@@bonzwah1 Nah it's the Q. The extra damage on Q is insane burst even now. The attack speed is just a cherry on top but if the item was removed of attack speed it can still be good
@maccajoe my point is that its now clearly the most optimal item in all situations. whereas before, you had to adapt your play style to take advantage of the item and therefore only this guy was taking the item
@@agamingboi2343 meh, I feel like that's a ridiculous claim, but I can't really prove it without riot actually going ahead and removing attack speed from triforce and seeing if garens continue to build it lol. the thing is, garen is a mediocre user of the spell blade passive. he doesn't apply it that many times during a fight compared to others. if all you wanted to do was burst hard with q, then you would get much more burst buying infinity edge or hell, even essence reaver if you still wanted the cdr. it is very much the attack speed and synergy with both e and q that makes triforce strong. if it was just about q, no one would buy triforce. even back then, before the e scaling with attack speed, the attack speed was important for split pushing and also for extended trades before with a rank 1 e you will still be doing a lot of auto attacking.
You have a point, however, in all competitive gaming platforms, there are usually persons who become so adept with a "lower tier" champion that they gain enough insight and match-up knowledge via thousands of games of practice etc that they are able to hold their own. League is no different with one tricks constantly making higher elo divisions with one champ eg. Rohammers (Tryndamere) Professor Akali (Akali) Sirchez (Nasus) Trick2g (Udyr/Voli) just to name a few. Whether the champion is meta or not they are so good with the individual champions that they climb regardless.
NadVic17 If you know risti personally, you'd know that rist always loves a challenge. Hes always been the kind of person to play RPGs with self emposed restrictions to make the game more difficult.
XBOXMOON partingty he could, why should he play another champ he doesn't like just get higher.. you should be able to get as high as possible with ANY champ period. The fact that you can't shows where Riot is lacking in character balancing as whole. They only buff and Nerf what's popular. They don't do EVERY champ because that would require more work and it's EASIER to do the popular route rather than make every champ optimal in some way.
I disagree. If you play an easy champ you dont deserve to climb as high as someone who plays or more difficult champ, now matter how much you master the easy champ. That's what these champs were designed to do, dominate unskilled players, which is why they will remain in those elos, with exceptions like this guy.
its the time when the bot realize top lane fucked up again and the jungler and the top arguing about who fed into the first surrender vote! what helps supporting them into getting a kill so they shut up and think they are the greatest lol
If you listened to what he said before hand it would let you know he is talking about low elo and that’s typically what’s going on is 1 person carries the game while the rest of the team has no coordination whatsoever
As a Garen main, it helps that he is pretty open ended in play-focus and build path. Being a bruiser there's so many items Garen can take seeing as he needs both tank and damage items. Also, having no blinks or dashes in his kit makes target acquisition a much bigger priority (compared to people like Ren or Riven). If you're facing Ez or Vayne I can see the need for Glacial or Predator to get in the fray and delete those champs (usually with a Trin force for chunky q). If top is Nasus, support is Naut and Jungle is Hec..you may need to go Black Cleaver. There's also the argument of build for lane or build for the game. Garen can usually, with perseverance, farm safely under tower no matter what match ups, but if you can actually get on top of those Teemo's you can kill them whenever ult is off cooldown. There's just a lot of arguments you could make. He never even went into the Precision tree where you have Coup de Grace (8% dmg to champs under 40%..big Ult damage) and LEGEND: Tenacity..both sound great on Garen as well. You have to constantly evolve to the situations.
@M A Has to be the stupidest comment I've read do some research before you talk most players in any competitive game have mental skill caps that don't allow them to improve past a certain point without coaching hell I will even out myself and friends been playing since season 3 and have easily over 5k games played and I am capped at plat. Played starcraft had the same issue capped at low platinum. For some of my friends who started and still played they couldn't even get out of gold with a similar number of games played. look at players in op.gg when you are playing you will find a lot players who have tons of games played and played for years but wound up in the exact same Elo as previous years.
@@ImNot sooo uhhh. I play in the PH server, where 90% of the players dont have their own PC and just rent them. and almost all the time instead of focusing on the game they flirt with their girlfriends with their cringy pickup lines OR go watch youtube and completely forget that ur in a game.
-Makes a video saying that there is NO BRAINDEAD champions, using Garen as Core examplo -Makes a new video calling Garen a BRAINDEAD Champion. DONG PLEASE?!
I really like these kind of videos. These not only show you GARENNN!!! But also show you how to think outside of the box, which applies to every single champion. Very useful
@@mariosvan1766 Yeah, And the spellblade effect on trinity is amazing with garen q, vayne doesn't use any of the ap that rageblade procs so it's a good comparison.
