BUT here i see something very interesting...Paul is mentioned and so too are his writings ....Peter elaborates next...
      2 pet 3
      16As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
      Wait what??? What does this say? ...that some things Paul writes about such as this very same subject are HARD to be UNDERSTOOD, especially by those who are unlearned and unstable do WRESTE....to their own destruction...my my what a verse...and what a warning...
      2 pet 3
      17Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. 18But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
      Then he also warns even those who are STEADFAST, and that even they can fall from there own steadfastness...Lets look further into this word...it s a very important subject and we should not leave this stone unturned...by any means..
      secure standing.
      στηριγμοῦ (stērigmou)
      Noun - Genitive Masculine Singular
      Strong's Greek 4740: Firmness, steadfastness. From sterizo; stability.
      Synonyms & Antonyms for steadfast
      constant, dedicated, devoted, devout, down-the-line, faithful, fast, good, loyal, pious, staunch (also stanch), steady, TRUE, TRUE-BLUE
      disloyal, faithless, false, fickle, inconstant, perfidious, recreant, traitorous, treacherous, unfaithful, untrue
      So if after reading all this you still wish to entertain a pre anything rapture...just remember this...DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK...you can not say you have not been warned just exactly how dangerous this theory is and its DESIGNED that way..Dont forget that ...Satan is a wise ol' serpent who has already dealt with God and KNOWS exactly what to do to take your crown from you and that is to get you to BELIEVE something which is not true.KNOWING that this is what gets us destroyed...because by believing in it or even HOPING for it doesn't teach us to be able to STAND through even the worst trials and if we can't stand we shall fall. And Peter has even verified this for us...This pre anything rapture is designed to cause weak saints who will nt be able to stand because the HOPE is always there and the will keep them from becoming firmly grounded in the earth with is a huge issue with God....We haven't been written to this much to lead us astray...

    • @molossergirl2
      @molossergirl2 5 років тому +1

      Exactly, Paul thought Messiah would return in his day!

    • @joeynelms
      @joeynelms 5 років тому +10

      We should expect him in every generation. Not necessarily "any moment". If Paul believed in an "any moment" rapture; can you explain this - “The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Have courage, for just as you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.” (Acts 23:11; cf. Acts 19:21)? I didn't see anywhere that stated "unless I come back first".

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 5 років тому +3

      @@joeynelmsold boy, this is what you really want and have been waiting for... the waiting is finally over... allow this to greatly alleviate your incessant floundering:

  • @stephencason9609
    @stephencason9609 Рік тому +31

    I'm a Pastor of an online church. After watching this video, I had to ask the Lord for forgiveness because for years I was a "pre-trib" believer. Thank you Lord for opening my eyes through this man of God. Now I know how to prepare for this while dwelling on earth.

    • @ohhbobba3401
      @ohhbobba3401 Рік тому +6

      Hello Pastor Stephen Cason, would you kindly tell me where in the Bible (KJV) to look for "The Prophecies" to prepare for the Tribulation as I was unaware our wonderful Yeshua left all his 'Believers' Instructions. Thank you most kindly. Sincerely, Eileen

    • @BeiNacht
      @BeiNacht Рік тому +2

      @@ohhbobba3401 NAILED IT

    • @yafois988
      @yafois988 Рік тому

      Now go on the warpath against the LIE it is telling ppl to repent for the demoniac it is.

    • @Pre-Tribulation
      @Pre-Tribulation Рік тому +2

      The blood of Jesus makes us Kings and Priests, Revelation 1:5-6. The Elders are redeemed to God by the blood of Jesus from the globe, they see ALL SEALS OPENED IN HEAVEN, meaning a Pre-Tribulation Rapture, and they will rule on the Earth as Kings and Priests, Revelation 5:9-10. The beheaded saints only reign as Priests, Revelation 20:6... NOOOOOOT KINGS! The beheaded saints AREN'T sitting on thrones and power of JUDGMENT ISN'T given to them, Revelation 20:4. You need to study more

    • @Pre-Tribulation
      @Pre-Tribulation Рік тому +1

      @@ohhbobba3401 the way i see it, anyone preaching a post tribulational rapture, is not worthy of the title, "Pastor". He is just Stephen...

  • @bettyqueen1235
    @bettyqueen1235 4 роки тому +13

    Amen, brother! There are very few teaching this message today! Thank you for being there and Yahuah bless you!

    • @graceambassador65
      @graceambassador65 4 роки тому

      Grace And Peace, Betty, my friend, and *Please Be Very RICHLY Blessed!:*
      ------------------ Is *God's **_Sound_** Doctrine,* Actually a "theory"?:
      ----------------------- *Great GRACE Departure!* {aka rapture}
      *"Do ALL things Decently And In ORDER!!" (1 Corinthians 14 : 40 KJB!)*
      *(1A) PEACE With God! "Receiving" The Holy Spirit For "understanding"?*
      *(1B) 1A "E - X - P - A - N - D - E - D" FOR "Clarification"?*
      *(2a) Which BIBLE: KJB!* or, Any "newer modern version" will suffice?
      *(2b) KJB And God's Excellent "study" Rules!?*
      Part 3a *Pre-TOJT Great GRACE Departure!:*
      - *Rightly Divided* - "Brief" Intro!
      "Prophecy/Law" {earthly} gospel of the kingdom, ISRAEL "Prominent!"
      *Rightly Divided ( 2 Timothy 2 : 15! ) From **_"Things That DIFFER":_*
      *"Mystery/GRACE!" {Heavenly!} Gospel Of GRACE, Jew **_And_** Gentile "Equal!"*
      *(3b) THREE "Ages" Rightly Divided! = God's TIMELINES?*
      *(4) Which "Gospel!" **_Makes Way_** For Which "Gospel"?*
      *(5) GREAT Tribulation? Or *tribulations/GREAT GRACE Departure!:**
      *(6) Pre-TOJT GRACE Departure "Expectations!"?*
      *(7) God's HEAVENLY UPlook For HIS Body!?*
      *(8) Watching, Waiting, And Looking for WHOM!* or, "signs"?
      *(9) He "who withholdeth/hindereth" Until "taken Out!?"*
      *(10) "Day Of CHRIST!" Rightly Divided from {RDf}:*
      - *"The Day Of The LORD"?*
      *(11) CONFIDENCE in death/resurrection!, OR, in living/glorification!!?*
      *(12) CHRIST Will RETURN **_"Without Warning!"?_*
      *(13)The TWO "Trumps" Of God!, In HIS "Age Of GRACE!!"?*
      *(14) Meeting HIM "In The Air!" to Heaven!!* vs U-turn (theology???)
      - _Back To earth?_
      *(15) Preparation For Judgment!?*
      *(16) Post Departure "Deception! Question"?*
      *(17) **_Distinctions_** Between: The "Mystery" Pre-TOJT GRACE Departure! {RDf}*
      - *The "Prophesied" Second Coming?*
      - *{RDf = "Rightly Divided from" (2 Timothy 2 : 15 KJB!)}:*
      Part 17(C):
      The SECOND Coming, According to “Earthly _Prophecy:”_
      (4) Immediately _After_ tribulation/4 "signs," CHRIST Is Coming To “earth” In Order To:
      Judge/Make war/Smite And Rule the nations… *(Matthew 24 : 29;* Revelation 19 : 11, 15)
      (5a) Angels “gather the tares” First And they are “taken Out” of the “kingdom”
      to be cast into the furnace of fire! *(Matthew 24 : 30, 13 : 30, 40-43!)*
      (5b) Angels “gather the elect”... *(Matthew 24 : 31;* Mark 13 : 27!)
      (6)...for the “judgment of the Earthly Nations” By The Son of man, The King!
      (Matthew 25 : 31-46!)
      (7) Those Judged as "righteous" then "enter the kingdom!" And the "UNrighteous" then
      "Depart into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels!" (Matthew 25 : 34-46!)
      *Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2 : 15!) From **_"Things That DIFFER":_*
      *The Great GRACE Departure, According to The “Heavenly **_MYSTERY!”:_*
      *(4) CHRIST Will Resurrect those “asleep” first, and Then, we “which are alive and*
      *remain,” {which Is A MYSTERY!}, will be “changed”/all “incorruptible,”*
      *And “Caught Up” together to meet The LORD in the air, in the*
      *“twinkling of an eye!”*
      *(1 Thessalonians 4 : 16-17; 1 Corinthians 15 : 52-53!)*
      *(5) CHRIST “Gathers HIS Body” To HIMSELF to Take them To Heaven...*
      *(2 Thessalonians 2 : 1-3; 1 Corinthians 15 : 49;*
      *2 Corinthians 12 : 2, 5 : 1, 2;*
      *Ephesians 1 : 3, 20, 2 : 6; Philippians 3 : 20; 2 Timothy 4 : 18!)*
      *6)...For The Judgment Seat Of CHRIST, For HIS Heavenly Body, By*
      *The Head HIMSELF! (Romans 2 : 6, 16, 14 : 10-12;*
      *1 Corinthians 3 : 8-15, 4 : 5, 6 : 20; 2 Corinthians 5 : 10;*
      *Ephesians 6 : 8; Colossians 3 : 24-25!)*
      *(7a) After Judgment, the GRACE **_assembly_** Is Then "Presented" as*
      *"A Glorious Church, To CHRIST HIMSELF!"... (Ephesians 5 : 27!)*
      *(7b) ...And, Then "CHRIST Will Present" HIS Body "holy and unblameable*
      *and unreproveable, In HIS Sight," to HIS Father, In Heaven!*
      *(2 Thessalonians 3 : 13; Colossians 1 : 22!)*
      *God Bless All!*
      *Rapture_Handout_Complete **_Excellent_** PDF!:*
      www.crbible.com/zupload/user/site-files/rapture-handout-complete.pdf ---------------------------------------------------------------
      *LORD JESUS, thank You so much for Your Gift Of ETERNAL*
      *Salvation, And for Your "Blessed Hope" of Glorification When*
      *You Come To Finally Gather us Home!* Amen.
      *Please Be Very RICHLY Blessed/Encouraged In God's Word Of Truth!*
      brother Chris
      "Concise Condensed" *"Evidence Of A Pre-Tribulational Rapture Of The Church!"*
      - by _Ken Lawson_ pg. 21:
      -------------------------------------------------------- *God Bless!*
      *Rightly Divided* "studies" here for your Encouragement! IF you wish…
      *+ 17-Part Great GRACE Departure!* "study" *(#11):*

    • @danielsoto8601
      @danielsoto8601 4 місяці тому

      You are going to believe what the synagogue of Satan says? Yea ok good luck with that! 😂

  • @celebratinghissoonreturn
    @celebratinghissoonreturn 5 років тому +192

    Isn’t that just like Satan to divide us and divide us and divide us to the point it bring out emotions and even anger if our fellow Christians don’t agree with our beliefs?
    We all have a theory and seem to find scripture that supports it in our eyes.
    I don’t believe THIS topic is critical for our salvation.
    The ONLY important discussion is we ALL need to be prepared, have Christ in our lives and our hearts. Help our loved ones find their way to Christ because we ARE in the last days. Last days could be weeks, months or years (certainly we are the last generation).
    The King IS coming and our lives should glorify HIM.
    peace and blessings to all

    • @marke7443
      @marke7443 5 років тому +7

      Very good observation, true. But it does show a certain awareness that is increasing, desire to know, know more and really genuinely know Jesus personally.

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 5 років тому +3

      @David Mosheold boy, your daftness is surpassed only by your fatuousness 😂😮

    • @jaxstudios7670
      @jaxstudios7670 5 років тому +1

      Ahhh all topics are vital to our salvation..
      john 4
      20Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. 21Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. 23But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
      2 peter 3
      14Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.
      15And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; 16As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
      17Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. 18But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
      it is so important this topic of salvation..
      Heb 21Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. 2For if the word spoken by angels was stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward; 3How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;
      Tell me who is going to prepare themselves to STAND through to the very end IF they believe a lie and are NOT steadfast without waver going every the wind blows them today shall they not be the same tomorrow?

    • @warreport3848
      @warreport3848 5 років тому +1

      Thank you and Amen

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 5 років тому +4

      @David Mosheold boy, I will begin my statement with full disclosure of the fact that you are just another run-of-the-mill hard-shell pre-tribulation rapture detractor: Your inability to rightly divide the word of God is coming from the fact that you are egregiously biblically illiterate, therefore you are in a perpetual state of floundering while simultaneously revealing the depth of your error and embarrassing yourself by displaying your idiocy for all the world to see. This of course does not preclude your ascent out of the eschatological morass that now plagues you😮😉

  • @MichaelBailey8908
    @MichaelBailey8908 5 років тому +224

    Pre - Mid - Post...does it matter. What matters is are you going to hold the faith regardless of what happens?

    • @jaxstudios7670
      @jaxstudios7670 5 років тому +13

      Yes it matters...It matters because if we wrest with scripture it can and will cause our destruction...We must be steadfast in TRUTH..IF we are filled with the holy spirit and the holy spirit is HOLY and from the Father of TRUTH then how can we believe a lie? Its utterly impossible to believe something that isn't truth. And of we are believing a lie then we simply are NOT saved...Why does everyone overlook this and THINK they can believe whatever they wish whether it meshes with scripture or not? Proof? Sure...
      Lets look at the ONE scripture everyone uses to say see there a rapture before the trib...
      1 Thes 4
      15For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
      So here the very FIRST topic is BELIEF...IF we believe the truth of the resurrection...then we will believe this...Fine yet this doesn't say what everyone thinks it says which is this event happens by the lords coming...UNTO THE COMING OF THE LORD...which narrows this down to a COMING of Christ...and we can know this without a doubt IF we look at the very next paragraph in 1 thes 5...because He then explains this concept a bit better...and this keeps it in context...
      1 Thes 5
      1But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 7For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. 8But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. 9For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 10Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. 11Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do
      So here its explained more thoroughly than the first paragraph...saying
      1)it comes as a thief in the night
      2)it destroys those who say peace and safety..
      .3)that we are nor in darkness that this day should overtake US, meaning we shall be here for this event...
      4)We need to keep watch of this day and make sure we are sober for it etc...
      5)it uses the same term "whether we sleep or we wake" which is very similar in nature to the first paragraph of 1 this 4...
      So then lets look at another rendering from a different written about this exact same day...
      2 Pet 3
      3Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 5For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 6Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: 7But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
      So first as in KNOWING THIS FIRST eluding to knowledge of TRUTH...we need to understand that this day is the very same day many will scoff about saying.....and then it is said this day is reserved for fire...and then it tells us not to be ignorant..very important fact meaning we MUST know the TRUTH of this day and nothing else will do...
      2 pet 3
      8But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
      So the reason this DAY has not come yet is so many can come to repentance who have not yet...well then if thats the case then maybe this day could destroy those who have not come to repentance...yes that is truth...
      2 pet 3
      10But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
      So here we have the same description that paul used but this time by peter, and then it goes on below about things being dissolved what manner of persons we ought to be in all HOLINESS and conversation...Holiness is truth and those that are holy can not and will not believe a lie...no matter what...it's utterly impossible..and again it calls for DESTRUCTION...same as Paul's letter above..
      2 pet 3
      11Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, 12Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? 13Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
      So here we get more detail than Paul gave about this very same day..It will be a day of fire dissolving the the heavens and the earth , the elements rendering this earth destroyed because peter then say NEVER THE LESS its all good because we look for a new heavens and an new earth... but then this passage gets really interesting...
      2 Peter 3
      14Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.
      So we can safely know that these people are the CHURCH made up of both jews and gentile believers for there is only one group, and this group is described JUST as the BRIDE of CHRIST is without spot or wrinkle...Rev 19 when she is given her white raiment..AND NOT BEFORE as many erroneously believe.
      2 Pet 3
      15And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
      Again stating just how long-suffering our lord really is so all can come to repentance..this is irriterated once again..BUT here i see something very interesting...Paul is mentioned and so too are his writings ....Peter elaborates next...
      2 pet 3
      16As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
      Wait what??? What does this say? ...that some things Paul writes about such as this very same subject are HARD to be UNDERSTOOD, especially by those who are unlearned and unstable do WRESTE....to their own destruction...my my what a verse...and what a warning...
      2 pet 3
      17Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. 18But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
      Then he also warns even those who are STEADFAST, and that even they can fall from there own steadfastness...Lets look further into this word...it s a very important subject and we should not leave this stone unturned...by any means..
      secure standing.
      στηριγμοῦ (stērigmou)
      Noun - Genitive Masculine Singular
      Strong's Greek 4740: Firmness, steadfastness. From sterizo; stability.
      Synonyms & Antonyms for steadfast
      constant, dedicated, devoted, devout, down-the-line, faithful, fast, good, loyal, pious, staunch (also stanch), steady, TRUE, TRUE-BLUE
      disloyal, faithless, false, fickle, inconstant, perfidious, recreant, traitorous, treacherous, unfaithful, untrue
      So if after reading all this you still wish to entertain a pre anything rapture...just remember this...DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK...you can not say you have not been warned just exactly how dangerous this theory is and its DESIGNED that way..Dont forget that ...Satan is a wise ol' serpent who has already dealt with God and KNOWS exactly what to do to take your crown from you and that is to get you to BELIEVE something which is not true.KNOWING that this is what gets us destroyed...because by believing in it or even HOPING for it doesn't teach us to be able to STAND through even the worst trials and if we can't stand we shall fall. And Peter has even verified this for us...Like i said ignore this at your own peril..

