VLOG: Man of Steel (WARNING: Contains spoilers!)

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...a mediocre movie.


  • @CinematicExcrement
    @CinematicExcrement  11 років тому +6

    Given how slow Zod's laser eyes were moving, I'm pretty sure they had plenty of time to walk around that concrete slab.

  • @KawaiiOwO
    @KawaiiOwO 11 років тому +8

    Oh and also, what was the sense in sending Zod and the others away from the planet the moment before the planet collapsed? They literally judged the criminals to live while they stayed on the planet to die. If it was so easy to escape the planet, why didn't the council save themselves?

  • @petrus4
    @petrus4 6 років тому +6

    "I'm getting back to the real world now, so I've had a chance to watch Man of Steel."
    This quote needs to be framed.

  • @onarollof4
    @onarollof4 11 років тому

    I don't know what the big deal is.... as smeghead mentions it happens in Superman 2 as well, not to mention that it happens multiple times in the comics, superman doesn't LIKE killing but he will IF HE HAS TO.

  • @diegobareno5820
    @diegobareno5820 8 років тому +2

    In superman's defense, he killed Zod because he was still inexperienced, he couldn't think of anything to do so he had no choice but to punish him that way, establishing the turmoil he felt from taking another life. But then he just gets over it and kills a terrorist for threatening Lois. So now I guess that was just pointless since he just gets over killing somebody.

  • @Simple1Jack
    @Simple1Jack 10 років тому +8

    I agree that the dialogue was pretty bad in this movie. It seemed to be nothing but "trailer quotes"...
    "What if a child dreamed of becoming more/You are destined for greatness/You're father believed/You're the answer to are we alone in the universe/I have to believe you were sent here for a reason/For some he was a guardian angel, for others a ghost/You will give the people of earth an ideal to strive towards... etc etc etc etc etc...

  • @Jfalconify
    @Jfalconify 11 років тому +1

    It wasn't written by The Dark Knight writing team, not exactly. David S Goyer wrote this. He helped with the story in Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises, but the screenplays were written by the Nolan brothers. Goyer wrote Blade III as well, so it's no surprise.

  • @Torterra625
    @Torterra625 11 років тому

    I'm pretty sure I saw a huge slab of concrete blocking their exit while the laser beam headed the opposite direction

  • @EmanGameplay
    @EmanGameplay 11 років тому

    I really don't know what to think
    Is this Movie Any good?

  • @la-nk8hq
    @la-nk8hq 6 років тому +2

    im watching this vlog and starting to feel really sorry for that poor butterfly on the monitor...

  • @Mirage19ify
    @Mirage19ify 11 років тому

    they did fall when the world engine was shooting the beam

  • @Zutarababe09
    @Zutarababe09 11 років тому

    omg i thought the same thing about Lois Lane!! WHY did they want her on the ship?? i even looked around my theater thinking somone else will share my confusion but no, i seemed to be the only one...

  • @LeeAnnOfAlderaan
    @LeeAnnOfAlderaan 11 років тому

    I saw people getting picked up by the gravity thingy

  • @gamestation2690
    @gamestation2690 11 років тому

    Would any of you agree, though, that Man of Steel is not as bad as Superman III and IV?

  • @sligen
    @sligen 11 років тому

    She knew about Superman, they used her to get information out of her, by reading her mind, you mustn't have been paying enough attention to learn that. That's why they go straight to Kent farm after because they know where he lives now, because of her.

  • @bigbat8783
    @bigbat8783 11 років тому

    As a Superman fan and a fan of film, SUPERMAN WAS GREAT. It was slow at points but goddamn did it deliver in the end. While I was watching it I was given hope to see a good DBZ movie one day. Idk how you didn't like this movie. It was so much fun

  • @xking414
    @xking414 11 років тому +5

    I have been collecting Superman comics since the 1970's, It's about time they created a Superman movie that wasn't lame. I can understand your review though, you seem more of a Superman IV fan.

    • @oliviadavis3518
      @oliviadavis3518 7 років тому +8

      X King .....and then you caused him to review Superman IV.

  • @alditoification
    @alditoification 11 років тому

    Well, I liked Man of Steel, not matter how many flaws it has. By the way: do you know in the sequel, they're gonna introduce Batman?

  • @Irishman1900
    @Irishman1900 11 років тому

    I feel sorry for russel crowe he didnt have much to work with

  • @bryants1012
    @bryants1012 11 років тому

    Yep, that was my main issue, the movie was portraying Superman as a Super Messiah or Mega Jesus type of character.

