I would save the "waste" water to use for watering my plants. The amount of nitrogen is perfect for fertilizing most flowering plants. The African violets bloomed like crazy!
Great vid but one small grip i gotta point out on your comment on 2 types of keepers experienced or learning: everyone who keeps fish be it 1 day or 40 years is still learning how to keep them. the day i claim to know everything is the day i prove i know nothing. :P
Your logic is right, I have been in the fish hobby for 2 years, and my pet shop workers always say, "you will kill your fish if you don't have 1 gallon for each inch of fish" but I think a Guppy in a 3 gallon alone looks so lonely. I had a female Guppy I had since she was born and then a while ago, maybe a few weeks, I got a platy friend for her.
OK so ur one gallon for every inch of fish so I get a 7' arrowana Fosse that mean I can put him in a 84 gallon tank hahahahah fuck no you'll kill it so one gallon per inch or one gallon per anything is let me think bullshit and proven wrong
I gave them living blood worms for the first time , it was like a Nacional Geographic nature films ! They got aggressive like I have never seen before , and even stoled worms from the snails ! Lol ! Oh man , they are very dynamic beasts . Love then .
did a nice film--- used a 30 gallon plastic tub outside, under shade-- in south west Nebraska-- temps can be over 100 degrees and this winter finally moved them back inside but they survived temps down to 30 degrees with a 50 watt heater in it, they huddled around it like it was a pot bellied stove-- went in one year from 2 fish to now 600-- problem is finding people to buy them--
My air pump is rated for 100 gallons. The large tank is 30 gallons and the other 4 are 5.5 gallons each
7 років тому+2
You can put fish in a newly set up tank if you use Quick Start. It eliminates the whole 30 day cycling thing. I didn't know this existed until recently. ☺
For my 10 gallon guppy tank water changes, I do about 30% every week, and de-chlorinated water is added over a course of 4-5 hours to ensure my fish doesn't go into a shock. Usually what I do is I grab those cheap plastic basket from walmart for like 2 dollars, and have the water mixed with small amount of salt and de-chlorinated chemicals over night, and change water after morning feeding. I have 10 adult guppies (f/m mix), 3 ghost shrimps and a Otocinclus Catfish. Tank is not planted but I have a HOB 100gph filter and a 10 gallon sponge filter which shares a 10 gallon air pump with my 5 gallon breeder tank (so it is a bit under powered).
Do you always add salt? It's not really needed unless your fish are sick or something. You have a great system going though. My water changes are all done at once and not over a period of time. I add the de-chlorination directly to the tank and then fill straight from the tap. Been doing this for 5+ years with no issues.
Home Aquatics yeah I always do. I usually adds about 1/4 spoon of salt for ever 3 gallons of water and for breeding tank, it will be 1/2 spoon of salt for every 3 gallons of water. I do it over a period of time is just to be on the save side. I will add 1/2 of 3 gallons initially and after 2 hours i will add the other 1/2 into the tank.
Josh Ding if you are getting your water from the same place every time there should be no reason you can't do larger WCs at once. I do 100% on my Discus every day.
i have breeding guppies for over 10 years and something I have over a hundred guppies in one pond and they do great . I have twelve ponds and they all do great I also have a 5 gallon aquarium with eight guppies and babies the thing is once you have good filtration and plants the guppies will be great . I change water in all my aquariums every two days so all my fishes are great
Looking at getting some guppies for my 20 gallon tank, and I found this video so helpful! I want to do an all one sex tank so I don't end up with breeding.
I have 30 full grown red delta guppies with more than 60 fries in breeder boxes and three big fancy goldfish.....all in a 32 gal tank. I do 45% water change each day. The tank looks great and busy. Lots of gold and orange red. It’s also a barebottom tank so the water is clean.
nitrogen cycle.... for instance my 20 gallon I bought beginning of September.... it is NOV beginning and it just now is down on the ammonia but still has high nitrates.....still has a ways to go before being fish ready.
I got a guppy tank I got 4 and I didn’t do a cycle I just put bottled water from the shop in and so far I’ve had no problems what’s your thoughts on that?
Question: I have a new tank and 3 new guppy, all male. I am a true beginner. 2nd day with new fish. One of the fish has remained on bottom of tank in a corner and refuses to swim around like the other two and uses it's tail to push away the other fish. Is it frightened, sick ? Two came from one tank at the store and the hiding guppy came from another tank of males. No, I did not cycle the tank beforehand as I was unaware to do so. Ran the filter for 2 days before hand and put conditioner in also followed by fish.