    • @MichaelBailey8908
      @MichaelBailey8908 5 років тому +17

      @@jaxstudios7670 I read the first paragraph, other than that it looks like you copied and pasted this reply for another website so I didnt read it. Not trying to be mean just being truthful. I dont need a sermon on it, I have studied it and have my own conclusions.
      So, again, regardless of the misquoted and misunderstood teachings of the rapture and tribulation, because everyone has their version, this topic doesn't save you does it? If you base your whole belief system on this little part of scripture, you're setting yourself up for failure.
      The important question remains the same, are you going hold to Jesus regardless of whether its pre - mid - post.

    • @MichaelBailey8908
      @MichaelBailey8908 5 років тому +7

      @Soul 1 I understand that. That's why I posed the question for people to ask themselves, will they hold to Jesus regardless of when He comes.

    • @dooglitas
      @dooglitas 5 років тому +10

      Yes, we need to hold on to our faith no matter what, but it actually does matter if you believe the pre-, post- or mid-trib position. There are many important biblical theological issues at stake depending on which view you hold. To believe in post-trib you must believe that God will discontinue salvation by grace through faith for Christians during the tribulation. That is a serious theological issue.

    • @dooglitas
      @dooglitas 5 років тому +11

      @@MichaelBailey8908 Another issue is the trustworthiness of God's promises.
      God has promised that the Body of Christ will not be subjected to the wrath of God. If you go through the tribulation, you will be experiencing wrath of God. The rapture is the blessed hope. If you must go through the tribulation, that is not a blessed hope.

  • @conservativeweirdo829
    @conservativeweirdo829 Рік тому +18

    I was raised as a Pre-Trib Pentecostal. This just blew my mind wide open. By far the best explanation that I have heard, that actually makes sense. Is this why so many people are dying lately? Are they those who are being excused from Tribulation for God's reasoning? I started finding it weird so many were dying if the rapture was almost here. I do like the above comment, hope for Pre, but plan for post.

    • @AmandathePandaBooks
      @AmandathePandaBooks Рік тому +4

      I wish we could get out of here now! But unfortunately, we are delivered thru death when we are tested by the anti christ. Will we bow down for a bag of groceries or will we keep our eyes on heaven and the awesome mind blowing return of Jesus and the incredible healing and reconstruction of this poor old earth? I want to be here for His 1000 year reign and beyond!

    • @bible1st
      @bible1st 9 місяців тому +3

      I will blow your mind even more then, I think islam is the ones putting us through this tribulation.

    • @garrydalton1580
      @garrydalton1580 2 місяці тому

      ​@@bible1stThey have and will continue to wage war against the Saints. Those of us living during this time of great tribulation, we must be prepared to endure.

    • @bible1st
      @bible1st 2 місяці тому

      @garrydalton1580 perhaps we should prepare to defend ourselves, but it says the saints will be given over into the antichrist hand for 3.5 years. So that part we cannot stop,because it is the word of God. I do not fully understand how it will all play out, but the word of God will be fulfilled

    • @user-pt2ub1rz8q
      @user-pt2ub1rz8q 2 місяці тому

      Me too

  • @Truth-Crusaders
    @Truth-Crusaders 4 роки тому +16

    Love God with all your might with all your heart every day can be our last

  • @marke7443
    @marke7443 5 років тому +100

    Saints I think we gonna have a lot of work to do here. It’s gonna be real rough and we gonna have to get tough. Be strong Warriors and defeat Satan with everything we’ve got. We gonna see a lot, lose a lot, face many deprivations and pains. We have our love and closeness with Jesus to lead us.
    We KNOW Jesus is the Son of God, We KNOW he is coming back to rule King of Kings our Savior.
    We KNOW when we die we will be with the Lord. These three things are absolutely for sure.
    As much as I would love to go with Jesus in a pre-trib or a mid-trib rapture, (long for it even)
    Neither is for certain.
    Carry on to the end, Loving God and our neighbor as ourselves.
    Best we can do.

    • @samfox8892
      @samfox8892 5 років тому +14

      Mar Ke, you nailed it!! Brothers & sisters, hope for the best, BUT prepare for the worst. You can't lose! If am wrong and there is a pre- trib rapture, I can't lose. But if I am right, & there is NO PTR, where will those who believe in it come out? I can afford to be wrong. Can you who follow the PTR? SamFox

    • @hopelives5197
      @hopelives5197 5 років тому +6

      Mar Ke This made me cry. So true. We must be ready and we must live with the love of Christ leading us! ❤️

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 5 років тому

      @@samfox8892old boy, your daftness is surpassed only by your fatuousness 😂😮

    • @samfox8892
      @samfox8892 5 років тому +6

      Russ, AWW Shuddupp! If you have nothing more than a dimm fascist Rules For Radicals jive comment posing as a reply,, just please keep it to your self. Try something of substance for a change would you please. Mar Ke made an excellent post that is worth following. Thanks. SamFox

    • @marke7443
      @marke7443 5 років тому +1

      Sam Fox awww
      Found some old time gospel songs that really are beautiful:
      This World Is Not My Home, I Surrender All, The Greater Light
      Love ya all

  • @bbytayls5023
    @bbytayls5023 5 років тому +19

    Praying for all of us here in the comment section. Whether we still need saving through Christ, previously saved and have fallen away, and of course for us strong believers who are still tested. I pray that we all have the strength to look to God always and rejoice in His name, no matter the things that befall us on earth. During the tribulation and in every day life until then. May God bless us all and keep us all close to Him. ❤️❤️❤️

    • @stevedanford3741
      @stevedanford3741 Рік тому +2

      What do you by "previously saved and have fallen away"? Are you suggesting that you can lose your salvation and have to be re-saved?

  • @olgapietri4062
    @olgapietri4062 4 роки тому +8

    If you die now, He already came . He is a heart beat away. Let’s live our lives like is our last heart beat.

  • @rogercoleman8515
    @rogercoleman8515 3 роки тому +10

    I really appreciated this. I've been back and forth on the whole pre post doctrine. Lots of confusion. What you taught makes sense. I definitely want to be in agreement with the Lord and His plans, as well as being prepared for the tribulation. I'm with you, no fear of it..just want the Lord to prepare me daily for what's to come. God bless you sir and thank you

    • @bri4498
      @bri4498 2 роки тому

      its not pre or post trib. It's pre wrath. Which aligns more with mid trib, just a bit over the mid tho, pre wrath (God's wrath)

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому +4

      Jesus Christ Said Immediately After the Tribulation those Day's, so before the Wrath of the Lamb Jesus Christ, as Jesus Christ Return's in his Wrath.

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому +3

      @@bri4498 Jesus Christ is the Wrath of the Lamb ! Jesus Christ Return's in His Wrath As he said Immediately After the Tribulation those Day's, and He Comes in His Wrath. God Bless you

    • @christaboveallyt
      @christaboveallyt Рік тому +2

      @@bri4498 is that at the 6th seal? For in revelations thats when people cry out the day of the wrath of the lamb has come.

  • @jeanwidby8363
    @jeanwidby8363 5 років тому +79

    Let us all agree that we have eternal life in Jesus Christ and do what He commanded.
    Share the good news and watch for His coming.

    • @johnraymond1861
      @johnraymond1861 5 років тому +1

      That's not all he commented
      Jesus said if you love me obey my commandments
      The 10commandments are showing God love
      1John say how do we know you love God IF you keep the commandments
      Revelation 22:14 keep the commandments with testimony of Jesus Christ has a right to the tree of LIFE.
      It doesn't say if you believe the Rapture or not

    • @jaxstudios7670
      @jaxstudios7670 5 років тому +2

      John 4
      23But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
      John 14
      16And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
      The only path to eternal life is Jesua
      Johnn 14
      6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
      If we don't have truth through Jesua we don't have eternal life...And many here believe something that just isn't truth and if they believe a lie then they don't have truth and if they don't have truth they don't have Jesua.

    • @scottfrommichigan7402
      @scottfrommichigan7402 5 років тому +4

      You summed up this debate quite nicely Jean. Cheers!

    • @scottfrommichigan7402
      @scottfrommichigan7402 5 років тому +6

      @@johnraymond1861 Jean never said "that was all"...

    • @neatstuff8200
      @neatstuff8200 5 років тому

      He said only two things. We are to have him I love you as our only God. Likewise, we are to love others as we love ourselves!

  • @ddshug2890
    @ddshug2890 5 років тому +150

    "All who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution"

    • @scottfrommichigan7402
      @scottfrommichigan7402 5 років тому +49

      Persecution, and “wrath” are not the same.

    • @natasjavandertouw5739
      @natasjavandertouw5739 5 років тому +14

      @@scottfrommichigan7402 tribulation is persecution, wrath is White throne judgement?

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 5 років тому +6

      @@natasjavandertouw5739is obviously very confused and eschatologically challenged 😮

    • @natasjavandertouw5739
      @natasjavandertouw5739 5 років тому +13

      @@russbell9572 leave it to our Father to judge, I was asking a question

    • @molossergirl2
      @molossergirl2 5 років тому +7

      @@natasjavandertouw5739 don't worry, natasja, Russ is obviously very confused and eschatologically challenged, LOL

  • @robnewsome2407
    @robnewsome2407 Рік тому +9

    Thank you for clearing this up, I got saved as a Baptist in 97 and went to a Bible college and was taught the pre tribulation rapture but something didn't seem right. Through my own studying God led me to the same belief your teaching I feel. I both fear and am excited that this time is upon us and many Christians are not going to understand. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. We must be here to suffer for Christ sake and preach the gospel.May God help to prepare us for the time of the end. This is a doctrine of man

    • @JohnSnow-jt4lm
      @JohnSnow-jt4lm Рік тому +1

      I dont know what God will do and nobudey knows if he will come back 2023

    • @Pre-Tribulation
      @Pre-Tribulation Рік тому

      What didn't seem right? The Body of Christ Church is cursed to demon hordes and an enraged Devil? Seal #4 is death and Hell riding. Before seal #4 you have hunger, disease, and the AntiChrist riding.

  • @barbaraamoroso2228
    @barbaraamoroso2228 4 роки тому +43

    This is what I have been asking the Lord to make clear. For years I have heard teachings on the great escape, but it was not what I was reading in the word of God. I kept saying over and over “the last trumpet is the “last” trumpet “. There can not be two last trumpets. Thank you , I kept thinking is this belief that the churches teach the “great deception or lie?” Can you imagine how many professing Christians would be shook to the core if they really understood what the Bible actually and clearly says? I have always felt that the Church teaching was not correct and in conflict with the scriptures. I’ve been praying that the Lord would set me straight so I can be prayerfully ready no matter what God plans for me. He said those who are destined for prison will be arrested, those who are destined to die for His sake will be killed. He said he who seeks to save his life will lose it and he who loses his life for Christ Yeshua s sake will save it. My only concern is that I will have the strength to stand and not betray my Lord, I also know He says “greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world”. I have to hold onto the knowledge that it will be the Holy Spirit that will enable me to stand no matter what my God has chosen me to go through. I only have to obey, trust and believe in my Lord and savior. To He who is able to keep me from falling, thank you father God in Jesus, Yeshua s holy name , amen and amen

    • @amandaamadori7756
      @amandaamadori7756 4 роки тому +10

      I agree.
      I have been taught many things in the churches. Once I actually got saved back in 2005 I started actually understanding the bible. Things didnt sit right with me even though that is what I was taught.I pray about it and ask King Jesus to open my eyes to the truth.His Holy Spirit shows me different things in his word then is preached about.I go with Jesus and what he has showed me.
      As we are getting closer into these last days I am always asking him to give me strength. Matthew 24: 9 is a verse that is always skipped over when people talk of end times.

    • @calebpagan2226
      @calebpagan2226 4 роки тому +4

      Revelations 3:11 I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown.

    • @graceambassador65
      @graceambassador65 4 роки тому +1

      @@amandaamadori7756 Continued From "Previous":
      - Part 13 *Great GRACE Departure!:*
      - *The **_Two_** "Trumps" Of God In HIS "Age Of GRACE!"*
      *The **_First_** "Trump" { VOICE Of God }, **_Opened_** This **_Current_*
      - *Age Of GRACE! ( Acts 9 : 4! )*
      *( CHRIST's Appearing/SPEAKING To / Blinding: Saul/Paul! }*
      *The **_Last_** "Trump" { VOICE Of God = "Come Up Hither!" }, **_Closes_*
      *This **_Current_** Age Of GRACE!! ( 1 Thessalonians 4 : 16!! )*
      *{ CHRIST's Glorious Appearing For HIS Body, The Church,*
      - *To Take* us *_Home To Heaven!!!_** }*
      *( 1 Thessalonians 1 : 10, 4 : 13-18, 5 : 2, 9; 1 Corinthians 15 : 50-55;*
      *Philippians 3 : 20-21; 2 Timothy 4 : 8, 18; Galatians 1 : 3-4; Titus 2 : 13! )*
      *"Mystery/GRACE!" {Heavenly!} Gospel Of GRACE, Jew **_And_** Gentile "Equal!"*
      *Rightly Divided ( 2 Timothy 2 : 15 KJB! ) From **_"Things That DIFFER":_*
      "Prophecy/Law" {earthly} gospel of the kingdom, ISRAEL "Prominent!"
      Q: Did you “know” In God’s “Prophetic” Program, that the “sounding of the trumpet of the SEVENTH angel” is NOT “the LAST trumpet”? (Revelation 10 : 7 KJB!), Because, AFTER “that angel sounds, And the last vials, bowls, And Judgements Are Accomplished/Finished!”:
      *Then CHRIST “Returns To the earth,” Fights/WINS “the Battle Of Armageddon,”*
      *Sets Up “The Throne Of HIS Kingdom,” And “Now HE Is READY For JUDGMENT”*
      *To “Determine WHO enters HIS Kingdom, And WHO DOES NOT enter Therein.”*
      Question is: At “That Time,” HOW are those “gathered”? *God’s BIBLE “Answer”?:*
      *”And HE Shall Send HIS angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together HIS elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” (Matthew 24 : 31 KJB!)*
      Again: *God Exhorts ALL of us **_humble_** “students” of HIS HOLY WORD!:*
      *"Prove ALL things; hold fast That Which Is Good!" (1 Thessalonians 5 : 21!)* Amen?
      Friends, Again:
      *Please Be Very RICHLY Blessed In CHRIST, And HIS Word Of Truth, Rightly*
      Please let me “know” IF you “wish to Prayerfully/Carefully Examine” ANY of the other *17 Sections,* ok?

    • @lisabledsoe8985
      @lisabledsoe8985 2 роки тому +1

      The church will not face Gods wrath!

    • @eva-yeshua
      @eva-yeshua 2 роки тому

      @@lisabledsoe8985 yes the great tribulation (last 3 and half years) cuz most of us will already be dead or he will protect us as he says, go into the wilderness.. i was briefly fooled by the osas lying channels of pre tribulation rapture. Didnt take me long to figure out the lies cuz well i actually have the holy spirit, which you get when you are obedient to the commandments and i read the bible.
      These people dont read and think repent once and done. They twisted the scriptures! You are to obey thats the faith and love in Yahshua .. i hope you are atleast doing that.. if not then start.. it the sabbath soon!

  • @generaljclonem.d.653
    @generaljclonem.d.653 5 років тому +504

    Hope that it's pre and prepare like its post, argument over 😄

    • @ateachableheart2649
      @ateachableheart2649 5 років тому +27

      J Clone - THANK YOU!!! BEEN Trying to say that!!!!

    • @herbbearingseed
      @herbbearingseed 5 років тому +36

      The first trumpet sounds = 1/3 trees burnt up and all green grass burnt up.
      NOPE, hasn't happened yet, the real trib has not yet begun. But we are in the beginning of sorrows.