  • @Dragonchu98
    @Dragonchu98 11 років тому

    Also. "Man of Steel" just makes us think of Stalin.

  • @sonicjrjr14
    @sonicjrjr14 10 років тому +21

    Superman Returns was better!
    Yea I said it!

    • @darkdowngrade
      @darkdowngrade 10 років тому +3

      It's true.
      I can understand why Superman fans were dissapointed because they didn't get the Superman they had always been wanting, but there's a difference between a Superman movie you'd ideally wouldn't want to see and a bad movie.
      Superman Returns is not a bad movie. Man of Steel however is.
      Also the director Bryan Singer is currently owning the theatres with the new X-Men movie.

    • @roberttreacy8271
      @roberttreacy8271 6 років тому +1

      I’m right there with you guys.

    • @LeonardoFormusa_
      @LeonardoFormusa_ 5 років тому

      Smallville was the best superman enacting

    • @yakuza01
      @yakuza01 5 років тому

      I agree. Ok, the movie has issues but it at least captures the spirit of the character. I don't know what the fuck was Snyder was trying to do with Superman in his movies. The dude showed a complete lack of understanding of the character.

  • @RPatz17
    @RPatz17 11 років тому

    do you have a new episode coming out soon?

  • @HeraldofMisfortune
    @HeraldofMisfortune 11 років тому

    Why did he even try to terraform the planet if he could survive on it...and why didn't he try to repopulate with that woman...

  • @MsLolman01
    @MsLolman01 11 років тому

    The object effecting gravity attracted metals not flesh, but really good review

  • @neocomp92
    @neocomp92 10 років тому +5

    I'd admit, my brain went into lockdown during this movie. I think its because of the schizophrenic nature of this movie, trying to become deep yet action-packed, and achieving nothing significant in both areas. Its only after seeing reviews that I started reflecting and thought, this isn't a movie that deserves that much public applause.
    I guess the one thing they made right was making the fight scenes make Superman trash everything in his path look decent. CGI at the time I watched reminded me of the level that Star Trek Into Darkenss, as in quite awesome.
    What I hate: Jonathan Kent should receive the "Father of the Year" award for teaching broken Aesop to Clark, and shaping his wanderer life for the next 20 years or so. The flashback sequences were excessive, almost like sandbagging the audience with the task of connecting the dots. They never bothered to precede a sequence with important questions (barring perhaps the time he first got his powers). No character, all exposition, and unashamed Messianic symbolism throughout the movie. Come on, the origin of Superman IS Messianic in nature (barring immaculate conception). Killing Zod was a missed oppourtunity, they should never have used it in the third act. That was the first indicator in my mind that, the movie was going the Dark Knight trilogy.
    Ultimately, I ask MoS fans this: did you honestly saw Superman at the end of this movie? Because I saw a generic superhero born, but not the Superman, with his rubbish ideals making who he is. Its like Batman Begins, you saw the birth of Batman, but its not yet convincing that he truly is the legend himself.

  • @OnceABlueMoon90
    @OnceABlueMoon90 11 років тому

    I think you need to look at this from the prospective of not only metropolis being in danger but the entire world. When you battle essentially gods, things are going to get destroyed especially when there is a terraformer working in the background. I mean in the avengers there where freaking flying aliens going through buildings. The "He saved us" line was more or the entire world than just metropolis

  • @Bwkjam
    @Bwkjam 11 років тому

    Watching superman fight is boring. It's like watching a little kid play with action figures, they punch eachother without getting tired or bleeding at all.

  • @abigail_1970
    @abigail_1970 4 місяці тому +1

    Seems like an A.I. wrote this script...

  • @blazerX110
    @blazerX110 11 років тому

    Wow. I thought I was the only one thinking of DBZ during the fights, but according to the comments I'm not.

  • @rianatsume7318
    @rianatsume7318 11 років тому

    i actually liked this movie and felt it was worth my money, but you're right, there were plenty of flaws and you pretty much pointed them all out lol. Still, I think this is one of the better Superman movies created.

  • @Berniexification
    @Berniexification 11 років тому

    Actually it was mentioned why they took Lois to the ship, after Sups rescues Lois from falling to Earth she tells him that they got in her mind too and told them where he lives, that's why Zod and their soldiers went to the Kent's house to find the Codex

  • @gamestation2690
    @gamestation2690 11 років тому

    I can't believe the negativity this movie is getting. People waited 19 years for Superman Returns, and many fans didn't seem like it. Only seven years after, and Man of Steel comes out. They don't like this one as well? Make up your minds!