I laughed at first, but I took 6 years off. I didn't realize Sheen didn't give AP anymore. Now that more people run non-tank/threats as supports (ie brand) or non-tanks anywhere else..TF is pretty solid on Garen because the upgraded sheen passive is so economical even with you throwing away the gold for the Mana.
When I first saw this video I thought to myself: "This guy is so adaptive, just look at the diversity in his keystone runes." Present day: Conqueror every single game, no matter the role, nor the matchup.
I've talked to Riste on discord, been subbed to his youtube and twitch both for well over 3 years. This guy is amazing, on a not so amazing champion. It's really impressive.
honestly? this just makes me think why you should waste 1500 games on a champion that even if mastered only shows this much skill and learning potential. sounds kinda sad. and what's even worse is that it seems to at least kinda work for him, meaning that skill in lol isn't really about having skill at all, but just picking braindead shit like tanks, darius and garen.
Most of this information was givin to the Garen community years ago when MarineRevenge hit masters with Garen. He always maxed q and built triforce or ie/shiv . Sad to see new players get all the credit for inventing this play style when marine was doing it in Masters 3 seasons ago.
It feels like ppl forgot how two play garen after 3 years. When I started playing this game (in season4) a friend teached me Garen for solo laning first. He said that Garen is mostly played as Tank but you can build some mixed items for a better splitpush. This friend teached me alot. We also discussed what I should max first and came to the conclusion E max gives you nothing but a slightly better wave clear (remember that was before the rework) the E itself got better with your champion lvl adding more spins and now I'm here watching videos about Garen just to see how much happened in those years that there are alot of new players. I stopped the video at 4:14 just to say the above and I wanted to add that the ghostblade has an active which wasn't even considered for one second. Continuing the video now. I should sleep and so should you happy new year! Peace
Omg Ristiu That guy was famous for his honor videos telling people to be honorable and showing how to get a ribbon in old system. I miss this guy, ty for the video
I've been a Garen main since mid way season 3, interesting to see things brought up that I've been doing for years, such as spell blade abuse and regen beads. I'm a little surprised that he didn't mention all the auto cancels that Garen can abuse and also the power of celerity on a Garen Q max. However his item building is great, highly recommend checking out his stream to learn to build items and understand how builds adapt. I think its safe to say in higher elo Garen players are definitely not brain dead and I'm very glad to see some light shed on that note.
Hey, so I just found this video and I want to check out this guy’s stream, was it deleted? The link doesn’t work and I can’t find him when I search Risti on twitch
Wow this video is ancient. I'm just here because someone mentioned this video in his stream today. Everyone now buys triforce on Garen, nice to see how the community has changed :D Riste is an influence to us all. For Demacia!
My friends always questioned my Predator garen, and they laughed at me for thinking about garen as an assasin. Now i see that my thinking was really good
Depends on the match up. Grasp isn't good against someone like fiora or Darius. People you don't want extended trades with. Obviously you can't use it against something like Gnar/Kennen and laning against aatrox with grasp telegraphs your entire start. Making it easy for aatrox to land his q's on you.
Garen doesn't really need grasp and he doesn't really have much power pre 6 (at plat+) most of the time. Garen is a slow, abusable champ, that's why good Garen player takes a utility(movespeed or slow) rune on Garen at least the majority of the time. He's like Volibear in that regard, no dashes; only ms. Needs to do something to stay on top of people.
I have a 59% win rate on Garen in Diamond(na.op.gg/summoner/userName=FeelinTheAster) and I always take grasp unless I'm in a ranged match up/against fiora. Garen is very strong pre 6 and I win a majority of my games because people think otherwise. If you really want Garen to work top lane, you need to know what runes to take when/what to build depending on the match. Garen is not abuseable imo since his passive+second wind recovers a large portion of hp early on.
im lpaying lol for 7 years and garen always was and is till this day my 1# champion and i always did play him like this guy ,i maxed Q i didn't go the traditional way :D oh boy
It was never a secret, people were just refusing to acknowledge that it's a great item for Garen because ''hurrdurr me tanky, me shred armour with cleaver and E passive''
I think I need to add more on the spin to win part. Every since Garen's E scales with champion level as well as skill level, maxing E skill level becomes not rewarding as before and maxing Q simply deals more damage. When trading on lane Garen sometimes deactivates his E and get back to prevent agro of enemy minions while he almost always lands his Q first so the damage of his Q is fully applied. Apart from damage, maxing Q also increases the duration of the movement speed buff of his Q and the duration he can hold his lightened blade before he silences others. Maxing E doesn't have other buffs. And of course, to not push the minion wave is also a factor.