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 5 років тому +3

      @@herbbearingseed , aka herbbulking (poisonous) seed, allow me to begin my comment with full disclosure of the fact that you are just another run-of-the-mill hard-shell pre-tribulation rapture detractor: Your inability to rightly divide the word of God is coming from the fact that you are egregiously biblically illiterate, therefore you are in a perpetual state of floundering while simultaneously revealing the depth of your error and embarrassing yourself by displaying your idiocy for all the world to see. This of course does not preclude your ascent out of the eschatological morass that now plagues you😮😉

    • @herbbearingseed
      @herbbearingseed 5 років тому

      @Shane Darragh John 17 :15, Deut 4 :34

    • @felipedeoliveira_
      @felipedeoliveira_ 5 років тому

      @Yeshua’s Crown the ashkenazim khazars were killed because they didn't want to move to Palestine like Hitler and the Zionist Congress agreed the zionist congress asked hitler to exterminate them lol. now tell me where in the scriptures God has a salvation plan tailor-made for ashkenazi khazars judaism proselytes from Khazaria??? hahaha. that's the think pre-trib make up their own stuff and reject what's written. what a disgrace!

  • @chrisdriscoll6160
    @chrisdriscoll6160 5 років тому +38

    Yes! Everyone around my husband and I believe in the Pre trib rapture. We do not and have not for many years. I believe that teaching is going to lead a lot of disappointed people.

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 5 років тому +4

      Yes, everyone now knows just how confused and eschatologically challenged you really are! You should be totally chagrined 😮😉

    • @Tk-iz2ws
      @Tk-iz2ws Рік тому +6

      Of course, everyone wants the easy way out.

    • @Bukachimy
      @Bukachimy 10 місяців тому

      Revelation 7 shows a multitude of saints in heaven at the throne of God. I just need clarification. At what point does post-tribulation saints get to heaven?

    • @chrisdriscoll6160
      @chrisdriscoll6160 10 місяців тому +1

      @@Bukachimy HI there. The way I have heard it preached and am reading Revelation is that we need to look at the book as God letting us look through windows. The book isn't in order. Revelation 7is speaking of Israel (1 thru 8). Verses 9 thru 17 doesn't say that this multitude was saved from the tribulation... they could be those who endured the tribulation and were martyred by the Anti Christ. Also, read Daniel 11:32-35.
      Just do your own research. The pre-trib belief is new (1800's). I don't see anywhere in the Word that the believers ever though they'd escape the tribulation. I hope this will help. ♥
      Ask the Lord for wisdom. If we really want it, He promises to give it to us.

    • @Bukachimy
      @Bukachimy 10 місяців тому

      Thank you.
      Actually verse 13 and 14 does point out to where they came from.
      The elder asks John , "Who are they"?
      After John fails to answer the elder explains, "These are they who have come out of the tribulation..."
      This is quite fascinating because it contradicts the post-tribulation theory. That's why I am asking. Please look at it closely. Thanks again.

  • @ochenahroske3637
    @ochenahroske3637 4 роки тому +7

    Thank you so much for this video! I know all the theologies inside & out. Such a blessing to hear a Biblical perspective.

    • @graceambassador65
      @graceambassador65 4 роки тому

      Grace And Peace, Oche, my friend, and, so the following is NOT *A Biblical* "perspective"?
      *And, Please Be Very RICHLY Blessed!:*
      ----------------------- *Great GRACE Departure!* {aka rapture}
      *"Do ALL things Decently And In ORDER!!" (1 Corinthians 14 : 40 KJB!)*
      *(1A) PEACE With God! "Receiving" The Holy Spirit For "understanding"?*
      *(1B) 1A "E - X - P - A - N - D - E - D" FOR "Clarification"?*
      *(2a) Which BIBLE: KJB!* or, Any "newer modern version" will suffice?
      *(2b) KJB And God's Excellent "study" Rules!?*
      Part 3a *Pre-TOJT Great GRACE Departure!:*
      - *Rightly Divided* - "Brief" Intro!
      "Prophecy/Law" {earthly} gospel of the kingdom, ISRAEL "Prominent!"
      *Rightly Divided ( 2 Timothy 2 : 15! ) From **_"Things That DIFFER":_*
      *"Mystery/GRACE!" {Heavenly!} Gospel Of GRACE, Jew **_And_** Gentile "Equal!"*
      *(3b) THREE "Ages" Rightly Divided! = God's TIMELINES?*
      *(4) Which "Gospel!" **_Makes Way_** For Which "Gospel"?*
      *(5) GREAT Tribulation? Or *tribulations/GREAT GRACE Departure!:**
      *(6) Pre-TOJT GRACE Departure "Expectations!"?*
      *(7) God's HEAVENLY UPlook For HIS Body!?*
      *(8) Watching, Waiting, And Looking for WHOM!* or, "signs"?
      *(9) He "who withholdeth/hindereth" Until "taken Out!?"*
      *(10) "Day Of CHRIST!" Rightly Divided from {RDf}:*
      - *"The Day Of The LORD"?*
      *(11) CONFIDENCE in death/resurrection!, OR, in living/glorification!!?*
      *(12) CHRIST Will RETURN **_"Without Warning!"?_*
      *(13)The TWO "Trumps" Of God!, In HIS "Age Of GRACE!!"?*
      *(14) Meeting HIM "In The Air!" to Heaven!!* vs U-turn (theology???)
      - _Back To earth?_
      *(15) Preparation For Judgment!?*
      *(16) Post Departure "Deception! Question"?*
      *(17) **_Distinctions_** Between: The "Mystery" Pre-TOJT GRACE Departure! {RDf}*
      - *The "Prophesied" Second Coming?*
      - *{RDf = "Rightly Divided from" (2 Timothy 2 : 15 KJB!)}:*
      Part 17(C):
      The SECOND Coming, According to “Earthly _Prophecy:”_
      (4) Immediately _After_ tribulation/4 "signs," CHRIST Is Coming To “earth” In Order To:
      Judge/Make war/Smite And Rule the nations… *(Matthew 24 : 29;* Revelation 19 : 11, 15)
      (5a) Angels “gather the tares” First And they are “taken Out” of the “kingdom”
      to be cast into the furnace of fire! *(Matthew 24 : 30, 13 : 30, 40-43!)*
      (5b) Angels “gather the elect”... *(Matthew 24 : 31;* Mark 13 : 27!)
      (6)...for the “judgment of the Earthly Nations” By The Son of man, The King!
      (Matthew 25 : 31-46!)
      (7) Those Judged as "righteous" then "enter the kingdom!" And the "UNrighteous" then
      "Depart into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels!" (Matthew 25 : 34-46!)
      *Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2 : 15!) From **_"Things That DIFFER":_*
      *The Great GRACE Departure, According to The “Heavenly **_MYSTERY!”:_*
      *(4) CHRIST Will Resurrect those “asleep” first, and Then, we “which are alive and*
      *remain,” {which Is A MYSTERY!}, will be “changed”/all “incorruptible,”*
      *And “Caught Up” together to meet The LORD in the air, in the*
      *“twinkling of an eye!”*
      *(1 Thessalonians 4 : 16-17; 1 Corinthians 15 : 52-53!)*
      *(5) CHRIST “Gathers HIS Body” To HIMSELF to Take them To Heaven...*
      *(2 Thessalonians 2 : 1-3; 1 Corinthians 15 : 49;*
      *2 Corinthians 12 : 2, 5 : 1, 2;*
      *Ephesians 1 : 3, 20, 2 : 6; Philippians 3 : 20; 2 Timothy 4 : 18!)*
      *6)...For The Judgment Seat Of CHRIST, For HIS Heavenly Body, By*
      *The Head HIMSELF! (Romans 2 : 6, 16, 14 : 10-12;*
      *1 Corinthians 3 : 8-15, 4 : 5, 6 : 20; 2 Corinthians 5 : 10;*
      *Ephesians 6 : 8; Colossians 3 : 24-25!)*
      *(7a) After Judgment, the GRACE **_assembly_** Is Then "Presented" as*
      *"A Glorious Church, To CHRIST HIMSELF!"... (Ephesians 5 : 27!)*
      *(7b) ...And, Then "CHRIST Will Present" HIS Body "holy and unblameable*
      *and unreproveable, In HIS Sight," to HIS Father, In Heaven!*
      *(2 Thessalonians 3 : 13; Colossians 1 : 22!)*
      *God Bless All!*
      *Rapture_Handout_Complete **_Excellent_** PDF!:*
      www.crbible.com/zupload/user/site-files/rapture-handout-complete.pdf ---------------------------------------------------------------
      *LORD JESUS, thank You so much for Your Gift Of ETERNAL*
      *Salvation, And for Your "Blessed Hope" of Glorification When*
      *You Come To Finally Gather us Home!* Amen.
      *Please Be Very RICHLY Blessed/Encouraged In God's Word Of Truth!*
      brother Chris
      "Concise Condensed" *"Evidence Of A Pre-Tribulational Rapture Of The Church!"*
      - by _Ken Lawson_ pg. 21:
      -------------------------------------------------------- *God Bless!*
      *Rightly Divided* "studies" here for your Encouragement! IF you wish…
      *+ 17-Part Great GRACE Departure!* "study" *(#11):*

    • @MrWarrior4yeshua
      @MrWarrior4yeshua 4 роки тому +1

      The scripture is clear the is no such thing. II Thessalonians 2:1-3 KJV states: "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Yahweh Yahshua Messiah, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Messiah is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a 'falling' away first, 'and' that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;"
      The word 'and' is a conjunction, so the falling away is in conjunction with the man of sin, the son of perdition, being revealed. This 'Falling away' is described in Revelation chapter 12. The rebellion, is not only on earth, but as we see in Revelation 12, it is in heaven too. This war in heaven, where the accuser of the brethren is cast out for good, no longer able to stand before Yahweh and accuse us, I believe began on September 23rd 2017, when the women clothed in the sun with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown twelve stars,and she travailed to give birth to a man child.
      This did occur over Israel, whether it means anything or not. Interestingly, this sign will again happen in 2024... but this time Draco the Dragon (Satan) is in a different position? It took Gabriel, after he called on Michael for help, twenty one days to get through to Daniel, as Satan withstood them. When all of Satans angels fight, and Michael and his angels fight.. that war very well could last seven years. It will end in April 2024. Even more interestingly, the two 'Great American Eclipses' are also, 2017 and 2024. 2024 springs is smack dab in the middle. These two eclipses X out the USA (see Jeremiah chapters 49-52).
      II Thessalonians 2:7 (KJV) states, " For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way." Therefore we now know what letteth, withholds or hinders is Satan is still operating at the throne of YAHWEH accusing us and has not been kicked out yet. There is that word 'revealed' again... to be revealed in his time. The appointed time, when Yahweh boots the Devil out. Notice the word in verse seven, until he be 'taken' out of the 'way'. The word 'taken' means, "to become generate into being".. that would be Satan, when he falls to earth into a body of a man (the Anti-Messiah). The word 'way' means middle. When the falling away takes place, Satan is no longer in the way or middle... the hindering is over. That is the end of the rapture lie period.
      We know what Revelation 12 says about when he lands on earth, and is generated into being in a human body, he is wroth! Revelation 12:7-9 KJV. " And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." There are not two separate trumpets or two comings of Yahweh Yahshua. yeshuayahweh.com/blog/f/the-heresy-false-rapture-teaching

  • @TPWW-tr3rr
    @TPWW-tr3rr Рік тому +7


  • @carolchildofgod6310
    @carolchildofgod6310 5 років тому +12

    I'm "not" afraid of the Great Tribulation as well!!Be comforted by Psalm 91 Amen!!

  • @sostainscepter7801
    @sostainscepter7801 5 років тому +7

    It is very important to understand what's going to really happen in the end time according to the truth of the Bible,and i thank God that you ,by the help of the Holy Ghost,have interpreted it correctly and accurately. God bless you.

  • @lillyofthevalley205
    @lillyofthevalley205 4 роки тому +32

    Jesus will come back as promised, and all that is supposed to happen before He comes back, will be accomplished. Those that are ready and waiting at whatever time or season He comes, will spend eternity with Him. All believers should tell others of the good news of salvation and all that Jesus has done for us.

    • @hshalom9113
      @hshalom9113 3 роки тому +5

      Yes. No one knows the day or the hour.
      So far only 80% of God's prophecies have been fulfilled to exactly as He said they would be.
      Yahweh has made everything for its own end- yes, even the wicked for the day of evil. Proverbs 16:4

    • @annmilner4950
      @annmilner4950 2 роки тому +1

      So Be It !

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому

      @@hshalom9113 the wicked days are The Tribulation of those Day's Satan Allah Wrath upon the Believer's and Israel, the Great an Dreadful Day of the Lord Jesus Christ is the Wrath of the Lamb Jesus Christ, which is After the Tribulation those Day's After, when Jesus Christ Return's in His Wrath ! God Bless you Shalom

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому

      @@hshalom9113 No One knows the Exact Day nor Hour of his Return and the Gathering Up together with the Dead in Christ, Not even the Angel's in Heaven, Not even the Son of God Jesus Christ, only the Eternal Father in Heaven knows when he will send his Son Jesus Christ back to Gather His Elect, Bride, Believer's, Saint's, Church and Return to Jerusalem Israel.
      But don't forget Jesus Christ Said when you see these things Pray and Look Up for your Redemption draweth nigh at the door. So then the question is what things are we to Watch for ? The Signs of his Return and the Gathering Up, ? Shalom

    • @hshalom9113
      @hshalom9113 Рік тому +1

      @@scott596 Can any of you READ?
      BTW TRUE believers are sealed ie have God's mark. He is more than able to protect His own. As it rains on the just & unjust Yeshua doesn't to flybys. Sad there's so much false teachings in the 'church' today.
      Yeshua said Go make disciples - teaching them to observe all things NOT go make a bunker & wait for His return. Shalom.

  • @ohhbobba3401
    @ohhbobba3401 Рік тому +1

    Thank you kindly Dear Teacher, you are truly a man of Our Heavenly Father. Yeshua directed me to you and your studies. Peace be with you. Sincerely, Eileen

  • @kwcearley7
    @kwcearley7 5 років тому +20

    The Lord says he will come as a thief in the night....you do not know when the thief is coming so be ready. he also says pray that you will escape these things.....what things?

    • @Mike65809
      @Mike65809 5 років тому +2

      What things? The drunkenness and worries of this life, so that the day comes upon you unaware.

    • @kwcearley7
      @kwcearley7 5 років тому +6

      @@Mike65809 the wrath of God is what we want to escape(the great tribulation)

    • @Mike65809
      @Mike65809 5 років тому +3

      @@kwcearley7 "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
      Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." So we will indeed see these things begin to come to pass, and then know our redemption is coming. At the very least you have to admit you will see them begin to come to pass. And even then, it only says His coming is then close. It does not say it happens right then, only lift up your head, for it's very close. This is far different than a Pretrib rapture, which says can happen any any given moment. God bless.

    • @slojogojo2766
      @slojogojo2766 4 роки тому +2

      KW Cearley Again more proof of Christs return.
      2 Peter 3
      10 But the DAY OF THE LORD will come as a THIEF IN THE NIGHT; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with a fervant heat, the works that are therein shall be burned up.

    • @krownzera
      @krownzera 3 роки тому +4

      If you read 1 Thessalonians 5, you will see that Jesus clearly comes as a thief to unbelievers, not to Christians.
      "Now as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you. For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness"

  • @raygeetimbol8025
    @raygeetimbol8025 4 роки тому +4

    Very good explanation on pre-mid-post trib. We should prepare just like the parable of the 10 virgins. We should be ready with our lamps filled with oil. Ready for the return of Yeshua Hamashiach

  • @WatersandWilderness
    @WatersandWilderness 2 роки тому

    Thank you for putting this video online for all of us to see and learn.

  • @erlindaedaniol960
    @erlindaedaniol960 4 роки тому +1

    The very important things you and me we will meet to our Lord Jesus in the air. God bless every one.

  • @elessarsgirl4883
    @elessarsgirl4883 5 років тому +124

    The Tribulation is called the Time of Jacob's Trouble for a reason.

    • @xceptamanbbornagainnokingd5836
      @xceptamanbbornagainnokingd5836 4 роки тому +22

      finally! someone other then me on these videos that gets
      the ACTUAL title of the coming time period right

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 4 роки тому +1


    • @terierichards1366
      @terierichards1366 4 роки тому +49

      Why would the bridegroom beat up on his bride before he marries her?
      Pre-trip is biblical.

    • @terierichards1366
      @terierichards1366 4 роки тому +20

      Dolores DeMar 1 Thessalonians 4:17
      1 Corinthians 15:51, Titus 2:13
      The church is not appointed to Gods wrath, the tribulation is for Israel to recognize Christ as the Messiah.

    • @ingridberry1957
      @ingridberry1957 4 роки тому +6

      That it is. It's the subject of my research and the book I'm writing. The first question we need to answer is WHO is Jacob? He had 12 sons. Judah and Benjamin in the South were the ones exiled to Babylon in 588 BC. They returned after 70 years. The other 10 sons in the north were exiled to Assyria in 723 BC and didn't return. They were dispersed. Who are they now?

  • @kingdavid5529
    @kingdavid5529 3 роки тому +42

    This is the best, most clear explanation of this that I have found on UA-cam. You have beautiful energy Pastor.

