This video was perfect, I’ve been trying to tell if my females are pregnant and this video has shown me that 2 of my females are pregnant! So excited 😆
I actually have had to upgrade my tank since.. twice 😂 yes they were pregnant, since the mothers have passed and I have two tanks full of their babies, male and female tank
The way you can tell if your guppies are pregnant is as follows: if there are male and female guppies in the same tank or ever have been, the answer is yes.
I think cichlids are easier. Usually takes a few tries, but the pair takes care of their fry for about 3-6 weeks, allowing for the fry to grow more. Guppies also don’t go at it as often in the case for artificial growth of the young. Dunno, maybe I’m doing something wrong. Help?
Sean Leung guppies are definitely easier they’ll breed every month if you’re not getting fry it’s most likely because they’re being eaten. The fry need lots of cover and hiding places I personally prefer live plants like hornwort, water sprite, or Guppy grass. It also helps to feed the adults at least 4-5 times a day so they won’t feel the need to hunt the babies down
Also guys and girls, If you keep yellow guppys the gravid spot will not always be black at all and more of a browny yellow, and albino guppys can also have no gravid spots at all, its rare but I have had a few like that. The more they give birth the bigger they get meaning more fry next birth, but I stop at 4-5 as found anymore births then that I start to lose fry, had my main f1 yellow sword give birth to 102 fry last week and only lost 1 so was really happy :) sol all the fry off apart from 20 :) Big well done for hitting 2000 subs, well soon to be :) Would love more DIY projects please :) love seeing people use DIY in our hobby
I just wanted to say thank you for this video you’ve made it very clear to identify between male and female more than most on here thank you very much most helpful Kim 🐟🐠
I am new to the guppy breeding I actually got my first 10 babies by accident and I think my two females are pregnant again. I have moved the adults to the 30 g and the babies are safe in a 10 g to themselves and some snails. i love them so much and been happy to watch them grow. Thank you for this video i think I am going to have to move them to the 10 until they give birth again. I can't wait to see what pretty colors I get
I just put my pregnant one into her own reader box but she’s swimming around chaotically seeming like she’s not able to relax and one guppy is right in the area where I took her out from and hasn’t left and then another one is swimming underneath the rock where I found the first babies what does that mean?? Should I maybe add a breathing partner for her??
I got a new tank and while it was regulating for a month i noticed something in the water. It was a baby! I didn't have hope for her seeing as it want even an established tank. She survived and thrives to this day! It is however her first birth and I'm worried for her. This video helped
Just started a guppy tank about 6 weeks ago with 5 guppies . I thought one was about to give birth so I put her in breeder box and later that night she passed I don,t know why may have been swim bladder I don,t know. The very next day I saw some fry in the tank. I was so excited. I have a 20 gallon with some driftwood with a lot of plants.. I don,t know how many each day I count a different number. Now I have another one I think is pregnant but in early stages for sure a little plumper but no behavioral signs . Still eating and swimming around like normal..however your video was just awesome for good comparison , you did some great video ..thank you I have watched a few on guppies but yours was a little more informative.. ty and have a great day keith
My guppy is pregnant and I'm nervous lol.I have a five gallon to put the babies in .But what do you feed fry and where n when do you get rid of the fry when they are old enough
My guppy is black and blue and i cant tell where is the thing on her stomach.But she is all day down of the aquarium and she did not eat a lot.She usually eats a lot.
Would there be anyway you can tell me if my fish are pregnant I know I have males and females because when I got them I was told there was both genders and the have had there own fry 3 times but none make it its always two or three babies only this time was only 3 i was able to get and i put them away in a different tank i applicte if you can help me
What if you can’t see the gravid spot? My yellow/orange guppy stomach is a solid white, but she’s huge now. I have her in a breeder floating box just in case, but I don’t know if she’s fat or pregnant (I feed them brine shrimp 3x a week) lol simply because I can’t see her gravid spot like I can my other females.