I have a few tanks, by May 2022 I'll be in the hobby for 1 year. Still learning. I have slightly over 200 fish, 47 different species. All doing great, except I struggle with guppies. I also do 50% water changes weekly clean filters every two months. My local shop mentioned I should clean filters every 3 months. I buy 10 guppies male female mix add to quarantine tank no medicine or salt just as is. Quarantine tank has some plants in and hiding place. By the end of the week I only have about 3 maybe 4 guppies of the 10 left. I bought form 3 different places around me which is the best suppliers we have close to me. With all the same result. Sometimes I have a few fry but the adults keep dying. What can it be. I'm buying guppies now on a weekly basis to get stock levels right. Some channels and websites talks about inbreeding and bad strains, brackish water where they might come from. Should I add salt to my tank to ease them into my water?
I bought some guppies from a pet store apparently one or two were pregnant, thng is I had pput them in a Half Moon Tank small I might add , so they had babies I have like 25 baby fry . So I bought a Ten gallon Tank system filter etc . So hearing your video Im panicking so should I buy a Bigger tank which I mam getting a 50 gallon tank on Layaway. Am I going to lose them?
Hey! love your video. I have a 75gallon how many guppies, platys can I have in that? I currently have 8 guppies and 6 platys in my 75gallon. mix sexes. I have owned larger cichlids in the past as well as ornate bichirs, and other exotic fish but never small fish and my tank is cycled. I also have a 55 gallon, 40 gallon and two 5 gallon tanks currently being used for other fish except my 40 gallon.
I have an outdoor plastic pond with lot and lot of floating plant. let my guppy and platty lost and control their population themselves. No water change only top up. The do grow pretty slow because I barely feed them they forge for bug and live off algae. What I notice is adult max out much smaller than indoor fish where we artificially feed them daily.
Why Not? In nature they live in bodies of water far greater than that. Some people may say this might be a waste of a 125 gallon but thats all up to you.
I have like 7 guppies mixed genders there in a 10 gallon and I have been doing the right stuff and ammonia and stuff but like 1 dies a week so I think I’m doing something rwrong but I can’t figure it out
I’ve got a 10 gallon with two cory catfish and a betta fish (he is very calm) how much do you suggest (I’ve done my research and contrary to what people say, betta fish can room in a tank with other fish as long as it’s a decent size tank)
Hey Jorge! Great info! How did you arrive at 10% WC weekly as a minimum? I do WC based on what the nitrate level is. As an example I change 10% in my 450 gallon system daily, I do more if the nitrate level reaches 30 PPM. Which is rare.
Smaller water changes like that help keep your parameters steady but at the same time keep you from shocking your fish with new water chemistry. I was told this by an old aquarium veteran when I first started years ago who sadly passed away a few years ago. If nothing is wrong with your parameters then 10% wont do much of a difference. If your water parameters are a little off the 10% can help correct that until you realize that you have an issue in your tank. Not sure if I explained it well lol.
I know I'm late, but I bought a few guppies (male and female) just to have not to breed. I've had them for a year or two now and they still won't stop breeding, it's not bad just a lot of babies
Yes please if you can post a video on how to start a new guppy tank from scratch. I’m just starting and have no idea on what I NEED and the nitrogen understanding and all of that
I am buying a used 120l (30 gallon tank) and am new to fish. What do you recomend? Do i get guppys and how many? Also because its a used tank do i still have to do the cycle or can i just put fish in straight away? Thanks
guppies are a great starter fish clean your tank good I have put a guppy in the same day I setup tank have fish store test your water if water good put a couple guppies in.
I have a ten gallon tank. 5 black skirt tetra. 2 white skirt tetra. 1 black molly. 1 sunset platy. 1 male guppy. 1 female guppy. 1 amano shrimp and 1 pleco, is that too much?