  • @andrewstunich8173
    @andrewstunich8173 6 місяців тому +1

    Excellent Teaching brother. May the Lord Bless you for your good work. You are definitely earning rewards in heaven!

  • @bbhockeyski1628
    @bbhockeyski1628 Рік тому +4

    Finally found someone who accurately ties it all together

  • @deborahjiggens7199
    @deborahjiggens7199 5 років тому +13

    Wow... Now That is New to Me and I Finally Get It 🤗 I Really Want To Thank You and I Praise Our King Jesus Christ 😍

  • @Joel-dl1mx
    @Joel-dl1mx 3 роки тому +7

    “Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed, the son of destruction,” 2 Thessalonians 2:3

    • @joematlock
      @joematlock 2 роки тому +3

      Seriously this one should end the debate. Paul would have just said ‘you all will be raptured beforehand“

  • @jaywallar4477
    @jaywallar4477 Рік тому

    What a great and clear teaching of your position. Thank you so much!

  • @jonlbs7
    @jonlbs7 2 роки тому +3

    One of the best I've seen ... Excellent !! I'm 90% in agreement and 10% in I don't know mode :) ✨✨✨👍

    • @MSHOOD123
      @MSHOOD123 Рік тому

      Same here Bro! May God help us all whether in Trib or not

  • @ThinkAboutItNow
    @ThinkAboutItNow 5 років тому +14

    Monte, VERY well done! Very much needed since this wrong teaching has been perpetrated for only 175 years or so. Many believers are in jeopardy of being very "deceived and disappointed" when their "timetable" doesn't work out the way they were taught. Some say "it really doesn't matter what I believe about that." I say it matters VERY MUCH what you believe. Thanks and Shalom, Steve

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 5 років тому +1

      this proverb reminds me of you:
      Proverbs 26:3-
      A whip for the horse,
      A bridle for the donkey,
      And a rod for the fool’s back.

    • @lynndalou9838
      @lynndalou9838 3 роки тому

      Hear Hear..........IT DOES MATTER........it will affect many's salvation! It's a VERY dangerous concept........Those of us who know the truth now will be witnessing to the later! I have recently realized that this teaching, not being apart of Israel, is basically saying they server antichrist instead of Christ! Likewise, I think they dont believe the 70th week has happened. the bible says afterh the 69th week Jesus will be cut off......if we deny this week, we also deny jesus sacrifice and resurection!

    • @drewhubbard9214
      @drewhubbard9214 2 роки тому +1

      Not true. This teaching goes all the way back for nearly 1,700 years to the early church. Google Ephraim rapture. This is a widespread teaching that was not invented just a couple hundred years ago, but dates back to the council of Nicea.

    • @sion1677
      @sion1677 2 роки тому +2

      Why go outside the Bible to get information. Clearly it's then a teaching of man.

    • @Georgie1660
      @Georgie1660 2 роки тому

      The teaching of Pre Trib has been around since the second century.
      Irenaus was a disciple of Policarb and Policarb a disciple of John. All three taught the pre trib rapture.
      God will allow trials and tribulations, but His children are NOT appointed to wrath. Pre trib hinges on the Galilean wedding banquet.
      Salvation does not hinge on which we believe, (pre, mid, post) and it’s too bad we all tend to argue over it.

  • @keithdaniels1994
    @keithdaniels1994 2 роки тому +4

    Amen, I am Cristian, southern Baptist to be specific and have heard the pre-trib stuff all my life. After much studying of God's word, He revealed to me, we are not leaving till after the Tribulation (the last trumpet). Having one brother that understands (post-trib) and one that does not (pre-trib), (all are men of God), I am perplexed. You are right it was the Old Testament profits that made it clear to me. Amen.

    • @sabbathyear
      @sabbathyear Рік тому +1

      I grew up in a Baptist church, always taught pretrib, came to Torah and was taught post trib...now I'm back to a pretrib. Two words made me look deeper.
      Translations use one word for COMING-It is 2 words in the Greek "Parousia/His presence" and Erchomai/His coming"
      I do not believe any moment, it will be on His appointed time. I dont read it as ALL believers and they dont fly up to heaven, they are taken to Mt Sinai for the marriage covenant...just my thoughts on this.
      He saved them out of Egypt but only a few made it into the promised land.
      Barley harvest event: First Fruits of the elect
      Matthew 24:37-39 (Parousia) ...the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day...knew not until the flood came,and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
      After the seals, judgements, people will not be living life as normal.
      Before birth pains:Is. 66:7-8
      1 out of ten belong to Him: Lev 27:32 / Ezekiel 20:37
      Those who remain see those who were taken: 2 Esdras 6:25-26
      Wheat harvest event: The Elect
      Matthew 24:29-31 (no dead rising)
      (Erchomai) Immediately AFTER tribulation-the moon dark, angel trumpet (not 1 Thessalonians 4:16 trumpet call of God) no dead rising first, no changing, they are gathered from the four winds...
      Gather-H6908-to gather, collect, assemble
      Caught up--G726-to seize,catch (away, up), pluck, pull, take (by force)
      We are told FEW but Dan. 12:10 says MANY will be purified,the trib is for the elect, not the first fruits.
      moon is dark
      moon is blood red
      men are hiding
      men have gathered armies to fight
      Wrath pour out is the Grape harvest. The wicked
      No one knows the day or hour? The DAY heaven and earth pass away...not His return.
      Matthew 24:35-36
      Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. No One Knows the Day or Hour “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.
      If anyone can change my mind about this please point out verses...I have changed my mind before. There are so many verses that I can see that lean more to a first fruits resurrection.💗

    • @5nuccs
      @5nuccs Рік тому +1

      He binds the tares first to burn them. Then He gathers the wheat into His barn.
      No one is made perfect apart from us Hebrews 11
      Last day is last day. Not your last day.
      When He comes He will stay and reign.

    • @PD-iu9bn
      @PD-iu9bn Рік тому +2

      The book of Revelation wasn’t written until 40 plus years after Paul. The “last trumpet” of 1 Corinthians has nothing to do with the trumpet judgements of the tribulation.

  • @gmjeer
    @gmjeer 4 місяці тому

    Thank you SO MUCH! That was so clear and easy to understand. I go to a church that believes a pre trib and my dad believed in a pre trib but I couldn't find it in the bible. I kept saying if there is a pre trib that means jesus is coming down to pick us up. Then going back to heaven for a feast while the father pours some wrath out. Then coming back again to pick the rest of us up. That never made since to me. What a joy to hear clear and easy to understand teaching.

  • @chuckjackson1814
    @chuckjackson1814 Рік тому

    For once in my life and studies, this settles as correct in my heart! Thanks for the lessons!

  • @kenashe3
    @kenashe3 5 років тому +4

    I agree with this teaching. I've always believed that the signs have been laid out for us to witness for our own good to strengthen our faith if we are paying attention. One prophesy that gets forgotten often, is the fact that we will be able to fish in the dead sea one day. Fresh water will come from the mountains, freshening the Jordan river that will dilute the saltiness of the dead sea, so that fish might live in it. I love fishing, can't wait.

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 5 років тому


    • @yafois988
      @yafois988 Рік тому

      @@russbell9572 Get the HELL out of here hasatan, go back to your occult of blind leaders SUN day false gospel church cults.

  • @lionandlamb7663
    @lionandlamb7663 5 років тому +14

    Matthew 24: 29-31, is very clear to me.
    Jesus tells us, "Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days.
    Then in vs 31 He says, He will send out His Angels to the four winds if the earth to collect His elect.
    There isn't a Pre Tribulation rapture.
    Why are these verses never brought up when there is a discussion of rapture??

    • @bryanriggsby1750
      @bryanriggsby1750 5 років тому +1

      Because Israel is his elect. Isaiah 45:4 For Jacob my servants sake, and Israel mine elect,.... Isaiah 65:9 and mine elect shall inherit it, and my servants shall dwell there. When Jesus comes to get his bride in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 he comes himself, as a theif in the night. For the Lord himself shall decend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: you wouldn't send your servants to get your bride, you'd do it yourself. Matthew 24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and THEY shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. The Lord himself didn't come here, he sent his angels, two different things. These are the Jews and tribulation saints that make it. If you notice, there are no dead people rising here. Matthew 24:16 Then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains: last I checked, Judea is in Israel. Jesus only preached to the Jews. Matthew 24:29-30 immediately after the tribulation, the sun is darkened, all the tribes of the earth mourn, everyone will see his coming now. Don't sound like a theif in the night if everyone See's him. And he gathers the tribulation saints and his elect. The bride is gone long before all of this happens. It's two separate things. No resurrection here. Just gathering the tribulation saints. They appear in heaven in Revelation 7:13 - 17 these are they which came out of great tribulation.... John is talking to an elder here, which is from the church in Rev. 4_5. Revelation 4 is the church because they are CROWNED, chapter 5 tells you why they are the church or bride. In chapter 7 , the tribulation saints don't have crowns, they have PALMS in their hands.

    • @neilwani1178
      @neilwani1178 4 роки тому

      These timings will be proven at the pretrib rapture. They cannot be proven wrong and the timings prove every other interpretation wrong.
      These are the timings
      pretrib rapture - our gathering - No man knows the day or the hour Restrainer taken away - Rev 4 1 - Luke 21 29-36 and Matthew 24 32-51 and Mark 13 28-36 and Matthew 25 1-13. The bridegroom is going to the wedding. The righteous are taken at the sound of the trumpet. There is no eternal judgment. The ones left behind ask for the door to be opened for them also. The ones left behind are judged with the hypocrites. No man knows the watch. No man knows if it will be at evening time or the midnight watch or when the rooster crows or at dawn Mark 13 35.
      a few short wars
      10 kingdoms take complete control of the world from the sea of humanity Rev 13 1. This kingdom has 10 crowns on 10 horns.
      Start of Daniel's 70th week for 2520 days.
      Some time in the first half a wicked man appears and subdues 3 of the 10 kingdoms (Daniel 7 23-24 and Rev 12 3). This kingdom will have 7 crowns on 7 heads. He confirms a 7 year covenant that was in place.
      seals 1-4 some time in the 1st half - beginning of sorrows
      a few days or week before midtrib the 2 witnesses appear
      mid-trib Abomination of desolation - seal 5 opened - antichrist revealed - start of Daniel 7 25 and Rev 13 5-7 - Day 1261 of 2520 day tribulation. The antichrist will have authority over saints from all nations for 42 months on this day Rev 13 5-7. The nation of Israel will be hid in the wilderness for 1260 days starting on this day Rev 12 14. The gentiles will trample Jerusalem for 42 months starting on this day Rev 11 2.
      seal 6 some unknown time in middle of 2nd half - start of the Day of the Lord judgments on the wicked as birth pangs and the wicked will not escape - every island and mountain moved- the elect sealed on their foreheads
      seal 7 - trumpet judgments start
      trumpet judgments 1-4 effects 1/3 of the world
      trumpet 5 - 5 months scorpions - 1st woe
      trumpet 6 - 1/3 of mankind killed - 2 witnesses resurrected - 2nd woe has passed, the third woe cometh quickly
      close to 2nd coming (days before the 7th trumpet) - city of Babylon destroyed - 144,000 translated to heaven alive (the elect) proclamation of the 3 angels in Rev 14 and then the end will come
      trumpet 7 - THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD IS REVEALED TO THE WORLD. THE DAY THE LORD IS REVEALED IS THE DAY ALL THE WICKED ARE DESTROYED - Day 2520 - End of Daniel's 70th week - Day of the Lord when the sun, moon darkened (Joel 3 15) - 2nd Coming (the hour will not be known but the watch will be at evening time in Israel) - Old Testament saints resurrected along with the wicked that pierced the Lord Daniel 12 1-7 - It is announced in heaven that the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ - the powers of heaven are shaken. the antichrist chooses 10 kings to oppose the 2nd coming. Matthew 24 31, Rev 1 7, Rev 11 15. On this day, Seven Bowls on the same day of the second coming - The wicked are taken (Matt 13 41) Angels gather His Elect from all nations - 100% of the world effected - every island and mountain disappear and the followers of Babylon the wicked religion worldwide destroyed - living waters flow from Jerusalem and the Lord is king over all the Earth Zech 14 6-9 - the next day starts the millennium after Daniel 9 24 occurs - In the book of Revelation this day is given in Rev 10 7 and Rev 11 15 and Rev 14 14 and Rev 19 11. The wicked are taken. The bridegroom is coming from the wedding. There is eternal destruction at this event. The ones taken are judged with unbelievers. The watch will be at eveing time in Israel Zech 14 7. The date will be known 2520 days before the event.

    • @mrpotatohead6264
      @mrpotatohead6264 4 роки тому

      Also 2 Thessalonians 2 clarifies that the Day of the Lord will not come until the man of lawlessness (antichrist) is revealed, which will happen halfway through the tribulation.

    • @neilwani1178
      @neilwani1178 4 роки тому

      @@mrpotatohead6264 the start of the day of the Lord some time in the 2nd half has nothing to do with our gathering and the restraints on evil being taken away pretrib.

    • @mrpotatohead6264
      @mrpotatohead6264 4 роки тому

      @@neilwani11782 Thessalonians, Chapter 2
      1 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us-whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter-asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. 3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[a] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.
      This is clearly explaining that the day Jesus Christ is comes and gathers us to Him will not happen until the antichrist is revealed.
      So we won't be gathered to Him in what I'm sure is referring to the rapture, until at least the 2nd half of the tribulation.

  • @bonniefinrow4415
    @bonniefinrow4415 4 роки тому +1

    ✨youre such marbleous teachers Lord bless you brother🍏

  • @mosesmanaka8109
    @mosesmanaka8109 3 роки тому +14

    You sure have been given the gift of teaching. Well explained.

  • @bernadinepinard4181
    @bernadinepinard4181 2 роки тому +8

    Thank you for this teaching. You are confirming to me what I interpret in the Word, in what the Spirit says to me. I will share this with our Women's Bible group.

  • @PooleSilly
    @PooleSilly 6 років тому +12

    Okay 25:56 now I just heard you talk about 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 and I’m sorry to say but I don’t agree! That scripture does not say we are flying over to Jerusalem......it says so shall we ever be with the lord! However can you find a specific verse that says we will be flying over to Jerusalem after the rapture happens?

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 5 років тому +1

      @David Mosheold boy, aka Dave's Mosh pit, does your imbecilic idiocy know no bounds?😂😮

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 5 років тому +2

      @David Mosheold boy, aka Dave's Mosh Pit, you're ineptness is reaching unacceptable levels as you are incessantly displaying your idiocy for all the world to see. Now, you have surely revealed the enormity of your biblical illiteracy as the public is well aware of your intimate acquaintance with error, but you really must curtail your incessant foundering and caterwauling before you are totally and inescapably chagrined. 😂😮

    • @Dianah1952
      @Dianah1952 4 роки тому

      Good point!

  • @changingtheworldonelifeatt2949
    @changingtheworldonelifeatt2949 3 роки тому

    I have been following Mr. Judah for 22 years.

  • @marygargus1609
    @marygargus1609 3 місяці тому

    What a blessing you have given the most Biblical teaching ! Thank you!!

  • @zane4utwo
    @zane4utwo 2 роки тому +14

    Thank you Monte! I used to believe in a pretrib rapture but after becoming a Hebrew, messianic believer I've learned better. I've tried to share this info with others but people don't want to hear it.
    I love your series teachings on the book of Revelation also!!

    • @larryhoward8277
      @larryhoward8277 2 роки тому +2

      Let no man decieve you!

    • @scott596
      @scott596 Рік тому +2

      @@larryhoward8277 2 Thessalonians 2:1-6. The Gathering of Us to Him Jesus Christ,
      Now Brethren Concerning the Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Gathering of Us to Him,
      3 . Let No One Deceive you by any means for that Day Will Not Come Unless the Falling Away Comes First and the Man of Sin the Son of Perdition is Revealed Sitting in the Temple of God Showing himself that He is God.
      5. Do you Not Remember that when I was still with you I told you these things
      6 . And Now you know what is Restraining That He May Be Revealed In His Own Time.
      Yes indeed the Gathering Up together with the Dead in Christ is After the Man of Sin must be Revealed Sitting in the Temple Shewing Himself that He is God. God Bless you

    • @richardosborne2067
      @richardosborne2067 Рік тому +2

      Amen.people prefer you to tickle their ears and fall in line with the false teaching than to speak bibical truth.Embrace the truth and be in the will of God.reject it not.

    • @AmandathePandaBooks
      @AmandathePandaBooks Рік тому

      Ppl are afraid of death. They don't want their heads cut off.

  • @ky4tgtodd203
    @ky4tgtodd203 2 роки тому +15

    Thank you! This is how I read my Bible although almost no one I know believes it this way

    • @bible1st
      @bible1st 9 місяців тому

      Maybe they didn't actually read it.