Great video i have 1 pregnant female who is squared of and she been like this a couple of weeks now so i put her in her breeder box and she seemed to get stressed out so i put her back in the main tank ive no idea when she is going to give birth, i had a pregnant female a few days ago that was i think was going to give birth so i put her in the breeder box i checked on her half hour later and she died have u any idea why she died water is fine and ph was normal
Hi, I brought my pregnant guppies from the local pet shop. Both females look about the same stage on but one has a verification dark spot ( the fries eyes) and the other has, what looks like a red spot. Would these be red eyed fry.
I have one guppy that is looking like she is prego.I got her and another female guppy at petco that had a female only tank.She is looking prego.What do i do
She may had gotten pregnant before she was brought to the pet shop by accident. It's possible when separating them a male or 2 got to her before they were shipped off.
Mine have the gravid spots but never saw a single fry!! Any ideas!!? I've isolated 4 females with gravid spots to see what will happen, any other ideas!? Could the spots be food and not fry!?
What would you advice if you see your females are pregnant, keep them on a separate tank. Or leave them on a current tank. I noticed that my males they’re chasing the gravid spot. Please advice, would like to have fries
I see you have them in a sort of like cup. Does that mean that guppies don't need the oxygen machine?? Can I put a guppy in a empty flower vase as its tank??
Juan Cabrera I would not recommend going without some sort of oxygen for the fish. They are only there temporarily, they live in the tanks he has. I think the only fish that may be ok without some sort of oxygen would be a betta. So please, DO NOT put them in a tank without oxygen, especially when they are expecting. They will not live very long in conditions like that, as they are not hardy fish.
Juan Cabrera the ONLY time you can put a fish in some sort of container that has no oxygen would be when you're moving them. Or showing them, like he is. Again, if you watch til the end of the video he puts them back in the bigger tank. So no, please don't put any fish in any sort of container that won't have a filter or a way of them getting oxygen. There are way too many complications to tell you about when it comes to just a flower vase. From a build up of ammonia to incorrect temp, both of which can kill.
Liselita90 ok. You have some better options, such as a tank divider or a breeding net. As long as you have a larger tank and can keep the fry separated from the adults, you should be good. However I recommend talking to your local pet store about selling the fry to them, because once the fry start to mature, they will try to breed with each other. From now on separate adults if you have no way of taking care of fry like that. Putting the mom In a vase could result in death to both the fry and herself.
Yes. A Molly and guppy baby or fry will most likely be as big as a Molly but have the colors of a guppy if its male of course a mixed female may be Molly sized but just like a guppy she may have smaller fins and a darker or easier to see gravid spot. But just so u know if u do have half breeds they can't mate cuz they're born infertile and most die at a very young age. Good luck.
I bought a female from the petstore and she looks like she’s ready to have babies. She has a dark gravid spot and a abnormally large stomach. Is there any way I can tell when her day comes?
Sir my all three guppies have the black spot on its gravid spot so I'm not able to compare a pregnant to a normal what's the perfect indicator for the pregnancy.
I notice that you have your pregnant guppy in a non filtering tank. Is this okay for a few days? I’m very new at having guppies. My female just gave birth on Friday. I thought she was pregnant but this is my first round. I was only able to find 2 live babies left in the tank. I quickly separated them. I noticed the males are now trying to impregnate her again. Is this normal as well? Thank you for any help you can give.
I just put males and females in a tank and while the males are all over the place the females are just sitting on the side doing nothing. Wondering if they are not moving because of pregnancy or if there is something wrong.
my guppy has given birth but sadly the fry died for many unknown causes. I have a cover area and she would hide under it as well as the filter.Her gravid spot has disappeared but I think she's pregnant
The mother will usually become pregnant from a few days to a week after she has given birth, depending on if a new male has fertilised her or if the sperm from a previous male is being used to fertilise her.