  • @DKPaladinX
    @DKPaladinX 11 років тому

    Hey dude, welcome back. To be honest I didn't have any expectations on this film, so I cannot say I was disappointed, however I totally agree with you. But is so much fun to see fanboys and fangirls defending it without any solid arguments :P

  • @bris1591
    @bris1591 11 років тому

    i can definitely see why you're disappointed. I liked it but it was flawed. My original thought as to why Louis Lane was invited on the ship was superman wouldn't do anything if they threatened her, but then, nothing. WHY!

  • @marimbaguy715
    @marimbaguy715 11 років тому

    I had most of the same problems with the movie that you did, but I still was able to enjoy it. I thought it was better than the first Iron Man but worse than the first Batman.

  • @matthewclan007
    @matthewclan007 11 років тому

    It's actually incredibly obvious to me as why they took Lois Lane on the ship. They were smart enough to realize that Superman might not want to go along with their plan and brought Lois Lane along so they could use her as leverage in case Superman tried to fight them, luckily they all escaped before they could do that. At least that's what I got out of it.

  • @Talonpoppy
    @Talonpoppy 11 років тому

    they hated the pancakes

  • @CinematicExcrement
    @CinematicExcrement  11 років тому

    Oh, I freely admit I'm in the minority. Most people are loving the shit out of this movie, and I fully expected to be among them. Sadly it didn't do it for me.

  • @MrDarkshadowx9
    @MrDarkshadowx9 11 років тому

    10% of the world was disappointed....ppl don't see the inspiration behind it. Glad this movie is doing great

  • @P3rks0fLife
    @P3rks0fLife 11 років тому

    I enjoyed the movie more then others, but not that much more. I still think that Lois Lane was fucking useless. I still that the tornado scene was stupid clearly wasn't thought out that well, I still think that the dialogue was mostly speeches and yelling, and I still think that Zod should have told someone to kneel at least once (seriously, not even one fucking reference). But, I did have my fun with the movie. And it gives me hope for a DBZ movie. So here's to Man of Steel 2 being much better.

  • @_AGS27_
    @_AGS27_ 11 років тому

    I just saw the movie, and to be honest I didn't live up to my expectations, but I still liked and enjoyed it. At least it wasn't another superman returns... Just saying...If you are a superman fan go see it you'll enjoy it.

  • @brianwhitaker263
    @brianwhitaker263 11 років тому

    if you wanted to make a movie to piss off smeghead this would be it

  • @johnashley327
    @johnashley327 4 роки тому

    This movie was so bad I forgot about the gravity thing.

  • @5355vbxjbj76rvn
    @5355vbxjbj76rvn 11 років тому +1

    "Floating down the river" ? Sounds like the beginning of Star Trek V

  • @sunam35
    @sunam35 10 років тому +3

    zod didn't die in superman 2 he was picked up by police on snow mobiles...check deleted scenes or a euro cut

    • @navy0287
      @navy0287 9 років тому +2

      Here's a little trivia in case someone tries to argue against your point.
      The so-called "Euro Cut" is actually the restored original Superman footage that was shot and meant to be used for Superman 2 prior to Richard Donner being released from completing the film.
      Segments of Donner's footage were removed (The arrest of the de-powered Kryptonians among them) to allow Richard Lester to complete the film and shoot enough additional footage to receive director credit.
      So the restored Donner footage is actually the true canon version of the Superman 2. So hell no, Superman and Lois Lane DID NOT kill the Kryptonians, and the fanboys can stop trying to use it to excuse Zod's death in Man of Steel. ^__^

  • @ithinkmynameismoo5e
    @ithinkmynameismoo5e 11 років тому

    My first thought after it ended was that plot-line from the first ~15 minutes would have made a much more interesting film.

    @2TCHOLMES 10 років тому +1

    Hey Sean, just thought I'd give my own thoughts on this, okay?
    I understand your feelings about Jon Kent, but remember that he only said 'maybe' and only after a short pause. it's not like he outright said 'yes' immediately. His pause and saying 'maybe' indicates that he knew his son had done the right thing, but he was also worried for him, as a father would be. After all, Clark was still young and wasn't ready to face the world on his own yet.
    As for that family, it's called being 'paralyzed with fright'.