  • @Okieshowedem
    @Okieshowedem 3 роки тому +1

    May Father YAHweh bless your understanding.

  • @larrybarnett5799
    @larrybarnett5799 2 роки тому +1

    this helped me with my pre/mid/post complications....Thank you

  • @duaneelsbree3460
    @duaneelsbree3460 3 роки тому +7

    Ok, you will not know the day or hour, BUT we are to recognize the season

  • @jefferylord3068
    @jefferylord3068 7 років тому +12

    I myself am not convinced one way or another, I think it is a pretty interesting question, however concern yourself with reconciliation with God through his messiah Jesus and live with peace in your heart!

    • @MrWarrior4yeshua
      @MrWarrior4yeshua 4 роки тому

      The scripture is clear the is no such thing. II Thessalonians 2:1-3 KJV states: "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Yahweh Yahshua Messiah, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Messiah is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a 'falling' away first, 'and' that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;"
      The word 'and' is a conjunction, so the falling away is in conjunction with the man of sin, the son of perdition, being revealed. This 'Falling away' is described in Revelation chapter 12. The rebellion, is not only on earth, but as we see in Revelation 12, it is in heaven too. This war in heaven, where the accuser of the brethren is cast out for good, no longer able to stand before Yahweh and accuse us, I believe began on September 23rd 2017, when the women clothed in the sun with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown twelve stars,and she travailed to give birth to a man child.
      This did occur over Israel, whether it means anything or not. Interestingly, this sign will again happen in 2024... but this time Draco the Dragon (Satan) is in a different position? It took Gabriel, after he called on Michael for help, twenty one days to get through to Daniel, as Satan withstood them. When all of Satans angels fight, and Michael and his angels fight.. that war very well could last seven years. It will end in April 2024. Even more interestingly, the two 'Great American Eclipses' are also, 2017 and 2024. 2024 springs is smack dab in the middle. These two eclipses X out the USA (see Jeremiah chapters 49-52).
      II Thessalonians 2:7 (KJV) states, " For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way." Therefore we now know what letteth, withholds or hinders is Satan is still operating at the throne of YAHWEH accusing us and has not been kicked out yet. There is that word 'revealed' again... to be revealed in his time. The appointed time, when Yahweh boots the Devil out. Notice the word in verse seven, until he be 'taken' out of the 'way'. The word 'taken' means, "to become generate into being".. that would be Satan, when he falls to earth into a body of a man (the Anti-Messiah). The word 'way' means middle. When the falling away takes place, Satan is no longer in the way or middle... the hindering is over. That is the end of the rapture lie period.
      We know what Revelation 12 says about when he lands on earth, and is generated into being in a human body, he is wroth! Revelation 12:7-9 KJV. " And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." There are not two separate trumpets or two comings of Yahweh Yahshua. yeshuayahweh.com/blog/f/the-heresy-false-rapture-teaching

    • @sigalsmadar4547
      @sigalsmadar4547 3 роки тому

      @@MrWarrior4yeshua Funny, Jeffrey here is offering an olive branch for peace amongst the brethern, yet you, calling yourself the Savior's brother, comes along with a bat to get your viewpoint through our heads.
      That's what I find with most non Pre Tribbers.... they seem to only have personal attacks for the Pre Tribbers as they try to explain their reasons. Yet almost all Pre Tribbers start off their teachings with, "this is not a salvation issue. Let's not turn into enemies. Here are the reasons we believe...."

    • @MrWarrior4yeshua
      @MrWarrior4yeshua 3 роки тому

      @@sigalsmadar4547 To get MY viewpoint??? You are about to die in the 3 1/2 year great tribulation women. I am lead elder on earth you need take heed in YHWH Yahshua. You are not saved until YHWH Yahshua Messiah moves into your body? If that happened to you and you were at that moment totally changed, then you are. These novice false teacher are everywhere. There is NO rapture. Wake up or go back to sleep... that is your choice. In His love Mark

    • @MrWarrior4yeshua
      @MrWarrior4yeshua 3 роки тому

      @mal'ak emeth You demon occultists idiot. yeshuayahweh.com/blog/f/the-heresy-false-rapture-teaching

  • @worthyisthelamb6071
    @worthyisthelamb6071 3 роки тому

    Wow.. the father son and spirit thing you displayed about the different time periods was something I have been explaining to people for a little bit, I noticed the exact same thing. Never have seen anyone show or teach this so this is a wonderful blessing! First the Father came and dwelt among us, then the Son was sent, and now we have the Holy Spirit. God was emphatically Father Son and Spirit in each time period, and when the Father left the Son came, and when the Son left He sent the Comforter the Spirit. God bless you my friend!

    • @benny-yj7pq
      @benny-yj7pq 3 роки тому

      What about John 14:23

    • @LitoLochoss
      @LitoLochoss Рік тому

      Wrong the Father Son and Spirit Are still here all where Here Genesis 32:22-30 Jesus was in the old Testament

  • @andrewvevera3650
    @andrewvevera3650 4 роки тому +1

    I appreciate this teacher. He is trying to help God's people.

    • @anthonyterry1152
      @anthonyterry1152 4 роки тому


    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 4 роки тому +2

      Actually, he's trying to deceive people 😉

    • @yafois988
      @yafois988 Рік тому

      @@russbell9572 Get the HELL out of here hasatan you filthy demon accuser of the brethren, go back to you occult demon driven SUNday church system.

  • @nickmorrison921
    @nickmorrison921 6 років тому +39

    WOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!! First 2k is about the Father, 2nd 2k is about the Son, and the 3rd 2k is about the Spirit! Mind blown!

    • @727kristie
      @727kristie 4 роки тому +2

      Right!! BEST part of the video!!

    • @amypretorius8890
      @amypretorius8890 4 роки тому +1

      My mind also blown lol the best part of the vid by far... Opens the Bible in a such a diff light if u look at it like that

    • @ninasmith426
      @ninasmith426 4 роки тому +1

      Have to agree. This was the most enlightening part of the whole video.

    • @Keldren.
      @Keldren. 4 роки тому +1

      And the thousand years of sabbath with the Lord on the new earth. Amaaazing!

    • @josepharnett7256
      @josepharnett7256 4 роки тому +1

      @I am Not a Conspiracy Nut you totally misunderstood. The 1000 year reign is not in the 2000 year period of the spirit, it comes after.

  • @codydixon619
    @codydixon619 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you for clarifying the difference between the judgements of God being the tribulation period and how the wrath of God is the Day of the Lord.

    • @Just_in_Rich
      @Just_in_Rich Рік тому +1

      The judgment itself is the wrath of God

    • @codydixon619
      @codydixon619 Рік тому

      @@Just_in_Rich in Jude it says that the Lord will return with 10,000's of His saints behind Him to execute judgement on all the ungodly. This is the wrath of God and we are with the Lord as we take part in carrying out the wrath of God. This is why we are not appointed to wrath but the wrath of God happens after that great tribulation just as the Lord said in Matthew 24, Mark 13, & Luke 21.

    • @Just_in_Rich
      @Just_in_Rich Рік тому

      @@codydixon619 The wrath of God is the righteous judgment of God revealed in the form of seals, trumpets and vials.

  • @phillipians4883
    @phillipians4883 4 роки тому

    Verse 15 amplifies the point: “We who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep.”
    Verse 18 reiterates this main point: “Therefore comfort one another with these words.” Paul sums it up in verses 10-11 of chapter 5 (there is no chapter break in the original text): “…that whether we wake or sleep [remain alive or die], we should live together with Him. Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.

  • @helpforthelost7819
    @helpforthelost7819 4 роки тому +30

    Fools think that we won’t be tested. Jesus died on the cross for us. His faith and love was tested. What makes some of u think that your faith and love wont be tested too? WE Will BE TESTED FOR OUR FAITH IN OUR SAVIOR!!

    • @bretwahlberg1146
      @bretwahlberg1146 3 роки тому +1

      Help for The lost and you don’t worship God

    • @centerforheartconsciousliv9154
      @centerforheartconsciousliv9154 3 роки тому +2

      Jesus died on the cross for us so we don't have to and yet we all just fall inline to the grave. We are being tested daily...it is how we LIVE our lives now...NOT after some tragic events start and turn us around. Do we face each day with LOVE or fear? It's all about vibration and those not vibrating LOVE cannot transition because they won't align with Jesus vibration which is LOVE. We cannot enter a realm WE DO NOT RESONATE WITH.

    • @hattiebgood
      @hattiebgood 3 роки тому

      Center for Heart Conscious Living I am not into the whole vibration, resonate thing. True believers in Jesus the Son of God and Son of Man, The Word made flesh and dwelt among us went to the cross for our eternal salvation. The End Times began after He physically rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. And throughout these ages, every century, in different lands throughout time, people have been persecuted, tortured, and martyred for their faith in him. I have yet to read or hear any testimony of any Christian who had a vibration or a resonance. What we do have is the blood of the Lamb and the word of God and the testimony of faithful believers who have gone before for us.

    • @brianbabbot3217
      @brianbabbot3217 3 роки тому +2

      The church has been tested for 2000 years. The trib is to test Israel, our testing will be over before then.

    • @richardpotter6313
      @richardpotter6313 3 роки тому +1

      Prepare to suffer for My name's sake! They hated Me before they hated you. You shall be dragged up before councils. Imprisoned, beaten, even put to death. Just look at the Carnage Rome inflicted during the dark ages. These times are nearly on us again.

  • @elainefuehrer5739
    @elainefuehrer5739 Рік тому +5

    i was taught pre-trib, but as i studied i became more aware that, that wasnt gonna happen. I was then thinking the end of mid-trib but before the Wrath of The Lamb. as u explain it makes so much sense! when i listen to other preachers, and many are asking if we are in the Trib yet.. their answer is flippant saying "we are still here"! they need their eyes opened! So until that happens what should i be filling my heart with on how to be prepared to Rest in Yeshua . to have oil in my lamp.I have the Holy Spirit. when i found out last yr that the rapture wasnt happening when i thought it was my heart sank and i was fearful. i dont want to be afraid!

    • @AmandathePandaBooks
      @AmandathePandaBooks Рік тому

      Look. Fireing squads or guillotines, they happen soooooo fast you won't even feel it!! The real you won't even be touched. Just the machine you live in. I had dreams about these when I was in Russia. Nothing to it, like taking off your hat!

  • @Godskingdomcouncelorcrystal
    @Godskingdomcouncelorcrystal 3 роки тому +3

    There is a video. 4 part series. The flood of Noah and part 3 and 4 made so much sense on how there is no rapture and that we are all here till the end. "Those who endure to the end shall be saved". Just like as in the days of Noah same will it be. Really need to see those video they break it down so much I can't even explain it. Such detail. It makes perfect sense. Shalom ❣️

    • @jovana2018
      @jovana2018 3 роки тому

      Shalom 🕊️ how can I find that specific video?

    • @Godskingdomcouncelorcrystal
      @Godskingdomcouncelorcrystal 3 роки тому

      @@jovana2018 on amazon prime they have all 4 videos. Just go into the search bar. Hope this helps you. 🙏

  • @jamesburson5689
    @jamesburson5689 3 роки тому +2

    AMEN 👍

  • @Eye2Sky4U
    @Eye2Sky4U Рік тому +1

    "That's the plan" I love it! I died but you are so so right! It's arrogant to think we as Christians won't have to suffer when you remember how much Jesus suffered for us.

    • @danielb.1567
      @danielb.1567 Рік тому

      the Bible says we are not appointed to wrath, what do you think that means?

    • @joemonroe9456
      @joemonroe9456 Рік тому +1

      @@danielb.1567 wrath and tribulation are two different words.

    • @joemonroe9456
      @joemonroe9456 Рік тому

      @@danielb.1567 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

    • @danielb.1567
      @danielb.1567 Рік тому

      @@joemonroe9456 wrath is contained IN the Tribulation.

  • @paulbortolazzo2831
    @paulbortolazzo2831 4 роки тому +19

    "There may be more Christians falling away during the great tribulation than those getting the victory!"
    Watchman Paul Bortolazzo

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 4 роки тому +1

      LOL, siddown 🍼😂

    • @graceambassador65
      @graceambassador65 4 роки тому +1

      Pure "Speculation" kinda like, self-proclaimed "prophets" who "know" who the antichrist is, and, "certain {ALL of which have FAILED!} dates" of End-Time Events! Amen? be blessed....

    • @MrWarrior4yeshua
      @MrWarrior4yeshua 4 роки тому

      True. The scripture is clear the is no such thing. II Thessalonians 2:1-3 KJV states: "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Yahweh Yahshua Messiah, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Messiah is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a 'falling' away first, 'and' that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;"
      The word 'and' is a conjunction, so the falling away is in conjunction with the man of sin, the son of perdition, being revealed. This 'Falling away' is described in Revelation chapter 12. The rebellion, is not only on earth, but as we see in Revelation 12, it is in heaven too. This war in heaven, where the accuser of the brethren is cast out for good, no longer able to stand before Yahweh and accuse us, I believe began on September 23rd 2017, when the women clothed in the sun with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown twelve stars,and she travailed to give birth to a man child.
      This did occur over Israel, whether it means anything or not. Interestingly, this sign will again happen in 2024... but this time Draco the Dragon (Satan) is in a different position? It took Gabriel, after he called on Michael for help, twenty one days to get through to Daniel, as Satan withstood them. When all of Satans angels fight, and Michael and his angels fight.. that war very well could last seven years. It will end in April 2024. Even more interestingly, the two 'Great American Eclipses' are also, 2017 and 2024. 2024 springs is smack dab in the middle. These two eclipses X out the USA (see Jeremiah chapters 49-52).
      II Thessalonians 2:7 (KJV) states, " For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way." Therefore we now know what letteth, withholds or hinders is Satan is still operating at the throne of YAHWEH accusing us and has not been kicked out yet. There is that word 'revealed' again... to be revealed in his time. The appointed time, when Yahweh boots the Devil out. Notice the word in verse seven, until he be 'taken' out of the 'way'. The word 'taken' means, "to become generate into being".. that would be Satan, when he falls to earth into a body of a man (the Anti-Messiah). The word 'way' means middle. When the falling away takes place, Satan is no longer in the way or middle... the hindering is over. That is the end of the rapture lie period.
      We know what Revelation 12 says about when he lands on earth, and is generated into being in a human body, he is wroth! Revelation 12:7-9 KJV. " And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." There are not two separate trumpets or two comings of Yahweh Yahshua.

    • @slojogojo2766
      @slojogojo2766 4 роки тому

      Because they refuse to hear the truth and will not ENDURE til the END those are the ones that REMAIN the REMNANT that will be transformed!

    • @slojogojo2766
      @slojogojo2766 4 роки тому

      GRACE ambassador Just like the "pretrib rapture"!

  • @charlielovessophie
    @charlielovessophie 5 років тому +13

    “So Comfort one another with these words!” Right?

    • @pbksocial5046
      @pbksocial5046 5 років тому +7

      If that verse was written to Christians under severe tribulation and persecution, wouldn't they be of great comfort knowing that Jesus would soon avenge them and resurrect their loved ones?

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 5 років тому +2

      @@pbksocial5046 old boy, aka peteski, aka Bruce Peters; it is only the third month of the new year and you are already so close to exceeding the acceptable level of idiocy displayed by a replacement theology loving imbecile such as yourself. You must resist the temptation to reveal the fullest measure of your confusion and delusional disorder for all the world to see. Alas, we all know of your infatuation with replacement theology, but you can't expect all your hard-shell replacement theology loving cronies to be sympathetic to your extreme idiocy, especially when you insist on putting it on display for all the world to see 😂😮

    • @terrydaly7296
      @terrydaly7296 5 років тому +10

      Why would we comfort one another if we were going to go through the trib, I say pre trib.

    • @pbksocial5046
      @pbksocial5046 5 років тому +4

      @@terrydaly7296 If the verse is written to people in the tribulation, then they would get great comfort from it. If it isn't written to people in the tribulation, they would also get great comfort from it. Either way it makes sense.

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 5 років тому +3

      @@terrydaly7296, you say correctly 👍

  • @tmabry5515
    @tmabry5515 4 роки тому +1

    Yes! He's got it! Truth. Thank you, Lord.

    • @smooth1234ish
      @smooth1234ish 4 роки тому

      It strengthens your faith.