I agree with the comment below if you are using a HOB filter. I use sponge filters in my tanks and don't run into problems. I have the items I used linked on my website under filtration:
Brittney Lewis you find a type of filter online for baby fish but usually you wouldnt need it I have a 20 gallon tank and 4 guppies 1 male and 3 females I have a separate tank for the babies
Could Females have a gravid spot and not be pregnant? I got my little girl actually recently I noticed she had one and I was going to breed her with my males but if she is pregnant I won't
Hi sir! About the “box-shaped “ abdomen, will it appear just like that the next morning or will it form the shape slowly everyday? Thanks in advance! My guppy female is about 3 weeks pregnant now and I think that she’ll pop in a few days.
Lol a few days ago, I assumed that none of my girls were pregnant (I have gender assorted tanks) and I put a few into a breeding tank and then 2 days later I have 3 fry already and I could’ve sworn that they weren’t pregnant the gravid spot was light maroon and they had flat bellies (I feed the, everyday) so yay ;-;
I go based on characteristics I like. For example tail size. If I want males with larger tails I'll keep those and cull the smaller tailed ones. The culls I sell to my LFS as assorted guppies since I don't believe in destroying the fish.
How do I prevent breeding? I'm a first time guppy keeper and I'm keeping them in a 5 gallon so If my female gives birth 10+ I would have to get another tank and I can't afford it, so how do I prevent breeding in a 5/10 gallon? P.S. How do I test pH?
galaxy star ok, prevent breeding by keeping a single sex in your tank. Meaning no boys and girls in that same tank. If you have a boy and girl in there, she's probably already pregnant. They breed a lot. And to test PH, get a water test kit. It will be little test strips you dip into the water. I'm sure you can look up 'PH test strips' and find them.
+galaxy star For starters, a 5 gallon is too small for guppies, they require at least a 10 gallon. Secondly, have you cycled you tank? And last but not least, *don't use pH test strips.* Get a liquid test kit instead, liquid test kits are more accurate. You want to get one that includes ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH.
My females have that square shape but they have not given birth. That shape can also come from good feeding and good care.....not necessarily ready for birth
No the gravid spot is there at around 1 month. It's one of the ways we tell males and females apart, the gravid spot gets darker during pregnancy the later in the pregnancy the darker and bigger the gravid spot.
My guppy is very pregnant I've put her in the breeding box she is on the bottom hope she gives birth soon I think she looks abit stressed hopefully it won't kill her.
I’m confused how do you retire a guppy from breeding? She can hold sperm and continue to have fry. So separating them from the males isn’t going to stop her from giving birth
Please confirm those cups ar3 temporary containers for your guppy just to show on video. People might think it’s ok to leave a guppy indefinitely without filtration or surface disruption causing oxygen exchange (air stone or other air delivering mechanism)
Dont worry ur safe swordtails and guppies can't breed they may be livebarers but they are not in the same family group so no need to panic u wont have any half breeds.
A females fins are much shorter and much duller and females are bigger than males the best way is to look for the gravid spot, females get one near the anal fin at around 1 month old also males have a straw like appendage near their anal fin this acts like the penis. Males are smaller than females but usually have flashy colors and longer tailfins to woo the females for mating. It only take one second for them to breed.
That means it doesn't have enough space to grow. Give it some more space and sufficient nutrition and it should start to grow. Considering its life span was halted, it should have an extended life span and won't die young.
I am a dog breeder and yes it dose matter if you are breeding dogs to not over breed them and when they get to they age of about 7 to retire them but I don't think it matters with fish lol
A female guppy should get her spot at 1 month old. A gravid spot doesn't mean she's pregnant it just means shes a she but if the gravid spot is bigger and darker then yes she is pregnant. The only way u wouldn't see a gravid spot is 1 she's not a she or 2 she's a half breed which cant get pregnant.
No in fact its better to separate her into a diffrent tank about a 5 or 10 gal. This'll keep her from nipping his fins and keep her stress free from him, males are constantly trying to breed even if the female is pregnant this can be very stressful and can cause ur guppy to have a miscarriage or abort her babies.