Thanks for the help I am getting mine tommarow and this will help I think I am getting 1 male 3females and I yes I do want them to breed I am doing it in a ten gallon tank so I think as long as I keep giving the frie away I will be fine
Fastest easiest way to cycle a tank is with fish in it, the bottle of pre start bacteria isn’t great and won’t start a cycle because without ammonia being introduced the bacteria can start and turn into nitrite and eventually into nitrate. Don’t get a 30gal tank and put 30 fish in it rather get a couple who will be residents and put them in the tank once water is treated and don’t add any chemicals to remove any ammonia or nitrite and do a 10-15% water change weekly and after a week test and see if you need to change more water to get the nitrate out and within a 2 months the tank will be cycled and within that 2 month time frame add a couple fish each week till fully populated to keep ammonia spikes down
great video! Very informative and descriptive. ;D Question; i have gourmai in my tank but i am breeding guppies in there too. It is a 10 gallon with a log hide, big fake plant, tiny terra cotta pot, and a bridge. There are also 4 guppies in there (including my 1 fry.) I was wondering if i would have to give away my gourmai to make room for future fry? (now dont get me wrong i LOVE all the fish i own especially my gourmai; i even named them all! :p)
I have 6 guppy with tetra cichlid molly platy tiger barb and pleco in 36 CM tank I feed them potato cucumber and weekly 50% water change with methyleblue adding and 2 table spoune of sale
I got guupies few days back and I just notice two of them are pregnant, I don't know when to separate them.. One female has very dark spot and bulged belly. Need suggestions what to do.
I am considering a guppy tank and thus really helped. I have a couple questions though. what would you suggest for food? also when breading do you separate the mother from the get as soon as possible so she doesn't eat them or do you leave them together?
I like my Hikari products, I am sponsored by them but I really like how my fish grow on them. I always seperate the mother from the fry after shes done giving birth.
I have a 10 gallon tank with 12 neon tetras, 4 fancy guppies, 2 German blue Rams, 2 dwarf gouramies and 1 pleco. 30% water changes twice a week. Is that over stocked?
Yes, that seems like a lot of fish. Plecos have high Bioloads alone. I wouldnt keep anything more than the 12 neon tetras in there since they are small but they should be in a larger longer tank since they like to school. The 4 guppies would be perfect for a 10 gallon tank, anything else should have their own tank.
Many months ago I added a new gup female to my tank after 2 weeks in quarantine and this guppy gave my other ones the red bristle parasite (can't remember the name). It was horrible because it took the worms 2 months to start showing themselves. She even had 3 fry which are grown now and doing fine luckily. The store was great and offered to replace my entire community, I declined because I don't want them inbred. I just wanted to let others know about the parasite that looks like reddish bristles coming from the anus, it was horrible! I have had fish over 20 years and never had this until now. New sub, like the channel.
My baby shrimp tend to hide in the java moss and those mats I made until they are large enough to not be eaten. As long as you have a lot of hiding spots they will be fine.
I see you keep shrimp with guppies. Do you lose baby shrimp? I have shrimp and put two baby endlers (sold as guppies) and had my neon yellow caridina breed in it. Also is your opinion if I remove substrate I can control detritus worms? I underfed my shrimp and deep suction gravel up to 2 times per week as soon as I see malm on the substrate. I'm about to just quit substrate altogether
Hey can i keep 4 guppy fish in a 11 gallon tank if not i was also thinking about putting a beta fish in it and put 2-3 decorations i just want my fish to be happy in their new home
I don’t know about doing two males or a male and a female in a 3.7 gallon tank but if you do the male and female and they reproduce then you can separate the fry and raise them in a separate tank until they are old enough or you can let your guppies eat the fry so that you don’t have to worry about them
PictureFoxGaming You’re welcome and yes, that may provide for a meal but be sure to add a couple of flakes just in case the fry aren’t enough. Maybe a pinch of crushed up flakes will do
hi, I have started 1 male and 1 female guppy, male guppy dies after 5 days...then the female guppy gave birth to 17 babies after one month, now that babies are growing up slowly, mother and babies all in one tank only, I saw many colored guppies in shop I like it more so I buy some more colored male and female guppies and placed in the same tank. now the problem is slowly one by one gyppy is dying, I don't know why...??? I clean the tank every week once.I feed them twice a day. now I separated babies and mother fish. I have some algae in the tank. can you please help me to save my guppies... Thank you
hi. the tank is new and guppies start to swim at highest point of water without gasping air after some hours. they do eat and swim around a bit when i feed them but other than that they calmly stay with their head touching the surface. when i got them the seller said its all good to have 1 day waited water and i did so. now i search and everybody is talking about cycling the tank. i used tap water and checked the stats of my tap water from government's site and ph is 7 it says so should be fine for them. but what is wrong? i dont want them to die? what is a quick solution
yes i used aquatan. they are fine now. when i do water changes they do that for a while sometimes. i guess it's because of stress or temprature changes
I have 2 male guppies and 2 female platys in a 6 gallon tank..... one of the platys I just put in tank yesterday and one of my male guppies will not leave it alone..... he does not seem to be nipping at her but is very aggressive about staying right with her.... any clue as to if he is weirdly in love or just being territorial or what???