    • @MrWarrior4yeshua
      @MrWarrior4yeshua 4 роки тому

      The scripture is clear the is no such thing. II Thessalonians 2:1-3 KJV states: "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Yahweh Yahshua Messiah, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Messiah is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a 'falling' away first, 'and' that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;"
      The word 'and' is a conjunction, so the falling away is in conjunction with the man of sin, the son of perdition, being revealed. This 'Falling away' is described in Revelation chapter 12. The rebellion, is not only on earth, but as we see in Revelation 12, it is in heaven too. This war in heaven, where the accuser of the brethren is cast out for good, no longer able to stand before Yahweh and accuse us, I believe began on September 23rd 2017, when the women clothed in the sun with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown twelve stars,and she travailed to give birth to a man child.
      This did occur over Israel, whether it means anything or not. Interestingly, this sign will again happen in 2024... but this time Draco the Dragon (Satan) is in a different position? It took Gabriel, after he called on Michael for help, twenty one days to get through to Daniel, as Satan withstood them. When all of Satans angels fight, and Michael and his angels fight.. that war very well could last seven years. It will end in April 2024. Even more interestingly, the two 'Great American Eclipses' are also, 2017 and 2024. 2024 springs is smack dab in the middle. These two eclipses X out the USA (see Jeremiah chapters 49-52).
      II Thessalonians 2:7 (KJV) states, " For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way." Therefore we now know what letteth, withholds or hinders is Satan is still operating at the throne of YAHWEH accusing us and has not been kicked out yet. There is that word 'revealed' again... to be revealed in his time. The appointed time, when Yahweh boots the Devil out. Notice the word in verse seven, until he be 'taken' out of the 'way'. The word 'taken' means, "to become generate into being".. that would be Satan, when he falls to earth into a body of a man (the Anti-Messiah). The word 'way' means middle. When the falling away takes place, Satan is no longer in the way or middle... the hindering is over. That is the end of the rapture lie period.
      We know what Revelation 12 says about when he lands on earth, and is generated into being in a human body, he is wroth! Revelation 12:7-9 KJV. " And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." There are not two separate trumpets or two comings of Yahweh Yahshua. yeshuayahweh.com/blog/f/the-heresy-false-rapture-teaching

    • @larryhoward8277
      @larryhoward8277 2 роки тому

      @@MrWarrior4yeshua let no man decieve you!

  • @JacobTheServantOfYAH
    @JacobTheServantOfYAH 6 місяців тому

    Wow had no idea about the hebrew saying for trumpets that was sharpening to hear that.. All Glory To THE FATHER YAHWEH HIS SON YESHUA HAMASHIACH AND THE SPIRIT RUACH HAQODESH.
    And thank you Monte. Your teachings have truly been like a cold long breeze on a hot mid day.

  • @eisenhower9069
    @eisenhower9069 3 роки тому +8

    Sooò True. This makes absolute sense according to scripture. God bless you

  • @philmcrackinnow
    @philmcrackinnow 4 роки тому +3

    Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown (Revelation 3:10-11)

    • @benny-yj7pq
      @benny-yj7pq 3 роки тому +1

      the hour is 3 1/2 years (Rev 17:12; 13:5). Jesus comes afterwards, not before.

    • @philmcrackinnow
      @philmcrackinnow 3 роки тому +2

      Daniels 70 weeks prophecy shows that the 70th week is 7 years total just as each of the previous 69 weeks were 7 years each. It is called “Jacobs trouble” because it was meant to deal with the Jews so that they will accept Christ as the messiah since they rejected him the first time. Since this is a period to deal with the Jews, the church will not be present during any point of this 7 year period, which is why they aren’t mentioned after a certain point in the book Revelation.

    • @Eman-vp5wk
      @Eman-vp5wk Рік тому

      @@benny-yj7pq “I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world“

    • @Eman-vp5wk
      @Eman-vp5wk Рік тому

      Exactly. He didn’t address any of that in this video.

  • @NatashaHynes
    @NatashaHynes 3 роки тому

    Thank you so much for this.

  • @fruitful7753
    @fruitful7753 Рік тому +1

    good teaching, after the tribulation as written in Mark 13:24-26.

  • @frankpowell8029
    @frankpowell8029 2 роки тому +3

    At the end of the presentation, you state there are specific scriptures for how to prepare ourselves to live through the Great Tribulation. Can you provide those scriptures?

  • @OquendoHector333
    @OquendoHector333 4 роки тому +7


    • @MrWarrior4yeshua
      @MrWarrior4yeshua 4 роки тому +3

      amen. It is my duty to sound the alarm in His Holy Mountain. This fall 2020 The End Begins, The Final 7 Years begin. The live DNA altering Quantum Dot tattoo tracking vaccine is, The Mark of the Beast. God (YHWH Elohim Yeshua Messiah) has declared. Father has declared also the end from the beginning, or from the 7 day creation (Isaiah 46:10). You MUST stop & read each scripture as you read to SEE. The Word establishes this truth, one day is as a 1000 years, and a 1000 years as 1 day (II Peter 3:8 & Psalms 90:4). YHWH Elohim has given mankind 6000 years to do ALL his work (Exodus 20:9), which ends in 2028. Yeshua rebuked them for not knowing the time of His first coming (Matthew 16:1-3). He also said this in Luke 12:54-56. The second coming is commanded for us to know. That day will NOT overtake us as a thief. We will know, not only the times and the season (1 Thessalonians 5:1 KJV), but also the week. We know He comes in the fall of 2027, on the Feast of Trumpets. 1948 is the proof. Yeshua said, 'Destroy this temple and in three days I will rise it up (John 2:19 KJV)." Yeshua was born in 3-2 BC (New Year) and crucified, died, and resurrected in 30 CE. From 30 CE (minus His 70 week ministry) adding two days (II Peter 3:8 & Psalms 90:4), or 2000 years is 2028. Hosea 6:1-2 states, " Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days (2000 years) will he revive us: in the third day (from Yeshua's death & resurrection), he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight." The morning of the 3rd millennial (day) from Yeshua Messiah, and the morning of the seventh day (millennial) from Adam, is the millennial reign of Yeshua Messiah! It will begin in 2028 or more specifically September 2027 (The Jewish New Year 2028). Father did all His work in the six days of creation, He finished all His work and rested on the seventh day. When Yeshua returns in 2027 (Israel calendar Feast of Trumpets), it will be the morning of the third day (the end of 2000 years since His death and resurrection, and It will also be the morning of the seventh day (the end of 6000 years) from Adam (See Exodus 20:9 & 19:11 & 15). The fall of 2027 on our calendar, is the second coming of Yeshua Messiah. The 1000 year reign of Yeshua Messiah. However, Satan comes first. There is NO rapture. The scripture is crystal clear in II Thessalonians 2:3. Yeshua will not come, "Until there be first a falling away (as described in Revelation 12), and (and is a conjunction, so it is in conjunction with the falling away ), that man of sin, the son of perdition be revealed." Now you know what hinders and withholds or holds back. Satan has not fallen from heaven to earth yet. He is the accuser of the brethren day and night, until he is thrown out of heaven (Revelation 12). Revelation 13 tells how wroth or angry he is, knowing he only has only a short time, 3 1/2 years, or times, time, and a half time. This scripture is clear, end of story... period. Yeshua Messiah can not, nor will not come, until after Satan fulfills his times, time and half a time (forty two months). THERE IS NO RAPTURE, It is a heresy false teaching, as you all will soon discover. 2020 is perfect vision, Father Gods perfect vision begins the final seven years. All of a sudden comes the Crown virus out of the blue, but not out of the blue to YHWH Elohim. The LORD God (YHWH Elohim) has corralled up the peoples of the earth. He has slowed down all mankind and taken them away from the rat race, back to their family. Isaiah 20:26 states, " Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be over past." He is giving all, one last call, to turn away from our miserable selfish life to Him. We are on lock down, until the Bill Gates, live DNA altering Quantum Dot tattoo tracking Mark of the Beast vaccine is administered to all upon the earth. The Devil gets three and a half years before Yeshua Messiah comes. When we take Satan's time, 3 1/2 years from the fall of 2027 on our calendar (2028 Jewish New Year), it is the spring of 2024. There are two variables. First, Yeshua's ministry counts into Daniels final 70th week (Yeshua's ministry was a 70 week ministry not three and a half years, as falsely taught). Secondly, Father declares, He will shorten those days for the elects sake (Matthew 24:22 KJV). Therefore, it could be sooner than spring 2024 when Satan arrives. He will arrive about the same time, the live DNA altering Quantum Dot tattoo tracking, "Mark of the Beast" vaccine is administered to the entire globe. This fall, 2020, begins the final seven years! By the way, Daniels prophecy does NOT say in the Hebrew, "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week." The original Hebrew says it will TAKE seven years to confirm the covenant. Interestingly, Trumps, Deal of the Century, was introduced in the spring of 2017 and will be made in 2024. If... we knew there was a seven year peace treaty, then we would know the half way point right? Then why does Father say over and over again in His word, "When you see the abomination that causes desolation standing in the holy place, FLEE to the mountains and don't look back. If you are on your house top do not GO BACK into your house to grab anything! If you are in the field don't GO BACK to get clothes.. just FLEE (Matthew 24:15-16, Mark 13:14, paraphrased)!" Obviously these scriptures show us we will not know about a start date of a seven year covenant. This is THE SECOND COMING OF YESHUA MESSIAH! The NWO (Satan's army), is employing 5 G in all big cities. They have also delivered over 200,000 satellites into space all very recently. They are taking down the USA now, the last piece to their plan to tracking and enforcing a Quantum Dot tattoo or you can't buy, sell, bank, buy gasoline... NOTHING. Then soon after they will kill you if you refuse this vaccine. Wake up and hear the word of Yahweh Elohim Yeshua! The battle of the ages between YHWH Elohim Yeshua and Ha-Satan is here! There will be chaos and tragedies between now and 2024 when Satan arrives. The Great 3 1/2 Year Tribulation is 38 months away, SAITH YHWH ELOHIM ADONAI! Jeremiah 29:12 is the answer and only hope for your life. Saith Yeshua Messiah Yahweh Elohim. www.YeshuaYahweh.com

  • @normanashworth6024
    @normanashworth6024 2 роки тому

    What a great teacher. very easy to understand

  • @phillipians4883
    @phillipians4883 4 роки тому

    There is more to Paul’s encouragement. Dr. Morris observes, “There will be a reunion with Christ, but there will also be a reunion with the friends who have gone before” (Tyndale).

  • @storfrassin
    @storfrassin 6 років тому +4

    Halleluyah praise belong to Abba Yah in Yeshuas holy name yahmein

  • @reality4330
    @reality4330 4 роки тому +4

    Good thing ones belief regarding the timing of the rapture is not dependent on ones salvation, belief on Yashua is. That being said, how many believes will fall away when the pre-trib rapture does not happen? That’s my concern with the pre tribe rapture false doctrine

    • @k.m.virginia7523
      @k.m.virginia7523 4 роки тому

      This guy can be disproved by theologians, so I recommend everyone go the way of the Bareans and do a little comparative analysis between this persons point of view and another his refuted point of view. The rapture or lack of one as this gentleman says is not, as far as I know, considered doctrine like the death and raising on the third day by Jesus. I look at contrary videos such as this to determine common disparaging comments which I need to prepare for defensive conversation. when it comes up. Even so, It is more important to love the Lord with all of my heart, soul and strength and also to love others as I do myself. This is the bottom line, right? God bless, Kev.

    • @hart3254
      @hart3254 4 роки тому

      I feel the same way. There are people sitting everyday hoping today is the day the Lord comes and rescues them because there are false pastors out there saying the rapture can happen at any moment, but there is not pre trib rapture, there is a pre wrath rapture. truth s most of us will prob not survive whats coming and if we are in Christ then we will be resurected on the day of the Lord. So when things get hairy and there is major of loss on this planet and people are dying Christians are going to lose faith like you said, at least the ones who pinned all their beliefs on a pre trib rapture. As I type this WW3 is forming over there in the mid east. There might even by nukes destroying nations before the day of the Lord for all we know. But know this, war is coming.

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 4 роки тому +1

      @@hart3254old boy is ever always prophetically confused and eschatologically challenged as he is in the throes of suffering from a severe case of PWSD (pre-wrath strong delusion) disorder 😢😮😂

  • @richlot63
    @richlot63 4 роки тому +1

    Very well said brother , it's all true and we are changed because flesh and blood can not enter Heaven yet we will have a body . When he took me to heaven when I was 4yrs old the first time it was in 1967/1968 when Israel took Jerusalem right about the time my baby brother Michael was born . . . I remember being able to see and hear but I remember kinda floating around not being in my body and when he return me it was in his tear drop and I remember floating outside my bedroom window looking at my body resting on my bed . ..I have never felt alone since then because i knew he's always with us from that point. i@i...YESHUA !! Returns ! Get caught up with him Now...i@i...bless you and yours brother....

  • @noahguillen2201
    @noahguillen2201 4 роки тому

    Thank you for you insight. I understand now!

  • @phillipians4883
    @phillipians4883 4 роки тому +3

    The words “blessed hope” also often appear in rapture literature. In fact, “The Blessed Hope” is the name by which some denominations refer to the rapture doctrine. They take “blessed hope” from Titus 2:13, where Paul writes, “looking for the blessed hope, and the appearance of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.

    • @benny-yj7pq
      @benny-yj7pq 3 роки тому +1

      The appearance of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ in Titus 2:13 is His 2.coming, the return to earth, which goes together with the Rapture, as Jesus also says in Mat 24:29-31 and Rev 11:15-18 confirms it. To believe that this is the Pre-trib Rapture will turn out in a blasted hope and can have serious consequences (Luke 8:13)

    • @Eman-vp5wk
      @Eman-vp5wk Рік тому

      Revelation 3:10
      Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth.

    • @Eman-vp5wk
      @Eman-vp5wk Рік тому

      @@benny-yj7pq Revelation 3:10
      Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth.

  • @keithklein315
    @keithklein315 5 років тому +14

    I'm leaving with Jesus before the Tribulation Wrath of the Lamb and Wrath of God...see you all when you get there , eyes to see and hear.

    • @rustyshadow7
      @rustyshadow7 5 років тому +1

      What if you're wrong? Are you ready to be beheaded for Christ?

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 4 роки тому +1

      @@rustyshadow7 old boy, he's not wrong 😉

    • @rustyshadow7
      @rustyshadow7 4 роки тому

      Russ Bell
      He IS wrong because tribulation is not the same thing as wrath.

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 4 роки тому +1

      @@rustyshadow7old boy, we already know you're wrong, but thanks for the reminder anyway 😉😮

    • @rustyshadow7
      @rustyshadow7 4 роки тому +1

      Russ Bell
      Really, you think tribulation and wrath are the same thing? Ha! Well bless your heart. Do you also believe that discipline and abuse are the same? You don't believe in spanking Russ old boy?

  • @tmabry5515
    @tmabry5515 4 роки тому +1

    Yes, Yes, Yes! He's saying what Jesus Christ said and his's Apostles.

  • @MrTwige
    @MrTwige 4 роки тому

    you are a good teacher when good teachers are hard to find...

  • @henryklassen3362
    @henryklassen3362 8 років тому +5

    Amen! That's exactly how I understand it. Thank you for explaining it so clearly.