No in fact its better to separate her into a 5 or 10 gal tank thisll keep her from getting stressed by males , males never stop trying to breed even if the female is pregnant and a pregnant female likes to nip at the males fins (not pretty) if u keep her in there with the male they may be fine but the babies will most likely get eaten. And if u do separate her make sure to put lots of plants in the tank for the fry to hide in as the mother will also eat them so make sure u take her out after she's givin birth. Its best to have 2 tanks 1 for males and the other females to keep the population down and to prevent birth defects.
Hey guys, check out one of my latest projects!
I got guppies today, they were bought online. I watched this to make sure, one of them is pregnant…. WELP
This video was perfect, I’ve been trying to tell if my females are pregnant and this video has shown me that 2 of my females are pregnant! So excited 😆
Hello i need an update with your 2 female😊
I actually have had to upgrade my tank since.. twice 😂 yes they were pregnant, since the mothers have passed and I have two tanks full of their babies, male and female tank
@@lurker5861 wow that's cool
The way you can tell if your guppies are pregnant is as follows: if there are male and female guppies in the same tank or ever have been, the answer is yes.
so true😂😂
yep haha
Well yes, this is true also haha
And not only the guppies... the male guppies try and mate with any female, whatever it is! lmao
Dillon Scott sounds like my mom and dad but in a room
These have to be the easiest fish to breed for sure ... nice video you explained everything perfectly as always 🤗🤗
Thank you so much PB!
I think cichlids are easier. Usually takes a few tries, but the pair takes care of their fry for about 3-6 weeks, allowing for the fry to grow more. Guppies also don’t go at it as often in the case for artificial growth of the young. Dunno, maybe I’m doing something wrong. Help?
Sean Leung guppies are definitely easier they’ll breed every month if you’re not getting fry it’s most likely because they’re being eaten. The fry need lots of cover and hiding places I personally prefer live plants like hornwort, water sprite, or Guppy grass. It also helps to feed the adults at least 4-5 times a day so they won’t feel the need to hunt the babies down
Also guys and girls, If you keep yellow guppys the gravid spot will not always be black at all and more of a browny yellow, and albino guppys can also have no gravid spots at all, its rare but I have had a few like that. The more they give birth the bigger they get meaning more fry next birth, but I stop at 4-5 as found anymore births then that I start to lose fry, had my main f1 yellow sword give birth to 102 fry last week and only lost 1 so was really happy :) sol all the fry off apart from 20 :)
Big well done for hitting 2000 subs, well soon to be :) Would love more DIY projects please :) love seeing people use DIY in our hobby
Indie In The Blood my albino red is about to drop any minute now
Omg my guppies just gave bitrh today its soo cute those little babbies
I just wanted to say thank you for this video you’ve made it very clear to identify between male and female more than most on here thank you very much most helpful Kim 🐟🐠
Thanks for the great video! One of my females is pregnant and been sitting at the bottom of the tank off and on. I was worried but now it makes sense.
I am new to the guppy breeding I actually got my first 10 babies by accident and I think my two females are pregnant again. I have moved the adults to the 30 g and the babies are safe in a 10 g to themselves and some snails. i love them so much and been happy to watch them grow. Thank you for this video i think I am going to have to move them to the 10 until they give birth again. I can't wait to see what pretty colors I get
Thank you, it was informative. Confirmed a lot of my own theories about the female's behavior before they drop fry.
That's great!
Nice video! Pretty guppies. And, I think the fry brood is the best!
great close ups- very informative, thank you!
Thanks for watching
I just subbed! I literally took home some local guppies and one looks pregnant and i had no idea 🤧 thanks mate
4:34 i think the baby is kicking like: ↗️↘️➡️↘️⬇️⬆️⬇️↘️⏫↪️↔️↕️↖️↔️➡️↗️⬆️↩️↙️⬅️➡️↘️⏫⏬↘️⬇️⬇️🔽🔼◀️
Thank you
He sounds like zack from the try guys
Animal life omg hi!!!