Fun fact: Risti used to be called ristiuMMask and he is one of the main reasons me and a lot of other players got the honor crests under the old system. I am very happy to know he got to Masters. Keep it up!
First game I tried this strategy I had to lane against a GP. Gave him lvl 1 FB lol... Ended up carrying hard late. That fake spin for CS into Q trade is fucking amazing. Great vid keep it up!
I played strictly Garen pretty much my whole career since pre season 1. That was never a popular or good Garen build. If you wanna talk Season 1 you can at least mention stacking the sunfires.
Jubez 187 where is the force of nature? Don’t you wanna see his hp keep popping up in front of your enemy to show how superior your health regeneration compares to their filthy low damage?
I love garen because he’s a lot more mobile than you think. He may not have a blink/dash gap closer but his Q is awesome. It speeds you up when you proc it and it speeds you up when you land it, paired with the movement speed from triforce or cleaver and deadmans you’re just constantly sprinting around your enemies and it feels super fluid.
*Hey Dong Huap* , you probably wont read this, but I just wanted to say you are an amazing UA-camr and you create amazing content. Your videos always make me laugh when I'm upset, or enjoy when Im with my friends, and I have learnt so much from you not only about league, but about so many other things in life. I wanted to thank you for everything over these past years. Your channel is so underrated, and I believe you deserve at least 3 million subs. Also, if you cant start streaming again, please at least make more videos! I am still just a student so I don't have money, but I promise to support you however else I can! Keep up the amazing work !!! :)
'This video helped me out a ton. I always thought that Garen was a good champion to learn the basics. I've been stuck high gold low plat level for while now. This is what I needed to push me further. Thanks to playing champs like Garen, I learned to rely on skills that exist across all the champions I play. I checked the map more before over extending, I became less dependent on warding and more so on intuition. The flow of the game was much easier to read and understand thanks to it.
Finally, another Garen player who understands that Tri-Force is not a useless item on Garen. The mana is barely being wasted, as it's only 250. All the other stats and passives make the item worth purchasing. I often combine it with Black Cleaver and a full tank build for any Garen games that I play.
Who knew it was possible to have stable mental health I like how people pretend like raging and tilting are inevitable results of playing league because of teammates/balance team just dont have mental health issues 4Head
@@walrus9999 it's a joke man. I never rage either. The very worst thing I might do is Facepalm when I die during a 50 minute Elder fight and listen to my team get slaughtered.
Your channel was once about information that would be useful to all players, dealing with op champs, playing from behind, lane control, wards, tower vs kills, tilting, teamwork, and especially terms. I remember your videos about toxicity and how there are no braindead champs.
I just wanted to make the viewers aware, he is building Bamis Cinder in order to activate phase rush. It takes 3 individual attacks to activate, so the area damage counts as one. This negates the need for the awkward auto attack between q and e. Don't just build cinder for wave clear, it will ruin your creep control.
This video literally made my day. ITS LITERALLY everything i said to everyone and someone understands me. Looking forward to be on the top with the mastery on garen, my first main champ to the end. And everything i had speculated and said to others was in this video so instead of talking it out on others why not show this. The only difference to him to me is runes. I take darvest everygame
You forgot about pianta which won a match in masters where the enemy team was having 10k gold advantage while his team had swain adc zilean supp with teleport and zed jg.
"Garen has no escapes" The hell do you mean? Whenever I am close to killing him, he can just use the speed boost from his Q and his W defense to escape, even if I use flash, he can just run.
I use to main garen.... easy to climb on low elo but right now everyone is playing him or banning him.... soo sad now i can't play him. Please don't play garen its noob champ no skills braindead no fun... don't play garen guys
I've always maxed Q but for a much simpler reason. Short trades tend to go better than long trades so being able to get in that quick hit and get out usually feels like a better deal.
Shouting demacia while you attack doubles your damage
Wow it works i got out of gold in a day! !
Im silver 4 already ty m8
*sylas wants to know your location*
Shouting noxus actually roots you
Scream it
Kira dont kill me pls.