  • @williamredfield6006
    @williamredfield6006 5 років тому +8

    Greetings Rabbi Monte Judah,
    I have not viewed all of your videos, but have enjoyed the ones I have. This particular video caught me off guard with regards to several things you stated and I wanted to get some clarification, (If you have already done a video expanding on this I apologize and look forward to getting that link).
    About 5:12 minutes into this video you loosely reference Matthew 24:8 “All these are the beginning of sorrows.” This verse seems to summarize verses 4-7. At the conclusion of verse 14 the statement is made, “…and then shall the end come.” Again, seemingly summarizing verses 9-14. Verse 15, however, opens on a very major crisis for those alive in that “day”. Here, reference is made to the great tribulation, notably in verse 21, describing it as, “…such as was not since the beginning of the world (pre-flood), to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” This is an interesting assessment by our Messiah who is quoting Old Testament texts (cf., Jeremiah 30:7; Daniel 12:1; Joel 2:2). The time of Jacobs trouble, (is that not a specific reference to the Nation of Israel?). I get that verses 4-14 are not the end, but rather the beginning of the end or events leading up to the end. Moving forward, however, it would appear the Messiah is specifically speaking about the end (vv. 15-28), prior to His Triumphed return. Is not this all relevant to the discussion?
    At about 9:19 minutes into the video you reference 1 Thes. 4:17 and place this at Messiah the King’s return in Revelation 19:11-16; 20:4. In the Revelation account, there is no meeting the Lord in the air, there is, however, a vast accompaniment descending with Him. (In reading the two accounts side-by-side I do not see the common theme). Note, according to Revelation 19:1-9, the Marriage of the Lamb has taken place in Heaven, there is no other reference to this Marriage after Christ’s return. Was the Bride of Christ not invited to the wedding or the marriage supper, (19:7-9)?
    At about 10:16 minutes into the video you point out that the 3 ½ years, or last half, or whatever, is the “Judgments” of God and not the Wrath of God. Help me out with this, Revelation 16:1 says, “…Go your ways, and pour out the vials (bowls) of the WRATH of God upon the earth” (emphasis added). Wrath as used here (G-2372 = thumos) is rendered, passion (as if breathing hard):- fierceness, indignation, wrath. Judgment is not offered as a substitute. Wrath is extreme anger, or, strong vengeful anger or indignation. Would not judgment be a predecessor to wrath?
    And in keeping with the wrath topic, at about 10:32 minutes into the video, did I understand you to say that all of Revelation chapters 16-18 occur together in ONE day? [Babylon I get because the text is clear (Rev. 18:8), the bowls I didn’t realize were happening at the same time because the merchants did not seem to be affected by the pouring out of the bowls whilst they were bemoaning the fall of Babylon ~] By the way, I concur with God’s ability to take care of things in short order, in fact, Messiah tells us the days are shortened due to the intensity of it all, however, I am unfamiliar with the reference to 30 minutes, could you share the reference for that?
    Matthew 24:31 (referenced at about 12:33 minutes), the “Elect” does include both the Bride of Christ and the Nation of Israel (cf., Isaiah 42:1; 45:4; 65:9, 22). However, was Messiah speaking to the Jews of that day or to the non-existent Christians to come?
    Did not Messiah mean what He said when He told the woman of Canaan, “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel”, and reaffirm it when He wept over Jerusalem saying, “O, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under wings, and ye would not!”
    Jesus even commissioned the 11 to preach the Gospel to the Jew first, “…in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” True, the Gospel’s are as invaluable to Believer’s (2 Timothy 3:16), but the context doesn’t change because of Messiah’s death and resurrection. You rightly said, (in your reference to 1 Thes. 1:10; 5:9), that the Bride of Christ is not appointed unto wrath., But then, who is? Does not God through His prophets guarantee that Israel will not go unpunished? Does not Zechariah (12-14) record that two-thirds of Israel will perish and a third will come through the fire as silver and gold are purified to behold the one whom they pierced, their Messiah and King?
    About 13:20 minutes into the video you discuss 1 Corinthians 15:50-52 and “saints” noting the broader term outside of just the Church saints. I believe a side by side comparison of this passage with 1 Thes. 4:13-18 is far more compatible than either of these passages with Revelation 19-20. I Thes. 4 clearly indicates “…those which sleep in Jesus” and, “…the dead in Christ shall rise first.” which causes one to consider a singular group is in view here. Neither 1 Corinthians 15 or 1 Thes. 4 indicate “saint” or “Saints” but if you look at 1 Thes. 3:13 which says, “…at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints” a different picture immerges that is consistent with Revelation 19:7-14. The “saints” will have participated in the Marriage of the Lamb and the Marriage supper of the Lamb, after which they ride behind Him as He returns to Earth in Power and Glory to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
    You mentioned before the doctrine of Immanency (I cheated, I had the advantage of spell check…) which I think answers the question you posed at about 14:52 minutes, the passage does not say when it will happen, but as I just pointed out, it is BEFORE Messiah returns on His white Horse. Based on your time scale of the “wrath of God” it also most happen before that in order that the Marriage of the Lamb can take place before He returns. (I think your question as to the RESURRECTION is misleading, however, there is a great deal of truth in the Trumpets, but the timing and purpose is the key. The note as to the hour and day is excellent, now couple it with what Messiah said in Luke’s account “look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” to which I ask again, to whom is Messiah speaking?). When you read the passage in 1 Thes. we do see an important clue…
    What say you of Paul’s testimony, “And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time, for the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming:” (2 Thes. 2:6-8). The picture is clear in Revelation 19:15-20 that the Beast will be the one Destroyed with the Brightness of Messiah’s coming. Additionally, Messiah told His disciples, “And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever;” “…the Comforter, the Holy Ghost (Spirit)” (John 14:16, 26) Is the one who is taken out of the way the Holy Spirit of God? And if so, how shall He leave His charge, (the Church to whom He is pledged forever), behind?
    What is the Hope we have in Christ? Doesn’t 1 Thessalonians say, “…Jesus which “DELIVERED” us from the wrath to come.” Delivered is past-tense, is it not? Is not God’s wrath poured out during the great tribulation? Or do you interpret eternal separation from God as wrath (which might be difficult in the light of the definition wherein judgment would be the best fit)?
    [Isaiah 60:8 - “Who are these that float like a cloud, like doves to their cotes?”
    Isaiah 60:22 - “The smallest shall become a clan; the least, a mighty nation. I the Lord will speed it in due time.”]
    DELIVERANCE = Ezekiel 14:22 cf., Zechariah 13:8-9 - Yes there will be a remnant of Israel, but the Church, the Bride of Christ, will be gone celebrating the Marriage of the Lamb, (Revelation 19:7-9), before the Return of Messiah, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, AMEN!!!
    We are looking not for the BEAST or the FALSE PROPHET, we are looking for our deliverance from the WRATH of God and the glorious MARRIAGE of the LAMB!!!
    Your knowledge and wisdom are noted and appreciated as you follow out in the Lord’s leading to feed the flock. An as a man of wisdom (Proverbs 9:9), I know you will not condemn where condemnation is not warranted. The eschatological endeavor is, as you well know, dependent upon a correct understanding of scripture at its heart in order to see the truth at the end. Christianity has its shortcomings, but thanks to the Holy Spirit and those who will not quench it, we have spiritual insight not afforded the rest of the population. But alas, the greatest teachers and theologians cannot come together on common ground, the Love of Messiah. We seem to be quick to judge brothers in Christ as heretics without affording them admonition and grace in our hearts “ready always to give an answer… with meekness and fear.”
    Thank you for your faithfulness and willingness to minister as Messiah has commanded. Thank you also for your time to review and discuss my questions and the questions of many others on this site ~ In Christ, Bill

    • @32czarnecki
      @32czarnecki 5 років тому

      Hi friend, if I may address your comment.... The book of rev fits perfectly with the rest of scripture proving a post trib rapture event, the wedding actually takes place on earth but we can get to that after this short study on the book of rev..... I hope this helps you get some clarity...Open your Bible and read Revelation 6:1-17 and you will see that the first six seals are opened, one right after the other, but there is no mention of the seventh seal being opened UNTIL Revelation chapter 8 and verse 1. So what is my point? I want to draw you attention to the fact that there is a gap or space of time between the opening of the sixth seal and the opening of the seventh seal.If you will take a closer look at the verses of scripture found in this gap, you will find that the rapture of the church has taken place between the opening of the sixth seal and the opening of the seventh seal. Take a look at Revelation 7:13,14, which says, "And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? And whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, you know. And he said unto me, These are they which CAME OUT of GREAT TRIBULATION, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."
      Now with all this in mind it should be obvious that the FIRST SIX SEALS are the GREAT TRIBULATION period, because we are given this information of those coming out of great tribulation right AFTER the first six seals are opened. Keep in mind that the seventh seal has NOT yet been opened. But before we look at the opening of the seventh seal I want you to CLOSELY examine Revelation 6:17, which is at the very end of the opening of the sixth seal.
      "For the great day of his (God’s) WRATH is come: and who SHALL be able to stand?"First I want you to notice the phrase "is come". The word "come" here is also translated as "coming". So in other words, God’s wrath is just about to take place at the opening of the SEVENTH seal. Also notice that the phrase "who SHALL be able to stand?" is in the future tense. This verse is literally saying that the WRATH of God is about to be poured out upon the ungodly and is asking the question who WILL be able to endure it? But BEFORE the wrath of God is poured out the Rapture of the church must take place, because we are not appointed to the wrath of God. This is exactly what takes place in Revelation chapter 7, which I already discussed briefly above using verses 13 and 14 of chapter 7. Now we will take a look at the opening of the seventh seal, which is the WRATH of God. The opening of the seventh seal takes place in Revelation 8:1 right AFTER we are told about the great multitude in heaven which no man could number which had come out of the GREAT TRIBULATION period and had washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb. Notice what Revelation 8:1 says, "And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was SILENCE in heaven about the space of an half hour." What do you suppose could have produced this great silence, especially after just reading about the great rejoicing in chapter seven? Have you ever noticed how quite a room gets when there is an outburst of anger? Have you ever been in a church service when the pastor is correcting or chastising the church body with righteous anger and experience the SILENCE? Well God’s WRATH, which is his righteous vengeance upon the sinners, will cause this silence in heaven. Clearly the wrath of God is something that must be executed, but God does not take pleasure in it. Look at Ezekiel 33:11, which says, "Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have NO PLEASURE in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his evil way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?" The Bible clearly teaches that God desires all men to be saved. 2 Peter 3:9 says it this way, "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise (the rapture or his coming again), as some men count slackness; but is long suffering to us-ward, NOT WILLING that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance." This is God’s ATTITUDE toward all of mankind. God desires all of mankind to be saved.Let’s quickly summarize what I have said thus far. First we have the opening of the first SIX seals, which is the GREAT TRIBULATION period. Then we have the rapture of the church taking place IMMEDIATELY AFTER this period of great tribulation. Again notice that the rapture of the church occurs in this gap after the opening of the first six seals, but BEFORE the opening of the seventh seal, which is the WRATH of God.

    • @32czarnecki
      @32czarnecki 5 років тому

      Finally we have the opening of the seventh seal, which is again the WRATH of God. In all of this I want you to notice three things: a pattern of 6, a gap or space of time, then comes 7 which you will see more clearly, as we continue to look at the blowing of the seven trumpets and the pouring out of the seven vials. Here is what I want you to associate with these three things: 1. the first 6 is equivalent to the GREAT TRIBULATION period. 2. the gap, or space between 6 and 7 is associated with the RAPTURE. 3. the 7th is clearly seen as the WRATH of God. Bear with me and follow what I am saying and the book of Revelation will begin to interpret itself for you. Open your Bible and read Revelation 8:6-13, which are the first four trumpets. Continue to read Revelation 9:1-21, which covers the blowing of the fifth and sixth trumpets. Again you will notice in these passages that the first six trumpets are blown one right after the other, but there is no mention of the blowing of the seventh and final or LAST trumpet. (remember the phrase AT the LAST TRUMP)Again we find another gap or space of time after the sixth trumpet is blown, but before the seventh trumpet is blown. The passage of scripture that covers this gap between the sixth and seventh trumpet is found in Revelation 10:1-11, and Revelation 11:1-15. Now we find in this passage of scripture a key verse that gives us a clue as to why there is a gap or space of time between the sixth and seventh trumpet. This key verse is Revelation 10:7 which says, "But in the days of the voice of the SEVENTH angel, when he shall BEGIN to sound, the MYSTERY of God should be finished, (accomplished or completed) as he has declared to his servants the prophets." Play close attention to the wording here. Notice that when the seventh trumpet BEGINS to sound, then the MYSTERY of God will be completed, that is accomplished or already finished. Now since there are only SEVEN trumpets mentioned here in Revelation, this would consequently mean that the seventh trumpet or trump is the LAST trumpet that shall sound.So what is the phrase "the MYSTERY of God" referring to in this verse of scripture in Revelation 7:10? The answer to this question is found in 1 Corinthians 15:51,52, which tells us this, "Behold I show you a MYSTERY; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.52. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, AT the LAST trump (trumpet, the 7th trumpet); for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." Now the phrase the mystery of God can also be found in Ephesians chapter 3 speaking of the Gentiles be added to the body of Christ along with Israel, however the focus of this study is not to thoroughly explain every meaning of the mystery of God, but rather to show the sound Biblical timing of the rapture of the church.The word “BEGIN” here means the initial setting in motion without reference to what follows, In other words, on the EXACT moment that the seventh trumpet BEGINS to sound, BEFORE any thing else happens or takes place, the MYSTERY of God, which is the RAPTURE of the church, should be finished or accomplished, that is it takes place. Let me explain it another way. The rapture of the church takes place immediately AFTER the blowing of the first six trumpets, which are blown during the GREAT TRIBULATION period. However, BEFORE the WRATH of God is poured out in the blowing of the SEVENTH trumpet, which is the final or LAST trumpet, the rapture of the church takes place. In other words, this MYSTERY of our CHANGE takes place. Also note that the word “AT” here in this phrase “AT the LAST TRUMP” means on the EXACT moment of the LAST trumpet. This coincides or harmonizes PERFECTLY with Revelation 10:7, which we read earlier, "But in the days of the voice of the SEVENTH angel (which is the seventh and LAST TRUMPET), when he shall BEGIN to sound (or AT the last trumpet), the MYSTERY (behold I show you a MYSTERY 1 Corinthians 15:51) of God should be finished." (in a moment and a TWINKLING of an eye). Now we will find that the sounding of the seventh and LAST trumpet in Revelation 11:15-19 to clearly be seen as the WRATH of God. "And the SEVENTH angel sounded…(verse 18) And the nations were angry, and your WRATH is come, and the time of the dead that they should be judged, and that you should give reward unto your prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear your name, small and great; and should destroy them which destroy the earth. 19. And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thundering, and a great earthquake, and great hail." However BEFORE the WRATH of God is poured out in Revelation 11:15-19 AT the sounding of the 7th and LAST trumpet, we can again see a description of the rapture of the church taking place back in verse 11 and 12, which says, "And after three days and a half (which is a literal 3 1/2 days, but may also be interpreted to mean the three and a half years of great tribulation) and the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon there feet (resurrected); and great fear fell upon them which saw them. 13. And they heard a GREAT VOICE from heaven saying unto them COME UP HITHER (This is a type or a description of the rapture of the church). And they ascended up to heaven in a CLOUD; and their enemies beheld them."

    • @32czarnecki
      @32czarnecki 5 років тому

      Let’s do a little review to show that this pattern of SIX, which is the great tribulation period, then the GAP, which is where the rapture of the church occurs, then comes SEVEN, which is when the wrath of God is poured out. We have now seen this pattern of three things in BOTH the seven seals AND the seven trumpets. So what does this mean? Well quite simply it means that the seven seals and the seven trumpets COINCIDE, that is, they both take place SIMULTANEOUSLY. The book of Revelation is written in an exploded view style. Let me explain what I mean by an exploded view style of writing. First we are shown the opening of the seven seals, which gives us a general over view of what takes place, somewhat like a big map. Then we are told of the blowing of the seven trumpets, which is a more detailed view of the seven seals, like when an exploded view of the map is shown to give GREATER DETAIL. Finally we are shown the pouring out of the seven vials, which is even a more exploded view of the seven trumpets, which are a magnification of the seven seals. In other words, the seven seals are magnified so that we can take a closer look. This magnification or exploded view is called or named the seven trumpets. Then this magnification of the seven seals, which is referred to as the seven trumpets is again exploded into a larger view so that we can see even more detail. This final magnification is called or named the seven vials. So in reality the seven seals, the seven trumpets, and the seven vials are all one and the same, that is to say, they all occur simultaneously. But NOT necessarily seal #1 coincides with trumpet #1 and so forth. Now let’s look at the seven vials to see if this pattern of six, a gap, then comes seven is present as well. Open your Bible and read Revelation 16:2-14 and you will see the pouring out of the first six vials, also called the seven last plagues. Again you will notice that they are poured out one right after the other. However the gap or space between they pouring out of the sixth and the seventh vial is not as large or as drastic as in the seven seals and the seven trumpets, but none the less the gap is still present. The gap is comprised of verses 15 and 16. Let’s take a look at Revelation 16:15,16 and see what takes place is this gap between the sixth vial and the seventh vial. “Behold, I come as a THIEF. Blessed is he that WATCHES, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.16. And he GATHERED them (those that were watching and keeping sin out of their lives) TOGETHER into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.” Again we can plainly see that the rapture has taken place between the sixth and seventh vial. The rapture of the church is described as Jesus coming as a THIEF. Look at 1 Thessalonians 5:2, which says, “For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord comes as a THIEF in the night.” The rapture of the church is also described as the GATHERING of the saints TOGETHER. Look at 2 Thessalonians 2:1. “Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our GATHERING TOGETHER unto him.” And finally the Bible teaches us that the rapture of the church is something that we are to WATCH for and to be ready by keeping sin out of our lives. Look at Revelation 3:3, which says, “Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and HOLD FAST, and REPENT. IF therefore you shall NOT WATCH, I WILL come on YOU as a THIEF, and you shalt not know what hour I will come upon you.” Yes verse 15 and 16 is yet another description of the rapture of the church. It is the fifth of seven such types or descriptions of the rapture that are found in the book of Revelation alone. Continuing in verse 17 we read, “And the SEVENTH angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a GREAT VOICE out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, IT IS DONE.” What is DONE (or finished)? The MYSTERY of God is FINISHED. The mystery of, “We shall not all sleep (die)”, (that is say, there will be some saints or believers who are alive and remain at the coming of the Lord and did not die or sleep,) “but we shall all be changed.” We shall all be given immortal bodies at the time of the rapture, and then we will all be GATHERED TOGETHER, to a place called Armageddon to execute judgment upon the ungodly.It is THEN, only AFTER the rapture or mystery of God is finished that the WRATH of God is poured out when the SEVENTH vial is poured out, because the church is NOT appointed to the wrath of God. Look at verses 18-21 and you will again see that the SEVENTH is the WRATH of God. “And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. 19. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came into remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the FIERCENESS of his WRATH. 20. And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. 21. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceedingly great.” Jesus is coming again as a thief in the night to execute judgment or wrath upon the ungodly. However, just prior to the pouring out of God’s wrath, there will be a resurrection of the dead in Christ FIRST, and then we which are alive and remain, that is have survived and REMAINED ALIVE through the great tribulation period, will be CHANGED in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, TOGETHER with the now newly resurrected saints of God, those that sleep in Jesus, the dead in Christ. This event is called the RAPTURE of the church. The SECOND COMING of Jesus and the RAPTURE of the church are ONE and the SAME event. It is at this time that we are caught up together to meet our Lord in the air. All the saints of God who have kept their garment free from sin will ascend into the clouds to meet with Jesus, and then we will ALL be GATHERED TOGETHER to the place in the Hebrew tongue called Armageddon to execute judgment upon the ungodly along with Jesus.Look at Revelation 18:6, then verse 4. “Reward her even as she rewarded you and DOUBLE unto her DOUBLE according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her DOUBLE.” This is a description of the WRATH of God that the saints of God are told to administer, so to speak, but AGAIN just prior to this pouring out of God’s wrath we see yet another description or type of the rapture of the church. Now read verse 4, which says, “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, COME OUT of her my people, that you be NOT partakers (not appointed to wrath) of her sins, and that YOU receive NOT of her plagues.”