I can't keep mine alive had my water tested everything was good and they still die, they do good for about 5 days or so after i get them than go to the rim of the tank and just sit there until they die.. If the few i got left also die i am done with guppys, my ember tetras are doing great so i don't understand why they die while my other fish do good?
+terrmine_ No i always make sure to treat my tank water i have 13 ember tetras and a new batte and they are doing great i think they might have been sick i treated my tank for parasites and i did notice a couple of them rubbing up against my driftwood before they would go up to the rim of the tank and die.. My other fish never were afected but sadly all 14 guppys died, i'm not sure what happened real shame cause they were beautiful guppys..
Raul Chavez once a week poor out 50 percent of the water and add new dechloronated water into the tank remember to clean the gravel and filter but not with tap water
I would save the "waste" water to use for watering my plants. The amount of nitrogen is perfect for fertilizing most flowering plants. The African violets bloomed like crazy!
I've done it before, but I don't have enough plants to need all the water I get from the tanks.
I have clients that whenever I do a water change, keep the water for their plants. They really like the results. It's also free and better fertilizer.
I fill up a 5 gallon bucket with tank water then clean out my sponges from my filters and pour that over my veggie plants
I do that to, I used it for y potatoes and they flowered
Great vid but one small grip i gotta point out on your comment on 2 types of keepers experienced or learning: everyone who keeps fish be it 1 day or 40 years is still learning how to keep them. the day i claim to know everything is the day i prove i know nothing. :P
I agree, the whole hobby is always a learning process regardless of how much time is used.
Been in the hobby since the 80s, I learn things daily 😊😊😊
I've got a 36 that regularly tops 100+ thanks to the active breeding. I just started a few more ten gallons.
Thank you canvas mesh for actually kind of like cross stitch….great idea! I con use those for dividers too
That reflection at 3:08 is my favorite type of vitamin water.
Very informational video! You got my subscription! Thanks!
Your logic is right, I have been in the fish hobby for 2 years, and my pet shop workers always say, "you will kill your fish if you don't have 1 gallon for each inch of fish" but I think a Guppy in a 3 gallon alone looks so lonely. I had a female Guppy I had since she was born and then a while ago, maybe a few weeks, I got a platy friend for her.
Guppy Singh I agree i have my guppies in a fountain tank which is only a gallon and with 5 guppies and never ran into any problems
Fishing and Hockey that's way too small
Thats cute 😋
OK so ur one gallon for every inch of fish so I get a 7' arrowana Fosse that mean I can put him in a 84 gallon tank hahahahah fuck no you'll kill it so one gallon per inch or one gallon per anything is let me think bullshit and proven wrong
james paxton that method is only for smaller fish
I really like using the terracotta plant pot trays too. They are very useful.
Totally agree
What are you planning, tank size, filtration, air system, bare bottom or plants etc. Great thinking mate!
Great video man, very informational! Keep it this video really helped me
Thanks dude!
I gave them living blood worms for the first time , it was like a Nacional Geographic nature films ! They got aggressive like I have never seen before , and even stoled worms from the snails ! Lol ! Oh man , they are very dynamic beasts . Love then .
did a nice film--- used a 30 gallon plastic tub outside, under shade-- in south west Nebraska-- temps can be over 100 degrees and this winter finally moved them back inside but they survived temps down to 30 degrees with a 50 watt heater in it, they huddled around it like it was a pot bellied stove-- went in one year from 2 fish to now 600-- problem is finding people to buy them--
Have you tried selling them on ebay or to local fish stores?
hi i was wondering what your setup was for you airpump filter and tank dimensions thanks
My air pump is rated for 100 gallons. The large tank is 30 gallons and the other 4 are 5.5 gallons each
You can put fish in a newly set up tank if you use Quick Start. It eliminates the whole 30 day cycling thing. I didn't know this existed until recently. ☺
I think quick start just makes the time shorter. I used it but still had to wait 4 weeks before it was ready for my fish...
i had a 65 gallon with over 100 guppies and about 8 other fish, used just a heavy filter and everything was great!
I have about 60+ adult guppy in my 40 gallon right now with a lot of babies also.
That's pretty cool man!
45 seconds in and you've already blown my mind bro. Nice! :)
Thanks for watching!