Yeah, he does sound kinda like Zach!
He does!
Im a new sub and thanks to you i found out two of my guppies are about to give birth ! Thank you !
you are almost at 2000 subs good job
Ypu make me laugh when you describe a squared off guppy.. looks like she's swallowed .a cube!! Cute description, your funny. Love your guppies.
Very helpful. Thanks.
Thank you for the video
I have a guppy that was sold to me as a male but I believe looks pregnant. Does that happen a lot where the pet store makes a mistake like that?
This totally helps!! Thank you!!
Great information
I just put my pregnant one into her own reader box but she’s swimming around chaotically seeming like she’s not able to relax and one guppy is right in the area where I took her out from and hasn’t left and then another one is swimming underneath the rock where I found the first babies what does that mean?? Should I maybe add a breathing partner for her??
do we need to separate the pregnant female guppy in diff tank from the male until producing fry?
very helpful thanks
What is the black plastic canvas in the tank for? Thank you
I got a new tank and while it was regulating for a month i noticed something in the water. It was a baby! I didn't have hope for her seeing as it want even an established tank. She survived and thrives to this day! It is however her first birth and I'm worried for her. This video helped
How long do they stay pregnant?
love ur vids keep them coming
Thank you!
Just started a guppy tank about 6 weeks ago with 5 guppies . I thought one was about to give birth so I put her in breeder box and later that night she passed I don,t know why may have been swim bladder I don,t know. The very next day I saw some fry in the tank. I was so excited. I have a 20 gallon with some driftwood with a lot of plants.. I don,t know how many each day I count a different number. Now I have another one I think is pregnant but in early stages for sure a little plumper but no behavioral signs . Still eating and swimming around like normal..however your video was just awesome for good comparison , you did some great video ..thank you I have watched a few on guppies but yours was a little more informative.. ty and have a great day keith
Some times the birthing process can be really tough on the fish, this isn’t uncommon to hear
pls make video on how to care pregnant guppy
How do I know in my guppy is struggling giving birth
If your guppy stay n one place n wiggle,is it ok
They get stressed when isolated in small space and taken away from main tank which can lead to premature fry
My guppy is pregnant and I'm nervous lol.I have a five gallon to put the babies in .But what do you feed fry and where n when do you get rid of the fry when they are old enough
Can u show us what do you feed your adult guppies and guppy fries?
My guppy is black and blue and i cant tell where is the thing on her stomach.But she is all day down of the aquarium and she did not eat a lot.She usually eats a lot.
Would there be anyway you can tell me if my fish are pregnant I know I have males and females because when I got them I was told there was both genders and the have had there own fry 3 times but none make it its always two or three babies only this time was only 3 i was able to get and i put them away in a different tank i applicte if you can help me
When do we shift the pregnant guppy to another tank ....
i would do it asap because the male stresses the female out
Excellent video!!! Thanks for the info.... Like&subscribe!
What if you can’t see the gravid spot? My yellow/orange guppy stomach is a solid white, but she’s huge now. I have her in a breeder floating box just in case, but I don’t know if she’s fat or pregnant (I feed them brine shrimp 3x a week) lol simply because I can’t see her gravid spot like I can my other females.
Great video i have 1 pregnant female who is squared of and she been like this a couple of weeks now so i put her in her breeder box and she seemed to get stressed out so i put her back in the main tank ive no idea when she is going to give birth, i had a pregnant female a few days ago that was i think was going to give birth so i put her in the breeder box i checked on her half hour later and she died have u any idea why she died water is fine and ph was normal
Hi, I brought my pregnant guppies from the local pet shop. Both females look about the same stage on but one has a verification dark spot ( the fries eyes) and the other has, what looks like a red spot. Would these be red eyed fry.