    • @diegohadtoomanydonuts6906
      @diegohadtoomanydonuts6906 9 років тому +4

      I dunno if you're a parent or not, but when you ARE, I'll tell you right now that when you see immediate danger, the FIRST thing you think of is not how afraid you are. The very first thing that pops into your head is the safety of your children. Yet, both the mother and father stood there like deer in the headlights when Zod and Superman crashed into the metro despite the fact literally everyone around them was running and screaming for Jesus. Why? Because they were not directed as if they were actual people in inherent danger, but were directed as if they were nothing more than a plot device.

  • @hannah894545
    @hannah894545 11 років тому

    this is when you say "FUCK YOU LOGIC" at 9:54

  • @custombricks9
    @custombricks9 10 років тому +5

    THANK YOU!!! I thought this movie was boring. Cant wait for Man of Steel 2…not

  • @johnconstantine1604
    @johnconstantine1604 10 років тому +7

    All of this movie's faults were no big deal. We finally got to see a good Superman movie. Finally. Until the last 5 minutes in which Superman levels skyscraper after skyscraper while battling Zod. HHundreds of people were crushed as each building was toppled. And Superman was unconcerned ... that was disturbing.
    And the kissing scene in the aftermath. Holy fuck! Superman should have been frantically moving through the ruble to find and save survivors.
    In the end, Superman was more of an anti-hero.

    • @NomadFlow
      @NomadFlow 10 років тому +1

      You clearly weren't paying attention to the fight with Zod. Superman was not leveling "skyscraper after skyscraper". Almost all the destruction was caused by Zod. Superman more than once tries to take the fight out of Metropolis and Zod brings it back in.
      Also, you have never seen a Superman animated show, animated movie or read one of the comics. There is almost always collateral damage when Superman fights another super being. This isn't something Man Of Steel invented. This is what happens when someone watches only the Donner Superman with that horrendous ending when Superman didn't like how things turned out so he reversed time to do it again.

    • @johnconstantine1604
      @johnconstantine1604 10 років тому

      Not a Donner fan ... I just like a good story. And, I gotta agree with your last point: that "reverse time" bit was completely stupid. Even superheroes have to live with their consequences or there's no suspense at all.

    • @neocomp92
      @neocomp92 10 років тому +4

      You should also take into account that when he destroyed Zod's ship, he also destroyed Kryptonian eggs/foetuses in the ship. Depending on your views on when life was imparted in which stage of conception, its utterly disgusting

  • @Gryffindorejr
    @Gryffindorejr 11 років тому

    no your right with the parents names

  • @cryptospuridium666
    @cryptospuridium666 11 років тому +1

    Well excuse him for having his OWN FUCKING OPINION!

  • @joshscomputer
    @joshscomputer 10 років тому

    Do you think 12 years a slave deserved Best Picture??

    • @nickmesafilms
      @nickmesafilms 10 років тому

      Watch his Top 10 Movies of 2013 video. He placed 12 Years a Slave at #1!

    • @ivancorredera4241
      @ivancorredera4241 9 років тому +1

      I'll be honest, 12 years a slave for me, I thought it was overrated. I've heard of more dramatic events in the history of american slavery from my 6th grade social studies class.

    • @GirlSpartan117
      @GirlSpartan117 8 років тому

      +Spencer Bean White slaveowners were sadistic, evil people. 12 years didn't even really get into all of the sick shit they did. Why would you expect them to be portrayed in any sort of good light?

    • @GirlSpartan117
      @GirlSpartan117 8 років тому

      Spencer Bean There is no issue. This movie is based on an actual book written by a real man who was once a slave. Uncle Tom's Cabin is a fictional book. It didn't actually happen. The author went around asking former slaves some things that happened to them (that's what the brutal parts of the book were based on) then crafted a story around their accounts. You're making your point seem really weak when you prize fiction over fact. Especially when that fiction prioritizes the brutality of slavery as well.
      Also, what does "only 1% of whites owned slaves" have to do with anything? Does the amount change the fact that most slave owners, especially those with plantations, were evil SOB's? No, no it does not. Besides, this was Solomon's story. Why in the world would they show a plantation with white and black slaves if that's not something he observed? Your point is moot anyway as Solomon's first owner was one of those "humane" masters who, according to you, should be patted on the back for not overly abusing his slaves.
      Lastly, please do not try to act like the whites that did not own slaves were somehow more morally righteous than those who did. Majority saw blacks as inferior regardless of class or socioeconomic status.

    • @GirlSpartan117
      @GirlSpartan117 8 років тому

      Spencer Bean Lol riiiight. Sure that was your point.