Full red guppy so beautiful
For my 10 gallon guppy tank water changes, I do about 30% every week, and de-chlorinated water is added over a course of 4-5 hours to ensure my fish doesn't go into a shock. Usually what I do is I grab those cheap plastic basket from walmart for like 2 dollars, and have the water mixed with small amount of salt and de-chlorinated chemicals over night, and change water after morning feeding. I have 10 adult guppies (f/m mix), 3 ghost shrimps and a Otocinclus Catfish. Tank is not planted but I have a HOB 100gph filter and a 10 gallon sponge filter which shares a 10 gallon air pump with my 5 gallon breeder tank (so it is a bit under powered).
Do you always add salt? It's not really needed unless your fish are sick or something. You have a great system going though. My water changes are all done at once and not over a period of time. I add the de-chlorination directly to the tank and then fill straight from the tap. Been doing this for 5+ years with no issues.
Home Aquatics yeah I always do. I usually adds about 1/4 spoon of salt for ever 3 gallons of water and for breeding tank, it will be 1/2 spoon of salt for every 3 gallons of water. I do it over a period of time is just to be on the save side. I will add 1/2 of 3 gallons initially and after 2 hours i will add the other 1/2 into the tank.
Josh Ding if you are getting your water from the same place every time there should be no reason you can't do larger WCs at once. I do 100% on my Discus every day.
ive been thinking of something to use to keep food together . Thanks
Thanks for watching
that feeding cone is a great idea. wish I had known about that when u had guppies
i have breeding guppies for over 10 years and something I have over a hundred guppies in one pond and they do great . I have twelve ponds and they all do great I also have a 5 gallon aquarium with eight guppies and babies the thing is once you have good filtration and plants the guppies will be great . I change water in all my aquariums every two days so all my fishes are great
I am watching this with my 4 males guppies and two pregnet female guppies. I got them today my first pet!!!
Looking at getting some guppies for my 20 gallon tank, and I found this video so helpful! I want to do an all one sex tank so I don't end up with breeding.
I have 30 full grown red delta guppies with more than 60 fries in breeder boxes and three big fancy goldfish.....all in a 32 gal tank. I do 45% water change each day. The tank looks great and busy. Lots of gold and orange red. It’s also a barebottom tank so the water is clean.
you have such a beautiful set up.. thunbs' up mate :)
nitrogen cycle.... for instance my 20 gallon I bought beginning of September.... it is NOV beginning and it just now is down on the ammonia but still has high nitrates.....still has a ways to go before being fish ready.
Nice Video! I just subscribed!
beautiful examples and good video !!!
I got a guppy tank I got 4 and I didn’t do a cycle I just put bottled water from the shop in and so far I’ve had no problems what’s your thoughts on that?
Question: I have a new tank and 3 new guppy, all male. I am a true beginner. 2nd day with new fish. One of the fish has remained on bottom of tank in a corner and refuses to swim around like the other two and uses it's tail to push away the other fish. Is it frightened, sick ? Two came from one tank at the store and the hiding guppy came from another tank of males. No, I did not cycle the tank beforehand as I was unaware to do so. Ran the filter for 2 days before hand and put conditioner in also followed by fish.
Very good advice :D
Thanks for watching!
I have a few tanks, by May 2022 I'll be in the hobby for 1 year. Still learning. I have slightly over 200 fish, 47 different species. All doing great, except I struggle with guppies. I also do 50% water changes weekly clean filters every two months. My local shop mentioned I should clean filters every 3 months. I buy 10 guppies male female mix add to quarantine tank no medicine or salt just as is. Quarantine tank has some plants in and hiding place. By the end of the week I only have about 3 maybe 4 guppies of the 10 left. I bought form 3 different places around me which is the best suppliers we have close to me. With all the same result. Sometimes I have a few fry but the adults keep dying. What can it be. I'm buying guppies now on a weekly basis to get stock levels right. Some channels and websites talks about inbreeding and bad strains, brackish water where they might come from. Should I add salt to my tank to ease them into my water?
How do you cleen a tank with fry in it? And I like your viedeos lol.
I bought some guppies from a pet store apparently one or two were pregnant, thng is I had pput them in a Half Moon Tank small I might add , so they had babies I have like 25 baby fry . So I bought a Ten gallon Tank system filter etc . So hearing your video Im panicking so should I buy a Bigger tank which I mam getting a 50 gallon tank on Layaway. Am I going to lose them?