Hard to tell, usually albino or blonde guppies have a yellowish gravid spot
Well one had 25 babies. the other has gone a little darker. Both females are gold blond coloured.
@@HomeAquatics hi iwant guppy
I have one guppy that is looking like she is prego.I got her and another female guppy at petco that had a female only tank.She is looking prego.What do i do
She may had gotten pregnant before she was brought to the pet shop by accident. It's possible when separating them a male or 2 got to her before they were shipped off.
Mine have the gravid spots but never saw a single fry!! Any ideas!!? I've isolated 4 females with gravid spots to see what will happen, any other ideas!? Could the spots be food and not fry!?
All guppies have a gravid spot. They just enlarge when the fish is pregnant.
Thanks very informative
do you keep the males and females separated?
Depends on what my goals are. Usually if they are the same strain I keep them together.
what is a good size tank to have
Wait the ringtone in the 1st few seconds it's from scarlet heart riyo isnt it ??💜
Should I have her kept separate from the other fish?
I think u only have to keep her separately when she’s about to give birth, it’s just to prevent adult fish eats the fries.
What would you advice if you see your females are pregnant, keep them on a separate tank. Or leave them on a current tank. I noticed that my males they’re chasing the gravid spot. Please advice, would like to have fries
I see you have them in a sort of like cup. Does that mean that guppies don't need the oxygen machine?? Can I put a guppy in a empty flower vase as its tank??
I will like to know that too, cuz i have one about to pop out but i dont have like another tank .
Juan Cabrera I would not recommend going without some sort of oxygen for the fish. They are only there temporarily, they live in the tanks he has. I think the only fish that may be ok without some sort of oxygen would be a betta. So please, DO NOT put them in a tank without oxygen, especially when they are expecting. They will not live very long in conditions like that, as they are not hardy fish.
Juan Cabrera the ONLY time you can put a fish in some sort of container that has no oxygen would be when you're moving them. Or showing them, like he is. Again, if you watch til the end of the video he puts them back in the bigger tank. So no, please don't put any fish in any sort of container that won't have a filter or a way of them getting oxygen. There are way too many complications to tell you about when it comes to just a flower vase. From a build up of ammonia to incorrect temp, both of which can kill.
Liselita90 ok. You have some better options, such as a tank divider or a breeding net. As long as you have a larger tank and can keep the fry separated from the adults, you should be good. However I recommend talking to your local pet store about selling the fry to them, because once the fry start to mature, they will try to breed with each other. From now on separate adults if you have no way of taking care of fry like that. Putting the mom In a vase could result in death to both the fry and herself.
How do I know if my sons guppy is pregnant or not? The other female her gravid spot disappeared but no babies.
Also I can post pictures
What if my female mates with different type of guppies or mollies.. Like will the colors and fin traits be mixed from the two parents?
Yes. A Molly and guppy baby or fry will most likely be as big as a Molly but have the colors of a guppy if its male of course a mixed female may be Molly sized but just like a guppy she may have smaller fins and a darker or easier to see gravid spot. But just so u know if u do have half breeds they can't mate cuz they're born infertile and most die at a very young age. Good luck.
I bought a female from the petstore and she looks like she’s ready to have babies. She has a dark gravid spot and a abnormally large stomach. Is there any way I can tell when her day comes?
So how would you retire the females in a community tank??
Move her to a girl only tank
I prefer dirty water (not too dirty ) as they have stronger immune systems
My platy keeps following my pregnant guppy. Is she safe? No fin nipping. Looks like he's trying to mate with her...
Sir my all three guppies have the black spot on its gravid spot so I'm not able to compare a pregnant to a normal what's the perfect indicator for the pregnancy.
How can you tell if an Endler is pregnant?
It's the same way as for guppies.
good job
Love ur videos
I notice that you have your pregnant guppy in a non filtering tank. Is this okay for a few days? I’m very new at having guppies. My female just gave birth on Friday. I thought she was pregnant but this is my first round. I was only able to find 2 live babies left in the tank. I quickly separated them. I noticed the males are now trying to impregnate her again. Is this normal as well? Thank you for any help you can give.