I know u got ur death note
This man saw into the future by building tri force on garen
Iceman Albert pretty sure he is the reason people build trinity on garen
@@kimboyAQ im pretty sure garen e didnt scale with attack speed back then. I think now triforce is meta cuz the attack speed affects e
@@bonzwah1 Nah it's the Q. The extra damage on Q is insane burst even now. The attack speed is just a cherry on top but if the item was removed of attack speed it can still be good
@maccajoe my point is that its now clearly the most optimal item in all situations. whereas before, you had to adapt your play style to take advantage of the item and therefore only this guy was taking the item
@@agamingboi2343 meh, I feel like that's a ridiculous claim, but I can't really prove it without riot actually going ahead and removing attack speed from triforce and seeing if garens continue to build it lol.
the thing is, garen is a mediocre user of the spell blade passive. he doesn't apply it that many times during a fight compared to others. if all you wanted to do was burst hard with q, then you would get much more burst buying infinity edge or hell, even essence reaver if you still wanted the cdr.
it is very much the attack speed and synergy with both e and q that makes triforce strong. if it was just about q, no one would buy triforce.
even back then, before the e scaling with attack speed, the attack speed was important for split pushing and also for extended trades before with a rank 1 e you will still be doing a lot of auto attacking.
Honestly, just his reasoning and detail of his tactics make me know he deserves to be Master with Garen.
You have a point, however, in all competitive gaming platforms, there are usually persons who become so adept with a "lower tier" champion that they gain enough insight and match-up knowledge via thousands of games of practice etc that they are able to hold their own. League is no different with one tricks constantly making higher elo divisions with one champ eg. Rohammers (Tryndamere) Professor Akali (Akali) Sirchez (Nasus) Trick2g (Udyr/Voli) just to name a few. Whether the champion is meta or not they are so good with the individual champions that they climb regardless.
Yeah..but imagine if he used his inherent skill and game knowledge with a high skill ceiling champ...he could get high challenger easily.
NadVic17 If you know risti personally, you'd know that rist always loves a challenge. Hes always been the kind of person to play RPGs with self emposed restrictions to make the game more difficult.
XBOXMOON partingty he could, why should he play another champ he doesn't like just get higher.. you should be able to get as high as possible with ANY champ period. The fact that you can't shows where Riot is lacking in character balancing as whole. They only buff and Nerf what's popular. They don't do EVERY champ because that would require more work and it's EASIER to do the popular route rather than make every champ optimal in some way.
I disagree. If you play an easy champ you dont deserve to climb as high as someone who plays or more difficult champ, now matter how much you master the easy champ. That's what these champs were designed to do, dominate unskilled players, which is why they will remain in those elos, with exceptions like this guy.
"This game is all about flipping the enemy's house over in 10 minutes." Spot on.
its the time when the bot realize top lane fucked up again and the jungler and the top arguing about who fed into the first surrender vote! what helps supporting them into getting a kill so they shut up and think they are the greatest lol
Esspecially in lower elo's, like till diamond. Once the team starts talking trash and blaming, tilting or giving up, its done.
If you listened to what he said before hand it would let you know he is talking about low elo and that’s typically what’s going on is 1 person carries the game while the rest of the team has no coordination whatsoever
he said in low elo
@@domse16 Somehow won a game despite nearly entire team trash talking each other. fk lol.
I didn't know Jimmy Fallon played League
Because he's unfunny?
I thought the same thing lmao. Jimmy Fallon does game so had to double check once I saw Risti’s face.
Wait why
More like Seth MacFarlane
Jarl Balgruuf .
Wait... you're telling me that you max e first on garen?
Holy I've been maxing q for 2 years now
Sooo true i only max e against teemo and jax and a couple others who just deny my q
? I think you switched the abilities.
Forgot how old 5his vid is
This takes extensive research, props to the garen main who figured this out.
As a Garen main, it helps that he is pretty open ended in play-focus and build path. Being a bruiser there's so many items Garen can take seeing as he needs both tank and damage items. Also, having no blinks or dashes in his kit makes target acquisition a much bigger priority (compared to people like Ren or Riven). If you're facing Ez or Vayne I can see the need for Glacial or Predator to get in the fray and delete those champs (usually with a Trin force for chunky q). If top is Nasus, support is Naut and Jungle is Hec..you may need to go Black Cleaver. There's also the argument of build for lane or build for the game. Garen can usually, with perseverance, farm safely under tower no matter what match ups, but if you can actually get on top of those Teemo's you can kill them whenever ult is off cooldown. There's just a lot of arguments you could make. He never even went into the Precision tree where you have Coup de Grace (8% dmg to champs under 40%..big Ult damage) and LEGEND: Tenacity..both sound great on Garen as well. You have to constantly evolve to the situations.
I wonder, what would happen if these people would pick up real champions. Would they be even better or not?
So, either I spin 2 win or q to nuke
did you just lmao your own comment?