I’m new to fish, I have a 20 gallon long with 8 guppies,
One Bristlenose, 5 green Corydoras, 2 snails and now 7 guppy fry lol
Hey! love your video. I have a 75gallon how many guppies, platys can I have in that? I currently have 8 guppies and 6 platys in my 75gallon. mix sexes. I have owned larger cichlids in the past as well as ornate bichirs, and other exotic fish but never small fish and my tank is cycled. I also have a 55 gallon, 40 gallon and two 5 gallon tanks currently being used for other fish except my 40 gallon.
What, that's awesome! I'm jealous of your tanks!
I have an outdoor plastic pond with lot and lot of floating plant. let my guppy and platty lost and control their population themselves. No water change only top up. The do grow pretty slow because I barely feed them they forge for bug and live off algae. What I notice is adult max out much smaller than indoor fish where we artificially feed them daily.
can I put guppy in a 125 gallon tank
Why Not? In nature they live in bodies of water far greater than that. Some people may say this might be a waste of a 125 gallon but thats all up to you.
thanks for answering my questions
You can put more than just guppies!
Queen Michelle Michelle love
show other pictures
I have like 7 guppies mixed genders there in a 10 gallon and I have been doing the right stuff and ammonia and stuff but like 1 dies a week so I think I’m doing something rwrong but I can’t figure it out
I’ve got a 10 gallon with two cory catfish and a betta fish (he is very calm) how much do you suggest (I’ve done my research and contrary to what people say, betta fish can room in a tank with other fish as long as it’s a decent size tank)
Hey Jorge! Great info! How did you arrive at 10% WC weekly as a minimum? I do WC based on what the nitrate level is. As an example I change 10% in my 450 gallon system daily, I do more if the nitrate level reaches 30 PPM. Which is rare.
Smaller water changes like that help keep your parameters steady but at the same time keep you from shocking your fish with new water chemistry. I was told this by an old aquarium veteran when I first started years ago who sadly passed away a few years ago. If nothing is wrong with your parameters then 10% wont do much of a difference. If your water parameters are a little off the 10% can help correct that until you realize that you have an issue in your tank. Not sure if I explained it well lol.
Hey Jorge your rocking the videos the lately. I only have time to get one out a week. The is video was well done and thumbs up.
I've had plenty of time now to get them done haha.
I'm new to guppies is their a way I can email and ask u some questions? ?
You can use google or You Tube which I prefer because it's all visual.
30 gallon tank don’t want any breeding what do you recommend for amounts of fish and everything
I know I'm late, but I bought a few guppies (male and female) just to have not to breed. I've had them for a year or two now and they still won't stop breeding, it's not bad just a lot of babies
I have a 30 gallon tank I have a lot of moss at the top and ghost shrimp. I change it once a month
Thanks for the tips!
Yes please if you can post a video on how to start a new guppy tank from scratch. I’m just starting and have no idea on what I NEED and the nitrogen understanding and all of that
That will be coming in the future, thank you for watching
I am buying a used 120l (30 gallon tank) and am new to fish. What do you recomend? Do i get guppys and how many? Also because its a used tank do i still have to do the cycle or can i just put fish in straight away? Thanks
guppies are a great starter fish clean your tank good I have put a guppy in the same day I setup tank have fish store test your water if water good put a couple guppies in.
Paul Daniels will i need to do the cycle if its a pre used tank?
Yes. You still have to do the cycle if it doesn't have some of it's old cycled water in it. It just won't take as long.
I really love your video's I'm just starting with breeding with guppies
Thankyou I needed this video
Any time!
Are they hardy ? I need some color in my 30 gallon would like to get a few of them..
what airpump do you use which is strong enough for all the tanks? I have same filters, but really want 1 strong airpump for my breeding tanks
Hi, nice breeding set up you got there. So what is that red fancy guppy varity called?
The mesh is made for things like cross stitch, crewel, and latch hook, if anyone needs help tracking it down.
what plant is the ones that dosent have to be put in gravel
Kacper slezak
Anubias. They also don't need much light
I don't kniw what mine is but I just wrapped it in filter.
Is 2 nerite snails, 4 male guppies, Indian fern and Anubias overstock for a 10 gallon?
Nope! That sounds like a perfect stock. Make sure to cycle the tank though
I have a ten gallon tank. 5 black skirt tetra. 2 white skirt tetra. 1 black molly. 1 sunset platy. 1 male guppy. 1 female guppy. 1 amano shrimp and 1 pleco, is that too much?
Jose Manuel Yes! Way overstocked. Plecos get huge!
I love the plastic canvas idea.
Thank you!
Can I feed blood worm to just born guppy fry?
Prathmesh Horambe it will be to big for them to eat try daphnia much smaller
what type of guppy is in the thumbnail/what strain?