Kathleen Brown no Kathleen this is so not normal if the males continue to try to impregnate her without her consent you may have to ring the police
Great vid mate
Thank you!
Do a Q and A when you reach 2k subscribers
I'll have to do that soon
Russel Tan now he is in 10k subs
I just put males and females in a tank and while the males are all over the place the females are just sitting on the side doing nothing. Wondering if they are not moving because of pregnancy or if there is something wrong.
my guppy has given birth but sadly the fry died for many unknown causes. I have a cover area and she would hide under it as well as the filter.Her gravid spot has disappeared but I think she's pregnant
The mother will usually become pregnant from a few days to a week after she has given birth, depending on if a new male has fertilised her or if the sperm from a previous male is being used to fertilise her.
Do fry have to have a filter or oxygen, if they do how do you stop fry from getting sucked up in a filter?
I agree with the comment below if you are using a HOB filter. I use sponge filters in my tanks and don't run into problems. I have the items I used linked on my website under filtration:
Brittney Lewis you find a type of filter online for baby fish but usually you wouldnt need it I have a 20 gallon tank and 4 guppies 1 male and 3 females I have a separate tank for the babies
Could Females have a gravid spot and not be pregnant? I got my little girl actually recently I noticed she had one and I was going to breed her with my males but if she is pregnant I won't
Just want to know if my female guppy is pregnant coz her gravis spot is quite big and she is got a belly on her
She looks exactly like the big female like the one in the video
Hi sir! About the “box-shaped “ abdomen, will it appear just like that the next morning or will it form the shape slowly everyday? Thanks in advance! My guppy female is about 3 weeks pregnant now and I think that she’ll pop in a few days.
Slowly everyday just like any pregnancy.
Lol a few days ago, I assumed that none of my girls were pregnant (I have gender assorted tanks) and I put a few into a breeding tank and then 2 days later I have 3 fry already and I could’ve sworn that they weren’t pregnant the gravid spot was light maroon and they had flat bellies (I feed the, everyday) so yay ;-;
How do you select your guppies for breeding? Also, how do you select your culls? Thanks! Ed
I go based on characteristics I like. For example tail size. If I want males with larger tails I'll keep those and cull the smaller tailed ones. The culls I sell to my LFS as assorted guppies since I don't believe in destroying the fish.
How can you tell if she's about to have babies
what do you use for food for your fry?
I use Hikari first bites for the first 2 weeks, then crushed flakes
How do I prevent breeding?
I'm a first time guppy keeper and I'm keeping them in a 5 gallon so If my female gives birth 10+ I would have to get another tank and I can't afford it, so how do I prevent breeding in a 5/10 gallon?
P.S. How do I test pH?
galaxy star ok, prevent breeding by keeping a single sex in your tank. Meaning no boys and girls in that same tank. If you have a boy and girl in there, she's probably already pregnant. They breed a lot. And to test PH, get a water test kit. It will be little test strips you dip into the water. I'm sure you can look up 'PH test strips' and find them.
I went to my pet store nearby and all their guppy are tan/greyish and it said they were adults. I do have more pet stores near me but it's weird.
What type of store do I buy them in?
+galaxy star For starters, a 5 gallon is too small for guppies, they require at least a 10 gallon.
Secondly, have you cycled you tank?
And last but not least, *don't use pH test strips.* Get a liquid test kit instead, liquid test kits are more accurate. You want to get one that includes ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH.
Sawk Video Productions aa
One question all the time my groupies female is pregnant she's died everything girls pregnant is
My females have that square shape but they have not given birth. That shape can also come from good feeding and good care.....not necessarily ready for birth
Will a guppy’s gravid spot disappear right after giving birth?
No the gravid spot is there at around 1 month. It's one of the ways we tell males and females apart, the gravid spot gets darker during pregnancy the later in the pregnancy the darker and bigger the gravid spot.