@@Zogixaas09 exposed
@M A Has to be the stupidest comment I've read do some research before you talk most players in any competitive game have mental skill caps that don't allow them to improve past a certain point without coaching hell I will even out myself and friends been playing since season 3 and have easily over 5k games played and I am capped at plat. Played starcraft had the same issue capped at low platinum. For some of my friends who started and still played they couldn't even get out of gold with a similar number of games played. look at players in op.gg when you are playing you will find a lot players who have tons of games played and played for years but wound up in the exact same Elo as previous years.
@@MrDanielharry1988 wat
"Unlike in silver where somebody is probably checking Facebook"
*That hit me*
Why would u check facebook in a ranked game?
@@ImNot sooo uhhh.
I play in the PH server, where 90% of the players dont have their own PC and just rent them.
and almost all the time instead of focusing on the game they flirt with their girlfriends with their cringy pickup lines
go watch youtube and completely forget that ur in a game.
@@Seopy woah wtf. Comment is 1 year ago and u still reply
U can just say -comshop- net cafe
And yes lmao
-Makes a video saying that there is NO BRAINDEAD champions, using Garen as Core examplo
-Makes a new video calling Garen a BRAINDEAD Champion.
You either die as a hero...
Claude There are no braindead champions, except Garen.
@@zym6687 xD that might be the funniest commend I've ever read xD idk why lol
@@lakistojkovic190 or live long enough to see yourself become a villain
Thank God you didn't bring in TheGlacierr.
TheGlacier just play on a low ello accounts for his videos, thats one of the most annoying thing a UA-camr can do
He's a master baiter, Hah get it?.... I'll leave now
He's a good guy don't blame him. I learnt a lot of useful things from his videos that helped me become a better player
He is a subpar top laner and an average garen at best. He gives better advice than his plays.
he is like d5 lmao what can he teach u as d5 is full of morons
I really like these kind of videos. These not only show you GARENNN!!! But also show you how to think outside of the box, which applies to every single champion. Very useful
People legit believe Triforce is bad on Garen, yet Vayne building rageblade is fine
Rageblade procs W twice tho
@@mariosvan1766 Yeah, And the spellblade effect on trinity is amazing with garen q, vayne doesn't use any of the ap that rageblade procs so it's a good comparison.
I laughed at first, but I took 6 years off. I didn't realize Sheen didn't give AP anymore. Now that more people run non-tank/threats as supports (ie brand) or non-tanks anywhere else..TF is pretty solid on Garen because the upgraded sheen passive is so economical even with you throwing away the gold for the Mana.
Those people will never understand the stats between items and abilities of Garen. Triforce is perfect for Garen, but it's nothing new.
Garen is a unit
mad respect to that absolute unit
Look at the size of this lad ! Absolute unit !
Suck my unit
A Chad
Galio is a unit.
".. down in silver, someone might be checking FB while I try and engage" LOL cant lie that made me chuckle.
Risti is a beast.
For real tho
When are we gonna see you in these videos?
This garen main sounds like the guy talking fast at the end of commercials 🤣
he's got a smooth voice, a pretty attractive quality for a streamer :D
lmao fucking accurate
David Razberry what is your profile picture from
David Razberry hey help a brother out and tell me too :)
David Razberry ye kik: 50xhm
I really appreciate the research you put in all of these challenger and high elo episodes. Keep it up! ^^
Groudon take a shot everytime
Hijinxx FTW wow dude stop trying to do the impossible 👀
Tinocity, Nucular
Hijinxx FTW hey buddy, alcohol poisoning isnt a funny thing smh
I wrote an article on rejuvenation beads at the start of the season. 4 paragraphs! He is absolutely right.
When I first saw this video I thought to myself: "This guy is so adaptive, just look at the diversity in his keystone runes."
Present day: Conqueror every single game, no matter the role, nor the matchup.
Yea but other runes are still viable fe phase rush and pred are decent runes now and grasp is still good against people that do true dmg
I've talked to Riste on discord, been subbed to his youtube and twitch both for well over 3 years. This guy is amazing, on a not so amazing champion. It's really impressive.
got from wood to supreme god emperor rank in 1 day thanks to Garen the absolute unit.
Jamesi OMG GJ ima try him 2 in silver
typically jax players are typically new to this typical game when they typically sit at the tower typically waiting for the minion wave
(4:05) I thought that everyone level up the Q first on Garen
Risti sounds like such a stand-up guy. That outro got me saying "aww"
Its so interesting how far we can go with a Champion with a kit like this.
honestly? this just makes me think why you should waste 1500 games on a champion that even if mastered only shows this much skill and learning potential. sounds kinda sad. and what's even worse is that it seems to at least kinda work for him, meaning that skill in lol isn't really about having skill at all, but just picking braindead shit like tanks, darius and garen.