Is there a way to stop them breeding???? Would turning the heat down work??
Andrew Bareman don’t mess with the recommended temperature, if you don’t want them to breed pick either males or females. That’s the only healthy way
i have a pond near my house with thouseneds of goppies are those safe to keep?
Thanks for the help I am getting mine tommarow and this will help I think I am getting 1 male 3females and I yes I do want them to breed I am doing it in a ten gallon tank so I think as long as I keep giving the frie away I will be fine
Fastest easiest way to cycle a tank is with fish in it, the bottle of pre start bacteria isn’t great and won’t start a cycle because without ammonia being introduced the bacteria can start and turn into nitrite and eventually into nitrate. Don’t get a 30gal tank and put 30 fish in it rather get a couple who will be residents and put them in the tank once water is treated and don’t add any chemicals to remove any ammonia or nitrite and do a 10-15% water change weekly and after a week test and see if you need to change more water to get the nitrate out and within a 2 months the tank will be cycled and within that 2 month time frame add a couple fish each week till fully populated to keep ammonia spikes down
nice information sir
i am also guppies breeding and raising
i received nice information from your video
great video! Very informative and descriptive. ;D Question; i have gourmai in my tank but i am breeding guppies in there too. It is a 10 gallon with a log hide, big fake plant, tiny terra cotta pot, and a bridge. There are also 4 guppies in there (including my 1 fry.) I was wondering if i would have to give away my gourmai to make room for future fry? (now dont get me wrong i LOVE all the fish i own especially my gourmai; i even named them all! :p)
I have 6 guppy with tetra cichlid molly platy tiger barb and pleco in 36 CM tank I feed them potato cucumber and weekly 50% water change with methyleblue adding and 2 table spoune of sale
I got guupies few days back and I just notice two of them are pregnant, I don't know when to separate them.. One female has very dark spot and bulged belly. Need suggestions what to do.
What is the air filtration you have?
I got a question. Im thinking about getting some guppies, but can they be with other fish?
I am considering a guppy tank and thus really helped. I have a couple questions though. what would you suggest for food? also when breading do you separate the mother from the get as soon as possible so she doesn't eat them or do you leave them together?
I like my Hikari products, I am sponsored by them but I really like how my fish grow on them. I always seperate the mother from the fry after shes done giving birth.
Home Aquatics thanks
I have a 10 gallon tank with 12 neon tetras, 4 fancy guppies, 2 German blue Rams, 2 dwarf gouramies and 1 pleco. 30% water changes twice a week. Is that over stocked?
Yes, that seems like a lot of fish. Plecos have high Bioloads alone. I wouldnt keep anything more than the 12 neon tetras in there since they are small but they should be in a larger longer tank since they like to school. The 4 guppies would be perfect for a 10 gallon tank, anything else should have their own tank.
Have you tried repashy fish food? I've heard it can be useful for feeding fry over long periods of time without making a mess in the tank.
Can I just use a regular filter instead of a sponge filter?
Many months ago I added a new gup female to my tank after 2 weeks in quarantine and this guppy gave my other ones the red bristle parasite (can't remember the name). It was horrible because it took the worms 2 months to start showing themselves. She even had 3 fry which are grown now and doing fine luckily. The store was great and offered to replace my entire community, I declined because I don't want them inbred. I just wanted to let others know about the parasite that looks like reddish bristles coming from the anus, it was horrible! I have had fish over 20 years and never had this until now. New sub, like the channel.
Oh those are camelanus worms. I've had those a few times, there's meds you can use for them that really help its called Levamisole
are the baby Red Cherry Shrimps ok if i put guppies inside my tank?
My baby shrimp tend to hide in the java moss and those mats I made until they are large enough to not be eaten. As long as you have a lot of hiding spots they will be fine.
thank you for the tip. i really appreciated it
I see you keep shrimp with guppies. Do you lose baby shrimp? I have shrimp and put two baby endlers (sold as guppies) and had my neon yellow caridina breed in it. Also is your opinion if I remove substrate I can control detritus worms? I underfed my shrimp and deep suction gravel up to 2 times per week as soon as I see malm on the substrate. I'm about to just quit substrate altogether
great video! keep it up!
nice video . I have a few guppy breeding at the mo
One question can guppies live like bettas with no filter but with clean water?
could u make
DIY about your 4 aquarium and setup and price and more info about breeding please
Hey can i keep 4 guppy fish in a 11 gallon tank if not i was also thinking about putting a beta fish in it and put 2-3 decorations i just want my fish to be happy in their new home
that should be fine, but if you have males and females mixed they will breed and you will need more space eventually. I'd keep 4 males in a 11 gallon
Home Aquatics Hobby oh ok :)
Plz help
I have a male guppy fish who change his color from normal to dark
Evry hour...