My guppy is very pregnant I've put her in the breeding box she is on the bottom hope she gives birth soon I think she looks abit stressed hopefully it won't kill her.
I’m confused how do you retire a guppy from breeding? She can hold sperm and continue to have fry. So separating them from the males isn’t going to stop her from giving birth
Mate I'm a newbie and I want to ask when is is best to separate when she's pregnant
Mark john Phillips when her belly starts to "square up"
Aquarium Boy123 would she be ok in a tank on her own
Mark john Phillips ya she should be when she's pregnant.
Agreed with aquarium boy123. Sometimes I'll remove the male if he stresses them out.
When a guppy gives birth does the mom eat the kids??
Yes as to them fry are easy pickings
Please confirm those cups ar3 temporary containers for your guppy just to show on video. People might think it’s ok to leave a guppy indefinitely without filtration or surface disruption causing oxygen exchange (air stone or other air delivering mechanism)
Rachel Shamariah he did. He says he has to put them back in their tank.
My male guppies try to mate with my female sword fish!! Expecting my 1st batch of guppy fry any day!!
Dont worry ur safe swordtails and guppies can't breed they may be livebarers but they are not in the same family group so no need to panic u wont have any half breeds.
nice one
How to differentiate Male from female guppies?
Females have less color and a triangular anal fin. Males have more color and a spike shaped anal fin.
@@clairepetersen5249 ok thxs
A females fins are much shorter and much duller and females are bigger than males the best way is to look for the gravid spot, females get one near the anal fin at around 1 month old also males have a straw like appendage near their anal fin this acts like the penis. Males are smaller than females but usually have flashy colors and longer tailfins to woo the females for mating. It only take one second for them to breed.
My guppy is 7 months old but it is still as tiny as it was when it was born.
That means it doesn't have enough space to grow. Give it some more space and sufficient nutrition and it should start to grow. Considering its life span was halted, it should have an extended life span and won't die young.
I am a dog breeder and yes it dose matter if you are breeding dogs to not over breed them and when they get to they age of about 7 to retire them but I don't think it matters with fish lol
Rebekah Moore how many litters would you have a 7 year old dog have?
can i just put her in cub until she give birth (any day now ) without filter and oxygen ?
Yes she and her babies should be fine.
My female guppy's tummy is big but i dont see the dark spot is it pregnantt?
jan vincent dimapilis r u sure its a female
I think they all have a spot
All females
A female guppy should get her spot at 1 month old. A gravid spot doesn't mean she's pregnant it just means shes a she but if the gravid spot is bigger and darker then yes she is pregnant. The only way u wouldn't see a gravid spot is 1 she's not a she or 2 she's a half breed which cant get pregnant.
So close to 2k ur at 1,999 at the time of posting this comment
I'm DIZZY now!
Do they give live birth or are they eggs
vickie lepor eggs just like any fish
They are livebearers. Therefore, they give birth to live fry.
+Viizion Orbit Don't talk about something if you have no clue about it.
@@viizionorbit7751 why lie?
interesting would like to see the tank with all those retired guppy females...
Does the Mail have to be with the female when she is pregnant
No in fact its better to separate her into a diffrent tank about a 5 or 10 gal. This'll keep her from nipping his fins and keep her stress free from him, males are constantly trying to breed even if the female is pregnant this can be very stressful and can cause ur guppy to have a miscarriage or abort her babies.
No in fact its better to separate her into a 5 or 10 gal tank thisll keep her from getting stressed by males , males never stop trying to breed even if the female is pregnant and a pregnant female likes to nip at the males fins (not pretty) if u keep her in there with the male they may be fine but the babies will most likely get eaten. And if u do separate her make sure to put lots of plants in the tank for the fry to hide in as the mother will also eat them so make sure u take her out after she's givin birth. Its best to have 2 tanks 1 for males and the other females to keep the population down and to prevent birth defects.