Most of this information was givin to the Garen community years ago when MarineRevenge hit masters with Garen. He always maxed q and built triforce or ie/shiv . Sad to see new players get all the credit for inventing this play style when marine was doing it in Masters 3 seasons ago.
Yeah I came in to post that. Sad that my boy Moon Marooned fell into obscurity. I particularly enjoyed his man mode builds.
Well now we have new items and runes, “max Q” isn’t really enough info to go on. Having updated information is always nice
8:38 Look at Garen's head... Creeps me out.
It feels like ppl forgot how two play garen after 3 years.
When I started playing this game (in season4) a friend teached me Garen for solo laning first. He said that Garen is mostly played as Tank but you can build some mixed items for a better splitpush. This friend teached me alot. We also discussed what I should max first and came to the conclusion E max gives you nothing but a slightly better wave clear (remember that was before the rework) the E itself got better with your champion lvl adding more spins and now I'm here watching videos about Garen just to see how much happened in those years that there are alot of new players.
I stopped the video at 4:14 just to say the above and I wanted to add that the ghostblade has an active which wasn't even considered for one second.
Continuing the video now.
I should sleep and so should you happy new year!
Omg Ristiu
That guy was famous for his honor videos telling people to be honorable and showing how to get a ribbon in old system.
I miss this guy, ty for the video
Didnt know it was him lol
How the hell can you miss a guy who streams 4 to 7 times a week.
Tudor Naconecinii maybe he didnt know
He may have missed the name change, Riste was known as RistiumMask for a long time.
Dayum this Garen main really does in depth research. I can see his passion in main-ing Garen!
It's all about perspective, its not always dependent on what champion you use, it's all about how you use the champion.
I mean predator can allow Soraka to healspam at insane ms (hard to hit) while having like 30 extra ap from celerity.
I actually build high cdr & high movespeed with some tankiness on soraka...
This might be your best interview on a high elo player. Keep them up please
great video like always, I really appreciate your unique brand of league content
This was so cool to see Risti featured here on Dong Huap's channel. Thank you both.
lil Cube b4 lol
escaped from iron
Ur at least gold with predator garen its such a strong pick for picking up carries
dang he said "450 IP" for a second i thought it was pre recorded last year omegalul. that brings back memories feelsbadman
Thought there were no braindead champs.
i mean in the actual video they say that garen has a lot of hidden complexities so i'm assuming that the title was just to get people to click
There are no braindead champs and the title was a sarcasm. :-)
May I ask what rank are you?
@S0RROWS garen is not braindead cuz he is so weak its rly hard to do anything also he is usless in late game
No one is "braindead", whatever that word means and if you think any champ could take 0 zero skill, I think there is a slight problem with you.
I've been a Garen main since mid way season 3, interesting to see things brought up that I've been doing for years, such as spell blade abuse and regen beads. I'm a little surprised that he didn't mention all the auto cancels that Garen can abuse and also the power of celerity on a Garen Q max. However his item building is great, highly recommend checking out his stream to learn to build items and understand how builds adapt. I think its safe to say in higher elo Garen players are definitely not brain dead and I'm very glad to see some light shed on that note.
Shout out to my favorite streamer Risti!!! ♡
Hey sassy!
Hey, so I just found this video and I want to check out this guy’s stream, was it deleted? The link doesn’t work and I can’t find him when I search Risti on twitch
@@Racmaster00 it's riste now
MegaTroll Lol ah, found him. Thank you!
As a guy who doesn't play or watch league of legends, but used to play dota, this was a very well put together video.
He got challenger with a win streak like a day ago
Wow this video is ancient. I'm just here because someone mentioned this video in his stream today.
Everyone now buys triforce on Garen, nice to see how the community has changed :D
Riste is an influence to us all. For Demacia!
"wow max Q is better" It's always better, like maybe only jax and panth force a E max out of garen.
Your channel is actually so underrated it hurts, keep doing what your doing man
Risti looks like a buff Gbay99
can we get an updated version of this video please.
Thought it was graves in the thumnail for a second
I was sure it was Xin and after dat graves xD
This guy is a genius. Taking Garen to master is like picking a chevy cobalt and finishing at podium in a F1 race.
My friends always questioned my Predator garen, and they laughed at me for thinking about garen as an assasin. Now i see that my thinking was really good
200 IQ
Yeah Garen is the most bursty Juggernaut.