Plz what happend??
@homeaqauticshobby Was that Thera A food you were using?
What size tanks are these?
Can I do 2 males for 3.7 gallons
Edit: or could I do 1 male and 2 females for a 3.7 gallon tank and if they reproduce what should I do.
I don’t know about doing two males or a male and a female in a 3.7 gallon tank but if you do the male and female and they reproduce then you can separate the fry and raise them in a separate tank until they are old enough or you can let your guppies eat the fry so that you don’t have to worry about them
I think I'll do the second one and let them eat them because then I will have to feed them less right? Overall thanks for the advise
PictureFoxGaming You’re welcome and yes, that may provide for a meal but be sure to add a couple of flakes just in case the fry aren’t enough. Maybe a pinch of crushed up flakes will do
can you feed your guppies tropical fish food? I fed mine that and they ate it they seemed to like it?
Of course, that's one of the foods I feed my adults
what should i do when one of my guppy's is swining rapidly up and down in a cowner and going mental
hi, I have started 1 male and 1 female guppy, male guppy dies after 5 days...then the female guppy gave birth to 17 babies after one month, now that babies are growing up slowly, mother and babies all in one tank only, I saw many colored guppies in shop I like it more so I buy some more colored male and female guppies and placed in the same tank. now the problem is slowly one by one gyppy is dying, I don't know why...??? I clean the tank every week once.I feed them twice a day. now I separated babies and mother fish. I have some algae in the tank. can you please help me to save my guppies...
Thank you
good video how much do you sell them for
Which ones?
Is it okay to put driftwood on my guppy tank? Guppies like hardwater but driftwood lowers the PH .
I've used driftwood without any problem
hi. the tank is new and guppies start to swim at highest point of water without gasping air after some hours. they do eat and swim around a bit when i feed them but other than that they calmly stay with their head touching the surface. when i got them the seller said its all good to have 1 day waited water and i did so. now i search and everybody is talking about cycling the tank. i used tap water and checked the stats of my tap water from government's site and ph is 7 it says so should be fine for them. but what is wrong? i dont want them to die? what is a quick solution
asli how are they now? Mine did that for a day. Did you de-chlorinate the water?
yes i used aquatan. they are fine now. when i do water changes they do that for a while sometimes. i guess it's because of stress or temprature changes
Cool, glad to hear they are ok. Good luck with the Aquarium.
thank you!
What if I have a 5 gallon tank that I want to breed guppies in, I have a 75 gallon tank to put the fry in, I was thinking of one male and two females
That seems like a great idea! Any specific strains?
Home Aquatics maybe some dumbo ears or snakeskin
I have 2 male guppies and 2 female platys in a 6 gallon tank..... one of the platys I just put in tank yesterday and one of my male guppies will not leave it alone..... he does not seem to be nipping at her but is very aggressive about staying right with her.... any clue as to if he is weirdly in love or just being territorial or what???
the best you can do is ad some more females so he doesn't keep following the same female all the time
Thanks for the advice :)
Well he sure is giving it his best shot lol
nice info thanks
I can't keep mine alive had my water tested everything was good and they still die, they do good for about 5 days or so after i get them than go to the rim of the tank and just sit there until they die.. If the few i got left also die i am done with guppys, my ember tetras are doing great so i don't understand why they die while my other fish do good?
Kelly Anderson is there chlorine in the tank?
+terrmine_ No i always make sure to treat my tank water i have 13 ember tetras and a new batte and they are doing great i think they might have been sick i treated my tank for parasites and i did notice a couple of them rubbing up against my driftwood before they would go up to the rim of the tank and die.. My other fish never were afected but sadly all 14 guppys died, i'm not sure what happened real shame cause they were beautiful guppys..
it could be the food that you feed them if there nor getting enough
Did you cycle the tank? Medications can kill off your benefica bacteria.
how do you water change
I created my own system using an old aqeon water changer
Raul Chavez once a week poor out 50 percent of the water and add new dechloronated water into the tank remember to clean the gravel and filter but not with tap water
what do you feed your guppies
look at the video and u see it ...bloodworms
bimej pudusserry normal fish food, Like flakes, brine shrimp and bloodworms
the pug it’s not good to just feed them blood worms u know..