    • @32czarnecki
      @32czarnecki 5 років тому

      Concerning the Lord’s visible, physical return, the apostle Paul tells us, “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then WE which are alive and REMAIN shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet* ( Greek- apantesiς/ apantesis) the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” [1 Thessalonians 4:16-17]The Greek word for “meet” used above, apantesis, is a very precise, and very unusual word. The sense is of “a going forth by a group of people to escort an arriver back into the city or the dwelling from which they had just come”, as the people of a city would go out to greet a returning victorious general or king. This particular word only appears in three other places in the entire New Testament: 1.) twice, in the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, a group who waited to go out and greet the bridegroom and then to escort him back to his dwelling place, back to the place from where they had just come [Matthew 25:1-12]; and, 2.) once, in Acts of the Apostles [Acts 28:14-15], which describes a group of people coming out from Rome to meet Paul and then escorting him back to Rome, from where they had just come! “Where we found brethren, and were desired to tarry with them seven days: and so we went toward Rome. And from thence, when the brethren heard of us, they came to meet (apantesiς) us as far as Appii forum, and the three taverns: whom when Paul saw, he thanked God, and took courage.” ALL of these cases clearly describe a GROUP of people GOING OUT to meet an INDIVIDUAL, and then shortly escorting HIM back to the place from which THEY had just come. IF we truly are Biblical literalists (as all Dispensationalists claim to be) we will understand that in the actual Rapture of the Church which is prophesied, when Christ comes, believers will be caught up to meet (apantesis) him in the air, and then to soon return WITH the Lord to the earth, but not in any predictable or specified amount of human time. All of which is IMPOSSIBLE with a pre-Trib/mid-Trib rapture of the Church, but ALL of which fits a post-Trib scenario perfectly.Since Paul says that, at the Rapture of the Church, we will meet the Lord Yeshua in the air and then immediately return with him to the earth, what does this do to the pre-Trib/mid-Trib theories which are the eschatological cornerstones of so many Laodicean churches today?

    • @brittrich7367
      @brittrich7367 4 роки тому

      @@russbell9572 you literally just copy and paste. I'm guessing to sound smart. It's sad.

  • @cassieanthony6383
    @cassieanthony6383 Рік тому +1

    I once heard someone say, “some people are pre trib, some are mid trib, some are post trib. I’m pan trib… believe in God and it’ll all pan out”

  • @bzwosky4348
    @bzwosky4348 5 років тому +4

    I found it interesting to learn about the Post Tribulation rapture position. I still don't agree with it though. He did get a few things wrong about the Pre tribulation position though. Persecution has been happening since the time the apostles were on the earth, and I fully expect to be persecuted. Also, many of us Pre tribbers look to the Feast of Trumpets as well, and a lot of us do not go running around saying that Jesus will return on x day, but his imminent return really does motivate me to share the gospel more. I really liked his description of what he thought our new bodies might be like. I agree with Michael Bailey on this in the sense that this is not a salvation issue, as this is not core doctrine.

    • @MrWarrior4yeshua
      @MrWarrior4yeshua 4 роки тому

      The scripture is clear the is no such thing. II Thessalonians 2:1-3 KJV states: "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Yahweh Yahshua Messiah, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Messiah is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a 'falling' away first, 'and' that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;"
      The word 'and' is a conjunction, so the falling away is in conjunction with the man of sin, the son of perdition, being revealed. This 'Falling away' is described in Revelation chapter 12. The rebellion, is not only on earth, but as we see in Revelation 12, it is in heaven too. This war in heaven, where the accuser of the brethren is cast out for good, no longer able to stand before Yahweh and accuse us, I believe began on September 23rd 2017, when the women clothed in the sun with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown twelve stars,and she travailed to give birth to a man child.
      This did occur over Israel, whether it means anything or not. Interestingly, this sign will again happen in 2024... but this time Draco the Dragon (Satan) is in a different position? It took Gabriel, after he called on Michael for help, twenty one days to get through to Daniel, as Satan withstood them. When all of Satans angels fight, and Michael and his angels fight.. that war very well could last seven years. It will end in April 2024. Even more interestingly, the two 'Great American Eclipses' are also, 2017 and 2024. 2024 springs is smack dab in the middle. These two eclipses X out the USA (see Jeremiah chapters 49-52).
      II Thessalonians 2:7 (KJV) states, " For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way." Therefore we now know what letteth, withholds or hinders is Satan is still operating at the throne of YAHWEH accusing us and has not been kicked out yet. There is that word 'revealed' again... to be revealed in his time. The appointed time, when Yahweh boots the Devil out. Notice the word in verse seven, until he be 'taken' out of the 'way'. The word 'taken' means, "to become generate into being".. that would be Satan, when he falls to earth into a body of a man (the Anti-Messiah). The word 'way' means middle. When the falling away takes place, Satan is no longer in the way or middle... the hindering is over. That is the end of the rapture lie period.
      We know what Revelation 12 says about when he lands on earth, and is generated into being in a human body, he is wroth! Revelation 12:7-9 KJV. " And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." There are not two separate trumpets or two comings of Yahweh Yahshua. yeshuayahweh.com/blog/f/the-heresy-false-rapture-teaching

    • @bzwosky4348
      @bzwosky4348 4 роки тому

      @@MrWarrior4yeshua I am not sure if you are saying that there's no rapture , no pre-trib rapture or no post-trib rapture. Either way the rapture is in the bible as the Greek word harpazo. Harpazo means to be caught up into the air, and when translated into Latin is the word rapturo - rapture. Remember that scripture also says that we will not know the day or the hour in Matt 24: 36. Not even Jesus himself knows the timing of the rapture, as he clearly states in this verse. Then we also have the promise, from Jesus himself in Revelation 3:10, that we will be kept from the hour of trial that will come upon the whole earth. Also, the demon fighting with Gabriel in the book of Daniel is known as the Prince of Persia. It doesn't say that it was Satan himself, and we do know that Satan isn't the only one who was cast out of heaven, as all those who followed him were also cast out. The verse you refer to from 2 Thessalonians about the restrainer, when read in the context of the surrounding passages, clearly refers to the Holy Spirit and not Satan. It is the Holy Spirit that restrains demonic activity. It is the Holy Spirit that draws people to Christ, and the Holy Spirit prevents the plans of Satan and the revealing of the Anti-Christ until the Holy Spirit is taken out of the way.

  • @scotianprince
    @scotianprince 5 років тому +56

    One problem I see with this presentation is that he confuses the Rapture with the Second Coming, and there are many differences between the two. One of them is that the saints are caught up to the Lord, and in the Second Coming, they come BACK with the Lord. One cannot come back if they haven't yet gone up. Furthermore, this brother misquotes I Thess. 4: 17 by saying those who "remain dead" are caught up, thereby twisting "we which are alive and remain", vs. 15, 17. The Bible doesn't say "we who remain dead", it says just the opposite! Furthermore, to say that the Bride of Christ must go through the horrors of the Time of Jacob's Troubles is to say that Yeshua's work on Calvary's cross was not sufficient, and that He's a wife-beater! Please let me explain...
    Ephesians 5: 27 says Christ is coming for a bride that is spotless and without wrinkle; that's not possible after enduring the rigors of Jacob's time of troubles, where this brother places the Church.
    I don't know of a single man who would or could enjoy watching his badly beaten up, bloodied, and bruised beloved bride walking down the aisle to meet him. If he's this mean and brutal toward her before the marriage, what is he going to be like afterwards? Why would she want to marry Him in the first place? After all, she's already been badly beaten up in the world and by the world. That sure doesn't paint a truthful picture of the Yeshua I know from Holy Scripture. To have to come through the horrors of this time period as claimed in this video is Christ doing just that! He's giving us a sneak picture of His wife-beating character that I don't believe is possible, godly, or truthful! Hence, the pre-trib. position.
    To be a "pre-tribber" as I am, in no way makes me of the replacement theology camp, as presented here! The Church is grafted into Israel, as Apostle Paul said.
    As the spiritual climate darkens around us, many pre-tribbers are losing faith and trust in God, and are sliding into this erroneous mid-trib position. That's fine with me, if you believe God is anxious to pound the snot out of you, but it's not biblically accurate. We teach that there is indeed a second resurrection, wherein the Tribulation saints are resurrected after the rapture. Either way, it's not a salvation issue, nor should it be fodder for a hateful argument. If all the ducks don't line up in a row, as they do for the pre-trib rapture position, then the hunt isn't ready to proceed. It's time to re-evaluate rather than to head out.
    What I'm seeing in this video presentation is Seventh Day Adventism theology at work here. I'm very disappointed to have wasted my time watching a very convincing but less theologically prepared presentation. Amir Tsarfati (Behold Israel) is an well-spoken and scholarly Messianic Jew who presents an entirely different picture, that aligns with Scripture, without having to twist it to present a biblical truth. I recommend all reading this post to check him out!

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 5 років тому +4


    • @sketchbook1
      @sketchbook1 5 років тому +2

      The historical understanding, for centuries before the 1800s, was that the Rapture was at the Return. This fits both Matthew 24 and all of the verses in 1 and 2 Thes. (and when understood together, they fit with the "Rapture verse" of 1 Thes 4).
      For example, though 1 Thes 4 doesn't give a time line, 2 Thess 1 does:
      "All this is evidence that God’s judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering. God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed. This includes you, because you believed our testimony to you."
      It says "This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus." and it also says it will happen on the same day as meeting us: "... on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed. This includes you, because you believed our testimony to you." ,

    • @draybonyun4938
      @draybonyun4938 5 років тому +3

      You're absolutely right, our Salvation was bought for us, by the shed blood of Jesus Christ, and God is not about to subject his new body(us) to the same horrific treatment as Jesus's original fleshly body!
      *God's word is clear* that the message of salvation, is to accept Christ as *"your savior"* , not , save yourself by refusing the mark of the beast in light of the fact that they may even torture your children in front of you to persuade
      you{good luck with that one), and how can everyone who has lived get their chance to refuse the mark to
      *earn their own way into Heaven(which is completely unscriptural to begin with)* ?

    • @sketchbook1
      @sketchbook1 5 років тому +1

      Dray Bonyun no one ever said it was about earning your way, whether in the Tribulation or not.

    • @draybonyun4938
      @draybonyun4938 5 років тому +2

      @@sketchbook1 It will be a time of unimaginable evil on a level the world has never seen before, and the people dwelling on earth at this time will be forced to take the mark, if, they dont have the courage to admit their faith in Christ , and quite possibly, have to watch their children abused and murdered first in front of their eyes, because if they don't have the courage, they know God will not keep his promise to save their soul based solely on the accomplishment of his son Jesus Christ, because now the message of salvation
      has changed apparently for the people living at the time of the tribulation according to post-trib believers, and now we have to refuse the mark of the beast even when our loved ones including our children, are being tortured and murdered right in front of us!
      Realisticly, thats a test that even the best and most sincere christian mothers would fail, and therefore lose the salvation Christ promised them for reasons that had no mention of refusing The mark, or any kind of mark, that *should anyone recieve it,* they will be tossed into the lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels,
      God is very clear about that!
      If they do dig up enough courage to refuse the mark in order for them and their children not to be sent to
      Hell when the time comes, even in light of having to be tortured and murdered if they don't take the mark
      after professing their faith,....then they will have earned their salvation themselves!
      And thats likely what will happen after the age of grace is finished, and the *new christians* existing on earth after The Rapture has taken place, have missed *THE FREE GIFT you don't have to earn* part of the Salvation
      God is not going to subject his beloved sons new body to anymore vial torture and death, Christ already
      allowed his first body to endure that so his new body{us) wouldn't have to during the time....of Jacobs trouble, and his fathers *second wrath* on mankind !
      God's first wrath on mankind was preceded by the departure of the righteous who did not wait till it was too late to accept the truth!
      123 45 6 789
      123 + 666 = 789
      6 x 6 x 6 = 2 1 6
      666 - 216 = 450{Noah's Ark God wanted us to know, was 450 ft. long

  • @russelljones2305
    @russelljones2305 4 роки тому

    Excellent presentation and Biblically sound.

  • @michaelbonanno9491
    @michaelbonanno9491 5 місяців тому

    This guy is out there. He really proved the point when he spoke about how your body will change after resurrection. Where in the Bible does it talk about that....WOW.

  • @wbdangelos8393
    @wbdangelos8393 5 років тому +4

    Of those commenting here, has anyone ever studied the history of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in AD70?

    • @kenfredrick7658
      @kenfredrick7658 5 років тому +4

      WB: Jesus used Titus to fulfill a "judgment coming" on 1st century Judaism. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the OT. Biblical Judaism came to an end in 70 AD -- no more temple, no more priests, no more Sanhedrin, no more city. The church is NT spiritual Israel, praise God!

    • @wbdangelos8393
      @wbdangelos8393 5 років тому +1

      @@kenfredrick7658 -- Amen.

    • @BertGraef
      @BertGraef 5 років тому +2

      no, these people are are too bewitched by the sorcery of modern Jewery and think that political Zionism today is the Israel of scripture.

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 5 років тому +2

      @David Moshe old boy, aka Dave's Mosh Pit, you're ineptness is reaching unacceptable levels as you are incessantly displaying your idiocy for all the world to see. Now, you have surely revealed the enormity of your biblical illiteracy as the public is well aware of your intimate acquaintance with error, but you really must curtail your incessant foundering and caterwauling before you are totally and inescapably chagrined. 😂😮

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 5 років тому +2

      @David Moshe old boy, aka Dave's Mosh Pit, it's time for you to breathe deeply and relax, since embracing an erroneous and bizarre eschatological view takes a lot out of you. Okay, we have already established you are obviously very confused and eschatologically challenged, but that is just par for the course for all hard-shell pre-tribulation Rapture detractors. I have an excellent suggestion for you: read and study the Bible (I'm assuming you actually do read and study the Bible, but I am beginning to have my doubts) using correct hermeneutics and thus you will begin to alleviate your incessant floundering and caterwauling 😂😮

  • @CoopDaVill93
    @CoopDaVill93 4 роки тому +15

    PreTrib Rapture 🙏

    • @beareble-lion4446
      @beareble-lion4446 3 роки тому +4

      Maybe but what if it's not? I mean if I as a post tribulation believer am worng no harm things go way better than I thought. If you are worng you will likely take the mark telling yourself well no rapture has happened yet so I'm good. Or you could lose faith because your world view is so off. Please be prepared to endure too the end. Better safe than sry.

    • @henryottis295
      @henryottis295 3 роки тому

      I totally agree with you.
      The same people expecting to get raptured will lose faith.
      They will doubt God and be wholly unprepared for what lies ahead.
      It's escapism at its finest.
      Also known as wishful thinking.....

    • @henryottis295
      @henryottis295 3 роки тому

      Jesus said : You will have tribulation.

    • @russbell9572
      @russbell9572 3 роки тому +1

      @@henryottis295old boy is ever always prophetically confused and eschatologically challenged 😉

    • @henryottis295
      @henryottis295 3 роки тому

      We will see, won't we.

  • @phillipians4883
    @phillipians4883 4 роки тому +1

    The saints of 1 Thessalonians 4:17, on the other hand, rise to meet the Lord in the air. (We’ll cover more on this point in the next article in this series.)

  • @easttexan2933
    @easttexan2933 9 місяців тому

    Wonderful teaching of this.