Thinking about a keystone rune for Garen is not necessarily "good thoughts"
that makes so much sense now. I have been using new runes and this just makes it so much easier in my experimenting
Garen : I'm the easiest champion in League
Yuumi : Hold my fish
This how this game should be played and he's so well spoken. I love these types of videos
isn't q maxing with grasp giving you amazing lane trading and allow you to dominate the lane most of the time
Gold Silence yes. You outtrade most people.
Depends on the match up. Grasp isn't good against someone like fiora or Darius. People you don't want extended trades with. Obviously you can't use it against something like Gnar/Kennen and laning against aatrox with grasp telegraphs your entire start. Making it easy for aatrox to land his q's on you.
Garen doesn't really need grasp and he doesn't really have much power pre 6 (at plat+) most of the time.
Garen is a slow, abusable champ, that's why good Garen player takes a utility(movespeed or slow) rune on Garen at least the majority of the time. He's like Volibear in that regard, no dashes; only ms. Needs to do something to stay on top of people.
I have a 59% win rate on Garen in Diamond(na.op.gg/summoner/userName=FeelinTheAster) and I always take grasp unless I'm in a ranged match up/against fiora. Garen is very strong pre 6 and I win a majority of my games because people think otherwise. If you really want Garen to work top lane, you need to know what runes to take when/what to build depending on the match. Garen is not abuseable imo since his passive+second wind recovers a large portion of hp early on.
im lpaying lol for 7 years and garen always was and is till this day my 1# champion and i always did play him like this guy ,i maxed Q i didn't go the traditional way :D oh boy
as someone who abused Triforce Garen for a couple months, I want you to delete this video
Tim H so true,played with trinity for like a seven months,fell so bad
It was never a secret, people were just refusing to acknowledge that it's a great item for Garen because ''hurrdurr me tanky, me shred armour with cleaver and E passive''
StanceDatGolf me
I agree with this man. Delete this video
Tim H dam it. Videos like this cause garen to be banned.
I think I need to add more on the spin to win part. Every since Garen's E scales with champion level as well as skill level, maxing E skill level becomes not rewarding as before and maxing Q simply deals more damage. When trading on lane Garen sometimes deactivates his E and get back to prevent agro of enemy minions while he almost always lands his Q first so the damage of his Q is fully applied.
Apart from damage, maxing Q also increases the duration of the movement speed buff of his Q and the duration he can hold his lightened blade before he silences others. Maxing E doesn't have other buffs.
And of course, to not push the minion wave is also a factor.
Imagine if he had a real weapon, like a lantern.
big up Risti, so happy he was in this video :)
Fun fact:
Risti used to be called ristiuMMask and he is one of the main reasons me and a lot of other players got the honor crests under the old system. I am very happy to know he got to Masters. Keep it up!
Jek_si I got the honor crests just fine without any outside help..
First game I tried this strategy I had to lane against a GP. Gave him lvl 1 FB lol... Ended up carrying hard late. That fake spin for CS into Q trade is fucking amazing. Great vid keep it up!
Trinity force 3 patches ago?
Clearly these people never heard of Garen season 1 with phantom dancer, trinity and infinity edge....
I played strictly Garen pretty much my whole career since pre season 1. That was never a popular or good Garen build. If you wanna talk Season 1 you can at least mention stacking the sunfires.
Jubez 187 where is the force of nature? Don’t you wanna see his hp keep popping up in front of your enemy to show how superior your health regeneration compares to their filthy low damage?
I love garen because he’s a lot more mobile than you think. He may not have a blink/dash gap closer but his Q is awesome. It speeds you up when you proc it and it speeds you up when you land it, paired with the movement speed from triforce or cleaver and deadmans you’re just constantly sprinting around your enemies and it feels super fluid.
*Hey Dong Huap* , you probably wont read this, but I just wanted to say you are an amazing UA-camr and you create amazing content. Your videos always make me laugh when I'm upset, or enjoy when Im with my friends, and I have learnt so much from you not only about league, but about so many other things in life. I wanted to thank you for everything over these past years. Your channel is so underrated, and I believe you deserve at least 3 million subs. Also, if you cant start streaming again, please at least make more videos! I am still just a student so I don't have money, but I promise to support you however else I can! Keep up the amazing work !!! :)
This is so needed for me rn
I'm a Garen main, plat 5 hard stuck...
I don't know what to do anymore..
I hope this video will help me
Just started to play garen!This video helped a lot!
The way he says tenacity really grinds my gears
Pepega :mega: AM BEYBLADE
Pepega :mega: +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 FULL HEALTH
'This video helped me out a ton. I always thought that Garen was a good champion to learn the basics. I've been stuck high gold low plat level for while now. This is what I needed to push me further. Thanks to playing champs like Garen, I learned to rely on skills that exist across all the champions I play. I checked the map more before over extending, I became less dependent on warding and more so on intuition. The flow of the game was much easier to read and understand thanks to it.