  • @killerdrow
    @killerdrow 11 років тому

    i really liked this movie, but yea it had a lot of problems witch you pretty much pointed out lol

  • @HexxuSz
    @HexxuSz 11 років тому

    smeg you workout or what?

  • @whatwhat98
    @whatwhat98 11 років тому

    "This was written by the same guys who did the Dark Knight Trilogy right?"
    The Dark Knight Rises was an even greater let down than Man of Steel. Sorry but DKR gets 1/5 while MoS gets 3/5 (I found the action good enough for 3/5). Give the producers credit, they know how to advertise this show. When you get the actors from Law & Order: SVU and CSI in a movie, you get drama. 11:51 to 11:59 lmfao.

  • @alditoification
    @alditoification 11 років тому

    And It's gonna be played by Ben Affleck.

  • @movieman410
    @movieman410 11 років тому

    Angry Joe loved it

  • @hannah894545
    @hannah894545 11 років тому

    Review the Host by Stephenie Meyer!

  • @MrLittleGodzilla
    @MrLittleGodzilla 11 років тому

    i felt this movie was rushed

  • @1monki
    @1monki 4 роки тому

    This is somewhat based on the _Birthright_ comic. And it improves on it in some later parts. The inclusion of Zod for example. But it screws up the introduction of Clark which was handled much better in the comic. Had they pretty much copied the 1st act from the comic, there probably would've been a lot fewer issues with the film.

  • @RPatz17
    @RPatz17 11 років тому

    i think you need to watch the movie again, Smeghead. There's a lot that you missed that explains the supposed problems. most of what you say seems to be out of ignorance.

  • @jaredcarlson4125
    @jaredcarlson4125 11 років тому

    Are you going to a VLOG on pacific rim when it comes out?

  • @jc13jach3
    @jc13jach3 11 років тому

    I wanted the movie to be more story based. The flashback scenes were very intriguing and heartfelt. I liked that, not everyone clearly not.

  • @ObligedUniform
    @ObligedUniform 11 років тому

    Probably didnt believe it. Its not an uncommon arrogance in stories.

  • @zachfink9073
    @zachfink9073 11 років тому

    yeah Mike shannons performance was really bland :P

  • @Terelon
    @Terelon 9 років тому +2

    Overkill on action, no emotion or heart in this movie.

  • @iam9991000
    @iam9991000 11 років тому

    I imagine this will be reviewed on Cinematic Excrement, no?

  • @JustinCoasters
    @JustinCoasters 11 років тому

    Thank you for making that comment. Just for the Superman IV Review! Can't wait for his Superman Returns review. That's almost as if Stephanie Meyers wrote a Superman script.

  • @BeatchBall
    @BeatchBall 11 років тому


  • @Dragonchu98
    @Dragonchu98 11 років тому

    When you say the most underacting, have you forgotten the John Malkovich Vs. Robert Carlyle incident in Eragon?

  • @pushon10
    @pushon10 11 років тому

    Do you work out? You look much more muscular than last time

  • @jonathanpartin9833
    @jonathanpartin9833 10 років тому +1

    I honestly thought all the actors did fine, it was the 2nd half that killed this movie for me.

  • @Torterra625
    @Torterra625 11 років тому

    Ya know, maybe there IS something I missed about Man of Steel that I'm just beginning to understand now.
    I didn't see the originals, though I've TRIED to make attempts, but I understand at least trying to make even a SUBTLE nod to them.
    The passage of time, it just flat-out sucked. I'm with you on that COMPLETELY.
    I haven't seen a lot of Costner or Crowe to know when they're at their worst, but thanks to NC, I've been given examples.
    And for a "dark" Superman movie, it wasn't all that dark.

  • @TheMagicRobot
    @TheMagicRobot 11 років тому +2

    Is the religious symbolism as obvious and in your face as I hear it is?

  • @NoImGay
    @NoImGay 11 років тому

    WORST MOVIE EVER. So glad smeghead did this vlog.

  • @cryptospuridium666
    @cryptospuridium666 11 років тому

    Whatever happened to moron of the month?

  • @luisumana1238
    @luisumana1238 8 років тому +4

    I'll just say it, I do not like Superman and this film did no favors

  • @whatwhat98
    @whatwhat98 11 років тому

    Dark Knight trilogy?
    Again I'll say it, DKR sucked. Biggest let down ever. The other two very good. Man of Steel gets a 3/5. Action was that good enough

  • @bookl0ver
    @bookl0ver 11 років тому

    Sorry smeg can't watch. I haven't seen it and I'm not very critical so I might squerze enjoyment out of it.