Let's wait for a garen player to say they're better than literally the best garen
Me gArEn mE SmAsH
I used to play 2 years ago and climbed to diamond in 3 different servers. I quit thank God, this game is cancer but dong is cool
It's been 3 months and nobody said it.
@@mistyeyed7732 Ye Garen players are cool, unlike Vayne players!
very informative video about garen wish there was a similar video for each champ
Finally, another Garen player who understands that Tri-Force is not a useless item on Garen. The mana is barely being wasted, as it's only 250. All the other stats and passives make the item worth purchasing. I often combine it with Black Cleaver and a full tank build for any Garen games that I play.
"I never rage" O_O How do they let you through airport security when you are carrying that Bomb around???
Who knew it was possible to have stable mental health
I like how people pretend like raging and tilting are inevitable results of playing league because of teammates/balance team
just dont have mental health issues 4Head
@@walrus9999 it's a joke man. I never rage either. The very worst thing I might do is Facepalm when I die during a 50 minute Elder fight and listen to my team get slaughtered.
Logic Did you know risti actually made vids on getting Honor ribbons (prehonor rework) in less than a month playing teemo and riven in ranked? lul
Your channel was once about information that would be useful to all players, dealing with op champs, playing from behind, lane control, wards, tower vs kills, tilting, teamwork, and especially terms. I remember your videos about toxicity and how there are no braindead champs.
why didn't u invite that washed up garen Glacierr
Dong Huap has anyone ever said that you remind them of their middle school newspaper club? Because you remind me of my middle school newspaper club.
I just realize he is ristiuMMask
Jace Time
I just wanted to make the viewers aware, he is building Bamis Cinder in order to activate phase rush. It takes 3 individual attacks to activate, so the area damage counts as one. This negates the need for the awkward auto attack between q and e. Don't just build cinder for wave clear, it will ruin your creep control.
Bruh I be getting lit with garden everyday homies what you mean?
you are so funny lmao your videos
This video literally made my day. ITS LITERALLY everything i said to everyone and someone understands me. Looking forward to be on the top with the mastery on garen, my first main champ to the end. And everything i had speculated and said to others was in this video so instead of talking it out on others why not show this.
The only difference to him to me is runes. I take darvest everygame
why does he sound like redmercy
You forgot about pianta which won a match in masters where the enemy team was having 10k gold advantage while his team had swain adc zilean supp with teleport and zed jg.
No, that's not how you take a braindead champion to masters, that's just garen.
0:20 when the op comes back to haunt you... “he can’t hurt me any more”
A lot of this kind of "remarkable players" have something in common : They get their goals in the NA soloq..
Vids like these are super cool and informative. Earned a sub.
"Garen has no escapes" The hell do you mean? Whenever I am close to killing him, he can just use the speed boost from his Q and his W defense to escape, even if I use flash, he can just run.
An escape ability is a mobile ability, like an ezrael E or camile E, increase movement speed doesn't count as an escape
Just harass him so he has to use his q and w to engage, not escape
E D yah ezreal’s Q is a great escape
Vigi Melts i edited that now :D
Vanished or if hes lvl 11 he will run for a secod kite you into a bush and turn on you ulting you for 600 dmg
I’ve only now seen risti and I already love him he seems like a nice guy
I use to main garen.... easy to climb on low elo but right now everyone is playing him or banning him.... soo sad now i can't play him. Please don't play garen its noob champ no skills braindead no fun... don't play garen guys
ReportSinged it's a joke
that really amazing from him to share tips like that
I'd kms if i played over 1400 games of garen lol
It doesnt,especially if you are good at him.
Annie Bot would like to have a word with you.
Xɪɴᴛɪᴀᴏ lol. Playing annie can be fun sometimes for me, but all I get from playing garen Is frustration.
Ι'd kill myself if i played leagu....oh wait
You probably have 3000 games with teemo :v
I've always maxed Q but for a much simpler reason. Short trades tend to go better than long trades so being able to get in that quick hit and get out usually feels like a better deal.
i like to run electrocute for garen then build dusk blade,static shift, and infinity edge.
that guy is so respectful .. nice video good luck in climbing ^^
Thanks Dong Huap for the informative vid! I recently got the god king garen skin and was looking at new ideas to bring garen into ranked.
All of a sudden, plans of Predator with Ghost and Deadman's come to mind.
"Do you like my Warwick?"
Finally i was searching for something like this
Im so happy ive seen that and got to know such a cool guy