  • @MrLittleGodzilla
    @MrLittleGodzilla 11 років тому

    story good idea good. how the order it was told no not really good.

  • @starpilot15
    @starpilot15 11 років тому

    he said mediocre.NoT dog shit.:P

  • @djshannon1641
    @djshannon1641 11 років тому

    Discard my other comment. He is making a lot of great points

  • @theanonymouscritic1710
    @theanonymouscritic1710 8 місяців тому

    This vlog just reeks of ignorance and hypocrisy.

  • @lisamaitland157
    @lisamaitland157 5 років тому

    I remember superman 2 : he did kill Zod, the rest died by falling to there death. = Zod also fell to his death, but might have had a broken back on the way down. The scene where the cop cars come to superman's ice home is BS. The fortress was almost surrounded by water /ice. Both Directors use the same fight Scene = all three villains die from there fall. =) because they were Human? If you do not think a fall from 4-6 stories would kill them, then test it out and tell us the outcome "superman" hehe

  • @MrSuckeragi
    @MrSuckeragi 9 років тому

    too bad you didn't enjoy the movie. I loved it, I didn't compare it with any other films, I love the action for what it was. its called man of steel not Superman, no need to compare :)

    • @DocSeal
      @DocSeal 8 років тому +1

      +MrSuckeragi even the action wasn't exactly that good. what was the point of throwing each other into buildings for 50 years without doing any damage except getting more and more angry and then suddenly getting killed because they grabbed your head and twisted.

  • @pushon10
    @pushon10 11 років тому

    This movie is not at all good

  • @brianwhitaker263
    @brianwhitaker263 11 років тому

    lazy writing

  • @jacobphillips5809
    @jacobphillips5809 11 років тому

    I hate this movie

  • @ericlopez9107
    @ericlopez9107 5 років тому

    Superman 4 the quest for peace was better!!!!!

  • @luckyspurs
    @luckyspurs 4 роки тому +6

    4:45 "I think those are the names"
    Oh, we all know Martha's his mum's name now.

  • @pelgervampireduck
    @pelgervampireduck 7 років тому +2

    this movie was horrible, disappointing, and didn't feel like a superman movie at all. it even looks horrible with those desaturated colors.
    all these years later I still think this iteration of superman can't be saved, batman v superman was horrible too, the whole dc cinematic universe is horrible. they should just cancel it and reboot everything.

  • @danielvandersall6756
    @danielvandersall6756 Рік тому +1

    "Superman's Not Batman." Why can't the people at DC understand this very simple concept? Is it just too hard?

  • @robotrix
    @robotrix 2 роки тому +1

    Lesson: Don't give a movie about a selfless superhero to a schmuck who worships Ayn Rand.
    And Jonathan Kent sending his family to hide under an overpass? WORSE PLACE TO BE IN A TORNADO

  • @CinematicExcrement
    @CinematicExcrement  11 років тому +3

    And after Lois tells Clark they got into her mind, what does Clark say? "It's okay, they did the same to me." So if they were able to probe his mind, they didn't really need her, did they?

  • @CinematicExcrement
    @CinematicExcrement  11 років тому +3

    Okay, that was funny. Low blow, but funny.

  • @KesselRunner606
    @KesselRunner606 11 років тому

    I can't understate how much I was looking forward to this film. It seemed to be filled with epic potential.
    But the jumbled editing made it impossible to attach yourself to any of the characters, and they broke one of the cardinal rules: "Never make your villain more interesting than the main character"
    In fact I wish the movie had been about the conflict between Zod and Jor-El. It was far more interesting and heartfelt and brimming with nobility and tragedy.
    Oh well... another reboot?

  • @zenaku2004
    @zenaku2004 11 років тому

    ok. i hope you don't take this the wrong way but your old school. you want to keep these stories the same way. and that just gets old. i'm sorry to say but i'm actually glad that they are changing things in these stories. sure not everybody isn't goin to like these changes in these movies like that. we all know these hero's came to be. its about time to change it up. sure these changes can either for the better or for the worse. i like changes like that or it bothers me. but i get over it.

  • @sligen
    @sligen 11 років тому

    A precaution, Zod isn't an idiot. Place yourself in his shoes, if you needed Superman to get info and don't fully understand the powers the Earth is giving him. Wouldn't you take a human with zero power, and resistance for information, she knew enough about Superman for them to take her, just encase Superman has mental resistance?